Basically, dying doesn’t exist in this game.  This isn’t a game about the times and troubles of eras past, when people were so primitive that they thought dying made sense, was normal, or was unavoidable; that death-cult brainwashed-mentality is no more.  In Inisfree, we live forever, forever young; not just a life, but a good and long life.

When you ‘fight’ (face, rather) bosses in SexCraft, the way you ‘defeat’ them isn’t actually a defeat at all, and you don’t kill them; you make friends with them, bond with them, and make love with them.  If you tempt, seduce, please, and impress them enough, it raises their health bar and other stats, thereby giving you access to more lore, quests, and other things from them, such as rare-drop items they might just hand over if you fuck well enough.  Even the dragons prefer to talk with you, making friends, and helping you learn about ancient magical arts (sciences that people today think are magic, only because they are not educated enough to be familiar with them).  And if your character experiences long periods of fatigue, such as when you take de-buffs by going into certain areas your character’s race or class isn’t naturally physically used to or able to withstand, all that will happen is an ICV noticing and offering you the option of a quick and gentle extraction back to the nearest area in the game where your character will feel fine again soon.

Then there are the times beyond the endless immortalizing and youth-restoring powers of the city of Inisfree; there are the raids out across the Outlands; the recurring efforts of the Inisfreeans, and their guests and allies, to find and extract the worthy people from every other city and civilization, giving them the chance to see and experience Inisfree, staying and living forever if it is right for them.  Those who fall in defense of the Inisfreean Way out there, or in defense of any of Inisfree’s allies or the members of its protectorates, will see the Inisfreean girls (ICVs) in their power-armor Storm Trooper suits, appearing amidst the stirred-up atmosphere, much like how the Valkyries caused the aurora.  One ICV shows up per fallen character; anytime your character collapses from fighting exhaustion in the Outlands, she (the ICV) gets you out of sight (usually by teleporting you back up into one of the stasis pods/tubes of the nearest MPHA), and uses Inisfreean sex magic to holistically restore your whole body, mind, and spirit, snuggling naked with you in that tube until your character is boosted back up into the nominal range, all status bars near full.  All she may say in that tube with you is, “I love you.”  That is when you’ll see your status bars refill most of the rest of the way, the final remainder (until being full) coming from you using your controller to resume basic looking-around and body-movements of your character, getting their blood pumping normally again.  (Like in the start of Halo when the Master Chief is woken up in his stasis pod, and the technician asks him to look in a few directions before he can sit up and step out of that pod, so is the step-by-step restoration process of player-characters in this game.)

If you fall from an incredible height, an ICV will fly over, match your descent, and gracefully catch you.  If you get stuck outside Inisfree’s towering Perimeter Wall, you’ll shiver and start to experience the senses-fading effects of hypothermia (things will slow down, and your vision will blur, soon fading to black as sleep takes hold), but your character will be brought back inside before the onset of any frostbite.  If you piss off a dragon and it burns and/or stomps you to death, it will be a quick and sudden process that still only results in your character popping back into existence close by, a friendly-warning pop-up appearing on your TV or computer screen, letting you know it is against the law to attempt to harm the dragons or any other people in Inisfree.  (Again, this game is to teach you how to react to, and interact peacefully with, the different people approved to be in Inisfree, such as dragons; this game is not to get you used to the unnecessary and obsolete death-and-reincarnation cycle.)

This means that there is no risk of losing your armor or other items when you get hurt or ‘fall’.  In WarCraft, sometimes you had to jog, in soul/spirit mode, from the nearest graveyard to find your body and go back into it.  In Minecraft, you could lose every item in your carrying-inventory, never to be seen again if they fell into lava –or even if it just took too long to run back to them; they’d disappear after a few minutes.  In SexCraft, even your gear and all other items are as immortal and invincible as you are, provided you and they are in Inisfree, and when you are outside Inisfree… they and you still endure for a very long time.  (Even on raids, if you somehow drop an item, or take massive damage to your body and armor, it won’t take long to evacuate, heal, and repair it all.)  If you drop something, you can always go back to any ICV and type the name of the item you lost into the chat-box with them; they’ll have retrieved it, know what you’re talking about, confirm it used to be in your inventory (such as a bag slot), and get it back to you.

Game-logic will keep your character from entering areas with creatures and bosses too high for your character’s level to do much or anything about; invisible barriers filter out those of levels/level-brackets too low, and nearby ICVs (such as those on-duty as Inisfree’s police-girls) can always explain why, giving advice on how to level-up and return with guaranteed-access at that point.  This means you won’t encounter creatures or bosses that it would be pointless and impossible to ‘fight’.  Even if you did, on rare occasions, happen to spot one with a level much higher than your character’s, it wouldn’t try to attack you, as this game isn’t based on conflict or killing; much-higher-level creatures and bosses will generally just ignore your character until it is of a level high-enough to interact with a chance of bonding and being pleasing (which gives you points to level-up with, and a chance at more quests and rare-drop items).

The absence of death in this game is symbolized by the hooded, winged, sword-holding statue of the archetypical Death figure high on the slope of the side of Inisfree’s central mountain just before King’s Drive connects with the outer lawn gates of the Governor’s Mansion.  It was designed and placed there to represent 1) that Death is fully exposed, out in the open, easily spotted and understood by everyone in Inisfree, 2) it is frozen in place, now a statue, unmoving, thus no longer walking around to ‘touch’ (kill) anyone, and 3) its sword is up like a saber-arch salute, not pointing at anyone, and keeping its hands busy; holding the sword, meaning it won’t be reaching out to touch/kill anyone, and has changed its ways, having no reason to touch/kill anymore.


Dying:  since you can’t get killed in Inisfree, the equivalent of dying in THIS MMORPG is:  getting booted out of Inisfree for a while until you feel like honoring their culture (‘the Inisfreean Way’) better;

  1. players using a MALE character will get booted to the outside of the Perimeter Wall if they submit to any free-woman more than once, or to any kajira JUST once
  2. players using a FEMALE free-person will get booted to the outside of the Perimeter Wall if they try to dominate any MALE OR ICV more than once
  3. players using a KAJIRA will get booted to the outside of the Perimeter Wall if they try to dominate any free-person or ICV JUST once, or are rude to any free-person or ICV three or more times
  4. players using an ICV will get booted to the outside of the Perimeter Wall for a notional one-year’s time period regardless of how well they do; this is Inisfree’s ’13th grade’; a mandatory year-long personal/class exodus all Inisfreean girls must take in order to complete LHS and graduate on to TNA (other than that, you can submit to all guests when you like, or issue them orders delegated to you from the Grid Mind –such as when kajirae must go to the Girl Kennels, when MALES must help out with black-ops, and when FEMALE free-persons must participate in Girl Catch rounds to be reminded what it is to be a real woman, etc.) *as an ICV, it isn’t physically possible for you to break any rules, misbehave, or disobey orders from the Grid Mind for any reason, so if you try to, it will just leave that quest open until an NPC-ed ICV carries out the order –under the premise that she was closer to the target, so it was more efficient for HER to do it instead of YOU (remember:  ICVs are a hive mind, and when orders come down from the top, they can no more resist them than your body-parts can argue about the signals coming in from your brain)
  5. non-ICV characters of any class/race (other than ICVs) will get booted to the outside of the Perimeter Wall if they have an untidy residence more than once; ICVs inspect things regularly, help out sometimes (with basic stuff), expect and require kajirae to do MOST of the tidying (if you don’t have enough kajirae for the size of your residence, your kajirae won’t be able to perform all the necessary daily tasks before having to sleep and, over days, getting overwhelmed), but kajirae only get booted outside the wall if they DISOBEY RUDELY, while FREE-persons get booted out if they accept a residence before they are able to staff it with enough kajirae

*Even while out on raids, you can’t die because you are operating under the close supervision of ICVs who can deflect ANY lethal blows/projectiles and/or teleport you to safety and/or fight on your behalf and/or teleport enemies away and/or override the minds and nervous systems of any outsiders and/or heal you if somehow you DO take some damage.  They can out-think ANYone, so clever tricks at taking hostages and pressuring black-ops teams to do unusual things almost never works at all.  That means you won’t die on raids; you’ll just get slapped around a little bit if you aren’t on top of your game and using what you learned in the NWO MIL TRNG areas (ICVs stay out of it unless a situation turns dire for their ground forces).

And what happens when you get booted outside Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall?

  1. During this first release of the game (pre-expansion), Inisfree is anchored on Antarctica, so it is FUCKING COLD; your character, no matter how tough, will IMMEDIATELY start to chill, shiver, freeze, then experience slowing from fatigue, then sleepiness, etc.
  2. A pop-up message will appear only AFTER that pre-frostbite stage (post-frost-nip), asking you if you either 1) will live by the Inisfreean Way when visiting the home of the Inisfreeans, or 2) feel like the Inisfreean culture isn’t for you –so you would like a ride back home (to your Outlands home-realm).
  3. Choose quickly, because this is NOT a game-pause pop-up; if you take too long to decide, your character will freeze to death out there.
  4. If you select ‘ride home’, your character can come back at a later time, but will appear in one of the CIV Aerospaceport terminals after the boot-up load-screen (since you are a returning guest, not a first-timer needing the tour).
  5. If you select ‘live by the Inisfreean Way’, the nearest Gate door-ramp silently opens, lowers, extends, and connects with the icy terrain, you get to sluggishly walk toward it (and have to keep moving as best you can, for you are still slowly approaching the point of no return; freezing to death if you don’t make it back inside in time), then you HAVE to walk back through the ENTIRE Pearly Gate 1 chambers sequence, waiting on the spheres to align, their doors to open, their doors to close behind you, them to turn to realign, etc.

*THIS is the equivalent of having to walk across the map to the nearest graveyard to resurrect in WoW.  THIS is what takes a long-ass time, so don’t be a dick by disregarding the Inisfreean culture while you are a guest in the home of the Inisfreeans.  (By the time you make it back into the innermost chamber of this gate sequence, you are warmed up to normal again and moving at your level’s regular speed.)

*You can NOT use any spells or mounts or even CLOTHING while you are booted outside the wall; it only appears in your inventory again once you make it back inside, and you can’t FIGHT your way back inside; you’d just be ignored, the outer gate hatch staying closed high out of reach, and the impenetrable wall, and dead-accurate rainbow-turrets even HIGHER out of reach, all making it impossible even for scaling or levitation or ANYTHING; once you are outside, you have two options and THAT’S IT.

So if an NPC in the game misbehaves, if you notice what is happening and realize it’s just a chance for players to experience this Inisfreean law being enforced, if you don’t want to spend all that time trying to walk back in through the thick-ass wall, speak to the nearest ICV passing by (perhaps they are in a Guard Turret, or helping tend plants in the Cropland), report who attempted to misbehave (perhaps it was a free-woman trying to dominate a freeman), and watch as the Inisfreean police-girls show up in a Tumbler from the nearest GAH section, get out, arrest the offender, and take her away to spend some time outside the wall.  Even if it’s an NPC, not a player’s character, those police-girls will show up and go through their routine.  (No need for witnesses or a trial; every part of the city is conscious and connected to the ICV hive-mind, so all they have to do is playback the feed from all the things around you at the time of the report. –which is also done notionally, though the game, of course, knows if one of the social/cultural rules was bent or broken.)


Rare Deaths Involving the King:

Do mortals/men/warriors who WANT to die SOMETIMES die in Inisfree?  Yes.  And when some of the people die on raids (mortals who aren’t fully invincible yet; newcomers to Inisfree who help us round up girls), I go through the Magics Chambers to reboot them into life (when their bodies are too destroyed/lost to fix, even with Inisfreean super-tech); I go into portals to heaven or hell and say hi to “g” (god; I call him “G”) and demons (guards of cell-blocks; layers of hell) and  say, “Hey, when you come to Inisfree when you’re off duty, I’ll hook you up for freeing this soul.”  –because angels and demons visit Inisfree to party, too.