This defensive construct is now complete with heuristic mines, electromagnet slant pits, and proximity electrified dragons-teeth.  The olfactory sensor nodes now include ‘intention detection’.


Table of Contents:

  1. As Above, So Below (Wall Filter)
  2. Rainbow Guns
  3. Trips and Snares
  4. Faux Gates
  5. Seeing Fake Gates Misleads Enemies into Assuming the Real Gates have Weak-points
  6. Distinguishing the Undistinguishable
  7. The Pearly Gates Passage
  8. Dimensions
  9. Misconceptions
  10. In Summary
  11. As Above, So Below / As Within, So Without
  12. The Process:  The Inisfreean Challenge and Pass
  13. Summary of the Steps
  14. The Details; the Dance
  15. Bypass
  16. Water-regulation Nature
  17. History
  18. 2022 Update:  Capacity, and Time to Traverse
  19. 2022 Update:  Sky-dome
  20. 2022 Update:  Personnel Stationed Here
  21. Details (Map Images)
  22. Exterior
  23. WoW Concept
  24. Laser Concepts
  25. Artillery Pits on the ‘Inside’
  26. Forming from the Middles in 2011
  27. 2023/+ Updates


The Wall

As Above, So Below:

Like its weapon systems, the wall itself is phase-shifting, and serves as an anchor to a construct in another dimension of space and time.  Like nearly any door in Inisfree, the entire Perimeter Wall itself is a filter allowing only those deemed worthy by the Emperor (a.k.a. The Governor) to sense it and pass through it.  So while some of your adventurous party may easily see it and step through its yawning gargantuan portals, to others in your party, they may appear to just disappear into the white-wash wastes of the frozen Antarctic.


Rainbow Guns:

Full-spectrum, automated, sentry cannon emplacements fire projectiles in all spectrums, at all rates, and in all combinations, based on the combat data streaming in about their targets.  There are hundreds of thousands of these, all lining both the top and bottom (ground level) edges of the outer facades of the Perimeter Wall.  If you can see our wall, you are well within range.

200,000, lining the top and bottom, is 100,000 per band, so 25,000 per side (per band; 50K/side, total).  25.000/11.5 miles = 1 gun every 2.4288′ (per band).  Perfect; just the right amount of room for their housing/bunkers plus connections to where they get repaired and recharged/reloaded from.

They are designed to be accurate out to the horizon, and deadly within the orb, or within about 5 miles.  (The ones closer to the corners of our square perimeter-wall can obviously shoot accurately out a lot farther from our orb.) These are megawatt, not kilowatt lasers, so they easily one-shot cruise missiles (most of which only require 300 kW from a laser to take them down after a few-seconds one-shot). When combining beams farther out, the added heat makes up for the distance, so more lasers together means greater lethal range. With 25,000 on the same target (and we might ‘light up’ an entire side/row of our wall like that, if need be), they can kill all the way out at the horizon –and even orbit; that’s hundreds of miles away.

The top band (the 100,000 laser turrets built into our perimeter wall at/along its top edge) can aim straight up because it is in/on the edge/rim; each laser aperture/’barrel’ can rotate in a wide arc/circle like that. They can also merge (beams aiming together at the same target overhead) over the Crow’s Nest Position, taking down kinetic impact rods, etc. –but anything that hits the shield (‘sky-dome’ / ‘double-bubble’ around/over Inisfree) gets added to the wall density… or converted into battery power or ammo.; there is rarely ever a need to fire our lasers up through/over our airspace/dome/shield.

How do we keep that many anti-missile lasers cooled down enough that they don’t melt?  It’s usually -60°F to -120°F where they are (~-51.1°C to -84.4°C), plus windy; they rarely ever heat up in the first place.

A CSBS (such as Inisfree) can one-shot (arouse/end/etc.) a continent or moonoid out to ~2.123 LY (with its main gun), and a house-sized target out to ~40 miles with any of its wall-mounted Rainbow Cannons.  These wall-mounted cannons are every ~2.4′ along the top and bottom/ground-level of the outside of the wall, and that means a ~2′-diameter lens/beam.  Each full-machine/device (the supporting structure/s for each wall-mounted cannon) is oriented like giant vertical planes/sheets able to extend in (toward Inisfree) as long as ~.7M and down as long as ~1.5M (so imagine a laser whose entire structure spanned 2’x3,696’x7,920′; 58,544,640 cubic feet).  (Compare that (58,544,640 cubic feet) to the Outlands humans’ airplane-mounted laser, the Boeing YAL-1 (which is basically/almost the entire Boeing NKC-135A airplane’s hull/cylinder; ~130 (of 143)’ x ~30′; 91,891.59 cubic feet; ~637x less voluminous/massive than what one of Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall lasers could be).)


2024 July 12 Friday note:  Extrapolation from the DragonFire Laser

  • target, distance, time to destroy:
    1£ coin (23.43mm diameter), 1 mile (1,609,344mm), ~instant (seconds); 1mm beam-diameter change after/along/for every 68,687.32394mm
  • “A beam about 1 millimeter in diameter, your usual laser pointer, diverges at around 1–2 milliradians. That means that at a kilometer, that beam is 1–2 meters in diameter.”
    rate of spread (widening of the end of the beam):  (1,500mm/km)
    extrapolation:  at 1,000 km, 1,500,000mm beam diameter; 1,500m; 1.5km wide that far out from the source/’gun’
  • our extrapolations:
    2 miles (M) = 46.86mm diameter, ~2 sec.
    3M (15,840′) = 70.29mm (2.7673228″) diameter, ~3 sec.
    .5M (2,640′) = 11.715mm diameter, ~1 sec.
    .1M (528′) = 2.343mm diameter, ~.5 sec.
    (and that’s not factoring in our much more powerful, much more precise, much more numerous, portals-assisted lasers)
  • Outlander lasers in (Earth’s) atmosphere are claimed to have a range of 1-3 miles.
    In Space, their range is dramatically farther; thousands of miles, if not ~infinite, limited only by interference from Space dust, radiation, etc..
  • Inisfreean lasers are portal-assisted, and later even assisted by learning how to get atmospheres to temporarily change where and how the Inisfreeans want them to (not just be heating them out of the way with a pre-shot laser-firing, but actually communicating with the portion/line/space of the atmosphere between the laser and the target, getting its agreement to work in tandem to achieve the desire result).
    The portals bypass the light-speed and in-atmo’ barriers/issues, so all targets are destroyed (or otherwise changed as intended; disable, etc.) instantly (i.e. no delay from light/photons/whatever having to cross any long distance).
  • Imagine getting practically instantly melted hundreds, thousands, or even more miles out, long before ever even reaching Antarctica, let alone Inisfree’s territory/spot of it, all without hearing or seeing any laser beam or other weapons fire.
  • Also, imagine getting practically instantly mind-unfucked (brainwashing deprogrammed/removed) by our healing- and aligning-to-our-will, a.k.a. forced-ascension, next-gen’ lasers.  That isn’t just applicable to rapidly changing the minds of the fools who oppose us; it can be used for nonstop healing and roundabout-invincibility of our deployed and allied personnel.
  • usually invisible and silent –just like DragonFire
  • Like all our beams/lasers, these are ‘smart’ –not just in the sense they are aimed by sophisticated guidance systems, but also because the beams themselves are enchanted/intelligent, always striking their intended targets, and never harming anyone/thing I (Auz) love or would like. Even when one of these beams hits an airplane full of people, only the plane and any bad people aboard, if those are its targets, get disintegrated.
    These beams can simultaneously delete humans I would not like… while empowering/healing those I would like. This is because they are not based on overheating/hurting everything, like primitive human lasers are, but on righting everything in their paths.


Trips and Snares:

Nicknames for this portion of the FOB (Inisfree used to be just an outpost; a Forward-Operating Base (FOB)) have included “Janus”, the God of Doors, as there are a great many faux and fallible ones both within and without this towering yet often invisible construct.


Faux Gates:

There are 12 of these false-gate outlines left faintly visible, apparently chiseled into the Perimeter Wall.

On the outside faces of the Perimeter Wall, as yet another clever, tactical diversion and deception on the usual Titanic scale of the Inisfreean people, are these features which give the misleading appearance of being the gate outlines leading into this massive wall’s airlock and scanning chambers.  Positioned many hundreds of feet off to the side and away from the actual gates, these stadium-sized rectangles of the sheer ice cliff serve to draw potential incoming fire away from the actual gates long enough to allow for surprise and massive troop and other movements both into and out from the actual gates.  They are also positioned such that any extremely large blast and shock-wave, such as from a nuclear barrage, would only help further seal and harden the actual gates and passageways; like the internally-hidden, rotating spheres that make up the second and fourth chambers of each gate’s passageway sequence, this design, too, becomes stronger and more immovable the more it is attacked.

Seeing Fake Gates Misleads Enemies into Assuming the Real Gates have Weak-points:

This is just another clever Inisfreean tactic, though, for all things Inisfreean are nearly impossible to destroy.

I​​t is also of note with this feature of the Inisfree city design that it is part of the virtually unchangeable collective construct that is the Inisfreean realm.  That is to say that its ‘smart’-structure, sandwiched armor, shielding, and other aspects make it invincible even to thermonuclear, supernova, black-hole, and anti-matter weaponry, as well as, of course, the whole host of magical powers that any outsider may have learned.  These fake gate hatch outlines can draw and hold fire by both appearing as the actual gate hatch outlines and constantly re-building and re-forming themselves, giving the false impression that, perhaps if the enemy concentrates more firepower upon them, they won’t be able to re-form as quickly, and will eventually break open to reveal a passage into the city’s interior.

​​In the unbelievably unlikely event that a nonstop barrage of such god-like projectiles was both produced and successfully launched at a pinpoint target anywhere along or upon the Inisfreean realm, be it a single spot on this Perimeter Wall or anything else, if the Grid Mind and Inisfreean Master Female Storm Troopers were somehow not able with all their coordinated supercomputer brains and ‘smart’-gear to delete, redirect, backfire, send erratic, teleport, deflect, absorb, and/or convert all of such incoming fire with their usual, casual ease, not to mention their abilities to calm any creature down, change their minds, and even make them turn on their comrades or even submit to the Inisfreean will entirely, the fraction of the projectiles miraculously making it through all of these Inisfreean abilities and defenses would then have to make it through the consecutive shield spheres that surround Inisfree city like perfectly spaced bubbles within bubbles, each one drastically changing the density and vibrations those projectiles would have to course-correct and compensate for.

​​Then, said remaining projectiles would have to make it through the literally tens of thousands of ‘rainbow cannons’, each of which is a ‘smart’-gun capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously with projectiles (both bullet-like and plasma-burst) which self-pilot and accept course corrections from their firing platforms.  These ‘rainbow cannons’, named for their ability to adjust their emitted projectiles to nearly anything imaginable (flash-cloning entire belts of ammunition the split-second their target analyses determine what would damage their targets the most), are also constantly re-analyzing their targets to maintain pinpoint-accurate beam-fire on each of their targets’ areas which become the most vulnerable and weakened throughout the offensive.  In other words, as different spots on each target become more damaged and likely to result in a catastrophic kill of the target, it is those spots which are instantly detected and exposed to more concentrated fire.  The result is that streams of many kinds of bullets and lasers are emitted as quickly as the rounds from a Gatling gun, and since they often change type mid-stream to continue being as effective as possible against their changing target (how targets change as they take on more damage), these streams of fire may include as many colors as the rainbow.

Lastly, whatever is left of such an impossibly unlikely barrage of incoming fire would impact the Perimeter Wall which is nearly a full mile thick (and much taller if you count its depth below the ice that is ground-level); a wall whose composition is that of ‘sandwiched armor’, meaning it has many, many layers of different armor types, causing the dispersion of the force of any impacts to be so erratic that within mere inches to feet… nothing is felt at all.  That, and everything built by the Inisfreeans is self-repairing; like carbon-fiber nano-tubes, it grows back to the exact form it is hard-wired to, so whatever damage said unlikely barrage was able to pull off at this point… would start to fade away right before the enemy troops’ and commanders’ eyes.  It would appear as if the Perimeter Wall (and any damaged ‘rainbow cannons’ or other Inisfreean constructs) were healing as quickly as vampires are said to.​​  Much of the energy from those impacts would also be used to accelerate this biomechanical healing process -as would any shrapnel, even if it was radioactive.

So if any incredibly vast, nearly endless Outlander military force was able to notice the Inisfreean Perimeter Wall many miles within its aetherial, outermost sphere of airspace and territory (a sphere which blurs, masks, and cloaks all of Inisfree city from any form of Outlander detection -even that of satellites), and if, somehow, that force was also able to get past the honeycomb formation of Sentry Towers (Inisfreean Dropships) encircling Inisfree with overlapping fields of 360°​​ fire, and if, after that, this force was able to launch a wall of projectiles so dense and long-lasting that it got past all of those aforementioned Inisfreean abilities, any damage it caused would be upon a fake gate hatch outline, doing the enemy force absolutely no good, while further energizing and recharging Inisfree as a whole, and whatever was left of that enemy would still have multiple, successive, concentric rings of hidden trenches, moats, tank-traps, ‘dragons-teeth’ barriers, traction-less ice terrain, proximity-activated electromagnetic tractor-beam pits designed to suck in body-armored infantry and vehicles, an un-climbable ice cliff Perimeter Wall so tall it would take an expert climber with no distractions or setbacks what-so-ever more than a week to scale, and an actual gate hatch still so well-hidden it is literally imperceptible, not to mention hundreds and hundreds of feet up above their ground level at the base of this sky-high wall.  That, and nothing they have in their arsenal could be powerful enough to burrow through a nearly mile-thick wall that constantly heals and reseals itself.  Plus, the entire city can always just teleport away, leaving them with nothing left to attack but a five-mile-deep crater where Inisfree used to sit.


Distinguishing the Undistinguishable:

The actual rectangular hatches that open to allow traffic into and out from the first chambers of the Pearly Gates are so well crafted that they are imperceptible to the naked eye.  The only semblance of a gate hatch outline are the Faux Gates, as they are called, but even they seem far too large to function as hatches of any kind.  It is entirely probable that all of those rare and lucky enough to inadvertently enter this outermost sphere of the Inisfreean realm wouldn’t even notice them, not knowing what they are looking at, let alone that Inisfreean architecture is typically on this incredibly large scale.


The Gates

The Pearly Gates Passage:

Inspired by the rumored ‘pearly gates’ of Heaven, the primary locking and traffic direction mechanisms of Inisfree’s Titan-sized city-gates are spheres within spheres; formed like up-scaled pearls, and, also like pearls, contained within heavy-duty protective layers.  In short, the way through our perimeter wall is a series of rectangular-prism hallways which must align via the turning of the giant armored spheres that contain two out of every five-in-a-row of them.  They are like enormous pearls built into the thick, cliff-like wall surrounding our city.  Each sequence of five of these rectangular-prism hallways is one route into or out from our city through this wall.  Only one is usually allowed for use; the others are reserved for troops, emergencies, and special occasions.  Thus, newcomers rarely ever hear about more than the one.



The gates leading from the Antarctic Outlands to Inisfree’s protected interior have some incredible aspects to them.  First, their sheer size is truly titanic; each gate being a long sequence of 5 chambers​ -so long, in fact, that by the time one passes through one of these gates, they have traveled more than a full mile.  Second, their capacity is equally impressive; each chamber in these 5-chamber gates is wide, deep, and tall enough that an entire aircraft carrier (a 95,000 ton, 1/4-mile long, 25-story tall Navy warship with an entire fighter squadron and 5,000 crew-and-compliment capacity) can easily fit inside them.

Their hatches (the NORAD-style blast-doors which seal both ends of each of the 5 chambers, whose sequence comprises each of the Pearly Gates linking the Outlands to Inisfree) are rectangles oriented such that their long axes are side to side. Each hatch is like a sandwich; multiple layers, each of which open in a different way relative one another. For example, one layer (of each hatch at each end of each chamber within these Pearly Gates) will open from the center, its two halves moving apart from each other, each of them sliding silently into the walls at either side of their chamber. The next layer in will open with its top half silently sliding up into the ceiling of its chamber, while its bottom half silently slides down into the floor; its topside lip will become flush with the floor of the two chambers it once separates, serving as a temporary continuation and connection between these two surfaces, allowing for foot- and vehicular-traffic, as needed. This ‘sandwiched’ (layered) hatch (door) design prevents flooding by easily raising up a door from the floor as a wall during each closing process, as opposed to normal Outland doors which swing open laterally, easily being forced open by waters on ground level rushing around and past them.

​Among these hatches, those sealing the outside of the Perimeter Wall against the Antarctic environment have internally-concealed hinges allowing their top edge to open out and down, becoming a ramp; this is a larger-scale equivalent of a drawbridge from the castle designs of olde. Oft’times those approaching Inisfree from the ground or air will wait for the opening of one of these ‘drawbridges’, signifying one of their final clearances for entering the city-proper. As with the other hatches of these Pearly Gates, successive layers of each hatch open from side to side, then into the top (ceiling) and bottom (floor), and so on.

​(* The following figures apply only to the 12 topside Pearly Gates.) It is also of note that each of these hatches are over 460 feet wide; more than 200 feet wider than an aircraft carrier would need to sail into or out of them. Their height is more than 260 feet, also allowing more than enough room for the typically 24-25 stories-tall aircraft carriers. (*The aircraft carriers used on Inisfree’s lake (1 for the new sport called paintball-parkour, and 2 retrofitted and fused into 1 extra-wide carrier for the floating NASCAR stadium) were either teleported into place or sung into existence with Inisfree’s subatomic transmutation, flash-cloning, and 3D-printing technologies.) The depth of each chamber of each Pearly Gate is over 1,100 feet, also providing enough room for an aircraft carrier to fit inside. (*Though a snug fit in some ways, Repulsine technology built into the walls of each Pearly Gate chamber holds any vessel precisely in position, similarly to how tractor-beams function.)

​The reason for making Inisfree’s Pearly Gates’ hatches wide and tall enough, and the Pearly Gates’ chambers wide, tall, and deep enough to easily fit entire aircraft carriers is because Inisfree in its entirety is the prophesied 2nd Ark; the ship that will preserve the worthy during the next global terraforming event. This means that, as the 2nd Ark, it will not only be responsible for housing large animals, but also accepting the potentially gigantic herds of migrating humans turned into desperate climate-change refugees; millions at a time may have to be entered into these gates’ chambers where they will, en-masse, be screened, processed, and ushered deeper into the city for their protection, re-education, and initial personal quarters assignments. In other words, when rising temperatures, such as by nuclear firestorms, result in the last of the ice caps melting and raising the ocean levels (nearly 50% of this world’s ice caps have already thawed and melted in recent decades, freeing up once well-contained volcanoes deep beneath the weight of the mile-high ices there, whose released heat, in turn, has further accelerated the remainder of the ice caps melting) many dozens of meters higher than they have been in 2012, it is entirely probable that the navies of the world will be tasked by their governments with functioning as mobile-cities to evacuate as many of their nations’ citizens as possible, and the only safe place to take everyone will be the only city capable of easily handling such a global terraforming event (and any E.L.E.; Extinction-Level Event); Inisfree. This may transpire in one of a few ways, which follow…

​First, Inisfree is situated adjacent the Transantarctic Mountain range such that, if the ice caps finish melting and the ocean levels rise accordingly, the new ocean level will align perfectly with the bottom edge of Inisfree’s Pearly Gates’ chambers; when its outermost hatches (drawbridge-style ramp-doors) open, the outside ocean level will be just high enough to easily allow ship traffic to sail in and out of said chambers.

​Secondly, if ocean levels do not rise enough to align with those chambers, Inisfree is a mobile construct; the entire city is capable of leaving its ‘anchor-point’ atop Antarctica, then floating or teleporting anywhere, at which point it can settle back down onto a new landing area, or float just as stably in the most turbulent of oceans. So if the approved ships cannot sail to it over what was once the ice cap crowning Antarctica, Inisfree can sail to them!

​Lastly, for more extreme and interesting situations, when Inisfree functions as the flagship of the Inisfreean equivalent of Star Fleet, its Pearly Gates function again as airlocks, this time to allow Space-faring traffic in and out of its Perimeter Wall. Regardless of whether it is in deep Space or the interior of a black-hole or burning star, its immortal, invincible, living, conscious hatches and chambers work just as well.

​One more point to cover here is this: Although usually only for foot-, vehicular-, and air-traffic (such as Repulsine-assisted hovercraft), these cavernous chambers of the Pearly Gates can be easily filled to any level with the amount of waters necessary for ships as large as aircraft carriers to sail in and out. Towering ballasts built into the depths of Inisfree’s nearly one-mile-thick Perimeter Wall make this possible –and in a very short amount of time. This aspect of the Pearly Gates was decided upon and built because the chambers of the Pearly Gates are Inisfree’s formal, official, preferred contraband detection devices; rooms whose walls are lined with every type of scanner (sensory perception equipment, like incredibly advanced metal- and bomb-detectors), and it doesn’t matter who or what is going in or out of Inisfree; everything must be scanned, checked, and screened, as per Inisfreean law. Whether a single person or an entire naval fleet is passing through, all of them get checked out in these chambers, so, naturally, these chambers must be capable of giving any of their persons or constructs a smooth transiting transition. (*Once sea-faring traffic passes into the innermost, final chamber of a Pearly Gate chambers-sequence, its occupants can be transported off its flight-deck (such as by Owl, MPHA, Fire-tank, or other airborne Inisfreean craft, etc.) or teleported out and down to the Welcoming Square. The ship, on the other hand, is then teleported into a stasis area in one of Inisfree’s many, gigantic, subterranean, cylindrical chambers. To reload, depart, and redeploy, this process is reversed.)



The Pearly Gates are the stadium-sized, hollow spheres which silently rotate to realign with other chambers connected to them, all hidden inside Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall.  While there are 8 large Pearly Gates for the military ship hangars inside Inisfree’s lower hemisphere, and 24 ‘small’ (by comparison to the large ones) Pearly Gates for the smaller and more common traffic through Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall (in) to its ‘topside’ (upper hemisphere) or (out) to the Antarctic realm and the rest of the Outlands, many outsiders (people not born and educated in Inisfree, often called ‘Outlanders’) are ignorant of this, and they have sometimes said that there are only 12 of these gates.  This is because these gates were fashioned and named after their inspiration in the Outlanders’ Bible’s book of Revelations; the 12 ‘pearly gates’ that serve as the only ways in and out of New Jerusalem; the city that is prophesied to appear once Heaven and Earth are reunited.

​​This erroneous numbering of Inisfree’s Pearly Gates is also because the lower hemisphere of Inisfree is almost completely unheard of; a well-kept secret of Inisfree’s highly classified military might.  Yet another reason this error in numbering Inisfree’s gates occurs is because, of the 12 gates most guests to Inisfree are vaguely aware of (only one of these gates is every actually used for their passage), the inner workings of the sequence of chambers which make up each of these gates -these passages through the extremely thick, Inisfreean Perimeter Wall- function so smoothly and deceptively that their chambers seem like a straight route from outside to inside. This makes each route from outside to inside, while it is actually a sequence of 5 chambers, 2 of which are inside the stadium-sized spheres, ​​seem as though there is only one ‘pearly gate’ aspect hidden inside it, perhaps encasing all of these 5 chambers.

​​The truth is that each of these 12 topside gate chamber sequences, and each of the 8 lower-hemisphere gate chamber sequences, are in a ‘zig-zag’ orientation; traffic enters the outermost chamber, moves into the first of its two sphere-encased chambers (inside the first of its two, stadium-sized spheres), then waits while this first sphere rotates 90 degrees to align with the next (third) chamber, then the traffic enters this third (middle) chamber, then moves into the second of its two  sphere-encased chambers (inside the second of its two, stadium-sized spheres), then waits while this second sphere rotates 90 degrees (in the opposite direction) to align with the next and final of the 5 chambers, and then the traffic enters this 5th (final) chamber where it waits for the innermost hatch (also stadium-sized) to unlock and silently yawn open to connect with the on-ramp to Inisfree’s Glowing Art Highway (GAH), leading down through the Chinese Great Gate to the Welcoming Lot.


In Summary:

The Pearly Gates (spheres inside our gate-chamber sequences) of Inisfree number 32 total; 8 below the surface (the larger ones, which are nearly two miles in diameter), and 24 above the surface (the smaller ones, although these are still the size of stadiums).  The 8 below the surface are unknown to outsiders; used only for large military ship traffic.  Only 2 of the Pearly Gates on the surface (until after we’d reached Aman and begun seeing much more land-based visitor traffic) are used for guest traffic; the 2 which are inside the one and only passage through the Perimeter Wall kept available (but not always open when one arrives) to these guests.  Outsiders, a.k.a. ‘Outlanders’, assume that Inisfree is New Jerusalem, which they think must indicate it only has 12 of these ‘pearly’ (spherical) gates.  Every time they enter or exit the city, they pass through the same 2, stadium-sized spheres which are the 2nd and 4th of the 5 chambers that make up their one and only guest route through the Perimeter Wall (for now; once traffic increases, we’ll begin opening the other surface gates).  If one was to consider each 5-chamber sequence through Inisfree’s perimeter to be one ‘gate’, then Inisfree can be said to have 20 total ‘gates’ (passages through its perimeter); 12 above the surface (1 of which is used by guests), and 8 below its surface (reserved for Inisfree’s larger military ships).


As Above, So Below / As Within, So Without:

Many other ‘door’s, sometimes called ‘hatches’, in Inisfree are fashioned like these Pearly Gates; hollow spheres hidden inside walls, moving so smoothly that it is difficult to tell one is passing through them at all.  This is because the sphere is the most energy-efficient structure, and, thus, the strongest.  This makes it next to impossible to damage or even dislodge an Inisfreean door.


The Process:  The Inisfreean Challenge and Pass

*As of the 2300s, this challenge and pass is no longer used, except for some first-timers; we have already pre-screened everyone, we can sense their thoughts and intentions, and Inisfree almost never lets in any humans other than kajirae candidates/acquisitions, so our ‘challenge and pass’ has become more ceremonial or theatrical at this point.



Like a Dick Tracy decoder ring, or the Bavarian Freemasons’ many handshakes, the Challenge-and-Pass utilized by Inisfree to further confirm the identity and purity of her children is a daunting one to the unaccustomed.  It is designed to be confusing to those who observe it, even frightening and impossible to recount.  Only the initiated can make sense of it all, and without one of them completing this challenge-and-pass, no one in their group will gain entry.


Summary of the Steps:

  1. a specific type of being (ICV; an Inisfreean) shows the secret way through the atmospheric haze (optical illusion), past the Sentry Towers, and to the gate (not the faux-gate outline)
  2. a specific sound summons the gatekeeper
  3. two-way vocal signature confirmed with random semi-code words
  4. growl, hiss, sparring starts
  5. the gatekeeper’s suit no longer protects the newcomers from her distracting, extreme beauty
  6. crotches greeting
  7. tongue trace lips
  8. spelling Inisfreean language symbols on the other’s tongue with their own tongue
  9. Morse code via Shared Breath
  10. humming every other note
  11. two-way visual iris-movements & coloration confirmation
  12. two accepted hard slaps; aim, intensity, & military bearing confirmations
  13. palm & fingers licks; erogenous techniques confirmations
  14. aggressive partners yoga; balance, coordination, flexibility, & trust confirmations
  15. ‘body hardening’; durability & pain-tolerance confirmations
  16. Sayoc Kali & other templates, including mirrored Gun Katas; logic & efficiency-of-movement/engagement confirmations
  17. vibration sensing across the void; perception acuity confirmations
  18. mutual neck bite; mortality trust confirmations
  19. sexual liquids tests; genetics & hygiene confirmations
  20. the prone inverted-kiss; cultural & salivary/gustatory confirmations
  21. roar, hiss, feral curtsy, snarl-into-mewl; Dom/sub (lion & lioness) natures confirmations
  22. mutual bow; our Namaste, acknowledging one another’s completion
  23. mutual Roman-salute; our body-language for ‘proudly taking it to the next level’
  24. rest of gatekeeper squad appears, encircling; group-acknowledgment of readiness
  25. gorilla chest-beating; demonstration of virility, pride, & relief at having completed the ritual
  26. walk on ‘all fours’ through the quantum wall which has now been set to permeable; animalism & Inisfreean-pack demonstrations
  27. walk or drive through the subtly aligning sequence of chambers; each one scans & re-scans for any contraband, including immature thoughts & locked memories
  28. verbal reminder that Inisfree and its Inisfreeans reign supreme here; none are capable of unauthorized access, including gods
  29. forearm-grabbing greeting; the warm welcome of fellow warriors & greats, beyond handshakes and hugs
  30. “There are no pacts between lions and men.” Reply: “Verily.” Reply: “Amen-Ra.”; another reminder that we more than human, more than mortal, and above their petty laws


Versus the Simpler Challenge-and-passes of the Outlands:

  1. “Stop.”
  2. “Advance to be recognized.”
  3. “Place your I.D. on the deck/ground and take 3 steps back.”
  4. Examine I.D.
  5. Compare with person
  6. Return I.D.
  7. Say sentence with one of the predetermined challenge words hidden within it
  8. Listen to response sentence to determine if one of the acceptable pass words is hidden within it
  9. Decide if entry should be granted

and the other simpler methods of Outlands identification:

  • Person types in a numerical code on a keypad
  • Person types in an alphanumeric password on a keyboard
  • Person places card in a card reader
  • Person speaks a name or other identifier for a vocal signature analyzer to hear
  • Person places their finger-pads or entire palm on a palm-print scanner
  • Person looks into a mounted goggle-like device for an eyes photo or retinal scan


The Details; the Dance:

In the years before Inisfree’s visitor traffic picked up substantially, there was a very difficult and singular way inside:  “Only one guide (one specific person in all of Creation) can gain your party entry into the forbidden city.  If you can find him, he must be able to perform the sacred and mandatory ‘dance’ upon reaching the innards of the first Pearly Gate of the Inisfreean Perimeter Wall.  The passage through all successive Pearly Gates may only be granted if this dance is executed flawlessly.”  Today, however, there are many approved residents, citizens, and Inisfreean women who can authorize supervised access; the one man who used to hold the only key… is now free to go about his business without having to work this ‘door’.

More details of the original process, though:  First, the guide will make the rapid “tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick” noise with his tongue tap-flicking the roof of his mouth.  If performed correctly, an answer will come a few seconds later; quiet growling like the Predators of the sci-fi movie from Earth-That-Was.  The gatekeeper has been summoned.

A shadowy figure will slowly fade into view as if out of the thin air in your dark ante-chamber, the First Gate’s first room just inside the outermost facet of the Perimeter Wall.  Standing almost as tall as your guide, and adorned in full-bodied armor almost like a second skin, this being will initially appear to be a Shadow Elemental, and it will speak as if it has three voices sounding all at once; one hissing, one growling, and one synthesized, sounding truly alien and demonic.

It and your guide will speak words that seem random, and are; only saying them not because they are their code, but to hear each other’s voices, and confirm they are the correct vocal signatures.  For example, you may here the challenges and passes (utterances and replies) of: “Hitler”, “red”, “sky”, “co-sign”, “radially”, “Do not move.”, “I shall kill you now.”, “And I, you.”; the latter of which being tests for each other, as well as for their accompanying parties, ensuring that none of their members are fearful or assumptive fools.

The guide will then growl, contort his face like a vampire hissing, and leap forward into what appears to be mortal battle with the other; the apparent Shadow Elemental being.  The armor-suited warrior will fight him viciously, ending anyone who intervenes by unseen magics.  This sentry being and the guide will hit, kick, head-butt, and throw each other.  Then its lion-head helmet will flow like water back up and away from its face from all sides.

A woman beautiful like no one could ever imagine will at that point be revealed to have been the pilot within the suit, and your guide and she will touch each other’s crotches with the same hands (not a mirrored gesture). As they each take the other’s free hand (again, not a mirrored gesture) to form the heart shape with those digits (each one’s free hand forming half of the classical heart shape outline), and as they each trace their own tongue around the other’s lips before spelling Inisfreean language symbols on the other’s tongue with their own tongue, this will then lead them into doing the Shared Breath technique back and forth as Morse code.

They will then hum an ancient tune, each of them humming every other note, so the two of them overlap their notes sequence; the same concept as ‘talking guns’. The whole time, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, both will watch how the other’s eyes flex; the guide watching how the girl-gatekeeper’s irises very faintly let all the colors of the rainbow flow and radiate through them, like an aurora of the irises. When she is aroused and satisfied from all of this thus far, certain color groups and brightness-es will fluctuate, then fade; the ‘Kesha flash’ as was animated in one of that artist’s videos.

The guide at this point will then slap her hard across her face, making her whole upper body rotate away and then back to face him. She will then do the same to him, and he will make no effort to block it –just as she made no effort to block his strike. Then they will caress each other’s cheeks, clasp their hands together, and lick the other’s palms and between their fingers firmly.  She will also suck his middle fingers provocatively with lustful eye-contact.

Stepping forward, the two will then grab each other’s throats, take hold of their arms, and lean back into partners-yoga balancing positions. (It may seem that they are becoming one mind and one body due to the sheer gracefulness and synchronicity at this point in the identification and authorization process.) Next, they will ease out of their final joined position, standing again, and step back, then rush back together, swinging their forearms and shins rapidly, intercepting one another’s as if they were their swords clanging and sparking, bouncing and sliding off one another’s. This leads into them going through the various Sayoc Kali templates, as well as some moves from Krav Maga, Ninjutsu, and Jeet Kune Do. After that, they will move such that each will be mirroring the Gun Katas of the other (still facing one another), with the guide leading and the girl-gatekeeper making sure his lead is correct.

Next, they will both pause and stare at each other, listening and feeling the other’s vibrations across the gap between them. Then they will step in and playfully bite each other’s necks at the same time on the carotid side, but not enough to draw blood.

The girl-gatekeeper will open her groin-guard and take the guide’s hand, placing its digits inside her pussy. He will push his fingers all the way into her, then retrieve, smell, and taste them. Satisfied with her, he will open his fly and takes her hand, placing it on his cock and balls. She will gently cup and caress them, then rub the tip of his dick for a bead of its moisture, and retrieve her hand to smell and taste it, too.

Both will lie down, still in their complex challenge-and-pass, roll to opposing sides such that their heads are inverted, mouths wide and fully open, and slide their tongues out to touch tips as far in as possible; again, simultaneously.

When they each roll back onto all fours, peacocking before one another, the guide will roar deafeningly at her until it echoes off all of the dark antechamber’s walls. She will hiss like a vampire, wild-eyed looking into his mouth and then his eyes again, curtsy, and snarl, quietly fading her snarl into a mewl. Then they will both rise, returning to their regal postures, bow, and stand tall again, Nazi-saluting each other (the salute is more akin to the Romans’ or any other empire’s gesture of proud loyalty).

Dozens of others in her same kind of suit will then appear from the shadows all around the guide’s group of visitors, none baring shield, sword, or gun ( for all of those things are hidden inside their suits; built in). The guide will then beat his chest like a gorilla; the ‘silver-back’ dominance and stress-relieving gesture, signaling that he has dominated the challenge-and-pass, and that all in their antechamber are naturally very much relieved on many levels.

The door they all are standing before will remain shut, while everyone walks through the wall beside it; it is a selective quantum ‘smart’-filter. The guide will flick his head to the side briefly to indicate his guests follow him, and the lion-helmed Inisfreean warrior-ess-es and he will smoothly descend to walk on our ‘all fours’.

Once inside this special filter, they will board his vehicle called the Irradiati, and drive through the 12 Gates, appearing as if no portals or turning are going on at all; the actions of the Gates being so smooth as to be imperceptible. Despite appearances, these titanic, armored chambers will be steadily rotating (while the group is driving within them from entry point to exit); to align with each successive change in the cavernous route within the mountain-range-sized Perimeter Wall. At the final point of each of these Pearly Gates (each ‘gate’ being an identical series of chambers and turns), they will pass through another ‘smart’-filter; a hidden membrane that teleports them into the start of the next Gate in the sequence of 12.

“We are beyond and above the angels and demons. They are like peasants to us. We love and honor them, but they cannot go here. No gods, goddesses, or anything above or below them, may or can come into this land.” Such are the words of the guide, who now seems more of a reigning captain here, and down the opening, lowering, extending, stadium-sized ramp into the city’s Welcoming Square their Irradiati vehicle will smoothly drive.

It is there they will be met by Inisfreeans (also called Inisfreeans) who do the forearm-grabbing greeting with him (the local variation on the firm, smacking handshake), and they will say to guide turned city-wide captain: “There are no pacts between lions and men,” to which he will jut his chin as he replies: “Verily,” smiling devilishly with his once-again flashing pride. And all of them will say: “Amen-Ra,” the Inisfreean version of ‘amen’, (good) omen’, ‘Amun-Ra’ (the conscious Sun entity deified by the Outlanders), and ‘oorah’ (the defiant war-cry of the Marines sworn by oath and hymn to forever guard the streets of Heaven on Earth).


That’s the Inisfreean challenge-and-pass.  It’s intended to be complicated and weird, virtually impossible to cheat through.  The whole thing takes just a few minutes, but some have reason to skip it.



One of the beauties of being an Inisfreean means you can bypass these titan-sized gates and the ‘pearly’ spheres that engulf two-fifths of their inner chambers.  Inisfreeans can teleport (commonly referred to by Inisfreeans as ‘port’ and ‘porting’) just by choosing to do so, which means they can decide to appear inside their home-city, Inisfree, without moving with the much slower guest-traffic through any of their city’s Pearly Gates.​​  Technically, Inisfreeans can will approved Outlanders to ‘port’ in with them, but this is very rare, typically only used in evacuation emergencies, and it would be highly unlikely unless the one Inisfreean making this decision was the ruler of the entire city himself; Auzdein.​​  Returning guests may also bypass the Pearly Gates; they have the option of traveling to and through Inisfree’s aerospaceports.  Elite citizens, such as Auz’s top wives, have additional options for entry.


Water-regulation Nature:

The way Inisfree’s perimeter wall is designed, any water that reaches it from the inside, such as via the city’s several canals, is, if not successfully piped back up through the mountain to the Snow Dunes area on top, evaporated in a way that causes it to rise up the surface of the walls facing the city.  This is imperceptible to the naked human eye, and is an ongoing, constant, automatic process that requires no energy put into the system.  Once water vapor reaches the top of the wall, the energy-based sky-dome fixed to the top of the wall then consolidates the still-rising vapor until it cools over the top-center of the city; it condenses around and above the Crow’s Nest position, the whole time being accessible by the HAARP II facility, which can guide where it moves to form clouds, how much of it falls as rain, and if any is applied as new snow to the circular plateau or to the ski slope of the Valhalla II resort.

Meanwhile on the outside of the perimeter wall, as well as the outside of the sky-dome, water is kept cool along the base, helping the terrain to remain slick and frozen, clinging like dewdrops to the wall, and staying loosely attracted to the sky-dome and surrounding area.  What this looks like is a nearly blinding-white ground, with a mild blizzard-like haze preventing people a few miles out from being able to see the wall or what is inside it.  Repulsine-powered Spaceships have a similar cloud-forming effect when they are on, and the Giant Repulsines built within Inisfree are, here, doing the very same thing.

Even a miles-tall tidal-wave caused by an impacting asteroid or comet wouldn’t mess up this process; the wave, towering and fast-moving though it would be, would essentially be parted by a 10-mile sphere.  The wave would be parted and directed smoothly around Inisfree, just as if it had reached a tall mountain like Everest in the Himalayas; it wouldn’t be able to knock either out of its way.  The extra water temporarily around the city would add to the ‘whiteout’ haze until the wave and ocean subsided.



May 2011:  This wall around Inisfree started with the inner arch-shaped rises of each of its four sides; the Grid Mind tentacles underground reached those areas first, so those were the ones that started getting built up above the Antarctic terrain before the corners.

August 2011:  Then the corners got built, as the Grid Mind tentacles now reached those few miles farther out in all directions.

September 2011:  This massive cliff-like wall in a huge hollow square around our city was complete, online, and defensible.

Never has anyone made it through, other than Auz and those who are approved by him to pass through.  This means that his army of ICVs stationed out there has kept a perfect watch, always letting him through whenever he wants/needs to get through, and only additionally letting through the people he approved of, or would continue to approve, to pass through / be there.


2022 Update:  Capacity, and Time to Traverse

At capacity, 2B annual guests = ~153,846,153/mo. (in our 13-month calendar).
There are ~24 main demographics/races which visit our realm.
The one in whose realm Inisfree is anchored in during its relocations beyond Antarctica is the one whose people are the predominant land-based (foot and vehicle) traffic to our borders.
1/24 of 153,846,153.8 is ~6,410,256.
This means that each month during the 23000s A.D., several million people were able to walk or drive/ride to Inisfree when it was in their homeland.
Naturally, some of them still chose to fly here instead.
Regardless, ~6M/mo. via land means ~500,000/gate.
Spread out over the 28 days in each of our months, that is 17,857 people using each of our wall’s surface gates; 744/hr.

Can all those fit in each gate chamber if they arrived at the same time?
Each chamber is ~1,122′ deep (‘long’) and ~462′ wide; ~518,364 sq.ft. of room.
A group of 744 human-sized people then would have ~696 sq.ft. per person; a 26’x26′ area.
So, in a word, yes.

How long does it take a group to walk or drive through?
5 ~1,122′ room spans in a row = 5,610′ of distance along the route. Most people walk at ~3 MPH, amd vehicles are limited to a similar ‘crawl’; the speed limit in our gates is 5 MPH.
3 MPH = 15,840’/hr; 264’/min.
5,610’/264′ = ~22 minutes to walk/drive in through any of our 12 surface gates.

Each ‘pearl’ is ~1,188′ diameter partially-hollow sphere; its circumference is ~3,732.21′.
Rotating at a rate in which that outer length only moves at ~10 MPH, that means seeing their doors align laterally at ~15’/sec.; the quarter-turn needed to align to either adjacent chamber takes ~62 seconds (3,732/4 = 933, then 933/15).
Basically it takes 1 minute to turn these gates to align, and they are turned when each group is cleared to approach them, coming into alignment and opening as they approach, thus not adding to the ~22/min. travel time through the gate.

Repulsines inside these ‘pearls’ help them move more uniformly and without friction, starting and stopping with less resistance from their own mass, needing less time to accelerate and decelerate.

In an extreme situation, being spheres, the ‘pearls’ of any of our gates can be rotated so neither of their ends/doors are aligned to an adjacent chamber.


More/Related History:

All 12 gates were kept closed until Inisfree relocated from Antarctica.
Only once did each gate open during those first years; to confirm that they could.

In a few centuries, Inisfree had relocated to Aman, and there opened –and kept open– the first of its 12 surface gates. This was also symbolic of the fact Auz sensed he could be open with the Elves, just not the humans and the harsh conditions they caused before.

When land traffic through that gate neared 500,000 people per month, the 2nd surface gate was opened. Every time another 500,000/month milestone was approached, another gate was opened.
12 gates over ~22,000 Earth-years of visitors population increases averages out to an additional gate being kept open every 1,833 years.

  1. 2012: all gates are kept closed except for testing and rare events to show certain visitors
  2. ~2833: 1st gate is opened; foot-traffic in/from Aman is below 500,000 people per month
  3. ~4666: 2nd gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 500,000 people per month
  4. ~6500: 3rd gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 1,000,000 people per month
  5. ~8333: 4th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 1,500,000 people per month
  6. ~10166: 5th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 2,000,000 people per month
  7. ~12000: 6th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 2,500,000 people per month
  8. ~13833: 7th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 3,000,000 people per month
  9. ~15666: 8th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 3,500,000 people per month
  10. ~17500: 9th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 4,000,000 people per month
  11. ~19333: 10th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 4,500,000 people per month
  12. ~21166: 11th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 5,000,000 people per month
  13. ~23000 A.D.: 12th gate is opened; foot-traffic and/or vehicle-traffic has surpassed 5,500,000 people per month –so now all surface-gates are open when Inisfree is anchored in an allied realm


Which is Which?

  1. Gate 1 is the one closest to the Welcoming Square.
  2. Gate 2 is the one closest to our ‘zoo’.
  3. Gate 3 = low desert
  4. Gate 4 = Uber Baobab
  5. Gate 5 = Highway Niagara
  6. Gate 6 = near our swamp
  7. Gate 7 = Side Canyon
  8. Gate 8 = high desert
  9. Gate 9 = palaces ‘hood (its meadow)
  10. Gate 10 = Highway Cathedral
  11. Gate 11 = White Pyramids complex
  12. Gate 12 = downtown’s (Sotu’s) exterior

This is the order they were opened in.


2022 Update:  Sky-dome

The sky-dome has been called a ‘double bubble’ and ‘blackhole-based forcefield’; it can absorb and convert anything that ‘hits’ it, even a barrage of nuclear explosions or powerful magics.

It is not ‘dumb’, though; it is a ‘smart’ membrane… in that it knows what to absorb… and what to permit. This is because it is, like all things in / part of Inisfree, an extension of Auz himself, part of his being, thus obeying his will and understanding his wisdom at all times. For example, if an aircraft was approaching Inisfree’s airspace without his permission, and all of its passengers except one were incompatible with him, if that airplane was not shot down by the Sentry Towers or other Inisfreean forces before reaching the outer surface of Inisfree’s sky-dome, everything in/on that airplane would vanish… except that one person inside who is compatible with Auz; he/she would make it through… and then be in freefall (at which point an ICV in an S.T. suit would skillfully fly over to catch him/her to provide a less-alarming landing).

While most airplanes are considered neutral, more or less, if they pollute in any way, such as by burning fuel the way human Outlanders designed most of their aircraft, it will not be able to fly through from the outside to the inside of our sky-dome. Something ‘clean’/’green’, like some ‘flying saucers’ which do not emit exhaust, might be allowed in –though this is still very unlikely, as it would either 1) create a derelict/debris hazard, or 2) add an unauthorized object/eyesore to a no-fly zone –which an ICV or IC (such as one of our flying craft, perhaps a Rooftop Carrier or one of its Inisfreean Fighter-Jets (FJs)) would have to intercept, override, and move to one of our hermetically-sealed hangars in the Military Aerospaceport for further inspection.

Now what does this look like? The sky-dome prevents anyone outside our Perimeter Wall, and anyone more than five miles in any direction from Inisfree’s center, from seeing anything inside the Perimeter Wall (such as our buildings, landscape, people, etc.). It doesn’t look like a black dome, black sphere, or black hole at all, and it isn’t one; it is a special type of blackhole-like energy shield with a technological mirage effect as one of its standard/automatic functions. When anything incompatible with Auz reaches it, if ever (an extremely unlikely event), it would just disappear, no explosion or flash at all, and any passengers in such a craft which were sensed to be compatible with Auz… would only be visible on the inside of the sky-dome, falling through the air until an ICV caught them.

Aircraft which can open portals can bypass our sky-dome and Perimeter Wall once they have been approved by Auz via one of his ICVs in an ATC tower either of Inisfree’s aerospaceports. Aircraft which cannot open portals can have one opened for them by one of those towers, or by an IC vessel, such as an MPHA. Those who prefer to fly without an aircraft (such as witches and dragons) can just fly up over the top of the Perimeter Wall, going right through our sky-dome either way (in or out), and will, from the outside, appear to appear ‘out of thin air’ the moment they pass through from inside to outside of it.


2022 Update:  Personnel Stationed Here

“Entire battalions” guard the gates from inside them; that is one of the text-fields / paragraphs you can see/read on one of the images below.

Inisfree’s Star Fleet webpage says 1 of our battalions is 5 companies, and 1 of our companies is 5 platoons, and 1 of our companies is 5 squads, and 1 of our squads is 5 fire teams, so 2 of our battalions would be 1,250 fire teams.

Our MPHA webpage says 1 of our squads is only 4 fire teams of 3 ICVs plus 1 squad-leader ICV; 13 ICVs. In an MPHA, the pilot and 2 copilots are part of the 2 squads riding inside that craft, bringing 1 squad up to 14, and the other to 15, resulting in each squad having 5 fire teams, though 1 of those fire teams has 2, not 3, ICVs. With Nyria or Amber ICV1 often tagging along, that would make 2 full Inisfreean squads, all of their fire teams having 3 ICVs.

1,250 fire teams x 3 ICVs = 3,750 ICVs. 3,750 ICVs spread out inside our 12 Pearly Gates sequences would be 312.5 ICVs per gate. Each gate has 5 chambers, so there would be 62.5 ICVs in each gate chamber.

Since 1 of our squads has 13, not 15 by default, our platoon would have 5×13 ICVs, plus 1 platoon leader; 66 ICVs.
1 of our companies, then, would have 66×5 ICVs, plus 1 company commander; 331.
1 of our battalions, then, would have 331×5, plus 1 battalion commander; 1,656 ICVs.
2 battalions would be 3,312 ICVs.
3,750 – 3,312 = 438
There we have 250 squads in 2 battalions, 438 ICVs could mean 1 or 2 ICVs attached to them.
We could also spread those 438 out as platoon-commander staff instead; 50 platoons in 2 of our battalions would mean 8 or 9 ICVs added to each of those platoons.

If instead we go with the 3,312 number, that would be 276 ICVs per gate, thus 55.2 per chamber, so 4 of the 5 chambers in each of our 12 gates would have 55 ICVs in it, and the 5th would have 56.
55 to 63 ICVs per gate chamber is certainly enough to direct all the future foot and vehicle traffic there.
Each gate is for up to 500,000 people per month; ~17,857/day; ~744/hour; ~12/minute.
A single ICV is more than capable of skillfully managing and guiding (and scanning) that many people through each minute, especially when she can pass those people/groups to her fellow ICVs farther along in her gate-chambers sequence.

For simplicity’s sake, we’ll say/estimate each gate chamber has 60 ICVs guarding it, and that they are evenly divided into 4 hidden guard-rooms/halls running the lengths of its 2 long walls, 2 of those halls at floor-level, and the other 2 up higher, between the mid-level and ceiling; 15 ICVs per hidden hall, thus 1 full Inisfreean squad of 5 3-ICVs fire teams.
This allows each hall to have our standard 5-part ‘rotation’; 1 team on duty (outside their hall, in this case), 1 team as QRF (inside their hall, watchful and instantly ready to deploy), 1 team on guard duty (of the hall, and/or of the surrounding structures, not leaving their hall), 1 team resting (though ICVs don’t need to), and 1 team on sexual/Vril duty (servicing their fellows and/or any distinguished guests, such as those passing through as part of their Master Females schooling; our 20th grade-level).

In short, even when 12 people every minute are moving through one of our city’s gates, they will only see 12 ICVs in each of the five chambers of that gate; 4 fire teams, 1 from each squad/hall, out on the floor of their gate (which may appear to those guests to be a squad, not the 4 fire teams from 4 different squads they actually are). After moving through the entire sequence of five chambers in the gate the guests entered or exited Inisfree via, each of those guests will have seen 60 ICVs; 12 per chamber. This means the ratio of ICVs to guests in any of our gate chambers, even “at capacity”, will be 1:1 (perfect for low-tech OPSEC and one-on-one verbal interaction those guests will be used to).

1 gate chamber has a floor measuring 462′ by 1,122′; 518,364 square feet.
12 ICVs standing evenly dispersed across the floor of each gate chamber would each have/cover a 43,197 area.
With those 12 ICVs in 2 lines of 6, each line going from one end/hatch of the chamber to its opposite end/hatch, each of those ICVs would have a 231′ (462/2) by 187′ (1,122/6) floor space.
In other words, if those ICVs each stood in the center of their 231’x187′ areas, guests walking through would have an ICV 115.5′ to either side each time they walked past/between two ICVs; plenty of room for even big trucks and RVs (if ever we allow such things in/out of our city) to drive through/by, too, side by side.
(A HMMWV, for example, is ~7′ wide, and a semi’s cab is almost 9, while the biggest dump-truck (the Belaz 75710) has a width of 33′.)
Even if an aircraft carrier was hovered through, the ICVs in this formation would not have to step back; they’d be standing 231′ apart from the ICV on the other side of the chamber from them, and aircraft carriers are not that wide at their hull bottom.




WoW Concept:

Laser Concepts:

Artillery Pits on the ‘Inside’:

These images give a decent idea as to how the many White Rhino vehicle-concealed parking-pits are.  Each of those vehicles is in such a pit of its own; one vehicle per pit.  These pits are in a line a few hundred feet away from the inner (mountain-side) ‘face’ of each of the four sides of our city’s perimeter wall.

Originally meant for normal or silenced artillery tanks, it is only the White Rhinos which are here.  Also originally thought of as positions from which such vehicles could fire over a normal-height perimeter-wall or set of concentric fences, with how much taller our perimeter wall was chosen and built to be, vehicles in these pits/positions now are more for 1) just in case anything unwanted somehow gets over/through our wall, and 2) mostly for launching lots of fireworks from multiple spots during our major holidays.

Forming from the Middles in 2011:

2023/+ Updates:

These gates are function-checked once a year, except once they are routinely kept open/active, as that doubles as their more-than-annual function-checking.

“Left open” means the ramps are down, but the hatches still close like an airlock, always at least 1 of the 2 ends of every chamber closed.
Individuals and groups can be in all 5 chambers of a gate at a time, but the groups never mix / see each other, as the group ahead must get into the next chamber, or through to Inisfree, before the hatch behind them can open to let the group back there follow suit.

The outer (4) ‘faces’ (sides) of this wall also benefit from the sunlight reflected off the surrounding/exterior snow and ice.  This free energy is significant, as it is from many square-miles, and lasts ~half a year (as there is only one day and one night for this part of the world).  Though there are some overcast days and blizzards, as this is not Antarctica’s Dry Valleys, the majority of this land’s one-day-a-year… the sunlight and its reflections are powerful enough to be blinding.

The new gates-passage SOP (since humans are kept away, and allies don’t need such time-consuming measures every time they walk or drive through), is:

  1. Walk or drive up the ramp.
  2. Stop inside the first of five chambers in the sequence if the gate you entered.
  3. Be led deeper by 1 of the ICVs on duty there, they and each chamber automatically reading your mind and scanning your vehicle.
  4. Pause to wait on each hatch to part in front of you, this only done once the hatch behind you has closed.
  5. Drive/walk or stay parked/still in each of the two rotating chambers.
  6. Walk/drive down the inside ramp to Inisfree’s ground-level.

There is no more complex “challenge and pass”, except for some human first-timers.

Since the underground Pearly Gates are for our Inisfreean Warships (WSs), they hold a WS steady inside while turning vertically, not just horizontally like our smaller surface/wall gates.
They must align to the river tunnels, so just aligning to the Uber Hangars and letting the WSs move through their inner and outer hatches in one motion would not work; the WS must be inside for the gate to orient to the river tunnel and let it out.
Not all of the outer-hatches of these lower gates align to a river-tunnel, as the river-tunnels under this part of Antarctica’s ice-cap did not naturally come in from 8 angles, all evenly spaced.  Thanks to our portal-ing tech’, however, we don’t even need a single hatch-river alignment to deploy and return these ships of ours.

This square wall around Inisfree isn’t just to make it very difficult for outsiders to get or see in without our owner’s consent; this wall also reminds us that we must prevent the creation of any fume-releasing devices (like Outlander gasoline-powered automobiles) because if we allowed such idiotic products to be made and operated here… the smog would be trapped and build up until it killed us all and most of the plants here. We are not like the barbaric heartless evil human cities which let their pollution be carried around the world by its winds. Our wall keeps us as responsible as it does safe and private.

2024 May/+:

  • Since property such as pets (kajira) can be brought into our realm, so can their slave-collars. Few other inanimate objects can make it through our perfect (‘smart’/magic) barrier. Our barrier even automatically deletes magical enchantments from items allowed in, if the enchantment is not compatible with the will of God (Auz; me).
  • 2024nov30sat:  The electromagnet-pits now have a selective option; they are (these hidden pits now function as) ‘smart’ tractor beams, making them able to decide what (and whom) they magnetically yank down and hold in them (IOW:  can choose specific individuals even when all in a group within range have the same elements/metal on them).


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