If you love music and dance, you came to the right place.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. More than Music & Dance
  3. Club Design Suggestions
  4. Night Clubs Directory
  5. Popular Days to Go Clubbing
  6. Better Than PLUR
  7. Vampire Events
  8. My Lifelong Loves
  9. Updates
  10. Locations (Images Begin)
  11. Sexy Stuff Inside



There are more than 50 innovative entertainment clubs located throughout the Inisfreean property now, and all of them have a unique theme. Dress codes are strictly enforced, and there is no such thing as leniency or VIPs; everyone is a VIP if you make it into one of these establishments, but no one gets to bend the attire rules.  All the names of these clubs are playfully sexy ones, too.

All our night clubs include piezoelectric dance floors; these harness the energy generated by foot traffic, so when you walk up, dance, and walk off, it is creating electrical power for the lights and other power-using devices in and around the club.


More than Music & Dance:

Clubs are considered holy in Inisfree because dance is crucial for health –as well as for temple maintenance and realizing one’s soul-purpose. Clubs are where you practice that movement, dance style, and vibe; they are not just for bump-&-grind sloppy-skank dance-moves (though sexy bump-&-grind dirty-dancing is, of course, encouraged), and are never for wasting time in with ‘the drink’ (alcohol). Inisfreean clubs are about dance styles and community, healthiness, and activity (having an active lifestyle), not drugs. Smokers and drinkers are seen as psychotic and literally mentally retarded, because that’s what they are. Thus, you will see people ‘high on life’ in all Inisfreean clubs, ‘all smiles’ as they dance themselves wild and free, and never any one of them under the influence of any drug.


Club Design Suggestions:

Inisfree loves creative minds, so if you have an idea or vision for how to improve one of our clubs, or some great material for creating a brand new one, please let one of us know so we can set aside some time to start working with you.

As a reminder, just as the Outlands have gays-only clubs, girls-only Girl Scouts, seniors-only discount-days, and magazines and TV channels just for Blacks, etc., Inisfree and its clubs have their own exclusivity rules; Inisfree and its establishments are just for fit bisexual girls and fit heterosexual men.​​


Night Clubs Directory:

  1. Altar Girls – Catholic church theme with diaphanous (and wet) white robes for the gogos
  2. Angels Allure – Angelic gogos, floating (magnetic) love-seats made to look like clouds, more floating ‘clouds’ as canopy-beds, and 9 sephoras (location: in the basement levels of the mile-wide Cloud City)
  3. Asparas Abode, The – Indian (India, not Native American ‘Indian’)
  4. Astroglide – astronaut (in the Civilian Aerospaceport)
  5. Backhoe, The – construction worker theme (alternate title: ‘Club Pile-driver’)
  6. Blue Ball Room, The – blue curtain dream ballroom
  7. Caligula Creamery, The – Greco-Roman
  8. Climax, The – club atop the mountain peak, flattened and with a Stone Henge look&feel
  9. Club Authority – law-enforcement theme with police uniform bodypaint on the gogos
  10. ​Congo Combine – Putumayo-style African Groove music, tin the Giant Baobab, with African supermodel gogos, tribal bodypaint, ring dances, rapid hand-drums, etc.
  11. Crater Lounge – a club atop a club; this is the caldera of the faux volcano that is the exterior and roof of Club Dante
  12. Crystal Kaleidoscope, The ​- this newly-formed annex of the Uber Geode functions as Inisfree’s first deep-underground night-and-dance club
  13. Cummunion – it is what the pun sounds like (location:  inside the Temple of Auz)
  14. Cush – Playboy Mansion (Bunnies) inspired basement of the Governor’s Mansion
  15. Dante – inspired by the namesake book’s layout of Hell
  16. Dendrophiliac – trees/nature theme with Ent-like/body-paint gogos; the Disney theme-park’s stilt-style costume for some, with indoor treehouses instead of booths (located under our forest temple)
  17. Double X – racy jazz lounge and speak-easy, includes rhythm and blues, with zoot-suit gogos, balcony fine-dining and stone banisters (the name comes from its parent-building’s two plus-sign (or ‘X’-shaped) sets of wings/arms which rotate like stacked slow-motion helicopter blades)
  18. Easy Rider – classic rock
  19. God and the G-spot – Masonic (grand) lodge / temple theme; a sexy spin on ‘God and geometry’. Located in Mt. Auzmore, since Masons are honored on Mt. Rushmore.
  20. Grind House – Industrial / J-Punk (music and clothing style)
  21. Horns, The – heavy metal (alternate title:  ‘Horny’)
  22. Jungle Fever – jungle / Aztec
  23. Locker Room, The – shower misters with steam billows and all-colors flash-lasers
  24. Logan’s Apartment – rave / trance (named for an old friend’s fun residence)
  25. Modern Mecca – Arab/ian-themed, build inside an architectural copy of the Mecca cube (the way locals pronounce its abbreviation: “Mmm”)
  26. Ninja Princess, The – Asian / Oriental
  27. Randy Rusky, The – Soviet / Commie
  28. Ren’ Fest – medieval (in one of the castles)
  29. Rock the Boat – pirate theme (the floating amusement park)
  30. Roller Boogie – 60s / 70s, roller rink lap-track in middle, walkways over and under it
  31. SSS – Nazi theme (the abbreviation comes from ‘SS Sluts’); instead of ‘triple X’, we have here ‘triple S’, and it’s more fun to hear our girls say it —*Not because we are National Socialists, or against Jews, but because we extract whatever can look sexy from every era and genre, this one being no exception.
  32. Safari Sierra – animal bodypaint in the zoo
  33. Schoolgirl, The – built into the breezeway courtyard of LHS
  34. Shaft, The – dance club in silo
  35. Slammer, The – prison / jail-house (alternate title: ‘Club Slam-piece’)
  36. Sleepover, The – pajama party (in the B&B Spire)
  37. Slippery Slopes – cliff dweller open-air desert race style
  38. Sporty Spice – sports, pep-rally tracks, cheerleader gogos with uggs (named after one of the Spice Girls)
  39. Spray – fire-station theme, with drinks dispensed from the hoses of the panel on the ladder-truck parked diagonally inside
  40. Stargasm – StarCraft w/ Ghost (Sarah Kerrigan), alongside one of the ColonyPod practice landing areas for Pilots’ Ed’, as ColonyPods look like larger versions of StarCraft mobile buildings.
  41. Studio 54 – 80s​ theme, inspired by the namesake
  42. Tank Girl – in the anchored Inisfreean Dropship (the Dropship which stays landed on the N.W.O. military’s portion of Inisfree’s main lake’s beach.
  43. Trail of Tits, The – Native American
  44. Turbo Tongue – rap, hip-hop (alternate title: ‘The Tongue Tornado’)
  45. Tutankhamen’s Tomb – aka “Titty (TT)” or just “Tutank’s” (Original proposed location: as one of the Governor’s Mansion’s basements. New location: at 4 Pharaohs)
  46. Valkyrie Vixens – Norseman / Nordic / Viking – in the Valhalla Resort
  47. Wet Love – ocean floor view, mermaid theme – Atlantis Resort
  48. Wild West, The – country and rock; beneath the Colored Boulders Saloon (between the Cabins hood and the Valhalla slope)
  49. WoW – Warcraft w/ Blood Elf
  50. Womb Raider – Indiana Jones / Lara Croft (and it’s where most traditional Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider temple ruins are; in the swamp and jungle)
  51. The Sock-hop Diner:  NEW!  40s & 50s dances and hits

* Alternative and punk music is usually played at Inisfree’s skater parks.


Popular Days to Go Clubbing:

Month 12: Odin (Wisdom & Poetry)
Week 4
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to Nov. 26:  Club-hopping Day

High King Auz actually relaxes and watches dancers (and fuckers) in at least one of his 51 clubs every day of the week when he is still in Inisfree around 8 PM.  He’ll also make time to visit one of those clubs for a half hour or so anytime one of his wives, girlfriends, fuckbuddies, or kajirae invites him to go with them.  If “Dazzler” is performing, or Emma is dancing in one of them, he’ll double that, giving them a full hour of enjoying being enjoyed by him.

Since Inisfree is the capital of the entire Omniverse, catering to people from all time-zones and compatible worlds/civilizations, its clubs are active every day and night; you’ll always find at least dozens of people dancing and chilling there, but usually more like hundreds or more.

On 26 November of 2022, he celebrated with his latest round of club-hopping all across Inisfree, all his favorite females eagerly joining in for some or all of that way.  Spending ~1/4-hour in each club, this celebration lasted ~half of the day, not including travel time (though most of that was done via the portals generated by his mobile entourage of Inisfreean (ICV) Master Females).  This being an Outlands-Saturday this year (the one day every week when he typically gets married to more flawless hotties from across the Universe/realms), he did not have one of his wingsuiting-weddings today.


Better Than PLUR:

Raves and some of the other clubs years ago were places where the abbreviation P.L.U.R. was thrown around a lot.  It stood for “Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect”, and while that sounded nice on the surface, it was mis-applied under the guise of fairness, open-mindedness, and oneness, while in actuality it was really about over-tolerance, whoring, close-mindedness against all other beliefs, and either low or no standards.  This inappropriate application of ‘PLUR’ led to breeding grounds for drug abuse, lazy rude people nightmarishly out of shape, and a general atmosphere not unlike that at any I.C.P. concert; chaos and vomitous Hell on Earth, disgusting monstrosities everywhere one turned.  Clubs kept their doors open to this filth only to carry on with ‘business as usual’, focused entirely on the money, not on true peace, worthy love, unity between decent people, and respect only for those who respected others and themselves.

In Inisfree, we have never allowed even the mention of PLUR, knowing that a token saying like that has no place in the civilized and appropriate realms.  In Inisfree, there is only peace, love, unity, and respect for the mutually compatible; PLUR is for those who stay in shape, practice good hygiene, behave well, do not have tantrums against our nature and lifestyle, and who do not destroy their beauty with piercings, or cover it up with clothing.  Our focuses have always instead been on:  Beauty, Compatibility, Fitness, Flirtation, Maturity, and Standards, and we don’t include in that list Lame Abbreviations.  Inisfreeans club appropriately, never pretending scams are cute, clever, or enlightened.  You will always find us only enjoying the music and each other in our clubs, never shaming those who do not subscribe to the reckless, irresponsible, mindless whoring that is the Outlander misnomer PLUR.


Vampire Events:

Those of this race commonly gather and lounge at Tutank, Grind House, and Cush.  Vampire events in our city do not involve killing or involuntary drinking, though; vampires in Inisfree have achieved at least the first level of Golconda.  Come enjoy some clubbing with them and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.


My Lifelong Loves:

In case me designing 50 unique night-&-dance clubs didn’t clue you in, I LOVE music and dance.  I could watch and listen to all the best styles forever, and I look forward to every girl I get to sing and dance with, and especially the ones who really know and love how to make it fun.  The only reason I haven’t mastered dances or playing musical instruments before is that I was busy dealing with severe challenges during my youth and the wars.  Now, however, is the time.  So here you are; take a look at all the many places in Inisfree where I get to be my artistic, expressive, and mobile self.  Inisfree’s 51 clubs await you.



2023 August:

Since Inisfreean law recommends 2 kajirae per guest anywhere in our realm, each club’s posted maximum allowable occupancy means 2/3 of that number shall be kajirae (our waitresses, excepting ~several Inisfreean girls (ICVs); Master Females who are the managers of all our buildings/establishments/residences/venues) while the remaining 1/3 is/are how many free guests are allowed in at any time.

Things You’ll Hear:

  • Ask a girl dancing in one of our clubs why she is there, and she’ll probably smile and tell you something like, “I’m here to dance so my husbands and other lovers and maybe a few strangers tonight fuck me that much harder when we get out of here. Wanna come With? ; ) “
  • “Sure, I’ll fuck you! Wanna right here? Or we can get an alcove or vehicle in the parking or something. 😀 Whatever you Want, baby!”
  • “Dance with me a bit and then we can fuck for the rest of the night!”
  • “I’m planning on dancing here a lot longer, so we can have a quickie somewhere if you’re okay with longer sex after I’ve had some sleep tomorrow.”
  • “I don’t care if you have any dance moves; I’m just here to move, soak in the eye candy, and catch as many nuts as I can. Wanna help me with any of that?”
  • “My pussy and asshole are aching for some dick and cum. Mind taking care of that for me so I can get back to dancing without distracting myself?”
  • “Wanna fuck and dance and fuck, or dance and fuck and dance?”
  • “You don’t have to dance with me to get me; I and all my hot girlfriends over there will fuck you either way.  Just so you know.”
  • “I’m gonna try to fuck everyone here tonight –some while I’m still dancing.”


All our clubs are designed for at least ~3,000 guests near capacity (at a time), with our largest clubs (Cummunion, Dante, etc.) able to handle even millions.
(60×60 blocks in a computer model = 3,600, thus that as that club’s capacity)

Due to the constraints of:

  1. time before website finalization, and
  2. allotted space for each club model in the computer world,

some club-models are scaled-down versions of their actual spaciousness.

  1. Altar Girls:  [(16×60)+(12×60)+(20×20)] blocks; ~2,000 capacity; might be enough once counting the floorspace of its balconies / overlook-booths
  2. Angels Allure:   20r blocks; 1,256 capacity (+ ceiling booths); ~double its floorspace
  3. Asparas Abode, The:  ___x blocks;  capacity (waiting to see what the BP makes)
  4. Astroglide:  20x20x4 blocks; ~1,600 capacity (less bc of kitchen & toilets-room) (cannot increase floorspace; add balconies, etc.); ~double its floorspace by making it 2 stories tall in that corner of the CIV Aero parking-garage
  5. Backhoe, The:  40×40 blocks; 1,600 capacity; ~double its floorspace –add a crane to each corner, each crane with dance platforms around its ladder, and scaffolding dance-platforms, many translucent vehicles to dance in and on, etc.
  6. Blue Ball Room, The:  (20×20) + (20×4 for its 2 balconies) = 480 blocks; 480 initial-draft capacity; increase floorspace 6.25x, thus double its main-floor dimensions, and add more levels of balconies
    To get 480 closer to 3,600, just picture the model 3x longer along each of its 4 sides, for a total of ~9x the floorspace, thus ~9x the capacity for guests/dancers.
    Repeat this for all other clubs whose models were scaled down to work in the computer world; whatever increase of their dimensions gets their floorspace-blocks / capacity closest to 3,600.
  7. Caligula Creamery, The:  22×22 blocks; 484 capacity; increase floorspace 6.2x
  8. Climax, The:  15r blocks; 706 capacity; increase floorspace 4.3x
  9. Club Authority:  60×60 blocks; 3,600 capacity
  10. ​Congo Combine:  20×20 blocks; 400 capacity; increase floorspace 7.5x
  11. Crater Lounge:  30r blocks; 2,827 capacity (actual: 146block radius = 608,000 sq.ft.; 24,320 cap. –but thousands less; caldera might be fake lava, but no one is going to be lounging or dancing on it; ~20,000)
  12. Crystal Kaleidoscope, The:  32×32 blocks; 1,024 capacity
  13. Cummunion:  146r blocks; 66,966 capacity (actual:  608,000 sq.ft.; 24,320 cap.)
  14. Cush:  (not built in Creativerse, so see its webpage for the full-scale Minecraft-build dimensions) ~5,000
  15. Dante:  28r blocks; 2,463 capacity (actual:  3,950,000 sq.ft.; 158,000 cap.)
  16. Dendrophiliac:  11r blocks; 380 capacity (keep; just add many balconies and annexes)
  17. Double X:  22×22 blocks; 484 capacity (obv. make bigger bc need room for many tables and at least one 1′ terrace around central stage/dancefloor); increase floorspace 6.2x
  18. Easy Rider:  22×22 blocks; 484 capacity; increase floorspace 6.2x
  19. God and the G-spot:  62×62 blocks; 3,844 capacity (even more w balconies) (actual:  2,666,689 sq.ft.; 106,667 cap. –not incl. balconies/terraces)
  20. Grind House:  22×22 blocks; 484 capacity; increase floorspace 6.2x
  21. Horns, The:  20×20 blocks; 400 capacity; increase floorspace 7.5x
  22. Jungle Fever:  ___x blocks;  capacity
  23. Locker Room, The:  20×66 blocks; 1,320 capacity; ~double its floorspace
  24. Logan’s Apartment:  200×200 blocks; 40,000 capacity
  25. Modern Mecca:  22×22 blocks; 484 capacity; increase floorspace 6.2x
  26. Ninja Princess, The:  64×64 blocks; 4,096 capacity (not incl. balconies)
  27. Randy Rusky, The:  [(250’x250’basil)+(2,427’x56’cath’)] FEET; 198,412sq.ft. THUS 7,936 capacity
  28. Ren’ Fest:  20×20 blocks; 400 capacity; increase floorspace 7.5x
  29. Rock the Boat:  20×60 blocks; 1,200 capacity; ~triple its floorspace
  30. Roller Boogie:  38×48 blocks; 1,824 capacity (double depth&width b/c skating-surface is clearly too tiny = 7,296 cap.)
  31. SSS:  34×68 blocks; 2,312 capacity; increase its floorspace with some balconies, thus make it a 2-story ceiling/room in its castle
  32. Safari Sierra:  32r blocks; 3,216 capacity
  33. Schoolgirl, The:  86r blocks; 23,235 capacity
  34. Shaft, The:  [5r, -holes, +annexes (15sqft x4), x10] blocks; ~1,300 capacity (only way to increase is to double the annexes from 4 to 8 per floor; gets cap. to ~1,900); ~double its floorspace
  35. Slammer, The:  22×22 blocks; 484 capacity; increase floorspace 6.2x
  36. Sleepover, The:  40r blocks; ~5,000 capacity
  37. Slippery Slopes:  20×66 blocks; 1,320 capacity (not including balconies inside and outside); ~double its floorspace
  38. Sock-hop Diner, The:  12×22 blocks; 264 capacity; increase floorspace 11.4x
  39. Sporty Spice:  31r blocks; 3,019 capacity
  40. Spray:  20×44 blocks; 880 capacity; increase floorspace 3.4x
  41. Stargasm:  30r blocks; 2,827 capacity
  42. Studio 54:  [(20×20)+20rooms(10×10)7floors] blocks; ~14,400 capacity
  43. Tank Girl:  60r blocks; 11,309 capacity (maybe less if MPHAs y other vehicles are left on the floor; in the hangar) –have 1 transparent of each? (FJ, TK, WR, MPHA)
  44. Trail of Tits, The:  55r blocks; 9,503 capacity (not counting balconies)
  45. Turbo Tongue:  40×50 blocks; 2,000 capacity; ~double its floorspace
  46. Tutankhamen’s Tomb:  66×132 blocks; 8,712 capacity
  47. Valkyrie Vixens:  10×22 blocks; 220 capacity; increase floorspace 13.6x
  48. Wet Love:  20×20 blocks; 400 capacity; increase floorspace 7.5x
  49. Wild West, The:  83×83 blocks; 6,889 capacity
  50. WoW:  (336+50+1,500+100+400+6towers+1BIGtower) blocks; >2,386 (probably double that, since its interior was at least 3/4 empty above the few rooms the BP built) capacity
  51. Womb Raider:  22x22x6 blocks; 2,904 capacity (not counting balconies)

2024 June:  Like lights set to stay off until there is movement, music and ICVs in these clubs are silent and motionless until guests are on their way in.

2024 October 29 Tuesday:

  • all those 51 clubs IRL spacious enough to host/house thousands (incl. workers; staff (ICVs) and kajirae)
  • maintaining the general rule of 1:9 males-to-females ratio
    (e.g. a club with a capacity for 1,000 people shall, when there are that many present there (partying and working; guests and workers), always have 900 females if there are 100 males)
  • maintaining the other general rule of 1:3 guests-to-workers = for every 1 guest/clubber, there shall be 2 females working there (such as 1 ICV hostessing/managing, and 1 kajira waitressing, etc.)
    (e.g. a club with a capacity for 1,000 people shall at most entertain 333 guests at a time, the other 664 individuals being the ICVs and kajirae working at that time)
  • further:  664 all-female workers, and 333 guests, with a 1:9 males-to-females overall (total population/capacity) ratio, means that at least 233 of those 333 guests shall be female.
  • Staff at each club shall always include at least 1 of each ICV form-sake.  If the club is not spacious enough to have 1,000 ICVs in it when large numbers of guests are also in it, these 1,000 ICVs shall take turns working inside and outside/around it.
    (picture <32×32 group of ICVs, or some of them on balconies, etc.)



Sexy Stuff Inside:

culture:  females encouraging males in these clubs to feel their pussy

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Also see:

“Live Forever” Ferry Corsten feat. Aruna Ferry Corsten feat. Aruna
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