Inisfree has the best school system in the Universe.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Levels
  3. Which People Complete Which Grades?
  4. Annual Graduation Dates
  5. Additional Notes
  6. Images



Inisfree’s school system is comprehensive, and lasts for the duration an outsider would normally attend both grade-school and college through to Bachelor’s or Master’s degree level.  The education received during these years here in Inisfree, however, gets one beyond even the level of most outsider PhDs.



The following grade brackets are taught at these locations:


Which People Complete Which Grades?

  • Inisfreean-born girls (ICVs) complete all 20 grades, as well as a job rotation to sample every line of work in our realm, and deployments via our own Star Fleet (which include our own Voyages of Acquisition).
  • Guests do not have to complete any of the schooling we provide, or even our tour.
  • Residents have to complete at least the official (41-day) tour as a form of education about, and sufficient orientation to, our realm.
  • Citizens must complete much, if not most, of our 20-year educational program, starting with the official tour.
  • Congress-girls (we don’t have Congressmen) are encouraged to go beyond the requirements of Inisfreean citizenship; by traveling to our private solar-system and experiencing life on at least one of its worlds, and in at least one of the cities on any of those worlds.


Annual Graduation Dates:

We have our four biggest graduation ceremonies staggered across four consecutive days.

  1. Month 5: Maiesta (Reverence & Graduations), Week 3, Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), corresponding to May 7:  LHS Graduation (1st-16th grades; all –and this is possible because each grade except the 16th one graduates in an auditorium classroom of its own floor-level in the school-building, with only the 16th-grade graduates jumping off the liberty-spikes of that building to then meet up on the grass outside the surface foundation)
  2. Month 5: Maiesta (Reverence & Graduations), Week 3, Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), corresponding to May 8:  TNA Graduation (17th & 18th grades; both, with the 17th grade classes always having their ceremony in the morning, and those of the 18th grade having theirs that afternoon)
  3. Month 5: Maiesta (Reverence & Graduations), Week 3, Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), corresponding to May 9:  Boot Camp Graduation (19th grade)
  4. Month 5: Maiesta (Reverence & Graduations), Week 3, Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), corresponding to May 10:  Master Females Graduation (20th grade)

Since our online/distance courses can be started and stopped at any time, their graduation dates are based on each student’s time needed to complete them.


Additional Notes:

When to use either instructor term:  “Teachers work with young children and teenagers in K-12 school systems, while professors work with older teens and adults in college and university settings.”

Because we think of each other here as beloved family, and because our students all volunteered to be students, actually wanting to learn what we teach, there are no bad students such as brats or punks in our schools.
For example, even when a female student is dressed sexily (which is the norm and dress code in our educational system) and has a crush on a teacher, she will always respect that teacher in the classroom, not trying to distract him or her, instead waiting until they both have free time to flirt/seduce/play.

We don’t allow a foreign-exchange / exchange-student program, as everyone must be prescreened and a member of our civilization to attend our schools, but we do offer a kajirae exchange program so that slave-girls (our kind; females who are naturally so submissive that they crave this lifestyle/role/vocation) can learn how to please people from the nations and other realms allied with us.

Think our 20-year program is excessive?
Most Outlander humans only attend 12 grades until college, then 1 to 4 years of university or technical school?
The High King studied and trained for more than 40; the complete Inisfreean educational system isn’t even half that.

Females in our civilization show their tits and pussy as part of requesting permission to enter most rooms and vehicles. Girls on their best behavior in our schools, since some daily class schedules require hurrying between classes during between-class times, will leave their tits and pussy exposed so they don’t have to move their clothing out of the way at any doorway. Clever ones will just wear clothing which has holes, or at least see-through mesh (“fishnet”) keeping their tits and pussy visible.

Sex-Ed in the Different Schools of This System:

  • LHS’s Sex-Ed:
    15yrs of the basics into intermediate
    At this building (Liberty High School), there is only one course about sex, all other courses having classes which focus on nonsexual subjects.
    Students live off-campus
    Normal classrooms
    Normal halls
    Normal partners; same species
    Position names
    Technique (for during sex) names
    Materials/toys, basic
    Best locations to have sex at
    Facts with numbers, such as how much semen a female can safely swallow
    How sex can be applied to many things, such as energizing magic sites such as ley-line nodes
    Sexy ways of making an entrance
    Relevant holidays
  • TNA’s Sex-Ed:
    2 years of the most-advanced
    At this building (The Tantric Academy), nearly all classes have sex as part of them, regardless of the course/subject.
    Dorms on campus
    Naked and sex-pose figurines and wall-art in the rooms and halls
    Far more vocab/specifics
    Sex dungeons
    Rope bondage
    Water dunking
    Piss play
    Filming pornos
    Hosting and choreographing sex shows
    Beastiality lessons available/optional
    Most-advanced positions, techniques, and toys
    Companion-level sexiness/techniques
    Kajirae-level sexiness/techniques
    O-course requiring sexual teamwork, as prep’ for the o-course of the 19th grade
  • NWO MIL Sex-Ed:
    1 year of outdoor application
    how to apply all the basics and advanced stuff in the field, even during combat (such as to better-tap/wield Vril)
  • MF Sex-Ed:
    1 year of indoor (restricted-access areas) application/commissioning/inspecting
    using the field-mastered full skill-set of all sexy things… in the most-demanding/specific areas of our realm; ensuring mastery is so complete/total that it even powers parts of our city/civilization, and that all learned can now be taught precisely/thoroughly/wisely –even to the point/level of impressing/enlightening Registered Companions
    final prep’/practice (for ICVs) before deploying as a member of Inisfree’s Star Fleet

PhD candidates should not necessarily add to their fields/specializations; there might not be anything to be discovered/added.
PhD candidates are best advised to gain the best possible understandings of their subsets/specialties of their fields, only adding to those fields when it makes sense to.  They are to be experts in their fields, not always/necessarily expanders of those fields.
Teaching/telling humans they are supposed to expand their fields/industries by default… stems from the chaos essence; adding complexity rather mindlessly, or striving to before having valid reason to.


  • Who teaches modern history?  Individual nations/states, plus us in our CWI classes.
  • Ancient Earth History is local old.
  • Universe History is ancient and modern.

(~2010s draft/thought –before the current 3 simultaneous history-courses had been chosen)

  1. Inisfreean (starting with the first vision of a small group of proto-ICVs; the markers-drawing during ~middle school)
  2. Antarctican (including before it was frozen)
  3. Outlands, Modern (now part of CWI)
  4. North American (including the giants who dominated it before the ancestors of the current Natives came up from their caves)
  5. South American (including the giant Atlanteans who moved into its preexisting even-more-ancient tunnel-systems; the ruins of a civilization predating even Atlantis)
  6. European (including when actual Angels dominated what much later devolved into modern France and Germany)
  7. Asian (including when India had not yet attached to it, its pyramids were not yet hidden under modern landscaping, dragons lived in peace amongst the other species/races, Mongolia was dominated by its original White inhabitants, Mt. Kailash was still a mega-pyramid not eroded or snowcapped at all, and –if we are including Oceania/Pacifica in this– New Zealand was still dominated by the Fairies and redhaired giants who predated the ancestors of its current Natives, and Lemuria had not yet sunk and left only the Hawaiian and other Pacific islands (its former mountaintops), etc.)
  8. African (including when the Sahara was lush farmland, the pyramids were not exterior-damaged or hieroglyphs-graffiti-ed, the mega-magnetron earthworks of South Africa were not yet called mere geoglyphs, Guelb er Richat was not yet a flood-damaged ruin, the Lady of Mali was easily recognizable as a mega-statue (and perhaps a hibernating Titan), and the crystal stasis-tubes were not yet thought of as sarcophagi by the death-obsessed modern-humans)
  9. Pre-historic (before the known ‘ancient’ period; hundreds of millennia ago and before)
  10. Ancient (when humans claim recorded history began for their kind; tens of millennia ago)
  11. Stellar
  12. Galactic (of the Milky Way galaxy)
  13. Exodus (IOW:  not in school this year; most students go on an individual survival field-trip to the Outlands to apply all they have learned during the first/past 12 years of their schooling with us)
  14. Universal (now taught in tandem with our Ancient Earth History, and CWI, courses)
  15. Alternate Histories
  16. CWI (now taught in tandem with our Ancient Earth History, and Universe History, courses)

Having some ICVs go through our educational system, year by year, is more of a Quality Control (QC) SOP; checking some of them, ensuring they operate as programmed in all the places we have them destined/programmed to be. Sure, an ICV can easily “act”, fooling any non-ICV, but all the other ICVs and other ICs around them would notice the incorrect thoughts (i.e. glitch in the erring individual ICV’s program/actions), and then Djinnifer would rapidly correct it (via installing a ‘patch’ in that ICV, followed by function-checking the ICV until it was thinking/operating as intended by me).

What do ICVs do when not in classes, since they instantly understand things, thus need no homework?
They still practice making healthy vegan meals during meal times, hand-wash their fellows and guests during hygiene time, pack and doublecheck their backpacks (and anyone going to class with them), help with laundry, double as patrol-girls when commuting (whether on foot or in a vehicle), and relax during movie and nap/sleep times (which frees up some (the vast majority) of their brains’ processing power for their collective to use, if needed).
Why practice making meals when they don’t need to eat or drink? This doubles as checking kitchen appliances and related tools/cookware, plus the dishware, the cutlery, the grocery-store product quality, the tap or cistern water, and so on, ensuring every home/dwelling in our realm is always ready for guests/occupation.

We don’t teach accounting/finance because we don’t use the easily and always corrupted Outlander monetary system.

  • 2024 July 6 Saturday update:  Our equivalent would be an Inisfreean Economics course; detailing how we barter with kajirae, etc..
  • Even for those not buying, selling, and/or trading sexy females, almost everyone approved to visit/return to the Inisfreean realm, at least in their own Outlands realms/residences, somewhere maintains a sub-staff (subordinates of employees) of slaves, thus using basic/general good-accounting practices is applicable for just about everyone in Inisfree.

The only Law classes we offer are part of LHS’s Social Studies course, which introduces our own system of laws/rules.

2024 October 10 Thursday reminder:  Our civilization shall have 219,001 LHSs, LAAs, HW2s, TNAs, NWO MIL TRNG areas, each neighborhood, etc.; after 2088 A.D., they will never be full (excepting only in rare cases, such as when a number of people equal to their maximum-allowed capacity decides to attend an event in one or more of them). 2B/219,001 = 9,132.378390 students/residents at ea. if averaged out.

2024 November 21 Thursday:  Why does Inisfree have academies, not colleges or universities?

  • academy = usu. focus on one field of study, such as art or sex (full-body interaction)
  • college = smaller campus than universities, typically fewer fields of study, and lower/initial degree programs (Associate and Bachelor, but not Master or Doctorate)
  • university = broadest range of available fields of study, up to PhD (Doctorate; highest) level



Frank Zappa talks about intentionally-bad schools/ing

  • my add/note:  and then they try poisoning you, bankrupting you, making you a T.I. with (by sending) their overgrown lapdog goons (to pester/insult you), and veterans at events pretend to have guidance, and many condescend (idiotically; while showing how little/nothing they know about the subject/s), and rude punks ‘planted’ in classrooms do their best to annoy you into quitting, and illegal spying is done on your innocent work, not to mention threats of wrongful imprisonment, and on and on, no matter how it never works and always results in the opposite of what they want, (they keep doing that one failed/failing approach/tactic) because They are the idiots empowered by previous idiots who all fell for their own system’s brainwashing scam
  • in short:  There are probably a LOT of alienated/disenfranchised people like me “out there”, betrayed by their own countrymen/governments for no good reason, thus causing a new “brain drain”.

inflation used for forcing parents to work more, thus children taught not by them but others


“Be True To Your School” 20 Good Vibrations: The Greatest Hits The Beach Boys
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