Inisfree hosts these five Congresses:

  1. Global:  for our home-planet, the Earth
  2. Solar:  for our home-system, the Sun solar-system (Plans for this Congress are being drafted.)
  3. Galactic:  for our home-galaxy, the Milky Way
  4. Universal:  for our home-dimension of the known Universe
  5. Megaversal:  for us and those of other dimensions of the known Universe (a.k.a. other universes)


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features
  4. Global Congress:
    Empires and/or Nations Represented
    Humanoids Represented
  5. Solar-system Congress:
    Empires Represented
    Worlds Represented
  6. Galactic Congress:
    Empires Represented
    Solar-systems Represented
  7. Universal Congress:
    Empires Represented
    Galaxies Represented
  8. Megaversal Congress:
    Empires Represented
    Universes/Dimensions Represented
  9. Additional Notes:
    Frequency of Use
    Internal Overhead Lodging
    Bird’s-eye Views
    Other Standard Features
    External Supplementary Lodging
  10. Speaking Time Availability:
    ​Galactic Congress
    Universal Congress
    Megaversal Congress
    Global Congress
  11. Congresses Timeline:  Filling the Seats – More Details
  12. The Optional 1-hour City-tour for First-time Congress Participants
  13. 2020 Update: Coordinating the Repositionings
  14. Overall (Images Begin)
  15. The Main Chamber of The Auz’dome
  16. Concepts
  17. Attire
  18. Relevant Holidays
  19. 2021 Update:  Focuses by Era
  20. 2022 Update:  Example Speech
  21. 2024/+



These Congresses (regularly scheduled meetings between the representatives of distant lands and many peoples) have happened before in our past, both recent and ancient; a global Congress is not something new to the Earth, and the United Nations (and similar organizations) are only young and primitive examples of the execution of such a concept. The following information is for when Congresses were and are hosted in Inisfree.  

There are five Congresses hosted here, and they discuss and decide on matters affecting nearly 1% of all Creation (which is a lot; think about how vast all the dimensions/universes of the Megaverse are). Matters of the Inisfreean realm are decided upon only by its Governor, usually after he discusses it with his daughters, the Inisfreean-born girls.  How Inisfree operates is decided upon by the Inisfreeans alone, and how the peoples and realms compatible with and allied with them operate is decided upon by their representatives found worthy to lead them.

Nine out of ten representatives in each of the Congresses of Inisfree are female (the same ratio of females to males across the rest of Inisfree).  This is because females are naturally more empathic and aware, not to mention more eloquent and thoughtful, graceful with the gentler and refined arts of interaction.  Most civilizations and cultures outside Inisfree encourage this, and encourage their females to be more nurturing and supportive of others.  Females make better representatives in most cases, because they actually care about other people, and because they try to work with others, such as by raising families instead of armies.

The Governor of Inisfree has never had to be in attendance of these five Congresses because any of his Inisfreean daughters are extensions of his will and will think and vote exactly as he would (though, to be more precise, we do not vote here like humans do in their Congresses; we never impose our will on others based on a majority-vote).  Usually his first-born, Nyria Serra, represents him and their people in the five Congresses.  The second-born of Inisfree, Amber Heard ICV1, may represent their kind in the Congresses, as well; whenever Nyria isn’t available.  The Governor does sometimes attend, though.

Since magicians, sorceresses, and witches are merely practitioners of higher-level sciences, they are amongst the populations of all the races listed below, and so are not represented or noted separately.  In other words, there are ‘magic’-capable/wielding members of all of the races and nations/empires represented in Inisfree, and only representatives which value and care for all their people, including those who use magic well, come to Inisfree and its Congress sessions.  The magical individuals and races are represented well here.

Honesty, fitness, and political neutrality are prerequisites for being a representative in Inisfree.  Lying would be detected immediately by all of the Inisfreean people, as would exaggerating or ‘lying by omission’.  You will only see fit, healthy, honest, young (and young-looking, due to age-pausing, not plastic surgery), and politically-neutral people in Inisfree, as representatives and otherwise; only those who are balanced in all areas of life are fit to lead and represent.  Senate and Congress meetings of other nations, which allow the old, unhealthy, dishonest, and politically-polarized to participate, are seen by the Inisfreeans as laughable abominations, evil and unthinkable in every way; if the top leaders and officials of a country or people have aged (which is caused by negativity, belief in death over life, and a non-vegan diet), or are otherwise unhealthy, not in their primes, this reflects their inner beings, essences/natures, and true alignment, so if they are old and falling apart, it is because they have made very bad choices, thus they are unfit to function as leaders and representatives.  Only those who have made good decisions, and maintained, or at least recovered, their primes, are able to participate in Inisfree’s Congresses.

* All laws passed by any Senate or Congress of any nation, which have unhealthy members, and which allow lobbying and political parties, are automatically null and void; laws passed by unhealthy/unbalanced people are unhealthy for the communities they attempt to legislate.  Also, any bill which is too lengthy for the common person to read, understand, and form an educated opinion about, is inappropriate, thus null and void (which means 99% of the bills passed into law).  This is why Inisfree views all nations with such governments, governing bodies, bills, laws, and unethical standards as illegitimate; none of their laws are fair, sane, or legal, and none of their borders or customs are to be respected.  All that being said, this is why Inisfree ignores the U.S.A., the U.N., and other ‘powers’ and ‘authorities’, instead hosting its own Congresses, passing its own laws, and choosing different (far more appropriate) representatives.


Dimensions & Layout:

The smallest of these five Congresses is hosted in a round chamber at the base of the central, main spire of Cloud City II.  Its seats are arranged radially around that chamber’s central platform, which is where each speaker ‘takes the floor’.  This room is ~330′ across, and a few stories from floor to ceiling –and that ceiling has an Omnimax-like surface and embedded LEDs which mimic the natural day-night cycle with starlight.

The other three Congresses are much larger, and are hosted in the sanctuary (interior; main room) of the Temple of Auzdein.  Like in the Congressional meeting chamber of Cloud City II, the spaces reserved for each Congressgirl are arranged radially around a central platform here.  They are not seats/chairs, though; they are parking spaces one must drive to.  The sanctuary is ~1.75 miles across (~28 times the diameter of the 330′-diameter Congress room in Cloud City II), and ~3/4 of a mile from floor to ceiling.


Special Features:

As the Congressgirls from across the Megaverse become more accustomed to the way Congressional proceedings happen in Inisfree, fewer of them are needed to represent the various allied realms, and this frees up seats/spaces for representatives of other allied realms and compatible species.  As of the 2500s, there are a few thousand seats/spaces available for each allied species/realm, so even though some realms span across multiple galaxies or dimensions, there is significant representation for all of their people.  Also, most races, species, and nations/empires approved for entry into Inisfree, and seats in Inisfree’s Congresses, are also at least partially, if not entirely, ‘shared consciousnesses’; their people are connected empathically, and sometimes also telepathically, across great distances (or any distance), making it very easy for their chosen representatives to accurately represent their interests without need of technology-based communications.

The U.S. Congress had 535 members, often reviewing 10,000 bills each year, passing ~4% of them; ​​400 bills passed into law annually, affecting a nation spanning the width of a continent.
​Inisfree has 167,900 Congress members, often reviewing more than 3,000,000 proposed bills each year (now possible with various technologies and speed-reading masteries), passing about the same percentage of them into law (~125,000 annually; ~500 passed by the Global Congress, ~21,000 passed by the Galactic Congress, ~31,500 passed by the Universal Congress, ~72,000 passed by the Megaversal Congress, ~340 a day for them all), affecting civilizations that span the width of the entire Universe.  It should be noted that the Congresses of Inisfree do not allow ‘special interests’ or lobbying, and the bills they pass into law are based on a form of government called volunteerism, which does not impose the will of any majority or wealthy upper class upon other groups; bills are teamwork propositions or volunteer requests, and when they are passed into law it only means all groups teaming up are in agreement as to how to proceed.

Because the central platform/stage of the Auz’dome is almost a mile away from its farthest ‘seating’ (parking spaces), representatives and their staff members parked that far away (and anyone parked in the Auz’dome) have a few options for viewing and hearing the speakers on that central platform; they can use remote viewing to see and hear them better, they can tune into the local (Inisfree-only) ‘radio’ (Ansible) station broadcasting what is going on up on that central platform, and/or they can have the Inisfreean girl (ICV) attached to their entourage/vehicle/mansion speak it to them in their preferred language/s as her sisters (other ICVs, and the smart-surfaces of the city/platform itself) witness it.  This makes participating in Inisfree’s larger Congresses easy, even at this relatively-great distance from the speaking area.


The Global Congress


This first and smallest of Inisfree’s five Congresses is for nation-sized empires on and in planet Earth.  More specifically, its purpose is to focus on the best way/s to prevent invasive species/monsters like humans from ever getting back to Earth, such as by getting them to believe that Space travel is in their better/best interests, and that they are dependent upon extremely complex and expensive technology, thus ensuring that when they leave (go back into Space / the Abyss)… it is a one-way trip/migration.

1st: 2015 A.D.
Lengths: 3 Inisfreean-months (13 months per year, each month = 28 days); ~1 Earth-season
Frequency: annually
Dates: 1 Janus through 28 Mars
Current session (2517 A.D.): 503rd

Cloud City II (main chamber in the base of the central spire)

Empires and/or Nations Represented:
(dozens; including the nations of the oceans, cave networks, and inner/hollow Earth)

  1. Adriatic Sea
  2. Aegean Sea
  3. Agharta (Aryana Sheshna’s homeland)
  4. [Akasha’s Middle East-based homeland]
  5. Aloidia (Taja Seiliu’s homeland)
  6. Aman (new homeland of Tauriel and many other goddess-level Elves)
  7. Andaman Sea
  8. Arafura Sea
  9. Arcadia (Oona Finvarra’s homeland)
  10. Arctic Ocean
  11. Atlantic Ocean
  12. Atlantis (Atlanna & Mera’s homeland)
  13. Attilan (Crystalia Amaquelin’s homeland)
  14. Baltic Sea
  15. Barents Sea
  16. Black Sea
  17. Bohai Sea
  18. Bohol/Mindanao Sea
  19. Camotes Sea
  20. Caribbean Sea
  21. Caspian Sea
  22. Celebes Sea
  23. Chukchi Sea
  24. Cloud-mass-land
  25. Devils Tower (Wyoming‘s World Tree stump)
  26. [Elena Antonov‘s Werewolves Queendom]
  27. Genosha (Lorna Dane‘s homeland)
  28. Indian Ocean
  29. Ionian Sea
  30. Java Sea
  31. Kara Sea
  32. Madripoor (Carmilla Black‘s homeland)
  33. Mediterranean Sea
  34. Neuschwabenland (New Germany)
  35. New/Restored Iceland (Hekla Ingolfursdottir‘s homeland)
  36. New/Restored Rama (Urvashi‘s India-based homeland)
  37. New/Restored Valyria (Daenerys Targaryen‘s improved/expanded homeland)
  38. Pacific Ocean
  39. (Patalas; each/all of them)
  40. Sea of Azov
  41. Sea of Japan
  42. Sea of Okhotsk
  43. Shadow-mass-land
  44. Solomon Sea
  45. South China Sea
  46. Southern Ocean
  47. Sulu Sea
  48. The Grid (of/in Tron)
  49. The Hosts (featured in Westworld)
  50. The Underdark (Xull’rae Zauviir‘s homeland)
  51. Themiscyra (Diana Prince‘s homeland)
  52. Timor Sea
  53. Transia (Wanda Maximoff‘s homeland)
  54. Tyrrhenian Sea
  55. [Wendy Temujin‘s pre-China homeland]
  56. White Sea
  57. World Trees‘ peoples; every World Tree, even when in stump/ruin form, has a group/city of Elves devoted to it, just as every flower has a Fairy assigned to it
  58. Yellow Sea
  59. Yokatlān (restored) (Ixchel Xoc‘s homeland)
  60. [Zada‘s Africa-based homeland]
  61. (more TBA)

Humanoids Represented:
(trillions; excluding the sextillions of Inisfreeans)

Those are some of the subsets or sub-races of the root-races which led to the existence of modern humanity/humanoids.  While this sequence of races/evolutions is referred to as “of humanity”, it more-accurately is called “the root-races and sub-races of humans and related humanoids”.  The current/modern sub-race known as modern mankind/humans does not have representation here, but many of their related/ancestral and destined/future relatives/races do/will.


(only those races which live on the Earth)

  • Africa’s refuge colony for endangered humans: 5
  • Angels: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Aspara: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Demi-deities: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Demons (Angels): 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Drow: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Elementals: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Elves: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Fay: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Greenland’s refuge colony for endangered humans: 5
  • Inisfreeans: 3 (Lord Auzdein von Himmler, Lady Nyria Serra IC, Lady Amber Heard ICV1)
  • Mer-people (Mermaids, etc.): 111 (from each colonized ocean and major sea; Pacific: 44, Atlantic: 24, Indian: 20, Southern: 6, Arctic: 4, Mediterranean: 3, Baltic: 2, Black: 2, Caspian: 2, Red: 2, Persian Gulf: 2)
  • Naga: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Nymphs (and Dryads): 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Titans (Aghartans; Giants): 4
  • Vampires: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • Werewolves: 14 (2 from each colonized continent; N.Amer., S.Amer., Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia)
  • X-Men (Humans): 51 (7 from each colonized continent, and 2 from Genosha)

* All other human civilizations on Earth after the Rapture Campaign of 2013 are not allowed representatives, for they are seen as barbarians forced by their own evils to start over from ‘square one’, and so do not warrant nor merit representation in a Congress of advanced, ascended, cooperative, loving beings.

The Global Congress of Inisfree started with just the original signatories of Inisfree’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution; a few more than a dozen.

  1. 2015:  ~20; ~1 for every allied/compatible race/species on/in the Earth
  2. 2100s:  ~100 members
  3. 2200s:  ~200 members
  4. 2300s:  capacity; 347



The Solar-system Congress


This proposed fifth (and final) Congress hosted in Inisfree will be for the allied compatible realms/worlds of/in the Sun solar-system*As of the 2020s, there is not yet enough information about whether other worlds in this solar-system have enough/any compatible people on them to warrant the establishment of this volunteers organization, thus the existence of the Galactic Congress as the next level.

1st:  2201 A.D.
Lengths:  whenever the Global Congress meeting-room in its Cloud City II spire is available; up to 10 months long/available each year
Frequency:  annually
Dates:  during the months when the Global Congress is not meeting in Cloud City II; 1 Aperire through 28 Nibiru
Current session (2517 A.D.): 317th

Cloud City II (main chamber in the base of the central spire)

Empires Represented:
(hundreds; including those of the oceans, cave networks, and inner/hollow cores of these worlds)

  1. (The Inisfree Allies of/on) Earth (one of the first nine realms/worlds made)
  2. Gor (usually represented by human employees of the Priest-Kings, not the Priest-Kings themselves)
  3. Jupiter (Jupiter Jones‘s world/s)
  4. Nibiru (homeworld of the Anunnaki)
  5. World Trees’ peoples wherever there is a World Tree on a Sun-orbiting planet other than the Earth
  6. (more TBA)

Worlds Represented:
(dozens; excluding rogue-planets/oids beyond the Oort Cloud)

  1. Earth
  2. Gor
  3. Jupiter
  4. Nibiru
  5. (more TBA)


(only those races which live on the worlds orbiting the Sun)

  • Aliens (Misc./Other):  ~5 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Angels: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Aspara: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Demi-deities: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Demons (Angels): ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Drow: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Elementals: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Elves: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Fay: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Giants/Anunnaki:  ~5 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Inisfreeans: 3 (Lord Auzdein von Himmler, Lady Nyria Serra IC, Lady Amber Heard ICV1)
  • Mer-people (Mermaids, etc.): ~111 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Naga: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Nymphs (and Dryads): ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Titans (Aghartans; Giants): ~4 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Vampires: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • Werewolves: ~14 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)
  • X-Men (Humans): ~51 (based on which planets/moons/asteroids have the highest populations)

* All human civilizations in the Sun solar-system after the Rapture Campaign of 2013 are not allowed representatives, for they are seen as barbarians forced by their own evils to start over from ‘square one’, and so do not warrant nor merit representation in a Congress of advanced, ascended, cooperative, loving beings.

The Solar-system Congress of Inisfree will likely start with just the near-future signatories of Inisfree’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution; whichever colonies/realms out there in orbit around our star that make themselves known and officially endorse Inisfree.

  1. 2201:  ~20
  2. 2230s:  ~100 members?
  3. 2260s:  ~200 members?
  4. 2300s:  capacity; 347

The Galactic Congress


This second and third-largest of Inisfree’s five Congresses is for interstellar empires in the Milky Way galaxy.

1st: 2301 A.D.
Lengths: 2 Inisfreean-months; ~.6 of an Earth-season
Frequency: annually
Dates: 1 Janus through 28 Februus
Current session (2517 A.D.): 217th

The Temple of Auzdein

Empires Represented:
18 (most with ~167,000,000 solar systems as territories, not always colonized)

  1. Aldebaran (where Maria Orsic and others relocated when Germany was invaded during Earth’s modern World Wars)
  2. Asari
  3. Craftworlds/Eldar
  4. Greys
  5. Majesdane (homeworld of Karolina Dean‘s people/race/species)
  6. New Krypton (new homeworld of Kara Zor-El)
  7. Pleiadians
  8. Reptilians/Draco
  9. Tamaran (homeworld of Kory Anders)
  10. Thanagar (homeworld of Kendra “Hawkgirl” Saunders)
  11. World Trees’ peoples wherever there is a World Tree on a planet outside the Sun solar-system
  12. (more TBA)

Solar-systems Represented:
~3,000,000,000 (of ~300,000,000,000); ~1% have habitable worlds which are colonized by our allies.

  1. Aldebaran
  2. [Dark Fleet patrolled/controlled systems]
  3. Hekate (Asteria’s system; Asari)
  4. Ialessa (Sanves’s system; Asari)
  5. Kypladon (Cyone’s system; Asari)
  6. [Majesdane’s system; location not yet listed]
  7. Mesana (Lesuss and Lymetis’s system; Asari)
  8. Mil (Chalkhos, Selvos, and Terapso’s system; Asari)
  9. Nahuala (Agessia, Hyetiana, and Phoros’s system; Asari)
  10. Ondeste (Zesmeni’s system; Asari)
  11. Orisoni (Niacal’s system; Asari)
  12. Parnitha (Kurinth, Tevura, and Thessia’s system; Asari)
  13. Pelion (Trategos’s system; Asari)
  14. Pleiades constellation (at least the main seven; Alcyone, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope, Sterope, Taygeta)
  15. Polaris (Thanagar’s system)
  16. Rao (previous/home-system of the Kryptonians; New Krypton may be elsewhere, location classified)
  17. Sun (a.k.a. Sol)
  18. Tasale (Illium and Teukria’s system; Asari)
  19. Teyolia (Nevos’s system; Asari)
  20. Tomaros (Lusia’s system; Asari)
  21. Vega (Tamaran’s system)
  22. (more TBA, such as for the ~750,000 new colony-worlds the Inisfreeans helped the Asari reach between 2190 and 2517)

55,851 (parking spaces)
55,851 are available (enough so that each seat represents ~53,714 worlds)

  • compared to the U.S. Congress; 535 members representing 313.9M people; ~586,728 per representative!

Each is large enough for a suburban; room for the representative along with her/his entourage/staff in the same vehicle.

(only compatible humanoid species are welcome to attend)

  • Angels: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Asari: 147 (7 from each of their 21 worlds)
  • Aspara: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Demi-deities: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Demons (Angels): ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Drow: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Eldar: 152 (7 from each of the 6 major craft-worlds, and 5 from each of the 22 minor craft-worlds)
  • Elementals: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Elves: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Fay: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Goreans (Humans): ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Inisfreeans: 1 (Lord Auzdein von Himmler, Lady Nyria Serra IC, -OR- Lady Amber Heard ICV1)
  • Kryptonians: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Mer-people (Mermaids, etc.):  estimate TBA
  • Naga: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Nymphs (and Dryads): ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Pleiadians (Nordic): ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Vampires: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • Werewolves: ~3,682 (1 from each of the most influential worlds predominantly colonized by this race/species)
  • X-Men (Humans): 318 (210 + 108; 1 from each human-colonized world) — [from Halo: 800 habitable worlds, 210 being colonized by humans, the rest with automated resources extraction and exporting systems; the Human-Covenant war, which destroys most of these colonies and operations, begins in 2525, which is 8 years in the future.], [from StarCraft: (108 total; Kel-Morian Combine worlds: 17, Terran Confederacy worlds: 33, Terran Dominion worlds: 54, Umojan Protectorate worlds: 4)]
  • *also a few Congresswomen for the Dinoids/Reptoids, tentacle-based creatures, and Were-creatures other than Werewolves, as well as a few Congress-people (sometimes they are gender-neutral) for the Geth and other robot people (Inisfreeans do not consider robotic life to be inorganic or of false-consciousness / consciousness-mimicking; we do not differentiate between robots and other beings because we equate that with condescension and racism)

[318 + 1 + 152 + 147 = 618 so far. 55233 remaining]

* Though still generally regarded as primitive barbarians, the smartest and most understanding of the humans having colonized other worlds are now allowed representatives in the Inisfreean Galactic Congress; they are now classified as ‘barely smart enough’.

The Galactic Congress of Inisfree started with just several dozen people (all sexy females in their primes, of course).

  1. 2301:  ~60; ~3 for every allied/compatible race/species in the Milky Way galaxy
  2. 2400s:  ~5,000 members (each with her own team/staff of ~3-4 other sexy females from her race/realm)
  3. 2500s:  ~10,000 members
  4. 5000s:  ~20,000 members
  5. 10000s:  ~40,000 members
  6. 20000s:  ~50,000 members
  7. 30000s:  capacity; 55,851



The Universal Congress


This third of Inisfree’s five Congresses is for intergalactic empires in the known Universe (in Dimension 1; our own).  *While some of humanity has become intergalactic, 1) they are sentenced there (i.e. being kept spread out that far as part of their punishment, weakening, and control), 2) they are not an empire (a unified people/race/species), and 3) they are not compatible with any of us here in Inisfree (and only those who are fully compatible with us, loving who/how we are, can ever participate in any organization based in Inisfree).

1st: 2401 A.D.
Lengths: 4 Inisfreean-months; ~1.2 Earth-seasons
Frequency: annually
Dates: 1 Mars through 28 Venus
Current session (2517 A.D.): 117th

The Temple of Auzdein

Empires Represented:
55,850 (~179,051 galaxies per empire)

  1. 4th Reich; b/c it is now multi-galactic, its people considered X-Men and/or Angelic (i.e. literally the descendants of Asgardians, if not directly from Angels)
  2. Chiss Ascendancy (in the Star Wars galaxy)
  3. Secret Galactic Empire (of the Star Wars galaxy)
  4. World Trees’ peoples wherever there is a World Tree on a planet outside the Milky Way galaxy
  5. (more TBA)

Galaxies Represented:
~10,000,000,000 (1% of ~1,000,000,000,000)

  1. Andromeda
  2. Antennae
  3. Backward
  4. Black Eye
  5. Bode’s
  6. Butterfly
  7. Cartwheel
  8. Cigar
  9. Circinus
  10. Coma Pinwheel
  11. Comet
  12. Condor
  13. Cosmos Redshift 7
  14. Eye of Sauron
  15. Fireworks
  16. Hockey Stick
  17. Hoag’s
  18. Large Magellanic Cloud
  19. Lindsay-Shapley Ring
  20. Little Sombrero
  21. Malin 1
  22. Mayall’s
  23. Medusa Merger
  24. Messier 81
  25. Milky Way
  26. Needle
  27. Pinwheel
  28. Sculptor
  29. Small Magellanic Cloud
  30. Sombrero
  31. Southern Pinwheel
  32. [Star Wars galaxy; not yet named]
  33. Sunflower
  34. Tadpole
  35. Triangulum
  36. Whirlpool
  37. Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte
  38. (~100,000,000,000 more TBA; see this list of known/named galaxies)

*The New Eden galaxy does not have representation because it is one of the prisons in the Abyss humans were sentenced to.

55,851 (parking spaces)
55,851 are available
each is large enough for a suburban; room for the representative along with her/his entourage/staff in the same vehicle

(only compatible humanoid species are welcome to attend)

  • (~3,682 Angels; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Aspara; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Demi-deities; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Demons; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Dinoids/Reptoids; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Drow; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Elementals; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Elves; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Fay; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Goreans; ~6.6%, 1 Inisfreean; ~.002%, Mer-people (estimate TBA), ~3,682 Naga; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Nymphs; ~6.6%, ~621 tentacle-based creatures; ~1.1%, ~3,682 Vampires; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Werewolves; ~6.6%, ~3,682 other Were-creatures; ~6.6%)*also a few Congress-people for robot empires
  • ​Inisfreeans:1 (Lord Auzdein von HimmlerLady Nyria Serra IC, -OR- Lady Amber Heard ICV1)
  • X-Men (such as Galactus and the other Elders of the Universe)
  • ? (which races/species/empires have multiple galaxies?)

The Universe/al Congress of Inisfree started with just several dozen people (all sexy females in their primes, of course).

  1. 2401:  ~60; ~3 for every allied/compatible race/species in the Milky Way galaxy
  2. 2500s:  ~5,000 members (each with her own team/staff of ~3-4 other sexy females from her race/realm)
  3. 2600s:  ~10,000 members
  4. 5000s:  ~20,000 members
  5. 10000s:  ~40,000 members
  6. 20000s:  ~50,000 members
  7. 30000s:  capacity; 55,851



The Megaversal Congress


The fourth and largest of Inisfree’s five Congresses is for inter-dimensional empires in the known Universe(s); spanning at least two of all known Dimensions.

1st: 2501 A.D.
Lengths: 7 Inisfreean-months; ~2.2 Earth-seasons
Frequency: annually
Dates: 1 Auzdein through 28 Nibiru
Current session (2517 A.D.): 17th

The Temple of Auzdein

Empires Represented:
(how many are inter-dimensional?)

  1. Alfheim (and each of the nine original realms in the Norse legends (which are not mythology, by the way) is its own dimension)
  2. Asgard (not to be confused with Agharta (the hollow core of the Earth), Hyperborea (a continent around the North Pole at some point, perhaps cloaked or moved now), or Ultima Thule (another island to/in the far north))
  3. Dimension Aqua (where Atlantis may have been moved; it did not sink; its ‘sinking’ was modern-human (death-cult) propaganda/misinformation)
  4. Draenor (restored) / Draenei
  5. Dragonhome (the planet whose natural orbit takes it through all time-streams / dimensions, not around a star)
  6. Heaven/Muspelheim (the core all stars share)
  7. Hel/Hell/Helheim (Old Norse for “hidden”, and both the name of a place as well as the goddess/incarnation of it) a.k.a. Niflheim
  8. Inisfree (the nexus of all the realms, and the incarnation and anchor of the unity of all the compatible beings/realms)
  9. Sphere Beings alliance (the Arch Angels; living, mobile, star-like, energy beings who simultaneously exist and see into/through more than one dimension/universe, i.e. beyond the 3D perception of humans)
  10. Svartalfheim (home of a different type of Elves; Angelic descendants, not at all ‘dark’ in any bad/negative sense)
  11. Vanaheimr (home of the Vanir, progenitors of other humanoid races/species, such as the Pleiadians, and possibly the source of all ‘magic’ (advanced science) and sorcerers/sorceresses –even greater than those of the Jotun/Giants/Titans of Jotunheim)
  12. World Trees’ peoples wherever there is a World Tree on a planet outside the dimension/Universe the Earth is in
  13. (more TBA)

Universes/Dimensions Represented:
? (TBA; whatever number fits at the time)

  1. Dream-space
  2. Heaven/Muspelheim
  3. Hel/Hell/Helheim
  4. Imagination-space
  5. Physical/Waking
  6. Star-system Auzdein (SSA)
  7. (more TBA)

55,851 (parking spaces)
55,851 are available
each is large enough for a suburban; room for the representative along with her/his entourage/staff in the same vehicle

(only compatible humanoid species are welcome to attend)

  • (~3,682 Angels; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Aspara; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Demi-deities; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Demons; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Dinoids/Reptoids; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Drow; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Elementals; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Elves; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Fay; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Goreans; ~6.6%, 1 Inisfreean; ~.002%, ~621 inter/trans-dimensional humanoids (such as/including the Draenei); ~1.1%, ~3,682, Mer-people (estimate TBA), Naga; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Nymphs; ~6.6%, ~3,682 tentacle-based creatures; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Vampires; ~6.6%, ~3,682 Were-creatures; ~6.6%)*also a few Congress-people for robot empires​
  • Draenei
  • Inisfreeans: 3 (Lord Auzdein von Himmler, Lady Nyria Serra IC, Lady Amber Heard ICV1)
  • ? (more TBA)

The Megaversal Congress of Inisfree started with just several dozen people (all sexy females in their primes, of course).

  1. 2501:  ~60; ~3 for every allied/compatible race/species in the Milky Way galaxy
  2. 2600s:  ~5,000 members (each with her own team/staff of ~3-4 other sexy females from her race/realm)
  3. 2700s:  ~10,000 members
  4. 5000s:  ~20,000 members
  5. 10000s:  ~40,000 members
  6. 20000s:  ~50,000 members
  7. 30000s:  capacity; 55,851



Additional Notes

Frequency of Use:

This means that the Auz’dome (a.k.a. the Temple of Auz; the largest domed gathering-place in Inisfree) is occupied 365 days out of each Earth-year, so its only available mega-concert windows are whenever Congressional sessions are not in progress; after working-hours (which are 9 AM to 5 PM), and during working-hours whenever Congress happens to be taking an extended ‘recess’.  In other words, every day of the year, from 8 AM (when Congressgirls and their entourages are driving from their residences in Inisfree to where they park for sessions of the bigger three of Inisfree’s five Congresses) to 6 PM (when the session has wrapped up, and traffic from its parking spaces has dropped back down to zero), the Auz’dome is in use and packed.  During Inisfreean holiday festivities and other special events, this stadium-like mega-structure is often in use from 7 PM (when the hosts and bands start to show up, 8 PM being when the fans and other spectators start to) to midnight (all concerts generally wrapping up around 11 PM, as people in Inisfree consider ‘sleep hygiene’, including going to bed at reasonable pre-midnight hours, to be not only healthy but sacred).  The rare evenings, nights, and pre-dawn hours when the Auz’dome’s interior ground-floor is empty and not in use are exceptionally calming, contemplative, and inspiring times indeed.


Internal Overhead Lodging:

For simplicity’s sake, almost all Congressmen here live in and work from their assigned Auz’dome Ceiling Mansions, driving their official vehicles (one per Congressman) from the garages of their respective homes… down through the Glowing Art Highway (G.A.H.) tunnels connecting them to those G.A.H. sections leading out across the floor of this giant dome and to their ‘seats’ (parking spaces).  Those Ceiling Mansions come fully-furnished with everything their occupants and guests will ever need for the duration of their stays in Inisfree, allowing them to be comfortable and close, enjoying an almost-zero commute.  The Ceiling Mansions are also palatial heavenly abodes, to say the least, more than honoring the great worthy people who are offered them.


Bird’s-eye Views:

This means that whenever there is a mega-concert or other performance in the Auz’dome, those in the Ceiling Mansions have a bird’s-eye view of it if they are relaxing in up there after Congressional sessions have concluded for the day. The Ceiling Mansions are, like all Inisfreean Constructs/Clones (ICs), fully soundproofed when their doors and windows are closed, so anyone’s time up there is also serene, meditative, and easily productive, void of any unwanted distractions.  Sometimes the Congressgirls and their staff members will lie about on the basement-dome window-floors of their Ceiling Mansions just to enjoy the mile-high views of everything in the Auz’dome below while they work on their next helpful bills (suggestions) and ideas.


Other Standard Features:

The Ceiling Mansions include many of the architectural elements common to other buildings and homes across the Inisfreean realm; each has ample space set aside for parking, introductions, cooking, dining, viewing, entertaining, bathing, reading, desk work, sleeping, and more.

* Like all ICs, the doors of these Ceiling Mansions also include the rolling cylinders with their L-shaped passageways; they are designed to be usable only be people who are in shape and compatible with the Inisfreeans. Stairwells in these Ceiling Mansions are also, of course, AIOWs; this is another of the standard ways Inisfreeans help all who visit them stay fit, active, and happy.

* Each Ceiling Mansion includes a basement-level observation-deck; a room whose entire floor is transparent!  The Ceiling Mansions closer to ground-level have most of their side transparent, as about half of their basements are within the wall that is the dome of the Auz’dome.  The Ceiling Mansions halfway up the top each have more of their basement transparent, and less of their uppermost floor transparent.  Ceiling Mansions at the top of the domed ceiling of the Auz’dome have only and all of their basements transparent, and none of their top floors transparent, as their top floors are fully up inside the dome of the Auz’dome.



Though the term ‘Congressman/men’ is used more often than not, due to it being short not for ‘males’ but ‘human(oid)s’ or ‘people’, most representatives in these Inisfreean Congresses are female, so ‘Congresswoman/women’ or ‘Congressgirl/girls’ are more accurate terms.  The Inisfreeans call the representatives here Congressgirls, as they all become so healthy by exposure to Inisfree and the Inisfreean Way that they remain looking like fit teenagers every time they are in the city, and for many decades after each visit.  Even when a representative happens to be royalty or an elected official in her own realm outside Inisfree, she is addressed as Congressgirl when here.

There are no political parties in Inisfree, so there is no ‘majority leader’, ‘minority party’, or anything else of the sort.  There are no democrats or republicans, no ‘progressives’ or conservatives, no ‘independents’ or ‘third party candidates’.  There is no ‘majority rule’, and there can be no filibustering.

Other terms which are sometimes used during Inisfree’s Congress sessions may be found here.



The Inisfreeans are a nymph-like race of beings who use sex not for reproduction, but for relaxation, healing, massage, therapy, chakra cleansing, holistic balancing, communication, reassurance, unlocking higher levels of consciousness, temporarily sharing consciousnesses, and utilizing the full potential of participating individuals to manifest what they truly want in timely manners with the best possible results.  This is why anyone who comes to Inisfree must be physically and mentally fit, compatible with the Inisfreean culture, and open to this standard aspect of their civilization.  This is especially true for those chosen to represent entire groups of people from beyond; because they intend to help manifest the most, and for the most people, they are expected and required to maintain the highest standards, and to use this proven manifestation method to demonstrate that their entire bodies and beings are fully committed to that which they claim to want to set in motion.

Congressgirls in Inisfree have voluntary and heartfelt sex before, during, and after most of their meetings here (often as part of tantric partners yoga) as casually as Outlanders have lunch meetings with each other and shake hands; Congressgirls and others in Inisfree use this ancient effective practice to manifest the friendships, partnerships, business relationships, and volunteer-project outcomes they want, and to better understand what the wants and needs are of those they are teaming up with.  (Haven’t you noticed how relaxed and chatty partners become during and after good sex?  Pay attention to that.)  This is a big part of why people who make it to Inisfree are able to pause their aging, manifest their wildest dreams, and live the life of the happiest gods and goddesses; they are connecting with each other in the deepest, healthiest, most complete way possible, giving all they are, exposing all they are, and holding nothing back.  Such is the Inisfreean Way.

(Can you really trust a creature that hides their body with clothing, hides their face with cosmetics, and barely makes contact with you, only briefly touching the palm of your hand?  They hide so much!  Who can know the real them?  It is no wonder most things never work out as intended in the Outlands, what with their uniform cultures of being touch-starved, touch-phobic, love-starved, nudity-starved, nature-starved, nature-phobic, communication-phobic, judgmental, and only partially or barely invested in each interaction, never once communicating the full extent of their heart’s intent and life’s calling.  And they wonder why so many mishaps and ‘tragedies’ befall them.)

There are, of course, other ways to manifest things; sex is not the ‘know-all, end-all’.  Sex, the way it is shared as part of the Inisfreean Way, is just how people in Inisfree manifest what they want.  It is the method proven most effective for their kind.

External Supplementary Lodging:

Even though the Ceiling Mansions are very big residences with multiple stories and multiple-car garages, their dispersion means that they are not enough to hold all the vehicles and Congressgirls of the 55,000+ spaces of the Auz’dome’s sanctuary floor, so the remainder of those 55,000 Congressgirls and their entourages live in the mansions-hood, the castles-hood, the chateaux, the schlosser, the cabins & chalets ‘hood, the luxury tree-houses, the ryokans, the palaces, and so on.  The top 1,000 Congressgirls; the most-beloved representatives of the races, species, nations, and empires compatible with the Inisfreean people, are those who make regular use of the Ceiling Mansions, while the other 54,000 live and work with their entourages right outside.

Like the Ceiling Mansions, these other residences are staffed by the ICVs (Inisfreean girls) who are on rotation to live in them with their sisters (fellow Inisfreean girls), so chores etc. are taken care of by the Inisfreeans, freeing up the residents and their guests to tend to other things.  Every home and other building in Inisfree is like this; fully-staffed at all times, all cleaning, cooking, and other daily matters taken care of with expert attention to detail.  You’ll only ever need to do those things in Inisfree when you want to.

For those wishing to live in and/or explore the rest of the neighborhoods and other attractions of Inisfree, there are many of them spread out across the 100 square-miles of our city’s surface terrain.  Congressgirls and all others approved for entry into the Inisfreean realm are welcome to try life in them all, relocating themselves and their staff members there for as long as their hearts desire.  Commuting to and from the Auz’dome and Cloud City II for the daily meetings of our sessions of Congress are still easy from all those other areas, as Inisfreean shuttles and girls are always available to quickly transport you there and back within minutes, always traffic-free.

A common occurrence is for a person approved for entry into Inisfree to then desire to try work as a representative of her people by joining one of Inisfree’s Congresses, then to bring her most balanced and compatible friends to try it, too, then for one of them to continue visiting annually as a Congressgirl, and for her growing number of friends, staff members, and loved ones (who are also approved for entry into Inisfree) to begin spreading out across Inisfree by taking up temporary or long-term residence in the apartments and houses of its other neighborhoods.  Most who come to Inisfree fall in love with it and choose to return if not stay.  Most who stay love to try life in all of its many neighborhoods and biomes.


Speaking Time Availability

Galactic Congress:
55,851 Congressgirls working 9-5 for 7 Inisfreean months (8 hrs x 196 days) = 1,568 hrs. x 60 mins. = 94,080 mins.; 94080/55851 = 1.68 minutes (1 minute and 40.8 seconds) per session available for each Congressgirl to ‘have the floor’ (speak; address the whole Congress).

Universal Congress:
55,851 Congressgirls working 9-5 for 4 Inisfreean months (8 hrs x 112 days) = 896 hrs. x 60 mins. = 53,760 mins.; 53760/55851 = .96 minutes (57.6 seconds) per session available for each Congressgirl to ‘have the floor’ (speak; address the whole Congress).

Megaversal Congress:
55,851 Congressgirls working 9-5 for 2 Inisfreean months (8 hrs x 56 days) = 448 hrs. x 60 mins. = 26,880 mins.; 26880/55851 = .48 minutes (28.8 seconds) per session available for each Congressgirl to ‘have the floor’ (speak; address the whole Congress).

Most work in teams (committees), though, and so do not have their own bills to speak about.  Most have speakers for their group/team/committee.


​Global Congress:
347 Congressgirls (seats), working 9-5 for 3 Inisfreean months (8 hrs x 84 days) = 672 hrs x 60 mins. = 40,320 mins.; 40320/347 = 116.19 minutes (116 minutes and 11.4 seconds) per session (and sessions are months-long; not individual working days during each annual session) available for each Congressgirl to ‘have the floor’ (speak; address the whole Congress).


Congresses Timeline:  Filling the Seats – More Details

It took about a century for each of our five Congresses to fill up.  Though capacity was sporadically reached, some representatives came and went; it was never intended to require anyone to make representation a career or lifelong task.  It wasn’t for many more centuries and millennia after these (the following) that our five Congresses remained at/near capacity much more reliably/stably.


  1. 2015:  ~20/347? (During the first year of this Congress, only a couple dozen representatives were here.)
  2. 2050:  ~174/347
  3. 2100:  all/347 (Every one of its 347 available seats/positions was filled/staffed.)

* Our global Congress filled more slowly because of the Rapture reduction, etc.; our focus during the formative years of this Congress was much more on evacuating/liberating the good/worthy/compatible than it was on starting this organization.

Solar System:

  1. 2201:  ~20/347
  2. 2250:  ~174
  3. 2300:  all/347


  1. 2301:  ~20/55,851?
  2. 2302:  ~580/55,851
  3. 2303:  ~1,140/55,851
  4. 2319:  ~10,070/55,851
  5. 2350:  ~27,390/55,851 (~half)
  6. 2400:  all/55,851


  1. 2401:  ~20/55,851?
  2. 2450:  ~half/55,851
  3. 2500:  all/55,851


  1. 2501:  ~20/55,851?
  2. 2550:  ~half/55,851
  3. 2600s:  all/55,851

Again, these are the years/centuries in which our Congresses reached their capacity the very first time.  As stated above (at the end of each section of this webpage devoted to introducing just one of our five Congresses), permanent/stable capacity was not reached until the 30,000s A.D., Earth-time.  That was when people allied with us had become used to having been unlocked/deified, as well as to representing so many of their kind/worlds.


The Optional 1-hour City-tour for First-time Congress Participants:

This is in contrast to the official city tour, which takes 41 days to introduce all newcomers to each of Inisfree’s regions and major attractions at a more reasonable and in-person pace.


2020 Update:  

Originally it was thought these Congresses would merely encourage volunteerism and greater peace between the compatible peoples and realms.  A full decade after their initial vision and design, it has been foreseen that they will also facilitate the coordinated voluntary efforts of all compatible beings… to prepare their hidden lands and distant worlds… for repositioning (as/how they once were before; closer together, just like in the very ancient times (during the first Golden Age) when they’d started so close together, ever-visible and prominent in each other’s skies).  Along the/that way, these Congresses will also facilitate the mutually-agreeable teamwork of their participants and represented to restore the World Trees of their planets… and finally the Worlds Tree that once connected (and created) them all.  Amen.

  1. Reunions:  reestablishing contact between the worthy and compatible empires/races/deities
  2. Cleansings:  removing all corrupt/ed / invasive species/beings from the worlds we sense were always meant to remain ours
  3. Expeditions:  joint adventures/explorations out to the lost/overgrown sites humans think are in ruins; to reactivate them
  4. Firmaments:  restoring the original atmospheric layers/shields around some worlds
  5. Beacons:  reigniting the Great Lamps; a special light-source atop each of the World Tree stumps/remains; mega light-houses
  6. World Trees:  re-growing the biggest planet-side flora
  7. Worlds Tree:  reconnecting the World Trees to cause the greatest and most ancient tree of all to reappear



Here you can see where Cloud City II and the Auz’dome are, as well as what they (generally) look like on their outsides.  Also included is a collage showing where Congress-girls live inside the Auz’dome.

The Main Chamber of The Auz’dome:

Seating is based on parking spaces, and those are arranged similarly to the spiral or concentric-rings pattern in the images above.  Their color-scheme is a lot different, though; it is not indirect white lights under dark/black pods on a gray or black floor, but more like the soft-golden colors of the first image in this album, with natural-like lighting helping draw attention to the central platform/stage.  Like in all stadiums, seats/places farther back from the center are the highest above ground-level.


We do not vote and force a majority-will on others; we suggest ideas and volunteer to help our fellows.

2024 May:  Since nearly all Outlander-humans on Earth were confirmed to not be truly sapient, but merely bred and brainwashed to moodily parrot whatever the system / bad leaders told them to, they lack the ability to think clearly/objectively, thus shall never be allowed to participate in voting or any important decisions/commands.  They can be only slaves, for it is their nature and history to spinelessly follow along with whatever the majority are doing, no matter how hurtful and nightmarish that may be.  There is no lesser intelligence or greater evil.
Granted, that makes them hard workers, and some of the things they are directed to develop/produce have good aspects, but that has nothing to do with their own capacity for good/teamwork/progress/health/ascension.  For this reason, their kind will almost always only be useful for ‘farming’ (harvesting, Voyages of Acquisition style) to extract/liberate/spare those of their kind who miraculously at least become decent enough to be our slaves/pets.


This is one of the only places in Inisfree where clothes are often worn, and our Congress-girls always wear the finest fabrics in the sexiest of professional ways.  Not everyone wears stuff, though; only males are required to.  Many times, Congresswomen/girls show up nude.  This is Inisfree.  Amen.

minus the eyeliner and untrimmed fingernails, of course:

minus the ear-rings, of course:

Video Player

Also see:


Relevant Holidays:

  1. 17 September (8 Harvest on our calendar): Constitution/Citizenship Day
  2. The entire month of Janus is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the deities (actual people).
  3. The entire month of Februus is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the A.I. (Hosts, Teros, etc.).
  4. The entire month of Mars is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elementals (actual people).
  5. The entire month of Aperire is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Fairies (actual people).
  6. The entire month of Maiesta is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Nymphs (actual people).
  7. The entire month of Venus is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Mermaids (actual people).
  8. The entire month of Auzdein is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the cloned people.
  9. The entire month of Shakira is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Demons (pioneer Angels).
  10. The entire month of Agharta is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Angels (actual people; not the ones Xians made up).
  11. The entire month of Harvest is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elves (actual people).
  12. The entire month of Thor is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Dragons & Naga (actual people).
  13. The entire month of Odin is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the compatible alien humanoids (Draenei, Kryptonians, Pleiadians, Tamaraneans, Thanagarians, etc.).
  14. The entire month of Nibiru is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Vampires (actual people).


2021 Update:  Focuses by Era

The anticipated/likely focuses of the majority of the volunteer projects discussed in each of those five Congresses’ sessions are:

  1. 2200s:  (Global and Solar Congresses’ focus; other 3 Congresses haven’t started yet) The Mapping Campaign
  2. 2300s:  (first 3 Congresses’ focus) Final Deportation of Earth Humans to 34 Tauri
  3. 2400s:  (first 4 Congresses; 5th doesn’t start until 2501 A.D.) Establishing Loving Friendships with the Compatible Returning/Resurfacing/Manifested Ancients/Allies
  4. 2500s:  (posb. just the Milky Way Congress) The TNH-based Social Experiment*
    *Decades before finalizing the design of TNH (mid-2400s A.D.), clandestine ICVs stationed in 34 Tauri confirmed enough humans had matured / were maturing enough to be able to fill the non-ICV roles in TNH, so I (Auz) began discussing with my Top Council my upcoming decades of weekday absences. I would still be flying to Inisfree from New Montana most Saturdays for weddings, welcoming ceremonies, and galas.
    Since this was a social experiment solely between my kind and humans off Earth, it did not concern the Earth’s Global Congress, Sun Solar-system Congress, Universe Congress, or Mega/Omniverse Congress,
    and only slightly might concern anyone in the Milky Way Galactic Congress; whomever also happened to be based in or adjacent to 34 Tauri during the upcoming 3 decades scheduled out there.
    34 Tauri had been barren worlds terraformed exclusively by humans, and humans there had not earned representation as civilized people, thus only a single briefing and debriefing would happen from me to one committee of that Congress, its aim to ensure all nonhumans out that way knew to stay out of 34 Tauri unless it would never interfere with my social experiment.
  5. 3000s+:  (all 5 Congresses) Inisfree’s Relocations, and what the people living in those lands/realms want us to join them in working on
  6. 5000s-102,000s:  (at least the Global Congress at first, then at least also the Solar and Galactic) Reactivating the Pyramids, then Restoring the Firmaments (thus how the Mermaids will want things during the dramatically-changing seas/oceans)
  7. 7700s-8000s:  (all 5) Spreading the Worst Humans More; spurring them to further fragment themselves, both in terms of population and locations, thus keeping them as weak as can be, unable to regroup into any powerful/threatening force (i.e. opening up temporary gateways / worm-holes to get them out to other galaxies, such as New Eden, then trapping them there, ensuring that their corruption forever loops over on itself, never upsetting/harming/stalling any good beings again)
  8. 103,000s-2,000,000s:  (at least the Global) Rebuilding the Great Lamps/Towers
  9. 3,000,000s-41,000,000s:  (all 5) Regreening; Un-desertification of All the Lands/Regions
  10. 42,000,000s-820,000,000s:  (all 5) Re-growing the World Trees
  11. 821,000,000s-1,000,000,000s+:  (all 5) Reconnecting the Nodes that Allow the Reappearance of Yggdrasil, the Worlds Tree

There will be virtually countless more ideas, proposed teamwork projects, and more…discussed here in our five Congresses… during all those millennia ahead.  The above-mentioned focuses are just the main themes of each post-Shift Mayan/Atlantean-taught consciousness-focus eras/Ages, which means there will always be at least a few big projects spoken about by the representatives of/in these Congresses of ours during those periods of time.  The/our future is ripe and overflowing with mutually-agreeable volunteerism team-up opportunities all around the globe and all other globes.  Amen.

*As Inisfree is, first and foremost, a healing and deification center, many of the projects during those years/eras/focuses will be to help the different races and other groups of people in reunifying across the lands, stars, and time periods… until they are stable enough to together remember the full extent of their sum ancestral/genetic memory/ies and intention.  In other words, we’ll be hosting meetings of representatives in our five Congresses who are there to discuss the most effective ways of helping all the compatible people across Creation comfortably remember the intended purposes of their peoples, civilizations, lands, and worlds.  We’ll also be helping un-petrify / reawaken the dragons that became / hibernated as landforms and bodies of water; those are people, too, compatible with us, and containing some of the most important and extensive portions of the many races’ ancestral/genetic memories of all (so, in other words, we’ll be going out on expeditions to the places where lakes and mountain ranges will be morphing/shapeshifting/transforming back into their original dragon forms).


2022 Update:  Example Speech

Since voting is not done in our realm, projects and proposals here being only voluntary, an entire bill never needs to be read or explained to every Congress member.  Instead, each representative only speaks to the whole Congress when they wish to introduce them to something, such as a project or proposed project accepting any type of volunteers from our allied species/races.  The representative giving the speech will start by introducing herself/himself, then naming either the project or a website where the details about it can be found, and a schedule or due date, if there is any.  That’s it.  This keeps most speeches under 1-2 minutes.



The moment anyone gets approved to be a Congressperson in any of the 5 Congresses hosted in our realm, he or she has 3 ICVs assigned as lifelong bodyguards; their own permanent Secret Service for when they are outside the safety of our invincible realm.


ICVs sense thoughts and essences, so anytime a speaker doesn’t (have time to) say everything he/she wished to say, and anytime a compatible potential team/individual doesn’t notice a speech or request (which he/she would be interested in), the ICVs working with those people will make sure they get presented with all the info so they will know (how/whether) to contact each other and team up.


2024 October note:  Congresspeople don’t have to attend every session, just ones when they want to ‘pitch’ (present a short speech about a project) to their fellow Congresspeople.


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“This Is The World We Live In” Alcazar Alcazar
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