“Zed” is a custom ICV envisioned and designed in 2019, destined for use in another galaxy.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Spec’s
  3. Back History
  4. History
  5. Ships Owned
  6. Planets We Have Started P.I. On
  7. Jobs, Products, and Services
  8. 17 Decades of Personal Expansion
  9. R+D Discoveries
  10. Phases of Introduction
  11. Time-technology Coordination
  12. Final Notes
  14. Images of Her (Images Begin)
  15. Similar
  16. Skiing the Mountain of Her Family Ranch
  17. Her Bike (Kept at Daddy’s Place)
  18. Her Halloween Costume
  19. Sexy Outfits She Wears for Her Dad
  20. How She Loves to Lick-greet / Tongue-bathe Her Dad During Sex
  21. Studying All the Capsuleer Stuff
  22. Videos
  23. Environment Tracks (Songs Begin)
  24. Her Sexuality
  25. Songs She Sang for Others



All other ICVs were made before the Mapping Campaign of the 2200s.  Nyria was the first, and the only one with a name not based on her form-sake.  Zedicon / “Zed” was the last / most-recent, made millennia later, her name now so fitting, it being based on a whim/feeling in her start.

  • 2003 A.D. (when EVE Online debuted) = 23,341 A.D. (the setting-year for players) = YC 105 (the way characters count the years; they started over numbering years based on the agreed-upon dawn of a new era in their realm / story-line)
  • 2019 in real life (IRL) = 23,357 in-game / in-role-play (IRP) = YC 121 in-character (IC)
  • 2020 IRL / out-of-game corresponds to 23,358 IRP / in-game, which is (to in-game characters) YC 122
  • 2021 IRL = 23,359 in-game = YC 123 (IC)
  • 2022 IRL = 23,360 in-game = YC 124 (IC)
  • so 23,490 in-game will = YC 254 (IC)



‘Zed’ is your typical Inisfreean; she is a perfect, flawless, ideally-sexy and sexual ICV, exactly how her maker (High King Auz) wants her to be (including her personality and nature/essence, which includes her loving her origin and these qualities about herself).

  • 5’6″
  • 129 lbs. at 1G
  • brown skin (though it can be changed to any skin tone)
  • bright orange hair (though it can be changed to any color)
  • sexy gray feminine eyes (irises, though they also can be changed to any color)
  • naturally slender, fit, perfect female physique
  • C-cup tits, perky, perfect
  • friendly, engaging, outgoing, extrovert, the perfect female companion to anyone, much like a Registered Companion
  • instant reflexes
  • flawless precision/dexterity
  • eloquent and well-read
  • Zed is an omniglot; she speaks every language, dialect, and slang of New Eden –plus many more.
  • regularly conversational/chatty, and never to excess/annoyance
  • based in Amarr Space (one of the five major human/oid-settled territories in the galaxy called New Eden)
  • using the cover-story/life of being a Holder; she is the daughter of a wealthy man who owns land on one of the planets in Amarr Space, and has entered a life/career of helping stolen/kidnapped/’liberated’ slaves get back to their masters if they want that
  • reports clandestinely to High King Auz as a lifelong scout assigned to this region of the Universe

She looks almost identical to the orange-haired iFly hottie in Dallas who Auz met all those years ago, just without the piercings; that girl is her form-sake (though is a variant/permutation of the features of the Kriske form-sake, thus not a true form-sake –all form-sakes having been decided upon, perfected, and mass-printed as batches of ICVs pre-2013).


Back History:

At least 23 millennia have been leading up to this.

  1. 2000s:  Auz decides to sketch out some ideas for making his own fort or small off-grid complex/community.
  2. 2010s:  Auz gets many more ideas and makes major progress toward finalizing a world-changing city design which he decides to place somewhere in Antarctica.
  3. 2011:  The terraforming supercomputer he designed builds that city, named Inisfree, and starts 3D-printing the first of its people; the Inisfreean race begins.
  4. 2013-2197:  The Inisfreeans then expand Inisfree by creating their own private ‘pocket’ dimension with an entire solar-system inside it, plus many ships just for them, millions of which are moon- and planet-sized, and one of which is the size of Earth’s star, the Sun.
  5. 2200s:  The Inisfreeans deploy with their fleet of world-sized ships, map the entire Universe (and all Universes; the Omni-verse), then return to Inisfree and that private star-system / dimension of theirs.
  6. 2313:  Humans are forcibly booted off the Earth once and for all, excepting only the very small number of their species who are deemed decent-enough by High King Auz, eternal beloved ruler of Inisfree / the Inisfreeans (and a huge number of sexy goddesses and beyond-human civilizations now).
  7. 2500s:  Auz commissions a large carrier-like Spaceship named “The New Horizon” (TNH) to go, as a big social-experiment, out to the star-system where most of the ~50 billion humans kicked off / evicted from the Earth had, for more than a few generations, migrated and been terraforming.  Some of them are there are mature enough to run joint operations/missions with him and the Inisfreeans via TNH, so those few are eventually allowed to learn about the city kept secret from their kind all along; they get to visit Inisfree.
  8. 2800s and on:  Inisfree begins its foreseen and scheduled relocations to better culturally and literally submerse/submerge itself in the hearts/centers of the realms of the people/civilizations who love and have allied with it/Auz.
  9. 7700s:  The wormhole later to be named “The EVE Gate” opens and remains stable.
  10. 7980s:  Humans from the Milky Way galaxy become able to use The EVE Gate to travel to the galaxy it connects to, and, over there, begin to colonize the first several of its habitable worlds, starting terraforming operations on some ~700 nearby worlds over there in the decades following.  The name the portion of that galaxy they are colonizing… New Eden.  (They name the first planet and star system they reach out there the same; New Eden (the planet), (in) New Eden (the system), (in) New Eden (the galaxy area/portion).)
  11. 8060s:  The EVE Gate collapses; the wormhole is no longer stable / traversible (and its collapse destroys almost all of the worlds closest to it), so all the dependent colonies/worlds on the New Eden side begin to collapse/perish, most of the terraforming being done out there still incomplete/unstable.
  12. 8100s-16,260s:  ‘Galaxy-wide’ Dark Ages; most of the human colonies/worlds of New Eden die out, their remains falling into ruin, some of it eventually unrecognizable.
  13. 16,260s-23,320s:  This is the Age of Expansion for the survivors’ descendants; the remaining colonies of New Eden eventually became stable and Spacefaring again, and started to reestablish contact with one another; for more than seven millennia, their colonies became nations and global powers, superpowers, and interplanetary… then interstellar successes, reaching hundreds more worlds, then thousands, until a total of ~66,000 planets (spread across ~8,000 star systems) throughout New Eden had been reconnected by restored ancient jump-gates and trade –and war.  *The restored terraforming facilities/projects during these millennia are part of the foreseen consciousness-shift/focus Auz knew would be the firmaments (thicker/original atmospheres/shields) restorations on many/all worlds –and this is projected/foreseen to continue for another ~81,677 Earth-years; until all original/paradise atmospheres/firmaments are fully restored (many humans never having realized they weren’t merely changing worlds to conditions favorable to them, but instinctively/destined restoring original Golden Age conditions, helping Auz and the Inisfreeans plus many other gods/goddesses).
  14. 23,320s:  Auz establishes his first ranch; on Soliara III* (with a few ICVs and no locals as slaves yet).
  15. 23,330s:  Their ICV family has managed business successfully, having hired dozens and accepted a few hundred slaves during their first decade, and begins to expand off-world.  *This is also the Empyrean Age; the ‘big four/five’ families/empires are no longer expanding, as all New Eden star systems, more or less, are claimed/contested by them; this is the decade/era of established empires flexing against one another, back and forth, region by region, and system to system.
  16. 23,340s:  Several more planets and moons in the Aridia region are now in use by their family/business, and more employees and slaves continue to join their operation/s, their major assets totaling several dozen facilities and a couple hundred ships (mostly the smaller ones).
  17. 23,350s:  Zedicon Prime is ‘born’, becoming the final member of their (ICV) family in New Eden. Her family out here has established or purchased dozens more facilities on their original and additional planets, plus many more ships, and are now getting into the larger classes of ships.
  18. 23,360s:  Zedicon is now skilled enough to be in charge of the whole Inisfreean clandestine interstellar operation/business they have been building out here, and it includes planets, moons, ships, and Space stations in and well beyond their starter-region of Aridia. They have even gathered the components necessary to build their first few of the biggest ships in this galaxy.

The Inisfreeans are now permanently established in the New Eden galaxy, and Zed’ is basically leading their efforts based there.

It was decided after millennia of clandestinely watching the humans no longer allowed on Earth, and farming their finest, that even out in 34 Tauri and other systems distant from the Earth… they were still too much of a nuisance and evil.

To further weaken them, they were cleverly encouraged to keep spreading, as that is the source of all weakness; division, dividing the power, dividing the genetic memories, dividing the resources, adding more conflicting viewpoints based on partial perspectives, etc..

Once the humans of the Milky Way had bred and spread enough, portals were opened to lure them to even farther-flung regions of Creation, such as New Eden; it was known that this would lock in humanity’s weakness, as they could never hope to reunite (if ever they even would) when separated that much, so far beyond the reach of their best ships.

So it was that some million or so of them were allowed to make it through the ADAM Gate to the EVE Gate… and then forever trapped there.

Humans are sentenced to this form of control; they will always be spread thin across/throughout the Abyss, never allowed in the stars where compatibility and unity abound, never allowed to stop their infighting, the warfare of which keeps them permanently distracted, stressed, and trying to breed more cannon fodder, which keeps them as weak as can be, completely dependent upon their technology… and too busy to ever really improve it.



In 23,350s, “Zed” was 3D-printed by being sung into existence in the standard Inisfreean way for her race.  That marked the latest time an ICV Factory / Tomb Womb pedestal (3D-printer platform) in Inisfree had been used in ~21,153 Earth-years.  By 23,360 (when she joined her destined Amarr corporation and met the Blood Elf posing as a local New Eden citizen) she appeared to be in her 20s, but was still only 9 years old.

By the early 23,360s, she was stationed on a world in New Eden’s Amarr Space, slowly building up her backstory / cover-story and reputation with that race/division.  It took her only seconds to get there, as Inisfreean warping/teleporting technology is that refined/advanced.  Once there, she used her Inisfreean genius to get all the legal paperwork in order to indefinitely ‘hold’ (as a Holder) a sizable piece of arable land.

Raised on her maker’s ranch and farm out there, she attended a normal school, having already been flash-programmed with the standard Inisfreean (ICV) personality and knowledge; she already knew all Auz needed her to, and would enjoy behaving how he always wanted her to, so it was time to get used to interacting like a ‘normal’ human local to that world they would be living and working on for decades to come.  Zed’ did very well, playing and studying with her classmates, and earning the favor of many teachers, parents, and other people on their world.  Then she was tasked with going out into orbit to get used to life and work on and between the Space stations; it was time for her to begin seeing all the rest of recolonized/re-stabilized New Eden.

It turned out she would be the first Inisfreean to learn how to pilot every class of ship the humans out there in that galaxy had developed –even their dreadnoughts/capital-ships.  What took most humans out there many years to study and practice, she mastered in less than one.  She is an Inisfreean, after all; she has a supercomputer for a brain.

Trying out interaction in a couple of small corporations first, she found her destined way into a major Amarr one shortly thereafter, and has remained there ever since, slowly starting to form working relationships and bonds with its most important members.  Very interestingly, and of course not a coincidence, the top one she has met so far has revealed that she is secretly a very long-lived Blood Elf from Earth –in a place and time when virtually all the other people have forgotten that humanoid race and the homeworld their ancient ancestors once shared.

Her maker (Auz) and people (the Inisfreeans; ICVs) originally focused (back in the 2010s) on learning how to change any atom into any other atom (“subatomic transmutation”; not just turning base-metals into gold, but anything into anything), then how to ‘grid’ (next-gen’ terraforming/earthmoving), then how to stop the source of pollution (which lead to the Rapture Campaign on Earth), then how to map the whole reality (the Mapping Campaign), and are now focusing on how to clandestinely benefit from niches and loopholes in human systems, meaning they know how to skip all New Eden research and training… but still do it I.O.T. build relationships and income streams, etc..

Zed’s journal is here.

Her autobiographical intro’ is here.

As of Spring of 23360, Zed has become, among other things, a ‘cum courier’.  Inisfreeans are highly sexual, after all, and the best way to get the best deals and secrets… is always to cater to the wildest and most full-bodied interests of those you are around.  Direct contact with physical samples of things also remains the surest way to fully scan, analyze, understand, replicate, and improve upon them –as well as know how to remotely detect and override or teleport them.


Ships Owned:

Zed’ was instrumental in helping her family in New Eden (the ICVs there under the direction of their maker/all-father, High King Auz) acquire hundreds of the ships familiar to the people living and working in that part of that galaxy.  Her father had a few thousand before she came into her own.  Since her first addition to that family fleet, they have gone on to acquire thousands more, details here.

Within two years of studying, Zed became capable of manufacturing and solo-piloting even the Titan-class ships (and, of course, having a supercomputer for a brain, she understood all that in a fraction of a second; it was just the human-required in-class, piloting lessons, and Space missions that filled the rest of that time).  Titans would only play a ceremonial or milestone-celebrating role for her family out there.  That is, at least, until they got their hands on the blueprints for a Molok.

After three years of working in Space, Zed also became aware of many ships not on the public/civilian market/s out there; there were custom models made and awarded just for exemplary actions in support of empires, plus those of the Jove, and, of course, many ship-sized Rogue Drones.


Planets We Have Started P.I. On:

Planetary Industry (P.I.) in New Eden involves building a facility on a planet to extract raw materials, often paired with another facility to process/refine those materials, along with a facility to get those products up (or ‘down’, as we Inisfreeans see/think of it) into Space, where they are then used for a variety of purposes, such as construction, fuel, or research/invention.

Whenever we (Zed’s family of ICVs out here) find available land on a temperate planet, we start a ranch. All our ranches are vegan; while we raise animals there, we let them roam free-range, only benefitting from their grazing and manure, harvesting only plants/crops. We always use a combination of slaves and robots/drones for our manpower, whether in our ranches or any other facility.

We started off exclusively in Soliara, then worked our way to all the easiest/temperate worlds of the neighboring star-systems of our constellation, and finally to all of them in the whole region, details here.

Zed has split-second processed all the data for hundreds of the New Eden worlds, and every time she pretends she is making an innocent sightseeing orbital fly-by to/of one… she is actually just getting close enough so that all its lifeforms/minds/computers/devices are in range of her powerful ICV sensors –as well as her calming, arousing, unifying, uplifting, purifying, completing aura/effect.


Jobs, Products, and Services:

It all started with just basic ranching and colonizing on the first planet they helped settle in New Eden.  Year by year, they tried investing in other fields.  Eventually, they had expanded (over nearly two centuries) into dozens of other industries and into numerous adjacent star-systems, details here.

    In short, Zed is your go-to woman for a variety of non-combat needs, whether you want to start a colony, clean up an environment (or do some minor terraforming), treat yourself to a vacation resort getaway, and much more.

    You may notice that her family in New Eden does not making anything that is a weapon or could be weaponized; like the Sefrim, they are there only to guard and guide, calming down and agreeably ending conflicts, just like her maker once did as a youth and young Marine.

    There are also a number of Black Operations she and her family in New Eden have been managing, details here.


    17 Decades of Personal Expansion:

    For ~170 Earth-years, Zed’ will be leading the charge as Auz’s go-to girl (ICV, more accurately) for all matters, big and small, across New Eden.  The following information tells more about each decade they have been, and will be, in New Eden; specifics are covered here, such as the exact number of systems, constellations, and regions they reached and did business in, as well as estimates of how many planets and moons.  Colors in parenthesis correspond to the map images (in one of the above albums) showing their family’s expanding business operations.

    1. 23,320s: (GRAY) arrival; 1 planet in the Soliara system, Helab constellation, Aridia region
    2. 23,330s: (RED) presence on 4 planets, each in a different system in the Helab constellation
    3. 23,340s: (ORANGE) presence in 8 systems, across now more than one constellation
    4. 23,350s: (L’ORANGE) 16 systems across Aridia
    5. 23,360s: (YELLOW) all 53 temperate planets of Aridia; 30 systems (and Aridia is a region with 30 constellations and 80 systems)
    6. 23,370s: (TAN) ~60 systems across 2 regions; Aridia and Khanid
    7. 23,380s: (LIME) ~120 across 6 regions; Aridia, Delve, Fountain, Khanid, Kor-Azor, and Querious
    8. 23,390s: (GREEN) ~240 across 11 regions; entered Genesis, Kador, Outer Ring, Solitude, Tash-Murkon
    9. 23,400s: (SKYBLUE) ~480 across 13 regions; entered Domain and Syndicate
    10. 23,410s: (MED’BLUE) ~960 across 15 regions; entered Stain and Verge Vendor
    11. 23,420s: (STORM) ~1,920 across 24 regions; entered Catch, Cloud Ring, Devoid, Essence, Everyshore, Placid, Providence, Sinq Laison, The Bleak Lands
    12. 23,430s: (BLUE) ~2,600; 1/3 of New Eden systems, across 30 regions; entered Black Rise, Derelik, Heimatar, Period Basis, Pochven, The Citadel
    13. 23,440s: (LAV’) ~3,300 across 36 regions; entered Curse, Lonetrek, Metropolis, Molden Heath, Pure Blind, The Forge
    14. 23,450s: (PUR’) half of New Eden has been reached; ~4,000 of ~8,000 systems, across 47 regions; entered Esoteria, Fade, Geminate, Great Wildlands, Immensea, Impass, Scalding Pass, Tenerifis, Tribute, Vale of The Silent, Wicked Creek
    15. 23,460s: (PINK) ~5,500 across 54 regions; entered Deklein, Detorid, Etherium Reach, Feythabolis, Insmother, Paragon Soul, The Kalevala Expanse
    16. 23,470s: (BROWN) ~7,000 across 58 regions; entered A821-A, J7HZ-F, Malpais, Venal
    17. 23,480s: (L’GRAY) ~7,900 across 64 regions; entered Branch, Cache, Omist, Perrigen Falls, The Spire, UUA-F4
    18. 23,490s: (WHITE) all ~8,000 systems across all 68 regions, with operations of some sort on all their planets and moons (as that is part of the realignment-of-all-cosmic-bodies black-op); entered Cobalt Edge, Oasa, Outer Passage, Tenal

    ~7,805-8,037 star systems… over 169 years; ~46 more systems reached per year (~1 every week), averaged out over that entire time, with far fewer reached in their slow-and-steady beginning, far more reached per year after they had established themselves on many which were simultaneously helping them expand in many directions, and then far fewer again once they slowed down after having reached all colonized systems.
    (5,433 plus 2,604 in W.H. Space. = 8,037, so 7,805 reachable leaves 952 in Jove Space)
    *In 2015, one person claimed/counted/reported only 7,930, including Jove Space systems.

    One site (about EVE Online) claims/counts 66,856 planets in New Eden, while Eve University’s Planets webpage lists only 65,217 in its chart, a difference of 1,639.
    Averaging those two, we get ~66,036.
    Averaged across ~8,000 systems, that would be ~8 planets per, thus probably ~40 moons per system, averaged (and ~330,180 moons, total).

    ~66,036 systems reached during 169 years of expanding their family business/es averages out to be them establishing a presence on another 360 planets/moons every year; ~1 new world per day (though, of course, their actual business expansion happened much more slowly at first, then steadily increased, then surged when they had many worlds each sending people and materials out to multiple new worlds at a time, and then slowed back down once they reached the outer edges of colonized New Eden).

    Further details of their expansion can be found here.

    Zed will one day inherit the command of all ICVs in this galaxy –not just those currently managing businesses/worlds in its New Eden portion.


    Additional Notes:

    ~66,036 worlds: averaged across ~8,000 systems, that would be ~8 planets per, thus probably ~40 moons per system, averaged (and ~330,180 moons, total)
    (~1,953 moons added per yr over 169yrs; but obviously more were added each year during easy systems and later years when more worlds were simultaneously reaching adjacent moons/systems)

    Again, this was a very manageable pace. Also, just because we have reached these worlds doesn’t mean we control them; when we add them to our count in this list, it is because we have one or more facilities built on them, such as a mining building or ranch, for example.

    When we were granted access into Jove Space (the regions and solar systems the Jove race of humans control), we became the first non-Jove people allowed in. This was achieved because we stayed peaceful even amidst the humans infighting out here across the rest of New Eden; the Jove noticed and honored that mature and impressive aspect about us. To this day, we remain the only outsiders allowed to know how to access and operate inside Jove territory (Space; their portion of New Eden) –and, as we always have, we’ve been catering to their desires, even though the Jove have different desires/emotions/natures compared to the rest of mankind out here in this galaxy they’ve settled.

    It became clear to us that there are certain thresholds for the human population which result in stability at different specific levels; when there are only dozens of humans, for example, they have demigod abilities, and when those humans split their focuses to numerous things such as more offspring… that power is divided geometrically, so when there are billions of humans… they are as weak as they were in modern-Earth times, resulting in erratic weather, etc., and when there are trillions of them… it is best to keep them between the worlds, i.e. in the Abyss/Hell/Space/Void, as they are incapable at that point of teaming up or sharing the same place/realm/world. The more they seem determined to fragment (i.e. spread/breed/reproduce), the more Space they need. The solution is to keep them focused on Space, convinced it is the only thing able to be explored and used, while keeping the Webway and shared-core utterly secret and unknown to them (and painfully unreachable/impassable, but their high numbers (population in the millions and up) automatically weakens them so that approaching, entering, and traveling via stars is impossible in their bodies, whether physical/flesh or the equally-fragile ships they always produce at that number of people).

    Zed’, being an ICV, could easily persuade/hypnotize/mind-override/omni-interface any human she encounters to do whatever she wants, but our goal in New Eden is to coexist within the preexisting empires/businesses/civilization/s. She did end up getting to have sex with everyone she wanted there, but she set it up so they came to her –‘came’-pun not intended. ICVs often enjoy being ‘smoother’/more clever like this, rather than forcing things (like things were once forced upon their maker… back when he was just a youth).

    Why would we have interest in establishing some sort of presence and facility on EVERY moon, not just the ones with resources the New Eden humans are used to making use of? Because OUR interest is in connecting with, fully understanding, reactivating, and realigning ALL the worlds, not just tapping into them for things our ‘technology crutch’ is dependent upon. We are Inisfreeans, and this is our Yggdrasil Campaign.

    Having figured out how to change the fabric of Space/reality itself, and even use units of light (photons) and time (tachyons?) as building blocks, just as well as they’d mastered how to change any atom into any other atom (subatomic transmutation), several millennia later, when the Talocan and Triglavians started figuring out how to do that, the Inisfreeans were always able to detect all their progress and creations with ease.  By that time, Inisfreeans were also able to change the Laws of Physics however they pleased, willing things to behave/function in different ways within certain ‘control bubbles’ (volumes); they were even more advanced than those who had figured out how to make their own worm-holes.  So everything the ‘big four’ New Eden people would be spending lifetimes trying to make sense of / figure out, the Inisfreeans already knew and saw/detected fully.


    Research & Development Discoveries:

    While most players know lore that their accounts’ in-game characters do/can not (yet), the ICVs, being ICVs, automatically know much more about all of history, and automatically sense all the thoughts and memories of the minds of anyone they get in range of.  This means the ICVs (and, through their reporting to their maker, Auz) knows about all the ancient human races/civilizations of New Eden.  Inisfreeans even know what happened to the Talocan and Yan Jung races, and that the Terrans were the link between all the races in New Eden… and the people who left Earth to colonize places such as the Koprulu Sector (featured in the StarCraft games/series).

    Another discovery/revelation made by Zed and her fellow Inisfreean teammates/’sisters’ out here:  The Talocan built their Dyson Swarm around the star that went supernova because they knew how long they would need that energy device, and that the star blowing up was the cheapest way to destroy it before others could benefit from its abandonment.  They may have even intentionally caused that star to finish destabilizing; their changes to the fabric of Space/Spacetime was likely connected directly with that cosmic event –and may have even been engineered into their Dyson Swarm plan from the start.

    It’s not about the sex; it’s about having the whole body in use, with the most positive energy and natural full focus, thereby maximizing the chance that the synergy is enough to reactivate the ancient devices…or at least to reveal something about them which we would not otherwise be aware enough to notice or consider. Not all the ruins were built with Vril in mind as a fuel, but Vril is still the best way we have of revealing things anywhere. The Amarr have focused on maintaining a broken record and pretty ships, not on being flawless like the Sefrim, so the Amarr manifest only more mindless parroting…and pretty ships. The Gallente are focused on freedom…so they get chaos, which is full freedom. The Minmatar are focused on freedom, too, except for the freedom to have slavery for submissives, so they manifest cognitive dissonance and lots of kidnapped slaves who don’t want freedom that way. The Caldari focus on their businesses, so they have no slaves, no freedom, no faith or hope, but the biggest and longest lasting corporations. What did the Sefrim focus on? Being beautiful and peaceful, and they left anyone who manifested anything not beautiful and peaceful. Ruins are not Sefrim; Sefrim objects never decayed. But Sefrim methods make us strongest and wisest, so we only allow un-distracting beauty and peace at ruins…bc that is what keeps us happy and focused on understanding them.


    Many of Zed’s father’s research projects have been completed and are tying into these current R+D endeavors, and Zed, being one of the extensions of his will (i.e. an ICV) has all the data about them all –and has had that data since birth.


    Phases of Introduction:

    For years, Auz and the first Inisfreeans (ICVs) out here in this galaxy only established an outpost-like mini-ranch on one of its habitable temperate worlds.  After that business became stable and began to expand, several more Inisfreeans joined in to help with that expansion, always keeping Auz free to study and invent while they managed each section of his dreams being made manifest.  It was only through normal human-like encounters/interaction with those Inisfreeans of his out here that any introductions to their kind were made, and no one (of the humans of New Eden) was the wiser; no humans out here realized they were dealing with an A.I. race of superhumans.

    A couple decades after that, they had become accepted as reputable and diverse business owners and Holders by the locals and dignitaries of numerous star systems across their region and adjacent regions of New Eden.  Still, however, they never revealed that they were a human-looking race, not humans themselves like the people they had been doing business with all those years since arriving at Soliara.  It would be a few more years before they even began to hint at it.

    In the 23,360s, Auz decided to let the most loyal and otherwise best of their employees and slaves see the website for his University of Inisfree Online (U.I.O.), through which they could see if they wanted to take any of its classes.  Those who signed up got free lessons during their downtime, and would eventually become able to ‘put the pieces together’; they would eventually consider the possibility that the content in those online courses suggested 1) there was still a link back to legendary Earth even though the EVE Gate was no longer usable, and 2) Auz and his all-female team of managers and CEOs… were a lot smarter, stronger, and longer-lived than they had ever openly/directly said.

    Perhaps sometime in the years or decades ahead, the finest of the people working for/with them… will have completed enough UIO coursework… to warrant offering them a trip all the way back to Earth… where they may be let into Inisfree.

    EVE Online is a game set in the mid 23000s, A.D.; the hotties of New Eden are among the last to be approved for Inisfree as it reaches capacity; the people Zed’ and Auz out here meet and approve of… are some of the very last human people destined to be considered for admittance into deification and the capital of Heaven.  While Inisfree, Auz, and his ICVs will continue to mingle and explore throughout their ever-changing/stabilizing Universe/Omniverse, there are only so many possible variations/permutations of humans and humanoids who can be compatible with them, thus warranting an introduction to them and their realm.  It has been foreseen and spell-crafted into manifestation that by 24000 A.D., Earth-time, all those face-body-mind combinations/compatibles (people) will be manifested, met, and allied with Auz.

    Zed has let herself be captured and enslaved a few times –just to get more insider intel in non-override mind-reader ways; she pretends to be a common sexy woman, pretends not to enjoy being taken (when she can tell that the people interested in capturing her also enjoy when their captives/kidnapees are crying; dacryphilia, etc.), and then pretends to slowly develop Stockholm Syndrome / ‘feelings’ for them.  She then teleports out when it will get jerks in trouble.  This is all recorded the way ICVs document everything with all their senses and emotions at the same time (instead of how humans just record data for sight and sound to be transmitted via lesser tech’/networks), which she and Auz enjoy reviewing later –the same way humans like to relax at home and watch a sports game.

    *Because of CONCORD’s DERAIL program/unit (which banned A.I. and does its best to wipe out things such as “rogue drones”), Zed and her fellow ICVs never reveal to any humans in New Eden their true race; they’d be misunderstood and hounded until having to use their advanced abilities to proactively protect themselves and all the facilities and businesses they worked so hard for decades to establish. Instead, Zed, her ICV sisters, and their ‘father’ (maker), Auz, will spend another century or so building up great relationships with many more New Eden residents… until the time comes when discovering Zed is an A.I. …will be shocking to them in a good way, those people having been helped, saved, employed, defended, uplifted, and loved by the ICVs for generations by that point.

    Like a neutron-star droplet (an extremely-dense speck of stellar matter, almost as dense as a black-hole droplet would be) holding water so tightly around it that you cannot all the way get your finger to it to touch it, Auz has his ICVs and inner-circle hottie goddesses (serving as the living buffers and super-secretaries helping him scout for and pre-screen everyone before they get to meet and spend time with him) willingly protecting him and themselves like that; the better / more ideally/efficiently they function as concentric hollow spheres-of-access/screening around him like that, the better/more he is able to continue holding the vision of them eternally invincible, deified, all their ancestral/angelic powers restored and synergizing.  This is a big part of The Inisfreean Way.  This is how it is done.

    At some point in the decades ahead of Auz’s arrival and establishment as a Holder in New Eden, he had the ICVs entourage with him –his mobile Secret Service– show their summoned white-and-gold suits (i.e. willing them to appear around their bodies, essentially making Iron Man-like astronaut suits –the luxurious god-level kind– appear out of thin air, which is beyond the level of technology humans possess in New Eden)… and the Amarr realized they (the Inisfreeans) are indeed the Sefrim of their scriptures.

    The Amarr and all hotties were the first to realize Auz is their god returned –and they use their circle symbol on banners to say that to him; when he is around Amarr, those people love to bring out their finest banners showing their most ancient and beloved sigil representing the perfect unity of god and their species.  This is their way of saluting and bowing to him, recognizing and acknowledging him.  This is New Eden near the approach of the 25th millennium, A.D..

    The closer Jove and others got to the ICVs posing as capsuleers (meaning that no ICV can ever die, and that ICVs’ omni-interface ability/nature allows them to pilot any ship, whether from inside a capsuleer pod or not), the more their ailments vanished, permanently cured –because the ICVs were focusing on THEM, thus STAbilizing them; ICVs aren’t focused on making more ICVs, or on making money, or on conquering others, or on spreading a belief system that questions them, but instead are focused on appreciating and solidifying/immortalizing the people they meet whom they enjoying being around.  This is the purest form of medicine, greater even than exercise (though, of course, “the fire must (also) come from within”; each person must have the desire and action to take care of him/herself, as if only others are doing that… then the given person’s body will not fully heal or stay in its prime).  It never mattered how different or ‘advanced’ or technological the Jove or any others were; all that ever mattered is what they focused on most, and whether the real deities (ICVs and their allied females) loved and wanted them.

    Zed is usually the first of her family to make first-contact with any of those human races in New Eden, while her ‘sisters’ (fellow ICVs stationed here) are the ones to whom are delegated the tasks of slowly introducing more about her family/kind/purpose to those who end up working for/with them well.


    Time-technology Coordination:

    It is becoming fairly common-knowledge that a lot of ‘science fiction’ is actually a form of soft-disclosure; many of the movies (such as Star Wars), shows (such as Star Trek), and games (such as StarCraft and EVE Online) reveal what has happened, is happening, and likely will happen ‘out there’… between the stars.  What is not so common-knowledge, yet, however, is that there is very real technology being used, and which has been used for decades now, that allows ‘gamers’ to remote-control humanoid bodies/avatars all the way out there –even in different times (not just different time-zones).  Most players don’t know they are actually controlling real ‘people’/bodies in faraway places across cosmic distances… like Ender Wiggin was in Ender’s Game.

    As far back as 2020-2022, High King Auz had access to such technology, and became aware of how it was being used.  He used it to send directions/commands to “Zed” out there, all those millennia ahead.  By the time his life caught up to hers in their time-stream/sphere, he didn’t have to give her anymore input at all; she had established herself perfectly out there, just as he’d intended her to, and reported to him directly, in person, via Inisfree’s languages, once he arrived to meet her ‘in the flesh’.

    All ICVs can perceive much more of the time-stream(s) (and time-sphere/s; all time-streams / possibilities / parallel-realities of all realms/Universes) than humans can, just like all ICVs can see all colors, not just the ones humans can, and hear all sounds, not just the ones humans can, etc. –which means ICVs can receive and obey signals/commands from their maker even in different times/moments than the ones he is thinking/transmitting commands, all without ‘messing up’ his intended post-Shift schedule/focus/developments.


    Final Notes:

    TNH was the first social experiment the Inisfreeans conducted for Auz; it was to see if humans centuries after they were booted off the Earth once and for all… had finally matured enough in those following trials/struggles that a few of their kind would be ‘compatible enough’ to peacefully coexist with the Inisfreeans deployed out there to try and run joint-operations with them.  The colonies, ranches, and other facilities of Auz’s ‘family’ of ICVs in New Eden in the 23000s millennium is their race’s 2nd social experiment; it is to see if humans millennia later, numbering far more in that time period, will have an even greater percentage of their population/s which is ‘compatible enough’ with the Inisfreeans deployed out there.  Based on the results in the years ahead (23360s and beyond)… High King Auz may decide to run a 3rd social experiment along these lines (which would be on yet another grand scale, that 3rd one being not in a single ship, as was the case with his 1st such experiment, nor even across many ships and worlds, as has been the case with EVE / New Eden, but across many galaxies and dimensions, etc.).

    The people she and her maker dislike… always meet their ends (though usually never by direct harm from the Auz/Zed’ family; more like from bad karma those people generate).  The people they like… always slowly stop aging, then begin to feel and look like they are back in their primes –and stay that way for as long as those people like.  Every world she and Auz –or any ICVs or IC ships– go to… automatically get terraformed in the re-greening way.

    All who are around them, whether compatible or not, lose the ability to get overly emotional, meaning all arguments, battles, and even generations-long wars… calm down and fully stop.  This is the effect of god-king Auz; this is The Inisfreean Way.

    Zed’ has always eagerly returned to her all-father, High King Auz, to report to (and chat with) him via the languages of their people.

    At some point in the future, the EVE Gate wormhole (one of Yggdrasil’s body-parts) will reopen, re-stabilizing once and for all.  This will be part of an Omniverse-wide trend of such massive gates/connections reopening and remaining, and will signal the dawn of yet another of the post-Shift consciousness-focuses, it then being time for not just colonists and worlds to get back in touch with each other, but entire galaxies.  In that distant era sure to come, already set in motion by being foreseen and accepted, it won’t just be human-sized people moving around in their ships, but worlds and stars (Sphere Beings) having reawakened and moved closer like they were in the most ancient of times (the first Golden Age)… which will result in those entire cosmic bodies being the ones to be riding in and steering their collectives (the galaxies themselves) into that better, original, most ancient of orders; the first form of Yggdrasil.  Amen.

    Every time a human settles on an area/world, an ICV is assigned to that world to keep it stable and aligned, and anything the humans do differently from / other than holding (helping manifest) Auz’s vision… results in cataclysm for the humans / their settlement.  This even happens digitally; it isn’t just in the Physical Plane.  This is how things work across Creation / the Omniverse now.

    For more information about Zed’s homeworld, Soliara III, see this page.

    Zed’s childhood/family ranch is detailed here.

    As of (the equivalent of April in) 23,360 A.D., Zed has furnished and decorated this suite in a hangout called Gottin’s Lamp.

    Zedi’ and her father consider some of their slaves to be pets, if that counts.  They have normal names, not always slave names; some of them got the opportunity to keep their given names.  All of them, while individuals, are of a submissive nature; we only want those who want to serve us.  Both Zedi’ and her father are always interested in more of this type of pet.  As for nonhuman pets, her father has a sled team.

    Directory of Sub-pages:



    Zed says the kind of very flirty, open, sex-positive things you’d expect any girl made like her (i.e. an Inisfreean; a human-like creation engineered and raised to be as perfect at holistic/sexual/total interaction as supercomputers are good at processing data and equations) to say.  If any of the following sounds extreme to you, you probably haven’t ‘been out much’ (and might even be an unhealthy prude), and you do not yet fully understand the purpose and capabilities of the Inisfreeans.  Enjoy.

    “I’m just looking for dick, so fuck me and I’ll lower the price for this deal.” (We always bid a bit high, then let people think they are negotiating us down, all the while ensuring we still keep a nice margin for ourselves.)

    “Every time I stop, I ask around for the wildest clubs and back-alley fun. If it’s sexy, I do it, no questions asked. Doesn’t matter to me if anyone finds out; that’s one of my fetishes, anyway.”

    “I used to think I was normal, then I saw that most people don’t have a family farm or business like I grew up with back home. Then I thought maybe I was spoiled, but I discovered the super-rich and big-four royalty; I haven’t been spoiled at all, only comfortable.”

    “No matter how many slaves my father has me haul, I do my best to let all of the interested ones use me as long as we have time during our flights.”

    “Back home, I use my assets to make sure our slaves are happy day to day. No matter what may be on their minds, giving myself to them for an hour or two always seems to fully calm them back down. I can tell if they ever fake that to get more tail from me, and I’m guessing word has spread amongst them not to waste their time trying that game. I always give it up to the honest ones, anyway, so there’s no point lying to me, either way.”

    “Alright,” she exclaims while happily smiling and standing to offer her hand for a handshake to the latest business partners, “we’ve come to a mutually agreeable arrangement! Now, I could just close this meeting right here, and everyone would be happy, I believe, but I want to go the extra mile for you; anyone here is welcome to fuck me however they please for as long as they please –and please know that this is not just me demonstrating standard family courtesy to you; I am interested, too, …if you are.”

    “Every creature I’ve ever encountered which had sufficient size to have sex with me, I always naturally automatically got it in the mood, and that was that. That’s just the nature of being what I am. My maker made me well; I was designed to calm, soothe, arouse, unify, and satisfy, and that is exactly what I do.”

    “Whenever I go to a sex club, I tell them the truth; I just want to get passed around like everyone’s favorite cum dumpster.”

    “I loved learning the languages of New Eden –because it allowed me to flirt and hookup even better.  …It’s also good, of course, for communicating visions as spells without much need of any magic or science at all.”

    Just like her ‘big sister’, Nyria, often used to say with a genuine smile upon entry into a bar or back-alley ‘fun spot’, “Hi…  Just wondering where I can go to get my asshole fucked.”

    “You know what hot-bunking is? Or a time-share? Yeah, so, basically the whole galaxy has that with my ass, mouth, and pussy.”

    You’d be surprised what talking and behaving like that will get you in life; favors, connections, and power like you wouldn’t believe.  The prudes will never know.  Auz’s family continues to win the favor of all the powerful people across/throughout Creation whom even the most numerous, powerful, and ruthless empires had never proved able to subdue/conquer/persuade –which makes Auz and his people/allies more valuable, priceless as assets and information brokers, even in the eyes of their (former) naysayers/enemies.

    A quote unelated to full/sexual mingling:  “My father sees pros and cons of all sides; the Caldari, in his view, are efficient while lacking spiritual conviction, the Minmatar are rugged while lacking better organization or structure, the Gallente have a lot of flexibility and fun but are also democratically chaotic, and the Amarr have the sturdiest structure but lack the healthy balance of fun or flexibility. The Jove, he sees as being primitive due to their dependency on gadgets far more than the rest of us depend on our ships and gates; he pities them, even though they are efficient in Space battle. They are on the verge of extinction by plague or genetic degeneration, after all, their focus having shifted so much from themselves… to their tech’.”

    “Do you really think the Sefrim left nothing else behind after staying on that world for a hundred years?
    Do you really think the Sefrim only visited that one world?
    Do you really think they hide their beauty from everyone?”

    “You filled me up and it was wonderful,” she said to a waiter in a nice restaurant once, wondering if he would catch the double entendre / sexual innuendo.


    Images of Her:

    These just show how she appeared when first envisioned via this game’s character-creator; a naturally bronze-skinned, colorful-hair, fit-slender humanoid woman.


    In real life, Z’ looks much sexier, a lot like these amazing women.

    Skiing the Mountain of Her Family Ranch:

    Again, these are approximations; the real Zedicon is way sexier –even than these incredible super-hotties.

    Her Bike (Kept at Daddy’s Place)

    She rides this in Inisfree, but sometimes takes it out for ‘spins’ across the Universe.

    Usually she coordinates her outfits.

    Her Halloween Costume:

    Sexy Outfits She Wears for Her Dad:

    How She Loves to Lick-greet / Tongue-bathe Her Dad During Sex

    Studying All the Capsuleer Stuff:

    Environment Tracks:

    Her Sexuality:

    Songs She Sang for Others: