Have you ever gone to watch a movie in a theater that flies?


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Trajectory
  4. Food & Beverages
  5. Staff
  6. Capacity
  7. Advertisements
  8. Rules
  9. Theaters Directory
  10. Showtimes and Flights
  11. Special Features
  12. 2021 Update:  Now Showing
  13. 2022 Update:  More Life-size Historic Props
  14. Overall & Location (Images Begin)
  15. The Inspiration
  16. Exterior Concepts
  17. Entry Concepts
  18. Restaurant & Observation Lounge
  19. Theater Seating:  (except we use/have beds here)
  20. Life-size M577 on the Hall Floor
  21. Life-size Historic Props Overhead
  22. 2024 April/+



This is where Inisfreeans go to watch motion pictures on the largest public screens their realm has.  The overall form of this building is the UD-4L ‘Cheyenne’ dropship from the movie Aliens, though it is a much larger version and does not have weapons.  Like other theaters located elsewhere in this home city of theirs, instead of airplane seats, rows of king-sized beds anchored to each floor section (aisle) are the extra-cushioned, ultra-relaxing pieces of furniture that moviegoers here sit and lounge upon. 

(As you can imagine, that means less of a seating-capacity per theater than standard Outlands movie-theaters, though people here in our city/realm/theater prefer to group/snuggle up –and each of these theater-beds / bed-‘seats’ can comfortably ‘seat’ ~4 human-sized audience-members –lying down / spread out; more than 4 could fit if they were really snuggling.)


Dimensions & Layout:

The main sections of this theater are:

  • parking lot
  • guests ramp
  • hall
  • lower theater-rooms (8)
  • concessions (2)
  • kitchen (staff only)
  • repulsines (ICVs only)
  • ramps to higher levels
  • restaurant and observation balcony
  • pilot; A.I. chamber (ICVs only)
  • walkways (2)
  • upper theater-rooms (6)
  • toilets-rooms (4)
  • party rooms (12)
  • laundry room and trash staging (staff only)
  • un/loading room (staff only)
  • kajirae module (staff only)

Measuring 726’x330′ across its foundation (which includes the parking-spaces areas around its landing-gear –which is 2 map-pixels wide, all around; 243,936 square feet), and standing more than a dozen stories tall, this is one of the largest movie theaters ever built.

With hundreds of feet open on all sides (i.e. unused fields/meadows), there is ample space to extend the original parking-lot, as needed (in the millennia ahead; once our population increases).  We may just add additional Dropship Theaters in the adjacent open field/s, though.

Currently (in the original design / parking-lot), there is room for ~400 (20’x15′) vehicles / parking-spaces (calculated based on a 40’x15′ area; room to turn in and back up/out) –and the outermost ‘ring’/rectangle/lines of parking-spaces (the map-pixels/squares outside the shaded rectangle/footprint on the map; 40 in total) are for mobile-houses (66’x66′; a full pixel on the city-map, giving the ~35’x35′ mobile-houses plenty of turning-room; ~10′ per side, with the remaining 5′ per 66′-span being for landscaping, thus 10′ of landscaping between each 56′-wide actual-space (paved/parking area/spot)).  In short, there is space around the vehicles parking-area for 40 of our city’s mobile-houses to park in their own (oversized) parking-spaces.

The retractable ramp used as the primary means of entry to, and exit from, this theater/airship, is ~10′ wide and ~330′ “long” (deep; front to back / bottom to top).  It is divided by a series of electrum (between chrome/silver and golden) posts/stanchions holding up the classic red-velvet swooping/drooping ‘ropes’.  Walking at the average rate of 3mph (15,840’/hour; 264’/minute; 4.4’/sec.), it takes a person 75 seconds to walk the entire length of this ramp.  (It can be jogged much more quickly than that, of course, but it supports two single-file lines of people; one going up into the theater/airship, and the other walking out/down.)

With each theater measuring 66′ from side to side, and 66′ from back to movie screen, this building has seven of these theaters on each of its long sides (4 on the lower level of each side, and 3 on the upper level), with healthy concessions (dining options) at either end of the building (between its foyers and the hallway linking them and all of its theaters between), and two (2) upper-level walkways (one along each inside wall) providing access to the upper-level theaters (each walkway connecting to the 3 on that level/side).  Thus, 14 different movies can be playing simultaneously in this facility, each on a giant screen measuring 65 feet across (with all the movies here played in ultra high-definition wide-screen format).

Each of the 66’x66′ theater rooms has one floor-level set of rows for seats/beds, and one balcony for seats/beds.  Each ‘seat’ is a king-size bed with an allotted space of 10’x10′; on the floor-level, there are 6 rows, each with 6 of those beds, and the balcony has 3 rows of 6 per row (with the back row; nearest the inside-wall, being the soundproofed “boxes”/booths), both the floor-level and balcony rows separated by a central aisle ~6′ wide.  This gives each theater/room a capacity for up to 216 (54 beds per theater/room (54 x 14 = 756 beds) x 2 people comfortably (108), or x4 people snuggling/spooning), which is comparable to the average Outlands movie-theater, thus this theater (having 14 theaters/rooms) has a capacity of up to 3,024 moviegoers at a time (per flight) –not counting anyone choosing to dine here (i.e. just eating, or waiting in this airship’s restaurant for an upcoming showtime).

The restaurant of this theater/airship is in a ~33’x66′ area (under the ‘glass’ windshield panels that would be for the cockpit if this was a normal aircraft); 2,178 square feet of floorspace for dining tables and booths.  With ~6’x6′ allotted for each seating area (table or booth), that’s room for 34 tables/booths.  The tables in this restaurant are round, each with six chairs (or, in the case of booths; the table-areas along the three non-hall-facing/adjacent walls, a C-shaped padded bench-like seating-area with room for 6 human-sized guests); this restaurant has a seating-capacity of up to 204 people.  *All around the cockpit (restaurant, in this case) canopy/window panels above the seating-area are larger-than-life control-consoles with LCDs, blinking lights, and so on.  (The kitchen is below the dining-room / seating/tables area.)

Party-room areas are on the upper level.  Each party-room area has two 10′-tall mini-floors/levels.  Four rooms are arranged around a cross-like intersection of two short halls which separate the four rooms per mini-level, three of those rooms being for private parties, the 4th room being a toilets-room for use by any/all moviegoers/guests (with only regular toilets; no BTBs, as the goal is to provide toilets for up to a few thousand people every 2-hour time-block –which could mean up to 756 users per toilets-room every 2 hours; 756/12 toilets per toilets-room = 63 people/toilet every 2 hours, which is ~1.9 minutes per person).

For reference, its inspiration (the original/actual UD-4L featured in Aliens) was 83′ long (from front/nose to back/tail), 41.5′ wide, and ~20′ tall.  That’s ~18 times smaller than this theater we built based on it; hundreds of times less massive/voluminous.

Inside that (smaller) original was one (1) M577 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), which could drive in/out via a retractable underside ramp.  In our theater here, we have a life-size replica of that vehicle prop from the movie (>16′ long), right in the center of the main hall connecting our concessions to all the lower-level theater-doors here.  You can go inside this anchored/stationary replica of that prop and take a look at what the actors / Space Marines would have seen; seating, storage, drivers-chamber and touch-screens dashboard, etc.!  (You’ll hear somewhat-quiet music playing inside; the theme from the Alien/s movie soundtrack.)



The flight path always taken by this theater is up from its foundation / landing-pad, forward in the direction it is always facing once/while landed, and (from the perspective of someone looking at our city’s map) counterclockwise around the outside of our downtown perimeter-wall, until it is approaching its foundation / landing-pad again, at which point it carefully flies back down to land there.

This path keeps it more than 2,500′ laterally away from the downtown moat, and ~2,640′ (half a mile) away from the exterior base/edge/face of the downtown wall.

Hovering straight up from its landing-pad until it is above the tops of the Streetlights-shaped Buildings (>1,000′), the Dropship Theater proceeds forward along its circular flight-path at ~1,500′ altitude (~876′ below the top of the downtown wall).  It flies high enough that it is just above, and slightly beyond the movement/path, of the upper of the X-2 hotel‘s two rotors-like wings of extended suites.

This route gives it constant options to land on unused fields/meadows, if need be.  It can, of course, also land/fit on any of our highway sections.

It is only, technically, over water once; for a few seconds as it flies above two of the four SCUBA City sections.  (SCUBA City’s ‘glass’ (transparent metal) window-wall top (giant/vast moonroof) is more than strong enough to allow an aircraft such as this theater to land on it, if necessary.  The Dropship Theater is also able to float like a ship, if ever it has to ‘land’ on water.)

It only flies over one building; one of our castles (our architectural copy of Hogwarts).  Since that building has only 7 levels/floors, the Dropship Theater’s flight-path (at ~1,500′ altitude) takes/keeps it well above the tips of that castle’s turret cone-roofs.

The Rooftop Carrier on patrol at any given time is always able within seconds to maneuver to assist, should ever a tractor-beam or related aid be called for.  Rooftop Carriers are of comparable “length” (depth) and volume (size/dimensions).  With its repulsines “spun up” (operating above “idling” capacity/speed), a Rooftop Carrier can control the descent/trajectory of a craft such as this Dropship Theater.

Further details about the flight-path are in the Special Features section below.


Food & Beverages:

Vegan versions of all the movie classics are here.  You’ll see on the overhead menus (which are rotating holograms of each item, not just pictures on a light-up / backlit board) each of the following:

  • beverages; fruit juices (always fresh-squeezed), dairy-free milkshakes (Oreo, etc.), hot (or cold/iced) chocolate (served in a mug), “mocktails” (nonalcoholic versions of their inspirations; example:  “virgin” piña colada), nut milks (almond, etc.), sparkling (carbonated –such as club soda, and sparkling apple cider) (served in a champagne flute)
  • burgers & sliders; several types/flavors of veggie burgers
  • candy; Cookie Dough Bites, Krackel, M&M’s, Reese’s, Snickers, Sno-Caps, etc. (no gummies, as those are an Outlands product made from animals)
  • cheese board; charcuterie –with crackers, etc.
  • cheesecakes; a couple dozen of The Cheesecake Factory‘s most popular ones; popular to us
  • “chicken” fingers/tenders and “fish” fingers/tenders
  • condiments; diced onions, diced tomatoes, pepper (peppercorns medley), pickles, relish, salt (fine pink Himalayan), sauerkraut, sliced jalapeños, vegan shredded cheeses, etc.
  • dips; cheese, guacamole, pesto, ranch, salsa
  • French fries (more accurately:  baked yam slices) & potato wedges
  • “grown-up” grilled cheese; multiple vegan cheeses, pesto spread, sliced tomatoes, etc.
  • hotdogs (several different flavors of vegan sausages) & chili
  • ice cream; dozens of flavors, including gelato versions
  • nachos
  • onion rings (served in a spiral spring-like cone stand)
  • popcorn & flavored candy/kettle-corn (including a popcorn sampler with a small bag of every kind)
  • potato chips
  • pretzel; giant/Bavarian
  • salads and dressings; BBQ, BLT, broccoli, chickpea shawarma, cold soba noodle, lentil spinach pomegranate, snap-pea arugula farro, street corn, sweet-potato quinoa
  • sauces*; aioli, apple, barbecue, chutney, enchilada, honey-mustard, hot, ketchup, maple (syrup), mustard, spicy brown mustard, sweet chili, tartare, teriyaki, tzatziki
  • Slurpee’s (less sugar, no chemicals, and regarded as far-healthier alternatives to their Outlands inspiration)
  • teas; dozens of kinds (served hot or cold, no caffeine, and never sweetened)
  • water (always fresh and pure, never imported or laced, and brought in ‘glass’ (transparent metal) tubes, not plastic bottles)

You won’t see any prices listed beside the items, though; everything in Inisfree is free.

Everything in Inisfree is vegan; there are no non-vegan options.

All food and drink containers, as well as our drinking straws and cutlery, are biodegradable non-plastic.

Moviegoers can order their food in advance by 1) clicking on items on/in this theater’s FOB-Net webpage, or 2) telling their nearest ICV (Inisfreean girl).  They can order food at the theater by 1) going up to the concessions counter, or 2) telling any ICV staff-member working here that night.  They can also order food once at their seat/s (bed/s)… again, by telling the nearest ICV on staff (who will sense when someone wants to order something, and always bring it right to them, never needing to use a flashlight to see where she is walking).

*If you don’t see on our list/menu the sauce you want, just let your ICV or kajira waitress know, and we will happily prepare it for you.  For reference (in case you can’t quite remember what your favorite is called, or what you want in it), see this comprehensive sauces list.

2024nov25mon note:  No waiting in line for tickets or food; we don’t use tickets, and waitresses bring your food to your seat/bed.



There are always at least two (2) ICVs on duty for each theater, plus at least a dozen (12) at the concessions/kitchen, plus another dozen (12) in the restaurant/observation seating area/room; 52 in this theater at all times.

Additionally, there are always at least two (2) kajirae per seat/bed available, and since each of our theater-rooms here has 54 beds… there are always 1,512 kajirae on duty here (though we only bring them into the Dropship Theater when moviegoers reserve (request in advance; prior to showtimes) them (and since each bed has a capacity for four people, one person can request up to 3 kajirae, while a bed being used by three moviegoers can request 1 kajira).

As always, none of our kajirae or ICVs wear any clothing at all; this is Inisfree, the nudist-colony, resort, and capital of Heaven on Earth.

1,512 kajirae, when all beds in this airship are occupied by 2 moviegoers, and all have requested 2 kajirae join them on their bed, can be housed/prepped in the space/room at the back of the upper level of this airship; there is a 3-floor staff-only module back there where the airship-tail meets the main body, with the lower of those 3 mini-floors (each 10′ tall) having shower stalls and mirror desks, and the upper 2 mini-floors having harness seats for 756 per mini-floor (28×28 2′-wide seats; 56’x56′, before adding the 28 2′-wide side-to-side aisles between each row (56′) and the 6 2′-wide front-to-back aisles (18′), thus 112′ (56+56) “long” x 74′ (56+18) wide).

There is a flotation vest and parachute backpack under every kajira seat. Every kajira is explained and shown how to use both, and they each get to practice putting both on at least once prior to their first shift here. Anytime either device is removed from under a seat, the airship/A.I. can tell.

Kajirae are loaded and unloaded via the staff-only rear hatch/ramp, keeping the guests-ramp less trafficked.

Kajirae always take care of room cleanup and trashcan emptying after the movies, and toilets-rooms cleaning during the movies, with their shift-supervisors (ICVs) always easily able to spot anything they might miss –and ICVs always politely alert our kajirae, our kajirae defaulting to appreciation for that politeness and help.

Kajirae are happy to be used in the theaters and toilet-rooms alike; they enjoy being sex-objects / accessories anywhere.  They consider this a great honor and as natural as can be.  You’ll find they feel completely at ease / “at home” no matter where you take them for fun/sex.

Kajirae never upset fellow kajirae, as that is known grounds for dismissal or even deportation.  They help each other to feel their best during every task and break.  Our kajirae see each other like beloved family, just as the rest of us in Inisfree do; they are quick to notice any issues, and are then very thoughtful in how they offer to help if help is wanted.  You’ll often see kajirae taking a moment to warmly greet each other in passing as some come on to relieve a previous shift, and they warmly hug and lightly kiss each other in passing on the walkways whenever they aren’t busy satisfying a moviegoer.  “You look stressed,” one might kindheartedly note of a ‘sister’ kajira on shift with her; “would you like me to take over your task so you can go clean up or nap?  I love you, you know.”  (ICVs are just as aware and loving to them.)

We never force kajirae to do their jobs.  This is Inisfree; we take great care of our kajirae, just as we do our residents and guests.  We only want and accept kajirae on shift who are well-rested and zealous to please their users.

ICVs can be stationed here indefinitely, for they are essentially robots/cyborgs who never tire of the same task.  Our city’s Job Rotation changes them out on a regular basis, though.  Kajirae are rotated out (i.e. replaced by another group of them for the next/successive shift) every ~4 hours.

100% of our staff are available for “full use”, both in and outside any of the theaters in this building.

These girls change the used bedsheets after every show, leaving the bedsheets on beds which were not occupied/used.  ICVs scan for any signs of bedbugs or other issues, which are immediately resolved.  Not a single particle of anything unwanted (such as a food crumb) is allowed, and both lasers and recycling can be used for surgical or total corrections of beds.

(The building itself handles the projecting/playing of the movies, as well as piloting itself whenever it takes off; it doesn’t need staff-members for that, as it is an IC (one of our A.I. vessels).)



52 ICVs + 1,512 kajirae + 3,024 moviegoers + another 204 in the restaurant = a maximum passengers-capacity of 4,792 (which is a cruise-ship capacity).



You’ll only see trailers of movies we are making/releasing here in Inisfree.  You’ll also only see products and services we offer here in our realm.  100% of them are vegan and proven to be suitable/healthy for all our residents and guests.



Normal laws/regulations in/of our city apply here.  Additionally / more specifically, we have these:

  • Females should dress sexily, and males should keep at least their shorts-areas / groins covered in opaque fabric as part of a masculine outfit.
  • No children (anyone below their individual age of sexual maturity/onset) or younger people (infants, toddlers, etc.) are allowed –but they also aren’t allowed/present anywhere in our city/realm, so this rule is automatically obeyed.
  • You can enter one of our theaters before the movie starts, including during the pre-movie trailers/advertisements.
  • Leaving to go to the bathroom (toilet-room, as we call it) is fine.  Again, just be quiet/silent.
  • Keep your phone/light/s (or iScroll) silent/off during the show, and make sure you turn off / silence any alarm/s you had set on your phone/device.  (*As of 2022, devices made in Inisfree now have a setting you can turn on which will automatically silence any still-scheduled alarms and prevent any lights from turning on or being bright, whenever the given device determines your location is inside any of our theaters.)
  • Sex in our theaters is fine, provided you keep it nearly-silent; do not disturb/distract any of the other audience members.  (Since everyone coming to our realm is pre-screened to ensure full compatibility with everyone already here, the result is that everyone here is polite to one another, and, in this situation, it typically means that people having sexual interaction in this theater, or any of our theaters, will do so more in a slow snuggling way, such as a girl sitting on her guy’s lap, his cock inside her, both of them shifting or barely rocking, their focus more on the screen/movie than on having sex.  Moviegoers who know they’ll be moving around more, or possibly making some noise, will reserve an enclosed seat/booth, rather than a seat/bed in one of the main-room’s open-air aisles.)
  • Take your food/drink containers and leftovers with you when you leave during/after the credits; be polite to our staff.
  • Keep all doors/hatches and walkways clear for guests and staff; do not stand in the way; do not block the ramps or aisles.
  • You can fuck kajirae in the toilet stalls. Just be polite by ensuring you are not preventing other guests from relieving themselves if all stalls are occupied; quickies only. Sex longer than a ~2-minute quicky should only be done on your theater bed.
  • Please keep any sexual contact at the restaurant tables to a discrete and quiet minimum. Kajirae can sit on your lap, and they can kneel under your table to give you a blowjob, or casually jack off guys / finger girls they are sitting beside, but aggressive/louder sex should be done only in the private booths of the theater-rooms.
  • If you need to leave during a movie while this theater is still in the air, let one of the ICVs know, and she will escort you out a single-person service-hatch (door/airlock), flying/hovering you down to either the ground below or to the landing-pad of this theater (if you have a vehicle there you wish to return to).  Portal-ing (which any ICV can also facilitate) is also an option; you can go directly, without having to open a hatch/door/airlock or do any flying/hovering outside.


Theaters Directory:

Inisfree’s main public movie theater is showing marathons of the following blockbuster motion pictures:

Side 1 (Port; Left):

  • ​Theater 1:  The Wolves (based on the episodes’ storyboards drafted by Auz in ~2002)
  • Theater 2:  Harry Potter (all)
  • Theater 3:  Lord of the Rings (all)
  • Theater 4:  Thor (Inisfree’s remake; keeping true to the pantheon, not changing the original characters)
  • Theater 5:  Gor (all 36+, not at all based on the B-movie once made)
  • Theater 6:  Conan (all –not just the movies, but ours based on the comics)
  • Theater 7:  Star Trek (all –plus our own episodes/films; about the SSP)

​Side 2 (Starboard; Right):

  • ​Theater 8:  Firefly (all –with all intended episodes, each covering one of the hundreds of 34 Tauri worlds, plus )
  • Theater 9:  (comedies)
  • Theater 10:  (crime films)
  • Theater 11:  (dramas)
  • Theater 12:  (historical films)
  • Theater 13:  (musicals/dance)
  • Theater 14:  (war/action)

Check out more of the movies made by the Inisfreeans on the WMKM Studios webpage!


Showtimes and Flights:

Every two hours, for half an hour in the middle of that time-block, this theater takes flight.

  1. 0000-0200 (midnight to 2 AM):  1st of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 0030, airborne from 0045 to 0115, and landing at/by 0130)
  2. 0200-0400 (2 AM to 4 AM):  2nd of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 0230, airborne from 0245 to 0315, and landing at/by 0330)
  3. 0400-0600 (4 AM to 6 AM):  3rd of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 0430, airborne from 0445 to 0515, and landing at/by 0530)
  4. 0600-0800 (6 AM to 8 AM):  4th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 0630, airborne from 0645 to 0715, and landing at/by 0730)
  5. 0800-1000 (8 AM to 10 AM):  5th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 0830, airborne from 0845 to 0915, and landing at/by 0930)
  6. 1000-1200 (10 AM to  noon/PM):  6th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 1030, airborne from 1045 to 1115, and landing at/by 1130)
  7. 1200-1400 (12 noon/PM to 2 PM):  7th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 1230, airborne from 1245 to 1315, and landing at/by 1330)
  8. 1400-1600 (2 PM to 4 PM):  8th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 1430, airborne from 1445 to 1515, and landing at/by 1530)
  9. 1600-1800 (4 PM to 6 PM):  9th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 1630, airborne from 1645 to 1715, and landing at/by 1730)
  10. 1800-2000 (6 PM to 8 PM):  10th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 1830, airborne from 1845 to 1915, and landing at/by 1930)
  11. 2000-2200 (8 PM to 10 PM):  11th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 2030, airborne from 2045 to 2115, and landing at/by 2130)
  12. 2200-2400/0000 (10 PM to midnight):  12th of 12 showings per day of every movie <2 hours long
    (with the theater lifting off at 2230, airborne from 2245 to 2315, and landing at/by 2330)

Again, showtimes are always based on centering each movie on those time-blocks numbered above, so, for example, a 1.5-hour movie would start 15 minutes after the start of one of those 2-hour time-blocks, and end 15 minutes before the end of that same time-block.

*The only times the entry/exit ramp of this theater/airship is down/open are between the takeoff-prep and post-landing times;

  1. 0130-0230
  2. 0330-0430
  3. 0530-0630
  4. 0730-0830
  5. 0930-1030
  6. 1130-1230
  7. 1330-1430
  8. 1530-1630
  9. 1730-1830
  10. 1930-2030
  11. 2130-2230
  12. 2330-0030

Thus those are the times people will be walking up that ramp to go into a room to watch a movie, or walking down the ramp to leave the theater and return to their vehicle/s.

Since this theater/airship’s capacity is 3,024 moviegoers, during each hour the theater’s entry/exit-ramp is available/down, that ramp being ~10′ wide, divided into two sides; one for those walking up in, and the other side for those walking down/out, even though it takes a human-sized person ~75 seconds to walk up the entire 330′-long ramp, those people, in a single-file line, would be entering only ~1 second apart from each other, so it could take 3,024 seconds for 3,024 people to walk in via this ramp; 50.4 minutes, which is within the 1-hour time-block available between each flight.  Usually, however, there are only half that many guests, and they are often on dates of 2 or 3 people per date, so it takes even less than 50.4 minutes for all of them to enter/board.

  • 2024nov25mon note:  3,024cap…w/ 1 person reaching the ramp top every second = ~51mins to load,
    however, the 10′-wide ramp, divided into 2 directions of walking, has room for ppl to walk up either side 2 at a time; shoulder to shoulder;
    ~25mins to load


Special Features:

For Parties:  There are party rooms along halls outside the theaters on the upper levels.  Party rooms are soundproofed, and have tables and chairs so that you can spread out a birthday cake and/or feast, and so on.  You reserve them for an hour or two at a time, and people often like to celebrate here before watching a movie, such as by having a comic-book cake and presents presented before seeing a new-release featuring a favorite character.  (Also, some of the featured characters are real people, it turns out, so they just might make an appearance and join you!)

Boxes:  V.I.P./private “boxes” are at top back of each theater.  This is an enclosed ‘seat’ (bed) with one-way glass (transparent aluminum).  Couples and groups in these ‘boxes’ are welcome to have sex as loudly as they want during the shows; no one else in the theaters would be able to hear them.

L-doors:  Instead of the traditional L-tunnel pull-down doorways of Inisfree, this building has drawbridges which automatically raise up and close just before the start of their theater’s movie.  There are also UV (black lights) rooms for fun and racy occasions, such as glow-in-the-dark, rave-like orgies leading up to the showings.

Toilet-stalls Indicator-lights:  The stall-doors have a two-light indicator-system; green for vacant, red for occupied.  It isn’t just a streetlight-like set of circular lights, though; when a stall is occupied, its entire door is red-colored and opaque, and when it is vacant… its entire door turns green and translucent, letting you see the toilet with no one on it on the other side.

House-parking:  Outside, and outside the vehicle-barriers helping people know where to / not to park (i.e. to avoid the landing-gear of this theater), you’ll sometimes see multi-story houses parked in extra-wide parking-spaces.  Most people come here in normal cars and trucks, as well as on the occasional hover-saddle/cycle, but this is Inisfree; we have mobile-homes on a whole ‘nother level.

Takeoffs:  This entire building can use its internal Repulsines to take off and land vertically, spending part of the duration of its movies (which are usually about one and a half to two hours) silently and rather slowly flying around the outside of Sotu (downtown Inisfree), as if it was a tiny, winged moon orbiting that circular, dense urban region of Inisfree.  Once the movies end and all the moviegoers leave their king-size beds to return to the central hallways and concession areas where all the window-walls are, they will get to enjoy the views as this theater of theirs slowly flies back over its foundation landing pad, settles down upon it, anchors into place, and opens its exterior doors (also like drawbridges) to allow them to walk back out to the luxurious parking lot where their automated vehicles or airships can then pick them up.​​  Sometimes people come here not for the shows, but just for the views from the restaurant & observation lounge right where it appears this big airship’s cockpit would be.

We schedule our movies to align 12 times each 24-hour period, so the shorter movies have more time before and after them for room-cleaning, and the longer movies have a bit less.  There is ~30 minutes of flying in the middle of all showings, so you never need all movies to fully line up; 30-60 minutes up in the air (~10-15 for closing up for takeoff, ~30 for flying, and another ~10-15 for landing and reopening the doors) always fits within the span of the movies we show, and since we schedule/align those movies based on the middle of their duration, there is always the same amount of flying, and at the same intervals throughout each day.

Most movies we make/show are 90 minutes, not the 2/+ hour ‘marathon’ (uncomfortably-long) comic-based movies trying to cram multiple stories into a single sitting.  With ‘buffer’ quarter-hours around our showtimes (15 minutes before and after every movie shown here), that gives our ICVs-and-kajirae teams time to clean the theaters, and each theater room in this building is open 24/7, resulting in 12* showings per day of the movie assigned to it (*excepting movies that are longer than 2 hours, such as those of the trilogies The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings; those will have 6 showings per theater-room here per day). That means 12 30-minute flights of this theater around the outside of Sotu’s wall.

The ~10.5-mile flight path/loop is flown in 30 minutes.  That equals (slightly fewer than) ~3 minutes per mile; ~20mph.  In other words, this theater flies at a slow, comfortable pace which people inside would not be able to feel much of, if at all.

Ejections Seats:  Every seat/bed in this theater has harnesses (instead of one- or two-strap normal-vehicle seatbelts) and doubles as an escape device/pod, should ever the need arise.  Lower-level theaters release their seats/beds down at the same time (each one having a release/drop-hatch beneath it), those seats/beds then using their own built-in devices to maneuver safely to the ground.  Upper-level theaters release their seats/beds out the sides, the movie-screen in each of those theaters moving up out of the way as the wall behind it parts open from the middle, each row of seats/beds then hovering out in sequence.


2024nov25mon note:  Fake-weapons Extenders:  Like this building’s inspiration, it has 4 retractable wing-like parts;
2 long/rear for rockets,
and 2 short/front for bombs and missiles
–except this theater’s 4 retractable wing-like parts only have hollow replicas of those projectiles, none of which launch or explode.
All 4 are extended during forward flight, and kept retracted (closed) during takeoff, landing, and while parked.


2021 Update:  Now Showing

Please see this spreadsheet for the categories and release-dates of all of our films and other productions.  We have filming and releases scheduled well into the 26th century, A.D..  Most of our series of films and TV shows will be limited to several seasons, though (and ~12-13 episodes per season; per year).

Our Dropship Theater will alternate which films it shows in each of its theaters, always based on the year we release/debut a given film.  (The movies/categories listed in the section above were only placeholders pre-2021.)  All the films we show here are also always available on/via the/our FOB-Net (and at least one of our libraries), always free, even the same day they make it here to these theaters.


2022 Update:  More Life-size Historic Props

In addition to the Alien/s movie’s M577 APC, the following vehicles from world-famous movies are now also on display in this theater’s middle/hall:

  1. Batman’s (by Tim Burton) Batmobile (25′ long)
  2. Eagle-5, the Spaceballs motorhome (33′ long)
  3. Ecto-1 from The Ghostbusters (21′ long)
  4. Flight of the Navigator ship (~25′ long)
  5. General Lee, the Dukes of Hazard car (~17’4″ long)
  6. the DeLorean time machine (14′ long)
  7. the original/classic Batwing (~20′ long)
  8. X-Jet from the X-Men movies (88’4″ long)
  9. X-wing from Star Wars (41′ long)

Combined length:  ~282′ (without spacing) –thus in the ~330′-long hall connecting all the theaters in this airship, those 9 props each have ~5′ of space at both their front and back ends; 5′ between each of them, plus 5′ between the front of the one closest to the front of this hall, and 5′ behind the one near the back of the hall, though the (5) vehicles are hung lower than the (4) aircraft.

Order they are hung from (front/nosecone to back/tailfin of) the ceiling of this hall:

  1. Batman’s (by Tim Burton) Batmobile
  2. the original/classic Batwing
  3. Ecto-1 from The Ghostbusters
  4. X-wing from Star Wars
  5. Eagle-5, the Spaceballs motorhome
  6. Flight of the Navigator ship
  7. General Lee, the Dukes of Hazard car
  8. X-Jet from the X-Men movies
  9. the DeLorean time machine

All of them are suspended on/from the hall’s ceiling, similarly to how chandeliers or air-museum planes would be.

None are functional vehicles; they are hollow, with lifelike “shells” (exteriors), each weighing very little in total (so it likely wouldn’t hurt anyone much at all if they fell).

They were 3D-printed at our Civilian Vehicles Factory and delivered (and installed) here by ICVs.


Overall & Location:

The Inspiration:

Exterior Concepts:

Entry Concepts:

Restaurant & Observation Lounge:

Theater Seating:  (except we use/have beds here)

Life-size M577 on the Hall Floor:

See:  M577 model, 1/16 scale, by Szabo Gibert

Life-size Historic Props Overhead:

2024 April/+:

Starting 2024 May, you can request via the FOB-Net or any ICV a showing of any of our movies in this theater; there is no longer a predetermined schedule of movies/showings here, except when our residents have not requested one.
Whenever a movie is not requested, then the original schedule occurs (unless no one shows up; we only play movies when at least one person is there to see it).
Now that we have made >576 movies, the 14 screens here might show ~41 per year each; 3 per month per screen/room; a different movie every ~9 days in each.


Video Player

Also see:

“Twentieth Century Fox Fanfare (widescreen version)” Conan the Barbarian Basil Poledouris (written by Alfred Newman)
Audio Player