Like in WoW, we will have expansions which change the time period parameters (earliest and latest dates you can reach in each expansion, and Inisfree having different major characters and NPC ratios, such as more Drow at one time or more Elementals or Transformers at others).  SexCraft is the first game about Inisfree, and is set in the early 21st century; from ~2014 and on.  Each of its expansions will span roughly one millennia, starting with the year 4,000 AD.

Expansions of this game:

  1. Mobile Home; for the travels of the city in novel 9 (incl. our equiv. of The Emerald Dream, except of course that ours is not a plan or dream that never came to be, but one which DID; Inisfree DOES make it to the point where it finds a suitable world for all the hybrid love-children)
  2. more expansions? YES; SEE BELOW


*Since Inisfree can never suffer a terrain-changing cataclysm (like the one in the Cataclysm expansion of WoW), the best way to have multiple expansions, creating TONS of new content withOUT needing to start over from scratch with a new character in a different game, the best way to do that here with THIS MMORPG is to break down the events of Novel 9 into MULTIPLE expansions;

  1. The Mapping Campaign play as the ICVs using their Star Fleet to clear the fog-of-war of all Space and dimensions, eventually operating through the Webway
  2. Aman: (~2418 to ~3230 AD) in this expansion, you meet the eldest of the High Elves, some of them having been around not only through the times of Lord of the Rings (which they watched from afar; out here on this Japan-crescent/bow-shaped island-nation of theirs), but also through the WoW times from many millennia before (LotR happened millennia ago; before the latest IRL Ice Age, while WoW happened back when dinosaurs still walked the Earth; ~225-60 million years ago), so the convos with these virtually immortal progenitors of all other Elves will be very interesting!  (the Elves of Aman sired the Night Elves and Blood Elves, and millions of years later the Wood Elves (such as Tauriel –all of her kind might be descended from the forest-dwelling Blood Elves, although the Night Elves ALSO stuck to forests) and the Dark Elves (such as the Drow named Xull’rae –all of which might be descended from the Night Elves since their purple skin color is so close to the dark-grey skin color of the Drow) were sired)
  3. The Deep: (~3230 to ~4043 AD) Inisfree is underwater in a deep trench in Mermaid territory, so deep in fact that even its sky-dome is submerged (but there is plenty of blue light from the shallow waters near the ocean’s surface up there above its Crow’s Nest position)
  4. Cloudmassland: (~4043 to ~4856 AD) some areas of this stationary cloud-form region are fluid, some are like quicksand down to the shadowy sky and actual-earth/land below, and some are still moving (albeit much more slowly; more like molasses) tornadoes, etc.
  5. Werewolves of Canada: (~4856 to ~5668 AD) you can get turned into a werewolf while outside Inisfree, but have the option of being cured of this ‘turning’ (not seen as a disease by the Inisfreeans (ICVs), but a blessing/evolution/fun-option) once back near/in Inisfree, such as at Inisfree’s hospital
  6. Shadowmassland: (~5668 to ~6481 AD) like the Cloudmassland expansion, some shadows are solid, some are fluid, some are soft, some are warm, some are cold, some can be made into materials/items/weapons, etc., and some places you can get stuck IN these shadows –like quicksand or spider-webbing, etc.
  7. Underdark of Earth; (~6481 to ~7293 AD) Inisfree anchors down in one of the biggest caves on the planet
  8. New Atlantis; (~9933 to ~25,779 AD) floating on the SURFACE of an ocean, with tropical storms and hurricanes outside the Sky-dome as normal weather (and which must be dealt with by players on quests in the Perimeter Orb –and visuals of whirlpools when ICVs in pilots-ed test-drive WSs out from the Uber Gates directly into not the sub-glacial rivers of Antarctica but the open ocean)
  9. Arcadia: (~25,779 to ~41,624 AD) the Fairies are only PLAYFULLY mischievous with your character, while doing more controversial mischief to their enemies with your OPTIONAL help
  10. Nazjatar: (~41,624 to ~57,469 AD) anchored in another of the biggest caves of the Earth, this one as deep as you can go beneath India, and even deeper than the huge cave of the Underdark expansion
  11. Agharta: (~57,469 to ~73,315 AD) taller mountains, no day-night cycle outside of the Sky-dome, you see (and eventually, as a level-boss, converse with the Central Sun, which is like a heart-chakra intelligent-being of the living planet Earth) etc.
  12. Moon: (~73,315 to ~81,238 AD) surface of the side facing the Earth, so Earth is always in the sky during the 29-Earth-days-long day-night cycle here
  13. Moon’s far-side: (~81,238 to ~89,160 AD) in its deepest crater, never seeing the Earth in the sky
  14. Gor: (~89,160 to ~105,006 AD) you get to do quests for and with the Priest-Kings in this expansion
  15. Sun: (~156,504 to ~465,491 AD) during this expansion, you learn that the Sun, like all stars, used to be a Space Whale which became a planet which took on more atmo, which became a gas giant, which became a hyper-giant, etc.
    [Inisfree stays cloaked while anchoring farther back in time, and all quests outside the city are to learn, NOT to change the course of history (explore how Earth was in previous Ages, such as during the Firmament (original, much-thicker atmosphere) and Titans, the super-continents; not just Pangaea, and even before the oceans and Moon had formed)]
  16. Hell: (~465,491 to ~774,478 AD) during this expansion, you learn that Hell is itself a living intelligent being; dimensions, not just planets, are living thinking people; gods even greater than the Titans and Space Whales which play/live/work in them
  17. New Krypton: (~774,478 to ~1,083,465 AD) and many NPCs talk of their worries that this world, too, will be broken apart, and maybe the Draenor or Orcs are very active in helping them STOP that, or a few badguys who HAVE destroyed worlds work EXTRA hard at doing the same to THIS one, for they know it can be DONE, etc.
  18. Erra (of the Pleiades): (~1,083,465 to ~1,392,452 AD) in this expansion, you encounter the almost Air/Light-Elemental-like people of these worlds, finding that ALL of them are Aryan/Nordic, slightly aglow, etc. (in China, most people look Chinese, and that’s just how it is, and that’s perfectly fine, and out here on the planets of the Pleiades (and you’ll be reminded in-game that it is pronounced “plee-ah-deez”) everyone is an angelic-looking sunny-blonde with baby-blue eyes)
  19. Illium: (~1,392,452 to ~1,701,439 AD) rebuilt millennia ago, and knowing no more Reaper invasions/purges of the Milky Way are going to occur, this is a much happier place than it was in the 2200s, and still the planet-sized version of the cultural-hub/nexus that city-sized Inisfree is, with Asari Space territory being even MORE diverse than Inisfree is, as Asari politic with virtually ALL –like Star Trek more than the beauty-uplifting/centric/focus of the Inisfreeans; the Inisfreean’s Star Fleet has a Prime Directive of creating, preserving, finding, and protecting BEAUTY, NOT any random collective of ugly creatures THINKING themselves advanced MERELY due to some tech’
  20. Vampiria: (~1,701,439 to ~2,010,426 AD) unlike on Earth, where most people got confused and negative for various reasons, on THIS world the vampires do NOT see themselves as being cursed, but blessed; so they are all like bubbly schoolgirl cheerleader versions of Lilith, Rosalie, Selene of Underworld, etc.
  21. Dragonhome: (~3,014,634 to ~9,039,880 AD) dragons in this expansion point out the major land-forms of their world, telling you about how they are part of the life-cycle of their race/species; Space Whales become worlds which sometimes become stars, and dragons become SMALLER land-forms/masses, such as mountains and lakes
  22. Craftworld: (~9,039,880 to ~21,090,372 AD) in this expansion, the time period covers 23,000 AD (when Inisfree anchors on/near one of the biggest of the Eldar Spaceships/stations, called Craftworlds) to 24,000 AD.  You will learn how even THESE Elves are related to the progenitors of all Elves on Earth; the Eldar were Elves who achieved Space travel, dominating the Milky Way galaxy for a time.  Did they come from Earth?  Were they sired elsewhere by the SAME pre-Elves?  You will find out in this expansion.  In Warhammer 40k, it is said that 10k years ago (~30,000 AD) the Eldar dominated the galaxy; that means that during the time period of this game (the 24th millennium; NOT the 24th CENTURY, but the 240th century) the Eldar were still much on the rise to that lofty level of power (much greater even than the Citadel Alliance of Mass Effect), and would REMAIN on the rise for the next 6,000 Earth-years.  It would not be until ~35,000 AD that their decline and fate would be sealed as refugees dependent upon their Craftworlds, and not until ~40,000 AD that they would be more like the Quarian Migrant Fleet (also of Mass Effect).
  23. [Star Wars] Galaxy (~21,090,372 to ~27,115,618 AD)
  24. New Eden Galaxy (~27,115,618 to ~33,140,865 AD)
  25. Andromeda Galaxy:  (~33,140,865 to ~39,166,111 AD)
  26. [Antilla] Galaxy-cluster (hundreds to thousands of galaxies):  (~58,802,012 to ~176,402,012 AD) the one with the most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans; not based on proximity; we don’t go to the galaxy-cloud nearest the Milky Way, but instead always where there are the most people who will (or already did) pass our pre-screening
  27. [Centaurus] Galaxy-cluster:  (~176,402,012 to ~294,002,012 AD) the one with the 2nd-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  28. [Fornax] Galaxy-cluster:  (~294,002,012 to ~411,602,012 AD) the one with the 3rd-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  29. [Hydra] Galaxy-cluster:  (~411,602,012 to ~529,202,012 AD) the one with the 4th-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  30. [Virgo] Galaxy-cluster:  (~529,202,012 to ~646,802,012 AD) the one with the 5th-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  31. [Canes Venatici] Galaxy-cloud:  (~646,802,012 to ~764,402,012 AD) the one with the 6th-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  32. [Perseus–Pisces] Super-cluster (tens of thousands of galaxies; ~a dozen galaxy-clusters):  (~1,150,002,012 to ~3,450,002,012 AD) the one with the most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  33. [Coma] Super-cluster:  (~3,450,002,012 to ~5,750,002,012 AD) the one with the 2nd-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  34. [Hercules] Super-cluster:  (~5,750,002,012 to ~8,050,002,012 AD) the one with the 3rd-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  35. [Leo] Super-cluster:  (~8,050,002,012 to ~10,350,002,012 AD) the one with the 4th-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  36. [Ophiuchus] Super-cluster:  (~10,350,002,012 to ~12,650,002,012 AD) the one with the 5th-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  37. [Shapley] Super-cluster:  (~12,650,002,012 to ~14,950,002,012 AD) the one with the 6th-most people who are compatible with us Inisfreeans
  38. Ideal World:  (heading here in ~15,000,000,000 AD and then using some of the Inisfree Eggs)
    you are reminded that worlds are living beings –something which wasn’t touched upon in the cinematic at level-110 of the pre-expansion game– and so start OFF on THIS world with that FRESH in your mind, and interact with the mountains and lakes and volcanoes of THIS planet as much as you did the people and plant-life of EARTH, etc.  The start is the same cinematic intro to endgame from SexCraft (the very first Inisfree MMORPG, before any expansion), and you get to fly Inisfree across the starting star-system, land it, use its ColonyPods to grid or otherwise colonize/settle that and adjacent worlds, have hybrid or regular children if you want, and go from there.  Eventually in this expansion, you make conscious contact with the mind of the planet itself (or, rather, all planets themselves, one after the other, including the stars).  Learning from them, you level-up in a wholly-new way, exploring their cave networks and hollow cores, their polar vortexes, and many other astrophysical secrets.

*The expansions might be named for the places/regions/worlds they expand the Inisfree MMORPG into, NOT the chapter titles from Novel 9, and NOT the time periods in which Inisfree GOES to those new realms.

*The point of these expansions is to have many missions OUTSIDE of Inisfree, and the best way to do that is to completely change the environment beyond its Perimeter Wall, so the first thing you will notice is the different sky-box of the Sky-dome, then the terrain of the Perimeter Orb which the Sentry Towers are perched upon (or are they now along the rim of the extended lower hemisphere?), and then all the stuff on the horizon beyond it (which will be blocked as a fun and beautiful surprise for players who always start INSIDE Inisfree in ALL of these expansions).  OUTSIDE Inisfree, they will be interacting with NPCs and quest-givers to get those last few levels; toward level-cap at 110.

*You can continue your high-level character into expansions, OR you can start as a NEW character from the NEW realms Inisfree anchors in, such as going as an Elf from Aman to visit Inisfree for the first time.

THIS way, you can go out into new Outlands regions/worlds at a high level so all areas are fairly easy to handle, taking on quests in any order you please in order to build up your status with the humanoid locals out there, or practice using water mounts in the deep ocean, etc.,

OR you can level up new characters from their home-realms BEFORE going into Inisfree, thus entering Inisfree at a higher level, thus finding ITS areas and quests easier to get through, etc.

The THREE main purposes of these expansions are:

  1. give players vast new areas with hundreds of new quests
  2. tell the backstories of the canons and races OTHER than the humans and ICVs (introducing new characters, showing new art, adding cinematics, giving bosses players CAN fight and kill; something not possible in Inisfree where everyone becomes invincible)
  3. allow players to start new characters OUTside Inisfree, knowing how much it will help them with the areas INside Inisfree which the first game (pre-expansions) helped them memorize


* but, of course, 38 expansions means at least 38 years of NEW CONTENT; STUFF to DO; something players of the most successful MMORPGs of ALL TIME still complain about.  Take WoW, for instance; WoW is arguably the best MMORPG ever, with almost all other MMORPGs imitating it as best they can, yet millions of its players (including longtime subscribers) still bitch about there “not being enough to do”, so why keep subscribing?  This is a HUGE problem for its makers at Blizzard (though they are still multi-billionaires at this point).  WoW has been around since 2001; ~1 expansion every 2-3 years, but that still wasn’t deemed ‘enough’ for many of its more-active players.  So that translates to:  retain more subscribers by having content increases slightly more often; expansions each year.  With 6 expansions, WoW stayed in business for 15+ years (and, as of 2016; 15 years into WoW’s ongoing global success, they are posting articles/interviews about ANOTHER 6-7 expansions, with content to be released over the course of the next TEN or MORE years! –that’s 13+ expansions over 2.5 DECADES!).  With 38 expansions of our own here, it stands to reason that THIS MMORPG will be able to stay content-packed and in-business for 2-4x as long; 40-80 years, at least, and THAT means more data AND income –and alignments/ascensions/enlightenments/pre-screening.

Every expansion needs a bad-guy or a main problem/disaster, so the main race of each realm in each expansion will level up enough to earn an invitation into Inisfree (perhaps in the 10s levels), then level up the rest of the way IN Inisfree, then go back OUT of Inisfree to face the big boss or stop the huge storm or whatever back in their home-realm.  Inisfree always was meant to be a healing and power-unlocking center/nexus/mystery-school, etc., so this works well!

  1. Elves in Aman might be having issues with a new giant spider or blight or fallen lamp-tower or something
  2. Angels in Cloudmassland might be having issues with wings disappearing or unstable cloud-terrain
  3. Vampires and Werewolves might have issues with food supply or being demonized and hunted by typical humans
  4. Dragons might have civil wars amongst their kind, etc.
  5. Mermaids will need help cleaning up pollution, and repairing coral reefs
  6. Pleiadians would need help being friends with lifelong Dinoid/Reptoid/Grey opponents

So we have plenty of great material for dozens of expansions; 38, actually!


*During the millennia of novel 9, you will notice the increasing population; more traffic on the highways and common areas, and more takeoffs and landings at the CIV Aerospaceport.  Examples:

  1. in the first release of this MMORPG (c.2015 AD), there are ~1 million guests spread out thinly across the entire Inisfree city realm; all its areas, so there are few of them as NPCs (this guest population rises by 10 million per century until the 2900s AD, at which point it is about 80,000,000, thus 80x as many NPCs on the highways, though still quite sparse and spacious)
  2. in the first expansion (when Inisfree anchors somewhere on Aman in the 2500s-3200s AD), the guest population (from the stories) rises to 100 million, predominantly elves, so you will see normal city traffic (but still not enough for congestion/traffic-jams anywhere, even downtown) with most of them (51% or more) being the Tolkien-style Elves of Aman, etc.
  3. in a later expansion (when Inisfree stabilizes at its guest population-cap), the guest pop’ (from the stories; NPC-ed in this MMORPG) will have risen to ~2 billion; 2,000x as much as with the start of this MMORPG (the first release; pre-expansions), with SOME areas which ARGUABLY have OCCASIONAL congestion, but it still boils down to about 155 million guests in the city PER MONTH, and spread out over its 100+ square-miles of surface terrain, plus thousands of mansions and skyscraper floors, plus airspace, plus outside activities, plus hidden-star-system WORLDS, that is still NOTHING; LESS than the congestion in normal human cities (so you’ll see noticeably MORE NPCs driving around on the GAH, and more people sitting in the subway cars, etc., but NOT so many that it will be annoying or chaotic)


Cross-expansion Continuity:

Players WILL be able to keep their leveled-up character/s from SexCraft, starting each expansion with all the skills and items they amassed, if they want.  For those who wish to start from square-one, they can create new characters, too.  Due to the size of the maps, and the nature of the quests in these games/expansions, fully leveled-up characters will still face stimulating challenges and plenty of months worth of gameplay before ‘seeing it all’.


2023/+ Updates:

To skip forward through time (such as when part of a quest requires something to slowly naturally grow over many years), you can walk your character to Inisfree’s Stasis Archives for a hibernation.

To go back in time (such as if you want to do a side quest you learned about after skipping forward through time), you can meet any of the NPCs who have the time-stepping/traveling superpower (such as High Queen Ambi).

  1. The Mapping Campaign:  _ TBA
  2. Aman:  (~2418 to ~3230 AD) ~812 years for slow-at-first then-exponential aligning of this area/people; letting Them naturally start coming to Me (Auz)
    -quests start in their museums and libraries, teaching you their entire bloodline of millennia
    -main problem foreshadowing = ?
    -main way you, based out of Inisfree, can help this particular place, not just its ppl
    -the more you quest, the more the different races of elves become reunified, at least in start/spots, …and eventually Aman is no longer cloaked/hidden from the rest of the world
  3. The Deep:  ~813 years
    -ink squirt writing like of heptapods in Arrival
    -seeing R’lyeh get built, and why its style of architecture was chosen or the only way of imagining for them back then
    -learn that Cthulhu’s surfacing doesn’t cause insanity; his mind aura field is so big and focused that it is like a telepathic tidal wave or nova, so when he wants rude humans to do to themselves what they did to the oceans and land creatures, it happens on a massive scale within his global range, no longer shielded by the water/depths
  4. Cloudmassland:  ~813 years
    -help them stabilize cloudland regions/landforms
    -lots of flying and wingsuiting
    -looking miles down at the millennia-eroded abandoned cities of Patagonia
  5. Werewolves of Canada:  ~812 years
    -something with their sense of smell
    -uniting more and more packs
    -meeting other were-creatures/ppl who have become allies w the werewolves as fellow shapeshifters
    -meetings in cave dens, some made palatial
    -exploring the barely-recognizable ruins of human Canada cities abandoned in 2313; millennia ago
  6. Shadowmassland:  ~813 years
    -learning how darkness/shadow spots throughout Creation are linked in their own network separate from light and stars; how to access new areas of this expansion via shadow-stepping
  7. Underdark of Earth:  ~812 years
    -entire history introduce in one of their museums, or by exploring through tunnels until you discover more towns with their own museums
    -helping them return to racial unity in spite of the chaos forces like the spider hybrid queen
    -underground lakes, mile-tall mega-geodes, abandoned cities of giants and others, the Anunnaki deepest subway tunnels, eventually super-deep where the center of gravity flips, etc.
  8. New Atlantis:  ~15,846 years; a good amount of time to really get to know every distinct area of the Atlantic Ocean
    -mermaid specialists with hydrokinesis and tech…still, millennia after humans, going on complex missions to isolate and fix polluting ruins like oil platforms, lost nuclear subs, underwater bases, etc. -using gyres and whirlpools as travel aids, not fearing them -and learning how to communicate w them as conscious Elementals
  9. Arcadia:  ~15,845 years
    -their history via short telepathic visuals; their language and blood-memories, one bit at a time, until more-powerful fairies help you sequence those telepathic shared clips
    -them showing their different camo forms/shapeshifts; birds, bugs, etc. -seeing how their version of jobs is lovingly keeping happy the flowers and blades of grass, and causing morning dew, etc.
  10. Nazjatar:  ~15,845 years
    -cities are coral reefs no longer kept puny and fragile and stunted like humans caused the Great Barrier Reef to be
  11. Agharta:  ~15,846 years
    -its entire history, including right after the first Valar became the first Maiar
  12. Moon:  ~7,923 years; a good amount of time to get to know a little more than half of this cosmic body; one of its outer hemispheres, and most/all of its hollow core
    -history of its construction, migration to replace a lost moon, occupation, campaigns to gravitationally-massage the Earth, when the Germans were invited to make a waypoint station on its far-side, etc.
  13. Moon’s far-side:  ~7,922 years
    -much more detail about the history of all the Germans there and the many who were allowed before them
    -ways their knowledge of astronomy is many generations exponentially more advanced than that of humans who were always limited by Earth’s distorting atmosphere
  14. Gor:  ~15,846 years; a good amount of time to explore this whole planet, outside and in
    -see entire world, far beyond its human region
    -learn history from the golden ants, incl millions of yrs before coming to Sol
    -learn how they kept their rogue planet habitable
    -help them finish off the Kurii fleet/s (via the amazing ICV seduction and alignment-beams, not having to shoot or kill the Kurii anymore)
  15. Sun:  ~308,987 years; hundreds of millennia is a good amount of time for getting oriented/acclimated to the very different-looking environment (nexus of star-exit portals/views/portholes of trillions of other stars) in here, and for traveling through (and back here via) many of the linked cosmic-bodies
    -see out through trillions of black pinpoint in it; to all connected stars -practice positioning in it to exit dif size stars…in dif time periods, seeing dif solar systems at dif formation stages, etc.
  16. Hell:  ~308,987 years; this massive dimension also warrants a few hundred millennia before you can truly say you’ve explored and known/understood it
    -meet Hela, a.k.a. Hel in humanoid form
    -learn its/her history via contact w her
    -see the scenic regions, not just where human minds/souls are corrected/sentenced/cleansed
  17. New Krypton:  ~308,987 years; several hundred thousand years in the future is a good time to be here, getting to know the new homeworld this special and storied race of people has, by this era, really built up and fully stabilized –plus, you’ll be occasionally traveling out to its many new and likewise-stabilized colony-worlds during questing in this expansion
    -learn their history via being shown how they formed DNA strands to encode it like how humans magnetically change memory sticks; different DNA molecule orders form different sentences of Kryptonian language, etc.
    -learn why this new world of theirs has succeeded in avoiding cataclysm, thanks in some part to the powerful cosmos-spanning will of Auz, who loves them, and to them shifting their science to understand That, rather than how their ancestors had focused too much away from themSelves, OCD about minutia until all focus had left their world and ppl, resulting in original-Krypton’s demise
  18. Erra (of the Pleiades):  ~308,987 years; though they have comparatively-few colony-worlds/systems, they have a VERY long history, and are a VERY gentle people, thus a lot of time is allotted out here in their realm, giving each of them time to approach YOU (as opposed to just running out toward them, looking/asking for quests)
    -learn their history via something gentle, sensual, soothing, like massage during feminine humming/chanting
    -travel in beam-ships shifting into thought-form to expedite interstellar jumps between their systems/colonies
  19. Illium:  ~308,987 years; some of the most intragalactic connections/alliances connected here means many millennia allotted for getting to know them all, not just the Asari’s long history
    -be shown all the history they know of
    -see derelict Reapers in their museums
    -see the Reaper War memorial built millennia ago (still in good condition)
  20. Vampiria:  ~308,987 years; again, a people/race with LOTS of history and knowledge –and now numerous colonized solar-systems in their interstellar/intragalactic empire
    -learn their history via them sharing blood droplets once you build rapport
    -see how they play w vampire superspeed etc. in public w no Masquerade, sometimes playfully compelling each other back and forth as a game and training/honing (ex: 1 compelling another to go compel someone else)
  21. Dragonhome:  ~6,025,246 years; perhaps the most knowledge/history of all, thus millions of years allotted –plus you’ll get to time-skip in this expansion so much that you’ll see this planet’s skybox completely change as it moves into many other solar-systems and even other time-streams / Universes, checking on world after world, making sure the dragons on each are understood, loved, able to roam freely on each world’s outer surface, etc.
    -learn their history via them willing time portals / time-telescopes to open
    -and by traveling to mntns and lakes to touch them, aware they are hibernating/shapeshifted dragons (were-dragons, were-mountains, were-lakes, were-worlds, like werewolves term)
  22. Craftworld(s):  ~12,050,492 years; dozens of planet-sized Spaceships of the Space Elves (Eldar) = even more time needed/allotted for this ‘chapter’ than for the interdimensional rogue-planet Dragonhome; you’ll be spending millennia on each Craftworld, plus going on quests (not just side-quests) to many of the worlds each Craftworld colonized and patrols (patrols the interplanetary and interstellar Space between)
    -watch how their Craftworlds became envisioned, constructed w elven magic, etc.
    -how they made it through cosmic telepathic cataclysms like the one humans in Warhammer 40k so lamely predictably made up
  23. [Star Wars] Galaxy:  (~21,090,372 to ~27,115,618 AD) ~6,025,246 years; though only half as much time allotted for this whole galaxy as was allotted for you to get to know all the Craftworlds, that’s still plenty of time, as Auz’s will has gained a Universe-wide momentum all its own now, and because many worlds/beings in this galaxy out here are not compatible-enough to warrant further/longer contact/interaction/exploration
  24. New Eden Galaxy:  (~27,115,618 to ~33,140,865 AD) ~6,025,247 years; again, another not-so-compatible realm-of-realms, the millions of years allotted for this expansion being more to help stabilize the rampaging humans imprisoned out here… than to directly interact with them
  25. [Unnamed] Galaxy:  (~33,140,865 to ~39,166,111 AD) ~6,025,246 years
  26. [Unnamed] Galaxy-cloud:  (~58,802,012 to ~176,402,012 AD) ~117,600,000 years; almost 20x more time allotted for this group of galaxies than for a single one, thus a good amount of time for you to adequately get to know the compatible parts of it all
  27. [Unnamed] Galaxy-cloud:  (~176,402,012 to ~294,002,012 AD) ~117,600,000 years
  28. [Unnamed] Galaxy-cloud:  (~294,002,012 to ~411,602,012 AD) ~117,600,000 years
  29. [Unnamed] Galaxy-cloud:  (~411,602,012 to ~529,202,012 AD) ~117,600,000 years
  30. [Unnamed] Galaxy-cloud:  (~529,202,012 to ~646,802,012 AD) ~117,600,000 years
  31. [Unnamed] Galaxy-cloud:  (~646,802,012 to ~764,402,012 AD) ~117,600,000 years
  32. [Unnamed] Super-cluster:  (~1,150,002,012 to ~3,450,002,012 AD) ~2,300,000,000 years; again, another 20x leap up in the amount of time allotted, as there are many more galaxies in this size volume than in a galaxy-cloud
  33. [Unnamed] Super-cluster:  (~3,450,002,012 to ~5,750,002,012 AD) ~2,300,000,000 years
  34. [Unnamed] Super-cluster:  (~5,750,002,012 to ~8,050,002,012 AD) ~2,300,000,000 years
  35. [Unnamed] Super-cluster:  (~8,050,002,012 to ~10,350,002,012 AD) ~2,300,000,000 years
  36. [Unnamed] Super-cluster:  (~10,350,002,012 to ~12,650,002,012 AD) ~2,300,000,000 years
  37. [Unnamed] Super-cluster:  (~12,650,002,012 to ~14,950,002,012 AD) ~2,300,000,000 years
  38. Ideal World:  (heading here in ~15,000,000,000 AD) infinite years; you’ll need that much time for what THIS very special planet is made and destined to do (i.e. completing the return of Yggdrasil, and keeping all compatible realms across all the Universes stable and in good spirits/health forever)
    -This is the only expansion of ours in which you are being helped, not you helping the place/ppl, though you Can still help them settle/colonize it.
    -Learn the history of terraforming mastery in SSA via sexual icv languages during kegeling, etc., watching and recording icv eyes color changes sequences, etc..
    *In SSA, it shows the dif’ Inisfree-like city-types, incl. the ruins variants.
    -The more you quest, the more new insights you get from the final youths; the newest deities…who complete the multibody forms/destinies/evolution/bonding of Auz and his 2B.
    -Watch its skybox change as it migrates from solar-system to solar-system, the star in each system it migrates to… eventually showing more and more of a rainbow-colored aurora-like formation of solar-flares (which die back down to normal/gone during the process of leaving each system).

We learn that the worlds themselves are like seeds.
Even time-spheres can be like cosmic-scale seeds.
What hatches from them? Whatever everything in them evolves to become in the end, or whatever they themselves evolve to become, like when one re-sprouts/reforms as a Worlds tree.
Picture a timeline being like a root, and a cluster of timelines connected somewhere being like a root ball or tree, and those timelines, not just the beings IN them, causing timeline-seeds/nuts to form and fall somewhere else in 4d or 5d space, creating other time-trees (clusters of timelines), etc.

