One highway connects all of Inisfree.


Table of Contents:

  1. Summary
  2. Dimensions
  3. Pillars
  4. Non-pillar Statues
  5. Surface
  6. Full Speed (No Stopping)
  7. Big Upgrades (section including the three following)
  8. Wider Lanes
  9. Water Lanes
  10. Tilted Turnaround Arches
  11. Lane Types
  12. Leisurely Lanes and Attractions
  13. Grade
  14. Corkscrews
  15. Highway Transit Options
  16. Mobiles Houses you will see on the GAH
  17. Roundabouts
  18. Shielding
  19. Rules
  20. Patrols
  21. Additional Notes
  22. Novels Excerpt
  23. Layout & Design (Images Begin)
  24. Overpasses for Vehicles and People/Wildlife
  25. Inlaid Gold on White
  26. Pillars like the Drivers
  27. Sleek “Filling” Stations
  28. Support-pillar Concepts
  29. Vertical ‘Corkscrew’ Sections
  30. 2022 Update:  Full-size Model in Minecraft
  31. Relevant Holidays
  32. Culture
  33. 2024 May 31/+



The Glowing Art Highway (‘GAH’ for short) is named for its most predominant aspects of being comprised of countless works of artistic masonry and metallurgy, and, of course, for the fact that it glows; instead of street-lights on metal posts, the panels of the highway’s surface itself illuminate it softly from within, anticipating the movements of all vehicles traversing it by lighting up its translucent sections just ahead of them.  This helps save energy by keeping all unneeded light fixtures off in the absence of traffic, and keeps light pollution down to an absolute minimum, as star-gazing and aurora-gazing are held to be sacrosanct by the Inisfreean people (ICVs).



Every section of our city’s highway system which is full-width spans 530′;

  • 80′ for one side’s on/off ramp and/or turnaround lanes; 1 10′-wide outer shoulder, 1 40′-wide house-lane, 2 10′-wide car/truck-lanes, and 1 10′-wide inner shoulder
  • 20′ for the grass/landscaping between that service-road-like outer part and the highway-proper
  • 330′ for the highway-proper; the 160′-wide left side (1 40′-wide outer shoulder, 1 40′-wide house-lane, 4 10′-wide car/truck-lanes, 1 40′-wide inner shoulder), the 10′ median, and the 160′-wide right side (1 40′-wide outer shoulder, 4 10′-wide car/truck-lanes, 1 40′-wide house-lane, 1 40′-wide inner shoulder)
  • 20′ for the grass/landscaping between that and the other side’s service-road-like outer part
  • 80′ for the other side’s on/off ramp and/or turnaround lanes; 1 10′-wide outer shoulder, 2 10′-wide car/truck-lanes, 1 40′-wide house-lane, and 1 10′-wide inner shoulder

There are three main types of lanes;

  1. normal-width for normal vehicles; 10′ wide
  2. wider for mobile houses; 40′ wide
  3. waterways for jet-skis and small/personal speedboats; also 40′ (always outside the service-road sides of our flat-terrain highway-sections)

The jogging track has these characteristics:

  • wide enough for several human-sized people to pass each other going different directions
  • along all sections of our highway, including up the steeper central-mountain slopes
  • always serpentine-ing left and right, around the back of one support-pillar/statue (thus under the highway overhead there), then back out to curve around the front of the next support-pillar/statue (thus these jogging-trails/’lanes’ are always only on the lower/down-slope side of highways which have one of their sides up against a higher/rising slope)
  • only one jogging-trail per highway-section (since they are wide enough for multiple ‘lanes’/directions of joggers; no point in having multiple jogging-trails along the same stretch/section of highway)

Turnaround arches’ heights are based on their widths;

  • 170′ between opposite edges
  • full half-circle form, vertical
  • 85′ tall (from highway-surface up into the air/sky above it) at their center point
  • the outermost turnaround lane rises up until its outer edge is the top at that height
  • the innermost turnaround lane rises up until its outer edge is 55′ up, its inner edge being 45′ up

Grassy overpass-bridges for wildlife are always the same dimensions;

  • ~40′ wide at the top
  • fanning out to be ~60′ wide where they meet the ground outside the service-road portions of our highway sections
  • ~5′ thick

Gold inlaid swirls are also uniform, though they come in several shapes and lengths;

  • flush/even with the highway’s driving-surface
  • ~1′ wide
  • several to dozens of feet from one curve-end to another
  • either forming a single curve, or branching off into two or three curves
  • curve-ends form either a circle or a curved point

Each light-up section is always a square;

  • 10′ x 10′ squares for the normal (car/truck) lanes
  • 40′ x 40′ squares for the wider (mobile-house) lanes
  • 40′ x 40′ underwater squares for the waterway (jet-ski and small/personal speedboat) lanes

Median trees and fountains are uniform and picked to fit / look well on their spots;

  • no more than 9′ wide at their bases
  • fountains no more than 9′ tall
  • trees no more than 20′ tall

Median statues are also uniform;

  • 6′ tall if male
  • 5′ tall if female
  • both always fit (of a perfectly-healthy physique)
  • always with facial structures our founder prefers (IOW:  what he feels in his blood-memory and sees in his mind’s eye, thus the surest signs and guides/keys)



Supporting the many miles of 16-lanes-wide GAH sections are not the primitive, simplistic, rectangular-prism, concrete pillars of Outland overpasses and bridges; rather, the supports holding up Inisfree’s highway sections are all female statues with literally perfect proportions such that they are almost as sexy as the Inisfreean-borne girls (ICVs) themselves.

  • always nude, teen, fit, human females in form
  • some are standing with arms up; for the sections where the GAH is high above the ground
  • some are standing with arms at the level of the tops of their heads, and others are doing handstands; their feet are what’s holding up that part of the GAH
  • some are kneeling
  • some are sitting; for the sections where the GAH is close to the ground
  • some are doing handstands and other artistic, ballerina-like poses

The dimensions of these pillars are always based on the side of our highway they are holding up; when a taller vertical gap between the ground and the underside of the highway section needs to be spanned by a pillar, that female figure will first be based on the necessary height to cover that span, all her curves kept proportional just the way High King Auz knows they should be.


Non-pillar Statues:

Every mile (5,280′) of any of our highway sections, there are 176 statues.  They are the small gray circles outlined in black in one of the top-down highway intersection design images below.  Spanning our standard median, they have a diameter of 9′ for their base (which is a grassy mound, centered on which are their feet, the pedestal/pillar/anchor/foundation those feet are attached to… being under the grassy surface/mound).

(This means that, for these statues to display 1 of each of the 1,000 form-sakes (which all ICVs are fashioned in the likeness of), it takes 5.681 miles of our highway.)

Again, these statues are all on a 9′-diameter circular spot that spans most of the median of the highway, and on one side of each statue is an equal-sized circular-area of landscaping (low bushes and flowers, etc.), with a 9′-diameter 3-tiered concentric-bowls fountain on the other (with the middle bowl always being 6′-diameter, and the top bowl being 3′-diameter).  That means that there are 176 landscaping circles per mile of median of our highway, and 176 of those fountains (that have a small bowl up top, a medium bowl in the middle, and a 10′-diamter catch-pool/basin at the bottom; “3-tiered concentric-bowls”).

Our highway has ~120 miles to it; that’s

  1. 21,120 statues,
  2. 21,210 landscaping circles, and
  3. 21,210 fountains,

grand total, for all of its medians.  That’s just on the surface, though; there are many more miles of highway down into our underground hemisphere, connecting to all our Giant Hangars, etc..  You do the math; there are thousands more statues, landscaping circles, and fountains down there, all of them level with the horizon, perfectly working, and monitored by The Grid Mind (and passing (driving) ICVs) all the time.

(120 miles of surface-highway… divided by the 5.681 miles of our highway it takes to have a sequence of 1,000 unique statues, each one in that span based on 1 of the 1,000 form-sakes we love, …means our 120 miles of surface-highway sections have 21 statues of each form-sake.)



In the daylight, the drivable surface of the GAH is clearly adorned with inlaid gold in the form of borders patterned as elven ivy swirls, contrasted by the white (not black asphalt or gray cement) base color of this highway system’s ‘smart’-surface.​​​​  This ‘smart’-surface is like most Inisfreean surfaces; it ‘thinks’ and plans-ahead with the objects in contact or proximity with it, adjusting its texture to provide shifting amounts of ideal friction.  This is also part of what prevents 100% of glare from occurring anywhere on the GAH; no amount of sun- or other light will adversely affect its drivers.

The entire highway is also exceptionally smooth/level (though still, of course, ideally-textured for tires-grip); you won’t feel bumps while driving along it, nor will you hear any sounds common to Outlander highway surfaces/edges.


Full Speed (No Stopping): 

Also of note is that there are no stop-lights or intersections for Inisfreean streets and highways; all lanes of traffic maintain their maximum speed at all times throughout any trip -even during banking into the turning lanes.  In order to maneuver onto an intersecting street or highway, one must only shift into the turning lane leading to a merger with that alternate route.​​  Crossing traffic (vehicular and pedestrian) always cross via overpasses (bridges) or underpasses (tunnels), even when, in the Outlands, just a tiny crosswalk would do.  This saves an incredible amount of time, money, labor, and other resources that would otherwise be much more frequently spend on replacing brake pads and refilling gas tanks, amongst other things.  In Inisfree, that would be completely inefficient and thereby unacceptable.  Thus, there are no intersections or stop-lights on or for any Inisfreean street or highway.


Big Upgrades:

Wider Lanes:  While mobile-homes and trailer-homes in the Outlands can fit within the highway lane markers originally designed for military tank traffic, in Inisfree, the highway system includes lanes that are 4 times the width of Outlander highway lanes, allowing for actual houses-that-are-mobile to drive in these wider, slower lanes.

​​Water Lanes:  Additionally, canal-like lanes allow speedboats and jet-skis to traverse all of Inisfree-city alongside normal vehicular traffic (in a trough-like set of water-lanes separated by dividing barriers).  Guests can literally ‘drive’ (sail/maneuver) their small, personal, waterborne vessels up out of and back down into Inisfree’s main lake via this mass-transit construct.  (This also happens to be a much safer alternative to guardrails and crush-barrels, and uses the same concept; water can slow things down much more safely than metal or even soft plastic can, obviously.)

Tilted Turnaround Arches:  Furthermore, instead of (just) the ‘four-leaf clover’ overpass turn-around systems of the Outlands, Inisfree incorporates into its highway design an approach more like that of Hot Wheels; racetrack-steep lanes allowing vehicles to maintain higher speeds and ‘bank’ like fighter-jets instead of having to slow down, and vertical loops allowing vehicles to become briefly fully inverted as they reverse their direction to merge back with the main and level lanes.​​


Lane Types:

Basically our highway doesn’t just have one size of parallel surface to drive on;

  • we have wider ones for our drivable houses,
  • normal ones for the kind of vehicles you are probably used to driving in the Outlands,
  • and narrow ones for motorcycles, plus nearby tracks (for trolleys) and trails (for hiking and jogging).

Every now and then (alongside flat sections of the GAH) you’ll also see lanes entirely covered in water –and they are designed that way; we added one small-watercraft lane to each flat (no-slope) section of our highway, so you won’t be limited to just using your jet-ski or speedboat on our main lake.

  • WIDE LANE:  House (Mobile-home)
  • almost NEVER on the GAH, but can use NORMAL or WIDE lanes:  Dulles Shuttles
  • NORMAL AND (option) WIDE LANES:  Luxury Buses
  • NORMAL LANES:  Personal Vehicles (and taxis, etc.; things the size of cars and trucks)
  • NARROW LANE:  Motorcycles
  • WATER LANE:  Speedboats & Jet-skis
  • PARALLEL TRACK:  Trolley


Leisurely Lanes and Attractions:

Leg-power Lanes:  Bicycling and jogging lanes serpentine just beneath the GAH, generally running parallel with the female-shaped pillars holding up the ‘smart’-surface for the motor-vehicle traffic lanes.  Due to sound-suppression technology, almost nothing can be heard save the slightly louder breezes caused by the quickest-moving forms of traffic.

Hidden Lounges:  Near the circular ports connecting the GAH lanes to the interior of the Auz-dome, there are a couple well-hidden and cozy hang-out lounges tucked neatly away amidst the shadowy underside of this wide highway.  With an experienced guide, one can easily be directed to the AIOWs which lead up into them.



Most of Inisfree’s highway system is flat and near ground-level; it has a 0% grade (a.k.a. slope).  Some sections, such as those going up our central mountain, can have as much as a 45° incline (and, of course, the vertical turnaround lanes going 90°, then inverted, as they get high-speed repulsine-assisted traffic/vehicles moving over and back down so that they can merge with traffic going the opposite direction on the other side of the highway section they provide this option at).  In our vertically-spiraling sections, the grade is much more gradual; ~10%.

Anytime the grade is more than 0% (whenever our highway is not flat, perfectly horizontal), no water-lane will be present in that section/part of the highway.

Since all the vehicles which use this highway of ours are easily capable of practically-aerobatic maneuvers, thanks to their standard built-in A.I., repulsines, and other tech’, even our steepest highway sections (such as the one going up the Apartments Array slope / side of the central mountain) are effortless for them to move along, never losing traction or momentum, driving/operating exactly as desired/needed.

Rain is prevented from building up on this highway due its slight side-to-side bowing; a gradual rise toward its middle, imperceptible to any but beings as sharp-eyed as ICVs, plus warming and breezeway technologies, stop waterflow before it becomes like a waterfall / flashflood.



Our highway, when it turns either up or down into a spiral-like form (“shape”), is said to be in a corkscrew.

There are nine major/big highway-corkscrews (with the full 16-lanes width of a normal GAH section) in our city;

  1. Cliff-dwelling 1’s Canyon side (added in 2022)
  2. Cliff-dwelling 1’s middle (added in 2022)
  3. Cliff-dwelling 1’s Palaces side (added in 2022)
  4. Cliff-dwelling 2’s Side Canyon side (added in 2022)
  5. Cliff-dwelling 2’s Slant-top Spire side (added in 2022)
  6. Highway Sphinx
  7. Mountain on Corinthians
  8. Uber Baobab
  9. Uber Geode

There are numerous smaller highway-corkscrews;

  1. around the biggest/tallest skyscrapers downtown (2 10′-wide vehicles lanes, and 2 40′-wide houses-lanes; 1 of each going up, and 1 of each going down)
  2. around the biggest/tallest ground-scrapers beneath downtown (2 10′-wide vehicles lanes, and 2 40′-wide houses-lanes; 1 of each going up, and 1 of each going down)
  3. Civilian Aerospaceport exit/off-ramp mega-saucer (at least 50′ wide; 1 10′-wide vehicles lane, and 1 40′-wide houses-lane)
  4. Civilian Aerospaceport parking-garage (x3, each being wide enough for 1 10′-wide upward vehicles-lane, and 1 10′-wide downward vehicles-lane)
  5. Highway Cathedral (to/from its observation level/roundabout; in its steeple –1 10′-wide upward vehicles-lane, and 1 10′-wide downward vehicles-lane)
  6. Highway Pyramid (to/from its observation level/roundabout –1 10′-wide upward vehicles-lane, and 1 10′-wide downward vehicles-lane)

There are 2 gigantic highway-corkscrews;

  1. inside the wall/dome of the Temple of Auzdein; the Auz’dome
  2. inside our EPCOT II museum

There is (as of 2022) 1 horizontal highway-corkscrew (with the full 16-lanes span);

  1. Tunnel Pass

The major corkscrews are 7 pixels wide on our map; 1 pixel for their edges/borders, 1 pixel for their median, and 2 pixels per side (for the lanes of traffic going either way).  2 pixels of width = 132′, but the actual median is only 10′ wide, adding 28′ to both sides; each side of the highway is 160′ wide (perfect for 4 10′-wide lanes + 1 40′-wide houses-lane + 2 40′-wide shoulders; one inside (near the median), and one outside (near the shoulder)).


Highway Transit Options:

You probably already figured this out from our section about different lane types above, but you can always traverse our city by car, truck, bus, motorcycle, trolley, subway car, boat, jet-ski, and even drivable houses (basically an extra-wide and multi-story RV).

  • Bullet-train:  via our subway; running parallel with our highway is this underground rapid-transit system
  • Luxury Buses:  we use motor-coaches instead of things like Greyhound
  • Mobiles Houses:  some homes can be driven off their foundations
  • Open-air Trolleys:  for slower, leisurely sight-seeing
  • Personal Vehicles:  everything from motorcycle to pickups, suburbans, and vans

There is one section of the GAH which has only the option to drive normal vehicles; it does not have trolleys or connect to our subway:

  1. Cloud City II‘s portion of our highway system


Mobiles Houses you will see on the GAH:

Yes, as you might have suspected, given our level of technology and creativity, some of our homes are even mobile and highway-worthy.

  • 1, 2, and 3-story, with a base no wider than 30’x30′ (900 sqft. for 1-stories, 2,700 sqft. for 3-stories)
  • ancient Ryokan-looking
  • bungalow
  • classical revival (temple-looking)
  • colonial/federal (English)
  • log cabin
  • modern American
  • post-modern contemporary
  • semi neo-classical “plantation” style
  • Spanish colonial revival
  • town-house
  • Tudor revival / European
  • Victorian



The off-highway intersections in Inisfree are also either “clover”/”weave”-based, or have luxuriously-landscaped roundabouts.  These roundabouts often include a giant bowl-shaped pot with “overflowing” flowers (hanging over the sides), sometimes also with water-features, such as fountains.  Around the base of these large “bowls” are more of the traditional statue type in Inisfree; naked, perfectly fit and sexy, teen and preteen females/ICVs, all seated in attractive and playful poses, some looking like they are putting up their hair in ponytails or helping braid each others’.

The roundabouts for each neighborhood are themed/styled/landscaped to match those areas:

  1. American/Asphalt Neighborhood:  just bushes and flowers common in the U.S.A.
  2. Apartments Neighborhood:  common American trees used for median landscaping
  3. Bora-tiki Neighborhood:  tropical/exotic/Hawaiian flora
  4. Borg-cube Neighborhood:  alien-looking plants; the rarest from Earth
  5. Bungalows Neighborhood:  palm-shrubs (short/low palm trees), etc.
  6. Cabins Neighborhood:  evergreens and alpine shrubs
  7. Castles Neighborhood:  a variety of European trees and shrubs
  8. Chateaux Neighborhood:  plants native to ancient France
  9. Cliff-dwellings Neighborhood:  flora the Anasazi made use of
  10. Earthships Neighborhood:  plants native to Taos, where the Earthships movement was started
  11. Mansions Neighborhood:  groomed hedges
  12. Palaces Neighborhood:  flowers and other plants signifying, symbolic of, or traditionally used by, royalty
  13. Ryokans Neighborhood:  large bonsais
  14. San Diego Hills Neighborhood:  palm trees and plants native to southern California
  15. Santorini II Neighborhood:  plants native to the Greek islands
  16. Schlosser Neighborhood:  Germany’s forest trees and wildflowers
  17. Shire Neighborhood:  plants native to England and Scotland
  18. Shrine-mansions Neighborhood:  white flowers and aphrodisiacs
  19. Tiny Houses Neighborhood:  the smallest flowers and bushes
  20. Treehouses Neighborhood:  birch trees (white bark, golden leaves) grove/cluster/circle
  21. Waterfall City II Neighborhood:  plants that prefer a lot of water/mist in the air
  22. Wave-buildings Neighborhood:  beach-biome / climate-zone plants
  23. White Conexes Neighborhood:  cacti, yucca trees, and others native to Joshua Tree, etc.
  24. Wylie Ivy Cove Neighborhood:  plants native to where in Texas this ‘hood got its name and inspiration

Since lupines are High King Auz‘s favorite flower, almost all the roundabouts in this personal city of his have them.



Because of the Grid Mind tentacles forming a reinforcing roots-like mesh throughout/underneath Mt. Kirkpatrick and all Inisfree terrain since 2011-2012, we have seen almost zero rocks come loose and fall.  However, cliffs are cliffs; anytime there is a cliff, eventually a pebble or something tumbles down, sometimes even bigger pieces of land than that, such as a tree branch.  Our guests and vehicles, as well as the homes we build here, are invincible and immortal, but we also like to keep our city as peaceful and therapeutic as can be, so we have added invisible forcefields over all the sections of our highway which are alongside any steep landform, and those sections include:

  1. all tunnels
  2. Abu Simbel Pass
  3. Auz’dome
  4. Baobab
  5. beach cliff
  6. Canyon
  7. Cathedral
  8. Cliff-dwellings
  9. desert plateau connecting tunnel
  10. Mountain on Corinthians
  11. Mountain Tunnel pass
  12. Snow Dunes tunnels under the Avalanche Wall
  13. Sotu perimeter
  14. Sotu under-dome
  15. Sphinx
  16. subterranean spans, including the entire Underway

This way if anything falls toward the highway, the overhead energy shield will catch it, working like a trampoline cleverly decreasing its flexibility until the object is no longer bouncing, and, as always, never posing a burn or disintegration risk to people.  Yes, our forcefields are that finely-tuned; they aren’t just stubborn barriers.  Yes, our highway is now this protected; everywhere you drive on it, you can rest assured nothing surprising or scary will fall on you or in your path.



Basically if it is safe on an Outlands highway, it is probably safe and tolerated here on ours.

  • We drive on the right side of the road/street/highway in my realm; traffic always moves forward on the right half of any roadway, just like how ~65% of Outlander-human nations have their traffic flowing.  (Why?  Because Inisfree is for everything I am accustomed to and enjoy.)
  • Always drive respectfully, helping to keep all other drivers/vehicles around you safe.
  • If you feel tired, upset, or distracted, either exit the highway or let your ICV/A.I. (auto-driver feature) take over.  (Your vehicle may sometimes assist with this on its own, such as to help keep you in your designated lane, etc..)
  • Pedestrians have the right of way –but, of course, are not allowed to walk anywhere on our highway –unless exiting a vehicle which had to be pulled over onto one of the highway shoulders due to experiencing an issue.
  • If your vehicle is having/experiencing any issues at all, it will likely pull itself over onto the nearest available area of the shoulder closest to your lane.  If it does not do this on its own, you should drive it over there and park it, alerting the nearest ICV.
  • Routine maintenance is usually done entirely be the vehicles themselves, as they were designed and 3D-printed (and programmed) to be able to constantly self-diagnose and make minor/basic adjustments.
  • Keep your vehicle clean and presentable by using the carwash feature built into almost every garage in our city/realm.
  • Change lanes to give extra room to our emergency vehicles and personnel.
  • Racing should only be done during our street races.  You are perfectly fine just ‘peeling out’ every now and then to show off what your vehicle can do, however.
  • Tailgating is not allowed –and will be automatically prevented by each vehicle’s A.I. (auto-driver feature).  Vehicles do not speak, so if there is an ICV in the vehicle with you, and you are wondering why your vehicle will not let you drive more closely to a vehicle in front of you, she can/will explain.  The minimum safe/braking distances recommended for each vehicle (or combination of all aspects/factors/components of the vehicle you are operating) will be adhered to by either your ICV driver or the vehicle itself.
  • Blocking traffic for any reason is not allowed –and vehicles can activate their own auto-driver features to coordinate with each other to help prevent traffic jams.
  • If you do not intend to travel at normal highway speeds, you should use one of the parallel lanes / travel options, such as taking one of our sightseeing trolleys.
  • Sex in moving vehicles is perfectly fine, and you’ll probably see it every time you drive on our highway/s, just keep all your body-parts inside your vehicle until it has exited the highway and come to a complete stop.
  • Dropping anything outside your vehicle, especially if it is moving on any of our streets or highway/s, is littering.  Since we pride ourselves on being a 100% pollution-free city and fully-compatible/unified community/family, we do not allow littering.  Littering can get you deported –on the first offense.  (We will even detain, and confiscate the vehicle of, any Outlander in the Outlands whom we witness littering, especially if they intentionally drop something harmful outside their vehicle/window, such as a cigarette butt.)
  • If you intend to keep a vehicle, tell the vehicle you intend to keep it; this will adjust its settings so it does not open/unlock itself to allow others/strangers in Inisfree to use it.  We swap vehicles like city/rental bicycles in our city/realm; you’ll often see people leaving their vehicle with its doors open, sometimes even with its engine still running, and others walking over to get in and take it without saying a word to whomever left it.  If you are near a vehicle you want to take/borrow, and it is not opening for you, it is likely that someone told it to stay locked until they return –and any nearby ICV can point you to the nearest available/loaner vehicle, as well as summon another copy of the exact make-and-model you were interested in.
  • Bicycles are only allowed on trails and residential streets, not our highways.
    Cyclists should stay as far to the shoulder as possible on streets, and may only use sidewalks when no one is walking ahead.
  • ICVs will make sure no vehicle is ever abandoned on any of our highway/s.  They will also always return a vehicle you asked to keep to your garage –once they have made sure it is in perfect working order.  Sometimes they will check/fix a vehicle left on a highway shoulder and let it drive itself back to your garage.
  • Whenever the High King of Inisfree is driving by, make as much room for his convoy as you would for emergency vehicles/personnel; he is extremely busy and needs –and appreciates– all the help he can get.  You’ll know for sure it is him/them if you see either 1) his mobile-concerts stage-firetruck, or 2) his white stretch-limousine –and both those vehicles will always be flanked/surrounded by Inisfreean police-girls riding “Owl” hover-saddles (our realm’s equivalent of a motorcycle) if they aren’t (also) driving Police Tumbler squad-cars with their six-color light-bars on/flashing.
  • Only drive onto our highway via one of its on-ramps.
  • Only drive off of our highway via one of its off-ramps.
  • Mobile-houses are only to drive on the mobile-house lane/s.
  • Due to the location of mobile-house lanes, all vehicles are allowed to cross them, but non-houses should move to and almost always stay in/on normal-vehicle lanes.
  • The inside shoulders are for emergency/municipal vehicles; do not drive on them as if they are a normal lane for traffic.
  • If you need to pull over, do so onto an outer shoulder.
  • Do not pause/park/stop on any grass/landscaping.
  • Only when there is no GAH connection to a drop-off/pick-up point do the hover-shuttles stop hovering over the GAH surface and fly over to such off-highway spots; this is to keep the airways/sky as clear as possible.

2023 October update:  Rules for the Highway Itself

  • The only signage shall be uniform, erect, horizontally-aligned, clean, classy-looking street-name signs; there shall not be billboards, speed-limit signs, or messages attempting to scare or otherwise pressure drivers into being more alert, etc..
  • No non-highway structures/additions/annexes may ever be attached/built/erected/placed on our highway; our highway is only for the vehicles authorized by our High King to drive upon it.
  • Our highway shall not be expanded, such as by adding another lane based on traffic; our anti-dispersion law helps ensure that no traffic-congestion or traffic-jams ever occur on this megastructure of ours.
  • Graffiti, paint of any kind, and any/all other art, shall not be applied to any part of our highway (nor to any vehicle upon it; our subway trains, trollies, anything); no one is allowed to color or otherwise alter the exterior/aesthetics of it; its color-scheme shall forever only be matte-white with inlaid-gold.
  • Its landscaping shall be kept immortal, healthy, and green.
  • Water moving through its fountains shall be kept potable, perfectly clean and clear.
  • Any fallen foliage buildup (such as piles of leaves) shall be removed by our “Work-horse” vehicles/crews as soon as they safely can.
  • The outer edge of the outer shoulders is where a concrete-like waist-level partition is, preventing traffic from entering or exiting our highway except via the correct access-ramps.

2024 June:  Speed Limits

  • 5 MPH in campgrounds
  • 10 MPH:  playgrounds
  • 15:  schools and alleys
  • 20:  residential curves
  • 25:  residential
  • 30:  farmland curves
  • 35:  farmland
  • 40:  suburb curves
  • 45:  suburbs
  • 50:  downtown curves
  • 55:  downtown
  • 60:  hwy ramps
  • 65:  hwy slow lane
  • 70:  hwy loop
  • 75:  hwy curve
  • 80:  hwy straight long
  • 150:  street races
  • 235:  double carrier
  • Before 2024, the thinking was that since different combinations of drivers and vehicles meant factoring in different driving skills and (vehicle) performance abilities, speed limits would be based on those combos, not “one size/speed fits all”. While that is still true in our realm, repulsines and other tech’ of ours has made it so that all vehicles on our streets can speed and maneuver almost identically, excepting of course for size/turns (motorcycle vs. truck turning-radius, etc.).  That said, our A.I.-assisted/-infused vehicles will move themselves at the speeds posted above, based on where they are driving, excepting when the driver chooses temporary manual control/steering.



There are a few types of Inisfreean vehicles which are always driving/hovering along each of this highway system’s sections/spans.

  1. Fire-tanks:  ~8 in 2022, each tasked with patrolling 15 of our highway system’s ~120 miles; you’ll see one hovering by one/each of its miles every quarter-hour or so (always checking for fires, disabled vehicles, potential fire hazards/starters, etc.)
  2. Luxury Motor-coaches (Buses):  ~151 in 2022, each tasked with patrolling ~.8 of our highway system’s ~120 miles; you’ll see one passing by –and stopping at the bus-stop/station of– one/each of our highway’s miles every minute or so (after which it takes the shortest route back, connecting only 2 of our bus stops/stations in a loop this way)
  3. Police Tumblers:  ~14 in 2022, each tasked with patrolling ~8.5 of our highway system’s ~120 miles; each will drive back along one/each of its miles every 7 minutes or so
  4. Work-horse Trucks:  ~110 in 2022, each tasked with patrolling ~1.1 of our highway system’s ~120 miles; each will drive back along its assigned ~mile of our highway system every minute or so (always checking for debris, fallen leaves, any needed repair/servicing issues, etc.)

Due to this patrol schedule/dispersion, plus their standard/built-in repulsines, response-times for emergency and non-emergency vehicles in our city is seconds, nowhere near as long as the many minutes it usually is in Outlands human towns/cities.


Additional Notes:

Inisfree has a fleet of automated trucks; cargo vehicles that drive themselves with the help of A.I., as well as an ICV or two as backups/copilots.  These trucks are as efficient as can be; they never need to stop for rest or gas, and can convoy closely (tailgating) to cut down on wind resistance, thereby saving on the energy it takes to keep them in motion.  Automated vehicles also greatly reduces both actual and potential driver injuries, such as from accidents or from just sitting too long ‘at the wheel’.  If you see a line of trucks driving very close, front to back, as you make your way along one of the city’s highway sections, now you know why they are driving that way –and how.

All tires in Inisfree are made of white rubber.  That way, even when “peeling out” / “burning rubber”, they don’t leave unsightly marks on our white highway system.

Highway-section and residential-street names are now chosen… and posted here.

In most Outlands realms, racing on public roads and highways is illegal, but here in Inisfree we have found ways of making very safe the legendary street races.

There are no rest areas like alongside Outlander highways, but anyone can use the shoulder or access-road shoulders for that, as our vehicles are silent.  The rotating parking-lots can also be used for rest.
2024 May note:  An ICV will always politely check with you if you want her company while you sleep. (For anyone who pulls over to nap/overnight, we don’t regard this as “illegal camping”, and instead as an opportunity to offer to comfort/love/support them.) They usually snuggle and lovingly kiss or lullaby people to sleep.

Parking Lots:  We almost always only play music indoors; never do we play music on outdoor speakers, such as across parking lots, two of the only exceptions being:

  1. during our Outdoor Raves, and
  2. during our Welcoming Ceremonies.

Bicycle locking-posts/racks are at every:

  • parking garage,
  • downtown building,
  • restaurant,
  • and beach-strip shop (throughout Inisfree and all my Inisfree-like cities)

In the Outlands, built-in or glued-on noisemakers, such as lane bumps, and shoulder divots, help alert drivers when they are crossing into another lane/section.  We don’t have those, as this highway/roads system of ours includes more-advanced protective and preventative features/measures.

All parking-lot places where there are dumpsters… have their approaches kept clear (no personal vehicles parked in the way) so “Work-horses” picking up trash (emptying dumpsters, etc.) never have to wait on parking-space vehicles to move.  Our A.I.-infused vehicles (which are all of the ones in our realm, as we only allow here vehicles we made here) make sure to never stay in the way of such things, moving themselves if their drivers exit them, leaving them there.  Normally, everyone pays attention to this sort of thing, however, so they never even slow down or pause, let alone park, there.

2024 February:  All normal highway vehicles/traffic is allowed to go to/from the city’s desert plateaus without a checkpoint; vehicles driving civilians know not to exit into military training areas up there, and any vehicle driving people authorized to get dropped off for training or work at the restricted facilities out there only transports such people (not authorized personnel plus civilians/others).


Novels Excerpt:

Inisfree’s highway was held up not by gray concrete blocks, she would see, but life-like figures of healthy women standing proudly and stretching up their arms in various stances and poses, and its surface was of a spotless white with swirls of inlaid gold. Every vehicle on it looked brand new, and there were even a few multi-story houses doubling as over-sized vehicles smoothly driving by in their extra-wide dedicated lane. Their highway was also 16 lanes across, and had very light traffic spread out upon it, without a single power-line or stoplight anywhere; just epic views from the perimeter wall toward the main mountain.

A holographic display tastefully lit up in the passenger area where Lucifera could see it without having her views through the transparent side windows blocked. It began an introduction with simple graphics and maps to introduce newcomers to the overall layout and nature of their capital city. Auz demonstrated how interactive it was, moving his hand and eyes one way and then the other to signal the hologram to rotate, zoom out or in, or pause or rewind certain parts of the presentation.

“The full tour of our city usually takes 41 days,” he said, “and we can make it more like 27 since the first two weeks are for people to acclimate to our altitude, diet, and culture. There is also a one-hour fly-by we can take if you’d like to expedite things even further –or wrap up with a grand finale flight on the last day.” A color-coded spiral appeared over a map of the whole city when he said that, showing her the flight path he was talking about.

“Inisfree is the new meeting place and staging area for all good beings on and returning to Earth, who wish to work together to restore our world –and any world– to their Golden Age glory. We help coordinate environmental cleanup projects here, mapping, ruins restoration, even therapies and other treatments for people too long wearied by the post-forests nature of the lands beyond. This also happens to be my home and private estate, so the zoning and culture are entirely up to me; there will never be a single bit of tension, urban sprawl, or pollution within these walls.”

Their white limousine continued its smooth drive along the highway of white and gold, now joined by an escort of four police-women on hover-saddles the Inisfreeans called ‘Owls’; in their matching sky-blue uniforms, each fitted to their exact individual physique dimensions, they looked more like a team of skydivers or beach-goers than law enforcement. One of their squad of motorcycle-like vehicles hovering a few feet over the clean highway’s surface was at each of the four corners of the limousine’s area, letting the other drivers know to keep a respectful distance from the royal convoy. They moved with the limo’ as one, all the way to and through the jaw-dropping sight which came next.


Layout & Design:

It looks complex, but it’s basically a normal highway made a bit wider, with steeper turnaround and access/exit ramps, and nicer statues and landscaping than you’ll find elsewhere.


Overpasses for Vehicles and People/Wildlife:

We don’t have any true/old-fashioned intersections or crosswalks; we keep everyone moving much more freely and safely.


Inlaid Gold on White:

Both the white and gold parts light up in front of your direction of travel.


Pillars like the Drivers:

The supports that hold up sections of our highway all look like the most beautiful women and girls, honoring the healthy female forms wherever you choose to drive and sightsee in our realm.


Sleek “Filling” Stations:


  • sunglasses

Chilled Beverages:

  • Amy & Brian coconut water (canned)
  • Slurpee/Icees; Coca Cola (our equivalent; far healthier), etc.
  • snow cones
  • soda (Olipop, etc.)
  • sparkling cider
  • water (always without chlorine or fluoride)
  • yogurt soft-serve (frozen)

Hot Bar:

  • boneless wings
  • chicken tenders
  • French fries; regular, loaded, sweet potato with feta
  • nachos
  • pizza slice
  • popcorn
  • potato wedges
  • pretzel jumbo soft with dipping sauces
  • pupusa/empanada/calzone
  • Spring rolls
  • taquitos and guacamole

Hygiene/Care Items:

  • lip balm
  • moist-towelettes packs
  • napkins, ‘paper’ (not from trees)
  • travel kits

Music on Speaker:

“Little Deuce Coupe” 20 Good Vibrations: The Greatest Hits The Beach Boys
Audio Player


  • ATM-like machines which dispense the only coins we have/use in our realm; those meant to be put in the coin-slot of a coin-belt of a kajira told by her Master to be a street-walker playing that prostitute-like game on some days

Room-temperature Food:

  • Almond Joys-like candy-bars
  • chips mini-bags, various
  • cookies soft; chocolate chip, Pirouettes, plus the Siete mini-bag flavors
  • dal packets
  • f’real-brand milkshakes (veganized, of course)
  • granola bars, various
  • Hostess-style CupCakes
  • hot dogs; regular, chili, etc.
  • ice-cream bar Kind/Snicker’s
  • ice-cream bites
  • jerky packets
  • M&M’s-like candy
  • olives pitted seasoned
  • ramen noodles soup packets, various
  • rice; white sticky packets (heatable pouches with this type)
  • salads, pre-made
  • seeds packets (Outlanders mistakenly call these nuts, but nuts are inedible shells; people only eat the seeds inside)
  • teas

Sex Items:

  • condoms


  • Hand-towels of bamboo-paper are provided, though there are also wall-mounted hot-air blowers.
  • normal toilets; not BTBs

Vehicle Tools:

Not Offered:

  • aerosol
  • alcohol
  • ATMs; we have no metal (coin) or paper (dollar bill) currency/money in our realm
  • chewing gum
  • energy drinks
  • lottery tickets
  • sun-block
  • tobacco

There is no gas(oline) used in Inisfree, so take a guess at what these facilities, which look like futuristic and very clean/sleek versions of gas stations, are for.  It has something to do with our Nymphs population.  Enjoy.

2024 June 12 Wednesday update:

  • inspiration taken from the good parts of the Buc-ee’s gas-stations / travel-centers chain of stores; much larger than the average convenience store, dozens of pumps (in pairs of doubles; 1 pump on both sides of each kiosk, with 2 such 2-sided kiosks in a mini-row perpendicular to the convenience-store, all these kiosks/pumps under 2 parallel coverings/roofs) instead of the usual 2 to 4, etc.
  • locations:  ~1 for every 7 bus-stations (and as a narrow extension of the given station’s property/edge); ~110 in Inisfree and in each Inisfree-like city

concept of 2 long rows of pumps, well lit:

concept of spacious well-lit interior, just without the mineral-fiber ceiling-tiles:

and, of course, not any Buc-ee’s logos, but the Inisfree flag/sigil

Wall-art in these filling stations is framed LCDs (digital artwork/photos) with the same set of images as in the passenger hallways of Inisfree Spaceways commercial flying saucers.


Trash cans at the outdoor pumps/kiosks are inside barely-heated bear-proof hurricane-proof metal-like enclosures so they don’t ever risk freezing (i.e. trash-bag stuck to an icy spill, difficult to remove/replace) or blowing over/away.


Support-pillar Concepts:

Now you get the idea.


Vertical ‘Corkscrew’ Sections:

This is another large-scale, yet still-subtle, hint that our structures -not just our people- are alive.


2022 Update:  Full-size Model in Minecraft

This was just built to help show how the inlaid gold swirls and internal ahead-of-vehicle lights are.


On the left of the image is an outline/frame representing one of the 3-story drivable houses.  On the right is the driveway of a Ceiling Mansion.  The group of vehicles on the right side of this GAH section includes a fire-tank (the red one), a semi (cargo truck), and other basic/common/personal vehicles.

The median is not completed in that image; it would have intervals of fountains, landscaping, and statues.


Relevant Holidays:

  • 7 Nibiru:  Saturn’s-day (feast), corresponding to Dec. 9:  Chinese Fire-drill Day (run around your vehicle at a stoplight –but since Inisfree doesn’t have intersections with those, this can be done on a highway-shoulder)
  • 8 Nibiru:  Sun-day (reveal), Dec. 10:  Chinese Fire-drill Day (around random vehicles)
  • 9 Nibiru:  Moon-day (hunt), Dec. 11:  Chinese Fire-drill Day (around mobile homes on our highway)



As a nudist colony that thinks of itself as literally one big actual family, all its members naturally into compersion and polyamory, anyone attempting to hitchhike will get picked up and politely offered sex.


2024 May 31/+:

The eyes of the statues on the medians of our highway double as traffic cameras.

2024 June 9 Sunday:  There are no rest areas/stops or travel centers, since you can rest in any unoccupied home whenever you please, and in any occupied one whenever invited by its resident/s.

Inspiration from the big Oleander flower bushes of Highway 99:

(Inisfree’s highway landscaping-circles on its median having about as many flowers as in any of those bushes/clusters, just not hanging over the median’s edges/sides)

2024 June 16 Sunday addition:

  • individual parking-space turn-outs / mini-shoulders along many sections; for perfect privacy no matter where you want to pull over
  • Scenic vista-style mini parking-lots (wherever a forest or other FOV obstruction ends and an impressive view above ground-level begins) might get added next…

2024 July 21 Sunday:  Underpass lighting is biolume-ivy, not the kind of typical light-posts / electrically-humming fixtures most Outlands-humans install for their own structures.

2024 November/+:

  • hidden/indirect spot-lighting for the median fountains, plants, and statues (since they would otherwise be dark/silhouettes at night and in the Auz’dome’s dome-spiral)


Video Player

Also see:

Scandroid - Neo Tokyo (Dance With The Dead Remix) - Sotu y GAH y Underdome
Audio Player

