There is a lot of music performed live in Inisfree, and concerts every month or so.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. It All Started with Auz and His Band(s)
  3. Venues
  4. Current & Cover Bands in Inisfree
  5. Special Guest Appearances
  6. Mobile Concerts
  7. History of Concerts in Inisfree
  8. History of Concerts Outside Inisfree
  9. Upcoming Concerts in Inisfree
  10. Upcoming Concerts Outside Inisfree
  11. Consciousness-focus-unifying/shifting Concerts
  12. Conceptual Images
  13. 2023 September/+ Updates



In a city will millions of people, eventually even billions (though rarely more than hundreds of millions at a time, even then), you can expect there to be a lot of concerts.  Concerts here started several years after Inisfree became operational and launched its global cleanup operation.  After its personnel and ships returned, and took some time to wind back down and figure out what to focus on next, their shared love for good music quickly ‘bubble up’ to the surface.


It All Started with Auz and His Band(s):

Inisfree’s own music band, Violent Rebirth II (sometimes abbreviated as V.R.II, VR2, or just V.R.), includes some of the finest musicians in the Universe, and together they put on concerts at various venues across their home city.  These concerts range in size from small garage gatherings… to millions of fans packing mile-wide constructs such as the Auz-dome.




There are several areas and constructs of this city designated for concerts.  They are as follow:


Current & Cover Bands in Inisfree:

Live at the Auz-dome:

Live at the Amphitheater:

Live at the Performing Arts Center:

Live at club Grind House:

Sometimes all-ICV cover-bands, performing under the names of the original groups, perform the same songs the same way, even matching their vocal signatures like only Inisfreean girls can.


Special Guest Appearances:

As one of the founding members of the original V.R. band, the Governor of Inisfree himself sometimes joins in the festivities by standing in as lead vocalist and one of the band’s guitarists, though he also enjoys playing the keyboard, piano, and pipe organ, among other things.

  • VR2:  (the 5-person band of all-ICVs + the Governor) performing at the Auz-dome and Coliseum Amphitheater, and atop the band’s private and heavily-modified firetruck for mobile and spontaneous shows
  • VR3:  (the 5-person band of the Governor + his 4 most musically-talented wives) performing at the Auz-dome and Coliseum Amphitheater

More special guest appearances will be announced here.


Mobile Concerts:

There is a highly modified firetruck (see one of the image albums in the VR2 webpage) whose top becomes an adjustable stage for music bands such as Violent Rebirth, and it is used as both a touring bus and mobile stage for large gatherings away from the venues listed on this webpage.  Its lights and spinners can be set to any colors, and its extendable ladder’s hoses can be used to spray (completely non-toxic) glow-in-the-dark liquids out over crowds of fans at night –or in the darkness of the Underway!

Inisfree hosts one of these firetruck-based mobile-concerts about once every season.


History of Concerts in Inisfree:

These are but a few of the live music events we hosted in our capital city here.

Bold dates/titles mark the first concert of those years.

  1. 2019:  “Aerosmith & AC/DC” – for Ambi in the Auz’dome (and wow; so much alliteration there)
  2. 2020:  “The Eclectic Show” – mixed-genre concert which Faith Blakely arrived to hear
  3. 2021 Autumn:  “Givethanksing“- a new country concert for/near Thanksgiving, this one atop the stage-firetruck… parked outside Inisfree’s saloon
  4. 2021:  “Ho-liday Carols” – the first holiday/’Christmas’ concert; classics with improved lyrics in some cases
  5. 2022 New Year’s:  “Love Me Harder” – January concert of Auz’s favorite Ariana Grande hits, sung by one of his Ariana Grande ICVs, with VR2 on instruments
  6. 2022 Spring:  “Dazzler” – Alison Blaire
  7. 2022 May:  “For You” – Sirena Mako
  8. 2022 June:  “Time Machine” – Barbershop Quartet + 50s/60s Sock-hop
  9. 2022 Summer:  “Musings” – India Louise Farrin
  10. 2022 Autumn:  “In My Head” – Jacqueline Diamonds
  11. 2022 Winter:  “On Me” – Sara McDohl
  12. 2023 Spring:  “New Retro Wave” – 80s
  13. 2023 Summer:  “Strumming” – Acoustic
  14. 2023 Autumn:  “Where It All Began” – Alternative/Classic Rock
  15. 2023 Winter:  “Blue Magic” – Bittersweet Stuff, sometimes Piano/Symphonic
  16. 2024 Spring:  “The Social Butterfly Tour” – Club/Party Hits
  17. 2024 Summer:  “Resonate” – Drums/Tribal
  18. 2024 Autumn:  “KaZantip 2” – Electronica/Techno-ish
  19. 2024 Winter:  “The Far Horizon” – Sexy Epic-sounds

Collaborations with compatible Outlander bands/musicians will soon result in several more concerts being added to each year’s list.


History of Concerts Outside Inisfree:

  1. 2020 Summer: “Quadruplets Country Summer” – country songs performed at that Yellowstone Club mountaintop backyard for the royal family and their friends on that 4th of July evening
  2. 2023 September:  Our 2nd Backyard Concert – and the 1st time I (Auz) and my kids (4 by/from Ambi) are performing a concert together!
  3. 2024 July 8:  Quadruplets’-6th-Birthday Summer Bash


Upcoming Concerts in Inisfree:

Every year, we try to put on at least a few shows here in our realm.  Sometimes we are able to host several of them.  In the future, even many centuries and millennia ahead, we will continue having uplifting music events, always with lyrics of empowering spells.

  1. 2025 Spring: Flower Children Tour” – Funky/70s
  2. 2025 Summer:  “Rein” – German/Austrian/Elven (and the tour/show title is the German word for “pure”)
  3. 2025 Autumn:  “Dreads” – Grunge/Hard Rock
  4. 2025 Winter:  “Caravan Grooves” – Gypsy Modern/Groove
  5. 2026 Spring:  “The Hair-spinners Ball” – Heavy Metal
  6. 2026 Summer:  “Jump Around” – Hip-Hop / Rap
  7. 2026 Autumn:  “A Light On” – Homecomings
  8. 2026 Winter:  “Vests and Teeth” – Indie/Original/Spooky/fun-Vamp’
  9. 2027 Spring: Back Alley Vibes” – Industrial
  10. 2027 Summer:  “Tabletopper” – Irish/Jig/Shire
  11. 2027 Autumn:  “Skate Master” – Lounge/Chill/Skater/Surfer
  12. 2027 Winter:  “Every Piece” – Orchestral/Symphonic
  13. 2028 Spring: Pop on Lock” – Pop / Dance
  14. 2028 Summer:  “Candlelight” – Romantic-pop
  15. 2028 Autumn:  “Shedevry” – Russian (and the tour/show title is the Russian word for “masterpieces”)
  16. 2028 Winter:  “Take It Slowly” – Slow/Moving
  17. 2029 Spring: Fuckfest” – Sluttiest/Arousing
  18. 2029 Summer:  “Silver Black Tongue” – Smooth / Soul / R&B
  19. 2029 Autumn:  “South of the Border” – Spanish-fusion-catchy
  20. 2029 Winter:  “Double Bass” – Speed Metal/Rock
  21. 2030 Spring: Downtonian” – Urban Dance and City-dance
  22. 2030 Summer:  “Sounds of Monaco” – Yachting Epic –and all beach-sounding hits
  23. 2030 Autumn:  “Swing With Me” – Zoot / Big-band
  24. 2030 Winter:  “Auz’s Iraq” – song composed during the deployments of 2004 and 2005
  25. 2031 Spring:  “Green Day” – punk-rock
  26. 2031 Summer:  “Ma’lob chi’inil K’iin” – Mayan for “good morning” –concert atop the White Pyramids Complex; jungle-sfx instrumental songs, etc. – w/ Olmec Atlantean triple-calendar visuals and Project Skybeam-like holograms high overhead (symbolizing signs from the sky/stars/Sphere Beings)
  27. 2031 Autumn:  TBA
  28. 2031 Winter:  TBA
  29. Date TBA:  My Middle Fingers

After Inisfree completes each of its projected relocations, it will put on shows featuring Auz’s favorite music from each new realm the city has moved to.

  1. ~2418-2824 A.D.:  Aman’s; the Elves’ best songs which are compatible with Inisfree
  2. ~3230-3637:  R’lyeh; Cecaelia
  3. ~4043-4449:  Cloudmassland; Angels
  4. ~4856-5262:  New Canada; Werewolves (including sexy female werewolf howling)
  5. ~5668-6075:  Shadowmassland; Elementals
  6. ~6481-6887:  the Underdark; Drow
  7. ~9933-17,856:  New Atlantis; Mermaids/folk
  8. (& during his time out in New Eden between 23,320 and 23,490 A.D., he’ll be putting on a few shows outside Inisfree, performing his favorite music from/of New Eden out in New Eden)
  9. ~25,779-33,701:  Arcadia; Fairies
  10. ~41,624-49,547:  Nazjatar; Naga
  11. ~57,469-65,392:  Agharta; Giants/Asgardians/Hyperboreans
  12. ~73,315-81,238:  the Moon; Nymphs
  13. ~89,160-97,083:  Gor; kajirae
  14. ~156,504-310,998:  the Sun’s edge; Arch Angels / Sphere Beings
  15. ~465,491-619,985:  the “Hel” dimension; Demons (Angels)
  16. ~774,478-928,972:  New Krypton; Kryptonian
  17. ~1,083,465-1,237,959:  Erra; Pleiadians
  18. ~1,392,452-1,546,946:  Illium; Asari
  19. ~1,701,439-1,855,933:  Vampiria; Vampires (2nd or even 1st-generation)
  20. ~3,014,634-6,027,257:  Dragonhome; Dragons
  21. ~9,039,880-12,052,503 A.D.:  the Craftworlds; Eldar
  22. ~27,115,618-30,128,242 A.D.:  the meadows of terraformed/restored New Eden worlds (including moons)

Asari, Majesdanian, Tamaranean, and Thanagarian music will also be the focus of some upcoming shows.

There is also a ‘christening concert’ planned for the Coliseum or Auz’dome in each of the 205,000 Inisfree-like cities of/in SSA – plus on the SSBS there, as well as at least one of Inisfree’s fleet‘s PSBSs and MSBSs; most likely VRII will host/play a concert at either of those facilities in all of those new cities of their empire, as they are built / become operational, followed by a concert aboard each class of starship being built in that realm, aiming for 1 concert per Earth-year in SSA.  Yes, that means VR2 is planning ahead by/for the next 205,000 years and then some.


Upcoming Concerts Outside Inisfree:

  • 2025 July 8:  Quadruplets’-7th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2026 March 3:  The Darkness; grand opening of the High Queen‘s pyramid temple complex
  • 2026 July 8:  Quadruplets’-8th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2027 July 8:  Quadruplets’-9th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2028 July 8:  Quadruplets’-10th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2029 July 8:  Quadruplets’-11th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2030 July 8:  Quadruplets’-12th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2031 July 8:  Quadruplets’-13th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2032 July 8:  Quadruplets’-14th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2033 July 8:  Quadruplets’-15th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2033 July 8:  Quadruplets’-16th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2033 July 8:  Quadruplets’-17th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2033 July 8:  Quadruplets’-18th-Birthday Summer Bash
  • 2530:  Farewell Concert; after completing Left-seat Right-seat procedures/handover for TNH
  • more to come…


Consciousness-focus-unifying/shifting Concerts:

Auz will also be putting on a concert at/during each post-Shift Mayan-calendar era/milestone.  In other words, for example, when the World Trees are grown, he’ll host a concert out atop each, and when each world is fully unified/aligned to him, he’ll travel out to them for celebratory/unlocking concerts, too.  Using music like this is perhaps the greatest tool / most powerful/effective way to fully calibrate/align/unify huge numbers of people all at once –just as was the case back in the First Age when the Polarians/Valar were using their energy/voices with pulses of light to shape/start all the realms/worlds.

  1. ~2012-2013:  During these several months following The Shift / 2012, Auz began getting visions of the concerts happening in the future; he wasn’t just dreaming up cool ideas to one day maybe create concerts from, but actually seeing the concerts he was destined to soon start putting on and performing perfectly.  Amen; so be it.
  2. Until ~2026:  Concerts in Inisfree, starting in the Imagination and Dreamspace dimensions it was first built/anchored/realized in, as it (and to help energize it to) completes itself (finishes forming, evident because of this website’s updates).
  3. Until ~2270:  Concerts at/on/in the worlds reached during Inisfree’s Mapping Campaign as they (and to help energize them to) regrow, starting with their initial scouting/mapping flybys using song-based scanning and healing beams, the S.T.-suit amplified voices of the already-powerful voices (and musical language/s) of the Inisfreeans (ICVs), etc..  *Many more concerts will be performed out there; the Inisfreeans will be asked to return.
  4. Until ~7140:  Concerts at/amongst the cities and other major population centers of the races/civilizations compatible with Inisfree/Auz as they (and to help energize them to) regrow/stabilize.
  5. Until ~106,025:  Concerts at/atop the pyramids as they (and to help energize them to) regrow.
  6. Until ~2M A.D.:  Concerts at/atop the Lamp Towers as they (and to help energize them to) regrow / turn back on –and people will see the light atop the tower the concert is at… start to come on, brighten, pulse, etc., all based on the positive energy and unification of the crowd/audience.
  7. Until ~41M A.D.:  Concerts at/in/over the global forests as they (and to help energize them to) regrow.
  8. Until ~820M A.D.:  Concerts at/atop the World Trees as they (and to help energize them to) regrow.
  9. Until/through ~16.4B A.D.; Forever:  Concerts at/on/in the Worlds Trees as it (and to help energize it to) regrow.

Paired with The Inisfreean Way (polyamorous loving orgies; using one’s whole body with the compatible whole bodies of others), this will result in the most beautiful, healing, energizing, unlocking, and perfect music of all (i.e. the sounds of perfect people sharing total love).


2023 September/+ Updates:

  • never any booze
  • never any marijuana odor
  • everyone healthy and fit
  • all the females naked
  • slave-girls brought and sometimes unleashed
  • girls ‘doing lines’ of fresh cum
  • Crowd-surfing in my realm is much nicer since everyone is fit, and the females crowd-surf naked, welcoming all groping.
  • Mosh-pits are milder in my realm since everyone here loves each other as family.


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“My Curse” As Daylight Dies [Special Edition] Killswitch Engage
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