This is the post-Earth German military in Space.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Advisory
  3. History
  4. Types of Ships
  5. Programs and Technology
  6. Additional Notes
  7. Dark Fleet and Inisfree
  8. Concept Art (Images Begin)
  9. Ships
  10. Ship Interiors
  11. Troops
  12. Bases & Colonies
  13. Base/Colony Interiors
  14. Slides
  15. Engineered/Bred Women


    In the 1930s, Germany went from Argentina to Antarctica, and from there to Agharta, as well as to the Moon.  Since then, they have developed their own version of Starfleet (its precursor, actually), its ships tastefully colored black so as not to be ‘eyesores’ against the starry ‘sky’ of Space.  Collectively, those Spaceships are called Dark Fleet, and they provide security and assistance for all who have started to voyage out into Space in their wake.



    In the USA at the moment, there is anti-German propaganda, as well as propaganda against Reptilian people.  Consider the source; that mis-information is coming from deformed, insecure, lazy, rude peasants who admittedly know next to nothing about either, and were not even members of them.  The Germans serving in Dark Fleet are pioneers, geniuses, and heroes.  The Reptilians they and others have worked with throughout the generations and eras are the same.  When you meet them, show the highest respect, not doubts or fears based on intentionally misleading gossip.



    Thanks to the tech’ tip/s from their relatives over in Aldebaran, and then the Reptilians also giving them help on a regular basis, the Germans were able to skip what would have otherwise been a much-longer process of thinking up, prototyping, and perfecting that technology on their own, and they were shown directly to cavities in other worlds perfect for building colonies/stations in; they didn’t have to scout/survey for any or mine them out, saving even more time.

    1561:  battle in the sky over Nuremburg, Germany, on 14 April; another failed attempted invasion of the Earth, defeated by the secret powers (wizards and others) of this valiant land

    • possibly Aghartans or Angels vs. whatever bad Elementals or aliens showed up
    • possibly the cosmic equivalent of a prison riot; those in The Abyss (Outer Space) are damned to Hell, and reaching any world’s outer-surface (“planet-side”) gives them a foothold near one of the prison (star-) gates

    1600s:  invasion of Earth by the gross species today known as humankind/humanity

    • possible indefinite closing of the polar holes; to prevent the invaders from accessing the sacred side/realm (though the Aghartans will allow good beings such as Auz through; rare exceptions)
    • (and this one of the things which might prompt/force angelic people living on the outer-surface of the world to develop tech’-based means of getting to and from other angelic-inhabited outer-surfaces (worlds); they could no longer travel safely and easily through a hollow-core star-gate, which used to let them bypass the vast blackness/darkness/evil/randomness of The Abyss)

    1600s-1800s:  over and over again, at least through several major (world) wars, Germany (then still a colony/realm of actual Angels and their wonderful descendants) proves able to hold off those invaders, so the invaders are forced to give up… but the invaders, being what they are, only pause long enough to come up with another way to infiltrate, undermine, and destroy the one nation on Earth which they had failed to corrupt and defeat

    • The invaders rewrite history (the history books; they are incapable of changing actual events/history/timelines) and force their death-based religions on those in the lands they managed to hold onto.
    • The invaders literally cover up all actual ancient sites, thinking that will stop people from being connected to them and their proud and lengthy past, …but all good people can easily sense where those sites are; they have multiple forms of ESP, plus the sites are living/conscious constructs/beings themselves, so it only makes it more difficult for the invaders to benefit from them (such as if they’d attempted to back-/reverse-engineer any of them).
    • Even when they ‘stumble upon’ the tiny, artificial, tech’-based, “star gates” (featured in the namesake movie and TV series) in Egypt, their essence/nature only allows it to open to equally-rude/incompatible/hostile worlds/realms, so it does them little good, only keeping them busy and still tech’-based/dependent.
    • A few economic collapses/crises in the U.K. are some of the first signs of banking-system infiltration/corruption by the invaders.

    1917:  This is the only publicly-disclosed moment/time/year when contact was made between an Aryan/Austrian/German and a person from another world (though there were surely many others before and since).

    • contact with Aryans on an Aldebaran world, thanks to Maria Orsic
    • restored hope / good energy to the surrounded, overrun, betrayed, and extorted angelic Germans (regarding the extreme, unethical, and merciless sanctions and other things forced upon them at the end of WWI)

    1920s:  secret development of the first flying saucers used by the Germans

    • first Haunebu model
    • stable near-ground hovering achieved
    • different configurations/armaments tested
    • proof-of-concept = no more dependency on the entrenched oil-based industry/nations/enemies; ability to rise again and shake their oppressors/invaders back off

    1930s:  Germany to the Moon (via its new base and launch facility at Antarctica), with the findings of the Ahnenerbe greatly expediting this; contact (and working relationships) made with the many alien races and organizations based inside the Moon (all of them good, i.e. what Auz would like/want), and research conducted on the wreckage and ruins of the Death Star-like Spaceship the Moon used to be

    • 1 colony established at Antarctica; Base 211 (forming the start of the expedition-area named Neuschwabenland; New Swabia), then 1 on the Moon; Lunar 1 (starting Dark Fleet)
      *Germans didn’t lose Germany and retreat into Space, by the way; they regrouped where actual Angels are, a.k.a. their actual ancestors, such as on the current moon.
      They already had friends and infrastructure waiting for them when they went there.
    • hundreds of Germans now astronauts
    • ongoing and slowly increasing transport assistance from the Aldebaran Aryans
    • 1932:  The Great Depression; an economy infiltration and artificial/planned collapse designed to keep the masses weak, desperate, dependent, enslaved, and too busy trying to survive (i.e. too distracted/overburdened to ever figure things out, let alone fix them or revolt/secede/escape) –and something the Angels and original-Germans (the good people who ruled this land; not the modern fake-Germans who are invader-descendants / NPC-placeholders) soon noticed and learned how to wield for themselves (against the invaders; not against their own kind)
    • 1935:  Ahnenerbe expeditions uncover the truth about many ancient sites the invaders (humans) had lied about, claiming they were destroyed / in ruins.  Defaulting to negativity, the non-German invaders panicked, brainstorming ways to trick the masses into warring against them to slow or stop those German discoveries.
    • 1939:  Germany was again demonized, attacked from all sides, yet it held off all those armies, pushing into Africa and Russia not to conquer them, but to daringly reach and rescue any good-vibe people who had been forced to live in hiding in those places amongst the worst of the established/entrenched invaders.

    1940s:  Germany to Mars; contact (and working relationships) made with the many alien races and organizations, research conducted on Mars’ wreckage and ruins, corporate and military bases established on the surface and within the planet, and work done on and in Mars’ two (artificial / hollowed-out?) moons

    • 1940-1944:  successively worse carpet-bombing and carpet-shelling (artillery barrages) against Germany; more and more invader-infiltrated/corrupted outer-surface human-based nations join the bullying and siege of that greatest of Earth’s outer-surface holdouts, determined to finally overwhelm the good beings there who remained able to detect and keep out every last evil attempt
    • 1944:  Realizing they could hold out forever, but that it would be a centuries-long nation-covering forcefield energy-dome sort of existence/requirement, they decided to relocate, giving up that special land they had maintained so beautifully for so long.  (Like a few less-soured/’touched’ (by the invaders) places on the Earth, the amazingly-healthy grass and other flora all across most of Germany is lingering undeniable evidence that the invaders only very-recently (i.e. nowhere near as far back as the 1600s) managed to get in there and start corrupting/mortal-izing it/things.  Around the occupied/rebuilt German cities, however, most of the trees and other plants look brown and dying or dead, the telltale sign of decay which can only be caused by default-negativity and a complete negligence against those beings / type of environment.)
    • Base 211, Lunar 1 and smaller suburb-like and faraway outpost stations on the Moon, and their first colony on Mars
    • thousands of Germans out there
    • averaged out:  ~1,000 Germans per colony-world (2,000/+ individuals, divided by 2 intra-solar colony-worlds)
    • alliance formed with the Reptilians –who helped Ahnenerbe find more of their ancestral heritage, as well as protect ancient ruins from destruction by the invaders (Abrahamics pretending to be normal Earth humans)
    • ~50 German U-boats unaccounted for at the end of WWII; modified at Base 211 to become cigar-shaped Spacecraft
    • (at least) a few Haunebu saucers transported to Base 211
    • 1945-1946:  Nuremburg Trials allegedly held at the same place where the invaders had, some 385 years ago, originally tried to conquer and invade Germany
    • 1946:  Operation Highjump (the U.S. Navy attempt to find and destroy the surviving/escaped Germans who had made it to Antarctica) crippled and defeated by the Germans who were now experts at clean-energy, gravity-manipulation, forcefields, and more

    1950s:  Germany to the gas giant moons, then into the atmospheres and interiors (of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune); contact made with the many alien races and organizations of each, more bases established, and the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) founded

    • dozens on the Moon, a few on Mars (plus one in its biggest moon), a couple in the inner asteroid belt (the ruins of Asteron), and the first of theirs on the biggest moon of each of the 4 gas-giants, with the first dozens of non-German slaves (all offered and taken as part of the ICC treaty with the conquered “Allied Powers”) –many of whom will be made to think they are free and pioneers, thus working harder and never rebelling while out there
      (worlds; planets, moons, and giant asteroids:  1 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 9)
    • tens of thousands of Germans
    • averaged out:  ~2,222 Germans per colony-world (20,000/+ individuals, divided by 9 intra-solar colony-worlds)
    • ~100 cigar-shaped craft
    • dozens of saucers
    • 1950-1953:  Was the Korean War another attempt of the invaders to conquer one of the remaining holdouts against them?  North Korea is, after all, one of the only places on the Earth in the modern (near-Shift) era which managed to refuse and resist the evil fake banking system forced into most other human countries.
    • 1955:  ICC forced/mandated treaty with the Earth-human (outer-surface) nations; ICC “show of (flying saucers) force” persuades the illegitimate nations of the invaders to sign, officiating Dark Fleet’s total rulership over the Earth, and the clandestine enslavement of the entire human (invader) species which had become stuck there and dependent upon it (on oil and other death-based or parasitic systems/technologies, etc.)
    • 1955-1975:  Perhaps one of the campaigns ordered or spurred on in a way by that treaty was the war in Vietnam; it was likely a cover to look for either invaders out there… or (corrupted?) Naga still living on the outer surface (of the Earth).
    • 1956:  The Suez Crisis; an economic destabilization test of the ICC / Dark Fleet, seeing what they could pull off, keeping their enslaved Earth-invaders in check without uprisings or even suspicion
    • 1958:  NASA was founded not by a U.S. President, but as one of the ICC’s / Dark Fleet’s treaty requirements; it and other organizations like it were to keep the invaders (humans on Earth in this era) misled, pacified by pride from falsehoods designed to reassure them, and thinking that there was nothing but terrible challenges for them if ever they tried to venture out into Space again (i.e. to invade other worlds).  This was the start of some of the largest-scale brainwashing of all time; millions, if not billions, of those ‘people’ would be conditioned/tricked into manifesting only the more staggering of lifelong challenges, making their species’ later migrations/invasions as slow and manageable/controllable as could be.

    1960s:  Germany beyond the solar system; contact made with the many alien races and organizations along the way, starting with the nearest solar neighbors (neighboring solar systems, such as Alpha Centauri), and more bases (and colonies) established (with many of them growing to Breakaway Civilization status)

    • hundreds on the Moon, dozens on Mars (plus in both its moons), a couple dozen throughout the inner asteroid belt, a few on many of the gas-giants’ moons, a few in the atmospheres of the gas-giants, their first in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, and their first outside the solar-system (starting with the first two confirmed planets of Proxima Centauri), with hundreds of non-German slaves
      (worlds:  1 + 3 + 24 + ~40 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 75) (minus the extra-solar one = 74)
    • hundreds of thousands of Germans
    • averaged out:  ~2,702 Germans per colony-world (200,000/+ individuals, divided by ~74 intra-solar colony-worlds)
    • hundreds of cigar-shaped craft
    • hundreds of saucers
    • 1966:  Even Star Trek was part of the ICC treaty’s process of conditioning bad Earth-humans to manifest total weakness and dependency as they were ushered back off the world they (their kind) had invaded (Earth).
    • 1969:  alleged first Moon landing by the Americans (and ever since, whichever Space missions actually happened… were completely planned, monitored, supervised, and controlled by Dark Fleet, if not in tandem with the Reptilians, and sometimes even actual Angels and other great beings/powers, the bad Earth-humans only allowed to go to the places on other worlds which were either useless to all those good beings… or which were test-areas where those beings could safely observe how the Earth-humans going there manifested them appearing to be unlivable wastelands, if not actually manifesting such airless and desert-like conditions; Dark Fleet was luring Earth-humans out there to learn how to counteract their destructive/ruins-causing/illusions essence/effect.)
    • They and the Aghartans are usually the ones whose flying saucers have always recon’ed and disabled (via sophisticated laser beams) the nuclear missiles of the U.S., U.S.S.R., and all others who dared to build such monstrosities, though Pleiadians and Reptilians have also intervened this way, ensuring no Earth-humans / invaders ever have the ability to launch such devices.

    1970s:  America to Mars (via one jump-gate at first, followed by the Space Navy carriers and support-ships of the Solar Warden program), under the control of Germany’s Dark Fleet units still in the Sun solar-system

    • Note the name; Solar Warden is not an independent Secret Space Program (SSP), but the employee of Dark Fleet, keeping Dark Fleet’s prison (POWs)/slave-population (the humans masses of Earth) under control back there.
    • 1972:  last public/declassified manned mission to the Moon by NASA; Earth-humans are no longer needed or welcome there by Dark Fleet, the Reptilians, or anyone else
    • Moon fully colonized, Mars and its moons fully colonized (3 cosmic bodies), the inner asteroid belt heavily colonized (dozens of the larger ones), the gas-giants (4 cosmic bodies) and their moons (declassified ones:  80 for Jupiter, 83 for Saturn, 27 for Uranus, and 14 for Neptune) mostly colonized, several in the Kuiper Belt, a few in the Oort Cloud, and dozens in the neighboring solar-systems, with thousands of non-German slaves
      (worlds:  1 + 3 + 24/+ + 4 + 80 + 83 + 27 + 14 + 7/+ + 3 + 24/+ = 270/+) (minus the extra-solar ones = 246)
    • millions of Germans
    • averaged out:  ~8,130 Germans per colony-world (2,000,000/+ individuals, divided by 246/+ intra-solar colony-worlds)
    • thousands of cigar-shaped craft
    • thousands of saucers

    1980s:  America to the gas giant moons, again under the control of Dark Fleet

    • solar-system essentially fully colonized by Dark Fleet (not every asteroid, but every moon, and all regions/volumes monitored and patrolled by them), though still ultimately controlled by the Reptilians
    • ~a dozen established/major Dark Fleet colonies outside the solar-system; footholds in several systems, with tens of thousands of non-German slaves
    • tens of millions of Germans
    • averaged out:  ~1,666,666 Germans per colony-world (20,000,000/+ individuals, divided by ~12 extra-solar colony-worlds)
    • tens of thousands of cigar-shaped craft
    • tens of thousands of saucers
    • All other SSPs think they are the pioneers, but all other than Dark Fleet are continuously being lured out there, allowed to establish mining stations and other facilities, which end up being secretly taxed / tapped into by Dark Fleet; all SSPs unknowingly are pawns/puppets/tax-cattle of Dark Fleet.  This keeps the bad humans in the riskiest and most-challenging places, thereby indefinitely stalled/slowed/halted, while also siphoning significant portions of the resources they have been led to, keeping their ability to mass fleets of their own… limited to what is calculated to be negligent to Dark Fleet.
    • 1982:  The International Debt Crisis; the next ICC-masterminded artificial/planned economic collapse/crisis, now routinely rebooting things to ensure the Earth-invaders still enslaved by them never become rich or even stable, continuously giving them a taste of their own medicine (i.e. how they treated the Germans after trying to overrun them in WWI)

    1990s:  America to Pluto and nearly the Oort, still under the control of Dark Fleet

    • dozens of Dark Fleet colonies outside the solar-system; footholds in ~a dozen system, with hundreds of thousands of non-German slaves
    • hundreds of millions of Germans
    • averaged out:  ~8,333,333 Germans per colony-world (200,000,000/+ individuals, divided by 24/+ extra-solar colony-worlds)
    • hundreds pf thousands of cigar-shaped craft
    • hundreds of thousands of saucers
    • Even as the American and other SSPs thought they had become powerful interplanetary and interstellar navies, they were kept unable to find worlds such as Gor… and those of the Pleiadians; all sane/good beings in Creation were cloaked/hidden from them –by vastly-superior and much-older technology and other means.
    • 1990-1991:  The Gulf War is an attempt to access star-gates in the Middle East, but every time the invaders invade another part/holdout of the Earth, and steal the ancient devices, they are only able to hurt themselves when using them, as the devices only manifest the essences of those using them; chaos-beings can only open portals to more chaos, etc..
    • 1992-1997:  The Russian Economic Crisis; the third major ICC-masterminded artificial/planned economic collapse/crisis
    • 1994-2002:  The Latin American Debt Crisis in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina; the fourth major ICC-masterminded artificial/planned economic collapse/crisis
    • 1997-2001:  The East Asian Economic Crisis; the fifth major ICC-masterminded artificial/planned economic collapse/crisis

    2000s:  America beyond the solar system, still under the control of Dark Fleet

    • hundreds of Dark Fleet colonies outside the solar-system; footholds in dozens of systems, with millions of non-German slaves
    • billions of Germans
    • averaged out:  ~10,000,000 Germans per colony-world (2,000,000,000/+ individuals, divided by 200/+ extra-solar colony-worlds)
    • millions of cigar-shaped craft
    • millions of saucers
    • 2001-2014:  Operation Enduring Freedom was another invader attempt; they were looking for giants in caves, and for any abandoned Vimanas (which they would try to reverse-engineer).  As always, however, they only got amplified echoes of their own assumptions/essences/intentions; they went with rudeness, anger, and the intent to capture/kill, so the giants treated them the same way, and they assumed that everything is complex and breaks down over time, so the handful of Vimanas they unearthed had to be retrofitted and regularly patched up.  Sometimes they even got stuck in stasis-fields in the caves –because a lot of caves are the petrified semi-dormant still-active pores and other body-cavities of the landform-shapeshifted Titans, thus also intelligently echoing/reciprocating and amplifying that which goes to/into them, just as many pyramids do; those who seek to rob a pyramid get robbed, falling ill and losing everything, while those who seek wisdom and health and excitement from a pyramid visit… get those good things instead.
    • 2003:  Operation Iraqi Freedom was an experiment of the invaders, attempting to corrupt a good being with holy blood who had somehow ended up in one of their fake countries and militaries; young Auz… before he had even been given that new name/sign.  Exposing him to the Middle East’s ancient sites… backfired; Djinn and other powerful beings made direct physical contact with him, ensuring he remained inspired and powerful/stable enough to get through the remaining years of abuse the invaders would, in their relentless idiocy, keep heaping upon him, trying to keep him only-negative/angry like them.
    • Reptilian agent inserted into Auz’s Marine platoon tips him off about looking into the Ahnenerbe
    • 2004:  Auz is flown to Germany for the first time.
    • 2006:  Auz is flown to Germany for the second time.
    • 2007-2009:  The Global Economic Recession; the sixth major ICC-masterminded artificial/planned economic collapse/crisis

    2010s:  thousands of colonies out there now, most of which aren’t ours; they belong to either Dark Fleet, or are joint ventures between (predominantly German) humans and cooperative aliens (often Greys, Nordics, Pleiadians, and Reptilians)

    • thousands of Dark Fleet colonies outside the solar-system; footholds in hundreds of systems, with tens of millions of non-German slaves
    • tens of billions of Germans
    • averaged out:  ~10,000,000 Germans per colony-world (20,000,000,000/+ individuals, divided by 2,000/+ extra-solar colony-worlds)
    • tens of millions of cigar-shaped craft
    • tens of millions of saucers
    • another Reptilian soft-disclosed to Auz via an online middleman; Tempest Thema becomes the first Reptilian woman to agree to meet and even start a family with him, signifying her kind’s awareness and total acceptance of him, even during his crude formative-years
    • ‘Dreams’ of sailing to, and returning to, Antarctica and its secret bases begin; Auz is now regularly helped to travel there for preparatory work manifesting his destined/prophesied city/capital/realm.  He even is allowed to remember (or is just naturally that powerful; able to automatically overcome any SSP memory-hiding/wipes) ‘dreams’ of being in Inisfree itself, seeing it come to completion, exactly during the time/decade he said/wrote/spell-crafted it would be.
    • 2011:  The invader-run/overrun U.S. goes after another outer-surface holdout of people successfully taking care of their own while preventing the evil fake banking system from getting into their land; they intrude upon Libya, killing its famous leader, Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, demonizing him by pretending he was making mustard gas and other dangerous weapons, which is as hypocritical as it gets, given the almost infinite U.S. arsenal of every horrible weapon there ever was or could be, not to mention the fact that they have always clandestinely tested them on their own population, such as through their fake healthcare/medical industry.
    • “SSP whistleblowers” are the latest liars/scammers whose unmistakable story-inconsistencies, outright-lies, and completely-evil auras/vibes keep giving their media-flooding campaign / true intent away.  Some even try to convince Auz of laughable falsehoods, perhaps hoping if he believes them… he would manifest their stability/actuality for those parasitic beings.  Some also even tried pressuring him to abandon his life’s work, hoping he would shift his focus over to completely unrelated, uninteresting, useless, and clearly diversion-based hobbies/studies/pursuits, but something always ensured he never did, and he always sensed and shut down / blocked their attempts/lies, staying right on track, progressing at his ever-amazing and respectable pace.  Boiling it down, all of the SSP “whistleblowers” were defaulting to baseless negativity, just as many others had against Auz many times over his years, so that by itself was more than enough to reveal they were really just low-level demons/fools/invaders desperate for attention/drama.  The ones who defaulted to mindless negativity against his obviously 100%-logical/good ideas and actions made it so obvious and easy to confirm the vibes they were giving off were their own; some were even so foolish and blatant as to throw tantrums when the sane reaction to his fair/noble considering of “the other side’s story” should have impressed, delighted, and inspired/awestruck them; they were desperate to maintain hopelessness and “control of the narrative”, thus they manifested further desperation… and control only of themselves (by him now).
    • 2016:  A Reptilian man lets his golden eyes-aura/shine make it clear to Auz at an Ivy League campus that he is letting himself be known to him.  He vibed as somewhat amused by Auz’s appearance (facial hair and attire that was not the norm for that place/area) and half-tense (after decades of abuse/scams) mindset/vibe, but also half very-much impressed by Auz’s determination to have good posture, be polite, and be brave and receptive in the “danger-close” presence of another Reptilian person.
    • 2017:  Auz is introduced to some more nice Reptilians, this time in Nebraska; first, to a half-Reptilian there, and then to more in a restaurant nearby.
    • 2018:  Auz gets himself -alone- to Germany this time, making his third time to this land “the charm” in so many ways, and he has a profoundly different/better/emotional experience there, no longer surrounded by the tech’/energy’/auras/negativity/mindsets/assumptions of the idiotic Marines he’d once had no choice but to go there with years before.  He ends up going out of and back into Germany multiple times before wrapping up his first attempt to scout as much of the ~50 nations of Europe as possible in one go (mega-roadtrip).  The vibe/emotion was all he needed to confirm it was his ancestral land, not to mention the fact that it had happened for a third time in relatively-few years.  Another sure/certain sign was that he hadn’t ended up really meeting / chatting with / befriending anyone there; that indicated that the real Germans were no longer there; everyone there was just a placeholder/NPC of the invaders –who’d been allowed to temporarily occupy it, the invincible real/angelic Germans having moved on for a little while.
    • 2018-2019:  possible Aghartans direct in-person contact; the two glowy golden-blonde young women outside that Oregon hilltop mansion

    2020s:  with most of the bad (incompatible/hostile) stuff cleared out by the SSP, a public push to Mars and beyond is now possible with almost no risk of budget-killing bad-press (such as would be the case if too many Space disasters, or frightening ‘first encounter’ scenarios, were broadcast to the general, superstitious, primitive public) –the ‘catch’ being that this is just to migrate and grow more of the worker (slave labor) forces for each of the worlds already found, explored, colonized, and conquered by Dark Fleet and its allies, with ‘the lucky few’ subset of this interplanetary migration not realizing that slave-labor has made all this possible, and will continue to for generations to come

    • All throughout the 65.23 LY from here to Aldebaran, home-system of the Aryans, are now thousands of colonies all founded and patrolled by this fleet of angelic interstellar heroes.
    • tens of thousands of Dark Fleet colonies outside the solar-system; footholds in thousands of systems, with hundreds of millions of non-German slaves
    • hundreds of billions of Germans out there, all accustomed to routine interstellar travel and the expert keeping of slaves abducted from Earth and then memory-repressed/wiped prior to their returns via time-dilation
    • averaged out:  ~10,000,000 Germans per colony-world (200,000,000,000/+ individuals, divided by 20,000/+ extra-solar colony-worlds)
    • hundreds of millions of cigar-shaped craft
    • hundreds of millions of saucers
    • Aldebaran considered Dark Fleet’s new homeworld and top priority to protect
    • Reptilians still allied and working very well with them
    • Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin, and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic are all the latest stage in the ICC’s / Dark Fleet’s clever trick/program to keep luring out more and more bad Earth-humans to do the hard work, and stay busy/weakened/controlled, throughout The Abyss / Hell / Space.  As those three “privatized”/”non-governmental” Space programs ramp up, you can be assured that it is only because more German / Dark Fleet colonies out there are fully confident that they are able to handle millions more Earth-humans (i.e. keep them locked down, spread out, unable to reunify or damage/ruin any other worlds).
    • 2020-2023:  The purge of the dumbest on the Earth remains in full swing, millions of the invaders tricked into suffocating, sterilizing, and even euthanizing themselves.  It isn’t the start-of-2013 Rapture-based purge Auz had foreseen and sensed was right, but it is another major step toward restored and lasting peace on Earth, and a huge amount of work/fighting he no longer has to figure out how to prepare for and get through.  Is Dark Fleet involved?  It keeps seeming possible, if not probable.
    • 2022:  Another huge wave of realization/revelations about Dark Fleet results in the vast majority of content on this webpage getting drafted, edited, and published, thereby releasing another major part/phase of Auz’s life’s-work mega-spell.  It turns out that even when ‘held back’ / delayed / temporarily blocked/detoured by the entrenched invaders of the illegitimate countries/borders/systems, it still only works in his favor, and to an incredible tidal-wave-scale degree; the more they make him pause, the faster all the wisdom/truths of the ancients flow to and through him.

    2030s & Beyond:  Dark Fleet will continue to probe more deeply into the Milky Way galaxy and eventually beyond, creating a growing spherical buffer zone to buy Inisfree plenty of time (without much alien interference or the threat of any E.L.E.s) to stabilize the Earth and later force the migration of nearly all of the rest of humanity out to some of the more favorable of the worlds Dark Fleet cleared for terraforming.  Though much of Germany is now part of multiple Breakaway Civilizations on other worlds and in nearby solar systems, their focus is on acclimating to those literally alien environments, and on determining what (and who) is out there, as well as on fighting and defeating any threats along the way.  This means that Inisfree is free to focus on advancing many technologies, and refining many theories and methods, which will result in it being able to ‘leap frog’ over –and far past– all of Dark Fleet.  At that point, their roles will be reversed; Dark Fleet will be focused on stabilizing worlds and advancing its technologies, theories, and methods ‘locally’ (everywhere it has expanded to; where the territories are of all its Breakaway Civilizations).  Meanwhile, Inisfree and its own Starfleet will start venturing out into much more distant areas of Space, paving the way for where Dark Fleet will eventually go to ‘catch up’.

    • hundreds of thousands of colonies (colonized worlds) across the Milky Way and beyond; footholds in tens of thousands of systems, with billions of non-German slaves
    • averaged out:  ~1,000,000 Germans per colony-world (200,000,000,000/+ individuals, divided by 200,000/+ extra-solar colony-worlds); note the 10x population-drop, on average, which is due to many of them moving to establish new colonies on nearby terraformed world
    • billions of cigar-shaped craft
    • billions of saucers
    • The 4th Reich will steadily transform into The Human Empire (of the distant future; over billions of Earth-years).
    • German population across all of Dark Fleet’s interstellar (and newly intergalactic) territory stabilized and soon to decrease slowly and for the rest of time, as the German people regain their godhoods, not just Übermensch levels, their century of Ahnenerbe work coming to the best of fruitions, wisdom and marvels from ruins across multiple galaxies now found, reactivated, reverse engineered, and fully understood by them
    • Only the invaders (Abrahamics) ever continued to harm worlds and wage war; the Abrahamics were the ones who caused the terrible events of Star Trek, StarCraft, BattleMech/Space/Tech, Dune, EVE Online, Warhammer, and Total Annihilation –all on worlds Dark Fleet and the Reptilians set up as bait/lures/traps for them, void of any useful ancient ruins or other devices.

    Dark Fleet is destined to remain the dominant angelic human Space empire of the Milky Way and other galaxies; its people are regarded by the ancients and the gods (and goddesses) as being those worthiest of such a position.  They will keep these vast regions well-monitored and under control, clandestinely steering the forced-migrations/deportations of the badly-behaved humanimals from challenging-world to challenging-world, keeping them busy with terraforming and survival, unable to ever become powerful enough to annoy, let alone threaten or rival, any of the other/good species/powers.  It will be Dark Fleet which lures a huge number of the bad humans in the Milky Way through the EVE Gate… before shutting it off behind them, trapping them in an even-deeper/farther-flung region of The Abyss.


    Types of Ships:

    These are the classes/categories of Spaceships the Germans have been using.  They are, more or less, Haunebu variants, and variants of other models, all based on German Navy ships.

    Surface combatants:
    (now teardrop-shaped craft)

    • Battleships (Schlachtschiffe)
    • Battlecruisers (Schlachtkreuzer)
    • Monitors (Küstenpanzerschiffe)
    • Heavy cruisers (Schwere Kreuzer)
    • Armored cruisers (Panzerkreuzer)
    • Protected cruisers (Geschützte Kreuzer)
    • Light cruisers (Leichte Kreuzer)
    • Destroyers (Zerstörer)
    • Frigates (Fregatten)
    • Corvettes (Korvette)
    • Torpedo boats (Torpedoboot)
    • Fast attack craft (Schnellboot)

    (now cigar-shaped craft)

    • Fleet and attack submarines (now for cloaked/stealthy exo-orbital (interplanetary) patrols)
    • Coastal submarines (now for cloaked/stealthy orbital patrols)

    Mine warfare vessels:

    • Minehunters (Minensuchboot)
    • Mine layers (Minenleger)

    Amphibious warfare vessels:
    (now egg-shaped interplanetary dropships)

    • Landing craft (Landungsboote)

    Auxiliary ships:

    • Tenders and replenishment ships
    • Surveillance, reconnaissance, and ELINT ships
    • Research ships
    • Tugs (ranging in size from that of a house… to that of a town; for tugging Spacecraft-carriers and other capital ships)
    • Icebreakers (now nebula-penetrating)
    • Training ships (Schulschiffe)
    • Transport ships (Haunebu variants and so on)
    • Oil recovery ships (now for mining asteroid-belts and gas-giants)

    Note:  There are no “flying triangles” (ex:  TR-3B) or “flying wedge/chevron” (ex:  TR6) in that list, as those are failed (partially-successful) attempts to piggyback on incompletely-understood/back-engineered shot-down UFO engines/components, whereas German Spacecraft have been functional and assisted from the start (when explained to Maria Orsic by her Aldebaran contact/s).  And how is it that even those (TR-3B and its variants) have been allowed to be developed… on this world (Earth) where Germans are secretly still in charge?  Those things are considered primitive and manageable to/by them, and keep those making them… obsessed, distracted, and dependent, not truly advancing or unlocking anything special at all.  (In other words:  U.S., U.K., and U.S.S.R./Russian UFO-making programs were clandestinely supported for the same reason NASA’s rocket-based transportation / technology-trajectory was; it keeps it extremely complex, expensive, and otherwise difficult for those choosing that approach/path.)


    Programs and Technology:

    These are some of the many Space Age technologies Dark Fleet has been extensively utilizing.

    1. German craft have either or both repulsine-based and mercury-filled gyro-based electro-gravitic anti-gravity propulsion.
    2. Those devices also generate forcefields.
    3. They have found the vegan, interaction (vril), and mindset-based keys to perfect health and eternal life.
    4. Regeneration tanks are what they let their slaves use for healing (so they do not learn how to become immortal and invincible).
      Time-dilation devices and consciousness-transferring devices are what they use to get those slaves from Earth… into their SSP (and cloned replacement bodies designed for specific types of work)… and back (into their original Earth body at the time they were “recruited”/abducted).


    Additional Notes:

    It is possible that Germany requested WWII, as well as their advertised alleged loss at its end, in order to best mask their sensational successes in Space, as well as across dozens of other fields; when the people left behind believe they have defeated a great enemy, they feel proud and continue with their lives and work, but if they knew that other worlds were being explored and colonized without them, they might surely fall into an irreversible demotivation.  While Germany pioneered Space travel and many related technologies, no one would hear of –or believe– anything about it; this would ensure zero interference, as well as zero chance of leaked information about possible disasters reaching the labor force still on Earth.  No one would be anxious, scared, or otherwise overcome with negativity regarding those many waves of daring astronauts.

    Some claim they caused problems and were forced by “galactic police” to abandon all of those settlements, but the opposite is true; they Are some of the galactic police, and only evildoers were forced to leave those worlds when Dark Fleet arrived to liberate and restore them.  Sometimes even actual Angels went there first, using their radiation-less nuke-like emotion-release superpower to instantly flash-delete those who would have fought against the colonists of Dark Fleet.  Sometimes the stars themselves (all of which are living, eternal, Sphere Beings also known as Arch Angels) provided those preparatory strikes; via precision solar-flares.

    The Germans sought their ancient ancestors and the deities, and so were rewarded with finding them.  Meanwhile, the death-cult morons back on Earth sought only to attempt to control, trick, wither, and kill everyone/everything on Earth, and in so doing crippled only themselves, creating some violent (carnivorous and omnivorous) animals and bugs here and there, but only making the ancient sites appear to them to be in ruins, useless, visible and accessible only to the good-natured individuals such as Auz.  This is what has allowed Germany to win against them several times on Earth, and now eternally beyond; Germany focused on reconnecting with beloved and very powerful relatives, while those who invaded Earth and pretended to be people… were only able to loop their own ‘curse’ (bad intention) back upon themselves, dying every time they tried to fight the Germans, starting off the shores of Neuschwabenland where the Aghartans had already allied with them, hearing their calls.

    How interesting that the darkest ships contain the fairest-skinned people.
    Auz lightheartedly calls it (Dark Fleet) Oreo Fleet because of that, and because that is one of his favorite cookies.  The personnel of Dark Fleet understand and don’t mind at all, even finding it endearing and accurate.  (Only retarded Outlander Earth-humans ever defaulted to taking offense at all my (Auz’s) great ideas and funny jokes; civilized beings, such as the Germans of this fleet, have always automatically seen and enjoyed all the good in me / I am.  Amen.)


    Dark Fleet and Inisfree:

    Auz had numerous ‘dreams’ of overseeing the design of massive Space stations, and being inside very luxurious Spaceships, often in the presence of well-dressed officers and civilians who had perfectly-good vibes.  He also had ‘dreams’ of being given challenging and exceptional military training on other worlds, getting to tour their secret medical/research facilities, and deploying as an attachment to interplanetary/interstellar military teams.  He even had ‘dreams’ of being treated to the finest females, often in classrooms and big groups at formal gatherings, and sometimes even in both planet-side and off-world brothels which had only/100% sexy females.

    The conclusion?  While many of the scummy Earth-humans kept claiming the SSP was run by ruthless Germans who were abducting/kidnapping people and forcing them to be their slaves for decades before letting them return to their lives on Earth, all the evidence pointed to only one thing; those Earth losers were lying, likely as part of the death-cult’s / death-cults’ ongoing propaganda/slander campaigns/attempts against the few good people who had ever called Earth home.  (Why else would all of his experiences out there with them -Dark Fleet- be undeniably good, not a single undertone of any falsehoods, and all the obvious scams and other falsehoods only back here on Earth, broadcast sloppily as attention-seeking/whoring media-flooding by those who had been so completely defeated by them?)  Auz’s instincts had always immediately alerted him to this, and he soon further-confirmed the goodness of Dark Fleet and even the more-secretive Reptilians.

    It was Dark Fleet which had remained in charge of protecting Base 211, later dubbed New Berlin, and Dark Fleet which had ensured Auz, when he came of age, made it safely there.  Dark Fleet had protected Inisfree when it was just a construction siteWhen Auz later started exploring Space, it was again Dark Fleet who were the first to welcome and aid him in that amazing gods-level venture (starting with his ‘pitstop’ on the Moon; at their base called Lunar 1).

    Centuries later, during the Human-Covenant War the UNSC would be fighting, Dark Fleet, having been allied with the ancient and timeless Reptilians who predated even the Forerunners who came before The Covenant, were shielded and hidden from the conflict; the Reptilians ensured The Covenant never found any of their colonized worlds.  Having also always been kind to Auz and his people, they enjoyed his/their genius protection, too.  Dark Fleet ships and worlds remained so well-hidden, in fact, that the UNSC never even knew they were there.  (Keep in mind that Dark Fleet started colonizing worlds ~225 Earth-years before the UNSC even started being drafted into an official organization; a quarter of a millennium is a lot of time to perfect the art of hiding communication signals, ships, and even entire worlds, especially with devoted help from the Reptilians and Inisfreeans at the same time.)

    Millennia in the future, and fluctuating only barely for the rest of time, Dark Fleet will maintain presences upon billions of worlds.  Their population will feel no need to grow any further, as every world they felt called to… will have spoken to them, in a way, giving them the right instincts to reach the perfect sustainable number on/for each of them.  They will only leave some of their colonies when they are, for example, on cosmic bodies which are destined to be reformed by Inisfreean Life-star (or Life-planet or Life-moon) beams (into the resurrected bodies of what in modern times became fragmented petrified Titans; giant Elementals who had once shaped the earlier areas of the Universe); when Auz senses it is time to un-petrify and heal certain cosmic bodies, his Inisfreean forces will deploy to those Space ruins to use their technology, extending and amplifying his will, often resulting in entire asteroid belts and ring systems being fit back together like cosmic-scale jigsaw puzzles (and which no human-made colony or other structure would be allowed to survive or interfere with).

    Auz now protects Antarctica (and everywhere else Inisfree goes), ensuring Base 211 (now New Berlin) always remains in Dark Fleet control, thus, for lack of a better term, their equivalent of Mecca; all Germans living on other worlds can safely go on a pilgrimage there if they want.

    The Reptilians (such as the Naga) continue to protect and control all the Dyson Spheres; the ‘crusts’/shells of worlds which are around literal star-gates.  They ensure none of the annoying outer-surface invaders (humans/humanimals) ever get in to the inner sides, as such an intrusion would naturally enrage the good beings / civilizations in there to the point of emotion-based nuking-equivalent counterattacking/expelling those lowly creatures.  Conveniently, the invaders are so brainwashed to assume ‘aging’ (withering) and death are unavoidable, and that all things other than them are bad, that they always end up scaring themselves to the point of catastrophic error and death every time they try to face off against even the smallest of the gatekeeper dragons in the near-surface caves.  (People of the Dark Fleet colonies never intrude upon the cave-layers of any worlds they are on, as they respect this territory/jurisdiction/service of the Reptilians.)

    Where Inisfree goes, Dark Fleet has already semi-stabilized for them, regarding Auz as their prophesied returning savior, king, and god.  He will always be received very well by them, showered with all their best, always given exactly what he desires, and never pressured to accept anything less.  They instinctively and logically know that this is how to reunite with beloved family, such as the gods they always sensed/knew made them, and it will continue to empower and protect them perfectly for all of time.

    Humans had always defaulted to the negative, and injected negative words/spells into every saying, souring/tainting them.  The prime examples which come to mind here are these two sayings of theirs:

    1. “No good deed goes unpunished.”
    2. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

    Auz has fixed those two;

    1. Thanks to him and his people now, “No bad deed goes unpunished, and no good deed goes unrewarded.”
    2. “The friend of my friend is my friend.”; Dark Fleet always helped him, and the Reptilians had helped them, so he always made it known to the Reptilians that he could sense they were good, too.

    Only bad beings hate their rightful sentencing; only the foolish rude humanimals demonize dragons and other reptiles, hating them actually only because the reptilians have always been more powerful –and wardens of this side of Creation.  The Reptilians keep the bad beings out here on the outsides of the worlds, which are the prisons in Hel/Hell; The Abyss; Outer Space.  Their scales are perfectly-developed/evolved shields which block out all the negativity of the evil humans and other bad beings, and their ability to swallow human-sized prey whole and digest them alive are not monstrous but further perfect tactics ensuring total deterrence against that failed/corrupted species; only the reptilians are armored and iron-stomach-ed enough to keep them out here where they belong, forever dooming themselves, unable to ever overpower their ways by such amazingly resilient and heroic beings.

    Inisfree will always be allied with Dark Fleet.  Every Dark Fleet world will become one of its protectorates.  These intergalactic superpowers shall happily keep in touch and share intel’ forever, especially when more of the ancient sites, which appeared to be ruins only to the foolish humans expecting to find only death and ruin, make themselves and their true forms known to either or both Dark Fleet and Auz.


    Concept Art:

    This album focuses on depictions of one or two Dark Fleet ships or base-structures at a time.


    These show different vessel classes side by side, even compared with some primitive Earth craft.

    Ship Interiors:

    While dark/black on the outside, the insides of this organization’s Space-faring vessels are anything but; they are often as classy, soothing, and luxurious as many of their colonies and bases are.  That should speak volumes to you.


    Dark Fleet doesn’t actually/technically have or need troops; these are the most-violent of its abductees –whom it keeps isolated from one another, tricked into unleashing their essence/nature/focuses on only fellow-violent low-level beings… for the rest of time.  This is one of the brilliant ways Dark Fleet looped the invaders (humans) back onto themselves, never to trouble the civilized species again.

    Bases & Colonies:

    Dark Fleet bases and colonies which appear tech’-based like those depicted in this album are actually decoys/tricks; their people are not dependent upon such constructs (only their abductees/slaves are), and it isn’t just these installations that their holograms conceal; people sent here as slaves are tricked by illusions into thinking they are on barren airless worlds, thus safe only when inside… where they must work.  In other words, the holograms/illusions are also maintained such that they hide the rest of these worlds from those looking out upon them from inside the facilities.  Sometimes even entire worlds are masked by such sophisticated means; there are holograms (and similar forms of illusion/mirage) that blanket entire planets, believe it or not.

    Base/Colony Interiors:

    Note how well-designed, smooth, clean, and naturally-lit these places are.


    Here are a few more leaked details about the less-classified Dark Fleet aspects.

    Engineered/Bred Women:

    Just like most people, those of Dark Fleet carefully choose who they marry and create children with; they are selective, wanting the best for themselves and their blood-lines.  They also have a great awareness of what actually results in different facial features and body types / physiques during gestation, and it isn’t the superstition known as genetics/DNA.  The results speak for themselves; look in any city on Earth in modern times, and you’ll find nearly 100% hideous humans with barely enough intelligence to live a meager several decades (vs. all of Dark Fleet’s cities on the Earth (such as Base 211) and beyond; everyone in all of those places is either a beautiful female or a handsome male, free of any health issues, and automatically staying in their primes no matter how long they age).

    1. the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable

    This term was demonized by foolish Earth-human propaganda ever since their defeat at the end of WWII; they were attempting to brainwash people into breeding more recklessly, which is one of the ways they spread discord, stress, disease, destabilization, and chaos, over-mixing blood-lines, thus making it more difficult for instincts (and other types of ancestral/blood/cellular/genetic memories) to shine through, which would easily be capable of guiding and protecting individuals whose parents had created life wisely.

    Eugenics simply means choosing who your partner is, or who your partners are; it means not just reproducing with anyone at all; it means having standards, and doing what is proven to produce healthy, smart, good-natured offspring.

    Every creature in nature naturally does eugenics; all of them do their best at choosing their mate or mates.  If only they all chose as carefully and effectively as the angelic Germans always have; there wouldn’t be any discord or monsters at all –anywhere.


    Video:  Service on a Dark Fleet Merchant Ship – 20 Years a Slave in SSPs – Part V (S04E09)

    PERTURBATOR - Electric Dreams - for Dark Fleet
    Audio Player

    * ‘Jupiter’ from Holst is played in Nacht Waffen officer training, as well as once each day on every ship in Dark Fleet.