This is the only limousine High King Auz uses while in Inisfree.


Table of Contents:

  1. Dimensions
  2. Features / Finishing Touches
  3. Use
  4. History
  5. Inspiration (Images Begin)
  6. Design
  7. Exterior – Concepts / Similar
  8. Interior – Concepts / Similar
  9. His Throne Inside
  10. In-game Model / Placeholder



  • Depth (“Length”):  ~20′ (2′ longer than “The Beast”, and ~10′ shorter than a civilian stretch limo’)
  • Width:  ~6′
  • Height:  ~6′
  • fits inside an MPHA‘s TK-bay; can be transported that way
  • ~6″ thick all around (roof, etc.)
  • Interior:  ~20′ D x ~5′ W x ~4′ H (compartments/sections for drivers plus passengers)
  • Sections:  drivers cab, passengers midsection, trunk
  • Capacity:  1 driver (always an ICV who is a Master Female assigned to High King Auz‘s Secret Service), 1 co/assistant-driver (always an ICV who is a Master Female assigned to High King Auz’s Secret Service), and up to 8 human-sized passengers


Features / Finishing Touches:

All the same ones in the royal family suburban used at The Yellowstone Club cabin;

  • air/atmosphere filtration (and recycling),
  • anti-magic reactive-armor,
  • counter-jamming (even preventing anti-superpower devices/beams from interfering with our various/special abilities),
  • defrosting key-locks and windshield-wipers,
  • electronic warfare suite (jamming (even able to prevent unauthorized portals/teleportation into or out from it),
  • forcefield (but see the following subsection of bullet-notes for a special detail about this feature),
  • off-road capability,
  • remote IED detection and detonation, etc.),
  • repulsines for the most-stable driving,
  • self-re-inflating tires,
  • toilets (under the back (passengers-section) seats, with a waste-water sterilization tank, etc.),
  • and “bug-out” bags full of useful individual/personal gear/supplies.
  • It can also be used as a speedboat, just like a Gibbs Aquada.


  • Firstly, this vehicle was not built in the standard way a lot of stretch-limo’s got made; it is not a normal car cut in half, spread out, and then welded back together with added beams and other parts in its expanded middle.  This vehicle was designed with its current dimensions, and 3D-printed complete from the start.
  • A/C is always internal; hermetic seal; never a chance that outside air laced with harmful agents/chemicals/substances might get sucked in
    –system includes Space-station-level CO2 “scrubbers”, but can recycle CO2 and anything else unwanted out of the breathable air
  • armor/hull designed to handle even impacts from tank rounds
  • auto-pacification system:  calms and can even render asleep/unconscious anyone who approaches without clearance/permission (though it obviously always knows Auz, his Secret Service, and the guests he intends to led ride with him/them, never energy-pacifying them/those)
  • beverages & food:  It always comes fully loaded with all of the High King’s favorite vegan drinks and snacks, with at least one ICV or kajira inside to serve as a nyotaimori ‘living platter’ for him and any guests.
  • blood:  of the High King’s type, fresh, kept cool in a mini-fridge behind his seat/throne
  • BTBs:  All seats with a toilet under their seat-cushions double as BTBs in case anyone needs to stay inside for an extended period, or when any of them just want to sexually meditate that way.
  • can be used as a battering ram
  • ceiling now has LEDs starry-night-sky lighting
  • conscious A.I. like all ICs, able to drive itself if I (Auz) want it to
  • cupholders with temperature control; can keep beverages cold or hot, as desired
  • ECM suite, including remote-bomb jamming
  • escorted:  always traveling in a convoy (multiple hover-bikes, police Tumblers, etc.) with air-support (at least 1 FJ and MPHA) –sometimes even with a squadron
  • Even a building being controlled-det’-ed down on this vehicle would only cause whatever rubble touched the forcefield to be destroyed/deleted out of the way.
  • everything-proof:  Like all Inisfreean-made vehicles, this one is invincible, has no ‘wear & tear’ or ‘planned obsolescence’, and can withstand any human weapons fire –even armor-piercing and more.
  • fire-extinguishers inside and out:  acoustic; sound-based
  • firearms:  not just carrying bug-out bags, but personal/small arms such as “Punisher” omni-rifles designed decades ago by the High King (so he doesn’t have to summon his S.T. suit before returning fire himself)
  • flash-bang, giant:  If needed, it can even activate ‘nova mode’, causing a bright-white flash of light in all directions from its entire outer surface –which is great for both disorienting enemies or signaling to a rescue/search party.
  • flight-capable:  It also comes with the standard built-in Repulsines scaled to fit, allowing it to hold its position like a tank, hover silently in the air, or even submerge itself without need of ballasts or other submarine devices.
    –This also allows it to right itself, even after a rollover.
  • grappling-cannon in front and back (concealed behind front grill, and behind the trunk lid’s vertical part)
  • helmet-mask:  ballistic (including its built-in goggles) full-head cover/armor, sized for the High King, with gasmask filter attachments/spares
  • hidden outside-view miniature video cameras all around it, all encased in bulletproof transparent-‘metal’, offering vantages out in any direction, even of the undercarriage (helping ensure no manhole covers to sewers are below/opening)
    –all like ICV eyes in that they can be adjusted to see/show the full-spectrum+ or any combination of its parts
  • Inisfree-like cities in SSA each have 1 of these limos of their own (and are typically what picks the High King up at their aerospaceports whenever he lands at those places)
  • laser/s:  Rainbow Cannon main-gun built-in forward-oriented, able to ‘smart’-disable/melt just about anything out of the normal direction of travel
  • LCD floor as high-res area-map Blue Force Tracker
  • magically enchanted by deities, thus triply-impenetrable (first from its armor/composition, 2nd from its forcefield, and 3rd from this)
  • medical:  passenger-section doubles as a high-tech’ SSP-like med-pod a.k.a. regen’-tank (without needing to fill with bacta); is its own ambulance / mini-hospital –including the knowledge/software to heal any member of any of the races allied/compatible with Auz/Inisfree
  • mini-flags:  There are always two little Inisfree flags attached to the front corners of this vehicle, just like the little American flag and President flag are on the front of “The Beast” Presidential limousine of the Outlanders.
    –driver or co-driver can push a button that lowers both flags back down against their edges of the hood area
  • no police lights; unlike “The Beast”, this vehicle does not have built-in red and blue lights like those of a squad-car
  • off-line digital maps (which actually work, unlike most Outlander aps falsely-advertised as this)
  • passenger-section has a slide-down door on each of its 2 sides (like an airplane-hatch, except that it unlocks, moves out a bit, and then curves down under the vehicle instead of out to one side)
  • portal-prevention tech’, preventing even talented teleporters (mutants or demi-deities) from portal-ing in
  • QRF just for the High King; wherever he is in Inisfree
  • route always checked and guarded well in advance of limo arrival/driving, constant scanning and intel’ reporting from numerous ground-forces to the co-driver
  • run-flat technologies in the tires, not just while-moving reinflation option/s –and acid and fire will not damage them
  • safely driven at 100 MPH (compared to 60 MPH for “The Beast”)
  • shielding, energy:  Star Trek-level forcefield (easily indefinitely withstanding nukes, and reliably withstanding barrages of antimatter torpedoes, as it was designed for dealing with the powerful impacts of Space-dust/-particles encountered during warp-based travel)
  • Tires are bus-size and have SHERP tech’; they can be adjusted by the driver or co-driver to better-grip or even be used as rapid paddles when the vehicle is afloat.
  • trunk:  armored compartment where the 2nd/backup engine / power-supply is (still runs even if all its repulsines somehow failed)
  • undercarriage armor-wedge based on MRAP tech’; anti-tank landmine resistant/proof
  • unnecessary to develop new models or warehouse/”shelve” old/obsolete ones; like the rest of Inisfree/ICs, this limo can be upgraded via Inisfreean tech’ very easily (tech’ which is so advanced/sophisticated, it sometimes doesn’t even need to drive back to the Civilian Vehicles Factory for 3D-printer assistance)
  • vest:  body-armor plate-carrier with flexible snap-over / Velcro parts, sized for the High King
  • Windows can be adjusted to any level of tint/opacity
    –and are transparent ‘metal’ ~2″ thick (more than enough, even if made of regular ALON and not energy-shielded or enchanted, to stop .50 BMG rounds)
    –and can be hand-cranked down/up if ever there was an issue with their electronics/motors.


Use / Access:

Only High King Auz can use this limo; it is not for rent.

It has so far only been used to drive him and a few special/elite guests to and from his city’s airport, his office skyscraper downtown, 20 of the Ceiling Mansions, and his private mansion up around the realm’s central mountain.

It is meant only for:

  • ~30-minute normal-speed drives within Inisfree,
  • ~1-hour welcoming-ceremony parade-formations (slow driving),
  • and the most-special of events there; it is not a commuter vehicle.

(For commuting, the High King uses an MPHA.)

Defensive driving and convoy drills are now done on the widest paved and private surface in our realm, the runways surface of our military aerospaceport.



During the 1st Global Congress session, he drove each top Congress-girl to her ceiling mansion to fuck-christen it prior to the sessions/meetings.  (There were only ~20 members of that Congress that year, so this didn’t take long.)

He fucked Amber ICV1 in this vehicle often; almost every week/workday since ~2014.  (That’s how her kind de/briefs him, after all; full-body communication/language.)

Then he treated Allison Liddle to it (including fucking in it) in 2021 when she first came to Inisfree –‘came’-pun not intended.

2022:  He made love with Neveah, his 2nd daughter with Ambrosia, and she eye-locked while straddling him on the throne in this vehicle, fully wanting him to cum inside her again like he often did.  Not long after, he made love with Adaline, his 1st daughter with Ambrosia, on the same spot and in the same way.  (Being Dhampir and maturing at a rate ~4x more quickly than modern human children do, they looked like teenagers this year.)

2023 July:  This special and now-storied custom vehicle was used to drive Auz & Ambi from the AF1 landed at Inisfree’s air-and-spaceport… to the Welcoming Square for her unique re-welcoming ceremony, and then up to The Governor’s Mansion to drop them off for the 2nd of 3 parts of that all-day/night re-welcoming (the 3rd part being in one of the glass-domed igloos miles up their central-mountain‘s slope).




Exterior – Concepts / Similar:

Interior – Concepts / Similar:

His Throne Inside:

In-game Model / Placeholder:

Video Player

Also see:

04 Lead Me On - classic 80s from Top Gun - catchy for Limo pg
Audio Player