This is where the famous competitions Rome was known for are once again regular spectating events.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Location and Dimensions
  3. Schedule
  4. Most Games
  5. Examples of Who Can Select Offenders for Us to Capture
  6. Examples of Captor-competitors
  7. The Numbers
  8. Fair Warning
  9. Details of Events
  10. Summary
  11. Maps & Exterior (Images Begin)
  12. Vatican-Coliseum Fusion
  13. Courtyard
  14. Interior
  15. Ceiling
  16. Central
  17. Meetings
  18. Night Lights
  19. Babe Warriors
  20. Afternoon and Evening Colors
  21. Spectator Dress Code
  22. 2023/+ Updates



Rome had its gladiator tournaments and arenas, and Inisfree has its own.  Like ancient Rome’s, the Inisfreean gladiator events are hosted by free citizens and staffed by slaves trained as pseudo-warriors.  Like ancient Rome’s, the Inisfreean events here are often fatal.  Unlike ancient Rome’s, Inisfreean gladiatorial contests often come with sexual punishments, as well…

This facility was envisioned pre-Rapture, its space hollowed-out by tunnel-boring machines and some of the first Inisfreeans in 2011, briefly used for some of the first incoming captured kajirae-candidates at the start of 2013, and completed after final revisions were posted in 2019.

How ironic and hypocritical that some humans find this facility, and what goes on here, to be offensive, when virtually everything they do and have ever done is offensive (often intentionally).  Many religious people also believed it was okay to torture countless people forever in Hell for not doing things their religion’s way, yet couldn’t grasp the simple concept that temporary torture here, for not doing things Our way, is a milder version of the very same thing.


Location and Dimensions:

This construct is hidden below the surface of Inisfree; somewhere many dozens of stories down beneath the Kathedrom, and is an architectural clone of the Vatican; one of the few still-standing (preserved) human structures in the Outlands of planet Earth (which is now being fully terraformed and healed from the global zombie outbreak which was known as ‘modern humanity’ from ~10,000 B.C. to 2013 A.D.). The only major difference is that the basement vaults are not filled with books, but with the remains of those who failed to survive the gladiator games hosted here.

Like the city-nation called Vatican City, located next to the heart of Rome, our Vatican here is roughly a circle with a half-mile diameter.  Because it is so deep underground, our network of underground silos and their connecting tunnels are above it.  No sky is visible from this Vatican of ours.  Its access points for entry and exit are in the same places the original Vatican’s are.

Its copy of St. Peter’s Square (oddly named, as it is not a square at all) is an oval area ~500′ x 700′, and this is where most of the gladiator events take place.  This is the part of our Vatican which we combined with the stadium-seating of the Coliseum.  The concentric seating rings made of stone go up to within arm’s reach of the solid, sky-less ceiling.  More than 100,000 human-sized people can sit there, observing these ‘games’ within throwing-distance.

The rest of the areas of our Vatican are for things such as fighting-slave holding-cells, a museum (of all our events hosted here), restaurants (for free-people only), and shops (also only for free-people).  Inisfreean police stand guard and constantly patrol all of these areas, ensuring nothing out of the ordinary goes on.  All told, their capacity is up to ~1,000,000 human-sized people.

Our Vatican’s underground ceiling is 450′ above its ‘ground (walkways) level’.



Once a year, just like the Super Bowl, as many offensive yet physically-attractive human females as were noticed by the Inisfreeans, or reported and confirmed to be offensive by the allies of Inisfree, are brought here in chains.  Their gladiator-like events span roughly one week, sometimes more.  As few as one hundred, and as many as several thousand, captured females may be forced to compete, most of them meeting their ends here at some point during the fighting or punishments.

The journey for most of them (being transported to Inisfree from distant lands) takes about a week, during which they are kept well-fed, rested, and exercised; they are expected to be in prime condition for the events, thus able to be put through more, which entertains the spectators, guards, and judges more.  The journey back takes less time; they are more-rapidly flown back to where they were found to be offensive, and dropped off unceremoniously.  This can take as little as a few minutes, given the Inisfreeans’ incredible aerospace technology.

Each gladiator-like match lasts as long as there is more than one captor alive, or until the crowd cheers and calls for something else.  A typical match lasts several minutes, at which point most captors are exhausted.  The longest matches have gone on for nearly half an hour, involving more ‘players’, being centered more around beastiality than lethal fighting, and having had far-healthier/fitter captors.

Though an annual festivity for Inisfree and its interested allies, these gatherings are not on set dates.  This is because Outlanders, while almost always intentionally rude and unruly, are only randomly encountered and dealt with in these post-Rapture years; humanity is largely left on its own out there at this point, with all it once harassed and otherwise abused now unified and easily able to avoid it.  Commonly, this Vatican II facility is used during the ‘most boring’ times of year; when the fewest happy and popular holidays on the Inisfreean Omni-calendar are.


Most Games:

The captors forced to play games in the Vatican II almost always start off with one of the following:

  • using primitive bladed weapons or clubs to defend themselves against better-armed, better-armored, and secretly-invincible opponents, such as some of the people they went out of their ways to offend or betray
  • being pilloried, or chained to the central obelisk or one of the two fountains in the ‘square’, while free-people, and even various trained beasts, take turns using them however they see fit
  • being blindfolded or hooded, then made to fend off each other, better treatment rewarded to those who beat and rape the most of their fellow captors
  • fighting to the death with other captors who’d offended an ally of Inisfree
  • reenacting battles, often after the crowd/fans/spectators get to see on a large iScroll or holographic display… the reality of what they and/or their relatives/ancestors did in the recent and distant past, picking fights and waging unholy wars against all the good beings within their range/territory
  • being given only the option of crucifying each other, or getting sent off to the faux volcano, wall chamber, or impregnation cave for refusal (or even for hesitation)
  • having some of the unique weapon inventions of the Founder tested on them, such as the land-mine that uses two metal bars to roll a person up in the general shape of a cinnamon roll, or the one that impales them through their eye-sockets and electrifies them in pulses that cause second-long convulsions, or the half-catapult half-snare that keeps one part of their body in place while roughly half is ripped off and launched across the room

As you can see, our equivalent of gladiator tournaments are made to fully demoralize our captors, punishing them for being intentionally out-of-line even when unprovoked, showing them just how it feels to be bullied to the extreme.


Examples of Who Can Select Offenders for Us to Capture:

Anyone who has supported Inisfree, and been mistreated by anyone who doesn’t like Inisfree or our culture, can report to us people who mistreated them.  Here are some categories of people who have been frequently mistreated throughout history, and who are compatible with us and our Way, thus given the option of asking us to round up their offenders for an upcoming Vatican II game:

  • Africans of honorable lineages (not the degenerates/gluttons/mutants of modern times)
  • Aghartans
  • Anunnaki (people living on Nibiru, one of the worlds orbiting the Sun‘s binary-system companion-star)
  • Asgardians
  • Atlantean proto-Egyptians
  • Draconians (people from the constellation Draco; any of its 17 named stars/systems)
  • Draenei
  • dragons
  • Druids (natural healers and leaders, claimed by some mainstreamers to have left no written accounts, possibly because the Druids were smart/healthy enough to memorize everything perfectly, but also probably at least partially due to the book-burning insanity of the insecure Abrahamics (Christians, etc.))
  • Djinn (smokeless-fire Elementals/ethereal people –so talented, they could grant/manifest wishes)
  • Elementals (living air/earth/fire/water/etc. in humanoid or other form; intelligent, mobile, etc.)
  • Elves (including Drow and Eldar)
  • Fairies (energy-based Elemental-like caretakers/guardians of flowers, meadows, mushrooms, etc., often able to camouflage themselves as bees, birds, etc. –though not actually shapeshift into those things)
  • Giants (~8-20′ tall) and Titans (>20′ tall, sometimes as big as a mountain if it could stand up on its end; miles tall, but not dozens of miles, the tallest being the farthest back in time; when the World Trees were common, and there was no Outer Space, only an atmosphere that all the first realms/worlds coexisted in)
  • healers (demonized as “witches”)
  • islanders (the normal healthy attractive indigenous/true ones, not the modern degenerates/placeholders/mutts)
  • Lemurians (ancient taller Elemental-like Elves back when there was only one ocean, and it was much shallower than the oceans today)
  • Mermaids/people (people naturally able to shapeshift into half-‘fish’ (lower body) form)
  • Naga (people naturally able to shapeshift into half-snake (lower body) form, like “land mermaids”)
  • Natives (of the Americas and other lands; the real ones, who were always attractive, not the bred-down victims/offspring of modern times)
  • Nymphs (including Dryads; always-sexual (full-body health/interaction) Fairy-like guardians/incarnates of individual trees, springs, etc.)
  • pioneer-Angels called Demons (able to conceal or dim their bioluminescence
  • red-haired giants (8/+’ tall, likely descendants of Asgardians and other naturally-magical races/civilizations)
  • reptilians and reptoids (people who have scales instead of skin, and basically look like humanoid dinosaurs)
  • robots (A.I.), such as Transformers (actually able to learn, think, etc., not just fine-tune their text messages like how chatbots falsely-advertised as true A.I. do)
  • R’lyehans (people from the submarine-like (submersible/mobile) city anchored out in the Pacific’s “pole of inaccessibility” (a.k.a. Point Nemo))
  • sorcerers (anyone who can do real magic (rapid/instant manifesting), not entertainment/fake/show/TV magic (distractions/illusions/tricks))
  • Tartarians (people of the global human civilization before the modern false/invader humans/degenerates fragmented/separated it)
  • Teros (some of the people who live in -and protect- some of the cave systems)
  • the temporarily corrupted/fooled (who want payback for having been brainwashed/misled); typically people born and raised in corrupt/fallen human nations/communities who were taught nonsense in corporations-controlled schools, but who managed to notice the signs and figure that out, anyway
  • vampires (the good kind; those who only feed on the willing and bad humans, not just mindlessly/hungrily attacking or killing anyone)
  • werewolves (a.k.a. Lycans) –plus, of course, many other types of shapeshifters, such as were-bears and were-owls

We terminate-on-sight any beings who are so corrupted by evil that they are gross/ugly to behold, but any who are using ‘good looks’ as a shield or ‘hall pass’ are considered to be the worst offenders and most dangerous, so they are the ones, out of all the offensive, who are brought to this facility for these games (corrective karmic measures).  Inisfree is only for the physically-fit, after all; we do not allow any ugly creatures here, no exceptions.


Examples of Captor-competitors:

Since offending males and ugly people are slain where found outside Inisfree, the following physically-attractive females will make it here to compete and (usually) die:

  • those who once held positions of authority, especially police, detectives, lawyers, judges, and political figures
  • those who once used human degrees and licenses to pretend to be healers, especially doctors, therapists, and surgeons
  • those who once abused ‘freedom of speech’ laws, and/or other laws, such as by bearing false witness, even if just exaggerating about an ‘ex’, and especially those who repeated misinformation they read online
  • those who supported the spread of degeneracy, such as those who spoke well of homosexuals, cross-dressers, trans-genders, or other abominations against nature, purity, and decency
  • those who reproduced with unattractive males, trapping their offspring in lifelong-upsetting bodies, and subjecting all who saw them to the same draining energies
  • those who inappropriately bred animals, or funded the inappropriate breeding of animals, such as anyone who purchased a ‘lap dog’ (runt bred from other runts, intentionally keeping the bloodline weak, annoying, and problematic)
  • sex-workers who charged unreasonable prices
  • spies who spied for anyone not allied with Inisfree
  • preparers of unhealthy foods
  • alcoholics
  • smokers
  • any who pierced their flesh (including via ear-rings), or otherwise damaged the beauty they inherited genetically
  • receivers of plastic surgery, which alters, ruins, or falsifies beauty
  • religious in any way; those who subscribe to the worst nonsense and mortality-spells of all, and especially those who tried to recruit or preach with it
  • irresponsible drivers, and especially those displaying road-rage
  • litterers
  • participants in feminist rallies, especially any public/outdoor gatherings which disturbed the peace or disrupted the regular flow of traffic
  • the unhygienic
  • any who wore repulsive clothing, or clothing covering up their good looks
  • those who pressured people hitting on them to buy them drinks, pay their bills, or sleep with their less-attractive friends
  • holders of titles to vehicles or land; even literal ladies (females of noble birth, who are owners and managers of productive properties) are subject to Inisfree’s global regulations
  • any who mocked or otherwise crossed any good people, as defined by the Inisfreeans, for any reason
  • consumers of corpse flesh (i.e. fish, meat, etc.), especially those who knew of the logic and options of vegetarian and vegan diets
  • players or performers of cacophonous music, such as most ‘whiny’ country, most rap, and all religious ‘music’ (hymns, church performances, etc.)
  • readers of religious texts, including anyone who read (especially if aloud) passages from the Bible, Qur’an, or Torah
  • bloggers and YouTube users with gross or otherwise offensive content, such as those who posted videos of applying makeup
  • anyone who wore cosmetics instead of just keeping their faces clean
  • wearers of high-heeled shoes, due to how they steadily damage one’s musculature
  • short-haired; any female who cut her hair to a length less than that required to hang down below her shoulders
  • drug users, especially those who inject harmful substances into themselves or others
  • carriers of diseases, especially those who risked exposing anyone else, such as through intercourse
  • aggressive salespeople, especially as telemarketers, and even more-so when done face-to-face on the streets
  • those who did not ‘police their own’; anyone who did not insist all whom lived in and visited their communities keep in top shape, and anyone who did not immediately ban and remove everyone guilty of anything on this list
  • harborers of fugitives/offenders; anyone who allowed anyone in violation of anything on this list to live, rent from, or otherwise reside with them, in or near their lands, even if staying out of sight in their own vehicles
  • practitioners of democracy, communism, or other human forms of government; anyone who believes in, promotes, or participates in any system which forces other people to obey the frequently-changed and already-inappropriate rules/laws of those the ever-inappropriate masses vote to rule over them
  • murderers, as well as those who refused to kill evil creatures/people, using fear of imprisonment as if it was a valid excuse for welcoming/tolerating corruptions
  • monogamists and other restricters of loving energy
  • reporters of perceived crimes to any human authorities not appointed by the Inisfreeans
  • military service members (including veterans and their spouses) of any armed force not allied with Inisfree
  • hunters; those who pursued, wounded, and/or killed any wildlife, especially those who mis-taught others that it was ‘necessary’ for ‘nourishment’
  • any who caused unwanted pain or discomfort during kissing, massages, or sex, and any who generally were unsatisfying to their partners during those activities
  • filmers (and writers, editors, producers, and support staff) of drama-based TV shows, or horror films, and especially anything showing viewers or audiences scenes with traumatic events such as disfigurement
  • border guards, whether at highway checkpoints or more-remote patrol areas
  • amusement-park workers who let unattractive people pay their way in
  • teachers who taught against anything Inisfreeans value and found to be correct/useful
  • wardens –of jails, prisons, asylums, and related facilities
  • those who allowed their homes to be or become untidy
  • operators of vehicles and/or other machinery/devices which pollute, especially if fueled by gasoline
  • those who did not appropriately notice, greet, respect, and assist any Inisfreean or ally of the Inisfreeans who passed by (meaning that even not being able to sense, or being oblivious to, a good being is still a punishable offense)
  • and any other physically-attractive females who chose not to use the good looks they inherited in ways agreeable to the Inisfreeans and their allies

The list goes on.  As you can see, most things outsiders were taught are normal, acceptable, and ‘the status quo’, are actually unhealthy, unacceptable, and grounds for punishment here in this facility –if not also on-sight and along the way.


The Numbers:

Each year, for the week or two we host the ‘games’ in this second Vatican, we see thousands of captors and guests show up.  Every day during that time, the numbers of spectators stay about the same, while the number of captors drops exponentially.  Here is an example:

  1. ~2,000 captured females arrive before the first events, and all are forced to participate in at least a few non-lethal events on the first day
  2. ~half are slain by day 1 or 2, having all been paired up at some point, leaving only ~1,000 for the rest of the first week
  3. hundreds continue to choose to offend the good people allied with Inisfree, and so they get rotated through other punishment-based areas of our city, usually only for the duration of 24 hours, before being brought back to compete in more games here
  4. ~100 remain by the end of the first week, and sometimes get the weekend off to recover from all they’ve been put through (though some go insane from their experiences in this system, completely ‘shutting down’)
  5. ~50 of the luckiest, fittest, or otherwise surviving members of that group of thousands brought to Inisfree… participate in the remaining events, most of them dying during this second and final (in multiple senses of the term) week
  6. ~5 may be allowed to return to their homelands outside Inisfree, though they will be spied on for the rest of their lives, immediately brought back here the following year to go through another week or two of these games, should they ever offend those we care about again
  7. ~1 each year is sometimes given the chance, having fully reformed in this process, to go through our Kajirae-candidates Program (making her a slave for eternity, if she graduates, but a well-treated and respected one)

The Vatican II’s captor-holding areas are almost entirely empty by the end of the festivities –if not by the end of the first week.


Fair Warning:

The purpose of this facility is to prevent institutionalization; no one who is corrected (punished) in the events held within this facility will ever want to return. More importantly, they will naturally and rapidly begin devoting their whole life to never again offending a single Inisfreean. Since the Outlanders who are sent and sentenced here earned this Hell by not being humane toward us, they are not treated humanely, either; fair is fair, and Inisfree does not recognize the Geneva Convention or similar barbaric and counter-productive laws.  The message is clear; be polite to Inisfreeans, do not be ugly in any way around them, and you will get to watch these proceedings (if you like), not be subjected to them.

* Instead of being the new seat of the Catholic religion (which was erased and forgotten during the Rapture Campaign), this copy of their fortress headquarters is used to host the restored gladiator games in which slaves (once-free humans captured during Inisfreean deployments) are made to engage each other in great battles to the death, sometimes in pairs, sometimes in groups. Distinguished guests and, of course, Inisfreean-borne citizens are welcome to enter the arena (as none of them are capable of being harmed while in Inisfree) to distract, bother, fuck, hurt, and kill these slaves however they might fancy. The games are not so much for scoring, points, and honors… as they are to begin the nightmarish punishments that all opposers of the Inisfreean Way must be corrected by.


Details of Events:

The following paragraphs describe a fictional tournament and dungeon where very unfortunate prisoners of war are abused to the point of madness. This is extremely graphic, offensive, brutal creative writing which details a sport based entirely on kidnap, rape, mutilation, torture, scat, snuff, and mass-murder. It combines hard-core pornographic literotica with elements from science-fiction and horror films. This is one of the darkest parts in the entire saga of the Inisfreean chronicles. Much of this takes the work of Hans Rudolf Giger to a MUCH worse level. Discretion is HIGHLY advised. Read on at your own risk… and not while eating spaghetti.

Inisfreeans use the subterranean Vatican for such games as Outlander Rape (sexually dominating offensive attractive outsiders), and the Inisfreean MFs serve as proud and happy, eager and ever-focused judges, announcing merrily and clearly the scores based on how we capture and rape the girls in the arena. The more a girl struggles and is defeated, the more points you (the player in question) get. The more sexual positions you succeed in enjoying her in, the more points you get. The more girls you capture and rape at a time; orgies, the more points you get, etc. etc., with all the logical combinations of such. When chasing them, we can whip them down, bole their legs out from under them, choke them into suffocated submission; anything but permanently disfigure or kill them. Chloroform rags are perfectly acceptable, then. And those who Are accidentally disfigured or killed (or intentionally, during fits of understandable rage from the struggle upon capture, or in response to inappropriate comments (spells of negativity) from them), merely result in their captors being docked a few points and allowed to do whatever they wish with the corpses. Corpses are usually piked or crucified and left on display, or even left in the middle of the arena to be trampled by beasts and tripped over by fleeing and distracted Outlander girls; perfect motivation (reminders) for them to play WELL –and NEVER be offensive; only resist long enough to help those trying to capture and rape them earn more points. It is not uncommon for players to keep spines for staffs, pelvic bones for helmet ornaments, rib cages for shield layers, and skulls as steins or dining bowls, which, of course, they eat and drink from in front of all the captured Outlander girls about to play in this literally underground game; wonderful emotional triggers to get them crying and satisfying all our (Inisfreeans’) dacryphilia before, during, and after each game.

Deaths, no matter how gruesome, never cause hauntings in Inisfree, for 1) Outlanders don’t have the souls they Claim to, 2) torturing and killing creatures as evil as Outlanders is never murder, 3) evil creatures such as Outlanders are seldom allowed to haunt things even in the ridiculously tainted Outlands, and 4) Ghostbuster technology ensures that upset spirits, the few times they actually exist, are instantly sucked into permanent traps just as easily as flies are to flypaper and mosquitoes to bug-zappers. It is actually unjust, and the cause of restless spirits, when Outlanders Aren’t tortured and killed for their endless heinous crimes from the realm we keep capturing them from. While Their courts and ‘justice’ system are backwards and only leading to More injustice, Our justice system is logical, correct, incorruptible, and naturally in the form of this architectural clone of the Vatican used as an instant-karma arena.

When our players here are vampires, as sometimes our guests tend to be (for vampires are Far more tolerable, agreeable, and compatible than humans), they are, of course, allowed to sporadically drink from the girls they are using in these sporting events, slowly weakening them throughout the game to ensure, eventually, some or even All of them start to pass out, fall, and be claimed for binding, raping, orgies, and even slaughter to be turned into skeletal trophies.

Outlander girls who urinate or defecate in fear have these orifices cauterized shut –with no anesthetic, and are then made to play in spite of the searing pain of the aftermath of such pee-hole and asshole fusing-shut. They are also, usually, made to drink and eat up all they excreted, and any girls standing Near them at the time they release control of their bowels like this are required to help hand-feed them Or, sometimes, eat a portion of the shit and drink a portion of urine for failing to notice this was about to happen, and for failing to use their hands to block and plug those orifices before they were able to excrete such wastes.  (And if you think that is disgusting, excessive, or unthinkable, you should witness how they behave all throughout the outside world when they aren’t kept in check like this.)

Every Outlander girl forced to play in these brutal sporting games are of unbelievable beauty, for beauty is Nothing in the eyes of an Inisfreean; we can clone and perfect it in an instant, and to any scale we like, modifying any part or all of it just as quickly. Only the most beautiful girls in all the Universe are selected also because that is the only true motivator for any true being; that which inspires us to chase, win, and fuck, and so all the ugly females in the Outlands are slaughtered and deleted out of existence the moment we encounter them, and no Outlanders ever get to learn what we seek and require for an Outlander girl to be spared these games and allowed to try out for ADO and the Fleet Concubine units, because then, naturally, being pathetic Outlanders, they would always pretend to want to do those things, which we would instantly telepathically and technopathically detect, Anyway, which would Only Further annoy us, and we do not wish to be annoyed.  When the girls forced into our games here in the Subterranean Vatican do Well in these events, they are allowed to live and compete indefinitely in successive games. They can never Earn this as a Right, per say, for we can pull them at Any time, and for any Reason, and for any amount of time, keeping them for other purposes, and returning them, if we wish, into any new event. Still, though, returning champions do sometimes happen, and we Inisfreeans, having perfect memories for eternity, know all their stats, and are very happy to see return-players from time to time, especially when they continue to be pleasing to us –given that none of them are ever told How; they must figure it out for themselves, or just be lucky in life or at guessing.

In Inisfree, all females compete for the right and honor to be with the male, but they compete to ensure that it is universally known that they are among the finest in all Creation at orgies, polyamory, and all things deemed pleasing in the Inisfreean man’s eyes. Even those females who will never have a hope of fucking him… still must compete; to preserve their very lives, for to slack in this universally expected duty of the most heartfelt performance… means the worst forms of torture; ones which humans cannot even imagine, even in places such as Vietnam. In Inisfree, there is no worse, immoral, unethical, illogical, insane, ridiculous, blasphemous, disgusting, subhuman evil than to Not want to compete in such ways for the favor of the Inisfreean man.

Many Outlander girls; millions now, have been tortured and beaten to death by the bare hands of enraged Inisfreean females for failing to be pleasing to this (type/breed of) man of all men. That number would be in the billions now if it wasn’t for the fact that only 1% of the entire human female population of planet Earth had been even remotely attractive; ~40,000,000 out of a total human race on Earth of ~8,000,000,000 at the time of the Rapture Campaign and global terraforming event; 2013 A.D..

In Inisfree, males Never compete for their naturally guaranteed rights (not privileges) to enjoy all the females they desire –in all the ways they desire them. Such is the only True fairness, balance, harmony, and Yin-Yang. Such is the Inisfreean Way; the wisely uncompromising, unilateral policy statement, and code of honor and law, for the whole Inisfreean realm and all places where Inisfreeans and their constructs are deployed.

Champions of these, our Inisfreean sporting events for slaves (while Inisfreean sporting events for Inisfreean-borne girls are held atop the Flower Towers high above and far away within the Inisfreean property on the surface), earn the privilege (nothing is a right for Outlander females in Inisfree, no matter How well they do from time to time) of sleeping in kennels (which are, of course, kept more spartan than those for the Inisfreean Siberian Huskies), eating the scraps discarded from the feasting tables of the Inisfreean citizens (the Inisfreean-borne and the distinguished guests of our holy city), and sometimes being walked around behind Inisfreean-mounted steeds while these champion females wear handcuffs, a muzzle, and a leash connecting their choke-collar (should they move too slowly for our liking, or should we merely wish to enjoy yanking them around and choking them) to a simple handle held by the mounted Inisfreean walking them.

* When in the Outlands, these champions are chained beneath the Inisfreean vehicles; left outside to sleep at night beneath the armored underbellies of the White Rhinos and Desolator tanks.​​

Girls who fail in these events, but who clearly gave it all their heart and soul, sleep in one of the unused, topside, Pearly Gate, rectangular-prism-shaped chambers, chained from a bolt in the otherwise featureless floor to their tight-fitting choke-collar at the base of a burlap sack covering their entire head and making it impossible for them to see anything. They eat the scraps that the champions do not want, and they are not walked; their only exercise is in proceeding to, through, and back away from successive games in the Subterranean Vatican.

Girls who fail to excel in these events, but who clearly have not tried to be otherwise offensive to us Inisfreeans, sleep on the sandy crags slope of the faux volcano on one of Inisfree’s military-training desert-plateaus, not on smooth, hard, cold floor plating surrounded in darkness (as the girls kept in the chambers of the unused, topside Pearly Gates), but on coarse, painfully rocky, wind-swept, sand-blasted, uncomfortably warm, volcanic ash terrain well-lit by the endless glow of the fake lava flowing from the always full caldera many stories above them. The sound of the volcano is always one of foreboding rumbling, and these rumblings also sporadically shake the earth of the slope beneath them with earthquakes carefully designed to keep them scared and wondering if they will fall into forming cracks to a horrific fate of burning into spreading liquid remains amidst the imagined magma flows creeping not very far beneath them. These girls are fed a gruel-like slop which is dropped onto their faces from passing cloaked Owls; impossible to detect or anticipate, for they always monitor these girls’ brainwaves and know the moment they drop into deep-sleep. Unwanted for most games, their only exercise is in pleading with their captors for the chance to prove themselves in one of the upcoming games in the future. They are never told that while in Inisfree, they are immortal (though easily killable by Any Inisfreean); that their sentence on the slope of this volcano might be… forever… IF… they don’t Plead pleasingly enough.

Girls who do anything offensive to we Inisfreeans, whether they won in some of the events of these games or not, are usually beaten unconscious, raped back awake, raped again to within an inch of their life, and then tortured so as to slow their healing. They sleep in cramped boxes in which they cannot fully sit up nor extend any of their limbs, leading to cramping at times, and when they are about to fall asleep, these pitch-black boxes (made of unbreakable materials, such as ‘buckypaper’) are slowly filled with chunky slime designed to offend ALL of their senses and horrify them. It is only After they can no longer control their bowels, and begin to shit and piss into the rising, chunky slime, soiling themselves and nearly asphyxiating themselves in the process, that they are allowed to eat.

The way in which they are fed is this:  the top of their box is opened, though they are unable to stand up and stretch out (a further mental torture), spot-lights are turned on from all angles pointing in toward them, and all they are able to see is what looks like the mouth of a hideously mutated monster, whose gender cannot be determined, extending down over their head. If they crane their necks and open their mouths as wide as they can, this animatronic (though completely real looking) mouth imitates vomiting up pre-chewed, pre-digested food scraps which fall directly down and out from it to splatter on and splash within the boxed girls’ mouths. If they choke, gag, puke, or otherwise spill their food, it falls into the chunky slime now submerging their confined bodies all the way up to their necks, and is, of course, inedible at that point.

The only exercise these girls get is when they plead pleasingly enough to be used in beastiality gloryholes, in which they are left free to move around however they like, but in which they are instructed and expected to be used for triple-penetration by dogs, horses, and panda bears (all of which are animatronics, of course, but which seem in all ways to be completely real). Once, if they are deemed worthy enough to be in these beastiality glory holes, they perform pleasingly enough to the supervising Inisfreean-borne girls serving as their wardens and judges (critiquers), they are allowed to be upgraded to being chained to the slope of the fake volcano, from which they may again try their skill at pleading for the right to someday be returned to the tournament games of the Subterranean Vatican. This, however, typically only happens after they have had at least 100 dogs, 100 horses, and 100 panda bears cum inside EACH of their main holes; (~12 full cum-spurts per load) x (3 per animal; each animal cums at least once in their mouth, once in their asshole, and once in their pussy) x (300 animals per hole) = 900 creampies (orgasms inside their holes) & ~10,800 long, full, hot squirts of thick, gooey, animal sperm all the way up inside, or down into, their collective, main holes.

(Again, if you think that is revolting, and should never be done to anyone, maybe you should travel out to the many places colonized and occupied by humans, and see how revolting and bizarre they are on their own when left to their own devices.  Their entire species prides itself on attacking others, invading places, murdering trees and animals, eating corpses, and racistly demonizing everything that isn’t identical to them and that evil culture of theirs.  What is done to them in these Vatican II procedures is nothing compared to what they do every waking moment to countless trillions of enslaved infant animals, not to mention all the pollution their cities belch out all over themselves.  In other words?  They had this coming.)

Lastly, the girls who go out of their way to intentionally offend us Inisfreeans during the Subterranean Vatican games, are slated for a special fate, in deed –and one which makes all those of the Previous paragraphs Pale by Far in comparison; girls who work Hard at offending Inisfreeans are, if they are not trampled to death and decapitated in the arena, then left crucified or otherwise displayed for all to see for the remainder of that event’s games. This happens on the Rape Fields; that special slope of foot-hills between the edge of the Biodomes property and the edge of the Kno Clothing Cloning and Distribution Facility, where spectators get to watch public rapings which can range from voluntary demonstrations of lust and skill by both rapists and rape-ees, to brutal punishments of prisoners and other criminals in the most personal and everlasting of ways. It is there, on this slope, that these girls from the Subterranean Vatican events are left every night with their heads stuck in breathable bags half full of animal dung, tied tightly around their necks, until they pass out or vomit in them. If they vomit in them, their heads are left inside these bags. If they pass out, they are freed from the bags long enough to have enough fresh air to stabilize themselves before being put right back into the re-sealed bags.

Each morning, after being exhausted from trying to sleep through this Hell, they are dragged by their hair, handcuffed and ankle-cuffed, down into a restricted, special-access, special-purpose tunnel of the Subterranean Silos Network that runs beneath all of the Inisfreean property. Through this special tunnel, they are dragged by their hair to a special, also-restricted, G.A.H. subway car in which they are piled like luggage on top of each other. They are kept in a space that is too small for all of them to stand in, so they must take turns sitting or lying on each other. Though their heads are freed of the half-dung-filled bags, they are now in new bags which prevent them from seeing anything, and which are just as securely tied around their necks. They are allowed to speak to each other in this cramped place, but this does little good, and only serves to let their fellow prisoners know when they are about to lose control of their bowels. They are kept in this special subway car until 100% of them have had at least one bowel movement; until each girl has pissed and shat on at least one other girl there. They are not told that this is the time when they will be released, so they fight against their urges and only prolong their suffering here.

Once this requirement is met, their subway car moves to a special, restricted chamber of the Underway… in which they are dragged out, again by their hair, still with their heads sealed in breathable bags preventing all sight, and are tossed screaming down into a hole in this special, restricted, cave-like chamber’s center, terrifying each of them as they are guaranteed to hear the lowering, fading screams of their fellows, clearly indicating to them that they might be being pushed into an abyss to their imminent, smashing deaths. Of course, this is only terrifying for first-timers, but it is still quite unnerving for repeat guests, for never once are they allowed to get their bearings, see anything, or know when it will be their turn to be shoved over the edge to fall down into the hole. Every time, no matter how Used to it they might somehow get, they will never know if all their fellows survived the fall or not.

What they find after this terrifying waiting line and even more-terrifying free-fall, still blindfolded, handcuffed, and ankle-cuffed, is that they eventually land in a pool of extremely thick fluid which cushions their fall, almost with a splash (though this fluid is too thick to splash). Tentacles rapidly swirl and tighten around their limbs, yanking them down under the surface of this thick, gel-like fluid. The only thing allowing them to breathe is the burlap-like material of their bags; thick enough to keep the fluid out while keeping their remaining air IN. This only gives them a few breaths, though, and it is still terrifying to feel the fluid pressing in on their face from all sides while they are dragged, half floating, half sliding through the thick fluid, underwater (under the surface of the fluid, that is). This rapid, tentacle-based dragging is what keeps them from landing on each other as their entire group falls down from the above opening to this Lower chamber and pool-like bowl of a fluid-filled pit. In a way, they eventually become grateful for this.

Having been dragged out of the way, they are positioned by many more tentacles in uncomfortable positions and postures at odd angles, often hanging upside down, while still more tentacles begin to fuck their pussies and assholes, cumming the whole time. Something tears open a hole on the front of the bag over their heads, just big enough for another of these raping tentacles to fit through, and another one slides in through the hole, stuffing their mouth, and sliding all the way down their throat to constantly cum in their stomachs until they are completely full. When they begin to suffocate, these throat-raping tentacles slide back out, letting them catch their breath. If they puke up some of the tentacle-cum, they are completely refilled until they Stop. Once their stomachs, intestines, and pussies are all completely filled with cum, and it is impossible for them to hold any More inside them, three Inisfreean-modified Xenomorph Facehuggers are unleashed on them; three Facehuggers leap toward and firmly attach to each of these imprisoned girls. One Facehugger goes for the mouth, ramming its ovapositor down the girl’s throat and pumping a special egg into her stomach. One Facehugger goes for her pussy, ramming its ovapositor in there and pumping another of these eggs into her depths. The final of each group of three Facehuggers goes for her asshole, ramming its ovapositor into There, and planting Its egg deep up into her lower intestine.

It takes nine hours for these eggs to hatch, and the girls are kept hanging this entire time, upside-down in mid-air by the dozens of tentacles tightly coiled around their limbs (though never enough to cut off circulation), blindfolded by the burlap bags tied over their heads and around their necks, nude, completely coated in the thick fluid from the pit they fell into, waiting for the inevitable. First timers sometimes don’t realize what they were filled with, so this is especially horrifying to Them, but it is Equally disturbing in concept and sensations every single time, no matter how many years are spent enduring this punishment and corrective, disciplinary measure (which Inisfreean citizens often enjoy observing (and masturbating and orgying to) from their computer screens, in their mind’s-eyes, or in person).

At the close of the ninth hour, these eggs, usually within several seconds of one another, release a specially engineered creature which begins to squirm within the cavity it was implanted inside. This is an Inisfreean version of the Xenomorph Chestburster, though none of these will ever cause any physical harm to the girls that are impregnated with them (only emotional trauma and fatigue). Each of these modified Chestbursters is the size of a small snake or large slug. The one in each girl’s stomach wriggles its way up her throat, too strong to be hurt by her teeth, and forces her mouth open to crawl out of it and then out of the hole made in her burlap head-bag by the mouth-raping tentacle from earlier. It then crawls all over her upper body while waiting to sense the escape of its two fellows.

The modified Chestburster in each of these girls’ pussies then crawl around inside them, instinctively targeting these girls’ G-spots to make them shiver in multiple orgasms all the while they are cringing. After a few minutes of this truly confusing and mind-altering stimulation, it is only Then that they crawl their way out of these girls’ pussies, at which point they start crawling around, spiraling all the way down and back up again, repeatedly, around these girls’ right legs.

The final of these three modified Chestbursters, and by far the most sensationally offensive (offensive to these girls’ senses), is the one in their assholes. It is This modified Chestburster which first crawls all the way up their large intestines, not Out of them, until it nears the sphincter for their stomach, ensuring they feel the thing, like a living, mobile turd, moving every which way inside their gut, terrifying them perhaps more than all the rest. After it reaches the Top of their lower intestine, it then crawls allllll the way back out, until it forces its way out of their asshole, often covered in their shit, at which point it crawls all the way down around and back up again, many times, their Left leg, smearing their shit all around it the whole time.

When these modified Chestbursters, three per girl, complete their slimy, crawling circuits around the girls’ upper body, left leg, and right leg, respectively, they then meet up and crawl into her pussy together, work together to stimulate her G-spot until she orgasms again, crawl Out of her pussy together, crawl into her Asshole together, crawl up her lower intestine, crawl back Down and Out of her lower intestine, crawl back out of her asshole, crawl up her spine, crawl around her neck (under where the burlap bag is tied), crawl around her tits, then crawl up into the hole in her burlap head-bag, ALL of them now covered in her shit, force their way into her mouth, crawl all the way down her throat, aided by her reflexive swallowing, secreting a chemical which prevents her from vomiting, and then float together in her stomach, unaffected by its acid (and submerged in all the Tentacle-cum still filling it), for another hour until they crawl back up her throat and back out of her mouth again, this time crawling around her neck inside the head-bag, and sliming their way around her ears, poking their slimy tips into her ear-holes several times.

It is uncertain which is more horrifying; to be, by chance, alone in this level of punishment, or to be in the company of fellow girls, all of whom are screaming, choking, gagging, vomiting, and noisily yet futily fighting desperately to free themselves. Both the silence and the cacophony of these alternate situations is quite maddening -and designed to be so.

It is now the 10th hour that these girls have been subjected to this special chamber in the Underway, and with their nights up on the Rape Fields high above and far away… being 8 hours long, …and with their time in the special subway car being about Three hours long, that leaves three hours for the remainder of their daily sentencing down in this special chamber of the Underway.

The remaining three hours are spent thusly: The tentacles keeping these girls hanging upside down over the fluid-filled pit of this lower chamber in the special annex of the Underway… now move these girls down into the fluid again (with only their heads left above its surface), which feels much like being dipped down into thick honey or even molasses. More tentacles triple-penetrate them, as before, but suck Out all the cum in their three holes this time… then refill them all… and then another three Facehuggers rapidly tighten their tough, hand-like, spidery appendages around these girls’ pelvises, legs, and heads, plugging and impregnating them with their ovapositors again, and then pull out their ovapositors and swim back away, leaving them to feel the much more rapid gestation of these New, Inisfreean-modified Chestbursters.

Again, as before, no harm of any kind happens to these girls; they are merely left extremely disgusted and feeling dirtier and more soiled and degraded than ever before; a fitting punishment for the beings who felt, in their black hearts, it was perfectly acceptable and even funny to attempt to use their Words (annoying spells) to degrade and harm the irreproachable Inisfreeans and other good beings who were minding their own business.

These Chestbursters, again three per girl, take far less time to grow, hatch, and begin their disgusting work. The one in each girl’s stomach drinks up large portions of the new load of cum filling her stomach, then presses its head up into the pipe connecting her stomach to her throat, and blows it all back out of its Own stomach so as to force her to throw it all Up. It takes half a dozen repetitions of this for her stomach to be emptied, and only Then does this Chestburster (also like a large slug) crawl its way up and out.  The Chestburster in each of these girl’s pussies does the same with the cum filling their Pussies, and the Chestburster in each of these girl’s Assholes does the same with all of the cum filling their Assholes.

Since they have already experienced these groups of Chestbursters crawling together back into Each of their main holes, it wouldn’t be as horrifyingly disgusting to them, and so these Chestbursters are not engineered (genetically programmed and technopathically mind-control guided) to do that again. Instead… they all crawl into the now-emptied Pussies of these girls, rapidly gestate even More –and in these girls’ Wombs this time– causing their bellies to swell as if they were pregnant with natural Human babies. Once they appear 9-months pregnant (unharmed due to special classified techniques keeping their bodies from rupturing or failing during this process which takes an hour or two to fully ‘bloat’ them), one by one, these three self-implanting, fetus-like creatures, now in the form of full-sized Facehuggers, crawl down out of these girls’ birthing canals, moving into position for the final round of punishment.

The final round of punishment here in the Underway for the most intentionally offensive Outlander girls to ever cross the Inisfreeans… is that the Facehuggers they just gave Birth to as Triplets… are now ramming their ovapositors into these girls’ three main holes for the third round (per day) of Facehugger-based, triple-penetration, impregnation. A final three, Inisfreean-modified, Xenomorph Chestbursters rapidly gestate and crawl up out of these girls’ throats, pussies, and assholes, and then each of these girls is pulled all the way down to the bottom of this chamber’s fluid pit by the dozens of tentacles which have been tightly coiled around their limbs these whole 13 hours. The girls are held down there until they run out of air and start squirming frantically, and only Then are they brought back up to the surface to catch their breaths through the holes in their head-bags –all of which had begun to let in the thick, molasses-like Fluid this time, for they were no longer fluid-tight.

The tentacles invert each girl again, then dunk only their Heads under the surface of this thick fluid, and again leave them suspended there, limbs pulled tight and wide open, spread-eagle, until again these girls begin to frantically squirm and fight to free themselves for air. Again, it is only Then that they are brought back up so that their heads are no longer completely submerged under the surface of this fluid, and, still blindfolded by these burlap head-bags, they are put in the arms of the Inisfreean-modified Xenomorph Drones (ant-like humanoids standing much taller than a human, and looking just like in the Alien movies), who carry these girls up through winding, confusing, hive-like tunnels, sometimes crawling inverted on their ceilings, to deposit all of these girls back in that special, restricted-access, G.A.H. subway car they had been Brought here in.

The subway car takes them back to its pick-up and drop-off point; a station beneath the Rape Fields they had been Brought from this morning, and their Inisfreean-borne, female wardens and inspectors drag them back out by their hair, back up the A.I.O.W. to the surface hatch, and out across the Rape Fields to be returned to their bondage racks for another night of having their Heads taken Out of these Tiny burlap bags… and tied right back down into the Larger ones half-filled with dung.

Eventually, these girls stop resisting this mindbogglingly unheard-of Hell, and go numb and limp, and they are Let to, for That is part of what the Inisfreean-borne people want to See from them; that wholly defeated, soul-crushing (and soul-Crushed) reaction on their faces and in the depths of their eyes –and in the shrinking of their auras and life-forces– which lets the Inisfreeans know their punishments were severe enough.

These girls are occasionally asked if they want to plead for these nightly and daily punishments to end; attempt to be pleasing in their pleading enough to earn the privilege of being upgraded to the boxes that their slightly Less offensive fellow Outlander girls are kept in (and on and on, practicing their pleading more and more until they make it to the volcano slope, and then the cold floor of that otherwise-unused Pearly Gate chamber, and then back into the games held within the arena of the Subterranean Vatican). When they fail to respond in a manner deemed timely and polite enough to their Inisfreean-borne wardens, they are left for another 24-hour period in the rotation between dung-bags and ‘Xenomorph Hive pregnancy toleration and acclimation practice’.

Few girls ever make it through more than one 24-hour period here without pleading VERY well and earning their way up into the higher and less-disgusting levels of the Inisfreean correctional system.



Inisfreeans forever stand ready and willing to subject corrupted/’dark’ beings to the worst ‘tastes of their own medicine’; those outside Inisfree who treat good people badly… get treated as badly themselves as ever.  While Inisfree is 99% a heavenly pleasure city, and more than 99% of the people who visit it never attend its punishment festivals in this underground facility, the Vatican II remains a popular way for those demonized by the humans to exact their warranted revenge in full, free from any human reprisals.  It is hoped that one day this facility and its rough events will no longer be necessary to keep the negativity-based beings in check by reflection and unending application of their own disliked methods, but that harmonious time in the future remains to be seen.

Maps & Exterior:

Vatican-Coliseum Fusion:

To provide enough seating for the events hosted here, we added wraparound seating like in this ancient stadium.


This is the biggest open space other than the walled garden/s, thus where the fusion of the Vatican and the Colosseum was made; the most events happen here, people congregating on the stands/risers before and after.


Not all the buildings in this underground complex are that luxurious or palatial; some have normal-height ceilings, and so on.


These are the most-decorated ceilings in this complex.


The intersection within the tallest building down here looks like this.


Non-combatants (anyone not a gladiator) meet in here; this is the official place for gatherings and announcements beyond the tournaments.  (Obviously, our civilization being predominantly a nudist colony and against all false / death-based Outlander-human religions, no one dresses up like the wayward brainwashed fools pictured in this album above.)

Night Lights:

The day-night cycle is simulated down here much like it is on the surface-portion of our realm.

Babe Warriors:

Since this gladiator facility is for sexy people who have erred, you’ll see plenty of babes battling until we are satisfied with their performance/s, plus, of course, the ICVs keeping them under control.

Afternoon and Evening Colors:

Even during simulated dawn and sunset, the romantic external light fixtures make this a truly gorgeous and inspiring place.

Spectator Dress Code:

Everyone who comes here to view the tournaments dresses like this; masculine togas for the males, and showier –typically diaphanous– feminine versions of that garment for all females (if they wear anything at all; many females don’t, as all females in our realm are perfect, thus it is appropriate for them to proudly show their bodies off to us all).

2023/+ Updates:

Video Player

Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, etc. Walk-through high-resolution video here.

Inside the Vatican Museums | EWTN Vaticano Special – high-resolution video here.

“An Age Undreamed Of - Anvil of Crom” Conan the Barbarian Basil Poledouris
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