This is what replaced cryogenic chambers; we do not freeze people to suspend/preserve them.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Standard Features
  4. Special Features
  5. Overall Design (Images Begin)
  6. Entry
  7. Inside
  8. Sleeping Beauties
  9. 2023/+ Updates
  10. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft



Inisfree’s suspended-animation facility is where its citizens may go to sleep for very long or indefinite periods of time.  Originally based on cryogenic preservation techniques, the Grid Mind has since upgraded this facility to be much closer to stasis, no longer requiring extremely cold temperatures to achieve the same results.​  Also, because of how relatively immortal all who visit the Inisfreean realm become, this facility is almost obsolete; no one needs to slow down or suspend their natural processes anymore to stay alive.


Dimensions & Layout:

This facility is a hollow cylindrical prism oriented around the Main Womb like a tire is to a wheel.  Picture a soda-can sleeve/warmer, and you have the right idea (for the general ‘shape’ (form) of this facility).  Now picture one that is 2 miles from top to bottom, and a quarter of a mile thick; that is how massive our Stasis Archives is.

It uses the same technology as the stasis tubes on the MPHAs, however all of these stasis tubes are, in the standard Inisfreean fashion of being ultra-hospitable, luxurious and as comfortable as can be.  Billions of these luxurious tubes line the walls on both sides of the ring-shaped hallways that run through every level of this facility.  The tubes are stacked five vertically to each floor/level/story, with a total of 1,000 levels; 1,000 ring-shaped hallways for the innermost, tube-like section of this facility, with the same number of hallways for each concentric ring out from the Main Womb toward the slopes of Inisfree’s central mountain which all of this is in.​​​  Because those successive rings are slightly larger than their predecessors, they, of course, contain a few hundred more stasis tubes.

  • With 2,000,000,000 annual visitors to Inisfree, this facility now makes room for 2,000,000 per floor; 400,000 per stack level (tubes are stacked five high per floor); 8,295 tubes around the innermost ring’s ~33,180′ circumference,
    with 50 walls of tubes situated around 25 bisecting hallways
    (25 concentric walkways in each of the 1,000 floors, each walkway with tubes stacked 5 tall on both sides).
    Each tube measures 4’Wx8’Dx2’H, including its borders separating it from the other tubes
    (which might not sound like much room, but it is wider and taller than a twin-size mattress, and taller than a king-size,
    and the nearly 2′ ceiling means ~1.5x the avg. shoulder-width of adult males in the USA, if you slept on your side,
    so you can’t sit up while in one of these tubes, but you certainly have lots of room to adjust and crawl/scoot back out).
  • Hallways are 10’W (and ~9′ tall).  There is only a waterproof and fireproof ‘smart’-surface to walk on.  It looks like a very long, fancy, Oriental carpet/rug, much like some of the hallways in the nicer/est hotels often are.
  • Walls between tubes are 4’D (for armor, cables, piping, soundproofing, etc.).
  • All in all, this facility measures two miles tall and ~1,500′ from outermost curve wall to innermost curve wall; just over 1/4 of a mile thick.
  • With a radius of 6,600′ (1.25 miles), the innermost ring/hall of the Stasis Archives has a circumference of
    41,469.02′; with ~8,000 stasis tubes in each of the 5 levels of them per floor in this facility,
    the center of each of those tubes is spread out by at least 5′,
    and because they are 4′ wide, that gives them 1′ of space on either side (between their adjacent/neighboring stasis tubes) –thus room for wall-mounted ladders to help with getting to and from the higher tube-beds (so you don’t step into / on the ‘lip’ of any occupied).

The only ways to access this facility are:

  1. using the hidden doorway/tunnel located somewhere within our Paro Taktsang 2 construct
  2. going down into the top of its outermost ring of levels… via any of the many Silos Network tunnels that touch / connect to it there
  3. teleporting in (which, if you do not possess this ability, or a device which can teleport you, any ICV can do for you)

All of those routes require clearance from High King Auz himself.


Standard Features:

Like all Inisfreean structures/constructs, this one is self-sensing, self-repairing, self-reporting, fireproof, waterproof, soundproof, and can hermetically seal any of its halls/levels/sections instantly.  It is also immune to earthquakes, and can even withstand direct nuclear strikes.  It is a very formidable facility, designed to weather even cosmic storms, such as massive solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

This facility also regulates and recycles its own atmosphere.  No matter what is going on outside on the Antarctic/Inisfreean surface, conditions in here will remain pleasantly cool, breathable, and radiation-free.  Anytime unwanted particles/gases are detected, they are sucked out through the many vents, and processed on the subatomic level, if need be.

Even if the entire population at-capacity of our city wanted to go into hibernation/stasis at the same time, it would only take several minutes for all ~2 billion of them to get in/down here, and fast/sound asleep.  The ICVs would show them all the way to the stasis-tube assigned to each of them, then patrol the hallways for as long as any in those respective hallways’ stasis-tubes stayed hibernating/asleep.  This is Inisfree.


Special Features:

​​Many of the black-ops personnel who helped The Wolves get the prototype Grid Mind to Antarctica, and its inventor become the Governor of the city that grew out around it, chose to sleep securely in this facility until that man wanted their services again.  In the distant future, he did indeed call on them, having his daughters (the Inisfreean-born girls) gently wake each of them, then giving them one of the most prolific assignments of all time


Overall Design:

Again, this facility is ‘shaped’ (in the form of) a thick hollow vertical cylindrical prism centered around the Main Womb (ColonyPods factory/hangar); within our central mountain.  This image shows side by side cross-section and map-based top-down views/outlines of it.


It more or less looks like this signature architecture in WoW, though the outdoor/surface entrance is completely concealed, even undetectable with powerful magic/ESP.


Again, as with all images on this website, these are conceptual; ‘close likenesses’ just to give you a general idea.  The Mass Effect cinematic screenshots in this album are similar to how it would look to someone standing inside one of the levels/hallways of this facility –if the levels above the one they were on had see-through/invisible/removed floors.  Also, of course, the stasis-rooms do not slide out of the walls in ours.

Sleeping Beauties:

It feels just like taking a nap when in these places.  You can wake whenever you feel like it, and there won’t be any grogginess or atrophy, no matter how long you napped/slept for here.  To anyone checking on you or just walking by, everyone here asleep looks just like they would anywhere else; a healthy person sleeping on a normal bed.

2023/+ Updates:

The process here is a simple and comfortable one –and not at all like the primitive, barbaric, unpleasant process Outlander humans use for their overly-complicated cryogenic ‘sleep’; people approved to revisit Inisfree are invited to come here when they feel the time is right, they are politely walked by an Inisfreean girl (ICV) to the level and ring-section where their assigned pod-bed is, and then everyone they want to help them orgasm and fall asleep joins in (before they climb/crawl into/onto their tube-bed, though 1 man or 2 petite females can on their sides comfortably continue making bedtime-love in/on one of these beds), ushering them into the most satisfied and blissful rest imaginable.  The Grid Mind makes sure conditions (such as temperature, humidity, etc.) in each person’s pod (a.k.a. horizontal stasis-tube) is exactly what they will feel best sleeping in.  When they have wished to wake up, whether by request before falling asleep here, or by request telepathically / technopathically detected during / from within their dreaming, an ICV will come to their pod to very slowly, sweetly, gently, sexily usher them back awake.

As the 2B foreseen and destined to naturally be/become fully compatible with High King Auz come more and more into alignment with each other as the final, greatest, singular family in Creation (all the Universes of the Omniverse), they will feel it is time/right to slumber/hibernate here “as one”; they’ll start coming here for the biggest sleepovers / slumber parties in history.  This is because they won’t want to be without each other’s conscious interaction when any of them/us are sleeping/hibernating, and because some of Auz’s foreseen Omniverse-realignments (during the reformation/reappearance of Yggdrasil) will take a very long time, thus it makes sense for everyone to basically snuggle up right here in this Inisfree facility perfect for expediting the needed application-times/eras in between each vision… and its manifestation/completion.

It is estimated that these mass-hibernations will be during the “basking” (2nd-half) portions of Inisfree’s relocations; after spending many years awake, consciously interacting with the people of the realms it is now certain to be invited to temporarily move to.

From the point of view of everyone using this facility, they will wake up, feeling as if they have only taken a normal overnight nap/rest, and they’ll all have had a normal Earth-night’s amount of dreams (dozens of detailed/lifelike ones) –and all the same dream/s (with one another; not repeating, but shared amongst their fellow nappers), since all of the people coming here will have also become fully compatible and aligned to Auz in the Dream-space dimension.

2023 October note:

  • Don’t worry; everyone here remains telepathically connected to their “soul tribe/mates” the whole time, regardless of whether they are in the dream-side or waking’.  In other words, they’ll know when it’s time to wake back up to interact with their loved ones, etc..  This is Inisfree.  We are one.

2024 October notes:

  • ICVs wear their issued silver lingerie-teddy here.
  • It is perfectly fine to share any of these beds, though they are sized to best fit 1 human-size person, and can comfortably fit 2, or 3 if all 3 users/sharers are petite females.
  • In keeping with our culture/instincts/wisdom, a male and female couple may share such a bed in this facility.
    2 or 3 females may also share such a bed.
    If there are 2 males and 1 female, then the female shall be in the middle, ‘sandwiched’ between those males.
  • It is also perfectly fine to have sex on these beds; males with females, and females with anyone.
  • Laundry gets done in laundry rooms now part of this facility, but everyone arrives clean, and the sheets, like the people on them, are in stasis, thus almost never becoming dirty/dusty.  (In other words, laundry service is rarely needed unless a lovemaking (cum) leak/spill happened.)
  • Time isn’t mechanically/scientifically paused or slowed in the rooms for the beds of this facility; people in these rooms are just able to nap or hibernate as long as it suits them, distractions-free, no need to eat or exercise to stay in their primes (perfect/potential shape).
  • Everyone outside these rooms continues to remember the people in them, always thinking fondly of them as friends, family, and lovers, key members of our society/civilization; your relationships won’t reduce or be replaced while you or a significant other are in these rooms.  Like soulmates and best friends or ‘twin flames’, the moment one or both exit these rooms and return to normal life in Inisfree and/or beyond, they “pick up right back where they left off” as if no time passed.  This is the essence/nature/way of us and those we invite to our realm.
  • Think of the rooms (bed tubes) in this facility like the larger/wider version of the stasis tubes in our MPHAs and other craft/vehicles; they keep everything in perfect condition/health/peace, though these rooms (unlike stasis tubes, which are almost always just occupied during a commute/flight or rapid healing/medical procedure/checkup) don’t have to be for brief use.
  • Yes, anyone welcome in our realm can come to any vacant room here just to plop down on (crawl onto) its bed to try it out, no napping necessary.  Those who stay a while might feel so at peace that a nap comes naturally, but these rooms don’t lull/trigger people to fall asleep or stay asleep.
  • If you’ve been to one of the in-wall pod-like beds of our Bed & Breakfast Spire, just picture a similar bed except one with access at one end (as opposed to the whole side open up, as is the case in that skyscraper/spire); not as big as a normal house’s bedroom.
  • Due to this facility being like a capsule hotel, there are no shower-rooms or toilet-rooms, but since guests are essentially in a form of stasis, not eating or drinking, their bodies don’t build up waste, let alone feel the need to release feces/urine.
  • This facility is basically the biggest bunkbeds room/megastructure on Earth –and maybe anywhere.
  • Those who choose to hibernate/sleep here can rest assured that all their belongings/possessions/residences in our realm will be well looked after by the ICVs and others; there will never be a situation in which anyone still awake out here decides that such property should be given to anyone else, no matter how long the given person may be sleeping in this facility.  You will wake from this facility and return to your home or vacation-reservation to see everything in it is as you left it, excepting only the laundry; clothes and linens/bedsheets will have been washed, dried, and hung back up or put back on their beds as needed.
  • Anyone who wishes to be greeted by their loved ones when they stir from their slumber here can telepathically communicate with them while dreaming/asleep, and ICVs will ensure those dreams/thoughts reach the intended people, though it is always up to those awake people to decide if their schedules allow them to travel here in time to be at your tube-end (like a bedside, but not at the side) before/when you wake up.
  • You won’t feel awkward/weak/wobbly when you wake up after a long sleep here, even if millennia passed; your body will still have all its muscle-memory, thus knowing how to walk normally.
  • Dozens of dreams during one sleep here can mean something such as ~24 minute-long simple dreams throughout a basic sleep-cycle of more than a few hours (7.5/+ minutes available per dream), or much more, such as 192 (dozens but not hundreds of) dreams spread out across billions of Earth-years (2B yrs / 192 dreams = >10,416,666 years available per dream; lots of blissful dreamless meditation/relaxation between years-long super-detailed dreams, those non-dreaming intervals able to be used for astral projection and dream-space exploration/meetings instead).
  • Just like how The Governor (High King Auz) records his own dreams, all yours will be recorded and available for you to browse/scroll through on your iPad or in-home wall-TV if you want to do that when you wake back up.  Some people like to take screenshots of them, or make computer models based on them, turning parts or all of their dreams into works of art in the physical/waking ‘side’, such as by making the dreams equivalent of a scrapbook or family photo album, or a walk-in mega shadowbox like a movie set of one of their favorite dream-settings.
  • Feeling like you wished you had woken earlier to witness something interesting now in the past?  We can time-travel you without causing any unwanted “butterfly effect”.  Ask the nearest ICV how.  (Alternatively, you can use a holodeck-like room or similar device/tech’ to have a lifelike (all 5+ senses) gameplay/playthrough/replay of the event/s; no time-travel necessary.)
  • Some people come here not (just) for hibernation, but for the best possible meditation and longest-term astral projection / remote viewing.  Imagine what it is like for them; a guarded luxury experience where you can you safely travel any distance through space and/or time, knowing you can go anywhere and see anything without worrying about something happening to your body out there or right back here.
  • With help from facilities/services such as this one, it is possible to live entire lives/lifespans on any other world, in any of the dimensions/universes, all while asleep, then remember everything you learned out there, thus best-preparing you before/if you physically go to those places.
  • Only the people who can sense astral projections / remote viewing will have a chance of noticing your dream-body being out there, if you travel via this method; you will essentially be in a sort of stealth mode if you dream-travel to waking-side places/realms, not that different from an invisible ghost/spirit.
  • When just/staying in your own dreams, you are in your own exclusive/private dimension/reality/realm, accessible only by those who know you and have/get your consent to visit in your dreams.
    Sometimes inappropriate Outlander-humans were able to intrude in some types of dreams before the dawn/completion of Inisfree, but now multiple overlapping systems are in place to prevent such misconduct from their meddlesome/harassing/pestering lowly kind.
  • Those who like to construct/create while dreaming will find they can build, adjust, and return to ‘persistent’ (not lost between sleep-cycles) structures or entire environments/landscapes; no longer are people just limited to sometimes naturally thinking of making a few normal-life decisions in some dreams, such as what to say or where to walk.
  • An easy thing for most people sleeping here to do while asleep is find a passive/submissive mind/person awake somewhere else to live vicariously through; such brains/bodies do not have any problem with being respectfully/unknowingly looked and listened (and felt, smelled, and tasted) through.  This is partially like a possession, except you aren’t taking over control of the movements and speech of the other’s body; you’re just witnessing life as they choose to keep living it.
    *If they notice and ask you to leave, be polite; telepathically bow to them and disconnect/leave.  Most, however, tend to be soothed and amazed at the subtle sensation/s of such a wondrous being/person as you, one found worthy of being let into Inisfree, capital of the universes; they might want you to stay in their mind a while, and/or converse telepathically with them, and/or return for additional possession-like visits.  It is often a good idea to tell them your name, your intention/interest, and that you hope you are not intruding or seeing anything they wish to keep private.
  • No one needs this facility to do those things.  It’s just easiest here, as it is so hidden, shielded, quiet, comfortable, self-sustaining, and so on.
  • There are some places in the universes which have magical or tech’ barriers preventing you, even in dream-/thought-form, from noticing, let alone entering, them.  If you happen upon such a barrier, don’t worry about it; it may just be a “work in progress” the people out there don’t yet feel is ready to debut.  Continue your dream-side journeying/play/rest elsewhere.  (Sure, maybe you were meant to discover such barred/concealed place’s locations/entrances, but when you are meant to see what is inside them… that is when you’ll happen back to them.)
  • Like most facilities/features in Inisfree, after 2088 A.D. there will be 219,001 of each of them, this mega bunkbeds underground skyscraper included; in Star-System Auzdein, on each of its 219 worlds, there will be 1,000 Inisfree-like cities, each having a Stasis Archive of its own, only a small number of them built to appear as if they are in ruins, so there will at that time (after 2088) never be a need for all 2B approved to return to Inisfree… to occupy every bed/tube in Inisfree’s own Stasis Archives.  (There will, however, of course occasionally be the society-wide shared desire/instinct to have such mega-sleepovers (all 2B in the same Stasis Archive, whether here in the capital city or in the other Stasis Archives of the post-2088 Inisfreean realm), though that is not yet foreseen in terms of specific calendar-dates.)
  • Inisfreeans are able to patrol and regulate dream-space now, so no bad dreams or unwelcome ppl IN dreams can occur.


2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

These screenshots from the game ‘world’ show a POV inside the central mountain, as if its mass/rocks were invisible or not in the way, just its surface/slope visible as the dark angled ceiling overhead, and sea-lantern blocks used to help keep the area/volume lit while it is being closed/filled in.  Two of the four ColonyPod Hatch tubes are also visible as outlines not yet walled.  Also visible are measurement lines/stacks and part of the glass-blocks floor-grid which helped with placing of all the map features/structures as this model was built.


Mass Effect - Jack Wall & Sam Hulick - M4 Part 2 (Faunts) - 8mins v - for Stasis Archives
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