The following describes the process of building Inisfree in a single year.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Month by Month
  3. Tonnage
  4. Summary
  5. Additional Notes
  6. Additional Construction
  7. Overall/Concepts
  8. ~99% is Solid Rock, and Only 1% is What We Built



How is it possible to build an entire city in just one year?  Most cities took at least ~20 years to complete.  Some cities took much longer.

Enter 3D-printing; with 3D-printers, a house can be built in a single day, furnished the following day, and a 57-story skyscraper can be put together in 19 days (whereas previous skyscrapers took years to complete).  3D-printing can reduce construction time, waste, and costs by ~90% or more in many cases.  Now imagine 3D-printers printing components for more 3D-printers, as well as for Tunnel-Boring Machines (TBMs) to do most of the digging for the underground structures, plus printing robotic workers to help with all the human-sized tasks (i.e. finishing touches requiring the precision of a human hand).

When you take a 3D-printer like that to Antarctica, and you start sending the TBMs it prints… into the mountain it is on, and then see an exponential increase in that kind of 3D-printer, since it keeps printing more of itself, the result is very soon:  thousands of TBMs and millions of tireless workers, all cooperating and maintaining each other, none requiring pay (or even food or sleep).  This is how we started Inisfree.  We let our custom supercomputer keep it all orderly, on schedule, and easy to adjust along the way.

We sailed for the Antarctic coast in the northern hemisphere’s start of Winter, which was when the southern hemisphere was starting to warm up to easy-operating/outdoor conditions.  We traveled to the mountain selected due it requiring the least amount of tunneling/changes in order to have the Inisfree design anchored to/in/on it.  By the next north’s Winter (which corresponds to Antarctica’s Summer), Inisfree was ready for business; deploying all those 3D-printed workers (this time now to build our city, but to help clean up pollution and cities all around the rest of the Earth) and inviting in our first guests.


Advanced TBMs:

A TBM built the old way (by humans) took about one year, including testing before launch.  With 3d printing, we cut that time down to just hours; our TBMs are similar in size of a house, which can be printed in one day.  Even though they have more parts, our printers also have more heads, plus they use energy that solidifies, not matter that must be heated then cooled back off in layers at a slower rate.

Our TBMs dig faster, and we don’t have to constantly check geology or hydrology to guarantee against cave-ins –because we are just digging a pit, and the Grid Mind is reinforcing it as we go.

Our TBMs are also A.I., so they can guide themselves and share information through our I.N.N..

Furthermore, our TBMs do not just rotate their ‘head’/’face’ to dig/scoop; they have lasers and sound-based rock-softening devices built into them, allowing them to move forward faster, excavating/clearing at a speed a full degree of magnitude (or more) greater than their predecessors (previous-generation TBMs).


Month by Month

November (2010): ARRIVAL; waiting on best flight windows; ideal/safe weather for cargo aircraft to fly in

  • 1 TBM weighs ~550 tons.
  • LC-130 “Hercules” are the military cargo planes that fly to Antarctica, and each can carry 22.5 tons; each TBM would have to be flown in sections/parts and assembled on-site.
  • 1 “Hercules” would need to make ~25 round-trips to get all the parts for one ~550-ton TBM there; if using this plane, we’d need 10 of them each completing one flight to the continent every day for almost the entire month.
  • Solution:  new generation of TBMs made from lighter, stronger materials, and transported in a C-5 “Galaxy” (which can carry 140.5 tons per flight) or other large(r) cargo aircraft. If using the “Galaxy”, we’d need 10 of them each completing 4 flights to the continent this month.
  • The 3D-printers capable of printing houses, vehicles, spare parts, and parts for more 3D-printers… only weigh 2-3 tons; they can easily be added to any flight/load.
  • The distance from McMurdo to Ushuaia is 2,983 miles.
  • “Hercules” flight speed is ~374 MPH; a “Hercules” can from to McMurdo from Ushuaia in 8 hours; there is time for a round-trip every day (factoring in hours to unload, refuel, flight check, change pilots/crews, etc.).
  • Machines On Site: 10 industrial-scale 3D-printers, and 10 Tunnel-Boring Machines (TBMs) at this time (*though Base 211 and others loaned us some that were already there)


December: TRAVERSE; many flights of personnel, supplies, etc., to McMurdo Station, then convoys to the chosen site, staging (perhaps at Amundsen-Scott if it is closest), vehicle inspections, refueling, supply drops, setting up any necessary wind barriers or fencing to prevent gear/trash from blowing around, etc.

We spent the 2nd month moving them to the site (and got help from Base 211).

  • The Overland Traverse is 995 miles from McMurdo Station to the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station.
  • Mt. Kirkpatrick is half that distance away; assuming a drivable route exists off to the side of that 1st half of the ice highway, it will only take us ~1 week to drive those first 10 printers and 10 TBMs there.
  • The Grid Mind is placed near the top of that target mountain… and turned on; its tentacle ports start to grow their first nodes/nubs.
  • Machines On Site: 10 industrial-scale 3D-printers, and 10 TBMs at this time


January (2011): STAGING; site surveys (at various stand-alone peaks near the Trans-Antarctic ridge), core samples, outpost pods moved (and kept on Inisfree’s property here-to-forth as mobile command centers instead of research facility modules), TBMs transported in (from where they were driven to and staged at Amundsen-Scott, or a few 3D-printers that constantly print more TBMs to line up in convoys burrowing ever down and outward?), grade set, earth-moving/pseudo-terraforming (hottest month for Antarctica, so best/easiest time to do the most surface work; spend the previous 2+ months getting everything flown in and driven across the Overland Traverse if need be, assuming a Grid Mind isn’t teleported into place)

Staging and finding best spots to dig in (and we found a lot had already been dug by those before us).

  • Machines On Site: 10 industrial-scale 3D-printers, and 10 TBMs at this time
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when there is direct sunlight for all of each 24-hour period.
  • The best spots are first based on the map/design of/for Inisfree, and then on where the ‘soft spots’ in the rock/composition are on the central mountain.
  • As The Grid Mind’s tentacles continue growing down and out into/throughout Mt. Kirkpatrick, they keep converting and moving the material they touch/excavate as part of their growing process; eventually they will extend out far enough to start outlining the foundations of structures such as Inisfree’s highway section… and even the ‘footprint’ of the perimeter wall –where they’ll eventually be ‘piping’ material to build/raise it up.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~1 mile away from the summit/start/computer; they are expanding at the rate of ~176’/day (~7.3’/hour; ~.12’/minute (1.46″); ~’.002’/second (.024″)).


February: BIGGEST SUBTERRANEAN CAVITIES: MAIN HANGAR, PITS for the UBERS, & WALL; Inisfree’s version of NORAD (specifically, the underground mountain base of the North American Aerospace Defense Command) carved out; for the Overhang Base & Main Hangar (materials/ore/crystals extracted here (coal, iron ore, sandstone for masonry, limestone for semi-reflective exteriors, dolerite for roads, and a wide variety of meteorites, for ex., are common in this region, with extensive oil and natural gas fields nearby; under the Ross Ice Shelf) are then used for 3D-printing of all the following structures/constructs, and even used it to help shape/pack/reinforce the city’s Perimeter Wall), as well as (simultaneously) the Uber-VTOLs‘ cylindrical shafts and Uber-Repulsines‘ spherical cavities. (*The Bingham Canyon Mine (deepest on Earth) and the Hull Rust open pit mine (largest/widest on Earth) are comparable to Inisfree’s Main Hangar’s dimensions, and each took about one century to dig with primitive original (1st-gen’) mining/hauling tech’ and far fewer dedicated machines.) As these large underground chambers are being carved out, the extracted materials are taken up the deepening CP Hatches (four smaller cylindrical access shafts connecting the Main Hangar to the surface), then used to form the Perimeter Wall (incl. its internal features and the Perimeter Rings; traffic-channeling terrain features). To reinforce these growing cavities under Inisfree’s property, materials such as Maraging Steel, Spectra Fiber, carbon/carbon composites, silicon-carbide, nickel-based super-alloys, Graphene, Carbyne, Geothite (from mollusk limpet teeth), aluminum oxynitride (transparent aluminum), spider-silk-based armor (which is vastly superior to both Kevlar and ceramic armor in terms of strength, weight, and flexibility), and Buckminsterfullerene (as well as Hempcrete above-ground) will be used so that the wide spans in these cavities will be easily negotiated without need of internal crossbeams or other supports. And, yes, we can 3D-print those things, and supports made out of those things, too.

The fourth month was the start of digging and making more TBMs, and all the excavated material got fed to the printers, allowing them to make more at the same rate as the digging; as room opened up for more TBMs to dig in, those new TBMs were becoming ready.

  • Machines On Site: 10 industrial-scale 3D-printers, and 2,010 TBMs at this time (all 10 printers printed 10 TBMs per day for 20 of the 30 days of this month; to expedite the digging process, then each spent the final 10 days of this month making 10 printers per day)
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when the Trans-Antarctic Mountains result in direct sunlight for most of each 24-hour period.
  • Our TBMs do not jus scrape to dig/excavate; they have sensors similar to those we’ll be adding into the Perimeter Wall once we have enough material for them/that, thus they determine the type of rock that is in front of the TBM at all times, and adjust the heat/lasers and sound/harmonics/vibration of the front of the TBM to fragment/cut that rock the most quickly/efficiently. This is how they are able to cut much faster than regular TBMs.
  • Everything we don’t need to convert (precious metals such as gold, etc.) is sorted and kept as-is in its respective container/s.
  • Everything we need to convert gets converted by the ‘organs’ of our TBMs, then sorted into respective containers of their own.
  • All mined materials (converted or otherwise) initially gets kept in created cavities/hollows/chambers where the Cloning Facilities will go.
  • ~215.3756774945211 cubic miles of cavities to create = ~31,703,490,000,000 cubic feet of rock/material.
  • 1 TBM has a ~50′ diameter, and can excavate ~50′ forward/day, so that’s 98,174.77 cubic feet of rock/material every ~24 hours (depending on thickness encountered; how long it takes to soften/drill, etc.), which is ~4,091 ft^3/hr, thus ~68 ft^3/min, thus ~1.14 ft^3/sec *and that’s with the OLD-FASHIONED TBMs; ours are 10x-100x faster!
  • 1 of our TBMs, then, extracts ~100,000 to 1,000,000 sq.ft. of rock every day; on day 1 of our 10 TBMs digging, they extracted ~10,000,000 ft^3 of the needed 31,703,490,000,000. That brought us down to 31,703,480,000,000 left to extract.
  • It takes our 3D-printers ~1 day to make a new TBM, and we had 10 printing at the same time, so on day 2 we had 20 TBMs; we were able to extract ~20,000,000 ft^3 that day, which brought us down to 31,703,460,000,000 left to extract.
  • On day 3, our 30 TBMs extracted ~30,000,000 ft^3; down to 31,703,430,000,000 (or ~31T ft^3).
  • Day 4-20: Another 10 TBMs per day = 160 more TBMs; 190 now.
  • Day 4: 40 TBMs; down to 31,703,390,000,000.
  • Day 5: 50; down to 31,703,340,000,000.
  • Day 6: 60; down to 31,703,280,000,000.
  • Day 7: 70; down to 31,703,210,000,000.
  • Day 8: 80; down to 31,703,130,000,000.
  • Day 9: 90; down to 31,703,040,000,000.
  • Day 10: 100; down to 31,702,940,000,000.
  • Day 11: 110; down to 31,702,830,000,000.
  • Day 12: 120; down to 31,702,710,000,000.
  • Day 13: 130; down to 31,702,580,000,000.
  • Day 14: 140; down to 31,702,440,000,000.
  • Day 15: 150; down to 31,702,290,000,000.
  • Day 16: 160; down to 31,702,130,000,000.
  • Day 17: 170; down to 31,701,960,000,000.
  • Day 18: 180; down to 31,701,780,000,000.
  • Day 19: 190; down to 31,701,590,000,000.
  • Days 20-30: 10 printers each make parts for 1 more printer every day, thus adding 100 printers by the end of this month.
  • Day 21: The first 10 of those new printers make 10 more TBMs. ~200M ft^3/d; down to 31,701,390,000,000.
  • Day 22: 20 printers make 20 TBMs. ~220M ft^3/d; down to 31,701,170,000,000.
  • Day 23: 30 printers make 30 TBMs. ~250M ft^3/d; down to 31,700,920,000,000.
  • Day 24: 40 printers make 40 TBMs. ~290M ft^3/d; down to 31,700,630,000,000.
  • Day 25: 50 printers make 50 TBMs. ~340M ft^3/d; down to 31,700,290,000,000.
  • Day 26: 60 printers make 60 TBMs. ~400M ft^3/d; down to 31,699,890,000,000.
  • Day 27: 70 printers make 70 TBMs. ~470M ft^3/d; down to 31,699,420,000,000.
  • Day 28: 80 printers make 80 TBMs. ~550M ft^3/d; down to 31,698,870,000,000. *The Main Womb is now emptied (as its volume. (~528′ vertical feet were removed per day (~22’/hour; ~.36’/minute) by all those TBMs working in unison; that’s from the domed ceiling of the Main Womb all the way down to its floor.)
  • Day 29: 90 printers make 90 TBMs. ~640M ft^3/d; down to 31,698,230,000,000.
  • Day 30: 100 printers make 100 TBMs; we’re now up to 740 TBMs, thus excavating ~740,000,000 square feet per day. This day we are down to ~31,697,490,000,000 ft^3 remaining to be extracted by our still-growing number of TBMs.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~2 miles out by the end of this month.


March: BIGGEST SUBT’ BUILDINGS; Overhang Base, Uber-VTOLs, Uber-Repulsines (though the uppermost repulsines cannot be started until July; it will take a while to get the TBMs down to their level and out to their distance from the central mountain/chamber, and the lower repulsines will take months longer, as they are miles deeper), Underway (as opposed to a highway, low-way, or overpass), SCUBA City (just its pit, not yet flooded/filled), Sea-tanks (also not yet flooded; just their pits, like the ‘bowl’ for a swimming pool), and the inverted-dome subterranean-hemisphere barrier/wall built (TBMs are driven in a spiral downward, making a perfect circle directly beneath the Perimeter Rings’ future location, with each pass being a successively slightly smaller circle; concentric circular routes down until they reach the Keel Hatch‘s future location, leaving not tunnels and large pipes/tubes behind them, but the material of the inverted-dome.)

With the biggest chambers started, we started making the biggest buildings down there (and would continue working on them for the next several months; it would take that long for their cavities to be created by the TBMs and other devices/vehicles joining them).

  • Machines On Site: 1,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers, and 2,010 TBMs at this time (10 of these printers spent all 30 days of this month each making 10 other printers per day)
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when the Trans-Antarctic Mountains result in direct sunlight for half of each 24-hour period.
  • now ~1,010 printers; we’re excavating at a rate of ~2 billion square feet of rock/material per day.
  • now ~2,010 TBMs
  • Day 1: 1,000 printers each make another TBM; we’re up to 1,740 TBMs now. *These will be working on the perimeter rings/trenches and other things as soon as the underground areas within the perimeter wall’s area are complete/emptied/shaped. (Down to 31,695,750,000,000 cubic feet of material left to excavate.)
  • Day 2: another 1,000 TBMs are made; up to 2,740. *These, too, will be working on the perimeter rings/trenches and other things as soon as the underground areas within the perimeter wall’s area are complete/emptied/shaped. (Down to 31,693,010,000,000 left to excavate.)
  • Day 3: another 1,000 TBMs; up to 3,740. (Down to 31,689,270,000,000 left to excavate.)
  • Day 4: another 270 TBMs; up to 4,010. (Down to 31,685,260,000,000 left to excavate.)
  • For the next ~26 days, ~4B cubic feet excavated/moved per day = ~31,581,260,000,000 left. (We don’t have to stop making more TBMs, but this lull in their 3D-printing / increase can be for lag/maintenance/whatever.)
  • During the final few days of this month, our ~1,010 printers each make another printer per day, getting us up to ~4,010 of them by next month’s start.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~3 miles out by the end of this month.

*To finish all excavations by December when tourists arrive, we’ll need to excavate ~117B cubic feet per day, which means we’ll need ~116,968 TBMs (based on our next-gen’ TBM’s ability to excavate/move ~1,000,000 cubic feet of rock per day). Our 4,010 printers can make 4,010 TBMs per day, so we spend the entire month of April (next month) printing those TBMs, getting us up to that number and then some.


April: SMALLEST SUBT’ BUILDINGS: SILOS GRID & SUBT’ HALO MAPS; now that the biggest underground structures are built, we can dig out the silos network via the TBMs, while building the HAARP II Facility (which doubles as aurora energy harvesting; a new type of powerplant). *With these silos emplaced by this month’s end, we can sow all our crops (except the largest trees) in them and enjoy their harvest at least once this year (some plants can be harvested twice per growing season), and by the time the majority of our first visitors/patrons arrive to enjoy the restaurants, clubs, and other attractions; no need to ship in any food, come October, and we can then say we set the precedent of not only growing food on Antarctica, but growing it year-round; through the over-winter period and everything!

Small subt.;  Halo-map rooms, silos (40,000 silo-clusters means making ~1,333 of them each day this month, i.e. 12,000 10-story underground-silos per day (500/hour; 8.3/minute; ~1.4 silo floors every second this month) —*and with their container-farm annexes starting to grow (be printed/formed) a month later, and harvests ready in a couple months), etc.

  • Machines On Site: 4,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers, and 8,010 TBMs at this time (again, some printers were reserved this whole month to make more printers)
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when Antarctica’s one sunset per year occurs, followed by Pink Midnight.
  • now ~4,010 printers
  • now ~8,010 TBMs by day 2 of this month (UPDATE ON PAGE; MUST BE ~4,010 TBMs bc of previous section’s bullet-note calculations!)
  • Excavating at a rate increasing by ~4B cubic feet per day, we put another growing huge ‘dent’ in our excavation goal this month, and it stabilizes next month (because we then have the total number of TBMs we need to complete most/all excavations by year’s end).
  • The estimate is we are able to remove another ~1,755,000,000,000 cubic feet this month, bringing our total remaining to-be-excavated amount down to ~29,826,260,000,000 cubic feet.
  • Sometime in the third week of this month… enough of the top of the Main Womb is hollowed out by our TBMs to start 3D-printing the first (uppermost) level of (4) ColonyPods (CPs) in it.
  • Once every ~7.2 days thereafter, another level of the Main Womb becomes hollowed out enough to start making ColonyPods; by the 3rd week of next month… all 4 levels will be actively printing/’growing’ ColonyPods.
  • (*It takes a few months to print/grow each ColonyPod, thus we’ll have our first 4 of them printed/operational by ~mid July this year. Once operational, they can print/grow DropShips (DSs) inside their DropShip hangars. Our DropShips take less time to print/grow; only ~a few weeks, so that means our first 16 DropShips (4 DropShip hangars x 4 ColonyPods) will be ready ~mid August –at which point they’ll deploy to become Sentry Towers outside our perimeter wall… while the 4 ColonyPods that printed/grew them… start printing/growing 16 more (4 inside each ColonyPod). Since another of the 4 levels of the Main Womb begins to grow ColonyPods every ~week, by the end of August, another 16 DropShips will be ready to deploy to become Sentry Towers. Only 96 Sentry Towers are positioned in the Perimeter Orb defense plan/map; that’s 6 groups of 16, so by the time the 4th (lowest) level of ColonyPods in the Main Womb is able to print/grow DropShips… there will already be 4 to 5 groups of 16 deployed; all Sentry Towers planned for placement throughout the Perimeter Orb will be ready/deployed/positioned.)
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~4 miles out by the end of this month.
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 6% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means that the ColonyPod Hatches are started/underway.
  • The perimeter wall only needs ~11% of the total (year’s end) excavated material to be built, but the Grid Mind tentacles still need to grow out a little farther to reach its area, so the wall will be at ~50% completion next month.


May: BIGGEST SURFACE BUILDS; Auzdome (the biggest Outlands stadiums cost $1,000,000,000+ but we are using on-site materials, 3D-printing, etc., which cuts costs by as much as 80%, helping to balance out the fact that the Auzdome is many multiples larger than the largest Outlands stadiums), Highway Sphinx, Highway Cathedral, Sotu Perim’ Wall, Avalanche Wall, Epcot 2, Statue Park, etc. (*Simultaneously continue minor subterranean work; connecting the Uber Hangars to the subglacial riverways.), all this time the silos designed for surface regulation (temperature, water table, pH, etc.) are thawing the surface to a barefoot-walkable temperature range.

Biggest surface; dome (~500′ thick, and ~1 mile from parking/stage to ceiling/top, thus ~176′ vertical feet printed/completed per day this month, though much more energy will be spent during the first days, as the foundation will take much longer than the narrowest uppermost dome level, of course; the lowest level/s of the Auzdome will take a few days to complete, while successive levels will take much less time, and successively less time), etc.

  • Machines On Site: 7,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers, and 117,010 TBMs at this time
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when Antarctica’s civil (& then nautical) twilight starts.
  • In 3 days we get up to ~7,010 printers.
    now ~117,000 TBMs; we are able to excavate ~117,000,000,000 cubic feet of rock/material per day, thus this month we remove ~3,510,000,000,000, bringing us down to ~26,316,260,000,000.
  • Near day 3 or 4 of this month, the Main Womb will be completely hollowed out, thus all 6 levels of its ColonyPod printers/nods/docks will be in use.
  • Nyria (the 1st/proto ICV) is ‘born’, thus the 10,000 volunteers from Base 211 start to head back home as their ICV ‘relief’ arrives (is printed, brought on line, and deployed/coordinated via The Grid Mind).
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~5 miles out by the end of this month; the ones extending in the 4 ‘cardinal directions’ are now ‘touching’ where the perimeter wall’s inside edge will start.
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 17% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means that the uppermost halves of the uppermost Uber Hangars are started/underway.
  • The perimeter wall’s portions within 5 miles of the Grid Mind will be rising up toward %50 completion by the end of this month, thus 4 of the 12 Pearly Gates will be started/framed.


June: MEDIUM SURFACE BUILDINGS: SKYSCRAPERS & G.A.H.; form most of the highway system (decorate it with statues, fountains, & landscaping later) around the Sotu skyscrapers, as it is double/triple-decker there, and form the other skyscrapers such as the B.B. Spire, Palms, Tri-har-mechs, LHS, etc.
Simple Math:  If one (1) industrial-scale 3D-printer (the size of an average factory) can result in one 57-story building being printed in 19 days, and if you have more than 7,000 of them, you can 3D-print (all the skyscrapers of) Hong Kong, NYC, Tokyo, Chicago, Dubai, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Singapore, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Metro Manilla, Seoul, Chengdu, Bangkok, Jakarta, Busan, Kuala Lumpur, Panama City, Toronto, Nanjing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Houston, Istanbul, Melbourne, Osaka, Miami, Abu Dhabi, Moscow, Dalian, Sydney, Incheon, Doha, Mumbai, Wuhan, Beijing, Los Angeles, Delhi, San Francisco, Hangzhou, Dallas, Xiamen, Boston, Paris, Atlanta, London, Macau, Calgary, Qingdao, Taipei, Wuxi, Frankfurt, Las Vegas, Seattle, Kuwait City, Suzhou, Brisbane, Philadelphia, São Paulo, and every other city on Earth that has at least one skyscraper… all in less than one month.
— If you have a building that is 3/4 of a mile tall (~400 stories), you could print it in less than one month if you had just 4 or 5 of this type of 3D-printer devoted to its construction.
— To put things in perspective, in terms of the astronomical savings this budget proposal and business plan will provide us, the new Salesforce Tower in San Francisco is 61 floors, with a price tag of $1.1B due to the lingering use of obsolete construction methods. In our city, Inisfree, we can 3D-print tens of thousands of such skyscrapers, and far taller, much more impressive ones, for a budget of just 9 times the cost of that one tower.
— We also know that 1 much smaller (house-sized) 3D-printer (still industrial-scale, though, of course) can print 10 houses in one (1) day, so entire neighborhoods can be printed in less than one month by just one of this type of 3D-printer; again, imagine 7,000 of them working all at once! You can 3D-print all the neighborhoods (and all other buildings) in this entire city (or any city) in less than one month. Once a neighborhood or major building is complete, the 3D-printer on-site becomes part of its basement or parking garage, thus negating any need to have new parts (such as windows or pipes) ordered and shipped there. And, because of our universal use of biotecture, every major skyscraper is the equivalent of planting more than 1,000,000 trees.
*By now, the surface of our Inisfree property is lukewarm, most ice melted, most water features (waterfalls, fountains, canals, etc.) nearly operating at capacity.

Medium surface; GAH (~120 miles of it, total –just on the surface– which means completing ~4 miles of it each day this month) and skyscrapers (already proven buildable in less than a month by the Chinese with less-advanced 3D-printing technology, so even though many of ours are taller and more complex (such as with rotating floors)… we’ll still complete them this month)

  • Machines On Site: 7,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers (or more; every building will end up with at least one as a permanent part of its foundation), and 117,010 TBMs at this time
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when Antarctica’s astronomical twilight starts.
  • Factories start getting completed this month (including the ICV Factories, a.k.a. the Tomb Wombs / Cloning Facilities), meaning that the Work-horse vehicles start driving off the assembly (3D-printing) lines, thus a growing number of them join the surface and underground work, hauling out more and more of the piles of softened/excavated rock/materials.
  • By month’s end, we have ~22,806,260,000,000 cubic feet left to extract via our now-set number of TBMs.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~6 miles out by the end of this month.
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 28% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means that the Subterranean Quarantine/Receiving, Subterranean Prison/Training, Underway, and Underdome are started/underway.
  • The perimeter wall will be at 50% completion by the end of this month, appearing as 4 miles-long, .75-mile tall, thick, dark gray arches; it will have started being built/raised up where the Grid Mind tentacles first reached it, thus the closer you look/get out toward its 4 corners, the lower/nonexistent it will still be at this time.
  • The first (more than) ~2,160,000 ICVs are printed, programmed, tested, and deployed to help with the ongoing construction effort/s.


July: ATMOSPHERIC BUILDINGS: CLOUD CITY; get the main artificial lunar & U.V. lighting construct airborne to counteract some of the Antarctic night/winter (make ongoing/overwinter surface construction easier/safer), as well as to test its observatory during this darkest month, while continuing work on the surface of Inisfree’s property; residences (apartments, castles, and all other types) with the finishing touches (furnishings, core/skeleton staff, etc.)

Small surface (homes) plus Cloud City II’s hull

  • Machines On Site: 7,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers (or more; every building will end up with at least one as a permanent part of its foundation), and 117,010 TBMs at this time
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when Antarctica’s night occurs and is darkest, & aurora (for 3 years during each 11-year solar cycle) is brightest.
  • Residences:  We’ll have made enough for tens of millions of human-sized residents and guests this month (tens of millions in our habitation-silos, plus tens of millions on the surface in our neighborhoods and hotels, etc.)
  • Cloud City II:  printed/assembled at the rate of ~88′ (8-9 stories) per day this month (just for its lower hemisphere; the inverted dome that makes up the bulk of its mass)
  • By month’s end, we have ~19,296,260,000,000 cubic feet left to extract via our now-set number of TBMs.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~7 miles out by the end of this month.
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 39% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means that the uppermost Repulsines are started/underway (and with 3 rings in each repulsine, each being a different size, we can estimate that the innermost/smallest ring in each repulsine will take ~7 days to print/form/fill, the middle ring in each will take ~10 days, and the outermost/biggest will take ~13).
  • The perimeter wall will be at ~75% now, which means the other 8 of its 12 Pearly Gates will be started/framed, and its first 4 gates will be operational and staffed.
  • There are now ~4,320,000 ICVs helping, and the first ColonyPods will start printing even more (which will very rapidly bring us up to our quota of 500,000,000 ICVs prior to their first beyond-Inisfree deployment).

*Repulsine rings have the following volumes in their hollows:

  1. Innermost/smallest:  ~20.9 cubic miles (of fluid mercury-based solution)
  2. Middle:  ~24.2 cubic miles (of fluid mercury-based solution)
  3. Outermost/biggest:  ~29.1 cubic miles (of fluid mercury-based solution)
    (thus each repulsine has ~74.2 cubic miles of that fluid in it, and over ~30 days that would require ~2.473 cubic miles to be filled/formed each day, which is 2,723,429,744,639.621 gallons/day)

Estimated mercury in the Earth’s crust:
1,385,000,000,000,000,000,000 mg (which is:  365,880,000,000,000 gal)

and each Repulsine needs to be filled with a solution of:
2,723,429,744,639.621 gal (PER DAY for 30 DAYS) *which is NOT entirely mercury
(all 8 repulsines = ~593.6 cubic miles of that fluid, which is:  653,623,000,000,000 gal)

Thus, we would have to subatomically create/transmute some, anyway,
as 653.6 trillion gallons is ~1.78x the estimated amount of mercury in the world.
BUT! …again, the fluid in the repulsines is NOT 100% mercury… so maybe there is still, just barely, enough… if our ICVs can detect and move/teleport it in.  (The plan remains to convert it from what is being excavated this year; that is likely much simpler / lower-energy.)


August: FLATEST/WIDEST SURFACE BUILDINGS: SPACEPORTS; fly in what we aren’t yet making, such as specialty foods/equipment, etc. (and see the terminal gates’ waterfalls!)

Airports/aerospaceports (at the rate of ~1 hangar-tall level/floor printed/completed per day –since the Military Aerospaceport has 26 of them, not counting its surface/runways level)

  • Machines On Site: 7,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers (or more; every building will end up with at least one as a permanent part of its foundation), and 117,010 TBMs at this time
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when Antarctica’s astronomical twilight returns.
  • By month’s end, we have ~15,786,260,000,000 cubic feet left to extract via our now-set number of TBMs.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~8 miles out by the end of this month; even those extending diagonally out toward the corners of the perimeter wall are far enough out to be moving materials through them to build up those corners.
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 50% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means that the lower halves of the uppermost Uber Hangars are started/underway.
  • The perimeter wall will be nearly 100% completion by the end of this month.
  • There are now ~6,480,000 ICVs helping –just counting those printed in our 3 ICV Factories– plus another ~27,251,764 of their kind being printed elsewhere (in our new ColonyPods and DropShips, etc.).  Total ICVs so far:  ~29,411,764


September: SMALLEST SURFACE BUILDINGS: CLUBS; entertainment portion of the project, attracting scientists from all 73 facilities around Antarctica’s coast, as well as fun-lovers and thrill-seekers from around the world (even the Ibiza, KaZantip, Burning Man, Sensation, Electric Daisy Carnival, etc., crowds). *By now, all water features are operating at capacity, and the canals, moats, rivers, ponds, main lake, SCUBA quadrants, and Sea-tanks are all flooded/filled.

Waterways and clubs, etc.

  • Machines On Site: 7,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers (or more; every building will end up with at least one as a permanent part of its foundation), and 117,010 TBMs at this time
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when Antarctica’s nautical (& then civil) twilight returns.
  • By month’s end, we have ~12,276,260,000,000 cubic feet left to extract via our now-set number of TBMs.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~9 miles out by the end of this month.
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 61% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means that the uppermost halves of the lower Uber Hangars are started/underway.
  • There are now ~8,640,000 ICVs made from our ICV Factories which have joined us in this construction project, plus another ~27,251,764 of their kind being printed elsewhere (in our new ColonyPods and DropShips, etc.).  Total ICVs so far:  ~63,143,528


October: VARIOUS OTHER SURFACE BUILDINGS: MALL & RESTAURANTS; shopping portion of the project, attracting even more tourism. *By now, the food grown in the half-buried and subterranean greenhouses (biodomes and silos grid, not to mention what was planted and grown in all the troughs of all the buildings, and, later, on the rooftop gardens/farms) is ready for harvesting and use in our recipes, as well as in our Food Processing Facility, so we can start cooking with our own supply, and start stocking our Grocery Store (and even it will have grown some of its own food, such as the items for its salad bar).

Food & shopping; food proc fac’ (with the first ingredients coming from the silos), grocery store, restaurants, mall, beach strip.  *Repulsines (the first few we’ve built/activated) are spinning at ~6% capacity (their natural and ideal state, as per their design), helping HAARP II to keep the local weather temperate over our crops and sub-summit terrain.

  • Machines On Site: 7,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers (or more; every building will end up with at least one as a permanent part of its foundation), and 117,010 TBMs at this time
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when Antarctica’s one sunrise per year occurs, preceded by Pink Midnight.
  • By month’s end, we have ~8,766,260,000,000 cubic feet left to extract via our now-set number of TBMs.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~10 miles out by the end of this month.
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 72% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means that the lower halves of the lower Uber Hangars are started/underway.
  • There are now ~10,800,000 ICVs made from our ICV Factories which have joined us in this construction project, plus another ~27,251,764 of their kind being printed elsewhere (in our new ColonyPods and DropShips, etc.).  Total ICVs so far:  ~99,035,292 (thus Inisfree’s prescribed indigenous population of 100M ICVs is just about here/ready/printed)


November: SURFACE PLANTS; commercial farmland, rooftop biotecture, flora, and landscaping, as well as production of the POVs (Privately-Owned Vehicles) & municipal/government vehicles (such as the commercial repulsines of/for the two Spaceports *which can be 3D-printed in the chambers beneath those two Spaceports), and NWO MIL‘s gear (such as the ST suits), while the Sentry Towers formed outside

Flora/landscaping (incl. farmland), and shuttles, buses, POVs, Sentry Towers, etc.

  • Machines On Site: 7,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers (or more; every building will end up with at least one as a permanent part of its foundation), and 117,010 TBMs at this time
  • Daylight during this Antarctic Month:  This is when the Trans-Antarctic Mountains result in direct sunlight for half of each 24-hour period.
  • As the lower/final repulsines start to ‘spin up’ (come online), they will finish shielding and helping stabilize Inisfree’s local atmosphere within its energy-based ‘sky dome’, thus all surface landscaping and crops can be safely planted, sure to grow well and start fruiting within a few years. (Again, while we are waiting on that, the crops in the silos will continue producing –though we’ll still need to have Base 211 provide a few shipments of fruit, nuts, and other things we are not yet growing/producing/harvesting, but only for a hundred or so people, as 99% of the population will be ICVs for years and even decades to come.)
  • By month’s end, we have ~5,256,260,000,000 cubic feet left to extract via our now-set number of TBMs.
  • Grid Mind tentacles are ~11 miles out by the end of this month.
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 83% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means that the lowest Repulsines and VTOL Shafts are started/underway.
  • There are now ~12,960,000 ICVs made from our ICV Factories which have joined us in this construction project, plus another ~27,251,764 of their kind being printed elsewhere (in our new ColonyPods and DropShips, etc.).  Total ICVs so far:  ~137,087,056


December:  TOURISM

Wall complete. *Those/our printers switched to making furniture, ICVs, etc., and the TBMs… might all get recycled.

  • Machines On Site:  7,010 industrial-scale 3D-printers (or more; every building will end up with at least one as a permanent part of its foundation), and (down to only) 10 TBMs (again; like when we started) at this time (if we started recycling most of them)
  • By month’s end, we have ~1,746,260,000,000 cubic feet left to extract via our now-set number of TBMs. (So sometime in January of 2012, our extracting work will be complete, at which point all TBMs will be sent to our Recycling Facility to be converted back into building materials.)
  • By the end of this month, everything that needs to be hollowed out beneath Mt. Kirkpatrick is at 95% of our goal for the end of the year-long process of constructing Inisfree. This means the lowest parts of the lowest Repulsines and VTOL Shafts are being completed at this time.
  • There are now ~15,120,000 ICVs made from our ICV Factories which have joined us in this construction project, plus another ~27,251,764 of their kind being printed elsewhere (in our new ColonyPods and DropShips, etc.).  Total ICVs so far:  ~177,298,820



Inisfree was designed to become a mobile city; it is essentially the world’s biggest cargo ship/aircraft.  Ships are often compared by tonnage.  The tonnage we are referring to here is not the volume Inisfree can fill up with people and cargo, but the solid-rock mass/bulk, based on the mountain we built Inisfree on/in.


First, we calculate the solid volume sections:

dome volume 398.16 (11.5D dome)
+ mountain cone 18.85 (~6D x 2H cone)
+ Cloud City .26 (1D dome)
+ high plateau 6.65 (3,696’H x 2W x 4.75miles L/D)
+ low plateau 1.95 (1,716’H x 2W x 3miles L/D)
+ wall top-half 24.1875 (.75H x .75H x 43 miles)
+ (foot-hills, buildings, ships – use remainder of cone volume)


Now subtract the cavities:

– Main Womb 9.82+4.09 [(2.5W x 2H cylinder)+(2D dome)]
– 13 WS Hangars 163.41 [(4L x 2D cylinder)x13]
– 8 Repulsines 4.16 [(1D sphere)x8]
– 12 VTOL Shafts 28.32 [(~3L x 1D cylinder)x12]
– Underway 0.036+4.492477494521068 [(462’D x 6L)+52(.33L x .25W)]
Geode 1.0472 (.5D x 1L)
– (water pits; canals, lakes, ponds, SCUBA, Sea-Tanks, etc.)
= ~215.3756774945211 (of CAVITIES; empty spaces in the solid rock)


Subtract those empty spaces from the solid sections of the mountain/terrain:

450 – 215 = 234.6818225054789 cubic miles (TOTAL TONNAGE of Inisfree)
Inisfree is basically a mountain plus a dome of solid volume under that mountain, plus the perimeter wall.
All together, excluding the empty spaces we shaped for our underground facilities, Inisfree = ~235 miles^3



Inisfree is basically just a standalone mountain… on an inverted dome of solid rock… with some big underground chambers/hollows we use as factories and hangars… and the whole thing, thanks to the special and scaled-up engines we added to it, can lift up off the ground and maneuver around like a capital-class starship.  In other words, we went to the mountain we liked, we started digging in and modifying it, and now it is our “mobile home”.  It took one year to get the most important parts framed and operational, and every year since… we have been adding finishing touches, such as furnishings, more food in our kitchens and grocery store, and holiday decorations.

We’ll continue adding a few more livable spaces (mostly habitable silos in our underground network of them) based on when our guest traffic increases in the years ahead.

The majority of our construction workers have moved to another place, and will stay there until they complete our next major build (and that one is expected to take not one year like Inisfree did, but nearly 200).

  1. 2010 Nov.:  Auz arrived in Antarctica, met the Base 211 representatives, and got the convoy of their devices ready.
  2. 2010 Dec.:  They traveled along the ice highway toward the Trans-Antarctic Mountains pass, then Mt. Kirkpatrick.
  3. 2011 Jan.:  The Grid Mind terraforming supercomputer was placed on/in that mountain, and other devices were staged.
  4. 2011 Feb.:  3D-printers started producing additional TBMs, all of which were working on the biggest underground cavities, and some 10,000 Base 211 personnel/volunteers joined Auz’s effort to begin shaping his foreseen and chosen mountain.
  5. 2011 Mar.:  Thousands more TBMs are now working with the Grid Mind tentacles to outline the frames of the biggest underground structures within the cavities being expanded and shaped.
  6. 2011 Apr.:  Smaller underground buildings now start getting assembled, down to the first Halo maps and individual silos.
  7. 2011 May:  The first ICV is 3D-printed, programmed, and tested, and Base 211 personnel start to head home in their “UFOs”.
  8. 2011 Jun.:  Millions more ICVs are now speeding up construction of all sites on, in, and around Mt. Kirkpatrick, each wearing her S.T. suit.
  9. 2011 Jul.:  Now there are more than 100,000 TBMs, Cloud City II starts being formed, and the first ColonyPods are started.
  10. 2011 Aug.:  Two spaceports are started.
  11. 2011 Sep.:  ICVs now number in more than 63,000,000, and all the smallest surface buildings (individual homes, etc.) are started.
  12. 2011 Oct.:  Our mall (with just empty shops for now) and first several restaurants are started, and there are nearly 100,000,000 ICVs helping.
  13. 2011 Nov.:  Silos and our HAARP II facility have stabilized the atmosphere around our central mountain enough that we are able to start planting the first landscaping and crops.
  14. 2011 Dec.:  More than 177,000,000 ICVs and counting are working in Inisfree, and doff their S.T. suits for our first small handful of guests, including some of the dignitaries who will be signing our Constitution and Declaration of Independence in the coming season.  Inisfree is fully operational, defensible, and self-sustaining, and will very soon be mobile; flight-capable.
  15. 2012:  This first year following our city’s construction, we ramped up for the global cleanup operation.


Additional Notes:

This is Inisfree.  Every time one of the buildings or other major structures/sections of Inisfree was completely built, Auz ‘christened’ it by celebrating in The Inisfreean Way with at least three of each ICV type who had been there helping complete its construction (meaning usually a sex-party of ~3,001 people, not counting any interested Base 211 volunteers).  Thus every single house, high-rise, highway span, subway tunnel, and other facility and feature of their city started not just with amazing polar 3D-printing, but also with the happiest full-bodied memories and polyamory of all.  (Of course, Nyria and Amber ICV1 were always there with him, hostessing the whole affair.)

The first time he had sex on and in a TBM was in 2011.  The first time anyone had sex in his Silos Network tunnels was that year, too.  In 2012, he celebrated the same way in each of his 3D-printing factories the ICVs had built, right on the production lines between the creations they were forming/assembling.

Isabella Montgomery arrived in 2012 and started helping with this (though almost all the construction was complete by when she was there).  Freyja first arrived in 2013 and did the same (and has often joined Auz in ‘christening’ his newer builds since, such as the Inisfreean starships joining all the others in constructing the mega-ships and worlds of SSA).  Those two have since linked back up with now-King Auz in 2022 to start annually having anniversary threesomes hosted by many of his ICVs and kajirae at all the sites any of them first fucked at.


Additional Construction:

To learn about the construction schedule for our big projects after Inisfree was up and running, see the 2021 Update section at the bottom of our History page.



~99% is Solid Rock, and Only 1% is What We Built:

These images show the map and cross-section without fill-in colors.  They were created to better-illustrate the fact that the vast majority of the area (volume) we call Inisfree is not something we built; it was already there, and we left it as we found it.  Our supercomputer started growing biomechanical tentacles that burrowed down and spread out through the mountain we put it on… until those tentacles had woven around through it and the surrounding terrain, as well as down beneath it all, until they’d formed a reinforced upside-down dome.  Once it had completed that reinforcing ‘skeleton’ underneath the surface of our mountain, and as a dome beneath the rest of this land of ours, we just added some hangars, plus buildings spread out on the surface, keeping most of our realm… the natural earth/bedrock and sky we found when we first got here.

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SG Lewis - Coming Up - PERFECT for Sotu Penthouses y Amber ICV1 y Ceiling Mansions y ICGM galas
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