This is the woman who, in the distant future, is the goddess and queen reigning over all of what humankind will become.  (There are other goddesses and queens throughout Creation, to be sure, but this one is the one in charge of Space-faring mankind.)


Table of Contents:

  1. Intro
  2. Spec’s
  3. Life Summary
  4. 2024 February:  Original Story Notes Resurfacing, Now Typed Up
  5. Aorlie & Auz
  6. Updates:  2021 Revelations
  7. 2022/+ Notes
  8. Her (Images Begin)
  9. Worlds on Her Quest – Surface Views
  10. Worlds on Her Quest – Orbital Views
  11. Concept of the Multi-armed Humanoid Giants that Held Her Up While Fucking Her
  12. How She Prefers Cum be Poured into Her
  13. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates



She was born many generations after the events of Warhammer 40,000 (dozens of millennia ahead), and even after those of Total Annihilation.  Her species (humans) have been repeatedly “trimmed back” by the other gods; disaster after disaster, and cataclysm after cataclysm (such as when they were forced to leave Earth in 2313… to settle the worlds of 34 Tauri many light-years away), has kept them from gaining too much power on any of the worlds they were steered to spread to or stay on.  Those (humans) who are alive at this point have given up on the technologies that never fully protected them from those things, and have returned to their ancient roots, cultivating and earning back many of the powers once thought to be mythological.

People don’t build cities or starships anymore, and they don’t need Spacesuits; they are like the Kryptonians in most cases, though some still choose to lead simple lives “planet-side”.  To get places, they simply think of where they want to go, and feel Space bend around them, similarly to how the Inisfreeans always did/do.  When they need shelter or food, they do the same; they focus their minds until it appears, often in the form of something growing or otherwise manifesting nearby.  (This means they are able to create momentary events of the sort that a Golden Age would make the norm, but they do not have the ability to restore a Golden Age.)

World Trees are fully regrown on many worlds, their roots and skyscraping branches restoring numerous Firmaments.  The Worlds Tree is back, too, anchored in the physical plane as much as all the others; it is the omni-dimensional super-being returned.  Entire solar-systems now (not just the first nine realms/planets) call its far-flung sections home –but the Eldar in their Craftworlds patrol all the ones colonized by any race of the Elves, ensuring no humans or others can ever again reach, invade, or corrupt them.

Aorlie’s destiny sends her off on an interplanetary quest which requires the use of all her goddess-level sex-based talents, cleverness, and stamina (hinting at the timeless tantric science used by the ancients who set up this series of summons, challenges, and revelations, always putting the chosen quest-goer’s entire body and mind to the invigorating test).  She ends up in the skies of a gas-giant and other alien worlds, as well as artificial/pocket dimensions, Zelda-like dungeons, and much more.  With the help of her rather “detached” guide, she begins to make it through.

Nothing is ever revealed about her royal bloodline, any fleets or solar-systems she may control, or how governments even work this far in the future.  It must be a strange future indeed, though, where a super-royal like her to be allowed to travel so far and without a security detail.  Or, perhaps, it was the humans near The Shift that did things weirdly, never realizing they didn’t really need security or other protection at all.

Some details about her future empire are here.



Aorlie is a “shorty”, and has “curves in all the right places”.

  • 5’5″
  • ~130 lbs.
  • model’s face (somewhat elven; high-ish cheekbones, etc.)
  • C-cups, perky
  • Measurements:  36-24-36
  • usually appears to be a naturally-tanned skyblue-eyed brunette
  • athletic; toned in a feminine way
  • voice:  sexy feminine, just right, with a hint of something so exotic it is -obviously- otherworldly (not from Earth or any of its first thousand Space colonies), overall similar to a supermodel from Brazil, California, France, or Spain
  • vegan
  • non-smoker
  • non-drinker
  • non-religious
  • non-breeder
  • casual/”chill” personality
  • minor shapeshifting abilities; she can change her complexion with a range of tans, and her overall size (but her proportions or ratios remain fixed), as well as the style (but not length) of her hair


Life Summary:

  1. born into royalty, spent a decade growing up, then another learning and starting to master her whole body; sex powers, etc.,
  2. untold amount of time trying/learning many other things (as she had a Universe-spanning empire to get familiar with, after all),
  3. then did the quest (actually a campaign of quests/events/tests) the game based on her/that is about (this quest being her rite of passage),
  4. then met me (Auz),
  5. got to know me,
  6. went out on a bigger quest; to the ancient past, using our mastered time-travel (True Brujah?) skills


2024 February:  Original Story Notes Resurfacing, Now Typed Up

Author’s Note:  This story/idea/vision first came to me in 2004 when I was still in Iraq.  It is now two full decades later; it was that long before I finally had time to make sense of it all, edit it enough to be suitable for publishing as one or more of the chapters of my 10th novel, and add to it here.
That should help you understand just how many ideas I get, how often, how complex some of them are, how long it takes me to process them, how busy I have been in general, and that I never meant to be rude to anyone I passed during those years; I was so completely overloaded with incoming ideas that whole time, and the strong instinct to give each of those ideas time to come to completion like this one has here, that the result was decades of writing –even when I didn’t really want to.  Like many of you, I want work-life balance, but somehow I just knew or felt or thought that I could never have it if I was “living life” too soon; I’d be far too distracted by interaction and happiness or just general random conversation/life/family noises to ever hear all these ideas and finish realizing how best to wrap them up so that they sounded right and sequenced/flowed well together.  Well, anyway, now I finally have; hopefully “life” for me will start very soon.

Preface:  Backstory Thought of in 2024 February

Millennia had passed since the time of the megacities of Earth, and the forced emigration of nearly all humans from it.
Even millions of years; thousands of millennia; millennia of millennia, had passed.
Entire civilizations and worlds were forgotten during all that time, terraformed paradises moved on from for various reasons.
Barrens wastelands; the aftermath of wars and pole-shifts, became lush and pleasant again.  There was time enough for all things to re-right themselves in millions of Earth-years.
The breakaway civilization that became The Human Empire (now her empire) based in The Milky Way galaxy (MWG) largely eventually achieved a lasting inner peace for itself.
Then Aorlie was born.

Why write Aorlie’s story? Why return to finish editing it after 20 years? The other characters in my saga are about poorly written ones (due to their creators being corrupt foolish humans) given better lives (by my spells), their famous single superpowers used and boosted in ways not much if ever thought of or shown to the mainstream.
Aorlie, on the other hand, is from a very different time (long after bad humans were nearly wiped out, then kicked off the Earth, and finishing themselves off in countless Abyss/Hell/Space battles), and does not face any of the “normal life” or “daily grind” unpleasant issues most humans on Earth in the 20th and 21st centuries A.D. had to deal with. Her story is about using and enjoying her entire body from the start, never being judged for it, never being pressured to deny herself or feel shame in any way. Those before her slowly dared to let their full natures blossom, but she got to blossom her whole life, never having to dare.
Others before her had to find or make their loved ones, but she grew up loved by her entire people, even those of her first empire (the one which was doomed to collapse).
While all stories of all writers have one trope or another, Aorlie’s is still a kind of story I, even after the thousands of books and other stories I’ve read, have not encountered.
Even though there are some hentai short-stories with a similar element or two, I have not found a lengthy detailed worldbuilding tale of all forms of beastiality, and nearly all taboos, plus much more.

She was born into a time when warring idiots, and suicidals such as nonvegans, no longer existed. This includes wild animals on all her worlds; they only eat plant parts, then sustain those plants via their droppings.
Her empire collapsed because of different things, not war.
What captivates her storyteller audiences in Halozien is she is from somewhere other than the worlds they know, and can recite details of millions more worlds unknown to them.


original notes typed:

Aorlie edit maybe
empire not 2 univ cycles, unless i am ok w it being the univ cycle when i restored ygg, plus the univ cycle after that; ygg staying put that time?

The orig aorlie draft was about xfer of consciousness, assisted by an ancient supreme being.
Shall i now instd say aprlie didnt need to xfer her consciousness, she instd just Guided by that ancient being to find the hidden solar sys? Yes.
Her ppl had long-ago mastered interplanetary travel independent of spaceships. Did that mean they descended from those who already transferred their consciousnesses into machine bodies? They do not know. They have just had this ability for generations.

The following occurred to me during 2004, perhaps as I was waiting to fly back to the States from Iraq.  Was it just a time-passing flight of fancy, or a message from somewhere?
Also, the original draft included a backstory of her having had a past life as a male/emperor, and of not just letting her empire collapse, but destroying the entire Universe with it, starting the whole thing over, not just what she had ruled.  I am changing that now.  It doesn’t vibe right; it vibes as dangerously close to the current degenerate Outlander human BS, thus is suspected to be somehow beamed at/into me in one of those many confirmed attempts to corrupt and ruin me back then.

Before she was known as Aorlie, she was called Majes.  Majes had started her own breakaway civilization as an experiment, and called it the Xel empire.  She had foreseen it eventually collapsing for one reason or another, and, sure enough, it did.  Trying a new approach with her 2nd empire, she made the people such that they were incapable of having a rebellious thought against her, and that (which some call “mind-stapling”) worked better; that 2nd empire did not collapse.

Majes spent Ages enjoying sex with every creature she desired throughout the entire Universe.  Many were creations of her own, or of her people working to create what she envisioned, so they did resist unless she wanted them to pretend to.  The rest, she had advanced ways of seducing, if not subduing.

Eventually, she grew a bit tired of that, even though it had been wonderful the whole time.  She had started feeling desirous of natural encounters with whatever reactions the beings she encountered might have on their own.  Continuing her Universe-crossing travels and adventures, she spent her next Age letting “organic” conversations and sex happen to her.

During her very long life (spanning millennia, just like the legendary kings of Sumer), she upgraded herself numerous times, giving herself more special abilities, using a form of technology/modification which humans on Earth in the 21st century would not recognize or understand –or even think of as technology; it is that different, being so many millions of years and galaxies separated from them.  These upgrades gradually made her more like a Sphere Being, at least in abilities; she was not yet bioluminescent like the stars, nor able to change herself to any size at will.  Speaking of Sphere Beings, there was one in particular who had conversed with her before, and he was about to resume their contact.

At her request, that one Sphere Being, whom she knew simply as The Supreme Being (TSB), not unlike how some primitive humans lazily call their nameless notion of the top god simply “God”, kept itself unknown to the rest of the Universe; all the inhabitants of the current Universe were not communicated with by it.  He only conversed with Majes.  Being in contact with such superhuman people, that made her not only an empress, by the way, but a goddess herself –at least a demigoddess.

Conversation by conversation, and Age by Age, she became more and more determined to achieve TSB’s state of existence herself; she wanted to be an all-powerful living conscious star like it was.  She reasoned that it had to have once not existed; it either developed on its own, or someone figured out how to make or become it.  If that was true, why couldn’t she do the same thing?  (Even if it wasn’t true; even if TSB had somehow always existed, living beyond the portion of the timestream mortals or other 3D beings in the current Universe were familiar with, still… why couldn’t she figure out how to shapeshift back and forth from such a state?)

(*I didn’t realize this at the time (2004), but this is another telltale sign/hint that I was (and still am) on a lifepath/trajectory to achieve this for myself; contact with actual stars (Valar, a.k.a. Arch Angels, a.k.a. portals to the core they all share, a.k.a. Muspelheim, a.k.a. Heaven) doesn’t just happen for chitchat, and communicating with such timeless and super-powerful beings has a way of shaping/unlocking the mind/person approved to communicate with them, not unlike how in the movie Arrival… learning how to talk with the time-traveling aliens slowly gave the translator (protagonist) the ability to look ahead in time, her mind/thinking shaped/upgraded by the way the time-travelers had long/always been.)

Eventually, Majes and her perfectly-controlled Universe-spanning empire of Grids (terraformed, ideal, garden-paradise worlds) and super-forces (practically-immortal personnel and ships) grew older than every previous empire in their Universe’s history, at least as far as TSB knew, anyway.  Majes was very proud of this fact, but her desire to turn into a TSB-like entity (full goddess) on her own remained.

Majes’s forces had noticed the contracting of the Universe; it wasn’t spreading out into entropy and dark doom like the always-lying false-humans back on Earth in the distant past had tried to trick everyone into believing, thus manifesting.  Still having practically endless time (billions of years) to figure out how to become like TSB, nevertheless she became worried; she didn’t know why the Universe was changing the way it was; if it was a good thing or a bad thing, relative her, her kind, and her main goal.

The giant sex-slave mutants (genetically engineered) and ‘monsters’ (made to look humanoid but distinctly alien and intimidating to help her cum harder) she kept in her temple aboard her Universe command ship (like a PSBS) tried to please and comfort her, as that was the nature she had created them with, but ultimately her mind was obsessed with her seemingly uncertain goal.  She still very much enjoyed being fucked by them, as they were perfect at it, having had millennia to practice, learning her every fantasy, whim, and cycle, but it kept reactivating her whole being, over and over reenergizing her, that only refreshing that one dominant thought in her, and making every cell and fiber in her body want that; she longed to become a literally-starry goddess.  She didn’t fully know why, just that it was the most compelling mood/urge she had ever known, so she trusted it; its steadiness, its appeal, its vibe.

Bit by bit, occasional mishaps during her many ordered experiments left star systems and even entire galaxies once again vaporized in the wakes of supernovae and similar explosions; it was clearly no longer an Age when the focus was on expanding The Abyss known as Outer Space or All That Is; Creation; The Known Universe, …but now the timespan when the focus was on rearranging its completed cosmic parts into something new and arguably even grander.  At one point, nearly half of the current Universe was conducting experiments to aid in discovering the process of becoming another TSB.  Of course, none of them knew the true nature behind their labors, just like most people working on parts of the first atomic weapon on Earth were kept compartmentalized and ignorant of the vision and end result (many never even figuring out years later that they had played some small part in it), but this was what ~half of everyone in that Universe was hard at work on.

Each person working on one little part of another little subset of this grand pursuit, was like a man testing a light bulb destined to one day be behind one of the control panel buttons of a Space shuttle.  Each person now involved was aware of their own isolated task and employer, but understood next to nothing of the whole plan.  They had no reason to –and, for most of them, no desire; they’d been bred and raised/educated/trained/brainwashed/mind-stapled to want only excellence in their own particular field/industry and job, perfectly happy when the lightbulb-makers made lightbulbs perfectly to ordered specifications, for example.

(All following dialogue in this webpage section is in English for your convenience, and was spoken by Aorlie in her distant-future language, often too alien in vocabulary and structure for current Earth humans to ever make sense of if not translated in English here.)

As her Universe continued condensing, galaxies getting closer and closer to one another, the solar systems in them also getting much closer together, planets in each planet’s sky starting to appear as big as their respective moons, Majes finally threw her hands up one last time in exasperation.  “TSB!” she cried out mentally and verbally, alone in the silence of her temple suite.
TSB connected with her brain’s private wavelength and spoke to her telepathically, “Yes, my beautiful Majes?”
“TSB…” she pouted in a huff, “I have spent Ages seeking the way to become what you are, and have as of yet failed.  How is it done?  I give in.  Tell me.”

She did not then understand it, but such is the nature of a woman; to seek input, being dominated, being told what to do, how to be different things, when to change, and so on.  It is a woman’s nature to do what she had been doing; looking to all around her, focusing on things other than herself, at least to a significant degree, waiting on someone or something to show up and wow her.  With such an essence in every cell in her body, and every thought in her mind, it was extremely unlikely she would ever realize or decide to take charge by simplifying her situation so much that all she was doing was focusing on her goal so much that her own thoughts and willpower eventually caused it to manifest on its own, needing none of the complexities of all her people and subprojects trying to figure out isolated portions.

  • “You desire to cheat?” TSB asked neutrally, not caring either way, just conversing with her the way 3D beings converse.
  • “Of course I do, TSB!  After so long, who wouldn’t?” she was still in a huff.
  • “It was done without cheating once, you know.”
  • “Then enlighten me as to how,” she again huffed, fed up, not interested in achieving the goal one way or another, only in achieving it, period.
  • “As you wish.”  And with that, the Empress Majes’s brain throbbed with incoming knowledge.  The Infinity Project, and all the equations and data that were part of it, was transmitted and permanently etched into her neural network.  TSB finished just as Majes cried out for it to stop; her brain was overloaded just enough, barely able to take it all, like the mental equivalent of the perfect-sized dick / perfect-duration fucking, leaving no room or energy left.
  • Majes dropped to her knees, holding her head in near-migraine pain.

As quickly as she could, Majes had her new thoughts from TSB typed out by her supercomputers (so you know there were a lot of those new thoughts; far more than normal computers could handle in any reasonable amount of time, and far too complex, thought by thought, for the greatest of non-super computers), and her plans formed then divided into many sections and even more individual steps.  Each section was assigned to its own R+D unit, each of those R+D units being galaxies apart from each other, and the experiments began again, now on the right track… or were they?  (Things were still incredibly complex, but at least it had unified an entire Universe worth of people, civilizations, and tech’; that was a start.)

TSB’s shared thoughts were effective; all the equations worked perfectly, and the precision-manufactured components of the custom-built Grid cube (terraforming supercomputer, and what Inisfreeans call the “brain” of all their craft at least as large as their Dropships) and modified particle-accelerator were shipped to Majes’s PSBS, assembled there, tested, and kept under constant guard by her only ‘handful’ of lifelong Imperial Guards.  How long had it taken her galaxies-apart R+D units to manufacture those things, not having had to develop them on their own?  That was never mentioned in what was revealed so far, but the worlds and stars and galaxies surely got even closer to one another during that time.

“Now all you must do is stand within reach of that pair of devices, completing the threesome, as it were, and allow it to grow around you to the preset dimensions.”  There was no need to transplant her brain, or transfer her consciousness, as primitive wayward overly-complicated/ing Outlander humans on Earth back in the 2000s were mislead by their Hollywood to believe; the technology of her time was so far beyond that, it would be impossible to explain it to people so long ago.  Just try to conceive of how infinitely more advanced it had become, given the “exponential technology development curve” paired with how quickly A.I. solve the most complex of problems… and then extrapolate that over millions to billions of years; practically impossible even for the most imaginative to even start to fathom.

So this new form of gridding would not even out the outer surface of a planet or moon, but act like a growing, eventually world-sized, exoskeletal cybernetic extension of Majes’s body.  Calling it an Earth-sized BattleMech or spaceship is an oversimplification, though.  It is also incorrect to say she merely formed an artificial planet or planet-sized Dyson Sphere for her personal use, but you get the idea.

  • Before she touched that new device, she again turned to TSB (at least where his presence was projected/felt in her room) and said, “I know what it is like to be inside you, TSB, but what is it like to be the dominant mind and control of you; what is it like to be the original one-man supreme being?”
  • “Words cannot express the power, control, knowledge, pleasure, freedom, relaxation, relief, release, and peacefulness that are all a constant part of it,” TSB answered.  “Although no one I’ve ever assimilated has ever wanted to be unassimilated from me, none of them are experiencing the level of control I am.  They live in Heaven, but I am God, so to speak.”
  • “Is the process reversible, TSB?” she asked, naturally still very concerned, cautious, standing on the metaphorical event-horizon of a social-experiment and evolutionary singularity.
  • “You will be a goddess, Empress Majes.  You can reverse it if you wish.  You can do anything you wish.  You will no longer need numbers or physical strength.  All you will need is to choose things.  Yes, it is reversible.  I can return to my old, original, mortal self any time I wish, and so will you be able to.”

Majes thought long and hard about the giant scientific and cultural leap she was about to take… and gave the command to her officers working on this final part of the R+D project.  They stood back, disabling all the many sophisticated protection systems which had for Ages helped ensure her invincibility, not just her immortality; she was now able to directly touch and interface with this new creation of hers/theirs.  They were silent with awe and wonder.

She reached forth and delicately touched her fingertips to the top edge of the device.  The device “came to life”, right-away starting to change itself, expanding in smooth silence, transforming into the space-faring pod that would get her far enough away from the facility and world they were on that it could safely continue expanding the rest of its programmed way.  All along that liftoff, and especially once far beyond the orbit of that world, it kept spreading out, adding to itself, apparently using portals or some other unseen means to take in whatever energy, “food”, and/or other material it needed to do all that, …becoming as big as an Earth itself, but not a metallic or robotic one; it was something far more intelligent and interfaced, like a world-sized Elemental… fused with her so seamlessly that all its sensors now felt to her like her own normal senses, and her mind now able to hold the most complex of thoughts, overlapping with any other complex thoughts, never forgetting or miscalculating a thing.

TSB continued to telepathically converse with the now much more nervous Majes, helping talk her through the process of getting used to those amazing literally-otherworldly sensations of dramatic consciousness-expansion beyond anything drugs on Earth could ever facilitate.  Even her heartbeat was barely noticeable anymore, though it had not changed; she was receiving and able to simultaneously process/understand so much more input now –from nearly countless sensors, and far more types of sensors than her five sensory-organ types.  A moment more… and she had omni-sensing; she had every type of sensing there was, able to perceive and focus on any part of the entire spectrum, not just the few parts humans knew about.

  • “I’m scared, TSB,” she whimpered as she realized she no longer had any desire to reproduce.  She was no longer being dominated by her reproductive organs; her ovaries were now subordinate to her –to what she had become (or, more accurately, to the symbiote-like super-being she was whenever she was within this newly-formed extension of herself).
  • “You will give yourself back all your normal previous desires in time.  Be calm, my gorgeous child,” TSB’s words comforted her as he knew they would, reminding her of her heavenly perfect form, and that she was once again, relatively speaking, like a toddler learning its first steps, thankfully under the care of a very experienced ‘parent’.

The device now all around her continued to add details to itself, becoming more and more sophisticated, developing itself more quickly and perfectly than all A.I. constructs before it had, and all based on her still-held vision/goal of becoming an actual goddess via this half-super-tech’ method.  She could sense it was completely under her control, though, never able to do anything she wouldn’t want, only momentarily not prioritizing her worry, knowing it was still doing what it was supposed to do for her, understanding her that deeply.  Once it had stabilized at the size that would allow her to exist like the Sphere Beings, moving anywhere in the Universe in an instant, immune to the forces of all the other worlds and stars, what she could perceive in so many ways it doing to itself… steadily slowed back down… to no other activity other than what she wanted it to do, not unlike moving one’s own body parts to change directions and speed.

There was a new normal in that thing now; it was as if it was vibrating in a special way, and she somehow understood that it meant she had temporarily become a shared-consciousness mega-elemental with it.
TSB advised her, “Do not fear, Majes.  Do not resist.  Fear and resistance only deny you what you seek a little longer; this machine can only slow down or pause its actions when you hesitate or want to undo what it has started for you.  Let it all go; trust it to do exactly what you have always wanted it to.  Trust it.  I think you can already tell you can; it is safe and right to.”

Majes finally gave in, went limp, and felt herself make the most incredible transition into the form of an energy being.  Was this how the Sphere Beings always felt?  Like a few other things she had asked TSB about, she now understood why it was beyond the words of even Her multi-millennial (developed to an incredible degree over so much time) language.

Now a supreme being herself, she took a few minutes to adjust to her new state of existence.  There was so much sensory data from all around, as if she had eyes, ears, noses, taste buds, and everything else, everywhere –in all directions, all around her, up and down, but also in her, at every level of her massive new form, and somehow… even in other times, …and, …yes, …in other dimensions/timestreams.  She had become multi-dimensional; not just trans-dimensional (moving from one dimension to another), but parts of her consciousness/sensors present in more than one dimension/universe/timeline –yet still somehow not as confusing as looking through a kaleidoscope is to some humans.
It might be simplified as being in a still-awake out-of-body experience, but with far more senses and understanding, not the usual dreamlike vision-only or vision+hearing awareness.

  • “TSB, I’m still scared.”  She was still a natural normal woman; she would always seek stability from a loving dominant male.
  • “Then restore your normal urges from before,” he suggested.
  • Majes mentally frowned in thought, surprise, and amusement at the comment.
  • He told her, “You already know how.  I have given you all the steps.  You have nothing to fear.”  It was true; his transferred thoughts/wisdom were fully memorized by her, and all she need do is choose any idea/vision, her world-sized extension automatically doing the rest.  It was that easy now.

She mentally nodded and chose to form the Sphere Being equivalent of her ovaries and other internal parts.  Instantly, they formed thousands of miles away from where she was in the center/core of the world-sized device, and she could feel them forming, and it felt good –very good.  Nothing was painful now, as everything was in total alignment with her will, and done outside her body, not forcing her own flesh to strain or otherwise change.  Everything was pleasurable to her now, and always would be, at least while in this thing/state.

Within the first few seconds after they had instantly formed, they were brought online, perfectly integrated with the rest of the construct, and giving her even more of the reproductive urge she had lived with when just in her own natural human body.  It seemed as if they were stimulated by her will to already start producing ‘eggs’ of their own (which might be paired with any sperm at all, perhaps portal-ed into her from any male in Creation, sex not even needed).  Those eggs, she somehow already knew, would always produce perfect offspring, zero defects or issues, no matter who she might decide to mate with –and even no matter what she might decide to consume/ingest/partake of; nothing could damage her DNA or family-tree anymore.

A few more seconds, and she was instantly hornier than she’d ever been.  One might call it “insanely” horny; she was almost out of her mind with lust for so many things at once.  Imagine being able to play through not just your deepest fantasy, but overlapping fantasies so complex and perfect… that it is like viewing every solar system’s sped-up orbits all at once, all of that movement and awareness making you hornier than all horny humans and other beings combined could ever synergize to their highest potential of collective/shared horniness; like I’ve said before, beyond words.

That gods-level wave of desire, intense to degrees of magnitude above and beyond any human comprehension, was making her picture producing trillions of offspring all at once, not having to gestate or birth any of them; like TSB had told her, whatever she thought of and chose/confirmed… would happen, no matter how complex.  She was ‘intoxicated’ by this, in a way.  She knew she’d have to practice a long time, and great –superhuman– self-control/-discipline, to resist such a powerful -almost overpowering- sensation to create more beings and other things.  Was this why, in the first Age, Heaven/Source/Elohim had caused so much Space and so many cosmic objects all in that theorized Big Bang?

But there was no risk of causing a Big Bang herself; the device she was in could only do what she wanted, and she only wanted to be a living star, in her own way, which she was now, so it did not create a thing.  She didn’t mind the tidal-waves of new sensations and awareness and superpowers, so she kept feeling and perceiving them, never getting “swept away” by them –even though it, as a woman, was her nature to let overpowering things knock her down and make her body accept them, becoming one with them in a way.  Her goal now, having achieved what she had long wanted, was to move around –everywhere; to fully explore; everything.

Her lower lip, in her expanded mind, was quivering; she was still delightfully overloaded with gods-level awareness and ability.  Making herself calm back down, she thought about where she might go first, and then where else in what order, and almost instantly realized she could somehow go everywhere at once, via her new sense-organs/-array; she could, without actually moving at all, look into all places and times.  It would just look like blinding white light all around; she had the mental/processing power to perceive it all separately, distinctly, not even superimposed.  (Try to imagine how you perceive what is around your body, and then how it might be if you could perceive what is around everyone else’s bodies at the same time, without confusion, and then… what is around every point/coordinate in every dimension/Universe.)

“Now assimilate your PSBS, including the people in it,” TSB suggested.
Majes knew they had been engineered and bred over many generations now to be perfectly fine with that, not fearing the unexpected event in the least.
She tested her telekinetic abilities in/from her new, expansive/vast, energy-based, nervous-system/-network, got used to all her/its moving parts, like an infant succeeding at learning to crawl or discovering its own hands, and then willed her world-sized form/extension to expand until it engulfed her PSBS.
The instant her (its) outer layer spread out to carry out that choice/command, it felt to her like she was running away from herself in all directions at the same time; forward, backward, left, right, up, down, and all other radians/directions in between.  Most disorienting that first time, but again… still pleasurable to a degree no human-sized being can perceive or even imagine, let alone describe, other than to say the very simplified version of it here, merely stating that it had happened.

“Feel the material’s composition,” TSB told her, regarding her outer surface’s contact with her PSBS.  “Let your ‘skin’ feel it.  Let it become a part of you.  Do not force it.”  This was about choice and acceptance, not having to overpower anything; few things would ever be able to resist her now, anyway, all happening effortlessly for her, at least once she was sure she wanted them to.

Majes listened and obeyed, thrilled at these improvements and the ongoing correct guidance/instruction, very grateful, experiencing something like the combined excitement of every good kid on every Christmas that ever was.  She willed her expanded form to caress the walls of the room she had been standing in back in the PSBS before touching what the device now all around her had originally been there.  She suddenly understood how to flex her countless molecular ‘hands’ -her/its skin- to grab, change, and absorb the atoms and molecules that made up that room’s walls.  In her mind, her eyes went wide with more excitement, and she then expanded into and through that room’s walls as they turned to a sort of, for lack of a better term, subatomic ‘dust’ falling into her ‘pores’, assimilated, like by osmosis.
The walls and every other part of the structure of her PSBS became part of her expanded energy form, and her/its ‘circulatory system’ (equivalent) quickly sent all that ship matter and energy off to her ‘filtering & assignment organs’ (her new equivalent of mega-stomachs, mega-livers, mega-intestines, etc.).

“My God,” she smiled mentally.  “I understand now.”

TSB remained quiet, watching her progress.

She steadily expanded again, outward, spherically like before; in all directions, this time until ‘she’ (her expanded form) was much larger than even her PSBS had been.  It required no energy; nothing was ‘spent’ from what she had just assimilated; it was all still there; her size was no longer dependent on anything other than whatever she wished it to be/come.
She flexed and relaxed that new size of hers, finding it to require no strength/effort, just as she’d been told it wouldn’t.  Sighing with relief and satisfaction, again, on a level even the combined minds of all humanity and their A.I. would not be capable of understanding, she exclaimed, “It’s like eating through your skin!”

“Soon, it will be as easy as breathing,” TSB informed her.

Majes smiled widely, with rosy full cheeks.  “TSB, this is wonderful!”  She could feel her trillions of assimilated PSBS crew/personnel simultaneously just as elated, even orgasmic, energy-gasmic, and all that Vril synergizing within her, all of them in total agreement and unity now, like never before.  They were all telepathic now that they were within her energy form, all conversing, all able to understand each other, none sound like he or she was talking over anyone else, even though it was all simultaneous exclamations and whoops of next-level joy, and all of them were cumming like they had never cum in all the best sex/lovemaking of their lives.

“Now rest for an hour or more, Majes.  Let everyone in there settle before your next move.”

“Okay,” she giggled and obeyed, full of trust and happiness now, giddy, ‘over the moon’.  She felt no frustration or “zoomies”; she had eternal patience, confidence, and validation now.


When she awoke from her semiconscious slumber, she found herself full of knowledge she’d never learned.  It was knowledge she’d gained by assimilating her surroundings.

  • “TSB?”
  • “Yes, my dear?”
  • “What now?”
  • “Now do as you wish.  Explore, play, conquer, fuck; it’s all up to you.  You’re a real goddess now.”
  • “Shall I change my name, then?”
  • “If you wish to.”
  • “Hmm…  I shall call myself… Aorlie.”
  • TSB remained silent.
  • “TSB, …are you the oldest TSB?”
  • “That, I do not know.  I am the oldest I know of.  I was the human’s god long ago when they were a rising power; that was millions of their world’s years ago.”
  • “…TSB?”
  • “Yes?”
  • “Do things ever change… or are the constants our studies confirm… eternal?”  She was talking about the cycles and patterns she had grown used to in her many years.
  • “Your knowledge is second only to mine now; you can access all my knowledge, I having given you access to that back when first I let you inside me.  In addition to all you now know about The Infinity Project, you technically know all I ever experienced.  Whenever you wish to know something I knew, just think about it, and that information in my memory shall then also be in yours.  That said, to make the search for the answer to your question easier, I will also say that there have been long spans of time when an entire civilization was replaced by a more dominant one, or at least a powerful new form of life, and when the focus of all subordinate minds was shifted onto a new idea or vision or goal.  There have even been times when the assumed laws of nature or physics changed for various reason.  That even happened on the cosmic scale; relatively-sudden rearrangements of the planets, and, over longer periods of time, the stars.”
  • That last part naturally caught her attention the most, as she’d been stressing about having lived long enough to be certain many planets and stars were on the move like never before, as if bound to collide with each other at some point.
  • TSB said a bit more; “Major changes in how things are all around us tend to happen after enough of our boredom thought-energy has built up and started significantly stimulating the ether and other portions of reality.  There are some realms where major changes, such as cosmic realignments, never have reason to occur, but in this realm you and I have spent the most of our time in, such changes do occur at great intervals.  There is no true chaos, though, and no place where not even little things, such as the movements of a leaf or person, change.  Even in the core all stars share,” which she had not heard of, as it was not something her people had ever thought to consider, let alone study/probe, “thoughts -ideas- progress; change, largely causing the cosmic realignments you and I witness out here.”
  • Aorlie pictured all that, and just mentally exhaled, satisfied with that answer, for now.  “After all my time so far, TSB, I still just want to live like in my earliest playful and curious days.”
  • “Then that is what you should do, I say,” TSB, as always, spoke truthfully, ‘from his own heart’.
  • That didn’t fully satisfy her, even though it was the kind of carte-blanche total-freedom Outlander humans on Earth in some nations such as the now-gone USA had been brainwashed to be overly-emotional about, seeking, demanding.  Aorlie was like all normal women; she wanted structure, direction, orders, at least in a loving way; while desirous of her, respecting her and what she was made for.  TSB kept giving her whatever she wanted, not really providing the kind of structure her kind sought at all.
  • TSB was a Sphere Being, though; they could create new realities/universes in an instant, effortlessly; their own Big Bangs.  They could avoid all harm, hide perfectly anywhere, foresee all things, and hadn’t a care in all the worlds.  What motivation would they ever have for telling “the children of chaos / the void” (those who’d come into existence in The Abyss also known as Outer Space… what to do, especially since they could see the entire timeline of all species and individuals there… the same way a human on Earth could see the line of a highway on a map zoomed out enough to show it from end to end? (thus TSB, like all Sphere Beings, knew the nature and destiny of such people and cultures was always to change so consistently that, to 3D-perceivers in any particular moment amidst such groups of people, those born on worlds in Space would always end up doing their own thing, regardless of what they were told)
  • “You are now knowledgeable and powerful enough to manifest the life of your wildest dreams,” he told her.
  • Aorlie smiled, but it was only halfway shared by her eyes and heart; she was not fully content yet, even though she could now shapeshift at will into a glowing planet or mini-star form, having just about all the powers the eldest of races/beings had; she still, on her most primal, subatomic level, craved and needed and would always seek… someone truly masculine telling her what to do with all that power.  Luckily for her, such a male existed, and sought females such as her, craving them as much as she would in time, upon discovering him, find she craved specifically him –including his nature to seek out many females as flawless as her, all at once, over and over.
  • “Do you really feel everything in the Universe?” she then asked TSB.
  • “My detached ‘appendages’ are so many and so well placed… that their feelings relayed to me do allow me to feel, see, hear, and know the entire Universe.  In time, you, too, can have this ability, although… I doubt you will choose it.”
  • “Why’s that?”
  • “You would become used to such a degree of ‘sensory overload’ that any occasional return to previous states of being would leave you feeling numb, hard of hearing, and extremely isolated, no matter how many other humans or other 3D non-star creatures you were around.”
  • “Did your previous forms feel that way?” she asked him, wondering about the bodies he had chosen to be in before staying for so long in his current (star) form –and, with that wonder, then paired with her choice to access those memories, came, just as TSB had told her, access to those memories, all of them now playable like movies or clips in her own mind, feelings and all; not just visuals and sounds.
  • “Yes,” TSB answered while he sensed her viewing those memories of his, “however the link between myself and those dispatched miniature versions of myself remained, and that made those ventures more bearable.  Had I switched entirely back to a pre-star form, it would have been more difficult for me to readjust.  It’s all about acclimation, Aorlie; you grow to like whatever you get in the habit of, and begin to dislike or even fear what you are not used to –or no longer used to.”
  • Aorlie nodded.  “…How do I pass the time?” (now that she certainly was immortal, not just very long-lived, even if the worlds and stars did start colliding and merging back with themselves like long long ago)
  • “I sleep a lot –at least, I do my version of it.”
  • “Is that why people’s prayers were said to’ve gone unanswered at times?”
  • “My ‘appendages’ positioned throughout the Universe answer and ignore prayers based on the ‘programming’ (will/essence/commands) I left in them.”  Not everyone was left to figure out how to manifest things on their own; without prayers being ‘miraculously’ responded to.
  • “What programming was that?”
  • “My ancient, unchanging, proven mentality… copied into them upon their creation, as per my vision for them.”
  • Aorlie paused for a moment.  “…What is your name?”  She had always just called him what he was classified as; the most-supreme being her people/empire were aware of.  It was their version of just calling a god “God”.
  • TSB grinned in his own mind, enjoying that memory refresh she had triggering in him.  “Everyone either calls me TSB or God.”  Had he skirted that question of hers?  Technically, his answer was accurate, though; no matter the different sound in the many languages which had a word for god, it was always essentially still just calling any encounter with an all-powerful bioluminescent spherical entity… “God”; highest in the hierarchy of deities/forces/powers.
    (and maybe humans, worshipping/gravitating to chaos/death/change most, regarded that which they witnessed changing things the most suddenly or irreversibly, the greatest, even though it could be argued that the greatest god is not necessarily the brightest, most apparent, or the one which changes things at all)
  • Aorlie giggled, “So your name is God.”
  • “Yes..”
  • Aorlie nodded, accepting the answer.  Her own patience was now exponentially increasing, proportional to her power, awareness, and access to the memories of TSB.
  • “Do you think the real, ever-elusive God would mind you having everyone call you God?”
  • TSB smiled, amused.  “If he does mind, he’s never said anything about it in two Universe cycles.” (the time it takes their Universe to go through the entire longest Atlantean/Mayan schedule section (the one which overlaps with the other 8 cycles)
    (and how interesting that such may have been represented in the ancient sky of Earth; when Venus had 8 sunlight-bright interplanetary energy-links between it and Saturn, perhaps their intersection symbolizing how those 8 eventually combine at a lesser point/volume representing the 9th, most condensed/dramatic/rapid/moving of cycles/things/focuses)
  • “Hmm,” she began thinking of future adventures she might enjoy.  There was seemingly nothing she didn’t have the power to set into motion for herself; in her own vicinity / range of perception/focus.
  • “I will be in contact, Goddess Aorlie.  Enjoy your newfound options.”  TSB’s voice and presence vanished; he was respectfully and prudently giving her space.

Aorlie could sense a split-second shift in the local gravitational forces as TSB “cloak-warped” away (though it may be more accurate to say he simply manifested himself being somewhere faraway, no longer ‘anchored’ or peering into her little volume of their current realm/reality/Universe).

Always true to his word and nature, TSB stayed out of Aorlie’s affairs, leaving the Universe to run itself, more or less.  In his infinite wisdom, he knew the good, risky, exciting, and perplexing adventures she now allowed herself to want again (since she no longer felt she had to focus on manifesting her latest big goal she’d achieved)… were sure to manifest (occur).
It was the nature/urge of stars (the first, oldest, and often largest of Sphere Beings) to only care about regulating things on the cosmic scale, not on the much more localized scale that humans generally stayed focused on.  TSB, like most stars, just kept its own planet-sized focuses moving how he sensed they should.  He would only ever temporarily focus on smaller/other things when specifically requested by another being who truly believed in him/them.  (After all, how else could anyone hope to get the attention of such a being as a living star, stars being so used to viewing/perceiving so many grand-scale / big-picture things at once, without being fully focused, as precise in aim and intent as can be?  Nothing short of that could ever get through all that other ‘overlapping’ experience/focus/perception.)

(On that note, when the majority of beings in any cycle were stable enough, manifested enough by their predecessors/progenitors’ focus, to then focus on manifesting something themselves, that is likely when each major change occurred, and later beings/groups who had never existed or much thought of such previous/ancient times likely assumed those major changes to be bad; cataclysms, rather than just the normal effect of more-powerful elders shifting their focus to something else, thus no longer holding the vision for something before, thus causing earthquakes and comet impacts and so on, which might not much have troubled or even gotten the attention of those far-more-powerful people at all.  When solar flares ‘licked’ the outer surface of the Earth, annihilating one of many civilizations or peoples, it might not necessarily have been because they pissed off a god, …and when the first night (“no”+”eight”) occurred (when Venus moved out of the alignment with Saturn which had maintained its eight-point star-spikes formation of interplanetary energy-links to that other world), it might have been because the stabilized (fully manifested) people on Earth had become able to focus on other/additional things, thus in some way signaling to those worlds that their alignment back then (which may have been part of what manifested those Earth people) was no longer necessary.  People on Earth at that time, having never witnessed such a cosmic/sky realignment/darkening, may have panicked, or just no longer been stabilized by that steady force/light, thus the earthquakes and pole-shift/s and global-flood/s, etc., but… maybe that was just part of what made sure they learned how to stabilize/trust themselves, which is what made it possible, generations later, for them to start manifesting things such as cities… and A.I..)

TSB, faraway at the “border” of her (Aorlie’s) known Universe, patrolled out there, waiting and watching for another “unique” story to unfold –though it would be more accurate to say that he could already foresee exactly when and how such would unfold, thus was just in a most-distant orbit, thereby influencing next to nothing, just existing in the remotest ether without stimulating it to manifest anything else/new, letting the manifestations of others now “take center stage”.  This can be thought of as the stars’ equivalent of self-control/-restraint.  It is like a parent letting its children grow up and decide if/when/how to have and raise children of their own.

(…Maybe black holes and super-massive stars (“hyper giants”) choose to be black; choose to cause their gravity to keep their blinding brilliance bent back around them… because they don’t want to shine so brightly that they make Space/ether less soothingly dark, and/or because they don’t want to outshine their ‘children’; lesser/newer stars; their ‘offspring’ Sphere Beings.)

Aorlie soon learned how to condense herself (shrink back to sub-moon size), “warp surf” (not just making one Space-bending ‘jump’ at a time, but many in sequence, similar in a way to surfing the World Wide Web), and full-spectrum cloak (make invisible to sensors built to pay attention to any part of the energy spectrum) herself, as she warped (now warp-surfed) from supercluster to supercluster on her first ‘joyride’ (nonalcoholic) as a real goddess.  Just like TSB, she was now immortal, since even a supernova or blackhole could barely affect her at all, other than to just make her feel its distant presence, powerful to human-sized beings and their own ships though such things were.  She loved it, but partly because she could feel herself constantly orgasming with the trillions of assimilated souls within her; they were so perfectly aligned to each other, and naturally subordinate to her will, that they remained in a state of stable ecstasy, their horniness and satisfaction cycles so numerous and overlapping, that the result was their shared consciousness with her, now that they were inside her latest form, allowed her to share in their full-body satisfaction/release/ascension over and over, at all times, for as long as she chose to maintain that connection and effect/experience.

[“Heaven is where desire is satisfied, not removed.” –Me; High King Auz]


Decades of warp-surfing passed with zero TSB/”God” contact.

Aorlie stumbled upon the Halozien solar system located in one of the 3 longest arms of the Tralo galaxy. Despite her still-present empire’s long reign of almost one complete Universe cycle, she’d never heard of this system before. Finding this odd, she checked her Universe map, and sure enough… the Halozien system wasn’t listed in it.

“Impossible,” she frowned. “How could My empire have missed a star system?”  Hers was a truly Universe-spanning empire; they had, or so they had thought, catalogued every star system –in every galaxy.

At the end of that comment, Aorlie suddenly felt trapped. Her senses rapidly scanned all around her into deep space, peering out of her invisible planet-sized form with ‘wormhole eyes’ (vision utilizing a special form of Space-bending which allowed her to see across any cosmic distance, no light-speed delay like people on Earth experience when viewing stars).

“Impossible,” she uttered a second time.

Something was blocking her view of all the Outer Space around her. Everything looked pitch black.

“I can’t establish coordinates… I can’t warp.” She became scared, knowing that if she made a blind warp out of whatever phenomenon she’d stumbled into, she risked appearing in the center of a star –or, even worse, in the event horizon of a black hole. In her TSB (Sphere Being) form, she could escape the pulls of such cosmic bodies, and even change or destroy them, but if she ever ended up inside one… well, it was uncertain how long she’d last. Such a thing had never been attempted by her kind, even by TSB, as far as she knew.

“Damnit; I was inside TSB once. I knew everything in those moments. Why didn’t I notice the knowledge of this place?” She became flustered and frustrated with herself, TSB, and everything in general. “Fuck!”
For some reason, his knowledge, which she seemed to still have access to, did not include anything about this system.

Aorlie’s countless full-spectrum eyes shifted to the one cosmic organization left detectable to her; the Halozien solar system. It was 10 light-hours away, in the direction of her 8th octant; if she was in humanoid form, not sphere/star form, she would have to have turned around to face it, and it would be below her relative horizon.

  1. octant 1 = top forward left
  2. octant 2 = top forward right
  3. octant 3 = top back right
  4. octant 4 = top back left
  5. octant 5 = bottom forward left
  6. octant 6 = bottom forward right
  7. octant 7 = bottom back right
  8. octant 8 = bottom back left

“TSB!” she shouted out into Space in vain. Her signals all disappeared. “TSB! What is this?! Are you tricking me?! TSB!!” She was so angry and scared that she was crying.

He did not answer her this time.  Strange…

“I can’t believe this… I’m a goddess, and I’m crying, …helpless.” Her red, furious, tear-soaked mental eyes darted back up toward the tiny Halozien system. (It was below her imagined horizon, but she had cast her eyes down while feeling bad, and now raised them a bit.) Her spherical form spun to face it as all her sensors locked onto it. “I will get to the bottom of this.”

Aorlie warped into “immediate contact range” of the largest planet in the Halozien system; close enough that even radio signals would almost be instant, if there were any coming from that world. It was the lone gas-giant Graor, and it had a single large planet orbiting it, which had a smaller planet orbiting it, which had four moons orbiting it. She was mesmerized by the complex yet stable planetary system she was seeing. “Impossible…” she muttered, and began to propel herself toward Graor’s magnetosphere.

As Aorlie moved closer, she noticed half a dozen other smaller planets orbiting Graor at greater distances, and even more surprising… that the Halozien sun itself was orbiting the gas giant!
“That’s impossible,” she stared with an open mouth in dismay. Of the countless versions of solar systems she had seen or known of, none had ever been this original, this… unlikely.
“What’s this?” she tried to pull back, to slow down, to move anything at all… but couldn’t.
“There is no way I am caught in a fucking tractor beam,” but she was.

Aorlie was pulled closer and closer to Graor at an ever-increasing speed. She began to feel tired and compressed.
“What’s… going… on?” she managed to mumble as she finally fell unconscious and felt herself slipping away from her collective form.

The Aorlie sphere lost its cloak (invisibility) as it neared the atmosphere of Graor, that planet that dwarfed her in size. Her glowing sphere then elongated into an appearing miniature black hole (really, a worm-hole) and vanished, followed by the quickly closing black hole swirl.
The Halozien system continued to function and move as if nothing had happened.

It was a dim, pale gray colored, womb-like room she then found herself in.  The ceiling was just over 30′ high, and besides the flat elliptical floor… it was featureless.
(Interesting that the god-syllable “el” starts the word “elliptical”.)
She stirred on the center of that cool-to-the-touch, smooth floor.  She was naked and alone, returned to her human form without a glowing aura (thus looks much like how Druuna was drawn in the illustrated novels about that other woman).
With a start, she sat upright and squinted as she looked all around at her enclosed surroundings.

“Am I trapped?” she accidentally said aloud, still so accustomed to speaking in her mind while in star form, no one able to hear that until she chose for them to.  Her instinct sent her right hand up to smack over her mouth, blocking it, in self-embarrassment, worry, and surprise.
‘I mustn’t ever do that again,’ she thought to herself.
It didn’t matter, though; where she was now, no one could keep their thoughts to themselves, though she did not yet have a way of knowing that.

‘How the hell do I get out of here?’ she wondered, still looking around as she stood up.
Her firm, perky breasts caught her eyes.  “Damn; I’m beautiful,” she smiled as she cupped her hands around her breasts, loving everything about them.  “How well-formed they are.  I’d all but forgotten.”  She’d been in her star form a long time; decades.

She realized she was again thinking out loud in spite of her decision to not do that here, and she frowned at herself, then looked up, refocusing on her confusing situation.
“Hello?” she called out.
There was no response.
She repeated that greeting in a dozen languages (ones you would not have ever heard of, for humans on Earth reading this webpage/excerpt in the 21st century are conscious/existing millions, if not billions, of years before those languages were even developed).
Still, there was no response.

  • A black (literally; not Black/African), featureless, humanoid man appeared as a figure fading into reality/view behind her, as if a hologram of a silhouette being slowly turned on or phase-shifted into her plane of consciousness.  She could not sense him; she had only her human senses when not in star form –at least until she realized she could, in star form, choose to manifest her human form having more/better sensory perception, which she had not yet thought of.
  • “Hello,” that faceless shadow-like creature said to her.  His accent was neutral; he sounded like an attractive middle-aged Caucasian male from Earth, from no particular state or region.
  • She spun around, eyes wide, startled.  “Who are you?!” she demanded, adrenalin almost hurting, it was surging through her veins so much in that moment.
  • “I am your guide, Aorlie.”
  • “You know my name,” she folded her arms, feeling vulnerable.
  • “I know everything you know,” he responded matter-of-factly.
  • Aorlie didn’t know what to ask next.  She was still somewhat in shock, though feeling gradually-increasing waves of release now that it was speaking a language she could understand, and not saying anything that vibed as threatening.  It was also not approaching her, which was nice enough for now.
  • “Put this in your vagina,” the shadow-man told her, a dimly-glowing translucent white dildo appearing on the palm of his left hand once it was casually held up toward her torso.
  • She looked down at the object, somewhat in disgust, rarely having been spoken to this way outside of sex clubs/events.  “No,” she turned her nose up defiantly.
  • “It is the only way out of this room, Aorlie,” the shadow-man informed her, rather robotically; unemotionally.  It was true; that was simply how the facility she was in had been structured.
  • She didn’t buy it.  “Yeah, right.”
  • “Fine,” he replied, “rot in here, then.”  With that, he vanished into thin air, not gradually fading out like he had faded in.
  • “No!  Wait!” she plead, breaking down.  “Wait,” she recomposed herself, making herself calm down as much as she could, given the circumstances.
  • The shadow-man reappeared, fading back in, more quickly than the first time.  He was in the same spot she had stayed facing, and was still holding that dildo in his left hand.  It was at his side now, though; he was not holding it toward her for the taking.
  • “Promise me you’ll get me out of here,” she begged, opening her hand to accept it if he would again offer the thing to her.
  • “I will guide you on your journey,” he simply said, not promising anything.  Perhaps he had no way to promise one outcome or another.
  • “What journey?”
  • The shadow-man pointed to the dildo with his other (right) hand; there was no point in saying more unless she put it in her, starting the process of this experience/system.
  • “I’m not doing anything until you tell me what’s going on,” she declared.
  • “And I’m not telling you what’s going on until you do something,” he countered, un-phased by her attempt at making an ultimatum in a realm she had next to no power in.

She narrowed her eyes at him, weighing her very few options, and starting to wrestle back down her pride –which took a moment; the pride and instinct to expect commands obeyed… by someone who has ruled an entire Universe of planets and starships for Ages (generations and millennia –millions of Earth-years) does not easily, never mind instantly, go away.

“So I guess we’re in a bit of a stalemate,” the shadow-man joked without facial expression or laughing.  (He had no face, anyway; it was just a continuation of the featureless black silhouette that he appeared to be, as if a literal Shadow or Darkness Elemental.)

Aorlie knew powers greater than her own were at work, and that she really didn’t have any more options.  Sure, she had been shown how to gain a goddess-level star-form, but that was then, and this was now.  She was still a very new goddess, and in here… she wasn’t either; a goddess or empress.  She was just a naked woman stuck in a room with no way out other than to put that dildo in her vagina, activating the rest of this new alleged guide of hers.

“…Fine,” she took the dildo from his hand and began easing it up between her legs, getting herself lubricated with her pussy juice so that it would comfortably slide the rest of the way up in.

In that moment; the moment it was all the way in her vagina, her whole body tensed up, and she let out a sort of pathetic sex-cry, completely surprised and overloaded with the otherworldly surge of an energy-gasm rivaling that of what she felt when she was in star-form with trillions of her people assimilated into that form of hers, all orgasming at the same time and indefinitely/endlessly.  (How can one dildo rival all that energy/stimulation?  Because she is back in her human form, thus far less stimulation/sensation does far more, ‘countless’ star-form sensors no longer distracting her or outdoing stimulation coming from just one small part of her body, and because that dildo is one of the most sophisticated sex-toys in the whole Universe, millions to billions of years in the making and ahead of 21st-century-Earth-humans’ time.)

She had collapsed onto the cool-feeling floor, back where she started/awoke in this room.  She was rapidly entering sub-space; all she could do was stay limp and be energy-gasm stimulated over and over, no end of that sensation of sensations in sight.  She was rendered as submissive, compliant, and helpless as she had ever been in her whole long life, fully dominated, fully made a woman.

The shadow-man remained standing where he’d reappeared, unmoving, and unmoved.  He seemed to be watching her lie on the floor like that, twitching in mind-blown ecstasy, her fingers and toes on curling and then relaxing, as if gripping at something, or at least wanting to, finding no hold.  Those digits of hers were actually flexing with the intensifying signals from that dildo in her, then relaxing as that signal fluctuated back down, back and forth, without end… until someone other than her might choose to adjust its setting, however that was done.

Inside her, that dildo was simultaneously giving her a “finger tornado”, pulsing/throbbing/tensing, moving up and down, spinning/rotating about its long axis, vibrating, warming her like a real cock would, and tricking her nerve endings (touch receptors) into thinking someone was licking her ass crack, asshole, gooch (flesh between the pussy and asshole), pussy lips, clit, upper inner thighs, nipples, neck, lips, tongue, the insides of her cheeks (in her mouth), along her teeth and gum-lines, in her ears a bit, and deep up inside her pussy, all while each of her fingers and toes felt like they were being seductively sucked on and licked between.  Every single one of her erogenous zones was being stimulated exactly the way each of those parts of her body preferred to be sexually stimulated, as if the dildo knew them all by heart, needing no interaction with her to figure that out or perfect its technique/s.  She couldn’t speak; she was in a paradise she had never even imagined, let alone known.

Aorlie couldn’t even make her arms reach down to pull that thing back out; the pleasure it was giving her was just too great, completely disabling her.  She didn’t even want it to end.  This was the best surprise of all surprises; the best possible kind of rape, exactly what her essence was always deeply into.

“Relax as best you can, Aorlie,” the shadow-man calmly instructed her –finally giving her the unflinching, steady, manly direction she had, for Ages, craved.  (Women in charge of things can never find full satisfaction, thus always feel there is something missing from their lives.  This is why we only let them represent others in Inisfree, not rule over them, and why we let them suggest ways their fellows would be interested in volunteering, but never commanding/ordering others to team up or obey new laws/rules.  In other words, we accept their femininity and honor it, giving them what they cannot give themselves, denying them control/command, which their kind only ever naturally/instinctively take on when subordinate to a higher commander; their man/men.)

The elliptical floor began to descend below where its edge met the perfectly-fitting womb-like room’s wraparound wall/dome.

“That dildo acts as both handcuffs and protection for you,” he finally began to explain some of what was going on for her.

The wall of the shaft they were descending into was also wraparound, perfectly hugging the edge of their descending elevator-like floor.  Its color began to transition to earth tones of tan and brown –still as smooth as the surfaces of the womb-like room now higher and higher above their lowering elliptical panel, but cave-like in appearance/colors.
Somehow, the source-less light around them remained constant while their shadows were nowhere to be found.

“The dildo keeps you immobile, so as to assure the defense pods and creatures below that you are under control; so they won’t kill you.”  He didn’t elaborate that they were designed and tested to kill any female who wasn’t fully compliant, submissive, pacified, constantly eager to be the perfect kajira, incapable of even thinking about ever doing anything which might be regarded as dominant; unfeminine.  People in this solar system did not put up with the kind of gender-destroying corruption that humans on Earth in the 20th and 21st centuries of that world had.  People here were even more strict about the only two real sexes/genders than people were on Gor.

Tunnel mouths in their surrounding wall/shaft began to appear as their descent continued.  Cloaked things standing and patrolling in those tunnel mouths looked like how Halo video-game characters, when using the invisibility option, do; a clear but blurry humanoid shape.  They were eyeing the two on the elliptical floor moving down in the shaft their tunnel mouths were open out to, eyeing them like hungry vultures calculating whether to pounce.

“It protects you by blocking your impregnation cavities; so the populace won’t try to kidnap you for slavery.  Any attempt to rape you would result in their bodies being turned into a subatomic dust pile upon accidental or intentional contact with that dildo.  While some would undoubtedly fuck your asshole and mouth to no end, they would find it difficult to cum in you, knowing the extreme risk of that nearby dildo end always exposed at the opening of your pussy, thus would decide it would be too much a turnoff, and far too risky, to be worth pursuing.”  Even if a guy or animal was fucking her in the ass, a mere barely-grazing ‘slap’ of his balls (testicles/nutsack) forward against the bottom of that dildo during his thrusting into her… would still instantly destroy him completely, leaving no identifiable remains, even the subatomic dust he’d be turned into… starting to atomically combine with whatever it fell on, becoming part of the terrain or any furniture they might be fucking on.

Their descent stopped, the elliptical floor gradually slowing to a complete halt, leaving them a thousand feet lower than the womb-like room now so high above them, it was barely visible as a bright speck all the way up there.
Aorlie was still twitching in on that floor in crippling pleasure; in her indefinite wave of energy-gasm after energy-gasm, and the illusion of being licked all over her favorite spots, in those spots’ favorite ways to be licked.
The shadow-man kneeled beside her and took her hands upon his own, moving them down to her quivering, dripping pussy.  “I cannot remove the dildo.  Once inside you, only you can remove it.  That’s the beauty of the device; it even protects you from your lawful captors, and you from yourself, making it nearly impossible to turn off… until a kindhearted helper teaches you how and helps get that process started.”  Until then, she would be paralyzed with the greatest possible pleasure her body could ever feel, able to be lifted up by her arms, or transported in various ways, but unable to cry for help, deactivate the device, or be fully enjoyed by those who would otherwise have demanded at least a few minutes with any female as sexy as her.

The shadow-man placed her fingertips onto the dildo’s exposed bottom surface.  “You must pull it out, Aorlie.  I know it’s hard.”

A helpless fresh squirt of her own cum spat out from between the dildo’s side and her tightened vaginal walls hugging it like a total hopeless addict, refusing to loosen up, no matter how long it stimulated them to cling to it, keeping it firmly in.

“Be strong, Aorlie.  There isn’t much time,” the shadow-man pointed to the huge retracting pink elephant trunk-like tube in one of the tunnel mouths now level with their stopped platform/floor.  Those things were much larger than an actual elephant’s trunk, big enough for someone her size to easily fit inside the nostril-like single hole at the end/tip of.  All of them, one after the other, were starting to move out of sight, into the pussy-like slits in that tunnel’s cave-like walls, as if they were dick-like body-parts losing their interest, becoming flaccid –perhaps because of somehow noticing what type of deadly device was inside her.
Were they, too, at risk of being disintegrated if ever they touched the thing?

Aorlie was so confused at all these things completely new and alien to her, even after her many millennia of intergalactic travels and beastiality.  Still, somehow, perhaps because a naturally fully dominant male was guiding and telling her what to do, she forced her hand to grasp the dildo and, after a couple failed tries, yank it out, her body desperately straining in protest against that move; her whole being was practically screaming at her to leave that glorious marvel of high-technology all the way in, right where she’d pushed it.

The dildo dropped onto the platform between her thighs.  The shadow-man’s left hand reached down after it.  It was safe now; outside a female, it was harmless; it couldn’t disintegrate anybody, only when activated by knowing it was in a pussy that was enjoying it.  (It was activated by being inside a pussy of an attractive female, and powered by the Vril its activation/effects immediately ushered out of her bottomless Vril-‘well’.)

Once in his hand, it disappeared, as if portal-ed away.  Perhaps the shadow-man had a dimensional-pocket of sorts –literally; a pants-pocket that was advanced enough to have its own ‘pocket-space’ (a tiny alternate manmade dimension).  That was certainly a good way to keep such powerful devices hidden and unreachable, except by those meant to wield them.  (Imagine if some random kid, wanting to pull a dangerous prank on someone, was able to reach for that thing and shove it into the pussy of any female passing by, or asleep, or so on.)

“Now get up,” he unceremoniously told her.  He did help her, though, knowing how difficult it now would be for her.  The aftermath of what that thing had just done to her would take minutes to fully physically wear off, and would now never wear off from her mind; she would ALWAYS desire more of it, never again resisting being told to insert ANY dildo –at least the smooth or pleasantly-textured ones.  (Obviously, she would never want to risk inserting a dildo which looked like it could harm her.)

With his help, she was jogged/hurried into that tunnel with the retracting giant pink (elephant) trunk-like tubes.  She stumbled and wobbly ran (tried to run, failing a little with every step) alongside her guide, leaving a tiny trail of dripping cum, having cum so hard, so many times, only a few of the droplets of her many orgasms happening to fall and cling upon her perspiring sexy inner thighs.  Her pussy was tingling, and would still be recovering for hours, even having only come into contact with that dildo for a couple minutes.  It was the kind and level of sensation no amount of practice would ever get anyone used to.  Its feeling might be loosely compared to seeing direct sunlight after having spent lifetimes knowing only of far-dimmer nightlights and fireflies.

Shadow-man skillfully kept her moving straight toward the least-retracted (last-retracting) of those ‘trunks’/tubes.  They soon caught up to its slow and steady retraction, she now afforded just enough time to step up into its single nostril before it made it all the way back up and into its wall slit, at which point it would be out of reach, plus its nostril forced closed.  The slits of the other ‘trunks’, now visible since their own trunks had been fully retracted into them, looked as black and featureless as shadow-man did; it was impossible to see into them, as if they, too, were some sort of pocket-dimension technology, or at least perfectly camouflaged by total darkness, like a little shield or optical illusion or forcefield of the stuff was kept over their openings.

The feelings the dildo had left all over and within her body were still echoing and swirling in her mind, making her crave and salivate, even drool, for a 2nd round with that thing.  This distracted her completely; she was almost in a dream-state, not paying much attention at all to her surroundings, whom she was with, where she was being taken, or anything.  She would have stood there, or lied back down on the floor, in a complete bliss-drunk afterglow stupor, if shadow-man hadn’t kept making her move where she needed to in order to get out of this strange and amazing new system she was now, for now, kept as a guest/acquisition of.

He forced her still somewhat-limp and totally-compliant body into that human-sized nostril; a slit big enough for a human to climb (squeeze) up into.  Its reflex was to snort her up the rest of the way –and that was a good thing, as a few seconds later… it was fully retracted into that total darkness of a ‘plane’ masking whatever was in that slit that ‘trunk’ had finished retracting up into; there would have been no way to see or find it in there, if anyone would ever dare to reach, let alone climb, in after it.

With that, she ‘was gone’ (from that tunnel).  So that was how females were welcomed to this solar system; forced by a special type of tractor-beam into that blank womb-like room, left to die until they shoved that cripplingly-orgasmic powered-dildo into their pussies, then made to step into a pussy-like mega-nostril that snorted them all the way in like a form of soft vore.  What a place to be.

On the other side of that darkness-barrier/illusion, the ‘trunk’ she was in was perfectly visible in its dimly-lit (from an unknown light-source) smaller cave-like tunnel (just big enough for it; that ‘trunk’).  It had a visible bulge where she was in it, that bulge moving farther along its length, away from its single nostril, as she was moved along in there, like being in a giant’s intestine, its sphincters flexing in sequence to keep you continuing the way it needs you to.

Shadow-man had, the moment she was successfully snorted up into that ‘trunk’, leapt for the only other one still visible outside its own darkness-barrier.  Even though that other ‘trunk’ had started retracting into its own tunnel a bit earlier, he still had time to get himself to its nostril, likewise snorted up in.  With that, he too ‘was gone’, being moved along inside that other ‘trunk’ via the same mechanism; its sphincters.

Not far up in those ‘trunk’-hugging tunnels, once those ‘trunks’ finished retracting that way, their ends/tips/snouts slipped from the upper ends of those smaller tunnels, and swung out over a dark pit until they were all hanging above it, their single nostrils all pointing straight down.  Had anyone dared through their tunnels’ darkness barriers, and felt their way up those sloped tunnels, they could only have emerged at those top openings, unable to do anything but dare to fall down into that pit, or slide back down to the darkness-barriers, falling out into the shaft-linking normal-tunnel they had come from.  It was a very effective passage-filter, letting only those with literal insider-knowledge (or the inside of those tunnels and ‘trunks’, and what lied just beyond them; the pit) find the way.

At the bottom of that pit all those ‘trunks’ now hung limp in a cluster from the ceiling over… was a swirling gel-like ‘dark napalm’, if you had to call it something; if any non-invincible person fell down into the stuff, they would be carried around in a spiral as the whirlpool maintained their lateral motion, and a little centrifugal force, but not enough to prevent them from eventually sliding toward its center, thus far down into what would completely disorient them; its narrow air shaft in the center, where they would remain stuck and spun around endlessly, likely to drown from having their face stuck in the stuff, the air shaft at the bottom of that whirlpool not at all wide enough for a human head.  It stank, too, and not unlike a fuel-based mixture, thus the napalm comparison; it may have been noxious, if not corrosive.  Had it been ignited, it would be enough to at least illuminate the entire pit and everything above it up to those hanging limp ‘trunks’ –if not explode with the force of a small atomic weapon.

Snorted up into that pit’s ceiling by the uppermost part of the ‘trunk’ she’d been put into, she then got squeezed out its other end, at which point she fell from that also-pussy-like mega-nostril of an opening, landing on a slanted waterslide-like tube… which slid her smoothly and friction-free down a dozen vertical feet, and dozens of feet laterally, she then splashing down in shallow water, then, as she finished submerging in it, smacking and bouncing down onto what felt like the surface of a calloused big toe… the size of the entire floor of the new room she was now in.
She sat up, that shallow water over the toe-like underwater floor lapping halfway up the sides of her out-straight legs, rubbing her head with one hand, and her pussy with the other, trying to relieve her bliss-‘headache’ (the positive equivalent of a migraine, if you can imagine that) and throbbing (also bliss-overloaded) labia at the same time.

Shadow-man fell into the same waterslide tube a moment after her, suggesting at least his own ‘trunk’ passage, if not all the others, emptied at different points over that same slide.  He, however, didn’t fall out that slide’s end; he floated/hovered down out of it, making no splash at all, his feet only silently meeting the toe-like surface underneath the shallow water.  He was some other form of life that was not bound to gravity like she was here.

He rested a hand on her shoulder to comfort or ‘ground’ her, but she recoiled, still in shock, not wanting another overload or completely alien experience, unprepared.  “Who are–” she spun to face him as she got up, standing now ankle-deep in the shallow water, cutting herself off as she recognized his featureless blackness.  “Oh.”  She hadn’t seem him coming out of the waterslide tube’s lower end, so she didn’t know the hand on her shoulder was of the shadow-man who had just gotten her out of the womb-like consciousness-restoration room.

  • “Did you enjoy the ride?” he neutrally asked her, thinking nothing of the question, not at all trying to mess with her.
  • “No,” she gave him an evil and pouting look.
  • “Most don’t,” he let her know; “it’s all so sudden.”  He was half speaking to himself, it sounded like, as if wistfully recalling a few things; others he had guided, perhaps many others.
  • “What is your name, creature?” she wanted to know, still somewhat back in ‘superior female (empress) mode’.  That special dildo had only been enough to make her fully feminine/submissive/compliant/limp when inside her pussy.  Perhaps it had a more lasting effect on females who had not known the power of being on a throne –and who had not spent millennia living out the wildest sexual fantasies of all (desensitizing her to a significant degree).
  • Shadow-man laughed out loud at her.  “My name?”  That was for some reason very funny to him.
  • “Yes, your name,” she put her hands on her sexy feminine hips, just the right width they were for a woman of her height.
  • “I am the shadow-man.  I have no name.  No one here does.”
  • “No one has names?” she repeated, finding that difficult to believe.
  • “No one has names.”
  • She scowled in disbelief as she tried to begin understanding yet another concept alien to her.  “…How did I get here?  Why am I in this body again?  Where is my collective?”  She meant the people from her PSBS whom she had assimilated after starting to adjust to her star form decades ago.

Shadow-man raised a hand to silence her; she was asking multiple questions at once, on the verge of spiraling out of control with upset.  “You are on Meeris Prime, planet clone of the long-late Meeris*.  You were returned to your last form before transcendence; how you were before you became a goddess.  I did not do that to you, though, so I do not know why it was made so.  That is something only The Origin can tell you.”
(*Meeris was the world I had gotten a vision of months or years before, instinctively writing about it like the rest I have imagined/foreseen/connected with, that one in particular being where the hypnotic-midriff hottie shorties are indigenous; girls who are so good at belly-dancing that it can actually spellbind someone; beyond normal seduction.)

She tried to ask who that was, but his raised hand somehow kept her voice from escaping her mouth.  Another high technology?  Magic?

  • “Your collective is probably in The Prison of Souls.  I doubt we can get it back for you anytime soon.  Okay,” his hand went down, “now it’s your turn again.”
  • “My turn?
  • “Yes; your turn to speak.”
  • Aorlie fumed with aristocratic anger but ‘bit her tongue’.  “What gives you the right to silence me?” she tried to ask neutrally, but it came out very emotional, heated.
  • “I wouldn’t be much of a guide if I couldn’t shut you up to tell you important things, now would I?”
  • She frowned and looked off to the side for a moment.  “Fine.  Who is The Origin?”
  • “The Origin is our god here.  The Origin controls our solar system; the Halozien system.”
  • “How can I speak with him?”
  • “You will have to follow me until you have enough tags to convince The Origin you are ready for The One Path..”
  • “The One Path?”
  • “I will show you later.”
  • “…Alright,” she again ‘bit her tongue’, refraining from a far snappier response.  “What about The Prison of Souls?”
  • “That is a maximum security storage facility on Graor.”  It wasn’t actually on that world, though it certainly would have been easy to hide it down under its thick cloudy gas-giant atmosphere; it was actually in its own pocket-dimension, but Graor was the final stop before being able to access it, so it was easier to just say it was on that world. Not everyone understood how artificial dimensions worked.
  • “Where is Graor?”
  • “It’s the gas giant,” he pointed up between the towering vertical walls at either side of the shallow waterway they were in.

She hadn’t even though to look straight up yet.  Aorlie followed his finger’s pointing up to the narrow band of cloudless daytime sky far above them, direct light from up there not reaching them all the way down where they were, leaving the place quite dim, fully shaded.  “Oh my god…” she whispered as she gazed up at the gas giant’s colors moving as one, tens of thousands of miles above them, or was it millions, beyond their current world’s sky.

A much smaller moon-like cosmic-body silently passed in and out of view between them and the much slower-moving stripes of the gas giant.

Shadow-man waited for her eyes to be satisfied.

  • She blinked, snapping back to reality, and looked back down at him, her guide.  “How are we gonna get there?” she whimpered, her shoulders drooping, her spirit sinking.  “We have no ship.” and her star-form was kept disabled, she could tell.
  • “And you have very few powers left,” shadow-man noted.
  • “Thanks for reminding me,” she cast another cold glance his way, her eyes practically flashing black; with almost-violent moodiness.
  • “Trust in me and I will guide you there.”  He had a knack for speaking without body language, his tone and vibe communicating all he needed to.  It was catching her attention now, and she would come to appreciate it.
  • “Alright.  I want to go there and take control of my collective again.”
  • “Not an easy task, nor an easy journey, but I will guide you as you wish.  After all, I am your guide.”
  • The callous-like underwater surface they were standing on rose slightly above the surface of the cool, slowly-flowing water, channeling it away from them and where they would be heading in that deep, narrow, canyon-like opening in that world’s outer surface.
  • She felt the streams of refreshing, tickling liquid roll down around and away from the tops and sides of her feet.
  • Shadow-man pointed forward, ahead ‘down’ that ‘canyon’ –its walls looking perfectly/nearly flat/sheer, as if they’d been manmade, or at least carved out and polished by many and powerful lasers.  “We must navigate the waterways to the edge of the Mountain Continent.”  At least some places had names here, if not any of the people or creatures.
  • She turned to look with raised eyebrows as she listened.
  • “Once there, we must ride one of the great waterfalls down to the Tairfath Ocean.”
  • “Shadow-man,” she interrupted, her tone meek, polite again, wondering if he would use his powers to re-silence her so he could finish voicing his thought.
  • “Yes?” he was open to hearing her this time, likely due to that restored femininity he could hear –and see from her body language.
  • “How did you capture me?  How did your people elude my empire this long?”
  • “Magic.”
  • “Please.  There’s no such thing.”  In a way, she was correct; magic was really just a term the superstitious used when they had no understanding of one of the many fields of science there were.
  • “Sure there is; magic is just science you do not yet understand.”
  • “But I thought I was the only other supreme being; ‘supreme’ as in ‘the most powerful anywhere in Creation’.”  She had only ever met one talking star-like entity; TSB.  She was not like Auz, who had met many, then being revealed what all stars really are.
  • “You thought wrong.”
  • “Is TSB doing this to me?”
  • “What is TSB?” he asked, still unmoved, neutral-sounding, ‘robotic’.

She frowned at that, remembering TSB, from what knowledge she had accessed/noticed in/from him, rarely spoke to anyone not also able to be in a star-form; almost no one else in the whole Universe knew of him.  She felt a little paranoid and pessimistic now, and like he might not believe her if she tried to tell him she had been in communication with one of the stars, or at least some ancient man who had figured out how to shapeshift into a star-like thing.  “Nevermind.  Take me to that ocean,” she sounded a little defeated, even pre-weary, and wary, not fully spiritually/emotionally ready for this big adventure of so many upcoming unknowns.

“As you wish, Aorlie.”  He then somehow guided not just her, but the callous-like now-raised waterway-surface/-floor they were standing on… as if it had detached and become a float, their weight somehow not at all keeping it pressed down, even though the water was as shallow as it had been upon their arrival there.

The two of them navigated the labyrinthine Mountain Continent city’s waterways until they reached dead-ends, at which point they swam down to the waterway floor, a few stories deep at those spots, then through the loose grate (bars far enough apart to allow them to swim through) each of those dead-ends had one of down there, up into one of the mountain-tall landform-spikes, a.k.a. “city spires”, and in there creep about to find the first checkpoint; the phallic stalactite.

Door Pulldown Concept:

Many doors she encountered were shaped like a 2-story panel tipped with a dildo, two people’s strength required to use the attached rope to pull it down from the outside, and hold it down long enough for her to suck the dildo until it was stimulated enough to cum in her mouth. If those two helpers let go, it would snap back upright, yanking her up with it if she still had that dildo in her mouth; quite dangerous. Having sucked it off, getting a load of cum out of it, it would stay down just like a flaccid/limp/’spent’ dick, at least for an hour or so. On the other side, if needing to go back out, if enough time had passed that the door became erect/closed again, two or more people could push it down, no rope needed or available, and no sucking needed.
Other doors were like pussies; they required being rubbed or licked a while to get them relaxed and slick/lubed enough that people could squeeze into/through them, then would dry/tighten back up within several minutes.

Shadow-man did not seem to be an A.I., nor did he seem to have that whole world committed to his memory, so their journey required lots of backtracking from dead-ends which did not have that checkpoint/stalactite he was looking for.  He was just a guide in general, others who had somehow happened into the Halozien solar system wanting different things, and he being the one to help them figure out how to get where they needed to go, he relearning or discovering the right routes along the way, just there with them so they didn’t panic or overlook options only guides from his world knew the general locations and hidden functions/controls of.

How did he get chosen as such a guide?  That has not yet been revealed.  This is Aorlie’s story, anyway.  Back to her.

That stalactite terminating in a penis-shaped end had to be stimulated by the mouth of a sexy female to make it harden and extend down to where she could suck on it, so she stood on her tippy-toes at first, getting the tip of her tongue barely in range of the hole on the end of that stalactite-penis, flicking that tip of hers at its tip until it was aroused enough to expand straight down, now in reach of the rest of her skilled mouth.  She then stood on her feet like normal, and gave it an outstanding blowjob, even with humming to ensure it got the job done.  When it blew its load into her mouth, that triggered the biomechanical cave passageway to loosen open enough for her to fit through.  That opening looked like a petrified pussy at first, but then softened, moistened, relaxed, and ‘yawned’ wide-ish; again, just enough for someone her size to get in and past it, to the other side.

She was grateful that latest requirement and alien experience hadn’t left her as nearly-catatonic as the dildo had, and that her guide kept showing her things she would not have found or thought of otherwise.  She wanted to thank-fuck him, even –already.

On the other side of that opening, the two of them stood, now with the towering cliff encircling the Mountain Continent at their backs.  That cliff had terraces, each one with a wall as tall as a skyscraper, yet with clear climbable paths, like steep staircases with many vines and other things to keep hold of.  Shadow-man reassured her every step of the way until she had built up enough experience with the route to have some confidence, no longer shaky from fear of the dizzying heights they were climb-walking down from.

When she needed to rest, he stopped and let her.  When she got too nervous, he held her steady and made sure she didn’t faint or fall.  When wildlife was spotted, he reminded her to grab that special dildo anytime he got it out of his hidden pocket, shoving it right back up in her, trusting him to prevent her from falling when the thing activated in her pussy, keeping her fully sexual-stimulation overloaded so that the creatures of this world didn’t hurry over to fuck her into oblivion or carry her away for much more usage later.

Eventually, they make it down enough to reach one of the great waterfalls he’d spoken of earlier.  He waited for her to accept the reality that it was the fastest and easiest way down the rest of the way to the ocean.  If she didn’t dare ride the thing like a natural waterslide, she would have to brave more of those steep-staircase climb-hikes –and the constant threat of the wildlife noticing them on such a dangerous options-limiting route; she would have hours more of never knowing when that dildo might have to be shoved back up in her pussy, leaving her limp and nearly mindless, stimulation-drunk, doomed to fall untold stories down if ever he didn’t manage to keep firm hold of her while holding onto a vine or root of that steep staircase himself.

She nervously got onto the top of the waterfall, wondering if it would bump her about until she hit a boulder on the way down and got knocked out, drowning in an undertow somewhere below –somewhere she couldn’t even see from where she now stood, easing down to squat in the water of.  She looked over her shoulder to shadow-man, but, of course, he had no face, thus no expression to reassure her, and he said nothing, patiently waiting for her to choose with the time was right.  Looking back in front of her and down the foaming noisy natural waterslide, she dared to let go, her hands no longer nervously gripping rocky railing-like edge-curves at her sides… and the water started moving her forward and over the descending slick curve.

Screaming at the top of her lungs, and wishing she hadn’t chosen this speedier route after all, she soon noticed that under her was not just smooth rock and flowing water, but slick moss, and perhaps other things keeping the speedy journey down that waterfall a gentle-enough and overall-pleasant one.  It was almost sexily-arousing, how that moss felt moving so quickly underneath and along her exposed soaked legs and ass skin.  Not long after, she came splashing down into to perfectly-deep base-pond, surfacing with ease, and moving normally as if in a swimming pool, reaching its soft-sand shallow end, she then able to walk right out, not having to climb at all.

Shadow-man hovered down after her, again not splashing into an impact at all.

She stood on the shore, her feet still in the water, on the soft fine white sand, now wondering about him; how he moved like that, as if a ghost or hologram.  “Why don’t you fall?” she wondered aloud, eyeing him with curiosity… and a little aroused amusement, ready to know more of the strange faceless all-black man.

“I just don’t,” he said, clearly thinking about it himself for a moment, then walking the rest of the way to her, having hovered to the water’s surface and then the dry ground.  “I never really thought about it before; I have always just moved like that.  I guess… because I am made of darkness; perhaps it has less or no weight, compared to beings like you.”

Still exhilarated and refreshed from that waterfall slide, she eyed him sexually, wanting to try making out with him, even though she couldn’t see if he had a mouth to kiss, or a dick to suck and fuck.  “May I make out with you?” she politely asked.

He smiled, though she could not see it, and nodded, which she could see.

Stepping forward, still dripping dry, she rested her hands around his hips, and leaned in close enough to kiss where his face might be, finding she could feel it; it had normal human facial features of a handsome man, so she kissed away, offering her tongue to open his mouth.  Meanwhile, her hands explored him everywhere, soon caressing his groin.  He had a cock after all!  She was thrilled once again, and made love to him there until she felt satisfied –and hungry.

  • “Where do we eat, shadow-man?” she purred, enjoying their cuddly afterglow.
  • “I will show you where edible fruits and other things you can digest are.  Swallowing cum will also sustain you here.”  He wasn’t kidding, and his tone made that clear.
  • That made her even happier; she loved the idea of being on a diet of mostly, if not solely, semen.  She had fantasized about that many times in her long life.  She was a normal woman.
  • “And drink?” she asked.
  • “All water on this world is potable; none has ever proven tainted or harmful.”  He had learned that on other worlds, such as some used by humans, some of those beings had created things which rendered their water, food, and even their air too polluted to safely consume or be around.  It was difficult for him to believe, as such had never happened on this world he had always lived on, but he could tell from the tones and vibes during those stories/accounts that it was true.
  • “But I can get what I need from drinking cum,” she half asked, half stated, wanting to hear that from him one more time, amazed at it.
  • “Yes,” he said, matter-of-factly.
  • That got her heart pounding with eagerness; she was VERY ready to try.

As they got up and began making their way from one continent to the other(s), she asked him many things, of course, starting with why they have to search for these waypoints along the route to where she wants to be; since he’s the guide, and native to this world.

He explained that the paths change frequently.  He only has a general idea of what to look for; what types of devices, and where they are likely to be.  He’ll never make a mistake in identifying one, only in which lookalike routes or passageways lead to the kind of areas or biomes which have the devices needed to gain access to successive route-sections.

Crossing the Tairfath Ocean was easy; you could wade through it, and it had almost no waves other than tiny ripples from the gentle subtle breeze passing over it.

Checkpoints on Meeris Prime:

  1. the phallic stalactite
  2. sex with an Ent
  3. giant octopus
  4. spends a day sticking glowing orbs the size of marbles into her pussy to find the right one, breaking down crying after hours of this, her pussy starting to feel sore, but eventually finds the one that gives her the 4th key/tag
  5. drinks a goblet of cum; easy for her
  6. grinds on a wall-mounted dick after trying to suck it
  7. fucks the 6-armed xeno-man ‘monster’ of a guard for him to show her the way
  8. After seeing all the continents, and fucking & sucking thousands for info. to navigate/find hidden paths/doors/objects (and plenty more just because she enjoyed it), etc. (each person/info getting her another few to several miles along her ’round-the-world way), they (she and shadow-man) reach the center of the hot desert-wasteland continent where they must travel underground the entire time so as not to die from rapid dehydration or sunburns (and shadow-man might look almost see-through in that intense direct sunlight; easy to lose sight/track of).
    –no water there, except trickles from underground streams/wells, so she drinks semen and spit from passersby –of several alien species (not humans, though a few are somewhat humanoid)
    1st species:  camel-spiders, but not like the tan spiders on Earth; more like camel-sized spider-like creatures with camel-like humps, and whose webs are aphrodisiacs by both touch and fragrance
    2nd species:  bat-like flying octopi which are difficult to spot because they camouflage and texture themselves to look identical to stalagmites/stalactites
    3rd:  dog-sized bugs which seem oblivious to her, stopping their wanderings only when she sexually stimulates them
    4th:  barnacle-like nodes on the walls of some of the caves –with tentacle-dicks which can reach her from several meters away
    5:  frog-like creatures the size of vans which only get stimulated enough to cum when she is hugging and grinding on their human-sized tongues
    6:  humanoids who can only cum if you first bring them to the point normal beings would orgasm, then look them in the eyes and tell them to cum
    7:  scaly horses with serpent necks and heads, and peacock-like collapsible/expandable plumes/tail-‘fans’, who are stimulated to orgasm by the land version of sea-anemones, the horse-oid creatures’ cum then carried by the bee-like of semen-transporting equivalent of pollinators, which she must color and scent herself to attract to her mouth, pussy, and asshole, the combination of the cum mixed with her saliva, anal residue, and vaginal lubricant, the only thing which can persuade/trigger those horse-oids to show/give her the next tag/way
    –finds an open pyramid-style stone rectangular prism (not in a pyramid; just the kind of stone-based enclosure that some pyramids had as sarcophagi) that rides a track through a tunnel of death-traps which she can’t crawl through (because the traps would almost certainly hurt if not kill her, that stone ride somehow disabling them as it passes by/over)
    –gets in that stone rectangular prism, which seals her in and puts a dick in her ass, another in her pussy, and another in her mouth, its head/tip in her throat, and she then has to suck and fuck them to move the box forward, getting her to the end of this longest of the tag/checkpoint sequences (and which took more than a full month to complete)
    All of that was considered the ‘leg’ for/to checkpoint/tag 8, and she of course asks shadow-man about it; why this one portion of the route takes so much longer than all the others combined.  He merely shrugs and says, “I am not The Origin; I do not know why he set up
  9. flies a creature with dick-shaped controls (instead of normal joysticks or levers), its saddle having a built-on double-dildo (1 for her ass, the other for her cunt)
  10. breathes through a penis-shaped pipe/straw so she has air from the jellyfish creature she is using to help her move underwater in a submerged (or built underwater) temple
  11. shadow-man always at her side, ready with that special dildo to protect her from those who would otherwise be so sexually aggressive/insistent she might never finish satisfying them and be back on her way
  12. orgasms onto a dick-shaped door-handle as the way to work/open it
  13. fucks a wall-mounted or seat-mounted dick to stop her room from filling with semen (i.e. she must ride it until she stimulates it to cum inside her), then, soaked in that walls-emitted semen (as it had filled the room up to her throat/chin level before she’d gotten the key/tag; before she’d gotten the seat-mounted dick to cum), continues on

During/between all those sexual steps/milestones, she made sure to enjoy:

  • slurping cum to satisfy herself and others
  • snorting it to satisfy herself and another
  • sucking it up off one device, and then drooling it into/onto others until she figured out the sequence it liked enough to unlock the next door all the way
  • edging to satisfy another –and left feeling like she wished she could stay on that device / in that one checkpoint; to finish the sex; to share orgasms with the thing

  • “Shadow-man,” a very oversexed, sore, tired, and bold-legged, wobbly Aorlie stopped in her tracks, “there must be an easier way to get to The One Path.”
  • Her guide stopped ahead of her and turned around to face her as they talked.
  • “We’ve been traveling for months,” she complained.
  • “You have 13 of the 69 necessary tags inside you, Aorlie.  You must get all 69 to find The Origin before you can ask it to take you to The Soul Prison.  There is no other way.  The forces governing this system won’t allow another way.”
  • She sulked and stared down at her battered pussy, still recovering from her latest fuck&suck session with an abusive, sadomasochistic bartender they’d gotten information about the next key/tag from.  She began to sob, “I can’t do this anymore.”  She cried and wailed.
  • Shadow-man walked back to her and kneeled in front of her.  “I’m sorry, Aorlie.  I know this was all unexpected, hard, and humiliating at times, especially for you, an empress.  I wish there was another way, too.  I can see you are hurting inside.”  He of course understood she was hurting inside physically and emotionally, and was referring to both.
  • Aorlie continued to cry.
  • “Whatever you choose, I will guide you,” he rested a friendly hand on her shoulder.  This time, she did not pull away; she knew whose it was, and that had become close.
    “…What do you want to do?”
  • She wiped her eyes and nostrils.  “I want to…  I give up,” she blurted out, crying all over again.
  • “If you stay here, eventually the locals will discover you, and I cannot cloak you, nor do I know every hiding spot on this planet.  Every land we pass through, we risk being killed in by their respective locals; they are not tolerant of people from outside this solar system, and can tell in multiple ways when they are in the presence of such.  We must keep moving –somewhere, at least.”  He was implying if she wished to take a break from all her sexual questing / leveling up.
  • “What am I gonna do?” she sobbed, looking up at his faceless face, hers wet with the residual from streaming tears.
  • “Once we get off this world, you’ll have a better time; Riric -another world in this system- has forests, and that means abundant food, not food we have to find and ration between vast barrens like here on Meeris Prime.  You could live in hiding there for a while, I suppose,” he offered, trying to help by thinking up decent options for her.
  • “No,” she shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes and cheeks.  “No.”
  • “No?”
  • “I will move on with you, shadow-man.  I can’t die in this place.  I need my collective back.  I need my freedom and my power.”
  • “Aorlie, sweetie, I can’t promise The Origin will give you your collective back, let alone let you go.”
  • “I have to try.”  She looked at him with eyes so angelical; so sexily flawlessly feminine and desperate, that they pulled on his rarely-used ‘heart-strings’.
  • “Then follow me to the end.”
  • She nodded as she recomposed herself, and then she took hold of her guide’s hand once more.  “I will.”

The two of them walked farther on, still together by fate, and this time headed into their last Meeris Prime checkpoint; the polar portals.

  1. (checkpoint 14) sucks off a dick-shaped lever to unlock its movement, yanks it up, activating the portal in the Egyptian-style tomb on the desert continent
    –portal:  gets her to the dark-side’s pole (center of the tidally-locked Meeris Prime’s sun-blocking side –which means that Meeris Prime, as it orbits Eiko, and Eiko and the Halozien sun orbit Graor, that it still remains tidally-locked to that star; how unique and curious), inside a deep-violet (colored) dark tomb with a reflecting pool in it, reflecting the stars from the slit in the ceiling
  2. (checkpoint 15) She and shadow-man walk down the slope into the pool, find another dick-shape doorknob, she sucks it off, the underwater door opens, they swim through, and then they fall to the open-air floor of a temple room on the closest moon (Bans); a portal had been hidden in that water itself, no ring-structure visible/apparent down there.
  3. Bans (nearest moon orbiting Meeris Prime) checkpoint 1 of 15:  The name of this moon is no coincidence; it is a world where all the sex-keys/-tags must be acquired/unlocked via doing specific taboo/forbidden acts (even more-so than the general beastiality with the alien creatures she had already mastered back on Meeris Prime), the first one here being the mildest of the things considered taboo by many Earth humans, and the last in this series of 15 checkpoints being the most controversial.  This first in the Bans series of checkpoints requires Aorlie to masturbate in view of strangers / the public –not an easy task, given how aggressive they can be when they spot her and sense/realize she doesn’t have shadow-man’s dangerous/protective special dildo inside her pussy, so shadow-man searches with them to find a surface like a pedestal or lookout tower which will be very difficult or time-consuming for the locals to try to climb once/if they spot Aorlie masturbating up there.
  4. Bans checkpoint 2 of 15:  Aorlie must seduce a monogamous local into cheating with her –and get him to let her give him a blumpkin; blow-job-ing him while he shits in a toilet, farting and splashing her (from his turds dropping into the toilet water).
  5. Bans 3/15:  make herself cum, put food in her pussy, then eat it once her cum is smashed into it
  6. Bans 4/15:  dip food in her own ass and then eat it –while someone/thing cums inside her pussy
  7. Bans 5/15:  lick someone’s asshole a long time; rimming; a rim-job –while someone makes her cum
  8. Bans 6/15:  drink cum out of a found used condom
  9. Bans 7/15:  snort fresh cum mixed with a powdery drug of some sort
  10. Bans 8/15:  do a handstand while a speculum or funnel keeps her pussy wide open while multiple males cum down in it
  11. Bans 9/15:  stay in a gloryhole for an amount of time based on how well she makes dozens of visitors cum through its wall-holes
  12. Bans 10/15:  stay in a pillory for an amount of time based on how easily and often users from behind cum in her –all of them out of her field of vision the whole time
  13. Bans 11/15:  suck off as many animals at a farm as she is told to
  14. Bans 12/15:  be a cum courier by swallowing numerous loads of semen and then regurgitating them at one or more destinations
  15. Bans 13/15:  being the centerpiece at a coming-of-age family gathering/party
  16. Bans 14/15:  being gangbanged in at least one back/dark alley by homeless/strangers/fugs –extra points for being bent over a dumpster during most of that –even more points for standing fully inside a dumpster the entire time (and keep in mind Aorlie is naked throughout this entire interplanetary quest)
  17. Bans 15/15:  lovemaking with nymphs and others who look/are that young/petite –and involving scat with them as the grand finale
  18. Riric (2nd-nearest moon orbiting Meeris Prime) checkpoint 1 of 14:  This being the jungle-world with abundant food, she earns cum-keys/-tags much sooner each time, knowing she can exert herself far more each fuck, always having plenty of sustenance/nourishment nearby.  The first thing she must do on this moon is suck off the dick-shaped mushrooms until she gets them to burst their aphrodisiac spores into the air –which ~hypnotizes/seduces/arouses her so much that she ends up sucking them all off, even better than she sucked off the first one/s, stimulating the rest of them to burst, thus keeping her so sex-hypnotized/-crazed that shadow-man has to let her fuck the aggressive locals and wildlife for hours before she is able to calm back down enough to focus on completing the checkpoint that first spore-burst unlocked ~half a day earlier.
  19. Riric checkpoint 2 of 14:
  20. Riric 3/14:  _ all jungle unique sex stuff
  21. Riric 4/14:  getting a lot of cum from multiple loads to pour down a sequence of wedge-shaped big leaves into a dangerous flytrap-like plant (so no one is anywhere near when it feeds/closes)
  22. Riric 5/14:  getting into a safer version of that type of plant; soft/temporary vore, such that it closes around her waist, keeping her lower body in it until it satisfies itself by making her cum over and over until enough of her juices leak out to be consumed by it
  23. Riric 6/14:  getting someone or something to cum in her while she is waist-deep in a muddy-water pond/puddle; literally-dirty sex
  24. Riric 7/14:  having locals cum on her while she face-paints and body-paints herself with slick/slimy mud, then leaving that cum-mud mixture adhered to her like a spa facemask the rest of the day
  25. Riric 8/14:  letting large critters or bugs or whatever lay their eggs in her pussy and asshole, those things carried around in there until they hatch and squirm out –harmless to her, by the way
  26. Riric 9/14:  letting a large snake use its tail to fuck her pussy
  27. Riric 10/14:  letting two large snakes DP her; simultaneously one of their tails in her pussy, and the other snake’s tail in her asshole
  28. Riric 11/14:  letting three large snakes TP her; sucking the 3rd one’s tail as it throat-fucks her
  29. Riric 12/14:  _
  30. Riric 13/14:  doing her best to fit banana-sized plant-tentacles in all her holes –extra points for double-vaginal and double-anal
  31. Riric 14/14:  actually being consumed and squeezed out the asshole of a longer tube-like plant; near-total vore (just not digested)
  32. Aeris (3rd-nearest moon orbiting Meeris Prime) checkpoint 1 of 13:  dry Nuru (all the slow, sensual, shared breath stuff, Nuru, etc., thus this sequence taking a long time; weeks)
    –all events on this world are:  GFE; actual romantic date-night lovemaking
  33. Aeris checkpoint 2 of 13:  oiled Nuru
  34. Aeris 3/13:  lubed Nuru
  35. Aeris 4/13:  hypnotic prolonged eye-contact during simultaneous orgasm with partner after an hour of sex without cumming
  36. Aeris 5/13:  hypnotic prolonged eye-contact during simultaneous orgasm with one partner after an hour of DP threesome sex without cumming
  37. Aeris 6/13:  hypnotic prolonged eye-contact during simultaneous orgasm with one partner after an hour of TP foursome sex without cumming
  38. Aeris 7/13:  making an entire roomful cum before she lets others help her to
  39. Aeris 8/13:  saving up load after load in a bathhouse sex party until she has enough to fill a small one-person bathtub, then bathe in that herself –after having some put in her asshole via cum-enema while many people caress and rub/massage her tits, tummy, and ass-cheeks, helping that cum-enema cum settle agreeably in her large intestine
  40. Aeris 9/13:  “the cum-tube seesaw game” with another girl –for half an hour before either of them get to swallow any
  41. Aeris 10/13:  sensory-deprivation while an unknown number of people feel/pet/rub her all over until she cums just from those touches (not being fingered or otherwise penetrated)
  42. Aeris 11/13:  sliding one partner’s cock lengthwise back and forth along her pussy slit, while another male slides his cock up and down between her ass cheeks, while another slides his along her lips or between her tits held close together, edging all four (her and those 3 males) like that for half an hour
  43. Aeris 12/13:  Nuru with an animal/pet while others watch
  44. Aeris 13/13:  edging in an orgy for days, even during sleep
  45. Jude (4th-nearest moon orbiting Meeris Prime) checkpoint 1 of 12:  basic angry-/hate-sex with a local humanoid (all about rough sex, aggressive seduction, overpowering the locals, etc.)
  46. Jude checkpoint 2 of 12:  rough/hate-sex with more than one local at the same time
  47. Jude 3/12:  bondage in a sex-dungeon, mild pain-play as part of the rough usage; being whipped, choked, slapped, spanked, hair-tugged, etc.
  48. Jude 4/12:  having many locals spit on her, especially in her mouth and pussy, while they take turns hard-fucking her
  49. Jude 5/12:  fucking not-very-gentle wild animals
  50. Jude 6/12:  suffocation-play; moderate breathing-control (i.e. her nostrils pinched shut while she is face-/throat-fucked, etc.)
  51. Jude 7/12:  dunk-tank usage; fucked while she is chained to a rotating wooden spool which can keep her head underwater as long as the operator wants
  52. Jude 8/12:  mild electrocution (shocks/zaps wand/tazer) play during rough usage
  53. Jude 9/12:  unexpected kidnapping; realistic rape-play
  54. Jude 10/12:  snuff of a local; she actually fucking someone so hard, or striking them during sex, that it kills them (and don’t worry; they instantly heal/reincarnate in this system/world)
  55. Jude 11/12:  leading a pack of tamed animals/beasts until they cum in local females, Aorlie then fingering and licking/felching that cum out of them
  56. (plus the 13 checkpoints in the previous set of numbered bullet-notes = checkpoint 69; the final checkpoint of this process/quest) Jude 12/12:  _ –At this last checkpoint on moon Jude, Aorlie and shadow-man encounter a woman who looks like how Dina Meyer portrayed Kara in the film Dragonheart.  Her name is Johlie, and she has a sexy feminine voice, sounding like a happy rich Caucasian female teen model, not quite a valley-girl, with a hint of something exotic.  Aorlie eats her out (noms on her pussy) and drinks her pussy juice that eat-out session produced, allowing her to pass through the portal to Graor.
    *Jude locals like the roughest sex of all Haloziens, but Johlie is curious to try Aorlie’s gentler way while she is hanging out with her. “When in Rome.”; they weren’t on Jude after heading to Graor’s sky-temple.
  57. Johlie tags along, as asked/invited by shadow-man, and Aorlie is told that, while what is coming up may seem like more sex-based locks she will get separate tags from, like checkpoint 8 back on Meeris Prime, this is actually all considered a single set of sexual steps, and not a checkpoint, as she has arrived in the skies of the gas giant, Graor, thus is more in a “cooldown/winddown” process here.
    A double-dick key goes into her now; one wiggling all the way up in her asshole to her stomach from below, the other all the way down her throat into her stomach from above, both without hurting her sphincters or other body-parts in there, until their tips meet in her stomach, those tips then, in the presence of all the different types of tags/cum residue which had been designed to linger in her stomach this long, achieving the required reaction, creating a new substance which now also lingers inside her there.
    Now having that new mixture/substance/marker/tag in her, the 3 of them (Aorlie, shadow-man, and Johlie) are freed from that reception room in the portal-housing temple-like facility hovering silently in the skies of Graor (that facility being a huge biomechanical fortress labyrinth which will always effortlessly fly/hover up there), and they find the way out of it over the coarse of the next few days, each doorknob being sucked off by Aorlie or Johlie (helping out every time Aorlie gets tired), as usual, to unlock those doors, those doors then relocking after all 3 of them have walked through (and every room and hallway has this same type of door, thus why it took days to get through this single facility).
    The two women turn this labyrinth part of Aorlie’s quest into a fun game by sometimes dual-blowjob-ing the doorknobs, licking at each other’s tongue tips and lips in the process, making one another smile and giggle, refreshing Aorlie’s spirit/motivation all the way.
    Shadow-man remains as emotionless/professional as he has been through all 69 checkpoints/steps.
    Somewhere far into that labyrinth, they encounter a Space Jockey-looking humanoid male, and a sexy female must stimulate his prostate from within his anal cavity in order to get his cock, which is nearly the size of Aorlie’s whole body, to cum.  To make sure she catches a mouthful of cum from that massive member, Johlie is the one who climbs up into the creature’s asshole to stimulate its prostate in there, grinding her pussy on it until she notices the muscular walls and sphincters around her contract, letting her know she probably did a great job.  Climbing back down out of its asshole, she finds that it has indeed cum, and cum so hard that it knocked Aorlie back and off her feet, plastering her entire body in its load, and another few amazing spurts still squirting out and further soaking her entire front side as she lies on her back on the cum-splattered floor.
    That release/orgasm allowed the creature to activate his spacecraft, but once they leave that facility in the sky of Graor… another invisible tractor-beam forces them into another distant planet in the Halozien system.  PLANET:  Eiko
    Aorlie, frustrated again, asks shadow-man why they don’t just say there are more than 69 steps to this quest, since she has had sex with far more than 69 people, not to mention all the cum-squirting devices from continent to continent and now world to world.  As before, he simply says he doesn’t know, and that this is just how he was told it was numbered.
    Seeing the two far-apart wall-mounted dildos in their latest room, she instantly understands she is meant to somehow get both to cum at the same time.  Shadow-man informs her that she must also have the cum from both of them, and not via cum-kissing, so she and Johlie simultaneously suck both dicks off twice, switching positions during round 2 so that both cum in Aorlie’s mouth once, giving her the needed substances.
    In the latest unlocked room, again there are two far-apart dildos, so again she and Johlie fuck each twice, changing positions so Aorlie ends up with a natural load squirted into her from each, not acquiring that cum via swapping or felching –though she takes time to enjoy that with Johlie, too, of course; they are normal women.
    They then enter a room where Aorlie must climb a rock-climbing wall, hang upside-down under another mounted dildo, and suck it off like that so that it activates a Halo-inspired hard-light bridge over a dangerous pit full of nasty stuff they are concerned might surely harm them in some way, whether from noxious gases or corrosive properties or just being clearly too hot to be in very long.
    Aorlie and Johlie again must work together, this time with two detachable dildo devices; both dildo’s “reverse cum” must be in Aorlie eventually, and to achieve this Johlie has one of the detached dildos in her pussy, stimulated to cum via Aorlie sucking the bottom of that dildo, that then making Johlie cum on its tip still inside Johlie, Johlie’s pussy juice / cum then being sent through it to squirt out its base; into Aorlie’s mouth.  They repeat this process with the other dildo, resulting in that other dildo’s “reverse cumming” also ending up in Aorlie’s mouth, thus getting her the mixture which counts as the dual-key for another part of this long checkpoint/step.  It causes a portal to open in thin air in front of the three of them, and they step through.
    The 2nd-last step of this checkpoint:  They return to the gas giant.  In the sky over Graor, they are in a different floating (flying/hovering) temple.  It begins to sink with their added weight; any ship or person added to that facility causes it to no longer fully keep itself at its normal altitude.  A control panel shows them the warning of their dropping altitude.  To keep this facility afloat (in air), a sexy female must fuck the dick-shaped control constantly to counter their weight.  Here, it doesn’t matter if she makes it cum in her; the action required is for it to be inside the pussy or asshole of a sexy female.  Failure to do that will result in the temple descending until the gas-giant’s atmospheric pressure becomes powerful enough to crush them as if they were diving down into an ocean depth –though the thickening clouds would first block their vision and start to suffocate them (which means, yes, this temple is not sealed like a spacecraft).
    The last step of this checkpoint:  That’s not all; Johlie keeps fucking that control to keep the temple at its normal altitude while Aorlie searches the death-traps labyrinth (sucking and fucking all the door controls along the way, of course) for the disguised device she needs to make it to the final step of this long final checkpoint.  That device turns out to be a reflecting pool which is stimulated via an electric signal to turn the water into an elongated swirling chilly (not quite ice-cold) super-dildo which Aorlie must allow to fuck her until it discharges some of its water into her.  It will feel like the most sensational/powerful enema ever (not enough to hurt her; just very stimulating; much more-so than a normal enema).
    To make sure that works, shadow-man restrains Aorlie by pinning her down and straddling her waist as the swirling water dildo thrills and slightly chills her.  She doesn’t resist him, but does react naturally to that new kind of dildo.
    That opened a portal back to the room where Johlie is still riding that dick-shaped control, keeping this 2nd temple up in the sky where it needs to be.  They call for her to join them, so she dismounts, goes through that portal to their reflecting-pool room, and together they all then jump into that pool, it having been turned into a horizontal stargate-like portal.  The temple had started lowering again, no sexy female fucking its altitude control, and that turned off the portal shortly after they jumped through, but once their weight was no longer in that temple, the whole thing moved back up to its resting altitude where it was when they’d arrived.
    That pool-portal gets the three of them to The Origin.  (Fucking finally, right?  But this was all about a sexy adventure, not a hyper-efficient one.)

The Origin is an entity which looks to them like a ball of white light the size of a room, hovering over the far-side of their featureless pill-shaped 2-story house-sized room.  The three of them walk down the lower half of their end’s curve, from where the portal let them in, to the room’s floor, and introduce themselves to The Origin.

  • Shadow-man (S):  “I am shadow-man of Meeris Prime.  I have brought these two here in order to fulfil my guide duties to newcomers.”
  • Aorlie (A):  “I am Aorlie, the newcomer.  I want to be allowed to leave and rejoin my people in our collective, my star-form.”
  • Johlie (J):  “I am Johlie of Jude, new friend to these two.  I joined them and helped get them past some devices which required two sexy females working their controls at the same time.”
  • The Origin (O) introduces itself back:  “I am The Origin, creator of this solar system.  …Your journey has taken one year.”  Though, obviously, the planets and moons in this solar system had different year-lengths than Earth’s, you get the idea; a few hundred standard days worth of time was what it ended up taking for them to get here.
  • Aorlie and shadow-man nodded twice.
  • O:  “By introducing the last of the 68 tags in your body–“
  • A:  “I thought there were 69,” she innocently politely interjected.
  • O:  “–you have become the 69th; now anyone you allow with you can return straight here anytime you are in the Halozien, no more journey needed.”
  • A:  “I don’t understand –the part about becoming one of the tags.”
  • O:  “The sexual substances you accepted into your body combined and changed part of your essence, making you your own evidence of your long journey.  You have a modified biosignature I now instantly recognize, no telling of tales or providing other evidence necessary.”
  • A:  “So I’m done,” she half stated, half asked, regarding what was required of her in order to earn the right and ability to leave.
  • O:  “Not entirely.”
  • A:  “What else must I do, Origin?  Fuck & suck You?”
  • O:  “No.  You must learn whether or not all your tireless sexual efforts were in vain.  You must step through the final portal; the gate to The Prison of Souls.”
  • A:  She did not hesitate; while she enjoyed a lot about the moment of her journey, she didn’t like being kept from her people or her ~new (decades-old) powers.  “Lead the way.”
  • The curved floor of that pill-shaped house-sized room opened between them, revealing a square double-layer hatch down to a slide-shaft which was at a 45° angle.  At the bottom was one of those darkness-barriers which had concealed where the pink mega-‘trunks’ had retracted in the cave-like tunnel at the start of her journey.
  • S:  “I don’t like the look of that dark wall, Aorlie.”  Shadow-man was not a default-negative being, such as a cowardly or cunty human. His vocalized concern here was based on caring about Aorlie and all whom he guided. Even though he had guided others here, those were far apart in time, and not all who dropped down that shaft returned. Also, his hesitancy regarding this final barrier, in stark contrast to his casual hurrying to the darkness-barriers in the tunnel on Meeris Prime, was because it wasn’t one he was ever allowed to go through, so he had no way to be a guide anymore the moment those he guided left his service to jump down through. When others fear something or stop, no longer wanting to continue, it doesn’t mean they are detecting a danger, only that their path lies elsewhere; it can still be perfectly fine and right/destined for those they are with to keep going without them.
  • J:  “Don’t go, Aorlie.  I don’t want to lose my new best friend after all we’ve been through.”
  • A:  “I have to go; I didn’t come this far for nothing, just to turn back now.”  She hugged Johlie lovingly, then French kissed her deeply and rubbed her pussy, fingering it a moment before reluctantly ending their embrace.  Then she turned to shadow-man, hugging him lovingly also, while jacking him off, then French kissing him, then kneeling and sucking his cock expertly, extending her tongue while making sure the head of his hardening cock stayed in the back of her throat several seconds.
  • O:  “Jump in, then.”  There was no hint of a foreboding or shady tone.
  • A:  “What will happen?”
  • O:  “The darkness-wall will sense you as the 69th tag and disappear for you, revealing The Prison of Souls.  Basically, it will turn all the lights on, but only for you and anyone else who becomes a 69th tag like you have.  To anyone else who comes here and goes down that shaft, it would remain as dark as can be, no way to see a thing.”
  • A:  “And how do I get out?”
  • O:  “When you find what you are looking for, your presence will unlock it, and your reunification with it will unlock the exit gate for you.”
  • A:  “And if I don’t find it?”
  • O:  “You would die of old age down there, alone in the silent sterile tomb of tombs; hunger and thirst would not affect you, but you would eventually grow spiritually weary and start to atrophy until you no longer had the will even to wake up or breathe.  That won’t happen, though; you know exactly what you want, so it will be easy for you to home in on it, especially in such a place so void of any distractions at all.”
  • A:  “You give me your word it’s in there.”
  • O:  “What you seek is in there; uninvited ships always end up there until their captains earn the right to come here and retrieve them.  Consider it our version of a border-patrol impound.”
  • A:  She looked to her two friends again, “I have no choice.  I must reunite with them.”
  • J:  “I love you!” she threw her arms around Aorlie, hugging her one last time, and tightly, getting her fingers in amidst Aorlie’s hair at the back of her neck, and kissing her cheek, Johlie’s tears starting to fall.
  • A:  “Origin?” she again reluctantly ended an embrace with Johlie, looking to the white glowing orb.  “I love my friends; these two.  I want to be able to see them again.”
  • O:  “You will.”
  • J:  “Origin?”
  • O:  “Yes?”
  • J:  “If she gets out, can I go with her?”
  • O:  “Yes.”
  • J:  She reached for shadow-man’s hand and held it for emotional support in preparation for watching Aorlie jump down the open square floor hatch to slide down that slope toward its darkness-barrier.
  • A:  “Please eat me out one last time; I want a fresh memory of love with you two to help me get through however long the searching down there will take.”
  • Shadow-man and Johlie kneeled around her, he licking her pussy from the front, while Johlie rimmed her from behind.  It felt great for all three of them, and they all started precumming.  That made them all decide to take their time, and they ended up having a lovemaking threesome, doing hundreds of positions and techniques before they felt satisfied, all of them having cum dozens of times, ~a dozen times each of the three days they spent like that.
  • After saying all they felt they needed to say to each other for now, Aorlie bravely jumped down in that square opening in the floor, slid down the slope, felt terror as she rapidly approached that pitch-black surface, then felt a huge wave of relief and victory and pride when it vanished, everything below it lighting up, and she found it was comfortable to reach the bottom (some form of mild anti-gravity slowing her fall more and more until it was as if she was angelically slowly , and now perfectly easy to look around at the vast hangar-like room.
  • Back up in the pill-shaped room, the double-hatch had closed the moment she was below it, preventing either of them from seeing the darkness-barrier disappear as the lights down there turned on.
  • Aorlie walked through that seemingly wall-less endless hangar for days, homing in on the feeling of being nearer and nearer to her collective/people.
  • She found it/them in one of the countless room-sized translucent gray cubes suspended evenly between the 100′-tall ceiling and its equally-featureless floor.
  • She wondered how long it had taken for so many cell-like cubes to be made or filled with assigned newcomers imprisoned here, or if “prison” was a poor translation; maybe this place was more like a purgatory, or just a place where things were preserved in stasis, not a facility for punishment at all.
  • That cube vanished when she got nearly under it, and the sphere it contained lowered to her outreached arms, she instantly re-assimilating back into her star-form, a second later… reconnected with all her PSBS crew who had become part of her in that form decades ago; they were all still there and well.  They just hadn’t been constantly orgasming like when first they’d joined her in that form; they’d been uniformly concerned yet patiently waiting… in a form of silent group-meditation… that whole year she’d been journeying through the worlds of the Halozien.
  • Now a goddess once again, all her powers restored, she sensed where the exit of that seemingly endless hangar was, it until that moment hidden from her senses.  It was light-days away, still inside; The Prison of Souls was that wide; as wide as most solar systems (out to the inner edge of the average solar-system’s Oort Cloud).  That was no trouble for her, though; back in her star-form, she effortlessly warp-surfed over to it in seconds.  She just wondered how the hell anyone without that ability ever managed to get all the way over to it in any reasonable amount of time.  The Origin must have had a device set up to facilitate that, too.
  • Stopping herself before going through that exit, it looking like a vertical circular darkness-barrier nearly touching the floor and ceiling (thus ~90′ in diameter), she thought, ‘What about all these other trapped souls?  Shouldn’t I save them, too?  They could be other collectives just like mine.’
  • She spun her star-form around, or rather chose to focus on the opposite direction she’d been warp-surfing, and moved to the closest cube, but was bounced back away from it by apparently another unseen anti-gravity force.  A voice out of thin air, and not The Origin’s, said, “That soul is not yours to claim.”
  • She wondered if its claimer was still wandering the planets in this system, or if he/she had been allowed some other way out, or if they for some reason he or she wanted these former teammates of his/hers to stay in this prison.  Had that person better luck than she had?  Worse?  …And would the soul or souls in this cube want to be saved, if ever that time came?  Were they even aware of the passage of time in these cubes?  Her own collective (the people now part of her star-form) had no recollection of being in their own cube, and seemed totally unaffected by their year-long incarceration there.
  • ‘Perhaps it is best to just leave as I came,’ she decided, and with one last look around the vast place without any walls, just hangar-horizon wrapped all the way around, and an even grid of cubes hovering silently halfway between its floor and ceiling, she moved her star-form through the exit –which, though she did not know this, was only visible to her.
  • She recognized she was now in Graor orbit, out of the path of the orbits of the worlds which orbited that gas giant, and she was able to sense exactly where her two friends were; …they were in the Halozien sun!  (Now she finally had a reason to dare to enter a star, making her a pioneer even of her long-time Space-faring Universe-spanning people.)
  • Astonished, she said that word she had, upon discovering so many new things about this system one year back; “Impossible…”  Warp-surfing closer to that star, she noticed its bright glare slowly diminished once she got within close range, as long as she kept daring even closer.  It didn’t seem to have the strong gravitational pull she expected stars to have.  Had that been an erroneous assumption on the part of so many scientists, or was this system unique, somehow applying a layer of anti-gravity even to its own star?

“The One Path” had been that slide always meant for one at a time, and only for the leader of whichever individual or group of people had gotten temporarily stored in The Prison of Souls. Neither had turned out to be as daunting or bad as they’d sounded upon first hearing those terms.

There was no heat –no fusion taking place– at all. She passed into its interior, finding it to be surprisingly dim, easy to perceive. It was hollow; the Halozien star’s inside was empty. The pill-shaped room was at its center, just hovering there, as silently as the temples in the sky of Graor had maintained their own positions.

  • O: “I see you found what you were looking for.”
  • A: “Yes,” she smiled, mostly at her own good fortune/outcome, “and now I’ve come back for my two friends.”
  • O: “It’s up to them.”
  • A: “May I switch to my human form and re-enter your room for them?”
  • O: “Yes.”

She projected herself into the capsule and found her two friends there, both asleep. She gently woke them with her hands, and they excitedly hugged her, congratulating her, as well.
She offered them assimilation with her star-form, if they wished it, and/or a ride in the passenger compartments she had, over the decades, learned to form in it/herself.
Johlie accepted her offer to travel inside her star-form, but not assimilate with it.
Shadow-man politely declined both; his desire or nature was to remain a newcomers guide in the Halozien, but he would look forward to seeing them again whenever they were able to return for a visit.
Asking how long she had been away, they told her it had been days, not quite a full week.
How had they sustained themselves? Somehow, they had not become hungry or thirsty in the pill-shaped room. They had also had plenty of sex with each other to help pass the time and keep their spirits up. The Origin had sometimes ‘chimed in’, suggesting positions and techniques it could tell they had not in their whole lives tried or thought of, which they appreciated and promptly practiced, finding them exceptionally enjoyable. The Origin was a good/kind creator/god.

After one more round of goodbye threesome-lovemaking, ensuring everyone helped the other two cum a couple times, they all felt ready to part ways for now.
Johlie let Aorlie spirit/portal her out of the pill-shaped room and into her star-form, which she found a very nicely-appointed (furnished) passenger suite and easy-to-understand atmosphere/AC controls.
Aorlie, one again with her star-form, moved her star-form self over to the edge of the inside of the Halozien system.
The stars of the rest of the Universe finally came back into view… as the star and worlds of the Halozien faded out of view, a spherical darkness-barrier once-again hiding them from outsiders –like a Dyson Sphere made of hard-shadow material.

No longer able to sense anything in the Halozien, even though she was right outside it, and no longer able to back into it, she tried telepathically speaking to shadow-man or The Origin.

  • A: “Shadow-man? Origin?”
  • O: “Shadow-man and other people in the Halozien cannot communicate with outsiders, but you, having become a 69th tag, can communicate with me at any distance, as well as in any time.”
  • A: “I was unable to move myself back into your solar system the moment after I moved myself out of it just a moment ago.”
  • O: “Your time here has ended. Your next visit is not yet; when it is the right time for you to return here, you will be able to reenter –without knocking or asking me for permission.”
  • A: “Oh, okay. Thank you, Origin.”
  • O: “You are welcome, Aorlie. Thank you for completing the journey I prescribed. I enjoyed watching you progress through it.”
  • A: “You are welcome, Origin. It was actually quite fun, though certainly upsetting at times.”
  • O: “Farewell. Until we meet again, Goddess Empress.”
  • A: She smiled and blushed at that, flattered, addressed so respectfully –and by a fellow deity / star-being, no less! “I will miss you, too, Origin.”
  • O: “And I, you, Aorlie.”
  • A: “Please remind shadow-man I miss and love him, and that I will return to spend time with him every year or so. I will be thinking of him. I will always remember him. He is bonded with my heart now.”
  • O: “I just now let him hear that in your own words, and he appreciated it very much. He wants you to know something similar.” The Origin then let Aorlie telepathically hear his recording of shadow-man just a moment ago replying by saying he loves and misses her, too, and will be looking forward to seeing and fucking her again.
  • A: That made her smile very much, and she felt very happy, telepathically blowing them both a few kisses before warp-surfing away to reunite with and debrief her uppermost commanders back in the solar systems her empire ruled.

Those commanders of hers, as well as all the rest of the citizens of that 2nd empire of hers, had patiently awaited her return, even though an entire year had gone by during her time in the Halozien; as noted before, they had been made from the start incapable of even thinking of rebelling against her. They were as loyal as can be; they would have waited for her return forever.
(By the way, her empire has no star-sized ships, at least until she achieved her star-form; she is their first star-sized vessel. Her empire’s largest ships were their version of Inisfree’s PSBSs, and they had a few of those world-sized mega-ships.)
A truly massive –Universe-wide– celebration was thrown upon reestablishing contact with her, and she was met by her greatest fleet, then spent many years partying with the people on every last one of the many planets of that empire of hers.
It was decided by them all that it was a neat and nice surprise that there were still things hidden in the Universe they had not known about, such as the Halozien.
Numerous sexy female citizens of her empire began politely requesting that she take them, in her star-form, to the Halozien to get stuck there for a year like she had; they wanted to be forced to do all those fun adult things, too.
Johlie became a celebrated new member of their civilization/society, too; she was now a citizen of The Human Empire. For the rest of eternity, she’d be politely welcomed to have sex with any and all of its citizens, slaves, pets, beasts, sex-bots, and interactive flora, as those who loved their empress were loved by them in return.

(The next part of the first draft of Aorlie’s story involved stopping the entire Universe from moving –by attaching many of its worlds in a giant honeycomb formation. I am interested to have found that writing, as it was not fresh in my memory, and because it was long before I had ever heard of Yggdrasil, let alone decided to restore it, the greatest connector of the original 9 realms. Even in 2004 –7 or 8 years before The Shift– I still had this cosmic-scale God-level and neutral-essence idea; I thought of pausing all of Creation. My mind was that powerful/creative even back then, long before I thought much of myself at all.
The next part of that first draft involved her issuing the order to her many fleets to destroy anything which was not of their empire; other civilizations, planets, stars, unknown things such as scan anomalies, you name it; that was very Phase 1 –negativity/destruction-based– thinking.)

At some point, after all that celebrating on all those worlds of her empire, it occurred to her that she had not asked The Origin if it knew anything about why the Universe was contracting. Telepathically seeing if it could still hear her like it had said it could, she was relieved and happy when it replied right away.

  • O: “Yes, Aorlie?” its voice as as neutral and kind as it had been in that pill-shaped room.
  • A: “Do you know that the Universe is contracting; all the galaxies are getting smaller, all stars and planets moving closer together.”
  • O: “Yes, I know.”
  • A: “Do you know why it is doing that?”
  • O: “Yes.”
  • A: “…Okay, why?”
  • O: “It is the will of a man from a planet once known as Earth.”
  • A: “A single man’s willpower is enough to contract the whole Universe?”
  • O: “The will of that man is.”
  • A: “Thank you. …How do I find planet Earth? Or is he even still there?”
  • O: “He left Earth a long time ago. Like you, he has a spherical form he sometimes travels with, allowing him to more-easily travel with large groups of his own people. You are likely to find him regularly returning to the final planet his kind built; Ideal World.”
  • A: “Ideal World?”
  • O: “Yes, that is the name he gave it, as it has all the aspects he regards as ideal for such a creation.”
  • A: “How do I locate that world?”
  • O: “I am sharing its signature with you now.” And with that, Aorlie saw it, as if from orbit, and could feel its gravitational and other presences across the spectrum, thus the many listening posts (Space stations) and other remote sensors of her vast empire soon knew what to look/listen/scan for. At some point, one of them would report to her a possible match, and she would warp-surf that way, using her own sensors once she got close.

to be typed


Why is Meeris just called Meeris, but the world-copy of it is named Meeris Prime?  The “Prime” is not in reference to which came first, but which is in the best condition, relative the views/urges of those living in the system whose god (The Origin) made that copied world.


Worlds in Her Sequence:

  1. Meeris Prime
  2. Bans
  3. Naz –She had to track some people down who had been known to visit these other worlds The Origin didn’t always make people go to, and she had to demonstrate great sex skills on those people out there in order to earn their intel.
  4. Bans
  5. Riric
  6. Josie-Jenna
  7. Riric
  8. Orkid
  9. Riric
  10. Aeris
  11. Sy
  12. Aeris
  13. Brom –She had been to trillions of worlds in her time; it was as easy for her as breathing is to Earth humans.
    Some of those worlds were spheres, others oblate hollow spheroids like Earth, some were cubes, others flat, others shapeshifting like giant transformers, and many other forms and types.
    Gravity was based on the center of mass, so it didn’t matter if a world was a sphere or not; if it was big enough, it would hold people to it. Flat worlds, for example, had no center of gravity, but a plane of gravity. Also, there were artificial worlds with unique/custom gravity topographies, such as worlds where gravity was canceled out in some places, and only one-way in others (i.e. not on both sides of a hollow sphere, only one).
    Still, she had not found many hidden worlds, let alone cloaked solar systems with suns orbiting gas giants, and double-planets connected by mega-pillars, and tech’ able to disable her star-form; the Halozien still fascinated her.
  14. Aeris
  15. Akina
  16. Aeris
  17. Jude
  18. Toxil
  19. Jude
  20. Yar
  21. Jude
  22. Noir
  23. Jude
  24. Noor
  25. Jude
  26. Graor
  27. Eiko
  28. Graor
  29. star


Characteristics/Features of Those Worlds:

(world-names in alphabetical order)

the Halozia/Halozien star:

  • 3rd moon of Graor
  • The Halozien star is smaller than Graor, and bigger than all other worlds in this system, plus has plenty of room for a PSBS inside its hollow core. It is a dwarf star, but so much closer to these worlds than the Sun is to Sun solar-system worlds… that it still warms them ideally, keeping them in its Goldilocks Zone.
  • pastel-yellow white, normal (~Sun) brightness
  • no solar flares or dangerous mass-ejections
  • hollow
  • big enough to hide multiple PSBSs inside
  • not allowing instant travel between other stars; either not linked to them that way, or its settings such that travel like that is
  • blocked/prevented
  • Sy & Naz orbit it
  • The Halozien sun, Meeris Prime, and Eiko orbit Graor on the same plane.
  • contains:
    The Origin (like TSB; a Sphere Being, just very small; room-sized) in its pill-shaped room/container/ship
    the entrance to The Prison of Souls (which may be in its own pocket-dimension)


  • humanoids:  Aerians
  • skin: smooth, featureless, perfect, even light (mild) tan complexions
  • females: like Ellen Cleary with a perfected nose, etc.
  • clothing/fashion: diaphanous teddies and nightgowns
  • homes: short but wide palaces, all other homes also luxurious, wide square rooms, floor surfaces are entirely mattress-like (wall to wall), soft colors (pink in all rooms, to varying degrees) and lighting (indirect), many silks, velvet, etc., shallow wading pools, statues, incense bowls on pedestals and pillars, candlelight, all bathtubs are wide jaccuzis, gold and silver accents/accessories, climate controls, rose petals sprinkled about, arousing and calming fragrances
  • culture: the sweetest, slowest, most-sensual lovers, champions of affection and TLC, massage, caressing, etc.
    –always cuddling/snuggling
    –most flirtacious/engaging, bubbly/upbeat
  • music: often with harps, subtle (playing quietly in the background) the most common
  • travel: rare
  • locals/indigenous as sexually-aggressive as on Meeris Prime or any other world in this solar system, but gentle once started, and taking their sweet time, making sure their partners enjoy the whole experience and are very well-edged


  • 2nd moon of Naz; middle
  • half desert, half boreal forest (like that of Russia)
  • very few lakes, but “countless” rivers
  • humanoids: blonde Shakira lookalikes live in LotR-style mountain-integrated castles/fortresses, and in the deserts there are Cleopatra (Leonor actress) lookalikes (similar to the Zelda desert-temple female NPC) –and all the desert towns are like temple complexes
  • other fauna:  Graboid (from Tremors movie)
    Rancor (giant ogre shark-jaw shady prison pit humanoid from Star Wars) species,
    Sarlacc species (the underground creature that has its mouth up to the sand/dunes funnel, radial rows of teeth, tentacle-tongues, etc.,
    Shai-Hulud (sandworms of the Dune story; on planet Arrakis)
  • size: slightly smaller than Earth


  • humanoids called Bans, same as the spelling of the world name
  • skin: pure white, silky smooth
  • hair: full/thick and bouncy
  • eyes: colored irises
  • females: all like perfected versions of Kathy Kriske, with irresistibly-sexy midriffs which almost always leave observers in a helpless state of sexual awe, do most of the sexual work, keep 100 meters away from males until it is time to play/fuck (otherwise too distracting)
  • males: do most of the nonsexual work, wear special helmets which help them to not daydream about the females
  • tongues: 3′ long
  • homes: mobile and Space-capable, often with their world’s soft fine white sand/dust covering the floor/s
  • superhuman: can hide by posing as statues in their own homes –thus have many lifelike statues in their homes and elsewhere
  • travel: rarely
  • necrophilia; corpses don’t decay in Halozien, so she is just sucking off a limp dick of a hibernating person, more or less, until he becomes reanimated/awoken.
  • terrain:  Bans soil is soft white powder, not cold or wet like snow, and somehow cannot become airborne as in dust/sand storms

Brom:  (cloaked)

  • 4th moon of Graor
  • planetary ring system like Saturn’s –and only planet in Halozien with such a ring
  • only other gas giant in Halozien
  • fauna: like the creatures in Doom, Quake, The Descent, Unreal Tournament, etc., but none hostile; only like them in appearance
  • terrain: rough, challenging, below a thick atmosphere with opaque clouds, global labyrinth complexes
  • size: ~Saturn
  • buildings: All look broken/damaged, but that is their design/style, none actually damaged, even though it also looks like many air/spacecraft crashed into them. No proper/normal cities; everyone just dispersed through what are made to look like vast ruins. Numerous sites which look like abandoned military bases/complexes with dirty helipads.
  • terrain: as jagged/varied as it gets (even more than Meeris Prime’s mountains-continent), explosive geysers, flash floods, earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, sinkholes, volcanic eruptions, glowing (non-water) ponds, quicksand, fire swamps
  • water: 2 small oceans (like big seas, or half of an Earth ocean –such as the north or south half of the Atlantic) with tidal waves and whirlpools, all other water sparse
    –mostly submarines, not ships
  • weather: fire tornadoes, flash forest fires, hurricanes, sandstorms, stream lightning


  • 1st moon of Graor; closest
  • occasionally stops in orbit for long periods of time; yes, its orbit gets paused somehow, then resumed
  • all tropical jungles, islands, and crystal-clear seas with no inclement weather
  • humanoids: Barbie-like loincloth-wearing barbarian-looking super-hotties; blonde, boobsy, sky-blue eyes, full heads of hair
  • Eikops, human appendages/limbs and digits
  • hair: auburn, blonde, or fiery red (bright orange-red)
  • skin: perfect even tan complexions ranging from moderate to golden-brown (not bronze or brown)
  • clothing/fashion: like barbarians; loincloths, etc.
  • armor: Roman-like
  • weapons: spears, swords, etc.
  • lifestyle: low-tech’; handwashing laundry, etc.
  • culture: day and night beach parties with bonfires, steel-drum music, bungee launchers that slingshot people out over their Caribbean-colors waters
  • sex: usually in those shallow waters, such as in their little caves which have glowing algae and other bioluminescence
  • other fauna: Ewok-like humanoids, ape-men, amphibious dolphin-humanoids (like in Zelda 64)
  • global subterranean cavern networks with white-light glowing-pool floor algae –cast the rippling pool-light patterns on the ceilings and walls
  • size: super-Earth, ~3x diameter
  • water: No body of water on their world is deeper than 3′.
  • caves: global, with access via beaches, cliffs, and sometimes overgrown with flora


  • gas giant, bigger than Jupiter, and smaller than the Sun (Earth’s main star).
  • center of the solar system
  • “countless” airborne “floaters”, incl. plant-life such as hovering lily pads
  • breezes; no strong winds (even though it is a gas-giant; it is not at all turbulent like Jupiter)
  • humanoids: Graorans, human appendages, airborne manta ray-riding people with skin-swirls (instead of freckles) –who live in some of the floating temples (but not the two Aorlie was directed to/through?)
  • skin: neutral colors, earth tones, with light and dark swirls of colors contrasting their base color
  • custom: always wearing hover-vests when outside; just in case of an accidental fall, thus preventing falling down into the crushing lower atmosphere
  • vehicles:  mostly blimps, propeller aircraft, etc., and no gliders (obviously)
  • research: “terranauts” building flying submarines able to explore down through the dense lower atmosphere to map the solid ground hidden under it –something which is only ~1% complete so far, due to how long it takes to make such vessels, how risky it is to be down that low, how difficult it is to map in the low-visibility conditions down there, etc.
    sport: riding sky-mantas like humans on Earth ride horses; saddle, etc.
  • a few mountains so massive that their summits are barely visible down in the dangerously-dense lower cloud levels
  • only temple with a portal to The Origin, from which The Prison of Souls can sometimes be accessed
  • hidden interplanetary tractor beams capture anything entire the Halozien system and direct it where The Origin would want it going (such as ship-captains to various “starter worlds”, while their ship/crew get stowed in The Prison of Souls until The Origin is satisfied with those captains’ visits/explorations/learning in Halozien)
  • size: >Jupiter
  • fauna: sky-mantas, and many other types of flying/hovering creatures, big (larger than whales) and small (like most Earth birds)

Josie & Jenna; the physically connected double-planet:

  • “double planet” (like Pluto & Charon; co-orbiting)
  • 2nd moon of Graor
  • not cold
  • both worlds are identical in size
  • so close that state-wide mega-pillars connect these two worlds –and people use these pillars to travel freely between these two worlds (the only non-portal interplanetary travel allowed/possible in this solar system)
  • each of the interplanetary pillars has a midway city; at the zero-G center of the pillar the city is on
  • humanoids: females on Josie all look like Josie Maran –exactly; as if they are clones, identical
  • no names, just their equivalent of SSNs (10 digits per 9 numbers/spaces = 1B possible SSNs; plenty since all Halozien worlds have a dominant-humanoid-race cap’ of 999,999,999)
  • cities: vast; megacities, and always descending into caverns, not building up via skyscrapers, cities connected via above-
  • ground / ground-level subway-like tubes and the bullet-trains in those tubes
    –almost no shipping (via cargo ships / tankers)
  • surface land: most of world is wilderness/wildlife preserves
  • females on Jenna all look like Jenna Jameson –exactly; as if they are clones, identical (before her crappy boob-job; back when she had natural sexy perfect tan B-cups)
  • world/cities of Jenna same as planet Josie
  • no males on either world
  • used to girl-on-girl relations, but still crave and pray for males every month or so (but not based on a menstrual cycle)
  • Any males that find their way to either of these worlds get treated/worshipped like gods; extremely respectfully by all the indigenous females, never pestering them, never infighting amongst themselves in competition for their attention, just genuine adoration and devotion, waiting on them, “hand and foot”, hoping to be used sexually whenever those males are in the mood, and celebrating their fellow indigenous females every time any of them are chosen that way.
  • dream of going to worlds where males are abundant, but still love these two homeworlds of theirs
  • cannot reproduce
  • size: Earth
  • terrain: all rolling plains and shallow Caribbean seas (larger than lakes, smaller than oceans; the size of large Earth nations, not the size of Earth continents) with white sand (not tan colored)


  • 4th moon of Meeris Prime; farthest
  • smallest of Meeris Prime’s moons
  • copper/golden terrain
  • humanoids: females like Paula Garcés in (the movie) Clockstoppers but with an even better face, etc., able to be hypnotized/enchanted/seduced by aggressively nomming their pussies
  • skin: natural deep-tan complexions (“bronze”, etc.) to “milk-chocolate” light- and medium-browns (somewhere between how the skin of Puerto Ricans and Africans looks)
  • homes: like Egyptian temples, but rooms filled with sex toys and bondage restraints
  • cities: look Egyptian (ancient), temples and all (though few pyramids, if any)
  • orientation: enjoy rough sex, the females also enjoying being dominated/controlled and treated to sensory deprivation (such as via a blindfold or hand or hood over their eyes, and a sound-blocking earmuff headband)
  • abundant gold, silver, and other valuable minerals
  • Egyptian-looking cities and pyramids (one of the only exceptions to the general rule/feature of Halozien worlds that they DON’T otherwise have that type/form of structure)

Meeris Prime:

  • Meerisians on Meeris Prime are the least tolerant of non-Haloziens perhaps because they are the one world always visited by those surprise-tourists, so they get more annoyed by them than others, and feel they must make sure newcomers learn Halozien ways/law before they annoy anyone on the other worlds. Even though The Origin only lets in outsiders who can interact decently with them, they are able to sense the worry, homesickness, tension, etc., of those allowed in, and it always falls on these Meerisians to smooth those initial reaction energies out. People on the other worlds here always end up meeting those newcomers after they have had months to adjust on Meeris Prime.
  • sandstorms across its desert continent
  • Sandworms like on dune, but intelligent and helpful, one able to carry her inside it across its desert (1 of 2 worlds in this solar system with them)
  • beetles and ants as big as large dogs
  • The dung beetles help her once she shits for them.
  • Swarms of flies help her when she shits for them.
  • igloo-like tunnels/trenches (near-surface; partially above-ground) to make walking into the cold/dark-side easier/safer


  • 2nd in sun’s orbit
  • 3 moons: Orkid, Akina, Noor
  • all life surfaces from global cavern networks at night
  • desert rave party / free-love culture
  • bioluminescence and phosphorescence in almost all lifeforms, incl. the dominant humanoid race
  • indigenous (not just the humans) called Nazians (this world’s equivalent of Earth people being called Earthlings)
  • humanoids on this world, skin tone: deep primary colors (red, yellow, blue), monochromatic
  • size: super-Earth
  • revolution: 361 Earth-days
  • rotation: 1.4 Earth-days
  • color: like those of Earth’s deserts
  • water: surface and subterranean
  • seismic: negligible
  • crust: ~20 miles thick
  • humanoids: Nazians
    –skin color: deep/distinct ROYGBP; 1 of the 6 main colors; primary or secondary, not any colors between), with various spots (not as small or freckles, and not like bumps such as moles), swirls, and stripes of bioluminescent flesh (same color as the rest of their skin, but glowing at nightlight-intensity)
    –live in houses which look like the nice suburbia 2-story ones of Earth, but all in big caves, and their roofs specifically designed to effortlessly deflect falling stalactites of any size –seldom with windows
    –go to the surface every night for a global rave (with confetti, fireworks, laser light shows, strobe lights, etc.)
    –sleep during the surface/topside days
    –almost never explore or travel –because the outer surface of their world is a relatively-uniform desert (not one with harsh temperatures, but not very interesting)
    –total of 10 spaceports, all planet-side (and no plans for Space stations)
  • language: Nazik (written and spoken); sounds like French fusion with Navajo

Noir (cloaked)

  • only moon of Toxil
  • size: ~Earth’s latest moon, The Moon
  • color: dusty glow / dirty yellow
  • terrain: cratered (the only exception to the Halozien general rule that cratered worlds are not in this solar system), barren, dried-up riverbeds, and subsurface ice-caps
  • humanoids: none (and no life at all)
  • Noireen would be the race/indigenous name (but no human-like people are here)
  • quiet due to no fauna, and not much fun; perfect for campers, de-stressing, hermits, introverts, loners, meditators, misanthropes, misers, paranoid, etc.
  • rarely visited except by genius sorcerers and other elites wanting extra privacy/solitude indefinitely
  • scattered ancient-looking ruins like “pyramid towns” (groups of much smaller buildings around one or more much-larger; the pyramids) –but this world is only decades old, so these ruins were made to look old, like the buildings on Brom all do/were


  • 3rd Naz moon; farthest, elliptical orbit
  • terrain is all blues (color scheme) –like planet Shakuras of the Protoss in StarCraft Broodwar
  • 50% land above water
  • Xel’naga-like ruins (so is The Origin somehow linked to the actual Xel’naga of the MWG? a high-tech’ device or being which acquired a former Xel’naga colony-world? wiped out Xel’naga on Noor at some point?)
  • size: slightly smaller than Earth
  • Noorians, 9′ tall, human-like appendages,
  • skin: blues
  • superhuman: Enough of them can not only cause lightning but merge their individual bolts into a directed mega-bolt.
  • faith: based on the logical belief that the invisible barrier around their world was not always there, and will eventually not be there again, thus their constant/daily monitoring of it
  • tech’: personal cloaking devices for both their bodies and their thoughts
  • Space: 1 spaceports planet-side in each of their cities, plus more of such facilities in orbit


  • 1st moon of Naz; closest
  • mostly fields of every color and type of flower
  • vast smoothly-‘rolling’ plains & plateaus
  • humanoids: plant-men
  • bodies of water: all are lake-size (no ponds, and no seas or oceans)
  • size: ~same as Earth


  • lots of water, thus thunderstorms
  • Millipedes as big as horses
  • Eagle-sized butterflies help her when she brings them living flowers and plants them.
  • Riricanans, human appendages/limbs
  • skin: black when not changing to match surroundings
  • superhuman: very far/high jumping
  • females: Kriske dimensions
  • males: talking black jungle cats; panthers (which, yes, fuck the Kriske-like females, still in panther form, as both genders are not shapeshifters)
  • Most don’t cook or even have kitchens because food in nature is so abundant.
  • Most buildings are on strong stone archway legs to avoid flooding and last longer than stilts.
  • few subways because so much water


  • closet planet orbiting the Halozien sun
  • hot (always daytime) side and cold (always nighttime) side
  • not tidally-locked; has days, but they are as long as Earth-years; very slow rotation
  • size is halfway between Earth’s and Mars’s
  • revolution/year: 303 Earth-days
  • rotation/day: 330 Earth-days
  • axial tilt: none (thus both polar regions kept temperate like the terminator)
  • color: the tan-yellow of Venus, but with some green haze blended in
  • surface: mostly dirt
  • water: all subterranean
  • seismic: nearly zero; very stable world
  • crust: ~1,500 miles thick (compared to Earth’s estimated crust-thickness of dozens to hundreds of miles)
  • humanoids: call themselves Sybians,
    skin colors range from how a polluted sky over an Earth-humans city looks hazy-tan-blue to sandy-brown,
    eyes are black (pupil, iris, and sclera) but flash yellow,
    migrate with the rest of the animals of this world, but leave underground structures (typically house-sized stone or metal hollow spheres up on multiple support ‘legs’) with supplies such as preserved food, etc., just in case,
    and sometimes carry collapsible tipis with them, typically only setting those up in caves, or at least under massive cliff overhangs
    –maintain a global network of massive subway/walkway tunnels (blue hollow cylinders large enough for cargo planes to taxi through, with orange overhead lights –inspired by a book-cover I think I remember from Barnes & Noble, for a sci-fi novel about people living in Venus) they fashioned out of mostly caves, and they line these with coolant pipes/systems, keeping fresh pleasant air in them all, automatically adjusted based on any non-breathable gases buildup or temperature fluctuations, and with travelers often riding square hovel-panels (instead of being in the kind of subway vehicle most Earth humans are accustomed to)
    –underground domed stacks of hollow cylinders called Sil, with the blue tunnels connected to their widest (uppermost, domed) section/levels, and their narrowest cylinder/levels being the deepest (thus better-keeping the rising warm air spread out and farthest from people inside, and body-heat best-reflected from the nearer walls down below)
    –radiation-shielded tank-truck fusions like the Land Trains; for the rare times when they need to dare into either the hot or cold sides (though they usually just suit up, or send sturdy/resilient robots up, from their tunnels-network airlocks, if they know exactly where they need to go up on the surface; the tank-trucks are for patrolling/scouting/zeroing-in)
    –Space travel mostly for sight-seeing and rescue
  • language: Sykyl (written and spoken), consisting of geometric characters for both letters and numbers
  • hemispheres: 1 hot, 1 cool/cold (slowly shifting; because of its days slower/longer than its years)
  • hot side: steaming ground (from underground water being heated to the surface, causing geysers that only last as long as that side of the world is facing the Halozien sun) and no clouds (too hot for clouds to form), with patches of glass sometimes forming when the sand is kept very hot for so long (and the Sybians often collect these, modifying them to be windows and other things)
  • cold side:  more like just its dark side, as it is too close to the star to have a cold hemisphere
  • flora: naturally armored to withstand both nearly year-long temperature-extremes, and hibernates in two different ways, spreading seeds during the mild times between hot/cold spans
    –stays closed/dormant during the nearly year-long day, and closed but not dormant during the nearly year-long night –because it needs internal activity to help generate some of the warmth that helps it through those times
    –some retract down into their underground part (root nexus) during both the hot (to avoid overheating) and cold times (to reflect some of their body-heat back on themselves), thus many ground-holes that look like animal/critter/bug-burrows to humans from Earth… are actually made by these plants, not used by animals at all
  • fauna: (including most humanoids) almost always migrate based on the slow planet-rotation, staying at/near the terminator (in neither the hot nor cold sides), except for extra-hardy species such as Rock-backs (turtle-like beasts which are radiation shielded and able to get nutrients from geysers/outgassing –since most plants retract underground during those hot long “day-years”/”year-days”)

Toxil:  (cloaked)

  • 6th moon of Graor, outermost
  • humanoids: (called Toxilians) females like the San Diego mall’s leggy, very toned, deep natural tan complexion, “eagle-eyed”, wide curly dark brown hair, GQ-level model’s face, firm/perky/perfect C-cup tits
  • skin: deep natural tan complexion, model’s featureless smoothness
  • towns: either a single massive spire-shaped building built around a standalone mountain, or a similar structure/form in the middle of a plain or valley, with those valley spires surrounded by a mire/marsh (like a wider natural version of a moat)
  • sport: riding giant birds, riders leaping from one to the other, males leaping over to fuck females still riding their birds, or females leaping to males to ride their cocks while the males keep flying their own birds, back and forth; taking turns fucking while flying like that
  • terrain & weather: like that of Ireland and Scotland, all UK-size islands with small areas of very tall (pronounced/prominent)
  • mountains (like spires / stretched upside-down cones; like inverted golf-tees)
  • Drakengrad (place name –not to be confused with Drakengard, something not part of this saga): area of variants of dragons, all tamed by the Toxilians
  • fauna: abundance of what humans think are fairytale creatures; fairies, gargoyles, griffons, etc.
  • Names-list on the Toxil notebook-paper page:

Yar:  (cloaked)

  • 5th moon of Graor
  • humanoids: like Gray aliens, but not as mongoloid/skinny, all living in a super high-tech’ global city (like Coruscant, but without sketchy lower levels or crime)
  • Yarax, all the Gray alien races as one unified species here, no females
  • orientation: all asexual except when sexy females visit via portals from other Halozien worlds, typically to trade great sex for solutions to complex math and engineering problems other Haloziens do not have the brainpower or computers capable of calculating/designing/imagining
  • city: global, always bustling, always with Space traffic
  • Space: satellites, stations in orbit, vast fleets, ‘countless’ personal shuttles, thousands of Space-yachts (like small cruise-ships)
  • size: same as Eiko; ~3x Earth diameter
  • terrain: artificial, urban, extending deep toward the planet’s core in many places
  • constant experiments, but none like in horror movies; all reputable, gentle, etc.
  • many Space stations and Space ships (but, as with all Halozien worlds, limited locally; only for ’round-the-world out-of-atmosphere flights, etc.)
  • Every bldg is mobile.
  • portals instead of shipping lanes
  • in-atmosphere UFO-style warping instead of airplanes
  • Most need no shipping/trade because they can 3D-print whatever they can imagine.
  • Instead if iFly indoor skydiving, they have a looped-portals system that keeps them in freefall (via one portal below which exits to a portal above it) until they ask for it to stop.
  • Instead of baseball/trading cards, everyone just 3D-prints their favorite hotties, essentially cloning them, and then swap them as sex-dolls/partners.  There are no sex-dolls (or any sex-toys, for that matter) on this world which are not lifelike; “super high-tech’, as mentioned above).

Order of Being Created/Formed:

  1. Graor was formed first (billions of Earth-years ago), around The Origin (as it originally was at the center/start of this solar system; until its worlds were all formed and moved to their current positions/orbits).
  2. Then the Halozien sun was formed in Graor’s hollow core (hundreds of millions of Earth-years ago), around The Origin.
  3. then Eiko… (tens of millions of Earth-years ago)
  4. Meeris Prime (millions of Earth-years ago)
  5. Josie (hundreds of thousands of Earth-years ago) while Meeris Prime’s 4 moons were being made
  6. Jenna (tens of thousands of Earth-years ago) and Naz
  7. Sy (thousands of Earth-years ago) and Naz’s 3 moons
  8. Brom and Yar (~1,000 Earth-years ago)
  9. Toxil (hundreds of Earth-years ago)
  10. Noir (decades of Earth-years ago)

Histories of their People/Indigenous/Humanoids:

  1. Graor:  Its locals are aware of all their hundreds of millions of years of existence there; not quite as long as their world has existed, but close.
    –witnessing the appearance of all other non-cloaked worlds in this solar system
  2. Eiko:  several million years of history
    –witnessing the appearance of the following non-cloaked worlds
  3. Meeris Prime:  hundreds of millennia
    –witnessing the appearance of the following non-cloaked worlds
  4. Josie:  tens of millennia
    –witnessing the appearance of the following non-cloaked worlds
  5. Jenna:  several millennia
    –witnessing the appearance of the following non-cloaked worlds
  6. Sy:  ~1 millennium
  7. Brom and Yar:  centuries
  8. Toxil:  decades
  9. Noir:  N/A


The One Path (from The Origin):

  1. _


from her video-game subpg:

  • buffs from different species’ cum
  • finding dildo-panties to help her keep cum in, thus buffs longer (not leaking out)
  • helpers, such as the sex-knights
  • placating aggressive beasts/mobs by getting to their erogenous zones before they can strike her (i.e. shadow-man’s special dildo for her doesn’t keep those types of beasts away from her, as they aren’t interested in sex with her from sight / the start)
  • bathing in cum-springs (this world’s mana fountains/ponds/mini-caves) to remove de-buffs/irritants
  • plants which only reveal their edible fruit/berries when you sexually stimulate them

mention / weave in those

Rules Governing Halozien:

  • Space travel won’t work through each world’s invisible orbit-level barrier, and is generally discouraged, but still possible and legal –locally; above one’s own planet or moon.
  • Death is impossible; wounds are extremely difficult/rare, and heal rapidly/instantly.
  • Aging is not like of nonvegans on Earth; no one here gravitates to lies, scams others, or eats/consumes death/suffering, so their bodies just don’t atrophy at all. Time passes, and people get older here, but they do not start looking wrinkly or otherwise withered, no matter how old they become.
  • “Magic” (advanced sciences which primitive humans often assume to be illusion/magic) is real, normal, and understood on these worlds –and no one here thinks of it as magic; it’s just “how things have been”.
  • STDs don’t exist and can’t; no one here got brainwashed by that Earth scam.
  • Everyone has sexual freedom –their whole lives; no age limit to pressure people to wait until youths have been brainwashed/programmed by corporate indoctrination camps masquerading as schools. Any attempt to shame or threaten people for their natural sexual experimentation at any age will result in immediate intervention by the authorities of these worlds, all of whom protect the sexual freedom of their kind, all ages, no exceptions.
  • Weapons are optional, but don’t really do much good against the instant-healing indigenous, thus are rarely made/kept, and typically only used for last-resort defense, much more-often for just clearing walkable paths through dense jungles.
  • The Origin can effortlessly monitor, enter, and take control of any mind.
  • Some environments and structure areas morph/change based on a variety of circumstances/triggers/commands, especially in temples.
  • The Prison of Souls can only be entered via The Origin’s pill-shaped room’s floor double-hatch, and only exited via the portal in it which only opens when the one person allowed in The Prison of Souls at a time finds what he/she was looking for in there (and that exit-portal is one-way).
  • The Origin can warp anyone in Halozien to anywhere in Halozien, but usually requires them to find their way through the barely-known “subway system equivalent” of the portals of its temples –which almost always require specific sex-acts, and, in the case of sexy females, the ingestion of specific types of cum.
  • All Haloziens (people of these worlds) naturally enjoy worshipping The Origin, not thinking of it as male or female, and certainly not as both; just as a neutral god-level energy-being and founder of their realm. They regard it as neutral, if not benevolent. They don’t argue with each other about it. There is no book dictating specific ways to worship it, and no one is expected to show up weekly to any church for worshipping it; worshipping it is done at one’s own pace, regardless of whether he/she chooses to worship it in a group of fellow Haloziens. All Haloziens have been told, and understand, its (all these) rules.
    Inbreeding (incest) is not looked down upon, but understood to be a perfectly natural, normal, effective way of more-easily maintaining a bloodline of similar-looking people. Offspring from incest never get/looked deformed; that was a lie/scam of disreputable/evil Earth-humans pretending to be geneticists but actually just promoting chaos via endless randomization of the gene pool (sexual/reproductive partners).
  • Rape is not a crime, so long as it is a dominant male surprising and sexually conquering a female of this system.
  • Rudeness, when knowing/intentional, is considered one of the worst crimes –and everyone here is intelligent enough to understand that newcomers/foreigners have no idea what is regarded as rude until they are taught and given time to commit those things to memory.
    No one here ever is so rude or retarded to beg a non-present fake or alleged entity to change how they feel; when their instincts alert them to bad vibes, they embrace their correct negative reactions, and when those same instincts confirm for them they are experiencing compatible good things, only then do they accept love in their hearts; when it is deserved, natural, thus sacred.
  • They know they are obviously Not “all one with everything”; many things are Not connected, and Need to be kept separate like that.
    Haloziens are not fools and liars like many humans chose to be.
  • Temples are not altered or dwelled in.
  • No indigenous desire to leave this solar system, and it is in their blood/essence to prefer staying here anyway, excepting when they fall in love with an outsider, and that outsider gets permission for them from The Origin.
  • Male Haloziens don’t mind having their bath water laced with cum of sexy females, but female Haloziens bath entirely in the cum of anyone and anything, no water needed –though they do, of course, swim and shower in water.
  • Female Haloziens –their entire lives– drink from penis-shaped/-tipped hoses, cups with penis-shaped caps/tops, and have a dildo attached to all their chairs/seats. They even sleep with double-dildo panties/cheekies on; they prefer the feeling of having penises in their pussies and assholes as often as possible. They also ~weekly enjoy the pass-time of cum-chugging contests –not to see who has practiced and wins, but for togetherness and sexiness.
  • Orgies are a daily/hourly thing in all settlements/cities on all worlds.
  • There are no marriages or “nuclear families”; people casually move from house to house, thinking of everyone in Halozien as their family members.
  • Most baths, pools, saunas, showers, etc., are public and co-ed, and males never touch males there, always surrounded by females.
  • Oral sex is a casual greeting; Halozien’s equivalent of a handshake or the waving “hello” of a hand. Males always politely offer oral sex to females to greet them, and females always politely offer oral sex to anyone/thing to greet them.
  • Biomechanical machines provide everything for the humanoids in weird/mysterious ways, such as by 3D-printing or portal-summoning items, then leaving them in drop-boxes, or having wildlife transport them to the edge of towns where they will be easily spotted/found/collected.
  • Haloziens become sexually active at the same ages most non-human animals do; preteen years.
  • Each town and other community has one leader, picked by those machines, so there is no arguing/voting.
  • Stim-pods are household items that create the feeling of multi-penetration for females, and full-body tongue-bathing (including asshole-licking, you name it) for both sexes, frequented by just about everyone indigenous to the worlds of this solar system. They are for normal hangouts, therapeutic release, general relaxation even when alone, and so on.
  • Work usually consists of transporting sex toys or operating/monitoring the different related machines, as most things they need/use grow in nature or are automated. There are not many office jobs, as writing is nowhere near as necessary as it is to forgetful and debt-enslaved primitive humans on Earth. There are other jobs, such as making fashionable items, but those are almost always part-time, at most, if not also seasonal or otherwise intermittent, more like second-jobs or hobbies than careers.
  • Cloning is legal.
  • Abortion is socially acceptable but almost never necessary, as the only times anyone gets pregnant is by choice, and everyone has been taught to hold the vision of exactly what they want to create, thus their offspring always get born perfect.
  • Children are raised by the whole community in most cases, usually only excepting cases of remote loners/visionaries who live far from others.
  • Nearly all machines are sex-operated, not merely by the asexual control panels (steering wheel, dashboard console buttons, etc.) that foolish/backward humans on Earth so often made.
  • Virtual reality was pioneered long ago, and never became addictive –because real life has been kept so pleasant. No one makes up scary or gross things in VR games, either; they just have no interest in creating bad in any way. They don’t get bored from normal happy life (only psychos such as Earth humans ever did).
  • Accidental deaths, such as falling from a sky-temple down into the dense Graor lower atmosphere, result in instant reincarnation, no penalty.
  • The Prison of Souls is not for those who die in Graor, but those who come there as part of a team; the crew of a leader, that leader always being the one chosen to travel alone through the communities and wildernesses of the worlds of this solar system until he/she has become fairly accustomed to it/them all. The vastness of The Prison of Souls is not based on how many it needs to keep in stasis there; it was made that vast from the start. Its vastness is not an optical illusion, either.
  • The Origin can sense all portal uses, and can prevent any portal from working for anyone, i.e. leave it working for some while not others.
  • There is no teleporting; the original people pass through portals; they don’t get deatomized and reassembled like a fax machine sends documents as energy pulses conveying their data.
  • There are no alcoholic beverages, cigarettes (or any tobacco/smoking/vaping products), cosmetics, drugs, ear-rings (or any other piercings), gender-neutral clothing, hair spray, high-heeled shoes, makeup, (finger) nail extensions, nail paint/polish, “plus size” clothing, tattoos, etc.; no one has any desire to damage or cover their bodies like that.
  • If ever Auz entered the Halozien system, he could not be forced to travel any particular route, and could not be separated or disconnected from the technopathy of his fleet/ICVs, and could not have any of his senses blocked; he would still be able to see through the darkness-barrier, thus still see the rest of the stars of the local/neighboring Universe, etc.; he is that powerful.
  • There are no statues of famous pioneers or other individuals, but statues of generic (not based on actual people) couples and groups in the distinct sex positions are common in public places such as parks and playgrounds.
  • Public entertainers are professional porn stars on raised circular bed platforms. There are no asexual performers such as mimes.
  • Magic shows always involve at least some sex acts, if they aren’t entirely based on them.
  • Society is sex (full-body health and compatibility) based, not religion (conformity / mindless-parroting) based. Since compatibility is the focus, no religion which is against any aspect of these people is compatible with them, thus no such religion could ever take hold –and any attempt to force such an incompatibility upon them would be swiftly destroyed by The
  • Origin, if not the locals themselves. Technically, this and any other society is still based on a form of conformity/uniformity, but not a mindless kind; everyone here deeply contemplates and fully understands why their society is the way it is, never just following along with others because “it is how it has always been done”.
  • Promiscuity/polyamory/compersion is universal here; everyone naturally has it, no exceptions.
  • Females have no gag reflexes when it comes to sex acts, such as them being face-/throat-fucked.
  • Homosexuality, and bisexual males, are not possible, as everything here is based on compatibility with the natural ones; heterosexual males and bisexual females –and the females here are as naturally disgusted by homosexuals, and by bisexual males, as normal females are everywhere else in the Universe.
  • Everyone cuddles; everyone here enjoys both romantic and wild sex. No one shies away from tender aftercare moments.
  • Submissives are regularly captured and taught to become better sex slaves, and both the dominants doing the capturing, and the submissives being captured, love this dynamic.
  • While everyone (indigenous/natural) respects everyone else here (indigenous/natural), the most-appreciated/-admired are the most-active/-engaging. No one exhausts themselves trying to engage more than would be natural for them, though; no one has that hyper-competition urge/insanity many Earth-humans had.
  • The more the sexy females of these worlds sexually play with everyone around them, the more they are appreciated and loved/requested. There is no slut-shaming, nor any notion that sexy females being constantly engaging/loving/playful is anything less than natural, ideal, medicinal/therapeutic, and sacred/holy.
  • Far-apart cities/communities have different accents, architecture, clothing, dialects, food, etc., but everyone everywhere here is fully (sexually, etc.) compatible with one another, and there are never any miscommunications or negative assumptions about their fellow Haloziens.
  • The local equivalent of K-Y jelly (sexual lubricant), as well as FleshLight water-based lubricant variants, are made on all inhabited worlds. While wounds will heal almost instantly, a female’s pussy and asshole can still get fucked enough that warmth and friction overcome their natural internal lubricating process, so they make these to help them enjoy lovemaking much longer.
  • Many Haloziens spend their entire day fucking; full-body exercise, massage, etc. –even while they have their meals.
  • Females never feel their sleep is disturbed when people/animals enjoy their bodies while they are napping/asleep.
  • The average female in this solar system voluntarily swallows dozens of loads of cum each day, getting a significant portion of her hydration and other nutrients from that. 1/3 of each Earth-length day spent resting/sleeping… leaves ~16 hours being awake, so (minimum) 24 loads averaged throughout those 16 hours = 1.5 loads per hour (but it is usually more like several loads every hour).
  • Incest is the status quo; it is considered weird and incompatible if family members are not attracted to each other and sharing full-body touch/love.
  • Sexual education is primarily taught by one’s own parents, not any government-controlled school/teacher.
  • Females prefer to have a cum-hose left gushing in their pussy and asshole during most activities such as bathing, massage, sitting on barstools at bars or clubs, and even during sleep. When they don’t need to talk, they also enjoy sucking on a 3rd cum-hose, obviously not swallowing all that comes out of it, but letting it drool out all over their chests when they aren’t eagerly gulping/guzzling the stuff.
  • There aren’t prisons like on Earth, but there are holding facilities where free/dominant people go voluntarily to be helped to abstain/’edge’ for various times, and submissives/slaves are sent to these facilities by their masters/owners for the same sort of conditioning/training, though sometimes also just for boarding while their masters/owners are away for extended periods (such as a week-long business trip).
  • When slave-girls aren’t boarded at such facilities, and their masters/owners are going to be away from their house for longer than a full day, those masters/owners almost always have a neighbor or friend stop by to keep those slave-girls freshly-fucked, which all slave-girls in this solar system deeply appreciate. They don’t mind being alone, but they always prefer being with people who lust for and make full use of them.
  • Masters usually just whip their own slaves for mutual sadomasochistic-type pleasure, not because they get angry at their slaves for making mistakes.
  • Clothes are almost never worn except in extreme environments where these people aren’t used to living/being.
  • When a newcomer makes it into Halozien Space, the tech’ of this system automatically generates a hard-shadow guide (in the womb-like room; shadow-man, in Aorlie’s case, and at least one shadow-girl in the case of any male newcomer, as it is only correct to have a Yin-Yang; a balance of the sexes, starting with a non-intimidating introduction (i.e. 1 shadow-girl at first, then more once the newcomer-male starts to like her/them)) with all the knowledge/memories that newcomer has. This is the best way to ensure every newcomer can communicate well, not feel so alone, and be persuaded to travel their respective paths to eventual release from the system (once they have firsthand experienced enough of it).
  • No one has any inhibitions here because no one insecure and controlling ever shamed or brainwashed them to.
  • Humanoid populations are never more than hundreds of millions on any world, and they always stay responsibly spread out, never straining any land or watershed. Their cities never have tens of millions, and rarely millions. Their towns have tens of thousands or fewer.
  • Excepting the global city on Yar, cities on the other worlds, like cities on Earth, are miles wide and dozens to hundreds of miles apart.
    Homes are typically for a dozen people, though, mostly frequented / inner-circle fuckbuddies of a few relatives all living and sexing together.
  • Aorlie is not an ICV; she is a distant-future human woman long into the era when her civilization had re-found all cures to all ails. This means she never gets sick or withers with age, and can be healed of anything if she gets wounded, but she still can get sore or sleepy, sunburned, etc..
    Born into the universe-wide culture caused by Auz’s will billions of years before, sex many times every day with many different partners is the status quo for sexy women such as her.
    In Halozien, she enjoys hourly sex, only disliking that she is stuck in that solar system until she figures out how to get tags evidencing her experiencing each of its major aspects.
    Whenever shadow-man doesn’t need to hide so as not to scare people on various worlds, she twice daily thanks and enjoys him via morning and bedtime sex.
    When she wants her rough-sex fix on gentler worlds, she asks him for that, and vice versa.
    Plenty of times during their hiking, she asks him to pause with her for oral sex or quickies. The same with riding; when they are driving somewhere, they often pull over to suck and fuck, or at least slow down to enjoy fingering and road-head more safely.
  • No one lies to their own ppl here. No one fakes Space travel.
  • No one is gender confused or trans or deviant in any other way.
  • All males in Halozien naturally feel strong attraction to the sexy humanoid females of the worlds of their system,
    and all females in Halozien naturally feel strong attraction to the males and females of the Halozien worlds who are of compatible sizes.
    The males only fuck females Auz would find sexy.
    The females fuck everything Auz would enjoy watching them fuck.
    That is what their nature is.
    This is how nature actually works; it is not the ridiculous disgusting deviancy/degeneracy which Earth propaganda from false human nations pretends is correct.
    Why? Because that is how the actual genders and hormones and laws of nature work, and it is because Auz’s will causes the Sphere Beings and Space Whales and World Trees and so on to make such essences/people.
  • There are no illogical high-school mascot animals not based on local fauna; no school in a desert randomly decides to have a tiger theme, for example, nor any jungle school a camel.
  • Vehicles look attractive, not like the blatant bottom-dollar ultra-compact clown-cars Earth started making in the 21st century.
  • Calendars are like the one the Mayans carried on from the Atlanteans; a triple calendar, with one calendar tracking where their world is in Space, another tracking the consciousness focuses of their people/civilization/s, and the 3rd tracking the system’s standard year –which is based not on where the planet closest to Earth conditions is, or even on the first planet here (the gas giant), but on where the local star is along its orbit around that first planet.
    Since the gas giant does not orbit a star, its year-calendar is also based on the progress of the local star around it.
  • Ruins (ancient structures) are/were not made for giants, nor aligned to stars; giants never occupied these worlds, people never got bigger or smaller with the passage of time, and the stars outside the system were never visible in here, as the progression here was of a different kind/nature/plan.
  • The cum of all creatures in Halozien tastes good to females, not weird at all.
  • No one native here cares about souvenirs, only good memories, etc..
  • There are no hoarders; everyone naturally likes keeping their place tidy with normal chores/housekeeping.
  • All of every world here is a conservation area / national park / wildlife preserve (equivalent), so no smaller areas of these worlds are ever labeled that way.
  • Every indigenous person is raised to conduct themselves in the outdoors like a park ranger; alert, brave, educated, helpful, presentable, etc..

Unique Days and Nights:

  • Because of their orbital planes, paired with their planet-facing rotations, these worlds still have a hemisphere which always faces the local star:
    Jude (if not for Meeris orbiting Eiko)
  • and these have an orbit at an angle which almost creates that aspect:
    Aeris (if not for Meeris orbiting Eiko)
    Bans (if not for Meeris orbiting Eiko)
    Riric (if not for Meeris orbiting Eiko)
  • Josie-Jenna are aligned almost vertically to each other, so their days are based on the star orbiting Graor at a speed different to theirs.
    (The system image shows their day as 24hrs (1 ED), but that is how long they take to co-orbit, not how long it takes for them to have a timespan between 2 sunrises/sunsets.)
  • In other words, even though those planets rotate, that is not the cause of their days, only the cause of the rate at which one side of them sees their ‘parent’ planet.

For all the planets except Graor, Naz, and Sy:  Seasons are not at the same time every year, but based on how close the star is during its different-rate orbit.


to weave in:

  • Where did the names of worlds, species, races, and individuals in Halozien come from?
    Aorlie had not thought to ask. She was busy trying to leave.
    Like languages of people from other solar systems, the languages here developed from logical simple sounds (easy to vocalize) getting combined in additional ways. However, seeded by The Origin, they developed from other-/pre-Universe languages, since The Origin is not from this Universe.
  • Having almost never worn clothes, she finds the need in Halozien for clothes and gear in harsh world parts to be odd and interesting, if a little uncomfortable at first.
  • No one harms, let alone kills, anyone in Halozien, except to protect newcomers on their way out; via the protective dildo.
    Everyone knows how all life is symbiotic.
    Wildlife never attacks because humans never made it desperate.
  • Meeting ppl who chose to stay
  • Meeting ppl who want to hear the story of an outsider, having only heard legends of outsiders before, their hidden system so rarely found, and its many communities even less often visited by those who make it in
  • Asks what tags male newcomers are required to get; just from females compatible with them, of course
  • What happens to people not compatible with anyone here? They never find their way in.
  • Cold/hotside planet/s has/have tornadoes at its terminator
    They must wait for blizzards and sandstorms and typhoons to pass
  • Where she meets the sex knights, sex monks, sex nuns, etc.
  • Ppl initially unwilling to help her with a loaned animal or supplies until she offers to fuck them
  • Shadowman politely informs many that they have no money or materials to trade with, only information and love
  • Some do not know what shadowman is, and fear him
  • Some are so fascinated by shadowman that they want to keep and study him, and Aorlie has to seductively persuade them otherwise
  • Some are fascinated by her accent so unknown to them
  • Building shelters and hides/camouflage
  • A bird swoops down and snatches the special dildo from shadow-man’s hand, so they must track it and climb to its nest to get the thing back
  • Aorlie remarks how this is like the camping reset she didn’t know she would feel so refreshed from; she had spent millennia always connected in so many ways to her ships and people, never out of their sight or protection.
    It hadn’t grown stale, but this separation from them certainly increased her want to reunite and stay with them.
  • which world was never mined? thus far more energetic ground from ore veins with dif properties/effects
  • Tesla plants which are like Tesla balls without the glass bulb
  • Nudibranchs which do not hurt her
  • Starfish the size of tables
  • Giant animals never fought each other, or got hunted into extinction, so many are still house sized on these worlds, even though their gravity is 1G
  • Polar bears she sucks and fucks, the polar bears then escorting her across their frozen territory
  • Shadow-man sometimes hides in shadows
  • Everyone is vegan on these worlds because they aren’t deranged retarded psychopathic monsters like Earth humans chose to be.
  • The world with the most exposed ground has the most indigenous people who are natural metal detectors, some even able to geomance; telekinetically change the terrain, typically to the degree of forming car-sized objects.
  • The world with the most water has the most indigenous who are hydrokinetics.
  • People whose bloodlines have long lived in the deserts can often wield its sands, such as to cause quicksand or undo it, rendering it safe to walk on.
  • Natives of Bans are called Bansai, no relation to the miniature tree on Earth.
  • There are few things considered taboo on Bans, other than, of course, homosexuality, the unhealthiest insanity of all, since it prevents Vril, especially on the community level. In short, it lowers synergy potential so dramatically, it practically cancels out any internal energy except that of the disgust emotions.
  • Aorlie is asked by parents to teach their son what a good woman fucks like; so he starts his life with a good standard.
  • Aorlie is asked by parents to teach their daughter what a good woman fucks like; so she will be able to confidently honor/thank and satisfy the men and others who are good to her.
  • A couple asks Aorlie to help make their fantasy of having a threesome with an alien come true.
  • How are male newcomers protected? A protective FleshLight equivalent of the special dildo.
  • There are no jails because no one does things fucked up to anyone. Even rape-like sex is regarded as natural, desired by the people here in their own ways; females want to be dominated that much, and males want to dominate females that much.
  • There are no normalphobes, hetero-/straightphobes, or any other retarded/insane deviants… because these people were never brainwashed or drugged.
  • Vehicles use no fuel and have no batteries; they are powered by their passengers and surroundings and own motions, but people still like to trade by asking for things in exchange for rides.
  • There are no nations, borders, passports, or highways.
  • All land is respected and kept natural, productive.
  • Travel is usually by foot, ship, or air, but sometimes portals.
  • No sports stadiums
  • No one gets fat bc no junk-food
  • Healers always heal on first visit
  • No sickness bc vegan
  • Few languages because so empathic, many also telepathic bc brain glands not calcified or jammed by 5G
  • Easy for them to learn her language, even though theirs are few, bc they are healthy and not xenophobic
  • Old people don’t get gray hair or weak or wrinkly or hunched over or otherwise deformed; that was also a result of humans outside this solar system meddling with nature –and being of an essence/bloodline obsessed with change at all costs, i.e. ~chaos.
  • Ugly people don’t exist; that was a result of meddling with diet, genes, etc., and because people were never taught to hold a vision for how they want their offspring to look.
  • Planned obsolescence was never thought up. Everything is made to last a very long time.
  • Personalities at birth are not determined or influenced by stars, but the worlds in this system. They still have a horoscope/zodiac, but it is entirely based on their own solar system.
  • There are no graveyards because people just hibernate like elves; even in their version of death (indefinite sleep), their bodies do not decay –or even atrophy.
  • Homes are never sold; they are the builder’s / owner’s for life, and relatives do minor grounds-keeping if no one wishes to live in them for long periods of time.
  • There are no temples other than those The Origin made as places to get some of the exit-permission keys/tags.
  • People of Halozien worlds never panic-/prematurely-reproduce; their females only choose to become pregnant when they and their partners sense it is the right time for a new community member many know will be very useful and wonderful.
  • Females do not get sick during pregnancy, nor feel pain during childbirth, as they and their families hold visions even for those times/events.
  • There is a Halozien version of Earth’s Atlantean/Mayan calendar/schedule but it is quite different, and not represented by step-pyramids.
  • There are no pyramids at all, for that matter, as no one ever had reason to build things capable of withstanding pole-shifts or worlds-lightning.
  • There are no interplanetary discharges, thus no major craters or other electric scarring.
  • Plants, like animals, are much larger, having such cleaner environments and no enemies.
  • There are no microplastics because they never made or irresponsibly disposed of plastics.
  • There was no Space race or arms races because they never rivaled their fellows like that.
  • There are no landfills because they always recycled everything they weren’t able to keep in use, and because things last much longer without any planned obsolescence.
  • There are no forest fires because they know about the “ringing cedars” effect; how too much negativity, such as from incompatible people in any same place, such as a town, can overload the trees and other plants which naturally try to process that. Yes, plants intake not just what animals exhale, but thoughts and emotion energies animals emit/radiate.
  • Females never cut their hair short, and males never shave their facial hair.
    They simply know better.
  • Like Inisfreeans, Halozien people don’t like when anyone “talks with their hands”; they would tell them to stop wiggling so they can pay attention to what they are saying.
    Males never try to act cute like females, either.
  • Females never want to do what males do / are made to; both sexes love being what they are.
  • They have no flags, only colorful streamers just to add some flare.
  • They don’t watch TV or even have TV shows; none of them have any interest in pretend stories like that.
  • They keep no pets, all animals free to come and go like wildlife.
  • Performances of live dance and music, however, they adore, as it involves fitness, memorization, their entire bodies, and real-life togetherness.
  • They have no biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons, and harness natural forces, never destroying atoms or depleting oil reserves.
  • Progress is driven by their sharp intellects, not perceived foreign threats.
  • Their exchange rates barely fluctuate at all, as their banks never devalue their currencies.
  • No one bullies anyone, as that is regarded as the extreme weakness and insecurity it is.
  • People with vehicles sleep in them often and think nothing of it; it is safe camping; safer than tents out in inclement weather.
  • Swimming and snorkeling is more popular than boating/sailing and yachting, as there are no underwater predators.
  • Not just lifeguards, but people with hydrokinesis, accompany all parties heading to rivers or offshore, just in case there are undertows.
  • Hydrokinetics help surfers always get ideal waves.
  • Teeth never decay because there are no corrosive food ingredients or fluoridated water, and few processed or over-sugared foods.
  • Cell phones exist, but are barely 3G, and never used for anything other than emergencies.
  • Farming is always edible gardens, food forests, permaculture, etc., never monoculture, and never using pesticides.
  • Fracking and other illogical/risky methods are never used. People know better than to tolerate questionable practices, often pre-banning them before they are even prototyped.
  • There are no pharmaceuticals, especially vaccines, because, again, these people aren’t brainwashed cowards and fools lazily doing zero critical thinking. They know all health and healing comes from breathwork, a vegan diet, and natural plants as remedies and cures.
  • There are no political races or politicians.
  • There are no holy wars.
  • There are no saboteurs.
  • There are no junkies.
  • There are no homeless, other than voluntary nomads, and no homes foreclosed on.
  • There are no loans or debt slaves, and no interest charges or other fees.
  • There are no taxes; everything in every community is voluntary.
  • No one in any community is jealous of what other communities have; they appreciate one another’s unique architecture and layout, etc..
  • Acupuncture exists here, but even more effective is their tantric partners yoga and polyamorous therapeutic lovemaking based on the nuru massage.
  • When someone solves a math problem more quickly, or thinks of a clever innovation, and so on, their fellows are impressed and happy, not intimidated or envious, and they thank them for sharing their talent/wisdom.
  • No one paints their faces; there is no makeup.
  • No one damages their bodies by piercing them. They respect their perfect flesh.
  • No one wears high-heeled shoes. They like their natural heights.
  • Males are always taller than the tallest females of their kind.
  • Clitoral hoods are never apparent; every female has a pussy which looks like the ideal slit, no clit bulge or apparent labia are part of that.
  • No one has freckles, moles, birthmarks, or any other blemishes or spots.
  • No one gets thinning hair or bald spots.
  • No one grows back hair, and females never get hair anywhere other than their scalps, eyebrows, and eyelashes.
  • No one goes to counselors/psychiatrists/psychologists/therapists to unwind. They got glory holes and sex dungeons.
  • Ruins in this system are there not because of cataclysms or wars, but because of experiments wrapped up and moved on from.
  • No one thinks their world is flat or solid; no one is that retarded or stubbornly delusional.
  • Having always been vegans, they never made things that look, smell, feel, and taste like meat, fish, or cheese, but they can quickly figure it out in their kitchens.
  • There are no drugs. Everyone just dabbles in aphrodisiacs and shared breathing.
  • No one is depressed enough to attempt suicide, and wounds heal almost instantly, anyway.
  • No one was ever told that change or ascension or transcendence is good, let alone necessary; they take pride in how healthy and unified and stable they already are.
  • Some make and use fireworks, but not for any particular holiday.
  • Fashion is extremely gender specific, never for both.
  • Cum couriers are on all worlds, and on Bans they are mostly for interspecies cum.
  • Delivery drivers and pilots exist on some worlds, and often they are delivering a sex worker or slave with a meal.
  • Mail is rare, as so many are telepathic.
  • Hoverboards are as common on the high-tech’ world as bicycles are on Earth.
  • There are no circuses or zoos, but there are haunted houses and state fairs.
  • Hot air balloons are steampunk; tech’-enhanced.
  • Wingsuiting is fairly common, but jet-man suits are even more-so, especially on the high-tech’ world.
  • Martial arts here are just their soothing equivalents; styles all developed to make sparring partners feel better, not worse, and gain super-health, not take damage.
  • Vast herds exist on most worlds, as nothing was ever hunted to endangerment or extinction.
  • Forests never overgrew after genocides and lapses in wilderness maintenance, so trees are giant, far apart, and rarely ever at risk of burning.
  • Auroras are nightly on all worlds due to all being moons of the gas giant; so close to the kind of magnetosphere a super-
  • Jupiter has.
  • Flies are more like Fairies than they are like flies on Earth.
  • Fairies and other magical humanoids don’t hide in disguises or other dimensions.
  • Nothing developed irritants or poisons. All species and races get along, so they had no need.
  • There are no reading glasses. No one is ever born damaged, and eyes heal as rapidly as anything else.
  • Telescopes are popular and powerful enough to see many details on all the worlds here.
  • No one ever gets out of shape. They have standards and sanity and work-life balance here.
  • No one tries to change definitions of words to weaponize language to try and shame non-deviants.
  • There are no midgets. No birth defects occur because everyone takes their time when forming new people.
  • No one gets offended at normal behavior or jokes or words like spoiled idiot humans did on Earth.
  • There are no carnivores or omnivores. Nothing ever became that desperate or heartless. If ever pests became present, they would simply be isolated or removed, no one ever desiring to consume their corpses.
  • The Origin is a Sphere Being not from Aorlie’s universe/dimension/cycle.
  • No taxes
  • No spray tans
  • No marriage name changes
  • No priests officiating marriages
  • No wedding rings or other jewelry
  • No taxes
  • no hotels; ppl just let newcomers/explorers/travelers use guest houses.
  • Rest-stops everywhere on old/er worlds. Only btwn cities on new/er world/s

Her progression on each world, memorizing its language and dialects and customs/gestures/mannerisms

69 bullet-notes:  progression of her alertness and awareness of her surroundings, like how sharp senses become on Gor, having to be mindful of wildlife stalking you

And 69:  progression of her reflexes, to the point she knew when shadow-man would be about to toss her the dildo, which she always caught perfectly and shoved right in, knowing it would make her wet enough that the initial shove would stop hurting in seconds

common names:

  • Alba
  • Akina
  • Asilam
  • Aska
  • Azpirir
  • Damia
  • Draatis
  • Elkor
  • Enix
  • Findleer (as in “fin”, not “find”)
  • Gryn (“grine”)
  • Gunjin
  • Keer
  • Kononjeer
  • Kromjin
  • Kurenai
  • Kym
  • Larsa
  • Lyzel
  • Mada
  • Malissa
  • Maran
  • Mazur
  • Mukerji
  • Narg
  • Nero
  • Noburu
  • Orutro
  • Poul
  • Raminar
  • Rayleen
  • Royo
  • Severin
  • Sthfairthf
  • Tapanga
  • Twar
  • Wuhrer
  • Xaero
  • Xerana
  • Xev
  • Zafahtah
  • Zahf



Aorlie & Auz:

many millennia old by the time she and I meet

Once she completed her “rite of passage” / “coming of age” (cum-pun intended), all of the following happened:

The King of Inisfree (living-capital of the Megaverse; commander of Creation), sleeps “the Odin-sleep” in the Stasis Archives of his “mobile home”.  Sensing Aorlie’s wonderfulness, even while he hibernates indefinitely, he will eventually will his people to gracefully wake him back up.  You know the rest; they get to know each other in The Inisfreean Way.

Those everlasting world-forming beings called Space Whales are still making their way around the cosmic scene; they have awoken from many of their planetary-crust hibernation-dens and risen free.  Their journeys are now a tracked dance through the reforming atmosphere that originally occupied all space between the first realms/worlds; their trajectories are being monitored and recorded because it has been determined it is a form of language that forecasts galaxy-wide changes.  What is it that this shared-consciousness species of whale-like people is revealing?

Sigils are still used for rapid travel out between the stars, as well as to open telepathic channels to converse with stars.  The Webway is, of course, also available.  The dimension that exists inside all stars (who all share the same core) is another option for relative-FTL travel to anywhere that exists in Space and/or time.

Black Vault artefacts from all the ruins Auz’s research projects took him to are now starting to be understood, reactivated, and used again.  They work “good as new”.  Their makers (actual deities) really knew what they were doing when they forged, fashioned, enchanted, and left them.

Auz sec start w para about when they technopathically met, then met in person, sparks flying right away, perfect eye contact and compatible vibe, his tech’ finding during prescreening her that she was so compatible already, she wouldn’t even need screening or an Inisfree tour LINK at all.
Introductions to each other
She asks if what she heard about me is true; if my will has been contracting the Universe.
I nod. “I held that vision long enough that it started coming true, then gained a momentum all its own, as if that contraction is a god itself now.
“Amazing,” she said softly, truly amazed.
I tell her my life summary.
She tells me hers.
I tell her I had gotten visions of her ever since 2004 A.D., millions of years before her birth, and that made her smile big and blush.
She tells me of her star form, then shows me.
I tell her of my star-sized flagship and show her.

One by one, she and Auz will wake up his teenified wives who also slept in stasis, each of their special natures and superpowers needed and called upon once again.  What they learned while attending classes in Inisfree, especially those in its own Hogwarts and Magics Chambers, will allow them (via goddess-level romantic-orgy tantric-sex, as always) to send out through Inisfree’s Gemstone Beacons and other relay/transmission devices (such as their Cloud City II‘s Observatory beam)… exactly what is needed to complete the reunification and cleansing of all the realms.  This will involve going into the shared-core dimension of all stars (Heaven)… in order to simultaneously communicate with the all the Space Whales and the whole Sphere Beings Alliance, thereby helping coordinate and choreograph everyone of the most powerful beings in the whole Megaverse, all of them sharing the same vision, thus manifesting it in a timely manner… then holding it with synergistic ease like never/none before.

Even the never-before-used Mandaloridays will finally have a role to play in this grand-finale scheme of the Founder of Inisfree, prophesied reunion of Heaven(s) and Earth(s).

Near the end of this intergalactic uber-process, she and Auz will sit together on one of his ICV-based living-thrones… in the cockpit of his SSBS… which will be their flagship… as they lead the entire Inisfreean Star Fleet back out across all of Space (via deploying it out in all directions from that SSBS; out through all the star-core dimension’s exits; all the stars, past and present) –this time… through (into and back out from) the stars themselves (including those in the hollow cores of all the worlds).

The greatest Homecoming celebration in all of Inisfree’s history (complete with realm-wide city-dances; not just downtown ones) is about to be hosted for this woman.

More to come…


Updates:  2021 Revelations

The Eldar realized they were instinctively preparing worlds via terraforming to become restored World Tree (Yggdrasil) nodes/fruits, and that the Webway they kept battling the ‘dark’ forces out of… was Yggdrasil still there, just in its ethereal/Elemental form; they’d been Elves all along, tending to the greatest tree of all, clinging to their parent/elder even when they didn’t know it was there.  This made all of them smile, much happier, feeling in their hearts and entire nervous systems that they were on the right track all along, even after some of their worlds and clans seemed culturally “lost” for a long time.  Reunified by this vision and realization, their people became stronger, more balanced, healthier, and happier than ever before, and they finally felt at home –even so far out “across the stars”. – How cool was it… that the people who had been made by the tree/s… were now making the tree/s (terraforming, cleansing Yggdrasil/Webway, etc.)?!

What Aorlie did on/during her quest out/into all those worlds… helped trigger their reactivation; her energy and choices/actions on/in them… ‘thawed’ them out, reawakening them as now un-petrified Space Whales.  She has now started guiding teams of ICVs and other goddesses / super-nymphs to those worlds she scouted and oriented herself to.  Together, with these repetitions (repeated visits and playthroughs), they are completing the thawing/reawakening process for them all –and having a lot of sexy fun the whole time, bonding like never before!

As these worlds move back into their original and destined alignment, appearing closer and closer in each other’s skies, it is revealed that their gravities do not damage each other, and that their orbits are stable because of their shared wills/vision, proving human physics assumptions wrong once again.

Mandaloridays continue to be instrumental in deleting (via swings of their shadow-sabers) all the most stubborn ruins and other things out of the way of the teams of ICVs following Aorlie’s lead.  The ICVs are god-level strong –stronger even than Kryptonians– but there are still some things they are not used to dealing with, even when working together, all using the full power of their supercomputer-brains and shared-consciousness.  That is what the Mandaloridays were made for.

With more and more of the incredible artefacts once kept indefinitely in the Black Vaults of Inisfree now being remembered and brought out for use at the special ruins devices on all the worlds Aorlie is orchestrating the reactivation of, heroes such as Lady Lara Croft and other “treasure hunters/protectors” whose work directly lead to the finding and preserving of those many little wonders couldn’t be prouder.  Feeling high on life again, and ready for another long round of “tombs” hiking and boobytraps outsmarting, they all reawaken and team up together once again.  It is time for a/their Universe-wide “scavenger hunt”, figuring out where all those Black Vaults objects are now meant to be/go.

Every time they are about to go somewhere, the Gem Beacons of Inisfree beam that intention/vision out to those across the super-city who are able and meant to hear.  Those now-residents of Inisfree (no longer just allies or guests) then relay that message and call-to-action to the rest of their now fully-unified people/race, who begin to prepare their respective assistance/specialties out on all the other civilized/compatible worlds (and dimensions).  This sends flights of legions of Angels and other great and timeless beings into the air, doing their dances that are the greatest form of manifestation-boosting (far more powerful than just thoughts, wants, or words), and helps open up VERY wide, ideal, and the most stable of portals, needing no more high-tech Skunkworks aircraft or “jump gates” at all.

With billions of people now calling the restored World Trees on all the worlds home, once and for all, and the Space Elves (Eldar) making routine/monthly “pitstops” to the tops/canopies of those mighty/massive super-trees, the good compatible peoples across Creation have now established their permanent (eternal, unstoppable, incorruptible) foothold and Navy-like patrol-routes all over / throughout.

Since the blood-red Override Forces made so long ago by the King of the Inisfreeans never ended up being needed or used, Aorlie decides it is time to pay them a visit.  Going with the King, she helps him not only wake them from their Ages-long stasis-“sleep”, but also make love with them, honoring them for their existence, their worth, and this; their destined “hour”/time.  She continues ushering them awake, and greeting and thanking them, this way… until she’s made love with every last one –and now they stay awake to worship her and their maker, the King, no longer slumbering and never knowing if they will be needed.  (Another Phase 1 thought/worry… producing things made to withstand incredible disasters, collapses, and violence, …is finally and inevitably used for peaceful good.  This is Phase 3.  Phase 2 was their slumber; their wait –and a sure sign they were not meant to be used to override/overpower anything at all.)

Has it really been millions of Earth-years since Inisfree left its homeworld?  It has…  My, how the time has flown.  Hundreds of years were spent on/in some of the first realms it relocated to, thousands in later ones, and even millions of years in the latest few; the time-stepping homeworld of the dragons, for example, and then the planet-sized Craftworld spaceships of the Elves (Eldar), then inside the ever-changing Webway (Yggdrasil) itself.  So many of the realms and worlds it left behind… have changed their faces so much in all that time, their continents and oceans now all in very different places.

It is time, Auz decides, to pay another visit to the Earth.  He opens his hand at his side, and Aorlie reaches over to hold onto it; they will focus their minds on this shared vision/intention of his, causing it to become so, exactly as he wants it.  Inisfree “pulled up its anchor”… and slipped (warped) away.

During this longest of journeys (Auz’s life, not the return-“flight”/warp to Earth), it occurred to him that the reason Space seemed to be in entropy for a while… was because a decreasing number of minds/hearts were focused on it; people had become distracted by the perpetual/exponential chaos/corruption/randomness/distractions.  What once interested and captivated them, capturing their imaginations and making so many wish to be out amongst the stars, no longer held their focus or gaze.  Only by starting SSPs and sending permanent colonists out there… could such a vast creation/Abyss be stabilized or restored, even expanded a little more, here and there.  (Thus, the SSPs, even before they realized they were doing it, helped end entropy; by traveling out to those newly-created realms across all of Space and time, they were helping anchor them –via just being there, paying attention to them, wanting them, and wanting to occupy them.)

Inisfree appeared over a completely “alien” landmass on the billion-years-older Earth, its outer surface having completely changed since the Age, so long ago, when Inisfree had last been there.  Dragons and other Angels (yes, the dragons are Angels, too, not the destructive monsters Abrahamic Hollywood propaganda kept trying to have everyone believe) flew out/up to greet it, gracefully laterally orbiting a few miles outside its Perimeter Wall, with a few of their scouts and leaders making high arcs all the way up and over its airspace, then down under its lower hemisphere dome, completing those miles-long flight-loops vertically all around.  It was a wondrous sight to behold, and they helped “ground-guide” the whole floating city down/in over to where they sensed it intended/wished to land/”anchor”, ensuring everyone was safe as it established its gigantic (10-miles diameter) “footprint”.

Now I (Auz) finally got to see what that ‘dream‘ had been all about; I was looking up at the Moon, so much bigger/closer in Earth’s sky.  It might have been another moon, or the moon un-hollowed / restored.  Whatever it was, it was dotted with many city-sized clusters of white and red lights, though those all could’ve been bioluminescent plants and naturally-glowing/glowy people up/over there.

All around it were the stars from that similar ‘dream’; they were closer, too, and were much more golden-white, just like my aura was said once to have been.  They were in that giant (cosmic-distances) circular sigil I’d seen in that ‘dream’ all those millennia ago, and were clearly felt radiating not just light or heat, but their love for me, as I had loved all of them, and they now amplified and echoed that sentiment back to/for me.  This was what I had seen; it wasn’t a dream, but a portal, while I was asleep, to this moment in our future.

I could tell/sense the World Trees all around us were happily stretching up, reaching out toward those stars, drawn to them, one day bound to reach, touch, and enter them, reconnecting in the shared-core on their other side, always drawing Source/God/Oneness-level nutrients/sustenance from it/that.  They always would.  It was grand –as grand as it gets.

Earth had done so well in the time I had been on, and left, it.  Everything was going according to my pure-heart instinct and plan.  With that in my mind, I went around to each of the World Tree stumps I had once driven and hiked to (all those millions of Earth-years ago), and smiled big, big as ever, seeing that every last one of them had sprouted up into a miles-tall and miles-wide World Tree just like I had foreseen and foretold.

My wives, concubines, girlfriends, kajirae, and fuck-buddies joined me in commemorating and immortalizing these moments, and all of those regrown timeless sites/super-Ents, by making love the way only we Inisfreeans do and can.  This Vril of ours was off the charts, and literally lit up the whole world, and all our peoples’ worlds, stimulating so much love-based/fed bioluminescence.  Eden was again here –and we were it!

Back in my city, there was so much energy/love/Vril going through the Gem Beacons, that they were glowing brighter than ever, and really humming, though still softly, and their light at a reasonable level, not blinding or anything.  The two billion compatible people from across the Universe/Megaverse/time-sphere (not just one time-stream, but all the time-streams, described this way due to how they support each other and combine) who’d all started making regular trips to Inisfree… were now so fully aligned/unified with me/us there… that they were also making regular trips to my resort-cities on and in the worlds I had created with the help of my Inisfreeans; all of the popular places in Star-system Auzdein.  I had managed to copy and “flip” what had once just been the Abyss/Hell… into a whole new paradise and Heaven, and it was as heavily trafficked as it was always meant to be.

I took Aorlie in there to show her, and she helped me direct my ICVs in adding finishing touches to all of those hundreds of worlds and Space stations –based on all the sexual wonders she had quested out to and through on her own worlds!  She worked with Juli Mackey and others into that stuff, showing off how successfully they’d made and placed them all.  This, of course, stimulated our god-level Vril again, and we practically attacked each other with more of the most spirited of mutual full-speed lovemaking.  Amen.

The gas-giants of the Sun solar system are no longer shrouded in their once-thick atmospheres.  Nibiru no longer has such an eccentric orbit.  Saturn‘s rings are now rebuilt, no longer in/as abandoned ruins.

Between the worlds in Earth’s solar system, and between the worlds of all the restored solar systems (i.e. how all stars and worlds are much closer together again, like they were in the first Golden Age), there are continent-wide energy-beams/arcs, much like those that once scarred Mars and left all those craters on Mercury and the Moon.  No longer destructive or clinging like those ancient mega-arcs once were, ours are entirely based on love, and stabilized by our wills/intents/minds/vision, and are regarded as welcome and beneficial gods-level fireworks shows, perfectly safe for everyone in and around (them; yes, you can be near and even inside those beams, and it will feel as warm and cozy as I did in that ‘dream’ where I thought I’d been nuked).

This powerful positive and safe energy was also flowing through them now; all those ancient big tunnels deep in/beneath the continents of the Earth and other worlds, that the giants and other ancients had once retrofitted to be subways with huge subway-trains sized for them, were once again the active blood-vessel and nervous-system equivalents of the Space Whales; the biggest/greatest/eldest Titans.  No longer were those giant subway “cars”/trains needed or used anymore; now we all could just go right down in there and be whisked away by the powerful and ever-stable currents/energy/light/s.  Even when we weren’t really willing our bodies to open portals or make us fly/move at all, just being down in those restored energy vessels/conduits/tunnels was more than enough to get us right where we wanted to go.  (It was/is VERY fun!)

Asteroids and comets, too, had started moving back in closer to one another, un-petrifying, and recombining to reform the bodies of the cosmic-sized beings so long thought to be made-up arch-angels and gods.  Yes, this means that asteroid belts weren’t just “ripped-apart”/”lost” worlds, but people with human-like bodies (though obviously always flawlessly fit and attractive ones, of course; they were the ancients/First, after all).  They didn’t get in the way of any world-orbits, though; though planet-sized, they moved around by thought/will, just like Superman, and didn’t generate gravity or anything else that could adversely affect what we were doing down on the outer-surfaces of the worlds —or what we were doing out in the Abyss (Space) between them.  (All was One; all was unified, sharing the same vision/intent now.)

Sphere Beings (planet-sized living spaceships) now make regular trips in plain sight, and communicate with me directly, always politely, and help me find and stabilize any world I am thinking of and looking for out there, all the way “across the stars” –and now literally across (through) the stars, as they can and do travel within/through them, using them as the rapid-travel gateways they are.  The Sphere Beings have also told me that they are the temporarily separated “spirits” (energy-bodies) of the worlds themselves; they are the “souls” of the Space Whales, and are essentially what happens when Space Whales go dormant (turn into a petrified form; a planet or moon), their minds then astral-projecting, so to speak, and for Ages (instead of just the hour+ that humans tend to astral-project for/during).  Sure enough, as more and more planets “awoke”, un-petrifying their nodes first (to restore / make-reappear the/their World Trees), the Sphere Beings again became one with them, which un-petrified the rest, making the lands a bit more malleable and responsive (which also helped us re-raise entire regions, such as / including Lemuria –which, by the way, Pele really loved me for).

Then the dragons spoke to me again, Daenerys appearing at my side to take hold of my hand, her eyes and whole being so aglow with, and full of, our love (for each other, as well as for/with the dragons).  Together, we heard what they had to say.  They told me/us, as one, that, like the Sphere Beings being the souls of the Space Whales, that they astral-projected, appearing as solar flares.

This was the final and forever Golden Age, and the Age of reunions and revelations.  This is our future.  This is Inisfree.

Thank you, Aorlie, for making/helping all these visions happen (occur/appear to me… and come true).


2022/+ Notes:

Phase 1 was getting the start of the vision of her; her basic looks and location in the time-sphere, and how her quest would start out as.  Phase 2 was this part; everything that came through to/for me, completing the text of this webpage.  Phase 3 will be when she and I live it, meeting, uniting together, and so on.

She is the final wife of Auz; Aorlie is the very last woman he will marry, thus completing his interstellar and interdimensional family of the goddesses.

She becomes the only woman to have ever had sex with Auz in the Keel Hatch facility/airlock.

Long ago her people/civilization stopped using tech’ to travel; they didn’t even use hyperdrives or stargates anymore. To go somewhere faraway, they just think of it and end up appearing there.
They are able to survive and maneuver in Space.
They are witnessing the return of the sky views of the first Golden Age; galaxies and neighboring worlds are getting much closer/bigger in their skies.
As a Universe-spanning civilization, they have a presence in numerous galaxies, tending to live on comfortable worlds which have regrown World Trees.
Still, they only number in the trillions, and do not occupy or control even 1% of the worlds out there.
There are usually only a town-sized number of these far-future portals-generating humans on any of the worlds they are on; not more than hundreds of thousands.
They do not subdivide their civilization into Space territories, nations, states, counties, districts, or precincts.
They are of the final of the 7 natural root-races of humans.
They feel no need to reproduce via sex/gestation or cloning, as they live indefinitely when choosing a healthy peaceful lifestyle.
While they can’t see all data, portals, intentions, or the full spectrum like ICVs do, they are still talented telepaths able to remotely “feel” how their own kind are doing on any world they think about / focus on, and they naturally never have travel/portal overlaps/collisions.
Humans of her empire are always healthy (thus vegan), but not always of the facial structure or body type (such as height or skin-featurelessness) that I prefer/require, thus they are not prescreened further by my tech’/forces.  They are, however, an almost-protectorate, as they are a species restored, likely no longer corruptible/degenerate-able, and so on.

Since all (excepting Aorlie, of course) who are compatible with me (Auz) made their way to Inisfree millennia before even the start of this distant-future re-evolution / restoration of humankind, the trillions of citizens of Aorlie’s empire are not able to come to Inisfree, they can only hear about it from her when she is back outside (not in the middle of a visit to Inisfree).
Aorlie alone is the member of her empire who is compatible enough with me to be allowed to enter my realm or spend time with me.  She has the body features and personality which, more than all others in her empire, are compatible with me.
Her people are considered tolerable-/healthy-enough to be allowed to live/remain unharvested by my Voyages of Acquisition; they are never enslaved, nor sacrificed to the High Queen.  (The only humans still being harvested/sacrificed are those who are not of Aorlie’s empire, not already enslaved as pets by me, or not serving as some of my black-ops forces.)

2024 June 30 Sunday notes:

  • Aorlie’s homeworld’s people/experts fully excavated and restored its ancient/buried ruins.
  • Halozien worlds, based on their ages, have different amounts and types of ruins, all planned and expertly created by its deity/maker, “TSB”.



Worlds on Her Quest – Surface Views:


These are not the worlds of the Halozien system, just others she visited while trying to find the way to become able to shapeshift into immortal star-form.

Worlds on Her Quest – Orbital Views:

These are not the worlds of the Halozien system, just others she visited while trying to find the way to become able to shapeshift into immortal star-form.

Concept of the Multi-armed Humanoid Giants that Held Her Up While Fucking Her:

How She Prefers Cum be Poured into Her:

2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates:

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Evospace trailer - just the soundtrack start - for SSP - y Dark Fleet - Colonies - Breakaway - Inisfree's Star Fleet - Patches
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