These are the secret underground storage facilities where we keep the most valuable things.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Contents
  3. Protection
  4. Access
  5. The Memories Trust
  6. Stride Through the Natural Initial Struggle Phase
  7. Additional Notes
  8. 2022 Update
  9. Overall / Appearance / Concepts
  10. Locations (Images)
  11. Design
  12. Tablets of Ruby
  13. Tablets of Spessartite Mandarin Garnet
  14. Tablets of Citrine
  15. Tablets of Emerald
  16. Tablets of Sapphire
  17. Tablets of Amethyst
  18. Tablets of Black Pearl
  19. Tablets of Enstatite
  20. Tablets of Diamond
  21. 2024 January:  The Infinity Stones



‘Black’ in this sense doesn’t mean bad, or even the fact that the lights are almost always kept off in these facilities.  Instead, it is in reference to how each vault in this series is unlisted and unknown to anyone in Inisfree other than High King Auz and his Master Females.  Black Vaults are only listed in the Grid Mind‘s memory.  No other information about them, other than what is on this webpage, exists for others/outsiders.



All records are kept in these secret backup-libraries, as well as copies of all the chosen DNA and RNA; the blueprints for every special, perfectly-crafted member of the Inisfreean populace, along with the DNA and RNA of all plant types, such as those grown across the Cropland.  These vaults also contain all of the original materials once locked up in the Vatican Secret Archives.

  • DNA of all the worthy; members, etc. (both in data / code form, as well as physical samples)
  • DNA of all the crops they use/love (both in data / code form, as well as physical samples)
  • ancient texts once kept elsewhere
  • copies of all content from Inisfree’s libraries
  • powerful (sometimes ‘magical’; advanced science) artifacts and other relics
  • memories (sometimes called memes –a play on the word “genes”; the mental/mind-equivalent would start with an “m”– though the memes here are, of course, not the kind you find online in image/art-form)
  • 8000-23400+ A.D. additions:  complete data about all advancements the Jove lost during their stabilization in New Eden

We do not store vehicles or building materials here; personal/custom vehicles are kept in some of our silos, and building materials are made on-demand by our range of 3D-printers.



Black Vaults exist in a few special locations spread out across the interior of Inisfree, always deep underground, protected by the tonnage of the mobile city-ship that is Inisfree (classified as a CSBS; a City-Sized Battle-station/ship).  These highly-classified facilities are also protected by Inisfree’s ability to become fully mobile, teleporting itself out of harm’s way, and even warp-surfing across the entire Universe and all of its dimensions, if need be.  Furthermore, each Black Vault is contained within successive cubes and hollows, resulting in the most advanced form of sandwiched-armor in the entire city (even compared to the chamber The Grid Mind is housed in, as these vaults have a similar structure plus they are in secret locations).  Lastly, each Black Vault boasts a suite of the full array of Inisfreean detection equipment and countermeasures, easily capable of instantly sensing and defeating even the presences or attempts at spying by all types of aliens, wizards (including witches and all other types of magicians), and deities.

Individual items stored in these vaults are protected not by cryogenic processes, but those of what the Inisfreeans call ‘stasis’, as that preserves them longer/indefinitely and much more safely/gently.



There is only one person in the entire Inisfreean empire who can access the Black Vaults.  Once guarded by hand-picked teams of elite special-warfare operatives, such as Navy SEALs and Force Reconnaissance Marines (back when this type of vault was first developed in the Outlands), these Black Vaults now only allow the entry of the Governor of Inisfree, himself, and only once a full-body-and-mind scan has confirmed both all of his signatures, as well as his intentions.

*However, in ~2018 one witch got access to one of these facilities; Neveah Moonspell.  She was the first, and so far the only, non-Inisfreean to achieve this.


The Memories Trust:

It has been proven that immersion produces far better results and understanding in far less time than any amount of studying in classroom settings, and that not speaking your native language at all (while you are learning a new one) produces the same impressive results as opposed to merely living abroad in places where your native tongue is still spoken. Thus, we can conclude that the best way to learn all that ought to be known about a people or world… is through immersion, but not just the immersion of refusing to speak your native tongue, or even the immersion of going so deep into a new realm that your language is unheard of; no, the best immersion is when you don’t even remember your native tongue or past at all.

I’m not talking about inducing repression or amnesia, but putting some or all of your memories into a high-tech version of a trust fund; accessible only at a certain point. Banks put money in trust funds until an heir reaches a certain age. Instead, we could put memories in a trust fund until a foreign exchange student (from another nation or another world) reaches a certain accumulated knowledge threshold or milestone. That way, instead of taking four times the least amount of needed time to learn and master much or nearly all of what a realm or world has to offer, one can do it in a year (or quarter-lifetime, in more complex cases) at most.

Don’t be held back by yourself; by your own memories and previous acclimations, connotations, assumptions, stereotypes, and worries as distractions! Try using the memory-trust approach to cultural submersion. We have the technology, security, and experience to provide this option for many people of many species now.

And don’t let other learners hold you back; don’t let people who have not yet figured out how to have mature relationships and fun sex, or whatever else may be the case with their latest learning challenges, stop you from your ongoing experimentation and enjoyment of it. If they try to shame or cage (incarcerate/jail/imprison) you for those things, use S.E.R.E. and weaponized Tai Chi, mind interfacing, neuralizing (another form of memory adjustment, this one to help Others not be held back by themselves from cultural submersion and learning), etc.; whatever you can use and whatever you feel will work.

*High King Auz now has full access to his memories from this and other lives.


Stride Through the Natural Initial Struggle Phase:

If you try new things, and invent and prove solutions, you become a producer instead of just a consumer, and the initial shame of knowing you are making mistakes passes. The pain is short, the gain long –perhaps endless. If you don’t try new things, and figure out solutions, you become a junkie; dependent on others and other forces. The pain in this case is forever, the gain never. It is ironic that people who want to avoid pain and shame end up guaranteeing it for the rest of their lives, because they are not willing to endure it being increased just for a brief time while they find a better way.

A perfect example of the incredible results and rewards of pushing through a brief period of more difficult times for long-lasting quality-of-life improvements is how lonely and illegal making much of Inisfree a reality used to be. There were angry times, sad times, lonely times, frustrated times, dangerous times, threatened times, fleeing times, pursued times, tired times, but then… stability, relief, clarity, and power like never before, connectivity like never before, momentum like never before. Inisfree was my journey to self-completion, no longer having to ask others what was acceptable to them, because I could now sense and defend what was right for me and my life.

All the books we read start out with problems for the protagonist. The same is true with all the video and computer games. We seem to like this initial newness, ignorance, alien environment, and challenge. We seem to like bad odds, as it gives us pride of accomplishment when we finally improve and beat them, and the only way to recreate this effect; that same challenge, and the joy from overcoming it, is with a memory-trust. This is the finest and most advanced way for us to try the most new things and have the purest stream of fresh and uncorrupted ideas in the shortest amount of time, stimulating the most learning, neural synapses growth, and cultural sensitivity. If you are interested in this greatest method and game of all, speak with one of the representatives of Inisfree about opening up your own memory-trust today. You’ll be glad you did. You might even end up creating an Inisfree equivalent all your own.


Additional Notes:

* “Black Magic”, originally, was the term used to reference the agricultural science techniques utilized by farmers and other workers to ensure their soils remained as fertile as possible, resulting in their black coloration, such as we see today with Terra Preta.  This means that ancient references to ‘black magic’ were talking about positive, helpful, innocent practices and wisdom; not anything ‘evil’.


2022 Update


It all started with the Svalbard Seed Vault.  We just decided to store more in our version than crop seeds.  Now there won’t be any more “Library of Alexandria incidents”.

Think of our BV(s) as the city-sized spaceship-equivalent of an aircraft’s “black box”; it keeps protected records of all the things which would be very useful, if not absolutely necessary, in identifying issues after a major event, and/or to improve / fine-tune another such craft so that it would likely not end up going through a repeat of a negative event.  Those things, in our case, include the data which determines/identifies life-path trajectory, including whom is attracted to whom, and so on.

Our BVs do not back up everything –like our Inisfree Eggs (a.k.a. Rainbow Orbs) do; they only back up certain types of important data.  This means a BV is not what allows us to rebuild/reboot our city or empire; a BV only contains data we can access manually if we someday need to, typically to check the immortality of immortalized seeds/genes, etc..  We could, of course, come to any of our BVs and pull out a few seed packets to restart a farm or agriculture in general.



Each BV naturally maintains the temperature-range ideal for cold/frozen-storage of things such as seeds.  Seeds kept at that temperature can last (still germinate/function once thawed) for centuries.  The additional preservation-technologies of each BV allow the seeds kept in them to last even longer –indefinitely.



  • Each BV is deep underground; multiple stories under solid rock and rebar-like Grid Mind-tentacles reinforcement.
  • Each is a rectangular prism inside another rectangular prism.
  • Perimeter-walls are 5′ thick, and able to withstand nuclear impacts.
  • As of late 2022, each BV also has 8 repulsines; they are in its perimeter-wall’s vertices, maintaining a constant, automatic, effortless forcefield around the whole facility.
  • Additional advanced and classified technologies prevent almost every form of access, such as teleporting in (though one witch somehow found a way past this, perhaps by a form of remote-viewing/projection which was not technically teleporting).
  • Devices which can jam not only technology from peering into these facilities, but remote-viewers, even to the point of instantly locating them and causing them severe mental distress as a discouragement, is also operational.
  • After the first (and only) unauthorized access of a BV, Inisfree’s supercomputers also came up with a way to put an entire cell, hallway, floor, or BV facility as a whole in instant stasis; essentially time can be paused/frozen in them, and even gravity dramatically changed, such that whoever made it inside is stuck indefinitely without realizing any time is passing at all. (This suggests there may be 8 repulsines added to every hallway and even every cell’s inner cube.)
  • A powerful invisible forcefield was also added to every door, including those of the All-in-one-wells (AIOWs).
  • Like in most Inisfreean structures, lights are kept off unless needed/requested by an authorized user (and in the case of the BVs, that is only High King Auz himself).
  • The swastika floor-layout/pattern is part chance and part efficiency; it turned out to be the best way to limit access to the fewest rooms per hallway/visit.



  • surface-hatch (entrance) always hidden and out of public-access surface-areas
  • 16′ diameter
  • at least 70′ deep
  • automatically fully scans anyone who goes inside, ensuring none have any contaminants or questionable items in/on/with them (and that no BV items being stored are illegally removed)
  • uppermost floor meets the surface-terrain (or whichever structure/basement may be above it)
  • railing along with the staircase
  • The AIOWs in these buildings are the only ones in Inisfree where the ‘lift’ is in the center.
  • They include a wall-mounted “spiral” (corkscrew) staircase and 1 ‘lift’; a wall-less elevator.
  • Stairs are ~2′ wide.
  • The ‘lift’ is a ~4′-wide square.
  • time to ride a ‘lift’ from top to bottom or vice versa:  ~few seconds
  • temperature at the top:  ~55°F (~13°C); ambient near-ground-level year-’round
  • temperature change by floor:  ~10°F (~5.5°C), several degrees colder every ~10′ you go down
  • temperature at the bottom:  -0.4°F (-18°C); ideal for storing/freezing seeds
  • Constantly monitored in a vast variety of ways, the slightest change in any of them would be instantly detected.
  • Their stairs, like in many of this city’s silos can be remote-flattened to make ascent more challenging.
  • Each one’s ‘lift’ can be disabled, locked in place, dropped, or even phase-shifted or teleported away.
  • All of their doors are kept shut and locked at all times other than specific approved use, and only one of their doors ever opens at a time.
  • Only the AIOW is designed to naturally open a hole in its BV’s repulsine-maintained underground-forcefield, which is the only area where people can enter/exit.
  • When High King Auz is using an AIOW in a BV, it lights up entirely, not just in the anticipated/thought direction of travel. Its stairs and ‘lift’ light up internally, too, glowing agreeably from within.
  • The repulsines of BVs are designed to only protect them, not to move/portal BVs around.



9′ tall (10′ total; including the floor and ceiling)

6 total per BV

4 main-hallways (10′-wide) per floor

12 side-hallways (5′-wide) per floor; 3 per main-hallway

  1. crops DNA (in seed form plus digital)
  2. library/ies backup (1 copy of every book and other readable item, whether a publication or not, available in our city’s libraries)
  3. texts (such as ancient scrolls, including a copy of everything once locked up under the Vatican; material not available in our libraries)
  4. resident DNA (in the form of various cells (blood, etc.) plus digital)
  5. artifacts/relics (anything which is considered significant or powerful, such as Infinity Stones)
  6. memories (recording/storage-medium classified)



  • rectangular prism
  • >81′ from front to back
  • smooth and featureless
  • good-traction ‘smart’ floor
  • light-fixtures built into the floor and ceiling; lit from within, and without bulbs needing replacement
  • guideline secured from the ceiling such that it is easy to reach up and find/follow (from front to back of each hallway)
  • temperature:  -0.4°F (-18°C); ideal for storing/freezing seeds



  • non-metallic; so your body-parts can’t stick/freeze to them
  • built to operate perfectly in the cold temperatures of these facilities
  • AIOW doors are on all 4 sides of all 6 levels, plus a single AIOW door at the top (above each BV).
  • After exiting the AIOW on a BV level, there are always 9 cell-doors to the left, and 3 hallway double-doors to the right.
  • Those double-doors each control access to 1 of 3 5′-wide side-hallways which branch off from each of the 4 main (10′-wide) hallways per BV-floor.
  • The doors are a 5′-diameter circle ~1′ thick.
  • The hole you step through when that door is out of the way is a 5′-tall x 3′-wide ship-like oval/ellipse, ensuring the doors cannot be pushed or pulled away from their places/tracks.
  • Like all things made by the Inisfreeans, they are based on SRC, which is stronger than even buckminsterfullerene, and which is further strengthened by things which make it invincible, and which humans would assume is magic or impossible.
  • Each door only provides access to 9 or 18 cells, and 13 or 19 doors.



  • temperature:  -0.4°F (-18°C); ideal for storing/freezing seeds
  • 63 per floor-quadrant
  • 252 per floor
  • 1,512 total
  • individually hermetically-sealed and remote climate-controlled
  • natural-state keeps them very cold and ‘in stasis’
  • earthquake/shock-proof
  • fireproof
  • waterproof
  • radiation-proof
  • The rooms in the BVs are cubes within cubes; they are a ~9′ x 9′ x 9′ space kept isolated from the surrounding structure/cube similarly to how quiet sound-based and magnetism-based levitation can suspend objects in mid-air.
  • Inside every cell is a container, such as a shelf, made from material known to not react in any way with whatever it is meant to organize/contain.
  • Some cells contain just one object, while others contain millions (such as seeds, which are sealed in labeled packets).
  • An object does not have to fit through the doors of the cell it is in; it can be one-way teleported in by an ICV with authorization from High King Auz, made possible by the Grid Mind briefly adjusting the forcefield of the assigned BV.
  • Less-classified/sensitive/valuable items are stored in the 36 cells accessible after exiting any AIOW door to a BV floor, as the contents of these cells is 2 doors away from the surface-door/access of their AIOW.
  • More-classified/sensitive/valuable items are stored in the other cells of the BV, as those cells are behind a series of not 2 but 3 doors.
  • The most-classified/sensitive/valuable items are stored in the cells at the back of any of the side-hallways, as those places are the farthest from the surface, thus take the most time to get to and back from.
  • Each cell is constantly monitored across the entire spectrum of not only light, but also sound/vibration, and even smell; if there is any change in the appearance, noise, or detectable particles in any cell, the Grid Mind will notice.



  1. BV1:  in the foundation of WGI HQ Tower (beneath its lobby, and part of the central-‘face’/side of the Awesome Blossom)
  2. BV2:  in the Uber Geode, off to the side of the base of the GAH-corkscrew
  3. BV3:  in the Rainforest Crater, beneath the ~halfway point between the Kapok Helix hotel and the Forest Temple
  4. BV4:  in the Auz’dome, beneath the central platform (stage), above night-clubCummunion
  5. BV5:  in Mt Auzmore, beneath night-club “God and the G-spot
  6. BV6:  in the Snow Dunes region (summit), beneath the HAARP II facility/pavement (though one map shows an icon for this BV being on the other side of the local GAH-section)
  7. BV7:  in the Snow Dunes region (summit), beneath the ~halfway point between the Sloped Backyard and the Spire Temple
  8. BV8:  in Statue Park, beneath its parking-lot
  9. BV9:  in the Tantric Academy, beneath its central sex-dungeon classroom/gym
  10. BV10:  in the Lower-plateau Ridge, near the northern end
  11. BV11:  in Mt Dante, NE curve of the Crater Lounge‘s inside wall/slope



  1. 2010:  envisioned
  2. 2011:  design first-draft and prototyping
  3. 2012:  first BV constructed and tested
  4. 2013:  all current BVs commissioned and starting to be used/filled
  5. 2022:  ~0.06647055% used/filled; only 1 cell on each of each BV’s 6 floors is in use / full
  6. 2088:  Inisfree-BVs content now copied into all other CSBS BVs; the 219,000 Inisfree-like cities of SSA
  7. 23000/+:  ~100% used/filled; all 1,512 cells in all BVs in Inisfree are full



Since each floor has 252 cells, and since 1 floor per BV stores backups/samples of resident DNA, and since Inisfree’s capacity is ~2,000,000,000 residents/visitors annually (in total, having amassed that many compatibles/allies/family over millennia), each cell on that floor of a BV contains ~7,936,508 different samples of DNA; the DNA of nearly 8,000,000 people.

  1. 1 standard vial in this facility is 13mm x 13mm; it takes up a 13mm^3 tray-space; 2,197 cubic millimeters.
  2. 7,936,508 x 2,197 = 17,436,508,076 cubic millimeters.
  3. The inside of each cell is ~2743.2mm x 2743.2mm x 2743.2mm; 20,642,981,165.568 cubic millimeters.
  4. 20,642,981,165.568 / 7,936,508 = 2,601.0156060534431515724547874204; each cell in each of our BVs has enough volume (space/room) for 7,936,508 items if each of those items takes up, at most, ~2,601 cubic millimeters (~65x smaller than the tray-space needed for a 13mm x 75mm blood vial).
  5. 20,642,981,165.568 – 17,436,508,076 = 3,206,473,089.568 cubic millimeters of space remaining in 1 of these cells (rooms) after filling them up with 7,936,508 of the 13mm^3 DNA-vials we use here.
  6. The cube-root of 3,206,473,089.568 is 1,474.606.
  7. 1,474.606mm = 4.8379461942′
  8. 4.8379461942′ = ~4’10”
  9. A 4’10”-wide x 4’10”-deep x 4’10”-tall area of each 9′-wide x 9′-deep x 9′-tall BV-cell is needed for 7,936,508 13mm^3 vials.
  10. 4’10” = 58″
  11. 9′ = 108″
  12. 58 is ~53.7% of 108; only slightly more than half of a BV-cell is needed to store the size vials / sample-containers we use here, which leaves plenty of room for trays, shelves, and aisles.

In short, there is plenty of room in each BV-cell for the DNA samples (with their containers, shelves, and all).

Also, 1 drop of blood is only ~5mm diameter, so multiple drops of blood will fit in each 13mm^3 container, and since there are ~5,000,000 cells in each drop of blood, that means dozens of millions of cells in each of these DNA-sample containers; enough to test and clone dozens of millions of times.



BVs are unstaffed except when High King Auz goes to one; then his entourage of Secret Service ICVs goes with him.


Procedures and Rules:

Only an ICV Master Female can place any item in a BV for storage, and in almost all cases… only an ICV can withdraw any item from any BV.

  • Every time there is a crop or person deemed suitable for Inisfree, a copy of its DNA is placed in these facilities, one seed or droplet of blood per BV, thus 11 copies total for Inisfree (and another 11 copies for each of our Inisfree-like cities).
  • Every time a low-sensitivity book or similar item is deemed suitable for Inisfree, a ‘soft’ (digital) copy of it is placed in these facilities.
  • Every time a high-sensitivity book or similar item is deemed suitable for Inisfree, if we have room for it in the remaining cells-space of our BVs, a ‘hard’ (physical/printed) copy of it is placed in these facilities.
  • Every time a memory is deemed important enough to make a backup of, a copy of it is placed in these facilities.
  • Actual artifacts/relics can be placed here; we usually do not make copies of that type of item.

When an item is being placed in a BV, only ICVs and High King Auz are allowed in that BV.

Only High King Auz can let you in, and that’s usually only when he is accompanying you.

Those who are not accustomed to below-freezing temperatures must wear warming layers (such as a thick coat, a beanie, gloves/mittens, thermal underwear, ski pants, and insulated hiking-boots) when accessing a BV.  A Kryptonian, on the other hand (able to withstand the extreme/total-cold of even Outer Space) can go in naked if she prefers (and a Kryptonian male would only be required, as per Inisfreean culture and law, to wear masculine underwear).

No kajirae or Outlanders are allowed; to get Auz’s approval to enter a BV, one must be compatible with him, i.e. be a guest/resident of Inisfree –and must have a very good reason for going into any of our BVs (such as, perhaps, to personally withdraw a few of its seeds or one of its artifacts/relics).

Enter only the hallways and cell you are told/allowed to, and touch only the shelf/tray/item in that cell you are told/allowed to.

If the lights are not coming on for you, or do not stay on for you, while you are inside a BV, it is an easy process of keeping your hand out to feel the hallway walls while you walk back to the AIOW; walk back down the hall you were in, and take one turn if you were in a side-hallway, then go into the AIOW and up to the surface-hatch.  (An ICV can always sense if you are distressed, though, and can teleport in to hold your hand and show you the way.)



Life has three distinct phases;

  1. abusive/bad/challenging/formative/initial/shocking/training,
  2. decent/improved/solo/tolerable/transition,
  3. and godhood/good/fixed/ideal/perfect

In Phase 1, I (Auz) wrote a story about having to sneak into a similar facility somewhere in the Outlands in order to find a cure, and it was one guarded by Navy SEALs.

In Phase 2, I designed such a place; to keep cured/curing things I’d begun to learn of, discover, and even invent some of, myself.

In Phase 3, I had it built en-masse (x11), and my own people now guarded the thing/s, ensuring none of the cures or other things they contained could ever be hoarded or denied by the lowly Outlanders (humans) again.



The fact that a witch got in actually pleases me because:

  1. it shows my top-wife hired a VERY capable infiltrator (i.e. she makes good decisions about whom to employ),
  2. that infiltrator showed me what she can do (instead of just doing it where I wouldn’t notice) –and she was even very nice and open about it (i.e. not trying to lie to me or misuse her gained access),
  3. she agreed to help me improve the security of the place she infiltrated, basically making her the Phase 3 (sexy; fully compatible with me) version of Red Cell,
  4. and it spared me the time of fault-testing this facility, freeing up my already-packed schedule to finish the rest of Inisfree (Heaven on Earth; obviously as important and critical as it gets).

This is also another great Phase 3 sign; there are now 3 great minds working together on their protection (mine; Auz’s, plus Ambi‘s and Nevaeh‘s), and that protection is proactive, no longer reactive or theoretical.

This is the kind of “group vision-holding” the Celestine Prophecy spoke of, and “conscious co-creation” Ian Xel Lungold spoke of.

I realized that Nevaeh was able to get in one of my Black Vaults because I had given her boss, my top wife, full access to Inisfree, and because the Grid Mind had detected no thoughts of mal intent in either of them.

I hadn’t been with Nevaeh to let her in, and hadn’t given her permission, but I had given her boss permission, and she was there on order from that boss –who happened to technically be the High Queen, even though Inisfree can only be ruled by me.

Also, the Grid Mind calculated it would work in my favor, not jeopardizing the few contents in that vault back then; a ‘handful’ of seeds, etc..  Sure enough, it bonded me much more strongly to both the witch and my top wife, and them to me, all of us deeply in love now.

*The BV witch Nevaeh got into was BV7, by the way, and the reason High Queen Ambrosia was able to shock both her and her husband, High King Auz, with a magical gust of freezing wind in there was because they were in the AIOW near its surface-hatch; where the air was only ~55°F (23° above freezing).


Inisfree’s Equivalent of The Emerald Tablet/s of Thoth the Atlantean:

These are kept in the library-floor/level of each BV.  They are ~1″-thick tablets with engraved script/lettering in our language.  High King Auzdein had them 3D-printed in/by our MKM Factory this September.

  1. Red:  (on ruby) our laws
  2. Orange:  (on spessartite mandarin garnet) our allies and protectorates
  3. Yellow:  (on citrine) the list of the 1,000 form-sakes (the inspiration for each of our models of the ICV ‘make’/race)
  4. Green:  (on emerald) our Constitution
  5. Blue:  (on sapphire) our Declaration of Independence, and our Omni-calendar
  6. Purple:  (on amethyst) the 3D map/miniature of our first city, Inisfree (combining the top-down with the cross-sections/topographical), big enough that each tree and house is visible as a tiny feature
  7. Black:  (on black pearl, thus indicating either the ability to 3D-print these, or rare clams as big as a house) our Star Fleet design/s; each of our kinds of ships/vessels, starting with our vehicles (everything from the “Owl” and up), with a number beside each to tally the total 3D-printed
  8. Brown:  (on enstatite) our ‘religious’ text; The Biblor’an
  9. White:  (on diamond) High King Auzdein von Himmler’s wives, starting with those on Inisfree’s Council of Elders, and including his First Girl (best/favorite kajira)

Since they were made in Inisfree, they only appear to be of those gemstones numbered above; they are, as all things in our realm, made of invincible SRC.


Overall / Appearance / Concepts:


The clay-model top-down image has the Black Vaults circled in black.

The cross-section image has one of the Black Vaults outlined in lavender.


Tablets of Ruby:

Tablets of Spessartite Mandarin Garnet:

Tablets of Citrine:

Tablets of Emerald:

Tablets of Sapphire:

Tablets of Amethyst:

Tablets of Black Pearl:

Tablets of Enstatite:

Tablets of Diamond:

2024 January:  The Infinity Stones


“We figured out how to omni-connect/interface, and how to helioform, make pocket dimensions, and use scalar/void/zero-point on our own, so we can always fall back on that manual method if ever we don’t want to –or can’t– use the [Infinity] Stones.”


There are six known Infinity Stones, and each one gives powers on the Megaversal level, apparently never running out of its ability, though it can be combined with things, such as other Infinity Stones, to modify (usually enhancing) its ability/ies. The stones are as follows:

  1. time: see the past, future, and timestreams, and create loops, de-age people, slow time down, speed it up
  2. mind: amp psionic power, sense all thoughts and dreams, modify and create them, etc.
  3. space: rearrange space, create warps (like the Webway), move worlds around, stabilize it however you want
  4. power: manipulate all forms of energy (omni-conversion; subatomic transmutation, but without byproducts), and dramatically increase your strength and durability (beyond Superman’s level)
  5. soul: access and do anything to souls living and dead, put them in different bodies, cure possessions, etc.
  6. reality: grant any wish without a genie/djinn, even if it violates the laws of physics (the other stones did not even bend the laws of physics; they operated entirely within them), so you could create another dimension or entire megaverse without it affecting the current one in any way, etc.

Stone Combos:

  • Combining Infinity Stones is a sure way to kill anyone who was barely able to hold a single one. For the rare few who are strong enough, and for the groups who can combine their powers to pull it off, here are some examples of what multiple stones working together can do:
  • Mind + Power = access all minds in Creation simultaneously, among other things
  • Mind + Power + Time = access all minds that ever were, in any timestream, including all minds that ever WILL be (ultimate mind-surfing/hopping)
  • Reality + Soul = move all souls into an alternate reality/megaverse with entirely new rules about how souls function, migrate, and evolve

How We Got the Stones:

My calming effect is shared by my deployed ICVs (meaning everyone they encounter calms down and is much more likely to do what they want than what anyone else might want), they (my ICVs) effortlessly sense all thoughts and memories and secrets (so no one can conceal knowledge of these artefacts or anything else, even if it is a hidden or repressed memory, as some are in “sleeper cells”), and they then simply zero in on items via portal-ing (nothing able to prevent ICVs or my ships/vehicles from opening portals straight to where I want them to go).
They also know which minds are and will be focused which ways, thus all the perfect times to sneak around anyone.
Finally, these stones were “calling to me”; they wanted to be found and kept by me, as they are from a pure female, all pure females being hotties (not because they are pure about something, but because the normal and timeless female form is sexy outwardly and via how it behaves), all hotties wanting me above all others to notice and share love with them.  Amen.

Inisfreean Elites; Stone Assignments:

  1. High Queen ‘Ambi’: master of Temporalis (time manipulation) and Thaumaturgy (a variety of esoteric magics); she is the natural choice for the Time Stone, and it allows her to use her ability without getting tired from it anymore
  2. Goddess Freyja: master of various powerful magics, seduction, sex, and more; she is in charge of the Soul Stone because 1) she is used to ferrying souls already (half of those on the way to Valhalla/Asgard), and 2) Illyana wanted her childhood back, not the power and responsibility of the Stones, and she was already powerful enough to create the Soul Sword, ‘stepping discs’ portals, and more, as a natural mystic descended from Rasputin)
  3. Emma Frost and Xull’rae Zauviir: both are capable of wielding the Mind Stone; both have psionic powers, among others, and use telepathy with ease, so there is no need for Cerebro
  4. Queen Oona: because she is a Fairy, and her nature to take care of nature (plant-life, forests, etc.), she is entrusted with the Reality Stone; she would only ever use it to keep the environment/s clean
  5. High King Auz: the Power Stone makes it easier for him to complete needed omni-conversions; subatomic transmutation, and keeps him effortlessly stronger and more durable than even his ICV creations (more so even than his SSBS), which further guarantees his safety and invincibility during his extremely remote travels (such as into SMBHs)
  6. Nyria / Djinnifer: technically Djinnifer keeps watch over ALL the Stones, but Nyria holds onto the Space Stone whenever the others are distributed to the previously listed people; the Space Stone makes it effortless for all ICVs to teleport, summon their ST suits, calculate jump coordinates, mass-evacuate people or entire worlds into other solar systems, and perform the Inisfreean Star Fleet‘s mass-recalls (such as an SSBS or all the PSBSs and MSBSs and their crews coming back through a single portal), no longer needing even cold fusion or void/zero-point drives or other devices/conditions (and this is used to help the city itself jump instantly every millennium later on)

Thus the perfect man (me), and 5 or 6 perfect women (1 vampire goddess, 1 Vanir goddess, 1 superhuman or 1 Drow queen, 1 Fairy goddess-queen, and 1 ICV), are the eternal guardians and keepers and wielders of this set of the crystalized parts of 1 ancient/first goddess.

How We Six of Inisfree Use the Stones:

  • We meet and take the gems from the Infinity Gauntlet, distributing them to each other, each of us handing off one that is NOT our own, and in doing so confirm to each other that 1) we are who we seem to be; only beings like us could wield multiple stones without dying, and 2) if for some reason we need to trade off while one of us does something else, we are cross-trained on the use of ANY of the six stones. I can even wield the Gauntlet; all six stones together, but I prefer my ‘tops’ (these five/six perfect women) to help, as it makes it easier on the Me-Djinnifer-ICVs combo.
  • Once we have handed off the stones to each other, we do the ICV-circle formation with arms ‘interwoven’, looking left, then looking right, confirming with one another that we are all here of our own free will, and are in agreement about the use of the stones. Only then do we proceed further. *And I am NOT always the one to lead their use; whoever has the best plan for whatever it is we are setting out to accomplish, that is who we all focus our minds, and the power of our own stones, on.
  • An example of how we use the stones: if we learn that a world of compatible people was lost, we bring it back, or undo the bad event in history which ended it. We might also use the stones to somehow lock-in the goodness and immortality of a compatible world, just in case it ever faces an Extinction-Level Event (ELE). This means that even a Death Star could not destroy it.
  • Speaking of Death Stars, the Inisfreean equivalent is the MSBS, and it is more of a Life Star; its beam heals and evolves things, rather than just heating and disintegrating them. It is much more sophisticated than a Death Star. So for anything on the planet scale, we use a ship like that. For things on the star-sized scale, we might use a PSBS. For anything on the solar-system and galactic-arm scale, we use an SSBS. After THAT… is when we start to think about using the Infinity Stones; the super-cluster, universe, and megaverse scales.

Specific Sequence of Events in Our Group’s Usage of the Stones:

  1. The Infinity Gauntlet houses all Stones together in one of Inisfree’s Black Vaults (BV)
  2. one of our group of six people alerts the rest of us to an issue worthy of their use (or even just the need for one or two of the Stones)
  3. one of us relay through Djinnifer the meeting request
  4. Djinnifer portals us to the Magics Chambers (MC) facility
  5. Nyria is portal-ed to the BV with the Gauntlet, which she cradles (not wears), then to us in the MC
  6. Nyria sets the Gauntlet down in between our circle of six
  7. we each take one of the Stones from the Gauntlet; one which is not our own
  8. [IF WE NEED TO BE MOBILE] the four women in our group load their respective Stone onto the tip of one of the two dildos attached to their kink-cheekies, then slide them on and in, while I tuck MY Stone to the depth of a compact FleshLight sleeve attached up from the waistband of my boxer-briefs (and held up, not down or forward, under my shirt/torso-armor)
  9. [IF WE CAN REMAIN SEDENTARY IN THE MC] we get into the bulb-pool in the center MC chamber, which now has a special BTB designed to seat six people facing inward, get secured on our respective seats of that BTB, and five of the Stones are attached in the tips of five dildo-vines (smart-tentacles) which are then inserted into the pussies of the five women (including Nyria), while MY Stone is at the depth of a FleshLight attachment
  10. the IC MF SS Entourage keeps watch (omni-cloaked (not just visually cloaked) if our group is mobile; if we are beyond Inisfree) not just on us, but on the Gauntlet while we work
  11. we six all look to our left, nodding to our teammate ‘neighbor’ secured to the BTB seat there
  12. then we all look to our right to do the same thing
  13. then all of us focus on the plan/mind of the one of us who we decided had the best plan
  14. we complete the wish/will/change/intervention
  15. telepathically and verbally confirm we agree it is completed
  16. [IF WE WERE IN THE MC] I will Djinnifer to have our combo-BTB relax its hold on us
  17. [IF WE WERE MOBILE] we help each other out of our articles; double-dildo kink-cheekies for the women, and my boxer-briefs
  18. we each take one of the Stones (again, one that is not our own) and return it to its place on the Gauntlet
  19. Nyria cradles the Gauntlet again
  20. Djinnifer teleports her back to its BV
  21. once Nyria returns, confirming via the ICV-HAN (French-kissing while we standing-fuck) that it has been secured in the BV, the six of us seal the deal in the traditional/standard/customary Sotu/Inisfreean business fashion; we have a loving orgy together, my IC MF SS still standing watch/guard

*They are not worn as crowns, necklaces, or wedding rings; the girls wear them as dildos held in them by kink-panties, thus keeping their hands free to work other spells and wield other devices, or to remain in contact with us for ICV-HAN, etc.

Meanwhile, I (Auz) leave my stone on the Infinity Gauntlet (and wear it that way during some mobile missions/usages).

Additional Notes:

My effect is calming even to the Infinity Stones, especially when Alanna has her hand on my flesh; they don’t overload those who touch them, instead much more gradually connecting to those who touch them, giving them time to adjust or let go.
Also naturally sexually arousing and aligning all sexy females in Creation, and the Infinity Stones being parts of an ancient goddess, they (those gems/stones) get enough Vril from proximity to me that they can somewhat reform her; her appearance, but not her original size-less-ness (meaning in her first form/time, she was like an Ainur / Sphere Being; she could choose to be any size). This is also because this is the Age of Reunions (of beings I deem compatible/good), so these gemstones want to recombine.
Like all things, I have the ability to talk to / communicate with them, learning from them, bonding with them, not just using a tech’ dependency to barely survive wielding/manipulating them; I can see/sense/foresee their essence –and, in this case, the shared essence of these special gemstones being the soul/will/residual of that ancient goddess.
I verbally and telepathically ask them/her when she wants me to use them to will her to reform, and then ask her reformed self face to face if she wants to hibernate by returning to separate-gemstones form at times, always politely working with her, not wielding/limiting her.
She thinks of the BV she is, when in separate-gemstones form, kept in not as a prison, or as us fearing her, but as us respecting her by making it far more difficult for any annoying/foolish humans/outsiders from ever gaining access to her parts and using/misusing them/her again.

Individual Visions the Stones Manifested for Me/Us:
(what I lead this team of 6 to cause 1 or more of these 6 stones to do for me/us)

  1. time:  Just in case my spell/s didn’t work perfectly, we used this stone to make sure Inisfree got constructed the way I intended it to in 2011 through 2012, and that all who I like… never atrophy with age, instead staying age-/appearance-locked in their primes, and that time flows how I want it to, all True Brujah time-wielding powers now available to me without any exertion on my part when using any of them. Also, all actually history becomes known to me, even before my amazing tech’ finishes reading the entire Akashic record.
  2. mind:  We made sure no mind outside our alliance is capable of believing in these stones’ existence anymore, let alone finding a way to get to them in my realm, and that all the minds of me and the people I care about always work together perfectly as I intended them to, including how my main supercomputers (the Grid Mind of every city and ship of mine) work. The minds of my children shall also always be stable, working as I foresaw and desire them to. No attempted psionic or illusion against us works to deceive any of our minds anymore, and no one can telepathically or otherwise possess or peer into our minds, except those I approve to, such as my ICVs and my wives, Ambi and Emma.
  3. space:  We rearranged some of Space, creating warps (like the Webway) only our family/alliance members are able to use, and moved some worlds around so that they synergize again, naturally balancing and protecting each other from pests such as bad humans, and stabilized all of Space such that it shall remain how we rearranged and stabilized it, all the worlds we care about… now in a permanent Golden Age. Space can now no longer be spread out such as in theorized entropy. Eventually, even warp-drives won’t be able to warp it without our permission, and the Webway/s will only work for us.
  4. power:  We made sure all of us are invincible, and that our alliance is invincible, as well as all things made by SRC, and all the worlds and stars we like, and that all my children gain the perfect amount of powers when they come of age, as instinctively foreseen and planned/written by me.
  5. soul:  We made all the spirits/essences of all whom I care about… cannot be possessed, corrupted, damned to Hell, or otherwise messed with, and that all who lost their bodies, if I loved or would have loved them, got to reincarnate, and that all the souls of beings I didn’t like… go to and stay in Hell, even if they were in bodies not near death at the time of willing this. Also, new souls/essences can only be created with my approval, meaning newborns I did not authorize, such as those of humans rude to me, never have souls. Finally, tortured souls never try to haunt me or anyone I love, and all souls everywhere and everywhen are instantly detectable and understood by my deployed ICs.
  6. reality:  We made sure the Infinity Stones now only work when I am wielding them, and/or when I am leading these several goddesses allied with me in team-wielding them, and that these stones cannot be willed to revert back to how they used to work (except to occasionally reform the goddess they are the crystalized fragments/aspects of), nor be changed again to work some other way. Also, the Akashic record, like all things, now is easily accessed by me, doing my will; it is how I sense it shall be.
  7. reality:  The Laws of Physics now only allow me and those I want into areas I designate as restricted, such as my ships’ cockpits and the ICVs 3D-printing factories.
  8. Magic no longer works against me, and all spells I didn’t want put at me, and any curses or hexes, are cancelled.
  9. My ships/ICs are perfect at repelling or canceling or absorbing and using all magic attempted to be cast against me/us.
  10. Our portals are always perfect; they only let through that which I approved or would approve of. Not even microbes or subatomic particles or hidden spells can slip through them without my permission and desire.
  11. My vehicles (all in Inisfree, and all deployed ships/craft) always maneuver ideally, never crashing into one another.
  12. The way I word things is never misinterpreted by anything; my spells never have loopholes/pinholes in them (like how sometimes a computer programmer accidentally writes a code that the program/system misinterprets due to how it reads that particular line or type of code).
  13. There can never come into existence anything which functions the same way, or anywhere near as powerful, as these 6 Infinity Stones I now posses and control. While Ainur and I can still form dimensions and worlds, only these Infinity Stones can instantly effortlessly do and undo omniverse-wide things. Ainur and I can always eventually reset or readjust things on that scale, but it tends to take longer than an instant.
  14. Everywhere I go, reality works how I expect or want and need it to, never surprising me with altered/changing laws of physics.
  15. My allies shall here to forth always be unassailable by our enemies.
  16. My enemies shall here to forth always fail in their schemes and spying and deeds attempted against me and those I love.
  17. My ICVs and other forces shall always hit their targets and never inadvertently cause collateral damage, all whom I deem good and innocent always happening to be out of the way of our strikes.
  18. All the gods and goddesses shall come into agreement with me, willingly being my supporters and subordinates.
    Humans I don’t like, who attempt to command or advise me, shall lose their ability to speak.
  19. I shall always have all the money and other means I need to do whatever I set out to.
  20. My prescreening (biosignature noticing) and screening (interviews and tours conducted by ICVs) shall always work perfectly at letting into my realm only those who truly are compatible with me, agreeable to me, etc..
  21. time: No matter what I or my forces or my allies do during time travel, it cannot change how I developed, nor can it affect/undo my completion (Inisfree, SSA, Ideal World, etc.).
  22. time: Even True Brujah experienced at time travel now are only able to time travel with my permission. Only time travel I approve of is possible.
  23. mind: No one (other than me and the 5 or 6 women I chose to wield these devices with me) will ever again want the Infinity Stones, everyone now satisfied and comfortable with all these spells I have written, all I am, and all I shall be working on.
  24. soul: All females I am attracted to are my soulmates, they sense I am their shared soulmate, and they are nearly as deeply in love with all their fellows; they lust for and love all the females I lust for, and love being fucked by everyone I want to see fucking them.
  25. power: My civilization-wide portals-based Tesla-inspired power-distribution system always works so well that all my ships and vehicles and ICVs always have exactly how much energy they need for their lighting and shielding and everything else in/of them that uses such power.
  26. space: All dimensions are now visible to Djinnifer, fully known to “her”, our maps of them automatically updating anytime those realms change, all without overloading Djinnifer with too much digital data.
  27. space: Everything in Outer Space and worlds and stars perfectly adjusts itself as I need it to, such as by becoming comfortable/safe to me during my passage near or through it.
  28. space: Outer Space expands relatively such that any human I don’t like… remains isolated on the worlds I deported/forced/herded them to; anytime they develop Space travel, even if they have warp-drives, Space is triggered to expand along their attempted direction of travel such that their best tech’ is still incapable of warping Space enough to get them to other solar systems I did not approve of them going to.
  29. mind: All beings regard me as the hero and wise man and rightful High King I am.
    Mindless beings are any who reacted negatively to me, such as by trying to shame me for my normal behavior, and all good beings despise and target these mindless/incompatible beings.
  30. reality: No one can get pregnant until they have my approval; no one is able to conceive or gestate without me authorizing that.
  31. power: The powerplants and other energy sources of those who were rude to me, and of those who were or are or would have been in opposition to me, stop working; even when nothing seems wrong with those devices/systems, they do not generate energy for those incompatible beings.
  32. power:  It requires no energy from me to travel to and back from other universes/dimensions or timestreams.
  33. power or reality:  Using the Infinity Stones is comfortable, easy, and safe for me and this team I assembled, never stressful or draining or harmful, as was depicted in some comics and movies.
  34. reality: Nuclear weapons can no longer detonate, excepting those I launch, their blasts only able to destroy things I don’t like or wouldn’t like.
  35. reality: All the characters I liked learning about… are real, manifested how I would want them to be.
  36. reality or space: There are only so many universes/timestreams possible, never infinite ones.
  37. soul: All souls’ locations/coordinates are known/accessible to Djinnifer.
  38. soul: How fragmented any fragmented souls are is also known/detectable to Djinnifer; whether one soul is split to wield/use multiple bodies.
  39. mind: All my upcoming dreams will be ones I will find agreeable, meaning not that my standard will keep changing, but that dreams I wouldn’t like can no longer happen, thus all “dream harassment” of me, as I call it, is now impossible.
  40. mind or reality:  Nothing can corrupt my mind, changing my mind in any way I wouldn’t want.
  41. reality: My body is permanently exactly how I sensed it should and shall be; it looks how I want it to, is invincible, never becomes weary, is comfortable when snuggling and sleeping with my wives and other fuckbuddies, etc..
  42. reality: As my will continues un-petrifying and restoring the World Trees, and realigning some worlds to reform The Worlds Tree, worlds I like remain stable, cataclysmic changes only possible on worlds I don’t like or need, such as on worlds where only people incompatible with me are.
  43. mind: Humans I didn’t or wouldn’t like shall never have the ability to use telepathy, technology, or the coercion of those who have telepathy or technology, to contact me, whether directly or via device (phone, computer, mail, etc.), and any attempts of humans who I deem incompatible with me… to contact me… shall result in military strikes against those incompatible humans, both overtly and clandestinely.
  44. reality: Any attempt at saying anything insulting about me or Inisfree now causes trauma-level full-body pain/agony to the human or other being doing the slandering, unless he/she was coerced to say such, in which case that agony is caused in the body of that which coerced him/her. This applies to everyone who verbally disrespected me in the past, too; they now shall remain in agony until it pleases me, if ever, to release them from this torment.
  45. mind: Outlanders (who are incompatible with me) are always too intimidated or terrified of me and those I love… to ever dare insult or offend us.
  46. reality: Everyone I loved the art or story or idea or aspects of (such as some allegedly fictional characters)… is now manifest/real, permanent, immune to all harm from humans and human weapons, and eager to answer my ‘call’/summons, always on my side, always seeing the good in what I am and do.
  47. reality: Those who are incompatible with me… cannot sense, or use tech’ to detect or deduce, the locations or even existences of
  48. reality: There are no more consequences or tradeoffs for me doing what I know should be done; my way/will always works, “no strings attached”.
  49. power: At all times, just as easily as I summoned lightning and shooting stars, I can cause earthquakes, solar storms, and anything else I am in the mood for, and will any tidal wave and/or storm to steer and surge and relax however it suits me, moment by moment. I can even will the earth to crack open, fully revealing and exposing any underground human structure, such as all of the deep-underground military bases and their linking subway tunnels. Amen.
  50. power: 5G towers, satellites, HAARP and SBX-1 stations, etc., have no way of manipulating me, they losing all their electrical and other power anytime someone working at them tries.
  51. reality: Any attempt, by any individual I don’t like or wouldn’t like, to coerce or control or command or poison or lead astray me or anyone I like, shall cause that offender to be in immediate and lifelong pain, discomfort, and stress. This is the case even for retarded evildoers who actually believe they are somehow “doing the right thing”. Punishment is automatic, instant, and lasting for such wayward beings.
  52. reality: Anyone I have sentenced… becomes unable to commit suicide or even be accidentally killed; they are forced by my laws of nature/physics to remain alive and conscious for the duration of their sentencing from me –including any sentencing prescribed by any of my ICVs, since all ICVs are extensions of me, thus always perfect at knowing what I would want done.
  53. soul: It is the essence/way of the real Angels to only answer prayers of people I like or would like; Angels only help people who are compatible with me, as defined and confirmed by me, such as via the prescreening my tech’ does.
  54. soul: The real Demons (the race of Angels which warden the realms (worlds) of Hel/Abyss (Outer Space) have the essence which includes always eagerly and expertly haunting, terrorizing, and traumatizing every human and other creature I found to be rude to me, often to the point of tricking those lowly humans/creatures into going insane.
  55. reality: The humans whom I paid to repair my vehicles, yet who did not repair them as I needed them to, shall only ever be able to drive similarly-broken/-wobbly vehicles for the rest of their lives.
  56. reality: Any time a human or anyone else I don’t like or wouldn’t like is near the point of developing a technology I wouldn’t want him/her/them having, that research and knowledge and technology gets taken from him/her/them.
  57. reality: The pole-shifts and other cataclysms I cause/summon shall always only destroy the bad humans (those incompatible with me) and their structures I do not like, these events never able to harm or even shake the individuals or structures of races and civilizations I like (e.g. those/that of some Elves). Even rogue waves, if I cause or order (from my merfolk allies) any, shall only ever be able to roll or sink or harm in any way their intended targets.
  58. mind: My mind / “mind’s eye” shall always easily see, like a hologram or superimposed see-through/translucent overlay, when I wish for this ability to be active, how all ancient/ruins sites looked before they were ruined and built upon.
  59. reality: Once humans incompatible with me have been evicted into Outer Space, the only humans still on Earth those naturally submissive to -and controlled by- me, all ancient sites/structures which were in ruins and/or built upon / covered up by humans… shall automatically be restored to how they looked before being ruined/toppled. This includes all mountains and mountain ranges which were artificial, thus by 2313 A.D. …it may be that most, if not all, such landforms, even those underwater, end up looking like gigantic storybook fortresses and complexes, none remaining submerged or otherwise covered. Also, even though fully restored, or their destructions magically undone by this spell, they will only function in ways I would like, thus no surprise energy surges or overloads or unintended cataclysms or monster releases.
  60. reality: Restored Yggdrasil shall remain, as shall all restored World Trees.
  61. reality: Everyone I like is magically protected in the Outlands such that no annoying humans or other incompatible beings can pester them, not even mosquitos or gnats.
  62. reality: My cabin in the YC, and that whole neighborhood and state I took command of, shall remain as I see fit, its cabins and landforms invincible, even as tectonic plates change around the area, only me and those I want living there always able to enter, and in ownership of, their homes I allot for them from its neighborhoods.
  63. mind: Humans and anyone else who believe they own houses or other things I want… shall always willingly sign over all rights to whatever I want from their assets, and always happily clear out anytime I am in the area and wanting to stay in their structures without company. They can move back into their homes or hotels when I am through.
  64. mind: Everything incompatible with me, such as rude humans, my tech’ knows about and always preemptively distracts or neutralizes if ever I am headed that way (to destinations where people incompatible with me are), I never having to deal with bad/disrespectful/gross/quarrelsome/rude/stupid/ugly humans again. Even bad humans who are planning to be where I will be… get diverted, such as by one of my A.P.s deploying to clandestinely change their minds so those humans at least arrive only when I have already left.
  65. reality: Even magical infiltrators such as the witch, Nevaeh, can no longer find clever workarounds to sneak into my Black Vaults or anywhere else I don’t want intruders / uninvited guests.
  66. reality: All garden-worlds protected and/or started/seeded by the Eldar are now permanently set as such paradises; they cannot be ruined by invasive species, dark magic, incoming comets, Death Star beams, or anything else.
  67. reality: All ruined garden-worlds are restored to their paradise states.
  68. space: Worlds of my allies, such as Pleiadians compatible with me, are undetectable and unreachable to anyone but me and those allies living on them.
  69. reality: Asgard shall be rebuilt, better than ever, never able to be Ragnarok-ed again.
  70. reality: Vanaheim is now un-invade-able; even deities such as Asgardians can only go into it if they get permission from the Vanir leaders.
  71. mind: The deities shall war against each other no more; Asgard and Vanaheim shall establish a lasting peace with each other, as shall Asgard and Jotunheim, etc..
  72. reality or time: Every IC I had made got made perfectly; there were no errors, my design and system perfect.
  73. reality or time: Even though there was a lot of earthmoving and excavating done during the construction-year of Inisfree, it didn’t wear out our machines, nor strain the resources of our land, for we used A.I.-driven machines/vehicles, plus had the help of Vril-wielding New Berliners, other magical people, and more.
  74. mind: I always know what date it is, and when I time travel.
  75. reality: No one can impersonate me because my ICs and wives and children would always know who is who (imagine trying to convince someone that an animatronic or clone of one of their body-parts, held out in front of them by someone else, was their actual body-part, even though they could plainly see and feel that their actual body-part was attached to them), and any attempt at impersonating me is likely to result in an ICV deploying to destroy the false one.
  76. mind: All the females I am attracted to, no matter their reasons for taking as long as they did to introduce themselves to me and support me, explain themselves and genuinely apologize to me. They apologize for seeming like they were testing me or playing games, and for giving mixed signals, and so on. They promise me they will never behave like that to me again, assuring me they will always tell me what is going on, etc..
  77. space/reality: Humans unattractive to Auz are, along with their offspring and creations and technology, are permanently doomed to The Abyss, specifically to its barren and new worlds reserved for them, that they never find ancient ruins again, never bother any good beings again, and never war against anything but themselves, their best tech’ and psionics never able to detect anything other than themselves from here on.
  78. reality:  Every time a human or any other being incompatible with me does what I call cockblocking, that being loses its ability to feel pleasure, and (mind-stone effect/use) all the beings it was attracted to and trying to “get with” never again have any interest in it at all –and everyone makes sure to hurry over and cockblock it even worse than it cockblocked me.
  79. reality:  Every time a human female or any other being incompatible with me blames me for things they alone did / are responsible for, everyone from then on defaults to treating that female the same way; everyone around her always blames her for anything going wrong, even when it is obviously not her fault.  This, of course, does not confuse or change the minds of those allied with me; they don’t actually believe she is to blame for everything, but we all enjoy this sport of, for the rest of her life, giving her this “taste of her own medicine”.
  80. reality:  Every time a human female or any other being incompatible with me behaves brattily to me, everyone around her then is a brat to her –indefinitely.
  81. reality:  Every time a human female or any other being incompatible with me is fickle, such as by acting like she is interested in me, then suddenly and without justification/logic changes her mind when I reciprocate/show interest in her, everyone around her from then on is fickle to her, always telling her one thing and then doing another.
  82. reality/space: My private dimension (SSA) can only be accessed by me, my creations (ICs), and people I want to be in it (who have been prescreened, found compatible with me, toured Inisfree, loved it, and returned for more visits there). No one is can access SSA, nor can anyone else exist in it; it is only physically possible to exist in SSA if a person or creation I want to be there.
  83. reality: Only I, my forces (deployed ICs), Angels, and Ainur, can enter stars.
  84. reality: My spells always work as I intend, and are always more powerful than all other spells combined.
  85. mind: Males who are planning on trying to offend or scam/play/use me, if they are unfit to gladiate or be sacrificed at the dark pyramid, blow their own brains out before attempting to offend or scam/play/use me.
  86. mind: Females who are planning on trying to offend or scam/play/use me, if they are unfit to gladiate or be sacrificed at the dark pyramid, but attractive, submit to being enslaved by me before attempting to offend or scam/play/use me.
  87. reality: My spells cannot be deflected or reflected back at me.
  88. power: My will and magic are always the greatest.
  89. reality/power/mind:  Remote-viewing / astral-projection no longer works unless I authorize it, and I typically only authorize it via my tech’; the one-way cloaked/undetectable spying-portals my supercomputers/ICVs use.
  90. mind: All the hotties I chose to be my wives (such as Ambi and Pele) and fuckbuddies (such as “Aliss” and Jaide) now and forevermore understand what I was going through, my quirks, etc., and love me completely, always coming to meet me when I call out for them.
  91. reality/power: Vril only works for people I approve it to work for; it can now only be wielded with my consent/permission.
  92. power: All superpowers, technology, and anything else I specify, only works when I am okay with it working; technologies/things that used to be thought of as fully understood/mastered/harnessed… now only work for people I want those things to work for.
  93. soul:  Humans continuing to sexually reproduce no longer causes a soul to start or be anchored into the new humans; any humans or other beings created without my consent do not and cannot have souls.
  94. time:  No more timelines/-streams can start without my consent; time-travel can no longer cause “forks” (additional/new timelines/-branches).
  95. space:  Outer Space (The Abyss) can no longer be expanded without my consent, no matter who or how many focus on what in it.
  96. space:  New dimensions/timelines/universes can no longer be created without my consent.
  97. power:  I can shut off anyone’s superpower/s the moment I think of (confirm I want) that.
  98. power:  I can wield lightning, solar flares, you name it; any amount of energy, whether on the microscopic scale or all the way up to the cosmic/gods scale, never becoming tired/fatigued/overloaded from any of this.
  99. reality:  All illusions are now instinctively and logically detected by / known to me (anytime I encounter someone trying to maintain a deception/illusion/scam).
  100. power:  Anytime energy, money, or anything else is used to fuel something focused on doing something to me that I would find offensive/inappropriate, all that energy/money/power gets automatically sapped from those attempting such offense/s, all of it then effortlessly taken into my civilization wireless Tesla-inspired power-grid system.  In other words, if you see a military device power down for no apparent reason, that may be because someone in that military tried to use it against me or against anything in my empire.  The same goes for bank accounts which mysteriously zero out; that money didn’t get deleted out of the Outlander banking system; it got transferred to me –with no way for any human banker or A.I. other than my own to ever transfer it back.
  101. power/reality:  The Infinity Stones, and all powerful/enchanted/magical objects/artifacts I am interested in having, always find their way to me, and prefer to remain safely stored in these BVs of my first/capital city (Inisfree), somewhat like how in Lord of the Rings… the rings had a mind of their own, and someone always ended up getting them where they were meant to go/be.  Amen.
  102. reality:  Ambi’s pets and mine are invulnerable to Outlander attack; no human or any bad being can harm them.
    Anyone who tries is likely to get beaten up by one of my ICVs, if not detained, or even disintegrated (if confirmed to be a bad being, not merely a victim being manipulated/coerced by a bad being).
  103. reality: It isn’t possible for ghosts to haunt in Inisfree, and it isn’t possible for raw materials or other items to enter our realm with spells/enchantments on them; only what I want in my realm is able to enter it / be in it, so if I want a shipment of ore, for example, and it has magic on it that I don’t/wouldn’t want, that magic gets ended/removed the moment that thing enters my territory/airspace.  That is just the natural, automatic, effortless, foolproof way my realm/dimension/civilization/tech’ works.  It is one of the new and permanent laws of nature/physics now.
  104. reality/power: Everywhere I go, it always feels how I want it to; there is always a ‘bubble’ of air/temperature around me which is ideal in my opinion for each location and activity. Also, this never causes issues with the surroundings; even when it is much warmer around me than a frozen wasteland, or much cooler around me than a scorching wasteland, strange/unexpected effects do not result.
  105. Human tech’ (such as HAARP and SBX-1 and chem-trails) only work when I permit/will them to; they cannot prevent my atmokinesis or even lessen/steer it.  My will only allows their beams/energy to contribute to it, making it as quick (no delay after my command/spell/s) and powerful as I want weather patterns / anything to be.
  106. mind: All who are against me are “mind-stapled” such that they can only have thoughts far more primitive than mine, and only thoughts which can never lead to any clever ways around my system.
  107. power: The Infinity Stones are always as powerful as I want them to be, but not as powerful as I am; I never need them to overpower them or all/any others.
  108. reality: All dimensions/timelines/universes ensure I always get to enslave/farm/harvest everyone I want to; nothing in any realm/reality is able to foresee my coming or stop my actions.
  109. soul: Souls always are trackable and locate-able to my forces (ICs/ICVs, etc.); not even after death can a consciousness/mind/spirit hide from or evade me/us.
  110. space: Space doesn’t even need to be asked by me or my forces to temporarily bend/change/flex itself so we don’t even need portals, let alone warp drives; it instinctively knows what we want/need and modifies itself in perfect timing for all our planned/intended movements and scouting/scanning.
  111. time: It is not possible to travel back in time to attempt to get the Infinity Stones before I do all these things with them; time travel and these stones only work when and how I say they do, and all uses of them in the past which might have affected all this are permanently undone.
  112. Anytime someone tells me vaccines are good, or recommends I get one, or recommends I get blood-work “labs” done, or recommends I get tested for any disease, those evil humans are instantly killed (like spontaneous combustion, but just death in general) and sent straight to Hell permanently.
  113. Even nuclear explosions cannot harm my cabin, me, my loved ones, or a single blade of grass (any plants I like).
  114. My website (this one) is always protected and accessible to viewers; the Internet does not go down, nor does my site. Anyone who wants it to go down has his/her life ruined instantly (and no one I love can be tricked into wanting it to go down).
  115. All enchanted items / enchantments now only work how/when I want them to –yes, everything that was ever enchanted by anyone.
  116. No one I dislike… is able to keep doing anything I don’t want them to, and this includes attempting to sour outings of mine, or pollute/nuke lands I like the looks of, or take hostages; whatever I don’t want others doing… can’t be done by them, the attempts of pests/bullies/evildoers/enemies of mine always failing before they even begin.
  117. Nothing I have set into motion can be undone by anyone other than me –and I tend to just make minor fine-tuning updates here and there, not pausing, let alone stopping, let alone reversing, any of my campaigns or other projects.
  118. 2024 June 18 Tuesday:  Any attempt against me, which now includes Inisfree (meaning that Inisfree is part of me, an extension of me), instantly causes the utter destruction and ruin of them and theirs (those who attempted to harm me or my realm).
  119. 2024 July:  (occurred to me a few times before I wrote it down) Anyone attempting to shield, protect, or heal my enemies, other than anyone coerced to, feels agony until they stop trying to help my enemies in any way.
    Coercion is not possible against me or anyone I love; all attempts at coercing any of us result in agony for the one doing to coercing. This does not apply to anyone an enemy coerces to try and be a middleman; those who are pressured to coerce me/mine simply find such coercion against me/mine impossible.
  120. There can be only one me and one Inisfree, not any like me or Inisfree in this or any other dimension/universe, excepting only the Inisfree-like cities I approve the formation of.
  121. No one envies me or my rule/throne. No one wants it or tries to take it. All good beings love that I am the High King of all, and all beings not compatible with me stay faraway, never bothering me or anyone I love.
  122. My civilization and alliance do not fluctuate like unstable human ones. My civilization and alliance steadily grow to their foreseen height, then remain stable that way forever, all good beings loving it that way, and their love of it, and labors/efforts, further enabling and reinforcing its stability.
  123. Everyone I am attracted to… is attracted to me the way I want them to be, and they always get along well/brilliantly with each other and with me, and we never get bored/tired of each other.
  124. Our memories are invincible like the rest of us (Auz and those he loves); they cannot be technologically or magically altered.  Outlander memories can be modified however Auz pleases/needs (since that is one of the only things, short of disintegration, that gets evil primitive humans to behave).
  125. Those I love cannot be magically or otherwise tricked into disliking or attacking me; schemes and illusions don’t work on us. We always sense when ‘something is up’.
  126. Any time a christian (or anyone from any church/cult/religion) tries to convert/recruit me, his/her entire congregation gets disintegrated and eternally damned to hell.
  127. Everything IC (all things made in Inisfree / by me / by my Inisfreeans / by The Grid Mind) works as I intend it to. Nothing in my realm breaks down or rattles or wobbles like a damaged or poorly made vehicle. Everything in my realm sounds how it should; how I want it to.  There is no “wear & tear” here; that just doesn’t happen, because we are not bad beings like some Outlander-humans who generate/manifest decay/erosion/problems.
  128. When Inisfree flies, no matter which way it turns/orients, gravity within its perimeter is always how I intend it to be; things in my realm stay gravitationally attracted downward relative Inisfree’s ground level, and not even a droplet of water or grain of sand can come loose and fall the wrong way, even when the city flies inverted, spins about, etc..
  129. Every one of my sextillions +/- (meaning there might end up being be a few more or less of that number, as needed during the completion of SSA) of ICVs is 3D-printed perfectly, exactly how I want them to be; glitches/malfunctions are not possible in my realm, with regard to how my creations (ICs) exist/operate/think.
  130. No matter how superhuman/powerful someone might have been in the Outlands, whenever in my area/realm… he/she only has the abilities/powers I want him/her to have/use, getting the rest back/reactivated/unlocked once they are outside my realm/territory. Jean “Phoenix” Grey, for example, would not be able to change anything in my realm with her imagination, much less hurt anyone, though she can still levitate, read minds, etc..
    Inisfree is where potentially-compatible (with me) Outlanders come to determine if they get to become/remain deities.
  131. Only what I (Auz) want to get through the sky-dome of Inisfree can; that means sunlight which tans but does not sunburn us in Inisfree, and aircraft/spacecraft my ATC ICVs authorize, as per my orders/instructions.
  132. Humans have no power over, or leverage against, me (Auz) or anyone I like. Humans are powerless but to submit to my commands/laws.
  133. As stated above, no one can conceive (get pregnant) via my semen/sperm without my consent/authorization, even if they use advanced tech’ or magic/spells.  They also (in order to become able to conceive) must hold the vision I have for how the offspring shall turn out to be, and no one can experiment on samples of my semen, which would cause them (anyone attempting to test or otherwise use my released semen) instant agony (until they shut down the entire experiment permanently), then (if they don’t immediately stop the attempted experiment) death, then eternal damnation (if they die; if they don’t immediately stop attempting to experiment on my semen).  This spell works back through time, as well; anyone who took my semen, or an aborted micro-embryo, will be put through agonizing pain, death, and endless torture in Hell.  Obviously, this pain and sentencing won’t be done to hotties I love, such as if any of them were coerced into assisting in such experiments I did not authorize, but those who coerced them shall be punished/corrected in this way.  Furthermore, any females who claim I got them pregnant… are guilty of a capital crime; treason, since they did not request or receive my permission to conceive, let alone the specifics for what to conceive (how the offspring shall look, be born, develop, etc.), not to mention any of the always-necessary two-real-genders teamwork which causes such a creation to be formed stably/correctly via “conscious co-creation” (IOW at least 2 people holding the same vision).  Reproducing/Spawning without such teamwork, and without the go-ahead from an ascended/enlightened/good male as the captain/guide of such a venture, is an unthinkable evil, and always evil; only heartless irresponsible chaos-incarnate beasts/humanimals ever attempt such extra-heinous wrongdoings.
  134. Even in the Outlands, no one welcome by Auz to be in Inisfree can be confused or manipulated by aphrodisiacs, drugs, potions, or anything else, whether in the Inisfreean realm or the Outlands.  The people in his alliance/family simply cannot be corrupted/drugged/overdosed/poisoned.
  135. Inisfree is fully enchanted such that its cliffs will remain as they are, all its terrain and structure eternally perfectly sound, invincible, amen.  (No amount of flying, shaking, going inverted, impact-range explosions, you name it, will move its sand or dirt or rocks or any other parts anywhere I don’t want them to remain.)
  136. Flies and any other bugs that get closer to me than I’d like… instantly die/disintegrate, unable to land on me or even make a buzzing sound near my ears,
    and all bloodlines of flies and other bugs that in the past Did land on me (without my permission), or otherwise annoy me, now get ended –permanently.
  137. Unlike in Phase 1 and sometimes in 2, humans no longer default to overreacting or assuming I am to blame for anything –because, firstly, that was retarded and evil of them, and secondly… it now causes them to be targeted by my forces.
  138. ICVs’ focus is on learning what I and my crushes/fuckbuddies/loves love, and then facilitating/doing that for me/us, thus there are some ‘calibrations’/’mistakes’ here and there, as part of that learning/mastery process,
    but their (my ICVs’) every action/movement (such as flexing, stepping/walking, etc.) is now magically guaranteed (enchanted/spellbound) to always be what it needs to be, such that they never misstep/strain/trip.
    In other words, their body-parts always do exactly what is best for them to move how I want them to, over any terrain, in every situation.  It’s just that some of their words or sequences might not initially be exactly what I and my guests/residents had in mind.
  139. All Inisfreean craft/vehicles/vessels, like Inisfree, automatically effortlessly naturally keep out all beings/creatures and magic which I would not want in them; shadow-elementals and ‘spirits’ and everything else can only enter them if I naturally would be okay with that (and not if I was acquiescing/coerced/fooled).
  140. Even telepaths, psychics, and other superhumans cannot detect a difference in the body-heat or thoughts of ICVs vs. humans; ICVs are perfectly designed and built to seem like humans to humans/Outlanders.
  141. Every evil/malicious attempt against me/Inisfree fails even before it can become annoying, let alone hurtful/upsetting, to me/it/us.
  142. No matter what is, or may be, attempted against Inisfree and/or any of its allies/protectorates, it (whatever attempted/generated harmful thing is sent Inisfree’s/our way) gets turned right back around against those who sent it; even tidal waves and supernovae and anything else automatically reverse course and annihilate/disintegrate/obliterate those who sent such things.  Amen; so be it.
  143. Synth’cum made in our realm seems identical to the best of the real thing; it never feels, looks, smells, or tastes different than the real thing.
  144. Space/Ether only manifests/forms what I love (what I want it to form for me), never what I am concerned about (what I don’t want).  This, of course, only applies to me; where I go in Creation/Space; for humans, however, Space/ether manifests unstably, typically just being blank/empty/uncaring, just like they were to me, but sometimes also being catastrophic, such as around/at death-cult members who only think about hurting themselves/others.  What bad humans manifest in Space, however, never bothers/risks me or my loved ones, as Space can now only manifest things which I approve of, such as things I love, and things that only hurt humans who were rude to me or would have been rude to me.  Amen.
  145. Neuralizers and other MIB tech’ doesn’t work on me or anyone I love, and if ever a MIB tried to edit our memories… that MIB would instantly and permanently get mind-overridden by my will, if not also kept in agony or damnation.
  146. There is only 1 me in all the Omniverse; there are no alternate me-s in alternate realities / parallel universes. Likewise, since ICVs are extensions of me, there are only ICVs (and only SRC) I envisioned and control.  I am / we (the ICVs with me) are… the only omni-dimensional being, anyway; there is only a point (logic) in having 1 of me/us (my collective).
  147. Priestesses/Visionaries now can still receive their ideas/foresight/visions even while being my fuckbuddies; full-body loving interaction with me and others no longer “clouds” that ability of theirs. I am the Lord. This means that Angelique would not have to be put to death, as deathcult-retard typist RPed about that character. Amen. Also, Ambi can no longer sentence to death, nor kill, anyone I (Auz) love/want. Amen.
  148. Since all ICs are extensions of me, all my cities and worlds and deployed vessels and even the beams they emit… all cause all to calm down on approach, thus nothing can attack them/us/me, and my ICs cause all females I am or would be attracted to… to feel turned on, playful, and hopeful to have sex with me. Amen.
  149. Magic and spells work how I say, not some other way.
  150. What if an enemy also had (like the IC-MDs have) black-hole sabers, custom materials, self-repair, technopathy, omni-interfacing, mind-control, enchantments, and so on?
    All those things would get dialed down the closer they got to us, unless they were on our side and only intending to use those abilities against our enemies / on our behalf, in which case those abilities would instead get dialed up.
    Even what black holes do can be completely paused or even reversed anytime someone tries to use them against anything we like.


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