This map-room doubles as the cockpit (flight deck) for Inisfree whenever the city takes flight.


Table of Contents:

  1. Intro
  2. Common Usage
  3. Map-room Access
  4. Our Cartography Method
  5. How Long It Takes
  6. Noteworthy Maps Stored Here
  7. Additional Notes
  8. 2021 Update
  9. 2022 Update
  10. Inspiration (Images Begin)
  11. Holographic Grid Example
  12. Sphere Maps Based on Hexagons
  13. Interesting Maps
  14. No-distortion Maps
  15. 2022 Update:  New Storage-room
  16. 2024 March/+



Google Earth meets Professor Charles Xavier’s ‘by-mind’ interface sphere chamber (“Cerebro”) –along with the Holo-deck (in most Starfleet ships).  Like the Holo-deck of Star Trek, you will here be able to enjoy a vantage as if you are warp-surfing through the expanding, constantly in-focus imagery; as if you were really flying rapidly toward your imagined, spoken, signed, or typed destination.


Common Usage:

This room, along with the orchestra-composer’s music-stand-style touch-screen device in this mansion‘s master-bed-and-bathroom, are the two places in Inisfree where its Governor most often enjoys making edits and augments to his growing city.


Map-room Access:

As with most Governor’s Mansion rooms and devices, this room requires the accompaniment of the Governor himself.  In order for a guest to ‘fly the city’ via this room’s console, the Governor must be positioned alongside the guest and serving as the ‘master-pilot in the co-pilot/observer’s seat’.  The Grid Mind handles all of the fail-safes to ensure the city flies as intended, impacting and appearing visible to nothing unintended by the Governor.

And, as always in most places within Inisfree, Master Females remain cloaked and on stand-by to serve in any Inisfreean capacity desired.  *In one of the images below, one of Inisfree’s engineered clones; a perfected variant of Mass Effect’s Ashley Williams, ​​sits in the standard and true Inisfreean manner; alluringly in every way.


Our Cartography Method:

We number/distinguish the sections/sub-maps of our globes/maps by:  starting at the North Pole (of the given map/globe), if there is any rotation at all, the north being based on the solar-system’s plane, if it has one, relative the galaxy’s plane, if it has one, relative our POV from our world/galaxy’s plane, if we are able to see or deduce it from that point in Space-time.

If none of those is the case; if we encounter a tidally-locked planet orbiting a star in an erratic way, with no other planets orbiting on the same plane, and that star in a galaxy without a distinct plane/arm/spiral, in a location of Deep Space that we cannot detect from Earth/Inisfree, then we simply place the first hexagon in the center of the biggest landmass, and spiral hexagons out from it counterclockwise from an orbit-to-land POV, numbering them that way

We map stars the same way; we arrange a spiral of hexagons around their outer surface, starting with either 1) their north pole, or 2) their coolest sun-spot (which is their equivalent of land; land is cooler/harder, compared to water).

Asteroids, comets, and planetoids (and derelicts that are spherical/spheroid) are mapped the same way; we find what their main axis is, use the perceived front/nosecone as “north” (unless we have some reason/motivation/logic to use the top-center of the ship as north, instead of its perceived front/bow)
and number from there (though most ships are simply mapped in a modular way; cockpit, engine/s, hangar/s, medical, storage, etc.).

Each map hexagon (i.e. sub-map; section of the planet/sphere’s total map) has a simple alphanumeric designator; A1, B1, C1, etc..  “A1” is the hexagon centered around the North Pole/Hole of every spherical-planet’s map we made (or, in the cases of planets which do not have an axis of rotation, thus no North Pole, “A1” is the hexagon centered on/in the middle of the largest continent above sea-level).  Even when we map gas-giants and stars, this mapping system is used the same way, resulting in hexagon designators such as A100, B3000, C19000, etc., always going from A1 to Z1 first, then A2 to Z2, etc., as many times as is needed.

All sets/levels of hexagons on all our maps are the same size, always (the initial/biggest set/level) based on the effective range we have concluded each of our Inisfreean Dropships can observe/manage (maintain a soothing presence in without deploying distant/satellite units/forces) –though, of course, one Inisfreean Dropship can manage an entire average-sized continent (since it includes an entire army of Inisfreean Master Females in hundreds of battalions with thousands of aircraft and vehicles).  Specifically, the initial hexagons we map a planet with have an area of ~8,000,000 square miles, thus each of their six sides is ~1,755 miles long.  This was, of course, first fine-tuned to fit these hexagons around the spherical Earth without any gaps or overlap, resulting in maps which look (from a distance) somewhat like Soccer balls.

A planet the size of the Earth, then, is initially mapped with only “several” (never as many as dozens) of these hexagon-shaped sub-maps.  Further hexagon-based subdivision of this/any map results in slightly-overlapping smaller hexagons (pictured in one of the following images).  Successive (smaller) hexagons are sized based on the effective area of control of our ships subordinate to an Inisfreean Dropship; one of our MPHAs (which can handle a nation within a continent, thus ~1,000,000 square miles; a hexagon with a side measuring ~620 miles), then one of our BattleMechs (for a state-sized area (~75,000 square miles; a hexagon with a side measuring ~170 miles) within an average-sized nation, since it can deploy hundreds of Master Females), then one of our “White Rhino” vehicles (for a county or district (~1,000 square miles; a hexagon with a side measuring ~20 miles) within a state; numerous cities, since it can deploy dozens of Master Females, and each Master Female can easily handle an entire city and all its suburbs on her own), etc..

For hollow planets, and planets with multiple distinct cave layers/levels, once the outer surface (“face” nearest Outer Space) is mapped, the hexagon-labeling system of assigning alphanumeric designators continues; “A1” is (around) the North Pole, then once we get to the hexagon that will be over/nearest the South Pole, we start over at “A”, adding subset “i” to distinguish all hexagons of the interior of that world.  Example:  “Ai1” would be the map hexagon centered at/around the North Pole of that world, with successive hexagons designated in the same scheme; as you look down on those lands from above, you would start numbering them (“Bi1”, “Ci1”, “Di1”, etc.) out in a counterclockwise spiral.  When you get to the South Pole, again, you stop.


How Long it Takes:

The moment an ICV arrives at a planet (within its “high orbit” range; where satellites would usually be placed), she has almost instantly mapped the entirety of its outer (Space-facing) surface.  The moment she gets inside its hollow core (if/when it has one), the same is true; mapping the surface (lands, seas, population centers, secret facilities there, etc.) is almost instantaneous (taking only a few seconds).  This, then, is immediately “shared knowledge” with all other ICVs (via their Ansible-SIPRNet-based I.N.N.), and is backed up in “The Grid Mind”, resulting in it becoming permanently available for anytime viewing here in this map room.

*Our form of mapping can also be done via portals, “remote viewing” / “astral projection”, and/or other means, such as “mind-surfing” and “data mining”/”hacking”; we don’t actually have to be (physically) there; we don’t have to see a planet with our own eyes at relatively close-range to generate a complete and detailed map of it.


Noteworthy Maps Stored Here:

Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (S.C.I.; highest security rating):

  • Atlas Infernal II:  an organic, adaptive map of the Eldar Webway (originally the Old Ones’ Webway), based upon this map’s original version kept in the craft-world called The Black Library. This updated version is detectable and readable only by Inisfreean-borne girls, though its contents are part of the collective memory of their race (species) via their city’s primary brain, The Grid Mind.  This map shows the real-time state of every route of the Webway (not to be confused with Warp-space or Hyper-space), including those which were occupied by Warp daemons, sealed by runes, abandoned, destroyed, and so on. Due to the complexity of this map’s contents, Outlanders granted temporary clearance to view some of it are only capable of doing so in this map-room deep beneath the surface of Inisfree.  Though Inisfreeans do not need such maps to travel anywhere in Creation safely, they maintain a copy of it for the purposes of entertaining adventures.  *The Webway only connects places in the Milky Way Galaxy.
  • Entire Megaverse Atlas: the map of the Universe and all of its dimensions / time-streams, accurate to the cubic meter, including all Deep Space and Dark Matter.
  • Entire Megaverse Internets Atlas: the map of every internet used by every applicable species, including their psychic/telepathic networks (such as the Borg network, the the Cylons network, the Geth network, the Malkavian Madness Network, the Protoss fleets network, the Reapers network, the Zerg Overmind-to-Cerebrates network, etc.).
  • The Abyss; >666-layers/-dimensions

Classified (intermediate security rating):​​

  • Entire Universe Atlas: the map of the Universe as it is known to the humans, accurate to the cubic meter, including all Deep Space and Dark Matter, except also showing where all of the civilizations are, whether on worlds, in worlds, in stars, or floating in Space, including which ones are capable of inter-dimensional travel, as well as icons indicating which ones are in warp- and relative-FTL flight. *Sometimes entire worlds travel (and are piloted) in those ways.
  • Entire Inisfreean FOB-Net: the map of the Inisfreean Neural Network (I.N.N.), at this intermediate security rating due to the controversial information frequently passing through it which Outlanders are not yet capable of understanding.
  • Phlogiston
  • Wildspace

Confidential (lowest security rating):

  • Entire Inisfree Atlas: the map of this invincible city, as its invincibility affords it the flexibility of a lower security rating, accurate to the cubic decimeter, including all subterranean and pocket-dimensional aspects, such as Star-system Auzdein and the Inisfreean Star-fleet battle-stations (such as the SSBS) which are anchored deep within it.
  • Entire Human Internet: the map of the latest evolution of the Internet, now called the Cortex, which links all human-utilized computers across the 34 Tauri multi-system, including the Deep Net (difficult-to-find sub-webpages) and the Dark Net (intentionally masked areas of the internet used primarily for Black Market activities and military ones (such as were hosted through the SIPRNET)). *Separate sections of this map include the entire internets of the StarCraft Terrans, as well as the Star Trek Star-fleet.
  • Entire Earth-That-Was Internet: the historical-reference map of the original Internet, including its fledgling start as the ARPA-Net; the computer network used by the humans before the Rapture Campaign of 2013 A.D..
  • Toril interactive globe


Additional Notes:

It has been determined that the Universe is a fractal of toroids, and that its ‘edge’ is actually a dynamic system of worm-holes.  The result is that one will always eventually end up back where they started, should they chart a course for ‘the edge’; they will pass through worm-holes at some point, connecting them with points in space-time elsewhere, such as behind them.  These connections are dynamic, too; everything is shifting around out there, so map updates are necessary at different times based on the changing rates of change for certain regions.

We know where all civilizations and species are, and can forecast their development, when each will encounter others, etc..


2021 Update:

The “Cosmic Background Radiation” (CBR) that some human scientists concluded/assumed/claimed they were seeing/inferring out there (by attempting to peer as deep into Space as their telescopes and other instruments could allow)… was later determined to be 1) “static” resulting from the logical/natural degradation of light/signals (and thought/intention-fields) at those incredible distances (like how a laser beam eventually un-focuses, becoming imperceptible very far away from its start point), and 2) not evidence of how the Universe used to look at all, thus disproving their theory about a Big Bang origin.  It was also –partially– the result of them not choosing what would be out there, as their nature is based on observing and changing/chaos; they cannot create, per se, except for minor/trivial things at very specific points relative to their size or world.  In other words, what human telescopes see way out there… is limited to what those humans’ minds are brainwashed to default to imagining/thinking, while the reality of what is out there is quite different.

You may notice that on some of the maps we keep in this room… there is no CBR; all our maps show full detail, as we have remote-viewed, remote-manifested, and gone out to confirm at close-range all parts of Creation.


2022 Update:

Outside this spherical room, taking up the remainder of the space it occupies in the overall form/volume of the Batcave II facility, is Inisfree’s newest secret vault / storage room.  While every residence and other occupiable building in Inisfree has a closet plus a storage-silo beneath its foundation, and while there are Black Vaults elsewhere for the storing of sensitive items such as artefacts, not to mention the Stasis Archives facility for the indefinite preservation of hibernating individuals, this new storage room is somewhat like a private single-location bank for High King Auz.  Each type of item has its own container here, and those containers are in containers of their own, shielding them on all sides with the most resilient of Inisfreean materials and methods.

List of items stored here:

  1. Actinium
  2. Aluminum
  3. Americium
  4. Antimony
  5. Argon
  6. Arsenic
  7. Astatine
  8. Barium
  9. Berkelium
  10. Beryllium
  11. Bismuth
  12. Boron
  13. Bromine
  14. Cadmium
  15. Calcium
  16. Californium
  17. Carbon
  18. Cerium
  19. Cesium
  20. Chlorine
  21. Chromium
  22. Cobalt
  23. Copper
  24. Corbomite
  25. Curium
  26. Dysprosium
  27. Einsteinium
  28. Erbium
  29. Europium
  30. Fermium
  31. Flourine
  32. Francium
  33. Gadolinium
  34. Gallium
  35. Germanium
  36. Gold
  37. Hafnium
  38. Dubnium
  39. Hassium
  40. Helium
  41. Holmium
  42. Hydrogen
  43. Indium
  44. Iodine
  45. Iridium
  46. Iron
  47. Krypton
  48. Lanthanum
  49. Lawrencium
  50. Lead
  51. Lithium
  52. Lutetium
  53. Magnesium
  54. Manganese
  55. Meitnerium
  56. Mendelevium
  57. Mercury
  58. Molybdenum
  59. Neilsborium
  60. Neodymium
  61. Neon
  62. Neptunium
  63. Neutronium
  64. Nickel
  65. Niobium
  66. Nitrogen
  67. Nobelium
  68. Oganesson
  69. Osmium
  70. Oxygen
  71. Palladium
  72. Phosphorus
  73. Platinum
  74. Plutonium
  75. Polonium
  76. Potassium
  77. Praseodymium
  78. Promethium
  79. Protactinium
  80. Radium
  81. Radon
  82. Rhenium
  83. Rhodium
  84. Rubidium
  85. Ruthenium
  86. Rutherfordium
  87. Samarium
  88. Scandium
  89. Seaborgium
  90. Selenium
  91. Silicon
  92. Silver
  93. Sodium
  94. Strontium
  95. Sulfur
  96. Tantalum
  97. Technetium
  98. Tellurium
  99. Terbium
  100. Thalium
  101. Thorium
  102. Thulium
  103. Tin
  104. Titanium
  105. Tungsten
  106. Unbibium
  107. Unbiennium
  108. Unbihexium
  109. Unbinilium
  110. Unbioctium
  111. Unbipentium
  112. Unbiquadium
  113. Unbiseptium
  114. Unbitrium
  115. Unbiunium
  116. Unhexbium
  117. Unhexennium
  118. Unhexhexium
  119. Unhexnilium
  120. Unhexoctium
  121. Unhexpentium
  122. Unhexquadium
  123. Unhexseptium
  124. Unhextrium
  125. Unhexunium
  126. Unoctquadium
  127. Unpentbium
  128. Unpentennium
  129. Unpenthexium
  130. Unpentnilium
  131. Unpentoctium
  132. Unpentpentium
  133. Unpentquadium
  134. Unpentseptium
  135. Unpenttrium
  136. Unpentunium
  137. Unquadbium
  138. Unquadennium
  139. Unquadhexium
  140. Unquadnilium
  141. Unquadoctium
  142. Unquadpentium
  143. Unquadquadtium
  144. Unquadseptium
  145. Unquadtrium
  146. Unquadunium
  147. Unseptbium
  148. Unseptnilium
  149. Unsepttrium
  150. Unseptunium
  151. Untribium
  152. Untriennium
  153. Untrihexium
  154. Untrinilium
  155. Untrioctium
  156. Untripentium
  157. Untriquadium
  158. Untriseptium
  159. Untritrium
  160. Untriunium
  161. Ununennium
  162. Uranium
  163. Vanadium
  164. Xenon
  165. Ytterbium
  166. Yttrium
  167. Zinc
  168. Zirconium
  169. _ (TBA)
  170. _ (TBA)

(Then, of course, that entire list could have an antimatter counterpart; an oppositely-charged equivalent of each of those elements.)

All of them are not only understood and synthesized, the way they are kept stable/immortal is also known –and provided/maintained here; in each of their respective containers.  This has occurred for the Inisfreeans because it was chosen, not just theorized or attempted; the underlying manifestation was of choice and certainty, not guessing and checking.  The Inisfreeans have also figured out that humans manifested those particles –because they had put all their faith in the assumption/conclusion that they had to exist for things to work.  (In other words, none of the Periodic Table is necessary for life, and has only added another degree of complexity to the realm humans who believe in it occupy; stars did not make those elements, supernovae did not scatter them, DNA did not form based on them, and they can’t actually do anything to those who believe in something else.)

None of them are harmful to anyone in Inisfree, and none of them are in quantities sufficient to cause a damaging (to any Inisfreean or Inisfreean structure) explosion.

Their containers are ~3′ x 3′ x 3′, and those are each in a larger container.  These are designed such that the inner container cannot be removed, and is accessible only by an ICV-operated hatch (access panel), and such that the outer containers are, for lack of a better term, a continuous-weld structure, which itself is part of a continuous-weld with the floor and walls.  Inside the inner containers, each element/item hovers inside a flawless suspension-field; none of any item touches any part of their containers (though their containers, being made of SRC, could not react with any of them even if they did make physical contact).

For reference, see this article about the extended Periodic Table of the Elements.

Further reading; regarding what may happen once there are so many neutrons that electron-speeds become ‘relativistic’ (i.e. at or near the 170th possible/theorized element), is here.

2023 July note:  That makes this facility now double as a personal vault/bank of tangible valuable minerals.



Holographic Grid Example:

Sphere Maps Based on Hexagons:

Interesting Maps:

No-distortion Maps:

We prefer 2D maps of forms (3D things) to be at least like these Dymaxion projections.

2022 Update:  New Storage-room

2023 July update:  This part of the Bat-cave II facility is now also for toilet-rooms and shower-rooms for those in lengthier meetings/briefings/AARs down here.  Those devices/rooms/stalls are up above the storage cells pictured in the screenshots of the album above.

2024 March/+:

Google Maps had 3 icons you could add to any place;

  1. green ribbon; “want to go”
  2. yellow star
  3. red heart; favorite

and you can only include a short note with the green or red ones,
so I used the green icon normally, the red icon as almost-accurate to how I felt about PART of a place, and the yellow icon to indicate I didn’t like the place much, if any, at all.
My icons (used on maps in my realm/civilization) are partially different;

  • black X: pure evil degenerates/liars/morons/mindless
  • purple sick face: caused me to feel unwell
  • blue sad face: bad
  • green ribbon: “want to go” (same as Google Maps)
  • yellow meh face: not awful, not good
  • orange badge: loyal to me
  • red heart: favorite (same)

and I can include a note with any of them.
All my Google Maps icons got xferred into my own maps system here, and upgraded to reflect these additional reactions/thoughts.
Almost everywhere (I had marked with any icon in Google Maps in the Outlands) got a black X (in my own map/system); all my red-marked spots in Google Maps were actually instinctively deeply hated, only tolerated more than other lame human places because they were vegan or something.
Limited to so few icons, and such short notes, in the Outlands, I had no choice but to inaccurately/incompletely pre-mark all the places I had been –until now.

The big globe in the library of my private mansion can also display these icons, though they can instantly easily be disabled/hidden (another feature which was difficult to find, if even present, in Google Maps).

2024 April:  My version of Google Maps/Earth shows not just traffic, but flooding, snow (blocking roads), etc.; every patch of snow, flooded road section, you name it.  (This is also a feature that can be shown on my ICGM Library’s globe, as well as on the flight-deck map-floors in all my ships and vehicles, and in the S.T. suits’ HUDs/faceplates.)

2024 June 10 Monday:

  • article with images about some cities’ and towns’ radio-station coverage-areas
  • The images in that article show the coverage/overall of each station or group of stations broadcast from the same places.
  • They do not show gaps where there is no signal within those coverage-area outlines. Our system shows/adds those gaps.
  • Our version is improved because it shows dead-space; gaps where there is no LOS/signal, such as in some canyons and valleys, as well as buildings or even alleyways which block signal.
  • also:  radio-stations map
  • explanation of 3 signal range sections
    1) Local Coverage:  Within this area, you should be able to receive the radio station on almost any radio with moderately good to very good reception.
    2) Distant Coverage:  Within this area, the signal of the radio station may be weak unless you have a good car radio or a good stereo with a good antenna. You may not be able to receive the station at all on inexpensive radios or radios with poor antennas.
    3) Fringe Coverage:  Within this area, the station’s signal will be very weak. You may be able to receive this station if you have a very good radio with a good antenna, but it’s possible that interference from other stations may prevent you from picking up these stations at all.
  • Our version also can display / factor in where jamming is occurring, such as where Targeted Individuals (T.I.s) are being subjected to interference/meddling (the electronic-warfare harassment kind).  We can see on our maps anywhere where senses such as telepathy are being electromagnetically or otherwise jammed/reduced, including the sources of those forms of interference, the exact device make+model, who is operating it, why they are operating it, what their organization / chain-of-command is, and much more.  Anytime we want, we can visually remove those layers of interference, showing us what is being blocked out, what its range and effect/s would be if it was no longer being blocked out / jammed, etc..  This is similar technology to what is used in recording studios when they want to edit a recording so that it sounds better, perhaps removing an unwanted sound or part of a song, and/or enhancing/loudening a different part.

2024 October 24 Thursday:

  • This room/device is Cerebro next-gen’; this map-room is not just able to locate/show and comm. w/ all fellow ‘mutants’ on Earth (something Cerebro was once disclosed as being capable of), but all compatible beings in all realms; throughout the Omniverse.


Video Player

Also see:

“New Worlds” Mass Effect 2 [Explicit] Jack Wall
Audio Player