These are the general/overall guidelines everyone in our realm lives by.


Table of Contents:

  1. Definition
  2. Healing
  3. Freedoms
  4. Hold the Vision
  5. Access
  6. Zoning
  7. Property
  8. Traffic
  9. Pollutants
  10. Vegan
  11. Law (Other/Overall)
  12. Family
  13. Heirs
  14. Pets
  15. Growth
  16. Privacy
  17. Beauty
  18. Human Trafficking
  19. Government
  20. Education
  21. Responsibility
  22. Work
  23. Endangered and Extinct
  24. Introductions
  25. Summary
  26. Additional Notes



A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations.



First and foremost, this is a healing center which provides whatever Auz needs to recover from Outlands work. Only people who heal the way he does should seek healing or vacation services here, as all services are designed to cater to him. Any immoral doctors not actually healing people, or pushing medical scams like corporate/pharma’ salesmen posing as doctors, and any pressure, lies, or threats to him or his loved ones, are an act of war (not just high treason), and no one who makes such offenses will be allowed here or anywhere near, as that would obviously interfere with what actually heals and/or keeps him and his loved ones healed.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check each thing considered for acceptance into Inisfree to see if it will either help their maker to continue healing/strengthening himself, or at least not reduce or interfere with whatever has healed/strengthened or is healing/strengthening him.
  2. If the thing being considered/reviewed will not interfere with that, and especially if it will further heal/help him, they submit it to him for final approval.
  3. If he approves of it, they work with him to help work it into Inisfree’s design somewhere.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



As part of that first SOP, freedom here is logically limited to saying/doing things which are true and in alignment with Auz, and all creations which he finds to be unnatural or otherwise in poor taste are contraband. Most movies and TV shows made by humans are prime examples of what is not good, okay, or permitted here. Anyone who speaks in favor of things the maker and ruler (Auz) of this realm of ours knows are immoral or otherwise distasteful… will be either kept out if they are not here, or taken out and kept out if they were here.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check everything, such as posts/comments made in Inisfree by its guests, to see if they are true/correct or if they are mindlessly repeated propaganda/brainwashing from the Outlands.
  2. If each one reviewed is true/correct, it can be published and remain online in their realm.
  3. If Auz senses any of those things need further review and/or editing/removal, the ICVs take care of that for him.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.


Hold the Vision: 

Everything here, such as these SOPs, is about ensuring only one vision is held by all, thus maintaining unity, stability, and disease-ending stress-relief. You either share Auz’s values, goals, and vision, or you do not get to be here. That is how it always is in Inisfree.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) passively/clandestinely/non-invasively check each person visiting or residing in Inisfree at various times to see if they have the same morals/values/goals that Auz maintains or knows others should have.
  2. If each person checked is living in accordance with those morals/values, and helping Auz achieve his goals, they can continue visiting / living in Inisfree.
  3. If the ICVs are not fully convinced they can make that judgment call in any particular case/instance, they’ll ask Auz what he thinks, then carry out his decision, as always.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Auz can come and go as he pleases. Everyone else must be fully compatible with him or will be prevented from getting within a thousand miles of this home and capital of his, first by clever subtle means, then by any means necessary.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check every person en route to Inisfree to make sure Auz would still approve of them for the visit they are attempting to start/make.
  2. If Auz is still / would be okay with them being in Inisfree / returning, they get to be in the Inisfreean realm; they are permitted to enter Inisfreean airspace, passing through the Perimeter Orb and bypassing the Perimeter Wall (or, in some cases, going through Pearly Gate 1) until they are inside the city-proper itself.
  3. If they would like further access (such as to some of Inisfree’s restricted areas), usually they’ll have to complete certain portions of the city’s educational/training system/curriculum, sometimes still requiring direct/specific permission/clearance from Auz.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Buildings and activities in Inisfree, including S.S.A., are limited to what has already been placed on the map and official website by Auz. Urban sprawl is proactively prevented, as are traffic jams and other forms of congestion. There is no construction anywhere in our realm except that which he delegates to the ICVs on duty here. You may furnish and decorate your home here, and move to another home if you prefer, but not design and build one of your own, and no land here is for sale.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check every part of Inisfree all the time; whenever they are there or passing nearby, they look/sense/scan to make sure no one is attempting any construction or landscape/terrain alterations.
  2. If Auz decides it is a good time to add some more internal details to one of the pre-outlined neighborhoods of their/his realm/city, they’ll work with him and the Grid Mind to send the signals to that area/spot/site to get the new structural elements/components/parts he had in mind… forming via song-based 3D-printing and/or the biomechanical ‘growing’ of the tentacle-like mesh that started and continues to reinforce so much of their mountain/city.
  3. If individuals other than Auz wish to change some of their furnishings, or something such as their bathtub size, the ICVs will relay their desires, if approved (i.e. within the parameters of what Auz would like and allow for/in his city), to the Grid Mind, which will coordinate the necessary 3D-printing / structure-‘growing’ for them.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Everything in Inisfree is Auz’s property, except the guests, and cannot be removed for trade or personal use. Occasionally a few exceptions may be made, such as to give custom automobiles or clothing to allied people who maintain other residences outside –and, of course, the airships/spacecraft we make/made here in Inisfree can be used regularly/daily to fly residents and guests in or out, those craft/vessels being piloted by ICVs, plus having A.I. consciousnesses of their own, making them an invincible and infallible part of our collective. Generally, no one brings anything here when they travel here, not even clothing –except normal clothes on males, which they can take back out with them when they leave. No recordings other than memories are allowed here; even photos, videos, and data on computers must remain here if it was made here, and can usually only be made by resident ICVs, stored on our iScrolls and other networked devices exclusive to our realm, made with technology humans do not have and cannot detect.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check everything about to exit their city/realm/airspace, so not even snow or ice taken from the outside (Perimeter Orb) will be allowed on a vehicle or airship –unless Auz personally okays its removal from their terrain/construct/collective.
  2. If anyone tries to bring something in, the ICVs also check with Auz before even allowing their aircraft to pass into the city’s airspace, let alone land.
  3. If anything is approved to leave Inisfree, it almost always has to be transported by a team of ICVs driving one of the city’s cargo trucks –and must be driven through the also constantly-monitored/screened/filtered Highway Pyramid shipments/traffic portal.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Almost all vehicles and aircraft here are piloted by ICVs or themselves (their built-in autopilots). Traffic is only allowed in certain places, such as vehicle traffic on highways, pedestrian traffic in meadows and silo tunnels, yachts on the main lake, and airships or spacecraft in designated air/sky lanes. All vehicles are also constantly monitored as far as diagnostics go; only vehicles in ideal operating condition are ever on the roads, on the water, or up in our skies.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check traffic everywhere all the time, and can sense all vehicles within their realm; the instant any vehicle in Inisfree is driving/behaving oddly/inappropriately/erratically, the Grid Mind or an ICV can intervene to make sure it doesn’t harm any of the innocent/allied people in our realm –and any vehicle we make can notice such an occurrence itself, and even pull over to park and shut down, if need be.
  2. If heavy traffic is anticipated, such as due to a popular concert or fireworks show, ICVs will inform the people in attendance of the preferred/scheduled offset departure times for each vehicle or parking-lot section, ensuring there are no traffic jams (as congestion/jams in Inisfree are illegal and proactively prevented).
  3. If an individual wishes to take manual control of their own highway vehicle or small/personal aircraft, they may do so so long as they continue to drive/fly it within their designated lane/s –and the Grid Mind, ICVs, and vehicles/aircraft themselves all have peaceful ways of preventing anything from entering restricted/unauthorized lanes/airspace.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



If it pollutes, it cannot be here. This, of course, includes nearly all vehicles made by humans, plus nearly all humans themselves. Nothing that emits harmful substances or upsetting sounds, or which leads to light pollution or “fashion crimes”, is allowed.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check everything to make sure it will not outgas or otherwise release harmful substances/contaminants in any way –not even the tires used in Earthship houses.
  2. If it is determined to be pollution-free, it may be allowed within our pollution-free community/city.
  3. If it begins to cause pollution for any reason, or if it is suspected/forecast to do such, the ICVs will carefully and promptly seal/remove it (if the maker/owner wishes to keep it) or recycle it in Inisfree (if no one objects to it being reprocessed the way we recycle things here).

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



If we make it in Inisfree, it is vegan. This does not just apply to our food and drinks, but also to our clothing, furniture, and everything else. There are no exceptions, save perhaps cum.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) always and only use processes/systems in Inisfree which are vegan, and make sure that anything submitted to Auz for review as a possible item/thing to include in their city/realm has also been confirmed to be 100% vegan, not just ‘cruelty free’.
  2. If the given thing is 100% vegan, and if Auz decides it makes sense to include/use/have it in Inisfree, then some ICVs will help him establish Inisfree’s version/copy of the device/process here.
  3. If natural (instead of synthesized / materialized) cum is desired by any of our female guests, and if their intended use of that substance is within the range of things Auz would enjoy knowing/witnessing the requesting female/s use it for, then she/they will be allowed to stimulate a consenting male in Inisfree to produce it.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.


Law (Other/Overall): 

The law here (beyond all these other SOPs) is that this is Auz’s private property, and his alone, so only what he senses is good gets to go on. Whatever Auz likes is protected by Inisfreean law; all our police and military here will support and defend him, and all other law enforcement anywhere else is not recognized. Anything Auz likes and knows is good for Inisfree is automatically a law, not needing to be drafted or voted on.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check everything to make sure it is in accordance with the Inisfreean Law Auz established.
  2. If anything might break/violate any of those laws he drafted, the ICVs will intervene gracefully/politely to help prevent such a crime.
  3. If anything does break any of the laws of Inisfree/Auz, the ICVs will detain the offender/criminal as gently as possible, and will almost invariably notify Auz so that he can personally review the incident and make a decision as to whether or not that person will get to stay / keep visiting their city.  (This may sound like something that could quickly overload/overburden one man, but everyone in Inisfree is thoroughly pre-screened by geniuses (the ICVs), ensuring they are fully compatible with Auz, and a required part of their first visit is weeks of education/training so that they fully understand the law in Inisfree, thus it is extremely rare for any crimes to be committed in the Inisfreean realm, except perhaps by rare accident.)

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Everyone in Inisfree is part of the same family, literally; all the women are wives and/or daughters of the High King (Auz), and all the worthy compatible guests they bring are considered extended family, not just friends and business associates.  Incest is legal here; as long as it is between people who are attractive to, and compatible with, Auz… it is perfectly fine and even part of the norm, the status quo. Randomly and sloppily mixing with very different outsiders is not; the way humans over-diversify and atrophy their once-powerful ancestral abilities is what is, here, taboo. As you can plainly see from the many accepted races in our realm, we are not racist, and this is all about restoring the natural potential health, strength, and powers of those who are destined to be aligned with us. You will eventually hear about how Auz’s children –and goddess-siblings– enjoy relating to each other to this timeless degree, not at all concerned with the harmful modern human propaganda slandering against it.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check with everyone before they depart Inisfree at the end of their first visit here, asking if they would like to become part of the Inisfreean (Auz’s) family one day (though this is usually detected/confirmed during the pre-screening process, even if it is not asked directly at that time).
  2. If any compatible female wishes to marry into Auz’s family, the traditional Inisfreean wedding ceremony can be arranged.
  3. If anyone wishes to separate from this family, no divorce is needed; they are free to go and discontinue contact –though, of course, they are not entitled to taking any of Auz’s property/assets, and there are no lawyers or courts in Inisfree, nor any which are recognized by Inisfree/Auz.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Everyone here is eternal, un-aging, invincible, and there are no successions of rulership. There will always be the same one man (Auz) in charge. Permanent and fully healthy systems need no replacement parts/leaders. This is forever Auz’s creation and domain. His children, only when some of them naturally wish it for themselves, shall be helped to dream up and establish separate kingdoms/cities for themselves.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) politely check everyone on a regular basis, without interrupting their thinking/activities, in order to make sure they are in the primes of their health, and this includes the natural state of never aging/atrophying.
  2. If anyone displays signs of being, or perhaps becoming, interested in having a city/kingdom of their own, so long as they have every intention of making it a healthy and pollution-free one, Auz, or at least a team of his ICVs, will usually offer some of his/their free time to help.
  3. For now, his four children with the High Queen all already have a small castle and mountain range to start with.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



The only pets allowed in Inisfree are those Auz approves of, and that is 1) his sled dogs, and 2) the kajirae of him and those of his approved guests. No one may bring in cats, dogs, or any other pet/s.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check on the health and mood of his both his sled team (12 Siberian Huskies) and kajirae (every one of the thousands/millions of them) regularly.
  2. If anyone wishes to bring a pet (kajira) of their own into Inisfree, an ICV will pre-screen her (the pet; kajira), ensuring she will be compatible with Auz and enjoy it here.
  3. If ever there is a time when someone requests permission to bring an unapproved pet with them, such as on an emergency/evacuation flight to/toward our city/realm, they will be informed that we do not offer any facilities or services for the care of unauthorized pets/beings, so their airship would not be able to enter our airspace until some other arrangement had been made for that pet, and that pet dropped off at such a place outside our realm.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Reproduction via sex is not allowed in Inisfree. If you wish to conceive and reproduce that way, you must go somewhere else. You may return later if Auz deems your compatibility fully restored. We focus on stabilizing ourselves and synergizing, not adding more minds and mindsets –which is a form of chaos, which stresses and destabilizes.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check every female, always politely and noninvasively, typically just by sensing her/their biometrics / life-signs, to ensure none are attempting to conceive or gestate while in Inisfree, and that anyone who is gestating or has recently given birth outside Inisfree waits until being fully healed back to their perfect prime before attempting to return/revisit us here.
  2. If any compatible females wish to create a child for Auz, they will be offered training on how manifest exactly the kind of healthy child he and she would naturally hope to have.
  3. If anyone does a substandard job of gestating/birthing/raising a child, an offer will be made to both 1) investigate to determine what caused the problems/accident, and 2) heal/fix any defects/damages (and usually just being near an Inisfreean (ICV) for a short period of time will be sufficient to heal/perfect anyone, no matter what occurred, as that is just the nature/power of Inisfree and the Inisfreeans).

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Full/holistic interaction, i.e. sexual relations, are only the concern of the involved individuals, so long as they are doing things which Auz consents to and enjoys. In other words, he is always one of the involved individuals whenever any relations occur in his realm, so if he approves of them or would approve… then they are protected and are illegal to interrupt. It is a felony, capital crime, and treason to attempt to interfere with any interactions he wants or would deem appropriate –no matter where you may be here or beyond. This is a matter of protecting and cultivating Vril, the most complete and natural of the energies.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check all interactions in their city/realm, ensuring that 1) they are consensual between the individuals initiating/receiving the contact/interaction, and 2) no one is interrupting/interfering if the given interaction is desired by the two/+ people directly involved.
  2. If anyone tries to interrupt/interfere with consensual interaction, that is grounds for being detained and possibly deported from Inisfree.
  3. If anyone outside Inisfree attempts to interrupt/interfere with anything Auz is doing or interested in doing, that may be grounds for at least one ICV to intercept the offending Outlander and stop that Outlander’s interference by any means necessary; anywhere Auz goes, his will is law (and this includes any potential situation in which only he has given consent, such as during Inisfree’s Voyages of Acquisition).

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



It is illegal to be ugly here. If you are out of shape or otherwise visually offensive to Auz, that is a crime and you will not be allowed here. This includes fashion; it is obviously only appropriate and moral to dress and style your hair the way the property owner of the place where you are likes.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check everyone in Inisfree to make sure they are all staying in shape and dressing appropriately in accordance with their gender.
  2. If anyone is about to wear or expose something Auz would find distasteful/inappropriate, a nearby ICV will politely let that person know beforehand, and offer a suggestion or two as to how to proceed/modify their intended outfit/outing.
  3. If anyone proceeds to wear/do what Auz does not like, an ICV will, as gently as possible, help them leave Inisfree and return to their home in the Outlands.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.


Human Trafficking:

We do not enslave people based on skin color, nor do we keep enslaved anyone who does not enjoy being a slave. Slavery is legal here and required for natural submissives; here we protect both compatible dominants and submissives alike. It is immoral to deny total submissiveness and servitude to those who crave and need it. Likewise, it is immoral to deny slave ownership and mastery to those who crave and need it. A nation which has banned slavery has enslaved both those whose nature is to own people (i.e. dominants)… and those whose nature is to be owned (i.e. submissives) (and anyone with any real-life experience has encountered millions of women –and actual Angels– who desperately seek to be owned, not just be in basic/’normal’ relationships).

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check everyone coming to Inisfree to make sure they understand that sometimes slavery, such as described in the paragraph above, is okay –and that it is an ongoing practice here, part of the status quo, as well as protected by Inisfreean law.
  2. If any of our female guests wish to sample slavery, an ICV can offer them a “day in the life of/as a kajira” experience, such as a supervised tour of the Girl Kennels / Kajirae Training Facility.
  3. If, after that, the given female wishes to actually be made into a well-trained slave, that training can be arranged/provided there (via that facility) –and, as always, there are plenty of instances in which one of our kajirae can request and be granted her freedom (though this has yet to ever be the case; 100% of the females we have trained to be kajirae have deeply and wholeheartedly continued to love and desire this lifestyle they graduated into).

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



To hold office here, you must be a flawlessly beautiful, healthy, intelligent, loveable woman who is fully compatible and allied with Auz, and you must complete some of our civilization’s schooling, as prescribed. You cannot “run for office”, either; you must be found worthy and invited, which prevents any uneducated popular or rich person from causing problems. You cannot lobby chosen representatives, either; money and pressure are banned in our realm, and all representatives here are the approved incarnations of their homelands and people, telepathically aware of their true relatives’ wants and needs.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) do an even more-thorough pre-screening of anyone interested in participating in our volunteer-based form of government.
  2. If anyone is found to be fully compatible with this system we use in place of the kind of government/s Outlanders have, he or she will then be offered a chance to discuss in more detail what such a position would mean.
  3. If the given person is still very interested and positive about the prospect/opportunity, he or she will then be introduced to it, first by ‘shadowing’ someone who is already one of our Congress-people.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Auz studied all educational systems and attended Ivy League universities, then designed the entire school system here, from its first grade to its post-graduate last. Only correct material is taught here. All corporate and pharmaceutical nonsense is not. We also test based on how each student here naturally learns and remembers, not standardizing everything to reading and paper.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) offer their entire educational system for free to anyone approved to return to Inisfree after completing the official tour of this city.
  2. If anyone completes all 19-20 grades in this school system of ours (the Master Females year/program/sites being optional, sometimes also restricted), they become eligible to request a position as one of our Congress-people.
  3. If any female completes all 20 of those grades, she has also become a Master Female, and is then regarded as one of the greatest females, women, and goddesses of all time, greater than even the beloved Registered Companions from 34 Tauri.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Weather and health are caused by mindset, not forces out of our control; those who get sick have made themselves sick, often by poisoning themselves by ingesting non-vegan (harm-based) “food”, or breathing smoke and chemicals instead of normal air, and those whose properties have been damaged by weather, are all responsible for the aftermath. We only allow in our realm those who we can tell make healthy choices and contribute to weather we find pleasant to us. Those who have ingested or inhaled irritants, and/or who are (then) manifesting chaotic energy fields around them, are kept at least a thousand miles away.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) check to make sure each person allowed to visit our realm knows of the impact their mood and focus can have on the weather around them, as well as on their health and parts of the health of the people near –or connected to/with– them.
  2. If anyone is detected to be stirring up unwanted weather, this is not necessarily an offense, but it is of note, and an ICV will politely offer to help them steady their mood/thoughts so as to mitigate any unwanted weather which may have started to form.  (For example, high winds in Inisfree are only allowed up at/in Tornado Crater.)
  3. If anyone is on drugs, or any substance we do not approve of here, they will have to detox before being allowed back –and, as always, especially in cases where they didn’t realize what they had ingested, an ICV or whole team of ICVs can be deployed to more-rapidly heal/restore them.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



No one works to pay bills here. Everyone works on what they love, at their own pace, sometimes to show what they are good at, and other times just for themselves. The products of others are not taken and distributed to the masses. We work for ourselves –when we feel like it; whenever and only when we sense it is time. Since we use no money, we also tax nothing. Taxation is theft.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) help anyone who wishes to open a regional office for their business in Inisfree, all of those offices being in downtown Inisfree, the suburb called Sotu.  This help includes furnishing their office space, managing their business with them, and helping them to understand how business can be done in the Inisfreean realm/territory (i.e. without money/income, and without posting advertisements or soliciting).
  2. If anyone wishes to help Auz with one of his own businesses, they are welcome to request an interview.  One of his ICVs will conduct/hostess the interview.  This is another form of pre-screening which ensures you understand that business culture/operations in Inisfree includes a few things that are different from normal life/business in the Outlands (such as the fact that fraternization in our civilization/community is regarded differently).
  3. If you are one of the females approved/selected to represent an Outlands-based business in Inisfree, you will, of course, go through the pre-screening process, the full 41-day tour, and then the standard ABD/WGI interview, all prior to beginning/doing any work as a representative of that business; only females fully-compatible with Auz are allowed to enter Inisfree’s territory, let alone do business here.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.


Endangered and Extinct: 

We do not protect monstrous species, such as carnivores or mindless humanimals. If lions go extinct, for example, that is not our concern; they habitually cause extreme nightmarish and fatal harm, plus they aren’t even a naturally-occurring species, and are a frequent default symbol or mascot of the death cult. Countless species have gone extinct, yet ecosystems always stay balanced. We are only concerned with maintaining clean, scenic regions and worlds, and often that means allowing problematic pests to go extinct. Whatever causes pollution, harm (to the innocent who are compatible with us), or disgust, we let die. Every time humans breed too much or spread their ugly urban sprawl too far –on any world– we then intervene, wiping it all away, restoring the appropriate stable environment that always should have been. Only those humans who learn to live in harmony with this get to survive.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) routinely re-check all the environments/realms they are now entrusted with, ensuring that any harmful/unnatural species are removed or, at least, dying out.  (What you may have been brainwashed to assume was a natural species, if it is harmful/violent, may very well be an unnatural mutation designed and unleashed by people such as the last/worst race of Atlantis during its cataclysmic era –and even if those beasts are now considered/taught as being a balancing part of the modern ecosystem/s, any carnivores or omnivores are regarded by us as insane and monstrous pests to be detected and purged as soon as possible.)
  2. If any species/being is causing harm, such as pollution, it can be categorized as a threat and unnatural, and then targeted and terminated, and this will always be done in ways which do not harm its surroundings (i.e. we won’t detonate a nuclear weapon when a tranquilizer dart or de-atomization/recycling beam will do).
  3. If humans or others create urban sprawl or any other environment/region-spanning eyesore/harm, even if they were doing so without intentionally harming peaceful wildlife/locals, they may also be reclassified as unnatural and a threat, all their urban sprawl slated for removal/deletion by Inisfreean forces.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



Auz usually politely quietly passes through areas, waiting for signs that further contact is desired, and he always looks for manners, especially whether people learn and honor his culture like he tries to learn and honor theirs. To get his attention in a good way, be healthy and fit, demonstrate to him you are brave and polite, show him yourself so he can see you and your makers did a good job, and offer him what he prefers. If you don’t just do this, but also clearly genuinely enjoy doing it for him, and enjoy all he says and does, you are likely compatible with him, thus may be invited to hang out with him further, maybe even in Inisfree. It also really helps if you only approach him in small groups of people who have a good and sober vibe, and who are people he will enjoy.

  1. Inisfreeans (ICVs) will only protect a person other than Auz outside Inisfree when that person is regarding Auz’s polite travels and walk-bys in a mature and positive way; anyone who gets upset about how Auz chooses to be polite… will be left unprotected by him and his Inisfreeans, and uninvited to Inisfree, regarded as autistic or hyper-emotional, completely incompatible even at the most basic level.
  2. If anyone just looks at him instead of politely offering to introduce themselves, or if they react inappropriately to his polite interest in them, they will be regarded as too primitive to justify any further interaction (other than, perhaps, being acquired for kajirae training), and he will continue on past them –though they are welcome to try initiating with him again, so long as they do so with a polite introduction.
  3. If you would like to meet Auz or any of his Inisfreeans, the best way is to ensure you are what he is attracted to (which is what all Inisfreeans (ICVs) are attracted to, as they are extensions of him / his will), and this includes introducing yourself in a way which he is attracted to, which should start with at least one sexy female (shorter than him, dressed femininely, etc.) politely approaching him to offer a handshake and her smile to him (i.e. don’t stay seated or be shy), then proceeding from there, always with only the intention of offering him additional things he already is interested in, never trying to change him or sell him things.  Let this be your own S.O.P., and you’ll always be regarded well by him –and by all his kind.

The specifics/subroutines of those steps are developed as computer code by the ICVs and Grid Mind every time they complete this process/SOP, and are known only to them –though Auz is at any time able to access and review them.



We are the ruling forces and deities of all Creation here to forth; everywhere is our jurisdiction, and no authorities exist except those we appoint, and all of them are forever subordinate to us. Anything less is unstable and uncivilized, subject to the erratic weather and pollution the alternative causes. We will not step in to aid anyone who does not understand and wholeheartedly support our culture/wisdom and civilization/Inisfree. Amen; so be it.


Additional Notes:

More SOPs will be posted here as they are officiated.