Formerly the United States Colonial Marine Corps (USCM or USCMC), this is one of the results of getting warfighters into Space.


Table of Contents:

  1. Information
  2. Directory
  3. Logo (Images Begin)
  4. Colonial Marines
  5. Dropship
  6. APC



All this grew out of the first Secret Space Program/s (SSP) and Space Force (when part of the militarized Space operation/s became declassified/publicized).

This organization was foretold / soft-disclosed to me during 2002 A.D., after my first year at a university, and before my enlistment into the USMC.  Were they using interaction with me, as we discussed this setting/topic, to revise some part of the SSP?  Was me being introduced to it… to see if that would trigger “other life” / “20 and back” SSP memories temporarily hidden/erased from my brain?  I don’t know.

Since I was, during 2002, RP-ing being a member of it when it was called the USCM, I was RP-ing during its time before 2187; that’s the year it was renamed, its abbreviation then becoming UACM (or UACMC).
The USCMC started in 2101 A.D., Earth-time, so the RPs I was in were somewhere between 2101 and 2187 A.D..
For simplicity’s sake, we’ll just say I went on at least one combat deployment out of the Sun solar system as a member of this military branch.

Why not just call these troops Marines (instead of Colonial Marines)?  The military name/term “Marines” indicates that most of them are involved in ship-to-ship and/or ship-to-shore warfare/defense; they are not the predominantly inland-based Army.  Adding “Colonial” indicates they are now not always involved in maritime/ocean operations, if anymore at all; their role as members of this “other” Marine Corps is to always be ready to war on behalf of the off-world colonies, they still being deployed from ships –just the Spacefaring variety now.

Weyland-Yutani is the biggest Earth-humans corporation when it comes to terraforming and colonizing other worlds, thus it can and did call upon the help of these Colonial Marines more than any other organization.  For a time (the 27th century; 2601 through 2700 A.D.), it was considered to even be in control of them; it, more or less, had its own military.  That made it extremely influential/powerful –even comparable to most human governments at the time.

Colonial Marines rarely need spacesuits, as they mostly operate on terraformed worlds; where the colonies/colonists are (rarely where the terraformers are).  Facing mostly bad weather (an unavoidable issue on worlds still having their final terraforming ‘ironed out’) and human rebels (an unavoidable issue anytime people become so numerous and spread out that most never meet each other, or even know about each other, thus resulting in far more differences than ever developed back on Earth), with the occasional hostile alien lifeform about the size of a human (such as a Xenomorph Warrior, or a Predator/Yautja), they have body armor and accurate weapons, but nothing as advanced and expensive as what the Spartans of the Halo series had.  This is why they are shown in the movies as looking like Vietnam or Desert Storm troops, just with slightly better gear and guns; they don’t need that much to maintain order in/on colonies/worlds where everyone is just trying to survive / get used to the Earth-like post-terraforming conditions.


Did they ever help protect the 34 Tauri worlds when those were still being terraformed and settled/colonized?  Possibly.  Four centuries ticked by between the start of the USCMC and when Firefly was set (setting).  Maybe one subset of the UACMC became based there, eventually becoming the UAP.

For all details about this branch of service, see this website.



These are a few of the people who served as Space warriors protecting human settlements and other assets beyond the Earth.

  • Auzdein von Himmler: 1st in command of Inisfree, but as a ‘member’ of the USCMC… acting/functioning like just another ‘Grunt’; a deployable Infantry or Special Warfare operative –and still doing exploration/scouting like he learned to since his adolescence
  • Rain Ocampo:  USCMC pilot (of a UD-4L “Cheyenne” Dropship)
  • Wolfgang Krieger:  USCMC Force Reconnaissance
  • Drake Green:  USCMC Android (attached to units the same way Corpsmen were)
  • (Dallas McNamara’s character/s before TNH)
  • (and ~hundreds of thousands of others in service to the colonies beyond Earth; at its peak, 240,000, though of course only ~10% of those are combatants/Infantry)



As you can see, it is based on the USA flag, the stripes modified to represent a Space-rocket liftoff, or the deployment of force/s from orbit down to planet-side where they spread out, and the stars now represent either actual stars… or some of the protected colonies.

Colonial Marines:



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