Canon characters are those such as the protagonist, and all who meet and work often with him, featured and elaborated upon in the Capital of Antarctica series of novels.  Think of it like the X-Men in their comic books; the members of Professor Xavier’s team were canon, along with many of the students at their private school, while the people they met on missions might not be significant enough to be considered canon, though all of the material in the official comics is canon.


noun: canon; plural noun: canons; noun: canon of the Mass; plural noun: canon of the Mass
  1. a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.
    “the appointment violated the canons of fair play and equal opportunity”
    synonyms: principlerulelawtenetprecept; 

    “the canons of fair play and equal opportunity”
    • a church decree or law.
      “a set of ecclesiastical canons”
      synonyms: lawdecreeedictstatutedictatedecretal

      “a set of ecclesiastical canons”
  2. a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine.
    “the formation of the biblical canon”
    • the works of a particular author or artist that are recognized as genuine.
      “the Shakespeare canon”
      synonyms: list of works, works, writings, oeuvre

      “the Shakespeare canon”
    • the list of works considered to be permanently established as being of the highest quality.
      “Hopkins was firmly established in the canon of English poetry”


Major characters are a subset of canon characters.  Some of them featured in this game may not be in the series of novels, but they still play an important role in the game.  An example of a major but non canonical character would be a club hostess in Inisfree, as she is responsible for daily and nightly parties for thousands of the finest people in all the Universe.  Another example would be a member of one of the four Congresses hosted in Inisfree, though not one of the top representatives of an entire race approved for activity within Inisfree.  While Kara Zor-El would be a canon character, not just a major character, another member of her Kryptonian people, who also does a lot of work in Inisfree, would be a major character you’d be likely to eventually encounter during questing in this MMORPG.


Meeting Certain Major & Canon Characters:

  1. Once you level up enough to be pleasing to low-level characters/NPCs, you meet the first generic MFs, such as teachers at LHS, then club managers in the nightclubs.
  2. Once you level up enough to be pleasing to mid-level players and NPCs, you meet Congresswomen such as Hawkgirl in Auzdome‘s sessions and Ceiling Mansions.  (All famous/popular characters, such as Supergirl, are NPCed in this game; the character you create to play the game must be an original.)
  3. Once you level up enough to be pleasing to high-level players/NPCs, you meet Inisfree’s Secretary of State, Amber Heard ICV1, perhaps in the Governor’s Mansion (1st floor of ICGM; she is SecState, after all).
  4. Once you level up enough to be pleasing to very-high level players/NPCs, you meet Inisfree’s Secretary of Defense, Nyria Serra ICV0, perhaps also in the Governor’s Mansion (or Batcave?; she is SecDef, after all).
  5. Once you level up enough to be pleasing to top-level players/NPCs, you meet the King himself, probably in the Governor’s Mansion during one of its big galas, at which point he might stroll through the Memorabilia Room with you to help you get to know him (thus how to best please him, etc.).


Specific Groups of Major Characters which are NPCed in This Game:

(Again, these are characters who affect a lot during gameplay, but who might not have been mentioned in the series of novels, thus are technically not considered canon.)

  • the Governor/King’s entourage
  • Inisfree’s Secret Service
  • female commanders for all of Inisfree’s equivalent of Star Fleet; their ship captains
  • hostesses at all of Inisfree’s clubs and restaurants
  • managers of all of Inisfree’s stores and buildings
  • executives and their secretaries in all of Inisfree’s downtown skyscrapers
  • hotel security chiefs for all of Inisfree
  • Inisfree’s police, fire/rescue, city services, and military personnel leadership
  • the leaders of the Black Operations units/teams
  • the leaders of the hostile forces in the Outlands; those who organize any resistance against Inisfreean activities in the Outlands
  • kajirae in charge of their respective ‘chains’; the First Girl (best-performing slave-girl) of each group of kajirae collared and chained together (a sexy version of a prison chain-gang)
  • Drow leaders in charge of the various cave annexes connected to the Underway
  • Doomsdaloridays/Mandaloridays; the Battlemech-like beings hidden in a few places beneath the surface of Inisfree
  • The hibernating Space Whale hidden beneath the very bottom of Inisfree


Specific Groups of Canon Characters which are NPCed in This Game:

(Again, these are the most major characters, all of whom are featured in the series of novels, thus making them canon; official, original, and seminal.  Canon characters not only affect a lot in the game, but in the entire Inisfreean timeline and all its stories.)

  • the Governor/King
  • Inisfree’s firstborn; Commander-in-Chief of all Inisfreean forces, 3rd-in-command of the Inisfreean people/empire; Nyria Serra (ICV 0)
  • Inisfree’s 4th-in-command; Secretary of State for Inisfree, the leader of all civilians within Inisfree’s city wall borders, top hostess in all of Inisfree; Amber Heard ICV1
  • all members of Inisfree’s Council of Elders; the top representatives of each compatible race
  • every one of the Governor/King’s wives
  • First Girl; Sarah Conrad, best of all the kajirae in Inisfree
  • many of the other female characters listed on this website’s Main Character Groups webpage
  • the 39 Black Operations kings, installed as rulers of the new cities/nations of cleaned-up (post-2013) Earth


NPCs Who are Not Major or Canon:

These are the mid-level and low-level characters who affect very little in the game, and who are not mentioned other than vaguely/generically in the series of novels, yet whose presence in the game still helps a great deal with regard to steering players through various quests and other activities.

  • Inisfreean girls who are regular police-women or mid- to low/entry-level military
  • Inisfreean girls who are recruits completing basic training across the city’s military region
  • Inisfreean girls who are students attending classes in LHS, LAA, TNA, etc.
  • new kajirae
  • kajirae candidates in training under/across Inisfree
  • incoming kajirae candidates; freshly-captured girls from the Outlands who have not yet had training (often found being marched like chain-gangs through the underground tunnels network connecting the underground silos clusters of Inisfree
  • a few guests/newcomers in each of the 41-day tour groups
  • mass-transit / public-transportation vehicles; the buses, shuttles are automated, running on autopilot even when their Inisfreean pilots and copilots look away from the control consoles in the cockpits to respond to interaction requests/attempts from players
  • mid-level and low-level Drow in some of the cave annexes connected to the Underway
  • ‘XXXenos’ in one of the cave annexes connected to the Underway
  • BTBs
  • randomly-generated lowest-level people in the Outlands; passersby, tourists, family members of those being zeroed in on as potential kajirae candidates, etc.
  • wildlife, such as birds and stray dogs


Lastly & Overall:

There are a lot of NPCs in this game, some of which give quests, some of which tag along for quests and even some daily activities.  If they affect a lot in the game, but are not mentioned by name in the series of novels, they are in the Major Characters/NPCs category.  If they affect the entire game and storyline, and are featured by name and often in the series of novels, they are in the Canon Characters/NPCs category.

If it has to do with schooling, training, quest giving, Inisfree’s leadership, the top representatives of races with worthy members present in Inisfree, or public transportation vehicles/airships on schedules and flight-path loops, it is NPCed.  All wildlife is also NPCed, as are many interactive plants.  Cloud City 2 (Inisfree’s private ‘moon’) is also, technically, NPCed, as are the Rooftop Carriers perched atop the taller skyscrapers of Sotu (downtown Inisfree).

All told, there are millions of NPCs on set loops in this MMORPG.  You’ll likely encounter most of them as you level up.  You’ll start to encounter the Major ones after leveling-up for a while, and the Canon NPCs after you’ve gotten more than 50% of the way through this game.

February 2023 update:  All the characters listed on our Main Characters Directory, if they have a residence in our city/realm, their NPC will be in this game/MMORPG at that house/location.  For a complete list of where all those people live, see this webpage.

