These are the underground hangars where we keep the modern version of the Ark docked.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions
  3. Etymology
  4. Development
  5. Comparisons
  6. Classified Locations
  7. History
  8. 2022 Upgrade
  9. 2022 Reveal
  10. Overall / Appearance (Images Begin)
  11. Concepts of the Bays
  12. Bay Locations
  13. Concept of an Ark II at Sea
  14. Inisfree Egg / Rainbow Orb
  15. 2023 Update:  2022 Model in Minecraft



These large swimming-pool like structures are the miniature submarine bays where Inisfree’s ‘Ark v2.0’ ships dock, load, unload, and get serviced.  Along with the city’s Black Vaults, Mandaloriday Silos, and ICV Group-cloning ‘Wombs’, they are among the most protected, hidden, shielded, secret, strong, and exclusive facilities in the whole Inisfreean empire.  Given the fact that every one of these bays houses an Ark 2 (one of each Ark 2’s cargo items; the Rainbow Orb, a.k.a. Inisfree Egg, being capable of flash-replacing the entirety of Inisfree itself, as the most advanced form of ‘data backup and recovery’), it is easy to see why.



Each of these rooms spans 150′ x 300′, with the actual pool-like ‘bay’ for its respective Ark II ship being 70′ x 100′.  Wide flat staging areas flank both sides of this bay, with a narrower access walkway behind; most loading and unloading happens along the port and starboard of an Ark II, while inspections involved the full perimeter walk.

Each Ark II:

  • ‘Length’ (Depth):  ~63′
  • Width:  ~33′
  • Height:  ~18′; ~2 stories tall (for 2 internal person-accessible levels)



‘The Ark’ is the name of the large wooden ship the Bible says was built to transport the only still ‘pure’ animals at that ancient time while a global flood swept away, drowned, and erased everything else.  A biblical prophecy tells of a time when the only coming global flood will be one of fire, not water, and so the modern Arks were built to withstand and float out amongst that, rather than just on turbulent rising seas.  Technically, all of Inisfree could also be dubbed the ‘Ark II’, named after that legendary ship of olde.



These ships were envisioned by High King Auz in the mid-2010s and prototyped shortly after the formation of Inisfree.

Before them, ‘data backup and recovery’ had always involved making copies of the binary code magnetically stored on microchips, or similarly stored on equivalent computer hardware for various devices.  One day the idea came to make it possible to backup more than just those things; what if it was possible to back up and restore something more tangible than that?  That’s when ‘the Internet of things’ (more devices/appliances than just computers being connected) made it possible; with everything in Inisfree being a ‘smart’-surface with sensors of its own, all tied together by the I.N.N., there was enough data to keep a real-time ongoing backup of the entire city itself, not just the kind of data stored in its computer memories.



There have been many large ships built and used to ferry people and other things to safety during major water-based events/cataclysms/resets.  Noah’s Ark is the one most modern Earth humans have been told about.  Set apart from all previous such vessels, the Ark IIs of/in Inisfree were built well in advance of even the visions of coming downpours/deluges, let alone their onsets –and our Arks were fully loaded from the start, not needing to wait for anyone “hearing a (telepathic/instinctive) calling” to walk/fly to them.

Completely different from the previous Arks, our were designed to be able to last for eternity, not just 40 days and nights, and to sail/navigate/maneuver through any/all realms, such as the void of Space, or the dimension called Hell, or even through the portals called stars.


Classified Locations:

It is sometimes hinted at that there is one of these special ship bays located somewhere beneath The Governor’s Mansion.  While that and none of the following locations have been confirmed, here is the thinking behind their placement:

  1. Ark II Alpha:  in Auz‘s Mansion‘s middle-basement hangar; ever ready to ‘sail’ out via/through the Main Lake
  2. Ark II Bravo:  in Auz’s private luxury B-2 “Spirit” variant; this is his equivalent of the Presidential escape pod in the Air Force One plane
  3. Ark II Charlie:  in Cloud City II; somewhere in the lower hemisphere, with an invisible hull hatch outline
  4. Ark II Delta:  in Downtown Inisfree; perhaps between the bottom of the Awesome Blossom around WGI HQ Tower… and the top of the Under-dome
  5. Ark II Echo:  in the Highway Volcano; hidden inside the caldera / fake lava/magma
  6. Ark II Foxtrot:  in the Mountain on Corinthians; perhaps able to ‘shoot’ out from under it, and/or via an exit/hatch hidden in one of the temples
  7. Ark II Golf:  in SCUBA City; at the bottom of one of the deepest pits/sections
  8. Ark II Hotel:  in SSA; in the SSBS hidden in the central/main man-made star (portal) of this man-made dimension/realm/system
  9. Ark II India:  in an Uber VTOL Shaft; posed to ‘jet’ out the bottom of Inisfree (if/when the city is in flight)

Overall, these locations were selected based on these conditions being met:

  • in one of the most stable/fortified/defensible parts of the city/realm (to give/’buy’ them the maximum possible amount of time to come online and deploy / “portal-out”)
  • able to depart Inisfree in completely different directions/angles (such as at the same time, if need be; very difficult to spot or stop)
  • virtually never-trafficked/visited spots/areas of Inisfree (to virtually eliminate any chance of them ever being accidentally discovered/suspected)
  • miles apart from each other (in most cases; to prevent, or at least reduce the chances of, multiple facilities being damaged/destroyed during severe/nuclear events)
  • some in parts of Inisfree that are moving (and which can/could depart on their own, serving as an extra hull/shield layer for these facilities/bays; the Awesome Blossom of Sotu, then Cloud City II, and the SSBS in SSA, etc.)

Also, we made 9 to represent and honor each of the 9 mythical/original realms/divisions of Space/reality (and each capable of going into any of those realms, should it make more tactical sense to reboot/regrow/restart/’plant’ Inisfree’s copy/replacement/expansion in one of them).  Like how those original realms were said to’ve been arranged, some are spread out laterally, and others vertically, with at least one or two in completely different planes of reality (i.e. dimensions).  This is the way.



The first of these bays was constructed and operational by 2012.  The rest were placed in the few years immediately following.

The tunnel connecting that first Ark II bay to the floor of the Main Lake was dug by a Tunnel-Boring Machine (TBM) as the only ground-level (base of the mountain) access, thus where lots of mined material could be easily trucked out; that was back before the Main Lake’s basin/area had any water in it (because when we first arrived at the mountain which we began shaping into Inisfree, it was frozen over, no thawed/melted water to be found).


2022 Upgrade:

Multiple innovations were added to these Ark IIs this year.

  1. Instead of just scanning and warp-surfing to find suitable spots to ‘plant’/unleash/activate an Inisfree Egg / Rainbow Orb, these ships now automatically keep track of which areas over the years become more suitable/ideal than others, and naturally warp/portal out to them when the time is right.
  2. Instead of just being built impervious/indestructible to all known elements and forces, these ships are now also naturally/automatically maintained/nourished by exposure to just about anything, as it is their nature to use whatever is around them to keep themselves in top shape / structural integrity, if need be, so whether they are sitting in a hangar or floating in Space amidst the stars… everything ‘touching’ them keeps them invisible and eternal (something rather difficult to believe for brainwashed humans who never bothered to try such possibilities).
  3. Instead of just being able to ‘sail’/fly away with Auz and an ICV or two inside, these ships can now also ‘recall’ Auz to them in the event of a time of urgency, somewhat like an ICV’s S.T. suit summoning her… rather than the other way around.
  4. These ships are aware of what is going on in and around Inisfree in such a way that they do not need to be activated by anyone/thing in the city; they are always ready and know just when and how to deploy.
  5. Their cargo (each carrying a Rainbow Orb) is also impressively automatic… in that it is in a natural state of constantly updating itself, not needing to wait for a System Administrator to initiate or check such backups.
  6. It is not possible for an Ark II to leave its hangar until a significant event makes such a deployment necessary/prudent.
  7. It is not possible for a Rainbow Orb to make a copy of Inisfree (guests and all) unless it was confirmed/sensed that Inisfree had experienced a ‘terminal’ (city-wide) event.  (Inisfree, however, becomes more immortal and invincible every day, so even this impressive innovation will not need to be used.)
  8. Originally just one spacious room inside a thick-‘skinned’ (hulled) lifeboat-like Spaceship, the Rainbow Orb in an anchored container/compartment inside, each Ark II is now like a mobile house with many ‘creature comforts’, and the Rainbow Orb is in its equivalent of a bomb/s bay, shielded in a way arguably as advanced as that of the Grid Mind (chamber), taking up much of each Ark II’s volume (space).
  9. Only intended data about the state of Inisfree can get into a Rainbow Orb; all other things in Creation cannot enter it, let alone corrupt that data.  (IOW:  You cannot force it open, use a powerful electromagnet on it, or in any other way penetrate, probe, violate, or damage it, as its structure was specifically designed by the world’s greatest supercomputer to only be physically able to allow in the data it was meant to carry.)

New Reveals:

  • The Inisfree Egg does not make a new SSA; each of these ‘eggs’ only makes 1 Inisfree-city copy, fully staffed (with 100M ICVs (~1,000,000 ICVs per square mile, though most are stationed in the Sentry Towers and docked WarShips); 100,000 of each model of ICV (1,000 of each model per square mile); 2,000 batches of each model; 20 batches of each per square mile). 1,000,000 ICVs per square mile would be 1 ICV in every ~5×5′ area, but most are underground, in the wall, outside, and/or on patrol, etc..
  • All 100M have their memories flash-cloned in with their personalities; none need to go through our school system to know all we know.
  • Why have this Inisfree-copying device?  It works faster than the ColonyPods, and was just part of the initial vision/instinct.
  • Also, since everyone found compatible with Auz got auto-immortalized, the Inisfree Eggs will not make identical bodies of those non-ICV people, as they won’t ever need to transfer their consciousness into replacements.
  • A copying does, however, include every aircraft, vehicle, yacht, library book, Black Vault item, and personal storage items Auz approved of.

Preplanned Most-likely General Locations for Use:

  1. Agharta (part of Asgard?)
  2. DreamSpace
  3. Heaven (Muspelheim)
  4. Hel/Hell Dimension (the part of The Abyss (Outer Space) that is what most think of when they hear Helheim/Niflheim)
  5. Imagination Dimension (part of Vanaheim?)
  6. planet Dragonhome (and possibly never again on Earth (Midgard))
  7. somewhere in The Webway or with one of the CraftWorlds (the modern (post-Yggdrasil) part/s of Alfheim)
  8. somewhere in one of the still god-occupied/civilized gas-giants (Jotunheim; the empire of all giant-inhabited giant-worlds)
  9. somewhere in The Underdark (Svartalfheim)

Inisfree Hemisphere (for reference):

  • V = 1.30060126E+14 ft^3 (based on 7.5-mile radius)
  • so 130,060,126,000,000 ft^3 / 147,197,952,000 ft^3 (1 cubic mile) = 883.5729317 cubic miles below Inisfree’s ground-level.
  • Doubling that (to include our airspace), we get 1,767.145863 cubic miles.
  • 100,000,000 ICVs / 1,767.145863 = 56,588.42434 ICVs every cubic mile.
  • Or using 883.5729317 cubic miles, 113,176.8486 ICVs every cubic mile; 1 ICV every 1,300,601.260 cubic feet (every volume spanning 109.156112′).
  • In short:  the activation/use of 1 Inisfree Egg results in 100M new ICVs, each roughly formed / spread out to all the ~109′ x 109′ x 109′ “areas” (volumes) of that newly-formed Inisfree-copy city.


2022 Reveal:

Each Inisfree Egg is the size of a grapefruit, and looks like a huge transparent marble with many colors inside.  No matter which way you hold/turn one, its colors will seem to change in a curious way not directly related to the light outside/around it.  Its colorful interior also slowly subtly changes in small spots, and this is because it is being automatically updated, those colors reflecting (indirectly) the data/backup it contains… in the sense that their appearance is a byproduct of how the orb/device is shielding/immortalizing, not just recording/holding/displaying that data.

It took ~1 Earth-year to construct Inisfree enough that it was operational, full of awake/alive ICVs and ready for guests.  That was before; that was when just one man (Auz) had figured out how to improve supercomputer and terraforming technologies to facilitate such.  The city’s main supercomputer (the Grid Mind) figured out how to make these; they are advanced A.I. made by advanced A.I., thus beyond even some of the most gifted/educated/genius humans to understand, let alone produce and use.

The best way to put it is:  the Grid Mind determined the most efficient way/form/device to backup all the data that could restore the entire community, not just the basic infrastructure that started that city, plus the best device for recovering that much data… and in a way that would allow for a much more rapid (re)constructing of Inisfree (i.e. forming it in less than 1 Earth-year, and without needing the kind of 3D-printers, TBMs, or ICVs that made its start possible all those years before).  This makes each Rainbow Orb even more advanced and efficient than the brains of each ICV which are all based on “The Machine” miniature/ized supercomputer.  It means in a matter of months, not years, Inisfree can be flash-cloned back into existence… from the moment before any unexpected potentially ‘terminal’ events, occupants (and their personalities/mindsets/essences) and all.

If ever a Rainbow Orb was released from its Ark II, it would start using all around it (whether the void of Space or ‘normal’ matter people on Earth are used to working with), arranging and converting everything around it (other than the Ark II that released it) into the energy version of the Grid Mind’s biomechanical tentacles, and continue doing this at an increasing/exponential rate, as each addition to this energy mesh/grid it naturally forms when released… becomes another node/device helping accelerate its work/function/s.  To an observer, it would look like a spreading hologram ‘making something out of nothing’, as if taking a mental image of Inisfree and forming it out of thin air, starting with the central mountain’s core, and continuing at greater and greater speed until the whole city, ‘picture perfect’, was solidified, online, and populated just as it had been when that device had last made/updated a/its backup of all that.  This means you could have a new/replacement Inisfree floating out in Space somewhere, perfectly fine, or just as easily have such a replacement city flash-formed (rapidly assembled) on any world, no matter the weather or other conditions.

Though impressive, this is not terraforming technology, as it does not change the land or a whole world itself; these devices were made such that all they could do is know when to depart, easily get to whichever place in Creation was the most suitable for their mission at the time of their departure/deployment, and form a replacement Inisfree out there in significantly less than one year.


Overall / Appearance:

Concepts of the Bays:

Bay Locations:

Concept of an Ark II at Sea:

Inisfree Egg / Rainbow Orb:

2023 Update:  2022 Model in Minecraft

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