These are the main individual missions, not just types of missions, which this Spacecraft went/goes on.  Times are by Earth-year and ~month.  Each month is divided into the standard 4 weeks, and the days which Persephone deployed from TNH for the following missions were always Auz‘s Inisfreean week-/workdays.


Table of Contents:

  1. Before It All
  2. Before Each Mission/Launch
  3. SOPs
  4. Radio Jargon
  5. Reference:  First-draft Percentages of Mission-types
  6. Generic Example-missions to Be Added Below
  7. Missions by Year and Month (parent-category for many of the following)
  8. 2509
  9. 2510
  10. 2511
  11. 2512
  12. 2513
  13. 2514
  14. 2515
  15. 2516
  16. 2517
  17. 2518
  18. 2519
  19. 2520
  20. 2521
  21. 2522
  22. 2523
  23. 2524
  24. 2525
  25. 2526
  26. 2527
  27. 2528
  28. 2529
  29. 2530
  30. 2531+
  31. Calculations
  32. Additional Notes
  33. Post-TNH SOPs
  34. Images
  35. Persephone Videos
  36. Starfield Clips as Conceptual; Similar to Persephone Views


Before It All:

Secret meetings with 34 Tauri Brass:

  • Them:  “We were very surprised to hear from anyone as far away as Earth.  Of course we are interested in seeing if there is a mutually beneficial business relationship in there somewhere.”
  • Them:  “After reviewing your team’s experience and offered services, we have prepared this list of ways you can use your skills to help us.”
    Me (Auz):  “Thank you. I want to be sure I am helping in ways which will maintain your hard-won stability here.”  The implied part: “I don’t want to make secession-prone worlds too stable and independent, just more productive and controllable for you.”
    Them:  “As you can see from the list, we feel it would be fine and logical for you to help clean up war ruins and reseed worlds in need of crops, just nothing that would give any of them a military or technological advantage over the alliance.”
    Me:  “And any derelicts or other items which you could salvage, or which should not become useful to the at-risk worlds, report to your fleets first,” I guessed.
    They nodded, “Exactly.”
  • Them:  “We want our people to feel better about staying where they are, so, please, no talk of Earth still being out there, especially not people like you making it from there to here.”
  • Me:  “If I am to hand over my ship to you once you have had a couple decades to master it, I would like in exchange diplomatic clearance at all of your planets, moons, and Space stations, and your guarantee that no agent, officer, or anyone else will ever attempt to enter my personal ship, Persephone, with the intent of searching it or confiscating anything, no matter what I may be hauling for you, your associates, or myself.”
    The Generals, Admirals, and highest-ranking civilians looked to one another and then their Chief of Staff spoke, “Agreed. If that carrier you are bringing here is what you say, that is a fair trade we will stand behind.”
    Nyria and Djinnifer kept an eye on their minds and Internet/s, ensuring they were true to their word, sending out the right messages and codes to their offices throughout 34 Tauri.
  • Me:  “Every mission we fly, we will catalogue all animals and plants we detect; every species of bird, pest, predator, etc., and every edible or otherwise useful plant; medicinal, structural, toxic, good for dyes, you name it.
    We will generate high-resolution topographical maps with fault lines, waterflows including hot springs, soil composition and whether it is arable, water potability, mineral deposits and meteorite impacts, and any contaminants or irritants, including radon and any fallout.
    We will identify the different radar energies and radio signals being emitted.
    We will note gravity anomalies and potential terraforming issues.
    Every human we detect, we will provide a biological signature of –so alert us in advance if there are operations along any of our flightpaths which we should exclude from these reports, helping you keep them compartmentalized.
    We will even do our best to pinpoint landmines, biological warfare residue, and unexploded ordnance.
    Naturally, standard meteorological and Space-weather information will be included.
    These per-mission reports will be voluminous and thorough, and delivered only to the addresses you tell us to.
    If there is any data you need to decide where to send settlers or aid, you will have it from us –daily.
    Also, any derelicts found, I will enter and map, turning over any loot to whomever you send to pick it up; I am not a treasure hunter, but I can help your people to be.”
    They looked impressed; that would normally be the work of an entire civilization of experts, yet somehow completed by my one or two vessels. “What’s in all this for you?; you’re bringing us a free carrier, and updating all our records for dozens of worlds, and you don’t even want rights to a little salvaging?”
    Me:  “I am here only to see if some of your people can interact agreeably with me and my own; you’ll be helping me conduct that social experiment.”
    Them:  “A social experiment… for 20 years,” one asked, not sure he could believe that.
    I offered an understanding smile, “We used to conduct them back on Earth… until they uniformly found there was no hope of getting along. It has been centuries since those days; we believe there may now be reason to try again.”
    They all looked at each other in thought once again, then back at me. “Very well; you will have your clearances, and daily contact with our officers who can alert you to any flightpath portions during which we would like you to limit some of your scans or reporting.”
  • “Will you be hunting or killing anyone?” one General asked bluntly.
    “Only you and your kids,” I gave him a creepy smirk; was I joking? “If anyone ‘happens’ to die when I am in orbit or planet-side, blame it on the Browncoats or Reavers or whomever. …That’s not a request or suggestion.” I was giving them a direct order, I, a man not in their chain of command. “If you have your sexiest female Intelligence agent make herself sexually available to me, and only relay your requests to me when I have fucked her, I will make sure not to kill the people she says you want left alive, assuming those people always offer me their best whenever I am around. Agree to these terms and you get a supercarrier worth your entire Space Navy for free. Reject my terms, and I’ll just do whatever I want without any of your consent, and that may occasionally include nuking entire towns. This is not a threat, nor is it a negotiation; I am calmly informing you of your only two options. You don’t have to surrender anything to me; we are not at war. I am simply here for a number of years, and will expect anytime access to all females I am interested in, and I will have my way with them at all costs. All that needs to cost you is an hour or two of each female’s time here and there; I’ll only be borrowing most of them. If they are rude to me, I will keep them, but other than that, just borrowing. If I have to remind you to offer them to me, that would be considered rude to me.”

How did I convince UAP Brass to trust me and my ship with tens of thousands of their finest personnel?
That is where the Grid Mind’s remote mind-overriding, and my deployed ICVs and cloaked IC ships’ direct mind-overriding, and centuries of black-ops with some of their ancestors all factored in, keeping the persuasion-‘scales’ tipped in favor of whatever I proposed.
Of course, there were also trial-runs where only a hundred or so were sent as pioneers/testers before the main element (majority of seconded personnel) were authorized to arrive.

To Brahan, Cyd, and Sasha, once they were chosen and about to accept the offer to serve as contracted crew:
“Before you officially agree, I am going to tell you of the different way my team views Space and what we do.
Most people out here see Space as just a void, but we see it as what some religious people once called The Abyss; a part of actual Hell –though we do not subscribe to human religions.
Most people out here see themselves as pioneers and settlers, but we see them as convicts, their worlds as cell blocks in The Abyss; they are in Hell.
Most may see the UAP as the current superpower, but we see it as just another prison gang, we ourselves being the actual superpower and overlord –beyond even the influence of the UAP’s shadow-government.
Finally, most were brainwashed since childhood to fear and obey pre-existing authorities, but our instinct is to ignore laws we had no say in, instead enforcing our own.
Now… how did those sentences make you feel?”

  • Brahan, in his interview, replied, “Sounds like my kinda team.”
  • Cyd, in her interview, replied, “Honestly, nervous; if we are stepping on the toes of the system’s 600 lb. gorilla, I am gonna need some time learning I can trust you to keep us alive, but… I’m in. You seem like the man with the plan… and an air of confidence I have never felt before.”
  • Sasha, in his interview, replied, “I’m here for the chance to use my skills helping people where they probably would have no other help coming, so if what you do sometimes results in wounded people, and I sometimes have authorization to patch them up, the other details are really none of my business.”

6 years of missions with just me, Nyria, and Augustine in this ship… helped the ship A.I. fully learn and calibrate to me, understanding exactly what I expect in thousands of scenarios, thus when to take control away from the humans we were recruiting to add to our crew, if ever need be.


Before Each Mission/Launch:

Before any day’s first mission, while still docked in a TNH hangar, Persephone’s crew gets a pre-launch briefing, then in its cockpit verbally goes through their pre-flight checklist.

Briefing Format:

Briefings in which room?  The cargo-bay bunks-room that doubles as the stairwell?

  • TNH has the domed-screen briefing room, but we seldom use it, as our team is nowhere near large enough to justify taking up space in such a theater.
  • Any computer screen in Persephone works for us just fine.
  • We aren’t trying to help entire squadrons visualize being in the middle of a complex Space or atmosphere operation with hundreds of craft and projectiles. We’re just telling a few teammates where our one ship will fly, land, deploy a couple of its crew, get supplies or meet locals, and so on.

Graphics are by-mind prepared (whatever Auz imagines… gets made into a 3D presentation video with parts like moving slideshow slides) and checked by Auz before each briefing/day, this tech perfected over 500 Earth-years; 2510-500=2010.
As the pre-launch morning video is shown, it gets paused anytime anyone has input, thus the briefings often double as TDGs.

  • In the morning briefing before we flew out of our TNH hangar, I had my crew gathered like every weekday before a mission; we one by one made our ways to the cargo bay berth that had an extra hatch in it; it helped hide and secure the forward stairwell up to the top deck of Persephone. In that room, everyone made themselves comfortable on a bunk or the lone armchair, and I showed them the short visual aid, the usual video presentation helping everyone understand what we were flying into, options and all. Anytime anyone had a question, Nyria and the ship sensed it and paused the video so that person could ask it while it was fresh in his or her mind.
  • “Today, we are going to be flying here,” I said as the video showed Persephone’s planned flightpath down into a spacious canyon system, “then exiting this way,” I continued as the video showed our ship maneuvering within a side canyon, “and hopefully tricking any who notice us… into thinking we are from there.” That’s when a mapped community of humans guaranteed to be hostile to us for various reasons… got zoomed in on, ahead of the start of our exit trajectory.
  • “If anything doesn’t go according to plan, you know the drill.” They didn’t know the ship could read every computer and brain/mind within miles, but they did now have enough experience to know they could trust me to extract, not abandon, them; we always left as a team.
  • How could things go awry when I had mindreading tech’ that capable? Because we didn’t detect, know, or try to control Everything; we just noticed when others were noticing or suspecting us, and then we adjusted our remaining steps from there.
    It also now went without saying that Brahan and anyone else on foot with us were welcome to kidnap anyone they wanted; booty (in both senses of the term, in this case) / loot / spoils of war. Perks of the job. It pays to be a Space pirate/warden.


  1. Orientation
  2. Situation
  3. Mission; what we are going to do
  4. Execution; how we are going to do it
  5. Administration and Logistics; who is assisting (such as with detainees), and who is handling supplies
  6. Command and Signal; who is in charge, and how we will communicate

BAMCIS; format for preparing for a mission:

  1. Begin planning
  2. Arrange for Reconnaissance and Coordination
  3. Make Reconnaissance
  4. Complete plan
  5. Issue Order
  6. Supervise

**The Situation section is in SALUTE format;

  1. Size
  2. Activity
  3. Location
  4. Unit
  5. Time
  6. Equipment

Orientation section opening remarks:

  1. “This is the weather-range norm there for this time of year, this is what the local weather monitors are reporting, and this is how much we are cleared to change that weather to conceal our movements.”
  2. “Here are all the wildlife known to be in the area.”
  3. “These are images of what locals dress like there, what authorities dress like, and so on.”
  4. “These are the most recognized gestures and other customs.”
  5. “This is the firepower available to locals where we will be.”
  6. “This is what the local authorities have been told about our presence.”
  7. “This is what they have asked us to limit ourselves to saying and otherwise doing.”

Air Quality Index (AQI):

This includes how much of the different types of particulates/pollen (such as from grasses, trees, and weeds) has been detected.

  • 0 to 50 = Good, colored Green
  • 51 to 100:  Moderate, Yellow
  • 101 to 150:  Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups, Orange
  • 151 to 200:  Unhealthy, Red
  • 201 to 300:  Very Unhealthy, Purple
  • 301 to 500:  Hazardous, Maroon
    Note:  Values above 500 are considered “Beyond the AQI”.  Follow recommendations for the Hazardous category.

reference article

The checklist is mostly between Auz (commander) and Cyd (pilot), though he also loves Nyria joining in, even though she can communicate technopathically with him, as her voice was specifically designed and engineered to be flawlessly-sexy to him.

These are which of the three cockpit crew-members are responsible for reporting on which aspects/features of this ship:

  • AUZ/Other:  Airlocks and Docking, Atmosphere (including HVAC), Automated Repair, Avionics, Cargo Bay (including internal crane), Cells/Rooms (including headcount and pacification systems), Crawlspaces, Diagnostics Non-weaponry, Drainage (evacuating flooding), Eject/Escape/Life-pods, Engineering/Maintenance, Fire Suppression, Galley, G-drive, Hover-truck, Intercom, Laundry, Life Support, Lights (external and internal), Lounges, Medical Module (including decon/isolation), Ramp, Recycling, Shuttle Bays, Shuttles, Storage Lockers (includes supply/inventory), Waste Management, Water and Plumbing, Weather, Winches, Windshield (defog, defrost, wipers)
  • CYD/Nav’:  A.I. core (behind her chair, but more-monitored/understood by Nyria, ofc), Astrometry, Autopilot, Ballasts, Fuel, Jump-/Warp-drive, Landing Gear, LIDAR/RADAR (though Nyria also has this, just focused on enemies/unknowns, not terrain and clouds), Morse, Reverse-thrusters, Wings/Flaps
  • NYRIA/Wpns:  Armor (hull), Blue Force (teammates and potentials tracking), Bomb Bay (orbital/carpet), Camo’/Cloaking, Chaffs, Communications/Translation (including encrypting, decrypting), ECM/Jamming, Flares, Hostilities (if we are being scanned (even if via remote-viewing) or targeted), Internets Scanner, Minds Override, Minds Scanner (and what she finds… gets approved by me… then shown on Cyd’s RADAR screen section so she can pilot us to it/them), Missiles, Pest Control, Rainbow Canons (lasers), Remote Post-fire Override, Shields (including external radiation processing), Triangulation/Back-plotting (projectiles-trajectories mapping/calculating), Tractor Beams, Weapons Diagnostics

All of the following bullet-noted items/ship-features appear on my cockpit central-chair console-screen, either in red-colored font (for “not ready” / “issue”) or green-colored (for “ready”).  Even though they are on my screen, showing me which are fine and which need work before we launch our next flight/mission, I prefer to hear my two cockpit-women / copilots verbally say the status of the ones assigned to them.

  1. Nyria = N (Nyria Serra says “go” if she sees these systems/features’ names on her screen colored green); abort/recall system
  2. N alarms
  3. N albedo; the energy reflected off the matte hull/exterior (with the goal being to minimize it, thereby keeping Persephone less-detectable –and this ship can adjust its hull/albedo to match local cosmic background radiation/’static’/’noise’)
  4. N anti-magic systems
  5. N armor
  6. Auz = A; atmosphere tanks; fill percentages, etc.
  7. A auto-repair
  8. Cyd = C; autopilot
  9. A ballasts (and secret repulsines; all which help keep the ship oriented how the commander/pilot intends)
  10. A batteries (battery banks for the different modules/systems)
  11. N beams (including seduction-lasers and orgasm-lasers)
  12. N blast doors; auto-covers of/in/over all portholes and anything else which could use more armoring during imminent impacts
  13. C boosters and retro-rockets
  14. N camouflage; cloaking
  15. A cargo; every individual container, passenger room, and the cargo itself / passengers themselves
  16. A climate control
  17. A consoles/terminals
  18. A decon’; airlock devices/systems which can help check for contaminants, then decontaminate in various ways, based on need
  19. A diagnostics, including recommended maintenance checks/tasks
  20. A electrical
  21. C engine; warp-drive
  22. A escape pods / ‘life-boats’
  23. A Extra-Vehicular Activity / Manned Maneuvering Unit (EVA/MMU) suits
  24. A fire-suppression; sound-based nodes, etc.
  25. N flares (divert heat-seekers) and chaffs (confuse RADAR)
  26. N forcefield
  27. C fuel; for the ‘fake’ engines
  28. A gantry crane (cargo-bay ceiling-mounted / overhead)
  29. A g-drive; dialed up and down
  30. A hatches; airlocks, service-doors, etc.
  31. N hull
  32. A intercom
  33. N jamming; electronic countermeasures / electronic warfare (EW)
  34. A kitchen; appliances (statuses; temperatures, etc.), trackable utensils and other handheld cooking implements/tools, etc.
  35. C landing gears/systems (including how they automatically detect mud/unwanted and clean/remove it before retracting)
  36. A laundry/linens; fresh bed-sheets, etc., in every crew and passenger berth/room
  37. A life support; backup generators, redundant systems/devices, etc.
  38. A lights; exterior/search, interior, etc.
  39. A magnetic clamps/seals (when docking, such as when meeting/touching airlocks)
  40. A manual-override controls
  41. A medical module/room; all biometric and surgical devices, etc.
  42. A motion; mostly internal sensors which help detect stowaways/pests
  43. C navigation/guidance
  44. A networks; external communicators/transmitters
  45. A olfactory; internal and external (for fumes detecting, etc.)
  46. A pacification/sedation; systems in passenger rooms which can technologically/subtly lull them into restful sleep, preventing panic/rioting
  47. N pest control; miniature lasers designed to disable/kill bugs and other small creatures
  48. A plumbing
  49. A procedures and general/overall programming
  50. N projectiles; missiles, kinetic-impact rods, etc.
  51. A quarters; berths, etc.
  52. N QRF; ensuring support-ships/forces understand where to find Persephone and/or its crew-members in an emergency
  53. N radiation processing (ensuring no harmful levels make it in through the hull)
  54. A ramp
  55. C range-finders; LIDAR, etc.
  56. A security; internal door locks, keypads, ventilation-locks and sensors, etc.
  57. C&N) sensors –including long-range scanners (for asteroids, debris, individuals (bio-signatures), planets, ships, and even minds/thoughts/personalities), plus sensors of how the main sensors are doing, etc.
  58. A shuttles; bays, vehicles themselves, etc.
  59. A test all lights inside and out
  60. C&N) tracking; RADAR, etc.
  61. N tractor beam/s
  62. A underwater-operations readiness; airlock seals, SONAR, etc.
  63. N VHF/LoS (old-fashioned backup comm’s)
  64. A vehicle; the “Mule” hover-hauler (which is stowed in the main/forward airlock)
  65. A ventilation
  66. A voice recognition
  67. A waste management; trash compactors, human solid-waste (fecal matter) system/s, etc.
  68. A water storage and reclamation/recycling/purifying
  69. A weather/meteorological (planet-side and Space)
  70. A winches
  71. A windshield defog/frost (and for all other portholes/windows)
  72. C wings, including flaps and ‘false’ engines (to make Persephone seem like it is flying based on human technology; on lift, thrust, etc.)
  73. A wipers; for cockpit windshield panels, etc.
  74. N X-ray deception/absorption system/’skin’
  75. A&C&N) yokes (control-wheels beyond joysticks; air/Spacecraft steering-wheel equivalent)
  76. N Zulu-times synchronization (based on other/nearby worlds’ equivalents of Earth’s prime-/zero-meridian)

Nyria and Persephone can complete that checklist in a fraction of a second.
Saying it out loud takes roughly two minutes, including confirmation after each numbered item.

An annunciator panel, also known in some aircraft as the Centralized Warning Panel (CWP) or Caution Advisory Panel (CAP), is the bar of red/green squares/abbreviations above all 3 of our center consoles, so all of us can notice any red issue at any time.

When all 76 of those bullet-notes are good/ready, I having been told “go” by Cyd and Nyria for theirs, and said “go” to my own, I then say to my crew/copilots:  “We are go for launch.”



SOP for all of the following missions:

These are not all of the rules and guidelines which help us operate Persephone, just a handful of general tasks for the majority of our outings.

  • 5 days per week; workdays (since my original schedule for those types of days is no longer necessary during these decades)
  • 500 standard iron slave-girl collars, 500 leashes, and 100 collar-linking chains are kept stowed in some of the lockers at all times; enough for if ever we cram extra acquisitions in due to not being able to return to a world for a while, etc.. Every time we bring back girls and collar them, they wear those collars on to their destination/s, and I (Auz) portal from Inisfree to Persephone the next workday morning with the same number of collars as we ‘lost’ that previous day, if any.
  • Acquired girls are not allowed meals or refreshments or even snacks until they have swallowed at least half a bottle (~8 oz.) of cum.
    When it is feeding/watering time, and our acquisitions-bunkrooms are heavily used, obviously I and my crew of ~4 cannot hold the sippy cups, water bottles, or cum bongs for hundreds of acquired girls, so we dock in TNH and bring in however many ICVs from TNH we need.
  • All “honeypots” are instantly destroyed; any time a female is detected as a would-be assassin or even just a staller of me, she is killed immediately, always from afar when detected soon enough. Only sharing real love and lust with me is allowed.
  • Always highlighted in my field of view are harmful creatures, such as venomous caterpillars and spiders, etc., and my ICVs and ship beams/fields always neutralize them, if not delete them.
    My calming aura helps, but after all the horrible things humans did to me, I like to be extra safe.
  • Any girls who try to rebel or protest by urinating or defecating their beds or anywhere without permission, just like a puppy, get their nose/face rubbed in it while they are spanked and then tossed in a locker (for “girl box” time-out). We don’t change their sheets, either; we move the behaved girls to a different room, and make the bedwetter spend a full night on those soiled sheets, driving the point home.
    Girls who try to starve themselves or puke… get mind-controlled so they eat their caloric fill/need/prescribed-amount.
    Girls with deformities such as noticeable clitoral hoods are deemed mutated and unsellable, thus get de-atomized or spaced. Only perfect versions/copies of them are appropriate bodies/merchandise. We 3D-print correct versions either way; whether girls we acquire have correct bodyparts or not.
  • Anytime a UAP Fed happens to stumble upon any info about our black ops, that Fed gets his/her memory altered so that he/she doesn’t remember anything he/she read/found –and this is usually done by an ICV sneaking into his/her private house after hours.
    I keep Jenna informed as to which key words Feds are not to Google, and which places they are not meant to go to, and she lets her superiors know, their subordinate leaders then keeping their teams busy elsewhere, distracted.
    Even cartel jefes get disappeared if they start causing trouble for us, noticing things we don’t feel like they should.
  • Anyone sick or injured, we mind-scan to see if they would have been polite to me (Auz), and we heal for free those who would have, then telling them how to stay well.
    Auto-scan for all homeless and sick and hunted and fugitive, then filter for compatible w/ me.
    Those who would have been rude to me, we offer a deal (usually slavery or becoming an asset of mine) in exchange for their restored health, not telling them how to stay well.
    Homeless people, same thing; we scan their minds, letting us know who would be good to me, and the compatible ones get offered whichever house they want, I paying for it, while homeless who are not compatible with me get offered only shelter if they become my slaves.
    Male slaves are not allowed in my realm, and all females must be pleasure slaves. Outside my realm, however, all males not yet invited to Inisfree are my property, just like everything else, thus are slaves. They just aren’t always aware of that yet.
    Those who politely and genuinely worship me as the High King of Kings, God of All, enjoy a mild slavery with many luxuries/rights/privileges, while the rest, of course, are kept in a harsh slavery without even a guarantee of shelter or their very lives.
  • As much as I’d Like to kill everyone on worlds where ugly people are, that is not my purpose in 34 Tauri. Humans are kept weak, stationary, and isolated via being allowed to spread like the cancer they are. Their polluting civilization out here is not offending anyone, as there were no indigenous other than the conscious worlds they terraformed.
  • Augustine also has the role of making sure we don’t accidentally damage any of his family’s properties, investments, or allies; we don’t mind-control or rape or kidnap and enslave any females we agreed to let stay free, as per our classified pre-deployments business negotiations.
  • Before Cyd and Nyria sit on their cockpit chairs, every time they enter the cockpit when I am with them, they kneel to give me a dual blowjob, Nyria then rims me, and then they bend over their respective chairs and slide their pants down so I can penetrate their pussies and assholes, just one thrust per, and then they slide their pants back up, sit, and buckle in. Then I slide my hand down the front of their pants to roughly finger them while spitting into their mouths. They always say, “Thank you, Captain.” as it is happening and when I am done.
    Before exiting the cockpit, they do the same thing, sometimes in reverse.
  • Cooking is managed by Nyria, the greatest chef there could ever be, and she always veganizes whatever we have discovered, if it wasn’t already vegan, and she always makes successive meals unique, never cooking the same thing twice –unless I specifically tell her to.
  • decloak to draw their (hostiles’) fire to test their accuracy
    stay cloaked and get as close to their sensors as possible while monitoring and decrypting their freq’-hop comm’s to see if anyone notices and reports the anomaly
  • default killings/assassinations:
    If there is anyone who is deformed, gay, trans, or into a death-cult, we crucify and flamethrower them.
    Anyone rude to us gets their tongues removed.
    Anyone who gives us dirty/mean looks gets their eyes removed.
  • Even though this ship can maneuver like a fighter-jet, it is to be flown like a commercial/cargo plane at all times except in emergencies.
  • Every girl gets fully felt/groped, cum inside by at least 2 males, and made to drink at least a half bottle of cum before every meal.
  • Every time I (Auz) come aboard, the ship greets me. When I am with people I would not want to know it is an A.I., it technopathically says its welcome-back message to me. When I am with only my crew, for example, it says it via its intercom. That greeting to me is, “Welcome back inside me, Captain.”
  • Every time I see a hot female on the street who would have been rude to me, I have Nyria mind-override her and everyone within view of us, causing her to kneel and let me piss in her mouth while everyone else just watches and enjoys it.
  • Foot-patrols (a.k.a. satellite patrols) always take at least a bug-out bag, if not a camping backpack for everyone, and anytime the walk/hike is farther than a few miles, that gear is hauled/driven (hovered) on/via the hover-truck.
  • give every Registered Companion as much time/notice as possible –without giving away any TNH movements/secrets; maintain OPSEC, such as by using a personal Cortex channel to simply let them know your availability in the weeks ahead, once TNH’s course/destinations are known/likely –and the SOP for each Companion meeting/session is elaborated upon below
  • hosting, including cooking local/guest favorites with fresh local ingredients from the farmers markets —*and we always offer to prepare their favorite dish/meal
  • Humans can wear body armor if they want.
  • Husbands and boyfriends are always “locked in chastity” (cock cages that prevent erections) while they watch me fuck their women, daughters, crushes, female coworkers, you name it. If they behave, they get unlocked to help fuck those females, but only for sloppy seconds.
  • I (Auz) almost always take my motorcycles with me when TNH is orbiting safe worlds;
    so I can cruise their main streets downtown during peak hotties times,
    take Nyria riding and pimp her out,
    take Cyd riding,
    and pick up chicks I then fuck in hotels if they are classy, motels if they prefer trashy, and back to my ship whenever I decide to kidnap them.
  • I always have my ship show me through the eyes/memories and security cameras of others… every nicest house on the planet, so I can decide which to stay in.
  • I always have Nyria default to mind-controlling every hottie to politely invite me to watch them fuck their partners right as we walk up to them, never having to meet or chat.
  • I always have the ship scan to find minds/mindsets like the car dealers who baited and set me up, and then determine which new cars on their lots they are responsible for, and portal those into my ship. Since their kind never once honored the deals they pretended to make with me, or gave me fair prices/rates, I just steal every car I want from now on, not even giving the dealers a chance to screw me like I know they always would.
  • I donate to multiple charities and fundraisers on every world.
  • I fuck every sexy female we detect.
    I punish everyone who does not facilitate such.
    Remember, we aren’t there to help them in any other way than getting them used to socializing with us –our (my) way.
  • I piss and shit wherever I want, and have anyone who takes issue with it kill themselves. Anytime a single ugly person is around, I don’t go that way, such as in a store with a toilet-room.
  • I tell each Companion who did a good job fucking me… that I would not only like to tip her beyond her rate, but also purchase various things from any of her friends or associates who might benefit from such purchases; fine art, luxury automobiles, property, company shares, couture clothing, rare and collectors items, vintage wines, local specialties, etc..
  • If someone somehow got into the cockpit airlock and was causing a distraction, the ship would automatically lock both doors and lower the breathable air in there until that person fell unconscious, or just use a pacification/sleep signal in there, but usually such a person would be detected by his/her intention/thoughts long before they got that close to the cockpit, avionics, or any other restricted room, and stopped multiple hatches back.
  • Instead of flying over to fire from where an enemy is, we just fire into a portal, its exit being placed over the enemy we want to frame, thus making the projectile trajectory seem to originate from them.
  • Internet-surf until all linked-computer data is analyzed (to show us every hacker, glitch, upcoming glitch, backdoor, code pinhole, deep web, dark web, etc.)
  • It is possible for me (Auz) to have Nyria or Persephone put a local (planet-side) radio station on this ship’s intercom, whether in just one room, multiple rooms, or all rooms, or even play it outside via an external speaker (such as for listening enjoyment during a ship-top picnic), but I usually just have Nyria and the ship monitor local radio traffic in their own heads/minds, rarely finding enjoyment from listening to any human/Outlander radio station/program, and I especially avoid hearing such things when I need to focus on critical duties in the cockpit of a super-expensive ship carrying many lives.
  • local museums; we try to visit as many of these as possible
  • mind-surf all human brains (to show all/any lost hikers, people having memory issues, targeted individuals (of gang-stalking or gaslighting), prayers, moles, sleeper cells, memory-wiped ppl, etc.)
  • My ship always marks on our maps where every female I would find attractive are, plus the routes they have active in their phones, plus the routes they are thinking of, plus their destined/likely/foreseen routes. Nyria, when with me for dangerous missions where an ICV’s unique skills/abilities are important, serves as my interface for the ship, sexily communicating to me what it would otherwise just technopathically show to / transmit for me. This IC assistance ensures I know where every sexy female is and will be, where all the sex events (such as gangbangs and gloryholes and even back-alley rapes) are and will be while I am there, and that I am always invited in to watch or partake for free, no questions asked, and even that most or all people present offer me donations and gifts, etc..
  • Never leave a crew member planet-side unless it is in a safe area for libo or to return to their homes after a deployment.
  • Normally we don’t tell anyone which world is next, so we do hauls between the world we are already in orbit around…and its moons and stations and fleets.
  • Nyria always reads the minds and security systems where we are, using the local dialect and accent, saying everything she knows the people talking with us will like hearing, and what the local security system/s will not flag.
    Nyria also knows the one thing each person wants or needs most, and if they have tried a long time to get it, so we offer that one thing for free to everyone scans determine would be nice to me, at least when we meet them and have time.
  • Nyria automatically instantly understands any/all local dialects, as she processes all Internet traffic and thoughts that quickly, so she is always our interpreter; we never need to recruit and trust a local/stranger.
  • Nyria is the Commandress of all deployed Inisfreean forces, but our focus during 2510-2530 is the TNH social experiment, and it is one of the biggest deployments of ICVs, thus she works from TNH/Persephone during those years, not aboard our SSBS.
  • On Bellerophon, I always stay in any of the floating estates I want, never asking or reserving one, and whoever lives in those or owns them… gets mind-overridden so they give me their blessing.
    I also always have the ship automatically mind-override any security who show up, converting them into lifelong loyal servants of mine, so the moment they get within range of my ship or me… they stop approaching, and become my own latest security minions. Same goes for police, military, spies, you name it.
  • PSC/PSI before undocking, then (Pre-Action Check/Inspection) PAC/PAI before disembarking, and Post-Action Check+Inspection after; ensuring we still have everything issued/needed that we took with.
  • Sasha handles our annual checkups since all of us are as off-the-record as it gets, even as personnel of TNH.
  • scan and catalogue:
    all animals and plants we detect; every species of bird, pest, predator, etc., and every edible or otherwise useful plant; medicinal, structural, toxic, good for dyes, you name it
    generate high-resolution topographical maps with fault lines, waterflows including hot springs, soil composition and whether it is arable, water potability, mineral deposits and meteorite impacts, and any contaminants or irritants, including radon and any fallout
    radar energies and radio signals being emitted
    gravity anomalies and potential terraforming issues
    every human we detect, we will provide a biological signature of
    landmines, biological warfare residue, and unexploded ordnance
    derelicts –including all detected weak-points, forecast collapses, etc.
    cave systems and mining shafts
  • search for ruins (human or otherwise)
  • Since every formsake was chosen/determined centuries ago, and the sacrifices for Ambi’s temple usually brought in by MPHAs and kept classified beyond even what Brahan, Cyd, and Sasha are cleared to witness, Persephone missions only involve harvesting females we have requests/orders for, and any females I just feel like having the originals of (as opposed to just their lookalike ICVs). Telepathic and psychic hotties who foresee or sense our coming/presence can always call out to us, though, and I often honor their requests for exfiltration. All our tasking is completed as efficiently as possible, ensuring we always fly or portal around to experience (if not also get) all the hotties I want from each world. Even when we don’t have time during the workday hours when I will be planet-side in Persephone while TNH is in orbit around a given world, all its sexy females who would get along well with me still get interviewed by deploying ICVs, and still get chances to come see my secret sacred realm, destined to share love with me there if not aboard Persephone.
  • Since my room is almost always unused overnight by me, my wives such as Inara and Jenna K. are welcome to ‘crash’ there, and they do whenever I am working on their worlds.
  • Since Nyria and Persephone can always read their minds, Nyria always knows where to be to pacify or render isolated/caged any girl about to attempt escape. In our ship, the ship itself handles mind-overriding such girls, and outside our ship Nyria usually handles that. Nyria eventually chats with them, persuading them to change their thinking regarding such things; she always knows which of her comments and other actions result in thoughts confirming those girls are convinced she is right about them staying with us.
  • Since our god-level tech’ lets us know every thought, need, and record in Creation, at least those we are paying attention to, we know everyone who is valued or protected by the UAP, thus everyone who they won’t miss or mind losing. Every time my ship goes planet-side, it knows to start triggering random terminal events for everyone who both 1) would be rude to me, and 2) will not be missed by the UAP. These events always make it look like believable suicide, accidents, incurable diseases, or foul play from competitors I also would find rude. This is why, even when thousands meet untimely ends, or have their savings transferred to loved ones whose accounts also seem to get greatly reduced, or find out they are terminally ill and have only weeks to live, it never seems connected, and certainly not back to me, an undocumented man from a world no one thinks still has people on it, anyway.
  • Since Persephone is almost never flown without me aboard, and since it becomes my Air Force One when I am aboard, there is always a cloaked MPHA or 3 moving along with it.
  • Since very few people are cleared to see inside this ship, let alone its upper level/rooms, ICVs do almost all of the upstairs restocking; groceries, etc..
  • Since we started as part of the social experiment to see if humans out here can work well with us, instead of using Inisfreean tech’ to rapidly do everything we need, we have human personnel in TNH refuel the ship and load replacement ammo..
  • Since we usually go planet-side where it is the middle of the night, Cyd and I often take a quarter hour somewhere in the mission/shift to make love while moongazing, and she once warmly remarked how extra romantic it is that we not only do that, but adventure together to do it under different moons almost every week. (Every moongazing also makes me think of my beloved Ambi and Elena, so I smile that much more.)
  • The hover-trucks is to be stowed in the front half of the cargo bay, centered, unless there is cargo there. When there is cargo there, it is to be stowed in the ramp airlock, centered, always tied down in either case. While it can be stowed in the back of the cargo bay, and hovered over the floor-hatch guardrails as needed, either a portal or the gantry-crane moving it while it hands sideways would be necessary to get it around stacked cargo and back out, so it should remain in front of any cargo, not resorting to portals or that crane.
  • The moment Nyria gets within range/view of them, and especially once she has physically touched them, she knows their entire medical state, including mental, thus if any of them need doctoring, and she briefs Sasha at that point. This ensures we know if they need detoxing from non-vegan products or drugs, including pharmaceutical, and so on. 2510-2530 A.D. is ~500 years of practice perfecting our diagnoses and care of humans, so we know all the ways to comfortably transition them onto the healthiest diet for each individual.
  • The moment the ship detects females I would, or at least might, think are sexy, it and Nyria draft a most-efficient pickups route based on factors such as where those females’ thoughts indicate they are most likely to be during our pickups.
  • The ship always scans the Internet (local Cortex section) and all minds on the planet the moment we enter orbit, and Nyria reviews and sorts the findings to my screen or mind’s eye, showing me 100% of the hotties, regardless of age or availability, grouping them into these categories:
    would be rude to me, so we will mind-control, rape, and enslave them
    will not have anything to do with me / a stranger, so we will mind-control and rape them
    might be talked into letting me fuck them, so we will mind-control and rape them,
    would let me fuck them, so they get invitations
    would fuck me and help me fuck their hot female friends, so they get offered gifts
    would fuck me and help me rape, kidnap, and enslave or even kill others, so they get paid in advance and asked if they want to become assets
    Then on the ground she points out each the ship identified as hot, and mind-controls them as needed for me.
    She also points out everyone who is a bot/NPC like in West World, and we have a little laugh about how she kind of is, too.
  • Torture:  Torturing rude humans shall mostly be done in the ship’s medical room and out in town, as well as in remote areas,
    sometimes getting their comrades/gangmates to do it (via leverage/threats or even mind-control), etc.,
    sometimes I just let them (the captured bad-guy/s sentenced to torture) wake up, look around, recognize me as the guy they were rude to in town, then ignore them screaming and begging for (to be told) what I want… as I start to carve them up (or as Nyria or another ICV performs various torture procedures/techniques on them), saying nothing, just smiling.
    After hours of torture, I calmly ask, “Should I let you go?”
    If they say yes, I say, just as calmly, “Persuade me.”
    Everyone who cockblocked me gets a penectomy and orchiectomy; dick and both balls removed.
    I let them wake up from surgery and slowly begin to notice what is missing, keeping them anesthetized.
    Then I release them, they often not long after committing suicide.
    (Sometimes I instead leave them conscious while strapped to an X-frame, telling them they have two choices, the first being to just get killed as they are, the second being to verbally consent to having “their junk” removed, after which I will release them “back into the wild” –i.e. nowhere they can try to trouble me.  Don’t like it?  Don’t cockblock me, then, and I won’t permanently cockblock You.)
    Those who make unwanted/aggressive/impolite advances at me, or pressure me to hook up with others, get locked onto a bondage rack in the all-fours position, and I calmly inform them that they are about to get raped to death… by various animals.  Only females I am attracted to are welcome to make passes at / flirt with me.  Duh.
  • trying local-cuisine restaurants –and helping, not punishing, any vegan ones which were unable to be as vegan as I’d like (helping them such as by setting up better supply-channels for them to source fully-vegan ingredients, and of course, as always, praising their efforts/veganism)
  • UAP request:  to not necessarily target/neutralize Browncoats / Dust Devils, as their “terrorist” activities are “good for business” (“job security” for UAP forces)
  • visiting known ancient ruins
  • We already know about worlds being hollow, and have allied with the Aghartans in Earth, and the Angelic/Maiar in other worlds, and humans such as Cyd are not yet cleared to enter those places or know such things, and our work via Persephone is part of the TNH social experiment, not expeditions into hollow cores, so we do not fly near or through polar holes.
  • We always find all concerts, open bars, night clubs, street races, sex parties, porn studios, etc., then have all sexy females at them leave and get to places where their abductions won’t be noticed, and any who are with dates, if those people they are dating would be rude to me, kill their dates, thus forcing them to “disappear” lest they go to prison for life.
  • We always first orbit once to map the whole world anew, updating the UAP’s interplanetary version of Google Maps/Earth.
  • We are not there to solve all their problems, and we only have a few days to a week at each world, so we do our best to break the ice, understand their concerns and needs, and give them the supplies and crash-courses for whatever they agree to receive our help with. We make sure they also understand it may be years before we can return.
  • We dial down the shield to only be a bumper/deflector when we are in hangar; so a falling ship or nudged human deck crew member does not get absorbed/disintegrated by it.
  • We do not issue headsets or walkie-talkies. Communication is done by-mind.
  • We do our best to choose projectiles which will strike the target without harming wildlife, and we telepathically warn wildlife if they are near a damage area, but only allied vegan beings get priority. Not all wildlife is innocent or worth our consideration.
  • We do our best to help anyone compatible with us, so if one of that demographic is wounded, we either fly/portal Persephone to them so they can heal in its med-sec, or deploy/portal Nyria to them so she can get/portal them back to this ship for that reason.
  • We keep the ship out of sight as much as possible, so that accounts of it by 34 Taurians seem more like rumors or ghost stories, it rarely actually seen by anyone other than those we are intimidating. Thus, we usually fly it up to a planet via its night-side, and use its HAARP/SBX tech’ to cause overcast, rainy, foggy, misty conditions, etc.. When we have to go somewhere in daylight, we portal down below mountaintops, then stay below their ridge lines, landing outside of any city’s limits, inside either canyons/caves or groves/forests of ~100′-tall trees.
  • We know all minds on each world we go to, they being detected and analyzed the moment we are in range of the world, and they get linked/mapped as family trees based on our 2200s Mapping Campaign scan results. I then abduct all sexy females who either would be rude to me, or whom come from parents or lovers who would be rude to me. Any sexy females who would be good to me instead get asked if they want to come. If they do not want to come with me, I make (ICVs) perfected-copies of them. In short, we always take the rude, and only copy the polite, though many polite girls instinctively know they should go with me; to a much better and eternal life.
  • We never give even rich or leaders or even royals and deities a chance to choose; they either offer to do what I want them to do, or we mind-override them and leave them reprogrammed to always offer what I want them to offer.
  • We passively monitor the skies not via emitting radar energy, but by observing for it, and pairing that data with our undetectable mind-surfing.  We know when aircraft are scrambled, what their ranges are, what levels of technology they have / are using, what their pilots are planning and being told to do, when/if they notice signs of our activity, what we can do which they will not be able to detect or even infer, where we can land and hide when there are no clouds to hide in, etc..
  • We scan for nymphos and, when they are attractive to me, make contact and offer to help (fuck) them as often as we can. We consider this one of our charity/humanitarian subroutines.
  • We scan for veterans; to determine if any decent veterans (the kind I would not mind being around) were damaged by intentional medical malpractice (like I once was), heal them, and help them get the home of their dreams.
    Bad veterans (any who would be rude to me), we kill.
    Bad doctors (any who would harm me and lie about their scam), we also kill.
  • We use non-standard radio call-signs and brevity codes to be extra confusing to anyone who may somehow, in spite of our “crypto, be eavesdropping; I am Walking,
    Augustine is Book,
    Brahan is Red,
    Cyd is Joy,
    Nyria is Three,
    Sasha is Nature,
    Persephone is Fifth,
    the hover-truck is Maggie,
    “requesting pickup/extraction” is “eleven”,
    “stay where you are” is “trampoline”,
    “radio silence” is “river”,
    “shoot the badguy/s” is “potato”,
    “cloak the ship” is “happening”,
    “acquire all sexy females in the local/nearby area” is “rainbow”,
    “on our way” is “what”.
  • Weeks in advance of every confirmed arrival date, the deployed clandestine ICVs who have maintained their spy network on all human-occupied worlds since the 2200s A.D. find out which people will be interested in booking time with one of my Haifa ICVs, who they all think is just Companion Nyria, and then I deploy that many Haifa ICVs to arrive before, during, and after my Persephone time at the given world, going with Nyria (ICV0) to the sex-bookings I will enjoy witnessing most.
    This gives all the humans at those worlds time to clear their schedules for at least a quicky with one of her.
  • When in flight, stay seated. If a cockpit crew member in one chair has reason to take charge of a system which has its console/controls on the array of another chair, request that those controls be temporarily transferred to the necessary chair. Do NOT unbuckle and walk over to trade chairs/positions.
  • When it is time for a picnic, we fly or portal in the ship to wherever it is day and clear skies, but most of my lunch hours are spent with my favorite Companions and sluts wherever they want to eat; crew picnics are usually during brunch or a pre-supper dinner before we fly Persephone back to TNH.
  • When leaders offer me what I want, and willingly, we return the favor/manners by adjusting our beacon so it does not cause their own hotties to mindlessly walk/fly to our ship, but this is only the case when they make sure to show me all their hotties and pay me to use their finest suites and yachts to fuck all those hotties during my visits to their worlds.
  • When we want to scare humans who were or would be rude to us, we show Persephone.
    When we are just mingling, blending in, making small simple trades with humans who are nice to us, we keep Persephone hidden just outside the edge of the given town, and take its hover-truck in and back.  (Persephone can always keep anyone uninvited… moving away from it and/or us; it is never discovered by humanimals we have not chosen to kidnap or invite in.)
  • Whenever anyone of this crew goes off on their own, whether in TNH or planet-side, there is always a cloaked ICV secretly and clandestinely bodyguarding them.
  • Whenever psychics, telepaths, or other seers or magic-wielders were detected, and their kind are always detected by us, we deceived them with the telepathic and illusory equivalent of media-flooding.
  • Whenever we don’t need the floorspace for hauling something else, I prefer to fill it up with the finest automobiles and other finest things from every world/city we fly to. I could always just have my deployed forces flash-clone or portal such things, but my time here is a social experiment to see if I am treated like the final god, after all, so I accept offerings/tithings from the people I interact and trade with.
  • With only 1 ICV in Persephone, and the ICVs in TNH stationed in TNH, the ICVs in TNH do not portal back to Inisfree until this social experiment (and “20 and back”) is complete for them. Thus the logical way to get humans (whether crew members or acquired kajira-candidates) to Inisfree is while riding in Persephone.
  • Within seconds of entering orbit, or even just focusing on a world, thus causing the Grid Mind to open a one-way spy-portal to it, we have copied and analyzed all its Internet data, found solutions to all its hacker viruses, detected all its lifeforms, scanned all their minds, and mapped every secret facility, knowing every classified project going on and which once went on. There are no secrets from the sensors of we Inisfreeans. Sometimes we even go cloaked to spectate at UFO-level test-flights, knowing even those bases cannot detect or stop us.
  • zero in on all females I (Auz) would be attracted to, and decide which to acquire vs. which to make perfected copies/clones (ICVs) of
  • Zhanna is ODST, so she only plays with me when I dock Persephone in TNH; she does not often ride/fly with us/Persephone –even though one of its neck-rooms is reserved for her (well, her and me; for our fuck-hangouts).
  • and travel-time between worlds and systems happens during the standard 2-day weekends (with a TNH speed of ~2,500 miles/second (at which speed a ship could cross Europe or the USA laterally every second); what it would take to get from Earth to Mars in 1 Earth-day (24 hours)); when Persephone is docked in TNH –otherwise, TNH moves at a normal orbital speed (Space-shuttle or satellite speed/s)

SOPs of Which Weapon to Use When:

  • Torpedo (photon torpedo = ~50 kilotons & 8-km kill-radius) for long-range (almost interplanetary) Spaceship-to-Spaceship combat, but also perfectly useful for devastating an entire metropolis (the capital or chief city of a country or region)
  • ICBM for ending a failed city (at least its downtown area) that the UAP knows is just a money pit that can never be saved
  • MLRS (not quite an ICBM) for killing multiple sports stadiums (worth of area) at once (57 acres; hundreds of thousands of square meters)
  • Cluster-bomb for ruining a runway or highway to stop traffic
  • LGB (kill radius of a 2,000-lb. bomb = 360m)
  • Rod (kinetic impact) for near-nuclear bunker-busting; moderately-deep bunkers (b/c it penetrates hundreds of feet down, and causes shaking on-par with ground-penetrating nuclear bombs)
  • Bunker-buster for non-nuclear; near-surface bunkers
  • Napalm for roasting an entire park or forest
  • AAM obviously for firing at other aircraft
  • SAM obviously for firing up at aircraft while our ship is still on the ground
  • Artillery shell (r = 50m) for leveling an intersection of city block
  • Tank shotgun shell for ending a noisy party of fugs, such as any “pride” parades
  • Tank shell reg. (r25m) for engaging armored vehicles
  • Metal Storm for peppering small areas
  • Hydra 70 equivalent (r50m) for equipment more-so than personnel or vehicles; somewhere in between
  • Mortar (r35m) for equipment, personnel, and light-armored vehicles in non-reinforced buildings, open areas, and urban areas
  • Mk19 rd. (r5m) for hovering helicopters (or any craft which hovers), light-armored vehicles, and from hidden/indirect positions
  • M2 (50cal. machinegun) for 19-25mm of armor; light-armored vehicles
  • Minigun (M134) for peppering moderately-sized areas and pinning down targets (b/c 6x the rate of fire of a machinegun, but not the rate of a Metal Storm)
  • M242 (LAV-25’s main machinegun) for sniping slow aircraft and light tanks
  • XM109 for sniping engines and fortified doors
  • M82 for sniping troops behind brick walls
  • M24 for sniping troops
  • Sonic cannon for annoying troops/sailors more than a psy-ops speaker could
  • Flamethrower (range137m, not harm-radius) for parades, firing into office buildings, clearing bunker entrances, etc.
  • Tear gas for firing into buildings to smoke out rude people we want to congest before capture

“Bottom line:  200 kg pure TNT (1/4-ton is in some conventional torpedoes), with no casing or nearby objects to cause fragmentation, has a blast radius of around 16 m. It has lethal pressure-wave effects only a couple of times larger, maybe 30 to 50 m. For engineered munitions of this size, lethal radius is several times larger, 100 to 200 m.”

As my Schedule webpage’s Workday section says/implies, even out here in 34 Tauri I:

  1. commute at 8 AM,
  2. try to start work by 9 AM; briefing my crew before or after Nyria briefs Me (first telling me of her last-night play and earnings, then of the intel’ her Inisfreean forces/tech’ keep gathering to help us plan our/these missions),
  3. ~9-11 AM: have a couple/few hours of meetings,
  4. ~11 AM: have nyotaimori brunch aboard Persephone while planet-side,
  5. ~11:30 AM to 12:30 PM: finalize plans for the day and start making things happen,
  6. ~12:30-1 PM: have nyotaimori lunch at a vegan restaurant with my favorite local Companion and other fuckbuddies,
  7. ~1-2 PM: maybe surf or ride one of my motorcycles around out there,
  8. ~2-2:30 PM: have a pre-dinner snack back aboard Persephone,
  9. ~2:30-5 PM: fly a few final mission parts/routes,
  10. ~5-5:30 PM: fly back out to TNH with the latest acquired/volunteering kajirae-candidates,
  11. ~5:30-6 PM: debrief my crew,
  12. ~6-7 PM: and head back home (to my Earth cabin) before dinnertime.

Even though all terraformed 34 Tauri worlds have tilts/seasons, rotations/day-cycles, and revolutions/years as close to Earth’s as possible, they are orbiting different stars, thus we arrive at them in the middle of seasons not synchronized to Earth’s, and we, preferring nightfall to approach from orbit, even though our clocks are based on time standardized from Earth’s, and even though I only work during Earth’s mountain standard time-zone’s 9 AM to 5 PM, always fly to where it is at least late evening / dusk, if not the middle of the night. That means every planet-side trip we make is right to prime time for that region’s bars, brothels, cheating (one-night stands, etc.), concerts, lifestyle clubs (swingers, etc.), night clubs, raves, street races, etc.; when the most hotties are always out and about, making it easy for me to enjoy seeing them even before we zero in and start the ‘harvesting’. If the 6 hours I have per weekday do not overlap with the evening or overnight times of the populated side of a newly-/partially-urbanized world TNH is orbiting, we still approach via its nightside, then fly below RADAR toward any dayside targets, and I might surf or meet MWB/cheating housewives in their homes while their husbands are at work, rather than how I would spend my time clubbing and so on if there during nighttime.

Example sequence of receiving new captured girls / kajira-candidates:

  1. Nyria puts the ship’s scan-findings on my screen in the cockpit.
  2. I (Auz) make my selections by tapping on them, then review the list of approved hotties and confirm it.
  3. The ship then calibrates its beacon to mind-control only those I chose, triggering them to stop whatever they are doing and instead make their way to our ship.
  4. At the ramp below the ship’s neck, they stand in a group, calmly waiting their turns to be walked up inside for processing.
  5. Nyria has each one walk to her, one at a time, instantly knowing all the thoughts, memories, and instincts of their entire lives, plus much about their relatives/bloodline, and of course they dietary and medical needs.
  6. One by one, the ship mind-controls them to follow Brahan to their assigned rooms where they are locked onto their bunkbeds.
  7. One by one, Sasha goes to the rooms with girls needing some sort of diagnosis or medical care, taking only crew and critical cases to his module at the back of the ship.
  8. One by one, I then make my rounds, fucking each girl’s three main holes, quicky style, to make sure they feel acceptable.
  9. Those onboard long enough to require sustenance get to eat and drink in their rooms, always starting with a bottle of cum.
  10. Those who obey all I or Nyria tell them… get freed of the mind-control beams.
  11. Several of each pickup get traded to interested supporters in 34 Tauri.
  12. A few of the girls are found good enough to make it to Inisfree.
  13. Most of these girls (not the ones good enough for me/Inisfree) end up being donated to my wife in her temple complex in New Montana, where the majority of them get bled and sacrificed.
  14. Naturally, I make perfected clones (ICVs) of any I really like, but nearly all form-sakes were found/set by 2024, centuries ago.

All foot/footwear mud and debris gets air- and water-sprayed off before re-entering the ship.  There are small hoses for this at/in every airlock.

Slurs-based Military Phonetic Alphabet:

Again, for all the default-panickers / humorless morons who might be reading this, this is military humor, not racism.  Note how slurs about Whites are included in the following list.  That then isn’t racism, but diversity/equality.

  1. Akmed
  2. Buttsex
  3. Chink
  4. Darkie
  5. Ethnic
  6. Fairy
  7. Greaser
  8. Ho
  9. Injun (Natives)
  10. Jap
  11. Kraut
  12. Limey
  13. Mic
  14. Nigger
  15. Outlander
  16. Prairie-nigger
  17. Queer
  18. Rusky
  19. Spick
  20. Thick-lips
  21. Uterus
  22. Vag
  23. Wop
  24. Xian
  25. Yank
  26. Zipperhead

Nyria and I remember it all.
Brahan knows most of it.
Zhanna is learning it for fun.
Cyd just laughs when we use it.
Augustine and Sasha are mildly amused but don’t participate.
Bailey smirks and rolls her eyes.

2024 May:  Military Phonetic Alphabet, Funny Bad-words Version

  1. Asshole
  2. Bitch
  3. Cunt
  4. Douche / Dumbass
  5. Enema
  6. Fuck/Fuckface/Fugtard
  7. Gargle/Gloryhole/Goddamnit
  8. Horsefucker / Hottie
  9. Injun (Natives).
  10. Just the tip
  11. Kick the baby / Kike / Kiss-ass
  12. Lackey
  13. Micropenis/Motherfucker
  14. Nasty
  15. Oral
  16. Penisbreath / Pigfucker
  17. Quickie
  18. Retard / Rimjob
  19. Shit/Slut
  20. Trailer trash
  21. Unstable
  22. Venereal
  23. Wanker / Wank-stain / Whore
  24. X-rated / Xenophile
  25. Yellow-belly
  26. Zombie

My (Auz’s) Baseline Companion Session; My SOPs for Playing with These Women:

  1. video-calling in advance so they can let me help them pick out which outfit/s I’d like them to wear, and so they can pose every which way, showing me their full naked body, range of motion, sex holes, etc., ensuring I 100% want all of them; that I will be satisfied during and after our upcoming session/s –and, as always, so I can make sure they understand one of my preferences/prerequisites is to film the entire encounter/session (via one of my ICVs, whether she is cloaked or not)
  2. calling ahead to reconfirm I am on my way, and -when applicable- to help everyone else planning to attend… to coordinate/meet (such as cheaters/swingers, sluts, and Companion students who enjoy watching and/or being watched during sex/cheating)
  3. meeting in the finest / most expensive hotel suite or other best-of-the-best establishment of my or her choosing/recommendation
  4. showing her proof I will be easily able to pay her once services are rendered
  5. a warm hug while she rubs my cock bulge through my pants, and while I feel up her tits and ass, then a lovers-kiss (French, deep, tracing the gum-lines, etc.)
  6. her telling me genuinely, “I can’t wait to have sex with you today!  We’ll cum a whole lot, I promise!  I guarantee it.” and then asking me, “Shall we begin with our tea ceremony?”
  7. traditional Companion (opening) tea ceremony; resting her hand on mine while we sit side by side on two armchairs, a tea table between us, and my hand resting around one of her tits or up against her pussy
  8. her sexiest/seduction dance right in front of me; within arm’s reach, letting me gently feel/caress her as she moves
  9. washing my feet by hand while she shows me her cleavage; kneeling, bent over, etc.
  10. massage up my legs; feet, toes and all, then heels and ankles, calves and shins, knees, quads/thighs, etc.
  11. stand bold-legged across my lap so I can really rub her pussy, thumb her asshole, and start licking and nomming on everything between her thighs
  12. sit on my lap and converse a little more; getting used to being in the most basic of arousing and sexual positions/proximity
  13. hold my hand while walking me to the preferred first lovemaking furniture, such as a loveseat, and where she has pre-arranged scented candles, incense, and massage or bath oils
  14. deep-tissue full-body massage, at least ending up as Nuru, if not starting that way, sparing no parts or crevices (i.e. including sucking my entire fingers and thumbs into her mouth, massaging my fingers, thumbs, and toes inside her pussy, and giving me an oiled/slick hand-job with generous tip-teasing/kissing), and sometimes making use of a soft rag in a warm bowl of water
  15. bathe or shower with for several minutes, if I have time / request this –and this can happen at any time during our session –and it always doubles as more penetration/riding/sex/lovemaking
  16. straddling me for very slow and prolonged teasing/edging and inevitable eventual penetration
  17. massage continues, now also with her tongue; world-class tongue-sucking, oral sex (hummer, not just a basic blowjob), etc.
  18. simultaneously massages with her hands and kegels; after penetration
  19. shared-breath, always with sexy soft moans/whimpers
  20. expert use of each erogenous zone –such as by cupping and caressing my balls with one hand while jacking me off into her mouth with her other hand, or jacking me off into another girl’s mouth while she rims me passionately/deeply
  21. multiple orgasms, as mutual/simultaneous as possible
  22. bondage, dunking, and beastiality for those Companions who enjoy that; I do that to them –often inviting Juli to join in
  23. rest her head on my shoulder and ‘purrs’ as she nuzzles and lightly munches on my neck (no hickies) and licks in my ears,
  24. meditative tantric partners yoga and soothing ohms chanting on her mats and silk pillows –a very gradual transformation into partners yoga and then tantric
  25. she lying tightly entwined/’entangled’ with me still filling her (my cock and cum inside her), gazing deeply and longingly into my eyes –and, if/when I request/order it, she making sure all the cum I fucked into her doesn’t leak/spill out; saving it for Nyria and/or others of my girls/fuckbuddies later on (beyond this session with the Companion)
  26. dozes/naps with so I get a proper rest; with love/TLC
  27. lightly kissing and grinding me awake instead of me setting an alarm
  28. cooks (while standing naked in her kitchen/ette) me a healthy vegan recovery-meal and serves it to me on her bed, massaging me while staying mounted, and maintaining her slow, steady rhythm and light embrace while moving only her one free arm to hand feed me from a silver bed-tray
  29. final hug and tongue swirling, tooth licking, and shared breath, she then touching my crown- and heart-chakra to say her Namaste, she then bowing to me, touching foreheads, while still splayed atop me
  30. closing tea-ceremony
  31. making sure she has been handsomely paid for her time, not just paid fairly or what she needs/expects; always going above and beyond for these above-and-beyond women
  32. asking if she would like to book our next session or think about it while I am away; always letting her know when I would love more / to see her again
  33. and, as often as possible, always having other girls (such as some of my landing-party / entourage of ICVs), if not other Companions, performing sex acts for me and/or other/group clients at least part of the time/session, if not the whole way though, at least as ‘background entertainment’, if not joining us directly for our own direct play

(which is how Nyria also, being of her Maker (me), also likes to hostess such sessions)


Radio Jargon:


  1. Me to TNH Ground (in-hangar): “Large Hangar # Ground, Persephone requesting clearance to taxi/exit.”
  2. Ground: “Persephone, taxi to exit / exit hangar.”
  3. Me to TNH Air/Tower (out-hangar): “Horizon Tower, Persephone outside large hangar #, ready for takeoff.”
  4. (STC = Space Traffic Control)
    STC/Tower: “Persephone, cleared for takeoff.”
  5. We do not jump/warp until farther from the carrier.


  1. Me (arriving/returning): “Horizon Tower, Persephone 10 miles, [radians, not just compass abbreviation; based on sphere points, not N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW)], [speed], inbound for docking.”
  2. STC: “Persephone, Horizon Tower. Report entering [left downwind, or whichever approach type], large hangar #.”
  3. Me: “Horizon Tower, Persephone reports entering left downwind, large hangar #.”
  4. STC: “Persephone, cleared to land/enter large hangar #.”
  5. Me: “Horizon Tower, Persephone cleared to enter large hangar #1.”
  6. Large Hangar # Ground: “Persephone, Large Hangar #1 Ground. Land on center pad.”
  7. Me: “Ground, Persephone landing on center pad.”
  8. Ground: “Welcome home, Persephone.”
  9. Me: “Thank you, Ground. Good to be here. Out.”

Since Cyd usually pilots, she can say all those parts labeled as “Me”.


Reference:  First-draft Percentages of Mission-types

Persephone being a black-operations vessel, we don’t waste its incredible abilities on regular patrols or humanitarian efforts (though we do consider helping humans by keeping them in check and re-educating them “humanitarian”).

  • ~2.3%: alien/s / intruder/s first-contact, and/or herding, and/or neutralization
  • ~2.3%: anomaly/ruins investigation
  • ~2.3%: assassinations
  • ~2.3%: breaking assets out of enemy prisons / recovering POWs
  • ~2.3%: clandestine resupply of individual, units, or entire colonies/communities
  • ~2.3%: defense for TNH or any of its support-ships
  • ~2.3%: derelicts boarding and/or decontamination/sterilization and/or salvaging
  • ~2.3%: direct-action; combat, such as dogfights
  • ~2.3%: escorting (often while cloaked) other advanced/cloaked/experimental/secret air/Spacecraft
  • ~2.3%: exterminating, experimenting on, or even healing/saving Reavers
  • ~2.3%: false-flag operations; tricking one enemy into thinking another of their enemies was the one who attacked them
  • ~2.3%: forward-observer work for TNH or any of its support-ships
  • ~2.3%: general/other Secret Space Program activities/tasking
  • ~2.3%: hacking; illegal computer activities (such as every time this ship, or Nyria, omni-interfaces to process all minds and Internets)
  • ~2.3%: hosting private/secret meetings (which might be too classified/sensitive to even be hosted in TNH safe-rooms)
  • ~2.3%: human-trafficking/prostitution; not kajirae-candidates, but either 1) anyone acquired for slavery/ransom/s, and/or 2) the protected ferrying of, and facilitating for, prostitutes (willing or otherwise) who assist in the ‘decompression’/motivating of TNH or other UAP personnel (typically mid-level and higher-ranking)
  • ~2.3%: inserting and/or exfiltrating other military personnel (sometimes black-ops or even “spooks”; intelligence agents)
  • ~2.3%: installing clones/replacements of/for corporations and/or governments and/or militaries
  • ~2.3%: intercepting drones (unmanned vehicles/craft flying in unauthorized airspace / fly-zones)
  • ~2.3%: intercepting missiles
  • ~2.3%: intercepting stealth air/Spacecraft
  • ~2.3%: interrogations
  • ~2.3%: investigating intel’ reports/leads
  • ~2.3%: kidnapping (kajirae-candidates or whomever else)
  • ~2.3%: LIDAR mapping
  • ~2.3%: mapping of either of 34 Tauri’s 2 (by-humans) “unnavigable” nebulae
  • ~2.3%: mediating; often between representatives of the UAP and representatives of anyone not yet fully allied with the UAP
  • ~2.3%: outpost checkups/scanning
  • ~2.3%: patrolling planet-side
  • ~2.3%: patrolling Space-lanes
  • ~2.3%: programming assets to become sleeper-cells
  • ~2.3%: radiated-areas evacuations and/or cleanup/decontamination
  • ~2.3%: recovering escaped convicts/detainees/prisoners
  • ~2.3%: recruiting; flying out so Auz and/or his crew could socialize and talent-scout for more potentials (people who might be worthy of prescreening –at least for the TNH social-experiment, if not going directly to Inisfree)
  • ~2.3%: relocating refugees
  • ~2.3%: royalty- and other-dignitary/elite executive-transporting (often just to secretly ferry them to and from their affairs; secret meetings, prostitutes, prostituting themselves, other controversial hobbies they don’t want their people or funders/investors to know about, etc.)
  • ~2.3%: sabotaging industrial/military targets
  • ~2.3%: satellite maintenance (usually for hidden/secret military satellites in orbit around (spying on) reacquired (formerly-secessionist) 34 Tauri planets and moons)
  • ~2.3%: scouting
  • ~2.3%: surveillance/reconnaissance
  • ~2.3%: transferring prisoners
  • ~2.3%: transporting cargo (kajirae-candidates or whomever/whatever else)
  • ~2.3%: weather manipulation


Generic Example-missions to Be Added Below:

  • LIDAR mapping to find colonial ruins centuries old, and pre-human ruins older than those
  • Dropping supplies for BLOPS teams/agents we never see
  • Exfil for BLOPS teams/agents
  • QRF to stop Reavers
  • Hunting Reavers and healing them before reintroduction to society on fringe worlds
  • Cloaked sneaking near surface to confirm to TNH via I.N.N. …scan results/beliefs before bombardment
  • List all worlds from txt file w “?” instead of pop.; we scout and scan each to help the Weyland terraforming planning
  • “MWR Ops”; mobile brothel for troops chosen for morale boosts
  • Tailing enemy stealth and R+D craft which can’t detect us
  • “Interrogation” designed to trick POWs into thinking we are on the wrong trail, when really Nyria just reads their memories, making real questioning and deducing unnecessary
  • Recruiting where area/mass mind-scans and Internet data mining results show we will have success with little convincing
    sneaking into private homes to replace some sick, dying, or corrupt people with programmed clones/lookalikes
  • Moving UAP supporters to UAP-friendly communities
  • Moving Browncoat/Dust Devil supporters to communities friendly to them
  • Stealth resupply of listening stations, cloaked ships, ships pretending to be derelicts, etc.
  • Mediating when in border systems and reclaimed worlds
  • Secret meetings w humanoid incarnations/forms of lands, worlds, elements, gods, etc., whose kinds still do not want humans to know of them

Sometimes I (Auz) don’t feel like doing the walking, waiting, and hunting/stalking/tailing, so I just say to my crew, “Well, …turn on the beacon.” Nyria activates Persephone’s local-area mind-control device, causing every female I would be attracted to… to stop whatever it is she was doing and walk straight to my ship as if it is the most important and enjoyable thing they know how to do. Brahan mans the loading ramp under the ship’s neck, smirking and almost chuckling at how easy it is to herd the hotties these days, then closes the ramp once Nyria confirms from her cockpit displays that the last hottie has walking up and in. Sasha walks the line of them, giving them a comprehensive health check-up while the rest of us get them collared, shackled, and into their cargo-bay rooms. And that is that; we lift off and fly to the next area where our scans have confirmed there are hotties, landing in the center of those hotties’ locations so that our beacon can reach as many as possible every time we turn it on. This is how humans/hotties always Should have been farmed.

Sometimes I just blast the first church, land nearby another, and walk in and ask if they saw the first go up in flames, then ask who they worship, and if they know me, then blast them next for not knowing and worshipping me, wait for cops, then say “now that I have your attn, all remaining churches shall worship the real god, me” etc., blasting a few of them w mind override / omni interface just to make a point.

Will vs. Will Not:

  • Car jacking/lifting/shipping (only from bad beings such as humans)
  • Help intelligent people, whether human or not
  • Human trafficking (the same way humans trafficked countless innocent nonhuman beings for generations; karmic reciprocation)
  • Sex parties
  • etc.

Will Not:

  • Chop shop
  • Haul non-human animals to slaughter
  • Help fugtards
  • Help jerks, even if they are deities
  • Help people just because they are high-ranking
  • Manufacture, transport, or distribute drugs
  • Nonvegan anything
  • Tolerate “tests” (from morons who think people should be blatantly baited and tested to see if they will be nice to scum)


Specific Actual Missions to Plan/Write:

  1. After SSA was built and the Mapping Campaign was completed, things got much easier for Nyria and her/our people (the ICVs); all they had to do was keep an eye on what had been found, mapped, understood, and healed/aligned. Thus, she was able to re-deploy her (my) forces almost entirely for pleasure with those who deserved it, and that’s why she already had a great name for herself as a Companion in 34 Tauri by the time I shifted my daily business operations out there with the new carrier.
    She’d made useful contacts and lasting fuckbuddy friendships with thousands of people, even Intelligence community employees/agents, Black Ops commandos, drug bosses, corporate executives, celebrities, porn stars, you name it.
    meeting pirates out on oceans, and Space pirates between worlds / near shipping lanes, just so Nyria can fuck them; building rapport, not even asking for any work from them
    pirates help us know where to scan to find sea monsters Nyria and other ICVs will be compatible with
    sea monsters help us find now-underwater originally on-land ruins (since some of these worlds don’t have mermaids on them, as their oceans were added during terraforming)
  2. transporting some shipping containers with contents too classified or sensitive for normal shipping
  3. transporting a UAP Black Ops team that we only respectfully nod to, not saying one word between us
  4. transporting a few dozen River Tam-level trainees to some other hidden human-enhancement facility/school
  5. an authorized dignitary walks up the ramp into the cargo bay and marvels, saying he has never seen a bulk transport retrofitted to be more like a cruise-liner. “A stealth mini cruise ship… Wondrous.”
  6. dropping Brahan in his wingsuit through the bottom hatch (or Persephone’s cargo bay)
  7. On one of the many worlds that is terraformed and still not very populated, I have my favorite female UAP sailor, plus some of the male personnel’s wives and daughters, excused from any work or school in TNH they might have had, and we all have a naked picnic, river wading, and orgy on that world.
  8. On a world with a lot of crime, I use the ship to find which criminals I would not like, then go on a satellite foot patrol with Nyria so she can read their minds and confirm in person for me, and we use ourselves as bait, speaking of our “camper” (Persephone), tricking the targeted criminals to try and scare us into leading them to it, at which point they see, too late, it is a custom ship with a gunman waiting for us to bring them back.
  9. a mission where Zhanna drops planet-side (with her ODST squad) to help distract an angry mob from my hidden O.P.
  10. moving stolen luxury-vehicles to avoid import fees etc.
  11. A secret agent needs emergency medical care without going to any hospitals of the planet he is on.
  12. A Gray is allowed onboard to converse with me about how I wish its fleet of Grays to help keep 34 Tauri under observation and the humans there breeding a certain way.
  13. Protecting a site of ancient ruins via parking beside it and using the mind-control beacon to make anyone with intentions of vandalism or covering up the place go insane or suicidal, thereby terrorizing most into staying far away for years to come; the time it’ll take us to get back there (though an ICV can always portal-deploy to it in the meantime).
  14. Arriving just in time to help deal with the battle in orbit over Miranda, we use TNH’s advanced weapons to neutralize the remaining Reavers spacecraft, and are among the first to get troops on the ground. We build/use an outpost, rapidly reinforcing it until it is a firm base with spaceport capabilities. From there, thousands of troops and support personnel are deployed, starting the process of testing and cleaning up all water supplies, rendering inert any Pax they find.
  15. An unruly demi-deity is detected by our scan. We fly into range and I have Nyria use her console-array’s Magic panel to remote-jam and disable that goddess’s superpowers before she even sees us coming. Then we aim the mind-override beacon at her, causing her to become submissive to me. Then Cyd lands us in front of her, I open the ramp, and we technopathically direct her to walk up and in, where Brahan smirks as he escorts her to be collared and locked in one of the cargo-bay rooms, therein lulled to sleep while we take off and I get ready to fuck some sense into her. While I begin, she manages to ask, “How are you doing this to me?” I just smile and tell her, “I am a superior tier of deity to you. I made sure my ship is, too. You should relax and get used to your slavery; it is going to last forever. Unruly deities doing things I don’t like are never tolerated –or forgiven.” Her rape continues for an hour, and many in Inisfree cheer when the footage is declassified with the airing of the reality-TV show about these black-ops of mine.
  16. We come upon an entire village/island of demi-deities, and they are scared by how none of  their powers work once my ship approaches, so they try to telekinetically fly/levitate away, but even that is stopped, and when one of them who was already out of range tries to use his/her superpowers to attack us from way out there, what they fire at us is casually and effortlessly deleted/absorbed via our shield/s, further scaring this group of demi-deities.  “How is it that all our powers have stopped working?” one almost cries out.  I calmly smile and answer, “You are lesser gods.  I am the greater god.  Now begin repenting for not already instinctively knowing that, and kneel.  Your women should instead strip naked and bow.  Amen.”  They finally do, and learn that I treat them very well, and allow/re-enable their god-level powers, when they willingly do what I want them to.  A peace is made, a bond started.
  17. In the cockpit I tell Nyria, “Party Pooper.”
    She grins and pushes the button to release it.
    Dropping a palette of diarrhea containers on annoying party, causing some to be crushed, others cut with shrapnel, and everyone splattered with poop.
    This was before Cyd was at the helm; pre-2517.
  18. Sometimes I land in a ghost town to rendezvous with a trader and he is standing there smiling because he has some of the best lifted cars and abducted bitches on his whole planet, ready to impress me. We give each other that impressed-man expression/nod as I walk down the ramp and see.
  19. 1 of each of the 1,000 ICV models in Persephone for big shadow-gov’ and/or black-ops parties/celebrations. How do they fit?
    The cargo-rooms alone have a sum of 168 beds, and double that many girls can fit in those rooms; 336 (2 per bed, such as for threesomes).
    Another ~250 (<1 girl per Creativerse square/block; >9ft^2/girl floorspace/dispersion) can dance/fuck in the actual hangar/bay; in the middle, at either end, on the stairs, and on the catwalks. 336+250=586
    ~50 in the back lounge; up to 626
    ~130 in the galley; up to 756
    ~10 in the shuttles; up to 766
    ~80 in the ramp airlock; up to 846
    ~80 in the neck-hall; up to 926
    ~20 in the (2) unused crew rooms; up to 946
    ~40 on the roof; up to 966
    ~4 on the hover-truck; up to 970
    ~30 on the ramp and around its base on the ground; that’s 1,000.
  20. A General needs a spy-plane/prototype moved to another world without any paper trail.
  21. A group of Brass want a false-flag skirmish because it would help get them the approval they need to conduct operations in the region of that world.


Missions by Year and Month:

Each year we have 2 5-month deployments.
Each deployment, we focus on one major section of 34 Tauri.
Each month, we focus on one planet and its months.
Each week, we are at one world (planet or moon).
Each weekday, we tend to do one ~6-hour mission (or trip planet-side; missions), not including travel-time to or from the mission-site/-area/s.

Summary of the Coming/Following Sub-sections:

  1. 2509:  field-testing; R-CAX
  2. 2510:  Inner Core, then Middle Core – deployments 1 & 2
  3. 2511:  Outer Core, then “The Halo” – deployments 3 & 4
  4. 2512:  Murphy (subset of Huang Long), then more of Huang Long – deployments 5 & 6
  5. 2513:  Huang Long – deployments 7 & 8
  6. 2514:  Huang Long, then Himinbjorg  – deployments 9 & 10
  7. 2515:  Zhu Que, then Heinlein – deployments 11 & 12
  8. 2516:  Heinlein, then Xuan Wu – deployments 13 & 14
  9. 2517:  RCOH & Penglai to Xuan Wu, then Burnham to Qing Long – ramp-up training short-float & deployment 15
  10. 2518:  Qing Long, then Xuan Wu – deployments 16 & 17
  11. 2519:  Xuan Wu, then The Core – deployments 18 & 19
  12. 2520:  responding to a mayday – deployments 20 & 21
  13. 2521:  diplomatic missions/escorting – deployments 22 & 23
  14. 2522:  reconstruction efforts – deployments 24 & 25
  15. 2523:  transporting prisoners – deployments 26 & 27
  16. 2524:  anti-Browncoat false-flags – deployments 28 & 29
  17. 2525:  J.K. enters – deployments 30 & 31
  18. 2526:  2 nebulae – deployments 32 & 33 (1 deployment per nebula)
  19. 2527:  civilized (Core+) – deployments 34 & 35
  20. 2528:  civilized (Core+) – deployments 36 & 37
  21. 2529:  The Core – deployments 38 & 39
  22. 2530:  The Core – deployments 40 & 41? (or just local “left seat, right seat” practice in Core-world orbit/s?)
  23. 2531+:  my (Auz’s) personal use

*For the first 6 years launching missions from TNH (11 deployments and 1 R-COH), the Persephone crew is just me, Augustine, and Nyria; even Zhanna was not recruited for TNH’s ODST team/platoon until the same year the rest of the Persephone crew was for/by me.

2509:  R-CAX

Before any flying or other practices took place, every weapon in this ship was test-fired in different ways, showing us exactly what their red-lines were, and how loud their muffled sounds were in other parts/rooms of the ship.

During the drills/training before the 1st deployment, ICVs roleplayed as our pretend detainees, such as kajirae-candidates –including pretending to panic and protest when witnessing one of their fellow ‘captives’ (roleplayers) “get Spaced” for misbehaving to me (Auz).

  1. practice maintenance and checks/inspections (including diagnostics)
  2. practice repairs
  3. practice cleaning (not to the level of decontamination yet; that practice/training is later this year)
  4. practice identifying/noticing/deducing system glitches (more for application in non-IC, of course)
  5. practice emergency procedures (including for fires, flooding, screen/system failures, abandoning ship, etc.)
    including:  training to do EVA/MMU from airlock to airlock (individual movement outside/around the ship) in the rare event of both internal levels having to be locked/quarantined
  6. practice radio/comm’s jargon/lingo (common to 34 Tauri)
  7. practice simulation-flights (takeoffs from major 34 Tauri spaceports, approaches to major 34 Tauri spaceports, etc.)
  8. practice flights in Space/orbit
  9. practice solar-storm / Space-weather flight-adjustments
  10. practice flights in/into atmosphere (of normal “garden” worlds)
  11. practice dives
  12. practice stalls
  13. practice flights to the upper/outer atmosphere of gas-giants
  14. practice gravity-slingshotting
  15. practice warps/’jumps’, regular (not hiding our location or destination)
  16. practice docking
  17. practice decontamination
  18. practice flyovers/scans
  19. practice landings on normal-atmosphere worlds
  20. practice landings on low-/no-atmosphere worlds
  21. practice crashes/rollovers
  22. practice satellite-patrols
  23. practice escort-flights
  24. practice detecting and navigating outside the ranges of satellites/sensors (and listening stations)
  25. practice evasive-maneuvers
  26. practice flights near/through asteroid belts/fields
  27. practice dogfights
  28. practice bombardment
  29. practice boardings (to and from)
  30. practice boarding/pirate repelling and ejection
  31. practice taking/holding detainees; POWs, kajirae-candidates (including hygiene, meal prep’/service, laundry/linens, etc.)
  32. practice sealing and unsealing specific rooms and sections
  33. practice rendering medical aid (including in low- and no-gravity)
  34. practice loading and unloading (normal) cargo/palettes
  35. practice distributing and securing a load
  36. practice loading and unloading HAZMAT
  37. practice flying with an average load (half capacity)
  38. practice flying with a full load (capacity; all rooms and lockers full)
  39. practice flying with more than the recommended maximum load (overweight/overfilled rooms)
  40. practice stealth and “running dark/silent”
  41. practice stealth and “running dark/silent” to/during warp/s (to keep our location and destination hidden)
  42. practice G-drive failure; gravity-loss/-off
  43. practice life-support / stasis
  44. practice hosting
  45. practice anomaly-reporting
  46. practice first-contact procedures
  47. further / re-testing to “red line” / failure; reconfirming limits of the cloaking and other features/abilities
  48. practice managing/owning/grooming kajirae-candidates; pre-training/program basics
  49. practice pretend/deception self-destruct

2510:  1st & 2nd deployments – 1 = Inner Core; Londinium to Liann Jiun, Bernadette, and Sihnon (one world per month during this typical 4-month deployment) – 2 = Middle Core; Sihnon to Gonghe, Rubicon, Osiris, and then Santo (which orbits Qin Shi Huang)

February:  Londinium (Caucasians / Europeans / Westerners / Americans

  1. capital of not just Bai Hu, but all of 34 Tauri
  2. 4,510,000,000
  3. is one of the two major planets of the ‘verse, (the other being Sihnon). It is the second planet orbiting the White Sun. It is inhabited primarily by colonists from the western continents of Earth-That-Was and is the location of the Alliance Parliament. Londinium was the Roman name for London.
  4. one of the first planets colonized after the exodus from Earth-That-Was. Being the most like Earth-That-Was, it was the easiest to settle on and thus an ideal choice.
  5. Old western traditions were combined with modern technology, the best example being the buildings themselves as they were built with the most advanced materials but designed to look like stone. The Imperial Gothic style of the buildings (e.g. the contemporary Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, etc.) became the norm for almost all building on Londinium. The symbol of the planet is an Imperial Gothic clock tower (a la Big Ben). The planet has twenty-six metropolises, five of which are prominent spaceports.
  6. The capital city of Londinium is New Cardiff.
  7. The Parliament building itself was the size of a small city
  8. The Londinium Museum, which contains the Museum of History and the Museum of Art,
  9. The Ministry of Intelligence, and the elite SAS (Special Alliance Support) forces, have their headquarters on the planet, while, in orbit the Alliance flagship Victoria protects the skies.
  10. finest museums of artifacts from colonial (34 Tauri) times and Earth-That-Was
  11. huge art culture
  12. 2 moons:  Colchester 9,100,000
    Balkerne 722,000
  13. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  secret meetings planet-side with politicians or their liaisons to tell us what they would appreciate our under-the-table help with
  14. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  rendezvousing with the Victoria spaceship for meetings with its top officers
  15. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  guided tours of the historic sites, such as the main museum
  16. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  guided tours to many of the places where we’ll likely be asked to unload/load in secret
  17. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  flying out in a squadron to a few of the remote bases/facilities
  18. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ first test-delivery/mission; a relatively small/trivial shipment for a single anonymous leader
  19. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  20. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Talia Levine: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Londinium
    Amber Jameson: 2nd (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Londinium
  21. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  22. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  23. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Colchester – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  24. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  25. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Shakira Hilton: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Colchester
  26. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  27. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  28. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Balkerne – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  29. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  30. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Zaria Aliyev: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Balkerne
  31. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  32. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

March:  Liann Jiun (Chinese

  1. 3,750,000,000
  2. A core world and fourth planet orbiting the White Sun.
  3. 2 moons:  Tiantan 5,500,000
    Fu 2,250,000
  4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Wendy Margot: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Liann Jiun
    Kamilla Loreto: 2nd (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Liann Junn
  7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Tiantan – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _ flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Susan Victoria: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Tiantan
  17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Fu – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Ashley Bilson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Fu
  22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

April:  Bernadette (French

  1. 3,754,542,000 (only ark not used to colonized Londinium and Sihnon)
  2. A central planet, the first planet orbiting the White Sun. Bernadette is a staging ground for settler expansion out to border planets. The settlers in “Bushwhacked” left from here on their way to Newhall.
  3. highly modern and civilized, and its citizens have access to high technology. The population’s basic needs are provided for them, and large edifices of steel and metal dominate the skyline
  4. capital New Paris – the location of museum that chronicled the Great Exodus from Earth-That-Was. The museum resides inside the hull of the Prometheus, the last remaining ark that transported humanity to the ‘Verse.
  5. 2 moons:  Nautilus 7,500,000
    Spinrad 250,000
  6. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ scanning/scouring this world for any remaining secessionist/Browncoat activity
  7. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  8. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Hailey Ward: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Bernadette
  9. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  10. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  11. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  13. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  14. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  15. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  16. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Nautilus – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  17. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  18. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy –and try the best French ones
    Saige Emerson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Nautilus
  19. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  20. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  21. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Spinrad – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  22. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  23. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Atricia Barlow: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Spinrad
  24. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  25. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

May:  Sihnon (Chinese

  1. 5,330,000,000 (capital of just Bai Hu)
  2. Together with Londinium, Sihnon is one of the two major planets of the universe. It is inhabited primarily by colonists from China. The planet is highly sophisticated and technologically advanced. It is also Inara Serra’s home planet. From space, the planet has a deep red color. The capital city is said to be, according to Inara, “like an ocean of light.” Mentioned in the episode “Serenity”. The name Sihnon originated from the Greek myth of the Trojan War, in which the Greek man Sihnon helped design the Trojan Horse.
  3. The derelicts near Sihnon; of the 550,000-Independents invasion-attempt
  4. 4 moons:  Airen 47,000
    Xiaojie 97,000
    Xiansheng 2,300,000
    Yunnan 3,860,000
  5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this planet, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Ellen Timberland: Lady (Mistress) of House Aspara
    Haifa Mebarak: Lady (Mistress) of House Madrassa
    Pele Lee: Lady (Mistress) of House Rama
    Jennifer Anderson: Lady (Mistress) of House Tantra (as most Companion Guild Training Houses are on this world)
    Gianne Dunlap: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Sihnon
    Zarya Rosario: 2nd (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Sihnon
  8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Airen – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Samantha Rodriguez: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Airen
  18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Xiaojie – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Natalie Fields: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Xiaojie
  23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

July:  Sihnon

  1. last 2 moons:  Xiansheng
  2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _YUNNAN FIRST??  flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
  5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _Zora Montgomery: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Yunnan
  8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Xiansheng – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Aerin Franklin: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Xiansheng
  15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Yunnan – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
  20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

August:  Gonghe (Chinese

  1. 2,550,000,000
  2. moon:  Xing Yun 12,000,000
  3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Dina Minnillo: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Gonghe
  6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
  16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
  17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
  18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Xing Yun – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Tessa Fox: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Xing Yun
  21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

September:  Rubicon

  1. 5,000 (Terraform Crew)
  2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this world, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Nathalie Thompson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Rubicon
  5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
  13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
  16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
  17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
  18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
  19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
  20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
  21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

October:  Osiris (Egyptians

  1. 3,980,000,000
  2. Osiris, the seventh world orbiting the White Sun, is a wealthy core planet where Simon Tam attended medical school and worked as a trauma surgeon, mentioned in the episode “Serenity”. Osiris is also likely to be the location of the Tam Family estate shown in various flashbacks in the episode “Safe”. Named after the Ancient Egyptian god of life, death, and fertility, “Osiris” is also the unofficial name of HD 209458 b, the first extrasolar planet to be discovered by the transit method.
  3. 2 moons:  Epeuva 2,911,000
    Tannhauser (destroyed) – was a moon of the planet Osiris of the White Sun system. The moon boasted an experimental “core-siphon” system that was designed to extract energy from a planet’s internal processes.
  4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Cassidey Ford: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Osiris
  7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Epeuva – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Alyssa Belucci: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Epeuva
  17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Tannhauser remains/fragments; scanning for, and retrieving if found/salvageable, facility remains
  20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Regan Potts: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Tannhäuser
  22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

November:  Santo

  1. 846,500,000
  2. An unsophisticated planet near Persephone. It is a moon of Qin Shi Huang, a proto-star orbiting the White Sun, which itself is the eighth planetary body in the system. From space, Santo has a bluish-gray color. Mal and Jayne get into a fight with some slavers here. It is seen in the episode “Shindig”.
  3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Daphne Fulton: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Santo
  6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
  16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
  17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
  18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
  19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
  20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
  21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
  22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

2511:  3rd & 4th deployments – 3 = Outer Core; Santo to Bellerophon, Valentine, Ariel, and Albion – 4 = “The Halo”; Albion to Persephone and Pelorum (which orbit Lux), then Aphrodite (which orbits Murphy)

[dealing with any Browncoats still stuck on these worlds after that 550K-person invasion attempt]

January:  Santo

  1. 2 moons:  Tethys 27,000
    New Luxor 154,000
  2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  TETHYS _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    (see Zita Galloway just below)
  5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Tethys – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Zita Galloway: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Tethys
  15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ New Luxor (Arab / Middle Eastern – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Marcy McGowan: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon New Luxor
  20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

February:  Bellerophon (seceded; for these parentheses-notes, include BLOPS missions related to this)

  1. 3,124,510,000
  2. Bellerophon, seen in the episode “Trash”, is a technologically advanced Alliance world, and home to the wealthy. It is the tenth planet orbiting the White Sun. It has both a large ocean and an empty area of desert climate, complete with canyons, rocks and sand. Isis Canyon is pointed out as the most deserted spot on the world. Bellerophon Estates, large self-contained estates that hover with anti-gravity above the moon’s ocean, are described as having “gracious living, ocean views and state-of-the-art security.” Durran Haymer, a collector of priceless Earth That Was artifacts, lives in Bellerophon Estates. The planet is named after a hero in Greek mythology. “Bellerophon” is also the name of an interstellar spacecraft referred to in the movie Forbidden Planet, as well as the unofficial name of 51 Pegasi b, the first extrasolar planet around Sun-like star to be discovered.
  3. The Bellerophon Estates themselves are each the size of a small town and float gracefully a mile above the clear waters of the Bellerophon sea. Each estate is a self-contained world of its own. They all share a similar basic design and standardized amenities, such as a rubbish collection system, grass lawns, landscaping, and multi-code locks to keep out any unwanted visitors. Durran Haymer owns an estate here.
  4. The wealthy pay well for their privacy and the skies above Bellerophon are patrolled by both the Feds and private security companies. Visiting the estates is by invitation only. Those who come to work on the estates have to provide a good reason why they are there. However, there is a lot of empty desert on the planet.
  5. 3 moons:  Tyrins 7,000,000
    Xanthus 5,500,000
    Parth 3,000,000 – and mentioned by Saffron in the episode “Trash”, where she claimed (falsely) to have been sold to slave traders.
  6. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  7. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  8. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Jade Kennedy: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Bellerophon
  9. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  10. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  11. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Tyrins – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  12. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  13. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Laila Farley: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Tyrins
  14. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  15. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  16. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Xanthus (Greek for “golden-haired” – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  17. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  18. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Poppy McDonahough: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Xanthus
  19. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  20. week 3, day 6 mission:  _ sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  21. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Parth – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  22. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  23. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Sia Jolie: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Parth
  24. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  25. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

March:  Valentine

  1. 5,330,000,000
  2. 2 moons:  Selene 8,000,000
    Chons 11,000,000
  3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Carmilla Suarez: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Valentine
  6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Selene – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Hillary Skye: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Selene
  16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Chons (Koreans? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Tif Kidman: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Chons
  21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

April:  Ariel

  1. 3,615,995,500
  2. Ariel is a central planet of the Union of Allied Planets. It is the eleventh planet orbiting White Sun. It is home to a major medical center (named Saint Lucy’s) of the Alliance’s solar system. The majority of the action of the episode “Ariel” occurs on this planet. Ariel is home to a bioluminescent lake that is a popular swimming spot. Mal and Zoe’s old war buddy Tracey carried human organs to Ariel, where they were meant to be removed from his body and sold. Ariel could be named after one of Uranus’ moons in the stellar system of “Earth that was” which gets its name from Ariel the sprite in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The crew of Serenity arrives on this planet for Inara’s annual checkup.
  3. highly modern and civilized. High technology is prevalent on the world, and citizens have access to laser guns, holo-scanners and flying cars. The basic needs of the population; food, shelter and medical care; are looked after, allowing the residents of the planet opportunity to think beyond their basic day-to-day survival needs. Tall buildings of glass and steel litter the cities, while holographic billboards advertise many products and services. Ariel is noted for its exceptional network of medical facilities; including hospitals, schools and research facilities;  of which Saint Lucy’s hospital in Ariel City is a prime example. The planet is also noted for its museums and fine restaurants, as well as for being the only Core world to have no long-term prisons. A contract with the Trader’s Guild transports prisoners to off-world facilities.
  4. Ariel is known throughout the Union of Allied Planets for the technical and cultural achievements of its citizenry; indeed, statistically, more winners of the Medal of Societal Advancement hail from Ariel than any other world in the Alliance. The planet’s institutions have a strong history of supporting the arts, with musicians, artists, craftsmen and writers taking up residence on Ariel. Most famous chefs either hail from Ariel, or emigrate to the planet to ply their trade. Due to its status as a Central Planet, landing on Ariel is restricted; only ships with legitimate business are given clearance to make planetfall, and they need dual commerce permits from both the UAP and the Trader’s Guild.
  5. Ariel City is one of the planet’s main cities. Highly urbanized, the city is full of skyscrapers and is situated on the coast. Ariel City is the location of Saint Lucy’s hospital, Shinei University, the starship docks, and a large municipal junkyard.
  6. Numerous cities are located across Ariel, including: Gossamer, Codithian, North Hauer, South Hauer, Gohin, Tolli Basin, West Firebrand, Placious Caelum, Trident, Silver Fern, Bridgesbain, Nabokov Heights, Nikita, Guerenstradt, and Gorehaven. In addition to the urban centres, at least four major transport and commercial hubs; UAP Transport Hub, Matheson Docks, Piper Docks, and Mandellia Docks; serve the planet. Ariel also boasts a bioluminescent lake that citizens and visitors alike are allowed to swim in.
  7. Ariel is also the location of the Fissatore, a large orbital drydock used by the Alliance to produce a range of vessels, including the Glory class.
  8. 3 moons:  Ariopolis 4,500
    Shiva 4,570,000
    Poseidon 5,000,000
  9. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    I (Auz) summons his stay-at-home prostitute-and-cook, Ariel, to get fucked by him in his ship while in orbit out here, and she eagerly arrives, wearing her sluttiest short see-through pink micro-skirt, slave-collar, and nothing else, saying sexily to him, her eyes bright with lust and readiness, “Woof, Master!” (translation:  “I am your bitch; use me like one.  I’m happy to be fucked by dogs, too, as always, my love.”  He then has everyone who likes watching beastiality bring all the beasts/pets they can, and Ariel happily stays on all fours while letting them all fuck her until everyone is satisfied.  “Good pet,” I tell her, which always makes her blush and drip for more.  By the way, she’s now had -and enjoyed- more than five centuries of beastiality on command; she is a very good girl.)
  10. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  11. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Clara Washington: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Ariel
  12. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  13. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
  14. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Ariopolis – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  15. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  16. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Sylvie Edwards: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ariopolis
  17. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  18. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  19. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Shiva (India – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  20. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  21. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Tara Cooley: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Shiva
  22. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  23. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  24. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Poseidon – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  25. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  26. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Monica Seidler: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Poseidon
  27. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  28. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

May:  Albion –(Celts of England?

  1. 2,154,500,000
  2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Ahli Novik: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Albion
  5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
  13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
  16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
  17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
  18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
  19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
  20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
  21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

[The Halo region of the multi-system, focus:  joint Companion-ICV missions / security]

July:  Albion

  1. moon Avalon 10M
  2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Avalon – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Elise Seidler: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Avalon
  5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
  13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
  16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
  17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
  18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
  19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
  20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
  21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

August:  Persephone (seceded)

  1. 2,570,000,000
  2. Persephone is a civilized planet with heavily stratified societal structure. It was one of the three leading planets for the Independent’s side of the Unification War. Persephone orbits the proto-star Lux which is the last planet in the White Star system. The Eavesdown Docks are located here, a commercial port and Badger’s base of operations. The Serenity crew lands here periodically to resupply and pick up work. Simon and River Tam, Shepherd Book and the Alliance villain Dobson were picked up here in the episode “Serenity”. Book had been living on Persephone at the Southdown Abbey. The planet was also the site of a sword-fighting duel between Malcolm Reynolds and Atherton Wing in the episode “Shindig”. Persephone’s name comes from Greek mythology as the name of the “Queen of the Underworld” and was an early name for a proposed tenth planet.
  3. while considered a “civilized” planet by Alliance standards, is still home to a large slum population. Therefore, one could find both the pinnacle of high society and the depths of the criminal underworld amidst the planet’s famously tiered societal structure.
  4. 2 moons:  Hades 0 – thin, brittle crust makes it unsuitable for terraforming with current techniques. Hades opened to mining ventures in 2310.
    Renao 42,000
  5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    Auz:  “Well, …we’re at the planet with the same slutty name as our ship; we’d better do some extra fucking while we’re here.  Amen.”
  6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Darcy Michael: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Persephone
  8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Hades – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Nellie Lane: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Hades
  18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Renao (Chinese – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Bela Lawson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Renao
  23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

September:  Pelorum

  1. 563,500,000
  2. A planet orbiting the proto-star Lux, the thirteenth and last body orbiting the White Sun, which is also orbited by Persephone. It is a resort world where the crew of Serenity travels after they successfully hijacked the drone in Better Days.
  3. known for its luxurious resort and fair weather conditions
  4. moon:  Kaleidoscope 750,000
  5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Zendaya Lancaster: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Pelorum
  8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
  16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
  17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
  18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
  19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
  20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Kaleidoscope – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Nora Davidson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Kaleidoscope
  23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

October:  long* ‘jump’ from Lux (to Pelorum) to Murphy (to Aphrodite)

  1. 4 moons:  Sturges
  2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _interstellar shipments; one sub-system to the other
  3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
  5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _what week/day does TNH arrive in Aphrodite orbit??
    Auz:  “Obviously, given the name of this world, I’ll be doing extra fucking and capturing here.”
    My crew:  “Obviously.” said with positive amusement and support/interest/eagerness.
  12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
  13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
  16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
  17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Sturges -PLANET APHRODITE NEAREST MOON- (English – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
  18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Adrianna Rena: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Sturges
  20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

November:  more moons of Aphrodite

  1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Hill – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    Auz:  “I’ll be back; gotta call the actual goddess this world was named after; she and I will be fucking here while we’re in orbit.” … Me on the call to her a moment later:  “Ourania.  Get your sweet slutty cheating goddess ass over here.  Yes, in something see-through.  It’s time I use you in orbit over a colony-world the humans named after you.  Get your pussy, asshole, and throat ready.  Yeah, we will of course livestream to your husband back on Earth.  Wouldn’t miss that for the worlds.  Good girl, doll-face.  See you aboard my ship out here in a bit.  Love you.  Mwah.”
  2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
  3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
    Elizabeth Martin: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Aphrodite
    Charlize Saunders: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Hill
  4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
  5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
  6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
  7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
  8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
  9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
  10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
  11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
  12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
  13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
  14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
  15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
  16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
  17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
  18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
  19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
  20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    2512:  5th & 6th deployments – 5 = Murphy; Aphrodite to Hera and Shadow, then Meadow (which orbits Huang Long) – 6 = Huang Long; Meadow to Three Hills, Newhope, and Daedalus

    [Marine-detachment hangar-formations/training in TNH]

    January:  last moons of Aphrodite

    1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Thornley – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Natasha Minoru: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Thornley
    4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Anton – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Zoe Wagner: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Anton
    14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    February:  Hera (seceded)

    1. 377,000,000
    2. Hera is an Earth-like planet with important significance to the Unification War
    3. it was one of the three leading planets for the Independent’s side. It orbits the proto-star Murphy, which is the fourteenth planet orbiting the star Georgia. Serenity Valley is located here, where the Independent Faction experienced a crushing defeat at the hands of the Alliance. First mentioned in the episode “Serenity”. Hera is named after a goddess in Greek mythology, Zeus’ wife and sister. In the closed-captioning for the episode “Bushwhacked”, it is erroneously spelled “Hara”.
    4. largely agricultural world, food source for most of the system
    5. major shipping lane
    6. 2 moons:  Bullet
    7. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    8. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    9. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Jada Lindsay: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Hera
    10. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    11. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    12. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    13. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    14. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    15. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    16. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    17. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Bullet – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    18. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    19. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Serena Lopez: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Bullet
    20. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    21. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    22. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Eris – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    23. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    24. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Brittney Satta: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Eris
    25. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    26. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

    March:  Shadow (seceded)

    1. 13,300 (before war bombardment ruined it)
    2. seeing the devastation
    3. scanning for any survivors
    4. An agricultural planet orbiting the proto-star Murphy, along with Hera and Aphrodite. Murphy itself is the fourteenth and final body orbiting the star Georgia. Shadow is where Mal Reynolds was raised on his mother’s ranch. The Serenity Role-Playing Game and “Core and Border Worlds” database both state that it was rendered uninhabitable during the Unification War as it was one of the three leading planets for the Independent’s side. Mal is quoted as saying of it; “No one lives there. No one can.”
    5. WAS known for its grain farms and cattle ranches (now destroyed). The planet was almost entirely rural, with small towns dotting the countryside. While it had a few impressive towns, there were no actual cities. Its people were hard workers and independent-minded. Shadow was one of the first worlds to stand against the aggression of the Union of Allied Planets. Most of its young people volunteered to fight for Independence
    6. The aggressive bombing of Shadow during the war was meant to teach the Browncoats a lesson about the might of the Alliance. Instead, the bombing only hardened the resolve of those who fought and increased the Browncoats’ hatred of their enemy. Those few from Shadow who survived this difficult time lost loved ones, their lives forever changed.
    7. By 2511 – after only 106 years of habitability – Shadow became a ghost planet. No one lived there; no one could.
    8. 3 moons:  Branson’s Mark 1,317
      Ossolambria 38,450
      Summerfair 167,000
    9. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    10. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    11. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Callie Hewitt: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Shadow –obviously who hid underground or went off-world long enough to survive the bombardment/charring
    12. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    13. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns –more specifically, to resurrect towns, farms, ranches, etc., and jumpstart the global ecosystem/s, re-seeding everything for them
    14. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Branson’s Mark – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    15. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    16. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Gia Monroe: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Branson’s Mark
    17. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    18. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    19. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Ossolambria – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    20. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    21. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Sahar Croft: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ossolambria
    22. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    23. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    24. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Summerfair – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    25. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    26. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Lily Talley: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Summerfair
    27. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    28. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

    April:  Meadow

    1. on way into this system (Huang Long; Yellow Dragon, a.k.a. Georgia), we mind-scanned and mind-surfed all UAP personnel until we knew all the places biological weapons had been used
    2. 2 moons:  Salyut 5000 terra
      Mir 5000 terra
    3. 5000 terra crew on all 3 (planet and 2 moons)
    4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Jade Vinson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Meadow
    7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Salyut (Russians – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Brooke Oxford: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Salyut
    17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    May:  final moon of Meadow

    1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Mir – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Zara Larsson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Mir
    4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    [air-support drills, flyovers to assess possible bio-weapon aftermath/signs]

    July:  Three Hills

    1. 175,000,000
    2. The twelfth planet orbiting Georgia. Mentioned by Mal as a location for him to sell his stolen goods at in the episode “Serenity”.
    3. 3 moons:  New Lafayette 27,500,000
      Conrad 82,000,000
      Bob 16,000,000
    4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Daphne Holland: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Three Hills
    7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ New Lafayette (French – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Ashleigh Patrick: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon New Lafayette
    12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Conrad (Germans – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Mary Laurel: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Conrad –and I sneak Sarah into Persephone one day while here so I can enjoy fucking my First Girl with the same surname; fitting (and she, being who and how she is, loves this, obviously)
    17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Bob – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Lena Monroe: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Bob
    22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

    August:  Newhope

    1. 500M
    2. 3 moons:  The Commons 75,000,000
      Splendor 50,000,000
      Godforsaken 5000 (terraforming crew)
    3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Alecia Bale: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Newhope
    6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ The Commons – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Abby Hudson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon The Commons
    11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Splendor – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Veda Ewing: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Splendor
    16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Godforsaken – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Kate Cruse: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Godforsaken
    21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

    September:  Daedalus (gas giant) –(Greeks?  or just using Greek words again?

    1. 4 moons:  Arvad’s Helm
    2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Arvad’s Helm – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Sara Smith: top (most reputable and active) Companion in planet Daedalus’s largest orbital/Space-station
      April Hoover: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Arvad’s Helm
    5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    October:  more moons of Daedalus

    1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Notterdam – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Zora Frost: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Notterdam
    4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Rea – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Kalee Garcia: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Rea
    14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    November:  final moons of Daedalus

    1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Box:  152,500,000, slightly larger than Earth’s Moon – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Nadia Henstridge: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Box
    4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    2513:  7th & 8th deployments – 7 = Huang Long; Daedalus to Athens, Di Yu, and Elphame – 8 = Huang Long; Elphame to Prophet, Ithaca, Priam, and Kerry

    [supporting Marines deploying on satellite-missions from TNH and/or its escort-vessels]

    January:  Athens (Greeks

    1. 775,000,000
    2. Ninth planet orbiting Georgia. It has four moons, one of which is Whitefall.
    3. A world on the edge of civilized space
    4. 4 moons:  Anooie
      Whitefall 2,500,000 – is the fourth moon of Athens, the ninth planet orbiting the star Georgia. A large percentage of the world is owned by a woman named Patience. Whitefall is said to not be civilization “in the strictest sense.” The crew visits Whitefall hoping to sell their cargo to Patience in the episode “Serenity”. According to the RPG, a Blue Sun facility is rumored to be underneath one of the mountains. A security outpost on the planet was later seen in the film Serenity.
    5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _Myra Davis: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Athens
      SHIFT Ahnooie OUT BY A FEW DAYS – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Denise Schneider: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ahnooie (“Anooie” in the wiki)
    8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Argabuthon – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Kassidy Jones: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Argabuthon
    13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Ormuzd (Iranians / Persians – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Maisie Donovan: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ormuzd
    18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _ sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Whitefall – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Madison Rand: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Whitefall
    23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

    February:  Di Yu (Chinese

    1. moon:  Yama
    2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Tory Snyder: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Di Yu
    5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Yama (India/Sanskrit – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Amy Eckleberry: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Yama
    20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

    March:  Elphame (gas giant) –(Scots — “elf home”

    1. 4 moons:  Summerhouse
      Fiddler’s Green
    2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Summerhouse – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Penelope Wimbledon: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Elphame’s moon, Summerhouse
      Samaira Ruffle: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Summerhouse
    5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    April:  more moons of Elphame

    1. Fiddler’s Green:  16M, During the Unification War, the Independent Planets had a secret base here. The base was destroyed by Alliance forces, resulting in the loss of both military and civilian (refugees) lives.
    2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Fiddler’s Green – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Elena Hayek: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Fiddler’s Green
    5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    May:  final moons of Elphame

    1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Ithendra – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Tess Hendrix: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ithendra
    4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Sweethome – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Jessa Wilder: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Sweethome
    14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    [supporting Seabees deploying on satellite-missions from TNH and/or its escort-vessels]

    July:  Prophet

    1. 2 moons:  Perdido
    2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Perdido (Spanish/Portuguese – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Ariel Spichak: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Perdido
      Aurora Merrill: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Prophet
    5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Dunny (Brits – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Antha Madris: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Dunny
    15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    August:  Ithaca (Greeks

    1. technically a double-planet (similar to how Pluto-Charon was); co-orbiting its big moon, Priam
    2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Stac’ Bolton: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Ithaca
    5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    September:  Priam (moon of Ithaca, and so big that we devoted an entire month to it) –(Greeks

    1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Courtney Jameson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Priam
    4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

    October:  Kerry (Irish

    1. Kerry: Fourth planet orbiting Georgia. Named after County Kerry, Ireland.
    2. moon:  Madcap
    3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Cassidey Paulino: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Kerry
    6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
    8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Madcap – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
    19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
    20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      Shelby Presley: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Madcap
    21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
    22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

    November:  heading to / prep’ for Boros

    1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
    2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
    3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
    4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
    5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
    6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
    7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
    8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
    9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
    10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
    11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
    12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
    13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
    14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
    15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
    16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
    17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
    18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
    19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
    20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      2514:  9th & 10th deployments – 9 = Huang Long; Kerry to Boros, Regina, and Ezra, then Anvil (which orbits Himinbjorg) – 10 = Himinbjorg; Anvil to Brisingamen, Moab, and Aesir, then Jubilee

      [supporting LAR vehicles/units deploying on satellite-missions from TNH and/or its escort-vessels]

      January:  Boros (seceded) –(Hungarians

      1. 550,000,000
      2. Boros: Third planet orbiting Georgia. It has a strong Alliance presence. Originally the destination of the travelers picked up by Serenity on Persephone. Mentioned in the episode “Serenity”. A security outpost on the planet is seen in the film Serenity.
      3. 2 moons:  Ares 34,000,000
        Turrent’s Moon
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Piper Sabba: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Boros
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Ares – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Gabriella Hernandez: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ares
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Turrent’s Moon – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kathleen Vikander: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Turrent’s Moon
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      February:  Regina

      1. 250,000,000
      2. Regina: Second planet orbiting Georgia. It is a mining world upon which many people are suffering from “Bowden’s malady”, a degenerative disease. This is where “The Train Job” takes place.
      3. scan the mines
      4. moon:  Alexandria
      5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kora Chaney: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Regina
      8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Alexandria (Macedonians; north border with/of Greece – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Courtney Beridze: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Alexandria
      23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      March:  Ezra (Israelis

      1. 200,000,000
      2. Ezra: The first planet in the Georgia system (the “Core and Border Worlds” database refers to it as a “border moon”, however). Ezra is a desert world orbited by Niska’s Skyplex. Mal tries to sell medical supplies here. Named in the script for “War Stories”
      3. moon:  Herschel 67,000,000
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Valerie Kurylenko: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Ezra
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Herschel – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Seraphina Hoffman: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Herschel
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      April:  long ‘jump’ to Himinbjorg (to Anvil)

      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _interstellar shipments; one sub-system to the other
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      May:  Anvil (Scandinavians

      1. 5,000 (Terraform Crew)
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Alison Lee: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Anvil
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting “Thor” Mechs deploying on satellite-missions from TNH and/or its escort-vessels]

      July:  still at Anvil

      1. moon:  Hammer 5,000 (Terraform Crew)
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Hammer – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Elisha Adams: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Hammer
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      August:  Brisingamen (Scandinavians

      1. 74,500,000
      2. 3 moons:  Freya 2,541,000
        Alberich 1,478,000
        Beowulf 1,239,000
      3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Serena Elay: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Brisingamen
      6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Freya – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
        Auz:  “You know how much I love the name of this moon.  Time to call my sister, the actual Freyja; its namesake, so she can meet me for lots of wild incest here.  Amen.”
      9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Gia Travis: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Freya
      11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Alberich – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Cindy Durand: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Alberich
      16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Beowulf – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kendra Norris: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Beowulf
      21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      September:  Moab (Arizonans?

      1. 0?
      2. 2 moons:  Red Rock 5000 (terraforming crew)
      3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Charlize Ryder: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Moab
      6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Red Rock – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Tamara Daugherty: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Red Rock
      16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Mesa – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Tori Bishop: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Mesa
      21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      October:  Aesir (Scandinavians

      1. 3 moons:  Bestla
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _planet Aesir, leaders
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _vegan
        I (Auz) summon my favorite Aesir, Magara, to be fucked by me while we enjoy the Persephone lounges’ portholes’ views from orbit around this world.  After I finish using her, she having naturally cum multiple times just because she is with me, she purrs, “Thanks for topping me off again, shared-husband.  I love you.” then pecks my lips, letting me tighten my embrace around her waist and back, practically raping her mouth back open, tonguing everything in her mouth furiously, making her blush and drip and cum all over again, just from that wild-man hug-kiss combo/intensity.  “I love you, too, one of my many hot wives,” I tell her, making her blush even harder before she turns around to present her ass to me, her stance perfect for a sexy spanking-farewell.
        Heidi Rhodes: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Aesir
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Bestla – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Britney Olsen: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Bestla
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Borr – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Amy Lakatos: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Borr
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Odin – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Tara Day: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Odin
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      November:  Jubilee

      1. moon:  Covenant
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Keira Forbes: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Jubilee
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Covenant – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Anna Soreno: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Covenant
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      2515:  11th & 12th deployments – 11 = Zhu Que; Jubilee to Anson’s World, St. Albans, Harvest, and Greenleaf – 12 = Zhu Que; Greenleaf to New Melbourne and Jiangyin, then Silverhold and Lazarus (which orbit Heinlein)

      [supporting Space fighter-jets deploying on satellite-missions from TNH and/or its escort-vessels; dogfights in this sub-system with many historic battles from the war]

      January:  Anson’s World

      1. 125,000,000
      2. 3 moons:  Spider
      3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kinsley Thompson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Anson’s World
      6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Spider – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kendra Grand: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Spider
      11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Varley – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Raven Didina: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Varley
      16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Steele – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Yessenia Valenzuela: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Steele
      21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      February:  St. Albans

      1. 30M
      2. One of the coldest planets in the ‘Verse, it has a terrain that is almost entirely mountainous. What really makes St. Albans a whole lot of unpleasant is the weather, for it snows almost continually. The entire planet is covered in drifts, even during what some laughingly call summer.
        WEATHER UPON ARRIVAL:  SNOWSTORM/BLIZZARD below freezing with the wind chill, frostbite warning, extreme warming layers and gear necessary, I bust out my Baffin polar boots from my Antarctica days half a millennium ago, smiling that they have held up this well
      3. The people here are a hardy folk. The principal work is mining the world’s rich mineral deposits. The Consortium’s not interested, due to the harsh climate. The planet is divided into claims that the inhabitants prospect for whatever they can find. Theirs is a tough and lonely life, so the folk there have developed a very strong community. If you offend one of them, you have offended all of them. The reverse is true, however: if you make one friend on St. Albans, the entire community will look out for you.
      4. scan the mines
      5. There is apparently a single Federal Station located somewhere on the planet, reasonably close to a huge gorge through which Serenity flies in an attempt to outrun an Alliance gunship. Tracey is brought back to this planet in the episode “The Message”. It is named after the city of St Albans in Hertfordshire, England.
      6. moon:  Pi Gu
      7. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      8. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      9. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Aleiah Thain: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet St. Albans
      10. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      11. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      12. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      22. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Pi Gu (Chinese – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      23. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      24. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Emmaline Alston: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Pi Gu
      25. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      26. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      March:  Harvest

      1. The fourth planet orbiting the Red Sun.
      2. 66,000,000
      3. 2 moons:  Farraday
        Higgin’s Moon 640,000
      4. Higgins’ Moon: Higgins’ Moon orbits Harvest, the fourth planet orbiting the Red Sun, where the primary commercial activity is mud mining which is performed by indentured workers called “mudders”. The mud is exported off-world and used in the manufacturing of ceramic components. The bulk of the population are impoverished and/or indentured workers. The moon appears to be owned by a magistrate named Higgins. Jayne became a folk hero to the mudders in the town of Canton due to his role in a botched heist about four years before the time of the Firefly series. The crew visits Higgins’ Moon in the episode “Jaynestown.”
      5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Larissa Delacruz: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Harvest
      8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Farraday – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Serena Nieves: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Farraday
      18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Higgin’s Moon – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Naomi Carlson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Higgins’ Moon
      23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      April:  Greenleaf

      1. The third planet orbiting the Red Sun with a strong Alliance presence. Said to be located, at times, 10 hours away from Jiangyin. Mentioned in “Safe” as a location likely to have medical facilities.
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Emily Bradley: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Greenleaf
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      May:  still at Greenleaf

      1. 220,000,000
      2. Greenleaf has a large tropical belt, creating massive jungles and rainforests. Tropical plants provide a variety of life-saving drugs that cannot easily be synthesized in a laboratory. Major drug companies set up shop on Greenleaf, providing the bulk of work for the locals.
      3. Some of Greenleaf’s residents, seeing the enormous profits that were being made, began to make ‘clippings’ of pharmaceutical plants and grow them privately to sell on the black market. The problem became so great that the drug companies began engineering new plant strains with traceable genetic tags, so that the confiscated merchandise could be traced back to the origin point. The technique has not yet led to any major arrests, mostly because there are dozens of small cartels, and they are difficult to track down in the jungle.
      4. The Alliance is aware of the drug-smuggling problem out on Greenleaf, and they are clamping down on enforcement. Landing is more restricted on Greenleaf than on other Rim worlds, though smugglers who know the jungle can always find ways to sneak through.
      5. 3 moons:  Dyton 6,000,000 – The colony’s inhabitants were likely of British origin, since the cockney accent appear common among people from Dyton.- possibly the home planet of Badger. 
        Bryson’s Rock
      6. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      7. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      8. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      9. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      10. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      11. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Dyton (British – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      12. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      13. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Jill Beverly: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Dyton
      14. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      15. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      16. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Agyar – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      17. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      18. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Jamie Alievi: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Agyar
      19. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      20. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      21. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Bryson’s Rock – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      22. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      23. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kaya Wilson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Bryson’s Rock
      24. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      25. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      [supporting orbital laser-fire from TNH and/or its escort-vessels; scouting, forward-observing, etc.]

      July:  New Melbourne (Australians

      1. 27,000,000
      2. New Melbourne: The second planet orbiting the Red Sun. It is mentioned as having extensive fisheries, indicating that it may be an ocean world. In “Objects in Space”, Inara and Mal discuss the possibility of her disembarking there. Mal also says that everything on New Melbourne “…is either fish and fish related activities so unless you’ve got the overwhelming urge to gut sturgeon, and who hasn’t occasionally?” from this it is concluded that New Melbourne is an oceanic planet, probably named after the Australian city Melbourne, which is on the sea, though pronounced significantly differently.
      4. heavily fishing-oriented economy, it is also a layover point for most of the systems both in the Core and Border.
      5. 2 moons:  Maria
      6. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this planet, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      7. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      8. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Stacy Grant: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet New Melbourne
      9. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      10. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      11. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Maria – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      17. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      18. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Poppy Michaelson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Maria
      19. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      20. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      21. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Destiny – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      22. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      23. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kristen Smith: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Destiny
      24. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      25. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      August:  Jiangyin (Chinese

      1. 1,400,000,000
      2. Jiangyin: Jiangyin is a border planet located three weeks away from Persephone, and also nearby Greenleaf. It is the first planet orbiting the Red Sun and is the capital world of that system. Alliance law is known to be upheld here. The crew of Serenity sells a cargo load of cattle here in the episode “Safe”. The planet is most likely named after a city in China’s Jiangsu province along the Yangtze River.
      3. the culture that had arisen on this planet was somewhat different than on other planets. A distinct separation existed between the citizens who lived in the established towns, and those who had made their lives in the hills. The hill people had become a very superstitious lot, and often their villages were not self-sufficient. To compensate for this, they were known to kidnap skilled tradespeople from the towns, whether they be citizens of Jiangyin or come from off-world. These tradespeople were put to work for the hill folk, whether moved by the plight of these less fortunate, or, more frequently, convinced through threat of violence. – SO WE HELP GET THEM BACK TO THEIR CITIES, and consider hiring some of the kidnappers for BLOPS, and offer to help teach sustainability
      4. 3 moons:  Tongyi
      5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Melanie Price: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Jiangyin
      8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Tongyi – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Lilly Kinney: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Tongyi
      13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Dangun – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Alison Ashton: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Dangun
      18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Rhilidore – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Iris Princeton: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Rhilidore
      23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      September:  moderate ‘jump’ to Silverhold

      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      October:  Silverhold

      1. 744M
      2. Silverhold: A moon of the brown dwarf/proto-star Heinlein which is the eleventh and final body orbiting the Red Sun. Said to be eight sectors away from St. Albans which is the fifth planet in the same system. The Silverhold Colonies are the jurisdiction of Federal Agent Womack in the episode “The Message”.
      3. moon:  Beggar’s Tin
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Juliet Sears: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Silverhold
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Beggar’s Tin – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Sasha Nelson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Beggar’s Tin
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      November:  Lazarus

      1. moon:  Dora
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Jess Madison: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Lazarus
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Dora (Greek? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Jenn Taylor: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Dora
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      2516:  13th & 14th deployments – 13 = Heinlein; Lazarus to Paquin and Triumph, then out past “The Border” to Salisbury and Djinn’s Bane (which orbit Xuan Wu) – 14 = Xuan Wu; Djinn’s Bane to Beaumonde, Zeus, Aberdeen, and Ghost

      [supporting main-cannon use from TNH and/or its escort-vessels; engaging large Spaceships in this sub-system]

      January:  Paquin (French

      1. Paquin: A moon of the brown dwarf Heinlein and a location mentioned as having a job for Mal and his crew in the episode “Out of Gas”.
      2. 3 moons:  Shinbone
        Port Chester
      3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Graciella Devine: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Paquin
      6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Shinbone – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Sophie Nielsen: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Shinbone
      11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Clawthorn – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Amber McAdams: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Clawthorn
      16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Port Chester (New Yorkers? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      February:  Triumph

      1. 32.5M
      2. Triumph: Triumph orbits the brown dwarf Heinlein, itself ninth body orbiting the Red Sun. Triumph is a primitive and poor world, apparently self-governed with rather unusual customs and traditions. Elder Gomman is the leader of the moon’s settlers or, more likely, one small town’s worth of them. Saffron was picked up here in the episode “Our Mrs. Reynolds”.
      3. Triumph was a tiny planet in orbit around Heinlein, a proto-star near the edges of the system. With little to offer other than small areas suitable for farming, the planet became a refuge for folk who wanted nothing to do with modern life. The Triumph settlers lived like the Amish of Earth-That-Was, using little in the way of advanced technology (though they did have the ability to contact the outside world if they were in need of aid).
      4. These people followed their own customs. For example, in one town, young girls were raised in a convent called the Maiden House. Trained to be subservient and to respond to a man’s needs, girls were married off in trade—a form of currency for settlers who had little else to offer.
      5. Thugs and bandits found the settlements easy pickings, since the people were pacifists. The thieves stole goods and roughed up the locals. When pressured by these bandits, the people of Triumph would often make arrangements with bands of mercenaries for protection.
      6. The Triumph township where Elder Gommen lived was harried by a troublesome group of bandits, which led the elder to hire Malcolm Reynolds and the crew of Serenity as mercenaries. In the gunfight which ensued, the bandit leader and his three accomplices were killed, and the poor Triumph residents paid the crew in foodstuffs and other goods.  Viewers are lead to believe that Saffron was a member of the Maiden House.
      7. moon:  Mycroft 12,000,000
      8. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      9. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      10. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Alicia Aguirre: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Triumph
      11. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      12. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      13. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      14. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      15. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      16. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      17. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      19. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      20. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      21. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      22. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      23. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Mycroft (English – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      24. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      25. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Ellie Irwin: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Mycroft
      26. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      27. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      March:  long ‘jump’ to Salisbury

      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _interstellar shipments; one sub-system to the other
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      April:  Salisbury

      1. Salisbury: The seventeenth and final planet orbiting the star Kalidasa.
      2. moon:  Lennox 16K –WHY NOT PICTURED??
      3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Anastasia Calderon: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Salisbury
      6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Lennox (Scots / Gaels – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Tia Matteson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Lennox
      21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      May:  Djinn’s Bane (gas giant) — (Arabs / Middle Easterners

      1. moons:  Illat
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Illat – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Eva Jimenez: top (most reputable and active) Companion in planet Djinn’s Bane’s largest orbital/Space-station
        I (Auz) summon Djinn-descendant, Golnesa, to be fucked by me out here –while similar-looking Bailey joins us.
        Kayla Baldwin: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Illat
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Hilal – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy –and annihilating any literal halal operations, if there are any; anywhere psycho humanimals slit the throats of still-living animals (more specifically:  forcing all such humans to be killed via their own halal practice/s)
        Jasmine Graham: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Hilal
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Hubal – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Maddie Holt: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Hubal
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting a nuclear weapon launch from TNH; in the most-contested/secessionist sub-system]

      July:  final moons of Djinn’s Bane (Arabs / Middle Easterners

      1. Sin
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Sin – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Melina Night: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Sin
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Ta’lab – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Chryssten Reilly: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ta’lab
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Wadd – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Violet Rowland: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Wadd
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      August:  Beaumonde (seceded) –Latin for “handsome (beau) world (monde)”

      1. 184,000,000
      2. Hoban Washburne homeworld?
      3. Beaumonde: Beaumonde, the fifteenth planet orbiting the star Kalidasa, is a fairly wealthy planet. The planet is known to have factories and ranches. The Serenity crew arrives here after their heist on Lilac, to share part of their earnings with the brothers Fanty and Mingo. Their port of call is a large Asian city. At the bar called Maidenhead, which was chosen for these dealings, they discover River’s Alliance-conditioned fighting abilities. This occurs during the Serenity movie. About seven months earlier, the crew was headed for Beaumonde in the episode “Our Mrs. Reynolds”. Beaumonde roughly translated from French means “beautiful world.”
      4. The heavily industrialized planet is the manufacturing hub of the system. Its cities are surrounded by factories that produce everything from computer parts to ceramic coffee mugs. Some of the factories are owned by Blue Sun Corporation, though there are rumors that a few of these are not really factories at all or, if they are, that they’re turning out something other than canned beans. Security is tight at all Blue Sun plants, so no one is able to get inside one of these buildings to find out. Or least if they did, they never got back out to tell the tale.
      5. Due to the high industrial output, pollution is a problem. Beaumonde’s cities are covered in a perpetual haze. Weather control systems processed the worst of the pollution, but the science-minded believed the long-term effects may be more difficult to take care of. Every year more pollutants find their way into the water and the soil, causing many problems for those who live off the land. Some people move their homes and businesses underground to escape the air pollution.
        2024 May note:  MAKE SURE TO MENTION IN OUR PRE-LAUNCH BRIEFING… the A.Q.I. being near the 500-end of that scale.
      6. In the countryside, the air quality is better than in the cities, and farmers and ranchers manage to make a good living. There is also a thriving spaceport on Beaumonde, much like the more famous port of Persephone.
      7. New Dunsmuir was the capital of Beaumonde. The city was the only one on the planet that had no factories. Located on an ocean, New Dunsmuir was a popular tourist destination. Many wealthy factory owners made their homes here, as did those who work in the tourist industry. New Dunsmuir was a beautiful city with avenues of trees and carefully maintained flower gardens.
      8. The city of New Huntsville on Beaumonde is the location of the Earth-That-Was Distillery. Among their products is the famous Old Earth Style Kentucky Bourbon, a specialty known throughout the ‘Verse.
      9. 2 moons:  Hastur
        Geneva 8,600,000
      10. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
        WEATHER UPON ARRIVAL:  SMOG/OVERCAST, and trash-dust-devils?
      11. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      12. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kylee Reagan: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Beaumonde
      13. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      14. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      15. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      16. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      17. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      18. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      19. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      20. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Hastur (Cthulhu mythos? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      21. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      22. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Caprice Madison: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Hastur
      23. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      24. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      25. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Geneva – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      26. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      27. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Avy Armstrong: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Geneva –WHY NOT PICTURED??
      28. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      29. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      September:  Zeus (gas giant)

      1. moons:  Isabel
        Victoria (not to be confused with the Spaceship by the same name)
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Isabel – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Karmen Fairchild: top (most reputable and active) Companion in planet Zeus’s largest orbital/Space-station
        Gillian Snyder: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Isabel
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _ Sophie – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _Zoe Travis: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Sophie
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _ Victoria – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
        Dana Smith: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Victoria
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _ Delynn – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
        Stephanie Eldridge: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Delynn (“DeLynn” in the picture)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _ Theophrastus (Greeks? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
        Laetitia Jacotey: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Theophrastus
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Gayle – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _Candace Furtado: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Gayle
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _ Betty – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
        Chelsea Bell: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Betty

      October:  Aberdeen (“mouth of the river Don”; Russians?

      1. 12M
      2. Thirteenth planet orbiting the star Kalidasa. Named after Aberdeen, Scotland, a city on the river Dee.
      3. known for its rhodium mining operations.
      4. scan the mines
      5. moon:  Vesta
      6. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      7. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      8. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Ashley Tsiklauri: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Aberdeen
      9. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      10. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      11. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Vesta (Romans/Italians? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      22. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      23. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Tiffany Case: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Vesta
      24. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      25. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      November:  Ghost

      1. 2 moons:  Inferno
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Gabriella Watts: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Ghost
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Inferno – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
        WEATHER UPON ARRIVAL:  ash-fall/”dry rain”, fire-spout (tornado)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Delilah West: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Inferno
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Xibalia (Brazilian? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Lauren Roth: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Xibalia
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      2517:  RCOH & 15th deployment – Short/Ramp = Penglai; Ghost to Oberon, Newhall, and Beylix, then Whittier (which orbits Xuan Wu) – 15 = Burnham; orbiting Miranda for the first month, then heading over to Deadwood, Dragon’s Egg, and Highgate (which orbit Qing Long)

      [supporting/protecting the drydock tasks –possible assassinations, counter-assassinations, etc., and definite executive-escorting/security/convoying; for the Admiral/s and their staff, families, etc.]

      *This is the year both Mal formed his crew aboard Serenity, and I formed the last of my crew aboard Persephone; Brahan, Cyd, and Sasha all joined at different times this year.

      January:  long ‘jump’ to Bai Hu (to Londinium) for RCOH?

      1. RCOH
      2. missions during these months?  to get stuff for TNH?  or just to help keep the area safe during its lengthy overhaul?

      February:  Londinium?

      1. RCOH

      March:  Londinium?

      1. RCOH

      April:  Londinium?

      1. RCOH

      May:  long ‘jump’ back to Kalidasa (to Newhall)?

      *meteor showers location:
      Lear is a rogue moon which was the 5th moon of planet Pacifica ((the remains of) that planet (and the remains of its other 4 moons) now called the Six Sigma asteroid swarm), all Pacifica’s other moons destroyed/ejected along with the terraforming-caused demise of that world.
      As we flew into range of Six Sigma and Lear, Persephone automatically plotted all trajectories of its cosmic bodies, determining which, if any, would be headed our way during the flight, plus if we landed on Lear.
      For reference:

      • asteroid:  smaller than a moon, larger than 1 meter in diameter, orbiting a star
      • comet:  smaller than a moon, large enough to create a vast ‘tail’ via gas and ice warming off of it, orbiting a star
      • meteoroid:  smaller than 1 meter in diameter, at least as large as a grain of sand
      • meteor:  a meteoroid entering a planet’s atmosphere
      • meteorite:  a meteor that does not break up before it reaches the surface of a planet

      This month’s missions:

      1. RCOH – interstellar shipments; one sub-system to the other
      2. (pass destroyed Pacifica -now called the “Six Sigma asteroid field”- on way into system, possibly briefly stopping in orbit over its sole surviving moon, Lear 157,000)
      3. (pass un-terraformed Oberon on the way into the system)
        Heather Compton: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Oberon –in an atmospheric-dome colony/outpost?
        Oberon moon Puck:  Jenna Duke: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Puck
        Oberon moon Quince:  Iris Fitzgerald: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Quince
      4. Newhall orbits the proto-star Penglai which is the eleventh body orbiting the star Kalidasa. It was the destination of colonists coming from Bernadette in the episode “Bushwhacked”.
      5. 8,000,000
      6. It is a newly terraformed planet with large oceans. Stands to reason that water is the planet’s primary commodity. Newhall’s people live on small island chains or on floating stations on the oceans.
      7. Newhall’s water plants are always in need of workers, hence the Alliance’s generous incentives for settlers who move here. Terraforming new worlds requires a lot of fresh water, and Newhall has water to spare. Processing the water and preparing it for shipping isn’t an unproblematic job, though. The water needs to be collected, desalinated, purified, packaged, then loaded for transport.
      8. Those of Newhall who don’t want to work the water plants can make a good living fishing. And there’s always the tourist centers, for those who like to swim and cavort – or those who want to tend to those who do.
      9. A group of Alliance settlers from Bernadette that was bound for Newhall was attacked by Reavers, and never made the scheduled landing.
      10. 3 moons:  Severance
      11. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      12. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      13. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Maddie Castaneda: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Newhall
      14. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      15. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      16. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Severance – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      17. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      18. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Arielle Slater: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Severance
      19. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      20. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      21. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Darcke (origin? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      22. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      23. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Cindy Kirkland: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Darcke
      24. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      25. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      26. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Mohenrichia (origin? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      27. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      28. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Josey Cleary: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Mohenrichia
      29. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      30. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      [launching a month earlier than during all previous years, but just for an easy short-float]

      June:  Beylix (seceded) –Germans?

      1. Ramp-up (1 month ahead of chart schedule, since the RCOH was a half-year of time-off for many/most; the drydock/Space-dock workers were the ones doing most of the refitting)
      2. 23,000,000
      3. Beylix: A planet orbiting Penglai, a proto-star orbiting Kalidasa and the eleventh body in the Kalidasa system. It has three moons, and appears to have a permanent cloud cover and dense ice rings. Mal’s war buddy Monty was caught by the Alliance here. Mal refers to it in the episode “Trash”.
      4. 3 moons:  Charity
        St. Lucius
      5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Marissa Dupont: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Beylix
      8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Charity – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Jennifer Smith: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Charity
      13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Cinote – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Rachael Bilson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Cinote
      18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ St. Lucius – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Natalie Branson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon St. Lucius
      23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      July:  Whittier

      1. Ramp-up
      2. Whittier: The tenth planet orbiting the star Kalidasa.
      3. 36,500,000
      4. moon:  Ita 8,000+ – Ita: A moon of Whittier –WHY NOT PICTURED??. The crew of the S.S. Walden was returning from a salvage mission here before they discovered Serenity’s distress signal in the episode “Out of Gas”.
      5. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      6. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      7. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Sara Kelley: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Whittier
      8. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      9. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      10. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      14. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      19. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Ita – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      21. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      22. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Vanessa Leigh: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ita
      23. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      24. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      [short-float confirmed RCOH successful, now the seasoned co-crew is confident about heading to 34 Tauri’s Fringe –and most-significant bio-hazard / threat area, Persephone and other BLOPS as its advance-party, of course]

      August:  long ‘jump’ to Burnham (to Miranda)

      *This is the same time/month when, in the movie Serenity, Mal and the black-ops agent’s fleet arrive in orbit over Miranda, so the decision to make here, as far as missions goes, is:  Does TNH hear their mayday and arrive to assist, or do we say the events of that movie were too compressed, Mal having encountered Reavers elsewhere/before, but not right now?

      1. Ramp-up – interstellar shipments; one sub-system to the other
      2. 5,200 (Reavers)
      3. Miranda is the name of a planet located beyond Reaver territory. It orbits the proto-star Burnham, the eighth and final planet in the Blue Sun system. It was home to an Alliance colony with a population of 30 million. The Alliance experimented on the population to find a way to make people more controllable. However the experiments with “G-23 paxilon hydrochlorate”, or “Pax” (Pax is a Latin word meaning Peace), failed: 99.9% of the population became so passive that they essentially lost the will to live. The opposite effect was observed in the remaining 0.1% of the population, who became extremely aggressive and butchered the Alliance scientists in charge of the experiments. This portion of the population escaped and became the Reavers. The Alliance tried to cover up what had happened on the planet by creating a story that the colony was lost due to failure in the terraforming equipment. Like Ariel, Miranda shares its name both with a character from The Tempest and a moon of Uranus.
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ pacify all Reaver ships/fleets, and update UAP/Cortex data about all derelicts -and Space-battle debris- adrift in stable orbits
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy (obviously, on this unfortunate planet, the equivalent is finding where vegan restaurants used to be, sterilizing them, repairing any damage, and seeing what it would take to reopen them)
        Vanessa Sosa: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Miranda –who obviously hid/escaped during the Reavers start/years
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ fly over all formerly-populated areas, scanning for Reavers on the ground
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ secure as many planet-side footholds/facilities as possible
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _ “Ghost-busting” if necessary/applicable –in a kind way; helping each find peace, not slide-trapping them
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ security for proper burials/cremations of whatever is left of the remains of the killed/fallen
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _moon Caliban
        Alaina Fox: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Caliban –obviously here to help her secret bunker town re-stabilize normal life for its people on the surface, no longer having to hide from the Reavers now that we have arrived
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      September:  Deadwood

      1. Deadwood: Seventh planet orbiting the Blue Sun.
      2. 1,570,000
      3. 2 moons:  Haven 78,000 – is the home of Shepherd Book, who left the crew during the events of the comic book series titled Serenity: Those Left Behind, and where he resided in the movie. It was also a place of refuge for the Serenity crew. In the novelization of the film, it is revealed that Haven is a mining planet which is often used as a hiding place for those running from the law (for a fee) and is where some smugglers or criminals decide to settle down.
        New Omaha
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Meagan Magnuson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Deadwood
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Haven – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Nessa Jones: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Haven
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ New Omaha – Nebraskans/Natives – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Rose Minogue: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon New Omaha
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
        *9th planet, Shenzhou, not PICTURED – Adeline Sinclair: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Shenzhou –9th planet orbiting Blue Sun sub-system — BRIEF PASS ON WAY OUT OF THIS SUBSYSTEM
        Amelia Hester: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Tiangong –only moon of Shenzhou

      October:  Dragon’s Egg (gas giant)

      1. 5 moons:  Yudhishtira (all India names)
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Yudhishtira – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Nas Alhazred: top (most reputable and active) Companion in planet Dragon’s Egg’s largest orbital/Space-station
        I (Auz) summon my favorite dragon woman to have sex with me out here, and then, while she and I enjoy the ‘afterglow’ of that reunion, summon my other wife, Daenerys, to be fucked by some of her/our dragons on a field near where I landed my ship.
        Liliana Austin: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Yudhishtira
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _ Bhima – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Monica Gelashvili: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Bhima
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _ Nakula – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Gina Kodetova: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Nakula
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _ Sahadeva – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Becky Rosa: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Sahadeva
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _ Glynis – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Sophia Reid: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Glynis
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others

      November:  High Gate

      1. Highgate: The fifth planet orbiting the Blue Sun.
      2. 2,750,000
      3. 2 moons:  Stonewall 275,000
        Perth 250,000
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Isabella Snyder: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Highgate
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Stonewall – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Camille Sinclair: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Stonewall
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Perth (Australians) – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      2518:  16th & 17th deployments – 16 = Qing Long; Highgate to Fury, Muir, New Canaan, and Meridian – 17 = Xuan Wu; Meridian all the way back to Xuan Wu, starting with where we left off in this sub-system; New Kasmir, then Delphi, Zephyr, and Angel

      [supporting pretend-derelict “drifting” of TNH and its support-fleet/vessels; to see if this lures in any remaining Reavers or other scavengers in the Fringe sub-system]

      January:  Fury (gas giant)

      1. 9 moons:  Coldstone
        Seventh Circle
        Nipmuc –NOT PICTURED
        Genae – scheduled for terraforming and has a crew population of 5,000. –NOT PICTURED
        Iscariot – terraformed in 2421 and has a population of 23,500. –NOT PICTURED
        Katarina – scheduled for terraforming and has a core population of 5,000. –NOT PICTURED
        Sakura –NOT PICTURED
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Coldstone – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Elle Velasquez: top (most reputable and active) Companion in planet Fury –in its biggest orbital/Space-station
        Shelby Johnson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Coldstone
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _ Blackwood – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _Gabriella Ferrari: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Blackwood
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Ataraxia – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _Selena Ramirez: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ataraxia
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _ Seventh Circle (is it the 7th moon of this world?) – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _Clarise Stark: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Seventh Circle
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Nipmuc (Natives?) – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _Nicole Silverstone: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Nipmuc
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _ Genae – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _Emily Hale: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Genae
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Iscariot – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _Katherine Culbert: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Iscariot
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _ Katarina – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _Azita Wuhrer: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Katarina
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _ Sakura – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
        Eva Kinney: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Sakura

      February:  Muir

      1. Muir: Third planet orbiting the Blue Sun. It is where the character Badger was raised.
      2. 3,500,000
      3. 2 moons:  Arminius
        Shepherd’s Mission
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Selena Whitfield: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Muir
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Arminius (Germans? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Norah Wolf: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Arminius
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Shepherd’s Mission – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Nadia Dillard: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Shepherd’s Mission
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      March:  New Canaan

      1. 238,000
      2. 2 moons:  Ugarit 46,000
        Lilac 150,000 – It is near Reaver territory. From space it appears to have a “lilac” (or purple-ish) color, which presumably it was named for. The Serenity crew land on Lilac to rob a bank holding an Alliance payroll. Lilac is at times roughly ten hours from Beaumonde as stated by Mal.
        Lilac was named by someone gullible enough to believe what the terraformers promised—a planet of perpetual springtime. As it turned out, Lilac is more like a planet of ri shao gou shi bing (pile of sun-baked dog poop). A small crop moon, Lilac is plagued with heat and a serious lack of water. Most of the farmers wage a continual war against the elements, and what crops they do bring in are generally self-sustaining. There are some locations on Lilac where the rain falls on a regular basis and the sun nurtures the crops, not fries them. Farmers lucky enough to have land here do very well for themselves.
        To add insult to injury, Lilac is located on the edge of what has now become Reaver space. The people of Lilac fear that it’s just a matter of time before they’re attacked. Several of the major land-owners have joined together to contract with a private security firm to protect their property and lives in case of Reaver attack. That private security firm has its payroll delivered to one of the local banks. Just in case you’re interested in making a withdrawal.
        Lilac is also commonly referenced by con artists offering time-share vacation opportunities to people who are just as gullible as the person who first gave it its name; sure enough, there are a few time-share vacation spots here and there on Lilac, but most of them are not remotely worth even the ‘discounted’ prices that a share in them is offered for. This is assuming that the seller even has legitimate claim to the property.
      3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Winter Tyson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet New Canaan
      6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Ugarit (Syrians) – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Tess Samson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ugarit
      16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Lilac – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Aaliyah Holden: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Lilac
      21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      April:  Meridian

      1. capital of the system
      2. 7,500,000
      3. moon:  Burnet 750,000 – It is home to a sizable deposit of Iridium, a precious metal in the platinum-group. Well-funded prospectors come from off-world to mine the metal then sell it on the Core worlds. The locals have taken to calling these prospectors “Silverliners”, in reference to the large, silvery ships they travel on.
        The Peacemakers (one of a few offshoots of the Browncoats; another post-war group) have a base of operations here at Halfway House, where orphan children are recruited and trained.
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Burnet (French? – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Julianna Fournier: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Burnet
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      May:  long ‘jump’ back to Kalidasa (to New Kasmir)

      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _interstellar shipments; one sub-system to the other
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting TNH’s fleet as the ships use their beams and other tech’ to work together to push an asteroid into a collision-orbit]

      July:  New Kasmir

      1. moon:  Skardu –why not pictured??
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Taylor Stanton: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet New Kasmir
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Skardu (Pakistanis) – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kathy Wayne: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Skardu
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      August:  Delphi (Greeks are on these worlds)

      1. 3 moons:  Clio
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Tanya Sonos: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Delphi
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _ Clio – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Astrid Himmler: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Clio
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Thalia – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Amelia Walters: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Thalia
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Calliope – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Amy Adams: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Calliope
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      September:  Zephyr (moon of Angel) –English here?  Italian/Latin/Roman?  more Greeks?

      1. visited on way to Angel because this moon of Angel is Earth-like
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
        Auz:  summons all the sexy female Angels he knows, they having an orgy around the dinner table in his ship out here
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Stephanie Carter: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Angel
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      October:  Angel

      1. Angel: Seventh planet orbiting Kalidasa.
      2. It has one moon called Zephyr.
      3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ – flying over to meet with the leaders on this planet, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
      6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ moon Zephyr
      14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _Morena Hollands: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Zephyr
      15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      November:  prep’ for Heaven (gas giant)

      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      2519:  18th & 19th deployments = 18 = Xuan Wu; Angel to Heaven (what a coincidence!), then Vishnu, Glacier, Constance, and Verbena – 19 = Xuan Wu; Verbena to Sho-Je Downs, then back to “The Core”, straight to the capital-world; Londinium, starting that big loop all over; next will be Liann Jiun and Bernadette

      [supporting:  abandoning a fighter instead of using a kinetic-impact rod; possibly being cloaked halfway down its flightpath/trajectory, and/or later on the ground to better mind-scan / assess local interpretations/assumptions regarding the event/op/deception/misdirection]

      January:  Heaven

      1. 4 moons:  Urvasi (more India people)
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Urvasi – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Molly Bridger: top (most reputable and active) Companion in planet Heaven’s largest orbital/Space-station
        Natalia Spence: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Urvasi
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Menaka – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kimberly Conrad: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Menaka
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      February:  final moons of Heaven –CORRECTION:  forgot to go to Vishnu (redo entries below, shifting those moons up into the above sequence of weeks/missions)

      1. Rambha
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ Rambha – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Clary James: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Rambha
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _ Tilottama – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Lara Jensen: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Tilottama
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _ (KEEP IN THIS SECTION; do NOT shift up to previous world)
        Amber Rollins: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Vishnu
        moon 1:  Ganesha – Nora Piper: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Ganesha
        moon 2:  Rama – Yvette Lincoln: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Rama

      March:  Glacier

      1. moon:  Denali
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Macy Elliott: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Glacier
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Denali – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Lauri Alaine: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Denali
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      April:  Constance (British/English here)

      1. Constance: Third planet of Kalidasa where Mal, Zoe and Jayne try a bank heist while Shepherd Book delivers a sermon to act as cover. Seen in the comic book series Serenity: Those Left Behind.
      2. 2 moons:  Barrowclough
      3. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _ flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      4. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      5. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Kimberly Roux: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Constance
      6. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      7. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      8. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Barrowclough – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      14. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      15. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Tamara Jordan: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Barrowclough
      16. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      17. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      18. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Disraeli – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      19. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      20. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Rebecca Morgan: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Disraeli
      21. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      22. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      May:  Verbena (seceded)

      1. 78,500,000
      2. The second planet orbiting Kalidasa. Formerly a poor and undeveloped frontier planet, the Alliance chose it as a site of a new gearshift assembly factory for military skiffs. Appears in the unaired script “Dead or Alive”.
      3. 2 moons:  Lassek
      4. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      5. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      6. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Laynia Bentley: top (most reputable and active) Companion on planet Verbena
      7. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      8. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      9. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      12. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      13. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Lassek – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      15. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      16. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Mackenzie Kirkland: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Lassek
      17. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      18. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      19. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Barrimend – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      20. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      21. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Rose Johnson: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Barrimend
      22. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      23. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      [supporting TNH ramming something (and trusting its shields to hold; pseudo-cavitation)]

      July:  Sho-Je Downs (Japanese)

      1. 2 moons:  Miyazaki
        Kuan Lo
      2. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      3. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      4. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Adriana Lotus: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Sho Je Downs
      5. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      6. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      7. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      11. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 2 mission:  _ Miyazaki – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      13. week 3, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      14. week 3, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Teagan Kauffman: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Miyazaki
      15. week 3, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      16. week 3, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns
      17. week 4, day 2 mission:  _ Kuan Lo – flying over to meet with the leaders on this moon, getting/willing their clearance for us to fly everywhere else (though we can always do so in stealth beyond their detection tech’)
      18. week 4, day 3 mission:  _flash-read all minds and Internet/s to update UAP census
      19. week 4, day 4 mission:  _check to see if all vegan restaurants are legitimate and healthy
        Acadia Langley: top (most reputable and active) Companion on moon Kuan Lo
      20. week 4, day 5 mission:  _scan entire world for any missed ruins from human colonists and others
      21. week 4, day 6 mission:  _sustainability consulting and free minor “jumpstart” construction to help stabilize any struggling cities/towns

      August:  long ‘jump’ back to Bai Hu (to Londinium)

      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _interstellar shipments; one sub-system to the other
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _return to Londinium with artifacts the museum would want –and which have to be shipped to it in secret, as they are considered priceless and wanted by many other ‘parties’
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _also bringing back thousands of girls from other worlds

      September:  Londinium

      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      October:  Liann Jiun

      *As each world-visit is ~several yrs apart, our 2nd rd of visits to 34 Tauri worlds is to:

      • see how our aid from rd1 took,
      • fine-tune things we installed last time,
      • return to fave restaurants,
      • Companions introduce me to more hotties,
      • see how preteens not quite ready last time have grown into teen hotties,
      • going to ruins we detected but didn’t have time for,
      • elem sch beacon use and bj lessons,


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      November:  Bernadette

      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      2520:  TBA (copy from TNH Timeline)

      [supporting an emergency response; answering a mayday, etc.]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [supporting diplomatic mission/escort/company]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _



      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [supporting reconstruction effort/s on the world/s which are finally becoming open to it/this]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [supporting ferrying some prisoners from one world’s “triple max” facility to that of another world’s, all at the request and trust/confidence of their Intelligence communities; trading those prisoners to see if they can get more information out of them in their own areas and ways]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [supporting “Black Operations to convince planet-side facilities/communities that their “missing persons” were being taken not by Browncoats or the 34 Tauri corporations (as that might lead to another eruption of civil unrest, if not another civil war), but by groups both/all sides could unify against. (This is achieved by Persephone “running dark”, leaving misleading trails of intentionally-dropped evidence where it is likely/certain to be found by the settlers on some planets and moons, keeping those settlers’ suspicions on already/previously-troublesome pioneer-towns, nomads, and marauders. Persephone even goes so far as to chase one of those outlaw’s small Spaceships down, recovering stolen goods, and planting some of the kajirae-candidates Persephone picked up not days before, “spinning” the After-Action Review (AAR) of the event to make it look like they’d discovered and thwarted part of the locally-unwanted sex-slave trade. The “re-acquired” girls are returned to their families, the ICVs having cleverly kept all those girls thinking they were captives aboard some vessel other than Persephone, none of those girls having known what ICVs are… or having even seen King Auz.)”]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
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      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
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      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
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      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
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      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
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      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
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      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [supporting “Jenna Kardashian enters the scene; trust established and increased between the Inisfreeans and her portion of the local-Space Intelligence community”]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [supporting daring to explore and chart more of one of the two nebulae bordering 34 Tauri’s Core; seeing if there are additional ways to navigate these cosmic bodies separating much of the inner subsystems from the outer ones]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
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      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
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      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
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      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [supporting normal “float” operations back in civilized 34-Tauri Space]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [TNH’s Firefly-class ship “Persephone” prepares for its final mission (at least with its human crewmates –and this mission will be next year), its crew now ready for parting; it will be returned to Inisfree soon (within a year or two).  ICVs host a “final mission”/”going away” party for the 5-badass crew of “Persephone”, giving each of those 5 their wildest fantasies in real life, all in the same party, with the perfect touch of Inisfreean flare/genius.]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
      9. week 2, day 5 mission:  _
      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      [supporting being back in “The Core” (not just civilized Space, but the most-civilized); best place for a carrier-group handover “float”] –and Persephone’s final mission with its 34 Tauri crewmates (Augustine, Brahan, Cyd, and Sasha), though Persephone will go on for the rest of time to have countless more missions with other crewmates


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
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      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
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      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      2530:  “left seat, right seat”

      [supporting the changeover; after ~2 decades of ‘floats’, handing TNH to the humans who served aboard it]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
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      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _

      [supporting ]


      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
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      1. week 1, day 2 (Monday) mission:  _
      2. week 1, day 3 (Tuesday) mission:  _
      3. week 1, day 4 (Wednesday) mission:  _
      4. week 1, day 5 (Thursday) mission:  _
      5. week 1, day 6 (Friday) mission:  _
      6. week 2, day 2 mission:  _
      7. week 2, day 3 mission:  _
      8. week 2, day 4 mission:  _
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      10. week 2, day 6 mission:  _
      11. week 3, day 2 mission:  _
      12. week 3, day 3 mission:  _
      13. week 3, day 4 mission:  _
      14. week 3, day 5 mission:  _
      15. week 3, day 6 mission:  _
      16. week 4, day 2 mission:  _
      17. week 4, day 3 mission:  _
      18. week 4, day 4 mission:  _
      19. week 4, day 5 mission:  _
      20. week 4, day 6 mission:  _ final mission flown out from TNH:  scan to make perfected versions of all the sexy royal/richest females in 34 Tauri)

      2531+:  based in Inisfree (in the Military Aerospaceport)

      [no longer in a supporting role; all personal / freelance use (for me; Auz) now]

      1. acquiring girls from the BattleMech/Tech/Space-saga human-colony worlds
      2. acquiring girls from the Dune-saga human-colony worlds
      3. acquiring girls from the EVE Online-saga human-colony worlds
      4. acquiring girls from the Halo-saga human-colony worlds
      5. acquiring girls from the Human Empire (Aorlie) human-colony worlds
      6. acquiring girls from the Mass Effect-saga human-colony worlds
      7. acquiring girls from the Pitch Black / Riddick-saga human-colony worlds
      8. acquiring girls from the Star Trek-saga human-colony worlds
      9. acquiring girls from the Star Wars-saga human-colony worlds
      10. acquiring girls from the StarCraft-saga human-colony worlds
      11. acquiring girls from the Warhammer-saga human-colony worlds
      12. acquiring/accepting (gifts/donations) girls from planet Gor
      13. etc.

      2540s+:  Just about every flight is a mission to fill up every acquisition room in the cargo bay, plus the lockers; 168 on the beds, and up to 264 total if all lockers have 1 girl each.

      As always, when more than a couple hundred girls are expected to be ‘harvestable’ at any single location, a larger ship than this Firefly is sent, or multiple MPHAs along with this Firefly, etc..



      ~50B humans in 34 Tauri when I am there.
      2510-2530 = 20 years of weekday working-hours missions
      8 hrs x 5 weekdays x 52 wks/yr x 20 yrs = 41,600 hours
      If the usual ~1% of humans anywhere are attractive to me, 500M of the humans in 34 Tauri are attractive, half of those being females I can acquire.
      250M females in 41,600 hrs = ~6,010/hr; not possible, thus I take most of those 250M home to Inisfree to fuck and cum in later.
      Some, such as willing Registered Companions, and the wives and top fuckbuddies of 34 Tauri leaders, I leave in 34 Tauri. Also, some I just “clone”; as new batches of ICVs, even though I found ~1,000 form-sakes by 2024 A.D..

      Since many workdays via Persephone involve meeting people on 34 Tauri worlds, and sometimes firing/breaking in to places hotties would not be able to leave even when mind-overridden by our beacon, many of my 41,600 hours working from Persephone during my 20 years portal-ing/commuting to 34 Tauri are not available for sex. Assuming ~half are free enough that I can focus on fucking the new girls, that leaves ~20,800 hours, and some of those are for fucking Registered Companions in nice hotels.
      20,800 hours of fucking, assuming my usual ~2 orgasms per hour, means I might be able to cum inside ~41,600 girls while in 34 Tauri.

      8 crew rooms, and 7x3x2 cargo rooms = 8 + 42; we need enough water for 50 showers at once, and plumbing able to handle 50 toilets flushing at once.

      • water used in a 5min shower:  ~10 gallons with a low-flow showerhead (x 50 rooms/showers = 5,000 gallons of water just for showering; ~41,700 lbs.)
      • water for toilets = 50 toilets x 1.28 gal./flush x ~12 flushes/day = 768 gallons (6,405.12 lbs.)
      • water to drink = up to 500 people, x ~56 oz./day (3.5 lbs.) = 28,000 oz. (218.75 gallons, 1,750 lbs.)
      • cum captured girls are required to drink before getting water or food = up to 500 captured girls x ~1 standard water-bottle per day (17 oz.) = 8,500 oz. (~66.4 gallons, ~553.8 lbs.)
      • rations/ingredients for 500ppl 3meals/day x 1wk? 500x3x7=10,500 MREs’ worth of food and drinks
        (10,500 MREs x ~1.375 lbs./MRE = ~14,437.5 lbs.)
      • 500 standard iron slave-girl collars x ~.5 lb. = ~250 lbs.
      • 500 leashes x ~.75 lb. = ~375 lbs.
      • 100 collar-linking chains x ~10 lbs.:  ~1,000 lbs.
      • How much fuel in a cargo or commercial jet?  ~63,000 gallons (~420,210 lbs.) —*but we use repulsines, and rarely any fuel, as our fuel is just for pretending to fly like a normal jet-using air/Spacecraft, so estimate we carry ~half that standard cargo/commercial load; ~210,105 lbs.
      • crew + passengers = up to ~90,000 lbs.

      Total:  ~366,576.42 lbs. –thus this ship transports slightly more than the maximum recommended/allowed payload for a non-custom Firefly-class transport-ship of its size
      (weight of fuel, water, 10,500 MREs, collars, bugout bags, hover-truck, etc.)

      That’s ~$100,000 of jet fuel at ~$3/gal. every time we fill up from empty.

      Some of the largest cargo planes from ETW could carry 250 tons.
      Even with fuel for fake engine-use (105 tons), Persephone only approaches 184 tons.
      With its weapons and their ammo., that becomes 281 tons.
      This ship, bigger than most ETW cargo planes, and made hundreds of years in the future, can easily carry those 31 tons more than what ETW cargo planes could.
      It can also just carry less of the optional fuel it only uses when spinning up those wing-mounted engines to pretend to be powered like a normal Firefly.


      Additional Notes

      *As mentioned in some of the years detailed above, some of the ‘jumps’ TNH makes are considered relatively long, moderate, or short.  Here is what those terms mean:

      • “long” jump = more than halfway across the entire multi-system; >half of 338.75 AU, typically allotting a week or two
      • “moderate” = sub-system star to nearby sub-system star, typically allotting days
      • “short”/regular jump = planet to neighboring planet, typically allotting hours
      • rarely a need to jump (instead use the pulse-drive) = planet to its moon or vice versa, typically allotting minutes

      Even though I can only visit 1 34 Tauri world every decade or so, my help doesn’t have to be crammed into my 1 week per world per decade; the UAP and deployed ICVs can keep going to all those worlds as often as needed to build/establish whatever I arranged to have done with the locals.
      Everyone on TNH and planet-side who is or would be good to me gets clandestine protection; always a cloaked spy-portal making sure they are okay, and always 1 ICV ready to portal to them -or them to safety- in an instant.

      The air quality is perfect on nearly all terraformed worlds here, as so few live on them, and tech’/filtering is centuries better.

      Nyria never changed her hair, eyes, or skin colors in front of them, only the TNH ICVs doing that.
      Even when she orgasmed, she only showed me those uniquely Inisfreean abilities.
      For her birthday (every 34 Tauri equivalent of 1 May), she always asked that everyone who liked her just team up or take turns fucking and cumming inside her, and/or bringing various compatible creatures which would also fuck her well.

      During weekdays when TNH was moving between subsystems in 34 Tauri, I (Auz) have ~7-hour bookings of introductions and sex parties.

      The Dark Web:

      The Internet has 3 main sections;

      1. the Clear Web (normal use, such as to check a map or order food; the Internet most “normies” think is the entire Internet),
      2. the Deep Web (stuff behind passwords and firewalls; bank info., etc.),
      3. and the Dark Web (400 to 500x the size of the Clear Web, and where all the hackers and freedom-fighters and many other people congregate to trade without corrupt government meddling).

      While only “randomly”/rarely part of any mission, we offer the following Dark Web+ services:
      (granting clients access to view the following, by request)

      • a site where you can type in any request, then start bidding to see if/when someone will complete your request for the amount you bid
      • asylum security-cam live feeds
      • background checks of anyone/everyone you encounter online, done by clandestine Inisfreeans with undetectable-portal tech’, thereby guaranteeing whether you are communicating with undercover agents or not –and, of course, whether the “hot chick” is actually what she claims, not a “catfish” (guy pretending to be something he is not)
      • births of hybrids by human females
      • brandings of human slaves
      • executions (non-prison; some by firing-squad, some by terrorists/beheading, etc.)
      • firing-squad footage
      • helmet-cam footage of troops committing war-crimes
      • interrogations
      • live humans being experimented on like guinea pigs
      • live-feedings of humans to reptilian humanoids
      • mind’s-eye footage of aliens abducting humans
      • online gambling or lottery to decide who is forced to suicide
      • overdoses
      • passenger-POVs of fatal airplane crashes
      • Pay for your own drone strike/s.
      • porn banned in some/all places*
      • prison executions of death-row inmates (some by electric chair, others by gas chamber, others by lethal injection, etc.)
      • “rainbow rooms” (color-coded based on content)*
      • remote-controlled Xenomorph-robot you can play as; wall-crawling, seeing scent trails and heartbeats, kidnapping, 2nd jaw headbutting unconscious, dorsal-spines ooze-secreting to glue captives to hive-walls, Facehugger-egg openings, etc.
      • sacrifices of humans at secret ritual sites
      • suicides (some like video-selfies, others filmed by others, etc.)
      • torture
      • underground cage fighting with no rules; actual gladiator matches
      • Plus, of course, our network is even beyond the Cortex’s dark-web level/s, completely untraceable, not even known to human authorities.

      Porn Types:

      • beastiality
      • incest
      • lolicon
      • “offensive to everyone”
      • rape
      • self-harm
      • torture
      • underage/minors

      Rainbow Rooms:

      • black room: live-streaming of sensory-deprivation torture
      • red room: live-streaming of murder, not necessarily snuff –and some allow viewers to pay to decide the method of killing
      • orange: live-streaming of being burned alive
      • yellow: live-streaming of unwanted pissing
      • green: live-streaming of gassing or suffocation
      • blue: live-streaming of drowning
      • purple: live-streaming of beatings
      • brown room: live-streaming of unwanted scat
      • white room: live-streaming of brightness torture; lights so bright that the captive cannot see around or sleep
      • grey room: live-streaming of memory modification

      Various Other Services:

      • 3D-printing designer narcotics for individual systems/tolerances
      • 3D-printing lockpick guns
      • 3D-printing replacement organs tailored to individual clients
      • 3D-printing untraceable firearms, such as for assassins and other black-ops agents
      • designing and testing malware, including ransomware
      • finding, backing up, perfecting, and selling or gifting illegal porn, such as beastiality, snuff, underage, etc., and making deep-fakes if the real thing doesn’t already exist –and even mind-controlling the people requested by a client
      • helping kidnappers and human traffickers zero in on exactly what they or their clients are in the market for
      • managing the hitmen equivalent of a matchmaking dating service; always finding the clients they need, and the hitmen clients need; local, experienced in what they want, in their price range, etc.
      • printing both perfect illegal currency (to pay for things) and with various flaws we know will be detected by different authorities/devices (for people we are setting up) –and no one is better at forging currency than us, as we can read all thoughts, and have all passwords, etc.
      • printing perfect illegal licenses
      • printing perfect illegal passports
      • producing and delivering custom and/or un-serialized (no VIN) vehicles (made in Inisfree‘s (or an Inisfree-like city‘s) Civilian Vehicles Factory

      2024 March note:  Since humans on Earth tried so many scams against me, we auto-detect all scams now, and auto’ mind-override all scammers so they instead give us whatever we want.  We sometimes also disintegrate them.  This is the way.

      2024 April:  Pre-planetside-departure Checklist:

      1. “Does everyone have their stuff?  Gear, wallet, phone, etc..”
      2. “Everyone got the souvenirs they wanted?  Girls, trinkets, photos, etc..”
      3. “Is there anything else any of us want to do here?  Hiking, blackmail, revenge, drugs, whatever.” (though we obviously don’t do “hard” drugs or anything that would become an addiction/risk –and even mentioning/listing “drugs” is more of a joke)
      4. “Any strange creatures you ladies want to fuck?”
      5. Nyria and Perseph’ mindread to ensure no one is forgetting anything.
      6. “Does our ship need anything?” I then ask Persephone itself –even though it automatically remembers perfectly and lets me know.

      ICVs stationed on the worlds we go to always give us up-to-date info’ on where every free overnight camping and parking is, where jurisdictions end, where humans have never gone and likely will never go, etc.; we can evade and/or mind-override (or otherwise easily overpower/outperform) anyone, but we like to have these briefings / this intel’ to help our outings go more smoothly (i.e. not be soured by the typical insecure pest humans).


      Post-TNH SOPs

      After 14 years with me in Persephone, when Augustine, Brahan, Cyd, and Sasha returned to their worlds, Bailey left the Companions Corps to stay with me when not managing the Companions teaching at her own Guild Training House, and Zhanna left the ODST Corps to stay with me.
      So now it was often me, Nyria, Bailey, and Zhanna in Persephone.
      The 4 crew rooms vacant after 2530 A.D. usually got filled by my four children from Ambi; now centuries old, they were perfectly ready to go on Black Ops with dad (me).

      • Auz, Nyria, Bailey, and Zhanna keep their rooms.
      • The rooms previously reserved for Augustine, Brahan, Cyd, and Sasha are now for my four kids from Ambi.
      • Ambi bunks with me when she rides with.
      • Our kids usually pair up, always male with female.
      • That usually leaves 2 of these rooms, but our royal family always reserves them for alone time, such as when receiving and drafting their own ideas.
      • When Ambi isn’t aboard, my sisters or other wives bunk with me.
      • When Ambi is aboard, those women bunk with Nyria when Nyria isn’t busy, and/or in Bailey’s room when she isn’t aboard.
      • Nyria and any other ICVs are the doctors and guards.
      • I am the pilot.
      • I often let Auz II use the Captain’s chair and practice commanding for when he is back in ships of his own.
      • We bring back dozens of humans at a time, sometimes for sacrifice, sometimes as fresh slaves for our five sections/kingdoms of New Montana, sometimes as gifts or trades.
      • I let all four of my kids with Ambi try the pilot chair / piloting, as well as the weapons chair / gunning.
      • I let all four of them drive the hover-truck.
      • Females must strip for inspection before boarding, and this includes my daughters and wives; anyone.
      • This is my primary ship for The Hunt, and on Gor, not just Earth.
      • I also fly this ship to Outlands gladiator events.
      • Only 2 sleep per quarters, and 4 per cargo-bay room.
      • Only prescreened, fully compatible with me can be passengers, and scan-results kajirae-candidates as captives.
      • Prefer any guest sleeping in a cargo-bay room bring 3 flawless sexy females to fill its other 3 bunks.
      • Only vegan food and drinks allowed.
      • Females are free full use at all times, except when they need sleep.
      • Females must enjoy gloryholes, beastiality, and killing humans, including for sacrifices.
      • Only Auz or an ICV on the Captain chair, and only licensed pilots with at least 1 year of flight time (not just flight time at times during 1 calendar year) piloting craft of a similar size on the pilot chair.
      • Same for weapons chair; at least 1 year of gunner time.
      • Like in Inisfree, Auz always has the final say.
      • Everyone does their own laundry.
      • No pets except kajirae; fully trained and loyal to us.
      • Unless all rooms are needed for non-ICVs, entourage rides with.
      • No dirty boots, clothes, anything in rooms other than the airlocks.
      • Kajirae do all ship cleaning, supervised by ICVs.
      • My 2 daughters from Ambi always do a striptease for me before dinner, and (with a lap-dance) before bed, and suck my cock at the table, and get handfed from me and from their brothers like kajirae, and join me for my baths and showers, and record all their sex and masturbating.

      Auz II’s room has copies of all my books, including Inisfreean law, and all the sex’-ed’ books I gave him and his siblings back in 2023.

      Adaline’s room has time-art and souvenirs from our family time-travel dates.

      Ethan’s room has crystals, gemstones, geodes, etc., from all the places on Earth and beyond we went to.

      Neveah’s room has edible and medicinal things she made from her favorite plants, just no live specimens; we prefer to respect plants by keeping them outside and planted.

      Since my Inisfreeans (ICVs) can perceive reality in 4D and beyond, they can see entire timelines/lifespans, including destinies, potential alternate-realities, and so on.  This means they know exactly who would have a meaningless or evil life, thus would make a good sacrifice.  Anyone with goodness, as per my holy/wise standard, gets spared/saved/uplifted, of course, and everyone else is always available for capture and destruction.

      Also see:

      Starfield Clips as Conceptual; Similar to Persephone Views: