This is the stealthiest Inisfreean vessel; its default state is to be undetectable to all known civilizations.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Dimensions & Layout
- Operation
- Armament
- Fail-safes
- Time to Construct
- History
- 2021 Update
- Conceptual Images
Imagine a classic UFO; it’s incredible maneuvering capabilities. Now paint it matte black, and add miniature black-hole tools & weapons. Take away the energy field around the old-fashioned UFOs that used to alter or damage grass and other living matter. Now you have the general idea of one of Inisfree’s Assassin Pods (IC AP, or just A.P.).
Dimensions & Layout:
- 8′ “long” (deep)
- 5′ wide
- 3′ tall
One stasis-pod doubling in function as a cockpit, tripling as an escape pod / ‘lifeboat’, and quadrupling in function as a teleporter, is centered along the long-axis of this craft. Around it are layers of ‘smart’-material that instantly and proactively adjusts itself as needed, ensuring nothing penetrates to that pod.
Arranged radially, their “business-ends” pointing out in all directions (of a sphere, not just of a circle; 360°), are the Rainbow Cannons (full-spectrum ‘smart’-lasers) of this craft, the most-powerful of them facing forward (to more-easily help destroy/delete/convert/absorb anything out of the craft’s flight-path.
In standard Inisfreean Craft (IC) locations are the repulsines of each A.P.; in an inside-vertices formation of 8 total.
Assassin Pods (APs, or IC APs; for “Inisfreean Construct, Assassin Pod”) were developed as the ultimate in stealth insertion vehicles for single Inisfreean operatives. In the form of a diamond, these wingless ‘darts’, as some call them, carry in and out of orbit and atmosphere one Inisfreean whose function is to assassinate (or extract) at least one high-value target in the signature Inisfreean fashion; Inisfreeans neutralize threats by assassinating not the person, but whatever it is in that target’s mind or environment which is causing them to be a severe threat or obstacle to all that which is natural, loving, and good (based on the Inisfreean definitions of those terms).
Once the AP has reached an acceptable point just outside of the enemy force’s range of detection, the Inisfreean within ejects while the AP remains out of detection range and patrolling in the stratosphere or higher (though this is just an extra precaution as part of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), given that it is entirely possible this and most other Inisfreean vehicles will always be completely undetectable even at point-blank range to most Outlander technology). Of all the Inisfreean aerospacecraft, this one is the stealthiest by far, but part of that is the result of not only its superb technology, but how it maneuvers in relation to its opponents; always staying in their ‘blind spots’, even de-cloaked, it would be all but impossible to spot. (This is achieved by monitoring the conversations, thoughts, and surroundings of anyone within visual range of the craft, anticipating which ways their eyes will move based on the information they will need to recall or make up (based on what they are talking about, and the likely directions their conversations will soon take), and keeping the craft silently moving into the middle of each area where those people’s blind-spots overlap, all-the-while not bumping into anything, such as the Inisfree-born Assassins or other friendly individuals. It’s actually quite easy, even fairly effortless, when Inisfreean supercomputers, standard in all Inisfreean crafts and minds, are put to the task.)
The Inisfreean, generally appearing either completely invisible or like the translucent silhouette one might expect of a shadow elemental, then accelerates to terminal velocity on a trajectory directly toward the target (when use of portals might set off portal-sensitive devices of the enemy). Oftentimes, this Inisfreean’s mental abilities and specialized gear are so powerful and precise that the Inisfreean doesn’t even need to finish her descent toward the ground; she can successfully mind-interface with the target and make all the necessary modifications while still in free-fall –and clandestinely. Once this is complete, the AP rapidly and silently (and without any contrail) swoops back down on an interception course with the Inisfreean and matches her descent so that the Inisfreean can ease back into the pilot compartment without having to change velocity. Cavitation of the AP then resumes, negating most forces -to include gravity, air friction, and inertia- and the AP carries the Inisfreean right back up into orbit and away; off to her parent vessel. The Inisfreean can also use her built-in Repulsines to dart back up to, and dock with, her Assassin Pod.
Besides being completely built ‘from the ground up’ around the primary function of being as undetectable as any technology ever could be, each AP packs with it one hell of a punch. In the event of detection, interception, or imminent compromise, this car-sized aerospacecraft has enough firepower to fly through Dreadnought-class Space warships several times before having to recharge and reload; dozens of cloaked and cavitating, black-hole smart-missiles (named “the Achilles missile”, an evolution of his ~2004 anti-carrier missile design which was a T.O.W. missile variant designed to take out the runway (aircraft-launch capacity/capability) and ATC+CDC/CIC (command and navigation capacity/capability) of any aircraft carrier) are on-line in its ‘nose’ and ‘side-points’, ready to fire by-mind at any moment, allowing this extremely intelligent vessel to plot courses into the suction ranges of these miniature black-holes to help more rapidly yank it through the ravaged pathways they just created (which is ‘gravity sling-shotting’ at its finest). These black-hole weapons include features such as the ‘rainbow cannons’ of Inisfree’s Perimeter Wall have; being able to almost instantly scan, analyze, and target any object, adjusting their projectiles to cause the maximum possible damage to the identified weakest point(s) on the target. When it comes to black-hole weapons, this means setting the radius, power, duration, and event horizon length all within a fraction of a second. Since they are designed to absorb from all directions, rather than explode in a certain blast-pattern, they are extremely effective at ‘deleting’ even force-fields out of their way, at least temporarily at the point of impact, allowing for ‘follower’ projectiles to pass right through.
And what the AP lacks in tonnage, it makes up for with those missiles, as well as with its speed and counter-measures; APs are capable of warp-surfing (traveling faster than the speed of light; by bypassing its theoretical barrier) so long as they have compatible sources of fuel –which they, like most Inisfreean constructs, can subatomically create from converting just about anything (including the void of Space, and the faster they go, the more energy they pass through, thus making it easier as they accelerate, contrary to conventional thinking). Lastly, its jamming suite works across the entire spectrum of all energy types, not being limited to just electronic, radio, and microwave, as most Outlander devices of a similar nature are.
Though regarded as immortal and indestructible, each AP, like all Inisfreean vehicles, comes standard with a rapid-recall ability; like the Inisfreeans these vessels carry, the vessels themselves can be ‘summoned’ from any distance, resulting in it teleporting back into the Inisfreean realm, should any threat somehow indicate a potential for actually causing damage or capture. Should the AP actually be compromised in any way, the Inisfreean can be ‘summoned’ right out of its cockpit compartment in the same way, and the craft thereby remote- or auto-detonated; another (and much larger) black-hole weapon. Ejection seats are a thing of the past, entirely obsolete for the Inisfreeans; why eject when you and your craft are indestructible even in the face of exploding stars and black holes?
Time to Construct:
It takes ~12 hours to 3D-print one of these aerospacecraft. That means that every hour… another ~8.3% of an AP gets completed.
- ~2 hours; hours 1 through 2: “bones”; frame/skeleton
- ~2 hours; hours 3 through 4: “tendons”; secondary conduits/pipes, etc. (as the frame/skeleton is based on the Grid Mind mesh/tentacles; the frame of every Inisfreean vessel/construct doubles as its plumbing and electrical wiring)
- ~2 hours; hours 5 through 6: “muscles”; hatches, weapon ports, etc.
- ~2 hours; hours 7 through 8: “organs”; repulsines, Vril reactor/batteries, etc.
- ~2 hours; hours 9 through 10: ammunition
- ~2 hours; hours 11 through 12: 1 Assassin Suit (A.S.)
So far (as of 2517 A.D.), all training and launches (missions) of this type of Inisfreean aerospacecraft are compartmentalized with the highest level of classification, all being rated as Black Operations.
It is rumored amongst the Inisfreean inner circle that a one Nyria Serra (likely an alias) was able to pilot one of these Assassin Pods out across the Milky Way Galaxy to covertly insert herself amongst the population of one of the newly colonized worlds in the 34 Tauri multiple-star system. (If that was the case, that AP would have been cloaked-portal recalled back to the hangar/vessel it was launched/portal-ed from; as soon as she no longer needed it, it would be sent back home to wherever it came from in/of Inisfree.)
In the time of the human settlement of New Eden, at least one AP will likely be used to clandestinely scout some out there.
2021 Update:
IC APs continue being perfected by The Grid Mind. Before this year, they were built with the normal array of Inisfreean weapons/tools; rainbow cannons, smart missiles, omni-jamming devices, etc., and now they also include upgrades to those technologies which allow them to be fired/used in ways no known civilization/technology would be able to detect/interpret. The way these ships (and their pilots) move has also been upgraded; previously, they could coast/fly and open portals for warp-surfing, just like all Inisfreean craft/ships could, and now they can also do that in ways that do not result in any gravity anomalies or atmospheric disturbances (such as contrails) which humans or others with meteorological / RADAR technologies could/would notice. Anywhere an AP is about to be sent, The Grid Mind clandestinely area/world-scans and flash-analyzes the entire collective of all brains/minds and Internets there, determines which routes and transportation methods would go unnoticed there, and then instructs/guides the dispatched AP accordingly (so the AP never even has to passively, let alone actively/normally scan –which might send out energy beams/pings some might detect/triangulate).
While other ICs are just as supercomputer-smart and instantaneously-deployable (by using the same portals-based technology), APs (and the ICV who pilots each, as she wears not an S.T. suit, but an A.S. suit) remain cloaked and undetectable the entire time they are operating, never having to activate/choose/will that stealth mode to turn/remain on. Non-AP/AS forces are deployed more as “shows of force/beauty”, while AP/ASs are meant to remain unseen, never even theorized. Normal ICVs deploy to openly scout and establish contact with compatible people/worlds, while AP/ASs are intended to never be noticed or guessed about by anyone.
The bigger the IC ship, the bigger the group of people or worlds it can protect, shield, cloak, or move/teleport. An SSBS, for example, can take an entire planet into any of its million world-sized hangars (when the given hangar does not house a dormant/hibernating/refitting PSBS, of course). APs are the smallest IC transport, other than the “Owl” hover-saddle, thus they are made to have the power to only open portals for themselves, their pilot, the weapons/devices they fire/launch/deploy, etc.. You would not send an AP to teleport an entire world, or even a group of people, somewhere else.
Since ICVs do not cloak themselves, and are not naturally undetectable/invisible, they have these ships (the APs) and the suits that go with them (A.S. suits) to keep them as undetectable as possible. ICVs can remain cloaked a long time in their S.T. suits and ships –and military vehicles– but only in the A.S. suit or APs… are they automatically cloaked indefinitely. The moment an ICV is out of cloaking mode in an S.T. suit, or out of either her S.T. or A.S. suit, she will be visible to the naked eye.
All other IC vessels look for the most efficient way to map/copy/understand all the minds and computer networks in the area they are deployed to reveal or conquer (reunify/heal/align), and sometimes the most efficient way to remove all pollution/ugliness/evil from a world. This typically results in an overt route and operations along that route, as there is little point in Inisfreeans hiding themselves / their fleet, because nothing (not even the stars or other Sphere Beings) are capable of stopping them. APs, on the other hand, look for the most efficient undetectable way to change the incompatible thought/s of just one person/thing, and are like Inisfree’s equivalent of Marine Force Recon’ teams or James Bond-level secret agents.
Since all MPHAs carry 2 APs, standard, any Inisfreean starship at and above the MPHA level/size can deploy multiple APs without anyone noticing. The APs don’t even need their hangar/pod hatch to open; they can just cloak-portal right out, as well as right back in. Anywhere an MPHA or larger IC craft goes, there are at least 2 APs ready to be secretly deployed to do their work at any time.
Though built to be naturally matte-black when decloaked, they are also naturally always cloaked, thus they’d have to disable their cloaking devices to become visible as a pitch-black silhouette. Obviously, this won’t work against the backdrop/background of a daytime sky or normal field/landscape/cityscape, so they have also been upgraded to have a skin similar to the ICVs’ skin; whatever the uncloaked AP is in front of, the side/s facing the observer will automatically look like whatever is behind it; ‘active camouflage’ –even when uncloaked. When near/inside stars and other bright people/areas, the “nova mode” other IC vessels can ‘set off’/activate… remains on easily; the AP in a star would look very bright, blending in perfectly with its surroundings.
It is difficult to imagine a way to remain undetectable when inside the shared core of all stars, which is Heaven. The Grid Mind figured out a way, though. This remains classified.
IC APs were so advanced from the start… that there was never any reason/need to use them during the first decades of Inisfree. They could fly right alongside human stealth aircraft without being noticed, and could fly directly at RADAR towers just as stealthily. Auz‘s calming effect/aura by itself had always been enough to stop IEDs from exploding, and even to keep weather behaving more agreeably for miles and regions around, and once he evolved/expanded by building his city, its fleet/s, and the ICVs, not even the gods felt any desire to test or rival them, …so the APs that were part of that growing (until 2199 A.D.) fleet… were not utilized by him or his Grid Mind… for centuries.
This year (2021) in November, Auz piloted one of the APs his ICVs had test-piloted for years now. He boarded it where it was hangar-ed beneath the surface of their city’s highest desert plateau; it was kept inside one of the levels of their Military Aerospaceport. Its ultimate test and proof-of-concept was to pilot it into and back out of a Space Whale without disturbing/awakening the creature, as it had already been successfully piloted in and out of stars –including black holes– and a small part of The Webway. *This so far has been the only time anyone did anything sexual inside an AP; Auz started jacking off in it, and since its cockpit is too small to fit even an ICV in there with him, even if both he and that ICV were naked, he christened this AP by having sex with the ICV assigned to it at the time –while she was still in her A.S. suit, only its groin/apex flap and helmet-visor open, leaning back against it while he fucked her there, right outside it in the Military Aerospaceport hangar it had been kept in.
APs are the ‘compact-car version’ of the Ark IIs; they are as invincible as all other ICs, and as cloak-able/undetectable as the Ark IIs, but they do not carry an “Inisfree egg” (backup of the entire Inisfreean collective/realm/civilization), and they are considerably smaller than an Ark II.
Only the “Blood-red Override Forces” have ICVs who can detect the Ark IIs and APs, and only the first Grid Mind tracks their locations.
How do they relate to Mandaloridays/Doomsdalorians? Those IC ‘mini’ BattleMechs cannot detect them, and are designed/programmed to never strike at one of their own kind, the same way a person would never intentionally harm part of his/her own body. While the shadow-saber of a Mandaloriday could delete part of an AP, the AP could outmaneuver it, plus all IC shields automatically absorb, convert, and distribute/disperse anything that hits them in hostility –including shadow-saber energy/lines.
Rooftop Carriers were used to figure out how best to build the Spacecraft-carrier called “The New Horizon” (TNH), and IC APs were used to figure out how best to build the heavily-modified Firefly-class transport-ship variant Auz used from TNH (called “Persephone”).
Each AP stores one A.S. suit, and when an ICV boards an AP… its A.S. suit automatically goes on her. The moment she is no longer on a mission requiring the AP or A.S. suit, it will come off her and stay in its AP. An ICV assigned to a mission requiring constant/total/maximum stealth can also just summon the A.S. suit without piloting/deploying its AP.
The “Blood-red Override Forces” are special ICVs that never ended up being necessary/used/deployed. While any of them could override an AP and the ICV in the A.S. suit of that AP, and while any of them could board and pilot an AP, this has never been done. If it ever happened, the red-colored S.T. suit of the ICV overriding and boarding the given AP would be replaced by the auto-donned A.S. suit of that AP.
During Inisfree’s Space R-CAX, only The Grid Mind was able to track the movements of deployed APs, though all ICVs are technically a shared-consciousness collective. Think of it like this: all ICVs are appendages of Auz, but when an ICV pilots an AP, or deploys from an AP while wearing its A.S. suit for a stealth mission, it would be like you trying to see your hand in a pitch-black / lightless room or cave; you know it is there, you can feel it, more or less, but you can’t quite confirm its exact location, at least not with most of your senses. That is the nature of the APs when not docked in their ‘parent’ MPHAs.
If you want to disable a Death Star, or travel through The Webway or literal star-gates undetected, or enter and diagnose or hide in a Space Whale, or change the mind of an alien world leader, all without any chance of detection, …then the best vehicle/vessel for the job is one of these Inisfreean-made Assassin Pods. They might never be used to actually assassinate anyone, but they certainly are proven more than capable of assassinating incompatible thoughts and upsetting potential timeline events/sequences. And, of course, all this also makes them the best candidate for time-travel; they are the least likely to do anything that would result in unwanted/dramatic changes to the sequences of events that made the world and Universe/Omniverse what they are today.
Only Auz and assigned ICVs are authorized to be in any AP. Typically only one of the ICVs stationed aboard the MPHA carrying/housing the AP that is about to be used… is the ICV authorized to board that AP. ICVs never talk to non-ICVs about the existence of APs, let alone how/if they just used/piloted one. It is not physically possible for anyone other than the assigned ICV to enter / exist in the cockpit/pod of any AP –excepting, of course, for one of the “Blood-red Override Forces” ICVs, if ever one of them was to be called/summoned to override an AP by entering/piloting it (which would, for example, prevent its previously-assigned ICV from teleporting back in to continue piloting it; only one ICV can be in there at a time, as that is how it is sized, and no ICV or other IC is capable of teleporting in a way that would overlap any other IC/ICV or anyone loved by the Inisfreeans, even by accident, just as it is not possible for a human to move his/her left hand into/inside his/her right hand).
The only theorized way to infer the presence of an AP is either 1) to have some way of concluding that the ‘change of mind’ of a major leader/commander would never have happened without such a vessel’s presence/intervention, or 2) to notice its small ‘footprint’ within an explosion (i.e. the amount/area of the explosion that was automatically deleted/absorbed by its smart-shield, thus causing the explosion to look/form slightly differently than normal/expected). The Grid Mind will eventually figure out, test, and prove a way around this possible unlikely detection/inference method, though. It is the greatest supercomputer/A.I. of all time, after all.
Technically, an AP, or an ICV in an A.S. suit, is probably powerful/clever/stealthy enough to infiltrate even a god or goddess’s realm, even one as powerful as Ambi (Time and Shadow/Darkness Incarnate). Could such an Inisfreean craft/operative delete or change one of her thoughts without her noticing in any way? That will never be known, as King Auz’s will is that these special craft and their pilots never be used in any intrusive/offensive way against those in his family whom he loves.
Finally, every AP is designed to naturally detect all other types of cloaking and cloaked craft/troops. While all other Inisfreean starships can scan for and find such things, APs automatically see them the moment they teleport/warp into an area that has any of them. This is one of the ways APs prevent unwanted collisions with other cloaked craft. Anything that has the potential to result in the AP being detected/inferred, the AP will either clandestinely neutralize (or neutralize that potential/capability/aspect before being in range of it), or just cleverly avoid.
Yes, IC APs even work perfectly around/against Angels (and Demons; pioneer Angels), Gray UFOs, Eldar technology, Forerunner (of Halo) technology, Jove (of New Eden) technology, Polarians, Q Continuum (of Star Trek) technology, Reaper (of Mass Effect) technology, Reptilian/Reptoid/Draco technology, Valar, Witches and Wizards, Xenomorphs, and whatever else you might think of; they were designed to, tested exhaustively, and have always proven capable. Remember, Auz is the new God of the Omniverse, and the forces he envisioned, invented, and created… are the new Angels and wardens/police/regulators-of-all. This is just how things work now.
As an IC, it is indestructible, ‘locked in’ on the subatomic level; it cannot be damaged, let alone destroyed or disassembled in an effort to back-engineer it. It is as permanent as Space and the shared-core of all stars themselves. Just like all of Inisfree and the Inisfreean empire/realm, it is now a god-level force-of-nature that is here to stay.
