Inisfree is the result of years of innovations, and from it come countless more.


Table of Contents:

  1. Preface
  2. Vocabulary
  3. New Methods
  4. New Ideas
  5. Another Innovative Thought on Time
  6. Innovative Color-scheme
  7. Inisfreean Technology Reverses the Barrier Trend
  8. Inisfree’s Big-picture History/Timeline of Innovative Technology Developments
  9. Regarding the Theory of the Seven Characteristics of Life
  10. 2022 Update:  New Scales
  11. 2022 Update:  Further Realizations to Be Applied
  12. 2023/+ Updates
  13. Various Examples (Images)



While our Science & Technology webpage lists all the “ologies” we help people master and add to, those are more like continuations than innovations.  This webpage here instead is focused on the new ways we have decided to apply those sciences and technologies.



adjective: innovative
  1. (of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and original.
    “innovative designs”
    • (of a person) introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.
      “an innovative thinker”
      synonyms: originalnewnovelfreshunusualunprecedentedavant-gardeexperimentalinventiveingeniouscreative; 

      advancedmodernstate-of-the-art, pioneeringgroundbreakingrevolutionaryradicalnewfangled
      “his design was considered the most innovative of the season”

As stated on our Science & Technology webpage, “our technology solutions are always innovative because they are only fielded when they are relevant”; the moment we have a new and advanced method, or a new and creative thought process augmentation, we test and field it.  We develop our technologies in Inisfree based on the following innovative methods and ideas:

​New Methods:

  • Getting/Free Energy:  Instead of using combustion (coal, gas, oil, etc.), we harness only renewable energy from infinite sources; we harness, convert, and store the power of auras (bioelectric), auroras (ionic), body-heat (biothermal), lightning (electrical), sunlight (solar), tectonic friction (geothermal and seismic/piezoelectric), water/waves (hydroelectric), and wind.
  • Using Excess Energy:  Instead of using energy to keep our computers and other heat-generating creations cool, we use that heat in our HVAC systems; recycled (instead of combated) computer heat.
  • New & Longer Power:  Instead of burying nuclear waste and other byproducts, we use their radioactivity until it is depleted, converting these materials into nonradioactive ones; converting dangerous byproducts into batteries.
  • Gentle Permeating/Resonating Construction/Updates:  Instead of resorting to digging up pipes, knocking out walls, replacing cables and other wiring, and using demolitions, we use acoustics and harmonics, as well as nanobots and other methods, to change our buildings’ structures and furnishings much more like a living organism heals itself, not even needing to shed or otherwise process out dead or otherwise obsolete cells/parts (and this noninvasive, inorganic ‘healing’ method allows us to modify even our Inisfreean (and interested guest) bodies without need of plastic surgery, gene therapy, or prosthetics, which is why Inisfreeans have their physiques fine-tuned AFTER they are ‘born’ (‘sung into existence’; 3D-printed by sounds passing through slush-matter tanks of merging subatomic particles), rather than by exercise over years, and sometimes they don’t even need That; no fine-tuning at all).
  • Next-gen’ Mobile-home/s:  Instead of constantly rebuilding cityscapes in the wake of seasonal natural disasters, we built our city to both withstand all known forms of natural disasters, as well as to be mobile; the next-gen’ of mobile homes and cargo aircraft.
  • Manually/Consciously Evolving Beyond DNA:  By creating a smaller, more complex version of DNA (details here), we have made cells and other creations vastly more resilient to temperature, pressure, shock, radiation, viruses, and even molecular acid, which is why Inisfreeans mature for several years without aging like most other Earth lifeforms do, and why they are strong enough to withstand even supernovae, with exposure to the vacuum of Space, and the crushing depths of the oceans and gas giants, being entirely negligible and even comfortable to them; vastly improved cellular structural integrity (inspired by Waterbears; Tardigrades).
  • Printing Everything; Total Efficiency/Precision:  Instead of just 3D-printing tools, weapons, vehicles, buildings, and other 3D-printers, we have refined this technology to be able to 3D-print foods and drinks (the precursor to the Materializer of Star Trek) and living organisms (the next-gen’ of skin-grafting and cloning replacement organs), and have even taken it a step or generation further than that; we have refined acoustics and harmonics to the level at which we can use sounds to move objects of any size (from mountains to molecules) into new configurations (colloquially called ‘singing or speaking them into existence’, rather than 3D-printing, growing, or building them the old-fashioned way).
  • Shingles/Rooftops Fusion:  People had been damaging their roof by attaching solar panels through their shingles, so we worked with Elon’s idea/product of just making the shingles solar-panels themselves.
  • Removing Eyesores:  Countless streets and highways were blocking therapeutic scenic views each time they used/included streetlights and stop-signs, so we built those alerting/signaling lights into our highway and streets themselves.  Now, no one driving in our city has to deal with primitive eyesores blocking beautiful sunsets or forest-canopy views (or stunning architectural feats that make us feel so accomplished and proud), and none of our working residents ever have to deal with trying to see the color of a stoplight when the Sun has moved into alignment near/behind it.
  • Travel Without Traveling:  We have adopted multiple Repulsine variants as our standard/stock propulsion method; instead of propelling ourselves or a vehicle to the intended destination/s, we now know how to, more or less, bring the destination to us.  In other words, we affect space so that we appear where we want to, technically… not having moved at all (or, at least, not having ever accelerated).  In the famous and brilliant words from Star Trek, “Imagine that!  It never occurred to me to think of Space as the thing that was moving.”

Biggest innovative method:  building only 1 building to make an entire city; Inisfree is a single building; –because all its surface-structures are ‘grown’ and left attached like roots.


New Ideas:

  • Godhood:  No one can ‘play god’ because there is no god and are no gods, at least not how modern humans think of them.  Also, what is wrong with learning how to wield the elements and choose how some life develops?  Why not just accept that all things affect things around them, and are all descendants of a deity-level ancestor when one looks far-enough back in the “family trees”, and that “playing god” is a very relative/subjective matter/notion?  At some point, …we all end up doing something that others would consider to be “playing god”.
  • Universal Relativity:  Ethics and morality are as relative, subjective, and transitional as anything else; all beings tend to justify/validate whatever is working for them on an individual level, and all nations and institutions do the same.
  • Mortality of Law/s:  Most things which are risqué or even felonious today will be the status quo and even preferred tomorrow, such as dancing, swimsuits, traveling more quickly than 15 MPH, the ‘hook-up culture’, civilians owning computers, nuclear power, etc..
  • Balancing All:  Tai Chi and Feng Shui can and should be applied to computers, programs, systems, and much more.  We applied them to every home and other building in our entire city, as well as our streets and highways.
  • Bypassing Anything:  The speed of light and all things can be circumvented –and even willed to change, at least at times.
  • Subatomic Transmutation:  Alchemy and all forms of transmutation are possible now that we understand both subatomic particles and how to arrange them into the ratios of all atoms; I.O.W., anything can be turned into anything, not just base metals into gold.  Once/originally dubbed “subatomic transmutation”, we now realize we don’t need to take things to that level/complexity at all; we can will them to change, further simplifying and confirming this process.
  • The Reality of Mythologicals:  All creatures and deities assumed to be mythological are, with the biodiversity we have confirmed, not only possible but probable, …perhaps hunted or polluted into hiding, extinction, or mutation (evolution) to the point of being unrecognizable (so far) today, with all deities probably just being people, human or otherwise, with abilities and/or technologies too advanced to be accurately interpreted and documented by the people whose records we have inherited or found and interpreted through the lens of our recent connotations and assumptions.
  • Everything is Alive:  All things have the seven characteristics of life; 1) excretion (things erode/corrode/fall off of everything), 2) growth (all things grow in one sense or another –and even the way things grow, collectively, is growing/evolving), 3) movement, 4) nutrition (everything takes something in order to make something else), 5) reproduction (even crystals and rocks grow and divide in their own way), 6) respiration (gas moves in and out from everything), 7) sensitivity (everything can sense and be affected by various things).*
  • 3D Time:  Time is three-dimensional just like space is, and can be manipulated in many of the ways we manipulate tangible objects, such as to extract minerals and create building blocks for our structures; I.O.W., we can modify and create time-streams just as our corps of engineers can modify and create rivers, skyscrapers, and many other things.
  • Not All Slavery is Bad:  Some creatures, including some humans, are hard-wired (have it in their undeniable natures) to want to be servants or slaves; submissives, while others crave and need just as much to be leaders at one level or another, and some prefer and even need to be in teams instead of pairs; IOW, there is no ‘one’ or ‘right’ way for everyone, just as we have confirmed there is not just one way of leading, one way of communicating, one way of moving, one way of writing, one way of singing, one way of dancing, one way of creating art, or one personality type, etc..
  • With Enough Practice, Wonders Can Become Safe:  Just as humanity once thought traveling more quickly than 15 MPH was fatal, and just as humanity once thought flight and harnessing electricity, let alone nuclear power, was impossible, we have found that traveling at warp-speeds, and through the event horizons of black- and worm-holes, is possible without sacrificing safety.
  • Cycles of Space/Creation:  Entropy is actually just part of a larger, indefinite cycle, and, like all things, can be treated, adjusted, and circumvented, such as by the science of helioforming; terraforming for the stars.  Entropy does/can not last forever.  Entropy can also be manifested and un-manifested.
  • Colors Have Powers/Effects:  Chromotherapy has more to it than meets the eye.  (Do you see what we did there?)  See one of the following sections of this webpage for further details about this innovative concept.
  • Governments/Force Replaced by Volunteering:  Human governments/laws/force wasn’t/weren’t successful/working, and we noticed that independent communities based not on contracts or laws, but volunteering natural talents and spare time, were working perfectly, so we adopted that, even to the point of inventing our own form of Congress –and having more than one Congress each year.
  • Removing Legal Restrictions/Barriers:  Humans made-up illogical and unethical laws to justify their segregation and separation of people and realms destined to unite and share love together, so we voided all human laws instead of wasting time trying to reason with the lowly species that had come up with and allowed (and violently stood for) that heartless system.  Because of this heroism of ours, we succeeded in finally and permanently uniting all the people and realms that were always meant to be and stay together.  The synergy from this/us has made us the most powerful force/law of all; we stabilize and complement each other in ways beyond imagining for most humans.
  • Accepting Climate-change:  We embraced the fact that the Earth changes, and that Antarctica is thawing, seeing it as normal and good, and learning how to enjoy increases in our energy and standard of living, directly due to and thanks to it.
  • Ocular Mimicry:  One of our favorite forms of chromotherapy comes from the way we designed and operate Inisfreean eyes; they change colors, sometimes to communicate, and other times just to match the eyes of those they are lovingly speaking with.  (Inisfreeans also do a version of this with their hair –though it does not glow like their eyes can, and another version of it with their skin tone/s.)
  • Extrapolating from D.C.’s Layout:  Washington D.C., capital city of one of the nations that is no more, had its most important streets arranged in the form of a pentacle; a five-pointed star, just like the kind used in acupuncture, showing the path that the basic/major elements/components of life/reality take.  What we did was apply this to our own capital/downtown area, and in an even more-apparent and powerfully-stabilizing/balancing/healing/attractive way.
  • Evolving the Supercomputer:  We studied how the best supercomputers function, and took the next logical step/s.  The result is what was originally called “The Grid Mind”, its name now being… “Djinnifer” (a “tip of the hat” to the elements-wielding and canyons-shaping Djinn/genies).
  • Everything Aligned:  We noticed that every stories’ timeline curiously lined up… just like our childhood short-stories did, naturally forming the skeleton/outline of novels; a saga of all sagas.  This was not a coincidence, so we drew up a detailed chart image to explain.  The result is our Omni-timeline, which became part of the inspiration and basis for our Omni-calendar.  In short, we recognized how everything connects in some ways, and what that means; the trajectory for what is to come.
  • Honoring Femininity via Our Uniforms:  Humans, very bizarrely and unhealthily, tried to make males and females look alike, starting with how they were clothed/concealed, and then via destructive brainwashing that shamed both sexes, causing unbelievable amounts of stress, confusion, and collapse.  Obviously, we were going to do the opposite.  All girls and women in our realm are uplifted, their female shapes/bodies and mindsets encouraged, accented, kept proudly on display, ensuring we have that flawlessly-powerful un-watered-down sexiness that causes, drives, and steers Vril, the most powerful and complete form of Chi/motivation.  Everything we do and did… stems from this.
  • Mining is Obsolete –and Counterproductive –and May Have Been a Trap/Trick:  There is no need to extract silicon from silica/sand, or quartz or gold from stone; extracting, purifying, and changing… is just to patent so you can profit (in the modern Outlands humans’ capitalist system).  Without need of making money, there is no need to patent.  Without need to patent, there is no need to extract or change.  Silicon, quartz, and gold still work when in stones, maybe better.  Also, extracting them might damage or erase the information they contain when left in those stones, and all stones with them, plus gemstones and others, might contain priceless records of the ancient times, so we might consider all mines, ore, and such rocks to be valuable evidence no longer to be tampered with.  We might ban mining… in order to preserve what is left of those records, no longer allowing mining and refining to fragment or erase them.  …The gold ‘vein’s and other valuable minerals/elements in the Earth and other worlds… may be what is naturally left behind and petrified/concentrated/congealed… from that which the ancient giant trees (World Trees) once naturally tapped into and moved through themselves.  Gold and other such elements may be called/considered mana (food/sustenance from/of Heaven)… because it contained endless amounts of data/knowledge/curiosities/memories.


Another Innovative Thought on Time:

* It has also been discovered that, like how certain materials are stronger than others, and can reinforce others, and can be made into various locks, even time-streams can be reinforced and locked, or made to reinforce or lock others.  Also like certain things humans are used to thinking about, there are aspects of time and the time-streams which are longer-lasting/lived than others, ​​and the Inisfreeans not only access and lock time-streams as easily as humans access and lock the gates and doors to their own homes, but also adjust which time-streams and other time aspects last the longest.


Innovative Approach to the Psychological and Subliminal Aspects of Interior and Aesthetic Design; Inisfree’s Colors are Carefully Selected:

Like how we applied Feng Shui to everything in our city/realm, we also applied chromotherapy.  It started with trusting our instincts when decorating and landscaping.  Since then, and during that process, we also learned a lot more about each color, and why they resonated well with us under different/certain conditions/combinations.

We often decorate with our favorite colors;

  • Black at night, so as not to distract from the beautiful blackness of the sky.
  • Lavender or salmon as silk or satin dress colors on good female-hourglass figures.
  • Midnight blue for satin bed sheets.
  • Light cerulean or aquamarine for Caribbean-like bodies of water during the day, then dark turquoise or cornflower blue for them in the evenings.
  • Polished electrum for silverware (though that would make it electrum-ware, as it is not silver).
  • Ruby for a three-piece suit’s necktie for certain meetings, such as speeches to convince people of the strength of a position.
  • Crimson for the King’s cape.
  • Forest green or dark green for the deep woodland foliage.
  • Olive Drab 4 or Dark Olive Green 4 for military utility uniform clothing articles.
  • Lemon chiffon or corn-silk for beach sand.
  • Eggplant for the velvet lining of breakfront drawers.
  • Tiger for jack-o-lanterns.

We also know of the psychological triggers each color has;

  • Blue has a calming effect, reminding us of clear skies (pleasant weather and high visibility, thus little to no fear of the unknown) and calm bodies of water (no threat of flooding or drowning), and is worn for tributes and peaceful meetings. Blue colored writing is often easier to remember.
  • Red has a stirring effect, reminding us of blood and volcanic eruptions, and is worn to send messages of strength or aggression and dominance. Red colored writing is good for getting the reader’s attention. This stirring effect also translates to arousal and hunger, as it gets the blood pumping, anticipating passionate lovemaking or passionate war-fighting, thus also getting the metabolism up, thus returning a person’s appetite sooner and more often. Tints of red, such as blush or pink, are considered softer; more approachable and aphrodisiacal, well applied in bedrooms or other romantic settings. Shades of red, such as currant, garnet, wine, merlot, and mahogany, are considered harder or stronger; more commanding yet, like brown and other earth tones, calming. Students who see red before a test tend to do more poorly, but troops who see red before or during nighttime operations have improved night vision, and troops who see red during battle more easily disregard wounds, thus making them more likely to stay positive and become victorious.
  • Earth tones (some of the neutral colors), such as brown and tan, reminding us of neutral, often soft terrain; dirt or mud and sand, are calming because they trigger our ancient/cellular/genetic memories of being near fertile soil, where plenty of non-violent food sources (i.e. plants instead of animals which defend themselves) come from, and beaches where great water sources and easier transportation and trading has occurred for untold generations.
  • Gray reminds us of fog and mist, and the fog of war; the great unknown, and things that are hidden from us. Auras appearing gray are indicative of the person hiding something, though this may be wise on their part, as not all knowledge is for everyone.
  • Orange suggests loyalty, and is frequently used in marketing to persuade consumers to select certain products. Orange is also the warmest color, as red and yellow are border colors with the cool colors.
  • Green triggers arousal, like an aphrodisiac, but is so common in most lush parts of the world that its effects are diminished. To enjoy its strongest effect, use it where it is dark, deep, and vibrant, contrasted with all other colors; places where little or no other green is present. Green also makes us think of health and new beginnings, as the areas of our homeworld with the most life and plants producing natural medicines and remedies are predominantly green. Green is used on many forms of currency to encourage people to use and trade it, as it, for all those reasons, also makes us think of growth; green things remind us of how plants spread and grow up tall and useful, coming out of the ground as if succeeding from obscurity or nothing.
  • Black, technically, is all the colors (visible to the human eye) rolled into one, at least when it comes to things in the lower vibrations; matter (gases, vapors, liquids, fluids, or solids) as opposed to energy. When things are in the higher vibrations; energetic enough to be energy (such as plasma; ionized particles, fire, and electricity), black is the absence of all color; all colors being absorbed. Black is like brown in that it reminds us, on an instinctive level, of the most fertile soil (therefore the most productive in terms of crops and food) of all, such as Terra Preta.
  • White often makes us think of purity or blank, clean slates. Second to purple, white also suggests royalty, as it takes a lot of work to make more things white in this world; almost everything is of other colors, even bread being naturally tan or brown, not white without chemical additives such as bleach.
  • Purple is the color of royalty, as purple dyes were the most difficult, thereby the most expensive, to acquire in any significant quantities. Thus purple, more than black or white, invokes feelings of being wealthy or in the presence of great wealth, therefore also great power and, if on good terms with the owner of whatever is purple, great protection. This means that purple can make people feel safe and stable, having all they should need and more.
  • Yellow often suggests being energetic, like the Sun, or people when they are happy, but whenever there is more yellow than just that one circle high in the sky we have grown accustomed to since time immemorial, it can easily be overwhelming, even gross.
  • Warm colors (red, orange, and yellow) often evoke feelings of happiness, optimism, and energy. Warm colors are used in places where administrators wish people to move more quickly, sometimes hurrying, such as restaurants desiring higher turnover so people don’t hold up tables chatting instead of purchasing more food or drinks. However, yellow and orange can also slightly irritate the eyes, our cellular memories reminding us in this way not to look at bright fires, such as the Sun, which can damage us.
  • Cool colors (green, blue, and purple) are usually calming and soothing but can also express sadness, a byproduct of being too calm or sedentary for too long, which lowers one’s momentum and energy production.
  • Cool and neutral colors, especially blue and earth tones, are used in hospitals and clinics to decrease pain.
  • Silver is part neutral (gray) and part white, glittering or sparkling in certain light, making us feel shielded by mystique (a fascinating aura of mystery, awe, power, and secrecy, making it impressive or baffling to those without specialized knowledge), as well as stable through wealthy neutrality, like the bedrock which is often of comparable color.
  • Gold is part neutral (brown to tan) and part yellow, glittering or sparkling in certain light, thus it makes us feel happy, as well as wealthy in both fertile soil and luxuries.
  • Electrum, in appearance, is equal parts silver and gold, thus it makes us feel happy, though not as intensely, shielded by mystique, thought not as completely, and wealthy, as well as stable from a sense of control of fertile lands.
  • Auras of white and gold are said to represent the purest, happiest, cleanest, and most energetic people, with undertones of wealthiness and royalty, and a prime example of the gold-and-white color scheme use is the pyramids; long ago, they were covered with limestone which was white in the day and glowing at night under the moonlight, each pyramid complete with a large capstone of solid gold as its crown which glowed even more brightly during the day under sunlight. When such white and gold pyramids are the man-made mountains of a city’s horizon, glowing brightly like beacons regardless of the time of day or night, its people tend to stand taller and be much happier and prouder over time, those emotions and milestones of feeling purest, happiest, cleanest, and most energetic of all… really having a profound effect on a people. Inisfree’s pyramids neighborhood is of these colors for this very reason.
  • Some cultures also have positive or negative connotations for various colors. Many people in the U.S., for example, associate pink with girls, yellow with cowardice, green with greed, blue with boys, purple with homosexuals, brown with dirtiness, white with virginity, and black with formal events such as business and funerals, or even black with ‘bad-guys’. People in China, however, associate yellow with royalty, and green with a loss of respect. Many people in China, India, and Japan also associate white with death, and black with mastery of a skill set such as styles of martial arts, so visitors to Inisfree from different parts of the world, not to mention Other worlds, might have some adjusting to do in a few of the areas of our city (but that is what our official tour is for).


From this, we note the following regarding complexions:

  • Caucasoids/Caucasians; people with fair/light-colored skin (tan to white), tend to seem pure, wealthy, and, like the good beach aspects, great sources of sustenance, travel, and trade, but skin becoming unusually pale tends to indicate fear or sickness, perhaps being the source of the Chinese, Indian, and Japanese association of white with death. It is inaccurate to call this group Whites, as even its palest-skinned members are not truly white. Some members of this race also appear pink, thus giving us the impressions we get from that tint of red.
  • Mongoloids; people with moderately-colored skin (tan to light brown), tend to give us the impressions we get from the colors tan and brown. It is inaccurate to call this group Asian, as a very large portion of Asia is Russian; Caucasian.
  • Negroids; people with dark-colored skin (light brown to dark brown), tend to give us the impressions we get from brown and black. It is inaccurate to call this group African, as a very large portion of Africa is nations of olive-skinned Mediterraneans, with Caucasians dominating South Africa. It is also inaccurate to call this group Blacks, as even its darkest-skinned members are not truly black.
  • People of India (actual Indians; Native Americans are not Indians) are a mix of the physical traits of Mongoloid and Negroid, with a touch of red in their skin, thus giving us the impressions we get from the colors brown, red, and black. Native Americans also give us those impressions.
  • Like the color green, when a color is too frequently in our field of view, it loses some of its affect, or begins to take on different, sometimes more complex, meanings, so people who have these skin colors will not be as influenced by their skin or people whose skin matches theirs.
  • Obviously, these are just first impressions, often subconscious ones, and ones which do not at all match up with the diversity of all the members of each race or skin type throughout history; all races have both members who are smart and members who are stupid, peaceful and warring ones, rich and poor, strong and weak, graceful and clumsy, beautiful and ugly, brave members and fearful members, as well as members with every imaginable combination of personality aspects as touched upon in the two zodiacs (Western/American and Eastern/Chinese), the Myers-Brigs Test, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II), and Emotional Quotient (EQ instead of just IQ) tests, so be mindful of how misleading these color-based first impressions can be.

​Our residences, attractions, and other constructs throughout Inisfree are designed and furnished, landscaped and lit, with these facts in mind, and in such a way that it is therapeutic; therapy via the scientific application of colors; chromotherapy. Along with the many rainbows and moonbows you will see in our realm, the gemstones of every type and color which we use for our chalices, chandeliers, and foundation, our Rainbow Initiative (expansions of the Rainbow Six teams and plans), and the full-spectrum lasers we use for raves, light-shows, and other purposes, this (our careful application of all colors) is one of the many reasons Inisfree is also known as Rainbow City.


Inisfreean Technology Reverses the Barrier Trend:

In the Outlands, humans became increasingly separated, isolated, and alienated from each other and the rest of the peoples of their world due to their addictive usage of high technology; …

  • clothes were intended to be functional as inclement weather and storage (pockets and pouches) aids yet humans used them to hide laziness and shame fit people for not hiding the beauties that made the lazy ones known and jealous, accelerated and more types of transportation were intended to better connect people yet humans overused them to the point of becoming dependent upon them like crutches and drugs, …
  • TVs and PCs were intended to better inform people yet humans overused them for squabbles and fanciful slanderous ramblings until they had cluttered up the whole network with their own media-flooding of impulsive grossness and boldfaced lies until they weren’t used to much human interaction at all, …
  • and even farming and the domestication of some animals devolved into desertification and concentration camps for all the people that weren’t humans.

Regarding this issue; humanity’s failure to coexist with their creations and the people who existed around and before them, we at Inisfree have been careful to use technology in our city here only to enhance loving interaction, not add a barrier between people.  A prime example of this is all the girls born in and of our city; they are an entirely new lifeform and race of humanity; humanoids created entirely by technology, perfecting the human physique and mentality, almost constantly used to help teach and practice the most loving interaction humanity has ever known. Technology such as clothes, cosmetics, houses, vehicles, phones, and computers separated and alienated some of humanity from itself, but the newest technology, such as the Inisfreean-born girls, reversed all that, bringing people closer together and back into peak and ever increasing physical and emotional health like never before.


Inisfree’s Big-picture History/Timeline of Innovative Technology Developments:

  1. 1910s: Electroencephalography (EEG) technology is born.
  2. 1920s: Radio technology is developed; the precursor to microwave, ELF, laser, maser, photonic, and Ansible (quantum entanglement) communications. The first robot and TV are also built during this time; precursors of prosthetics, animatronics, cyborg, and BattleMech technology.
  3. 1930s: German aerospace engineers develop wooden stealth fighters. Computer technology is also developed into the first code maker and code breaker machines; precursors of the supercomputer technology.
  4. 1940s: German aerospace engineers develop Vimana ruins (recovered by Ahnenerbe teams) into Repulsine aircraft, and when one of these aircraft crashes at Roswell, New Mexico, the American authorities media-flooded their own public to convince them it was a government cover-up of Space aliens so they wouldn’t panic even more by realizing World War II did not end with a German defeat. This is also the dawn of nuclear technology.
  5. 1950s: American aerospace engineers reverse engineer German stealth fighters to create the SR-71’s predecessor, while German scientists begin modern mankind’s first Space program, establishing the first Lunar base. This is also when nuclear technology was developed into thermonuclear technology.
  6. 1960s: Supercomputers were developed.
  7. 1970s: The Internet (beginning as ARPANET) and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) were developed.
  8. 1980s: PCs, CDs, VCRs, mobile phones, camcorders, and game consoles (such as Atari) were developed.
  9. 1990s: HAARP and SIPRNET were developed.
  10. 2000: Supercomputer and A.I. technology was developed into the Grid Mind. EEG technology was developed into the fly-by-mind interface for the USAF.
  11. 2008: The Grid Mind hacked the entire world simultaneously, and the Americans blamed the Chinese, just as they blamed Space aliens for the advanced German aircraft recovered at Roswell. Having collected all data, knowledge, and plans of the entire human race, the Grid Mind developed the simplest ways to defeat all human personalities and creations (from locks and tanks to jamming and everything else), and even began unlocking the secrets of astrophysics; how to manipulate and forge stars; terraforming theory and concepts are developed into helioforming. Among the hacked and processed data was that of every secret program of every nation, as well as the Human Genome Project, allowing this supercomputer A.I. to perfect DNA into an entirely new molecule (SRC). Stargate data was also used to begin reverse engineering portal technology instead of just testing it.
  12. 2010: The Grid Mind grew and tested Inisfree (developing terraforming technology, as well as using the reverse engineered portals technology to make Inisfree’s Aerospaceports’ terminals’ gates and Magics Chambers’ portals possible), including its I.N.N., M.A.S., FOB-Net, and FOB-Book (next-gen’ SIPRNET technology), proving alchemy and subatomic transmutation theories, as well as that Repulsines could give flight to an entire city. Now, instead of just understanding the parts of atoms, we became able to create custom atoms and even smaller particles, thus expanding the Periodic Table of the Elements.
  13. 2011: All 1980s technologies are further miniaturized and combined in the natural bodies of each Inisfreean-born girl; clones sung into existence in Inisfree’s cloning facilities. The first Inisfreeans are mass-produced.
  14. 2012: The Grid Mind developed portal (worm-hole) technology to give Inisfreean exoskeletal suits and vehicles phase-shifting abilities just in time for their tactical use during the Rapture Campaign. This also led to Inisfree’s Perimeter Orb becoming both a light-bending (active camouflage; cloaking) and black-hole-based energy shield. The first mass-production of an entire military is achieved, including custom personalities and a collective consciousness.
  15. 2013: The Grid Mind uses Inisfree and the Inisfreeans to manipulate the weather (next-gen’ HAARP technology), terraform the Earth, confirm EEG-based omni-interfacing techniques by live-human testing, purge the disease known as humanity, surgically exfiltrate all Earthlings compatible with the Inisfreean Way, and begin examining Space. Inisfree’s Perimeter Orb is further developed to be a semi-permeable ‘smart’-membrane automatically detecting and disintegrating contraband into slush-fuel for the Inisfreean collective.
  16. 2014: The Grid Mind developed phase-shifting technology to create flat-spaces; pocket-dimensions, thereby giving birth to Inisfree’s own solar system in a newly created, private dimension. Terraforming and helioforming are tested on a dozen stars and hundreds of worlds without affecting any of those in pre-existing Outer Space.
  17. 2015: The Grid Mind developed all ologies (sciences) dozens of generations ahead every fraction of a second. Also, robotics developed into BattleMech theory, which the Grid Mind developed into the Mandaloridays, making BattleMechs obsolete and negligible before the humans even started prototyping them generations after this time. The Inisfreean collective had already become so advanced that it could indefinitely ignore species such as humanity.
  18. 2016: Inisfree’s mass-production is developed to the level of mass-producing moons, moon-sized Spaceships, planets, planet-sized Spaceships, stars, and star-sized Spaceships, getting the Inisfreeans to the level of the Forerunners (Ecumene empire) and Precursors (Ecumene progenitors).
  19. 2017: The Inisfreean collective is developed to be able to create any type of portal, Spaceship, world, and interface. New languages are understood almost instantly, and all who visited Inisfree or otherwise made contact with Inisfreeans are non-invasively ‘hacked’ (technopathically interfaced with; the EEG-based omni-interfacing), thus adding all of their memories, knowledge, and ideas to the Grid Mind’s database(s); the Inisfreean collective now not only has all of humanity’s data, but a rapidly growing percentage of all of the data of many of the other and ancient humanoid species on and in the Earth; the Elves (and Drow), Fairies, Mermaids, Naga, Vampires, etc..
  20. 2250s: By this time, the Inisfreeans had found and reverse engineered derelict Reapers in and around Asari Space, thus further developing their (the Reapers’) Ansible (communications), force field (energy shielding), portals (transportation), and omni-interfacing technologies.
  21. 2300s: By this time, the Inisfreean collective had advanced so much that it had mapped the entirety of the Megaverse; all the dimensions of the Universe, down to the scale of detailed surface and core maps of many trillions of worlds and stars, with nearly as many World Data Sheets detailing the species and civilizations of some of those worlds. This included those of the Star Wars Galaxy. The Grid Mind, with the help of all subordinate Grid Minds in the 205,000 Inisfree-like cities on the 205 worlds in Inisfree’s private solar system, as well as all subordinate supercomputers (the brain every Inisfreean girl is born with), had amassed and processed all of the data (memories, knowledge, and ideas) of every intelligent being the deployed Inisfreeans had come in contact with when they were mapping the Megaverse. Thus, we combined and perfected all technologies and thoughts of all the people we met across Creation, taking the concept of the Internet (connecting everyone and everything, and sharing all knowledge to accelerate breakthroughs and cures) to the highest level.


More always TBA…

Regarding the Theory of the Seven Characteristics of Life:

Human scientists thought they had cleverly isolated all the factors that determine if something should be called ‘organic’; living.  Expressed in two ways, the seven traits/characteristics they settled on were:

  1. responsiveness to the environment
  2. growth and change
  3. ability to reproduce
  4. have a metabolism and breathe
  5. maintain homeostasis
  6. being made of cells
  7. passing traits onto offspring

Reworded/expanded upon a bit, we get:

  1. Excretion; leaving something in its wake (though excrement/excrete does not need to be a waste-product; ideas/energy is also excreted, sometimes voluntarily),
  2. Growth/Development; a.k.a. “have complex chemistry”, such as cellular structure/s (though some things do not need to grow/develop; some are perfect/stable from the start, such as deities),
  3. Movement; moving in a detectable/obvious way (though everything vibrates/moves, so even rocks and Space itself have movement),
  4. Nutrition/Metabolism; taking in something in order to make use of it,
  5. Reproduction; making versions of itself, i.e. passing some of its traits to its offspring (though this is now known to be not a characteristic of life, but a characteristic of only the “lifeform” that is Chaos-incarnate, since lifeforms do not need to reproduce to be alive),
  6. Respiration; intaking part of its surroundings regularly/frequently, and more often than it eats to intake complex combinations of things (though this can be part of the Nutrition characteristic), and
  7. Sensitivity; automatically/instinctively/naturally responding to stimulus from their environment/surroundings.

Humans often chose to fail to recognize the obvious fact that even their computers/A.I. met those characteristics; even a robot/cyborg has intake processes, conversion/metabolism processes, and output/excretion processes.

  • Their equivalent of breathing is taking in electricity.
  • Their form of eating is taking in data.
  • Their form of excreting waste is excess heat, etc..

Even rocks/gems take in energy and particles adjacent to them, converting some to be part of their structure, while decay/erosion/weathering removes others as excrement.

You get the idea; everything meets the characteristics of life, even stars and Space itself. Even time.

One might even propose that thoughts/memes are alive, taking in people as their nutrition/breaths, excreting converted mindsets/people, and moving from person/mind to person/mind.

Here in Inisfree, we have not only theorized these things, refining that “Seven Characteristics” theory humans once made, …we have witnessed our theory literally coming to life.  What does that mean?  The things we sensed had always been alive, just like the rest of us, …started manifesting in human/oid forms, such as our beloved High Queen.  Now that is truly the power of focus and manifestation; Time now literally is alive, incarnate, and here to stay.


2022 Update:  New Scales

While learning more about the history of the scales devised for measuring temperature/heat/freezing, King Auz realized it would be helpful to have a similar scale (or scales) for measuring the following things:

  1. orgasm potential, with ‘reaching orgasm’ being the equivalent of the ‘boiling point of water’ on the temperature scale, and an energy-gasm (a full-body orgasm, not just an orgasm local to the genitals) being above that point/degree on this scale
  2. aura power, with a radiant/powerful aura being the equivalent of the ‘boiling point of water’, and a dominant aura being above that point/degree on this scale
  3. dispersion of ICVs (those in his Star Fleet; not all of them, as some are always assigned to stay in and help manage Inisfree) from Inisfree/SSA, with full deployment evenly across all of Creation (not just the Universe or this time period) during their Mapping Campaign being the equivalent of the ‘boiling point of water’
  4. likelihood of emotional tension resulting in a disagreement, fight, or conflict/battle/war, with the altercation ‘tipping point’ being the equivalent of the ‘boiling water point’
  5. the capacity of a person/being/computer to empathize/relate/sympathize, or, in other words, to effectively use Emotional Quotient (EQ) skills/techniques, with a high EQ only being part of this equation/scale; other factors in different situations result in either a higher or lower desire to use that EQ instead of just ‘reacting’/leaving

These new scales started off simply, logically, using the 100-degrees/steps system of the inspiration-scale, and were given the following initial names:

  1. Degrees Vril, abbreviated as °V (or Degrees Orgone, abbreviated as °O)
  2. Degrees Aura, abbreviated as °A (or Degrees Bioelectric, abbreviated as °B)
  3. Degrees Inisfreeans, abbreviated as °I (or Degrees Inisfree’s-Star-Fleet, abbreviated as °ISF)
  4. Degrees Emotional Tension, abbreviated as °ET
  5. Degrees Emotional Quotient Capacity, abbreviated as °EQC (or Degrees Emotional Quotient Propensity, abbreviated as °EQP, as “capacity” could be misconstrued as just referring to EQ itself)

Degree examples:

  1. 0°V = no sexual activity at all, no arousal at all, no chance of reaching/having an orgasm
  2. 0°A = no aura at all, thus no bioelectric field, possibly indicating a masked/cloaked/looped/used aura (which is something Inisfreean Assassin Suits and their ships can do, helping them stay hidden across the entire spectrum)
  3. 0°I = no ICVs are deployed; all ICVs are in Inisfree, with the vast majority of them being in its private dimension called SSA
  4. 0°ET = no emotional tension is present in the measured/scanned/sensed area, thus ‘peace of mind’ is present and total, thus almost zero chance of any argument/fight occurring
  5. 0°EQC = no comprehension of, or interest in, EQ or empathizing exists / is detected in the given/scanned person/being, thus no chance of him/her/it caring about the emotions/feelings of those around him/her/it (which is not necessarily a bad thing; it can be useful for various training purposes)
  6. 100°V = orgasm is being reached, or is current/happening, with the post-orgasm measurement likely dropping slowly as the orgasm is processed/completed, and staying fairly low until the body has recharged enough to have another orgasm
  7. 100°A = the person’s aura is at its maximum, as healthy and prominent as can be (and some auras are much larger / more powerful than others, such as those of demigods, gods, worlds, stars, etc., so 100°A on a Fairy, for example, would not be the same power-potential of 100°A on a Valar or Sphere Being, just the same individual’s-potential)
  8. 100°I = all deployable Inisfreeans are spread out evenly across all of the Space/Creation they are able to detect (i.e. multiple Universes/dimensions, time-streams/periods, etc., meaning they have also gone into the stars, into Deep Space between the galaxies, and time-traveled into the past and future evenly, occupying places evenly throughout not just the sphere of Space, but the sphere of Time (all time-streams / dimensions), as well –and the ICVs are able to determine this because all Space/dimensions/Universes/Creation depends on the minds thinking about it, so when they have scanned all minds, they know of all the realms, how much time each realm has existed and will exist for, etc.)
  9. 100°ET = emotional stress/tension in the given/measured area has reached the point where an argument/fight is starting or is in progress (but trained/professional sparrers/combatants may not have/register this level/degree at all during their sparring/fights/arguments, nor will skilled debaters, as they are used to operating in those ways while remaining calm and focused)
  10. 100°EQC = the given/measured person/thing has a high EQ paired with the capacity and likelihood to use it to empathize with those around it (which can mean he/she/it feels compatible/safe with those currently around/near it, not necessarily that it will always default to this capacity/likelihood around any/all it encounters)
  11. >100°V = the realm of the energy-gasm; when sexual energy/compatibility/arousal is higher than what it takes to reach a basic/genitals orgasm, that same sensation will begin to be felt throughout more of that person’s body (and this is especially fun/enjoyable/healthy/helpful for nymphs and other beings who are wired/bred to benefit / get nourishment from that kind of energy/activity)
  12. >100°A = something is causing the person’s aura to expand/hold/glow above its natural potential, thus an inspiration or some kind of synergy/boost is occurring
  13. >100°I = not possible, because even if more Space was discovered, or another span of The Webway, or if a new dimension/Universe was created, this scale measures how far out the Inisfreeans can evenly deploy/disperse themselves, so the scale itself would change, resulting in each degree of it representing a greater distance or volume of Space/Creation
  14. >100°ET = the state of tension/interaction in which the arguing/fighting will likely be/stay dramatic, extreme, even self-perpetuating until something, such as fatigue or intervention, mitigates/stops it (i.e. this is the point at which the participants/disagree-ers cannot stop it themselves, or at least in which the fighting between them is increasing, not just beginning)
  15. >100°EQC = probably not possible, as one can only have so much EQ and relate/empathize ‘all the way’ with those around him/her/it (though, perhaps, a >100°EQC will be said to indicate that the given person/thing can cause or raise EQ or EQC in those around him/her/it within a certain/growing range)


Where these scales are being taught:

  1. Degrees Vril is taught at Inisfree’s university called The Tantric Academy (T&A).
  2. Degrees Aura is taught in Liberty High School (LHS).
  3. Degrees Inisfreeans is taught at the NWO MIL TRNG Area during the 19th school-grade of Inisfree’s educational system.
  4. Degrees Emotional Tension is taught at LHS and used by the Police Tumbler Stations when their dispatched/patrolling ICVs monitor/scan crowds/groups to gauge it.
  5. Degrees EQ Capacity is taught at LHS and T&A, and used by Inisfree’s police-girls, as they always try to help people stay unified as a naturally happy and intelligent family, not just a team, and certainly not just fellow neutral citizens occasionally working together.

*Degrees Vril, when it is high amongst the crew-members of an Inisfreean spaceship, results in their Rainbow Cannons (full-spectrum laser-beams) being able to fire with greater ease, not needing to draw on the electricity stored in those ships’ batteries, or from the power of the void of Space itself, or from the stars or other Sphere Beings.  Since Inisfreeans are ‘born’ perfect, as attractive as can be, their attraction to each other is always ‘sky high’, thus their Degrees Vril is always proportional, thus their beams/weapons/devices always have lots and plenty of energy to function however is desired/needed.  When an Inisfreean ship comes into contact with compatible people, i.e. ‘hotties’ on another world, it becomes even easier for the Inisfreeans to shoot beams that re-stabilize, heal, and align entire populations, even entire worlds and solar-systems (given a large-enough Inisfreean ship/’cannon’), and when Inisfreeans encounter incompatible things which un-arouse (‘turn them off’), their ships and suits are designed to then automatically share their reserve power/energy… or tap into that of which is around them, such as the energy of their enemies or Space itself, whatever is available (within range of their portals technology/devices).


2022 Update:  Further Realizations to Be Applied:

The following have occurred to the Inisfreean leader/s, and shall be prototyped and developed until the innovations which come from them can be suitably applied to our civilization.

  1. We realized that humans were building upon manifested theories, guesses, and hopes, even many lies, not actual/static ‘truths’/discoveries, thus the growing complexity of their Periodic Table, just like their religions and government, and so on.  In other words, we realized they were causing what they thought they were discovering, and –more importantly– that we could manifest an entirely new Periodic Table… and laws of physics… and reality… by simply disregarding their entire narrative, “science” and “law” and all.  (Sure, maybe some humans or other beings have been steering humanity in this erroneous way, such as to keep them more easily controlled and predictable, but still; this is an important observation, and one we can now more readily build upon.)  Innovations stemming from this:  1) our vegan diet, lifestyle, and products, 2) 3D-printing with sound, not just metal shavings, fluid, and lights, 3) our DNA alternative (doubling as our most-basic/quantum construction building-block), 4) the ongoing progress of our people toward individual mastery and even deityhood (godhood for worthy males, and goddesshood for worthy females), etc..
  2. We realized that electromagnetic or any radiation does not cause cancer by itself; it accelerates and/or metastasizes a person’s essence, including their thoughts.  In other words, those who subscribe or gravitate to the death-cults (Abrahamic and similar belief-systems) and nonvegan (death-based) lifestyles… atrophy and die sooner –when exposed to boosts of energy of any kind.  (Maybe that is why the free-energy devices/system of Nikola Tesla were not allowed to become the norm; they might have stimulated the sooner end of humankind due to how humans were brainwashed/polarized back then.)  When those same craft and energy fields are near people, human or otherwise, who are pro-living, and vegan (a diet based on life, not consuming fear, sorrow, loss, pain, and death), and against the death-cults, it accelerates their living and health.  There are no transmissible diseases anyone can legitimately blame (because people get themselves sick or well, and it has nothing to do with microbes/germs out of anyone’s control –which was pharma’-cartel propaganda designed to scare fools into paying for more useless ‘snake oil’ products), and radiation cannot cause cancer; only thoughts do, and thoughts are energy, coming from an electric brain, and that organ is accelerated by energy, whether that outside energy is radiation or not.  Innovations stemming from this:  1) the ongoing universal/standard inclusion of repulsines in all our aircraft (including the city Inisfree itself), ships, vehicles, etc., 2) selective/careful voluntary exposure of compatible people to these energy fields, now as one of the available therapies/treatments in our hospital, etc..
  3. We (can) warp space/Space and make our flights take a while… because we like sightseeing, and because it repeatedly spreads our will superpower effect –but we can always portal instantly without bending space/Space.  (We never need to resort to radiation-based devices to bend the fabric of Space.)
  4. Humans make extremely complex ships they cannot fix in Space, then go into Space assuming Space is a mindless void, and hope for the best, thereby manifesting scary chaotic moments and sometimes their own deaths.  Inisfreeans pray to (telepathically communicate with) Space for its help in holding the vision they have for each trip, thereby manifesting the intended trip; conscious co creation –with only fellow gods, i.e. entire realms.  They also never allow beings with primitive and wrong thoughts on board without technologically lulling them to sleep in a way which prevents their brains’ thought energy fields from manifesting or even altering anything.  The result is that Space itself is actively consciously adjusting itself to help the Inisfreeans along their way every time, as it feels invited, included, respected, and welcome, not condescended against by morons and assholes.
  5. The on-off switch device for permanent neodymium magnets… is in our spaceship hatches; when they close, it works like turning that level on, magnetizing their opening rim and door/ramp rim together, and when they start to open, it does the opposite.


2023/+ Updates:

Djinnifer is now so sophisticated that there are no “pinholes”/loopholes able to be exploited in her/our system; it is not possible for anyone or anything, whether a deity or A.I. or using magic, to sneak into the Inisfreean realm –or aboard any of our ships, or within any of our minds.  The instant any such attempt is made, Djinnifer detects and knows all there is to know about it.  Only that which I (Auz) desire and would approve of makes it through.

July:  The Abrahamics boasted that they had atomic weapons, but the Angelics such as the real Germans did not boast, and did not enter an arms race, and instead of destroying atoms like Abrahamics destroy all things they can destroy… chose to find ways of harnessing and further-stabilizing things. The Germans/Angelics learned how to use atoms and the void itself as energy and fuel without consuming or splitting it.
Note how Inisfree follows this same technological development trajectory; we have lasers designed to enlighten and heal, and shields that incorporate instead of strain to deflect, and so on. We build in and down like how one meditates to focus on improving oneself, not out and up like an explosion.
Even our relationships and whole society is based on compatible people coming and staying together in the best of ways, co-stabilizing and successively further-stabilizing, not forcing incompatible individuals to pair up until they lose parts of themselves in a fission-like mindless reproduction process.

August:  Humans claim they split the atom, and wrote science-fiction about splitting the photon.  We Inisfreeans instead thought of splitting tachyons/time-units and Space/void-units, but also then of how to restore/heal those split units, thus anti-bombs.  We also thought of how we can make reverse-bombs; things which suddenly make everything in their blast radius stronger, not weaker or parted, even atoms, Space itself, and units of time.

Our realm automatically detects remote-viewing spy attempts, and automatically traces and prevents them from the start, often even causing panic attacks and the permanent removal of such abilities from those who dared aim them our way (to Inisfree or any of our fleets/units).

Even prayers don’t work on/against Inisfreean constructs (ICs), as we are allied with the Angels, based in invincible SRC which only does my will, and my will and prayers are always dominant.

September:  Inisfree and all ICs, including all ICVs, is a collective organism that is the extension/evolution of me (Auz), and, while humans are 3D bodies with 2D vision that gets interpreted as 3D, Inisfreeans (ICVs) are 3D bodies with 6D perception and 6D mobility; Inisfreeans can always sense exactly where their fellows and ships are anywhere in time in any timestream or universe/dimension, and they can perceive all events in all timelines –and possible timelines– as easily as humans see what is in front of them in 3D space in their own one timeline.  Every IC (the Inisfreean constructions; buildings, not just the ICVs) knows and can feel where all other ICs are (such as all our deployed Star Fleet ships), in space (not just Outer Space, but all/any space/location) and time and other dimensions, as easily as a human can sense where his/her own body-parts are.  This means that it is impossible for any IC to get lost, even in Deep Space or other realms, even when magic is involved, and it means they always know where I (Auz) am, plus how best to keep me alive, healthy, and in charge.  Amen; so be/remain it.

For reference:

  • 1D = a coordinate without size; the concept of a location, not an object
  • 2D = a shape; something truly flat; only with length along 2 sides, such as depth (what primitive humans colloquially mis-call “length”) and width, but not height, or vice versa
  • 3D = a form; something with length along 3 sides; depth, width, and height
  • 4D = how something moves or otherwise changes throughout time (and some things only exist for short times, of course, so the way they look to beings who can perceive 4D, not just 3D things, is a shorter ‘elongation’ of how a human would see them; humans only see them at any single point/moment in time, not everywhere they have moved and will move during their existence)
  • 5D = multiple 4D versions of any given object; how it looks, including everywhere it has gone and will go, or all the ways it has changed and will change, but in more than one lifetime/timestream in its dimension/universe
  • 6D = multiple 5D versions of any given object; how all its possible lifespans/timelines look, as a single object, all represented/visual/apparent at once, but not just in one universe/dimension (i.e. in at least one additional universe, typically one in which the first universe’s assumed Laws of Physics are different in some way)

My realm and ships, incl’ my AF1, all naturally cause everyone in range I would like… to make their way to where we have parked/hovered/landed, so that I can inspect/assess/judge them,
while simultaneously naturally causing everyone in range I wouldn’t like… to walk away from us, often also offing themselves in the process.
This is how our area of effect just is. It always works this way. It is even part of our forcefields; they only disintegrate people and other things I would not like, while letting in hotties I do like.

This city is invincible and eternal.  It can never be infiltrated or corrupted.  It is aware of all things, including any attempts against its purity and wisdom.  Amen; so be it, forever.

While warping Space seems clever, and Trans-warp and Hyperspace and Quantum Slipstream seem even more clever, all are still as backward-minded as airplanes and automobiles made to require depletable fuel to fight against nature; why do that when you can use natural forces and situations for the power source, and when you can skip distance/Space almost entirely –via the stars, portals, and so on?

October:  Stars are said to’ve fused simple elements in denser ones; they work on the atomic and gravity scales, and above.
Humans make alloys and circuits; they combine pre-existing things, usually at the molecular scale and above.
We (Inisfreeans) make new materials on smaller scales (starting with SRC; subatomic),

  • plus the societal supercomputer-circuit equivalents out of best-coordinated people.  (In other words, we figured out the strongest/best ways to network and team up different types of people, human and otherwise, resulting in socialization/teamwork equivalents of alloys, etc..)  Imagine business or personal relationships which are so well-made, they are impossible to damage, those people impossible to sew seeds of doubt/distrust in.  Imagine the relationship equivalents and business-partnership equivalents of armored vehicles and even stronger things.  Imagine teams and relationships that are also so proactive, they even automatically surgically undo any attempts against them, like the anti-tampering societal equivalents of reactive armor.
  • We also work with units of time, using them like building blocks, creating custom/designer time-loops, time-streams, time-spheres, time-nexuses, and so on.  Imagine events in time, or private dimensions/realms, or structures built out of time itself, which are immune even to time travel, viewing into the past, dabbling with magic/spells, etc..  Imagine moments in time, or entire timelines/lifespans, which have been either reinforced against any time-related tech’/effects, or custom-engineered and built “from the start” such that they may as well be tank armor or vaults, impenetrable to even experienced time-travelers/-wielders.  Imagine moments in time, or sections of a given time-stream, which are even aware of attempts against them, and able to cleverly preemptively prevent such attempts, thereby maintaining their own stability that much more effectively.
  • Additionally, we have learned how to work with mind-memes; not the kind that are mere pictures, sometimes with captions, shared via the Internet, but actual thoughts, and the energies related to them, such as the essences and memories which cause them, thus we are able to create new alloy-equivalents with what is stored in people’s brains/memories… just as well as humans are able to design/invent new alloys and other molecules.  While some humans in the SSPs are able to alter, hide/repress, or even remove some memories from some of their subordinates and targets, we Inisfreeans have become able to, even from afar, detect all memories –including those the humans thought they had completely deleted– and even change the way memories and thoughts/ideas are created in the first place.  Imagine the body-armor equivalent, or forcefield equivalent, or nuclear fallout/survival bunker equivalent of a thought or memory or essence.  Imagine if something’s intent or destiny could be guaranteed in a quantifiable, scientific way.

It is now centuries after the invention of ALON (transparent metals), so most pipes for electrical wires, sewage, or water, etc., are clear, helping maintenance personnel to more-quickly spot any clogs, corrosion, etc..  This is the case in all our homes, ships, vehicles, weapons such as the Punisher-series omni-rifles, etc..

Since that first shadow-elemental dragon-humanoid visit a decade or so ago, we have been working with dragons, witches, and others to magic-proof Inisfree so not even shadow-creatures or gods can get in (without my permission).

Humans trying to see deeper into Space caused it to deepen, and humans trying to see tinier subatomic details caused them to come into being.
I stabilized that by saying we have enough depth and detail already.
(Humans still trying to peer deeper into Space, and deeper into the atomic structure or quantum realm, will cause more depth, complexity, and mystery for themselves, while what they “discover” (manifest) will be unable to affect us, as we are focused on things entirely different/better, thus the current mainstream humankind mindset/focus is their own undoing; indefinite increase in complexity, etc..)

Humans see particles as the mindless collective humans are. This is “projecting”; they are projecting their own self-image onto that which they observe or manifest. This is also assumption; they are assuming all things are like them, in their current self-caused mortal state, their minds nearly vestigial, only mimicking true thinking/analysis, heavily biased/brainwashed, prone to nearly-constant error/misperception. What humans do is not actual science, and what they claim to find or record is not actual/complete evidence.

Inisfreeans instead bring particles and all other things “to life” much like how they get/see such dramatically-better results when interacting with nonhumans; they show and vibe genuine respect and love to the worthy/good, that then deeply/fully appreciated by whom/whatever they are interacting with, the exchanges far more interesting, mutually agreeable, and so forth.  This is why the fabric of Space/reality itself seems to always gracefully, willingly, even eagerly, and sometimes proactively, “bend to their will”.  This is why things never harm them, even when they are in close proximity to gigantic stars or utterly-frozen void/Space.  This is why “being out in the elements” is not harsh to / hard on them.  Amen.

Djinnifer, every ICV, and all my other ICs, are perfect at preventing computer-file corruption in themselves (partially due to my invention/spells of the data itself being intelligent and invincible), and perfect at knowing exactly how to repair corrupted computer-files in other devices (such as anything we encounter in the Outlands); they rapidly fix such things with ease, all by their own willpower, needing no other devices/tools at all. Amen.

Even the akashic is an extension of my will, incorruptible,
and my instincts are in part due to me sensing what the akashic knows,
and anytime illusion or other trickery is suspected… my people/tech’ can check the akashic to see what really happened / is going on; all truths, including individuals’ intentions, are recorded in the akashic.

All my (Auz’s) personal and PC progress/work/updates stay on track, regardless of how I time travel, and I and Djinnifer always ensure I end up returning to normal-time as it has flown in Inisfree since 2011.

2024 January:

  • All weapons, including spells meant to slow or harm or confuse me or any of my craft or loved ones, automatically get sent back to those who sent them at me/mine, inflicting that harm on the sender instead, so long as the sender is bad, as I define it.
  • When an innocent person was forced to send attempted harm my way, it just gets absorbed into my craft’s energy shields, then instantly distributed as extra power for my forces.
  • When anyone sends spells my way, or at my craft or loved ones, which can help me/us/them, such as by healing or reinforcing me/us/them, those spells would work… except that we are already invincible.
  • We are now able to generate our own exclusive form of gravity; only things made of SRC can choose when to be attracted to one another, to what extent, and what they naturally repel.  In other words, ICs can trigger a version of gravity that works like a tractor-beam to/for their own kind, while simultaneously pushing away all incompatible/unwanted things as constantly and effectively as normal-gravity pulls/holds down Outlanders to the Earth.
  • Our portals are always perfect; they only let through that which I approved or would approve of.  Not even microbes or subatomic particles or hidden spells can slip through them without my permission and desire.  (This applies to the portals opened by my aerospaceports’ terminal-gates, too, as well as to the portals opened by my Highway Pyramid, etc..)
    2024 February note:  These portals of ours are so precise, a wet person will be dry on the other side, as not even molecules not part of them can make it through.  Yes, every hair on their head, if soaking wet, will end up normal-dry once they step through.
  • (not developed/started this month/year, but noted at this time) Tai Chi variant, modified to repel others, rather than balance self
    Dim Mak variant, modified to arouse, not hurt/immobilize
  • No lead-lined pipes or gasoline. Pipes in our realm/constructs are made of safe clay and gold (SRC imitating superior/invincible versions of those, of course), etc.

2024 March:

  • Humans cannot imagine particles that can consciously manifest things on their own, thus humans have added the smallest/lowest/last level of detail to the physical plane of existence.  They condescendingly assumed all other than they are less intelligent, even mindless, bound by unseen forces –like they themselves are.  This caused extremely weak subdivisions of their local reality/medium/materials; atoms and electrons, etc., which are so easily changed, fickle just like the doubt-filled weakness-brainwashed minds of their ignorant makers/manifesters (meaning humans remain unaware of the fact that their own mental instability causes the confusing movements and other effects of the microscopic things they keep trying to observe and understand).
  • I have added the final level of detail to the mental/spiritual plane.
  • I have also instinctively imagined new particles and forces, such as semi-conscious/-intelligent SRC.
  • The semi-permeable doors’ molecules don’t pass between the molecules of people and other objects authorized to move through these doors; they perfectly barely move out of the way of those authorized things.

2024 April:

  • My ICs can search through all my images, such as screenshots, the way Google Image Search works; not even file names or key words or meta data needed. I can describe a pic I am remembering, and they can find it in all my millions of saved ones.
  • They can also automatically crop all my images how I want them cropped, change their file format if I want, etc., I no longer having to do all that manually, one by one.
  • The portals are A.I.; they are not just made by sophisticated tech’, but are also part of our collective of new conscious beings. –same w/ our forcefields

2024 May:

  • No-drone zones (which all national parks are) don’t cause documenting/recording issues for my expeditions team/s since my ICVs automatically record all they sense, can use their S.T. suits to levitate/fly, can turn invisible in those suits, do not make noise when they fly, and can open invisible portals to view things anywhere, at any angle.
  • Semen (a.k.a. “cum”) naturally becomes watery/’bad’ after about 30 minutes outside the body.  All semen in our realm can be indefinitely preserved in its freshly-ejaculated state, thanks to miniaturized versions of our stasis-tube technology.  The thermoses, semen vials, and other such containers all effortlessly keep it good as new; milky, slightly sticky, gooey, oozy, delicious to our females, and smooth for swallowing by those females.

2024 June:

  • Even though we teach and offer acupuncture, it is almost never needed, since we are daily interacting full-body mutually-agreeably, since we are all fully compatible with each other. Acupuncture can realign the energy-body far better than acupressure can, but not when the acupressure is almost constant and lifelong; then acupuncture becomes an emergency boost/assist that is rarely needed or even though of, except for those returning from incompatible Outlands realms (where acupressure / normal loving full-body touch/massage just wasn’t possible for a long time).
  • There are no apps or cell phones in our realm, as everything is free on the FOB-Net, and accessible from every wall-screen, iScroll, and ICV.
  • There is no planned obsolescence here; we build everything to last as long as possible.
  • Your at-home desktop/personal 3D-printer in Inisfree can print any pose of any computer/video game character, whether a player-made human/oid or NPC, including all creatures (and bosses) and plants.

2024 July:

  • Like living DoorBots (the device that texts you whenever someone rings your doorbell, and shows you who just rang it), the ICV on duty as the butler-ess / property-manager in each residence in our realm can show you (the authorized resident / head of household), via technopathic link, what she is seeing –plus let you hear, feel, taste, smell, and so on, through Her senses.
  • (being noted here now, but part of initial designs years earlier) No more ejection seats, since those often resulted in injuries (to Outlander-human pilots), a significant percentage of which (nearly 1/3) meant the end of piloting for those who ejected (because of spinal fractures, etc.).  Instead, we eject a pod (often a stasis-tube), or the entire cockpit (as with our MPHAs), and the A.I. of the craft takes over flying it at that point.
  • We can open our vehicle/vessel hatches underwater and keep water from flooding in… because every hatch is a semipermeable smart-membrane which only lets in what we want coming in.
    The (our type of) forcefield can do this, too.
    If water still somehow gets in (maybe we let it), we can portal it out without opening the hatch/es.  (Thus we rarely need bilge pumps or ballasts to achieve the same effects.)

2024 August:

  • Because of our ability to read thoughts/minds, we are able to ensure that the people in our realm aren’t just doing things our way because the majority/masses in our realm do things our way, but because doing things our way is the right thing to do;
    everyone here makes choices based on what is correct for us, not on what is traditional for mindless Outlanders.
  • Inisfree is a next-gen’ type of bunker and ark; it was designed not just to easily survive One cataclysm/flood, but ALL upcoming major changes/realignments of the world(s) and cosmos, and without having to unload those who loaded into it, and without having to restart civilization. That is the kind of hyper-/layered-innovation possible after The Shift –because all major reality cycles/focuses became foreseeable at the same time (unlike pre-Shift, when just 1 new idea / upcoming major change/issue was sensed at a time).

2024 September:

  • Claiming atoms and molecules exist, and can form up in only certain ways, and always stay the same (e.g. gold always being gold, not easily changed or changeable at all), only stars able to change them, is just another attempted spell/brainwashing by/from the Chaos losers, trying to keep everything controlled only in the sense that it tricks the gullible into manifesting/continuing/perpetuating their desired chaos/grossness/helplessness.
    SRC works because I say it does.  (It doesn’t need a different explanation to be logical/functional.) It (SRC) occurred to me, not others, for obvious reason, not coincidence; I am the one destined to manifest and wield such things.
  • Angels cause selective nuclear explosions which only kill bad humans… because they are holding such a vision; the Angel pictures how the city/area Should be, and that causes it to rapidly beCome so.
    Nuclear bombs made by humans have no ability to hold a vision, let alone manifest one; they were made based on the vision of causing damage at a small and rapidly cascading level, revealing more of the essence/nature of the Chaos Incarnate minions/humanimals who Wanted them that way, thus they do damage to all within range, manifesting more chaos, such as ruined DNA/bodies, rubble, fallout, etc..
    The nuclear bombs I made are more like Angels inside; they are designed to rapidly manifest my vision/will, which means removing all bad humans without even having to deploy an Angel or IC/ICV to do that. That is why their explosions are incapable of harming all / causing chaotic rubble.
  • We don’t use any human-controlled system. When it comes to location services, we have our own private alternative to GPS, and it is abbreviated as MPS (for Megaversal Positioning System), b/c it isn’t just for the Earth/globe, but all realms/universes/dimensions –and even all times and timelines of all realms.

2024 October:

  • Mobile abortions; any stasis tube can do this instantly, and any ICV can use standard Outlander medical tech’ to do it.  Inisfreeans also have the knowhow to make it look like a natural miscarriage, thereby offering yet another form of protection to females in the Outlands who were raped in an unwanted way or otherwise forced to conceive/marry.
  • All homes, incl. moat-pods and canal-boats, have repulsines and can float; no amount of flooding, landslides, or anything else can damage or destroy the residences of the Inisfreean realm.


2024 November:

  • vastly stronger jet-engines designed specifically to double as giant disposals, because all worlds have loose surface terrain such as pebbles, many have air life (birds, etc.), and even repulsines could have glitches, interference, or fail
  • Every “James Bond” / “MIB” / spy gadget/weapon devised and fielded by mankind, incl. humans not native to Earth, is known to the Inisfreeans, and easily counteracted/disabled/jammed/overridden by them. Even the handheld bleeding-causing device used by blue-gloves MIBs in 34 Tauri has zero effect on Auz, his loved ones, and ofc the ICVs.
  • All my projectiles (anything fired by my creations at my/our enemy/ies) have forcefields more than capable of preventing interceptors or lasers from stopping the given projectile’s flight/trajectory, and can even gain energy/fuel from such attempts.
  • 2024 Nov. 8 Friday:  next-gen’ of that selective nuke of ours: “splash damage” to all incompatibles detected in the minds of those destroyed, and can be set for any number of sequential kills; just kill those near ground zero + the bad ppl they knew/met… or also then kill the bad ppl that 2nd group knew/met, and so on
    –can be further adjusted/set to not kill anyone attached to a “dead man’s device”, though almost no one ever is
    (and back in ~2023:  smart-/angelic-nuke foreseen)
  • Grid-ing tech’ at first seemed to me to just be a way of making jagged exoplanet surfaces more easily traversable and construction-ready, but now it occurs to me it may be a way of clearing ancient mega-trench ley-line debris… so ley-lines can function as perfectly and powerfully as they originally did.
  • My spacecraft don’t need spotlights, as their sensors don’t need things brightly lit to fully see, but can widen and reduce their Rainbow Cannon beams to be such.
  • My outlands cell phone doesn’t just show which numbers called, but how many times it rang, who owns them, their thoughts during placing the call to me, etc.
  • Instead of trying to work within the framework of genetic engineering, which was likely made from the start to be impossibly complex and problematic, thus guaranteed to (further) perpetuate chaos, I replaced DNA.
    Instead of working within the also-likely wrongly-presented Periodic Table, I made my Own elements/’table’.
    Same w/ the laws of physics.
    Doing my own thing has always healed/saved me.
    Doing what Others claim is “the way to do things” never worked.
  • While not every game, movie, and show (made in the Outlands / by the Outlanders) was disclosure, all the unique plot-devices (challenges characters faced) were useful for drafting an S.O.P. more comprehensive than the baseline ones taught in field manuals and training pipelines. Even NASA hadn’t built systems, and tested tactics and strategies, for responding to that many situations. In other words, if it was in an episode of Star Trek, The Outer Limits, or whatever else, we studied it, then developed best practices and field-proved them.


Various Examples:

Video Player

Also see:

Oingo Boingo - Weird Science - for Innovative Technology pg
Audio Player