noun: quest; plural noun: quests
  1. a long or arduous search for something.
    the quest for a reliable vaccine has intensified”
    synonyms: searchhunt

    “their quest for her killer”
    • (in medieval romance) an expedition made by a knight to accomplish a prescribed task.
      synonyms: expeditionjourneyvoyagetrektravels, odyssey, adventureexplorationsearch;

      informal Holy Grail
      “Sir Galahad’s quest”
verb: quest; 3rd person present: quests; past tense: quested; past participle: quested; gerund or present participle: questing
  1. search for something.
    “he was a real scientist, questing after truth”
      search for; seek out.



Specific quest examples:

  1. lowest/starter-levels (1s-10s): get snagged by a dildo-vines plant, and (another quest) make-out with your first fellow player on a tour or in a class
  2. street race along the GAH during low-levels (while having sex in the backseats, or fingering/BJ-ing from the front seats –even during the “Tokyo-drifting”) –for still-in-school (Inisfree’s 20-grades educational system) levels: 20s-40s
  3. ride dragons (never fight/hurt them) during mid-levels (50s-70s) –and help them maintain their palaces in their zoo paddock (*you can earn their trust by/in the 90s-levels, thereby persuading them to let you take a few items you may find in their palace treasure vaults for yourself/quests)
  4. high-levels (80s): help orient new players as a real-person tour guide assistant to the NPC MFs hosting the tour guides and galas
  5. higher-levels (90s): go atop or outside the Perimeter Wall to help defend Inisfree during the few times it is ever besieged (and perhaps just watch the ‘fireworks’ show as the rainbow-lasers and Sentry Towers out there pretty much take care of the bulk, with you just mopping up as desired)
  6. highest-levels quests (100s): impress the top wives and King himself with specific advanced sex techniques mastered during TNA etc., perhaps during one of their galas or Master Bed-and-bathroom sleepovers for all to see! (if you succeed, they orgasm, and if the KING orgasms, you notice the eye color glow intensity/brightness increases of all the ICVs who orgasm in a splash-damage-style effect with/beCAUSE of him/his orgasm!)

* If you please the King himself, as a level 100+, you can then complete one of the Avalanche Wall-based wing-suit wedding BASE-jump ceremonies, followed by the polyamory-style Inisfreean group-honeymoons, which shows you the interior of the Golden Star, then the most elite suites of Cloud City II.  and, yes, the 2 Twilight songs play; one during the free-fall, and the other during the barefoot beach eye-lock approach portion of this ceremony, followed by the most arousing playlist in the whole game (in any area of Inisfree) during the romantic orgy (not just threesome) in the Cloud City II private suite of the King during his latest group honeymoon!



The story-line/quests take you through the history of Inisfree, with cinematics showing how it was built from FOB1, etc.

  1. first during the timeline of novel3; quests to orient you to modern Inisfree
  2. then prequels; timeline of novel1 which intro’s you to Inisfree’s King, then novel2‘s timeline which intro’s you to the exodus and wars that secured fledgling Inisfree while it was still growing/forming and cloning/birthing its first people/drones via the cloning pedestals chambers, then maybe novel10 via the museum Epcot II (the longest prequel of all prequels; all time periods in the ancient past of the entire universe!)
  3. then quests take you into novels 4 through 8, showing when other major characters showed up; the other wives, the other Congresswomen, the Pleiadians, etc.
  4. with Inisfree taking flight during the timeline of novel9, which can be an expansion pack for high-level players in the 90s-100s

* During the millennia of novel9, you will notice the increasing population; more traffic on the highways and common areas, and more takeoffs and landings at the CIV Aerospaceport.  Details on this in the EXPANSIONS section of this file.



Optional areas/quests include:

  1. playing sports in the Flower Towers; prep for the Inisfreean Olympics (where you learn to work WITH teams, not aGAINST opposing teams)
  2. winter sports from Valhalla II resort slopes, or the snowmobile racetrack of Snow-dunes, etc.
  3. free-fall sports from Cloud City II (free-fall training (first down to the ODST ranges, then into Sotu, etc) is a required part of the 19th grade; NWO MIL TRNG to level up into that levels bracket)
  4. playing sports in the Inisfreean Olympics
  5. participating on the Congresses during their sessions
  6. helping hostess at the nightclubs, raves, or other events
  7. escorting NPCs or other players through areas which their race takes a speed ding for; where they innately feel fear/awe/wonder, so you would hold their hand (except male characters are unable to do this with other male characters, as that is against the culture/law of Inisfree) while walking WITH them through an area, either LEADING them if you are helping a first-timer pass through an area they haven’t been to yet, or being led BY them if they HAVE been there before and just need to do a quest in there, thus helping reassure and stabilize them, saving them time, which they then (especially if they are an NPC) will do for you, returning the favor whenever YOU (your character, because of his/her race) need a little helping hand (pun!)
  8. help find or make (craft) items/spells/etc which can help ‘take the edge off’ for players/characters who don’t handle certain areas/regions well (such as a spell or goggles which make a Drow think she is still in a cozy cave while she is on a high mountain or in Cloud City II, for example)
  9. serve as mediator between a character and NPCs of a race that the character’s race isn’t comfortable being around yet; Inisfree is a healing center and a resort made to reunify all worthy races, so even if you are not/yet a Congresswoman in this game, you can still function as a diplomat and interpreter, etc., thus making communication, trade, and flirting easier and more effective, which helps increase YOUR character’s Status Bar AND that of ALL the other characters you are HELPING in this way
  10. opening up locked gateways to certain properties, wings in mansions, rooms in houses, hidden stone wall-doors in dungeons, cave passageways flooded with controlled water, etc.; some players will not yet have their character educated and practiced enough to use their sex techniques (flirting and beyond) to get an ICV to open it for them, as they wouldn’t be ready, and would feel left out, so if YOU ARE at that level and CAN open the door for them, they can then go in and get items or accept advanced quests which can get them more points than they would be used to at their lower levels
  11. make introductions and hostess threesomes and orgies; the more you do this, the sooner you will be invited to become a Congresswoman, etc.; ICVs and Inisfree’s ‘Internet of things’ sees and records EVERYTHING (notionally in this MMORPG), so the sooner YOUR character has broken down the cultural barriers with all OTHER races (by having sex with them multiple times, etc.), the sooner the ICVs will approve you for MF training (grade 20) and, thereby, start letting you access the rest of the restricted areas in Inisfree.
  12. help heal people at the hospital, such as by using your gathered herbs, herbal remedy recipes, running errands for nurses, holding people’s hands while they sleep, chatting with them while they recover, massaging them if they ask for that, having sex with them to confirm they are healthy enough for discharge (pun!), etc.
  13. inviting people to events such as concerts and ADO parties, or graduation ceremonies from LHS to watch the BASE-jumping, will always get you some XP and Status Bar points, as you are helping move other players through the game, and thereby helping more people IRL get to know the post-scarcity Inisfreean Way, etc. –and helping more players meet more players who are looking for teammates to help them with quests (you can always form a group and share the loot of dropped items, etc.)



Some quests in this MMORPG are MANDATORY;

  1. regularly, players playing ICVs MUST (at lower levels) complete certain classes at LHS, TNA, NWO MIL, MF school, etc.
  2. regularly, players playing ICVs MUST (at mid levels) try a job in one of Inisfree’s facilities (such as ordering kajirae in a kitchen, or operating an amusement park ride), eventually sampling one of EACH job
  3. regularly, players playing ICVs MUST play referee for Girl Catch rounds (though not entire games/seasons, as that would get very boring for players)
  4. regularly, players playing ICVs MUST practice mind-surfing to help the Grid Mind find the data that it is made to record, analyze, and store (keeping individual ICV supercomputer-brains free to do more scouting and individual-area/task handling)
  5. regularly, players playing ICVs MUST (during their job-rotation time as Inisfreean Police-girls) respond to calls from freemen to find runaway kajirae, and to board good kajirae at the Subt’ Prison, while boarding BAD kajirae perhaps in its lower levels (such as its Solitary section)
  6. regularly, players playing ICVs MUST (at higher levels) function as tour guides for the official city tour
  7. regularly, players playing ICVs MUST (at highest levels) command IC ships heading out on expeditions and raids for potential kajirae
  8. regularly, players playing free-women MUST offer random sex on the streets/fields/beaches to other players
  9. regularly, players playing free-women MUST request kajirae from freemen to help with the maintaining of their residences in Inisfree (women are NOT allowed to sell/auction/buy/trade kajirae; all kajirae are the property of MEN in this MMORPG)
  10. regularly, players playing free-women MUST escort first-time shopper kajirae to the Grocery Store and Mall so that they know for certain that the errands/shopping are being done as they WISH for them to be done; going to the correct stores, getting the correct things, looking for the correct things, efficient use of time, knowing where to window-shop for specials/rare-items, etc.
  11. regularly, players playing free-women MUST issue commands to kajirae (on-call from MALE players) as to specifically how they want their gardens (for flowers AND food crops) to be arranged or replaced, and how they want their landscaping to be done (or replaced), and how they want their furnishings (chairs, wall art, lamps, etc.) to be arranged/rearranged
  12. regularly, players playing free-women MUST host galas of their own
  13. regularly, players playing free-women MUST obey the commands of ICVs
  14. regularly, players playing free-women MUST participate in at least one of the Girl Catch games (which results in their TEMPORARY slavery to some of the MALE characters played by players, after which they are freed; this often entices some players to create kajirae characters, seeing that it’s actually very fun and complex, not boring)
  15. regularly, players playing freemen MUST chase down kajirae in Inisfree to rape them in the public areas; streets/fields/beaches/downtown
  16. regularly, players playing freemen MUST complete NWO MIL training courses, such as Dynamic Entry at the Training Tower and in the Halo Maps
  17. regularly, players playing freemen MUST go on certain ICV-hosted/led raids to the Outlands
  18. regularly, players playing freemen MUST go the Auction House to get kajirae to manage their properties/estates in Inisfree (sometimes your quest will be to purchase NPCs, sometimes to purchase player-kajirae, sometimes to bid in auctions for NPC kajira, sometimes to bid in auctions for player-kajirae) —*and you can get rare-drop items by auctioning off some of your kajira for set values; UNTRAINED/BARBARIAN/FRESH, IN-TRAINING, TRAINED, EXQUISITELY-TRAINED, FIRST-GIRL (those are some of the ratings, the low ones fetching less valuable items, the high ones fetching MORE-valuable items, etc.)
  19. regularly, players playing freemen MUST offer up some of their kajirae for the Inisfreean Olympic Games (some to serve the spectators, some to serve the athletes, and some to play in the rounds of Girl Catch –which often results in the players playing kajirae being controlled by the Masters who capture them in these fun games!)
  20. regularly, players playing freemen MUST participate in the Girl Catch games (the only sport in Inisfree that they HAVE to try at least a few times, as per the quest requirements)
  21. regularly, players playing freemen MUST host a gala at their personal residence; this game is about mingling and being living bridges, after all (just post notice of a party, invite friends, lead sex games, tell your kajirae to do certain dances, provide feasting, chat about whatever, offer questing help or sought-after items, etc.)
  22. regularly, players playing kajirae (at the first/lowest levels) MUST complete Inisfree’s Kajirae Training Program portions
  23. regularly, players playing kajirae MUST obey commands from their Masters in order to move up the girl chain toward First Girl (for multiple Masters over the course of the game)
  24. regularly, players playing kajirae MUST hurry to used suites and other rooms to clean and tidy them up before new guests arrive at them
  25. regularly, players playing kajirae MUST perform their newly-learned dance moves
  26. regularly, players playing kajirae MUST spend time in the Subt’ Prison (withOUT intentionally offending Masters IOT get sent there) –and while there, they must go through it like a dungeon; it takes time and timely icon-clicks to please the ICVs there to avoid going into Solitary, etc.
  27. regularly, players playing kajirae MUST (at higher levels) pick out the finest items at the Grocery Store and Mall for their Masters, then hurry back on foot with them (unless their Masters give them transportation privileges)
  28. regularly, players playing kajirae MUST (at highest levels) please the elites/dignitaries/leaders of Inisfree, such as by eager flirting and volunteering as centerpieces during galas, and keeping the free-women aroused and satisfied in between their turns to fuck people at these events


* ALL FOUR of these types of characters MUST (at various levels) offer sex (usually threesomes) to weary people in Inisfree (whether other players so they don’t need to rest/sleep as often, or to NPCs) as part of their quests; example:  a kajira passing by sees a freeman weary, so she gives him a few orgasms to restore his stamina bar, or your ICV character does this for a weary kajira who is struggling to hurry on foot somewhere between tasks, or a kajira does this for a free-woman beFORE doing the chores she was requested to help with while dispatched from her freeman Master, etc.; the more you have sex and hold hands in this game, the easier it is, the faster you can explore, etc etc., so quests reQUIRE this of ALL players at times.  You will ALWAYS find SOMEONE who ORGASMS will help out a LOT, and you WILL get XP and items as a reward for comPLETING these quests.

* As you level-up into the higher level brackets, your quests will require you to have more orgies and fewer threesomes, and eventually if you don’t show up with at least 1 or 2 DOZEN others (whether they are NPC-ed kajirae heeling you now that you own them, or actual players in a team effort (such as on a joint quest)) with you, you won’t be able to get into certain areas, such as the more challenging/demanding dungeons, galas, club VIP events, etc.  This FURTHER encourages player interaction, teamwork, polyamory, etc.



Some quests are hidden until you are at a higher level, BUT:

  1. if you sing to a quest-giving NPC, it MIGHT tempt them (depending upon your XP at singing, based on practice in the game, such as by singing for concerts at the Amphitheater or Nightclubs) to reveal additional quests they would otherwise keep hidden (so you don’t have to level up to auto reveal them)
  2. if you flirt with a quest-giving NPC, it WILL tempt them to reveal SOME of their hidden quests
  3. if you have sex with a quest-giving NPC, it WILL tempt them to reveal MOST of their hidden quests
  4. if you have a threesome/orgy with a quest-giving NPC, it WILL tempt them to reveal ALL of their hidden quests (BUT in order to DO this, you have to have a high-enough skill level rating, which is based on whether or not you have graduated from LHS and TNA; if you have graduated from MF training (grade 20) then you will CERTAINLY be able to pull this trick off when interacting with quest-giving NPCs)


What ARE the major quests and events?

  1. helping with acclimation/orientation and tour guiding (assisting the NPC ICV tour guides with newcomer free-persons and/OR with processing incoming kajirae candidates)
  2. dragon riding/racing (if you have a high skill level in BOTH street races AND animal husbandry by volunteering at the zoo/Sea-tanks)
  3. Inisfree’s Olympic Games (if you have a high skill level with any of the sports, such as PB-PK or snowboarding)
  4. Outlands / Space expeditions (if you have a high skill level from training in SCUBA City and the rescue program/s at the Training Tower, etc.)
  5. galas at the King’s private mansion (if you graduated TNA and have a high skill level from MOST (if not ALL) of the 50 nightclubs’ VIP areas)

And once you complete these invitation-only (based on your status bar) MAJOR events, you get closer to when the game-logic/NPCs will invite you to endgame; beyond even pleasing the King directly; to the end of the story-line in novel9; the final expedition to the most ideal world in the entire Megaverse; the world where the Grid-ing from the CPs is used to make Inisfree-like cities for all the hybrid children between the King and his top wives and Congresswomen who have become immortal goddesses (their sciences now perfected thanks to the Grid-ing and terraforming and helioforming practice in the pocket-dimension solar system over the millennia before; the story-line events of novels 1 through 8)



*In order to get into the clubs, you must get the attire required by the dress-code of the given/particular club, and in order to do that you must:

  1. send a kajira to the Mall for you. *Males are not allowed to do shopping of any kind, so they must give their physique dimensions to a kajira who then gets an outfit for them from the Mall.  *Free-women can go shopping, but all outfits must be couture, so anything they get at the Mall must be altered.  *ICVs must staff these shops in the Mall, and all other facilities/attractions across Inisfree; otherwise no one can get anything from them –or even gain access.  *Before free-person players have kajirae of their own, they can use the laser-eye in their residence’s closet to scan their body-type and auto-order couture-standard clothes for them, which are then shipped to them from the Textiles/Kno Auto-fac’s.  *Males can ENTER the Mall to SEE it, but MUST be with a FEMALE (whether that is a free-woman or a kajira), and canNOT go into the SHOPS (or, at least, canNOT use the action icon/pointer to interACT with any of the ITEMS IN the shops) –and the NPC-ed ICVs (and game-logic; invisible-walls, doors/AIOWs/portals that only work with certain player-combinations approaching and activating them, etc.) there enforce this.
  2. Kajirae do the altering for all free-persons, so when they get back to the residence of their Master (a male) or the free-woman whom their Master has leant (loaned) them out to, they do the alterations; kajirae are the tailors of this MMORPG (no free-persons –including the ICVs– can have the profession of tailoring in this game).
  3. Once the outfit is altered to be couture for the free-person, they may then don it to gain access to the applicable Inisfreean nightclub. *ICVs are the gatekeepers/bouncers; you can’t get in without getting the appropriate outfits/fashions.
  4. Inside the club, they start mingling to get quests, the free-women dance on the dance-floors, the males provide occasional direction/commands to the free-women, and the ICVs help both dance AND manage/hostess.
  5. Practice of ALL sex acts learned since LHS and perfected in TNA occurs in these clubs more than in any residence across Inisfree (for residences are more for quiet interludes and sleep than galas and other parties).
  6. ‘Dungeons’ and ‘bosses’ are negotiated in this game by applying various sex techniques and sequences of those techniques; this is the equivalent of using different attacks or spells or re-positioning of badguys/bosses in other games.


The same general sequence of character-types interaction occurs for OTHER quests/zones;

  1. If a free-person wants to make a recipe, a FEMALE must go to the store; a free-woman or a kajira. If things must be gathered from the greenbelts, such as firewood or herbs, again it must be a FEMALE who does this.  So if a MALE has a quest like this, he must get a kajira at the Auction House to do it FOR him, or coordinate with the player of a free-woman character.
  2. Farming (and tending to balcony railing trough gardens) must be done by FEMALES, too.
  3. but in reverse for kajirae at times; quests requiring a group automatically require 1) a group of only kajirae to be led by the most leveled-up kajira, 2) groups of kajirae and free-women to be led by a free-woman, 3) groups with a male in it to be led by a male, and 4) groups with an ICV in it to be led by an ICV (as ICVs are born to be the tour guides and hostesses of every division (regions/zones) and subdivision (buildings) of Inisfree)
  4. weapons can be USED by free-persons, but must be forged (ordered via 3D-printing) by MALES (and kajirae can’t even touch them; the game-logic disables any forms of interaction with weapons, even if just to carry them upon command, excepting some TSA-style shields for male Masters covering long distances on foot with their kajira(e) heeling them), and must be stowed in the storage silos OF males (excepting the ST suits of the ICVs, which are stowed on the peg-stands of their meditation rooms in their private (all-ICVs) residences)
  5. free-persons must have ONE residence in Inisfree, but must GET that residence FROM an ICV, AND must have it inspected for tidiness by an ICV, but that means having ONLY kajirae clean it up and maintain it, so a free-woman must interact with a male player in order to build up enough status points with him to EARN a FEW of his kajirae every now and then
  6. males can go to restaurants on their own (such as to meet someone which a quest said would be at a certain restaurant at a certain time, etc.), but only ICVs can hostess and manage the kitchen, and only kajirae can cook and serve the food (and clean up the tables, do the dishes, mop up at closing, etc.)
  7. males can cook for themselves at HOME (in their residence), but must have either free-women or kajirae doing the cooking for them and any guests whenever it is not just the man and his kajirae at home, but only kajirae can clean up
  8. free-women can do the cooking at any time; whether they are home alone with their kajirae or having guests over, but only kajirae can clean up
  9. only free-persons can have POVs (not even ICVs can have POVs), but only kajirae can keep their interiors and exteriors clean (though residence garages all come standard with built-in car-washes)
  10. males do military training, and free-women do rescue training, but only ICVs can be the instructors
  11. free-persons and kajirae sometimes need transportation across Inisfree faster than walking (and don’t always have mounts/vehicles –which might be against the parameters of some quests even after they DO acquire those things), but only ICVs can drive Inisfree’s gov’t vehicles; those for mass-transit (GAH subway trains, trolleys, hover shuttles, Dulles-es, luxury buses, luxury school-buses, limousines, etc.), those for city-maintenance (Work-horses, Tumblers, Fire-tanks, etc.), and those for military training (DTs, WRs, etc.)
  12. free-persons must go on raids during the 50s levels, but only ICVs can pilot the IC airships to get them there and back
  13. free-persons must eventually get kajirae and have a growing number of kajirae, but they must help ICVs round them up in raids, ICVs must find worthy ones in target areas first, and ICVs must train them before they can be of decent service to the free-persons
  14. ICVs don’t need any kajirae to maintain their residences, but must routinely get and train kajirae so that others will have uniformly-educated labor personnel for their OWN residences, and only males can physically leave the airships to bring those girls back TO the airships, and only free-women can do the distracting/seducing/convincing of potential hostiles in those areas which would otherwise HINDER that process
  15. sometimes males must check their kajirae into the Girl Kennels; the Subt’ Prison’s cell-blocks, for long-term/indefinite keeping, but ICVs must transport them to/from that facility, and keep them active/healthy while they are there
  16. raves and concerts are for the enjoyment of all, but ICVs must manage them, the bands are NPC-ed, free-women and kajirae may only attend if scantily clad or nude, males must be normally attired, ICVs must help work the crowd, and only kajirae may be beverage runners for the free-persons
  17. kajirae can go to many places in Inisfree, and going on their own can increase their Status Points because it requires them to submit sexually (or through dance, etc.) to any free-person who might fancy them in passing, but if they want to explore SPECIFIC areas for specific REASONS, they need to ask both permission AND a particular type of order or quest from either their Master (male; owner) or the free-woman whom they are (via their Master’s wishes) contracted/loaned out to for her residence’s tidying/maintenance; it is only WITH such a quest (as data attached to their character at that point) that the game-logic/NPCed-ICVs (such as the Inisfreean police-girls) that a kajirae will NOT be distracted by aroused free-persons in passing; she will be free to go directly to exactly which area/building/attraction she had in mind (provided, of course, that she returns in a timely manner with the item to complete her Master’s quest/s) –*so, for ex., if a kajira was on loan to a free-woman, and the kajira wanted to go to Cloud City II, the kajira would need to ask that free-woman to contact her Master for permission to go and a quest up there which she could help him get an errand-level item for, then ask someone to transport her up there (someone with a flight/teleport ability), then ask someone else (no free-persons wait for kajirae; only the other way around) for a ride/transport back down to Inisfree’s surface so she could hurry back on foot to her Master, etc.


* The only male slaves are the males of the Outlands, for they are unworthy of Inisfree, as they have submitted not only to females, but UGLY ones lesser to them in every way!


Players of Free-female/woman Characters Assist Others in Questing:

Free-women can also, technically, act like this MMORPG’s equivalent of the Paladin class; they aren’t good at dealing damage, they CAN deal damage SOMETIMES under RARE circumstances, but what they ARE great at is buffing the players NEAR them.  How do they DO that?  They do it by using ‘divine-like’ powers to HELP others more than they (directly) DAMAGE them;

  1. Free-women can lure in Outlands hostiles toward the death-dealing male black-ops commandos and male team-leaders; black-ops commanders, who easily neutralize/finish-off nearly anyone (and if THEY CAN’T, the ICVs SURELY can).
  2. Free-women can ALSO lure in POTENTIAL hostiles to be neutralized BEFORE they become ACTUAL hostiles; just get the Outlander/s’ attention, flirt a little, tease a little, and then play ‘cat and mouse’ until they are out of view of the OTHER Outlanders… and IN view of the raid party members who are ready to neutralize them.
  3. Free-women can also keep the perceived threat/suspicious level of the male characters down to a minimum; couples strolling along the street look a lot less suspicious to monogamy-obsessed Outlanders than lone males (who are generally regarded with suspicion; as potential ‘sexual predators’) or lone free-women (who attract too much attention and noise such as from whistles and cat-calls from Outlander men).
  4. Free-women are better at keeping the suspicion levels of kajirae candidates (Outlander girls who’ve yet to be trained as kajirae) down to a minimum so they are easier to sneak up on, drug or otherwise knock out, and transport into the White Rhinos or MPHAs; get a free-woman to initiate contact instead of a male, and their pulses, adrenaline, and kneejerk-thoughts stay at a minimum, which means fewer Outlanders with their almost-vestigial ESP/6th-sense notice the tension in the air, so fewer alarms get sounded, so more raids go ‘off without a hitch’. *Free-women, once high enough leveled, can sometimes even just pull off the first kiss, finish ‘breaking the ice’, and walk hand-in-hand the kajirae candidates directly up into the hidden MPHAs before those Outlander girls have any idea what is actually going on.
  5. Free-women can even neutralize potential hostiles themselves, or even actualized hostiles, such as by seducing them into becoming turncoats; into JOINING THE RAID PARTY! (which means they will require black-ops indoctrination by other Inisfreean forces stationed covertly/clandestinely in the Outlands, but that is another story for another time).
  6. Free-women can help keep captured kajirae candidates from hurting themselves by keeping them calm while they are in the stasis tubes of the MPHAs. Of course it is very easy to heal ANY wounds once back in Inisfree, but that is just one more thing that needs tending to, and the free-women are the best characters at mitigating that possibility.
  7. ICVs don’t use magic, and kajirae aren’t allowed to, so while the males are occupied in firefights and subduing kajirae candidates, the characters who cast the spells to help them (such as casting wisdom buffs, healing spells, mass-cloaking for small areas, critical-strike chance increases, stamina restorations for weary male warriors who don’t have an opportunity to rest and recharge, etc.) are the FREE-WOMEN (just as High Queen AMBI helped Me while I was busy building Inisfree). *Free-women learn some of the NWO MIL stuff (martial arts, weapons, bomb diffusing, infiltration, counter-sniper flushing-out tactics, etc.) but it is mostly MALES who use that stuff, as that is their natural strong-point.  Concurrently, MALES learn some of the FEMALE stuff (cooking, cleaning, mending, spell-work, etc.) in case they need it in a pinch, but it is mostly FEMALES who use that stuff, so they learn MORE of it, PRACTICE it more, and USE it more in the FIELD; i.e. on raids.
  8. Multiple free-women on a raid (or other quest) means that they can boost/buff each other back and forth, such as by restoring each other’s mana so they can keep spell-casting LONGER –AND keep casting more mana-needy spells. So this makes them also classifiable as witches, but same thing –ish; paladins do more direct action, while witches tend to stay indirect; in the shadows.
  9. Free-women do most of the healing in the field, while ICVs take over the more intense/complex healing back on the ships and at Inisfree’s hospital; free-women magically (or medically or both) heal basic wounds while non-ICV characters are vulnerable while on missions/quests/raids in the Outlands, and anyone with lingering issues gets further treatment in Inisfree. For example, if a newcomer to Inisfree has an STD, its symptoms are neutralized by the white-beams of the IC ships (and the ST suits‘ vambrace omni-cannons), and then the virus/root ITSELF is not only treated but CURED in Inisfree’s hospital, and the ICVs on staff as doctors there (with new ICVs as their assistants, and some free-women as their nurses) teach their patients how to change their thinking to ensure they can’t get any STDs ever again (without any need to change their sex habits).  So this makes the free-women the paladins; doing basic and group healing in the field, while the ICVs are the healers/doctors; specializing in total/holistic healing OUT of the field.


* On raids, you have the SAME vantage/POV as you do in the rest of Inisfree; the same as that of WoW, which is third-person, with a toggle option to show what your character sees, as opposed to you seeing your character walking through its forward and peripheral fields of view.  That means that on raids, you have the mini-map, the same ruck slots pop-ups, the same thumbnail icons for your strikes and other abilities, and get to experience SWAT-stacks, dynamic entry, chasing down worthy girls, fighting NPCs, and carrying off loot and girls over your shoulder just as you would IRL or in WoW.  Also just like in WoW, your rifles and wizard wands/staffs don’t run out of power/ammo.! (You wouldn’t need to look for such things anyway, for the Inisfreeans, as ensured by your ICV over-watchers in the IC airships, use a Tesla-based power system of endless free energy, and can use modern alchemy (subatomic transmutation) paired with teleportation to create and transport to you all the mag’ refills you might ever need.)

