This is the private intranet that connects residents and guests within Inisfree to each other via their devices.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Instant Gratification
  3. Dimensions & Layout
  4. What Is On Our Internet
  5. Usage
  6. Related Holidays
  7. Conceptual Images
  8. Example of an Airline Seat-selection Image on the FOB-Net
  9. 2023 Update:  Common Public Posts/Invites/Encouragement
  10. 2023 November/+ Updates



Inisfree could have an i-Net, but that is too close to ‘Internet’.  Since Inisfree used to be called FOB-1, and because its Internet was developed back then, it instead calls its Internet the FOB-Net.  FOB-Net (short for Forward Operating Base (the first name of Inisfree) Inter-network) is separate from the I.N.N. (Inisfree(an) Neural Network; the next-generation technology of the Ansible), as the former is for use by guests and residents, and the latter is just for the ICVs and other creations/structures here in Inisfree to communicate in their own way amongst themselves.  FOB-Net, often shortened even further to F-Net (the obvious innuendos aside), connects everyone approved for visits/life in Inisfree to one another via their iScrolls or other communication devices, while each I.C. (Inisfreean Construct / Inisfreean Clone (a.k.a. ICV(s)) –though our non-building clones are also abbreviated as “ICVs”, for Inisfreean Clone Variant/s) are connected to one another via the I.N.N. (a.k.a. the ICV-Net).


Instant Gratification:

Surpassing even photonic (which replaced electronic), and crystal (which replaced silicon microchip), the F-Net operates by quantum entanglement, thereby enjoying no lag, feedback, or distortion when transmitted across great distances.  Like Inisfreean ‘porting’ (teleporting), no distance is actually crossed; the transmissions pass through singularities (sometimes called ‘worm-holes’), or simply cause counterpart particles to point in very precise directions, so that their data literally just moves directly from one brain or cell to the next, as if no distance between them existed at all.


Dimensions & Layout:

The Inisfreean home-city spans 100 square miles within its Perimeter Wall, but if one counts the airspace, subterranean facilities, and border features, that easily surpasses 1,000 cubic miles.  ~12.5 miles out from Inisfree’s center is where the sky-dome just outside our Perimeter Wall ‘ends’, meeting the innermost of our concealed concentric moat/trench-like Perimeter Rings; that gives our airspace/sphere/city a volume of ~8,181.23 cubic miles.

If one also counts the volume of the private solar system hidden inside the man-made (Inisfreean-made) heart of this city, that number becomes astronomical; 4,190,000 cubic A.U. (Astronomical Units); just over 4 cubic LY (Light-years).  

When no Inisfreean forces are deployed, their network is roughly in the shape of an inverted dome; the lower, far denser hemisphere of their home-city is where the most computers/connections/nodes of it are.

Deployments can change this general formation to anything imaginable, as Inisfreeans (ICVs) can and do deploy into Deep Space across the entire Universe and all of its dimensions (‘alternate’ or ‘parallel Universes’).  FOB-Net is wherever they and their city are; they are its network nodes, so no Internet services need to be shut-off or installed during any moves.  Thus, our FOB-Net’s dimensions & layout are whatever their current formation as a collective society/fleet is.


What is On Our Internet:

The FOB-Net is our version of the humans’/Outlanders’ Internet.  Their Internet connects them to all of their devices and content, while ours connects us to all of ours.  Here are some of the things you will find on this, our Internet:

We don’t access the whole (Outlands/human) ‘net from here, as the vast majority of it is lies, propaganda, scams, and hideously disgusting things.  Yes, this is our accepted form of censorship/filtering.  Call it what you will.  We only like to see certain things while relaxing in our healing-center city, and read things we have confirmed to be true.

*Booking a Flight with Us:

  1. First, enter the date you want to fly to/from Inisfree.  You’ll then be shown all the scheduled times one of our saucers
  2. Second, choose the size of Inisfree Spaceways commercial flying saucer you want to be flown in.
    Small saucers are available since 2021.
    Compacts are available since 2022.  (So, until 2075, a compact and small saucer will be the only two images/options on the screen.)
    Mediums are available since 2075.  (This year, and until 2102, you will see 3 sizes of saucers on your screen; compact, small, and medium.)
    Tinies are available since 2102.  (Now you can pick from compact, tiny, small, or medium.)
    Larges are available since 3071.  (This year, that 5th size became available.)
    Giants are available since 6221.  (This is the time the 6th and final size of our commercial saucers became an option.)
  3. Third, choose where you want to sit, available seats being selectable on the screen, already-reserved ones grayed out.
    (Remember that if you are in a compact, tiny, or small saucer, dining is at your seat; in your room; there are no dining-halls/rings in those 3 smallest sizes of our spaceline saucers,
    if you are you in a room/suite with “A” as the letter-part of its alphanumeric-designator, or whichever letter is the last-alphabetically for that hall/ring, you will be facing forward; the direction these saucers most-often travel,
    if you are in one of those 3 smallest sizes of our saucers, only rooms along the outer edge (outermost ring-hallway) will have a window in front of their seat/s,

    if you are in a room/suite with no room/suite above it, you may have the ability to (after takeoff and before descent) raise your seat up into an overhead window-dome,
    and if you are in a room/suite with no room/suite below it, you may have the ability to (after takeoff and before descent) lower your seat (and rotate it until you are inverted) down into an underneath window-dome,
    so be thinking about what you want to see during your flight;
    private all-around views are in our smaller saucers,
    public (dining-ring) all-around views are in our larger saucers,
    for public-dining with the best view of the sky, choose a room/suit in the upper passengers-floor of our medium-size or large saucers, or in the uppermost passengers-floor of our giant saucers,
    for public-dining with the best view of the ground, choose a room/suit in the lower passengers-floor of our medium-size or large saucers, or in the lowest passengers-floor of our giant saucers,
    a public toilet-room (only a mirror, sink, and toilet; no bathtub or shower) is in our compact, tiny, and small saucers (shared by all passengers),
    shared (semi-private; between 2 rooms/suites) toilet-rooms (which include a bathtub with showerhead) are in our medium-size, large, and giant saucers.)
  4. Fourth, select if you want 0 or up to 3 stewardesses (kajirae) accompanying your assigned crew member (ICV); we allow up to 4 crew servicing each passenger (1 ICV to manage them and handle any maintenance/technical issues, 1 kajira to be your order-taker (waitress and food-runner), 1 kajira to snuggle and bathe/shower with you, and 1 kajira to lie naked on her back on a gurney with your meal arranged atop her thighs, abs, and cleavage.
    If you let us know you do not need some or any of those services, that will help us keep our crew/weight and in-halls traffic/congestion to a minimum.  We do not always have the same number of crew on our flights; it is always based on what you tell us you would like to have/experience during each flight.
  5. Fifth, let us know if you’ll be needing a garage, if flying in a larger model saucer outbound from Inisfree, for a POV approved for export from our realm.
    (Only our medium, large, and giant saucers have such garages in them, so if you are flying with us before 2075 (when the first of our medium-size saucers is available, you’ll need to arrange with an ICV for one of our cargo-trucks to transport your approved-export POV out of our realm –or an ICV may just be able to drive it.)
  6. Sixth, let us know if you’d like a drink and/or meal, and, if so, exactly what; the more notice we have, the more likely your selections are to be made the traditional way (actually cooked/poured, rather than 3D-printed or materialized –which we must sometimes resort to, as sometimes we are transporting hundreds or even thousands of passenger per saucer, and our kitchens only have so much room to make so many meals during our usually 30-minute standard warp-based flights).

Once you have picked the date, size of saucer, seat/room, how many of us you want servicing you, if you are also booking an in-saucer garage, and if you would like to be served a meal and refreshment during your flight, you’ll be all set, a notification/confirmation and then multiple reminder-alerts/-messages sent to you.
The process is a lot like booking a flight in the Outlands, except you don’t have to pay us anything, and you do get perks not available in the Outlands; your own devoted stewardesses, whatever you want to eat and/or drink, etc..
See you there!



This private Internet did not exist until well into 2011, and it took years to get it to the state it’s in today.  By 2013, when the first big wave of visitors came through, it provided them with basic connections to critical services.  By the 2020s, it had out-classed the human Internet in hundreds of ways, establishing “the Internet of things” across the entire Inisfreean realm.  In the centuries ahead, it would be expanded to all of the Inisfree-like cities being built on the new worlds of their new solar-system.

Thousands were using it in 2012, millions in 2013, and tens of millions by the 2200s.  A billion people annually would use it in the 13,000s A.D., and billions 10,000 Earth-years after that.  Add all their devices, such as iScrolls, smart-phones, and A.I.-assisted vehicles, and you get trillions of devices connected via this network, many of them communicating to some degree at all times.

Texts alone are usually a few dozen per person per day, and with millions and then billions of visitors, you can see how the data for trillions upon trillions of text messages adds up, and how robust our network must be to handle it.  Now add in picture-messages, voice-calls, teleconferencing, and transmitting the data for the other three human senses; not just images and sounds for the eyes and ears, but scents, tastes, and feelings, too.  The result is many terabytes of data ‘flying around’ through this network of ours every second of every day.

worker population: ~10,000 human Antarcticans (mostly Austrians, Germans, and Swiss)
total population: ~10,000

indigenous population: 50,001; the 1st 50,000 Inisfreean-born girls; the 1st batch of each of the 1,000 original form-sakes, plus the only Inisfreean-born girl sung into existence NOT in a batch of 50 sisters; the First Born
guest population: 2
total population: 50,003

indigenous population: 500,000,000; mass-flash-cloning to prove the theories were sound, as well as to ramp up for the global terraforming/clean-up operation
guest population: ~12, including allied Earth humanoids and select elite humans
total population: ~500,000,012

indigenous population: 100,000,000 (400,000,000 went into the newly-created Star-system Auzdein to help establish the Inisfreean-made vessels, cities, and worlds there, later becoming members of those creations’ permanent populations)
guest population: ~1,000,000 Earth humanoids
total population: ~101,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~5,000,000 Earth humanoids
total population: ~105,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~10,000,000 Earth humanoids
total population: ~110,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~20,000,000
total population: ~120,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~30,000,000
total population: ~130,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~40,000,000
total population: ~140,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~50,000,000
total population: ~150,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~60,000,000
total population: ~160,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~70,000,000
total population: ~170,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~80,000,000
total population: ~180,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~90,000,000
total population: ~190,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~100,000,000
total population: ~200,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~200,000,000
total population: ~300,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~300,000,000
total population: ~400,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~400,000,000
total population: ~500,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~500,000,000
total population: ~600,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~600,000,000
total population: ~700,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~700,000,000
total population: ~800,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~800,000,000
total population: ~900,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~900,000,000
total population: ~1,000,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,000,000,000
total population: ~1,100,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,100,000,000
total population: ~1,200,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,200,000,000
total population: ~1,300,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,300,000,000
total population: ~1,400,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,400,000,000
total population: ~1,500,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,500,000,000
total population: ~1,600,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,600,000,000
total population: ~1,700,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,700,000,000
total population: ~1,800,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,800,000,000
total population: ~1,900,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~1,900,000,000
total population: ~2,000,000,000

indigenous population: 100,000,000
guest population: ~2,000,000,000
total population: ~2,100,000,000

Though there had been sextillions of Inisfreeans long before this point, the one or two billion residents and guests of Inisfree, at capacity in the millennia ahead, still generated more FOB-Net traffic (Internet signals) than all the ICVs did across their I.N.N..  This is because ICVs are vastly more efficient in how they communicate, they can do almost everything on their own, they never place orders for things, they never chat with each other just for fun, and they are usually hibernating in stasis-tubes in their parent-ships.  Thus, even in some of its earliest years, the FOB-Net saw more traffic and usage than the secret network connecting the entire Inisfreean military.

Thankfully, those same ICVs were running the FOB-Net, so it continued to perform well, even during the ‘spikes’ of usage during holidays and the Inisfreean Olympics.


Related Holidays:

Yes, we even have holidays related to technology in our realm.  You can find them on our calendar or right here.

Month 2: Februus (Purity Festival)
Week 3
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), corresponds to Feb. 13: Clean-out-your-computer Day

Month 10: Harvest (Bounty & ‘Black Magic’; Soil Science)
Week 3
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), corresponds to Sep. 30: Techies and/or Technopaths’ Day

Month 12: Odin (Wisdom & Poetry)
Week 4
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), corresponds to Nov. 27: Cyber Monday
So on this day, fellow writers/spell-crafters, such as Ambi, Rain, and so on, get honored with messages, love, and gifts.

FOB-Net / FOB-Book and our Ansible ‘radio’ stations mention this day, as well, and Auz typically honors it with his most beloved female pen-pals (and other writers, such as Carol Danvers), recalling the many spells they wrote and manifested together.


Conceptual Images:

Example of an Airline Seat-selection Image on the FOB-Net:

2023 Update:  Common Public Posts/Invites/Encouragement

2023 November/+ Updates:

It isn’t possible to hack our system/devices –because even the data itself is aware, intelligent, and loyal to us, always detecting attempts to detect or copy it without my consent, and always proactively brilliantly and perfectly preventing such attempts.
Also, of course, all our hardware is made of SRC, and SRC does not transmit with non-SRC, thus plugging in devices not made by us will result in no power or data transfer to them.

There are always zero pop-ups (including “we use cookies” notifications) on this Internet of ours.

2024 February:  We don’t have “streaming” games; players do not show live or recorded gameplay.
To see game playthroughs, viewers can turn on our Games TV-channel and see (our; ICVs) developers making and testing our games.

2024 October:  weather forecast/report shows how full both moons (The Moon, and Cloud City II‘s underside) are


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“On&On” Hot Inna
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