These are the businesses managed by War God Industries (WGI).


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction & Overall
  2. Large Overseas Complex of Many Businesses
  3. Investments
  4. Partnerships
  5. My Sustainable-community Innovations which WGI Facilitates
  6. CEO Auzdein’s Monthly Letters
  7. Additional Notes
  8. Prospective Employees:  Interview Tips
  9. Conceptual Images


Introduction & Overall:

War God Industries (WGI) is the biggest company in all of Inisfree, with its corporate offices downtown at WGI HQ Tower.  Its founder & CEO is the King of Inisfree, Auzdein von Himmler, commonly known as ‘The Governor’.  Here is all you’ll need to know about this mega-business of his:

  • Established: 2000 A.D. (the start of its drafting/instinct/vision)
  • Headquarters: 2; (for the Inisfreean realm) downtown Inisfree, and (for the Outlands) Londinium (in its biggest city)
  • Products:  (now handled by numerous subsidiaries (see below), but originally all by WGI; before any of those other companies were founded by Auz)
    3D-printers; personal and industrial (capable of printing vehicles),
    aero- & hydroponics for rooftop gardens & crops​,
    agencies for modeling, fashion designers, PMCs​, & entertainment,
    ​basic human cloning, typically for replacement organs and skin grafting,
    ‘by-mind’ interfaces (2nd-gen’)​,
    ​cybernetic organisms,
    gene-therapy-based cures for degenerative diseases​,
    landscape architecture items​,
    ​prosthetic limbs,
    self-growing nanotube-based structures​,
    various military gadgets and other items​
  • Alignment/Affiliation: Bavarian Illuminati, New Verse Order
  • Offices: (classified)
  • Properties: (classified)
  • Additional: Rivaling the Blue Sun Corporation and Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group of more than 3,000 subordinate companies, WGI is an Umbrella-like super-corporation, that facilitates and oversees industry leaders in the fields of military research and development, genetic engineering and modification, cloning, biomechanics, nanotechnology, biotecture, terraforming, and the hardware and software engines for ‘fly-by-mind’ interfaces.  Its branches and directorates also include many leading modeling, private contracting, fashion, and entertainment firms and agencies.


Large Overseas Complex of Many Businesses:

Inisfree is the overseas headquarters for dozens of subsidiaries and partner-corporations.  War God Industries manages all the business operations that happen in and because of Inisfree.  These are its subordinate ventures:

  1. “Alexandria Restored”: librarian services; online and traditional/physical, including new book-locating technology
  2. “Anaximander, Eratosthenes, & Sons”: cartography; a new method of zero-projection-distortion mapping (to be used in cave systems, ocean floors, on the Moon and other worlds, as well as across Space)
  3. “Applicable Alchemy”: recycling (and recycling R&D); developing cleaner and more efficient ways to recycle, such as at the molecular and related levels, and by using mushrooms to help biodegrade Styrofoam and other challenging materials
  4. “Atlas Systems”: city & perimeter airspace monitoring, air traffic control (ATC), and related services
  5. “Austin Bunton Design”: corporate oversight; ABD is the corporation to manage all of these other businesses (all those listed above) –Why not say WGI and all these others are subordinate to ABD, then?  All this started with WGI (in the 1990s); ABD was thought of much later (2000s).
  6. “Coeus & Hephaestus”: data backup & recovery services, Cloud computing, CAD, and other data center services for the city (such as scheduling; new approaches to proactively preventing traffic jams, ‘ghost jams’, and general congestion)
  7. “Demeter’s Palace”: grocery store; a new structural and functional layout, along with new checkout and inventory technology
  8. “Eye on the Sky”: astronomical observatory; construction, maintenance, operation, and a service provided to all parties wishing to use it
  9. “Farm to Table”: food & beverage production; preparing recipes and packaging for the grocery store products available in my sustainable community, all of which will be healthy, organic, locally-grown, etc.
  10. FOB-Net”: Internet; our own Intranet and Internets (including a SIPRNET), the name coined from “Forward Operating Base (FOB)” (as this sustainable community design was originally just that of an advanced/sophisticated FOB, and because it will, until construction is complete, function much more like a FOB) and “network”
  11. “Godhood Fitness”: fitness; new types of playgrounds (with taller versions of jungle-gyms meant for learning Le Parkour, as well as musical-playgrounds featuring giant colorful wind-chimes), school gymnasiums, and public gyms based on CrossFit and Le Parkour, with sports-medicine / massage-therapy available within
  12. “Heimdallr”: security:  guard training and details, based out of my sustainable community’s training tower and adjacent facilities), and founded as the next step up from the original PMC I drafted a business proposal for in order to launch back in 2008
  13. Inisfreean Congresses”: government; a new type of management / charity / volunteer-organization based out of two main meetings facilities in my sustainable community, along with the staff and other support personnel for events hosted in those two places
  14. “Jiutian Xuannü”: sports; complexes/facilities construction and events management (including for new types of sports, such as PB-PK and The X-Games, and teamwork-based Olympics)
  15. Kno Clothing”:  textiles and couture manufacturing via 3D-printing –and a subset for making sneakers and protective vests designed around the female form (most current products are designed incorrectly around a smaller version of the male foot forms, etc.)
  16. “Macro Machines”: automotive 3D-printing; automobile plants (using industrial-scale 3D-printers instead of assembly-lines, and producing customizable vehicles which do not use gasoline, pollute, or require maintenance –but most importantly vehicles which have no ‘blind spots’; mastering methods for printing with new and ‘meta’ materials), and transportation/travel in general; vehicles (and management) for mass-transit, including zero-emissions designs using alternative propulsion methods and meta-materials for elimination of ‘blind spots’, as well as a fleet of yachts 3D-printed based on popular designs from Monaco and other yachting hotspots
  17. “Mall of Inisfree”: shopping; a company to handle inventory and other needs of my sustainable community’s flagship mall
  18. “Manna”: restaurants & the foodservice/catering/wait-service industry:  (and other dining establishments) across my sustainable community (including submersible lounges/bars now trending), whose layouts, décor, playlists, and menus I’ve started putting together (along with lists of crops for the city’s farmland and grow-rooms to produce all ingredients on-site year-round), and which will utilize 3D-printers for the rapid application of dessert layers and other elements to items such as gala hors d’oeuvres trays
  19. “MKM, Inc.”: magazine printing & distribution:  MKM, the name of the military-humor magazine whose first issue was compiled by squadmates during my first combat deployment (and which now has content arranged for 90 issues)
  20. “Microgentle”: software; such as for drones and other vehicles (ICVs, UAVs, USVs, Deep Space probes, suspension bridge weaving, etc.)
  21. “Municipal Park Service”: personnel tasked with maintaining and sometimes expanding the features of the city’s Statue Park (making them our equivalent of the National Park Service employees)
  22. “Muse & Afflatus”: performing arts; facility management and choreography (closely tied to the entertainment company)
  23. “Party People”: entertainment; staff for the city’s 51 themed dance clubsoutdoor raves  –including for an amusement/theme-park; managing the two theme-parks in my sustainable community (one on land, which I’ve started designing several rides for, and the other on a cruise ship, which I’ve also started designing)
  24. “Perfect Farms”: farming; automated agriculture (a new form of sustainable farming, including year-round and underground growing, as well as vertical-farming, urban-farming, and the use of micro-climates)
  25. “Seshat & Tiur”: education; teacher, coach, and student training programs (as part of the innovative school system designed for my sustainable community, featuring curricula spanning 20 school-grades instead of the traditional 12-grades system (including correspondence / distance-learning via a web portal for U.I.O.; University of Inisfree Online, where students can take courses originally planned to only be offered at my sustainable community’s schools))
  26. “Superior Environmental Design”: environmental restoration, referred to as S.E.D. Corp., managing global clean-up missions, re-greening (such as forest planting via small UAVs and large retrofitted military cargo planes dropping seed capsules), methane harvesting from landfills (in virtually every city on the planet), collecting the trash in the oceans for re-use as free building materials (and partnering with the organizations working on this right now), etc.
  27. “Tesla Energy”: my city’s power grid, renewable energy harvesters, and the Powerwall batteries and related systems
  28. “The Grammar Nazi”: editing; of my novels and other literary works
  29. “The Lap of Luxury”: hospitality; signature hotels architecture, staffing (and staff training), as well as management
  30. “The Panacea Holistic Hospital”: healthcare; a new type of medical system, hospital layout, and noninvasive surgical techniques (including dental)
  31. “To Boldly Go”: Expedition tour guiding (a company for arranging, training for, and leading sight-seeing trips to remote locations around my sustainable community and beyond (and after I spend roughly one year sailing around the world with a sailing group, I’ll be making it a lifestyle and traveling to and through each of the 196+ nations of our world, looking for more interested people to join me in these numerous business endeavors)
  32. “Triumphus”: festivals; management for the welcoming ceremonies, parades, graduation ceremonies, and other major outdoor events (all of which have become part of a complex calendar I’ve been putting together so that all the big holidays and other celebrations of every country on Earth get a full day each year in my sustainable community, as we are ‘citizens of the world’)
  33. “Valkyrie Corps”:   search & rescue training, as well as the full array of emergency services (firefighting, EMTs, police, military, state militias, etc., based out of my sustainable community’s training tower and surrounding facilities)
  34. “Vindhlér”: atmospheric monitoring and inclement-weather mitigation; modern HAARP technology (the name meaning, in ancient Norse, “the one protecting against the wind”)
  35. “WMKM Studios”: gaming; computer and video game development (but also broadcasting, communications, media, news coverage, and motion pictures filming:  WMKM, the name of the studios for my personal radio and TV stations, and the name of the company whose studios will develop, beta-test, distribute, and provide technical support for the hundreds of video/computer games, and hundreds more motion pictures and TV series, I’ve put together ideas for –including a sim in Second Life, and other immersive games similar to Second Life,  which will serve as the virtual-reality introduction and walk-through to people new to my sustainable community concepts)
  36. “White and Gold”:  transportation infrastructure; highway 3D-printing and monitoring, along with ATC towers


WGI History:

Roughly every year since the founding of Inisfree, ABD/WGI has launched one more company/subsidiary.  From the time of The Shift (2012-2013), that projects the last of the above-drafted 36 businesses to be started in 2049 A.D., Earth-time.  There may be additional businesses started by High King Auz then.


C-Level ICVs:

All of High King Auz’s businesses/companies/corporations/subsidiaries were started and managed by some of his Inisfreean girls (ICVs).  All of those ventures continue to be led by ICVs filling all their executive (“C-level”; command/chief, as in CEO, CFO, CIO, COO, etc.) and managerial roles.  This is why they have a 100% success and profitability rating; only his attempts at doing business with Earth-human Outlanders failed (due to sabotage/laziness/dishonesty on the part of those ‘people’/NPCs).



We have always invested in other promising companies who produce things we enjoy.  Our investments include financial ones, but go far beyond the monetary system used by the humans.  Inisfreeans invest in terms of data, manpower, wisdom, and much more.

Companies We Support:  a list of outstanding businesses operating on Earth right now which you can find plenty of information on via Wikipedia, the stock exchanges, and their websites



  • I’ve prepared a list of the world’s 2,000+ known billionaires and 500 most successful companies, along with a few corporations which manage trillions of dollars in accounts and other assets, and will be offering these entities the rights to open up retail locations and regional offices in my city. Any of them who invest in the construction and advertising of my city will be offered vacation packages and resort residence timeshares there.
  • I also have a list of several dozen successful brands I’ll be offering through the various retail outlets of the city’s shopping mall. Vacation deals and occasional use of the city’s lodging and residences will be made available to the leaders and employees of these businesses, too.
  • I’m going to offer Sir Richard Branson exclusive initial rights to air traffic to and from one of my city’s two planned airports (the other reserved for air-traffic for expeditions and search-&-rescue). Other airlines, such as those conducting sightseeing flights over the Antarctic coastlines, will be made offers to join in later.
    –update:  canceled; Inisfree Spaceways was later made to handle that traffic
  • I’m going to offer both Branson and Elon Musk rights to conduct R+D, as well as flights and launches, from the city’s two spaceports (which the airports double as). Elon’s work will be toward exploration and colonization of Space and other worlds, while Branson’s at these two city sites will be toward commercial flights (sightseeing) to Space (low orbit, specifically).
    –update:  canceled; all R+D in my realm now handled/managed by my ICVs


My Sustainable-community Innovations which WGI Facilitates:

  • When I (Auz) learned how badly the global environment was being destroyed, I knew immediately that with all the incredible resources and powers of the governments remaining ineffective… I would need to bypass them and enforce the global clean-up with my own military/militarized force, so I drafted the plans for the reuse and retrofitting of surplus military and civilian cargo ships and cargo aircraft for the purpose of region-scale trash cleanup and reforestation campaigns with squadrons instead of piecemeal efforts.
  • New military and PMC training methods, small-squad collective-movement techniques, and dynamic-entry towers.
  • Weapons, armor, gear, vehicles, aircraft, and more were all being made as cheaply as possible, costing many thousands of heroes their faces, limbs, minds, or even their very lives, so I drafted plans for another company; W.G.I., to make better-quality products in all those categories to keep those brave souls safe and healthy while they did their critical jobs, and to provide them with better repairs and ‘backup parts’ whenever some of them still took damage (and have since kept a close eye on all medical 3D-printing breakthroughs –which now allow for their bones (including teeth and skulls), organs, and entire limbs to be rapidly regrown, sometimes even while they are still in the field).
  • Printed magazines were becoming too PC to be interesting or worth the trouble of making and shipping, in many of my friends’ opinions, so I started the first 90 issues of my own; MKM.
  • Banks, drug-lords, and other executives were legally extorting and robbing the people into severe poverty, so I drafted plans for an Internal Affairs-like organization to monitor and resolve those situations; The Wolves was named to indicate its nature as a quiet and close-knit team of people with exceptional senses and coordination when it came to this line of work (investigations into white-collar crimes and ties to the criminal underworld), its purpose being to restore fair transactions and hard-earned account balances (in spite of any reprisals from notorious ‘armies of lawyers’), and I went further by developing ways for common people overcome the perceived ‘need’ for money and banks in the first place.
  • America’s educational system had fallen far behind most other countries’, so I rewrote all its curricula from pre-school through post-grad’ studies, even spending plenty of time reimagining P.E. with Yoga and Tai Chi, and reimagining extracurricular educational activities such as the Girl Scouts in a variety of ways, then all the other fields of study, creating a brand new set of ‘core subjects’, and even designing more logical school buildings –everything from elementary school layouts to those of academies/universities.
  • All the ‘ologies’ (science fields) have proven important for the progress of our civilization, so to ensure their ongoing success –especially teamwork and the ‘comparing of notes’ between them– I made sure that each of the multiple facilities across my city will be able to cater to several of them, providing both research-station opportunities and citywide vacation amenities for researchers and other scientists from all nations; every ‘ology’ there is out there can be studied and further advanced from within this city.
  • Hollywood was lazily and intentionally ruining COUNTLESS literary masterpieces with TERRIBLE film adaptations of them, so I founded WMKM Studios (which now also hosts our Ansible-based radio stations, as well as the development teams for the betas of more than 30 video/computer games I have started drafting plots and features for)
  • I redesigned doors and stairwells to be more all-inclusive, fitness-promoting, full of options, and fun
  • I learned firsthand the importance of ‘white noise’ at times, and ‘golden silence’ at others, so there are plenty of waterfalls in all the right places, and all of the would-be noisy areas of my city have sound suppression devices built into them (such as silencer-like tubes around certain highway sections, and impact-range berms shaped by earth-movers to deflect concussion ‘bangs’ and booms upward to better disperse them into the atmosphere)
  • adult films used to be tasteful, casting nearly only attractive women, but had since degenerated into nearly 100% hideous people only making half-hearted, sloppy performances as disgusting as their physiques were, so I founded Grunt Entertainment to restore the sane standard of only supermodel-quality girls doing only sexy things
  • towns and cities weren’t being built in environmentally sound or even generally logical ways, so I designed Inisfree; Earth’s first 100% pollution-free, self-sustaining, luxury eco-resort, sure to inspire, heal, and empower everyone compatible with and worthy of its tours, residences, and events
  • natural disasters were so regularly occurring, and humans kept illogically rebuilding in their guaranteed annual paths in all the same ways which never survived them, that I realized I needed to design more modular structures and civilizations which were closer in their layout and functionality to the command buildings of bases such as NORAD, and this eventually led to fully-mobile cities capable of casually withstanding ALL KNOWN NATURAL DISASTERS –even from nuclear strikes, nuclear fallout, solar flares, super-volcanoes, meteor showers, asteroids, comets, and supernovae
  • terraforming was too theoretical, so I developed biomechanical tentacles governed by a new type of supercomputer; the Grid Mind, to make rapid terraforming a mass-produced reality as needed
  • I redesigned the entire concept of a power grid (previously based just on coal power-plants, hydroelectric dams, nuclear power-plants, carcinogenic power-line towers, and electric cables which often got chewed through by animals; rodents above ground, and sharks around underwater cables due to how their E.M. fields attracted them), resulting in a Tesla-based system which harnesses infinite, clean, renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric without dams, seismic, sonic, thermal, geothermal, biothermal, bioelectric, piezoelectric, ionic/auroral, etc.), converts them into any power type needed, and automatically both stores and evenly distributes them constantly, preventing surges, tripped breakers, and outages such as blackouts, as well as negating the need for any carcinogenic structures such as above-ground power-lines (and the buried ones, which once cost 4x as much, now cost 20% less than the above-ground ones thanks to 3D-printing advances  –but aren’t even needed anymore, thanks to the Tesla-system of power transmission!)
  • when it became clear that most of the undermining and alleged assassinations were occurring due to hardworking people fearing new technologies would make them and their companies obsolete, I made sure to make free cross-training and vocational rehabilitation programs available to everyone concerned, helping anyone in need to make meaningful career transitions instead of getting left behind (and this is now part of the educational system redo I masterminded, and is available as the latest extension of the U.I.O.; the University of Inisfree Online)
  • farming was being done inefficiently, frantically, and was resulting in soil contamination, desertification, and Dust Bowls, so I got certified as a Master Gardener, spent a few seasons getting hands-on experience building farms from the ground up and doing landscaping and irrigation for the finest mansions and communities in the world, and then combined bio-domes, hydroponics, aeroponics, vertical farming, urban farming, and a growing number of other sciences into the Cropland and all other ‘edible garden’ areas in my community, finding ways to feed as many people as there might ever be there and beyond
  • to ensure the closest adherence to the ‘farm to table’ model, I also designed a much more energy-efficient version of the traditional grocery store, including features such as the freezer aisles in its basement level, and automated checkout-lane scanners built into the door-frames; so there are no more lines, inventory is updated automatically, and –if we still used currency or credits, which we don’t– much more seamless card-like billing (Inisfree now enjoys the ‘post-scarcity economy’ mentioned in Star Trek)
  • carbon-fiber nanotubes had proven reliable, so I took that even further by developing all my creations with only self-repairing components, and now 100% of the buildings, vehicles, outfits, and everything else in Inisfree can heal itself and even, in most cases, move out of the way or better adjust itself for various types of potential impacts
  • the Gregorian calendar was convoluted, so I simplified it by dividing Earth’s year into 13 even months, each of 28 days
  • holidays around the world were too disjointed, so I combined them all into the omni-calendar
  • the healthcare system had become a disaster, a scam, a nightmare, and a deathtrap, so I redid the whole thing from the ground up, succeeding where it –especially the V.A.– had grossly failed, including wise fusions of things I’d learned from acupuncturists and alternative-medicine doctors, even creating a new type and class of dental clinic
  • human fraternities and sororities had all fallen into states of being complete lies; false advertising, such as the Masons not having any actual masons in it, etc., so I started the flagship chapters of both M.A.F.I.A. (Males And Females Initiating Action; to help clean up the streets) and A.D.O. (to help talent-scout, screen, and pre-train worthy girls for kajirae training in the new capital-of-everything)
  • human females had completely lost the instincts, educations, tricks, and social structure to be feminine, so I designed the Master Females program
  • traffic jams had become a global pandemic, utterly annihilating schedules, efficiency, free-time, enjoyable commutes, and (via exponentially-increased wear&tear) vehicle lifespans, so I came up with dispersion and anti-congestion laws, then used them as part of the programming for a new coordination of vehicle autopilots to proactively forecast potential high-traffic areas AND prevent them from ever starting –even due to ‘ghost jams’
  • motion-sensitive lighting had saved many millions of dollars and untold amounts of power over the years of its implementation, so I applied versions of that technology to my city’s highways, streets, sidewalks, homes (now part of the standard building code there), offices, restaurants, and other facilities; that is why you will never see a fully-lit highway length in Inisfree (and won’t even see any eyesore streetlight poles blocking the scenic views, for only the sections of the drive-able surfaces light up now, and softly from within; glare-free back-lighting set to anticipate your velocity (direction and speed) of travel)
  • I also developed ways of no longer needing any stop signs, stoplights, intersections, cross-walks, or speed bumps, and now Inisfree has absolutely none of those anywhere
  • to prevent forest fires, I adjusted the spacing of all landscaping based on the slope of the terrain it was built into, and to help contain fires, I added sprinkler systems not only to lawns and office hallways, but also to residence rooftops across every neighborhood in my design; now homes in Inisfree enjoy the same level of fire suppression (not just smoke detection) that major buildings such as skyscrapers in other cities have for a generation
  • all of the 5,700+ religions, and their hundreds of thousands of denominations, kept draining more budgets (and resources in general) than all the world’s defense-spending combined, and kept metastasizing, leaving everyone confused, arguing, and infighting over what amounted to nothing more than obsessions with imaginary friends, so I banned all religions, seizing their assets and re-appropriating them to all the sciences which actually helped people
  • brainwashing to ‘pair up’ in government (bicameral legislatures, two-party systems, etc.), sports (two teams fighting each other, one always losing), religion (two deities battling each other for everyone’s souls, both supposedly torturing and killing countless people), and relationships (two completely different types of people being given equal amounts of control and undeserved shame, then being allowed to financially and emotionally wear each other out in illogical legal battles) had created a global Pendulum Effect, so I re-imagined sex-ed, and created a social structure based on threes and larger groups (often of prime numbers of members, as they are naturally much more stable), as well as the new Olympic Games –in which teams work together to score goals and set new records, not against each other
  • I saw the wisdom in new forms of sports, so I made sure to add to the Inisfree city layout facilities for all the ones you are familiar with, plus now facilities for new-fusion sports such as paintball-parkour –and I even invented completely new forms of sports stadiums which you will see
  • free-fall has become so refined and safe that its many forms are all now offered from multiple spots across my city
  • nationalism was becoming a problem for some countries, so to help show everyone the specialties, inventions, wisdom, art, regional cuisine, and perfections of ALL the nations and other realms, I have made sure to include many themed neighborhoods like you will find distinct sections at Disney World; one for each architectural style around the world
  • Rainbow Six wasn’t enough, and during my time as an instructor in the Marine Corps I was frequently pressured to stop teaching what was proven effective in combat and instead teach lethally incorrect doctrine just because it was doctrine, so I laid out the plans for my own PMC; Schwarzdonner, as well as the Rainbow teams 7 through 12
  • I saw the importance of search&rescue training ever since my time helping provide search&rescue relief to fellow professional units in combat, so I reserved an entire quarter of my city’s property for every type of training for every possible mission environment, opened it to help cross-train officers and firefighters from allied nations, and designed a SCUBA facility inspired by the Nemo 33 pool and NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory –which now doubles as the perfect training and rehearsals environment for the exploration of the growing number of major underwater ruins now being found around the world (not to mention a great place to start for what will lead us to interactions with underwater-based civilizations we will eventually make contact –and friends– with)
  • I also saw the importance of animal rehabilitation centers instead of zoos, so now more than a full square mile in Inisfree is reserved for vast paddocks and lake-sized aquarium sections capable of housing and returning to good health nearly every type of animal on Earth (even Killer Whales will no longer display the depression and atrophy evidenced by the curving and slumping-to-the-side of their dorsal fins while in ‘captivity’)
  • I wanted my own theme-park, so I designed two kinds of them, each with all the best rides; one on land, and a water-park based on a large cruiseship-like vessel
  • Army R+D ‘powered armor’ was too clumsy and bulky, so I upgraded the Ghost design into S.T. suits (going beyond even the fictional tech’ of Iron Man)
  • transportation was ridiculously, outrageously, and dangerously being restricted to combustion-based engines, so I researched Vimanas and related tech’, and engineered new POVs, mass-transit vehicles, commercial aircraft, commercial Spacecraft, and airports (now doubling as Spaceports), even R+D-ing Space-time bends to bypass vehicle- and aircraft-based travel times and jet-lag (and since the vehicles we now manufacture no longer need or have engine blocks in them, that allows them to have two trunks instead of one; doubling the cargo capacity while still dropping their weight (thus lowering their energy-fuel needs) dramatically)
  • common land vehicle seating formations were illogically designed, leaving most cars and trucks off-balance, resulting in a higher rate of necessary tire rotations and other maintenance services, so I redesigned them to be built standard with 3- and 5-seat formations instead of 4-seat ones, keeping the driver centered over the chassis –which also resulted in keeping the most important person in each vehicle much, much safer
  • recycling was still inefficient and polluting, so I designed better recycling plants and a new level of recycling
  • democracy’s obvious shortcomings and loopholes were being fully exploited, so I invented an entirely new form of government, and established four Congresses instead of one –and I even rewrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, drafting modern versions much better suited for my ideal community’s purposes (and you can find copies of them posted online at my company website)
  • after learning how quickly fires can spread through most homes and other buildings, I replaced all flammable materials with nonflammable ones, and went a step further by also replacing all glass with ‘buckysheets’ (not even merely Plexiglas or transparent aluminum –which is real, not Star Trek anymore, by the way; look it up!)
  • I also designed next-gen’ firetrucks capable of handling the most challenging of skyscraper fires (as we all know, ever since the 11 September 2001 incident, is absolutely critical for any major downtown area)
  • light pollution, for generations now, has prevented hundreds of millions of people from seeing the therapeutic view of the nighttime stars with their own eyes on a regular basis, so I made sure my entire city design (even the dense-urban downtown area) was such that it would keep light pollution to an absolute bare minimum –just as much as it was designed to keep noise pollution and pollution in general out of the picture
  • shape-shifting skyscrapers made their debut in Dubai back in the early 2000s, so I made sure to include plenty of those in Inisfree’s biggest urban-themed area (which made it arguably more impressive than even fictional Coruscant from Star Wars)
  • female footwear had been illogically designed based on the male foot shape, so after Rykä corrected that bizarre oversight, I created female physique contour couture flak jackets and more, ensuring that body armor no longer smashed tits or caused other ailments and injuries
  • I know the importance of entertainment and R&R, so I also designed my own shopping mall (which will offer to Inisfree’s residents and visitors the latest products from all the companies around the world which I have reviewed, tested, and found to be outstanding), movie theater, laser-tag arena, performing arts center, next-gen’ ballet style, restaurant chains, and 50 nightclubs; one for every genre of music and dance
  • the SED hadn’t succeeded at the needed large/global scale yet, and groups such as the EPA and Green Peace weren’t doing nearly enough at all, so I reimagined the SED as SED2, and it remains operational and based out of Inisfree to this day
  • monogamy was failing universally, so I lived by example and reset the standard to what it was in the Golden Ages; polyamory and polygamy
  • DNA kept producing freakish deformities and degenerative diseases, and was a fragile structure to begin with, so I engineered a much more reliable replacement building-block for it; SRC
  • machines had lost their contours, finesse, and sexiness, so I engineered the ICVs, ST suit appearance modes, and Inisfreean BattleMechs
  • when I learned that the proposed construction site for the pollution-free city I’d designed was the best place for astronomical observation on Earth, I added to that city’s design a next-gen’ observatory which was even better than the airplane-based ones, and could even rival the Hubble Space Telescope
  • mapping and the Space program were being done incorrectly, inaccurately, and highly illogically, so I created a new cartography system along with my Inisfree-based replacement for NASA; my own Star Fleet
  • communications were still being done primitively via radio, microwave, and electric/fiber-optic cable signals, so I invented next-gen’ H.A.N. (Human Area Network) and humanoid-pile chairs as more appealing (and vastly more efficient) interfaces
  • sex-toys were popular, as well as health-improving stress-relievers, so I took all of them into next-gen’ levels, such as with the development of the B.T.B., dildo-vines, Underway dungeons, Subterranean Prison, DP-panties, and sex-variant Xenomorphs
  • oppressive laws preventing innocent people from making their own decisions about when the right time was for them to make love and experiment were all done away with in my legal system, and sex between such people is now protected under Inisfreean law (and all my city’s law enforcement officers are educated about this key social-reform matter) –even sexting bans have been done away with
  • my California garage rock band, Violent Rebirth, fell apart due to our active duty constraints, so I carried on the music and stage performances I had composed via the ICVs-based VR2
  • all these businesses and other creations needed better management and coordination, so I laid out the plans for their corporate headquarters; WGI HQ Tower
  • 3D-printing was cutting costs, time, and construction site waste by as much as 80%, so I took that even further by adding the latest next-gen’ to it; 3D-printing via sound and harmonics, now incorporated as the basis for product formation in all of my factories
  • when reports came in of corrupt auto industry executives allowing dangerous false advertising and substandard vehicles to leave their assembly lines, I made preparations to build my own automobiles production facilities for everything from personal and municipal vehicles (street sweepers, trash trucks, recycling trucks, firetrucks, tow-trucks, debris clearers, mobile cranes, etc.) to military ones
  • when reports came in of corrupt processed food&drinks executives allowing things such as plastic-based fake rice, sawdust posing as Parmesan cheese filler, and sugar added to increase the popularity of previously healthy bottled drinks, I made preparations to build my own food processing and packaging facility in my city
  • when 100% of authorities, from cops and feds to lawyers and judges, were confirmed in-person to be corrupt, illogical, and often even literally criminally insane, I pioneered the modern Underground Railroad for all who had been given erroneous and fake ‘black marks’ on their criminal records, as well as the secession from the United States for the same reasons the American colonies had once seceded from the United Kingdom, and even proclaimed for all supporters of this movement a restoration of their savings, credit, and good names, thus freeing everyone in one fell swoop from the fruitless and futile struggle against a fake legal system designed only to uphold foolish laws which only hurt everyone
  • after learning that SETI and related programs had only been looking at about 1% of the sky, and listening for only 1 type of communication signal, I designed a new observatory and network of next-gen’ satellites which could listen to, process, record, analyze, and make sense out of it ALL
  • after learning that NOAA and related organizations, along with the rest of humanity over the course of recorded history, had only just now managed to map 5% of the uppermost layer of the oceans, I committed Inisfree’s fleets to traversing, mapping, and publishing the findings of Deep Space, but also our world’s seas and oceans, bringing that percentage up to 100 (and the same holds true for Earth’s crust; only a tiny fraction of caves are known, and only a tiny fraction of them mapped, and even then only mapped just a short depth into their cave mouths, so Inisfree’s technology will be mapping all of the rest, giving us a first-look into the true nature of our planet’s crust and mantle)


CEO Auzdein’s Monthly Letters:

Once a month, the CEO of WGI sends out a confidential message to all of his companies’/subsidiaries’ employees.  These messages update everyone on the focus, progress, and changes of their business endeavors.  Normally, all of those messages would be classified as trade secrets, not authorized for outside distribution or view.  You, however, can get a glimpse of them here.


Additional Notes:

Our focus is never metrics; it is ALWAYS how healthy our employees and teammates are; how healthy WE are, as in whether or not we have achieved godhood/immortality/invincibility.  A business must put the health of its people first if it wants to succeed.  Anything less is uncivilized and downright evil.

(Of course, you could then argue that, technically, our focus is still on metrics; on the metrics of ensuring our employees and others are healthy and getting along.)

Our company logo/symbol (the triquetra with four color-coded sections) symbolizes:

  • blue for potable (pollution-free) water
  • brown for fertile soil
  • green for healthy plants, including edible non-GMO crops
  • sky-blue for clean breathable air/atmosphere/s
  • 4 overlapping ‘eyes’/fields of view
  • how we can look out in 4D, and into different universes via the shared core of stars
  • polyamory, and how only those with shared form/culture naturally stably are always unified, never separating, thus never needing to reunite, though lifepaths viewed by primitive 3D humans seem to show partings, reunions, and cycles

2024 April:  We do no business/trade with barbaric/evil nations/realms, such as the nonvegan Outlands-humans nations.  The only thing we can do for/with those lowly places/peoples is to ‘farm’ them; extracted the few amongst them who miraculously stay / end up good/worthy, offering them opportunities in our realm instead.  That, and, of course, we offer our wisdom via this website, that a few more of them might hopefully make themselves ascended/enlightened by accepting/adopting/studying it.

2024 August:  The moment we are interested in a potential business partnership, we are reading the minds (every memory, etc.) of everyone in that company, plus their family and friends; we know everything about “who we are getting in bed with”. This is not espionage or anything else illegal, at least not in our system (how we ‘see’/define it). It is never spying in a bad way when it involves making sure humans aren’t up to their usual bullshit/evil.


Prospective Employees:

First and foremost, our business is about unlocking the full potential of the full/complete body/being of each person who works with us, not/never on pressuring/training employees to be robotic workaholics panicking anytime someone makes a pass at them.  Our main service is to encourage and reassure people who are compatible with us, and our main product is those people; we do all we can to help them “live their best life”.  This is the way.

Want to work for my company? Here are some tips and pointers for successfully navigating the WGI (and subsidiaries) interview process:

Unlike all Christian and Islamic nations, we know that a hearty sexual appetite is a key indicator of peak physical and mental health, and that repressing that appetite is extremely detrimental to both physical and mental health. Thus, our screening includes personal sexual prerequisites, our interviews include questions about sex, and the work duties for all of the jobs in our corporation include sexual ones. We also legally protect fraternization instead of criminalizing it, and we only team up people with other employees who they feel sexually compatible with, not frustrated by. That should be the baseline for all businesses around the world, and businesses which are opposed to these practices obviously do not care about the true and complete health of their employees, thus setting themselves up for distractions, mistakes, higher medical insurance costs, and failure.

  • We recognize that human beings are not robots; they have lives and pasts, so we don’t expect our employees to do the same type of work forever.
  • We are not the CIA or NSA; we won’t spy on your social network profiles.
  • Ask for time off, and work from home or while on vacations if you like.  Telecommuting works well.
  • You will be paid for work and study done on your own time; we won’t make you take work home without overtime or holiday compensation.
  • The perfect candidate is not a ‘unicorn’, but they have proven rare; we are flexible and happy to work with any excellent compatible people.

Each interview begins with this friendly reassurance: “There is no correct or wrong answer to any of these; just speak from the heart, and we will work with what you say to help you find the best-fit position for you.”

For Female Interviewees:
Prerequisites:  Female candidates are pre-screened, ensuring interviewees meet all of the following:

  1. flawlessly beautiful, lithe, flexible, and sexy to the point of being a world-class supermodel and pornstar (no amputees, deformities, handicaps, implants, reductions, or other bodily modifications or modification needs)
  2. between 4’10” and 5’7″
  3. no freckles or other blemishes; featureless skin
  4. has a voracious sexual appetite *while also always ensuring her pussy is a neat, tight slit with no loose labia or any other drooping parts, and that she never has hemorrhoids
  5. is a bisexual female (having never had a sex-change operation) only interested in polyamory, threesomes, orgies, fraternization, and never clinging or attempting to control others or change them to a lifestyle sexually incompatible with the culture of our corporation (We have a zero-tolerance policy for monogamous and/or homosexual people, as well as heterosexual females; we are not condemning them, but they are not compatible with our interests.)
  6. understands and happily accepts the fact that sex with her coworkers will not get her promotions, benefits, or special privileges; it is required as one of her daily job duties
  7. submits her application with a high-resolution color video of herself demonstrating at least two dozen sex position on each of at least one dozen sex partners, at least three of which must be her same gender
  8. agrees to never come to work hungover, or having used tobacco or alcohol products (or, of course, any narcotic or other ‘controlled substance’), or having any makeup or jewelry on
  9. agrees to always come to work in either sexy, preferably diaphanous, couture, or nothing at all, helping to promote the nudist culture only for fellow attractive people (and never wear underwear such as panties or bras, excepting occasional ‘boy-shorts’/’cheekies’ when worn as the only lower-body covering) (Women must be naturally beautiful, and their natural looks must never be covered up.)
  10. will always be on the lookout for other ‘perfect 10’ females as our future employees or kajirae, and will always help us persuade and/or acquire them
  11. will work for us, and in the capacities we choose, for so long as we are attracted to her and wish her to continue working for us
  12. will keep her hair at least longer than shoulder-length, and often professionally braided or styled into sexy pigtails
  13. will not wear shoes when at work, and will never wear high heels

* All STDs are easily curable, thus negligible.
* All criminal record incidents only indicate to us things such as boldness, wisdom, and/or desperation, thus are all negligible or helpful to getting her the job.


  1. All interviews start with you demonstrating your favorite sex positions and techniques on at least three other girls and guys; show us what you can do. (I, the one male, and at least two of my daughters (ICVs); the females, relax at our panel desk as the candidate services us each individually, then all at once. Top-pick candidates will request at least a few to several more people to show us how well they multitask –sexually and otherwise; triple-penetration turns while also giving simultaneous handjobs, etc.. When I am not present, one of my Black Operations commanders will serve as the male.)
  2. What’s your favorite restaurant? (Hopefully something artisanal and Paleo’, and after the introductory sex performance of the previous/first interview question, their appetite will be much more pronounced, thus making their answer to this question more instinctive; natural and true.)
  3. How many of John Norman’s 33 novels in the Gor saga have you read, and which excerpts are your favorites?
  4. What’s your spirit animal? (This will help indicate how hard they are inclined to work, and in what style.)
  5. What’s your story? (Listen for things that weren’t in their C.V. or Cover Letter.)
  6. Tell me a joke. (Boring/politically-correct jokes automatically disqualify; the person must be confident enough when put on the spot, comfortable enough when around strangers, and have an impressive enough command of the interview language to be eloquent.)
  7. What would you do if you woke up and found an elephant in your backyard? (The answer should show innovativeness, efficiency, etc.)
  8. Have you ever played a sport? If so, which one and what position? (We are looking for people who don’t want to be goalies; they want to be on the front lines, in the action.)
  9. If you opened your own business, what type of company would it be and why? (It should not be the same type of company as the one they are applying for; mine, because then it sounds like they are just saying what I/we want to hear, and that they won’t end up growing and expanding our umbrella conglomerate even further than it already has been.)
  10. Do you have any questions for us at this time? (See the following section.)
  11. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t think this is the right fit for you.” (Even if they’re a PERFECT fit, you tell them this before the final part of the interview. The logic? This ensures they are submissive to us, but also enough of an alpha female to always get the job done, pushing things as far as they can without upsetting us. “The world is full of mediocrity. I don’t just want to compete; I want to hire superstars, because I want to win the Super Bowl.” Telling applicants that they didn’t get the job will motivate superstar employees to go the extra mile and prove that they’re worth it. The rest will fold under pressure.)
  12. If you get this job, are you comfortable with felching and receiving ‘creampies’ and, if you have the fertility disorder (being fertile is a genetic disorder, evident in how 99% of its products are deformed and mindlessly dangerous), are you comfortable with routine ingestion of Bitter Wine or other forms of contraception, and abortions anytime you contract the STD ‘impregnation’? (Pregnancy is an STD, by definition; it is sexually transmitted, and it causes the opposite of ease.)
  13. All interviews end with you demonstrating your enthusiasm for being in a gloryhole, so let’s begin whenever you’re ready. (This part confirms that the female is sane by how instantly she wants to be submissive to the point of bondage and slavery. We always have between one and two dozen males and females inspect the candidate at this point; males put their penises through the gloryhole, while females press their pussies up against it and/or reach through it with their fingers or tongues to explore the candidate’s body. Most of the males using the candidate through the gloryhole will then confirm at this point whether or not her excitement at answering the previous question in the affirmative was entirely true; the males will creampie her pussy as many times as they can, her reactions being closely observed.)
  14. Would you care to join us for an after-interview treat? (If all went well, a light meal and beverages will be served to ensure that the candidate has an appetite for what she will be expected to consume; food compatible with the candidate will be served nyotaimori, with the only beverage offered her being a pint-glass full of semen. Obviously, top-pick candidates chug the entire glass with great arousal and contentment.)

For Male Interviewees:
Prerequisites:  Male candidates are pre-screened, ensuring interviewees meet all of the following:

  1. healthy to the point of being a world-class athlete (no amputees, deformities, handicaps, implants, reductions, or other bodily modifications or modification needs, excepting repaired veterans of military service)
  2. between 5’7″ and 8’0″
  3. between 145 and 350 lbs.
  4. has a voracious sexual appetite *while also always ensuring his penis and balls are perfectly clean
  5. is a heterosexual male (having never had a sex-change operation) only interested in polyamory, threesomes, orgies, fraternization, and never clinging or attempting to control others or change them to a lifestyle sexually incompatible with the culture of our corporation (We have a zero-tolerance policy for monogamous and/or homosexual people, as well as bisexual males; we are not condemning them, but they are not compatible with our interests.)
  6. understands and happily accepts the fact that sex with his female coworkers will not get him promotions, benefits, or special privileges; it is expected as one of his daily job duties (though not as required as it is for all female employees)
  7. submits his application with a high-resolution color video of himself demonstrating at least two dozen sex position on each of at least one dozen female sex partners
  8. agrees to never come to work hungover, or having used tobacco or alcohol products (or, of course, any narcotic or other ‘controlled substance’), or having any makeup or jewelry on (Men must look like sane, straight men.)
  9. agrees to always come to work in masculine couture, never exposing his midriff, butt, or nipples (Humans usually only allow males to be topless, while Inisfreeans usually only allow attractive young females to be topless.)
  10. will always be on the lookout for other ‘perfect 10’ females as our future employees or kajirae, and will always help us persuade and/or acquire them
  11. will help us recruit other compatible males, predominantly for Black Operations; clandestine para-military work

* All STDs are easily curable, thus negligible.
* All criminal record incidents only indicate to us things such as boldness, wisdom, and/or desperation, thus are all negligible or helpful to getting her the job.


  1. ​​​All interviews start with you demonstrating your favorite sex positions and techniques on at least three other girls; show us what you can do. (At least two of my daughters (ICVs), and at least two shackled teen kajirae, relax on the interview room floor as the candidate enjoys each individually, then all at once; a ‘reverse gangbang’. Top-pick candidates will request at least a few to several more teen girls to show us how well they multitask –sexually and otherwise; fucking six or more girls at once; fucking one, eating out one, fingering two, and toe-ing two. When I am not present, one of my Black Operations commanders will supervise as the interview leader.)
  2. What’s your favorite restaurant? (Hopefully something artisanal and Paleo’, and after the introductory sex performance of the previous/first interview question, their appetite will be much more pronounced, thus making their answer to this question more instinctive; natural and true.)
  3. How many of John Norman’s 33 novels in the Gor saga have you read, and which excerpts are your favorites?
  4. What’s your spirit animal? (This will help indicate how hard they are inclined to work, and in what style.)
  5. What’s your story? (Listen for things that weren’t in their C.V. or Cover Letter.)
  6. Tell me a joke. (Boring/politically-correct jokes automatically disqualify; the person must be confident enough when put on the spot, comfortable enough when around strangers, and have an impressive enough command of the interview language to be eloquent.)
  7. What would you do if you woke up and found an elephant in your backyard? (The answer should show innovativeness, efficiency, etc..)
  8. Have you ever played a sport? If so, which one and what position? (We are looking for people who don’t want to be goalies; they want to be on the front lines, in the action.)
  9. If you opened your own business, what type of company would it be and why? (It should not be the same type of company as the one they are applying for; mine, because then it sounds like they are just saying what I/we want to hear, and that they won’t end up growing and expanding our umbrella conglomerate even further than it already has been.)
  10. Do you have any questions for us at this time? (See the following section.)
  11. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t think this is the right fit for you.” (Even if they’re a PERFECT fit, you tell them this before the final part of the interview. The logic? “The world is full of mediocrity. I don’t just want to compete; I want to hire superstars, because I want to win the Super Bowl.” Telling applicants that they didn’t get the job will motivate superstar employees to go the extra mile and prove that they’re worth it. The rest will fold under pressure.)
  12. If you get this job, are you comfortable with giving creampies and, if you are with females who have the fertility disorder (being fertile is a genetic disorder), are you comfortable with their routine ingestion of Bitter Wine or other forms of contraception, and abortions anytime they contract the STD ‘impregnation’? (Pregnancy is an STD.)
  13. All interviews end with you demonstrating your enthusiasm for using girls in a gloryhole, so let’s begin whenever you’re ready. (We always have between one and two dozen females take turns in the gloryhole, each servicing the candidate at this point. The candidate will creampie at least one of these girls in her pussy as many times as he can, his reactions being closely observed as he then handfeeds her the prescribed contraception.)

​Questions we hope our interviewees will ask us, the interviewers:

  1. What do you value most about working for this company? (This will reveal if they value the same things.)
  2. How has this position evolved? (This will reveal whether or not the job is a dead-end.)
  3. Can you give me examples of how I would collaborate with my manager? (This will reveal how staff members are used and if the applicant can showcase his or her skills.)
  4. What are the first priorities for this position? (This will reveal what to focus on if he or she gets the job, and how to make a good first impression.)
  5. What are the challenges of this position? (If they don’t list any, be VERY suspicious!)
  6. What have past employees done to succeed in this role? (This gives you an idea of how the company measures success.)
  7. Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications? (This shows the applicant is secure enough to discuss his or her weaknesses.)

How I, as the founder & CEO of this corporation; WGI, will answer those questions:

  1. What do you value most about working for this company?
    Auz answers: The ability to instantly and always use what works without having to sugarcoat or delay things to appease those infected by the religion plagues.
  2. How has this position evolved?
    Auz answers: This was once just a small company with a dozen positions open for very basic tasks such as driving, Internet-based research, electrical and mechanical maintenance, and massage therapy. In a few years, it has grown to include hundreds of types of jobs, all open to constant revision, with plenty of room for both lateral and vertical moves. We have seen secretaries become C-level executives (Chiefs, such as CFOs, CISOs, COOs, etc.), martial artists become acupuncturists, combatants become creative design leads, and billets go from being simple and administrative to eclectic and hands-on, so you will always find options and new ways of doing things here.
  3. Can you give me examples of how i would collaborate with my manager?
    Auz answers: Whenever you have a good idea, we want you to take the time to write it down in some form, whether on paper or digitally via your smart-phone, then let your manager know what has occurred to you, and we will adjust your team to keep its workload evenly distributed and manageable while you are helped to open up dialogues with our other departments and experts which will know how to best review your idea and work with you to develop it in various ways. For normally-assigned work, we have round-table discussions most days, and you can always request to call team meetings of your own. Managers will review your work as you complete it, serving more as ever-present teammates and seasoned guides than infrequent inspectors. You can expect to work alongside them until you feel comfortable handling your tasking solo, unless your personality type is wired to do the best work with them even after your training periods.
  4. What are the first priorities for this position?
    Auz answers: Maintain peak fitness and presentability so you are not distracted by your own body’s appearance or needs, and so others want to be closer to you, interacting more, sharing and mutually growing good ideas more; if you are in your best shape and posture, your mind will work better than ever, thus you will gain more confidence sooner, as well as accomplishments and accolades, leading to synergy and perpetual breakthroughs.
  5. What are the challenges of this position?
    Auz answers: We have sky-high standards because we know what people are capable of when given a little push and encouragement here and there, but this is daunting to some people, especially newcomers; there is a degree of ‘culture shock’ (the civilian form of ‘shock and awe’) if you don’t have a positive, engaging, courageous lifestyle and outlook. Some people will want more of a regimented, traditional, predictable approach to doing things, so when that happens, we migrate them to compatible departments, teams, and projects, and that transition can also seem overwhelming or, at least, fast-paced at first.
  6. What have past employees done to succeed in this role?
    Auz answers: They have assumed things can be done, rather than that something can’t be done just because they heard it can’t be done, and disregarded outside naysayers while working purposefully toward goals set wisely high, for the more one ventures, the more one stands to gain.
  7. Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications?
    Auz answers: In general, we hesitate just for a moment or two to better gauge how potential employees react to that type of hesitation. In particular, the only one of your qualifications which makes me want to know more about it and you is [State it, then ask for their thoughts on how it can be improved and/or used to the benefit of us all here.].

And you will sometimes hear a person say to Auz, “I have a question.” to which he will customarily reply, “I have an answer.”


“Trinity” 009 Sound System 009 Sound System
Audio Player