Not everyone understood the criticality of the sustainability movement.  Millions adopted as much as they could, but only thousands were able to adapt and relocate far enough to avoid the climate change and other events which hit the remaining majority of the human population on Earth hard.  The sections of this novel are listed below in time-title-summary format:

  • 2013 January:  [Deluge Voyage]: This chronicles the sailing routes of the largest ships ever built upon the Earth, detailing the trials of those they carried.  (China to Nuuk)
  • 2013 May:  [Can’t Get Enough of Her]: Ambrosia finally finds the beastly partner she’d been looking for.​
  • 2013 Spring:  [Greenland is Black]: Those of Nuuk and the Leviathans see a very different Kalaallit Nunaat.​
  • 2013:  ​[The Trial]: The human survivors of the Inisfreean terraforming campaign watch as thousands of their own are formally tried and sentenced (prior to Nuuk departure).
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Leviathan 1]: details of this ship’s voyage around the world.​
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Leviathan 2]: details of this ship’s voyage around the world.​
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Leviathan 3]: details of this ship’s voyage around the world.​
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Leviathan 4]: details of this ship’s voyage around the world.​
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Leviathan 5]: details of this ship’s voyage around the world.​
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Leviathan 6]: details of this ship’s voyage around the world.​​
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Nomads of Earth]: The nomads/tribes branch off from the convoys heading to the 39 cities‘ build sites.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Rocky Mountain Isles]: details on this newly formed region.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Yellowstone Super-volcano]: Now we don’t have to worry (as much) about it exploding; constant ‘controlled burns/releases’.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [The Irradiated Badlands]: more details about this nuked region of North America than are on the Earth-That-Was webpage.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Venezuela Isle]: details on this new landform.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Gulf of Brazil]: what sea creatures are in it now.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Amazon Desert]: We didn’t wipe the whole rainforest, but this region does have a major desert in it now.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Gulf of Argentina]: details on this new body of water.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Sahara Swamp]: Details on this new region.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Congo Desert]: details on this new region.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Arabia Swamp]: details on this new region.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Eurasia Sea]: details on this new body of water.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Gulf of Russia]: details on this new body of water.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Himalaya Isles]: details on this new region.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Gobi Swamp]: details on this new region.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Gulf of China]: and the abandoned China base that once housed the Leviathans.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Gulf of Australia]: details on this new body of water.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Gulf of Ronne]: details on this new body of water.
  • 2013 Spring to Winter:  [Anchor Points]: Inisfree opens up its ‘anchor-points’; quick-access portals for easier reconning of how the humans are rebuilding/repopulating​.
  • 2013 Autumn to 2014 Spring:  [The New Wheel of the Year]: Inisfreeans celebrate the eight pagan sabbats, as well as events during every week of the year; this is their Omni-Calendar.
  • 2014:  [On Lock-down Vacation in Inisfree]: Auz enjoys the the fruits of his labors and the spoils of his very own war.  (shifted here from above; this chapter used to be before the Leviathan chapters, which didn’t make sense with its year/date)
  • [Prepping the Primary Preservation Protocol]: Auz continues to unwind, recover, and further plan in Inisfree as the new prototype model for sustainability grows.
  • 2014:  [Visiting Ambrosia]: Auz visits his High Queen in her own realm.​
  • 2014:  [New World Order]: This details more about the new face of the Earth, hierarchy, and culture of the new capitol of the Verse.
  • 2015:  ​[The Bridges of Sotu]: This details more about the secondary functions of these skyscraper-sized pathways above and across Inisfree’s downtown.
  • 2016:  ​[First Wife at My Feet]: Inisfree’s High Queen enjoys taking up her natural, sexy, fulfilling place beside the king.
  • 2017:  [Collaring the Worthy]: The finest human and humanoid females from around the world –and beyond– eagerly submit as kajirae; the Gorean Way is adopted for those who are interested in Inisfree.
  • 2018:  [War with Ambrosia]: Inisfree’s king finally gets to enjoy supporting his top wife in battle.​
  • 2014-2018:  [Leviathans Dismantled]: After a year of sailing and being reduced at each stop, the last pieces of these ships were finally used by the 39 cities.​
  • 2019:  [The 39 Cities]: Precursors to the mega-cities to come, these predesignated construction sites offer humanity a modern second chance.​