Though this game is NOT based on fighting, and though killing in this game is almost unheard of, there ARE still weapons available to some players; certain classes/lifepaths/races of characters:

  1. ICVs are living weapons, trained in ALL martial arts since birth, but they do NOT shoot bullets or lasers out of their body-parts, and do NOT generate lightning bolts or what-have-you; ICVs have powerful-enough vocal chords, however, that they can use their singing to move and shape objects, crack glass, deafen people with ringing or sonic blasts like the ones from sonic-cannons, etc. (and these weapons; the ICVs themselves, are made in the Cloning Wombs beneath the central mountain)
  2. ICVs can summon their ST suits which DO have weapons built into them, such as lasers and bullets, etc., and can generate bright flashes of light in all directions, etc. (and their ST suits are made in the auto-forges of/for the NWO MIL TRNG Area)
  3. MALES can amass vast varieties of weapons, often taking them off hostiles and ‘bosses’ in the Outlands raid areas/maps, but can also 3D-print favorites from modern and other times, making them right at home if they aren’t bringing them in from the Outlands during black-ops RTBs (none of their weapons are as powerful as those built into the ST suits or IC ships)
  4. FREE-women can amass a variety of weapons, too, but have less use for them due to Inisfreean culture/law, and less time to make OR use them; they do TONS of work -eventually- as Congresswomen, etc. (and since no female is allowed to try to dominate any male here or on Inisfree’s black-ops, no weapons kept/owned by any free-women are ever as powerful as the weapons kept by the MEN here –though they are, of course, sometimes/often more powerful than the weapons of the males of the Outlands)

* Kajirae, of course, are not permitted to have, touch, store, summon, or use weapons


Different classes/races of characters keep their weapons in different places:

  1. ICVs keep their ST suits on peg-stands in special meditation rooms in their private homes across Inisfree
  2. ICVs keep their ship-sized weapons in underground giant silo-like hangars, such as the Main Womb and the Uber Hangars, as well as in Inner Space of their hidden/private solar system (in a man-made pocket-dimension) –not to mention the Inisfreean BattleMechs stored inside the IC DSs (and the non-radial extra-hangars of the CPs and WSs, etc.)
  3. MALE characters keep their weapons in the silo beneath their residence in Inisfree reserved for storage of their personal effects, and must physically go there to draw/return their weapons
  4. FREE-women characters also use the storage silo beneath their residence in Inisfree, and must physically go there to draw/return their weapons
  5. the King of Inisfree also has Mandaloridays in special large-silos in several locations spread out widely across the Inisfreean surface property, and rainbow-turrets built into Inisfree’s towering Perimeter Wall


Different classes/races use their weapons at different times, for different things, and in different maps of this MMORPG;

  1. MALES use their weapons on raids whenever Outlanders get danger-close, trying to interfere with the acquisition of kajirae candidates out there; MALES use violence and weapons first, not having to explain themselves (2nd Secret Army (black-ops) ROEs are different than the ROEs taught to Outlanders)
  2. FREE-women use their weapons on raids whenever their seduction/distraction/persuasion attempts on interfering Outlanders have failed; free-women are deployed like recon ahead of the main raid element/s, so the raid is still proactively working against potential interferers, but is always able to resort to overwhelming violence if all else fails
  3. ICVs use their weapons to preserve the perfect state of Inisfree; though it is impregnable, and invincible just like all of THEM, it is still their job to use these tools to keep invaders faraway, thus protecting not only the structure of Inisfree, but also its ambiance and serenity; peace and quiet, etc. *ICVs also use their weapons as tools to shape worlds, redirect supernovae, helio-form, protect their Star Fleet, intimidate Outlanders into NOT fighting/warring, etc.
  4. the King of Inisfree has his superpowers and Mandaloridays (and the blood-red class of ICVs) because there was once a time when Inisfree’s system/nature was not yet perfected, and it was thought that having such a force made sense (since that time has passed, his will alone, and the Grid Mind programming, and the essence-engineering of the ICVs and structures of their realm, have all been more than enough to facilitate that proper control) *IC-APs have the highest surgical and stealth powers of all IC constructs, SSBSs have the highest sustained-energies/presence powers of all IC constructs, the blood-colored IC-STs can withstand anything from all other IC constructs (including the IC-APs), and the King of Inisfree is invulnerable in all ways to them all.


Weapon classes/tiers, in order of power ascending:

  1. unarmed/fists
  2. defensive/reactive armor (wearable shields; smart-armor)
  3. training/non-lethal (includes some thrown/disposable)
  4. one-handed/basic (includes some thrown/disposable/explosive, such as grenades)
  5. two-handed/intermediate (includes Claymore mines, etc.)
  6. ranged/advanced (bows, rifles (incl. sniper rifles, laser rifles, rail-guns), etc.)
  7. dual-wielding/expert (includes combos, such as shield and short-sword/mace/spear)
  8. rare (powerful, but not necessarily more-so than explosives or high-powered rifles; acid guns, EM nail grenades, orgasmo-rays, etc.)
  9. epic (very powerful weapons, but not powerful enough to be those of super-villains/heroes/demigods; nuclear ones, etc.)
  10. legendary/heroic (the weapons of specific mortal heroes and demigods, but ones which are not yet classified as artifacts, because they are still in use by living people –NPC-ed in this MMORPG)
  11. mythic/artifact (weapons that are so legendary AND rare that most people assume they are entirely make-believe; Mjolnir is an example, but only the King of Inisfree has this –now that Thor has passed on)



  1. basic/poor armor (for level 10s): _requires repairs after (nearly) every fight/damage (ICV skin & vehicles perform self-healing (*which accelerates as they first witness and then master this process), free-persons take their stuff in for adjustments at the autos-fac’s, and kajirae hand their stuff over to ICVs and/or free-persons to have it repaired FOR them), deals ~10k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 100k damage pts. before showing wear&tear (which means that someone with a ranged weapon can shoot your armor twice before damaging/cracking it, thus twice before reducing the pts. of your Health Bar at all, while someone with mythic weapons can hit you ONCE and destroy your armor in that single hit, thus FULLY exposing that part of your body the armor once covered)
  2. training weapons & decent/fair armor (for level 20s): _requires frequent repairs, deals ~20k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 200k damage pts. before showing wear&tear
  3. single-handed weapons &intermediate armor (30s): _requires routine repairs, deals ~30k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 300k damage pts. before showing wear&tear
  4. two-handed weapons & good armor (40s): _requires semi-regular repairs, deals ~40k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 400k damage pts. before showing wear&tear
  5. ranged weapons & great armor (50s): _requires few/infrequent repairs, deals ~50k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 500k damage pts. before showing wear&tear
  6. dual-wield weapons & outstanding armor (60s): _only requires one or two repairs, deals ~60k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 600k damage pts. before showing wear&tear
  7. rare & exceptional armor (70s): _rarely requires repairs, deals ~70k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 700k damage pts. before showing wear&tear
  8. epic (80s): _only requires repairs from catastrophic damage in level-boss fights, deals ~80k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 800k damage pts. before showing wear&tear
  9. legendary (90s): _almost never requires repairs even from catastrophic damage, but perhaps re-calibration, deals ~90k pts. of damage per successful strike, armor deflects/converts up to 900k damage pts. before showing wear&tear (which then means growing weak-points, need for more repairs, increasing probability of breaking/failure/exposure, etc.)
  10. mythic (100-110): _best; unbreakable, sometimes not even lose-able (bound/bonded to you, easily/automatically tracked, homing-in back to you, etc., often meaning you can only take damage when super-precise and/or lucky shots MISS the armor and hit YOU at exposed spots, or when/if you are gassed/poisoned/mind-controlled, etc.), deals ~100k pts. of damage per successful strike

