This is the world the Inisfreeans sent specifically-trained neo-nymphs to once it had been discovered that anything not fully (i.e. sexually) compatible with it just seemed to disintegrate once in low orbit.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Etymology
- World Details (parent-category for some of the following)
- Location
- Path
- Rotation
- Time-keeping
- Satellites
- Size
- Gravity
- Atmosphere
- Weather
- Surface Arrangement
- Surface Composition
- Creatures Details (parent-category for some of the following)
- Species
- Population
- Communication/Language
- Culture
- Education
- Industry and Infrastructure
- Transportation
- History
- Additional Notes
- Special Features
- Theory/Foreseen
- The World (Images Begin)
- Creatures
- Temples
This world was first soft-disclosed via a vision pre-Shift (before 2012). It was written about briefly on the precursor to this website, and then that webpage did not end up migrating here to this new/perfected website. Today (at 2:39 PM central U.S. time, Wednesday 25 January 2023), it has proven destined to reconnect with us, revealing some more.
Ba’al is an ancient word for “lord”. It is also synonymous with Jupiter; lord of the gods/planets.
Ba’al is said by the modern human Outlanders (who always lie, it has been found) to be a demon who leads legions of other demons (angels), and one of the “lesser keys” of King Solomon. It is more accurate to say that Ba’al, being a “lesser demon” and “key”, is a small (Earth-sized) planet (not a planetoid or moon) with a hollow core containing a tiny star (portal to Heaven; the core all stars share), which is how most planets in Creation are. The 66 legions Ba’al is said to command… are more accurately described as species or functions or eras of that world, everyone/thing on/in it being children/descendants of it, thus extensions/subsets of it (its consciousness-focus / nature / destiny).
All the cum on this world is why it is known by humans, who, in a way, assume cum causes or contributes to fertility, as the god/demon OF fertility, but no one is fertile or gestating here, as cum works very differently for these locals who have always had a different mindset; a different belief and knowledge about it, and many different uses for it other than for reproduction.
Those are the things you should think of when you read or hear the name/spell “Ba’al”.
World Details
Where this world is, beyond being somewhere in or near the Milky Way galaxy (i.e. possibly in Deep Space; the Intergalactic Medium) remains highly classified. Even its shorthand/sigil is classified, known only to the Inisfreeans. (This is not to protect it, though, as a research project / expedition site or natural-wonder preserve; it needs no protection at all.)
Due to its nature, Ba’al can only exist in regions of Space where everything is compatible with it, and if anything not compatible gets within its gravity, it eventually gets ‘disappeared’; not broken up or otherwise destroyed, but somehow miraculously completely removed out of its way. The only way to keep hidden such a world/force… is to have its path be like that of a rogue-planet; out so far away from other systems… that its existence can’t even be inferred by the cosmic equivalent of a contrail. Think of it like the planet-scale version of someone who knows the type of person he/she likes/demons to ‘be with’; it just won’t settle for anything it isn’t attracted to.
Ba’al’s orbit is based on what is fully-attracted to it; it does not follow the kind of mindless/circular or elliptical orbital-trajectory humans expect all worlds to follow. In other words, the planet itself can sense who/what, where, and when anything is attracted to it; it instinctively and consciously feels/knows which beings like/love it, which regions of Space/Creation do, and even in which time-periods (or even other timelines; other dimensions/Universes) it will be most-appreciated/desired/welcome. It then automatically/naturally moves toward those points in spacetime, thus its orbit seems random (to humans who don’t understand this about it) –or, at least, gravitationally tugged-on by many and distant unseen things.
It moves toward distant cosmic bodies it can tell will like it and its people, always with its hemisphere or region which detected such compatibility out there… staying toward the world or group of beings that side of Ba’al were the first to become aware of.
Collisions are not possible for it, as all of it and its people set its course, all of them always desiring only to get close enough to compatible worlds that its presence causes no panic or harm/destabilization.
If enough travelers from Ba’al find they really enjoy one of the worlds their inner star links them to, Ba’al will start approaching that world, changing course only if the majority of them feel the urge to go to a different one instead.
There have been times when Ba’al people enjoyed another world so much… that Ba’al eventually got close enough to it to become like another moon in its sky.
Ba’al has little need for rotation, and few forces able to spin it that way.
It only partially-rotates when it is orienting its ‘face’/side/hemisphere with the majority of its aroused/unified creatures/people toward whichever world/location in Creation they are thinking about; that is the ‘side’ of it which will be guiding/propelling it to those spots/worlds.
Years here are based on the planet’s cum-flow cycle; after one span of cum-flow (full rivers and lakes) and one span without it (shallow rivers and lakes, and some dried up), it is considered to be one Ba’al year.
- Summer-equivalent: The cum-flow season lasts for a few Earth-months,
- Autumn-equivalent: and then it takes a few Earth-months’ time for that flow to slowly reduce to a trickle,
- Winter-equivalent: followed by Ba’al’s equivalent of a winter/drought, which also lasts a few Earth-months,
- Spring-equivalent: and then of course the gradual increase back to normal cum-flow.
There is not much concept of days or nights, though there are periods of continuous brightness under the bigger bioluminescent mega-trees when many creatures around them are horny or orgasming.
Ba’al has no moons or artificial satellites.
It does have tides, though. Its tides are caused by two things;
- the will of the planet itself
- migrations of larger herds, especially when they move while aroused or orgasming (as that attracts/stimulates the conscious/living cum-rivers, etc.)
Ba’al is bigger than Earth and smaller than Neptune. Its circumference is ~60,000 miles.
Its crust is ~1,000 miles thick in most places.
- comparable to Earth’s, though entirely based on mutual attraction (i.e. things don’t get pulled into its orbit unless the planet itself desires them to –thus usually the only things that can ever approach it are those with spacecraft or angels-level willpower)
- normal breathable air like on Earth, just without any pollution –and without rain
*Even though there is no free/pure water on Ba’al, water is in the bodies of its creatures/people, and makes up much of their cum. Pure water is not toxic to them (even though they are never consuming it by itself, or exposed to it externally), as only agreeable experiences can occur here.
There are no clouds on this world, partially because there is no water to evaporate and form them. There is also no water-rain, though there is occasional dew-like cum-mist. Without clouds or weather patterns other than that, temperature is regulated by how aroused the living-ground/landmasses are, and by females swimming at varying depths in the water-like bodies of cum (instead of bodies of water).
Cloud-cover is not necessary here for shade, as no star is close enough to sunburn anyone –and because everyone here is immune to harm, anyway; only what is sexually-pleasing to them is capable of existing/occurring. In other words, even if Ba’al ever did choose to move near any star emitting radiation humans don’t like (get sunburned from), that radiation from that star simply would stop existing once it reached within hundreds of miles of Ba’al.
Without axial tilt and proximity to a star, seasons here are much different, and based on the moods and focus/es of the world itself. When Ba’al is between horniness-spans, the bodies-of-cum sources decrease, some stopping entirely, thus the rivers and lakes become shallow, some vanishing a while. When Ba’al becomes horny again, often due to when his children/creations are turned on by travel/vacations/expeditions to star-connected worlds, his cum flows again, sometimes causing mild flooding until it all gets spread back out into the full capacity of the riverbeds and lakebeds.
Surface Arrangement:
Continents and islands are the red areas, ranging in color/tint from light (pink) to dark (crimson and brown), and there are dozens of major ones, all connected in different ways, separated not by oceans, but streams and rivers of cum which are easily crossed.
Some ~90% of the outer surface is that red flesh-like land/terrain, while ~10% is the bodies of cum; streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes filled entirely with the planet’s own cum/ejaculate.
The regions and layers of Ba’al are less distinct in terms of biome types or climate zones, and more distinct simply because cum-rivers serve as the visible borders of the regions, and because altitude or depth serves as the markers for the levels of caves.
Some are much more swampy than others, though. Some have canopies of trees that others do not. Overall, however, all have patches of deserts, forests, mountains, and swamps, and they are only easily identified by the shapes their borders make.
Deserts on this world are where there is no cum flowing out of the world itself. It is in these barrens that people come to sexually frustrate themselves so that when they do resume sex… it will be that much more stimulating, relieving, and thrilling. Some have contests to see who can last the longest in these places without slipping into hysteria, desperate for sex. There are even groups who keep telepathic watch and patrols for rescue out there; the Sex Rangers and Rangerettes.
Caves are natural formations; they are not dug/mined out. They are the petrified porous flesh of the demon Ba’al itself. Think of it like being in the remains or ruins of a Titan that became spherical.
It has caves all the way from its outside to hollow core, but no polar holes.
Its widest river is only dozens of feet across.
Its widest lake is a mile across.
Its rivers never are deeper than a dozen or so feet during high-tide/flow.
Its lakes never are deeper than about twice that during that same time of year.
Cum-bodies (on average) are rarely deeper than waist-high (thus those ~dozen’-deep parts are a small portion of them), thus have waves normally at most a foot high.
Surface Composition:
Like the new/unique particle (SRC) envisioned by Auz and made by his main supercomputer, Ba’al and all its people/creatures seem to be composed of elements on the Periodic Table… but they are immune to any harmful effects of interaction with even corrosive or radioactive substances, as only what is sexually-pleasing to everyone here is able to even get within orbit, let alone on the surface and near any of them. This is due to how humans on Earth who were brainwashed to put all their faith in the chemical properties/reactions of the elements of the Periodic Table… expectedly/unsurprisingly remain / make themselves vulnerable/subordinate to such, while the people of Ba’al were never brainwashed to assume (thus manifest) such weakness/potential.
In short, there are a great variety of hard, flexible, soft, squishy, slimy, fluid, liquid, vaporous, and gaseous things here, and they move and otherwise behave a lot like their equivalents on other worlds would/do, but none of them ever harm each other or explosively react with one another. Everything is safe to touch here. Everything ‘gets along’.
There is no water that is too hot or cold for any creature on Ba’al. There is no lava or magma. There is only what naturally remains, no matter how quickly it is moving, or how deep or pressurized it is, within a pleasant range of temperatures.
The cum generated by this planet never decays. Nothing decays here, as a matter of fact. This allows the females to store as much cum as they want… for as long as they want/need (such as for trips into Ba’al’s deserts, or to last them through its winters; annual season-long cum-droughts).
Caves have not stalactites over stalagmites, but giant cilia –and those cilia (which are like fleshy, bendable, responsive/intelligent/aware stalactites and stalagmites) respond to people, such as be rubbing and cumming inside interested females.
2023 July update: Quicksand and creatures down in it… that seasonally near the surface to tentacle-hold (gently/lovingly) the legs of females down in it while they fuck and cum in them, they then making the babies of those things (which always come out of their pussies without birthing pains, as they are small and slug-like in that stage).
and the sand doesn’t get in the pussy or asshole… due to special suction and water-gushing things/techniques.
Creatures Details
- cum-couriers, various
- horniness-sensing (sense-based; more than eyesight, hearing, or magnetism, etc.) animals, various
- ranging in size from that of a pebble… to as big as whales and giant squid
- all friendly with all other life here; none are hostile, predatory, or parasitic
- often bioluminescent during orgasm or orgasmic states
- growth based mostly on time, but also somewhat on the frequency of ideal orgasms –including the proximity to others enjoying their own ideal orgasms or orgasmic meditative states
- reproduction based on fully-mature/formed new people/beings appearing ‘out of thin’ air once two or more people (such as in a threesome or orgy, or multiple threesomes and orgies –which serve as the meetings and discussions of the people of/on Ba’al) have fully activated their beings/bodies (by having full-bodied love; tantric-level sex, especially for time-periods of an hour or more, if they share the same one idea/intention/vision that whole time); no one is gestated or birthed (and there are no mammals, though all females have tits; they just don’t produce any milk)
- no ‘heat’ or PMS; no females ovulate or menstruate/bleed
- sleep-cycles based not on a day-night cycle (as this world is usually so far from stars that there is no morning/daylight)
- sometimes migratory, but never based on seasons or food; always to where various/different flora are –or will be, all telepathically sense– emitting certain/changing aphrodisiacs
- unaffected by any moon or stars/zodiac; no personality differences/seasons
- humanoids comparable in their size/dimensions to Auz and the Inisfreeans
- ingestion/digestion only done by females; cum (but males still have the ability to consume/ingest things, perhaps just because it is a default-anatomy the Angels dream of and manifest in/on/from their worlds/forms)
- no urination or defecation; even females who ingested lots of cum process it in a different way, resulting in more energy, more dreams, more awareness/knowledge, more arousal, more orgasms, etc., their waste-product equivalent being only temporary increases in good-vibes emitted/stimulated
- Some of the humanoids on Ba’al have natural wings in addition to their arms.
- Some have horns –which function like unicorn horns; living attached magic wands.
- Some have tails.
- Some shapeshift.
- Some have none of that at all; they look completely normal to Earth humans, albeit flawlessly handsome or beautiful.
- None here can be harmed no matter where they travel to other worlds.
- The longer a female holds cum in her, especially while meditating, the more of its memory she can telepathically see and begin to memorize.
- 2024nov24sun updt: Cum Elementals
- aphrodisiac plants, various
- dildo-vines, semi-mobile
- non-digestive temporary-‘vore’ plants, various (and some are only partial-‘vore’; not enclosing the entire body)
- underwater dildo-plants similar to coral reefs but not sharp
- ranging in size from that of a sprout (baby/new blade of grass) to World Trees; miles tall and miles wide
- often bioluminescent during orgasm or orgasmic states; yes, even the plants on this world orgasm
- growth based on both 1) intake of the planet-cum from cum-streams the roots reach/touch/tap into, and 2) how often fauna orgasms nearby
- reproduction based on cumming inside female fauna –who then carry (walk, swim, or fly) that cum in them to the location the cum telepathically tells/shows them is where its parent-plant wants them to deposit it
- some able to chose which types of pheromones/aphrodisiacs they emit, often to please the various fauna/herds or individual around/on them
- Plants are immortal like the people here, so no one picks flowers or chops down trees. Plants spread by cumming in cum couriers, not dropping nuts, so nuts don’t exist unless imported from other worlds.
- Seeds also don’t exist.
- Berries, fruits, and vegetables exist, but are rarely eaten; only in times when big surges in knowledge are desired, as that is what consuming them does.
- Nuts and seeds can’t grow b/c no soil or water.
–and don’t need to exist/grow, as plants grow via a different mechanism/system on this world - Many single trees have root systems fanning out for a dozen miles in all directions; a single mega-tree can occupy a space up to ~576 square miles.
Living Geology/Landforms:
- cum-caves whose air currents always sound like faint/quiet sexual breathing/panting, and which have multiple ways of sexually arousing and satisfying all who go in them
- cum-rivers which adjust their currents to remain pleasant and safe/passable to all who are alongside/in them (and whose banks seem to be either part of them, or, at least, symbiotic with them, as aware and responsive as the rivers they contain/direct)
- cum-volcanoes/geysers which erupt based on proximity of lifeforms interested in experiencing them; when horny females stand bold-legged over them, the geysers spray just enough room-temperature cum up at those females that the females will definitely enjoy it
–and volcanoes that erupt not with smoke plumes and pyroclastic flows, but aphrodisiac fragrances and cum-flows - red regions (how the land appears from Space/orbit) which are somewhat flesh-like terrain/surfaces (and each of which is like a continent-sized being/angel in landmass/region-form, shapeshifted/stabilized/’petrified’ that way, like a global-scale orgy of tangled bodies, that orgy lasting so long it is a sexual hibernation through the Ages)
- white regions/spots (how the water-equivalent appears from Space/orbit) which are ponds, lakes, and rivers entirely of cum –generated by the planet itself
- often bioluminescent during orgasm or orgasmic states; yes, even the lands and bodies-of-cum on this world orgasm –and can still become slightly brighter/luminous in areas where large groups are sharing love/orgasm (herd-sized orgies stimulating/triggering/activating/reenergizing the ground/world itself)
- earthquakes always minor, and only caused by mass-orgasm/s
- landslides not possible; everything perfectly ‘one’/anchored/woven-together here
- No Space Whales hibernate in the crust of Ba’al.
All species on Ba’al, as it is a world not corrupted (i.e. it is pure, keeping to the first Golden Age’s design/order), are of the two natural sexes, totally and forever distinct, the males of which are heterosexual, and the females of which are pansexual.
The 66 legions of ‘demons’ Ba’al commands are the 22 distinct outer-surface regions, the 22 distinct planetary-crust layers, and the 22 distinct inner-surface (hollow core) regions.
These landmasses/regions are called legions because they are stationary living beings, somewhat like hibernating/petrified fungal mats or other networked collectives.
Each legion has ~6,000 individuals, and those here include the members of its native plant life and animal life, so in a region with 100 native species, for example, on average there would be only 60 members of each, such as 60 purple flowers, 60 green shrubs, 60 brown trees, 60 tan humanoids, etc..
66 x 6,000 = 396,000.
There are actually millions of people on Ba’al now, but some are multi-node/body collectives; some simultaneously ‘pilot’ multiple forms separate from one another.
There will never be billions here –not even counting the smallest creatures; there are no bugs or microbes on this world / in its natural ecosystem.
Dispersion is high all across this world; millions (not tens of millions) are spread out here in herds ranging from a dozen to a hundred individuals, often enjoying dozens to hundreds of square miles to themselves anytime they want. Their homes (trees and caves) and sustenance (cum-flows for females, and auras/vibes for males and females alike) is evenly spread through all the regions, too, so there is no clustering or congestion at “watering holes”; resources are evenly distributed and abundant, staying manifested/ing and stable based on shared visions/desires held.
“not tens of millions” = up to 19,999,999 individuals
60,000miles circumference = 9,549.3 radius,
which means a surface area of 1,150,000,000 square miles
(5.840528186x the Earth’s surface area)
10% cum-bodies means 1,035,000,000 square miles of land on the outer surface. Counting the inner surface and the caves, this figure increases by a degree of magnitude.
~10,350,000,000 square miles total,
divided by up to 19,999,999 individuals (animals),
= an average of 517.5000258 square miles per individual (a 22.74862690 x 22.74862690 mile area).
Spread dozens of miles apart, these immortal families have had incest as their norm for countless generations, though they still always love lovemaking with their neighboring tribes/herds.
All of them only communicate one way; via sexual contact. They do not allow anything that is not appropriately sexual (i.e. fully/holistically mutually compatible), so even speaking and hand-signs are only shared with those who have already demonstrated that level of compatibility. Even the structures they build, such as all their temples and megaliths, only work / turn on (or soothe or heal) when everyone there is interacting in that one way. (The same is true of their equivalent of power-plants / energy-generators; it always starts with sexual energy; Vril.)
Some use their own cum like humans use ink or typing on computers; like the ink-squirting/writing heptapods in the movie Arrival, they use their own bodies’ creations/emissions/ejaculate to spell-craft –and in great and accurate detail. Sometimes their cum is formed into characters/symbols like alphabet letters or hieroglyphs. Other times, just making contact with it, even when it looks to just be in a puddle on the floor, or in a container such as a bucket or bathtub, is enough to transmit telepathic-like imagery, sounds, and feelings –and especially for the females who accept it into their pussies, assholes, or mouths, doubly-so when they swallow any of it.
Inisfreeans (ICVs), with their sexual-contact-based languages, are naturals at scouting this world and liaising between it and the rest of the allied peoples. No matter how long sexual contact/communication occurs on Ba’al, the Inisfreeans never tire of it, are always ready for it and more, and understand it from the start. They were practically made and destined for this.
Everyone made on this planet feels like they are part of the same family. They do not regard members of other species here as being lesser or dangerous. Even their own creations/children are considered to be the loved ones of all others here, each creature appreciating and protecting them to the same degree.
While this sense of global-family is strong and constant –and always has been– there is also no pressure to make anyone/everyone follow the same path; each person/creature is always welcome and supported to go his/her own way, whether that means straying out into the wilderness alone for years or not. Isolation is not thought of as potentially-dangerous, but just another logical and easily-helpful lifepath-chapter. When people who felt ‘called’ to isolate for long periods of time return, they are never regarded as strangers or suspicious, but as returning loved-ones, everyone “picking right back up with them as if no time passed at all”, eager to hear whatever parts of their stories they wish to tell.
There is no concept of competition for better land or sexual partners. No one competes here. Everyone teams up as often as it is desired –even without being asked for; everyone always senses what is wanted by their fellows here, and does that for/with them.
Males are always attracted to, and attractive to, the females of their species. Males share full-body love (sex, etc.) with the females of their species as daily and hourly as humans on Earth wave or talk. Males also enjoy watching the females of their species when those females are having sex with many other things.
Non-humanoid males are also attracted to the human-looking females here, as well as to any females Auz brings during his visits.
Humanoid females are always attracted to just about everything here. They share full-body love with the males and females of all the other species here, as well as anyone Auz brings during his visits. Every time a human-looking female on this world is within range of a horny male of any species, she instinctively and eagerly gets into a position which she knows will make it as easy as possible for that male or males to use her.
Non-humanoid females of this world only have sex with males and females of their own respective kinds/species.
Everyone/thing here is friendly with, and protective of, everyone else who is native to Ba’al. They also feel this way about anyone whose vibe they can be sure means they are compatible/friends with (thus Auz and all those allied with him). You will often see herds of different species of animals moving as if all members of the same herd/species/family –even though they all have lifetimes of experience witnessing that nothing can hurt them here; it is more of a socializing and friendliness habit than anything else, and great for synchronizing sex-energy / Vril-surges; horniness.
Both sexes of all species remain naked at all times, and clothing just doesn’t exist. There has never been a need or desire for clothing. Everyone is always in perfect shape, fully attractive and polite, and immune to any harm, so clothing to hide or protect from things never occurred to anyone here.
Sustenance is entirely from being out in nature, naked, and sexually active; these are all nymphs or nymph-like beings here. Some sustenance comes from/during sleep after sex, too. No one farms or eats, and only females drink –and the only thing to drink on this world is cum.
Sleep occurs at any time; whenever each individual feels the need or want of it. Most people lie down in the open, not at all worried about anything bothering them while they are unconscious. Sometimes small or even large herds form circles around those sleeping; not to protect them, as no one needs protection here, but to create a volume/’field’ of warmth and good vibe/s around and within them, ensuring they have the best of dreams.
Dancing is as distinct/set as the two sexes; females dance a certain way, and males dance a different way. The humanoid males and females dance similarly to how professional and exotic dancers do on Earth. Members of other species here dance in their own ways, based on how they naturally move and think, such as tentacle-creatures swaying their appendages like tube-shaped belly-dancers until the desired hypnotic/seduction-affect (or meditative state) is achieved.
Since no one has ever gotten hurt, there is no healthcare based on surgery; no one can get cut open, intentionally or otherwise. Still, people here have a 6th-sense understanding of the inner-workings of their bodies –including of the organs and other body-parts of all the other species they have been around (in person). The closest thing beings on Ba’al have to medical practice/science is acupressure based on sensual massage; they have no acupuncture needles, instead using only their fingertips, palms, or whole bodies (sometimes oiled by cum, if it is female-on-female Nuru-like contact) to caress and rub specific spots in the orders they ‘just know’ will make the client/patient feel much better.
Travel and sightseeing are so common and frequent that they don’t even have words for them; it’s just ‘how things are’. People of all species here love to roam around and sightsee, sampling different landscapes/horizons, aromas/fragrances of flora and fauna, etc.. And since all ‘born’ (willed into being, it is more accurate to say) here are immortal by default, that default/universal wander-lust / traveling has, over the millennia, resulted in most people of/on Ba’al having seen most of it –including what is inside its hollow core.
Only females swim and surf, as only they are attracted to the bodies-of-cum. They wait for telepathic awareness that big-enough herds are horny and moving, knowing that causes this planet’s local waves. Never felling any trees or otherwise constructing/fashioning non-living things, they then swim out to meet also-telepathic sea-creatures who let them ride them like horses / living-surfboards –up over waves which sometimes reach a few stories in height/crest.
There are no businesses, governments, or taxes on Ba’al.
No one commutes to work. Without schedules, even for schooling/learning, no one becomes ‘taxed’; fatigued, and all things happen naturally/organically when they were meant to.
There are also no holidays, but there are recurring big events, always based on gatherings; different types of lovemaking parties and showcases, and experiments to try envisioned new techniques or sequences.
Extreme sports do exist here. Freefall is one example. To skydive or BASE-jump, people here ride a big bird up to a tall mega-tree, then try to fall down a path which lets them bounce off the trampolene-like surfaces/membranes of smaller plants, such as giant mushrooms and certain giant flower petals.
Even though everyone is fully compatible with everyone else here, and even though there is cum flowing in many places, and even though many plants and animals have aphrodisiac properties, people here still have a daily routine comparable in some ways to humans on Earth; they take their time waking up, they clean themselves and gather for morning sustenance (based on aura/sex-energy for males, and half based on that for females, the other half of the females’ diet being cum), they then spend hours roaming and learning, helping each other, they gather for lunchtime sustenance, then they spend hours exercising or playing, and finally they return to their latest family-like groups and shelters (typically just under big sturdy plants or in caves), they have dinner, and then they make love for a couple hours (usually in groups, but sometimes in pairs) until they feel ready for bed/sleep.
Weapons don’t really exist here, but people are capable of aiming their lifeforces like lasers. When horny, this produces what can be described as an invisible laser beam that makes targeted things as horny and agreeable as a heat-laser melts and cuts. With enough people aiming their focused lifeforces at the same time and target, it can be like the Death Star firing, but in a good way, causing planetwide knee-shaking orgasms as far away as other neighboring star-systems, and even expanding peoples’ consciousness/es. (Think of it/them like the Vril-ya on a grander/superhero scale.)
People on Ba’al experience no desire to reproduce. Only when their planet itself desired to create them, and then for some of them to help it create others like them in a larger and quicker event/’wave’… did any get made.
There is no ‘justice system’, as everyone defaults to seeing the good in their fellows, and because they are telepathic and extensions of their maker. Because of that, they do not and cannot unpleasantly surprise each other. They also always strive for manners, and being rude is unthinkable and unheard of.
Females always think of themselves as available, even during sleep. They get down on all fours to drink cum from ponds and streams, keeping their asses high and legs wide, always inviting anyone who wants them, as cumming in their pussies and assholes gives them just as much nourishment, energy, and looks-locking.
The hierarchy is fixed and eternal, and based entirely on age; the planet is their high king, the oldest tallest trees are their kings and queens, the first animals (humanoid and others) are their princes and princesses, the 2nd generation of their population of species are their equivalent of dukes and duchesses, and this continues down the line of undisputed successive tiers of leaders until you get to the youngest; those created sometime before the contact with Auz.
They have no democracy, voting, or presidents. Majority-rule here only means that a group of them bigger than each of the other groups at any given time… feels attracted to something, which results in the rest of them catering to that leaning of their collective, never feeling any need to debate or fight about it, though compromises sometimes occur. They tend to fully indulge in each majority urge before indulging in the urge of the next-largest group of their peoples.
Vampirism is impossible here, as none of them can get hurt, thus none can bleed.
Sensory perception includes the five senses humans are familiar with, just out to roughly double their range/s.
Since everyone is vegan and cooperative here, no one gets stressed enough to become sick. They are too perceptive to ever be tricked into believing superstitions such as “germs” or plagues; they know those don’t exist, and how health actually works. They never had brainwashing posing as education to media-flood and confuse them with gibberish, either.
Any island in the middle of a cum-lake is usually an all-females isolation or vacation spot, as only females desire to swim through cum.
Magic here is based on sexual arousal and edging, not bloodlines or wands.
Males love traveling to worlds with water; where they can swim.
No one cuts hair, as hair is considered sexy for both sexes, and because it helps with thinking, telepathy, meditation, and more.
People come here from other worlds to try and learn more about sex. Girls come for the abundant cum. They cannot take samples back… because ships and other containers cannot get through the disintegration barrier. A biomechanical ship (or ICV, of course) could if it is fully compatible with the people of Ba’al, but few have such things, and they’d still need Ba’al permission/will to export.
Travels at “relativistic speeds” and through Webways without issue.
Singing is popular, and people practice to get and stay sext at it.
They marvel at worlds which can convert their land into vehicles and other things, but feel no jealousy.
Their whole world is a sacred site, but their temples more so, as only sexual activity has ever been done in their temples; many other things can be and are done outside them. They want only good sexual memories echoing in their temples.
With such a shared-consciousness worldwide state of existence, it might seem to humans that there is little to learn, but people of Ba’al learn continuously for lifetimes; about their history, geography, botany, herbalism, astronomy, massage, meditation, yoga, climbing, riding animals, flying, and many other voluminous subjects. When they visit other worlds, they learn much about the subjects of those places, too. It takes many human lifetimes before anyone from Ba’al ever runs out of things to learn in any one of those subjects.
Much of the learning and wisdom females of this world get/have comes via the information cum contains, much like how blood can contain memories on Earth, and the females who have had the most creatures cum inside them… are those with the most cum-memories/knowledge, thus regarded as the sages of this world.
Priestesses are those who feel called to hostess the sex services as the temples on and in Ba’al. Priestesses are also usually the females of this world who regularly/hourly ingest and meditate on the most cum –including the greatest variety of cum (i.e. of many/all species).
Most learning of the most-advanced interaction/sex/healing/therapy/self-care comes from/in the temples. There are no other schools on this world, though teaching does occur all the time between individuals and groups outside them.
Industry and Infrastructure:
No one mines the world for things, or converts parts of it into building materials or oil. Metals/ore-veins are considered part of their eldest ancestor; the people of Ba’al see those things in the ground as you might regard your own blood vessels; only valuable when they stay where they are, and severely damaging if they were removed.
Clay and other surface materials can be gathered and used for art or making pottery, among other things; storage containers (usually man-portable).
They do not “fire” such materials in kilns, though; they meditate and sing and use pyramid tech’ to cause clay to harden; it is based on sound, not heat.
No roads or cities exist here. Their equivalents are migration trails and the World Trees.
Since structures are not built on this world, their temples are the only pseudo-exceptions, all being fashioned out of temple-like rock formations and chambers/caves which the planet itself willed into being and petrification. When creatures of Ba’al build up one another’s sex-energy in these places, it can eventually cause the temple itself to cum, filling up sacred bathtub-like ponds in the given temple, and/or streaming down its sides from a phallic rooftop hole.
This can be accompanied by a minor earthquake; the local ground-flesh orgasming.
Individuals are also welcome by the status quo to masturbate in these temples, the effect being less pronounced/noticeable, but still greatly amplified and resonated by the structure beyond what any one person’s self-caused energy-gasm could be outside.
The bigger animals let the smaller ones ride them, migrating with them sometimes. Humanoids on this world are always welcomed by bowing animals who lower their heads while kneeling to make it as easy as possible for smaller animals to get on top of their backs to “ride on their shoulders” or “ride piggyback”. Even the biggest birds do this; offer this favor to those who are smaller than them and cannot fly. Sea-creatures, too; they surface and swim at the surface so they can be ridden like floats or boats.
- Summer-equivalent: Migrations rarely happen during its flow-season; everyone has what they need everywhere.
- Autumn-equivalent: At the start of its flow-decrease season, females, if not all, tend to migrate upstream long before their local planet-flow (cum-river) decreases to a trickle; the females of this world get half their sustenance from cum, and would not have enough energy to suck or fuck their daily cum needs out of even the biggest males of the species which produce the most.
- Winter-equivalent: During Ba’al’s winter/drought, females exert themselves as little as possible, almost hibernating, napping longer and more often, conserving their energy until the planet’s cum-springs refill their rivers and lakes. Sometimes they are carried around by males, though usually only humanoid females upon cattle-like males.
- Spring-equivalent: When Ba’al’s Spring comes (cum-flow increase/return resumes), any migrations which occurred… now go in reverse, everyone spreading back out.
There are no automobiles or other non-living / tech’-based vehicles here, and none were ever invented. There are no ships, airplanes, or submarines. No one even has a bicycle or skateboard.
No one here leaves the planet to travel through The Abyss (Outer Space). None here have ever desired Space travel, having never forgotten what Space actually is, or lost interplanetary (and even interdimensional and inter-time-periods) telepathy with their now-distant relatives on/from other worlds (once connected). This is partially because of how compatible, sexual, and perfect everyone/thing here is; they never became stressed, distracted, fragmented, dumbed down, or degenerate/d, and they never built anything which interferes with telepathy (such as noisy devices or electricity-based cables/towers). They’ve also never consumed anything which could clog up or otherwise reduce the ability of their telepathy organs/glands.
To visit people on other worlds, the people (humanoids and all others) of Ba’al simply migrate/ride to the temples inside their planet’s hollow core which get them closest to its inner star, and then birds or angels ferry them to and from that star, its heat and light never anything but comfortable for them all. Once inside it, they are in the core/nexus of all stars of all Universes and times, and can then decide where to exit simply by thinking of what they want to experience, or remembering an experience they’d like to have a similar form of again; that causes Heaven to emit/excrete, for lack of a better term, them out through/from the linked star which is where what they had/have in mind still is. This can be called “star-hopping” –and it happens quickest and most-effortlessly when the people traveling this way bring each other to the orgasmic level/state during their time in/between the temple/s and the star-surface on the way there (as that keeps their whole being/body/mind/soul activated, thus sharing/holding their vision/intention the best, thus fully-easy/instant for the stars-consciousness to sense and be commanded/directed/requested by).
*On that note, stars only burn away beings who would misuse their nexus/links/dimension (such as by invading and being rude to other worlds –worlds who are conscious beings who want something else for the smaller beings they have, upon their surfaces, manifested); only rude beasts such as humans are kept away from stars by the concentrated/intensified/semi-permeable will/membrane/living-forcefield of these Sphere Beings.
Ba’al is one of the oldest worlds in Creation. It has a history spanning billions of years. Some believe it may even be older than the current Universe/timestream itself; that would make it possibly dozens of billions of years old –at least.
- Its first Age was during its formation –which did not involve any coalescence with extreme heat or cosmic impacts. Ba’al was formed by the will of the first Sphere Being, as one of that god’s chakras, and solidified as it began to extend out from that being into the newly-forming Abyss now known as Outer Space, much like a planet-sized fruit on the end of an interplanetary-sized twig/branch. There were no creatures on or in Ba’al during this time, as it had not yet naturally thought of making any.
- Its second Age was when its first plants were dreamed up, then manifesting instantly, not needing to evolve in any way; miles-tall mega-flora appeared on its surface nearest where those parts of it had been destined to start having those ideas/visions/’dreams’.
- Its third Age was when its first mobile beings (animals and other fauna) appeared –and via the same process –though it was both the planet itself… and the first/mega-plants… which were together, at this point, dreaming of them, thus naturally sharing the vision of them. This teamwork resulted in that dream / those dreams being manifested even more en-masse; hundreds of people appeared all over and within the world.
- Its fourth Age was when those fauna/people started having subset-dreams of their own, they then manifesting even more fauna/people –with the automatic help / vision-sharing of the plants and planet. Thousands more creatures appeared during this time. They then dreamed a bit more, manifesting the millions present today.
- Its fifth Age is considered to have started when it made contact with Auz, and continues into infinity, as this is the final phase and reconnection/reunion. No more beings will be created by it. Its creations here to forth shall be entirely of interaction between those already made/’born’; this further/finally stabilizes them all (and the more they practice and enjoy this conscious co-creation, the more it will urge/steer their world back into close-enough alignment with compatible others… until Yggdrasil reappears/reforms/reconnects).
(and 5 ages reminds me of the pentacle/pentagram; the symbol of greatest balance on a plane)
It has never had shifts in the focus of the consciousness/es of its masses/beings/residents (as all of them are, technically, the same one focus/dream of the planet itself, all of them being extensions/growths of that Angel). It has never had different periods in its history, distinct in terms of evolution or music, for example. It has also never had misunderstandings, let alone wars, and no one here has ever fallen ill or died even of ‘natural causes’ (which is another myth/lie made up by human Outlanders on Earth to trick more people into not seeking or manifesting/inventing easy cures to so many things that were completely destroying them).
Initial-contact was remote/telepathic, going directly to Auz once before The Shift, and then again at the start of 2023. During that 2nd contact (in 2023), Ba’al shared another SOPs-refining concept/idea with him; that humans and all other incompatible beings on any and every world… are derelict crafts themselves; within his jurisdiction to board, commandeer, mine, salvage, repurpose, you name it. Such as the thoughts of gods. (Even a derelict spacecraft can be fragmented/shattered, not unlike how some consciousnesses have many bodies which seem to the untrained observer to be individuals.)
Direct-contact with Inisfree occurred during our Mapping Campaign. It has remained positive and improving ever since. We very quickly agreed to make this world and all its people one of our protectorates. (Again, it has no need for this, but is just one of our standard kindhearted courtesies.)
Since the 2200s, A.D., Ba’al itself (the conscious planet) has begun communicating directly with High King Auzdein von Himmler; in a mutually-agreeable telepathic way. This started with Ba’al’s “children” (the creatures/people of/on Ba’al) establishing mutually-agreeable contact and communication with the ICVs Auz deployed to it in hopes of learning about the interesting place which had entered his mind and resonated well with him ever since the Shift times/era. Ba’al (the conscious world –whom the humans misinterpreted/mistranslated as being a demon, not understanding or admitting that demons are just pioneer-angels, Arch Angels being stars, and Angels who lead other/lesser Angels being worlds containing smaller stars) has begun sharing its entire memory and wisdom with Auz –most of which is in the form of the most-advanced tantric-sex/medicine possible in all of reality/time; Ba’al wills its extensions (the creatures/people of/on/in it) to interact with Auz’s extensions (the ICVs and ICs; his/their ships and vehicles) to reveal/teach/demonstrate every full-body cure and energizer there ever was or will be. (This typically looks like a graceful fusion of ballet, yoga, and orgy.)
Ba’al has also expressed his/its impressment at how Auz, too, has proven to be a Sphere Being; via evolving into not just spherical Inisfree, but Star-system Auzdein –which Ba’al may be invited to one day, perhaps after Inisfree is invited to temporarily relocate to the surface of the outside or inside of Ba’al.
No one has ever tried to attack, invade, or destroy Ba’al. It would prove impossible, anyway. Steering it away is possible, though; if one world doesn’t like it, they can make an effort/campaign to get those of a world that Does like it… to have enough contact with it that it moves to that compatible world instead.
Again, however, this is pointless, as it always instinctively moves away from all people and places unable to sexually please it, anyway.
There has been tourism to Ba’al for Ages, perhaps its entire existence. Before the first Separation (of the realms), Ba’al was the sexual mecca of the Universe; where everyone went for the best sex of their lives. It is still esteemed and praised that highly by those who remained aware of it ever since.
There have never been forest fires or lightning strikes.
Additional Notes:
Phase 1: I included ‘dark’ art which did not suit this world/idea, probably only including it because of my initial mis-associations/connotations to its name/namesake.
Phase 2: I remade its webpage at my (this) white-template website, leaving out those ‘dark’ things.
Phase 3: I shall be shown Ba’al’s glorious sexy wonders in person.
I wonder if the angel-sigils I tattooed on me are contributing to me learning/sensing/manifesting all this Ba’al stuff. Cool idea.
Special Features:
As mentioned above, anything that gets too close to this planet, if it is not fully compatible with the beings on/in the surface, mysteriously/automatically falls apart. This includes spacecraft. So far, only Inisfreean craft (ICs) have proven invulnerable to this; they are either considered compatible with this ‘demon’/world/collective, or their will exceeds that of the force/effect that is able to overwhelm all energy-shields / forcefields, hulls, and the rest (of non-IC things).
This is even true of asteroids, comets, meteors, you name it; even seemingly inert/lifeless Space-rocks disappear when they are pulled into this world’s orbit, unable to become meteorites; reaching/hitting the surface (as only pleasing, sexually-satisfying things are possible within the local Laws of Physics here). This makes planetary collisions impossible, and there are no signs of even ancient collisions/impacts; there are no craters or crater-remains/ruins on this world.
Even being in Deep Space does not leave this world frozen on its outside. This is because even unwanted/displeasing/non-sexy temperatures stop existing once in proximity to this world. Its surface always stays pleasant to walk (and fuck) barefoot on –and not because of magma-veins or other Earth-typical geothermal activity/features.
People on Ba’al can always remote-feel (not remote-view) the worlds they will get along well with. This is similar to how you know where your hand is even in total darkness, or how you can feel when someone is staring at you from behind.
Since even the cum here is conscious and able to move itself, it always stays a respectful distance away from males, appearing to be repelled from them like how opposing magnetic poles push each other back.
Even in the mouth or other orifice of a female, the cum moves out of it anytime a male is about to finger, fuck, or kiss them.
Others Interested:
Many of the leaders of the Naga, whose kind have traditionally made very wise use of rivers of cum in their cave-realms/layers, have obviously become interested in visiting this world if it invites them. Tempest Thema and Anita Browning will, of course, be among the first; Ba’al and his ‘children’ naturally invited the closest-kin / inner-circle of their friends (fully-compatible beings, such as Auz). Charlotte, Lillian, Melina, and other nymphs now aligned to Auz will definitely also get invited when they feel ready/called. (All sexual demons, such as Allison, are welcome by default.)
It has been speculated/sensed/suspected that when this world is brought/asked into alignment with the rest of returning/reappearing Yggdrasil, that it will act like a fully-unlocked/activated/supercharged Sacral Chakra –but on a planetary/cosmic scale; once it moves close enough to the other chosen worlds in the Final Yggdrasil formation, the/its interplanetary lightning bolt-like energy-link… will render happy, horny, flirty, and energy-gasming everyone –in the best imaginable/possible way –and that, then, will mean a forcefield-causing synergy the likes of which no one since the first Golden Age has ever known.
The World: