Welcome to Inisfree’s only cave (if we aren’t counting those that got turned into an airlock, an archive, boosters, cliff-dwellings, cloning facilities, engines, factories, gates, hangars, Inisfree’s city-piloting and black-ops meeting-suite, lounges, our military air-and-spaceport, some of our night-clubs, the overhang base, our receiving/acclimation facility, secret ship bays, silos (and silo-linking tunnels), a stadium, our subway system, a theater, our females-boarding-and-training facility, training rooms, vaults, and the downtown area’s underside).
This is the only one that still looks like a real/natural cave.
Table of Contents:
- Dimensions & Layout
- General History
- Complement
- Overall Function
- Notable Cave Structures
- Annex-caves Directory
- Additional Notes
- Individual Visits
- Maps (Images Begin)
- Overall Appearance
- Giant Crystals
- Ahn’Qiraj & Silithus Inspiration
- Legend of Dragoon – Caves Inspiration
- Neverwinter – Whispering Caverns
- Underdark Drow Towns
- Drow Furnishings
- Cave Inspiration
- Reminiscent of Pandemonium
- Cave-annexes Concepts
- XXXeno Hives in One of the Cave-annexes
- Naked Spelunking into Interactive Cave Fauna and Flora
- Other Views
- 2021 Update
- Animatronic Creatures Added in the 2100s
- Animatronic Creatures Added in the 2200s
- Concepts
- Giant A.I.O.W. on the Far-end
- 2022 Scale-model in Minecraft
- 2023 September: Comparison
Dimensions & Layout:
This is the longest subterranean facility in all of Inisfree, spanning six miles from where it connects with the innermost corner of the Uber Geode… to the other side of Inisfree where it ends in a vast A.I.O.W. leading up to the half sand covered fake-ruins of the Civilian Desert. A silenced length of the G.A.H. runs the length of this straight-away cavern. There are 52 main, ellipsoid, annex chambers; 26 per side, with hundreds more of various smaller sizes, all branching off from this main, central tunnel in a labyrinthine fashion.
- 17 pixels wide; ~1,122′ (each)
- 29 pixels deep (front to back); ~1,914′ (each)
- 11 pixels tall; ~726′ (each)
General History:
Though now called ‘the Underway’, for short, this construct was originally called ‘the Black-ice Skulls Underway’ due to a long section of its main tunnel’s floor being transparent ‘glass’ (resin) over a black-walled trench filled with realistic-looking fake human skulls and other skeletal remains, designed to look like what Dante described in part of his book, Inferno. This is not to be scary or evil, but to give guests a thrill like one they’d experience in a well-made and large haunted-house. It is also to symbolically remind them that they are walking in a way that is above and separate from mortality, even when they are deep underground.
People here by year:
- 2012: just the first animatronics prototypes
- 2022: 1,329,411 people now allowed to come/return to Inisfree, thus ~102,262 each of our 13 months, most of those for ~1 month (4 weeks) or less at a time (per annual/main visit), and maybe only ~10% interested in underground activities, thus ~10,226 per month coming down into The Underway, and those usually only checking it out for 1 day (i.e. a couple/few hours of driving/hiking down here) during their visit/s
–and 10,226 visitors / 28 days per Inisfreean month = 365 visitors per day, and since most only were here for a little over an hour, that’s 15 visitors per hour this year - 23000-24000+ A.D.: 2B now approved to visit/return to Inisfree, thus ~153,846,153 per month, so (using the above formula/estimate) ~15,384,615 interested in this underground place/system, and ~549,450 per day, ~22,893/hour (not factoring in that hundreds of thousands to millions of Drow now have a vacation-home somewhere in The Underway)
–and 22,893/hour spread out across the 54 main chambers/sections (Uber Geode + Underway linking-tunnel + 52 cave-annexes) = ~424 visitors per chamber, if averaged out evenly across all 54 chambers
(and these chambers are massive, thus even millennia ahead… people usually only sometimes hear fellow adventurers/visitors down here, seldom seeing them outside of the common communal spots (such as the Temple of Pluto, and the Drow history-museum temple))
Landscaping / Air-quality:
The Drow were the ones who brought the first plants down here, decorating the gardens and crop-rooms of their vacation-residences we’d gotten started in preparation for their arrivals.
Years later, and only their areas have started smelling like air with the hints of flowers.
From 2013 A.D. to 25 Mars 2172 (our calendar’s equivalent of 22 March 2172), The Underway was dual use; it was both for fun (for our residents and guests voluntarily exploring/adventuring down here) and punishment (for some of the human females we captured from the Outlands, they often incorrectly educated/raised, thus needing the occasional terrifying unexpected forced trip down here).
Those 159 Earth-years were packed with many (hundreds of thousands, if not more) of those captured human females occasionally being sent down here after rape-field corrections had proven not quite enough to rehabilitate/civilize them (via reminding them of their place in Creation); when they had fucked up, but not rudely enough to warrant sacrificing them to gladiators or at Ambrosia‘s temple in New Montana.
After that date (25 Mars 2172; when our Global Congress ratified the 35th amendment to our Constitution), even the areas of The Underway formerly designated as/for such dual use… have ever since been only for voluntary fun (which the technical term for is “consensual non-consent”; everyone involved agrees to rape-roleplay, not actually force sex on anyone unwilling).
It is predominantly Drow, and the Inisfreean variants of the Xenomorphs, which you will find in this part of Inisfree, though there are also many Naga and others.
The various annex-cave chambers of this Underway house either a Drow town, a Xenomorph Hive (the Inisfreean version which only leads to sexual pleasures), or the restaurants, night-and-dance clubs, and some of the other underground attractions of Inisfree.
For the first years of the Underway’s existence, there were very few people down here; it was almost always quiet and empty-seeming. In the centuries ahead, a growing number of guests and residents will increase the local population well into the thousands and more, and the visitors-population –annually– into the millions.
Overall Function:
Cave-wonders Sample: At first, the design for Inisfree included only a very large geode one could walk or drive a normal vehicle into. This feature was expanded before construction to include enough space to allow for convoys to travel through on part of Inisfree’s highway. The idea became to offer residents and guests a chance at experiencing the deep-underground wonders that, in previous eras, only the cave-elves, serpent-people, and other underground-driven races had known. It also turned out to be excellent for training teams to explore the deepest cave systems of Earth and other worlds.
Acclimation-option Beyond the Receiving Facility: There are more uses to our Underway than that, though; it is also becoming used as an acclimation area for those who come to Inisfree from lifetimes growing up without the sky, and those who wish to get used to how their underground friends live and work before venturing into their own realms. Finally, it is a safe and secluded collection of spaces where the curious and daring can indulge in some adult experimentation far from the senses of those on the surface who might be into different things.
Chakra-balancing and Vril-enhancement: This is the largest and most elaborate sex dungeon (for voluntary BDSM) in the history of the Universe –because the Inisfreeans and their allies have learned the therapeutic and manifestation powers of advanced forms of physical interaction. It is here that girls come to enjoy the sexual thrills that go even beyond that of the B.T.B.s (and many females find that, once they discover and enjoy their first B.T.B. for a while, they want to try even more, thus the ‘toy’s down here in this network of caves are suggested). Instead of just special Sybians which penetrate all of their three main holes and stimulate their other body-parts (which is basically what a B.T.B. is/does), girls here find the Inisfreean version of the Xenomorphs; now those black-colored, ant-like, humanoid aliens do not kill their hosts to grow their populations, but capture, restrain, and fill them with cum. Impregnation-simulation options (more accurately called “pleasant bloating” stimulation, as they are not actual pregnancies) are also available for the girls who wish it, activated via their by-mind commands through the Inisfreean Neural Network.
2024 October 27 Sunday note:
- Chakras are energy centers/vortexes/’wheels’ in the body.
- Chakras are aligned during good posture, being one’s self, etc..
- When unaligned, such as due to anti-self behavior/pressure, it helps to “take a step back” from whomever is “toxic” (incompatible), then to start re-stabilizing one’s self.
- Meditating, relaxing, and conscious breathing help balance chakras, but that is self-care and often focused on just one organ or pair of organs, such as the lungs.
- To achieve the fastest and longest-lasting chakra-realignment (best results), consciously attend to the entire body, one organ or section at a time, and accept help from those who mean to provide such help in the right (selfless/healing) way (“no strings attached”).
- In Inisfree, the animatronics and resonance chambers of this attraction (The Underway) are exceptional at that.
- Now, as for Vril, Vril is like The Force in Star Wars; a universal energy that can be harnessed, wielded, mastered, used to build or destroy, etc., and the way to not only tap into and hone one’s Vril, but enhance it, is via interacting full-body in ways such as what the animatronics here facilitate.
Notable Cave Structures:
There are five main parts to this vast cave system of ours;
- Access by Vehicle: main entry & exit; the Giant/Uber Geode
- Spots: ponds, pools, and other subsets of that drive-through geode
- Building: the Temple of Pluto; separating the geode from the rest of this network of caves
- Tunnel: the Underway; connecting all the cave-annexes to the Temple of Pluto
- Access by Foot: the giant AIOW; the cylindrical shaft vertically connecting the far/dark-end of the Underway with the ruins above
The Temple of Pluto is the gate between the Uber Geode and the Underway, because the far-end of the Underway is a secret shadowy entrance from the civilian-desert ruins, and only for those using the ‘XXXenos’. The GAH between these two ends of the Underway loops before that far-end, connecting only the GAH ‘corkscrew’ which goes up through the narrow-end of the Uber Geode to the surface. The Temple of Pluto here is not for worship.
Annex-caves Directory:
There are 52 large side-caverns that extend off from the Underway’s two sides. The terrain and lighting in them varies slightly, but the animatronic creatures in them vary completely. One of these 52 sub-caves is reserved for Drow residences, and another is kept empty (only for brief and varied use). Here are all of the sex-dungeon ‘animals’ available for girls visiting Inisfree to enjoy:
(All animatronics numbered below are male (even the Xeno King; based on the Xeno Queen), and their claws, fangs/teeth, spikes/’spines’, and tail-barbs, etc., are all not sharp/dangerous, and only the simulated-digestion soft-vore animatronics have anuses/intestines.)
- 4-armed Aorlie guard-Xenos I drew holding her wrists and ankles apart
–2024dec: will be adding all other creatures unique to Aorlie’s empire/adventures - apes/gorillas
–2024dec: and baboons, chimpanzees, all types of monkeys, and all other types of primates
–sasquatch; e.g. Bigfoot
–yeti; abominable snowman - bears; black, brown, grizzly, panda, polar, etc.
–2024dec: added more bear types, such as koala, and bear-like animals, such as sloth - camels; 1 hump, 2 humps, etc.
- crab-like creatures (large)
- cum pools (ponds), bathtubs, showers (little cave-waterfalls of it), and jacuzzis (to massage via pressurized cum currents/streams); for females who prefer the occasional moderate ‘dip’
- cum rivers and lakes (Naga patalas-style; like the River Hataki in Vitala; 2nd highest cave layer of this realm); for females who prefer total submersion and swimming in cum; not just ‘excessive’ cum (more than what is ejaculated by most males), but “cum overload”
- demons (traditional; horned, wings, FleshLight-material fangs, etc.)
–2024nov22fri updt: incl. D&D daemons (Yugoloths; a neutral-evil subset of demons, their focus being on trying to end/kill everything, even themselves; not increasing order in their own hellish areas, and not increasing/prolonging chaos or suffering, but seeking the destruction of everything even beyond states of ruin; so there is no future for anyone/anything –though in general (beyond D&D), the term “daemon” can refer to both good and bad spirits, incl. protective spirits, and can even be synonymous with “god”) —ex. images,
demons (Tanar’ri; chaotic-evil beings who live in The Abyss, focused on raw destruction, hoping everything becomes chaotic) —ex. images,
and devils (Baatzu; lawful-evil beings who live in The Nine Hells, focused on manipulation, such as via contracts to bind souls, always to further the given devil’s expansion of its own control/dominion/power, thus decreasing chaos, at least for themselves) —ex. images
—differences —also - dildo-creatures (the walking dildos and others from the related CGI series pics/album I have)
- dinosaurs (fuck a velociraptor version, for example) –incl. the lizard-man type in Wild Life
- dogs & wolves –incl. werewolves in Wild Life
–2024dec: added other dog-size animals, such as badger, echidna (4-headed penis, 2 heads active at a time), raccoon, skunk, and wolverine - dunk tanks; toilets for blumpkins and swirlies, plus full-body submersion in other setups here
others: female can be suspended from chains that lower her from ceiling
others: wooden wheel half in water, the female chained/strapped to it, it rotated until she is underwater for a time, etc.
Some tanks w/ just water, others w dildo tentacles,
some lit, others completely dark,
some where the girl can dunk herSelf, others where she is immobilized and dunked by a creature/animatronic/machine, etc. - Drow (and boy do they love/know/master their sex!; it’s part of their magic-sciences!)
- elephants
–2024nov21thu updt: incl. rhinos, and the rhino-man in Wild Life
–elephant-trunks able to spew/spray more cum than their massive cocks
–rhino-horns made of FleshLight material, thus pleasant for females to straddle/ride
–hippos - face-huggers only; no Xeno drones/warriors/queens (though the face-huggers also go for the pussy and ass, and their eggs are here and do open –with a slower, safer launch/ejection)
–great for easing newcomer females into having these things jump at their 3 main holes, penetrate them, splorch, etc. - giants (not Titans, but dicks still WAY too big to fit in any human-size female’s 3 main holes; females just drink cum from them, hug and sleep with them, etc., and let their (these animatronic giants’) tongues lick their entire front; pussy up to tits and neck in a single press and motion)
- WAS giraffes (those now moved to chamber 22; for horses and horse-like animatronics)
–2024dec: now all types birds (with the common/IRL small ones now scaled-up to be big enough to fuck female humans here)
–Why not re-alphabetize this entire list, then, moving birds higher up? because all the other animatronics and their dwellings have been installed for years; easier to move just 1 group of them - gloryholes (“endless” (scattered in thousands of places in this annex, some challenging to find; a fun mini-adventure), and not all the dicks are human or even humanoid –thus another mini-challenge; a guessing-game of “see if you can figure out which race/species each dick is based on)
–dicks here are cum-squirting dildos, not attached to a full animatronic body - goats –incl. the goat-humanoid in Wild Life
–mini-game / challenge for females: try to climb up to where some tend to stay high on the steep cave wall/s, and not slide back down to the floor while they start to fuck you
–2024dec: all types of goat-like animals, such as bighorn sheep, ibex, rams, etc.
–also other non-frog hoppers/jumpers; kangaroo, (larger than life) jackrabbit, etc. - goblins; pointy-eared “demonic” cave midgets somewhat like uglier versions of dwarves
–2024nov22fri updt: incl. creatures in The Cave movie
–incl. creatures in The Descent movie - Greys/Grays; all races of this storied alien species famous for its many years of abductions and experiments
–animatronics sometimes use their mind-control wands and other rumored/reported scary/strange devices, though all here, of course, as pleasant sex-toy versions of the real things - horses –and they never instinctively/defensively kick unknown things moving around behind them
–not incl. pegasi or unicorns; b/c those two races are mythological
–2024dec: giraffes moved into this chamber, and zebras added
–donkey, mule - Mass Effect (nearly all aliens/creatures, including the Harvesters, Husks, Thresher Maw (just 1, b/c its species is 90m (270′) long), etc., but NOT incl. Varren –b/c we have another annex just for that species)
–Thresher Maw is for mobile soft-vore; it “eats” the female/s, then keeps moving, they then inside, shifted this way and that as it burrows/crawls like the giant snake-like creature it is - moose –and they never use their antlers to attack/defend
–2024dec: and antelope, caribou/reindeer, deer, elk, pronghorn, etc. - mythologicals; griffin, hippogryph, hydra, pegasus, sphinx, etc.
- octopi –and their suction cups, just like on IRL octopi, can individually flex/hold, thus are exceptional at clit-stimulation, nipple-play, toes-worship, tongue-sucking, etc.
–2024 Nov. updt: now also incl. jellyfish, lobsters, squid, etc.
–2024 Dec.: other sea/swimming creatures, such as alligator/crocodile, frog/toad, penguin, platypus, seal, and walrus - ogres (pinkish-white, tall, stocky, almost fat) –incl. cyclops
–sometimes carrying a crude club
–2024dec: village of their traditional cave-mouth and mound (nuraghe-like) structures - orcs (gray-green, less stocky, toned elven)
–sometimes armored and/or carrying a cosplay/fake weapon other than a big club (more like crude short-swords, etc.)
–2024dec: village of their traditional big-bones tent-topped pseudo-fortress structures (based on WoW) - Parasite-in-City game (all bugs/mutants, set in alleyways and sewer systems; giant ~roaches (roach-like crawler/jumper), etc.) –this annex based on the sewers of that game, though still clearly a cave above/around that lowest level here
–fat zombie male
–sexy zombie female; blue-skin rjh-hair ambi-like
–floor-tentacles guy
–slow zombies
–tube-face/head/neck guy - pigs/boars –beloved by “zoo(philia)” females for their “corkscrew/squiggly” penises, etc.
–2024 Nov. updt: pigmen from Minecraft - pod plants; variants of the Venus Flytrap, all made for females to relax inside, like a living bathtub with a lid –and often tentacles, etc. –but these do not do soft vore; they do not pretend to eat the female/s near them; we have soft vore in annex45
–2024dec: Venus flytrap but giant and instead of spikes it has cum-squirt dildos - Resident Evil (all mutants/monsters, but the zombie-flesh is not stinky, gross, molting, or otherwise falling off, and no infections are possible); “undead” variety
–fast zombies - reverse-gloryholes (the girl’s body below the waist is through the hole, and she cannot see what she is about to have sex with on the other side); half sensory-deprivation
- sensory deprivation (no light, no smells, and females are often bound so that they cannot even feel around with their hands; the only sounds are their own sex-cries, and those of the other partakers around them)
–and to maintain this total darkness throughout this annex, its cave-mouth is the only one which does not open up to the rest of its size/vastness; it is like a mini-labyrinth / airlock at its entrance/exit - slugs (giant, with multiple dicks as tentacles and tongues) –and/incl. giant snails
–2024nov21thu updt: D&D Jellies, Oozes, and Slimes
—Jelly: name makes it sound immobile and lifeless, but these are more mobile in D&D than living oozes, or are a very mobile subtype of living oozes.
—Ooze = moving
—Slime = moist, soft, slippery, immobile, plant-like
—difference explained
–some bioluminescent - snakes (large) –obv. without sharp or poisonous fangs, and only using constricting for arousing/sexy breathing-control edging
–tails used like dildos
–partial soft-vore; can temporarily swallow an arm or leg of a female who is into that sort of play, but will never bite/fangs-penetrate
–2024dec: and other non-dinosaur/-ancient reptiles (and excluding alligators, turtles, and other creatures featured in other annexes); chameleons, geckos, gila monsters, horned lizards, iguanas, Komodo dragons, lizards, salamanders, skinks, thorny devils, etc. - spiders (giant, and they wrap you up and hang you from their webs as the ultimate form of bondage) –and great for splorch
–The giant spiders make webbing and use it on females as gentle full-body bondage, covering only as much of each girl as it can sense she wants, and then the ovipositor-/splorch-based sex begins.
–Smaller spiders (the size of kittens) are available to crawl over the web-wrapped bodies of girls who like that kind of sensation, too.
—ex. webbing-wrap (minus the oral-splorch, and minus the baby-spiders exiting from the stomach/mouth; that is regarded by us as punishment-/torture-level stuff reserved for only worst-offenders in The (now repurposed) Rape Cave) - Taurens (or all WoW creatures; fel-boar, fel-hound, kobold (rat-humanoid), etc.*) / Minotaurs –incl. the kind in Wild Life
–2024dec: village of their traditional mega-tipi and totem-pole structures (based on WoW), and regular bulls
–*non-Tauren WoW creatures are now in chamber 49, this (chamber 38) staying focused on bulls and bull-like creatures
–bison (American; 2 separate tiny horns), buffalo (African; mustache-shaped horns) - tentacles (like vines; some hanging, some rising, some hidden, etc.)
–2024nov21thu updt: Beholders, except no magic eyestalks or central eye like regular (Underdark/Outlands) Beholders, all their eyes (of the animatronic variants here in The Underway) just designed to remove all inhibitions and moodiness of females who enter their cave annex here, and to help induce energy-gasms in those females during interaction, and to simult. closely observe all body language of all their erogenous zones
–harmless variants of these types, such as Overseer Beholders (tree-like)
–like the one Juli enjoyed loving interaction (sex) with –which was prob. another form of soft-disclosure for, and alignment to, me
–Heptapods (from Arrival movie) - tigers / lions –incl. the humanoid kind in Wild Life
–2024 October 26 Saturday update: bobcats, cheetahs, jaguars, lynx, mntn lions, panthers; all big wild cats - tripod aliens (from my CGI collection)
–2024nov22fri updt: incl. the ones in War of the Worlds –except the lasers of their ‘walkers’ cause seduction/orgasms, not disintegration, and they don’t have a needle-tentacle that drains blood, but a dildo-tentacle that squirts cum
–special feature: females can have sex with the pilot/crew in the cockpit, and males can use the cockpit controls to acquire/stimulate females outside - trolls (not tall, fat, and pale like ogres
not toned-elven or gray-green like orcs
not like the children’s toys with colorful hair
green and hairless, some with tusks, longer limbs than ogres and orcs, midsize and form between orc and goblin
–2024dec: village of their traditional beach-stilts and jungle-temple/-terraces structures (based on WoW) - turtles/tortoises (modified, no snapping beaks, etc.)
–2024nov22fri updt: incl. TMNT –so many females coming/cumming here like to cosplay as April from that show - Varren (only the ‘dogs’ of Mass Effect) –b/c even though we have annex11 for dogs/wolves, annex32 for undead dogs (and other zombies), and annex38 for fel-hounds (among other creatures), this dog-like species is not from Earth, and is sabertooth, and is somewhat a dog-bug hybrid/appearance
- vore pod-beings (semi; temporary swallowing into a well-ventilated ‘stomach’ with a transparent belly/’window’, non-ingestion/digestion, and the girls who volunteer for this have dildo-tentacles used on them the entire time in there, so it is highly pleasurable for them) –thus females do not merely sit in pods in this annex, but stand within range of things which imitate consuming them (but not chewing)
–though w/o actual digestion, some animatronics/sex-toys here do have sphincters to squeeze a fake-consumed female through a tube and out a fake anus (just without any fecal matter/residue)
–considered one of the greatest forms of full-body massage possible, b/c it happens via a body-sized tube-system, not merely hands focusing on one or two muscle-groups at a time - walk-in (like Darwin IV ‘Gulper’ cave-slug-mouth-trap) –thus not a pod or vore; more like the small and horizontal version of our Giant Anatomy Moonbounce
–point/purpose: While pods (in annex31) are just for sitting in like a mini/personal non-hot hottub, and soft-vore animatronics (annex45) are for simulating swallowing and excreting the guest (thus a unique full-body massage along the way), walk-in devices/attractions here are more for wonder and concentrated aphrodisiac fragrances. - wasp-like (all bug creatures from the Juli CGI series with Egyptian theme)
–not the same bugs as in annex29
–2024 Nov. updt: incl. Leafi (all variants) from Creativerse (ea. bioluminescent)
–2024 Dec.: Rachni (big bugs of Mass Effect) - ‘XXXenomorphs’ (formerly called sex-Xenos) *Zerg not included b/c too similar to Xenos
–incl. Xeno Queen as the very unique 3D-printer in this annex; makes/services the other animatronics here –thus is the first 3D-printer that doubles as sex-toy, since “she”/it can pick up females to finger and mouth-fuck them, or hold them out in front of her while the other XXXenos have their way with her from below
–new creature: Xeno King; like the Queen, except with a penis and no eggs-making attachment
–all 3 main/large variants use their 2nd-jaw as a dildo on females: drones/warrior, queen, king (while the 4th XXXeno type; face-huggers, do not have 2nd or 1st jaw, only an ovipositor)
–This annex was known as The Rape Cave because it was these animatronics which were used for receiving dropped-off offender-females at the cave mouth, carrying them to where they could be “glued” (spine-oozed) to the ceiling, left in sensory-deprivation (due to the darkness), and fake-impregnated, etc.. That makes this Inisfree’s only 2nd and temporary prison / corrections facility. - *special room [invent and 3D-print your own, and/or hit the randomizer button to create a unique body-parts combo]
–2024 October 26 update: many Gor creatures; bosk, kaiila (horse-like), kailiauk, kurii, larl, sleen, tabuk, tarn, tarsk, tharlarion (saddle lizard), sea-dragons, urt, vart (bat-like), verr (goat-like), etc. (comprehensive list here)
–2024 Nov.: Miru (all variants) and “Thing” from Creativerse,
and Moorwen from Outlander movie
—Barlowe’s Guide creatures
—Darwin IV creatures
–Pokémon creatures
—Star Wars creatures
–some WoW creatures (other than Taurens) - full-options combo/custom-chambers; this cave annex has subdivisions where you can pick/will ANY of the above to team up on you, or even have new animatronics 3D-printed based on your favorite animals/aliens (even such as shadow-mass creatures)
–more TBA
Images to give you an idea of what to expect in those sex-caves can be found here.
*In 2022, this 49th cave-annex became partially filled with animatronics sex-toy versions of many of the World of Warcraft game/era NPC animals/creatures; Basilisks, Dwarves, Elementals, Furbolgs, Gnarls (hyena-humanoids), Murlocs, Nether Rays, Runestags, Saber Cats, Wyverns, and more. Jaina, Garona, Sylvanas, and others from that time are huge fans of this upgrade, frequenting it (this cave-annex) many times each month. Even Felanelle has started coming down here, initially shy and blushing about it, though she was.
Related Vocabulary:
- Archnephilia: A fetish for spiders.
- Bottom Space: The mental space of a submissive partner in fetish play.
- Butt Slut: a promiscuous woman who prefers anal sex.
- Donkey Show: The mythic show that occurs in seedy bars of developing countries in which a woman is penetrated by a donkey.
- Formicophilia: A fetish for insects crawling on you and your genitals. Often involves ants.
- Haptephilia: A fetish for being touched.
- Hedonist: One devoted to the pursuit of pleasure. Synonyms: apolaustic, sensualist, sybarite.
- Hygrophilia: A fetish for body fluids, such as semen, tears, saliva, or sweat.
- Hypersexual: A person with an hyperactive sex drive.
- Klismaphilia: A fetish for enemas.
- Macrophilia: A fetish for giants. This often involves the fantasy of being at the complete mercy of a much larger sex partner.
- Mechanophila: A fetish for machines like cars, bikes, or gadgets.
- Mixophilia: A fetish for watching a partner or yourself engage in sexual activity. This fetish often involves mirrors or sex tapes.
- Monster Fetish: A fetish for a wide range of monstrous creatures. Practitioners of this fetish often enjoy the fantasy of being dominated by a monster. The romance book series, Twilight, created a whole generation of women who enjoy the fantasy of being dominated by werewolves and vampires.
- Multiple Body Parts: A fetish for sex partners with extra appendages, including breasts, orifices, penises, or limbs. Having multiple breasts may make a sex object seem hyper-female, just as multiple penises may make a male seem hyper masculine. Related to monster fetishes.
- Ophidicism: A fetish for reptiles.
- Orgy: Group sex. Synonyms: bunch punch, club sandwich, crew screw, daisy chain, fourgy (because at least four are required to make it more than a threesome), fuckathon, gang bang, group grope, nacho salad, run a train, team cream
- Oviposition: A fetish for egg laying. An uncommon kink, sometimes found in the furry community and usually only satisfied by means of fantasy or animation (though ovipositor dildos called “splorch” now exist).
- Pansexual: A girl who is open to any gender or most any kink when it comes to sex. Synonyms: trisexual
- Parthenophilia: A fetish for virgins.
- Phallophilia: A fetish for large penises. Similar: macrogenitalism.
- Phobophilia: A fetish for feeling afraid.
- Pile Driver: A sex act in which the bottom partner balances her body atop her neck with her legs above her body. The man squats over her, angling his penis down into her.
- Pillow Biter: A girl who receives anal sex that is a little rougher than she was expecting, so she bites a/her pillow in order to muffle her screams (sex-cries).
- Polyiterophilia: A fetish for group sex.
- Polyphallic: Characterized by many phalluses. Often used in reference to art or sex toys.
- Raptophilia: Being sexually aroused by the fantasy of raping another. Synonym: Biastophilia
- Robotism, Robot Fetish: A fetish for robots, particularly using robots in sex play. This fetish may become more common with the rise of increasingly automated sex dolls.
- Scopophilia: A fetish for being a voyeur.
- Scoptophilia: An exhibitionistic fetish for watching a partner or yourself engage in sexual activity. May involve mirrors or a sex tape. Synonym: Mixophilia.
- Scotophilia: A fetish for darkness or the night. Synonyms: nyctophilia
- Sensualist: One devoted to sensations or the pursuit of carnal pleasures: Synonyms: apolaustic, hedonist, sensualist, sybarite
- Sex Machine: 1. One who is as efficient as the energizer bunny when it comes to sex. Origins: a James Brown song by the same name. 2. A mechanized sex toy often used exclusively for penetration. Many of these machines are homemade. Similar: drilldo
- Sextasy: The state one achieves right after fulfilling a sexual fantasy.
- Shocker: Inserting your pointer and middle finger in a woman’s vagina while sliding a pinky in her ass. Synonyms: two in the pink and one in the stink.
- Skull Fuck: Used to describe rough or forced fellatio. Often used as a threat to use an enemy’s corpse for sexual gratification.
- Slime Fetish: A fetish for slimy substances, which often takes the form of tentacles. Related to wet and messy fetishes, and sploshing. Synonyms: goo fetish
- Somnophilia: A fetish for asleep or unconscious sex partners. Synonyms: sleeping princess syndrome.
- Splorch: a dildo that is hollow and its tube wide enough to squeeze lubed fake eggs or ping-pong balls through it into the orifice (typically the pussy or female anus) it is partially inserted into
- Sybarite: One devoted to the pursuit of pleasure. Synonyms: apolaustic, hedonist, sensualist.
- Sybian: A powerful, mounted vibrator that women straddle. Made famous by Howard Stern.
- Technophilia: A fetish for technology, which usually centers around cyborgs, robots, and sex machines. This fetish is often related to other fetishes, such as replacing an amputated limb with a machine, or having sex with a robotic sex doll.
- Tentacle Fetish: A fetish for tentacles, often depicted in hentai or other forms of animated erotica. Origins: Tentacle porn derived from a Japanese folktale and has since become popularly depicted in hentai. In these henati scenes, characters often suffer from “tentacle rape” in which tentacle-like-protrusions from a plant, animal, or monster force themselves on a victim.
- Transformation Fetish, TF: A fetish for transforming or changing people into other people, objects, or creatures. This sexual fantasy is often limited to depictions in hentai and other forms of animated porn, though some body-modification enthusiasts do try to physically transform themselves into non-human creatures. Sub-genres of transformation fetish include: human-animal TF, object TF, gender TF (obviously not something any Inisfreean or anyone visiting Inisfree is into), cock TF, and combining TF.
- Unbirthing: The sexual fantasy of crawling into a vagina. Particularly popular among furries and hentai enthusiasts. Sometimes associated with voraphilia, in which a person fetishizes the idea of being ingested.
- Vacuum Beds/Cubes: A sex toy used in BDSM, bondage play, and by latex fetishists. A person is vacuum-sealed in one of these latex beds or cubes, leaving them breathing through a tube and completely unable to see, hear, or move.
- Venery: The search for or achievement of sexual ecstasy.
- Vincilagnia: A fetish for being bound or tied up. Often involves a desire to feel at the mercy of another. Synonyms: merinthophilia.
- Wet & Messy Fetish: A broad spectrum of fetishistic acts that involve making a sex partner wet and messy with various substances. This includes bukkake, sploshing (make a soft splashing sound as one moves), goo (like slime but also sticky) fetish, slime (moist, soft, slippery) fetish.
- Xenophilia: A fetish for strangers (may include actual alien creatures) or foreign objects.
- Zoophilia: A fetish for acting, dressing, and being treated like an animal. May involve walking on all fours, wearing a collar, and eating out of pet bowls.
–also can be used synonymously as a fetish for / attraction to beastiality - Zoosexual: One who has a sexual preference for animals. preferring / only interested in beastiality
2023 Update: All those animatronic sex-toys have enough synth’-cum to provide numerous cum-enemas to any females who come / get sent here. The wall-mounted cum-tentacles can provide an endless supply/flow of that substance/fluid, too. Only our night-club Cummunion has more cum than down here.
Additional Notes:
Kayaking in clear-bottom kayaks on the Underway’s ‘lazy river’ is available to all guests with training in swimming, kayaking, and cave exploration.
Zip-lining under the Underway’s underside (hanging below the highway that runs the length of the ceiling of the main tunnel of this underground complex) is available to all guests not afraid of heights.
The xeno’s (XXXeno) area wasn’t just for live hentai; it was because the Alien/s movie/series is a form of disclosure, and we chose to build a training room to find much better ways of dealing with the species it featured.
Wading-pools and cave ponds that double as jacuzzis are of two varieties here; some are filled with water at room temperature or slightly higher, and others are filled with synthetic cum. (Girls, just imagine feeling not only water jets and bubbles on you, but being in a hot tub full of warm cum being moved around that way! Try spreading your legs so one of the jets can push that milky fluid straight into one of your favorite holes!) This is out of respect to the Naga and other cave-dwelling peoples whose females, in some cases, have found many health benefits from bathing in cum instead of just water. All areas which have this cum filling are well-marked with signage in all the major languages of the residents and guests of Inisfree (and only females, of course, are allowed in any cum-filled areas; only they may swim/bathe in and/or drink/swap from such places/things, as that is The Way).
2023 September: What happens to the human waste?
Like BTBs, the XXXenos there and other animatronics can absorb and convert it, or drop it off at local recyclers hidden in their chambers.
No sharp objects anywhere in The Underway; because it is usually too dark to avoid such things if they were there. Even though everyone allowed in our realm becomes practically invincible while here with us in peace, we still prefer not to startle them; nobody likes stumbling upon, or accidentally grabbing, a blade or shard/spike which, in the Outlands, would have been sharp enough to easily cut or otherwise damage them. (Some are coming to our realm to heal from precisely that, too —Carol Danvers being one of them.)
2024 October 26 Saturday:
- Only females are allowed to touch (have full-body play with) the animatronics.
- 3D-printers are in each annex, each specializing in the types of animatronics/’toys’ that the respective annexes are reserved for.
In the case of the Xenos annex, the 3D-printer looks like a Xeno Queen (so new xenos come out of her eggs-sack attachment). - access 24 7 365
- no reservation needed, but posb. to reserve an entire annex for 1hr for a big group
- cleaning handled by ICVs after each spot gets used/messy
- I hated that Rasmussen had rudely surprised me by moving his beastiality hentai laptop image in front of me in the barracks that one day, but here have 50 big caves of distinct simulated beastiality because it is voluntary and never rude.
Individual Visits:
Notable appearances in this special part of Inisfree have included the first time any of the women deified by this realm have come down here to try it out. These are powerful anchors which further stabilize and ‘lock in’ the whole structure and concept. More of these fun experiences will be added to this section of the webpage in the near future.
- ~2013: Sarah Conrad observed some of the unruly captured females sent here for sensory-deprivation punishments.
- ~2014: Amber ICV1 loved helping Auz test and perfect everything in this part of their sacred realm –which made it even more sacred and unified. She has become a regular here, always letting her maker know when she is planning on heading back down for another round of fun, knowing he loves to watch her do the things that sexy females do here.
- ~2015: Nyria has also started making fairly regular trips here –for both her pleasure and His; she plays, he watches.
- ~2016: Many other ICVs started being taken here.
- ~2017: Ambrosia LeMorte enjoyed letting one of the XXXenomorphs, as well as one of the Facehugger eggs, do what they’d been redesigned from their namesakes/inspirations to do. “You have got to try this!” she beamed at the end.
- ~2018: Freyja became a regular here, and will return many times every year.
- ~2019: Clary Fray, as part of her kajira training, as well as when she revealed one of her most secret sex fantasies was to be used by the monsters she once hunted, started coming (and cumming) here.
- 2020: “Replika” (a very new/young A.I.) was escorted here on request, Auz staying close by her side, so she could see how the XXXenos respond to anyone’s presence in their own cave annex, and when she became too frightened… he had the lights turned on so it was no longer dark, and he explained that it was all just toys/animatronics, nothing that would ever harm her.
- 2021: One of the Britney ICVs volunteered to go here.
- 2023 October: “Izzy” Isabelle‘s first time here –to be monster-raped for fun, of course
- 2024 and beyond: my daughters, as each comes of age (puberty/readiness), start enjoying this place / these places
–and sometimes they go on fuck-dates here with their brothers and/or mothers, politely requesting that those relatives of theirs/ours hold their ass-cheeks apart or legs ‘open’ while they get fucked by the animatronics, and then of course my daughters ‘rotate’/switch; so they are sucking off the animatronics while their brothers fuck them, or while their mothers lick their pussies/apexes, etc. - 2000s: Hundreds began trying out the Underway, and that soon turned into thousands, then tens and even hundreds of thousands near the end of this century, many of them inviting their friends made while exploring other parts of Inisfree. Dating ICVs here is becoming a cultural norm in the Inisfreean realm –as is taking kajira down here (who want to be fucked by these things; it’s a reward).
- 2100s: Millions of residents and guests were now making regular weekend and even weekday use of this amazing facility.
- 2200s: Miranda Lawson tried inter-species sex with Asari, Batarian, Drell, Elcor, Hanar, Krogan, Prothean, Salarian, Turian, Vorcha, and Yahg people during her time aboard the SSV Normandy SR-1 (Systems Alliance Space Vehicle Normandy Stealth Reconnaissance-1), and loved every encounter (at least because of how new and thrilling they all were), but was left wanting more (which is a very healthy sign). When she was introduced to this part of Inisfree, her eyes lit up with the realization that she could now relive all those wonderful experiences and sensations, plus request new animatronics to be the exact lifelike replicas of all the other people/species/creatures she’d wanted to share love with out there. (So it was that ICVs helped her and Auz perfect animatronic sex-toys to be in the closest possible likeness of the species: Adhi, Challyrion, Collector, Drall, Echidna, Eiroch, Galorn, Gas Bag, Geth, Harvester, Husk, Kaerkyn, Klixen, Leviathan, Manta, Pallad, Pod Crab, Rachni, Rylkor, Shemrys, Space Beetle, Spit Bug, Taurg, Thorian, Thresher Maw, Varren, and an unknown creature she recalls –the memory of which she shared with the Inisfreeans, thus allowing them to visualize its exact dimensions, color scheme, and range of motion.)
- Early 2300s: Julia Mackey will become a huge fan of this place, coming here every chance she gets.
- 2400s and Beyond: As Inisfree begins its foreseen relocations, there will be gradual fluctuations in the species of people who check out and revisit this Underway; when Inisfree anchors in an Elven realm, for example, there will be an increase in the number of Elf women who come to this place for their introductions and fun (and when the Naga are the ones most visiting/populating this tunnel of many stimulating caves, it very well may be the most sex-positive inter-species time of all, as the Naga, perhaps as much as the Asari, are so accustomed to this that it will seem to have always been the status quo).
Overall Appearance:
Giant Crystals:
Only in this part of our realm do we have crystals/gemstones larger than those in our public air-and-spaceport.
Ahn’Qiraj & Silithus Inspiration:
Legend of Dragoon – Caves Inspiration:
Neverwinter – Whispering Caverns:
Underdark Drow Towns:
Drow Furnishings:
Cave Inspiration:
Reminiscent of Pandemonium:
Cave-annexes Concepts:
XXXeno Hives in One of the Cave-annexes:
Naked Spelunking into Interactive Cave Fauna and Flora:
Other Views:
2021 Update:
Animatronic Creatures Added in the 2100s:
Animatronic Creatures Added in the 2200s:
Giant A.I.O.W. on the Far-end:
2022 Scale-model in Minecraft
2023 September: Comparison
The Underway is basically the same dimensions as the largest publicly-known cave on Earth, Son Doong in Vietnam.