Some of the greatest practitioners of Vril science in the whole of Creation gather here.


Table of Contents:

  1. How Does He Sleep?
  2. Where Do We Sit?
  3. 2nd Biggest Bed in Inisfree
  4. The Hidden Podium
  5. Design (Images Begin)
  6. The Windows-wall
  7. Furniture
  8. The Big Bed
  9. Moon-roof Over the Big Bed
  10. The 10-story Bathroom
  11. The 10-story Closet
  12. His Top Wife:  High Queen Ambrosia Himmler
  13. Groups which Have Come Together in this Room
  14. Relevant Holidays
  15. 2022 Update:  Minecraft 1:1 Build (and Capacity)
  16. 2023 August:  Starry Night SFX
  17. 2023 October:  Framed Pictures


How Does He Sleep?

Though sometimes sleeping with just one or two of his engineered clones, the Governor of Inisfree is usually found retiring for the evenings and nights in this expansive suite; this is the uppermost bedroom of his towering, mountain slope-side mansion stronghold, with literally hundreds of flawless girls at the same time, engaging in the largest orgies in the history of mankind –as a standard pre-bedtime routine.  Things remain surprisingly quiet –even silent– here most of the time, though; the empathy, coordination, and group consciousness present is off the charts.  Even when there are hundreds or thousands of girls in this bedroom, you can almost hear a pin drop.


Where Do We Sit?

There is scarcely any furniture in the master bed-&-bathroom, as this wing of the mansion comes with a walk-in wardrobe, a jacuzzi affixed at the base of the emperor-sized curtain-canopy bed, and another jacuzzi canopy pool encircled by well-spaced Corinthian pillars and further encircled by water-massage cleansing tables.  Genuinely loving Companions (the Inisfreean kind) model the attire considered for adornment every morning and evening, negating the need for coat hangers or display shelves.  These handmaidens, doubling as concubines and tripling as Secret Service, readily come together with one another to form living thrones and serving platters, and since this room can hold hundreds of them, there is no need for much of anything wooden or carved.


The Inisfreean Mottoes:

“No one should have to bathe, dress, or feed his- or herself.” and “No one should have to bathe, shower, swim, or sleep alone.”  Inisfreeans take these sayings seriously –so much so that they are literally part of the Inisfreean religion, and this room is the shining example of how wholeheartedly they live up to that belief of theirs which they so lovingly preach.​  They won’t ever force these views on others, of course; they just have them as a heartfelt baseline for day-to-day availability, ensuring no one in their realm ever feels alone –unless that person just wants or needs to for a while.


2nd Biggest Bed in Inisfree:

The 2nd largest bed ever made on Earth is now the centerpiece of this hangar-sized bedroom.  (The largest is in Inisfree’s tantric sex academy (TNA), and serves as the seating for its main classroom/auditorium.)  Since Queen-size and King-size were bed-size names already assigned to much smaller sleeping surfaces, a new size-name was needed for this one.  It is called the Emperor-size bed (the one in TNA being called the God-king size bed).  An image explaining how many Inisfreean girls it can comfortably sleep is in the gallery which follows.


The Hidden Podium:

There is a secret control console that can rise up from where it is disguised, flush with the tile flooring, looking like just any other continuation of that polished pink-tan-marble surface.  When Auz is near and wanting it, it will automatically come up to waist or mid-chest level, looking like it is made of glass (but actually transparent metal), and ready for him to interact with it like a touch-screen computer or kiosk.  This device is the ‘steering wheel’ for Inisfree, allowing him to fly the whole city around wherever he pleases… but it is also… where he can review high-resolution immersive recordings in AutoCAD format of all his dreams, and not just from the night before.  (He can even 3D-print things from those dreams based on these recordings, which are kept in The Grid Mind, and, as of 2021, also locate where in the Dreamspace they occurred; it wasn’t just in his mind.)



The Windows-wall:


The Big Bed:

Moon-roof Over the Big Bed:

Note:  the moon-roof shows a view of the starry sky; the water of the rooftop swimming-pool does not cover the moon-roof.  That pool is around the moonroof, with a spillway to prevent its water from splashing over onto, or covering up, the moonroof.  These images just show the general idea; there is a pool up above this giant bedroom, and this bedroom’s ceiling has a section that opens up to view the sky straight overhead.

The 10-story Bathroom:

This part of the mansion’s master suite is just as palatial as the rest, with numerous L-shaped balconies, wall-less ‘lifts’ up to their jacuzzis, a 10-story waterfall-wall walk-in shower, American-flag toilet-paper, and Inisfree-flag bath-towels.

The 10-story Closet:

Everything in here is kept inventoried by my staff; the ICVs on duty as Secret Service here.
Every closet-rod also has a library-like shelf-label with the range of names of those who gifted the items stored there.

Levels and Section Assignments:

  1. Lowest level is for clothing gifts from the first 200,000,000 guests of Inisfree, alphabetically.
    (not just names starting with “A” on this level, or even A-C, but all clothing gifted to me until this level filled up)
    Ambrosia:  gifts from my top-wife are on this lowest level; quickest access.
  2. 200,000,001-400,000,000
  3. 400,000,001-600,000,000
  4. 600,000,001-800,000,000
  5. 800,000,001-1,000,000,000
  6. 1,000,000,001-1,200,000,000
  7. 1,200,000,001-1,400,000,000
  8. 1,400,000,001-1,600,000,000
  9. 1,600,000,001-1,800,000,000
  10. Highest level is from the last 200,000,000 guests of Inisfree, alphabetically.
    (clothing gifted to me after the first/lower 9 levels filled up)

(each level sorted/separated into category/type, then head to toe, then alphabetical)

Actual space per level:

  • side in the model is 21 blocks; 63′ “long” (deep)
  • back wall = (same)
  • 63’x3 = 189′ (since clothes / closet-rods are only on 3 of the 4 walls in this room)
  • 189’/~1″ allotted per hangar/outfit = 2,268 hangar items, x10 levels = 22,680 hangar items
  • and the 23 footlockers/trunks (level1 only) hold the shoes
  • and the display-cases hold the ties, wristwatches, etc.
  • (20 display-cases on level 1) + (18 x each of the upper 9 levels) = 182 display-cases (each big enough for dozens of pairs of shoes, hundreds of watches, thousands of ties, etc.)



  • hoodies
  • pajamas
  • sandals
  • t-shirts


Cold Weather:

  • balaclavas (ski masks)
  • beanies
  • heavy/polar coats
  • thermal long-johns
  • thermal socks



  • headbands (sweat)
  • muscle shirts
  • CamelBaks
  • hiking gear; ILBE ruck, etc.
  • my S.T. suit/s
  • rain jackets
  • rain (over-) pants
  • swim trunks
  • workout pants
  • lifting shoes
  • running shoes
  • wristwatches and pocket-watches



  • Casey Jones costume



  • ski jackets
  • ski pants
  • ski boots



  • business jackets/coats
  • business/dress shirts
    (I don’t wear ties; I keep my collar unbuttoned “like a boss”)
  • business/dress pants/slacks

and first suit actually really liked:

Every level starts with gifts on left (as you face the levels upon entry), my own in the middle (of each of the 10 levels), guests temp’ on right (whatever sleepover-guests might bring).

Of all the people who visit my realm who might get me clothes as a gift:

How much space for clothes is there in this room?

  • ~22,680 hangar spaces… is close to the # of Earth-years until foreseen/spell-cast capacity; ~1 new article of clothing during each of those years would work well to fill this closet.
  • ~2,268/level = >2 millennia to fill up, so maybe I keep all gifted clothes on level 1 until it fills up then.
  • By 2024 (~12 years after launching Inisfree), I had ~a dozen clothing items stored here (the shirt and watch from Ashton and Nevaeh, and the suits Ambi picked out); that is on track with that 1/yr avg..
  • 22,680 is 0.001134 of 1% of 2B; ~1/88,183rd of the guests of Inisfree get me clothes,
    thus, on avg., every group of 88,183 people gets me 1 clothing item; 1 per the avg. # of people in a big town.

For reference (general populations, by size of community):

  • Big city = ##M (~10M to 37.4M/+; Tokyo’s population in 2023)
  • Medium city = #M (~1M – 9.9M –New York City’s population was 8.5M in 2023)
  • Small city = ###K (~100,000 – 999,999 –Austin’s (TX) population was 974K in 2022)
  • Big town = ##K (~50,000 – 99,999 –Bozeman (MT) population was 54K in 2021)
  • Medium town = #K (~10,000 – 49,999 –Niagara Falls (NY) population was 48K in 2022)
  • Small town = ### (~5,000 – 9,999 –Page (AZ) population was 7K in 2021)
  • Village = ## (~500 – 2,500; <5,000 –Big Sky (MT) population was 3K in 2020)
  • Hamlet = (~50 – 99; <100)
  • Social Band = 30 – 50



His Top Wife:  High Queen Ambrosia LeMorte Himmler

Groups which Have Come Together in this Room:

Since there is room for more than hundreds at a time in this bedroom, and even upon its main bed, not to mention dozens in its 30′-diameter jacuzzi, the Governor, King Auz, has invited, hosted, and enjoyed all of the following groups of sexy females there:

  • all his wives
  • all his favorite kajirae
  • 1 of each of the ICVs (of the 1,000 form-sakes perfected)
  • each combo of girls he’s envisioned/fantasized about
  • just his full entourage (the Secret Service ICVs who always accompany him, such as to and from the office)
  • entire business-meeting groups
  • just Inisfree’s Council of Elders
  • each of his wives with him and each of their mutual girlfriends
    (one wife + all his gf’s at a time)
  • each of his wives with all of their girlfriends and him
    (one wife + all her gf’s at a time)
  • all his favorite porn-stars, teenified
  • every cheerleading squad he’s ever wanted; every school’s… perfected
  • an entire sorority… times every sorority of hotties
  • all the sexy princesses
  • all the sexy queens
  • all the sexy supermodels
  • all the sexy goddesses
  • all the Black Ops kings’ wives he finds to be hot
  • all the Black Ops kings’ daughters he finds to be hot
  • all the Black Ops kings’ dancers he finds to be hot
  • 2021 end of November:  “Dreamy” now hostesses sleepover orgies here, helping everyone to not only make polyamorous love until they all fall asleep together, but to continue or resume that lovemaking “on the other side”; in their dreams –and she has even helped Auz find the sexy girls and women who had been destined to appear to him in previous dreams!

Other arousing groups will come.


Relevant Holidays:

  1. 29 January (1 Februus on our calendar): Incest
  2. 14 February (17 Februus on our calendar):  Polyamory-Valentines (Fuckbuddies) Day
  3. 26 February (1 Mars on our calendar): Carnival
  4. The entire month of Maiesta is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Nymphs (actual people).
  5. May (9 Maiesta to 11 Venus for us) is the month of / devoted to Freyja/love/lovers.  (We have a day in February/Februus for it, but May is when these festivities really get going.)
  6. 2 June (13 Venus on our calendar): Sex Workers / Registered Companions
  7. 8 June (19 Venus on our calendar): Best Friends’ Day
  8. 21 July (6 Shakira on our calendar): Cousins’ Day
  9. 26 July (11 Shakira on our calendar): Aunts’ Day
  10. 27 July (12 Shakira on our calendar): Uncles’ Day
  11. 31 July (16 Shakira on our calendar): Girlfriends’ Day
  12. 14 August (2 Agharta on our calendar): Blowjobs (girls blowing guys only, of course)
  13. 5 September (24 Agharta on our calendar): Wife-swapping / ‘Swinging’
  14. 6 September (25 Agharta on our calendar): Swapping (‘beverages’ for girls)
  15. 10 September (1 Harvest on our calendar): Grandparents’ Day
  16. 3 October (24 Harvest on our calendar): Boyfriends’ Day


2022 Update:  Minecraft 1:1 Build


The main bed of this cavernous master bedroom is 50′ x 80′; ~7x the width of a king-size bed, and ~12x the depth (“length”); 84x the sleeping-space.  Up to 5 human-sized people can snuggle up on a king-size bed; 5×84 = room for ~420 guests to sleep closely atop this main bed.

There are also 40 king-size beds on the floor around that main bed; they make room for up to 200 more guests.

Up the two side-walls are another 100 king-size beds (50 per wall, on 5 walkway-slopes (per wall) of 10 each); those make room for another 250.

420 + 200 + 250 = ~870 people can share this bedroom (not counting the sleeping-mats/cushions in addition to all those beds’ sleeping-spaces).



Why have this big of a closet in a nudist resort?  It’s not so much for my (Auz’s) clothing as it is for that of my sleepover guests (if they bring any).

2023 August:  Starry Night SFX

The High Queen is credited with the inspiration for this new special effect here.

2023 October:  Framed Pictures

Headboard-wall:  Completed Mega-projects (6 4x4s)

  1. top left:  Inisfree map
  2. top right:  Star-System Auzdein map
  3. middle left:  Council of Elders boardroom with its members
  4. middle right:  Inisfree Spaceways fleet
  5. bottom left:  Yggdrasil Restoration
  6. bottom right:  Ideal World

Back Corners:  Full-body Photos of Top Inisfreeans (4 3x1s)

  1. bathroom-side (L) top:  myself (Auz) in my Thor-inspired S.T. suit, helmet down/off/open, holding my Mjolnir
  2. bathroom-side bottom:  Amber ICV1 naked with digital-picture color-changing hair and eye-irises
  3. closet-side (R) top:  Nyria Serra naked with digital-picture color-changing hair and eye-irises
  4. closet-side bottom:  Djinnifer

Fireplace Over-mantles:  Favorites During Fire-gazing (2 2x2s)

  1. bathroom-side:  classic indoor Christmas-tree cozy night photo; 2 of my fuckbuddies doggystyle with a candycane used as an anal dildo
  2. closet-side:  Ambi family holiday photo taken in our cabin

Bathroom:  Favorite Bathtub Memories (2 3x2s)

  1. upper:  Sarah, my First Girl, first time christening this place with me
  2. lower:  Ariel in the master-bedroom footboard-jacuzzi

Closet:  Favorite Dress-up Memories (2 3x2s)

  1. upper:  Ambi in the fuck-me black-straps outfit
  2. lower:  Ambi in her 2023 Halloween cosplay TMNT April costume
  3. side:  a Nyria (Haifa) ICV in a bold stance over my head while jacking me off in one of our jacuzzis here

Video Player

Main Playlist:

Dr Dre - Nuthin But A G Thang (HQ) - PERFECT sex moan-sighs woman vocal sig for Zada pg y ICGMmasterbedroom y Regis y Hiphop club
Audio Player

For Closet:

ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man - for ICGM closets y mall y Club Cush
Audio Player