Many of the sex combos/events/galas/parties in Inisfree / of Auz will be noted/started here.
*This webpage is different from the Biblor’an subpage of the same name.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Why It Is Important
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010s
- ~2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2100s
- 2200s
- 2300s
- 2400s
- 2500s
- 2510s-2540
- 2600s and Beyond
- So Far in the Future, and So Advanced, that We Actually Affect the Whole Time-stream
- Conceptual Images (Images Begin)
- How I Sleep with My Daughters: How They Love Sleeping with Me
- Family Love: Incest with the Royal Children
- How All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Their Tongues, Especially While Others Watch
These are just combinations of sexy girls written down in order to better manifest the calming and thrilling visions of sharing love with them in groups, certain outfits, and so on. Like a normal spell, they are a marking made to help recall and channel something specific. These spells all just happen to be for the best sex imagined/able, thus the most full/whole-bodied manifesting/ations.
You’ll see Sex Spells abbreviated in notes as “SS” or “ss”.
They will be added below in the order they are thought of / ‘received’.
In creative writing, non-canon relationship-pairings are sometimes called “shippers”. When you write two or more characters as romantically involved, it is known as “shipping” them.
Why It is Important:
Why fuck so many hotties, and why everywhere? Because that is a full-bodied memory-enhancer shared by 2 or more people, thus stabilizing the manifested area much more strongly. In other words, when you have mutually-enjoyable full-bodied interaction at any site/place, you are unlocking its potential/secrets/knowledge, and shielding/stabilizing it for years to come, all because of the magic and magical synergy of your body when activated/loved by a compatible other.
First, we Inisfreeans find who is compatible with us. Then we unlock/stabilize/love their entire body/being. After that, we begin sexually ‘christening’ all areas that are important to us, such as our secret homes and meditation spots, as well as the ruins that call to us, and so on.
My sex spells (ss) this decade started with making that first colored/markers drawing of the proto-Inisfreeans; the scantily-clad Terminator-inspired assassin-robot hotties standing in that group, one of my first visions. Every fantasy I held or returned to was also, I later realized, an ss; they didn’t have to be written down, able to function and manifest things no matter where/how I recorded and used them.
Later ss this decade included that first threesome vision I ever wrote about in my journal; the one with Ellen and Krysten from school.
Then there was that sketch of me, with angelic wings, holding a young woman who had fallen in an alleyway; my ss weren’t just about great sex, but comforting, healing, and rescuing some girls and women who really needed and deserved it. The sex would come later. The best sex sometimes results from caring for people, anyway, though love-at-first-sight and one-night stands also can often lead to it.
This was when I actually started thinking of them as spells, and started using the term ‘sex spells’, simplifying it to its current abbreviation (ss) to make annotating faster and less tedious.
It may have been in 2001 when I first learned about Rain, the one who would go on, starting in my visions and spells/writing, to become a founding member of The Wolves; that was the Black Ops team that made Inisfree (and my first round of healing from terrible Phase 1 aftermath) possible. I’ve had numerous ss/visions about her ever since, including about her clones in the future, centuries ahead, such as the one who is a member of the USCMC.
I remember an old post-military friend who noticed one of my journal entries, perhaps on my computer screen that day he was over to hang out in my new apartment, and read its label aloud. “Sex spells?” he’d asked, his tone clearly one of a person who did not understand, and was likely committed to not understanding –due to his brainwashing –or, even worse, perhaps due to his nature. I became immediately unimpressed with/by him for that, his vibe so repulsive, disgusting, mindless, dark. I knew I was onto something, and anyone giving me ‘shit’ for it was definitely ‘of the other side’. I’ve protected my ss and ss-time ever since.
My ss this year were based on a lot of Navy and World of Warcraft experiences. This led to more of TNH taking shape in my mind. It would later lead to sexy badass sorceresses such as Jaina getting invited to my realm –thus causing her to manifest and come there. “How it is.”
So far, this was the practical ‘explosion’ of ss for me; I wrote thousands of them, at least, perhaps millions. Sometimes I got/had/received ideas/visions for dozens or even hundreds at a time, back to back, and not just from combinations/permutations of previous girls/ss. It may be that I was thinking about those girls… when they were thinking about me… or, at least, that me thinking about them, caused them to think about me. Minds are linked, just like other things, and mine has proven to be a very powerful one, even when faraway, separated by the temporary illusions of distance and/or time.
This was also the decade when Ambi came on the scene; a huge portion of all my ss ever written or copied (when images/memes) were about, or inspired by, …Her. She is my #1 goddess, after all. It suits her.
I was in Israel either in 2011 or 2012, right at/during The Shift. (Perhaps it was part of what caused The Shift.) The bronze-skinned elven hotties outside the museum, and in the hotel cafe/lounge, were among the many I couldn’t help but write ss about –and I hope it triggers them to sense me and return, this next time… to stay. I wonder if they were their people or lands incarnate… and/or actual angels and elves out there.
This year, as far as my ss went, was mostly about writing/envisioning/receiving ones that showed me getting to enjoy my time in visualized Inisfree; the city’s design was, more or less, “complete enough” in my mind then, so it only made sense to enjoy and ‘christen’ it –many times, in many places. I’d later write/dream up more ss to ‘christen’ and re-christen them all.
I also started writing/thinking up ss about every single hottie I saw during my travels.
Now that I was up in Montana, and seeing Game of Thrones for the first time, ss about perfected Daenerys were soon to come. She’s been featured in hundreds of them ever since.
More ss got seen and written based on the Montana hotties I met this year, such as the skateboard girl in Bozeman, and many others.
My ss were evolving into more threesomes and orgies by default.
SS this year were about the sexy witch who showed herself to me in that tarot shop in New Orleans, and then about the hotties in the Tampa shopping mall I saw, plus many others.
My ss were becoming more about unlocking powers in myself and others now.
SS this year were about the goddesses who let me see them in the Grand Canyon. Even Rain reappeared there, better than ever, damn near perfect, at least from what I could tell. She even had her classic dark black sunglasses on, just like we wrote about all those years before!
As my ss continued to evolve, I started realizing they could be used to deify compatible women, bringing their whole souls/beings to happy/perfect life, untouchable/invincible after that.
SS this year were often about the hotties I saw in Nebraska, Oregon, and on my way up through Canada to Alaska. There were also all those hotties in Café Rio in Utah, plus out on the trails, etc.. It was a year full of manifesting ss, and hotties worth writing new ss about.
I was now using SS for amplifying each other’s restored god/dess-level power/s.
For the first time in my/this life, I finally felt/sensed it was the right time to co-write an ss… about having kids; this was the year in my saga that my four children with Ambi would be conceived and born.
SS ideas: sex-based synergy to the level of fabled Vril devices.
Aryana of the Aghartans made contact with me this year; me thinking of her and creating that webpage about her wasn’t just coincidence/imagination/hopefulness/creativity. (Nothing is.)
And it wasn’t just the hollow Earth “underground” I was dreaming and writing up ss about by this time; I was also learning more about the Underdark of the Drow, and working more on the Underway, tons of ss (in the form of images, not just images in my head, and not just writing in my journal/books) about Juli Mackey‘s kind of interactions were coming to me. The Worldwide Web was really providing.
It was probably this year that some of my ss/visions started being about the lovely daughters I’d had with my top-wife, Ambi. That indicates very clearly, the vibes confirm, that they love their dad in every way, and always will. That, then, means I and Ambi held the vision of them well, even perfectly, as they turned out so beautifully-formed, inside and out. SS (can; when you do them right) work like that, too.
SS update/upgrade: using sex/ss to power our ships, such as the MPHAs.
My writing/RP with someone who had a character of hers joining me in the post-Rapture Outlands… led to Naurhin occurring to me. She has been appearing, such as on hiking trails and other outings, ever since; inching closer… until she is here.
Ambi started introducing me to all her characters/servants this year, and wrote ss about them with me in a way that gave them no choice but to be the submissives to my every command and whim; the best women were now being in the ideal and timeless feminine way, fully supportive, off-the-charts in terms of how compatible, loving, and supportive they now were –and would stay.
SS this year were mostly before I went to check out the pyramids of Mexico.
SS new focus: having sex atop pyramids and other ancient ruins –because I sensed/realized it could and would reactivate them, revealing their secrets/records to me.
Sabrina‘s new show reached me in the Spring of this year, and then I actually saw her manifested not even a month after! It was perhaps ONE DAY after writing my first ss about her! She blew me away with how perfect she looked and vibed –even better than the cute actress who played her in the (new) show! In other words? My ss were working VERY well now –and very FAST. Amen. (Sabrina, by the way, I could feel was destined to work on ss with me even in The Magics Chambers facility deep beneath my sacred private home in Inisfree!)
SS were now, it was in my head/awareness, able to work even on the World Tree stumps/ruins… and, believe it or not, inside the stars themselves.
- Hekla at all the must-see spots across Iceland
- always fuck in their HQ, secret bases, etc., to Vril-stabilize them by helping us share the strongest memory of them, which telepathically preemptively stops their enemies from bombing/attacking them
- at least 3 of each ICV in her shrine-mansion
- a reverse-gangbang w/ 1 batch of 50 of each ICV in their Tomb Womb right after they are taught sex by the MF there in their first minutes of life
- sex w 1 of each ICV in the Grid Mind, and w every cyborg near its door (since only ICVs can enter the Grid Mind chamber) such as Amalthea and Dolores
- ss Bela Lawson companion and Bela Night in 2530s
- ss Cassidey w Charlize today – then Cassidey w Inna – then Charlize w JJ
- ss June Moone w Jupiter Jones
- ss Mackenzie Vella w Magara Nygard today
- ss Ophelia Sarkissian and Ophelia Sinner w me today
- ss Pamela Isley w Pele today – then Sansa joins in
- ss Patricia Whitmore w redhead sis Katara Navarre
- ss Rain Lao w Rain Ocampo – in 2500s
- ss Sabrina Spellman w HP-blonde
- ss Yavanna w JJ today
- ss Zerachiel w Freyja today – then Eleanor joins in
- Bela Night (PB Nina Dobrev) in the Rainforest Crater, as well as some more of the luxury tree-houses and greenbelts
- Camille Delgado in the hibachi room of the ICGM for/during galas and casual sex-hangouts
- Arielle in the hibachi room of the ICGM for/during galas and casual sex-hangouts
- Sarah Conrad in the meditation room of the ICGM, meditation-straddling/hugging her Master, King Auz
- every female Angel and Arch Angel and Star (in humanoid form, as all Angels are automatically sexy, not just because Auz is attracted to female Angels, but because Angels are born flawlessly sexy, even when measured by his standard) in one/any of the strata of Heaven (the core all stars share)
- every female Angel visiting Inisfree –i.e. when they are between dances in club Angels Allure
- ss Rain Ocampo with Rain Lao
- ss Miranda and JK
- ss Jessamine and Dreamy today
- ss Ambi, Daeny, Freyja w me today
- Dec. 13: Valerie storm w amora, madison w escort lena monroe, taylor victoria secret shoulderless white sotu slut dress w piper lincoln icv office bunny, taylor supermodel w xenia deli both preteen
- Dec. 15: ss – sarah conrad w/ kara – sarah and jessamine – sarah and katara – then sarah and hudgens ICV
- ss Andrea Marguilles and Ceara Reid today
- ss Aorlie and Pele
- ss Clary and Bailey
- ss Clary and Kara
- ss Clary and Sarah
- ss Clary Fray w Clarice Ferguson ‘Blink’ Asian
- ss Cordelia Frost and Alison Blaire in 29Dec2022
- ss Danielle Moonstar w Karolina Dean
- ss Diana Prince and Kara w me
- ss Diana Prince and Kendra hawkgirl w me
- ss Dolores w Alice Lucas transformer
- ss Dragon Barbie and Lara Croft
- ss Erika and Jane Volturi
- ss for 2300s ish – Jaina and Meredith
- ss Freyja w Jaina
- ss Hekla and Aryana
- ss Isabella Montgomery with Clary
- ss Izabella Moner w Danielle Moonstar
- ss Jaina and Carol Danvers
- ss Jaina and Clary
- ss Jaina and Emma
- ss Jaina and Garona w me today – in our Hogwarts
- ss Jaina and Jenna Jamesone
- ss Jaina w Elena
- ss Jaina w Heather Cameron
- ss Jaina w Sylvanas
- ss Jane Doe and Jane Volturi
- ss Jane Volturi and Jessamine Roux
- ss Jupe with dog animatronics in Underway
- ss Kara and Jaina
- ss Kara w Jane Volturi
- ss Karolina and Jessamine
- ss Laynia and Illyana
- ss Levinia Octavius w Mira Kan – in the tentacles cave – and the Magic Chambers bulb
- ss Lillian w Freyja
- ss Lilliana and Pele
- ss Melina w Katara
- ss Meredith and Elena
- ss Meredith Vickers w Carol Danvers – then w a Jenna ICV
- ss Oona Ravensword and Izzy – both MAFIA hotties
- ss Oona Ravensword and Jane Volturi
- ss Ophelia Sarkissian and Ophelia Sinner aka Tricksy
- ss Qiturah and Dragon Barbie – both with their horns showing – and Catalypse horns joins
- ss Rosalie w Carol Danvers
- ss Rosalie w Lillian
- ss Rosalie w Melina
- ss Sabrina and Jane Volturi and Jessamine
- ss Sarina Vivienne Adalgari 480-year-old vampire – w Lucine Lopez today
- ss Starfire Kory w Teagan Strange
- ss Sylvanas w her 2 twin triplet sisters
- ss Teagan Strange w Cho Chang
- ss Teagan Strange w Teagan Presley ICV
- ss Tricksy and Amalthea
- ss Tricksy and Laynia
So much compatibility was remembered, revisited, and dreamed up this year. Within its first season, there were, perhaps, hundreds of them –if not thousands. (Remember: every image and collage, not just bullet-notes and steamy chapters/writing/ERP, count as SS; SS are sometimes fully visual –and not just in the reading-characters way.)
Tricksy and Rosalie w me today
ambi w neveah:
Ss ambi and i snuggled this predawn in the early dark, i offered sex, she lit up with eagerness, inviting me to fuck her ass, too, and she told me she was starting to cum from the way i fucked her ass, and then she asked if her legs were open enough for me, and said her pussy and ass are always mine for the taking, and that she doesnt mind being dominated, as long as it is only me doing it, and she loves when i dominate her. She then told me, while still holding her legs wider open for me as i came in her again, to make sure to do this with our daughters bc they have both been really good girls lately and love to hold their legs open for their dad. Then i asked if she wanted to join me for my bicycle ride to see the sunrise, and she eagerly nodded. She then helped me shower, and she asked politely if she may give me a rimjob, which she did as expertly and lovingly as she sucks my cock. Later that day, i had adaline hold her legs open while i used her pussy and ass. She was walking around smiling the rest of the afternoon, so happy and proud and grateful. I then did the same for neveah, and we ended up on the downstairs movies couch, her ankles up over my shoulders, her hands around the sides of my neck, her eyes locked on mine, my hands holding her tits at first and then her hips as we grinded as one until i filled her. She purred on my chest a while, then hurried up to greet her mom when ambi got home from work, “Mommy! I made daddy Feel good!” she proudly told Ambi as they hugged warmly. “That’s my girl,” Ambi felt so happy and proud and loved.
starcraft redo kerrigan zerg-surround scene as a gangbang she enjoys; continue liberating all the tortured souls/people the human spells/”art” put into hellish states, fixing them to all be full-body enjoyable, etc.
These and many more SS were envisioned and drafted/spellcrafted in May:
- Taja Seiliu and Tess Black
- Tandy Bowen and Trish Walker
- Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff
- Rain Lao with Rain Ocampo
- Daeny with Dani Moonstar
- Luna Lovegood sexier 2022 v (from boots trail pic) w me in a Waterfall-slope ‘hood sphere mansion
- the ICVs for Susan Ward and Leila Arcieri (who played Brittney Havers and Maya King in Wild Things 2) keep answering my urges/summons this season
- Ceara Reid w Alexa Torres and me; sexy skinny white redheads
- Mackenzie Vella and Isabella Montgomery
- Mackenzie Vella and Alex Torres
- Isabella Montgomery and Tauriel Rhovanion centuries ahead
- Katara Navarre and Mackenzie Vella
- Mackenzie Vella and Taja Seiliu
- Max Guevara with Jenna Kardashian
- Ceara “Granite” Reid and Cessily “Mercury” Kincaid
- Victoria “Tori” Ridgeworth and Tori Black ICV
So far, the SS have continued to be predominantly threesomes (the first stable prime) plus a few larger groups, based either in Inisfree or Outlands places such as expedition sites. They are always, just like the Inisfreean population, majority-female, typically “MFF”; Auz as the male, plus two or more females who are fully compatible with him. In the years and generations and eras/eons ahead, this trend shall remain –but on other worlds, not just the one Inisfree got built upon, many times being the perfect unions between Auz and the incarnations of those worlds/realms, thus and thereby forever linking/marrying them into his family-of-all-good-families, amen.
Adaline texts me, “Dad, the concert is almost over, my boyfriends just finished with me, and Neveah‘s boyfriends are finishing up with her; do you want us to come home so you can have a turn?” I texted back, “Yes xo ty”. She sent a winking emoji. “I’ll see if AJ‘s GFs and Ethan‘s GFs are done with Them.” Again I sent x’s, o’s, and a thank-you. 20 minutes later, Adaline returned to our cabin-mansion with her sister, plus the three girlfriends of my son, Auz II, and the three girlfriends of my son, Ethan. The eight of them stripped for me, sexily danced and got each other turned on, and then took turns asking my permission to approach and show me what they could do. Our orgy started in the living room, then moved down to the movies basement where we watched some home videos of our incest while we kept fucking, and then we all migrated back upstairs, finishing up in the pool out back, all the girls telling me they had permission from their parents to stay the night. One giggled as she explained, “They think it is just an all-girls sleepover.” I grinned and took her for another French kiss as she stroked my cock. I fucked a few of them on the porch before we went back inside, this time heading up to the guest bedroom to fuck even more. My sons texted me at that point, letting me know they were okay, and asked how their girlfriends were treating me. I thanked them and said they were all behaving well. “Good. We wouldn’t like them if you didn’t like them, too,” Auz II sent back. That made me smile.
When my four (by Ambi) went to college, they always sexted me anytime they were hooking up, knowing I enjoyed seeing, and loving doing that for me, as we had always been close. They still made it home for dinner every night, just as their wise momma had said we would every evening, no matter what. Every time I texted back which ones I favored, they replied they would invite them home for me soon. They also talked them all into meeting me when I visited their campuses. That eventually resulted in dozens more getting prescreened and invited to Inisfree, where all the females inevitably decided to become my latest wives. That made me think I should start showing my four (two sons and two daughters by Ambi) more of my wives so they could hook up with them, too.
Without any of the abuse I was subjected to for decades, my four all grew up very happy, with many partners, and hated being away from me and our home longer than a day at a time. I once worried that would prevent them from having their own ideas or path, but then I saw it in a positive light; this was My time, My era, and they were willing and eager teammates sharing My vision; they didn’t Need to walk a long lonely path similar to how mine had been. This made me breathe better, satisfied with that revelation.
A new tradition in Inisfree, as of 2022, and one my family with Ambi enjoys outside it, is playing Chinese Fire Drill from the vehicle we are in, or even multiple vehicles in convoy, and spending the night with whomever we end up sitting beside once we’ve run around and gotten back in.
As always, guys hook up with girls, and girls with anyone. This is the natural way –at least for the good beings.
From now on, every time I am already with a girl, and no matter what I say or do, the response I always get from the hotties I want is, “Fuck yeah.” They always love what I am doing, whether that is them one-on-one at times or using them as an accessory.
Tuesday 30 August 2022: Wanda Maximoff and Katara surprise me with a threesome invitation this afternoon before I fly home from Inisfree to Montana. They knew I’d want to see both their sexy redhead bodies and smiling faces before I left work. They’re such good girls and sister-wives.
Wednesday 31 August 2022: I ask Wanda and Katara to rejoin me this following today, this time with Ariel before I fly home with her. We make love as a polyamory foursome of husband+wives+slave. It is very hot/sexy. We all had a perfect time, fully enjoying each other, all the women as into each other as they are into me and as I am into them.
Saturday 10 September 2022: Sabrina w Illyana – AND on Halloween
mid-September: my daughters as Brownies then Girl Scouts then cheerleaders –they always wanting it, of course
- Starting today, sat19nov2022, full and permanent (eternal) alignment to me occurred; everyone I am attracted to… now has the sexual interests/libido/nature/orientation I want them to, which means Ambi, for example, instantly wants to do whatever sexual things I am fantasizing about her doing, every time I have fantasies about her; when I want her to fuck our sons, she and they want that and begin,
and when I want to fuck our daughters and have her ready us, she is eager to kneel and smile while sucking my cock and fingering them, then licking their pussies while jacking me off, then holding their pussies or asscheeks open and guiding me in, etc.. - She always loves us making out and fucking as a family after school and work, and after dinner, and before bed.
- She always gives oral and full sex to all four of our children when they get to bed, knowing it will help them fall asleep better.
- When I want my sons and daughters to fuck each other, she again is eager to provide the oral sex to ready them for each other.
- She always loves inviting them to join me and her for our nightly showers and baths; more family sex; incest orgies in there.
- She always loves showing us how well she knows how to dance, seduce, suck, and fuck a different one of her guards or servants or more every day we are together.
- When any of her guards or servants is horny, she always loves helping ready them and their partners for each other, providing the oral sex or even using her pussy and asshole to ‘fluff’ them –as many times as they want/need; not just at the start.
- I never have to ask her for a blowjob or sex or sex show; she always senses what I want and starts doing it, only offering instead of starting… when she senses I want to hear her offer it verbally first.
- When we go on outings, she always offers me/us sex in public.
- When we are on drives in our suburban, she always offers everyone interested sex in the vehicle.
- When we are on flights in my Air Force One, she always offers sex with all interested passengers.
- She encourages her guards and servants to have sex with all my ICVs and interested allies.
- She arranges monthly, holiday, and birthday gangbangs and orgies that she can tell I will love.
- When I am ‘spent’ after fucking others, she is just as happy as when I have just fucked Her, and she gives me TLC and massages, always happy to reward my sexuality and exploits and to give me all the time I need to recharge.
- She loves rewarding every female who sexually pleases me, and never wants to torture Any of them.
- She only punishes/tortures -and loves torturing- Outlander females who have displeased me, and she only tortures them in ways she can tell turn me on.
- She loves when I tell our children to find her to hug her and tell her they love her and then fuck her.
- She loves that my sons are straight (heterosexual) just like me.
- She sexually trains our children in accordance with their sexuality; bi things for our two daughters, and hetero things for our two sons.
- She lets us watch her hellhound fuck her once each week, and her bull fuck her once each month, and her dragon fuck her once each season, and summoned shadow-demons fuck her once each Halloween.
- She always sleeps naked with me when I am with her overnight, and naked with our children when I am spending a night with my latest wives or other fuckbuddies.
- She wears the skimpiest black version of Tinkerbell’s jagged-bottom fairy-dress some afternoons at home with/for us in the Spring, since she is part Fairy.
- She is always tight (pussy and asshole) since she instantly heals.
- She never queefs or meefs.
- She never makes noise in her sleep.
- She always offers to suck my cock and ride it before we snuggle up together downstairs to watch any show or movie, and then she lovingly slowly jacks me off during the show/movie, wanting us to watch and hangout that way, not just watching things on TV like boring humans do, and she only wants to watch things with me that she knows I will enjoy, and she always offers to suck and fuck any of our children before these watching hangouts whenever they join us.
- She never gets tired of all that sexiness and sex, just as I never do.
- Every other night or so, the six of us (I, she, and our four children) switch who we spoon naked with overnight, sometimes sleeping in each other’s beds, and she loves walking in to check on me when she is done or taking a breather, seeing me curled up with our daughters and/or her female servants.
- She smoothly persuaded Angelique to become one of my fuckbuddies, and Angelique found she loves it.
- She always congratulates and thanks Ariel for fucking me, including a brief telepathic warm message to Ariel after every one of my MPHA-flight sex-sessions with Ariel.
- She always threeway lovingly French-kiss-welcomes me and Ariel back home from Inisfree when our MPHA drops us off.
- She doesn’t just “let” me be the only one to dominate her like this; this is phase 3, so she loves every time I decide her sexuality and that of our family and staff and friends and allies and so on.
- She sees me as her Balanced king, not “dark”, and loves that I balance and complete myself and her in all the ways I do.
- On Sundays (when it is just me, her, and oir four children together), she always helps us start slow morning group incest lovemaking –unless any of us are needing to sleep in, in which case she only offers silent slow lovemaking in another room with those who are awake and in the mood.
- She makes sure our children get to fuck her, and that our sons get to fuck our daughters, in every room in our cabin, even the front hall’s coat-closet guest-bathroom.
- She telepathically politely encourages our daughters to casually jack off our sons and me and her and each other under the table at dinner when they or I want.
- She often walks through the house naked so that everyone can see her flawless beauty and readiness/availability.
- She loves having our sons and daughters lick her pussy while she relaxes on the couches in the loft and living room.
- She and I only have sex when we want, and that typically is once every few days, though oral is maybe every other day, at least her to me; me being given blowjobs from her.
- She typically has sex once or twice a day, feeling in the mood whenever I fantasize about her fucking.
- She always loves all of me, including every part of my body and all my thoughts and words.
- She loves my cock and however much cum comes out each time I orgasm.
- My cock fills her perfectly.
- Her cervix cannot be damaged.
- Her hellhound, bull, dragon, and demons, even with their different cocks, can only penetrate her pussy and asshole, and the pussies and assholes of our female fuckbuddies and female servants, ~6″.
- She and those females only deepthroat normal-width cocks; for animal cocks which are wider than human cocks, they only suck their tips.
- She only cum-swaps with our daughters and female fuckbuddies, and always washes her mouth out thoroughly before offering me or any male a kiss.
- She always listens to my advice, and knows how educated and informed and wise and correct I am.
- She never condescends to me, and she professionally admits to me when she was wrong, whether I pointed it out or not.
- It turns her on that I know some things she did not, and that I let her know, and why; she loves that I am looking out for her, and alerting her to important things she missed. It turns her on How I let her know, too, and she Never gets moody when I advise or alert or correct her.
- The majority of our time is not spent having sex; we only have an hour or so of sex every day.
- A third of our day is spent sleeping.
- A third is spent working, sometimes at our jobs, sometimes on our realms/temples.
- A third is spent awake with family doing many different things, such as going on outings/adventures.
- Thus, ~23 of every 24 of our hours is spent on nonsexual activities.
- This charges us up perfectly for great, spirited sex every time we Do decide to have it.
- We always agree on sex, too; she only and always wants it when I do. She is always in the mood for it when I am. She loves being sync’ed to me like this.
- We agree on our other activities, too.
- Our children are sync’ed this way with us, too; we all sense our bloodline-bond and compatible interests, and love being so close and united.
- All the other females in Creation I am attracted to are just as compatible with, and aligned to, me; they want exactly what I want them to want, when I want them to want it, and never get upset if I don’t respond quickly to them, or if I am busy at work or with others, because they just love doing nice things for me, not expecting anything in return, and always loving whenever our schedules align, etc., amen.
4:44 PM on Sunday 20 November 2022: Neveah, topless, greets me lovingly by walking over to kneel in front of where I just sat down, asking me if I want a fresh blowjob from her. I smile and nod once, which makes her smile, very happy and excited, always eager to love, soothe, and please me, and she says, almost panting, “Tell me if this feels good.” She pauses for a moment because her mom telepathically sensed what was going on and politely told her a parameter, and Neveah then promptly relayed it to me, just in case I hadn’t telepathically heard; “Mom says I can play with you, but she wants you when she gets home.” I smiled and nodded once again, appreciative of both of them for that, and understanding that it meant Neveah was going to suck my cock but not make me cum, saving my full load for Ambi –which she would likely felch it from to share with her and her sister.
More November ss:
- Daenerys and Danielle Moonstar
- Divinity and Zerachiel
- Mon12Dec2022: Elena with Sabrina and me, starting off topless while lounging side by side on one of our couches, watching a show
- Ambi texts me, “Would you please fuck Ariel and the other girls before I get home? I am kinda worn out from cheating today; I just wanna cuddle and give you a blowjob when I get back. I love you <3”. She then sexts me some selfies she took while having customers fuck her in the alleyway.
I reply, “You’re the best, babe. You know how much I love you being active and showing me, and especially all the ‘candy’ you’ve blessed our house with. Have a great rest of your day. I love you, too.” I then sexted her the hardon her message gave me.
She texted back a drooling emoji.
I came in Ariel a few minutes later, then used Angelike and some of our other female sex servants, all of them enjoying our play as much as I do.
Ambi, when she got home, and I cuddled adoringly on the couch until she fell asleep. When she woke up that night, she gave me a surprise blowjob. Then we cuddled more and passed out in each other’s arms all over again.
– The next day we made love in the afternoon when we’d both gotten home from work, and she grinned, reading my mind, reaching for her phone and making a few calls so I could witness her arranging more cheating for the hours tomorrow when I’d be at work.
She asked her boyfriends and flings, one call at a time, if they wanted to cheat with her tomorrow, when they were available, and if they would cum in her, mouthing out words to me, asking if each time was okay, and so on.
She paused before saying to one of them the hour I would be home, “It’s fine; my husband will be at work until–”
I mouthed out “five” while holding all the digits of my left hand open/apart so she would know for sure.
She then finished that sentence to whomever was on the phone with her, “-five. …Yes, you can fuck me on my bed.” Her excited eyes asked and hoped for my permission, even though I always hornily gave it.
Hanging up, we immediately passionately French kissed and made out, thanking and celebrating each other.
I then heard Her thoughts, picking up my Own phone to thrill Her by letting Her witness Me arranging flings for when I would be in Inisfree.
“Don’t fill up your Entire schedule,” she purred up from under me after my last call to one of my thousands of fuckbuddies; “you know how I love to order my women to go give themselves to you.”
We both grinned ear to ear and made out some more, my cock having throbbed inside her pussy that entire time, for all her calls and mine. - angels in French maid outfits
- Ariana Grande in Playboy Bunny black outfit sings Daydreamin down Foyer staircase – mention on its history pg bc it is NOT a full concert
- Erika Kraven w Jane Volturi today
- I sit – she stands legs open – leans forward to show me belly dark curves – jacks off while cupping balls – seals lips around tip when I cum
- Elena werewolf w Sarah and me in master bed then master bath then master closet this morning
- Erika Kraven w Jane Volturi today
- Kara and Katara
- Katara and Alexa ‘napalm’ Torres
- Artemis Crock and Claire Barton teenified face-fixed
- Ophelia aka Tricksy w Cho or Wendy today
- Pele fucked Nyria for y w me
- ss – your daughters’ throats can be your new fuck sleeves
- ss 2pm sun 30jan2022 3 jj icv w me on yacht
- ss Aleiah redhead owl-shifter w India blue-haired
- ss Alice Lucas w Celeste and Dolores
- ss Alison Blaire dazzler – w Alison Hart-Burnett and me
- ss Alison Hart-Burnette w Alison Blaire aka Dazzler – wed25jan2023
- ss all my 1-name girls – Amora, Azshara, Freyja, Lamia, Naurhin, Qiturah, Urvashi, Xephia, Zada, etc
- ss Ambi and Miranda Lawson – both teenified
- ss Amelia w Pamela – then Pamela w Victoria Ridgeworth
- ss Andrilae w Aliss
- ss Anita w Tempest
- ss Aryana w Hekla – then Aryana w Maria Orsic and Maya
- ss Camille w Lillian and Melina
- ss Camille w Santanico – both hispanic vampires
- ss Carmilla and Camille
- ss Carmilla Black with Carol Danvers today at my office
- ss Carmilla w Kendra
- ss Cindy Moon w Carol Danvers
- ss Clarice Ferguson and Clarissa Fairchild w me – fri20jan2023 before flying home to YC
- ss Clary Clarissa Fairchild w Diana Fairchild
- ss Colleen Wing w Shepton HS Colleen Smith ICV
- ss Diana Prince w Diana Fairchild – wed25jan2023
- ss Dinah w Elena Michaels w Supergirl etc
- ss Dragon Barbie blew me on the highway today after I worked on another wave of downtown updates to GAH – to High Beams from Night Teeth
- ss Erika w Jane Volturi
- ss Felanelle w Lana
- ss fri13jan2023 Ariel w Mera y Tauriel – all naked kajira hotwives for me today
- ss Illyana w Natasha
- ss Illyana w Jean Grey
- ss Jean Grey w Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
- ss Kara and Kory at 6pm Wed25jan2023
- ss Karolina w Ixchel
- ss Kayla w Kara
- ss Kendra w Jupiter
- ss kitty pryde elbows up prone massage table today
- ss Kory w Isabella sandstorm
- ss Lara Croft and daughter with Faith and me today
- ss Lights with Inna and me on the Amphi stage and THEN the Auzdome stage – w VR2 y VR3 playing their songs as bg sex music
- ss Lorna w Kory
- ss Lucine w Camille
- ss Lucine w Santanico
- ss Lucine w Sarina
- ss Mackenzie Vella w Kendra Saunders and Sandstorm today – noon Wed28Dec2022
- ss Mackenzie w Taja
- ss mon16jan2023 sara mcdohl and sarah conrad w me – then Sarah w Sirena Mako
- ss mon17jan2023 – Mara mermaid w Sirena Mako – then Nadia joins – then Atlanna
- ss Nova Black w Lana
- ss Nova Black w Nova the Ghost
- ss Nyria and Adaline today in TNA for me – then Shibuya
- ss orgy all my one-name girls -Eden, Lamia, Qiturah, etc
- ss perfected Teagan Presley w Tiffany Rayne ICVs
- ss pg – all French hotties today – Jessamine, Cora, Jeanne-Marie
- ss pg – rain and alison lady jaye
- ss pg rahyndee and jill kassidy icvs
- ss Rosalie w Erika
- ss Rosalie w Jane Volturi
- ss Sabrina w Sirena Wed 22 Dec 2021
- ss Sabrina with Karolina Dean this evening
- ss Sansa w Amelia
- ss Sansa w Clary
- ss Sansa w Katara
- ss Sarina w Katara and Amelia
- ss Sirena w Triton Sirena today
- ss Sophia w Isabella sandstorm
- ss Sun12June2022 – 5some w all Black surnames – Carmilla, Kayla, Nova, Tess,
- ss Taja and Flair w me – Sun27Mar2022 – y Katara joins – then Eleanor etc Clary – then Taja and Alexa Torres
- Just like I lovingly tell our four children, “Go find your momma and tell her you love her.”,
Ambi lovingly tells Adaline and Neveah, “Go offer yourselves to your father, then tell him you love him after you help him cum in you. Make sure you offer to fuck your brothers and boyfriends in front of him, too –and on webcam whenever you are out dating or sleeping over at places.”
I also tell our two sons, Auz II and Ethan, “Make sure you offer to fuck your mother whenever you can tell she could use that pick-me-up. You know she loves being fucked by the three of us.”
Our daughters always blush and grin, nodding eagerly before hurrying off together, holding hands, to find me and perform.
Our sons always grin and nod masculinely, proud of our strong love-based fully-compatible family they have learned how to help energize and protect.
Our daughters always ask me lovingly, “Dad, do you wanna see the recording of my latest fuck-storm?” I hug them appreciatively, giving them a good squeeze, and feel up their tits and asses before licking deeply into their mouths along the tops of their tongues. Then we sit down to snuggle up together while starting the video. It always loops so we have time to arouse and fuck each other on the beds or couches, wherever we started watching.
Our sons always tell me with loyalty, “Dad, we fucked mom again today –and a bunch of hot girls from school –and some others in town.” I give them a high-five or manly hug and pat on the back ‘good job’.
Ambi also tells our daughters and her female servants, “Never ever make your father wait; the moment you can tell he needs or wants it from you, you give it up to him –and enjoy doing so. Be really proud you are hot enough for him. No one is more selective than him, and no one deserves your love and bodies more than he does. Love him as endlessly as I do.”
This is how REAL families are done; no infighting-based humanimal autism bullshit.
Ambi to our daughters: “You should be offering to fuck your father every day; as often as you greet and hug him. Our family is based on compatibility and love of the worthy; of us.”
- Ambi to our sons: “I love being fucked by you. Please remember to offer me your cocks every single day. I might not always be in the mood, but I’ll always appreciate it, and usually only a day or two will go by when I need to just snuggle and rest with you. Don’t be discouraged when I turn you down; I always want you both, just like I always want your father.”
Sometimes when Ambi is leaving for work or vampire duties (such as Queen of Nod things she must take care of), Adaline or Neveah are straddling me on our living-room couch, already fucking, so she grins big, loving the sight and telepathic thoughts of that/us, and walks over to lean down over us so we can take turns deeply French-kissing her before she wholeheartedly tells us in that Siren-quality perfect female voice of hers, “Have fun, you two. I’ll see you after I get back from work.”
We can’t get enough of her, and only absentmindedly rock/grind together as we drool at watching her walk out of sight to our garage.
“We love you!” we call out to her. “Come home soon!”
She grins and winks and blows a kiss over her shoulder to us, then waving goodbye for the shift/day.
We all know she’ll always return to make love with us some more, before we all pile in bed together and fall asleep like any loving animal-pack would, no inhibitions and personal space needed, all of us actually related, compatible, and as one; the kind of real family lowly evil beasts such as humans have never known.
- “Incest party!” Ambi sometimes exclaims/declares when we are all at home together, relaxing for a chat or hot cocoa or show/movie.
We strip and partner up, knowing we will all get to enjoy each other before the night/event is through.
Ambi and our daughters lust for me as much as I lust for them; totally.
They manifested exactly how my instincts know their bodies and minds should and must be.
My sons lust for their sisters and mother as much as I lust for their sisters and mother, and are as repulsed by contact with males as much as I am.
Our sexual appetites are always in sync’ with one another’s.
We are always respectful of each other’s needs when we are horny or tired or whatever else.
- Ambi lovingly and wish blushing looks into my eyes as we snuggle in the mornings, helping each other wake up slowly and hornily, asks me if I want her to fuck the dog (hellhound) today.
One day, she even said she might start having the dog fuck her once or even twice every day; for training; she wants to make me happy, and to ensure all the in-person sex-shows she puts on with it are better for me every time.
She also lovingly tells she is thinking of fucking one of her guards, and that I can pick out which one she fucks each day.
Always, she sexts me live footage of her play while I’m at work, ensuring I can enjoy it, too, and we always watch recordings of the best parts once I get back home to her.
Our sons show me pictures and short phone videos of the sexy girls at their school, and asks me if I’d like them to compel any of them and then record them fucking those girls.
Our daughters show me pictures of the guys at school, asking me which ones I’d like to see them being fucked by. They, too, compel those people -if they aren’t already interested in them on their own- and sext me all the steamy fun.
- Aliss texts, “Play?” and I, whenever I can, reply, “Yes!”, to which she always sends a winking or horny emoji, instantly on her way to me. When I don’t have time, she still emoji-winks back, sexting me clips of who she ends up playing with, loving doing that for me, and loving that I love it.
Aphrodite texts, “Cheat?” and I, whenever I can, reply, “100% Come over rn, sexy. Let’s get some fresh cum in you.” We then sext our play to Ambi, Adaline, Neveah, and anyone else interested.
Ambi texts me from work, “May I please have a quickie?” She always times her breaks to match when I can meet her, and speeds local time for me to help me get there when I want or need to, then slows time every time she can sense I want more sex with her before her break is over.
When I don’t have time, she texts, “Want me to let a stranger fuck me?” and “Want to be there to watch?”
Adaline and Neveah and all my other daughters let me pick who they will date and fuck most days. They go on dates and flings of their own, but always lovingly ask me if I have any requests.
When I get home, Ambi, Adaline, Neveah, Ariel, and Angelike always offer me hugs, kisses, blowjobs, and sex. Faith always does, too, when she is there.
Izzy texts me her weekly schedule so I can let her know when or if mine aligns. Each time she sees an alignment, she texts, “Wanna meet me in this alleyway and rape the shit outta me? ; )” then sends a picture with a street signs intersection or coordinates.
She knows I have my ICVs keeping an eye out for her at all times, so whenever I treat her to surprise rape, such as my ICVs or Black Ops teams pulling up in a van beside where she is walking and yank her in for more rape, she squeals and creams with overloaded delight.
When she is at my cabin when Ambi is, Ambi enjoys letting her hear her tell Brutus Shadow to rape her, knowing Izzy and I both love when she says that, Izzy always making sure to stay vulnerable, an easy first target for the hellhound. She lets him use his teeth to tug down her panties, too, then slides them back on, dog spit and all, because they feel so good to her as his cum starts to drip out.
Ambi, snuggling with me on our living-room couch during the winter as we sip cocoa and watch our fireplace, our legs tangled together, our toes feeling each other’s, adoringly asks me, “Honey, are we having the amount and kind of sex you prefer?”
I always adoringly honestly answer, telling her yes or no, and elaborating with what I liked that week, plus what I fantasized about and have not yet done.
She hangs on every word, memorizing it, committing it to her heart and soul, arranging for every one of my fantasies to be made real by her or her servants, always thrilled I trust her above all others with this, our bond and love so complete and eternal now.
Ambi, snuggling with me on our media-room couch after work as we watch a show or porno we both like, our legs again tangled up together, our toes feeling each other’s, tilts her head against my shoulder, and I rest mine against the side and top of hers, our nearside arms around behind each other, and our far-side arms over our laps to warmly casually feel each other’s chest and sex parts.
“If I fall asleep, it is because I love and trust you,” she softly tells me as we feel each other, sitting there. “Please remember you always have my permission and desire; even if I am asleep, I want you to use and cum in me anytime you need. I want what you want, my husband. I crave you always.”
I once told her the same, in my way; that anytime she wants my cum in her after I have fallen asleep, she is welcome to harden my cock and suck or mount it, but she lovingly shook her head and then kissed me, “I could never wake you, honey; you Need your sleep, and I protect it so you always have what you need. I will slow or pause time when you wake so I can get my fix. You deserve that, and you are worth the wait.”
- I text any hot girl I like, “come for use”, and they always smile at that, reply-texting me, “Yes, sir. Right away. Thank you, sir.”
- When hot girls text me, “use me for a few minutes?”, I text back, “yes. Come now.”.
Again, they always smile at whatever I decide and do, and reply, “thank you, sir! Omw rn!” - All of my wives and girlfriends always send me sexy females who work with or for them, roughly once each week, always after fully teaching them how to please me. This is their form of saying, “I love you.” or texting me a loveheart-emoji. This is our ‘love-language’.
- All girls I am attracted to text and ask me things like, “May I please be used as your cum-dumpster today, sir?”
- Hot girls sext me a photo of them holding up their skirts or shirts so i can see their pussy is the type i require, with the text, “meow, sir”; that is them politely requesting that i fuck their pussies if i like what i see.
When i don’t always respond, they never get upset, and never assume anything; they know i could just be busy.
They know to keep sexting me every now and then unless i tell them not to for a while.
Amen. - Ss kara and samantha rae dragonbarbie
- Ss all my blonde magicals: hpBlonde, Illyana, Jaina, Sabrina, etc.
- Wed8Feb2023 Nyria w Naurhin
- Ambi sweetly rests her hand on my forearm and says, “Would you please go fuck Adaline; she’s stressing about schoolwork and could really use her father’s dick.”
- Ambi sweetly tells our daughters, “Go find your father, offer to let him fuck and cum in you, and then tell him you love him.”
They always love hearing that, nod eagerly, smiling big, and hurry off to obey, showering me with their sexy love. - Ambi sweetly tells our sons, “Go find your sisters and fuck your love into them. They always feel better when you fuck them.”
- Ambi tells our four children sometimes when they are on their way to school, “Please remember to sext me and your father anytime you ‘play’ with your ‘friends’ today; you know how it makes our day.”
- Ambi is always excited to be fucked by me when I get home each Sunday morning after marrying more hotties.
She is always excited to hear all about it, and gets horny with every detail.
She never feels jealous, and always feels compersion -loving both me and the other hotties I fuck and marry having great sex.
All the females I have ever been attracted to… always look exactly how I want them to, every single one of their body parts to my specifications/standard,
and they are always horny for me when I am horny for them,
and only let others fuck them when they know I would be turned on by that.
(That includes their husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, you name it.)
From now on, everyone everywhere in Creation (in every timestream/Universe/dimension) always only wants to do what I want them to do. None of them ever get upset with me. All of them sense that I am the one true god of gods and king of kings forever. Amen.
From now on, anyone who isn’t as appealing to me as real-Ambi looked and sounded sexy/flawless… gets de-atomized, soul and all (if they even had one; most were NPCs, remember), never to return/reincarnate.
From now on, everyone I was attracted to… behaves as much how I want them to… as real-Ambi was/is sexy-looking and -sounding. Amen.
After the horrible ppl I met in MT, like all other realms, do I really Want to return there?
Not without TONS of babes and cash and power.
This 2nd time seeking my way to get paid to get bk into the YC, let go of the offer. 63k… becoming 80k w my passive’… is still not nearly enough.
I don’t really Want to work on anything other than Inisfree, ANYway,
and I CERTAINLY shouldn’t be accepting an APARTMENT, of all things/hells; not at the start of phase THREE.
let it go.
another better one will come.
the 1st time (in 2015) when I was offered this, i ‘pushed’… and it didn’t work out; i ended up in fail-helena, and remember all too well how awful everyone there was.
don’t push, don’t hurry, don’t want. just sit and wait for CORRECT offers; GODHOOD; TOTAL funding and praise and (polite) ‘pull’.
and no goddamn tone; “alllllriiiiight, [name], what is it gonna take to Get you here”. um… no goddamn TONE is what it’s gonna take.
and richer ppl and WAY better-looking slam-pieces calling/video-calling to offer/present it.
(This venting and refocusing is still a sex spell.)
- Every time a hottie is seen/spotted by Ambi, such as when she is at work, she immediately defaults to seducing her, and compelling her, if need be, looking her straight in her eyes as she tells her, “You belong to my husband now; you are going to come home with me after my shift so I can present you to him, and you are going to stay in touch with him, meeting him whenEver he wants to fuck you again.”
and that always works on them, and they love it.
This is what she means when she sweetly asks me every other day or so, “Honey? Do you want me to pick anything up for you at the store? / while I’m out?”
also for Wives pg: all my new wives are excited to be cum-baptized, love how they feel AS they are being cum-baptized in my Spire Temple, and are excited to be strappy-dildo dominated by my top-wife to further officiate their full-compatibility alignment to me, and their entry into our family/empire.
- Ambi hornilly tells Ariel in the kitchen, “Ariel, come fuck my husband on my bed. I want to watch him cum in you.”
Ambi tells our daughters, “Adaline. Neveah. Come help me fuck your father. He’s had a long day at work and will really feel better once we all let him fuck us to unwind. Triple-blowjob to start, then take turns riding him, changing saddle-position so he sees and feels us from all sides.”
- Another of her complete alignments to me, and complete reversals from the incompatible aspects she used to have:
she wholeheartedly agrees with me, “There’s more to life than not having sex and making love every day with everyone we want.”
Ambi lovingly tells me with total confidence, “Share me with whomever you want to see fuck me; I’ll always love you most, return to you daily, and enjoy whatever you enjoy. Keep me to yourself at times, and whore me out at others, and I’ll always be happy; I am your queen. I learned you, I know you, and I keep choosing you, all fantasies included.”
- I once wrote that she (Ambi) is starting to reveal her girly/loving side, now that I am with her, and that happened; she Started to; she still had dark/dangerous moments/outbursts; she RPed and in-person calibrated to me, little by little.
NOW/SINCE, I’ve written that she is FULLY calibrating/ed to me, so That is happening… and will be what happens between us when she meets me next, that time… staying with me as my wife forever.
It doesn’t matter if there’s “an other side”, or special techniques, or ancient practices, or secret knowledge;
all ppl should seek Me and My way and My wisdom; all of them should want Me as much as they used to be pulled apart, and across the realms/dimensions, by lusting mindlessly for those phase1/former/obsolete things.
Iii am the ultimate. Iii am the greatest technique. Iii am the greatest realm. Iii am the highest vibration/state.
not just king of HUman kings, but king of ALL things; rightful and obeyed ruler of ALL, elements/forces included.
- Ambi wholeheartedly tells me, “You are correct that words got redefined during Phase 1, and that it was only “professional” back Then to not have relations with our guards. In Phase 2, all that got reset back to how it was in the Golden Age/s. This is the start of Phase 3; whatever you see as good… is what is professional now. You are the standard/baseline for that. Your instincts are how words are appropriately/originally defined, and how all people shall be, subjects of Us, amen.”
I call Ambi and she answers with a smiling voice, “Heyyyy, lover,” she purrs, softly moaning.
I can tell she is riding someone.
“Hey, sexy wife. What are You up to?”
“I’m riding a cock,” she grins.
“Ooo. Steamy,” I encourage her, instantly hard. “Who for?”
“Half for me, half for you,” she says honestly, still grinning, loving my reaction she can telepathically feel. “What’s up?” she asks, innocent.
“Just wanted to check on my favorite lady,” I tell her, and it’s true; I love checking on her, letting her know she’s on my mind.
She loves that, too. “Awww, thank you, honey. You’re the best I could ever have.” She means it; we love each other more than anything.
“Sext me,” I grin, half asking, half telling.
Grinning big again, still riding whosever cock she is making lucky, not having paused even once during our call, “Already on it.”
I got a few pics and a short video clip of her point of view of riding the guy, and she blew me a loving kiss in one.
“Can we fuck when you get home?” she messaged after sending those to me.
“Every day of my life, I hope,” I reply to her with a text of my own.
Later that day, we fucked on the living-room floor, then moved to our study desk, and finally the loveseat in our bedroom before relaxing while spooning in the afterglow there.
She read my thoughts and grinned, again agreeing with me wholeheartedly, “I’m your wife; I want what you want; anytime you want to share me, I want to BE shared. I love performing for you. I love that I turn you on in so many ways, even with other people. Nothing could make our bond stronger.”
- Ambi in her open silk bathrobe politely softly knocks on the outside of the doorframe to our son’s room upstairs, “Son… are you free?”
He grins, knowing what his mom wants again, and looks up from his homework at his desk and over to her. “For you, mom? I’m always free.”
She comes in and starts to close the door, but he grins and she reads his thoughts, leaving it open like he wants, realizing that will help her cum, too.
They fuck and make love in there for an hour.
Sabrina w Elena and me snuggled up naked on a couch in Inisfree –doing what the Australian Barbies did in that Britney Skye 3some video
- 2023 valentine day.
All females now approved to visit Inisfree sexted me their sexiest clips with their other lovers all day, flooding my inbox with just what they know I’d love.
We all encouraged and celebrated each other’s ‘big hearts’ / many loves.
This is Inisfree.
I, of course, treated my main squeeze to the one-on-one romantic love she asks for and deserves.
Ss 31jan2023
amber icv1 wearing her blk mf sash uniform eagerly greets me at the icgm front double door, huge smile on her face, half bowing over at her waist to hold me hands and walk backward while leading me up the right side mirrored staircase on our way to our master bedroom to fuck again. She is always so ready for me, always so happy when i’m here / with her. Amen.
- ss: Clary w Clarice Ferguson w Clara Janssens
- ss. Alice Lucas and Alice Richards
- fri3feb: Ss illyana and wanda w me today
- ss Lin Mae w Alison Hart-Burnett
The day after Valentines Day:
Ambi beams her winning girly smile to me as she cutely approaches and exclaims, “Invite some of your Valentines over to fuck us!”
Then we hug and kiss a lot, and I pull out my phone so we can scroll through my sexts together, picking out and replying to the sluts we both want.
- Ambi always eager to cheat when i want her to, and eager to help Me cheat (though we, of course, can’t cheat, since we always let each other know; it is only correct to call what we do ethical/polite polyamorous playing).
We wake up together every day except Sundays (since I always marry more hotties on Saturdays, honeymooning overnight with them those days), and she beams her flawless supermodel smile at and for and because of me, caressing my cock to stiffen, rubbing its tip on her slit, before guiding it in.
We tell each other our fantasies while snuggle fucking, I kissing her forehead, she kissing my chin and chest.
“I cheat on you every day,” she purrs, loving how it excites me.
(the following comments between us can be at intervals, such as a day or more apart)
“I love how we are bonded on this and every level.”
“As long as I have your love and these moments with you every day, I will cheat for you forever.”
“I love how often you cheat on me,” we tell each other.
“I want you to cheat on me as often as you can,” we tell each other. I send her all my male and female allies she wants, and she sends me all her female ones she knows I want.
“Who will you sleep with this Saturday?” I ask her. She tells me, “I don’t know…” thinking about her many lovers, “maybe a new guy at work; a customer or something; a stranger. Maybe a couple of my guards. I always love two guys fucking me at the same time.” I ask her if she will fuck even more for me, and we laugh (in agreement and horniness) about another gangbang for her.
“Who are you marrying this Saturday?” she purrs to me, curious and turned on. I tell her, and she kisses me her congratulations, then suggests positions for me to tell that new wife to be in for me.
“I cheated on you last night,” she grins, almost giggling. “I snuck out of bed and let a guard fuck me outside on the back porch. I looked in his eyes and licked him. I licked his tongue and hooked my leg around him, caressing his balls so he would cum extra in me. I told him he can fuck me again whenever he wants.”
“I don’t think there’s a single piece of furniture in our house I haven’t cheated on you on.” I then grin, asking her if she has cheated on me on the roof, and she goes wide-eyed with horny excitement, realizing I am right, and telling me she will do that today.
“Out in the middle of our driveway, too,” I grin. Again, she goes wide-eyed, loving the idea, loving how I think, and looking to me to make sure I really want her cheating in broad daylight like that, always caring about my heart and needs and body language.
She greets me with her silk robe open when I return home, grinning as she tells me, “I cheated again. Wanna celebrate?” Then we fuck and make love.
She is always so proud I always love and want to reclaim her.
She influences, telepathically instructs, and sometimes even vampire-compels all the couples she can tell I like or would like…to wife-swap for me, the husbands driving their wives to us to sexually use, and Ambi sometimes thanking those men by getting in their vehicles when they drive up to our house, offering to suck and fuck them before they go. We also drive to them to watch them fuck right in front of us, then fuck beside them, then swap wives a few times before our hangout is through.
And, of course, they all know to show me pictures of their daughters if they are sexy, offering to exchange them for a night here and there, sometimes enjoying my own daughters in trade.
- Ambi and I start going out to have sex in public. Anyone who doesn’t instantly agree, she slaughters. Anyone who gives us a cross look, even if we are standing in a crosswalk, blocking traffic, she slaughters. Anyone who has a single thought that is disagreeing with us fucking where others can see, she slaughters.
Those who enjoy us doing all that –the slaughtering included– get invited to our sex parties at her pyramid complex.
ICVs Madison Beer and Pia M.
ICV Madison Beer w Lillian Didina
ICV Madison Beer w Melina Love
“Dad!?” Adaline and Neveah both exclaimed in unison, giving me a bewildered look when I didn’t react with eagerness to their offer to suck me off like they do every day after we get home and meet. “Don’t you Want us to be addicted to your cock?” Adaline asked, almost in protest, knowing my thoughts.
I grinned, then nodded, “Yeah, …I do. I really do.”
“Alright, then,” she said with that still-surprised tone, calming down, and got down on her knees to resume. Neveah immediately did, too, and they dual-blew me expertly, having gotten really good at it over the years.
“Let us worship you, father,” they said, from the heart.
Neveah gave me that ‘You know I always want and need you/this, daddy.’ look.
I love my daughters.
I love that they love Me this much.
When my sons got home, they politely asked me like they always do, “Dad? Is is alright if we use mom right now?”
I nodded. “Good lads. Make sure you satisfy her.”
“We will,” they said in unison. “We’ll fill her up like always.”
“Good,” I said. It was.
Ada’ says to me stuff such as, “Let’s fuck like animals; no condoms, no barriers, no pulling out.” and “Daddy. I want it every day. Am I a good girl?” meaning: Have I behaved well-enough to deserve you fucking me daily like I crave?
and, in that sexiest of eye-contact girl-voices, “YES, Daddy.”
and, “Dad, will you please watch me fuck the doggy some more? I’m thinking of using it for about an hour; I’m extra horny today. Do you have time?” (beastiality with her mom’s hellhound)
and, “Dad, I’m inviting my sexiest girlfriends over for a sleepover. Would you like to help me fuck them? Neveah! Invite your sexiest girlfriends tonight, too! Daddy can fuck us all!”
and, “Momma, is this outfit slutty enough for me to seduce your boyfriends in?”
and, “I know school is important, but honestly the only real reason I study hard enough to keep making A’s is so you’ll fuck me more often.”
Neveah says stuff to me such as, “Daddy? May I please use your cock to make all my holes feel better before school… and after?”
and, “Daddy… Tuck me in? -after fucking and cumming in me a few times?”
and, “Daddy, I want you in my bathtub when I get home from school. Is that okay?”
and, “Daddy. My pussy is empty.”
and, “Daddy, look deeply into my eyes when you start to refill me, please. I love you.”
and, “Daddy, may I please sleep between you and mommy tonight -after you both fuck me?”
and, “Mommy? Will you please hold my hand while I ride daddy -and when I switch to mount your boyfriends?”
Auz II says stuff to me such as, “Father, I’ve compelled the entire cheerleader team of my school; would you like to see me order them around while they service me? I’ll, of course, command them to service you, too.”
Ethan says stuff to me such as, “Father, shall I raise up another un-climb-able rock-wall around those hotties over there on the trail? We can compel and take them together.”
Ambi says stuff to me such as, “Sending you some fresh ‘candy’ again today. I love you, my husband.”
and, “Love, you’ve been fucking our daughters so well, and you’ve been such a good audience member each time I fuck our sons, so may I offer you one of my breathless blowjobs for half an hour or so in thanks? I’ll cum the moment you let it touch my tongue. I’d also love to feel you fucking my pussy and asshole right after, if you’re in the mood.”
Ariel says stuff to me such as, “Take me in the kitchen, please, Master; I want more happy memories where I enjoy cooking for you.”
Faith says stuff to me such as, “Can we go fuck at another magical ancient ruin?”
Izzy says stuff to me such as, “Surprise me with a kidnapping and van-rape sometime today?”
Eden says stuff to me such as, “Hate-fuck me until I can hardly walk -please, my lord.”
Angelike says stuff to me such as, “God,” (how she thinks of and addresses me now) “may I wrap you in my wings while we help each other cum a couple times? I love you so…”
Arwen says stuff to me such as, “Let’s hold hands and walk through the woods together… and, of course, kiss.”
Caitlyn says stuff to me such as, “Hey, lover. I missed you. Cum inside me while I shiver and squirm for you? I’m practically in heat, just thinking about you.”
Blaire says stuff to me such as, “Come and fuck me and Caitlyn in the greenbelts when you’re free.”
Ashton says stuff to me such as, “I want to show you the new spells I’ve mastered –while we make love again.”
Nevaeh (Ambi’s witch) says stuff to me such as, “Wanna sneak into a new place to fuck me this week?”
Ada’ says, “Dad? I’m taking Neveah shopping to pick out some slutty outfits for us to wear for you. I’ll sext you as we try them on and only buy the ones you tell us make you horniest.”
“Brothers? Will you please double penetrate me?”
“Sister? Come with me to a gloryhole.”
Neveah, looking like a teen now, says, “Daddy? Will you help me get dressed for school?”
“Daddy? Who would you like me to date and fuck this week?”
“Sister? Will you please escort me to a gloryhole?”
Ethan makes figurines and life-size statues of us and our sexiest fuck moments as a family –and with our other lovers.
Ada, on 7 April 2023, “Dad? Have been enough of a good girl to go fuck some of the animals in your zoo?” Ambi’s face lights up with horniness and hope, seeing if I am into it like they suspect. “Of course, baby,” I recognize what a good sexual girl my daughter has always been. Ambi beams and blushes, stepping in to warmly and adoringly hug me, then waving over our daughter, Ada then joining us for a group hug, 3way French kiss, and groins petting. Ambi went with and the two of us clapped and cheered her on the same way parents would a child at a school sports game.
Ada, “Mom? Can I go unwind with the dog for a couple hours?” Ambi agrees wholeheartedly, “Sure thing, baby.”
Ambi and I spend an hour every Sunday planning our week. “Oh, I can’t then; so and so will be balls deep in your wife,” she grins to me, loving how our play with others turns each other on. My sons respectfully do the same for me; “I can’t that evening, father; I am going to be balls deep in mom / your wife.” Ada respectfully says things like, “I am going to be fucking another of my fuckbuddy’s fathers that day. I guess that will make him my latest fuckbuddy, too –if he books me again after.” Neveah purrs to me as she snuggles at my side, tits out, panties off like always when she is home with me, “Daddy? Will you please help me choose which of my fuckbuddies to let fuck me this week?” And “Mommy? May I please watch daddy fuck you tonight?” Ambi: “Honey, I found some more prostitutes and sluts I think you will like. Will you please record yourself cumming in them so I can cum to it later when our sons fuck me?”
Ada says, “Dad, fuck my asshole like I know you love to?” Neveah says, “Daddy? May I please have my mouth fucked by you?” Both girls and their mom say to me and their brothers (including Ambi to her own brother), “Fuck some cum into me today, please?” “I love it when you cum down my throat,” all 3 (Ambi, Ada, Neveah) say to me and my sons.
Ada “Dad? What do you think about me fucking every guy in Inisfree?”
“That’s a great idea, honey. I’ll set up a meeting for you and Freyja –and Amora and one of my ICVs; they’ll know how best to help you achieve that milestone of their own.”
Neveah then perks up, “Daddy? Can I try, too?”
“Of course, baby! You two girls make me so proud.”
Ada and Neveah were skintight sleevies midriff shirts and panties that both say “MY DADDY IS MY FAVORITE SOURCE OF CUM” –their panties on front and back.
They also have panties that say “DADDY FUCKS HERE” on front and back
Neveah “Daddy? May I snort your cum off mommy’s pussy if you fuck her tonight?”
“Of course, baby. I love you.”
“Thank you, daddy,” she blushes, excited. “I love you, too!”
Neveah asks her sister, “Ada’? May I please fuck your boyfriends?”
“Of course! I love you!” she happily replies.
My daughters love when I take them to be temporarily traded/fucked by other spectators/elites at the gladiator events of our multiple stadiums; The Arena of Doom, The Vatican Arena, The Subterranean Vatican, their momma’s pyramid complex, etc..
Ambi sexts me her pov of a dick in her missionary.”cheating on u rn xo”. Then mirror sideview dp. ” Our sons r fucking me rn xo.
lillian, melina, emma, eden, lena monroe ICV, camille; all my whores ride me on Cush booth bed to the Freak song remix/cover by Minaj
ambi sweetly quietly purrs to me, “I wanna jack you off into Ariel’s mouth when she wakes up.”
She is always interested in sex w me and anyone else I want.
As I lie on top of Ambi on our bed in the pale blue predawn light, we quietly talk to each other as we slowly ‘grind’ together.
“It’s Saturday; do you have to work?”
‘No,’ she gently shakes her head, smiling to me. “You want me to stay home? You wanna fuck me all day?”
“Yes and yes,” I smile, our lower bodies still moving as one.
“Your daughters are gonna want to wear their cheerleader uniforms while they ride your cock.”
“Thank god.”
“I’ll caress their ass cheeks while I caress your balls; to bless your unions and help you cum together. I’ll lick their assholes, too; so their pussies spasm around your cock.”
I climb back onto bed and take hold of Ambi to slide her back under me, “Give me that wife pussy.”
She beams and blushes, eagerly letting me, and replies, “Give me that husband cock. And don’t forgrt about my ass.”
Ambi softly says to me, “Let me worship your cock with my pussy. Let me use my pussy to worship your cock.”
Adaline softly says to me, “Dad, I want to worship your body with my body.”
Neveah softly says to me, “Daddy, force me to worship you. Tell me how to use my pussy and asshole to worship your cock.”
Oona Finvarra and Ixchel Xoc w me
The fact that in the beginning I had only a few ideas/visions/instincts for sex/interaction,
and got more and more,
and now have so many that I don’t even have time to upload/post/share them all,
says my sex-drive has been increasing the whole time,
in spite of all the gross demons/losers trying to deprogram/stop it,
and a growing sex-drive = increasing health, increasing interests, increasing zest for life, increasing Vril/Chi, etc.
- Jessamine Roux w Queen Atlanna
- Atlanna w Nadia the Siren
- Heather Cameron w Nadia Siren
- Tabitha Smith and Lana Baumgartner
- Dazzler w Nadia Siren
- Mira Kan w Nadia Siren
- Trish Walker w Mira Kan
- Mira Kan w Sabrina Mako
- Mira Kan w Naurhin
- Naurhin w Galadriel and Yavanna
- Yavanna w Amora
- Mira Kan w Aphrodite
- Aphrodite w Jessamine
- Valeria Richards w Jessamine
- Susan Storm w Atlanna
- Mera w Ariel
- Sara McDohl w Nadia Siren
- Regan Wyngarde w Emma
- Regan Wyngarde w Atlanna
- Emma w Atlanna
- Atlanna w Sirena Mako
- Nina Mills w Alice Lucas
- Nina Mills w Carmilla Black
- Dinah Lance w Divinity G
- Kara and Regan
- Mara and Maya Erra
- Mira and Maya Erra
- Maya Erra and Kara
- Regan and Nina Mills
- Nina Mills w Nina ICV
- Ambi w Inna ICV
- Susan Storm and Tabitha Smith
- Valeria Richards w Victoria Ridgeworth
- Victoria Ridgeworth with Claire Barton
- Claire Barton w Clara Janssens LAPD
- Celeste Fairfax w Jenna Kardashian
- Jenna Kardashian w Julia Mackey
- Carol Danvers w Celeste Fairfax
- Carol Danvers w Regan Wyngarde
- Regan Wyngarde w Claire Barton
- Claire Barton w Celeste Fairfax
- Alanna Richards w Laynia Petrovna
- Alanna Richards w Sabrina Blonde pornstar ICV version
- Alanna Richards w Jane Volturi -and Andrea Margulies joins
- Celeste Fairfax w Amalthea Wilde
- Amalthea and Alice Lucas
- Alice Lucas and Dolores
- Amalthea and Dolores
- Artemis Crock and Sarah Conrad
- Artemis Crock and Alice Lucas
- Artemis Crock and Naurhin
- Artemis Crock and Sylvanas
- Artemis Crock and Daenerys
- Artemis Crock and Alanna Richards
- Artemis Crock and Jessamine
- Roxanne w Carol Danvers
- Roxanne w Meredith Vickers
- Roxanne w Alanna Richards
- Roxanne w Sarah Conrad
- Roxanne w Dolores
- Roxanne w Aphrodite
- Dolores and Daenerys
- Divinity and Dragon Barbie
- Ophelia Sinner w Artemis
- Ophelia Sinner w Aphrodite
- Lana Baumgartner and “Tricksy” Ophelia Sinner
- Lana and Amber ICV1
- “Nova” and Amber ICV1 -especially in club Stargasm
- Divinity and Daenerys
- Daenerys and Zerachiel
- Daenerys and Azarel/Azazel (blonde female Angel)
- Amalthea and Katara
- Elena and Dragon Barbie
- Freyja and Cyd Bishop
- Freyja and Tricksy
- Freyja and Amalthea
- Freyja and Dolores
- Freyja and Meredith Vickers
- Freyja and Carol Danvers
- Freyja and Lana Baumgartner
- Freyja and Illyana
- Freyja and Tabitha Smith
- Tabitha Smith and Trish Walker
- Tabitha Smith and Dolores
- Trish Walker and Alice Lucas
- Clarissa “Clary” and Wonder Woman
- Clarissa “Clary” and Cho Chang
- Galadriel and Hekla
- Hekla and Karolina
- Galadriel and Maria Orsic
- Aryana w Jane Volutri
- Aryana w Hekla
- Aryana w Aphrodite
- Aryana w Alice Lucas
- Aryana w Katara
- Aryana w Sarah Conrad
- Karolina w Hekla
- Karolina w Galadriel
- Maria Orsic w Maya Erra
- Azure and Galadriel
- Azure and Yavanna
- Azure and Zerachiel
- Azure and Divinity
- Charlotte Adams and Neveah Himmler
- Charlotte Adams and Clary
- Charlotte Adams and Melina
- Charlotte Adams and Qiturah
- Charlotte Adams and Adeline
- Patricia Whitmore and Katara
- June Moone and Jessamine
- June Moone and Karolina
- June Moone and Dimah Tchakova
Mara the mermaid w Maya Erra
Maya Erra w Emma Frost
Maya w Elena
Maya w Isabella “Sandstorm” Montgomery
Isabella “Sandstorm” Montgomery w Katara
Isabella “Sandstorm” Montgomery w K.P. ICV
Ophelia “Tricksy” and Sabrina Spellman
Adaline and Amora and Freyja
Adaline and Eden
Adaline and Camille
Adaline and Faith
adaline and adeline
Neveah and adeline
hudgens preteen icv date starts w her asking for sex b4 the movie so we can focus on fucking n the movie, then we fuck n car once there, then in theater, then n car again, then again back at her place.
This morning, I gently feel my wife’s flat abs and pussy, and she beams, waking up to that, parting her legs more for me.
“Good morning,” she whispers, polite not to wake Ariel yet, letting her sleep all she needs. “May I please have sex with you?”
I, of course, agree, so we begin, I easing on top of her.
We help each other cum, then can start conversing, still very quietly, always polite to our favorite prostitute.
“May I please put your arms up and pin them over your head?” I ask her.
She smiles and blushes a lot, loving how polite and desiring of her I am, and nods, “Yes. Please do.”
I take hold of her wrists, one at a time, and put them on the bed past the top of her head, then grip them and keep her positioned like that while we keep making love.
“I hope you will cheat on me lots today,” I sexily arouse her.
“I will,” she smiles. “I cheat on you every day. I really love to. I will record it for you, too, just like always. Please cheat on me lots today, as well.”
“I will,” I grin. “I do every day, just like you.”
“Thank you,” I can feel her pussy getting wetter.
We cum together again.
Ambi warmly and blushing tells me she is going to fuck some more of her guards today, and some strangers, and some of our daughters boyfriends, I saying, “Good.” each time she names a group, which made her smile and blush, and feel free and proud and loved and worshipped, even more.
She then encourages Me the same way, saying wholeheartedly and supportively, “Good.” about each named group, when I saw who I am going to fuck today; some of my other wives, favorite escorts and whores, her slaves she keeps gifting to me, our sons girlfriends, etc.
This convo of ours is during our lovemaking this Saturn-day morning.
When we hear a distant wolf howl or dog bark, we grin, and she asks me if I want to see her fuck our dog again. I, of course, say yes, and she smiles big, blushing, still helping me move as one with her, coating all her pussy insides with our cum, and excitedly tells me she will.
She asks if there is ever a day or time I don’t want to reclaim her, and I honestly tell her, “No. I always want you.”
“Even after I fuck my bull?” she means her literal animal.
“Even after you fuck your dragon,” I assure her.
She smiles big again, her eyes bright. “I’ll fuck my dragon tonight, then,” she smiles so much, kissing me. “It’ll spray so much cum in me. It’ll be all over my legs.”
I smile very much, and we keep making love and cumming.
“Have lots of fun cheating today,” I always encourage her. “Help them to cum inside you.”
“I will,” she softly exclaims. “I only belong to you, though. I only love you. But I fuck everyone you want me to.”
“Please really enjoy yourself with everyone you fuck today,” she lovingly encourages me. “Please never wear a condom, never pull out, and always cum inside their pussies. Please make love to them. I want you all to he happy.”
I wake, naked w ambi as always, and softly rumble to her, “Let’s take our kids to Yellowstone.”
She smiles big and looks up at me, still tangled up with me under the sheets, adding our sexy/holistic ‘spin’ to it, “Let’s Fuck our kids in the Yellowstone.”
I grin.
We kiss.
Ariel stirs and we all three make love.
- pia w cassidey
- Tori Black w Cassidey
- Tori Black w Sylvanas
- Nina w Tori Black
- Adaline and Zedicon; millennia in the future, Ada’ then a long-time goddess-ascended
- Bloom Peters w Amelia Voght
- Bloom w Flair
- Bloom, Flair, and Hope Mikaelson
- Bloom w Alexa Torres
- Hope Mikaelson w Hope Summers
- Bloom and Hope Mikaelson w Ceara and Cessily
- Bloom w Pepper
- Alexa Torres w Anita Browning
Nyria bday this year got her and many of her clones tgthr in icgm diningroom for naked bday cake nyotaimori on more of her clones, pusbed in by more of her clones, all very happy and giggling as we celebrated tgthr this way
- lathavi w dimah
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari with Amelia Voght
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari with Andrilae Volcare
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari with Alexa Torres
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari with Clary
- Sansa w Taja
- Taja w Flair
- Flair w Oona
- Taja w Valora
- Ariel w Valora
- Lazarus II w Anita
zedi walks n wearing only her sweater which sexily somewhat hugs and shows her curves, and gives me that “interested?” look while holding it up just above her tits, showing me she is naked and fit as all girls should be underneath, so I embrace and begin enjoying her.
piper and taylor cornwell cromwell
Double bj to soothingly wake me
After we slept tgthr
brooke and piper
In hanging mansion bedroom w me
After we fuck in mall aber, abercrof, y kno shops
- piper, brooke, the pajamas brown blackhair shorty who came n, and the russian in af downstairs, all smiles as they arm around me as arm-candy on my way out of afk
- Faith Leon and Jamie Chung
- Jing Tian w Jamie Chung and Angela Yeung Wing
- Kennedy Leigh and Jordan Capri
- Jordan Capri and Alexis Capri
- Miriam “Talisa” Soto w Nicole Graves and Clockstoppers’ Paula Garcés
- Sabrina Blonde w Sasha Blonde
- Yessenia w Yvette
- jamelizzz and alissa foxy in a shibuya and Cush w me… driven in my white limo, etc.
- sabrina and sarah conrad
- sabrina and jessamine
- sabrina and alanna richards
- sabrina and jane volturi
Ada’ and Neveah politely enter, wearing their slutty outfits they love to wear for me,
and sweetly ask, “Daddy? We finished our homework. Can we go play with the dog and bull?”
I smile and nod, so they hurry downstairs to begin.
Ambi telepathically invites me to hold hands with her on our way down to enjoy watching them.
- Ambi Mahafsoun-face/mom-outfit w Didina in fishnet
- Eden w Caitlyn
- Eden w Ariel
- *Eden w Kara; since both love rougher sex than all my other fuckbuddies
- Tandy Bowen PB w Josephine Langford ICV
- jaide and katara in an Inisfree castle w me
- Ariel perfect-face pic w Piper
- Australian Barbie 69 couch w face model side profile platinum blonde 2-girls BJ porn hottie tongue out
- Jaide and Neveah w me
- Jaide and Ada’ w me
- Jaide and Erika Kraven w me, etc.; all my sexy vampires join in; Lucine, Sarina/Vivi’…
- Atlanna in Bora-tiki w me
- Maya Erra w Mairi Aria
- Camille and Bela Night
- Camille and Inara
- Ashley Vanir Himmler (7 in 2023; maturing earlier than humans do, as the children of gods grow at any rate their parents believe/choose) w Valeria Richards and Jessamine on sat13may2023
- Flair w me in Vermont
- Katara and Ariel poolside at ICGM w me, then KP and Sandstorm join us
- driving/delivering Adaline y/o Neveah to our friends’ / their friends’ parents’ houses to fuck their dogs
- Eden and Zada, because Zada is getting into the wildest stuff with me/us.
- Eden and Kara, because Kara loves the extreme/brutal (beyond rough) sex Eden does, so they help and show each other things/techniques.
- Eden and Lillian Didina, bc they look similar, at least in terms of complexion.
- Adaline w Selena Gomez ICV
- Neveah w Lillian
- Neveah w Camille and Inara
- my sons love when my daughters do neko hotness for them, and my daughters love that their brothers love them doing that.
- neveah does neko catgirl hotness for me and ahegao while catears headband etc
- Melina with Melissa and Melian; why not
- ICV Madison Beer with ICV Arianna Grande and ICV Selena Gomez for me in a shibuya downtown (Inisfree)
- Ambi & Daisy with me
- Elena and Daenerys
- Elena and Freya Storm
- Freya Storm and Bela Night
- Pamela Isley and Daphne
- JJ and Jupiter Jones (bc same initials)
- Inara and Jenna Kardashian
- Jenna Kardashian and Jupiter Jones
- Ambi and Aphrodite w me
- Amber ICV1 in ICGM Master Bathroom tub with me, having two conversations at once, one via kegels, the other via Tongueli.
- Zerachiel w Zedicon and me in the Magics Chambers after club Angels Allure
- Wendy Temujin and Zerachiel w me
- Ambi and Daenerys asses high up, all fours, 69ing for me
- Ambi and Freyja
- Freyja, Amora, and Aphrodite teaching Ambi some new sex-tricks –and she loves to learn this stuff for me, etc.
- Freyja and ICV Viixby
- ICV Viixby and Aliss
- ICV Viixby and Ambi
- ICV Viixby and Adaline and Neveah
- Adaline, Neveah, and Aliss
- Aliss and Lamia do a clubs-romp w me, starting in Cush, then Crater Lounge, then Dante, and finally Cummunion.
- Sabrina and Nevaeh
- kara and kendra
- kara and kory anders
- Starfire in our Inisfree bungalow with Pele and Amora
- adaline and orsic
- Adaline and clary
- Clary and jessamine
- Pamela Lillian Isley and Lillian Didina bc names
- Amber ICV1 w Daeny and me in her loft, downtown Inisfree
- neveah w nina icv
- Dragon Barbie and Ariel
- Jaide and Jaina
- Aleiah and Alice Richards (angel PB Emilia Clarke)
- all the hotties I met/manifested in NY/NYC
- all the hotties I met/manifested in San Francisco
- Ana Kravinova and Ororo “Storm”
- “Storm” with Pele -and Zada then joins
- Zada and Wendy Temujin
- Regan Wyngarde and Alanna Richards, both with a inner-cleavage swoop-to-belt-buckle outfit for me
- Alice Richards (angel) and Alice Lucas (transformer)
- Alice Lucas with shapeshifters; Bela Night, etc.
- Angelike and Zerachiel – then Alice Richards (angel) joins, etc.
- Melina and Rayvan
- Melina and Nina Mills w me, Nina Mills loving when we both help her unwind and cum
- Taja and Triton Sirena
- Adeline and Adaline for me
- Kara and Katara
- Ambi and Zada
- Zada and Akasha
- Zada and Lillian Didina
- Zada in FAU with me
- Xull’rae and me in her TNA dorm room, she on top, elbows up, grinning as I play with her perky tits while she grinds another ‘creampie’ into her
- mairi and dimah
- hope mikaelson w hope summers
- bloom peters with nina ICV/s
- Riley Dimitriev and Dimah Tchakova
- Sophia Eisenburg and Isabella Montgomery in a Ceiling Mansion w me, first on each other so I can watch
- Diana Fairchild w Rosalie, June, Patricia, Tabitha, Alexa, and Danielle
- andrea marguiles and dakota sterling
- theresy cassidy w pornstar cassidey icv
- azrael sigfred with karolina dean
- mackenzie vella and levinia octavius
- mackenzie vella and pamela isley
- mackenzie vella and tandy bowen
- Lillian Didina (pia tan face ballcap expression v) and Tandy Bowen
- Azure w Carol Danvers
- Carol Danvers w Karolina Dean
- Carol Danvers w Carmilla Black
- Carol Danvers w Didina
- Carol Danvers and Kara
- Carol Danvers and Emma
- Carol Danvers and Regan Wyngarde
- Zerachiel (blonde rjh-hair dollface mirror selfie black dress v) and Freyja (swoop-sides muscle-shirt blow-kiss high-ponytail selfie v)
- Lorna Dane and Zerachiel
- Lorna Dane and Emma
- Lorna Dane and Carol Danvers
- Lorna Dane and Didina
- Lorna Dane and Melina
- Lorna Dane and Amber ICV1
- Lorna Dane and Karolina
- Faith Blakely and Mira Kan
- Faith Blakely and Jacqueline Diamonds
- Jacqueline Diamonds and Carmilla Black
- Jacqueline Diamonds and Jane Volturi
- Jane Volturi and Karolina Dean
- Jane Volturi and Kara Zor-El
- Jane Volturi and Oona Ravensword
- Jane Volturi and Didina
- Jane Volturi and Melina
- Jane Volturi and Mira Kan
- Jane Volturi and Valeria Richards
- Sarina Adalgari and Valeria Richards
- Valeria Richards and Kara Zor-El
- Valeria Richards and Divinity
- Valeria Richards and Zerachiel
- Valeria Richards and Carol Danvers
- Zerachiel and Faith Blakely
- Eden and Faith
- Eden and Nevaeh
- Eden and Adaline
- Sophia Eisenburg and Tricksy
- Tricksy and Adeline
- Tricksy and Thetis
- Tricksy and Pele
- Golnesa and Zada
- Golnesa and Aorlie
- Golnesa and Jenna Kardashian
- Golnesa and Rain
- Golnesa and Inara Thain
- Golnesa and Rosalie
- Rosalie and Freyja
- Rosalie and Amora
- Rosalie and Jane Volturi
- Eden and Isabella Montgomery
- Eden and Heather Cameron
- Golnesa and Ororo
- Ororo and Zada
- Ororo and Akasha
- Akasha and Eden
- Eden and Hope Summers
- Alice Lucas and Artemis Crock
- Alice Lucas and Zerachiel
- Kayla Black and Golnesa (blacks)
- Nova Black and Ghost “Nova” (blondes
- Nova Black and Artemis Crock
- Ghost “Nova” and Zerachiel
- Ghost “Nova” and Kara
- Ghost “Nova” and Trish Walker
- Lamia and Akasha
- Lamia and Kayla Black
- Kayla Black and Carmilla Black
- Lamia and Eden
- Lamia and Lucine
- Lucine and Jane Volturi
- Lucine and Zedicon
- Adalgari and Amelia Voght
- Adalgari and Lucine
- Lucine and Santanico
- Tandy and Taja
- Didina and Taja
- Faith and Taja
- Lamia and Taja
- Inara Thain and Taja
- Taja and Carol Danvers
- Taja and Trish Walker
- Ororo and Ophelia Sarkissian
- Atlanna and Kayla Black
- Atlanna and Heather Cameron
- Heather Cameron and Triton Sirena
- Heather Cameron and Sirena of Mako
- Mara and Nadia
- Nadia and Mera
- Mara and Atlanna
- Eleanor w Flair
- Eleanor w Taja
- Flair w Taja
- Eleanor w Nina Mills
- Nina Mills w Triton Sirena
- Nina Mills w Sirena of Mako
- Nina Mills w Zerachiel
- Nina Mills w Kara
- Nina Mills w Carol Danvers
- Nina Mills w Naurhin
- Oona Finvarra and Mira Kan
- Oona Finvarra and Jane Volturi
- Mira Kan and Carol Danvers
- Alison Hart-Burnett and Alison “Dazzler”
- Adeline and Alison Hart-Burnett
- Heather Cameron and Hope Mikaelson
- Ophelias; Sarkissian and Sinner
- Meredith Vickers and Miranda Lawson
- Rain Lao and Rain Ocampo
- Selene and Xull’rae
- Xull’rae and Sarina Adalgari
- Xull’rae and Jane Volturi
- Xull’rae and Oona Finvarra
- Rayvan and Raven Darkholme
- Catalypse and Camille
- Anita and Andrilae
- Anita and Jane Volturi
- Jane Doe and Jane Volturi
- Alice Richards (angel) and Alice Lucas
- Emma and Sif (blonde)
- Divinity and Carol Danvers
- Divinity and Angelike
- Divinity and Zerachiel
- Angelike and Eleanor
- Ambi and Galadriel
- Santanico and Nina ICV
- Santanico and Carmilla
- Zedicon w Nyria and me, christening all those New Eden ships we bought and keep stored on Soliara III
- Freyja tanktop, w Dragon Lady squat dark tanktop, w Sasha of Ukraine white red-cuffs tanktop rolled up
- Ixchel and Magara
- Camille and Katara
- santanico and ororo
- ororo and akasha
- triton sirena and trish walker
- laynia and katara
- laynia and hudgens
- katara and adeline
- katara and adaline
- heather and katara
- lamia and laynia
- laynia and naurhin
- laynia and clarice “blink” (my 2 portal-bunnies)
- santanico and triton sirena
- santanico and atlanna
- atlanna and felanelle
- zed and huli and lawson alien creatures gangbang party marathon for me to watch and direct, gloryhole too
- mira kan and laynia
- Mira kan and amora
- Mira kan and carol danvers
- Carol danvers and dragon barbie
- chasey icv and amora
- Chasey icv and camille
- sarah w icv cindy
- heather and mara
- mara yoga ass up feet to floor while pour cum cocktail glass contents in her speculum-opened pussy and asshole, then same w jessamine, volturi, lucine, camille, nyria, amber ICV/s, piper ICVs, adalgari, rosalie, etc.
- the tres toros bartender w the waypoint tan blonde dsl face flawless
- Nyria w RDSLV ICV
- maria orsic lollipop-suck modern-selfie w ellie idol ICV
- Erin blushes as she softly asks me, “Do you wanna go to a hotel with me?”
I smirk and prod her this way: “What are we gonna do there?”
She smiles ear to ear, looking to the side a moment, blushing harder, then looks back up into my eyes.
“I like hearing you say what we will do. It is sexy.”
“Whatever you want. …Make love.”
“Make love? Not fuck?”
She grins and nods, then: “We can do both. …I want to do both.”
“I’d love to,” I softly answer her at last.
This fills her whole chest with love and excitement and pride.
We are both feeling that way right now, anticipating our next union.
“I’ll pick you up at 5, okay?” I invite her.
She raises her chin, eyes bright, and nods eagerly.
“See you then,” I tell her, then gently reach for.
She immediately steps into my embrace, and we kiss deeply for a long time before managing to part to wrap up the rest of our separate work this day, ensuring we are free to be together all evening and night, hard. - Caitlyn messages me, “Hey [kiss emoji] …I thought you might like to come over and watch my boyfriend fuck me. <3” she knows that gets me smiling. We made it a voyeurism date. She hugged me so tightly after, she still naked, “Thank you so much. I came souch harder because you were watching. May I give myself to you now? Would you like a turn?” Of course I would.
… - Ambi lovingly greets me when I return home, just like always now, and purrs her adoring seduction for me, “I am gonna let my brother fuck me again –for you, for him, and for me. Would you like to watch us? Maybe join in?” My smile can’t stop forming and spreading. We get on a group call and make it a date after confirming everyone’s desire and requests.
… - My sons now always show me the hot girls they are crushing on, planning to fuck if not also date, and always say to me, “Dad? King’s Right?”
(Droit du seigneur (‘right of the lord’), also known as ius primae noctis (‘right of the first night’), was a supposed legal right in medieval Europe, allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women, in particular, on the wedding nights of the women.)
My sons always prefer I fuck the girls they are interested in before they do, ensuring I am attracted to all about those girls before they themselves have anything to do with them. This is due to respect, compatibility, compersion, upbringing, and blood/instinct we share / have with one another. They are always grateful for the wisdom and standard I passed to them, and they know I only allow healthy sexy feminine supportive females in our lives, and that I support all their natural fun and growth together.
My daughters always prefer I fuck and cum in them before they go on any outings, whether those outings are dates or just by themselves, and they prefer I observe lots of their fucking, and that I further fuck and cum in them every time they return home.
All good people always ask me before they reproduce, making sure their visions for their future offspring are agreeable to me.
and my daughters always offer their mothers the boys they are crushing on. For example, Adaline and Neveah always ask Ambi if she wants to fuck the boys they are into before they do. This stems from the same instinct and respect their brothers have for me. This is their version of King’s Right; Queen’s Right. They love starting sex with new boyfriends much more when their momma, Ambi, has sexually screened and enjoyed those boys first.
Even though Ambi originally/previously told me not to share her, she also said she is VERY interesting in being fucked by our sons, and now that she knows we are a strong, stable, eternal family, she is finally starting to open up a bit to being fucked by other males –as long as we all approve; she is devoted wholeheartedly to us forever, after all. Amen; so be it. - My 2 sons and 2 daughters from Ambi always love and respect each other, always sleep naked in boy-girl pairs when they are together overnight in our home, and always swap every other night, if not in the same night; Adaline and Auz II always spoon or hug naked together overnight on one of the beds in their upstairs room while Neveah and Ethan do the same on another bed there, followed by Auz II and Neveah together the following night, etc.
They always offer to help each other de-stress anytime one has a bad day; the boys always offer massages, baths, and sex to the girls, and the girls always offer those things to us all. - Miranda w Samus
- meredith vickers w zhanna
- Galadriel w Qiturah
- raylene icv and rahyndee icv
… - Piper and Vanessa etc, warmly waking me w tongue motions, dual handjob, jacking me off onto each other’s mouths, caressing my balls to help milk them into each other’s pussies, showering with me, blushing as they eagerly stand with collar as I hook on their leashes to proudly walk them, mounting me after work in one of our hover shuttles on the way home from our offices, topless or open-robe watching movies in our ICGM theaters –movies I envisioned and their kind made for me.
Amen. - Urvashi teenified w Ellie Idol ICV doing color-changing eye-irises (mostly lavender, etc.)
- Ellie Idol ICVs w me in Cloud City 2
- Pepper Potts w Victoria Ridgeworth
- Pepper Potts w Laynia Petrovna
- Petter Potts w Lazarus II
- Petter Potts w Ellie Idol ICV/s
- Elena Michaels with Hope Mikaelson
- Lamia w Ellie ICV/s and RDSLV ICV/s
- Santanico and Rogue
- Nyria and Rogue
- dragon-barbie in that black-strips dress on the Kathedrom throne
- Tricksy and Rosalie
- Tricksy and Jessamine
- Rosalie and Sylvanas
- Katara and Jessamine
- Katara and JK
- JK and Lena Monroe ICV
- Ambrosia w Amora
- Sarah Conrad and Isabella Montgomery
- Isabella Montgomery and Tempest Thema
- Kara and Freyja w me in both their homes in Vanaheim and New Krypton
- sex w Kara in one of her Kryptonian escape pods
- Talena w xenia ICVs
- Talena w cindy ICVs
- Talena and piper ICVs
- Brooke ICVs and jessamine
- Anita and Neveah
- Adaline and Amora
- Adaline and Camille
- Isabella Montgomery in Iowa
- Kara in Iowa
- Council of Elders in Desserts Dirigible w me
- Ariel w me at one of the porte cochere rooftop patio umbrella chairs
- Ariel dressed as a Playboy Bunny waitress/server in Cush for me, grinning and blushing as she excited-eyes me while bending over to offer/set down my/our tray of drinks
- Sadie ICV w video-game Mercy angel-like platinum-blonde ICV
- Amber icv and i fuck in every house w open/prep for distinguished returners. Just a wuickie, not even cumming
- Josephine Langford (from Ever After Happy) w Sophie Cookson (from Kingsmen; Roxanne Morton)
- “Harder. Deeper. Make mommy’s ass happy.” Ambi loves talking dirty from the heart as our sons fuck her asshole.
- Sarah and samus w me
- Tue4july2023: Once every couple weeks or so, the sexually arousing game we like to play is the 5 of us (me and my 4 children from Ambi) watching in our bedroom her get dolled up (in racy lingerie and fishnet, her hair in pigtails or a top ponytail) for her latest fuckdate or gangbang. Sometimes these dates are here in our house, other times elsewhere. She loves that we get turned on by her sexiness and wild play. Often, she has someone tie or shackle her standing in the middle of the room or bent over a fuckbench like a pommel horse, sometimes with her legs in the splits position, back arched, ass up, for easier creampies retention.
She grins as we supportively say things to her such as, “Have great sex!”,
“I hope they fuck your asshole!”,
“Get your pussy overfilled!”
and our home-theater show-watching hangouts always include the recordings, rarely any of us wanting to see normal human/Outlander TV show.
These fantasies of mine are normal and natural and good.
The hotties who are good naturally love my fantasies.
Only deviants/sickos would try to talk me out of such things, disrespecting my orientation and goals. - Andrilae Volcare and Bela Night
- Bela Night and Susan Storm
- Susan Storm and Amora
- Susan Storm and Regan Wyngarde
- Trish Walker and Valeria Richards
- Valeria Richards and Dinah Lance
- Valeria Richards and Tandy Bowen
- Tandy Bowen and Jessamine Roux
- Tandy Bowen and Adeline Reese
- Nina Mills and Tandy Bowen
- Sara McDohl and Dazzler
- Laynia Petrovna and Dazzler
- Laynia Petrovna and Alanna Richards
- Laynia Petrovna Dinah Lance
- Laynia Petrovna and Ghost “Nova”
- Laynia Petrovna and Celeste Fairfax
- Carol Danvers and Meredith Vickers
- Carol Danvers and Celeste Fairfax
- Carol Danvers and Tandy Bowen
- Carol Danvers and Dazzler
- Amora and Kitty Pryde
- Amora and Adeline Reese
- Amora and Clary Fray
- Kara and Rosalie
- Kara and Carol Danvers
- Kara and Meredith Vickers
- Dragon Barbie and Imperial Barbie
- Dragon Barbie and Zerachiel
- Dragon Barbie and Ghost “Nova”
- Sirena Mako with Nova Black
- Ophelia Sinner with Nova Black
- Ophelia Sinner with Laynia Petrovna
- Felicia Hardy with Regan Wyngarde
- Talena with Amalthea Wilde
- Cyd Bishop with Amalthea Wilde
- Cyd Bishop with Talena
- Sarah Conrad with Roxanne Morton
- Meredith Vickers with Roxanne Morton
- Meredith Vickers with Clara Janssens
- Claire Barton with Clara Janssens
- Claire Barton with Amora and/or Freyja for encouragement, training, etc.
- Artemis Crock with Meredith Vickers
- Stepford Cuckoos (several) with the Windrunner Triplets
- Stepford Cuckoos with -Susan and Valeria Storm-
- Valeera Sanguinar with Dragon Barbie
- Tabitha Smith with Jaina Proudmoore
- Jessamine Roux with Meredith Vickers
- Heather Cameron with Jessamine
- Heather Cameron with Tricksy
- Heather Cameron with Meredith Vickers
- Heather Cameron with Ghost “Nova”
- Andrea Margulies with an Amber ICV
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari with Alison “Dazzler” Blaire
- Mira Kan with Inara
- Mira Kan with Cyd Bishop
- Mira Kan with Lucine Lopez
- Mira Kan with Elena Michaels
- Aleiah Mae Laine with Mira Kan
- Aorlie and Amora
- Aorlie and Camille
- Aorlie and Bela Night
- Aorlie and Adeline Reese
- Camille and Clary
- Clary and Amora
- Lillian Didina and Amora/Freyja
- Melina and Amalthea
- Melina and Tricksy
- Lillian and Tricksy
- Melina and Rosalie
- Lillian and Rosalie
- Melina, Lillian, and Rosalie
- Rosalie and Aphrodite
- Sirena Mako with Meredith
- Sirena Mako with Camille
- Mara with Camille
- Annie January and Dimah Tchakova
- Dimah and Catherine Halsey
- Valeria and Valeera
- Karolina and Valeria
- Karolina, Valeria, and Jessamine, then also Jane Volturi
- Mairi Aria and Jane Volturi
- Mairi Aria and Karolina Dean
- Mairi Aria and Jessamine Roux
- Mairi Aria and Adeline Reese
- Mairi Aria and Katara
- Katara and Adeline Reese
- Katara and Lillian
- Katara and Melina
- Mairi Aria and Amora
- Mairi Aria and Aphrodite
- Mairi Aria and Dimah Tchakova
- Annie January and Dimah
- Annie January and Jessamine
- Sabrina Spellman and Jessamine
- Sabrina Spellman and Amora
- Sabrina Spellman and Alanna Richards
- Sabrina Spellman and Aphrodite
- Sabrina Spellman and Laynia Petrovna
- Patricia Whitmore and Sabrina Spellman
- Sirena Mako and Sabrina
- Sabrina and Luna
- Luna and Cyd
- Sabrina and Karolina
- Sabrina and Melissa the maid-kajira
- Melissa and Catherine Halsey
- Sabrina and Catherine Halsey
- Melissa and Faith
- Melissa and Melina
- Melissa and Dimah
- Melissa and Bela Night
- Melissa and June Moone
- Sabrina and June Moone
- Sabrina and Clary
- Clary and Melissa
- June Moone and Ghost “Nova”
- Alice Lucas and June
- Oona and Taja
- Melissa and Oona Ravensword
- Oona Ravensword and Sabrina
- Sabrina and Mira Kan
- Maya Erra and Oona Finvarra
- Maya Erra and Sabrina
- Maya Erra and Laynia
- Samus Aran and Adeline
- Samus Aran and Melissa the maid
- Samus Aran and Ghost “Nova”
- Samus Aran and Dragon Barbie
- Samus Aran and Karolina
- Samus and Taja
- Taja and Katara
- Blonde Sorceress and Sabrina
- Blonde Sorceress and Samus
- Blonde Sorceress and Katara
- Katara and Karolina
- Jane Volturi and Meredith Vickers
- Aryana Sheshna and Maya Erra
- Aryana Sheshna and Elena
- Galadriel and Samus
- Galadriel and Meredith
- Hekla Ingolfursdottir and Galadriel
- Hekla Ingolfursdottir and Karolina
- Hekla Ingolfursdottir and Adeline
- Hekla Ingolfursdottir and Taja
- Ixchel Xoc and Taja
- Ixchel Xoc and Santanico
- Ixchel Xoc and Wendy
- Maria Orsic and Starfire
- Maria Orsic and Kendra
- Kendra and Wendy
- Kendra and Meredith
- Kendra and Melissa the maid
- Kendra and Oona Ravensword
- Yavanna Kementári and Aryana
- Yavanna Kementári and Meredith
- Yavanna Kementári and Samus
- Yavanna Kementári and Julia Mackey
- Samus and Shelwe
- Shelwe and Taja
- Shelwe and Meredith
- Shelwe and Melissa maid
- Aryana and Bela Night
- Clara and Clary (check
- Illyana and Imperial Barbie
- Luna and Mara
- Luna and Atlanna
- Mairi and Mera
- Mira Kan and Nadia
- Oona Finvarra and Ghost “Nova”
- Oona Ravensword and Camille Delgado
- Oona Finvarra and Ophelia Sinner
- Sarina Adalgari and Sara McDohl
- Shelwe and Sirena Mako
- Susan Storm and Sylvanas Windrunner
- Tabitha Smith and Taja
- Talena and Tabitha
- Talena and Aphrodite
- Triton Sirena and Valeera
- Carol Danvers and Starfire
- Carol Danvers and Kendra
- Urvashi and Lillian
- carol danvers w me in one of my/our bungalows in Inisfree
- oona finvarra and illyana
- illyana and flair
- flair and faith
- flair and caitlyn
- ambi and my other wives lovingly walk up to tell me, “I am going out to dinner and sex with one of my boyfriends, but you can watch me fuck the dogs when I get back.” As always, that’s to multi-day edge each other; sex is always eagerly offered at all other times.
- zada and illyana
- naurhin and oona
- Ariel and Artemis
- Ashtanna and Izzy plus Oona Ravensword
- Oona Ravensword with Flair
- Naurhin w Mara and me in an Italy elf hideout/safehouse
- Alison Blaire and Blaire Sharpe
- Talena and Melissa
- Talena and Starfire
- Talena and Camille
- Talena and Carmilla
- Naurhin and Nevaeh Moonspell
- Carmilla w Melissa
- adaline and inara thain
- Melissa and Allison “Aliss”
- Allison “Aliss” and Jane Volturi
- oona ravensword and allison “aliss” liddle
- assassin hotties Carmilla, Gamora, Garona, Gigi, Nina, “Nova”, Raven,
- ambi and hekla
- ambi and ashtanna, both dressed in slut leathers
- telling Ashton to let my son/s fuck her while I watch
- Neveah w arm-healed (no-poison) Carmilla
- Yavanna w Zedicon
- Lorna y Adeline
- “she cried more, more, more – with a rebel yell” song plays. Neveah (one of my 2 daughters from/by Ambi) asked to rehearse her first sex show to that song, riding her brother, Auz II, while posing to its lyrics –for all of us to enjoy seeing/watching
–and maybe VR2 performs that song live beSide Neveah!! yes!
… - kara with sirena mako
- zerachiel w atlanna
- zerachiel w mara
- zerachiel w nadia siren
- naurhin and divinity
- divinity and atlanna
- divinity and mara
- Faith and Nevaeh (witch)
- Faith and adaline
- adeline and lillian
- clary and adeline
- fuck Amber ICV/s to “The Dead Are Dumb” by Nothing
- in Jam Shanty: fucking Nyria’s asshole while she sings backup/female vocals we added to “Pepper” by Butthole Surfers (b/c you kinda Have to have anal sex when singing a song by a band named Butthole Surfers) –and show on the projector screen behind our band: overhead/webcam shots of me fucking hottie girls in the ass while they are doggy-style, plus my favorite porn clips of such things
- kara with flair
- Flair with my daughter, Neveah
- Oona with my daughter, Neveah
- Flair and Oona with my daughter, Neveah
- Zedicon sweetly tells me on her way out, as she walks up for a loving hug, “Daddy? I’m gonna go have a bunch of strange guys flood my pussy. I love you!” We kiss on the lips goodbye, and I feel up her ass and tits, which she poses for, loving. Then she blows me a kiss on the way through the door. “I’ll sext you every step of the way!”
- Faith and Divinity
- Faith and Freyja
- Ashtanna and Amora
- Ashtanna and Madison ICV
- daughter Neveah and Inara Thain
- JK and Supergirl
- Supgergirl and Illyana
- Supergirl and Laynia
- Supergirl and Lana Baumgartner
- Lana Baumgartner and Lillian Didina
- Lillian and Lucine
- Lucine and Inara Thain
- Mackenzie Vella and Jessamine
- Jessamine and Clary
- Jessamine and Kitty
- Mackenzie and Magara
- Mara and Melina
- Mara and Regan
- Melina and Naurhin
- Naurhin and Nevaeh
- daughter Neveah and Oona Finvarra
- Oona Ravensword and Jessamine Roux
- Jessamine and Coraline
- Rhonna and “Pepper”
- Sirena Mako and Lana Baumgartner
- Zedicon and Aorlie -a PERfect combo
- Victoria Ridgeworth and Wendy Temujin
- Oona Ravensword and Regan Wyngarde in wifeswapping party with me
- Charlize ICV w Charlie Garcia pornstar ICV
- Heather w Fihini (PB that IRL Rikku hottie)
- Lorna Dane w Kory Anders “Starfire”
- Faith and Fihini
- Fihini and Tricksy
- Tricksy and Faith
- Izzy and JK
- JK and Fihini
- Mara and Fihini
- Melina and Eden
- Melina and JK
- Melina and Caitlyn
- Blaire and Ashtanna
- Regan and Ophelia
- Helena Wayne and both Lara Crofts
- Clara Janssens w Clarissa Fairchild and Clarice Ferguson
- Ariel and Talena
- Clary and Talena
- Melissa and Talena
- Carol Danvers and Talena
- Melissa and June Moone
- June Moone and Carol Danvers
- Zerachiel in Logan’s to the MI7 OST techno songs while dancing w y then booth-fucking me – amen
- Elena, Dragon Barbie, and Zerachiel w me in ICGM Master Suite
- Divinity and Camille
- Divinity and Regan
- Zerachiel and Regan
- Zerachiel and Carol Danvers
- Melissa w Melina
- Kara w Flair
- Ophelia “Tricksy” and Patricia Whitmore
- Carol Danvers w Samus Aran
- Lena Monroe ICV and Ophelia “Tricksy” in Shibuya w me
- Camille and Izzy
- Camille and Tricksy
- Camille and Laynia
- Camille and Illyana
- Izzy and Jacqueline
- Kory “Starfire” and Juli
- Melissa and Starfire
- Starfire and Karolina
- Tricksy and Juli
- Samus and Tricksy
- Samus and Starfire
- Samus and Kara
- Samus and Ghost “Nova”
- Katara and Ghost Kerrigan
- Jessamine w dog (at least Underway animatronic/s)
- Karolina w dog (at least Underway animatronic/s)
- Sarina Adalgari and Sabrina
- Azshara and Naurhin
- Azshara and Felanelle
- Felanelle and Scarlette Devon Ravensdale
- Scarlette Devon Ravensdale and Oona Ravensword
- Trance and Azshara
- Trance and Zerachiel
- Taja Seiliu and Shelwe Taldeer
- Aleiah Mae Laine and Catalypse
- Aleiah Mae Laine and Scarlette Devon Ravensdale
- Jaina Proudmoore and Jaide LeMorte
- Rhonna and Rogue
- Amber ICV/s and Amberle
- Dinah “Black Canary” w witch Nevaeh
- Santanico and Akasha in Womb Raider sexing me to Civet Cat’s “Read My Thoughts”
- Freyja and Ariel using her illusion superpower to also look like Freyja
- Ixchel and Izzy
- Ixchel and Hekla
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari with Sarah Conrad
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari with Mira Kan and me in club Wet Love
- Mira Kan and Naurhin
- Ophelia “Tricksy” and Sarah Conrad
- Mira Kan and Sarah
- Mira Kan and Ophelia “Tricksy”
- Lara Croft w Pepper Potts
- Lara Croft w Helena Wayne
- Lara Croft w Regan Wyngarde
- Lara Croft w Emma Frost
- Cordelia Frost w Regan Wyngarde
- Caitlyn with Elena
- Elena w Tricksy
- Tricksy w Illyana
- Pepper w Laynia
- Cindy Moon w Lara Croft II
- Cindy Moon with Levinia Octavius
- Cyd and Camille
- both Fairchilds; Diana and Clary
- Melina w Carmilla
- Melina w Camille
- Melina w Tricksy
- ambi genuinely loves my ICVs and other relationships, and tells me things on my way to the backyard airship such as “Fuck Amber for me and give her my love! Be sure you cum inside her today!”
- Nyria and Naurhin
- Cyd and Diana Fairchild
- Cyd and Dazzler
- Cyd and Black Canary
- Cyd and “Napalm”
- Faith and Tricksy
- Faith and Anita
- Anita and Dragon Barbie
- Dragon Barbie and Zerachiel
- Jenna Kardashian and Santanico
- Valora and Clary
- Valora and Pipper
- Valora w Talena and Sarah
- Valora w Nyria on my ICGM master bed
- Nyria w Amora and Freyja and Aphrodite on my TNA wedding-cake-shaped bed
- oona and ambi; both fairies
- Nyria w Mackenzie Collins teenified into Hailey Lujan form
- Ashton w Aryana
- Aryana w Mairi
- Coraline and Carmilla
- fuck JK w Zed’ on Soliara III in a canyon or beach-cliff resort –and then Meredith and Starfire join us
- Anita and Flair
- Lazarus II and Eleanor
- Eleanor and Anita
- Eleanor and Flair
- Eleanor and Rogue
- Rogue and Anita
- Rogue and Flair
- Sansa Stark and Taja
- Sansa Stark and Flair
- Sansa Stark and Rogue
- Sansa Stark and Jean Grey teenified
- Valora Eldric and Sansa
- Valora Eldric and Eleanor
- Taja and Flair
- Taja and Sansa
- Taja and Tauriel Rhovanion
- Mera Curry and Taja
- Mera Curry and Flair
- Mera Curry and Tauriel
- Mera Curry and Rogue
- Natasha Romanoff and Rogue
- Wanda and Natasha
- Wanda and Rogue
- Wanda and Eleanor
- Jean Elaine Grey and Rogue
- Jean Elaine Grey and Storm
- Storm and Rogue
- Storm and Tricksy
- Tricksy and Tauriel
- Tricksy and Taja
- Hope and Flair
- Hope and Taja
- Kendra and Taja
- Kendra and Rogue
- Kory Andres and Tauriel
- Kory and Eleanor
- Kory and Sansa
- Isabella Montgomery and Valora
- Isabella Montgomery and Sansa
- Isabella Montgomery and Kory
- Isabella Montgomery and Kendra
- Isabella and Oona Finvarra
- Xull’rae Zauviir and Isabella
- Xull’rae Zauviir and Taja
- Xull’rae Zauviir and Eleanor
- Xull’rae Zauviir and Rogue
- Xull’ and Andrilae Volcare
- Xull’ and Coraline
- Andrilae and Coraline
- Amelia Voght and Coraline
- Amelia Voght and Eleanor
- Amelia Voght and Rogue
- Amelia Voght and Taja
- Amelia Voght and Mera
- Lorna Dane and Mera
- Lorna Dane and Atlanna
- Lorna Dane and Triton Sirena
- Lorna Dane and Nadia
- Aleiah Mae Laine and Lorna
- Aleiah Mae Laine and Mera
- Aleiah Mae Laine and Eleanor
- Aleiah Mae Laine and Tauriel
- Aleiah Mae Laine and Taja
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and Aleiah
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and Zerachiel
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and Eleanor
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and Lazarus II
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and Natasha
- Taja Seiliu and Natasha
- Natasha and Laynia
- Flair in club Spray
- Lana and Lazarus II
- Lorna and Mackenzie Vella
- Natasha and Nevaeh
- Mira Kan and Atlanna
- Sarina and Santanico
- Santanico and Catalypse
- Rogue and Andrilae
- Sarina and Taja
- Taja and Amelia
- Bailey and Camille
- Bailey and Amora
- Bailey and Freyja
- Lillian and Amora
- Amora and Celeste
- Zerachiel and Amora
- JK and Kara
- JK and Zerachiel
- JK and Divinity
- Kara and Lillian
- Kara and Melina
- wanda y wendy
- Bloom and Annie January
- Hope M. and Hope S.
- Narissa and November
- Lillian and JK
- Bela and Freya, in an apartment in Inisfree, then going to dance and fuck more at Safari Sierra while I watch
- Ambi and Bela
- Ambi and Ana K.
- Sarina and Mira
- Sarina and Lucine
- Sarina and Aleiah
- Aleiah and Anita
- Sarina and Anita
- Sarina and Ana K.
- Sarina and Karolina
- Sarina and Riley
- Sarina and Alice
- Alice and Ana K.
- Alice and Illyana
- Sarina and Dakota
- Sarina and Inara Thain
- Anita naked slow dancing hands high hips swaying to “Tribal Trap” by Peace Sine… in one of my clubs for me, maybe even Cush –no; in Asparas Abode; perfect for Naga
- Sarina and Taja
- Akasha w Anita
- Akasha w Tempest
- Heather and Anita
- Heather and Ixchel
- Ixchel and Tempest and Anita
- Ixchel and June Moone
- Ixchel and Amora
- Ixchel and Aphrodite
- Aphrodite and Heather
- Aphrodite and Anita
- India Louise Farrin and Inara Thain
- Max Guevara and Amberle; ~2,780 years from now (4800 AD), in the ruins of the Seattle Space Needle skyscraper.
- Cyd and Camille
- Cyd and Max G.
- Jacqueline with Camille and me
- Annabella and Annie January
- Annabella and Piper ICV
- Annabella and Selena Gomez ICV
- Melissa w Annabella
- Ana Kravinova with Annabella
- Annabella with Mackenzie Vella
- Annabella with Clary
- Annabella with Katara
- Annabella with Melina
- Camille and Annabella
- Jacqueline with Annabella
- Jacqueline with Blanchette
- Annabella and Sarah
- Annabella and Talena
- Ixchel and Max Guevara in club Womb Raider to “Tribal Trap” by Peace Sine, then Rain Ocampo joins them/us
- JK and Kitty
- Kitty and Laura Kinney
- Oona F. and JK
- Izzy and melissa
- Aryana and Artemis Crock
- Samus and Kerrigan
- India Farrin w Aleiah Laine
- Bela Night and Max Guevara, then add Aleiah Laine
- Nova Black and Neveah Himmler
- November Annabella Terra and Nova Black
- November Annabella Terra w Yavanna
- Gem w Nadia
- Annie January and Yavanna
- Annie w Sabrina Spellman
- Alice Lucas w June Moone
- Aryana w Aphrodite
- Aphrodite w Carol D.
- Carol D. w Meredith V.
- Emma Grace Frost y Illyana
- Emma Grace Frost y Laynia
- Emma Grace Frost y Allison Liddle
- Kravinova and Erika Kraven
- Riley Dmitriev w Triton Sirena and me in an Atlantis II suite, fucking them as they stand spread-eagle up against the bedroom reef-view ‘glass’ window-wall, smiling as SCUBA-divers swim by, waving to us, all of us loving the show
- Daenerys w Nova Black
- Daenerys w Samus
- Daenerys w Laynia
- Daenerys w ghostNova
- Daenerys w Meredith
- Daenerys w Dragon Barbie
- Felicia Hardy w Lana Baum’
- Roxanne Morton w Sarah Conrad
- Roxanne Morton w Jessamine
- Roxanne Morton w Aliss
- Roxanne Morton w Naurhin
- Roxanne Morton w Alanna Richards
- Jess w Heather Cameron
- Jess w Mairi
- Mairi w Valeria Richards
- Alanna Richards w Freya Storm
- Mairi and Mara
- Harleen Frances Quinzel and Diana Violet Fairchild
- Dinah y Laynia
- Laynia y Jaina
- Valeria w Kara
- Trish w Valeria
- Trish w Laynia
- Trish w Jess
- Trish w Meredith
- Trish w Tandy
- Tandy w Heather
- Nina Mills w Regan
- Hekla y Jess
- Hekla y Jane V.
- Hekla Ingolfursdottir w Galadriel
- Hekla Ingolfursdottir w Aryana
- Hekla w Karolina
- Karolina w Aryana
- Zerachiel w Orsic
- Orsic w Laynia
- Orsic w Vickers
- Orsic w Danvers
- Andrilae Volcare w Bloom Peters
- Andrilae Volcare w Hope Summers
- Isabella Montgomery w Pepper
- Isabella Montgomeryw Mera Curry
- Andrilae w Mera
- Andrilae w Isabella
- Taja and Tauriel while I watch, then join -in our polyamory suite in Aloidia, then our polyamory suite in Aman!
- Pamela Lillian Isley and Katara
- Katara and Taja
- Sansa Stark and Pamela Isley
- Sansa Stark and Taja
- Patricia Whitmore w Sansa
- Patricia Whitmore w Taja
- Valora Eldric w Clary
- Valora Eldric w Patricia
- Patricia w Pamela
- Flair y Cessily
- Flair y Ceara
- Cessily and Taja
- Ceara w Emma; both go into hardened mode
- Cessily w Emma; both go into shiny mode
- Alexa Torres with Anita
- Anita w “Sandstorm”
- Anita w “Starfire”
- Anita w “Hawkgirl”
- Anita w Sansa
- Sarina w Ceara
- Sarina w Anita
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Sandstorm
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Sansa
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Ariel
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Anita
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Pepper
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Flair
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Sarina
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Alexa
- Aleiah Mae Laine w Eleanor
- Aleiah w Wanda Maximoff
- Wanda Maximoff w Taja
- Wanda Maximoff w Pamela
- Wanda Maximoff w Eleanor
- Wanda Maximoff w Lazarus II
- Natasha Romanoff w Claire Barton
- Lily Evans w Cessily
- Jean Elaine Grey w Lily
- Amelia Voght w Ariel y Clary
- Amelia w Rogue
- Mackenzie Vella w Patricia –in my AF1!
- Ororo and Patricia
- Ororo and Max G.
- Ororo and Lorna D.
- Ororo and Kory A.
- Aleiah and Alice L.
- Alice L. and Jaina
- Alice L. and Ororo
- Artemis and Amelia Voght
- Aphrodite and Aorlie
- Bloom and Amelia
- Amelia ggd customer w Amelia Voght
- Carol D. and C. Halsey
- Halsey and Potts
- Halsey and Mairi
- Halsey and Tricksy
- Clary and Cyd
- Cyd and Sandstorm
- Cyd and Daeny
- Daeny and Dakota
- Dakota and Dimah
- Dimah and Dinah
- Dolores y Dragonbarbie
- Elena and Druuna
- Elena and Dakota
- Felicia and Oona R.
- Felicia and Patricia
- Felicia and Flair
- Flair w Ambi; both half-fairy <3
- Freyja y Galadriel
- Galadriel and Gem
- Harleen and Dakota
- Harleen and Heather
- Heather and Dakota
- Harleen and Alexa
- Heather and Hekla
- Harleen and Hekla
- Jaina y Isabella “Sandstorm”
- Sandstorm y Starfire
- June Moone y JK
- June Moone y Starfire
- June Moone y Dakota
- June Moone y Adeline
- Nadia and Natasha
- Oona F. and ghostNova
- Rosalie and Rogue
- Rogue and Oona R.
- Rosalie and Sabrina
- Samus and Sansa
- Samus and Patricia
- Samus and Pepper
- Sansa and Sara McDohl
- Sarina A. and Sarah K.
- Sylvanas y Susan S.
- Tabitha and Dakota
- Tabitha and Patricia
- Triton S. and Valeera
- Triton S. and Dakota
- Triton S. and Oona R.
- Valora and Virginia P.
- Valora and Wanda
- Galadriel with Naurhin in the Forest Temple of Dryadia
- All sexy females in Creation invite me to fuck and cum in them the day of their weddings, saying excitedly to me in person, “I want your cum in me when I walk down the aisle to tell him, “I do.”!”
My daughters plan this with me years in advance; for their own weddings. - Xull’rae Zauviir w JK, Jessamine, Adeline, Andrilae, Alanna, Savina, Valeria, and my other favorite shorties
- carmen electra icv w cassidy icv
- carmen electra icv w chasey icv
- Nathalie Kelly w Carmen Electra (ICVs
- hudgens ICVs taking turns riding me on ICGM porch hanging-bed in daylight, purring, “Yes, daddy ;)” and “meow, daddy” with their silky fingertip sliding down my sternum to help me cum up into their pussies
- Carol Danvers and Alexa Torres
- Alexa Torres and Pepper Potts
- Alexa Torres and Nina ICV
- splorch on the porch (ICGM) –then also up on roof pool area
- Aorlie w Adaline
- Ophelia Sarkissian and Tess Black
- Lucine Lopez and Galadriel
- Lucine Lopez and Varda
- Lucine Lopez and Diana Prince
- Lucine Lopez and Tess Black
- Azshara w Diana Prince
- Azshara w Tess Black
- Azshara w Amora
- Azshara w Celeste Fairfax
- Azshara w “Sandstorm”
- Azshara w Rosalie
- Azshara w Santanico
- Amberle Elessedil w Pamela Isley
- Amberle Elessedil w Naurhin
- Shelwe w Miranda
- Alexis w the Stepford Cuckoos
- Sophia Eisenberg w Dolores
- Sophia Eisenberg w Alice Lucas
- Sophia Eisenberg Celeste Fairfax
- Clarice Ferguson w Oona Finvarra
- Clarice Ferguson w Taja
- Clarice Ferguson w Laynia Petrovna
- Clarice Ferguson w Illyana (she and the last 3 are the fellow portal-wielders)
- Alexia and Juli Mackey
- Juli and Azshara’s tentacles form
- Juli and Mira Kan’s tentacles form
- Juli being treated to Ambi’s summoned shadow-tentacles
- Caitlyn Blakewood w Izzy, Faith, and new-Amber; they all have a big crush on me
- Clarice F. and Charlotte Adams
- Clarice and Cordelia
- Hope M. and Illyana
- Illyana and Coraline
- Narissa and Adaline
- Narissa and Kitty Pryde
- Kitty Pryde and Neveah
- Adaline and Cyd
- Neveah and Bailey
- ellie idol icv and nicole anniston icv this morning
- Sarah Conrad w Sabrina Spellman and Hekla
- my 2 sons from ambi on the couch off to my sides, my 2 daughters from her kneeling on the floor in the spaces between us, both daughters moving to one side in sync’, holding our cocks while sucking/blowing one, then moving back, thus I get a bj alternating from both of them, and 1 hand of each around my cock, while each of my sons gets 1 hand and 1 sister on him
- the Richards; Alanna, Alice, Susan, and Valeria w me
- Raven Darkholme with Scarlette Ravensdale
- Azshara and Felanelle fuck all the time
- Bloom and Flair
- Bloom and Pepper
- ICV Katherine Jobb in a Dark Fleet capital ship
- ICV Katherine Jobb w Ariel of Ambi
- Moonspell (Nevaeh) and Moonstar (Danielle)… and June Moone (why not)
- Katara w Nyssa and Lucine
- Emma and Illyana
- Teagan and Sabrina
- Sabrina and H.P. blonde
- Sabrina and Bela Night
- Sabrina and Amber ICV1/ICVs
- Sabrina and Illyana
- Camille Delgado and Charlotte Adams
- “Aliss” and Lamia
- Sabrina and Nevaeh
- Sabrina and Wanda
- Sabrina and Amora
- Sabrina and June Moone
- Ororo and Jaide
- Ororo and Akasha
- Ororo and Oona
- Ororo and Illyana
- Ororo and Rogue
- Bela and Amora
- Bela and Illyana
- Georgina and Cyd
- Georgina and June
- Bela and either Lara
- Luxiana and Kory
- Qiturah and Sabrina
- Daenerys y ICV Isabel Lucas
- Alice Lucas w Clara Janssens
- Alice Lucas w Claire Barton
- Daenerys teen dsl w alice lucas
- Triton sirena w alice lucas
- Triton w flair
- Triton w sylvanas
- Triton sirena and wonderwoman
- Gem and Aphrodite
- Aphrodite and Celeste
- Valeera and Eleanor
- Daenerys and Kory “Starfire”
- Daenerys and Jessamine
- Daenerys and Aphrodite
- Camille Delgado and Heather Cameron
- Heather Cameron and Emma Frost
- Heather Cameron and Amora
- Melina Love and Bailey
- Melina Love and Rain Ocampo
- Melina Love and Rain Lao
- Rain Lao and Wendy Temujin
- Kory Anders and Lara Croft
- Lara Croft and Amora
- Lara Croft and Celeste
- Carol Danvers and Kory Anders
- Valeria Richards w Valeera Sanguinar
- Alison Blaire and Blaire Sharpe
- Faith with Carmen ICV, both in Carmen’s movie-outfit lavender slut-dress making fun of 300/Spartans
- Kory Anders and Lana Baumgartner
- Lara Croft w Clara Janssens
- Kara Zor-El and Heather Cameron
- Kara and Karolina
- Sylvanas Windrunner with
- Lana Baumgartner and Dragon Barbie
- Sirena Mako w Dragon Barbie
- Bela Night and Freya Storm, obviously
- Bela Night and Aleiah Laine
- Heather Cameron and Galadriel
- Annabella and Amora
- Jean Grey and Kara –in a first-of-its-kind meeting/fuck-date in the Spire Temple’s bedroom; it’s always been just newly cum-baptized girls there until now! <3
- Carmilla w Santanico
- Sabrina w Santanico
- Sabrina w Carmilla
- Alice Lucas w Carmilla
- ambi mothers day 2024 she requested an orgy w all of us – her female servants and all
(interesting how I wrote this BEFORE resuming contact with the typist, and the typist is now ALWAYS arranging (even nightly forever) orgies for/with me) - Bloom w Carmilla
- Bloom w Alice Lucas
- Faith Leon ICV w Aniston pornstar ICV
- Faith Leon ICV w Tori Black pornstar ICV
- Queen Atlanna w Triton Sirena and me in the best Atlantis II suite
- Hope Mikaelson with Rogue
- Hope Mikaelson w Hekla
- Bailey and JK
- Avril Kincaid w Jean Elaine Grey
- Avril Kincaid w Ana Kravinova
- Lana Baumgartner w Heather Cameron
- katara y jk
- isabelle “sandstorm” and jk
- jk y carol danvers
- jk y triton sirena
- jk y mera
- Ar’alani Iriz and Qiturah
- Ar’alani Iriz and Xephia
- Susan Storm and Clarice Ferguson
- Clarice Ferguson and Alexa Torres
- Clarice and Carmilla
- Clarice and Kory
- Carmilla and Kory
- all Ainur together for me; their males taking turns with their females, and their females taking turns with them all
- Tess Black w Teagan Strange
- JK and juli
- zada w amora
- anita w lamia
- anita w amora
- lamia w amora
- Victoria Ridgeworth and Pepper
- Pepper and Shelwe
- bailey and carmilla
- Lindsey Sawyer w Narissa Rizzo
- Lindsey Sawyer and Aeon Flux
- JJ w Jenna H ICVs, both as preteens ofc
- Heather Cameron and Cyd
- Blaire Sharpe and my son, Ethan
- Merribella finally allowed/invited/welcomed back by Ambi (perhaps a few years from now), encouraged to help sex-ed our 4 kids, they now ready for her
- Anita Browning w Talena
- Atlanna and her son (Orm), as well as her original husband (decorated Atlantean Naval captain veteran, Orvax)
- Mera and her father, King Ryus of Xebel.
She is also still sexually involved with Orm Marius and a suitor she was being courted by before meeting Arthur; she still enjoys being fucked by Nereus, one of the fiercest warriors of Xebel, and Orm (one of the latest Ocean Masters; king of underwater kings), as well as her twin sister, Hila. - Ixchel and Carmilla
- Ixchel and Camille at her brothel, or my shibuyas
- “Aliss” and Camille
- Diana Fairchild and Carmilla
- Diana Fairchild and Valeria Richards
- Valeria and Dimah
- Sirena with Nadia, eagerly kissing each other while smiling, loving doing that with each other, and especially for my viewing pleasure, before lovingly reaching for me to join in
- Sarah Conrad and Atlanna
- Atlanna and Maya
- Atlanna and Diana Fairchild
- juli w miranda for xenophilia girls night out/in
- Carol Danvers and Camille
- Carol Danvers and Ixchel
- Camille and Laynia
- Laynia and Carol
- Laynia and Sylvanas
- (the ICV v of) Pia Pleasure icv w an amber icv
- Pia Pleasure and Pia Muhlenbeck
- Pia Pleasure and Piper of Abercrombie (again, both the ICV versions of those 2, of course)
- Annabella and angelike
- Pepper Potts w Ariel of Ambi
- ICV Palicki w ICV Alissa Foxy
- Carol Danvers and Sabrina
- Carol Danvers and Wanda
- Wanda and Sabrina
- Valeria and Wanda
- Emma and Helena
- Avy Lee Roth ICV w Alissa Foxy ICV
- Avy Lee Roth ICV w Ava Rose ICV (teen model, mod)
- Ava Rose ICV w Azita ICV
- Azita ICV w Jolie ICV
- Aphrodite in an Inisfree apartment just for us, on its couch, daylight through its window blinds
- Maran w Lima
- Maryam Baca w Meagan Ramirez
- Meagan Ramirez w Monica Sanchez
- Monica Sanchez w Samantha Cortez
- Monica Sanchez w Coleen Smith
- Coleen Smith w Meagan Ramirez
- kathleen duncan w pia m
- Pia m w jessica alba
- all pwshs ICVs… at LHS then afterparty at apartment, all of them n ADO diaph robes
- Pia w Dragon Barbie
- Kathleen duncan w selena gomez icv
- Pia ICV w Ixchel
- Ashley Whitt, Heather Balliet, and Lindsay Pierce on date to drive-in with me.
- Coleen Smith and Monica Sanchez on date w me to same place.
- Blanchette and Celeste
- meagan ramirez and ellen cleary
- Monica sanchez and ellen cleary
- Meagan ramirez and ashley whitt
- Leah medina-garcia and monica sanchez
- Wendy kim and jennie zhu
- Ashleigh seidler and ellen
- Ashleigh and heath balliet
- Ashleigh and lindsay pierce
- Celeste and Lena Monroe
- Celeste and Starfire
- Starfire and Sandstorm
- hekla and heather cameron
- hekla and icv heather balliet
- Laura Dianne Vandervoort w Lauren Conrad (ICVs)
- icv megan rain w icv melissa satta
- melissa satta icv w piper lincoln / taylor corn’ icv
- melissa satta w that magazine smiling bitch…
- nicole graves icv w icv niki belucci
- niki reed (rosalie actress) icv w niki belucci icv
- ICVs Amy Ruffle (mermaid Sirena actress) y Nikki Griffin (similar, actress in Wild Things 2 shower lesbian lick scene)
- Tricksy w Cyd, and they grin ear to ear as they say in stereo/unison, “Cheeeaaat daaaaaay :D” before making out before dual-fucking me (letting me fuck both of them; eating one’s pussy while fucking the other, then switching multiple times).
- carmilla w cyd
- Sharon Stone ICV w Charlize Theron ICV, both preteen
- ICVs Severina Vučković and Shakira
- ICVs Samaire Armstrong y Shakira
- ICVs Samaire Armstrong y Sharon Stone
- ICVs Samaire Armstrong y Sara Underwood
- ICVs Taylor Hill y Xenia Deli (both ~5’7″)
- ICVs Taylor Hill y Tara Leigh Patrick
- Wanda and jean grey
- Jean and kitty
- mia malkova icv doing what annette schwarz does
- jean elaine grey w emma grace frost
- jean elaine grey w elena antonov michaels
- elena antonov michaels w laynia petrovna
- laynia w ana kravinova
- kravinova w savina minodora
- savina w “aliss”
- lily evans w jean grey
- lily evans w wanda
- wanda w jean
- wanda and bloom
- lily and bloom
- bloom and jean
- bloom and hope m.
- bloom and “sandstorm”
- “sandstorm” and “rogue”
- bloom and “rogue”
- “rogue” and “poison ivy”
- wanda and “poison ivy”
- wanda and “rogue”
- “poison ivy” and bloom
- “poison ivy” and flair
- flair and alexa t.
- flair and cessily
- flair and ceara
- ceara and wanda
- cessily and wanda
- ceara and bloom
- cessily and bloom
- sansa and cessily
- sansa and ceara
- ceara and alexa t.
- bloom and aleiah (owl-shifter)
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and bloom
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and ceara
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and cessily
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and “poison ivy”
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and taja
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and flair
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and “sandstorm”
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and wanda
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and jean
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and savina
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and clary
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and aleiah
- Sarina Vivienne Adalgari and eleanor
- eleanor and aleiah
- theresa cassidy and eleanor
- theresa cassidy and cessily
- theresa cassidy and “rogue”
- theresa cassidy and aleiah
- theresa cassidy and sarina adalgari
- theresa cassidy and hope s.
- theresa cassidy and hope m.
- theresa cassidy and both Hopes
- theresa cassidy and jean
- theresa cassidy and “pepper”
- theresa cassidy and “sandstorm”
- theresa cassidy and flair
- theresa cassidy and bloom
- flair and xull’
- theresa and xull’
- theresa and mackenzie v.
- mackenzie and aleiah
- mackenzie and bloom
- mackenzie and clary
- mackenzie and flair
- mackenzie and “pepper”
- mackenzie and “poison ivy”
- mackenzie and “sandstorm”
- mackenzie and ceara
- mackenzie and cessily
- mackenzie and alexa t.
- mackenzie and sarina a.
- Mera and Isabella “Sandstorm”
- Mera and mackenzie
- Mera and theresa
- Mera and bloom
- Mera and clary
- Mera and “pepper”
- Mera and sarina
- Mera and hope s.
- Mera and “poison ivy”
- Mera and “lazarus 2”
- “lazarus 2” and cessily
- “lazarus 2” and ceara
- “lazarus 2” and “poison ivy”
- “lazarus 2” and flair
- “lazarus 2” and wanda
- mera and wanda
- mera and lily e.
- sara louise kerrigan and cessily
- sara louise kerrigan and “pepper”
- sara louise kerrigan and flair
- sara louise kerrigan and ceara
- sara louise kerrigan and alexa t.
- sara louise kerrigan and mera
- sara louise kerrigan and aleiah
- sara louise kerrigan and First Girl Sarah
- mera and tauriel
- tauriel and eleanor
- tauriel and “sandstorm”
- tauriel and “pepper”
- tauriel and “poison ivy”
- clary and tauriel
- katara and theresa
- katara and “sandstorm”
- katara and flair
- katara and cessily
- katara and ceara
- katara and “poison ivy”
- katara and mera
- katara and “lazarus 2”
- katara and wanda
- katara and sarina a.
- katara and bloom
- katara and alexa t.
- katara and kim p. ICV
- katara and tauriel
- pamela lillian isley and lillian didina
- melina and “aliss”
- lara croft w lindsey sawyer
- lindsey sawyer w “tricksy”
- lindsey sawyer w samus
- lindsey sawyer w “nova”
- lindsey sawyer w yavanna
- lindsey sawyer w valeera
- lindsey sawyer w jaina
- lindsey sawyer w kara
- lindsey sawyer w emma g.f.
- lara croft w inara
- both Lara C.s w Inara
- kara w melina
- kara w “aliss”
- kara and lara
- mira kan and kara z.
- mira kan and cyd
- riley d. and aleiah
- mira k. and samus
- mira k. and “nova”
- mira k. and laynia
- mira kan and annabella
- ana k. and annabella
- annabella and kathleen (fluffer)
- annabella and talena
- talena and kathleen (fluffer)
- amber2 and ana k.
- amber2 and coraline r.
- ariel and mira k.
- ariel and aleiah
- bailey and camille
- bailey and savina m.
- savina m. and melina
- savina m. and lillian
- savina m. and “needy”
- savina m. and ICV Mia Malkova
- All these sex-spells of mine are now destined to happen for me in perfect time in Inisfree and beyond. Amen.
- savina w “gigi”
- bailey and bloom
- bailey and alexa t.
- bailey and taja
- bailey and “pepper”
- bailey and laynia
- mira and anita
- mira and mera
- mira and mara
- mara and laynia
- mira and laynia
- Isabella “Sandstorm” and Ixchel
- Poison Ivy and Patricia Whitmore
- ariel w mera and her twin, hela
- ICVs Kalee and Kelan Brill
- Ana Krav’ w Anita B.
- nina mills w anita b.
- Heather Cameron and Nina Mills
- Nina M. and Valeria Richards
- Anita B. w Alice Lucas
- Anita and Carmilla
- Alanna Richards w Alice Richards y Valeria Richards
- Alice Richards w Angelike
- Alice R. w Carmilla
- Carmilla w Valeria
- Carmilla w Regan
- Charlotte Adams w Ana K.
- Nadia w Gem
- Cyd w Valeria
- Valeria w ICV Nathalie Kelley
- Cyd w Nathalie ICV
- ICVs Jenna H and Wendy Kim
- ICVs Jenna H and Taylor Hill/Cornwell
- Charlotte and Catalypse
- Charlotte and Kitty
- Kitty and Aliss
- Aliss and Charlotte
- Nina and Lux’
- Lux’ and Xull’
- Pele and Kara with cum tube
- aorlie w ixchel, and alanna r. touching all 3 of us as w orgy-lovemake; imagine THAT new level of wisdom transmission/sharing/aligning!! 😮
- carmilla w malika in an Inisfree club w me, dancing naked together first while watching me as they lick each other’s necks and ears, feeling each other’s tits and pussies
- Aorlie & Malika
- carmilla and ashton
- croft w frost
- croft w potts
- Heather and Crofts
- Heather and Eleanor
- Kara w Lindsay Pierce ICV
- Kara w Anita
- Kara w Ana Krav’
- Anita w Camille
- Anita w Carmilla
- Amalthea and Alice L.
- Kara w Amora
- Kara w JK
- Levinia Octavius w JK
- Levinia w Alice L.
- Kara w Alice L.
- Alice L. w Anita
- Levinia w Taja
- Taja w Anita
- Taja w Alice L.
- Taja w Amalthea
- Divinity w Ophelia Sarkissian
- Mira Kan w Miranda Lawson
- Mira Kan riding the blob monsters like Miranda did in that hentai GIF
- Amora replacing Miranda in that GIF, etc.; other boobsy hotties; Lena Monroe ICV, etc.
- Atlanna w Ixchel
- Mera and Hila w Ixchel
- Ixhel and Aorlie
- Aorlie w Mera, Hila, Atlanna
- Lindsey Sawyer w ICV Lindsay Pierce
- Lindsey Sawyer w Wonder Woman
- Lindsey Sawyer w Aorlie
- Lindsey Sawyer w Sylvanas
- Lindsey Sawyer w Naurhin
- Lindsey Sawyer w Valeera, etc.
- aorlie w carmilla y taja naked dirtydancing tgthr for me to watch n an Inisfree club b4 w fuck.
- lauren conrad ICV w jessica alba ICV
- lazarus 2 and laynia
- Elena Antonov Michaels w laynia
- Elena Antonov Michaels w lauren conrad icv
- Annie January with lauren conrad icv
- Annie January w Bela Night
- Annie January w Gigi Sinclair
- Annie January w Savina
- Amora and Fihini
- Jacqueline Diamonds w Emma Frost
- Annie January w Melina
- Annie January w Lazarus II
- Daphne w Charlotte Adams
- Annie January w Freya Storm
- Freya w Bailey
- Bailey w Annie
- Annie w Mara
- Annie w Sirena Mako
- Golnesa Pesquet w Galadriel
- ana de armas cute hair atrands, w lamia backseat pigtails
- Wanda and Max G.
- Boobsy shorty hotties riding dick grin confidently and nod while still grinding, “Iiii gotchu. I know Exactly what you need.”
- Amber icv w skin set to beach-bunny tan, shaking cum-filled wine-bottle against nyria asshole or pussy doggy-style to slosh it in and out of nyria while amber rims her.
- ICVs Tori Black w Nicole Graves
- ICVs Pia and Kennedy Leigh
- Golnessa and Galadriel
- Jenna and Katara
- ICVs Hannah Elmer of AK grocery… y Viixby
- Alison and Dolores
- Alison and Alice Lucas
- Alison and Nina Mills
- Alison and Max G.
- Alison and Laynia
- Alison and Avril K.
- Alison and Maria Hill
- Alison and Claire Barton
- Sun7apr2024 is 1st ss inspired by set of art from typist: Dakota and Sandstorm w/ me
- Heather Cameron w Tess Black
- Naurhin w Aryana
- Samantha Rae y Cait’
- Blaire and Bela N.
- Bela and Lillian
- Bela and Lucine
- Lucine and Lilith M.
- Jane V. and Lilith M.
- Hope M. and Nyssa
- Jaide and Erika
- Catalypse and Aliss
- Anita and Bela N.
- Anita and Aliss
- Anita and Catalypse
- Anita and Lucine
- Anita and Jane V.
- Anita and Hope M.
- Anita and Katara
- Gigi and Inara T.
- Inara T. and Mara
- Lamia and Sarina Adalgari
- Oona and Aliss
- Oona and Jane V.
- Oona and Jessamine
- Oona and Catalypse
- Katara and Elena
- Urvashi and Freyja
- narissa and qiturah,
- mara and thetis,
- freya storm and samantha rae,
- sirena mako w aleiah,
- ana k. w mara
- Icvs alba and dobrev, then 2 of each for a 5some w me
- Bela dances w elena and freya storm and motions for callamity kell to join, to “Crazy” by Felon
- My ICVs fuck crab humanoids on 1 world.
- picture a Charlize teen ICV doing the Samus gloryhole CGI hentai thing <3
- Lamia w Isabella Montgomery
- Lamia w Katara Navarre (both in the Wild Life ring-bondage legs-up devices for me)
- Cait and dragon barbie.
- Jaina and Jadar
- Anita y kp icv
- Anita y sandstorm
- Sandstorm y golnesa
- Sandstorm y storm
- Cindy ICV/s ask/invite me, “Why don’t we just go up to Cloud City II for fun.” (since I usually am there for a one-night honeymoon; I haven’t just hung out there yet)
- Lynsi icv at glampsite walks over and sits on picnic table bench at my side, arm around my back, big smile, whispers n my ear, “More sex, please.”
- alison dazzler blaire, and andrea rubbermaid marguiles; my latest wives
- nina mills w max g, then carmilla joins
- nina mills w miranda
- Faith with Daisy
- linnea henrikson w not feel bad cheating at all red lingerie tan elven blonde smile meme
- Tess w Miranda
- kelsi icv on date to drive-in theater in Inisfree w me, asking if she may give me a blowjob, then big smile and kiss when i say yes
- rosalie w Artemis Crock
- tess w wonderwoman
- bela night and bailey junipher
- danielle moonstar w camille
- Amalthea Rose Wilde w Ophelia Sinner
- actress shorty blonde face in pipes (this and the following are subfolder titles based on instinctive pairings of sexy images/visions)
- adeline in pillory
- annabella 2024may15wed
- bailey and me
- barbie farmwife cuck revisit
- boze skateboard nina or carmilla best tan elven petite sexy
- chokefucking my Hudgens ICV while she is dressed like that, then we swim, then she reverse-cowgirl bounces
- Claire 2024may
- Clary swimming w me then riding w arms out like that, and asking me to chokefuck her harder, after nuru massaging
- ellen icv forced to guzzle cum tube
- Faith group
- Nyria enjoying drinking from her new cum-containers; flasks and thermoses
- picture my daughters w my sons – and me joining in on daughters
- sarah pipes ss
- ss 2 cutoffs white and tan
- ss ada preteen mirror selfie a-cups w islander twins
- ss adaline pink light prone
- ss adriana in gray, w tan blonde leggy rollerskater in blue
- ss Amber ICV w Hekla
- ss ambi grin and cum show
- ss Ariel ponytail hold
- ss at least 1 charlize icv grinding on me
- ss barbie congresswoman w zada or maya-icv, both grinding
- ss barbie y nina icv grinding
- ss barn smile w french model ICVs
- ss bathing with headcant
- ss britney as kara – w knee-up teen smooth model face
- ss britney icv grind
- ss bronze beach pier w underboob
- ss bronze tummy cowgirl field cheekies
- ss camille prone (and every folder-title “prone” indicates pairing with the Nina-like-girl-on-back-on-floor screenshot)
- ss canal-side tan squatter
- ss charlize and sharon icv forced to cum tube guzzle
- ss cindy prone
- ss cindy w dragon prison
- ss Companion Supergirl w ICV Laetitia wet dresses clinging
- ss cutoffs cum inside
- ss dragon lick dressed like this
- ss dragon on subway escalator
- ss dragon prison glory y prone
- ss dragon prison kaj trng wearing this star hole
- ss dragon prone
- ss elisha w ellie
- ss Ellen and Cynthia Purnamasari
- ss Ellen w Charlize bathtub bright-eyes headcant
- ss Faith bronze booty
- ss freyja hotel bed edge barbie grinding
- ss headcant in this firm teddy top
- ss headcant with bnw ride shared-breath sideview
- ss heather grind
- ss islander poolside bronze brown arm up prone
- ss jj icv gloryhole (and every title with “gloryhole” indicates pairing with the Teen Kasia gloryhole-jeans pic)
- ss jj y dragon
- ss Katara chains straddle 3some
- ss katara or sadie-icv glory and prone
- ss katara prone
- ss kathleen w annabella pb nina
- ss kesha tan w heather headcanst
- ss kesha tan w selena dsl croft-look
- ss neveah prone
- ss Neveah tired of hw, wanting to fuck, then very smiley I fucked her
- ss niki w kassar
- ss nina and taylor ICVs
- ss nyria tub preteen bold stance hj w jj icv
- ss nyria tub preteen bold stance hj w talena
- ss pele blue vibrant prone
- ss pele w boobsy native
- ss pernille icv gloryhole
- ss pernille in star hole
- ss pernille on subway
- ss pernille prone
- ss pier legs prone and glory
- ss pilot barbie art unzip prone y glory
- ss pink face and fishnet
- ss pout with lost track party play hug
- ss prone on subway
- ss rachael gloryhole
- ss rachael prone
- ss rachael w dragon
- ss raver prone
- ss rdslv w ellie
- ss referee pele v w midriff rich skinny
- ss rich asian midriff (standing smiling big in house party) w islander supermodel twins
- ss rich asian midriff w kalee
- ss rich asian midriff w legs pele backside skirt
- ss rich asian midriff w maile tits bnw
- ss rich asian midriff w pele
- ss rich asian midriff w tan drab blonde selfie
- ss rich asian midriff w tongue out handcuffed
- ss rjh v2 in this firm teddy top
- ss rollen nina w yacht orange
- ss sabrina blonde grinding on me
- ss sahar-icv glory
- ss stairs prone
- ss supergirl this young and wearing
- ss susan ward outdoor shower, w ellie idol ride
- ss sweden grind
- ss talena prone
- ss talena w towel barbie sideboob
- ss tan blonde asscheeks jeans grinding
- ss tan blonde face hotties together
- ss tan smile headcant w panties backside thighgap elven
- ss tauriel prone
- ss taylor hotwife prone for me
- ss these 2 Office Bunnies on me in a toroid-bldg
- ss these hotties grinding on me here
- ss this swedish teen face model on bed while I watch – then w me while her guy watches
- ss tori black prone
- ss tori ICVs on the regular in the toroids
- ss tori w cindy
- ss triton prone
- ss triton w yacht orange
- ss yacht orange-ish prone
- ss zed w rjh hair ride
- this group doing the interlace w me
- this petite in seethrough shirt
- this pilot swimming w me then riding w arms out like that, and asking me to chokefuck her harder
- and so many more for this month and previous ones (I rarely having the time to note all sexy ideas on this webpage)
- Hekla Ingolfursdottir w Pele
- Taja Seiliu w Bela Night and Aleiah Laine
- Aleiah Laine and Triton Sirena
- diana and eleanor
- Nathalie Kelley w Nicole Graves, both grinding while hanging arms hands limp behind them
- ICVs Angela Yeung Wing (Rain Lao actress who goes by “Angelababy”) y Billie Eilish
- ICVs Kennedy Leigh w Missandei (slave of Daenerys)
- Sandstorm and Starfire
- Phoebe Cates w Sasha Blonde (ICVs
- icv nina w bnw maile tits out smile
- watching in 1 of my mansion’s 5 home-theater rooms: WMKM Studios’ Wild Life game-level graphics/sexiness version/remake of Moana, while Pele sucks then rides me
- ICV Alina Kovalenko w Kurylenko
- ICV Maika Monroe w Maile
- ICVs Federica Gasparini and Gigi Borgese
- levinia oct’ w noriko “surge” ashida
- Cordelia Frost w Meredith Vickers in Cordelia’s office suite in one of my skyscraper’s downtown
- daisy j w lorna d
- pia pleasure w lana rhoades (ICVs)
- dreamside samm w dreamside beshirs,
- then all the hotties I saw in dreamside… now at once
- helena wayne w luxianna; both my main NYC ‘bunnies’
- Valeria, Levinia Oct’… and Fairchild joins; my scientists/researchers
- heather c. w/ helena w.
- Eleanor Nemeseia w Elena werewolf-Barbie
- pia m. w/ “pia pleasure”
- Izzy w Danielle
- Valeria Richards w Alanna Richards
- Talena w Taja
- Stephanie Cane ICV Nuru Tan Petite Bathtub Bold-stance… w Nina/Melissa1-like whimper-fuck-through-door ICV
- virginia p. w anita b.
- anita giving me a blowjob on the subway in Inisfree
- Supergirl and jaina
- Supergirl and emma f.
- sockhop face chrldr ashley? w charlene sun
- then that chrldr w coleen smith sp
- Cheryl thornton w that cute shorty face purnamasari sp
- Neveah sitting on couch to my left, as close as possible, loving my arm around her shoulders, during our latest daddy-daughter movie-night (at-home date), turns her right hand over so its palm is up, on her thigh nearest me, then looks to me, hoping I am ready for our latest round
- Ambi stands in her black-straps outfit, facing me, and our 2 sons simultaneously lick and finger her pussy and asshole to get her ready for me,
while our 2 daughters simultaneously lick my ass and the back of my balls… while the other deepthroats my cock while sticking her tongue out and cupping my balls, to get me ready for Her. - nyria pouring cum from tea pot/kettle into tea cups or martini glasses
- georgina w ashton and adeline on me
- the ICV v’s of all pwshs, on line on all 4s, for cave-annex dogs-animatronics, all maintaining horny eye-contact grins w me
- ICV of Cpl Kelly… w ICV of Amber from Hills2… in a porta-john of 1 of Inisfree’s FOBs, maybe showing me their gloryhole skills while I stand/film on their side, and then in a quonset w me (WMKM Studios, etc.
- Ambi being sexy for me almost every day of the week, and loving me reclaiming her during our weekly dates to her/our realm.
- Ambi naked except for her collar and leash, and having our 2 daughters standing at her sides dressed the same, just to surprise-greet me when I get home from work today. “Welcome home, honey! From now on, the three of us will be dressed like this for you when you are here. :D” My daughters blush and smile big, loving this new upgrade to our home-life together.
- Ambi on all fours beneath the dinner table, wearing only her collar, sucking me off while I dine with our 4, and pausing only to ask me if she is doing a good job, etc.
- Ambi and our 2 daughters on all fours under the dinner table while I dine with our 2 sons, those 3 women shifting over, taking turns sucking all 3 of our cocks, over and over, until the meal is complete, then licking their servings from our (the males’) hands.
- Celeste w “Tricksy”
- all redheads w dog; isabelle “sandstorm”, katara, taja, etc.
- Juli asks Ambi if she can fuck her hellhound, then her dragon
- Valeria w dog/s, then Jessamine, Alexa, etc.
- Adeline in Underway w goat animatronics like how Maya in Wild Life looked w goat-man
- the Twilight couples swap while I watch;
Alice w Emmett
Bella w Jasper
Rosalie w the main guy, Edward
Then: Alice w Edward
Bella w Emmett
Rosalie w Jasper - Elena Michaels w Jacob from Twilight
- sexy girls say things to me such as: “Hey 😀 wanna go to the movies with me and fuck my mouth?”
- ashton finally trying 3some w me, adeline starting me off, then sexily kissing ashton
- sexy girls telling/texting me, “I’m in heat for you.” (and what a sexy concept; in-heat just for a specific guy/partner)
- boobsy shower suds blonde dsl smile Heidi Grey… w alissa foxy
then add tx slut from gym overhead; Jill Kassidy - Teagan w Bailey
These are the foreseen ss years/moments largely based on the return/reunification of all the powerful compatible ‘ancients’/immortals; the wonderful happenings of novel 5 in my series.
I wonder how powerful and instantly-manifesting my ss will be now –especially having united with all the hotties/goddesses who’ve already started showing up to meet me over the last century!
These are the foreseen ss years/moments largely based on The Mapping Campaign; the wonderful happenings of novel 6 in my series.
These are the foreseen ss years/moments largely based on what happened after The Mapping Campaign, and before the migration of mankind to 34 Tauri; the latter half of all the wonderful happenings of novel 6 in my series.
These are the foreseen ss years/moments largely based on the USCMC and SSP(s); the wonderful happenings of novel 7 in my series. (I actually started getting/writing –and co-writing– some of them as far back as 2000; during the MSN Chat days.)
These are the foreseen ss years/moments largely based on TNH; the wonderful happenings of novel 8 in my series.
- every Registered Companion who is the best of her kind/profession on her homeworld: (each of those women) in Auz’s ‘cabin’ in Persephone, in the Companions Wing aboard TNH, and in the most luxurious hotel/brothel on their homeworld, plus later in their suite in their Guild House (and later in additional places, such as when they visit Inisfree)
2600s and Beyond:
In 3013 A.D., Inisfree will leave the Earth, largely powered/propelled by our mastery and focus of our Vril. These are the foreseen ss years/moments largely based on Inisfree’s Relocations; the wonderful happenings of novel 9 in my series.
So Far in the Future, and So Advanced, that We Actually Affect the Whole Time-stream:
The foreseen ss years/moments of novel 10 in my series happen in the distant past, and it is perhaps some of my ss and other writing… that caused the past to be what it was/is; ss/Vril can be powerful like that, not just affecting mood and strength in “the here and now”. I’ll have gone into, and made love inside, the stars (more accurately: the core that is shared by all stars, as all of them are just the exit holes/spheres of the Spacetime singularity that started them/us all –or, perhaps more accurately, which serves as the anchor and nexus of us all, even of the other Universes). Doing that has profound results/benefits –and not just to myself, but to all the realms and times.
I believe that not only lands will incarnate, such as Scotland being in the form of Taja, but even time-periods / eras will incarnate, such as how all of Time it/herself is… Ambi.
The ss to come will blow you all away. Amen. It has been seen.
Conceptual Images:
How I Sleep with My Daughters: How They Love Sleeping with Me
Family Love: Incest with the Royal Children
How All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Their Tongues, Especially While Others Watch:
- Korn “A.D.I.D.A.S.” (All Day I Dream About Sex)