This landform was built atop massive pillars rivaling even those beneath our city’s airport.


Table of Contents:

  1. Showcasing
  2. Dimensions
  3. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
  4. So Close to Inisfree’s Edge
  5. Additional Notes
  6. Novels Excerpt
  7. Overall (Images Begin)
  8. Corinthian Column Examples
  9. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  10. 2024/+



One of many architectural demonstrations of Inisfreean technological strength, the ‘Mountain upon Corinthians’ showcases just how much weight the materials and supports forged by Inisfreeans can hold up -indefinitely and with ease.  Like the advent of steel beams (c.2,000 B.C., then 1877 for mass-production), and then micron-thick superconductor wafers capable of levitating entire cars (2012), the discovery and refinement of the new materials and devices of the Inisfreean empire continues the exponential technological capabilities curve.  Like the ratio of strength from wood and mud to concrete and steel, so, too, is the remarkable difference and increase in capabilities and applications from Outlander materials of the 21st century to Inisfreean materials there-after.



Standing at 1/4 of a mile in height, few skyscrapers save the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, rival this prime example of Inisfreean luxury-terraforming (everything Inisfreeans do is luxurious, including how they forge and shape worlds).  The base of this mountain, which is many stories above the ground (due to being held up by many dozens of titan-sized, grooved, Corinthian-capped columns) is even larger; 1/3 of a mile in diameter.


Standing on the Shoulders of Giants:

Like the legendary Atlas (in function), who held up the entire world upon his shoulders, and like the three 1/2 mile tall, female ‘mechs’ at the end of the Welcoming Square (in form), many of the supports deeper within this mountain-construct are not like those of its base’s outermost border; rather than being massive Corinthian pillars, the supports that hold up other parts of the base of this tall mountain are like those which hold up the many sections and sides of the Glowing Art Highway; as one travels farther inward from the perimeter to the center of this mountain’s elevated base, they will see flawless female statues in various sexy, erotic, and orgy poses (like on many of the temples of India), each of these female statues doubling as a load-bearing structure, and each of them being as gigantic in size as many of their like-fashioned statues and supports in the Auz Dome.  This ‘Mountain upon Corinthians’ is literally standing on the shoulders of these female giants.  Though far, far shorter and smaller than their three ‘sisters’ standing into the clouds at the end of the Welcoming Square, these female giants are still an awe-inspiring sight to behold.


So Close to Inisfree’s Edge:

The unnamed (or generically-named) “Mountain on Corinthians” is symbolic of saying that Mt. Olympus; once home of the old gods –and that old pantheon of theirs– is a side-note to greater Inisfree.  Even the gods and goddesses of other parts of Creation are just guests and subordinates here, that all might be reminded to work together, live in peace, and mind the ways of the Inisfreeans.  This megalithic construct within the Inisfreean territory… is off to the side, near the Perimeter Wall, and just one of many impressive, towering, demonstrative features of their realm.

That being said, we still deeply appreciate and love those of them who choose to visit our realm, and this is one of the most amazing and stand-out signature neighborhoods and constructs in our city.  No one else here has their own private mountain –not even the High King, Auz.  (He has a place up on another mountain in our realm, but he shares it with many others.)  Also, of course, one has to be perfect in many ways to even ‘get in the door’ here (i.e. be admitted inside our Perimeter Wall just to start the first tour), let alone to be given free and indefinite –and luxury– housing, fully staffed by the sexiest servants in the whole Universe, no less.


Additional Notes:

* This demonstration of Inisfreean materials strength only scratches the surface of what this new empire is capable of.  Inisfreeans have forged entire star systems, and cannot only hold up mere mountains, but entire star clusters and dimensions now.  There is no limit to what they can come up with and achieve, so a single small mountain held up by a few gigantic columns should come as no surprise.


Novels Excerpt:

The last part of that first of the three Inisfreean deserts they would see was right next to those floating oasis buildings. It was where the narrow mountain range that held up the solarium and Ridge-line Building Chain terminated before the much taller and thicker Perimeter Wall rose up from the flat inside-border terrain. The end of that narrow mountain-range inside the borders of the Perimeter Wall rose briefly into a somewhat stand-alone conical mountain there, and it was covered in a Greco-Roman temples, fluted columns, and lantern-light.

From where they stood atop one of the floating oasis towers, they couldn’t really see the secret it held below and within. Auz and the Inisfreean girl flew back down to the dunes they’d come from to get a better view. Lucifer would then see that that whole stand-alone mountain covered in temples, like the floating oasis towers, …didn’t touch the ground; it was held up by still-more of those fluted columns, the ones beneath it all very thick, like houses, and arranged in a perfect grid.

Each of the mountain’s supports had the markings that categorized it as a Corinthian pillar; multiple distinct sections from base to top, a crown of life-like leaves fashioned into its stone, and neither the tile-like flat top of the Doric style, nor the mirrored, horizontal, scroll-like spiral terminations of the Ionic. Each support was dozens of feet thick in diameter at any of its levels. The ceiling the supports held up was perfectly flat, like a sheet of paper or pane of glass, and dark as night.

This was one of Inisfree’s man-made mountains, and a way of acknowledging the man-made mountains and worlds the Titans of the distant past had fashioned. It was an eternal reminder to look for the signs of such ruins whenever visiting any mountain or other land-form, and that the pole-shifts had pushed and smashed so much debris and other material around that mountains just like this one were likely completely surrounded and packed by loose earth to the point of seeming like they didn’t contain supports and other megalithic wonders of their own. Having understood this, the Inisfreeans had begun scanning every land they traveled to, already discovering thousands of such buried ruins.

Auz and Lucifera dined in one of the lantern-lit temples atop that Mountain-on-Corinthians. They had a view of the whole desert they’d just been through, though everything on the other side of its three-sided, C-shaped, mountain-range border was masked by that range from view. As the sky darkened with the onset of night, the stars began to reappear with the aurora above, and the colorful sequence of different sands along the highway began to subtly glow from deep within. A few Angels and Inisfreeans quietly flew down to set foot on the flat stone floor of the temple Auz and Lucifer were at the edge of, and joined them for dessert and that desert view.

Waking up in that one of many temples built onto and into the Mountain-on-Corinthians, they found that some of the others who’d fallen asleep there with them had already stirred and set to making breakfast. Mushroom ‘steaks’, seaweed salads, and even pie were all coming off the stove-tops and out of the ovens. It was another vegan feast capable of feeding a dozen.

Across the desert, the overnight lighting of Meeris and the Conexes neighborhood could be seen shutting off. Light from the morning Sun caught and sparkled within the oasis waterfall, its one pool out of view below the grove canopy. The lights of the Ridge-line Building Chain on top of the range at the back of that oasis started blinking out, too.

Heading back down to the desert sands, Auz summoned their latest car and then showed the way along that highway continuing straight under the mountain held up by those wide supports. The Glowing Art Highway’s square pavement sections illuminated with a soft golden glow from within, always just a few spans in front of their direction of travel, like tinted or frosted glass over a yellow lamp beneath, brightening even the dark mountain-foot ceiling stories above their vehicle. Then, a few seconds after they’d started driving under it, they were out in the open again, the mountain behind them.



Corinthian Column Examples:

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft



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World of Warcraft OST - Guardians of Nordrassil - for forest temple
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