All good games have ‘Easter eggs’, ‘gems’, ‘tokens’, ‘cameos’, etc.  In this MMORPG, here are some of the secret areas that remain hidden at all times –unless you just go out looking for them (or read about them from posts online):

  1. the GAH subway sections BENEATH the surface-adjacent subway; these are the luxury subway tunnels and luxury subway cars/trains which connect to all the biggest lower-hemisphere structures in Inisfree, and you can ride them to the other Uber Repulsines, Uber VTOLs, Uber Hangars, etc. (the quests and cinematics are only about ONE of the Uber Repulsines, ONE of the Uber VTOLs, and ONE of the Uber Hangars) What’s down there in those places?  A few more bits of lore, more cycles of NPC activity, and unique ways to supercharge some of the mythic-class weapons/armor, as well as your own abilities once you are leveled-up into the 100s bracket (enable/arm/hold-up certain weapons near the Uber Repulsine or Uber VTOL and watch them glow into new super-life –or test out your magic or telekinesis or speed after standing near the entrances to these giant places, etc.).
  2. a few of the Halo maps are kept hidden; you have to find your way to them through the silos network tunnels (or the tunnels right BENEATH that network in another LAYER of it deeper DOWN). What’s the point in finding them?  Another tip-of-the-hat round to the Halo series, allowing WoW-like characters (but with the latest lifelike graphics) to play in non-WoW settings; WoW fused with Halo = EPIC WIN (AND a great set of places/environments to test out your newly-supercharged weapons/armor/healing/powers (which you got from taking the unfrequented GAH subway routes down to the other Uber structures mentioned above))
  3. the pent-house/pinnacle bedroom atop the Spire Temple; since players don’t meet the King of Inisfree (other than in-passing on VERY rare occasions) until they are in the 100s levels, players who make a return visit to the Spire Temple (which is in Snow-Dunes) AFTER meeting the King will get to see a hidden cinematic; the ceremony of cum-baptism of any kajirae or free-women present and wishing to experience that at the time. If you are a MALE character, you get to observe that, then be ‘a fly on the wall’ for the aftermath; the King teleporting that girl (or girls) up to the hidden bedroom above the sanctuary of this temple.  If you are a free-woman OR kajira character, you ARE the one volunteering for this baptismal service, and YOU end up in that upstairs bedroom, and at THAT point YOU are the one deciding which sex moves to share with the King (and any other NPC-ed and/or player females present at the time; anywhere from one to a dozen-or-so females can do this at a time, so take your friends and guild if you like!)  What’s the point?  It maxes out your Status Bar PERMANENTLY (unless you start misbehaving and getting temporarily booted out of the city).
  4. beneath the Auz-dome’s foundation, centered under the location of its sanctuary’s central speech/performance circle platform, is a spherical meditation room which you can teleport to if YOU are a 100s-level ICV, OR if you are a 100s level non-ICV player character who gets PERMISSION from an ICV (either from an ICV MF NPC-ed, or a player ICV who is a fellow 100s-level character). The purpose?  It causes you to levitate exactly in its center indefinitely and without the loss of any stamina points (and is part of earning the Explorers achievement)
  5. though NOT actually hidden, there IS a secret to the ICGM Master Bed-and-bathroom suite; the halfway point on the floor between the middle window-wall panel of the bay window, and the foot of the lounging slope from the rim of the wide jacuzzi to the floor, is a (Flight of the Navigator style) control console concealed down in the floor. Stand at this exact spot in this room when there is NOT an orgy going on (after leveling into 109 and completing that levels quests here), and one of the ICV MF SS agents will de-cloak nearby, nude, and politely ask you if you would like her to summon the King for a moment to show you how it works.  What is she talking about?  If you say ‘yes’, after a few minutes (if you stand perfectly still on that spot, excepting looking and turning around)… the King of Inisfree will walk in, clothed, the transparent conductor’s-stand-like podium will rise up from that area of the floor, and the King will stand before it (explaining to you that he can make upgrades and repairs to the city from his dreams or daydreams or suggestions from others, tapping them in the ‘quaint’ way that was the norm before the mind-interface he developed from the USAF R+D of the 90s), taking the whole city of Inisfree up for a test flight.  This does NOT affect the Sky-dome for ANY other players on your server; it is just a special view that you (and anyone else in THIS room of the ICGM at the time you are doing this) can see from the bay windows (and large skylight over the main bed) of this vast room WHILE the King is standing there piloting from this hidden podium, and only HE can trigger it to rise up, and only HE can affect Inisfree from it.  What do you get for doing this?  The achievement medal:  INISFREE COPILOT.  Where all does he FLY Inisfree for this little secret?  He takes it up for a quick low-orbit of the Earth, so you will see the curve of the Earth, then the majority of the Earth, then the view as Inisfree flies upside down back around the globe to settle down over its usual spot along the TAM, at which point it will rotate to be right-side-up just a mile or so before landing in its rounded crater.
  6. Inisfree has three fake volcanoes. The biggest has the Crater Lounge in its top, with the ‘waterfall’ (lava-fall) feeding the Lazy Lava River flowing down it, and Club Dante down inside.  The other two volcanoes of this city usually have little to no activity.  The one in the NWO MIL TRNG Area is sometimes used for ODST training for deployments to volcanic regions, and to punish some of the more offensive kajirae (chain them to it, scaring them since they think the lava is real, and that the lava-bombs ejected by the caldera aren’t holograms, etc.).  Inside its core, and the core of the 3rd volcano, you will find some of the rarest and most powerful weapons of all –but you have to be completely immune to heat/fire/magma to get to them, and even most ICV players will never notice those items are in there; their omni-vision still shows a glow of overlapping energy types from places like that… unless they aim directly at it, focus, squint, and wait a while (and know what they’re looking for).  This means that only ICVs and Demons (the ultimate pioneer races), and Fire/Light Elementals, can get down in there to claim those special prizes –and only if they are high-enough levels.  *ICVs can handle exposure to magma from birth, but won’t have the senses and knowledge necessary to spot such things when they are that well hidden.  *You can NOT trade for, ask to have for free, or steal the kajirae chained to these volcanoes, but you CAN have sex with them WHILE they STAY chained in place.
  7. The Abyss: near the middle of the floor of Inisfree’s main lake is a very deep shaft full of water.  It isn’t actually a true abyss, as it can only go down until it is near the outer border of the Uber Hangar angled beneath it, but it IS still REALLY deep, and even most Mermaids can’t swim down into it all the way.  Some of the rarest and most powerful Mermaid mythic weapons (such as a Trident, etc.) are down there, along with some lore about the Marianas Trench, etc.  It takes an ICV, or a 100s-level Mermaid, to explore it (all others get extremely slow and are forced to surface for air LONG before getting even a TINY amount of the way DOWN it).
  8. the other 11 Pearly Gates: all players go through Pearly Gate 1’s five-chambers sequence at the very start of gameplay for each free-person character, but even the ICV player characters only ever see a tiny portion of the rest of the interior of the massive Perimeter Wall of their city.  Players paying attention when they are near 8 other places along the inside cliff-face OF the Perimeter Wall will be able to make out with normal vision the faint outlines of the fake hatches for some of the OTHER passageways THROUGH this massive wall.  (The REAL hatches remain hidden, and are only opened when Inisfree, in expansions of this game, anchors in places beyond its favorite LZ of Antarctica; it welcomes in MUCH more outside traffic during those millennia, because 99% of humanity is gone, and 99% of the humanoid peoples are compatible with the Inisfreean Way in those other realms, so there’s no need to keep all but ONE of its Pearly Gates shut and locked like before.)  The OTHER THREE gates do NOT have fake hatch outlines because they are UNDERGROUND; under the sandy surface of the desert plateaus portion of the city’s surface.  ALL of the 12 Pearly Gates’ chambers can be accessed, though; via group teleportation hosted by ICVs (but only for level 50s, of any character type, and higher), and ONLY if you request permission from one of the NPC-ed ICVs on duty in Pearly Gate 1, OR the NPC-ed ICV MF instructors in the hidden room somewhere inside the Perimeter Wall where the MF classes are held.  Of course, ICV players who are in the 50s levels and know what they’re looking for can use their teleport ability to get themSELVES to those otherwise hidden and unused chambers of the other Pearly Gates withOUT asking an NPC-ed ICV permission.  What’s IN them?  A little lore here and there (if you talk to the ICV MFs stationed on guard duty in them (and the chambers of these Pearly Gates are all pitch black –unless you have special senses like Drow cave-vision, Elf low-light vision, etc., but Vampires’ blood-smell and heartbeat-hearing cannot detect ICVs since they have no blood OR hearts)), and a couple groups of scared and shivering (due to fear and cold) offending kajirae chained to the floor of the colder (outermost) chambers which are near/below freezing throughout.  MALE players can request from the ICV MF guards NEAR those kajira permission to take charge of one, some, or all of those kajirae, and if you do, the kajirae will be VERY grateful and NOT be offensive or disobedient around YOU back in your residence, etc., so this is a GREAT place to get SEVERAL obedient kajirae for FREE; no need to trade valuable items at the Auction House!
  9. The Observatory: NOT hidden AT ALL is this pinnacle facility atop Cloud City II.  You need the ability to breathe thin high-altitude air, and fly or levitate (by yourself or via a mount).  Quests will take you up here eventually –probably (you don’t have to complete all quests or go to all buildings in this game).  The neat thing is that it can show you HUNDREDS of OTHER secret areas –and ones which NO ONE can get to (YET).  Every one (most of them, that is) of this MMORPGs 22 upcoming expansions involves Inisfree flying out to anchor on ideal landing sites of some of the countless places across the Universe which you can see through the main telescope of this observatory.  Looking around at the stars is also a fun way to learn ACTUAL astronomy, as it is an IRL sky/star map, allowing you to zoom in on and read brief stats/notes/theories about many of the known galaxies, star systems in OUR galaxy, and confirmed planets of the Kepler Tally.  You will also get to see NPCs using the OTHER feature of this facility to rapidly travel to and from those cosmically-distant places (just like how they do from the observatory of Asgard in the movie Thor); these are some of the many characters who, hinted at in the stories, because of their increasingly frequent travels between Inisfree and those faraway realms, motivated Inisfree to temporarily relocate out there to where it, because of them and what they told about those places, realized it had more compatible potential friends.  Remember all those worlds in the Mass Effect trilogy games which you could only scan from orbit?  In this MMORPG, you end up going to see all the surface details of the best of them, and that includes threesomes and orgies with their finest people.
  10. Dragon Palaces: though not FULLY hidden/secret, down in the caves beneath the dragon paddocks of Inisfree’s zoo (animal rehab’ center), players will find that different races/colors of dragons have different architectural styles for their subt’ palaces; some are simple, others complex, some radial, other geometric, some in rock, others underwater, etc.  If you explore their innards (and you have to be on good terms with their dragon owners to avoid those dragons blocking your way or carrying you back up and out), you will find the rooms they use as vaults for their piles of gold and other treasures.  These are their most valuable beds, and their version of scratching posts.  Hidden in the back corners of these rooms, under shifting piles of treasure, you will find a FEW rare-drop items you can use –or trade for the absolute FINEST kajirae in all the Auction Houses of Inisfree.  These items hidden here are THAT valuable.  ONE of these items might even get accepted for SEVERAL great kajirae.  You won’t find any weapons here, but you might find the most expensive clothing and armor, and even some potions (in expensive containers which can be reused/refilled), fancy spell-books, etc.  Doing quests for the dragons who live in these underground palaces is how you get enough status points with them to be allowed to explore this deeply in their homes.  Doing ALL the quests of these dragons gives you enough status points with them to TAKE these items hidden in those rooms OUT for yourSELF as ‘selective door prizes’; parting gifts in gratitude for your help/service to them.  If you try to take them and run (or teleport), ICV police-girls will show up, put the item back (even if you put it in a slot in one of your bags/pouches –or in your infinite-slots flat-space if you are an ICV player), and escort you back out of the dragon’s subt’ palace to the topside of the zoo.  If you are a kajira player and try to take from a dragon before completing all the quests it has for you, the ICV police-girls will escort you not to the zoo’s topside, but straight to jail; the Solitary levels/section of the Subt’ Prison, where you’ll have to complete ‘quests’ there from wardens until your good behavior ends your sentence and you are freed back to your Master to get on with your leveling and general/normal gaming.
  11. when you are outside the Perimeter Wall (such as during the sieges there, but NOT during the first cinematic of you being flown to Inisfree for the first time, and NOT if you are outside nude as a punishment), you can explore all the way out past the concentric moats and Sentry Towers to the frigid border that encircles the spot on Antarctica where Inisfree is anchored. The Trans-Antarctic Mountains range (TAM) rises on one side, but not as high as the Perimeter Wall of the city, and in all other directions there is the virtually featureless icy plateau of the region-wide middle ice-dome (one of three ice-domes which cap this continent).  You can only walk out a few miles before your movement is slowed to a halt by invisible walls; this is the barrier of the game area’s ‘sky-box’.  There are no blizzard/whiteout conditions here on Antarctica IRL, so you will still be able to see the horizon, but there will be a LOT of glare from the ice on the horizon in all directions, ESPECIALLY if you are on the three sides of Inisfree NOT facing the dark exposed rock of the TAM.  You will almost NEVER find ANYTHING hidden out here… except a handful of artifact weapons IF you have the ability to see and dig down a LONG way through the 1.2-2.2 miles of vertical ice.  You will NOT be able to find the sub-glacial river-ways, though, no matter HOW deeply you might dig OR WHERE; that is another map that has to load, and only loads under very specific conditions elsewhere in the game (such as when an ICV is going down into the subway to get to the Uber Hangar to learn to pilot a WS under ICV MF supervision as part of grade-20).
  12. A few rare items are hidden in the graves of the Necropolis under Statue Park.
  13. A few rare items are buried under the sands of the Rainbow Dunes of the Low Desert region.
  14. If you can fly/levitate up there, you can hide inside the pussies, assholes, and mouths (but not the nostrils or any other orifices) of the Tri-Har-Mechs back at the Welcoming Lot (and you can’t keep going; the pussy does NOT connect to the uterus through the cervix, the asshole does NOT connect to the lower intestine, and the mouth does NOT connect to anything from its back, such as through the throat to the lungs or stomach; that is only in the Anatomy Moon-bounce outside LHS). You have to use your fists (no weapons enabled) to punch/squeeze your way in through the lips/sphincters, and there is no light in there, but it can be done, and is a novelty place to hide.  For those of the Nymph race/sub-races (such as Dryads), there are few other places in all of Inisfree which will supercharge you to total health, stamina, mana, etc. as being in the pussy of one of these towering female creations.  It will even supercharge all your abilities for several minutes after leaving.
  15. only ONE Ark II bay is revealed from questing; the one in the 2nd basement of the ICGM; there are several in total, all spread out across Inisfree. Why look for them?  THE MOST POWERFUL ARMOR, WEAPONS, AND SPELLS are hidden inside them. (And if you’re playing an ICV and don’t need that sort of thing (since you’re already powerful enough by your very nature/making), there is also the GREATEST LORE in them; books about the most ancient times, hinting at the chapters/events of Novel 10 of the Inisfree series.  The Ark II bays are so well hidden in the stories that in this MMORPG they don’t even exist on the maps for ICVs to be able to use their penetrating omni-vision to find, and NONE of the NPC-ed ICVs can tell you where they are or even anything ABOUT them.  The only way to get to them is by maxing out your Status Bar, waiting until endgame, then asking the King of Inisfree in person about them.  (You can keep playing indefinitely on Ideal World; there are no credits or forced-restarts.)  Now that you’re a level 110, tested and proven with everything, fully trusted by the leader of all the Inisfreeans, he will tell you where you can find the others.  They didn’t even EXIST on the map of Inisfree for all the players in the pre-endgame Inisfree; they only appear in the Inisfree map after the post-endgame cinematic/s.  And even then, it is still entirely on YOU to navigate to them based on what the King tells you; you’ll have to go through some of the unheard-of sections of the restricted-access silos network tunnels.
  16. One out of every cluster of nine silos in the silo network of Inisfree used to be reserved for a Metal Storm version of an MLRS (Multiple-Launch Rocket System tank-like vehicle) or ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile system); lots of long-range missiles standing straight up, stacked, ready for remote-control firing in waves which could wipe out entire cities and even nations. Today, however, a lot of those Metal Storm v2.0 silos just launch fireworks for Inisfree’s Independence Day
  17. once you find the GAH subway routes below the silos network tunnels, and get into the other Uber Hangars, you can go through the other Uber Gates out into the other sub-glacial river-ways. The biolume plants, crystal clusters, underwater creatures (fish, etc.), and other things hidden all over the place in these river tunnels is like a miles-long treasure-chest with ZERO badguys/bosses/traps/obstacles; a feast for your wallet/storage-silo/profession-crafts/crafting!
  18. the 16 Uber Gates (which connect the Uber Hangars to the sub-glacial river-ways outside Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall –which becomes the upside-down armor-dome encasing the lower hemisphere of the city) are also technically secret areas which no quest will take you to. These things are single-chamber gates (not five-chamber sequences like their much smaller 11 counterparts above), and were built to be vast enough to contain the ICWSs; the single chamber of any of these 16 below-ground super-gates is more than two miles across, with the sphere housing it being of an even longer diameter, so be sure to have a flight ability or some sort (such as wings, telekinesis, and/or a flying mount) when you go looking for these places miles beneath the surface of Inisfree.  Also keep in mind that it is very cold in them; always hovering between 0 and 10°F.



The pocket-dimension in the ‘heart’ of Inisfree is Star-System Auzdein, named for Inisfree’s King.  In order to get there, you will have to be one of the following:

  1. an ICV player at level 40+ (this is when your pilot training takes you here to complete MF school; the 20th grade of Inisfree’s educational system)
  2. a free-person or kajira player at level 86+ (free-women can take the MF courses, but they and all others are NOT allowed to pilot IC aircraft, and all but the ICVs must wait a LOT longer before learning about Inisfree’s greatest secrets and biggest vacation getaway realms) with a VERY high Status Bar number/points/amount/level; you have to be not only compatible enough to be invited into Inisfree, but ALSO one of the FAVORITE guests OF Inisfree; Inisfree is like the city-sized screening area for people who MIGHT be good enough to ALSO enjoy the Inisfreean-made WORLDS, not just the Inisfreean-made CITY

Navigating the hidden star-system:

  1. ICVs group-teleport under the guidance of their MF course instructor from their hidden classroom somewhere inside the Perimeter Wall, then fly around in its Space via their ST suits which they summon onto their bodies after experiencing floating nude in that Space for a while to really fully be intimate with the whole experience. Your ICV is represented by a tiny thin female body outline inside a dot (circle) slowly shifting between all the colors of the rainbow.
  2. free-persons, based on their race and gear, MIGHT be able to go nude into this map’s Space, but USUALLY require the escort of someone WITH those powers that can be SHARED around them like a group-forcefield. THEY are represented by a tiny thin generic human body outline inside a dot (circle) slowly shifting between all the neutral colors; grays, tans, browns, etc.
  3. when your ‘dot’ gets near any of the worlds (all of which are on slow, steady orbits here, sped up enough to be noticeable while you are flying around rapidly in the Space between them –and even the asteroid belts are slowly moving, and the stars slowly rotating AND revolving), you get the option to ‘go planet-side’, at which point you revert back to the normal toggle-able third-through-first-persons vantages of gameplay while walking on the surface or flying over it (you can still use your powers and/or mounts to fly here). These worlds are represented on MUCH smaller sphere map/walking/playing areas than their surface areas would cover in real life, and this is so you can quickly roam between the 1,000 cities on each of these worlds, seeing acres-wide examples of region-wide biomes which are on them in the stories (the same muchly scaled-down approach/effect from the lore to the releases/expansions of WoW).  You canNOT go through the Pearly Gates of these cities, but you CAN fly over their Perimeter Walls and through their airspace, getting an idea for the overall design theme each of them has; they are Inisfree-based, NOT clones of Inisfree (only the Rainbow Orbs of the Ark IIs make copies of Inisfree).  These cities are also NOT on Gridded worlds; only CPs cause Gridding when told to.  Otherwise the CPs just make landfall to set up radial base-camps to round up kajirae the way the King enjoys most; NOT by teleportation -which is a last-resort, exCEPT for rapid travel defeating the FTL issue.  *Each of the 205 worlds (16 planets and many moons) has quests you can get from its cities, such as finding the different cities around that world’s map, and going out to find other worlds in this system of certain overall biome TYPES.
  4. when you travel near the stars of this system, your ‘dot’ cannot get all the way to their surfaces, and is then given the option to ‘go star-side’; this means that you go to and down INTO the stars, eventually finding that the BIGGEST of them in this system contains the hidden SSBS of the Inisfreeans, which will have some quests for you to complete.
  5. kajira playing characters MUST be escorted at ALL times in this system either by a high-level ICV or a high-level MALE who can protect them inside a force-field, etc. THEY, too, are represented by a tiny thin generic human body outline inside a dot (circle) slowly shifting between all the neutral colors; grays, tans, browns, etc.
  6. an ADDITIONAL thing ICV players can do in this solar system is 1) practice flying around the SSBS, PSBS, and MSBS (there’s one of each in this map of the game) in Space, 2) moving WSs fleets into different formations in orbit around any of the planets or moons (but not the stars) –such as to block sunlight (which puts the worlds in shadow, as viewed by the players), AND 3) to practice takeoffs, landings, and radial base-camp formations (commanding the NPC-ed mini forces to set them up, then take them down and march back inside their parent ship/s) from DSs (*CPs canNOT be used to Grid or UN-grid these worlds).

