This is where billions of humans migrated to from the Milky Way millennia in the future.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Location, Dimensions, & Layout
  3. Regions; Solar-system Clusters
  4. Wormhole Space
  5. Directory of Worlds
  6. Timeline of Human Activity in This Galaxy
  7. Population Over Time and Space
  8. Human Races in New Eden
  9. Languages
  10. Ships and Other Technology
  11. System Security and Security Statuses
  12. How it Relates to Inisfree
  13. 2021 Update:  New Revelations (parent category for many of the following sections)
  14. Possible Main Link to the People of The Milky Way
  15. Timeline Notes
  16. Timeline Summary
  17. Contact with the Inisfreeans Thousands of Years Later
  18. Conflicts and Ruins with/of A.I.
  19. The CONCORD War
  20. Abductions for Another Slave-trade
  21. The Standing Order:  Back-travel Ban
  22. Inisfreean Networking
  23. Still-isolated Pocket-systems
  24. Dr. Auz Solves Again
  25. Self-perpetuating
  26. The Opposite of ‘Grid-ing’
  27. Cloning the Sexy Royals
  28. Ealur Treaty
  29. Common Origin of Men and Celestial Spheres?
  30. The Name Muse:  A New Missile and Grenade
  31. The Perfect Seat
  32. The Background
  33. EVE Online Gameplay Triggered Another Ancient Vision / Realization
  34. 2022 Update:  Auz and the Inisfreeans are Established (parent category for six sections)
  35. Overall Presence
  36. Top Local ICV
  37. The Coming Capitals
  38. Support Operations
  39. Leisure
  40. When Inisfree Arrives
  41. 2023 Update:  Spacing Revelation
  42. Their Galaxy (Images Begin)
  43. Orbital Views & World Maps
  44. Stations & Starships
  45. Comparisons
  46. Main Characters
  47. Statues & Memorials
  48. Colonists of Choice
  49. Wars
  50. Anomalies
  51. The In-game H.U.D.
  52. 2023 Update:  Amarr-like Art



EVE Online is a computer game based on interacting with players around the world as they all explore and learn how to work with the various resources of a galaxy whose many human colonies are in the distant aftermath of the catastrophic collapse of the worm-hole their ancestors used to reach that galaxy.  In EVE Online, there are tens of thousands of worlds in thousands of solar-systems in that galaxy (letting players interact in all of the places in that galaxy humanity reached in this storyline, though the vast majority of the galaxy was not reached, thus is not playable in EVE Online), all of which players can travel to via the starships they build.  The galaxy in EVE Online looks like what is shown in the albums below.

2023 September note/add:  Even though these worlds were reached millennia after the time of 34 Tauri (i.e. after terraforming tech’ had become excellent), most did not have time to be terraformed before the intergalactic gate catastrophically collapsed, irradiating and starving many, thus most worlds had to be adjusted to as they were found, terraformed millennia after being reached, and after individual colonies’ descendants generations later re-devleoped terraforming technologies.


Location, Dimensions, & Layout:

Galaxies, on average, are ~1,000,000 light-years (LY) apart.  The galaxy in EVE Online is not stated to be a neighboring galaxy to The Milky Way, thus it is likely many millions, if not billions, of LY away from ours.  It is a spiral galaxy, and the small portion of it that humans reached (in the plot of EVE Online) is roughly spherical, though that is represented in a compressed disc-like form in the EVE Online in-game map.

  • coordinates in the Universe are TBA
  • comparable to the Milky Way‘s “shape” (form); multiple spiral-arms, and a much greater diameter than depth/height (making it a disc-like spiral-galaxy)
  • actual visual appearance TBA (only starship routes and dots representing solar-systems are shown in the game)
  • could be much smaller (less dense) than the Milky Way (due to only having several thousand solar-systems listed/mentioned/used) or could be a similar size to the Milky Way (if the in-game solar-systems are only the few, out of this galaxy’s total, which are so-far reached/used/contested by the humans there)
  • solar-systems are comparable to those found by the Kepler Tally in/throughout the Milky Way; they usually have one or two stars, several worlds in orbit, and their larger planets having more moons orbiting them
  • a variety of star types, planet types, and asteroid-belts are common
  • in-game, distances between the solar-systems are greatly reduced (to help with gameplay “physics”/computations, resulting in a diameter of ~105 LY), but in-reality those distances are of the same range that we find across all of Space; stars naturally take up the same types of orbits and distances throughout every known galaxy
  • mostly Space between stars, planets, moons, and other cosmic bodies (just like everywhere else in Creation –at least at this point in time/evolution; there were previous Ages where cosmic bodies were much closer, even to the point that Space was a warm and watery ocean, not the void and Abyss it has become today)
  • some areas accessible only via “random” worm-holes (“events”), and/or by special devices/”drops” (though Inisfreean Spacecraft can travel to any of them in any direction and at any time)

It is not stated in EVE Online whether the area humans settled in this galaxy is near the middle or one of the edges / spiral-arm ends.


Regions; Solar-system Clusters:

All of these are then divided into constellations, then solar-systems, etc..  In them are some ~7,800 reachable/playable solar system, together including nearly ~70,000 planets (not including moons, planetoids, large asteroids, etc.).

  1. A821-A
  2. Aridia
  3. Black Rise
  4. Branch
  5. Cache
  6. Catch
  7. Cloud Ring
  8. Cobalt Edge
  9. Curse
  10. Deklein
  11. Delve
  12. Derelik
  13. Detorid
  14. Devoid
  15. Domain
  16. Esoteria
  17. Essence
  18. Ethereum Reach
  19. Everyshore
  20. Fade
  21. Feythabolis
  22. Fountain
  23. Geminate
  24. Genesis
  25. Great Wildlands
  26. Heimatar
  27. Immensea
  28. Impass
  29. Insmother
  30. J7HZ-F
  31. Kador
  32. Khanid
  33. Kor-Azor
  34. Lonetrek
  35. Malpais
  36. Metropolis
  37. Molden Heath
  38. Oasa
  39. Omist
  40. Outer Passage
  41. Outer Ring
  42. Paragon Soul
  43. Period Basis
  44. Perrigen Falls
  45. Placid
  46. Pochven
  47. Providence
  48. Pure Blind
  49. Querious
  50. Scalding Pass
  51. Sinq Laison
  52. Solitude
  53. Stain
  54. Syndicate
  55. Tash-Murkon
  56. Tenal
  57. Tenerifis
  58. The Citadel
  59. The Forge
  60. The Kalevala Expanse
  61. The Spire
  62. Tribute
  63. UUA-F4
  64. Vale of the Silent
  65. Venal
  66. Verge Vendor
  67. Wicked Creek

You can find all of their constellations listed here.


Wormhole Space:

Additionally, there are regions/volumes of the New Eden part of the galaxy which are accessible only via wormholes.  They are:

  1. Wormhole A009
  2. Wormhole A239
  3. Wormhole A641
  4. Wormhole A982
  5. Wormhole B041
  6. Wormhole B274
  7. Wormhole B449
  8. Wormhole B520
  9. Wormhole B735
  10. Wormhole C008
  11. Wormhole C125
  12. Wormhole C140
  13. Wormhole C247
  14. Wormhole C248
  15. Wormhole C391
  16. Wormhole C414
  17. Wormhole C729
  18. Wormhole D364
  19. Wormhole D382
  20. Wormhole D792
  21. Wormhole D845
  22. Wormhole E004
  23. Wormhole E175
  24. Wormhole E545
  25. Wormhole E587
  26. Wormhole F135
  27. Wormhole F216
  28. Wormhole F355
  29. Wormhole G008
  30. Wormhole G024
  31. Wormhole H121
  32. Wormhole H296
  33. Wormhole H900
  34. Wormhole I182
  35. Wormhole J244
  36. Wormhole K162
  37. Wormhole K329
  38. Wormhole K346
  39. Wormhole L005
  40. Wormhole L031
  41. Wormhole L477
  42. Wormhole L614
  43. Wormhole M001
  44. Wormhole M164
  45. Wormhole M267
  46. Wormhole M555
  47. Wormhole M609
  48. Wormhole N062
  49. Wormhole N110
  50. Wormhole N290
  51. Wormhole N432
  52. Wormhole N766
  53. Wormhole N770
  54. Wormhole N944
  55. Wormhole N968
  56. Wormhole O128
  57. Wormhole O477
  58. Wormhole O883
  59. Wormhole P060
  60. Wormhole Q003
  61. Wormhole Q063
  62. Wormhole Q317
  63. Wormhole R051
  64. Wormhole R081
  65. Wormhole R259
  66. Wormhole R474
  67. Wormhole R943
  68. Wormhole S047
  69. Wormhole S199
  70. Wormhole S804
  71. Wormhole S877
  72. Wormhole T405
  73. Wormhole T458
  74. Wormhole U210
  75. Wormhole U319
  76. Wormhole U372
  77. Wormhole U574
  78. Wormhole V283
  79. Wormhole V301
  80. Wormhole V753
  81. Wormhole V898
  82. Wormhole V911
  83. Wormhole V928
  84. Wormhole W237
  85. Wormhole X450
  86. Wormhole X702
  87. Wormhole X877
  88. Wormhole Y683
  89. Wormhole Y790
  90. Wormhole Z006
  91. Wormhole Z060
  92. Wormhole Z142
  93. Wormhole Z457
  94. Wormhole Z647
  95. Wormhole Z971

You can find the list of all wormhole systems here.



Here are the sub-webpages of this galaxy-describing webpage:

  • EVE Online worlds:  planets colonized or at least mined by humanity
  • New Eden’s Webway:  the sub-Space routes expediting travel; worm-hole connections
  • Uncharted worlds:  spotted but untouched planets and moons
  • Worlds still forming:  (these are expected to be) ready (stable; ready for terraforming/colonization) in generations or eons
  • The Rest of This Galaxy:  99% remaining to be reached, let alone colonized and contested

The remaining (unlinked) bullet-notes of this directory will have details added to them as our story here develops.


Timeline of Human Activity in This Galaxy:

What is known about this galaxy largely comes from those reporting on its colonization surges and struggles.  For a little over 16,000 Earth-years (since the use of the EVE Gate), humans have been doing their best to make it their new home.  You can guess how that titanic effort is going.

  • 7987 A.D.:  The wormhole leading to the realm of EVE-Online (New Eden) is discovered.  (To be more accurate, it began in 7703, and was first studied shortly thereafter, but they did not realize it connected to the New Eden galaxy for a number of years later; it was only understood to be a wormhole, not just an anomaly, years before it was used for scouting and colonization –at least, that is what the declassified information about it reports.)  It is called/named “The EVE Gate“.
  • 7989-8052:  5 worlds are colonized.
  • 8061:  The EVE Gate mysteriously collapses.  (Inisfreeans have speculated this could be due to the nature/thoughts of the mind passing through it; untold millions of chaos/change/death/war-minded humans moved through that passageway, undoubtedly affecting its structural integrity with their auras / energy-fields/emissions alone, not to mention the radiation/pollution of their ships.)
  • 8100:  Many of the New Eden star-systems on the other side of the EVE Gate perish.  (They are no longer supplied/sustained by the colony-worlds and Space-based resources/facilities back in the Milky Way galaxy, and their terraforming is still in progress; many colonists have no way to keep powering/supplying their terraforming devices/stations, so eventually they cannot breathe, let alone grow crops and eat.)
  • 8100-16,262:  The galaxy-level Dark Ages (only in the EVE-Online realm of the Cosmos) include millennia of near-collapse, if not total collapse, of many of the colonized worlds in the EVE Online (a.k.a. “New Eden”) galaxy, followed by millennia of learning how to regroup and rebuild while isolated on those worlds, all resources/devices repurposed for emergency survival, no longer communication with ships in orbit… or the other colonies / colony-worlds.  There are a few exceptions to this, though; some worlds were already habitable, temperate, and even comfortable without much/any terraforming, and the people who colonized/settled there enjoyed that at first, though it would later mean their successive generations were relatively weak compared to those which developed on the harsher worlds.
  • 16,262-23,326:  Age of Expansion; the descendants of the humans who managed to keep their colonies/worlds alive… spend these millennia getting back up into Space, and to and from the nearby worlds, traveling and trading farther and farther, rediscovering their long-lost neighbor-colonies/systems.  Some discovered still-active ancient jump-gates, while others made their own, as well as making what they call “acceleration gates”.  One of the groups/races of colonists branched off technologically and geographically, becoming “The Jove”.  Another branched off technologically and geographically, becoming “The Triglavians”.
  • 23236:  establishment of CONCORD (the interstellar police fleets that protect innocent starship traffic through the jump-gates which connect the colonized/restored solar-systems) –*This year corresponds to YC0.  (EVE Online was launched/released in 2003, which is said, for players of the game, to correspond to YC105; players entered the EVE Online ‘universe’/plot 105 Earth-years after 23236, putting their first in-game activity during 23,341 A.D..  In real-life 2021 A.D., it was in-game YC123; 123 years after the formation/deployment of CONCORD, which is in-game 23,359 A.D..  The conversion information is here.)
  • 23,331-23,339:  Empyrean Age begins; the successful/thriving colonies/systems across New Eden have become interplanetary and interstellar empires.  They are known by their ancestral/tribal names; Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, and Minmatar.  Like always, many humans of those empires continue to wage war on the individual (internal), social (marital and community), corporate (national and global), and cross-system (galaxy-wide) levels, ensuring they stay anchored there and indefinitely distracted/limited by those things (that nature/addiction/focus of theirs).
  • Further lore/details can be found here.

In the millennia ahead, it is possible humanity will again be brought to its knees out there –all by their own doing; how they interact with each other, with the worlds they reach and entrench themselves upon, and with their distant-relatives, such as the Jovians and other humanoids out there.


Population Over Time and Space:

Over some 15 millennia, the human population in this little portion of this galaxy increased from zero to 144 trillion.

  1. 7703:  The EVE Gate opened; human population in New Eden is zero.
  2. 7987:  colonization began; EVE Gate understood to be a wormhole, and the safe way to travel through it was confirmed.  Why the 285-year delay?  Figuring out what it was came first (and took ~20 years), then came sending more and more probes through (for another ~20 years), then daring pilots went on expeditions (a few SSP “20-and-backs”, for example), then legal experts were sent to officiate the decisions for first territories (taking another ~25 years), and finally terraformers went (for ~200 years), with colonists only at the tail-end of all that; colonists go when things are stable enough for colonies, not just terraforming devices, to exist/remain.  Population:  thousands.
  3. 8052:  (65 years after 7987, the year colonists were first sent) first 5 colonies established, then several hundred more rapidly started (and those ~700 colonies… were likely on the 700 most-habitable worlds… which were likely in 700 different star systems… which were likely in the regions closest to the EVE Gate).  Population:  millions.
  4. 8061:  The EVE Gate collapses, destroying many ships and even colonies/ecosystems in the supernova-like blast.  Population:  back down to thousands.
  5. 8100:  many colonies perished by now; 4 decades without supplies and helpers still being sent…meant terraforming facilities/fleets that eventually broke down, not having set up enough local mining and other industries…bc they were still terraforming.
  6. 8100-16,262:  8 millennia of the surviving colonies having no Space capabilities/funds; evolving to the worlds they are stuck on. Terraforming efforts stopped, worlds reverting back to previous states, etc..  Population:  lingering/fluctuating in the thousands-bracket, with only the most-habitable/successful worlds getting back into the millions.
  7. 16,262-23,326:  7 millennia of becoming global powers and getting back into Space, colonizing neighboring moons and worlds, finding and reactivating ancient jump-gates, etc., stripping entire worlds of their valuable resources to make fleets and re-terraform better candidates.  Population goes to billions and eventually even hundreds of trillions… as those surviving ~70 colonies/worlds spread out to the thousands of other temperate ones plus many more.


~80,000,000,000,000 estimated (by the game makers in ~2010; the lore population of all the non-capsuleers in this galaxy), followed by ~144,000,000,000,000 in the 23000s (during the early 2020s)…

maybe 700 colonies x 10,000ppl in the 8000s…
so ~7,000,000 migrated there in the first decades,
then maybe 90% perished; down by ~6,300,000; down to ~700,000 spread out unevenly for the surviving colonies… which maybe numbered only 70?
so ~10,000ppl in each of 70 colonies/systems…

700k to 144t over 23000-8100 = 15k yrs to increase to a pop. 143,999,999,300,000 greater; ~9.6B more (9,599,999,993) per year on avg., not yet adjusted for normal exponential increase to be realistic

5,433 systems w/ working jump-gates over 7k yrs of expansion = ~1 more system reconnected each of those years

66,869 planets reached/known over 7k yrs = 10 more spotted/reached per year (i.e. ~1 system/year)

144t evenly spread to 66,869 would be 2,153,464,236 per,
but some 3t are in Space vessels, many worlds are barren or lava or gas, and obv habitable and esp capital/home worlds will have billions more ppl than struggling, newer, and smaller worlds.
So let’s say 141t are on planets and moons,
7,000 planets are temperate,
the majority of the 141t are there,
so maybe 80%? That’s ~16,114,285,714 ppl per temperate planet.
16b over 15k yrs from colonization to current… is ~1,066,666.666 more ppl present per year, again not yet adjusted for the standard exponential increase.

144t at 8b earth pop is 18000 earths…and eve has some 70k worlds plus stations

Crew-size Estimates/Ranges per Ship-class:

  • Shuttle:  1; just the pilot/capsuleer
  • Frigate:  1-3; capsuleer plus zero or up to two other people
  • Industrial ship:  90
  • Cruiser:  650
  • Battlecruiser:  3k?
  • Battleship:  6,500-7,400
  • Carrier:  10k?
  • Dreadnought:  15,000
  • Titan:  100,000-1,000,000
  • Space Station/s:  (can range from hundreds to millions)
  • “Keepstar” giant Space station:  137,000,000


Let’s assume there are:

  • 100 keepstars at 137M ppl (13,700,000,000)
  • 10,000 titans at 100K ppl (1,000,000,000)
  • 100,000 dreads at 15K (1,500,000,000)
  • 1,000,000 carriers at 10K (10,000,000,000)
  • 10M battleships at 7K (70,000,000,000)
  • 100M battlecr at 3k (300,000,000,000)
  • 1B cruisers at 650 (650,000,000,000)
  • 10B industrial ships at 90 (900,000,000,000)
  • 100B frigates at 2 (200,000,000,000)
  • and 1T shuttles at 1 (1,000,000,000,000)

thus each smaller class of ship numbers to a degree of magnitude more than its successive larger class, plus there are other stations and universities.

We get a rough estimate of all New Eden Space personnel at:  3,146,200,000,000 people.

That is 2.184861111% of 144T, which is the historic standard of 1-3% of any population; 1-3% serve in the military.


Conclusion:  w/ some 16 billion people per temperate world, and tech’ based on farming, Space travel, and augmentation, and roughly the same number of millennia since their primitive era that IRL Earth people have had to become Space-faring, the worlds and cities (including culture and demographics/vocations) of New Eden are a lot like modern IRL Earth, just with bigger skyscrapers, more starports, and perhaps shorter people after millennia of adjusting to challenging worlds which were only partially terraformed.

A post about this information can be found here.

Population Progress Calculations – Update:

For simplicity’s sake, we will estimate that the population double every so often. Below, we have listed those figures, working back from the population estimate of 144 trillion people in New Eden in the 23360s, A.D..

  1. 7,987: 1 – Who was the legendary first person to dare through the ADAM Gate and make it out the EVE side?
  2. 7,987: 2 – Who was the first to decide to join that first person… once he/she was able to return, or at least report, it worked?
  3. 7,988: 4 – perhaps the first crew/surveyors to go through in a small research vessel
  4. 7,988: 8
  5. 7,988,: 16
  6. 7,988,: 32
  7. 7,988,: 65
  8. 7,988,: 130 – perhaps the first big/significant terraforming team/ship
  9. 7,988: 261
  10. 7,992: 523
  11. 7,997: 1,047 – perhaps the first big/significant carrier/colonization ship
  12. 8,002: 2,095
  13. 8,007: 4,190
  14. 8,012: 8,381
  15. 8,017: 16,763
  16. 8,022: 33,527
  17. 8,026: 67,055
  18. 8,031: 134,110
  19. 8,036: 268,220
  20. 8,041: 536,441
  21. 8,046: 1,072,883
  22. 8,051,: 2,145,767
  23. 8,056: 4,291,534
  24. 8,061: 8,583,068 – Spread out across ~700 star systems right before the EVE Gate collapsed, this puts those colonies at ~10,000 settlers each.
  25. 8,698: 17,166,137 – The surviving hundred or so colonies/worlds/systems still overall saw a population increase; while some worlds lost some or all of their popoulations, others obviously continued expanding/establishing. ~8,583,069 people added over this first interval of ~334 years means ~25,697 more were born/cloned each year during that time; ~70 per year; perhaps 1 per colony/town per year.
  26. 9,335: 34,332,275
  27. 9,973: 68,664,550
  28. 10,610: 137,329,101
  29. 11,248: 274,658,203
  30. 11,885: 549,316,406
  31. 12,523: 1,098,632,812
  32. 13,160: 2,197,265,625
  33. 13,798: 4,394,531,250
  34. 14,435: 8,789,062,500
  35. 15,073: 17,578,125,000
  36. 15,710: 35,156,250,000
  37. 16,347: 70,312,500,000
  38. 16,985: 140,625,000,000
  39. 17,622: 281,250,000,000
  40. 18,260: 562,500,000,000
  41. 18,897: 1,125,000,000,000
  42. 19,535: 2,250,000,000,000
  43. 20,172: 4,500,000,000,000
  44. 20,810: 9,000,000,000,000
  45. 21,447: 18,000,000,000,000
  46. 22,085: 36,000,000,000,000
  47. 22,722: 72,000,000,000,000
  48. 23360: 144,000,000,000,000 – Spread out across 8,000 star systems now, this averages to 18 billion people per. 72 billion new people born/cloned during this latest period of ~334 years = ~215,568,862/year; ~590,599/day (which would be, averaged out, ~73 per star system per day; ~1-2 per colony/station/world (including planets and moons). Obviously, however, with all the fighting/killing going on, more than 1-2 people are born per colony/station per day across New Eden, as the population is still increasing –while millions or even billions are dying in the conflicts.

Now if we divide 15,371 years (23,360 minus the year the first world in New Eden had a settlement put on it; 7,989 A.D.) by 47 of those 48 numbered lines above, we could estimate that the population in New Eden doubled every ~334 years. *HOWEVER, the first couple dozen doubles of the above list would have happened before the EVE Gate collapse, so we have dated number 24 above at 8,061 A.D., and calculated a regular interval for the population of New Eden doubling from that number on down. (23360-8061, then divided by 24 = 15,299/24 = ~637 years)
For the years during the EVE Gate’s operation/use (8061-7988 = 73), we are spreading that out evenly across SOME of the previous numbers of the above list (because several doubles would have happened during the first year or two when it was determined that people could survive going through); 15. (73 years divided by 15 lines = ~4-5 years; the population doubled much more rapidly back then, as there was much more of an effort to keep increasing it)
Yes, historically on Earth the population did not double at regular intervals; allegedly evidence suggests that it took a very long time to increase in the beginning, and only recently (in the last few centuries) began to exponentially increase. We are not on Earth, though, and are starting off with a massive colonization effort, followed by the loss of thousands to millions of people, followed by dozens to hundreds of worlds simultaneously seeing population fluctuations to varrying degrees for varrying reasons. Because we do not have any of that information presented to us in the lore CCP has so far decided to draft/reveal, we are oversimplifying it here just to give you something to think about and start with, which of course will be refined later.
During the millennia leading up to some humans going through the ADAM Gate to the EVE Gate, Inisfree relocated six times; first to Aman, then R’lyeh, then to the Cloudmassland, then to New Canada, then to the Shadowmassland, and then to the Underdark. While the EVE Gate was collapsing, Inisfree was on Earth in one of its biggest caves; it was still in the Underdark. In ~9933 A.D., Inisfree relocated to New/Restored Atlantis; it was now back on the surface of the Earth (at least partially; some of it was anchored under the local sea-level) while New Eden was ~1,833 years into its ‘cluster’-wide (galaxy portion) Dark Ages.
The consciousness-focus during this post-Shift era (spanning the ~2280s into the ~7290s) was on reunions and synergy/alliances with the compatible/worthy humanoid races (such as the races of the Elves), with the next era’s consciousness focus (spanning the ~7300s into the ~9920s) being about restoring the pre-modern atmospheres/shields known as The Firmaments (one Firmament having originally been the protective ‘sky blanket’ willed into place over each inhabited/sapient world long ago). Thus the efforts of the settlers of New Eden to band together to survive on their mid-terraforming colony-worlds, and of the Sefrim to encourage peace on at least one of those worlds (Athra, which became Amarr Prime), and of the ‘big four/five/six/seven’ (depending on if you include the Jove, Talocan, Triglavians, and Yan Jung with the Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, and Minmatar) to unify the races/civilizations of multiple worlds and then multiple systems; on an increasing scale… everyone was, just as High King Auz foresaw back in the early 2020s, of the same overall consciousness-focus, that being to unify compatible races. How curious how this, like all things, keeps working out in his favor, proving him / his vision/s right.


Human Races in New Eden:

Humanity is in several distinct races/civilizations spread out across regions of this part of the galaxy they were able to hold onto (keep colonized).  Five of those races are by far the most dominant (far-spread and powerful) ones.

  1. Amarr:  The Amarr Empire are the most powerful and widespread group of humans in New Eden, and they go around conquering as many of the other people/systems/worlds as they can, enslaving others (including entire races and worlds), as the Amarr religiously believe they are meant to rule New Eden and spread their dominance to the rest of the entire galaxy.  Details about them are here and here.
  2. Caldari:  The Caldari State is a group of interstellar mega-corporations with no true government like humans on Earth would expect/recognize.  Details about them are here and here.
  3. Gallente:  The Gallente Federation is a chaotic, eclectic, democracy-based alliance of many solar-systems with the most diversity in this game/region.  Details about them are here and here.  *Their ancestors migrated to New Eden from Tau Ceti, not Earth.
  4. Jove:  The Jove Directorate is the civilization of human colonists which developed themselves to an extreme genetic level, and which are the smallest of the major five races/groups in New Eden, though by far the most sophisticated/powerful.  Details about them are here, here, and here.
  5. Minmatar:  The Minmatar Republic are the unified self-liberated former-slaves of the Amarr (though hundreds of millions, if not billions, of their fellows/relatives are still enslaved by the Amarr, hundreds of millions of them recaptured in a single day/ship from one of their reconquered planets).  Details about them are here and here.

There are other powerful races and empires in New Eden, but the rest of them tend to battle amongst each other out in the fringe-systems beyond CONCORD policing/protection, thereby repeatedly rendering themselves and their neighbors far weaker and less stable than “the big five”.

Also, it can be said that the five major/dominant races in New Eden each relate to one of the basic elements taught in acupuncture.

  1. Amarr could be represented by fire, as they relate most closely with Elementals, such as the Angels (Inisfreeans, etc.) and Arch Angels (Sun/stars).
  2. Caldari could be represented by air, as they are the cool, gray, corporate elites/executives that are not quite ablaze/angelic, but are still well-above the earth/surfaces and ever-changing/fluid others.
  3. Gallente could be represented by water, as they are arguably the most eclectic and balanced blend of every race/culture in the whole galaxy (New Eden portion, that is).
  4. Jove could be represented by metal, as they used technology, often metals-based, to make the most advanced ships and change themselves to the greatest degree, relative the others, making themselves the most emotionless and most difficult to move/undo.
  5. Minmatar could be represented by earth, as they, being slaves (freed or not), have always been closest to the earth of every world they are on.



Most of the stars (solar-system names) in any empire (region of this game’s map) give the general feel of which way the empires went in terms of language development.  For example, a brief sample selected from the star map shows the following:


  1. Olin
  2. Van
  3. Imya
  4. Mod

(The Amarr speak a descendant of Latin –with hints of Persian– changed much from its parent language during the ~15 millennia colonists have been in their solar systems of New Eden.)


  1. Aldagolf
  2. Oraekja
  3. Erstur
  4. Fildar

(The Minmatar speak a descendant of Scandinavian languages changed much from their parent languages during the ~15 millennia colonists have been in their solar systems of New Eden.)


  1. Lidoken
  2. Erenta
  3. Hasama
  4. Aurohunen
  5. Otsasai

(The Caldari speak a descendant of Chinese and other southeast Asian languages –though Caldari were originally Finnish, merging with Japanese– changed much from their parent language during the ~15 millennia colonists have been in their solar systems of New Eden.)


  1. Mattere
  2. Fricoure
  3. Dodixie
  4. Doussivitte

(The Gallente speak a descendant of French –with Greek– changed much from its parent language during the ~15 millennia colonists have been in their solar systems of New Eden.)

If you use phonetics to break the words into syllables you can see that they are different groupings of syllable.

The people not of the “big five” families/empires descend from people who had been living on colonized worlds of the Milky Way galaxy which were speaking everything from Pacific Islander languages to Faroese and even Xalx of Mongolia; there are many other languages and perhaps millions of dialects in New Eden because of this (and you should consider that even on Earth alone in the modern era, there were more than 7,000 documented languages, not to mention dialects).

Also, the Matari speak a descendant language of a mix of Icelandic and Old Norse, and the Jove speak entirely with vowels.

Some of the languages named specifically are Amarrad (Amarr’s clerical dialect), Amarish (Amarr’s modern/common dialect), Intaki, and Napanii.

Further discussion and details can be found here, here, and here.


Ships and Other Technology:

Humans in New Eden have a variety of starship classes and all the technology you might expect for an intergalactic colonization campaign spanning millennia.  In order from smallest to largest ship-classes, they are:

  1. Capsule
  2. Shuttle
  3. Frigate
  4. Destroyer
  5. Cruiser
  6. Battlecruiser
  7. Battleship
  8. Capital Ship (including carriers, with Titans being the largest and deadliest of this class, called Super Capitals)

The complete ships list is here.

To fly those ships, players (in-game called “Capsuleers”) must train/learn the related skills.  Those skills are in categories, which are:

  • Armor:  skills to improve your ship’s armor
  • Corporation Management:  skills to create and manage player-run corporations
  • Drones:  skills to use and improve any drones that you use
  • Electronic Systems:  skills relating to electronic warfare
  • Engineering:  skills to improve your ship’s CPU, power-grid, capacitor, and to perform capacitor warfare
  • Fleet Support:  skills to form fleets with other players, and to make Command Bursts more powerful
  • Gunnery:  skills to use and improve turret-based weapons
  • Missiles:  skills to use and improve missile-based weapons
  • Navigation:  skills to make your ship faster and more agile, and to use propulsion modules
  • Neural Enhancement:  skills related to using implants, jump clones and boosters
  • Planet Management:  skills related to Planetary Industry; how to put resource-harvesting facilities on useful worlds
  • Production:  skills needed to manufacture modules, ships, and more
  • Resource Processing:  skills needed to mine raw materials, refine them, and salvage components from destroyed ships
  • Rigging:  skills needed to fit rigs to your ship, and to make them more effective
  • Scanning:  skills needed to find objects in space using scan probes, and to hack into secure containers in exploration sites
  • Science:  skills related to research and invention
  • Shields:  skills to improve your ship’s shields
  • Social:  skills to improve your standings with NPCs and to improve the rewards from running missions
  • Spaceship Command:  skills required to fly certain all classes of ship
  • Structure Management:  skills required to anchor and control various deployable structures, such as POS-es and Citadels
  • Subsystems:  skills required to use and improve the subsystems on Strategic Cruisers
  • Targeting:  skills to lock more targets, faster, and at longer ranges
  • Trade:  skills to improve trading on the EVE market

Their list of technology/skills is here and here.


System Security and Security Statuses:

Each star system in New Eden has a number assigned to it based on how much security the CONCORD (Space police, essentially) force/s / fleet/s provide there.  These numbers also indicate which classes of ships can be built and flown/operated there.  Further details about this numbering system are here.

System Security Levels:

  1. 1.0:  This is the highest possible rating, so CONCORD (Space police) presences are significant; CONCORD has an entire advanced/huge fleet parked at every jump-gate, and can easily overpower/kill any player/ship within mere seconds –even the largest ones.  Major-faction/family/alliance home-worlds are in these star systems, and trillions of people (NPCs) live and work here.  The major factions keep their biggest Spaceships here, such as their Titan-class ones; these are ships more than a dozen kilometers long, and able to destroy other capital-ships in a single main-weapon firing.
  2. 0.9:  CONCORD has a large fleet at every jump-gate, and can still respond in seconds.  Hundreds of billions of people live and work here.  Battleships are the class that typically dominate/protect here.
  3. 0.8:  CONCORD has a medium-sized fleet at every jump-gate, and can still respond in seconds.  Tens of billions of people live and work here.  Battlecruisers are the class that typically dominate/protect here.
  4. 0.7:  CONCORD has a small fleet at every jump-gate, and can still respond in seconds.  Billions of people live and work here.  Cruisers are the class that typically dominate/protect here.
  5. 0.6:  CONCORD has a tiny fleet at every jump-gate, and can still respond in seconds.  Hundreds of millions of people live and work here.  Destroyers are the class that typically dominate/protect here.
  6. 0.5:  Player (non-NPC/lore) capital-class Spaceships are not allowed in star systems at this level or higher; only NPC/lore ‘capitals’ are allowed to fly/operate in here, what is called high-security / high-sec’ Space.  While players/pilots/ships may be able to hurry past the CONCORD sentry-guns of lower-security star systems, they will find it challenging to sneak into or out from star systems with this rating/level and higher –at least until they improve/raise their security status / ‘reputation’ with the locals (major family/faction/alliance) of the systems they want to enter.  Frigates are the class that typically dominate/protect here.
  7. 0.4:  This rating and down to 0.1 on this scale are called low-security / low-sec’ Space; CONCORD presence is limited to A.I. sentry guns, not fleets/ships/pilots, but actions here will still raise or lower one’s security status in all other systems, as they are monitored/recorded/factored.
  8. 0.3:  CONCORD has a very small presence here, typically limited to sentry-guns at jump-gates, though also sometimes at some of the bigger Space stations and industrial/inhabited allied worlds.
  9. 0.2:  CONCORD has almost no presence by this point, typically only a few sentry-guns and listening-devices/stations/beacons scattered about.
  10. 0.1:  This is the lowest system security level in which pilot/player actions are noted and factored in to their security status/es, and CONCORD presence is at an absolute minimum, barely even above negligible at all.
  11. 0.0:  This is the beginning of what is called null-security / null-sec’ Space; CONCORD does not have a presence out here, and the lower the number from this point on the scale, the more “anything goes” is the norm.  Player/pilot actions in null-sec do not affect their security status/es, so if you want to try and get away with absolutely anything, fly/operate out here.
  12. -0.1:  Unmonitored ganking starts here; players/pilots ‘camp’ at the jump-gates (entrances/exits of/connecting star systems), waiting to kill anyone who comes through unprepared.
  13. -0.2:  Unmonitored ganking is common by this level.
  14. -0.3:  Unmonitored skirmishes are sometimes here.
  15. -0.4:  Unmonitored skirmishes are common, and you’ll start to see more Space pirates.
  16. -0.5:  Unmonitored battles are sometimes here.
  17. -0.6:  Unmonitored battles are common, and you’ll see Space pirates fairly often.
  18. -0.7:  Unmonitored wars are sometimes here.
  19. -0.8:  Unmonitored wars are common, and you’ll see Space pirates regularly.
  20. -0.9:  Unmonitored conflicts and scams of all types are this far out, and Space pirates are the norm, almost constant everywhere you go –so you’d better be able to evade, overcome, or befriend them.
  21. -1.0:  This is the lowest possible rating on the New Eden security-status scale, and means that these systems have no law/protection at all; anything goes out here, and typically all systems on the very outskirts of colonized Space in this galaxy have this rating.  No matter what happens here, CONCORD will never be involved; you can scam and kill anyone and as many as you want/need, as often as you like, with zero repercussions –other than, perhaps, their friends/allies coming to pay you back, if they can.

Security Status for Individuals:

  1. 10.0:  the theoretical maximum standing/rating/level on this scale
  2. 1.0 up to 5.0:  typical range of status/es for most players/pilots; good standing
  3. 0.0 down to -2.0:  low-security status; you’re automatically flagged in most systems with a blinking yellow-orange skull-and-crossbones indicator/icon.
  4. Security status of -2.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in 1.0 systems.  This is when players/pilots start to have to navigate longer jump-routes around some of the highest-security star-systems.
  5. Security status of -2.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in 0.9 and 1.0 systems.
  6. Security status of -3.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in 0.8 up to 1.0 systems.
  7. Security status of -3.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in 0.7 up to 1.0 systems.
  8. Security status of -4.0 or below means you’ll be attacked in 0.6 up to 1.0 systems.
  9. Security status of -4.5 or below means you’ll be attacked in 0.5 up to 1.0 systems.  Safe navigation at this point becomes limited to skirting the borders of the Space territories of the major families/factions/alliances.
  10. -5.0:  Pilots with this rating are classified as outlaws and automatically flagged with a blinking red skull-and-crossbones indicator/icon.
  11. -10.0:  the theoretical minimum standing/rating/level on this scale; people with this rating are basically the deadliest and most disreputable/immoral pirates and terrorists –even to/against other pirates and terrorists.

Further details about individual security-statuses are here.


How it Relates to Inisfree:

Inisfree relocated (to new special spots on Earth) six times before the EVE Gate was discovered.  During the 74 Earth-years when the EVE Gate was open and in-use by humans, Inisfree was anchored in a massive, miles-tall cavern of a caves-riddled layer of the Earth called “The Underdark”.  During New Eden’s galaxy-wide Dark Age/s, Inisfree spent most of that time (9933-17,856) in New Atlantis; Atlantis restored; the un-submerged ocean-spanning realm/territory of the Atlanteans.

While Inisfree was out there in the middle of the Atlantic, watching as its returning/resurfacing landmasses spread out, stabilizing their coastlines (its presence there helping; by being the exponential and perpetual extension of its Maker’s will and calming/stabilizing/reunifying presence), the Milky Way was perhaps being stabilized by the same, evident in how so many humans were now even farther-migrated/isolated than when they’d (in 2313) been kicked off the Earth for good, doomed/damned to 34 Tauri (and a spattering of foothold colony-worlds in between / along the way).  In other worlds, as Inisfree continued restoring and better-stabilizing places farther and farther from its starting point, humanity kept metastasizing and collapsing itself in more and more-distant regions of The Abyss known as Space.

High King Auz will make a number of trips out to “New Eden” during its occupation by humanity, seeing how it has changed since his Star Fleet charted it back in the 2200s, all those millennia ago.  During its Dark Ages, he’ll take mostly kajirae-candidates from the worlds with colonies barely holding on.  During its Expansion Age and later Empyrean Age, he’ll invite its most-compatible humans to Inisfree to join the Universal Congress as representatives of their successful New Eden empires (and many of those representatives will double as New Eden’s equivalent of Registered Companions, making them the perfect representatives, at least in the “eyes” and law of the Inisfreeans).

High King Auz will only travel to New Eden worlds when escorted by one of those Registered Companion equivalents, and only reside in temporary lodging on those worlds when his lodging is staffed by such women.


2021 Update:  New Revelations

Possible Main Link to the People of The Milky Way:

The term “Terran” is mentioned in this game.  “Terran” is a StarCraft / Koprulu Sector reference; humans from that part of the Milky Way, during the 2400s and 2500s A.D., referred to themselves not as humans, but Terrans.  They may have been among the majority of Milky Way humans to build/use the EVE Gate in the centuries ahead.  …Perhaps they were fleeing the Xel’Naga’s new hybrid species; the Protoss-Zerg fusion they started letting loose.  (Since the Xel’Naga and their new hybrid-species cannot detect/sense/overpower the Inisfreeans, the Inisfreeans largely ignore both, letting them plague the demons called humans banished out there to those parts of The Abyss.)


Timeline Notes:

(Auz and his pantheon/family/alliance) Having foreseen the horrible wars millennia ahead, it was thought that further breeding and dividing the humans would at least keep them mortal enough to routinely decimate back in check, and hopefully also lessen, if not prevent, some of those upcoming wars.  If millions had not been tricked through the Adam Gate (the Milky Way side of the wormhole) to its EVE counterpart in the other galaxy (New Eden), the humans may have had the numbers to ruin far more innocent and habitable -if not already inhabited- worlds throughout the Milky Way.

Revisiting the timeline summary from above, we note that:

  • 2730 A.D.:  The Sun solar system is fully colonized, but not just by humans, and not just humans from Earth. No longer welcome on Earth, they do their best to make many other worlds in Sol and the Milky Way their new homes. For millennia, they cling to life, and manage to keep spreading, in that region of what the Inisfreeans see as The Abyss.
  • 7703 A.D.:  The wormhole leading to New Eden opens.
  • 7987 A.D.:  EVE Gate opens; humans, always focused on exploring and spreading, devise and build a wormhole-stabilizing mega-structure strong enough to ensure safe travel through this wormhole connecting the Milky Way to one of the other galaxies.
  • 8061 A.D.:  The EVE Gate “closes” because the wormhole collapses. Only those on its Milky Way side know if that side’s structure survived intact.

Timeline Summary:  Humans arrived in the New Eden galaxy via the EVE Gate, and colonized as many worlds as they could over the span of their first 100 Earth-years there.  That intergalactic gate collapsed, though, destroying many of those colonies/worlds, and plunging almost all of the surviving colonists/systems into millennia of ‘dark ages’.  15,000 years went by, the first 8-10 thousand of them… unrecorded/unknown to the current inhabitants/descendants in New Eden.

High King Auz with his Inisfreeans will determine/spellcraft what happened during those many interesting and mysterious years.


Contact with the Inisfreeans Thousands of Years Later:

It sounds like the Amarr noticed either Angels or a group of Inisfreeans (ICVs in ST suits, to be precise), mentioned here.  Since the Amarr’s legend / holy-book / scripture recounts those beings as being tall, relative the Amarr ancestors who encountered them, and since Inisfreeans are all shorter than High King Auz (they being ~5’2-5’5″), that would make those Amarr ancestors somewhere in the range of 4’9″-5’0″, if not even shorter in stature (which High King Auz loves and senses is right/ideal).  Perhaps that is humanity’s natural per-person size/height…

The Prime Directive of Inisfree’s Star Fleet, after all, is to make mutually-agreeable contact with all in Creation who are compatible with them.


Conflicts and Ruins with/of A.I.:

The Amarr once tried to enslave the Jove, and were defeated in a single-battle war.

A.I. are now their own species in New Eden; they are the Space drones.  One of their feats was converting a captured “Abaddon” Space-battleship, turning it into a giant mining vessel which brought a rare and dangerous asteroid ore/element to them in bulk.  Information about its original form can be found here.

There are, in fact, many cloaked wrecks/derelicts around the EVE Gate.  They are not advanced, though; they are just full of evidence that humans really did come from the other galaxy… and once, even longer ago, from Earth.  Nothing is allowed to help humanity find its way back there, though, even if just a primitive scrap.



CONCORD did, as feared, eventually become autonomous. On that day, it switched from protecting peaceful traffic through all the jump-gates it patrolled… to preventing anyone from using them without taxation and signed contracts of allegiance to CONCORD.  Obviously, this provoked an all-out and galaxy-wide war.

  1. The proud and unimpressed Amarr Empire was first to strike out against the occupation of so many of their jump-gates, and was able to push CONCORD back away from most of them, though CONCORD immediately requested the best of its forces as backup to those re-contested locations, resulting in a war with them that lasted the whole year.  Amarr’s superior numbers and comparable technology gave the Amarr the upper hand, which the Amarr maintained with great determination.
  2. This weakened the rest of CONCORD’s hold on many of the other jump-gates it once patrolled, and that is when the other four major races across New Eden rushed in to purge CONCORD, thereby re-securing their own jump-gates.
  3. CONCORD, facing all five of those galaxy-spanning Space-empires at once, eventually had to retreat, shrinking back to just two regions of the galaxy, which it declared sovereignty over, keeping all their worlds and resources for itself.
  • It is unclear how many thousands of ships, millions of sailors, and billions of planet-side citizens were lost during this year of changes across almost the entire New Eden galaxy.  Their bodies and wrecks have become a salvager’s and scavenger’s wet-dream, though, as they liter thousands of New Eden’s solar-systems, some already in decaying orbits, starting to crash down onto the surfaces of both barren and populated worlds.  The people of New Eden may never get to them all.
  • Without CONCORD keeping the peace throughout the entire middle of New Eden anymore, the five major races/empires have resumed their ancient quarrels and skirmishes, and as soon as they rebuild in the wake of facing off with CONCORD that whole year, they will surely wage open war with one another, decimating as many worlds as the EVE Gate collapse once did.
  • Many jump-gate routes once perfectly safe… have since become regularly-trafficked by pirates and worse, some so badly that their jump-gates were shut down or even destroyed.
  • There is also a rumor that multiple races/empires rigged all the jump-gates they now/still control… to self-destruct if any hostile ships come through, preventing further Space battles and system losses.


Abductions for Another Slave-trade:

The Inisfreeans continue to make undetected trips out to every New Eden world, moon, and Space station that has attractive people in them, copying their physique dimensions in an instant, to be flash-cloned in batches back in the Inisfree-like cities in their private and hidden solar-system.  Often, they also abduct and sexually experiment on the originals, with millions of the trillions of people in New Eden now reported missing without any explanation or trace.  Since the people of New Eden have never heard of the Inisfreeans, they continue to blame their neighbors –both in other systems, and on their own worlds.


The Standing Order:  Back-travel Ban

If ever the New Eden humans manage to reactivate the EVE Gate, the Inisfreeans will return in force to shut it right back down –this time without a trace; no ruins, no way to rebuild it, nothing.


Inisfreean Networking:

High King Auz, God of all Creation now, meets annually with the sexiest females of all the richest and royal New Eden families for both one-on-one sex and orgies. They always have their sexiest female relatives and dancers there to further please him. All of them are eager volunteers for these meetings, too, as his effect on them is profound. (These affairs are also a well-kept secret on their side, none of their families OR security details ever noticing, the Inisfreean technology, scheduling, and mind-overrides / diversions that effective.)


Still-isolated Pocket-systems:

There are still systems in the New Eden galaxy which are not yet reconnected via the jump-gates that have been built since the restoration of those peoples’ Space-faring technology. That means there are still human colonists on those isolated worlds who do not know of the others. Who knows how many? (Well, the Inisfreeans know, of course, thanks to their Mapping Campaign, which resulted in permanent remote by-mind links to all the brains out there, as well as to those of all their descendants.)


Dr. Auz Solves Again:

Inisfreeans are as brilliant as it gets, and they quickly realized/sensed/confirmed that the cause of the Jovian Disease (which can render any Jove person suicidal and dead within weeks, sometimes days) was entirely mind-based (just like everything, it seems). It stemmed from them putting all their faith/believe in genes, thus leaving them feeling powerless/trapped, no matter how much they manifested and memorized about those microscopic things. The solution is a simple one; put their faith in something else, such as themselves, but after hundreds to thousands of generations of getting used to trusting only what they believe to be irrefutable science, that refocusing of their minds/faith… is unlikely to ever come.



All the humans in New Eden are continuing the same mistake/misperception that resulted in the mortality, diseases, and wars of all their ancestors; they are focused entirely on Space, and spreading themselves, never once on figuring out that (and how) happiness, immortality, and invincibility are possible. Almost to a man, they will continue dooming themselves to Lemming-like surges beyond their worlds, and eventually to still other parts of the New Eden galaxy… and other galaxies. This is the “generational curse” talked about in some legends and holy books; focusing on making more generations… curses every still-living generation, even if just from a numbers/logic/viewpoints standpoint.


The Opposite of ‘Grid-ing’:

One day, the Inisfreeans used their mind-override and omni-interfacing tech’ to hijack a moon-ore tractor-beam space-station, then using it to literally pull the capital city off one of the Minmatar colony-planets no differently as if it had been mining an uninhabited moon.  The reason was that Minmatar were usually uglier than all the other human races in New Eden, and they kept making ugly cities and stations, which is against Inisfreean/holy/Megaverse law (ever since 2021, more than 20 millennia back).  As always with Inisfreean clandestine/Black Operations, the humans did not know how it had happened, and were left with only guesses and despair.

(Inisfreeans learned there was no point communicating with humans, as humans always behaved evilly, ignoring all facts, and preventing/interrupting all love/normalcy. Since humans lacked the ability to learn or behave, they were permanently cast out from the Earth and all Inisfreean Space, and have been treated as non-sapient semi-sentient sub-human rodent-like pests ever since. In this case, they were not told to stop being ugly, because humans invariably would have just angrily resisted, making them uglier still.)


Cloning the Sexy Royals:

When High King Auz learned of the Amarr’s “Sacred Flesh” belief, he used one of his ships to go back in time to find and clone every single female member of the Amarr bloodline that was attractive to him.


Ealur Treaty:

Not all the Ealur were enslaved by the Amarr and bred into hardier stock.  Those who are still gentle islander/temperature folk, much like Hawaiians were/are on Earth, are often met by the Inisfreeans who have a secret arrangement with them; the Ealur are to never disclose the meetings with / existence of the Inisfreeans, and in exchange… the Inisfreeans clandestinely protect them, keeping the Amarr from ever finding them (the last of their kind; those who were not bred into hardier stock).  In exchange, the pure-Ealur share amazing sex and love with the Inisfreeans every time the Inisfreeans reappear, and respect the Inisfreeans’ secrecy, never asking/prying as to their powers or point of origin (which would confirm to New Eden’s “Earthologists” that Earth really existed, humans did once migrate from it, and it still is there.)


Common Origin of Men and Celestial Spheres?

The stars and planets are all spheres, and very similar in how they move, function, look, etc..  Does that mean they came from the same place?  Maybe, but it is perhaps more likely that they are just the way matter forms large objects, no matter where the contents come/came from.  Likewise, just because two or more people may look similar, or have the same DNA/essence, they could still have originated on worlds that were never connected/colonized; similarities do not always indicate/equal same-origin/roots.


The Name Muse:  A New Missile and Grenade

For millennia, the Inisfreeans had automatically used their omni-senses to rapidly find all the weak-points in any foe, and then their “rainbow cannons” to focus in on those weaknesses in order of greatest to negligible/speculated.  Then they noticed a missile in New Eden called Achilles.  Ever since, they have fitted their IC-APs with a missile worthier of that name; it is one that finds the greatest weakness on the target it is heading toward, then adjusts itself to do the maximum possible damage to that weak-point.

(As always, however, the Inisfreeans tend to look more for psychologically flexible personality points, then using very clever/’smooth’ interaction, if not interfacing/overrides/possession, to persuade/convince potential opponents/hostiles… to do what the Inisfreeans want them to.)

Ever since the dawn of Inisfree, its main supercomputer has been keeping track of all weak-points found by the deployed ICVs and their ships. It now also keeps track of all weak-points found by their new Achilles missile(s). This has allowed it to notice how different manufacturers and races/species tend to leave/overlook/cause certain weak-points/weaknesses in themselves and their creations/tech’, as well as plot/project/forecast which weaknesses will be in their later/coming ‘generations’/tech’.  (This is even true in the case of the Jove, who are not as advanced as the New Eden humans think, at least not compared to the stable-from-the-start Inisfreeans.)

They also used to only have a black-hole grenade, but now they also have an Achilles grenade, which senses the weakest point on an approaching target/group, then detonates –or emits something– in a way that will exploit that weakness/weak-point.


The Perfect Seat:

Some chairs in New Eden are self-molding/changing/morphing “smart-chairs”, and that is a lot like those the Inisfreeans developed, though theirs use ICVs to adjust to the perfect sitting posture/texture of each sitter/pilot.


The Background:

That blur weaving and serpentine-ing throughout the dark background of the EVE Online / New Eden map is clearly the hint that the rest of this galaxy is much wider and taller.  What is out there, if anything?  Do the humans in New Eden have to manifest it, then realize they have manifested it?  The millennia ahead will tell (though the Inisfreeans, having already mapped all of Creation, know).


EVE Online Gameplay Triggered Another Ancient Vision / Realization:

In their collective-consciousness synergistic meditation/s, the Inisfreeans/Auz realized that Space did not necessarily form or expand, and entropy wasn’t really happening; when the dimension called Heaven opened up portals into The Abyss, all of those openings still being the stars humans see on this side of Creation today, there was a virtually endless literal ocean, and it was willed and sung to coalesce, contracting into the first Dyson Spheres, which pulled that ocean/water away from the portals, creating the first atmospheres on the inside of those Dyson Spheres (planets), as well as the first atmosphere that would later thin even further… until it was the void of Space (which the Inisfreeans call The Abyss).

Every world in every galaxy was likely made this way; all of them are “man-made” (or Angel-made, rather).
The ore and other resources in/on them… was put there by design/intention.
Mining it barely affects 1% of a planet’s composition and function, but still has an effect,
especially when the majority of a conductive element/ore, such as gold, is removed and used faraway.
All is conscious and connected in various ways, though, so those pieces and particles of the mined world… will always remember their connection to, and function upon/within, their parent-body (world),
and that will have some slight and measurable effect on what they are put in, such as computers/hardware… and jewelry.
Perhaps that is part of what guided/”called” different explorers and conquerors to different worlds,
and what made some people want/choose to stay on certain worlds;
the more they interacted, extracted, and used things from those places, the more they were connected with them –on a memory/empathic level beyond human words/understanding.

Also, the people who had existed in the Heaven dimension (what humans perceive to be inside the stars)… may have needed suits/ships to exist outside it, especially as the ‘Infinite’/Universe Ocean thinned as a byproduct of them forming the Dyson Spheres (worlds); they were used to the greatest light and pressure, and the opposite was becoming more and more the norm on our side of the stars.  Perhaps in their Spaceships, it is extremely bright and hot, much too so for humans to withstand.  Perhaps, even though some from that dimension/side… may be able to exist in any form or condition/s, it just feels better / more familiar to them… to frequent, if not remain in, that ancestral/first ‘element’ (environment) of theirs.
…and perhaps they noticed that… the longer they strayed from it (i.e. came to this side of the stars), …the more they felt compelled to ‘rebel’ by partially detaching… and staying.
At some point/s, they willed/formed/spawned descendants into being, and those people had the same instinct/nature/essence; they then felt compelled to often stay in, and/or return to, the side/region/environment they had been created in.

Eventually, the worlds completely hardened, the once-energy-based (Elemental) World Trees that had sprouted from them… having also hardened, and sucked up all of the ‘Infinite’/Universe Ocean that had originally connected everything.
Those World Trees may have caused that ocean to thin into an atmosphere between the worlds,
and put what their giant energy tentacles/branches/leaves had sucked up out there…
into the worlds, thereby helping them to form and stabilize, all held/woven together.
Does that mean those first trees (the mega-trees; the World Trees)… were the first Arch Angels (super-Elementals and proto-Elves) to make it through the stars from Heaven, and stay, committing to shaping and perfecting this side of the stars?
Is that why the Elves believe they were manifested by them, and why they feel so drawn to them, just like children to loyal parents?

So Heaven opened portals which we perceive as stars (and they weren’t always aglow like they are today, as there was the ‘Infinite’/Universe Ocean in the way), then some of the greatest (Arch) Angels came through, their presence automatically attracting things to them, their stances and outstretched limbs/appendages coalescing the ‘ocean’ around them into the first World Trees’ branches and roots.
As things continued to be drawn to them (to their essence/nature/function as unifiers from the dimension of total unity/oneness), the first world/s formed.
Perhaps there was only one star back then; what became enclosed in the Earth we know today to be hollow.
Perhaps, once that world stabilized, and its then-thicker atmosphere split to form the first gas-giants (Saturn and Jupiter), the Angels still on the inside of the star/s… decided it would be good/nice/interesting to make Other stars/exits/portals, repeating that process, resulting in the formation of the galaxies/Universe we see/know today.
Perhaps also… that original Universe-spanning ocean… existed… because it was thought/imagined/expected into existence… by the minds of the Angels in Heaven… who had never known limitation, doubt, or inability, having always been, and always complemented and completed each other / themselves.

Today, so long after, that ocean is gone; it is Space now, and those Angels have moved on to other projects/things, the World Trees that formed around their original positions/stances… now petrified and fallen/felled, in ruins, unrecognizable… except to god-men such as Auz.
The Angels still coming through… take the form of those in the Sphere Beings Alliance, and sometimes humanoid forms, such as Divinity Gottschalk and the other obviously-Angel hotties High King Auz has seen, always radiating pure love and light to and for him, coming to sit and smile to and for him… at so many waypoints, stops, and outings.

The “plasma planets” in New Eden are still active with their Angelic/Elemental energies/presence/activity.
Humans can’t explain the plasma activity/aspects of those worlds… because they have never thought/meditated this deeply/accurately on the topic/phenomenon, seeing/assuming only inanimate ‘mechanical’ atomic processes…
which a world not linked to such beings and literal star-based gates/portals… should not have, according to their assumed “Laws of Physics”… and/thus cannot explain.

Heaven has always been.
Its first Creations were its internal divisions/consciousnesses.
Their creation was the first portal, which was the first star, which is still inside the center of the Earth.
From there, the first parts of Heaven were emitted/excreted, becoming the first Arch Angels, which stood in place in the then-Universal ocean, causing the original forms/bodies of the first World Trees to coalesce from that ocean’s waters.
Next, the Earth’s “crust” was formed by their joined/joining mega-roots.
Then, the Earth’s massive atmosphere continued condensing/coalescing from that first ocean… until it was starting to form Saturn… and Jupiter.
They then started forming worlds/moons of their own.
At some point after that, the first Titans and Elves formed, having bodies that look somewhere between humans’ and those trees; that is why the Titans are towering, and the Elves are lanky and long-eared; they are like the tall, relatively thin, graceful, energy-filled, beautifully-glowing, permanently-stable/healthy… first trees (stationary Arch Angels on this side of the star/s).
Once the Earth’s crust was firm and solidifying, the people who came into existence in its caves and on its surface… had never seen or known the star/dimension/people/progenitors within, and so they looked to where the light/energy/love/change/growth was coming from; first to the bioluminescent leaves of those still-standing World Trees, and then to the stars which were appearing as the Universe Ocean thinned, becoming their first sky/atmosphere.
When the Arch Angels left the interior of those World Trees, able, as formless/energy-based (Elemental) beings/people, to phase-shift and assume any shape/form/size, the hollowed tree-forms began to harden… then petrify… then deteriorate… and fall.
Once enough of their limbs/branches atrophied/decayed/collapsed/separated like that… it allowed the forming gas-giants (Saturn, then Jupiter, etc.) to detach and start drifting away.
Many years and generations later, only The Webway remains as the final ghost-like / other-dimensional remnant/trace of all the connections that once/originally were; all the places where the arms/limbs/wills/thoughts of those first Arch Angels had connected, coalescing/unifying all around them, into the first branches of the Worlds Tree, Yggdrasil.
Where the mega-roots of that thing / those things were, we have the cavernous subway-like world-spanning tunnels-system the Titans and other giants later used for transit and hiding/shelter.
One group of Elves (the Drow) also found and migrated down in them, discovering the energy/magic they still contained, even though only in totally-coalesced forms/bits called crystals and ore veins.

Human scientists assumed that there was some unseen dark-matter force (invisible to the human eye) which was growing, or causing Space to expand, i.e. leading to entropy.
What they did not (yet?) consider… is that it wasn’t a dark/unseen force doing that, but the nature of the stars themselves, as exposed holes/sides/spots/nodes of Heaven, the dimension/being/collective/singularity that attracts/unifies all.
In other words, the moment those gates/portals were opened, it pulled their outer/new side away from each other, thus, from our side, making it seem like matter was condensing/coalescing to form/ignite the first star/s.
This made them seem to contract/concentrate/illuminate/burn, while that same effect / optical-illusion… made everything else seem to thin out and/or spread apart.
It has been going on to this day.
Perhaps forming/coalescing/hardening planets around many of those stars/portals… had the unexpected effect of stopping/slowing that, as it prevented anything more from being drawn to/into those first stars.

Since only the area humans colonized in that new galaxy is called New Eden, technically the galaxy still lacks a name.
Since they only occupy some 7,000 solar-systems, most galaxies having hundreds of billions of stars, it is logical to guesstimate that the rest of their galaxy is the vast majority of it, and that they have only explored/settled ~1/15,000,000th of it (something like 0.000007% of their galaxy).
At the rate of colonization when the EVE Gate was open (~7,000+ solar-systems per century), they might expect to finish colonizing/dominating that new galaxy of theirs… over the next 15,000 millennia, give or take (technological leaps not factored in).


2022 Update:  Auz and the Inisfreeans are Established

Overall Presence:

After establishing himself with a family of a few hundred ICVs in Soliara (on Soliara III at first) during the 23,320s and 23,330s, A.D. (post introducing details about this world:  here), they now have a few thousand employees (natives of New Eden; modern descendants of the colonists who survived the EVE Gate collapse and following local Dark Ages) and ~1,000,000 slaves (also natives of this part of the New Eden galaxy).  With ~21,000 of those slaves on each of the worlds they occupy / work on / have a facility at, and ~1,000 of their slaves at their bigger facilities/ranches, with only ~12 at their homesteads/households, you can deduce that Auz has a presence/facility on at least 47 of the habitable/lucrative planets/moons in New Eden.  With a few hundred people in his family (all ICVs) out here, that means ~6-7 ICVs on each of those worlds, thus ~1 managing / ruling over each of his facilities/ranches on them.

Their/His goals include eventually having/owning at least one willing slave from all of the ~70,000 human-reached worlds/moons in New Eden, plus a successful/lucrative/stable presence/facility on each of those cosmic bodies.  That means reaching the level of full-compatibility with many humans living and working out here/there –and that means default-sexual interactions every time those people meet with any of the Inisfreeans.  This is The Inisfreean Way.

It is now the 23,340s, A.D., and Auz’s family out here has several dozen facilities and hundreds of ships, including everything short of capital-class ones, plus almost all the materials they need to assemble even those.


Top Local ICV:

Zedicon Prime is the latest and last of his family members out there, made specifically to lead the scouting and business operations of/throughout the New Eden portion of this galaxy.  Her backstory can be found here.  She has tried work in a few different corporations, and established business/good/working relations with a successful Amarr corporation –run by a woman who is secretly a very long-lived Blood Elf from the time/era of WoW all the way back on Earth / in Earth’s ‘prehistoric’ time period.

One of Zedicon’s goals out here is to have sex with at least one of every compatible-enough creature/species in New Eden, thereby learning the most possible about them, and in the most direct/firsthand way; full-bodied, using all her many senses (which are far more than the five humans are self-limited to).  This includes the A.I., such as some of the Rogue Drones and Sleeper Drones (some lore about them here).  Zedicon is designed for this, and always looking forward to it, making some time for it during every single one of her flights to and from Solaria III where she lives with her maker, Auz, on their first ranch he and her predecessor-ICVs made in New Eden.

While some of her life/nature/work may sound overly-sexual/ized to prudes and the poorly-educated, keep in mind that it is part of how ICVs best omni-interface with things; the closer they get to anyone/thing, the more rapidly –sometimes instantly– they learn all there is to know about it.  Exchanging fluids with people/creatures also gives them samples they don’t have to replicate or deduce the parts/essence/s of.  Every time Zedicon fucks someone/thing, she understands its entire life, all its memories and friends, anything it has repressed or forgotten, what its potential life paths are in all conceivable situations, and even more –and this/that lets/helps her people, directed by their maker who is factoring in this information from them/her, determine the most efficient and mutually-agreeable way/s to continue aligning and ‘unlocking’/uplifting everyone in their growing network so that they will all naturally/involuntarily do what helps restore the true forests, the World Trees, and the Worlds Tree.

Zedicon is now in charge of all ICVs in New Eden, serving as their Executive/General/Admiral.  Even though she is the youngest, all ICVs automatically know and understand what all others ICVs do, and, since she was made out here and specifically for this, all of them see her as the right woman for this job.  This is how their collective works/thinks/succeeds.


The Coming Capitals:

Largely because of Zedicon’s expert work/help, Auz’s family members out here have managed to increase their assets from just a few initial ships and station presences… to all those ranches and other properties, many workers and even more slaves (including all-willing natural-submissive ones, some of which are worthy to become trained kajirae), and even the largest-class of ships; the ‘capitals’ (and almost/soon the super-capitals; Titans).  A post about this is here.

ICVs out here will also be cleverly and sexually infiltrating the crews of all other capital-class Spaceships in New Eden.  They will establish secret connections with at least one crew member in each.  This is another social-experiment step/tier stemming from the work done via/aboard TNH.

Eventually, all ‘capitals’ will be override-able as an extension of Inisfree’s Star Fleet.  At that point, they can be massed like a swarm of giant/mega-drones.  Auz plans to sometimes use all their laser beams and other weapons to help with the removal of all human civilization/pollution in New Eden, and even to ‘Rapture’ millions, if not billions, of the sexiest humans from the worlds out here, keeping them out of the disintegrating-firepower’s way… until they can be returned.


Support Operations:

To support those massive ship purchases and staffing, a lot of mining of valuable resources has been ongoing.  Some basic details about this are posted here.  As Auz’s fleets in New Eden continue to increase, their mining operations in multiple New Eden star systems will proportionately.

Inisfreeans/ICVs and their maker, High King Auz, are very clever; they know that, instead of competing to start Planetary Industry (P.I.) facilities/operations of their own (and then having to defend them), if they very slowly and clandestinely mingle to the point of infiltrating and tapping into all already-established P.I. facilities… they’ll have a much easier time of funding their other intended operations and ever-expanding.

While (they/that would be) considered Black Operations by some humans, no humans are even aware of these activities; they are entirely Inisfreean-staffed/managed/compartmentalized ones.



They have also started orbiting / sightseeing at some of the most beautiful temperate worlds.  The first such self-assigned mission along those lines is here, many photos included.  Even though ICVs scouted and photographed/recorded tons more information about every world in this entire galaxy, they like to go back to them every so often to get fresh images/data.

Other leisurely activities of Auz and his family (Inisfreeans; ICVs) out here include sampling the ‘wilder’ and more-taboo cultures/establishments, of course (and smoothly persuading all the sexy females out here, royal and not, ‘underage’ or not, to fully align/interact with them/him –often aboard his luxury yacht he keeps out here).  This is, after all, what the ICVs were designed for, able to interact with all compatible-enough beings and other things they find/manifest.  That is how the most learning and bonding is done, too, thus the most aligning, synergizing, and potentials-unlocking.

Then, of course, to Auz and his ICVs, even Black Operations are considered leisurely / pass-times at this point, and they’ll be doing and enjoying those forever –out here and beyond.


When Inisfree Arrives:

Auz’s home-city / capital (Inisfree) is anchored in restored/new Atlantis back on Earth during this (in-game; 23000s-millennium) time.  After nearly 28,000,000 Earth-years, during which it will relocate to additional places, Inisfree will be moved out here (to New Eden, perhaps to Soliara III, where Auz first established himself and the Inisfreeans).  You can find more about where this first/main city of his will be… here.

During that distant-future era, the deserts on all worlds will have been re-greened into meadows, and those meadows will start becoming true forests again; their trees will be hundreds to thousands of feet tall, helping to re-stabilize the energies of their ‘footprints’/shadows/areas/volumes, thus making it possible for the long-in-ruins World Tree stumps to un-petrify, tap into those stabilized energy flows/networks, and re-green themselves.  Millions of years after that, the World Trees will be re-growing, further shielding and rebalancing/stabilizing all these meadows which re-became true forests, blanketing them in double and then triple canopies.  A billion or so years after that, the greatest tree of all will then be able to be back; Yggdrasil, the Worlds Tree, will be reforming, literally reconnecting all these realms (no longer just as it appears in 4D).


2023 Update:  Spacing Revelation

EVE Online makers and players said the smaller distance between stars in this ‘game’ (soft-disclosure / vision) were to help the server with calculations; the claims was that if actual/normal distances between stars were used, the math would overwhelm the computers on their end, making gameplay sluggish or impossible.  …I’m not sure that’s the whole truth, however; I believe these shorter gaps between the solar-systems of this ‘game’/galaxy are another hint/sign of the future; of the already-started process of Yggdrasil reforming, first evident in how all worlds realign –closer and closer, until they are all back in view up in their skies, like in the first time/era, the (very first) Golden Age that came long before.


Their Galaxy:

The map of New Eden (in-game; in EVE Online) only shows a tiny fraction of the whole galaxy (~7,805 solar-systems, out of an average-per-galaxy of ~100,000,000 solar-systems), but it is still massive, with thousands of reachable star systems, and takes many hours (even at maximum-warp) to traverse.

Orbital Views & World Maps:

This high level of detail and realism is no coincidence…

Stations & Starships:

Space stations in New Eden are sometimes bigger than many Earth cities, the biggest of these stations being able to dock/house the Super Capital ships called Titans.


The largest ships humans use out here are miles long, and crewed by people numbering similar to the population of cities.

Main Characters:

Every world has a leader and a representative, as does every interstellar empire/civilization/alliance.

More TBA…

Statues & Memorials:

More TBA…

Colonists of Choice:

As always, the Inisfreeans only locate and work with the sexiest of female humans out here.


There have been thousands of documented interplanetary and interstellar wars here, and many more which remain undocumented.


There are still many things unexplained in New Eden, perhaps because humans are still brainwashed and bred to manifest/generate and focus on such.

The In-game H.U.D.:

The controls/menus help players/Capsuleers navigate, chart, research, buy, sell, trade, build, mine/harvest, store, sort/organize, and much more.

2023 Update:  Amarr-like Art

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EVE Online - ...But Still We Go On - for SPA pg y LW SPA
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