This is the Earth’s latest pyramid… and its greatest.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Dark?
  3. Comparison:  The Great Pyramids Before
  4. On Site
  5. Considerations
  6. Comparable
  7. Cautions
  8. Concepts – Exterior (Image-albums Begin)
  9. Over All
  10. Interior Plans
  11. Blood Throne
  12. Dragon
  13. History
  14. She Wears Only a Wrist-vine of Flowers for Our Dates Here
  15. 2024 August 19 Monday Rooms Estimate



Tucked away in a secret valley between some of the most prominent and beautiful mountain ranges of the northwestern Rockies, stands the biggest, tallest, and best guarded pyramid in the world.  Only the Aghartan pyramids on the other side of the planet’s mantle can compare in stature and grandeur.  There is just nothing else like this place on (or in the) Earth.


Why Dark?

The material this megastructure is crafted from is of a black color.  Ambrosia is also of the Darkness Dimension (a.k.a. Hel, Helheim, or Hell).  Finally, the night is part of the sacred, healthy, helpful, soothing day-night cycle most worlds have chosen and wanted from the start.

Darkness in those senses has nothing to do with evil or trying to be intimidating/scary.  Only primitive human Outlanders would default to assuming something negative about dark things (as they did with Blacks, etc.).  The only scary or harmful things that go on here are corrective punishments to such barbaric beasts; the actual ‘dark’/evil ones (humans who chose to be disrespectful to the real deities, such as Ambrosia and her husband, High King Auz).

Also, of course, being Darkness Incarnate (in the innocent/good/objective sense/way), it only makes sense for her to have this structure which is of, and makes her feel in, ‘her element’.  With the nature of its material being not only of actual darkness solidified and sealed together, but also of light-resisting/absorbing/defeating (i.e. it automatically converts all and any amount of light that reaches it… into more darkness/armor/shielding), even nuclear blasts and magic are incapable of removing the darkness and shadows from this structure.  In other words, she will always be safe here, whether with her guard force/s or not, no matter who may be stupid enough to try and attack her.


The Great Pyramids Before:

  • Alaska: 3,024′ x 3,024′ x 1,924′, too far from any road or airstrip for anyone other than specialized teams to ever spot or reach
  • Bosnia: 1,440′ x 1,440′ x 720′, set up as a tourist destination, but also misreported to be merely a pyramid-shaped hill
  • China: ~2,000′ x ~2,000′ x ~1,000′, guarded by the Chinese Army
  • Egypt: 756′ x 756′ x 481′, part of a group of smaller pyramids, all heavily altered by graffiti and other forms of vandalism and misdirection

This one is more than 5,000′ along each of its four base sides, and more than 3,000′ from ground level to where the feet of its crowning statue start.  With that statue, it is another several hundred feet to the absolute top.  Its volume is more than 340 times that of the Great Pyramid at Giza –without including this one’s statue or whatever lies underneath the foundation.


On Site:

There are Asian-architecture components to the whole complex of buildings out here, and tall lush landscaping that blends in seamlessly with the natural flora, including native Pines and other towering alpine trees.  Miles away, even from the air, it is an invisible realm within a realm, camouflaged and cloaked, undetectable by any human technology.  Only upon closer approach when on foot… can one begin to see signs of what has been built within its surrounding mountains and tasteful concentric walls.


With how healthy all the plants and wildlife are, one would never suspect a thing.  If any controversial arts are practiced here, it has no adverse effects on the immediate or distant surroundings.  If anything, whatever goes on here… has made the land and locals much happier, healthier, and stronger, so it must be something good –at least… overall.  (Though it may also just be very well contained.)


High atop the pyramid itself is a statue even more towering than all the trees combined.  It is made of a single gigantic stone placed there by unknown means, too heavy for any human super-crane or other device to ever hope to budge, let alone lift and position.  The stone is fashioned into the exact likeness of Inisfree’s High Queen, Ambrosia LeMorte, and is visible for anyone brave and skilled enough to get within the mountain range “saddles” of its valley; you will start to see her head come into view as you hike up over some of them, though the numerous 10,000′ mountains surrounding it keep the whole thing otherwise out of view.

  • white stone like limestone used for her skin
  • black stone like onyx or obsidian used for her hair
  • eyes that are fashioned out of a transparent crystal-like material similar to glass or diamonds, allowing the lighting within to change their colors and glow intensity, showing the actual colors her eyes have changed from time to time, based on her emotions (jade, lavender, lilac, silver –even blue sometimes, and/or with gold flecks)
  • pose:  strutting, hair down and slightly flowing back as if in a breeze
  • outfit:  strappy top showing cleavage and midriff, tight pants hugging legs, barefoot

Ambrosia’s statue is taller than the Statue of Liberty, is far more beautiful, and is lit from indirect lava-like lighting below the surface where her feet are attached.  The effect is an awe-inspiring and eerie one, visible at night, and very well-accented by an overhead Moon.  They say it makes her look like she has risen up from a hellish domain to stand with equal height and majesty to all the celestial orbs, seducing them into orbiting her, her command of time, Space, and the elements… that profound, surely due to her goddess-level wisdom, grace, and beauty.

Inside this mega-pyramid is entirely unknown to outsiders; only the personal servants and priestesses of the High Queen ever make it inside and back out.  There could be hundreds of floors and thousands of rooms, as well as even more passageways and chambers underground.  A whole city could live inside this thing.



It is speculated that the Black Pyramid along the western edge of Denali Park in central Alaska was the first manifestation of this megastructure; the thought is that… when Ambrosia’s dark pyramid was first conceived… it was not yet anchored in a specific place or time… so it came into existence perhaps centuries or even millennia in the past, discovered sometime in the ’60s, the whole site secured by a Black Operations force and surrounded with landmines, …but it disappeared one day, having moved –because the powerful people holding its vision had finally chosen its coordinates in the spacetime continuum.  It could also, of course, be that Alaska’s ‘lost’ pyramid was one of the inspirations for this new one erected on the border of what was once Montana, and that ‘dark pyramids’ like these are a recurring theme of those who know the wisdom of remaining unseen, mysterious, and foreboding.  We may never know…

2023 September update/spell:  Like the family cabin and four manors of the most-royal family (me; Auz, Ambi, and our four children), this entire temple complex remains for the rest of eternity. Nothing can remove it, nor change the land it is upon. It is a powerful anchor of how things are here, thus they and it always shall be.



Places where more than one kind of vampire were able to gather in teamwork included the following.

Ivory Tower of the Camarilla who focus on the six vampiric traditions;

  1. Accounting: Until childer (the humans vampires turn into subordinate vampires) are released, their actions are the responsibility of their sire.
  2. Destruction: The right to kill Kindred is reserved for the Elder of a community. Only an elder may call a Blood Hunt.
  3. Domain: A kindred’s hunting ground is his own territory, and he rules it absolutely.
  4. Hospitality: Honor the domains of others, and present oneself to the ruler of any domain you visit.
  5. Masquerade: Hide the existence of vampires.
  6. Progeny: Sire only with permission of one’s elders.

100-story headquarters in Los Angeles of its namesake clan — which was the tallest skyscraper in that city before The Rapture and since (because, as a structure erected by beyond-humans, it was not deleted during the purge of 2013; it has remained standing this whole time)

Inisfree is another such place; eclectic, secretive, successful.  *Ambrosia’s pyramid temple out here in Montana is taller than all of that polar city’s record-breaking skyscrapers, by the way.  Her husband; High King Auz, wanted it that way, standing as a constant reminder that she is #1 in every single way, and that his greatest creative efforts always go to Her.



This whole region, including all the mountain ranges in every direction for dozens of miles, is the territory of a powerful family said to have inborn superhuman powers.  Those who live here are townspeople loyal to this family.  It is also rumored that four royal vampires guard the quadrants of this tight-grouped collection of challenging and snowcapped peaks; a daunting environment by itself, it also boasts the protection of those who can move more quickly than any human can even see, and who can look into your mind, anticipate and change everything you were about to do, and rapidly heal from anything you throw at them.

Only dare go here as a friend; with good intentions, and by invitation.


Concepts – Exterior:

and the smaller/normal-sized buildings around the base of this pyramid:



Over All:

Her pyramid temple is aligned such that her statue faces the path of the Moon high to the south.  In the Summer, the Moon moves right over her head, though it will appear to move toward her for those observing within a mile or two of the base, crowning her in a pure white halo aglow from behind.  In the Winter, the Moon moves in an arc in front of her, high in the night skies, keeping the whole front of her perfect body illuminated in a soothing hypnotic white.




Interior Plans:

Here you can see her new office, as well as her bath-house, both of which her adoring husband designed based on her design-element selections.

Miles below are now rooms where blood sacrifices (captured and donated humans) are staged.


Blood Throne:

Deep in the heart of this megastructure is her throne-room.  It is facing the giant-spike blood-pit, like a mega-well filled entirely with the spilled life-force of all who crossed her or her beloved husband, High King Auz.  Blood-magic keeps this room lit in an intentionally-eerie deep-red –the only light source.

The massive amount of reclaimed blood, which is kept in the pit in her pyramid’s throne room, serves as a vampires-sustenance stockpile/backup for generations, the pyramid’s structure’s nature naturally/automatically keeping it preserved, as if new.
All that blood also doubles as a memory bank of all the people it was taken from; skilled vampires such as her can use this blood to see and revisit their memories, though an unskilled vampire or other being might feel overwhelmed/overloaded upon physical contact with the mix of many bloods, as so many different essences and memories would be visible/detectable to them all at once.
It also doubles as a virtually endless supply of practice-material for blood-‘magic’ (advanced science) classes, training, and projects –such as extracting essences from mixed blood, or making new essences, and then forming better bodies/beings with it/them.



High Queen Ambrosia’s main pet is a red dragon named Apophis.  It helps guard her here.  She feeds it various annoying humans she isn’t in the mood to drink blood from or terrorize with her shadow superpowers.



High Queen Ambrosia has been enjoying and working on the decorating of this pyramid since 2020.

She aims to continue this work for another 50 Earth-years; it will likely be fully furnished and decorated in 2070.

In 2022, she gets remarried to her adoring husband, High King Auz, right here in the gardens near its base, details here.

Early May of 2023 revealed that this pyramid isn’t actually one of the fortress-portals of/to Hell/Darkness; High Queen Ambrosia herself is the living embodiment and one of the portals to that realm.  This mega-structure just makes it a lot easier for her to maintain her power-source/flow from that place.  It also makes it a lot easier for her to open bigger and longer-lasting portals/doorways between it and here.

Start of August 2023:  She has decided she will have a new garden and waterfall added to this temple’s complex/grounds.  The garden will include statues of Egyptian/Atlantean gods and goddesses, posed naked, plus many white-marble benches.  Its anticipated completion is at the end of this year, pending her review and commissioning of the work.

This new feature of her complex is in the farthest southwest area.  “Here I want that beautiful waterfall among the roses and lilies and orchards and little lilac bushes and lush greens.  A nice sized marble bench peppered through out.  Maybe a touch of marble statues of the Egyptian gods and goddesses as well.”

After the first MPHA brought the first donation of 38 abducted humans from the High King’s commuter flightpath, it eventually became understood by the shadow governments around the world that it would be in their best interests to not only turn a blind eye to this human trafficking, but to also send donations themselves. As the years of these daily donations turned into decades, centuries, and more, it would even become regarded as sacred tradition and self-preservation for all lands and communities, and even other worlds, to send their finest as tribute to the High Queen. All people everywhere were subject to this “draft” of sorts, and any communities Auz had to send one of his airships to to get donations from… paid a heavier price, sometimes being destroyed during the first harvesting, he returning with everyone suitable, not just 38.
38 a day in the latter months of 2023… became ~a hundred a day, every day, often sent in part by the agents and ships of their allies, closer to 2100 A.D., thus ~36,500 a year, and even more than that in the centuries that followed, until, a millennia or so ahead, and always thereafter, some ~1,000 people daily caravanned and pilgrimaged to her dark pyramid, most in convoys carrying numerous offerings from their homelands and residences faraway. What had started as unexpected aerial kidnappings and high-tech’ mind-control… had become “lesser of two evils” shadow-government trades… and finally willing tithings from the masses at large, Ambi and Auz now seen as the true and eternally-reigning deities of their and all worlds.
Even the Angels and stars themselves now only answered prayers if it was to the liking of Ambi & Auz.
All were destined and bound to come into alignment as the submissive subjects of those two.
All else were doomed and slated to be sacrifices, purged.

Monday 21 August 2023:  strangulation and blood-letting area additions (along the western base) –where most of the outdoor marble bathtubs are, in rows

Starting in the Summer of 2023, 38 kidnapped Outlander humans every weekday were brought here to be chosen from for blood and sacrifices, rarely ever more than 1 in 38 deemed perfect enough for either, most just being tortured, killed, or sold.
As this temple complex neared internal (decorations and furnishings) completion, larger ships of mine started dropping off more sacrifices/offerings each day; this temple now had enough added marble bathtubs and other features capable of containing the increase in spilled blood.
Even during the formation of SSA, and then during the Mapping Campaign, there were always multiple WRs, MPHAs, BMs, DSs, CPs, and WSs available to kidnap and deliver millions and millions of Outlander humans from Earth and any other place to the High Queen.
Once my Mapping Campaign was completed, there were even the options of using 1 or more of my cosmic-scale ships; she could be brought trillions in a single solar-system harvest.
This kept our karma sky-high and only increasing; it kept the gods pleased because it kept the unruly and ever-damaging humanimals in check, struggling to spread. Just like the claim that a god flooded the Earth to save it from the humans, I was now daily harvesting them in droves, and could rid any world of all of them, not having to flood them at all.

The goal is simple; justice/karma and balance for the world; we will sacrifice/end as many humans as humans sacrificed/ended other beings –and since humans killed far more cattle, fish, and other creatures than the total human population since the dawn of their species, that will take a while.  It no longer matters if the selected/doomed humans are attractive, fit, or intelligent; their species must be punished for its generations of unthinkable crimes/horrors.  Besides, every possible attractive human form has been found, or at least foreseen/calculated, and those are now being mass-produced, rendering all of humankind obsolete (not just primitive), worthless (not just of decreased value), and little more than annoying (no different than the other pests/intruders/nuisances of this or any world).

2023 October revelation:  When the number of humans killed here equals the number of nonhuman animals the humans have killed in all of history/time (IOW the number of animals humans killed in order to eat or otherwise use the body-parts of), and when every last human who ever disrespected me or got out of line has been killed at least somewhere, and when humans no longer are nonvegan and randomly hunting or fishing, then and only then will humans stop being likewise randomly hunted and daily killed, sacrificed here.  Amen.

2024 May 15 Wednesday:  the pool in Ambi’s pyramid and the canopy bed by the lake there

2024 June 22 Saturday:

2024 July 3 Wednesday ideas:

  • Like how the Great Pyramid at/of Giza is said in its dimensions/measurements to encode/represent major aspects of the Earth, and like how Mayan step-pyramids have a terrace/level for each of the major timespans/focuses before The Shift (the end of 2011 A.D., into 2012), this dark/great pyramid of Ambrosia might likewise represent the dimensions and coming-Ages ‘schedule’ of planet Vampiria.
  • Everything at/within the perimeter wall of the complex around the base of this pyramid is affected by the pyramid’s regulation/manipulation of the flow of time itself, such that sacrifices here can be kept alive regardless of what they are put through, and death/escape can only occur when it is the will of Ambrosia.
  • The whole complex (all its structures) and everyone stationed here (her shadow-creatures and so on) are all impervious to Ghostbusters tech’/weapons.


She Wears Only a Wrist-vine of Flowers for Our Dates Here:

and a crown of flowers, starting on Monday 21 August 2023.

and we still, as always, fuck like the champions we are.


2024 August 19 Monday Rooms Estimate:

~205 floors, not incl. those in the statue on top

3,359′ tall (not incl. the statue on top) ÷ 205 = 16.38536585′ per,
so ~13′ from floor to ceiling;
3.385365853′-thick floor/ceilings

if avg. room sq.ft. (for a normal house elsewhere) = ~225 (15×15),
in floor1 (ground level): 333×333; 110,889 such rooms (if an even grid of horizontal rows and columns)
(5,000′-side ÷ 15)

then, floor by floor, subtract 2 rooms from each side/span;

  1. Ground Floor: 333×333 (or 333×4 if just a perimeter of these rooms, plus maybe 331×4 for the inner perimeter on the other side of the square hall; 1,332+1,324=2,656; thousands of rooms on the ground floor alone)
  2. 2nd floor: 331×331
  3. 329×329
  4. 327×327
  5. 325×325
  6. 323×323
  7. 321×321
  8. 319×319
  9. 317×317
  10. 315×315
  11. 313×313
  12. 311×311
  13. 309×309
  14. 307×307
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  158. 19×19
  159. 17×17
  160. 15×15
  161. 13×13
  162. 11×11
  163. 9×9
  164. 7×7
  165. 5×5
  166. 3×3
  167. 1×1 (thus this rate of change is an est., not actual; there might not be avg.-size rooms higher up, but there are certainly more than 1 per side on floor 167 which is 38 floors down from the top)

At that rate, we run out of room for rooms of that size before reaching 205 floors.
205-167= 38 remaining floors

but many rooms are far more spacious than 15’×15′; library, vault, etc.,
so we just have avg.-size rooms in 1 or 2 square sequences at/nearest the outer wall


Video Player
1 hour of Ambient Fantasy Music - Tranquil Atmospheric Ambience Enchanted Lands - sounds like Azuremyst Isle of WoW - for waterfalls y underway
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