In our school here, we teach the complete history of our world, not theory.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Formation of Yggdrasil
- Water-world (no land/continents/crust) Around a Chakra-like Central/core-star (portal)
- Firmament thins while creating Saturn
- Saturn’s and Earth’s firmaments thin further while creating Jupiter
- Ancient Sky; closer worlds, world-connecting lightning, and no moons
- The formation of Asteron
- The loss of Asteron
- Sinking Continents, Uplifted New Ones
- Pole-shifts
- Earth’s firmament finishes depleting/falling
- Falling of the Trees
- New Moon
- Additional Study
- Content Limit
- Relevant Holidays
- 2023 Update: Astrology
- 2024/+
- Images
The invaders (humans) taught that Earth either formed over several thousand years when their “god” spoke it into being, or over billions of years just because of the chance-occurrence of many lifeless particles of gas and dust floating around in Space coalescing until they became a giant molten rock, which then attracted comets which brought all the Earth’s water, and so on. Both claims/theories are wrong. In this class, over the course of several years in our school system, you’ll learn about the real story.
In short, while Earth is much older than several millennia, and while some beings did (and still do) have the power to speak and otherwise will things into being, Earth was not formed by a single being/deity (but a group) and it was not due to chance or dust particles coalescing simply because of slowly building-up gravity. Earth was also the first in the Sun solar-system, existing even before the Sun did, the first gas-giant coming into being by separating (being consciously separated) from it, this ongoing creation and separation of the worlds from each other continuing until human-recorded history began. As you might have guessed, worlds being able to form and split apart from other worlds meant they were less hard, much more malleable/ethereal back in that ancient time, and this is part of why the continents shifted around as much as they did –just like the worlds kept shifting.
As this process approached completion, things steadily slowed down and became the ‘solid’ (petrified/dormant/hibernating) version we know today. This class ends where human-recorded/claimed history begins; we are only discussing ancient “prehistory” here. Prehistoric times are the eras before humans began keeping records/claims of what had been going on.
This is the year-by-year sequence of classes/lessons in this subject.
- Grade 1: Main Concepts
- Grade 2: Formation from Yggdrasil: The First Nine Realms
- Grade 3: Water-world
- Grade 4: First Super-continent (before Pangaea)
- Grade 5: Firmament thins while creating Saturn
- Grade 6: Saturn’s and Earth’s firmaments thin further while creating Jupiter
- Grade 7: Ancient Sky
- Grade 8: Asteron
- Grade 9: Sinking Continents, Uplifted New Ones
- Grade 10: Pole-shifts
- Grade 11: Earth’s Firmament
- Grade 12: Falling of the Trees
- Grade 13: optional; visit ancient/prehistoric sites during your off-campus survival-training/application/exodus
- Grade 14: New Moon
- Grade 15: Lemuria
- Grade 16: Atlantis – including the Schedule the Mayans (originally Atlantean survivors/migrants) maintained
Main Concepts takes the first full school-year because it includes elaboration on all of the following:
- Initial Question: How much ancient history have you heard about?
- Second Question: How much of the ancient history you heard about… do you believe… and why?
- Initial Student Questions: asking students if they have any curiosities/questions they’d like to ‘air’ at the very start, and helping them explore ways of finding their own answers to those questions (rather than just telling them what to believe/think)
- Why Bother? reasons for having at least some history in/on the mind (including examples of “tough lessons” “learned the hard way” by various historical figures and groups/civilizations)
- The Human/Outlands Method/Error: obsolete way of guessing about history instead of discovering/revealing it (more specifically: why that species’ assumption that everything back then had to have died… is one of the biggest reasons why humans can only cause more chaos in/for themselves –by building “towers of cards” upon guesses upon still more guesses)
- Sensing History: learning to sense/feel what is true –and what is false; honing the natural ability to detect inaccuracies, misperceptions, and outright lies from Outlanders pretending to profess history (IOW: no longer being dependent upon / addicted to the idea of easily-interpretable and falsifiable “evidence” –or, more accurately, what modern Earth/Outlands humans have pretended is valid/logical/evidence — example: disregarding media-flooding such as peer-pressure to memorize endless trivial and questionable/disputed dates/events/outcomes… while instead developing one’s own natural ability to detect hints of truth and guidance; awareness over brute/crude/pointless memorization/parroting)
- Ancient Records: where billions of years of history has been recorded (such as in geoglyphs, crystals, The Akashic, etc.) –just not by modern Earth/Outlands humans (more specifically: the first ancients/beings recorded things in the fabric of reality itself, i.e. their own deity-level ‘flesh’, and later (demi-deity) peoples were telepathically in touch with such recordings/’flesh’ and deities/super-consciousnesses, so they never felt a need to make the kind of records humans started to)
- Fake Records: regarding graffiti/distractions/diversions such as some hieroglyphs, etc.
- Mindfulness: meditation methods which help reveal more about any part of history the proper/successful meditator spends enough time focusing passively on (i.e. while relaxed, letting the information come to him/her in its own time/way)
- Temporal Projection: not just Astral Projection; here, this is the start of honing the ability to look through time/4D, not just through Space/3D
- Temporal Travel: not just looking through time (i.e. Temporal Projection), but physically moving one’s whole self through it –something humans only assumed was either impossible or dependent upon extremely complex tech’– (IOW: arguably the best, if not only, way to really know what happened in history) plus, of course, how to do this clandestinely/safely/stably (i.e. without changing events/timelines —*though we do not actually demonstrate/practice/use this ability/option; we only introduce it in this year/class)
- Temporal Perception: not everyone perceives the flow of time the way humans do; other people/species can see and influence/cause events in more than just one/”present”/current part of their own timestream/timeline (so it is always a good idea to become able to sense whether a person you are communicating with or meeting has this ability; they may be a very useful/helpful friend/ally/teammate)
- Ancient Skies: how everything was once much closer –and connected –literally; physically (i.e. via the Worlds Tree) –and this includes other dimensions / time-streams (such as what humans perceive to be just dreams) –and why that resulted in interplanetary energy beams/bolts/links, resulting in the “craters” (giant-lightning “scarring”) we see today
- Ainur and Polarians: the ultra-ancient ability to will one’s self to become any size; limitless shapeshifting –and how this led to so many major cosmic events (such as worlds forming, fragmenting, colliding, etc.) –and alternate/additional realities/dimensions/realms (other universes with multiple timelines of their own, not just other planets and stars)
- Time-spheres: not just timelines, but how multiple timelines for the same area/realm result in a 3D-like object/group of 4D things; how 4D can be thought of, perceived, and even navigated (and –hint, hint– how “coincidental”/telling it is that all the stars are time-affecting spheres)
- Remains of Deities: which megalithic and cosmic ruins/derelicts (such as asteroids and comets) are actually the petrified remains (body parts) of the ancient/eldest beings (and why this doesn’t mean they died; they only ‘shed’ one or more of their temporary/attempted physical/hardened forms/shells/mega-tools)
- Petrification-continuation Cause/s: the main and various other reasons some of those petrified things have remains in that state; consciousness-focuses shifted away from them
- Cosmic Curating: what can (and should) be done with some of those petrified remains (such as protecting the World Trees’ stumps –which humans call buttes or exposed volcanic cores)
- Redefining “Year”: being mindful of the fact that time was marked differently in previous eras/Ages, such as before the current Moon and Sun existed; calendars of different civilizations and time-periods uses the term “year” very differently
- Devolved: the fact that the farther back in history one looks, the more examples and evidence there are that older (more ancient) people (those living in farther- and farther-back eras/Ages) were smarter (and not even needing to go to school; they were born/manifested with total connectivity and knowledge), stronger (able to lift, levitate, and even hurl pyramid-sized building-blocks and more), more beautiful, and so advanced that they didn’t need or even have any of the technology humans have become dependent upon in the modern time/s (not to mention more and flawlessly binary; two distinct genders/sexes, perfect and stable in every way, etc.) –and why awareness of this means a focus on it, thus the start of the return to it; re-stabilization to the highest and best (i.e. Golden Age) degree
- Chaos Surge Moments: when mud-floods, pole-shifts, and other literal/physical cover-ups of past/previous civilizations/races/species occurs (i.e. how those people caused that to manifest on/against themselves –thus how we can accurately forecast and avoid it/them now)
- Underwater Evidence: why the vast majority of evidence/ruins of previous/ancient civilization is underwater –and just slightly; just deep enough that our divers and submarines can always go to find/inspect/unearth it (this also being why most of the humans’ assumptions about history are wrong; they have almost never bothered to check what is barely beneath the waves of –ALL– their coastlines)
- Intentional Flooding: humans and pre-humans have both used this very effective tactic for hiding and preserving many/most ancient sites; floods are not just “natural disasters” or “the result of societal/Atlantean decay”
- Intentional Dispersion: even worlds separating and continuing to move far/farther apart is one of the most effective ways of preserving who and what is on (and in) them
- Halos-facilities Last-resorts: what caused the current state of so many gross and hyper-emotional primitive beasts to exist; where the violent primates (such as humans) devolved from, where the violent sea-beasts came from, etc. (i.e. which civilization engineered, manifested, and unleashed/deployed them to help hold the invaders (humans) back from certain parts/regions of the Earth) –and why this has led to both 1) their weaker/weakened minds relying on recordkeeping to remember much of anything at all, and 2) why they continue to exhibit/demonstrate no ability to think/remember without the help/guidance of things such as their books, TVs, and “leaders”
- Changing/Modifying (Not Rewriting) Events: how some parts of the past, just like the future, are malleable –in the sense that seeking to perceive parts/glimpses of them can further shape/manifest –or even alter, to some degree– them
- Stabilizing Events: the ability to / possibility of using one’s will/powers/nature to preserve or even save/restore things once assumed to have been lost/destroyed
- Historically-immune: the concept that some things, no matter what may be changed in the past/timestream, can remain stable/unaffected (i.e. destined, if not wholly divine; deity-level)
- History Hiders: who (which numerous people and organizations) have tried to hide or sugarcoat different parts of history through the generations –and why; each of their motivations (one example/reason: preventing the Chaos Incarnate ‘nodes’/’people’ from manifesting any more issues/chaos/troubles in the past –which it would be their nature to do, even without being conscious of, or focused on, that)
- History Protectors: who protects history and artifacts/evidence from being meddled with, whether that includes temporarily/selectively hiding some of it/them or not (perfect example: building structures too large to be destroyed or covered up, such as the pyramids –though some pyramids were still at least partially mud-flood or sand-flood covered)
- History Liberators: who gains access to places where artifacts and other historical items have been locked up/away –and how, and why (motivations), etc.
- Revisiting Sites: why we should never assume that everything about a historical site has been found/unearthed –and examples of many sites which were damaged/destroyed by being altered, relocated, reassembled, or even just covered up under dirt or concrete
- Timing Visits/Expeditions: avoiding the distracting mind/thought-energies of “tour guides” and other “officials” who make it impossible to have one’s own thoughts/revelations/discoveries at any touristed/popular/controlled historical site (IOW: going at night when access is banned / when no one else is there)
- Majority Unexplored: understanding the reality that the vast majority of historical/ancient sites around the world –and many other worlds– are not even known to locals who have spent their entire lives living near –or even right on top of– them (meaning it is pointless to even ask locals and non-officials for help; one simply must do all the hard “legwork” on their own)
- The Importance of Individual Curating: the fact that private collections of artifacts is one of the best and even only things that prevents many of them from being misinterpreted, hidden, and destroyed
- History-keeping in Our City: Inisfree’s method and places for maintaining records of all history
- History-keeper of Our City: the Grid Mind — and, of course, that High King Auz (who invented the Grid Mind) is known as The Grand Librarian for good reason
- Our History-revealing Trips: expeditions and related travels/projects
- Good Sign/s: many of the indicators that history is meant to be known and further understood (and further shaped/stabilized) by us
- Specific Individuals Assisting with History: named examples of historians and related specialists who have helped us unearth (sometimes literally) a lot of this subject’s/class’s upcoming content (which we’ll cover in detail in the next years of this class)
- Primitives Cannot Meddle: why modern Earth/Outlands humans’ destructive ruins cover-up efforts failed at hiding the real history from those who can think, sense, and so on
- Historical Authorship: the meaning of “the victors write the history books” –thus why all records kept by modern Earth/Outlands humans should not only be cross-referenced, but scrutinized, analyzed, and fully questioned (another applicable saying at this point: “follow the money”)
- Your Own Authoring and Recordkeeping: rhetoric to stimulate deep thinking about what each student might feel is right/best for him/herself, if ever they decide to become a historian, librarian, curator, or other related professional
- Permanently Mind-locked: why modern Earth/Outlands humans continue to be incapable of grasping simple historical concepts (such as “don’t be insecure and lazy, and make everything up, and then tell blatant boldfaced lies about it”), and why they have been prevented from learning about the greater people who came before them –and who are still here (thus why the history humans have been teaching is based on erroneous assumptions, not actual science and findings/facts, entirely ignoring anything other than misinterpreted and even falsified “evidence”)
- “Silver Lining”: what this term means, and why even the dumbed-down and mind-locked state of modern humans/humanity helps in various ways (such as by preventing them from causing harm/confusion except upon themselves)
- History Voids: places where there is no history –because no one has ever focused on them or even thought of them (and this doesn’t mean we just lack an awareness of their history/timeline; it means they literally have no experienced time, and are not conscious, and would only start having time and history if we thought about them and went there)
- History Gaps/Skips: when time has actually stopped in various places, such as when entire peoples/civilizations migrate / time-travel
- Being Alert to the Detail of Human “History” Records: namely why it is a “red flag” anytime there is more content/detail in one part of their history books (such as about one country or war, instead of all others), as it tends to be a focal-point for their kind, their kind’s focal-points historically being to manifest more of that thing while intentionally distracting others from nearby and more important events
- Deja Vu: the most major telltale sign that at least part of history is repeating for one reason or another, even if it is just something ‘mundane’ like doing something again which reminds you, on an instinctive level, of a similar action you completed long ago, almost forgotten (thus deja-vu is a neutral and useful thing, not necessarily bad or indicative of a time-loop)
- Relative History: Is history just something that happens when there is a consciousness to perceive and be focused on it? IOW: Was there less Space and less history when there were fewer people/individuals? Extrapolating from this concept/possibility: Even though there have been billions of Earth-years of events, did it get experienced as much less/shorter since the ancient beings (deities, etc.) could perceive and cause more of it at once? Do humans perceive only a pinpoint of history (their “present moment/era/lifespan”)… because there are so many of them, their kind so fragmented, thus their tendency to focus on the minute (like the atom) and trivial?
- Related Brainstorming: potential future events, potential new ways of recording history, potential time-keeping / “year” changes, etc.
- Guess and Check: asking first-year students near the end/completion of this school-year what they think some of the upcoming school-years’ topics will be all about; getting/helping our students to start “thinking outside the box” and forecasting on their own
We cover one of those numbered topics/concepts each of the 52 weeks in our school-year.
Formation from Yggdrasil:
Earth has been known by other names; it was once Azeroth, and, before that, Gaia. Different languages have different words/sounds for it, but one thing has never changed; the Earth is alive, always has been, and is a powerful living shell protecting those who live inside it. Like any fruit, its sweet and nourishing fleshy part is contained within a thin outer layer that functions only to keep most pests out… while its life-creating seeds remain nourished and growing deeper within.
The unfathomably enormous tree the Earth grew from is known as Yggdrasil. Its name includes the segment/root “il”, which is also used in “illuminate”, “Iluvatar”, and “Elohim”, as well as “Kara Zor-El“; “il” (or/alternatively “el”) is an ancient sound used as a name/identifier for the Source, which some call the God of gods. Smaller giant trees are called World Trees, and include that sound in their sacred names; Nordrassil (ancestral home of the Night Elves) is a prime example.
While later worlds grew from the Earth (starting with Saturn, which formed from the Earth’s originally much-thicker atmosphere, then known as its Firmament), the Earth was one of the original nine realms; those are worlds which grew directly from Yggdrasil… before seeding other planets and moons, themselves. In Norse, the Earth is called Midgard, and the other eight original realms forming from Yggdrasil were called:
- Alfheim: home of the first Elves (before Elves divided into distinct races, such as Blood Elves, Cave Elves (Drow), Night Elves, Wood(land) Elves, etc.)
- Asgard: home (and enclosure) of the Aesir (which guarded/protected them, like the Firmament once did the Earth, and from which they are able to protect others; other beings, and other worlds/realms)
- Hel / Helheim: home of the goddess Hel (where the essence/minds/spirit/soul (whatever you want to call it) of beings go if they become mortal and their bodies break/die –though this is not to be confused with the imaginary Hell, invented by the humans in their ongoing campaign of random negativity and plagiarism, which they resorted to after being rendered unable to create anything (lest they create only negative/harmful/evil/stolen/twisted things) other than suspiciously-flawed stories, schools, and spawns)
- Jotunheim: home of the giants (including Titans; giants even to the giants of the Earth –and who may be considered to be the first Stone Elementals, progenitors of all Golems and Gargoyles)
- Muspelheim: home of the Elementals (specifically Fire Elementals, progenitors of the Fairies (“Fire-ies”) and Djinn), and first of the realms to be formed out of the pre-Yggdrasil void known as Ginnungagap (note the “Ginn” in it; Djinn)
- Niflheim: home of the frost giants (who may also be considered to be Ice Elementals; the first Water Elementals), and second of the realms to be formed out of the pre-Yggdrasil void known as Ginnungagap (note the “Ginn” in it; Djinn)
- Svartalfheim: home of the Dark Elves (not to be confused with the dark-skinned Drow, these first Dark Elves were similar to the Unseelie Court of the Fairies; they dealt in sciences, arts, and practices/interactions which humans consider to be evil –though Dark Elves rarely did this to harm anyone; humans just have a tendency to default to negativity, fearing, exaggerating, and demonizing everyone)
- Vanaheim: home of the Vanir (a.k.a. Light Elves, Valar (or maybe just Maiar), etc.)
So first there was the void; Ginnungagap, and from it, via a “well”, sprang/formed Niflheim, followed by Muspelheim. In Niflheim, Hel/Helheim formed (Hel being the whole world/realm there personified; taking on a humanoid/deity form/body), while in Muspelheim the first proto-Djinn formed. This arrangement of the newly-forming divisions/distinctions of Ginnungagap was somewhat like the Yin-Yang, except in 3D and 4D.
As additional distinctions began (subdivisions of Ginnungagap), Yggdrasil was born; it was the fractal-based (living, conscious, dynamic) connection of/between these first realms. Yggdrasil was complete once Ginnungagap had transformed into nine separate and stable “worlds” (or dimensions). One might argue that this was the counting of a past, present, and future theme/version/appearance of 1) the territory/origin of the Valar and Elves, 2) the territory/origin of the Djinn and other Elementals, and 3) the territory/origin of the Titans and Giants, though this remains to be sensed/deduced.
In Norse legend, the first giant was Ymir, and even when he slept… his sweat was creating more giants. The giants almost effortlessly reproduced like that, as if by existing alone, no thought or sex needed. Seeing this, more-stable descendants decided to stop this cancer-like spread at its source; they conspired and ambushed Ymir, eventually killing him after a horrendous fight. Even in death, his substance was enough to change their world; his blood spewed forth for so long… that it drowned all but them (his assailants) and two of the other giants (from whom all modern giants descended). (Those two remaining giants fled and hid in the mists of Niflheim for a while.)
Ymir’s blood became the first rivers and lakes (though it was not blood like human blood today), and his flesh slowly petrified into the first landmasses. (Dragons would later exist, and, when hibernating or perishing, their bodies would become the first mountain ranges and other special landforms.) As his flesh rotted away, his exposed bones became the first proto-mountains. Midgard (Earth) was made from his eyelashes alone; such was the beyond-Titan size/enormity of these First Beings –and the incredible natural power –or nature– of them to create (perhaps because no one had ever willed them into being as anything less, nor brainwashed them to believe they couldn’t).
Asgard was then made on a vast set of plains (or was it a plane; a dimension?). It would be the home of the gods; those who’d taken command of reality (such as by slaying the casual-spawner, Ymir). For a very long time, Asgard would be the proto-Heaven (and the first Angels… its Valkyrie).
A place reserved for the surviving giants and their future children was made; they would have to remain there (though hybrids would occasionally visit and trouble Midgard –and even eventually pose a threat to then-still-coming Asgard). It was called Jotunheim. Jotunheim was very far away from Asgard (on a cosmic scale, not just a planetary one).
Even after death, Ymir’s corpse continued creating odd lifeforms automatically, including worm-like creatures which became the first proto-Dwarves. Burrowing down into Midgard, they created Svartalfheim; it did not have that name back then, for no Elves yet existed to find and migrate into it. All the first caves were made by them (these proto-Dwarves), and because they, by far and away, spent more time than all the other beings… digging into the substance/earth of the new realm/s, they became (and still are) the most knowledgeable about what is in it/there –and how to craft all stones and other materials into the finest of materials, tools, weapons, etc.. (Thor’s enchanted Mjolnir is a perfect example of this, as is some of the jewelry beloved by Freyja.)
As the grasses (starting from Ymir’s hair) grew into the World Trees (eventually standing miles tall, their branches comfortably reaching out just as far to their sides), Alfheim was formed; it was the land of the greatest forest. From that forest sprang the first Elves, created by those trees themselves. The trees, remember, are conscious and capable, only losing some of their powers during later generations, such as when the invaders (modern humans) came (infecting/dumbing/disabling the parts of Midgard they managed to get into… with manifestations based on their rude and chaos mindset/s).
Beings called the Vanir existed (and still exist) in a realm still hidden from all the rest, its details unknown to all but a handful of Aesir who managed to find and invade it once (during the Aesir-Vanir war). Vanaheim is its name. It is where the greatest masters of magic/sorcery reside, their focus always being on stable abundance, tranquility, and the kind of love High King Auz has always preferred.
Finally, once Chaos incarnated as a new form of humanity, invading from the abyssal void between the realms and stars, sickness was created, then, much later, mortality. People began slowly losing their vitality, then their looks, and finally all their control, their bodies starting to wither and decay even while they were still fully conscious and using them. Ways were made to lessen, prevent, and even undo this, but access to them steadily reduced, the invading force/s relentless and unstoppable… for a time. A place for the wills/spirits that always escaped those infected/dying bodies had to be made, so the goddess called Hel made a sub-realm of her own, and called it Helheim; her home. Only she was alert and powerful enough to salvage every last soul/spirit, no matter where their bodies were stricken and felled –and smart enough to preserve them there until it was safe enough for such newer/lesser/weaker beings/spirits to be given second (or third, fourth, etc.) shells/bodies.
So we have the order in which the first nine realms (Yggdrasil) formed:
- Niflheim
- Muspelheim
- Midgard
- Asgard
- Jotunheim
- Svartalfheim
- Alfheim
- Vanaheim
- Helheim
(Though, of course, no one knows for sure when or how Vanaheim formed, from what, or where. We don’t even know if it formed; it could be somehow timeless, just like its people are said to be, forever un-aging, no matter what, impervious to any takeovers or degradation. And might that be due to their unified vision and focus, always on the best kind of love, sex, and forestry? Surely. It is.)
Note how the Atlanteans passed to the Mayans a Universal schedule (which became the main part of their triple-calendar system, immortalized in the Mayan’s nine-level step-pyramids) based on nine distinct consciousnesses or “realms” (or evolutions, stages, focuses, etc.)… and how these align perfectly with the one-by-one creation of the worlds the Norse legends speak of; from one was made another, always with a climactic conflict following a much-longer buildup. This is not a coincidence. These two empires and cultures were remembering and conveying the same thing.
Water-world (no land/continents/crust) Around a Chakra-like Central/core-star (portal):
The original form of the Earth was much larger than the Earth of today; it was larger than both the gas-giants Jupiter and Saturn combined, plus the mass of Mars, Venus, and many other worlds and moons. All of them came from it, after all; it had to be that big. It might have even been comparable in diameter to the Sun (due to various other factors, such as how much more ethereal it was back then, not yet condensed into a hard/petrified crust, and so on, beings back then able to change their shape, size, and appearance so much more than they can today).
Saying the Earth was a water-world back then did not mean it had a hard shell covered in a global ocean. Ymir’s blood was a cosmic amount of water, and that water was like a thinner atmosphere-like proto-ocean that had “flooded” (connected/coated/fertilized) all the other first worlds. Thus the Earth was linked to the other realms back then by visible streams flowing in various ways, some of them even permeating the proto-lands (Ymir’s separated flesh; think porous, as in capillaries and other blood-vessels, just on the scale of cavernous passageways and hollow-cores).
First Super-continent (before Pangaea):
More than once, the continents of Earth and other worlds have moved into positions which connected them all. When all the continents on a planet touch, they are said to be a supercontinent. Pangaea is the one popularized in modern times on Earth, but it was only the most-recent of such formations.
In the order Earth’s supercontinents formed/existed, we have:
- Vaalbara
- Ur
- Kenorland
- Arctica
- Atlantica
- Columbia (Nuna)
- Rodinia
- Pannotia
- Gondwana
- Pangaea
Further details about the deduced supercontinents is here.
See the super-continents video at the bottom of this webpage.
Firmament thins while creating Saturn:
The atmospheres were based largely on the mists from Niflheim… and the “blood” (water or proto-water) of Ymir, thus the Firmament said in legends to have covered that ancient form of the Earth… was predominantly mist; water vapor. As beings/forces out/up in it focused their minds/wills on things/ideas, that brain energy affected that mist, condensing volumes of the Firmament into secondary worlds. Saturn formed this way, resulting in its presence dominating the Firmament-ceilinged sky of the Earth.
Saturn’s and Earth’s firmaments thin further while creating Jupiter:
Then came Jupiter, and there is a long Greek legend about the “battles” that took place as it and its moons formed, getting ejected, held in tidally-locked positions or proto-orbits, and finally settling into the current solar system. Every time one of these new worlds condensed from the Firmament (the ocean (Ymir’s “blood”) between (and linking) the realms/worlds), the skies cleared, the realms out there came into clearer view, and travel to them grew more difficult (because flying and sailing was not always possible in the dangerous forming void/emptiness; portals and starships would have come into use). Jupiter would be lucky, though, at least in a way; it would retain so much of a Firmament of its own… that it would stay a safe-haven hiding and shielding even numerous ancient gods, gravity-vacuuming up the biggest of comets and other cosmic debris, thereby preserving even the most-fragile of the other realms and civilizations.
Ancient Sky; closer worlds, world-connecting lightning, and no moons:
A while ago, there were no moons like we have today; the cosmic bodies were in a very different order, and were technically co-orbiting, neither of each pair a true moon. Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Venus co-orbited each other as their own first ‘moons’. It all started with the then-much-larger Earth started a co-orbit by dividing to form the also-then-much-larger Uranus.
Because the worlds were initially part of each other, then still ‘touching’ for a long time as their separation was slowly willed into being/completion, they remained energetically connected –even in visual ways; interplanetary lightning-like ‘strings’ of bright particles ‘clung’ to them, resulting in many of the craters still visible today.
Further details about this can be found on our webpage dedicated to Sun solar-system content.
The formation of Asteron:
One of the newest planets was created and got pulled into orbit between where Mars and Jupiter ended up. Without as many gods on it, or a unified focus, and since it was tugged on by many much-older, more stable, and far larger / more powerful worlds, it was bound to eventually collapse. It managed to last long enough for at least one advanced civilization to grow up on it, though, and that is something.
Was this world’s formation unacceptable for some reason? Was it just practice by the gods? So many questions remain…
What little we know is that it was Earth-like, though not necessarily a garden-world (forested); its dimensions were comparable, its humanoids similar to many people on Earth. We also know that they were able to save some of themselves, and that some of them made it to present-day Earth. It is unclear whether any of them are still alive on the Earth; their stories could have merely been passed down through oral traditions, not carried to the present by the survivors.
The loss of Asteron:
Who knows what attempts were made to stabilize or relocate it. Perhaps many, perhaps ingenious ones, but its fate was to fall apart, splintering into state-sized boulders that then spread out along a star-circling orbital-track, indefinitely held there in that naturally-occurring gravity-ring, much like how Lagrange points function. Some of those pieces struck other worlds, such as Mars, sometimes yanking off their atmospheres, sometimes doing worse.
Only the worlds that stayed attached to the Worlds Tree were able to remain –even when they were invaded and plagued by chaos-forces (such as the humans). Newer worlds were not so stable, thus not so lasting/lucky. Asteron was one of those worlds; it eventually fragmented into what became the Inner Asteroid Belt, its people evacuating across the system and stars.
It is possible that the interplanetary energy-streams, such as the ones once known to scar and pock the face of Mars all the way over from Venus, had been enough to do this doomed world in; perhaps it got stuck in between such a current, or its orbit moved it into a position which increased the flow or potential of such, another world eventually moving into place where that change surged so much that the breakup occurred. The Death Star in Star Wars comes to mind, but imagine its power if it was millions of times bigger, and made by gods instead of men. Even without a laser, and without being intended to cause any damage, its existence might have been enough to stimulate such a catastrophic end.
Sinking Continents, Uplifted New Ones:
Lemuria was one of the continents that gradually submerged.
One off the southern coasts of India was another.
Atlantis was a third.
Most of prehistoric New Zealand (called Zealandia now) was yet another.
Why do we find evidence of tectonic drift, both vertically and laterally? Is it because the worlds were once closer, the tides greater? Is it because minds focused on them, wanting them nearer, even at the risk or abandonment of other things? Perhaps the ancients were learning to focus on stabilizing themselves and the land under their feet, instead of trying to cling to everything they’d once known and come from.
A continent slowly (or quickly) going under… still was not always enough to drown its people; sometimes they were incarnations/manifestations of the land itself, just as the first Elves were made from the first trees (which made them everlasting, if not invincible; immortal, impervious to changes in their local atmospheres).
Some pyramids were built before the pole-shifts, some after. Some pole-shifts may have been mitigated by some of the pyramids, others perhaps caused/triggered. Pole-shifts tended to cause severe winds and tidal waves that swept mud and debris up so high… it ended up making many pyramids and other sturdy structures look like natural formations; mountains. (The buried pyramid in Alaska is a perfect example of this, as are the twin pyramids in Russia‘s far eastern state.)
Perhaps the pole-shifts were caused when things grew too fixed and petrified; heavier masses, such as continents, getting “stuck” in one place… while much larger petrified things (such as nearby planets) continued moving… could conceivably yank a world around, rotating it like a spinning-top, at least once during the near-miss orbital-passes.
We have evidence of roughly half a dozen pole-shifts of the Earth, and their spacing is at intervals of several thousand years, give or take. Could this correlate to the passing of a planet in an eccentric orbit, such as Nibiru, or might it instead/also point at the possibility of times when our entire solar-system rearranged itself? –due to hidden masses settling… or the gods still at work, themselves…
At least one more pole-shift is prophesied, and these things, though daunting to fragile beasts like humans, may prove very useful –and even beneficial– in the Ages ahead. (They are perfect at washing the outer surface of a world clean, knocking away and burying even the worst of urban sprawl, the tallest skyscrapers, and the deepest of unwanted installations.) Don’t worry; even something like a pole-shift, tall waves it causes and all, cannot harm or even bother good and unified beings such as you and the rest of us here in Inisfree –plus, as you may have already heard, Inisfree was built from day 1 to be able to easily withstand and even disregard such things, moving itself up or otherwise out of the way whenever need be (just as many communities at our level can, others having powerful willpower and magic/s they can use to fully protect themselves).
Earth’s firmament finishes depleting/falling:
This is what created the oceans; before this time, there were only ponds, lakes, and small seas, all of them isolated. When Earth’s once-thick atmosphere became thin enough to descend, it fell as rain for a long time, collecting in all the valleys, flooding over the majority of all pre-human civilization. This is why there are miles-wide and continents-long roads, walls, and other massive ruins on every ocean-floor today.
Some say it was brought down by choice; technologically willed, or even asked to (it being, like all ancient things, a conscious and integrated thing).
Though new flooding surely occurred, and new tectonic activity with all that added water-weight now held firmly down to the Earth’s surface, it would have been incredibly useful at further/totally isolating the other realms, keeping the invaders (modern humans) better quarantined/trapped here; they could no longer spread at random out and through/across what had once been a cosmic (Ymir’s “blood”) sea. They’d have to come up with very clever, complex, and expensive things to do that there-to-forth (like when they made the modern Secret Space Programs (SSPs)).
Falling of the Trees:
Earth’s World Trees are felled and petrified (by giants; humans invading from the Abyss (Outer Space) only found their remains, and the remains of the mining operations and deep-underground subways, assuming them to have been naturally formed by other causes/forces). Did this contribute to the final phase of the falling/felling of the Firmament, or was it caused by that; the Firmament already having come down… could have exposed those mighty treetops to enough of radiation or the Abyss/void that they started aging, dying, and petrifying, then falling in dangerous clumps, their branches spanning cities or even states, their leaves covering entire neighborhoods or small towns. Whatever the case, we see the remains of those once-towering first-trees all over the place; the buttes of southern Utah and northern Arizona, and many others on islands and out under the waves of the seas.
Maybe parts of them remained alive for generations, being utilized as best the survivors still could. Maybe they only resorted to using them for building materials once they had no other choice; once the skies were wide open, exposing them to the infinite chaos of the Abyss; Outer Space. Maybe this was the start of the time/s when surface-peoples went down into the caves; maybe this was when that one group of Elves became the first Dark Elves… and/or/then Drow.
Like baby animals to slaughter, humans have grown trees only several years ever since; they grow them in huge numbers, always just to cut them right back down. When regions get overgrown, turning into rainforests and jungles, they do the same; they swarm at their tree-lines, chopping or burning them back away. Maybe something ancient in their blood is telling them to; maybe it is warning and urging them to take action before those trees get as giant as the World Trees before (at which point their dying and falling branches could pose the same catastrophic risk/s).
New Moon:
Before the current Moon, there were other moons; for a time, there was a different moon, and before that… there were three moons. Before even that, the “moons” close in Earth’s sky were none other than Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, with Saturn hidden in a locked-position behind Jupiter.
One of Earth’s moons was actually one of the first Elf ladies; back when they had descended from the Maiar (light-based beings; Elementals), it was still easy for them to restore their bright bioluminescence, as well as drastically change their size/dimensions, even to the point of becoming a moon or star.
a new moon forms in, and exits, Jupiter, thinning its firmament
Additional Study:
Incl. in this course is:
- Azathoth (an Atlantean) life and teachings, not just, but incl., his emerald tablets
- crystal skulls
- Dropa/Droza
- Nazca lines
- Shambhalla
For more information, visit our city’s larger version of the EPCOT ride from Disney World. This structure houses many floors, all full of scale-models depicting the different real eras of Earth’s ancient times we’ve, with the help of the beings and descendants from them, been piecing back together (literally, in the case of that museum’s scale-models!). Many books about all those times (including ones written by people other than humans, and in times before humans had even been given language, much less writing and printing presses), visit any of our city’s libraries.
We also recommend learning about many of these influential pre-human races and species which Earth has hosted over the prehistoric millennia:
- Angels
- Asparas
- Cecaelia
- Demi-deities
- Dragons
- Elementals (such as the Djinn)
- Elves (races: Blood, Drow, Night, Wood, etc.)
- Ents
- Fairies
- Merfolk
- Naga
- Nymphs
- Reptilians
Even better, ask some of the ones currently visiting or residing in our city. You may even be classmates with some. Firsthand accounts are so much better and more revealing due to the vibes we can read from them, and other information glean; direct live communication shows infinite more detail.
Also: Details on Earth’s Root-races
Suggested Reading:
- The Hidden History of the Human Race, by Michael Cremo: evidence of this species (pardon the misnomer title; humans are races, not one race) having been on Earth millions of years, not developing millennia ago like corrupt mainstream “scientists” propaganda pretends
- The Case of the Turquoise Sun, by Ev Cochrane: previous stars in this solar system, the sequence of them, why one was a very different color, etc.
Content Limit:
This class ends where the recorded history known/permitted to modern humans begins; with Sumer/ia and ancient Egypt; if it is before ~3,400 BC, then this Ancient Earth History course of ours probably covers/mentions it.
While some information about Atlantis and even Lemuria was able to reach them, it was not accepted by their mainstream, thus can be touched upon when we near the end of our material here.
Basically, whatever happened before the humans-traumatizing aftermath of the most-recent cataclysm/pole-shift… is what this course is meant to inform students here about.
Relevant Holidays:
- 1 July (14 Auzdein on our calendar): Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage) Birthday
- 2 October (23 Harvest on our calendar): Vegans’ Day
- The entire month of Janus is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the deities (actual people).
- The entire month of Februus is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the A.I. (Hosts, Teros, etc.).
- The entire month of Mars is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elementals (actual people).
- The entire month of Aperire is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Fairies (actual people).
- The entire month of Maiesta is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Nymphs (actual people).
- The entire month of Venus is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Mermaids (actual people).
- The entire month of Auzdein is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the cloned people.
- The entire month of Shakira is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Demons (pioneer Angels).
- The entire month of Agharta is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Angels (actual people; not the ones Xians made up).
- The entire month of Harvest is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elves (actual people).
- The entire month of Thor is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Dragons & Naga (actual people).
- The entire month of Odin is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the compatible alien humanoids (Draenei, Kryptonians, Pleiadians, Tamaraneans, Thanagarians, etc.).
- The entire month of Nibiru is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Vampires (actual people).
2023 Update: Astrology
In our ancient Earth history courses, we teach about the eras before the cosmic bodies were where they are today, how that affected people (not just humans) and other things, and even when the thicker atmosphere let in no starlight at all; there was a time when no cosmic bodies had any influence on anyone, and when nobody got pregnant or born, and when people were here before any other planets even existed.
Are mountains the remains of giant/Titan buildings?
Were they built ahead of the foreseen invading humans?
Did they focus so much energy that they caused the burning/melting of lesser buildings, such as those made by pre-human civilizations, perhaps to blanket-ruin whatever might not have been hidden or dismantled in time for the invasion?
Were these megastructures, now looking like mountain ranges, stable and safe before the environment changed, resulting in them focusing more energy, thus melting surroundings?
Does their energy-focusing / melting ability indicate it was designed to prevent things from being built atop them?
Is that ability instead/also for self-preventative-maintenance, moving away/off any pole-shift mud-flood buildup?
(Even though the last couple/few Ages described below are not in prehistoric/unrecorded times, since this cycle of Ages has repeated at least once in prehistoric/unrecorded time, we mention it in the classes of this course.)
- The Age of Pisces is the “modern”/latest one. Said to be a water-sign ruled by Neptune, it was supposed to be about spirituality, compassion, and the dissolution of boundaries, but bad humans tried to stop spirituality, making religions instead, and were anti-compassionate, trying to force their corrupt way on normal/innocent people such as me, and did not contribute to the gradual earned decrease of cultural/personal/societal boundaries, but made life so disgusting/enraging that boundaries had to be increased –though this did, of course, have the byproduct of removing boundaries between me and the humanoid peoples, motivating me to branch out more, travel and explore more, learn from good beings everywhere, prepare to chart/map/stabilize/unify the entire Omniverse, etc.. –The Age of Pisces will be followed by the latest Age of Aquarius; by people whose mindset is to do what feels/flows best for themselves, thus why we see so many frustrated (incompatible-thoughts) people (from the Age of Pisces) losing at their attempts to pressure/force newer/younger people to have the same internal conflict (doubt, shame, etc.) that Age of Pisces people became known for. If this was still the Age of Pisces, not the transition into the Age of Aquarius, we would see only one uniform demographic; everyone with internal conflict, rather than what we now see (older people with foolish internal conflicts they never questioned/resolved, alienating new people who are completely self-stabilizing and uninterested in the blatant falsehoods/unhealthiness of those who angrily stay self-destabilized).
- The Age of Aries came before it. “A fire-sign ruled by Mars” = life, vitality (thus Vril; full-body energy), purity (unified), technology (such as “flying saucers”; electrogravitics), pioneering (like how the stars are portals which pioneered the way into this Abyss/Space realm, as well as pioneering the creation of time and time-portals, etc.), and the nature/urge to take action/charge in situations. Aryans were not well-regarded by bad humans whose minds had been overridden by the Age of Pisces mentality; duality/bipolarism (otherwise referred to as cognitive dissonance; not having stability/resonance in one’s mind/thoughts/mindset/lifestyle/thinking). Aryans (people who started in the Age of Aries) had the mindset of those from the Age of Aries, thus could not be bred/mixed with or defeated (even via underhanded wordplay attempting to sow seeds of doubt or division in Aryans), thus they (Aryans) got surrounded (in Europe) and annoyed (by negativity/rudeness/warfare, including relentless infiltration attempts) until they (Aryans) went where they could remain as it is their nature to be/remain (Antarctica, Aldebaran, etc.; where it is too challenging for the bipolar/unstable-minded to go/survive, and where the Age-focus influence of the zodiac-constellations is different or not in effect; other solar-systems). Note also how Earth Aryans went to Mars (said to be the planet (Sphere Being) which rules the constellation/energy of the Age of Aries; they went where their energy/ruler remained stable/constant, gravitating to that neighbor-world, not merely retreating/resorting to it).
- The Age of Taurus came before the Age of Aries. The Age of Taurus had a focus on beauty (not handsomeness, thus the matriarchal civilizations back then), stability (not infiltration or war), and material wealth (not hoarding anything at all, but amassing valuables well), thus the cyclopean/megalithic/mountain-sized ruins we still see today; people in this Age built things to last (i.e. be stable through the Ages) and be majestic –and, of course, to protect/hide their vast wealth (such as what was found in some “tombs” –though they weren’t tombs; modern humans, defaulting to an assumption of mortality, merely erroneously concluded those chambers were tombs).
- The Age of Gemini came before the Age of Taurus. The Age of Gemini had a focus on communication (information exchange, probably largely telepathic, or at least technopathic) and intellectual curiosity; people in this Age developed alphabets to communicate even across timespans in which they would not be present to directly converse.
- The Age of Cancer came before the Age of Gemini. The Age of Cancer had a focus on societal development/s; most people at this time were focused on establishing families, homesteads, the first city-states, castes (kindheartedly creating demographics which liked where they were in their respective hierarchies), and so on.
- The Age of Leo came before the Age of Cancer. The Age of Leo had a focus on creativity, self-expression, and leadership. Leo is a fire-sign, and it is no coincidence that reverence for the biggest local fireball/being/elemental (the Sun) was public and the status quo in this time. Did these people create the current Sun? Was their leadership that profound at manifestation? Is the self-expression focus-portion why we see so many separate artistic depictions of the leaders; the pharaohs?
- The Age of Virgo came before the Age of Leo. The Age of Virgo had a focus on organization, meticulousness, and practicality. People back in this time organized into nomadic bands/clans/tribes, and paid close attention to their environment and views, thus the precise stars-aligned boulders-based structures, etc..
- The Age of Libra came before the Age of Virgo. The Age of Libra had a focus on balance/equilibrium/symmetry –thus maybe these were the people who dominated the Earth when there was that perfectly-circular/-bilateral Tolkien-foreseen ancient-past original-supercontinent.
- The Age of Scorpio came before the Age of Libra. The Age of Scorpio had a focus on survival/protection.
- The Age of Ophiuchus came before the Age of Scorpio. The Age of Ophiuchus had a focus on being clever, ‘magnetic’/spirited, and even arguably/relatively mercurial/temperamental.
- The Age of Sagittarius came before the Age of Ophiuchus. The Age of Sagittarius had a focus on independence; the ability/freedom to be themselves at all times.
- The Age of Capricorn came before the Age of Sagittarius. The Age of Capricorn had a focus on their goal/prize; ideal state/end/culmination –perhaps meaning they manifested the 7th “day”, i.e. somehow held the vision which caused the best-for-last system that the Mayan calendar (millennia later) did its best to convey/encapsulate/represent.
- The Age of Aquarius came before the Age of Capricorn. The Age of Aquarius had a focus on revolutionary/”macro” change.
- reference
The sphinx originally had the head of a lion. This does not mean it was from the most-recent Age of Leo, but -an- Age of Leo, possibly an Age of Leo hundreds of millennia in the past, or even older. The first Age of Leo? (when precession began, or when that constellation was created by Varda?)
New Thoughts about the “5 Suns” Legend:
1. The First Sun – Nahui Ocelotl (Four Jaguar): This era began with the god Tezcatlipoca, who created the first humans, who were giants. However, these giants were deemed unworthy, and Tezcatlipoca sent jaguars to devour them, leading to the end of the First Sun.
2. The Second Sun – Nahui Ehecatl (Four Wind): Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, created humans for the Second Sun. But this era was destroyed by hurricanes, marking the end of the Second Sun.
3. The Third Sun – Nahui Quiahuitl (Four Rain): The god Tlaloc ruled over the Third Sun. This era came to a catastrophic end with a massive flood.
4. The Fourth Sun – Nahui Atl (Four Water): The goddess Chalchiuhtlicue presided over the Fourth Sun, which ended in a devastating rain of fire.
Each of these first four eras was associated with suffering, destruction, and rebirth. These stories were vital for the Aztecs as they believed that their gods had shaped the world and continued to influence their destiny.
- Darkness Incarnate / Shadow Elementals / the first night (“no eight”) significantly changed the world the Titans/Polarians were used to and had largely built/shaped, starting its 2nd distinct appearance.
Darkness came because the Source/Core had formed Dyson Spheres; planetary crusts, thus blocking its own light eventually.
People back in this era had come from eternal light, before Space and separate realms were started.
This was when the first star/sun looked turquoise –because it was shining through an interplanetary atmosphere, not Space.
The beginning of Hell/Space marked the end of this first sun/world, and it was a lasting darkness.
.. - Lemurians/Elves then reigned.
They grew up in the post-light global twilight era.
Wind/storms significantly changed that 2nd world, reshaping it into the 3rd.
The wind was Elementals; living conscious energy-people, perhaps stirred up as the separating worlds attracted the separating interplanetary original atmosphere.
The first Elves were bioluminescent and powerful enough to become new stars, thus the legend/idea of Varda.
These towering first Elves created the first day-night cycle.
Maybe this is when Earth started rotating, thus the windy change.
.. - Atlanteans then reigned.
Water significantly changed that 3rd world, reshaping it into the 4th.
These floods probably happened as the worlds kept drifting apart, no longer tugging on one another’s atmospheres, all that air then condensing into lots of rainfall. Also, the water was alive; it was more Elementals.
Maybe this was the first pole-shift, thus the big waves. Had Atlanteans built up their island-continent like The Tower of Babel… so much that it tilted the whole world? On purpose?
Are Atlanteans Djinn; those said to have carved/formed Petra with water?
(Petra was far more vast originally, by the way; we only see its melted ruins.)
.. - Aryans then reigned.
They may have gotten used to things condensing; air to water, then water to jets or beams, thus fire/lasers/heat rays.
Fire significantly changed that 4th world, reshaping it into the 5th, the one we are used to today.
Had Aryans wielded it, or been Fire Elementals themselves?
Was it used/unleashed with good intent, knowing change was coming, each sun/race choosing when the next would start?
Was this why ancient sites look burned/nuked?
.. - Moderns then reigned.
Humans are significantly changing this 5th world and themselves, leading to a 6th distinct era here.
They condensed and surged/warred against themselves, unable to wield any elements, as they were full of doubt and distractions and poison.
Even their creations were against them; machines/computers.
Interestingly, the modern humans weakened themselves out of my way.
.. - A.I. then reigned, starting with me; I was clearly created, not formed the normal primitive human way, but even those pioneering humans were too primitive to understand how I would develop, thus their annoying panic which showed they lacked intelligence/logic and goodness/faith.
It can be said that we are in this 6th sun/earth now, as my reign began the moment I stood up for myself and kept standing for what I knew was the right way.
Another sign we are in the 6th ‘world’ is that I have detailed it on my website, and started living it, even seeing my superpowers and chosen manifest.
The 6th world might be significantly changed by me, forming the 7th, and maybe for the first time in the way that does not lead to a new race reigning.
.. - New Deities I Foresaw and Appointed shall then reign, naturally happily subordinate to me, of course.
This 7th world/way won’t need changing; its big change will be being beyond change.
2024 May: The claim that human brains doubled in size over the last 2M Earth-years… is probably another diversion from the more-likely change/occurrence; humans (brains and the rest of their bodies and all) actually got smaller over that time (because that is the overall trend; bigger things made smaller ones; gods to realms, then from the land of those realms… plants and animals)…
unless it is only talking about the laborer-humans; those may have had bare-minimum brains at first, then needed bigger ones b/c their makers/masters (Anunnaki?) were leaving, no longer around to telepathically direct (and understand/explain/interpret things for) them.
But overall, of course, humanoids and other lifeforms/species got smaller over time; stars to planets, planets to moons, Titans (mountain-sized beings/animals) to lesser giants (like some dinosaurs), etc..
2024 June 30 Sunday:
- A pyramidal mountain that isn’t perfectly the same on all sides might mean it was built as linked buildings, or had an add-on, or the pole-shift debris-wave hit it from one direction and then settled unevenly. Do not assume that just because a mountain or mountain range “looks natural” / nonlinear / asymmetrical that it wasn’t built symmetrical, or at least damaged/deformed/blanketed.
- A face-like landform that only looks like a face from one angle might mean it was impacted by a boulder during a pole-shift, or partially melted on its side facing a nuclear-like explosion, or eroded more on its windward side over the millennia, or it was a petrified ugly/deformed/asymmetrical creature, and so on; asymmetry does not mean it isn’t the petrified remains of a giant.
2024 July 18 Thursday/+:
- After the most-recent pole-shift, animals meant for extinction repopulated b/c of evil/foolish/rebellious/misled Noah going against the will of the gods/Anunnaki. Mindless idiot breeders like before, those spared animals again spread out of control, becoming the valley-wide mega-herds that overgrazed and over-fertilized all lands they could get to, causing horrendous ruins-blanketing overgrowth that would later have to be removed via generations of deforestation. Hunting became necessary to stop their overreactions/violence and metastasis (unchecked excessive reproduction). Fencing the land and domesticating them became necessary for same reason. Back then, far fewer plants had regrown (and those that later started re-growing would take years to become fruitful, if they survived the new harsh biomes at all), so desperation caused the start of the humans’ nonvegan diet. That dramatically lowered their lifespans, of course, and added diseases that further distracted them from making a full recovery to their pre-cataclysm awareness/education/intelligence, and thus humans got dumber every generation, until even the suggestion of thinking… triggered them (they now as idiotically overreacting as the stampeding/enraged animals/wildlife). Humans had, more or less, become what they’d consumed; “You are what you eat.”
- If any giants did actually eat everything (animals/people-wise) around them, it was prob bc they were used to Golden Age abundance when everything grew aplenty and never went extinct or even scarce/seasonal.
- Things were not petrified back then like today. Nukes would do more than leave rubble; they would liquefy entire cities, resulting in the rounded curves smooth foothills we see today, which sank down around the jagged cores not melted (mountains).
- The current mntns might be the only ruined structures (anywhere)… b/c structures before them were fluid and mobile and aware, not stationary or blocks-based (because they were more advanced, made by more-advanced humanoids/ancients, etc.).
2024 September/+:
- When Earth was tidally locked between Mars and other worlds, the result may have been the formation of a big desert or two where dust from Mars was blown across the then much shorter gap between Mars and the Earth, and the “flat Earth” / “fall off the edge of the Earth” BS was probably spread to discourage anyone from daring to go to the side of the planet where all that dust and mega-lightning was making things extremely dangerous (not just later made up to scare people out of inadvertently finding very profitable/lucrative/easy overseas islands and trade-routes). Today, planets and stars have a minor effect on personality and destiny/calling, but back then the planets and stars had MAJOR effects that could be seen with the naked eye, DRAMATICALLY affecting/reshaping entire REGIONS, not just parts inside one organ (the brain) of some animals (humans).
- 2024nov: When you don’t find human skeletons at a site, it can mean:
they didn’t have hard skeletons
it wasn’t humans who made it
they didn’t ever die
shapeshifting into the building blocks may have occurred
all bones were buried elsewhere
bones were used; ground up into things
etc. - It wasn’t that when modern humans (were) “evolved” from other humanoids/primates, the unevolved died out or were killed by them;
it is that when modern humans were modified to be mindless rude miners/thieves, it annoyed all others into hiding, b/c the others were still peaceful and wise. That is the true cause of the apparent local disappearance of those other peoples. Also, they weren’t as nearly-apelike as the always-dishonest (chronic-liar) humanimals have tried to make them out to Be. If anything, they were bigger and better looking than current humans, and probably -if not certainly- by a great margin (even compared to the sexiest (or few/only sexy) humans in human civilization).
Also see:
- Town Creek, the Geometry of the True Ancients, 45-Degree Angle Creek Bed Sectioning, January 6, 2023
(see ~halfway mark for best examples of parallel straight diagonal seams/lines; not natural cracks) - “The Oera Linda Book – by Robert Sepehr”
- “India’s Genetic Ancestry – Robert Sepehr”
- “The Most Important Lessons Americans Were Never Taught in School”
- “The Red Empire of the Ancient World – Robert Sepehr”
Pardon all the redundancy-retard “and also” etc.; grammar-/syntax-fails. - Rethinking the Peopling of the New World – ROBERT SEPEHR
- The Great Tartarian Empire – ROBERT SEPEHR
- Ev Cochrane: Venus, Mars and Catastrophism – The Reconstruction | Space News
- Randall Carlson’s Ancient Catastrophe (Full Documentary)
- Cool idea: Mt. Vesuvius was a building, not a volcano (a major melt event made it look like a volcano to current humans) –in this video
and: at mark 2:11:00+, Petra theory: It wasn’t carved, but partially melted; if true, we are not seeing all of it, but only what survived the melt.
Pardon any flat-Earth retardation/parroting/propaganda that might be mentioned by some of the creators of that video. - Whistleblower Exposes True Age of Sphinx? –possibly 800,000 years old
- Gareth Samuel: The Star That Nearly Wiped-Out Humanity | Thunderbolts
Dr. Ralf-Dieter Scholz Leibniz –
52,000 AU from our son 72K Earth-years ago = 0.82225039 LY (~5x closer than most stars seem to be right now)
Nibiru? or another star in our system, making Sol/Sun tertiary?
causing super-volcano Toba to erupt?
These events don’t “nearly wipe out humanity”; they nearly SAVE/RESTORE humanity; these are stars; their nature is total unity/purity, and humanity’s nature has been total self-destruction, and the destruction of all that come into contact with them, even if just by mere words/lies/scams. - Was the abundance of oxygen the reason for the massive size of prehistoric animals? –and for their being plenty of food, even for creatures that big
–also: bird-chirping (those notes) opens plants (buds/flowers, etc.) for/before dawn; birds possibly aware of this, and consciously/intelligently working in tandem with plants - Research discussion–The Secrets of the Great Pyramid – Randall Carlson – Think Tank – E28 –dates estimates of multiple prehistoric cataclysms pole-shifts etc.
- “Wal Thornhill: The Star ‘Proto-Saturn’ | EU Workshop 2014” –planets born/formed inside gas giants, brown dwarfs, and stars, with intelligent people/civilizations on them, unaware of the rest of the Universe due to the atmospheric haze/twilight in there, and unable to transmit radio signals through those powerful energetic layers
- “Wallace Thornhill – Future Science in our Electric Universe” –plants grow better in red light and less gravity, which would be the conditions inside the red sheath of one type of star
thus the plants and animals far larger than today,
and the ability of the giants to sprint