One of Inisfree’s unchanging policies is that no one bring any pets to Inisfree.  There are no pets in Inisfree, at least as Outlanders think of pets; no birds, cats, dogs, fish, etc..  If it isn’t a human or humanoid who is sexually compatible with the King of Inisfree, it isn’t coming in –pun not intended.  In SexCraft, this rule is bent just a little bit.



Minions, familiars, and commanded teams:

  1. while playing as a kajira, you can eventually level up enough to lead 2 or 3 other kajirae of lower levels (NPCs) (and this is good because it makes it a lot easier for you to seduce, please, and level-up from characters such as the NPC ICV club hostesses, managers, and especially the King; he won’t tolerate anything less than a perfect threesome as basic and default interaction)
  2. while playing as a normal guest/resident of Inisfree, you can eventually level up enough to lead ~10 NPCs of that same type, such as your entourage of personal assistants if you become a volunteer Congresswoman (or, in the case of MALE players, if you become a Congressman or 2nd Secret Army black-ops Outlands unit commander, etc.)
  3. while playing as an ICV, you can eventually level up enough to lead small packs of lesser ICVs (NPC ICVs); ~20 (***and this is GOOD because it makes it easier for you to do things like teleporting big groups of people/things when you form ‘arms-weave’ huddle-like circles of your fellow ICVs)

* But, again, there are NO pets allowed in the city, so you won’t see dogs, sabre-tooths, horses (outside of training at the Equestrian Escape by the beach), or other mounts/helpers.

Kajirae are kept as ‘pets’, as are girls captured and not yet trained as kajirae.



The pets you can use inside Inisfree depend upon your level bracket;

  1. 0; on your way to Inisfree for the first time, you can’t bring existing pets; you are transported (either in an MPHA to a WS if you were captured/kidnapped to be a kajira candidate –or if you volunteered, OR: in a commercial jet or repulsine/saucer to the Welcoming Square (since the CIV Aero is used only for reTURNING guests/residents)
  2. 1-9: none yet; your focus is on the basics of movement, interaction, orientation, professions, etc.
  3. 10s: tiny; a small quiet owl (like the letter carriers in Harry Potter) as a companion (bats for Drow or Vampires, garden snakes for Naga, etc.)
  4. 20s: small; a lapdog-like pet as a companion (normal-sized snakes, such as a Cobra, for Naga, or a falcon for a human, Nether Ray (floating stingray) or baby-Phoenix for Elementals, etc.)
  5. 30s: medium; a hunting-dog-like pet (used as a scout/sniffer/helper), or a motorcycle (or you can select a kajira at the Auction House(s) and have HER follow you around, heeling you like a well-trained dog would, carrying things for you like clothes from the Mall, flowers you pick up for Herbalism profession work, reusable cloth bags for food from the Grocery Store for your Cooking profession practice at home in your kitchen or at events at the Restaurants, etc., and kajirae will automatically pull out chairs for you, tuck you into bed, hold open doors for you and other girls you are with, such as taking fuck-buddies home from the nightclubs, etc., and kajirae will walk into the shower to tongue bathe you, then pat you dry with towels, etc. –*AND kajirae will start sexily dancing if you just stand still for a while and don’t issue them any movement commands, but they usually remain in the sitting knees-apart basic slave-girl position if they aren’t heeling you)
  6. 40s: large; horses, bears, rhinos, etc. (mountable large spiders for Drow, moose for Elves, tigers for Aspara, gargoyles or golems for Elementals, Velociraptor for Dinoids/Reptoids, etc.)
    –personal automobiles; cars, trucks, etc.
    including, once you unlock quests from The Governor’s Mansion:  K.I.T.T. (the car from Knight Rider), and Viper (the Dodge from that TV show by the same name), and even the Irradiati)
    –reference:  Knight Rider mod v6.4 for GTA 5 – full mod presentation
    –reference:  GTA 5 Viper mod v1.0
  7. 50s: very large; elephants, mammoths, etc. (Ankylosaurus (club-tail) or Triceratops or even a Brontosaurus for Dinoids/Reptoids)
    mobile houses
  8. 60s: basic flying; hover-boards or flying carpets, etc. (characters who have wings or levitation can still use these flying mounts if they feel like it)
  9. 70s: average flying; Tarns, kite/hang-glider, etc. (Wyvern (two-legged small dragon; like a Pterodactyl, for Dinoids/Reptoids)
  10. 80s: rich flying; personal helicopters
  11. 90s: epic flying; (once thought to be mythological) Pegasus, hippogryphs (two feet have hooves), gryphon, giant bat, Manticore (winged lion with scorpion tail, but NOT a human head in this game)
    “flying saucers” (personal/compact)
  12. 100-110: rarest & biggest flying; dragons –which you can keep in the zoo paddocks or on a perch at your residence (such as on the rooftop of a castle or palace, or in the garden of a Ceiling Mansion, etc.)
    vimanas (flying house/palace)


* Pets aren’t allowed in Inisfree for any reason, no exceptions, in the BOOKS/REAL-LIFE, but they are a fun feature in the game which don’t cause noise issues, biting issues, shedding issues, air quality issues, allergy issues, increased food & water needs issues, urine/fecal matter issues, etc., so it is okay in a computer-game setting/environment.

Pets can’t get hurt, so they don’t bark at each other or fight each other, but they WILL sometimes horseplay with other character’s pets if you command them to or let them (sitting around for a while without moving can trigger this out of the game’s boredom-logic).

You don’t need a pet or mount for anything; there is always a way around having to fly up to aerial areas, but sometimes they are cute, fun, and/or convenient, and mounts can help get you through places more quickly than running can (so you don’t get as much fatigue or have to eat/sleep as much to recharge to full capacity), and pets with certain senses can help you spot things you are looking for, such as by superhuman smell, etc.

Due to how many skin/fur/paint-job options there are, and how many breeds of horses and other animals you can choose from, there are hundreds of pets/mounts you can pick from in this game, just like there are hundreds in WoW.

If you are NOT a Mermaid, and do NOT have a yacht, the best way to go the fastest on and in (under) the water (such as in lakes, big ponds, rivers (like the one in the canyon/s), canals, etc., especially if you are trying to swim upstream (against the current), the BEST way to do that is to acquire and then summon a dolphin as a mount.  (or, of course, to use an ST suit, as it moves RAPIDLY in ALL environments, taking up the LEAST space of ANY summoned item, and is FAR more maneuverable than even the Owl vehicles; the hover-saddles) *BUT:  dolphins can only be summoned when you are in water that is more than waist deep; it has to be deep enough that it is up to your neck or higher.

* If you ARE a Mermaid, only THAT race can summon dolphins AND giant squid (that is a Mermaid-only very-large pet/mount-class creature, BUT a giant-squid can ONLY be summoned in Inisfree’s main lake at its deepest sections, such as over or down in the Abyss shaft, or outside the Neptune Temple).


Where do all the pets/mounts come from?

  1. All pets/mounts are cloned in the zoo’s animals cloning facility, then you go to the zoo to pick them up there; they are not delivered, and you can ONLY transport them on FOOT or in your POVs; NO mass-transit.
  2. All vehicle-mounts are flash-printed in Inisfree’s civilian-vehicles auto(mated)-factory, and can either be picked up there OR auto-driven along the GAH to your residence’s driveway.
  3. Dragon-mounts are the exception; they CAN get cloned, but can ALSO be the CHILDREN and/or FRIENDS of the dragons of Daenerys, which means they, too, come from the zoo, but are not to be confused with the NPC dragons there which leveling-up toward end-game ALSO eventually allows you to ride.