The fire engine has now been fused with the tank, the pit crew, the ambulance, and the flying saucer.


Table of Contents:

  1. Dimensions & Layout
  2. Cool Feature
  3. Inisfreean Inflammability
  4. Uniform Donning and Doffing
  5. Additional Notes
  6. History:  Milestones
  7. The Station (Images Begin)
  8. The Trucks:  Conceptual Images / Inspiration
  9. Time to Construct
  10. History:  Numbers
  11. History:  Fun
  12. Design
  13. Similar Buses
  14. 2023 Update:  Creativerse 1:1 Build
  15. 2023 Update 2:  Light-bars



Hover-shuttles take non-critical patients to our hospital, while fire-tanks are our equivalent of ambulances; they transport the patients who have more-concerning issues.

These vehicles also double as our civilization’s tow-trucks (though almost never needed; our vehicles are practically invincible and self-repairing, and our people are incredibly strong –superhuman, plus the Inisfreeans (ICVs) can just portal things right to where they need to go).


Dimensions & Layout:

Each Fire-tank:

  • ~20′ W
  • ~35′ “long” (deep)
  • ~20′ H
  • vehicle-bay/enclosure:  ~12′ W x ~24′ “long” (deep) x ~15′ H (big enough even for a CXT)


Fire-tank Garage/Hangar:

  • ~36′ W (along outer wall)
  • ~45′ D
  • ~30′ H



  • collapsible cot-like bunkbeds for up to 12 human-sized patients,
  • with standing-room for another dozen or so; ~24 people/passengers, not counting the crew


Cool Feature:

(That was a pun!)  To squelch/quench vehicle fires, these large fire-fighter vehicles called Fire-tanks (due to their resilience on the level of military tanks) float down over the burning vehicle, open their underbelly bay doors, land around the burning vehicle such that it ends up inside their treatment-bay, attach grappling devices to the burning vehicle, raise it up off the ground, seal their bay doors beneath it, vacuum out the atmosphere from this bay to starve the fire, and then begin to make repairs.  This makes the Firetanks (FTs) a vehicle class which doubles as a race-track pit-crew.

When there are humans in the burning vehicle, instead of sucking out the oxygen right away to starve the fire, the humans can first be teleported out to medical tubes also housed within these large vehicles.​​  Nanites and other higher-tech means are then employed to almost instantly restore the burn-sufferers to their ideal physical states.

These flying firetrucks of ours also have sound-based fire-extinguishers mounted like remote-controlled machineguns (both inside and out; in their vehicle bays, as well as on the vertices of their exteriors).


Inisfreean Inflammability:

Inisfreeans (ICVs) cannot be burned, even if inside a star or other nuclear explosion.  Thus, they require no flame-retardant or other protective suits.  Firefighter uniforms in Inisfree, thereby, are couture; form-fitting and custom-tailored to each Inisfreean wearing them.  Instead of being functional, instead they are for aesthetics; soothing eye-candy, which helps stabilize positive thought-loops in the minds of the Outlanders needing their assistance.  The power of the mind has profound effects in any and all situations, after all.  Inisfreeans use their beauty, fashion, and grace to tap into this timeless wisdom and healing energies well (‘well’ as in a ‘water well’).


Uniform Donning and Doffing:

As with the Storm Trooper (armored astronaut) suits the Inisfreean military personnel often wear (a beautiful, female version of the Starship Troopers (book series) and Halo (video game series) ODST uniforms), Inisfreean firefighter suits are teleported into place around the bodyparts of the Inisfreean using her mind’s will to summon them with thought-commands via the ‘by-mind’ interface all Inisfreeans are constantly connected to; the Inisfreean Neural Network which telepathically (techno-pathically) helps to keep mentally united their Inisfreean collective.  Like in the Centurions cartoon, when their uniforms are summoned to them, all they have to do is stand there and wait for the donning and joining of the pieces to be complete.  This process takes only a few seconds, and looks like their firefighter uniforms softly ripple into existence and visibility around them, leaving nothing of their perfectly sexy physiques up to the imagination even under their uniform’s layers.  Second-skins, after all, result in the highest degree of mobility and dexterity retention.  Like Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit upgrades, these Inisfreean suits can be summoned and donned even when the summoner is running or moving in other dynamic, complex fashions; imagine an Inisfreean doing Le Parkour while their uniform appears just moments before they leap into the flaming building or vehicle’s window!  Inisfreeans love to showcase their perfect timing…


Additional Notes:

Firefighter training as part of the standard curriculum in Inisfree means each Inisfreean can put out her own fires, thus vastly reducing the number of calls made to Inisfree’s fire department.

Since we naturally hear thoughts and use portals in our realm, the average response time of our emergency personnel is zero seconds.

Their LED light-bars are red and white, and on all sides –including the undercarriage.

They can vent smoke from the vehicle-/service-chamber while landed or in flight.


2024 September:

  • 8 Sunday:  All IC vehicles and ICVs have speakers with an incredible range of notes and volume (in the image/likeness of their maker), but these vehicles have speakers specifically designed for putting out raging vehicle fires, thus fire-tanks are the top-pick in our realm when it comes to putting out forest fires (though we have many other ways of ensuring forest fires don’t even start in our realm).
    Deploying from them, ICVs on foot can essentially low-notes sing out spot-fires; they can function as living fire extinguishers handling the smaller/peripheral flame-ups while their fire-tank puts out the main blaze.
  • Firegirls don’t wear inflammable firefighter suits or oxygen tanks, and they don’t carry axes or the “jaws of life”. They fight fires naked, and can easily barehanded open non-SRC vehicles and buildings. SRC-based things get asked to open, or portal bypassed.
  • Their trucks do not have stasis tubes, so if on-site healing is necessary then an MPHA will arrive. Otherwise, stable patients get strapped to a fold-down cot, and patients who need medical care but can wait a few seconds to minutes get portal-ed or flown to the hospital.
  • Outlands-human Fireman carries in coat/jacket:  flashlight,
    4 pairs of medical gloves,
    tube of mentholatum (?) leather gloves,
    a 6” crescent wrench,
    a pair of wire cutters,
    a 8” pair of channel-lock pliers,
    a regular pair of pliers,
    a 15’ piece of flat webbing,
    3 24” 3/8 prusik cord,
    2 carabiners,
    a 15’ p-cord
  • Outlands-human Fireman carries in pants:  the same compliment of gloves, plus a pair of structure gloves,
    a hood,
    a hydrant wrench (Do we have fire hydrants in Inisfree?),
    various-length zip-ties,
    10’ bailing wire,
    partial roll of monkey tape,
    a compass (ICVs do this by-mind; one of their ESPs),
    binoculars (ICVs do this with their normal eyes),
    small first aid kit,
    CPR mask (not necessary in Inisfree),
    tube of mentholatum,
    aloe-vera burn-ointment,
    bottle of water
  • but since Inisfreeans (ICVs) fight fires naked, those items are stowed in bags/kits/shelves in their fire-tanks.


History:  Milestones

The FTs have proven themselves perfectly suited to putting out fires ever since Inisfree’s first year of being operational.

  1. 2012:  vehicle design tested before and after being 3D-printed
  2. 2013-2020:  1 more FT station in each space reserved for them since the Grid Mind formed the city’s framework
  3. 2021:  tested them in a mock evacuation of one of each size of our skyscrapers; smallest (10-20 stories), smaller (20-30 stories), small (30-40 stories), medium (40-50 stories), big (50-100 stories), bigger (100-200 stories), biggest (>200 stories, such as WGI HQ), working with hover-shuttles, Owls on auto-pilot, and people piggybacking on flying ICVs to get out n event of fire — *as well as on one of each of those sizes of ground-scrapers; the skyscrapers hanging from the ceiling of the Under-dome part of downtown

In extreme situations, the Rooftop Carriers can also be used to help move people down to ground-level from the taller/est skyscrapers and hanging ball-homesS.T. suits can also be directed to teleport themselves onto anyone who can fit into them (which is females of heights ~5’0″ to 5’7″).  There are also, of course, residents and guests of Inisfree who can fly, such as Supergirl, plus all our commercial and training aircraft, Space fleet craft, etc..


The Station:

The Trucks:  Conceptual Images / Inspiration

Time to Construct:

It takes ~18 hours to 3D-print one of these vehicles.  (Even though they are longer, wider, and taller than an Inisfreean tank (TK), they are mostly hollow; most of their volume is a space/hangar for landing around burning vehicles, thus they take a couple hours less to be printed.)  That means that every hour… another ~5.5% of an FT gets completed.

  1. ~3 hours; hours 1 through 3:  “bones”; frame/skeleton
  2. ~3 hours; hours 4 through 6:  “tendons”; secondary conduits/pipes, etc. (as the frame/skeleton is based on the Grid Mind mesh/tentacles; the frame of every Inisfreean vessel/construct doubles as its plumbing and electrical wiring)
  3. ~3 hours; hours 7 through 9:  “muscles”; hatches, crane motors, etc.
  4. ~3 hours; hours 10 through 12:  “organs”; repulsines, Vril reactor/batteries, etc.
  5. ~3 hours; hours 13 through 15:  ammunition, if any, etc.
  6. ~3 hours; hours 15 through 18:  personnel; Inisfreeans (ICVs) stationed in its cab (yes, they are printed right inside where a human firefighter would ride in or drive/operate a normal firetruck)


History:  Numbers

We started by making as many Fire-tanks and Fire-tank stations as we made Tumblers and Tumbler (police) stations.  Realizing almost nothing in our realm could catch fire unless we wanted it to, we decreased the production of these vehicles over the years, but kept a higher ratio of firefighters to citizens than we had police to citizens.  We maintain ~1 firefighter per 1,000 present citizens (as they are medics / first responders, and we have more incidents they are suited to than incidents calling for our police).

  1. 2012:  1 station downtown, 1 Fire-tank in it, and several ICVs practicing being firefighters the way Auz prefers them to in his realm
  2. 2013:  ~23 ICVs as firefighters here in Inisfree (mostly on foot), using a few Fire-tanks spread out across a few stations (1 station downtown, another station in the Auz’dome, and a third station at the Civilian Aerospaceport)
  3. 2014:  ~46 ICV firefighters, ~several Fire-tanks, 6 stations (downtown, Auz’dome, Civ’ Aero’, Under-concavity, Cliff-dwellings, etc.)
  4. 2015:  ~76, ~8 Fire-tanks, 10 stations (mostly downtown)
  5. 2100:  ~384, ~9 Fire-tanks, ~15 stations (mostly downtown and in the Cliff-dwelling sections)
  6. 2200:  ~769, ~10 Fire-tanks, ~20 stations (~1 per major neighborhood)
  7. 2300:  ~1,538, ~11 Fire-tanks, ~25 stations (~1 per neighborhood)
  8. 2400:  ~2,307, ~12 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations (1/+ per neighborhood)
  9. 2500:  ~3,076, ~13 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  10. 2600:  ~3,846, ~14 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  11. 2700:  ~4,615, ~15 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  12. 2800:  ~5,384, ~16 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  13. 2900:  ~6,153, ~19 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  14. 3000:  ~6,923, ~22 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  15. 4000:  ~7,692, ~45 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  16. 5000:  ~15,384, ~68 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  17. 6000:  ~23,076, ~91 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  18. 7000:  ~30,769, ~114 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  19. 8000:  ~36,461, ~137 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  20. 9000:  ~46,153, ~160 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  21. 10000:  ~53,846, ~182 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  22. 11000:  ~61,538, ~205 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  23. 12000:  ~69,230, ~228 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  24. 13000:  ~76,923, ~251 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  25. 14000:  ~84,615, ~274 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  26. 15000:  ~92,307, ~297 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  27. 16000:  ~100,000, ~320 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  28. 17000:  ~107,692, ~342 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  29. 18000:  ~115,384, ~365 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  30. 19000:  ~123,076, ~388 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  31. 20000:  ~130,769, ~411 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  32. 21000:  ~138,461, ~434 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  33. 22000:  ~146,153, ~457 Fire-tanks, ~30 stations
  34. 23000:  ~153,846 ICVs as firefighters here (mostly on foot), using ~480 Fire-tanks spread out across our ~30 stations (1 in every space, 16 spaces/garages per station, with ~5,128 assigned to station, but really just dispatched by those on duty in their respective stations, those thousands of backup/extra firefighters deploying from their homes/vehicles elsewhere across Inisfree)

As ‘christened’ each new firefighter ICV in groups with the rest of her class or station, always inside the newly-printed Fire-tanks, which doubled as christening their stations.


History:  Fun

Thu18Aug2022:  We Vril-supercharged a Firetank by fucking its entire crew today; all its ICVs eagerly joined High King Auz in this traditional Inisfreean powers-balancing/perfecting/unlocking sex ceremony.



Similar Buses:

2023 Update:  Creativerse 1:1 Build


2023 Update 2:  Light-bars

Video Player

Also see:

Fighting 17th - Backdraft Movie Theme_Hans Zimmer - for Firetanks Station pg
Audio Player