Our realm is divided and fed/watered by several of this type of waterway.


Table of Contents:

  1. Summary
  2. Mobile Homes
  3. Hydroelectricity
  4. Canals Directory
  5. Water-regulation Nature
  6. 2020 Update:  Hydraulics
  7. Novels Excerpt
  8. Overall (Images Begin)
  9. Waterway Overpasses
  10. People and Trails on the Sides
  11. Canal Boats
  12. 2021 Update:  WoW Plus
  13. 2023/+ Notes



Inisfree has 10 canals fed by 8 waterfall spouts channeling melt-water from the Snow-dunes region (the circular plateau atop the city’s central and largest mountain).

The shortest of these canals is one quarter of a mile, and feeds the jacuzzis of the Valhalla ski resort.

The longest of these canals is ~3.25 miles long, and feeds the majority of Inisfree’s apartment complexesti housesyurts and gerWaterfall City II, the Earthships, and Arch City.

All of these waterways are ~60′ wide (though there are narrower sections up-slope) and ~10′ deep.


Mobile Homes:

Inisfree’s longer canals are home to a number of house-boats fashioned in the likeness of the classic riverboat ferries used for gambling when casinos on land were illegal in much of America but the loophole allowed mobile ones riding up and down the major rivers.  Our canal/house-boats here, of course, do not have any gambling or money on them.  Ours are just for lounging and resting; “floating the river” (or canals, in this case) in style.



All of the canals and other major waterworks of Inisfree come standard with tiny, tastefully hidden, hydroelectric generators running their lengths.  With these canals, there are hundreds of thousands of these small, turbine-like motors built into the edges of the canals just a few feet below their water levels.  As the water flows down and out from Inisfree’s central mountaintop, it spins the fan blades in these hydroelectric generators, maintaining a constant and massive amount of free, renewable, ‘green’ (clean; environmentally friendly) energy which powers much of all the neighborhoods and other attractions bordering these waterways.


Canals Directory:

Small, trench/creek-like canals also exist in places such as downtown (Sotu), the Earthships neighborhood, the Governor’s estate (i.e. its hallway floor-streams), the Laser-tag Arena, Waterfall City II, and so on.

* SCUBA City, the Sotu moat, the Mall‘s water features, the G.A.H. Cathedral moat, the Military Training Area, Inisfree’s Swamp Region, the Highway Niagara, Inisfree’s commercial farmland, ​​​​the Water-rise by the Civilian Aerospaceport, and the drive-through Sea-tanks (sometimes called the Uber Aquarium), all have their own water supply systems which are independent of the city’s canals.


Water-regulation Nature:

The way Inisfree’s perimeter wall is designed, any water that reaches it from the inside, such as via the city’s several canals, is, if not successfully piped back up through the mountain to the Snow Dunes area on top, evaporated in a way that causes it to rise up the surface of the walls facing the city.  This is imperceptible to the naked human eye, and is an ongoing, constant, automatic process that requires no energy put into the system.  Once water vapor reaches the top of the wall, the energy-based sky-dome fixed to the top of the wall then consolidates the still-rising vapor until it cools over the top-center of the city; it condenses around and above the Crow’s Nest position, the whole time being accessible by the HAARP II facility, which can guide where it moves to form clouds, how much of it falls as rain, and if any is applied as new snow to the circular plateau or to the ski slope of the Valhalla II resort.

Meanwhile on the outside of the perimeter wall, as well as the outside of the sky-dome, water is kept cool along the base, helping the terrain to remain slick and frozen, clinging like dewdrops to the wall, and staying loosely attracted to the sky-dome and surrounding area.  What this looks like is a nearly blinding-white ground, with a mild blizzard-like haze preventing people a few miles out from being able to see the wall or what is inside it.  Repulsine-powered Spaceships have a similar cloud-forming effect when they are on, and the Giant Repulsines built within Inisfree are, here, doing the very same thing.

Even a miles-tall tidal-wave caused by an impacting asteroid or comet wouldn’t mess up this process; the wave, towering and fast-moving though it would be, would essentially be parted by a ~10-mile-diameter sphere/dome.  The wave would be parted and directed smoothly around Inisfree, just as if it had reached a tall mountain like Everest in the Himalayas; it wouldn’t be able to knock either out of its way.  The extra water temporarily around the city would add to the ‘whiteout’ haze until the wave and ocean subsided.

Inside (our perimeter wall and sky-dome / “shield”), our canals would remain the same.


2020 Update:  Hydraulics

The water in our system of canals and other waterways is cycled through the whole Inisfreean system/city; when it reaches the lowest (wall-ward) point of our canals and other bodies of water… it is moved through the non-pedestrian tunnels/pipes of our silos network… until geothermal and Vril-based processes naturally/automatically get it back up to the top… where it flows back out of our Avalanche Wall’s eight waterfall-spigots.  While some evaporates along the way, getting used to form clouds and light rain-showers, it all ends up back in our silos/ballasts-based water-table(s) system, and that system checks it at all times to ensure it remains pollution-free.  This means our canals’ water-levels are not dependent on snowfall and/or melt-runoff from the top of our central mountain, though, when those things occur, they are easily worked with in this system.


Novels Excerpt:

Working their way through both sides of the triangular apartments area were two branches (canals) of one of the city’s Avalanche Wall waterfall spouts. The Inisfreeans had cleverly engineered a system of boulder-channels and switchbacks to keep the water moving down the mountain’s slope at a speed safe enough to wade and float in. Hundreds of residents and guests of the apartment complexes were picnicking along the banks of these canals, dozens of them diving in for a swim. Inisfreeans picnicked, swam, and played with them, keeping an eye on everyone to make sure no one got worried or washed too far downstream.



Waterway Overpasses:

People and Trails on the Sides:

Canal Boats:

2021 Update:  WoW Plus
(WoW = World of WarCraft)

As of this year, High King Auz has started ‘christening’ every single section of all his city’s canals, starting with his favorite Inisfreeans, and then returning for more rounds with his wives, girlfriends, daughters, and kajirae.


2023/+ Notes

  • Canyon is fed by the tributary from TNA
  • Disc Pond is fed by the “south” fork of the main canyon
  • Side Canyon is fed by the middle fork of the main canyon
  • Slant-top is fed by the Dickens Village tributary, and by the “north” fork of the main canyon
  • Auz’dome moat is fed by 1 of 3 Slant-top waterfalls



This image shows the sections of our canals which are on level ground, thus their waters moving very slowly/calmly, and where there are mostly meadows, not reserved/restricted areas.

Our houseboats have built-in repulsines, so they can still traverse rapid waters slowly, and sloped waterways without tipping, but they are almost always kept on calm waters, just floating easily.

2024 August 22 Thursday:  The river parallel with Riverside Drive, right after the west gate/entrance into Yellowstone Park, is what I want these canals to look like once through the flatlands and nearing the inside cliff of the perimeter wall; shallow, slow, gentle, rippling, babbling, just right for standing, wadding, partial dipping / sitting, etc..


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Also see:

Relaxing Nature HD - Bubbling Brook Townshend, VT - Binaural Recording (3D Sound) - trimmed
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