New-arrival (welcoming) ceremonies are now more complex and thrilling performances than ever before, showcasing Inisfree’s unrivaled hospitality.


Table of Contents:

  1. Dimensions & Layout
  2. Special Features
  3. Taking in the Sight of the Site
  4. Inisfreean Military Academy Graduation Ceremonies
  5. A Relaxing Hangout
  6. Two Main Entryways
  7. History
  8. Overall:  a Square Pavement with Yurts and Performers
  9. City Sign on the Boulder at the Front Near the Highway
  10. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  11. 2024 August-end Comparisons


Dimensions & Layout:

This square is a slightly-raised paved surface spanning just over a mile from side to side, and 4,818′ from front to back; 26,075,016 sq.ft. (93.53125% of a square mile).  At the middle of its wall-side, the Chinese Great Gate stands.  Near the edge of its opposite side stand the three towering trumpeter-mechs.

  • footprint/base of each trumpeter-mech:  ~85,529.86 sq.ft. (~330′ diameter)
  • x 3 trumpeter-mechs:  256,589.58 sq.ft. occupied/reserved for the trumpeter-mechs

Its open area is an inner square section whose sides are all 4,686′; 21,958,596 of its total 26,075,016 sq.ft. (~84.21% of the total Welcoming Square area/surface).  Its front and back have a paved 66′-wide border which slopes down to connect with the local terrain (meadow on the inner side, and single-canopy greenbelt forest on the wall-side).  This open square of the Welcoming area is where the parades or other big gatherings are.  It includes three sections, all separated by the highway T-intersection.

  1. NW section:  staging/expansion for bigger welcoming ceremonies
  2. E section:  the biggest, thus where all welcoming ceremonies are based
  3. SW section:  staging/expansion for bigger welcoming ceremonies

The two rectangular side sections are 4,818′ (front to back) x 594′ (out from the sides of the open square); 2,861,892 sq.ft. per side; 5,723,784 sq.ft. total.  This is where the yurts housing picnic/outdoor cooks and welcoming parties are; these big reinforced tents are in two lines, one per side-section.  There are at least 36 yurts per side; for bigger welcoming ceremonies, parallel lines of additional yurts can be added (up to 4 rows; 3 in addition to the original/first row per side; up to 288 yurts when totaling these sides together) in order to provide more greeters, food, shade, and so on.

  • each yurt:  <66′ diameter, 1 story (~10′) tall
  • yurt dispersion/spacing:  ~66′
  • capacity per yurt:  136 human-sized guests
  • sum capacity of maximum (288) yurts:  39,168

Off to both of its sides extend the local highway section, one side connecting the airport-corner of our city, and the other side connecting to the corner with our downtown area.

  • highway footprint on the Welcoming Square:  2,243,340 sq.ft.
    (5,412′ x 330′; no turn-around lanes beyond the shoulders) + (1,386′ x 330′) = 1,785,960 sq.ft. + 457,380 sq.ft.
  • remaining area of Welcoming Square:  23,831,676 sq.ft. (~91% is not covered/occupied by a highway section)
  • highway level:  flush/even with the Welcoming Square; not raised above it (thus no support pillars/statues here)*
  • *exceptions:  1) from Pearly Gate 1 to the back of the Great Chinese Gate,
    2) from the front the Great Chinese Gate down to the ground-level section,
    3) a 1-story overpass bridge-like rise/curve bringing several hundred feet of the highway up over the north yurts-side of this Square,
    and 4) a 1-story overpass bridge-like rise/curve bringing several hundred feet of the highway up over the south yurts-side of this Square


  • minus trumpeter-mech areas/footprints:  23,575,086.42 sq.ft.
  • minus 288 yurt spots/areas:  22,589,783.7 sq.ft. open for people to march/stand/greet on (~86.63% of the Welcoming Square)
  • at 25 sq.ft. per person:  room for 903,591 human-sized people; ~1,000,000 can comfortably gather here for events

July 2023 update:  Risers

  • Each riser is ~20’x20′ and has 10 levels, seating a total of ~80 people.
  • 17 map-pixels are allotted for risers.
  • 17×66′ = 1,122′ span of/for risers
  • 3 risers per pixel = 51
  • 51 risers x 80 people = 4,080 people on the risers (an expected/’normal’ turnout for most of the ceremonies here)
  • Usually only thousands show up for these ceremonies, so that works well.
  • For rare times when more show up for them, such as the ~1,400,000 plus ~400,000 kajirae who attended Ambi’s welcome-back ceremony, the majority are dispersed to the 72 yurts.
  • 1,800,000 / 72 = 25,000 per yurt area
  • Each yurt has a ~2×2 map-pixel allotment; 132’x132′ = 17,424 sq.ft.
  • Each guest needs ~25 sq.ft.
  • 17,424 / 25 = room for ~700 guests in each yurt area
  • 700 x 72 = 50,400 total guests in those areas
  • 1,800,000 – 50,400 = 1,749,600 still needing places
  • Thus we fill the Square’s two dark-gray risers-sides areas, and the areas in front of some yurts, and the light-gray wide sidelines behind some of the yurts, with more risers.
  • 1,749,600 / 80 people per riser = 21,870 more of those risers needed (and there is plenty of room for even that many).

July 2023 update 2:  Toilets

  • proper campsite-style toilet-rooms (buildings) installed (3D-printed by the Grid Mind) this month; in preparation for the biggest event ever here; the High Queen’s welcome-back ceremony
  • standard/recommended/OSHA:  1 toilet per gender for every 1-15 employees
  • standard/recommended at music events such as concerts:  1 toilet for every 25 patrons/guests
  • ICVs don’t need toilets
  • ~400,000 kajirae at the biggest ceremonies = 26,667 toilets recommended just for them (our “employees”)
  • ~1,800,000 non-kajira guests/spectators for the High Queen’s welcome-back ceremony = 72,000 toilets recommended
  • 26,667 + 72,000 = 98,667 –so 100,000 just to be safe
  • 20 toilets per building, in a 2-rows (parallel; on opposing inside walls) layout = 5,000 toilets-buildings like that
  • standard toilet-stall dimensions:  36″ wide x 60″ deep
  • 10 x 36″ = 360″; 30′ along each of the sides with toilet-bowls back against it
  • square building ‘footprint’ = 30′ long on all 4 sides, thus 20′ between the stall-doors [360″ – (2 x 60″)]
  • 5′-wide door x double-door on both those non-toilets sides = 5′ of space on either side of the double-doors
  • placing 1 of these buildings uniformly, such as at the NE corner of the green map-pixels, means a 5 x 30 grid of them along the Square’s side where the Tri-Mechs stand; 150 there
  • and a 12 x 2 grid of them “north” of the “northern” yurts line on the risers-side of the Square’s GAH section; 24 more of them (keeping them out of the way of the marching/parade path)
  • and a 22 x 3 grid of them on the “south” side; 66 more of them
  • 150 + 24 + 66 = 240 (of the 5,000 possibly needed for the biggest ceremonies here)
  • solution:  use the toilets in the residence-annexes of the silos-network around and below this area/construct
  • also:  toilets inside all the 72/+ yurts
  • also:  toilets in the luxury-buses, mobile-houses, etc.
  • also:  toilets in the foundation-corners/sides of the Great Gate


Special Features:

This paved surface/area includes built-in heating devices which keep its pavement just warm enough to never become icy.  It can also cool itself, if need be, preventing any unpleasant heat which might make barefoot walking uncomfortable.  Whenever there is a ceremony or other gathering here, its temperature is regulated by the Grid Mind the entire time.


Taking in the Sight of the Site:

The Welcoming Square (or Welcoming Lot) is one of the only ‘parking lot’ style, entirely paved, vast open areas in all of Inisfree (as this city and its people pride themselves on tucking their structures into the earth and landscaping so as not to be eyesores).  It is here on this vast, gray square that newcomers are first welcomed by the dazzling, superhuman performances of their Inisfreean hostesses, and given time to look around at some of the many mile-high Inisfreean statues, skyscrapers, and other impressively massive feats of design, engineering, architecture, biotecture, biomechanics, harmonics, acoustics, alchemy, metallurgy, and the various genetic sciences.  Look straight ahead, and you are at the feet of three female statues taller than the Burj Khalifa tower of Dubai.  Look left, and you see an entire town built atop a single, giant, arched bridge -and the equally-tall walls of the dense urban area, Sotu, just beyond it.  Look right, and you first see the flower-shaped skyscrapers of the Sports Field (sometimes called Flower Tower Field), with the Greco-Roman Statue Park jutting out prominently like an annex of Mount Olympus from the slope of Inisfree’s two-mile-tall central mountain, and then, a bit more to your right, an apartment complex fashioned like a sleeker version of the Borg Cube, then a much larger version of the Epcot museum of Disney World, and finally the dark cream-colored, inverted pail shapes of the castle turrets complex fashioned after how branches and twigs offshoot at odd angles from a tree’s trunk.

Common greeting entertainment includes:  translucent tents, Repulsine-film carpets (‘magic/flying carpets’), nude group yoga constructs, Storm Troopers in formation in angelic lion mode (one of the modes of appearance of their Iron Man like suits), flower petals scattered in the guest’s walking path so their feet won’t have to touch the ground, vegan-feast buffets with all the Mediterranean dishes on nude Inisfreeans served by the Master Females (who also perform dances more graceful, fluid, coordinated, and seductive than even what the Asparas were said to’ve been capable of), escorts taking the guest hand-in-hand, thrones of piled Inisfreeans (The Tudors style; dozens of nude supermodels forming living chairs for guests to sit upon and casually feel up), Inisfreeans in nothing more than the body-paint of the guest’s national flag, all of the city’s Governor‘s impressive custom automobiles collection out on display like an auto-show (of which the guests may test-drive, ‘donut’, and neutral-drop any vehicles of -right there on the paved surface of this Welcoming Lot), flybys by Inisfree’s military pilots (‘buzzing’ the Welcoming Lot) in their stingray-like Inisfreean fighter-jets, fireworks amidst the aurora Inisfree is in complete control of, and on and on, all with Inisfree’s own ‘moon’ slowly orbiting (at an altitude of four miles above Inisfree’s horizon; ‘ground level’) the city’s central mountain’s plateau-summit’s Avalanche Wall all the while.


Inisfreean Military Academy Graduation Ceremonies:

Unit-sized formations adorn this vast, paved square of the Inisfreean property once each year; batch-sized (and sometimes battalion-sized) groups of Inisfreean-borne girls stand in their signature Inisfreean ‘Dress’ uniforms (a fusion of the Marine Corps Dress Blues Alphas uniform with something skimpier that a rave gogo dancer would wear, always proudly amplifying the already sky-high Inisfreean sexiness), their stance that of the Egyptians’ ‘modified and more aggressive version of the P.O.A.; the Position of Attention; their left foot one step forward of their right, their eyes wildly wider, their faces perfect examples of unflinching military bearing, their fists balled at their hips’ sides -ready to be thrown into a vicious fight at a moment’s notice, their posture perfectly straight, but the overall angle of the stance of their body slightly tilted forward as if in mid-charge; leaning toward whatever enemies they might be facing off with.

​​And just like how the Corps of Cadets from the now-terraformed, once-nation of Texas marched their company-sized units of officers-in-training around the perimeter of their gigantic, American football stadium capable of seating more than 100,000 sports fans, the Inisfreean unit commanders here in Inisfree proudly show off their own war-fighters-in-training by leading them in impressive and dominating military, marching band style struts around the perimeter of this Welcoming Square.  Once they have made the lap and all are re-formed up and again properly and perfectly spaced out across this vast square, the rest of the honoring ceremony commences, (culminating with the three towering female ‘Harmonics-Mechs’ raising and blowing their Titan-sized trumpets with the most beautiful, earth-shaking, and soul-stirring notes, formally and reverently signifying that new royalty has arrived in the Inisfreean realm; that each of these Inisfreean-borne girls is now royalty above all other royalty, having completed their Inisfreean educational system training to the point of being deployable representatives of the Inisfreean empire) and with that they are made official members of the growing Inisfreean Star-fleet; the interstellar, inter-galactic, and inter-dimensional force of militarized super-companions ready for rapid deployment and action anywhere in Creation, from the nine realms known to the Asgardians… and beyond.


A Relaxing Hangout:

At all other times, this vast, paved square (one full square mile) remains empty and quiet, only complemented by the faint whisper of the mild Inisfreean breezes, and is a perfect place for Inisfree’s drivers’-ed’ lessons before taking students onto Inisfree’s impressively artful highway system, the G.A.H..


Two Main Entryways:

The vast majority of guests to Inisfree are introduced to this city via either this Welcoming Square or the Subterranean Quarantine Facility (isolated silos complex) 10 miles away on the opposite side of the city.  That underground complex is traditionally for incoming kajirae candidates.  This Welcoming Square is for everyone else.

If coming to the Welcoming Square first, they exit Pearly Gate 1‘s innermost chamber to its drawbridge, which connects them to the driveways which weave over and under the ​​G.A.H. section running perpendicular right in front of that drawbridge.  From there, they cross the G.A.H. and drive down and out onto the Welcome Square.  This is the start of their Welcoming Ceremony.



The following are some of the biggest events here.

  1. ~2011 A.D.:  The first person to be welcomed with a ceremony here was Ambrosia LeMorte back before she accepted Auz‘s offer to become his wife and the High Queen.  She has since started a family with him, and been his leading lady every step of the way, reliable as the stars and Sun rising.
  2. ~2019 A.D.:  Another person welcomed with a ceremony here was Lucifera, an Arch Angel who helped introduce hold the vision to manifest more of the dragon people, such as Daenerys.  She has since been further honored with recognized rulership of the lands of the Earth at and above the 55the north parallel (55° North latitude), and has there begun restoring Valyria.
  3. 2023 July:  Ambrosia’s welcome-back ceremony

For a complete list of the events/ceremonies at this Square, see the Welcoming Ceremonies webpage.


Overall:  a Square Pavement with Yurts and Performers

City Sign on the Boulder at the Front Near the Highway:

All cities have a boulder or sign with the name of the place and a motto or welcome message, and this is ours.

2024 January improvement:

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

2024 August-end Comparisons:

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