The main mansion dining-room has a white, gold, blue motif much like one of the palaces of Russia.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features (Images)
  4. Novels Excerpt
  5. 2021 Update:  Holiday Feasts Here
  6. 2021 Update 2:  Wall Art of the Heroes and Milestones (Images)
  7. Overall Appearance (Images)
  8. Silverware – or Electrumware (Images)
  9. Long-table Concept (Images)
  10. Serving-tables Concepts (Images)
  11. 2022 Update:  Minecraft 1:1 Build (Images)



The Governor’s Mansion of Inisfree has two dining rooms; the one in the middle of the 1st floor has the long-table, while the 2nd dining room (in the middle of the back of the mansion; closest to the rising slope of the central mountain) has the two, bowl-like ‘dining pits’; one as a sofa indention in the floor, and one as a jacuzzi also built down into the floor (with individual dining tables anchored to the jacuzzi’s floor).


Dimensions & Layout:

Each of these dining rooms measures 100’x150′ across its floor, and stands 100′ tall.  The main dining room is the middle room amongst the grid of nine rectangular rooms on the ground floor.  It is this dining room which has the 75-feet-long dining table used primarily for two occasions;

  1. when the Governor desires to sit down to a formal meal with an entire batch of his daughters (Inisfreeans are born by the city itself, always in batches of 50 clones; Inisfree’s version of identical twins, and so it is that every girl in Inisfree has 49 identical sisters all born at the same time as her)
  2. when the Governor desires to sit down to a formal meal with his most trusted and beloved guests who are elite leaders in the various Outlands realms allied with Inisfree​

The second dining room is in the middle of the back row of rooms on this floor of the mansion, and is for more informal, relaxed gatherings.  It has two bowl-like pits in its floor, evenly separated, one being a circular sofa, and the other being a circular jacuzzi with built-in dining tables for each threesome seating section along its inside perimeter.

Decorations Levels:

  1. Floor up to 6′:  tables, potted plants, nyotaimori gurneys, and chandelier-like mass-candles holders based on lamp-stands on/near the tables (similar in size to the chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling and beneath the indoor wraparound balcony)
  2. 6′ to 18′ up above the floor:  (12) framed photos of groups during dinners here
  3. 18′ to 21′:  gap
  4. 21′ to 33′:  (12) framed photos of top representatives and allies
  5. 33′ to 39′:  gap
  6. 39′ to 45′:  sconces / statues holding light-orbs
  7. 45′ to 51′:  gap
  8. 51′ to 81′:  (14) framed photos/images of Inisfree’s construction milestones
  9. 81′ to 102′:  gap on wall up to underside of indoor wraparound balcony (supports at 99′ to 102′)
  10. 87′ to 102′:  chandeliers that hang from beneath the balcony
  11. 102′ to 108′:  balcony bannisters (102′ to 105′), and gap
  12. 108′ to 120′:  (12) framed photos/images of top allied Elves (above the balcony, symbolic of being up in the trees)
  13. 120′ to 123′:  gap
  14. 123′ to 135′:  (12) framed photos/images of top allied Angels (above the Elves-images level, symbolic of being their progenitors)
  15. 135′ to 141′:  gap
  16. 141′ to 150′:  sconces / statues holding light-orbs
  17. 150′ to 153′:  gap
  18. 153′ to 168′:  (8) framed representative-murals of our major campaigns;
    constructing Inisfree,
    our Star Fleet‘s six campaigns; 1) Rapture, 2) Mapping, 3) Restoring the World Trees, 4) Assisting Compatible Civilizations, 5) TNH Social Experiment, and 6) Migrations/Relocations
    and Ideal World
  19. 168′ to 174′:  gap up to/until the bottoms of the hanging flags
  20. 174′ to 192′:  bottoms to tops of the hanging flags
  21. 192′ to 198′:  gap from the tops of the hanging flags… up to the ceiling (& ~3′-thick ceiling; 198′ to 201′)


Special Features:

Both of these dining rooms open up to the 2nd story of this mansion, but instead of being from the 10′ to 20′ mark, as is the case with most Outlander houses, the 2nd story of this mansion starts at the 100′ mark and continues upward to the 200′ mark.  Thus, the inside perimeter balconies above the floors of each of these dining rooms are 10 stories above them.  

Even higher up on these walls are statue-pillars (nude Inisfreean girls, of course) holding up opaque, soft-white, light orbs as the light fixtures of these rooms.  


Higher still, hanging from the ceiling, are the flags of all nations and other organizations allied with Inisfree; a colorful sign to help everyone here feel appreciated and welcome.  Flags are ~10×20′, thus the top 20′ down from ceiling is hidden from view when these flags are observed from higher angles, such as those at/above the balcony.


Novels Excerpt:

From the hibachi room, the three of them proceeded to one of the mansion’s two dining rooms. This one was in the center of their house on the ground floor. It had a single long table in it, an indoor wrap-around rectangular balcony high above, and the flags of many of the nations and other realms now allied with Inisfree, all mounted near the ceiling. There were hundreds of them, most ones humans had never known.


2021 Update:  Holiday Feasts Here

Christmas (though we are more of the Yuletide kind of people), Thanksgiving, and our version of July 4th are all huge events in here, as is our week-long Spring Festival, plus New Year’s, of course; for each of those big holidays a feast is prepared like you wouldn’t believe, each meal a multi-course and grand affair, covering the entire table and many smaller side-tables, all the dishes chosen to match the given holiday’s theme and traditions.  If you’ve ever seen “the Never Feast” in the movie “Hook”, you have the right idea.  We just do it vegan –and eat it instead of trying some and then having a food fight.

Some of the popular and frequented dishes you’ll see being carried out on electrum platters in this room:

  • apples, apple cider (sparkling), and apple sauce by the pan and bottle, sometimes even carafes of the cider
  • baked zucchini sticks (way thicker, way juicier, way healthier alternative to French fries)
  • boneless vegan wings
  • bread bowls (some the right size to hold a cup of soup or stew, others big enough to hold a bowl or gallon of it!)
  • brisket (and on nachos), “ribs”, roasts, and vegan steaks so tender, juicy, and flavorful you’ll forget their meat-based inspirations
  • “catfish” fingers (vegan) with dipping sauce/s –inspired by those of Famous Dave’s
  • cheese wheels, not just blocks and wedges (vegan, of course)
  • “chicken” and dumplings
  • cornbread muffins the size of baseballs, and loafs as big as Power Wheels cars
  • crackers by the barrel
  • crepes so wide they toss like pizza dough, and sprinkled with the best vegan cheddar
  • desserts that look like the world’s finest pastry chefs and chocolatiers had their hand in their making
  • dips and spreads in cauldrons instead of bowls
  • dolmas the size of a burrito
  • eclairs as big as a briefcase
  • edamame salted just a hint
  • fish-looking vegan substitutes shaped to look like a normal filet or entire side of a massive 100+ lb. Alaskan catch
  • flatbreads of all kinds, each of them the size of a ship plank
  • gingerbread house so big you can walk in them and eat them from the inside
  • guacamole made tableside
  • gyros of seitan or tempeh (or just veggies and sauce; your pick) –inspired by those of Three Carrots
  • horchata by the liter or gallon, veganized with almond milk
  • ice sculptures of all the most beautiful girls in the world
  • juices for familiar and exotic fruits and berries, including golden raspberry and dragonfruit
  • “Juicy Lucy”; a (vegan) burger with a slice of (vegan) cheese inside the patty (which keeps it as a melty delicious surprise)
  • kabobs as long as baseball bats
  • lettuce and cabbage wraps
  • loafs of woven multi-colored bread
  • mashed potatoes and yams, piled high with ‘the works’, each a meal unto themselves
  • “milkless shakes”; dairy-free
  • “no-chicken noodle soup”, piping hot and served from a trough into steins
  • Oreo-crust ice-cream pies and Yule logs
  • pizzas with your favorite vegan toppings, even stuffed crusts, cauliflower crusts, etc.
  • pop-overs the size of basketballs
  • “popcorn chicken” (vegan)
  • potato chips (and chips made from many other vegetables, as well as dehydrated fruits)
  • quiches made with “JUST Egg”
  • rice bowls, Mongolian stir-fry style
  • salads that eat like a meal
  • sampler platters with everything here and more; vegan charcuterie boards
  • sandwiches that put the classics (BLT, etc.) to shame; master chefs’ “takes” on them
  • seitan, tempeh, and tofu loafs seasoned to cut and taste just like a brisket or stuffed turkey
  • sliders; all the classic ones, just veganized
  • “sloppy joes” (jackfruit base)
  • soup, stew, and curry by the bucket
  • steamed and boiled vegetables piled higher than you’ll ever be able to eat (including purple and white asparagus, and Brussels sprouts still on the person-tall stalk!)
  • stuffed mushrooms and peppers big enough to feed a whole family
  • sweet-corn tamale-cakes (three per tray) from The Cheesecake Factory
  • “tacos” (tostadas):  veganized Taco Diner chicken on black-beans-spread flat-disc “tacos”, with their signature brown (mole?) dip and green (tomatillo?) dip (now topped with tofu marinated/seasoned how the chicken was)
  • tamales of many stuffings, all vegan
  • tofu pot pies and shepherd’s pies, every one of them the size of a truck tire
  • tofurky legs (just like a Ren’ Fest’ turkey leg, but vegan) so massive you might have to share
  • Udon noodle bowls in hearty broth
  • vegan “crab” cakes bigger than hockey pucks
  • vegan “shrimp”, battered and seasoned to perfection
  • vegetable chilis, spiced just the way you like, crowned with diced onions, shredded vegan cheeses, homemade crackers, and more
  • veggie burgers loaded up with everything that belongs on them, held together by a toothpick spear, giant pickle and dipping sauces on the side
  • “vushi”; vegan sushi –literally every sushi roll that has ever been on a respectable menu, here… veganized to perfection (and you can have an ICV bring it to you by the boat, not just one roll at a time!)
  • whole watermelons, some carved like sculptures and works of art, others diced into popsicle sizes and chilled (not frozen)
  • xoconostle cactus fruit, known as the prickly pear
  • xylocarp cupcakes (a fruit similar to coconut)
  • yellow dal by Maya Kaimal; “Organic Red Lentil + Butternut Squash + Coconut Everyday Dal” (Auz’s absolute favorite kind –and we serve it by the cauldron-full here, so grab your favorite mixing bowl and dig right in!)
  • zereshk (Polish for “barberry rice”) polo (saffron chicken –veganized here), which looks like the healthiest plate of nachos ever when done right

And we make our own fortune cookies (which taste way better than the originals, and are way healthier).  They have little scrolls in them, not pieces of paper, and their script is in calligraphy, cursive, or Elven.  The fortunes are written by our ICVs, and are based on actual fortune-telling done by some of our goddesses.


All the food-holidays that get honored here:

Month 1: Janus (Beginnings)
Week 1:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to January 1: New Year’s, & Grid Mind teleported to FOB 1
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Jan. 5: Spaghetti
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Jan. 7: Beans
Week 3:
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Jan. 19: Neuschwabenland Birthday (1939), and Popcorn
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Jan. 21: Cheese
Week 4:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Jan. 22: Blondies (Vanilla Brownies)
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Jan. 23: Pie
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Jan. 27: Chocolate Cake
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the deities (actual people), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 2: Februus (Purity Festival)
Week 1:
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Feb. 4: Stuffed Mushrooms *another of Auz’s all-time favorites
Week 2:
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Feb. 6: Ice-cream for Breakfast
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Feb. 9: Pizza
Week 3:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Feb. 12: Plums
Week 4:
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Feb. 23: Tennis, and Biscuits
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Feb. 24: Tortillas
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the A.I. (Hosts, Teros, etc.), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 3: Mars (Technology)
Week 1:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to February 26: Carnival, and Pistachios
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Mar. 1: Almond Butter
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Mar. 2: Crafts, and Frozen Food
Week 2:
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Mar. 6: Liara T’Soni & Miranda Lawson Day
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Mar. 9: Butterflies, and Potato Chips
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Mar. 11: Pot Roast (vegan, of course)
Week 3:
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Mar. 15: Tea
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Mar. 18: Cabbage
Week 4:
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Mar. 20: Vernal Equinox, and Azerbaijan’s Spring Festival
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Mar. 22: Melba Toast (*and Auz always goes to the golf-course country-club for this, with plenty of vegan butter), and Nauryz; Kazakhstan celebration of the coming of Spring & abundance
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Mar. 25: Waffles
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elementals (actual people), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 4: Aperire (Open; Bloom)
Week 1:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to March 26: Spinach
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Mar. 27: Something-on-a-stick Day
Week 2:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Apr. 2: Base 211’s Birthday, and PB&J *though we do almond-butter and pistachio-butter now
Week 3:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Apr. 9: Jenna Jameson‘s Birthday, and Siblings
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Apr. 12: Pecans
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Apr. 15: Grilled Cheese
Week 4:
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Apr. 19: Garlic
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Fairies (actual people), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 5: Maiesta (Reverence & Graduations)
Week 1:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to April 23: Zucchini
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Apr. 24: Pigs-in-a-blanket *vegan
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Apr. 29: Pretzels
Week 2:
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), May 1: May Day, Lei Day (Hawaii), Ratification Day (Inisfreean Independence; the signing of our Constitution and Declaration), and Nyria Serra is born this month
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), May 6: Oranges
Week 4:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), May 14: Mothers’ Day (during which High Queen goddess Ambrosia is particularly worshipped by her family and people)
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), May 15: Family Day, and Chocolate Chips
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), May 20: Rogue‘s Birthday, Armed Forces Day, and Strawberries
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Nymphs (actual people), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 6: Venus (Sexiness)
Week 1:
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), May 25: Salad
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), May 27: BBQ
Week 2:
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Jun. 3: Doughnuts *always vegan here
Week 3:
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Jun. 7: Chocolate Ice-cream
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Jun. 10: Herbs & Spices
Week 4:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Jun. 11: Kamehameha Day (founder of Hawaii)
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Jun. 12: Jerky *vegan now, of course
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Jun. 15: Fresh Veggies
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Mermaids (actual people), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 7: Auzdein (New All-father)
Week 1:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to June 18: Fathers’ Day, Fishing, and Sushi (and here in Inisfree, King Auz, father to all the Inisfreeans, after he has celebrated this day at home in his family cabin beyond, is treated to the vegan-sushi feast-of-the-gods, nyotaimori on his favorite Inisfreeans and kajirae, of course, all day and night long, billions of his supporters showering him with genuine love, parades, and praise –and he then flying out with an MPHA of his Secret Service girls… to help honor and celebrate the fathers of all the formsake-level (flawless and 100% compatible with him) goddesses (women and girls alike) who have heard the call of their destinies by coming to join him as forever-family in Inisfree)
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Jun. 22: Chocolate Eclairs
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Jun. 23: Kupala Night (a feast celebrated in the Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, and Russia), and Columnists’ Day
Week 2:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Jun. 25: Log Cabins, and Catfish
Week 3:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Jul. 2: Creative Ice-cream/Gelato Flavors Day
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Jul. 8: Blueberries
Week 4:
Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), Jul. 11: Mongolian Independence Day (from China, 1921)
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Jul. 12: Pecan Pie
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Jul. 14: Emma Frost‘s Birthday, and Nude Recreation
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the cloned people, so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 8: Shakira (Dance & Fusion)
Week 1:
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Jul. 19: Piña Coladas (‘virgin’; no alcohol, in Inisfree)
Week 2:
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Jul. 29: Tigers, and Lasagna
Week 3:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Jul. 30: Cheesecake
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Aug. 2: Mountain Climbing, and Ice-cream Sandwiches
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Aug. 3: Nuts
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Aug. 4: Watermelon
Week 4:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Aug. 6: Peace Festival (Japan), and Underwear
Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), Aug. 8: Mustard
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Aug. 10: S’mores
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Demons (pioneer Angels), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 9: Agharta (Dyson Spheres)
Week 1:
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Aug. 18: Genghis Khan Memorial Day
Week 3:
Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), Aug. 29: Less-salt Day
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Aug. 30: Eat Outside Day (but not picnic) *so we go out on the porches or patios
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Aug. 31: Trail Mix
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Sep. 1: Pop-overs
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Sep. 2: Bacon (vegan kinds, of course)
Week 4:
Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), Sep. 5: Illyana Rasputina Birthday, and Wife-swapping / ‘Swinging’
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Angels (actual people; not the ones Xians made up), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 10: Harvest (Bounty & ‘Black Magic’; Soil Science)
Week 1:
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Sep. 13: Fortune Cookies
Week 2:
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Sep. 22: Autumnal Equinox, Kara Zor-El‘s 1st appearance, and Elena Michael’s Birthday
Week 4:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Oct. 1: Vegetarians’ Day *recognizing them as well-meaning almost-vegans
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Oct. 2: Vegans’ Day *as in: recognizing and honoring the pioneering ones –by making their favorite dishes
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Oct. 4: Kale
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Oct. 5: Oktoberfest *everything veganized and non-alcoholic, but even more delicious
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Oct. 6: Seafood *though we all tend to just have the vegan version now
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elves (actual people), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 11: Thor (HAARP & Readiness)
Week 1:
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Oct. 11: Cookbooks
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Oct. 12: Eggs *now “JUST Egg” –which tastes even better
Week 2:
Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), Oct. 17: Pasta *and Auz will eat two huge containers of it covered in vegan pesto
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Oct. 20: Fruit
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Oct. 21: Pumpkin-cheesecake
Week 4:
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Oct. 30: Candy-corn *and we have a great variety of variants of this treat
Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), Oct. 31: Samhain, and Sarah Conrad‘s Birthday *so she gets her favorite flavor of birthday cake
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Nov. 2: Dziady (feast in Poland & Belarus)
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Dragons & Naga (actual people), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 12: Odin (Wisdom & Poetry)
Week 1:
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Nov. 6: Deviled Eggs *veganized!
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Nov. 8: Cook-something-bold Day
Week 2:
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Nov. 15: King’s Feast *meaning every favorite recipe from every regional cuisine and specialty eatery Auz ever had, all at the same time
Week 3:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Nov. 19: Broccoli *one of Auz’s faves
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Nov. 23: Cashews
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Nov. 25: Thanksgiving / Native Appreciation Day (not the American Thanksgiving which is based on post-genocide propaganda, but the Inisfreean kind; we give thanks for the existence, endurance, and wisdom of the Natives)
Week 4:
Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), Nov. 28: French Toast
Day 4: Odin’s-day (wisdom), Nov. 29: Asparagus *which makes this one of Auz’s favorite days every year
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Dec. 2: Red Apple
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the compatible alien humanoids (Draenei, Kryptonians, Pleiadians, Tamaraneans, Thanagarians, etc.), so we make some of those races’ most famous dishes and drinks, especially if any of their members are joining us here.

Month 13: Nibiru (Travel & Finding)
Week 1:
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Dec. 7: Pastries
Day 6: Freyja’s-day (sexy), Dec. 8: Brownies
Week 2:
Day 5: Thor’s-day (farming), Dec. 14: Cupcakes
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Dec. 16: Pumpkin Pie
Week 3:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Dec. 17: Wright Brothers’ Day, and Maple Syrup
Day 3: Tyr’s-day (war), Dec. 19: Muffins
Day 7: Saturn’s-day (feast), Dec. 23: Christmas Eve, and Festivus
Week 4:
Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), Dec. 24: Yule / Christmas Day; girls as gifts
Day 2: Moon-day (hunt), Dec. 25: Koliada; Winter Festival (last week)
Day 8: Oona’s-day (extra), Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve
The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Vampires (actual people), so we honor any of their kind joining us for feasting here –by serving blood-wine from our Wine Lobby.


Also, our 7th day of the week is Saturn/Saturn’s-day, which is all about feasting and togetherness; you’ll always see this room (and most of our other dining establishments) packed on this day of the week.


2021 Update 2:  Wall Art of the Heroes and Milestones

Wall art will be added as electrum-framed murals showing the history (milestones) of Inisfree, as well as electrum-framed life-size photos of the key figures who made Inisfree possible.

Level 1 of 6 (up from the floor):  Dinner Parties and Galas

  1. 2020s:  1st Brass Dinner
  2. 2023:  Ambi’s Welcome-back Afterparty
  3. BLOPS of all our allied realms; mingling and suggesting/showing footage of their finest female family members I might enjoy partaking of
  4. colonization and terraforming leaders for/from other worlds; discussing how the reformation of Yggdrasil will improve their environments and reduce their Space transit distances
  5. gladiator arena supporters
  6. investors
  7. pet show (our equivalent of beauty pageants) entrants (Masters)
  8. residents discussing next groups of approved prescreened subordinates to invite in and have group welcoming ceremonies for, i.e. which of their females are ready/worthy to tryout for becoming my latest fuckbuddies and wives
  9. slavers
  10. sports athletes mingling and planning future games –including laser-tag ones
  11. temple (of the High Queen) sacrifices/offerings managers/facilitators from Outlands secret/shadow governments
  12. WMKM game, movie, and show fans

Level 2 of 6:  Top Representatives
(Those with an asterisk are in this dining room.  The other 18 are on the same level in the jacuzzi-dining room.)

  1. Ajak: one of The Eternals
  2. Alice Lucas: the first Transformer to link up with High King Auz
  3. *Ambrosia LeMorte: “Ambi”, ancient vampire, practitioner of Temporis and other sciences, and Inisfree’s High Queen
  4. Daenerys Targaryen: Valyrian princess with dragon-related mutant-powers
  5. Diana Prince: “Wonder Woman”, daughter of Zeus, now a goddess warrior
  6. *Divinity Gottschalk: an Angel who woke on Earth during The Shift
  7. *Elena Antonov Michaels: “Werewolf Barbie”
  8. Emma Grace Frost: Hellfire Club leader
  9. Irizi’ar’alani: first Chiss to be introduced to Auz
  10. Ixchel Xoc: an ascended master, queen of the still-hidden pre-flood Mayans
  11. *Kara Zor-El: Kryptonian survivor
  12. Karolina Dean: a Majesdanian; daughter of a humanoid alien
  13. Kendra Saunders: “Hawkgirl”
  14. Kory Anders: princess and heiress of the Tamaraneans
  15. Lamia: semi-ancient (& demonized) north-African woman
  16. Liara T’Soni: Asari scholar & representative
  17. *Maya Erra: Pleiadian maiden
  18. Narissa: first Romulan welcomed to Inisfree
  19. *Oona Finvarra: Queen of the Fairies
  20. Qiturah: ancient Draenei leader
  21. *Tauriel Rhovanion: ancient Woodland Elf queen
  22. *Tempest Thema: surface-Naga
  23. Thetis: ancient ocean goddess
  24. *Urvashi: ancient Indian (India) Aspara; river nymph
  25. *Vanadis Freyja: ancient goddess, one of the race called Vanir, exceptional at a wide variety of magical arts
  26. *Xephia: Space-Elemental
  27. *Xull’rae Zauviir: dark-priestess and princess from the Underdark of Earth; the cave network realms where the Drow (Dark Elves) live
  28. Zada: ancient African goddess

Level 3 of 6:  Construction Milestones

  1. Base 211 established
  2. Agharta found/entered
  3. Outpost near the South Polar Hole placed
  4. Grid Mind relocated to the Outpost
  5. Mt. Kirkpatrick terraforming/digging begins.
  6. Inisfree’s perimeter wall starts taking shape.
  7. The main surface structures are framed.
  8. landscaping goes in; first/tiny trees, etc.
  9. Star-System Auzdein started
  10. Star-Sized Battle-Station
  11. Planet-Sized Battle-Station
  12. Moon-Sized Battle-Station
  13. The New Horizon spacecraft-carrier
  14. Inisfree completed; map

Level 4 of 6:  Elves and Fairies

  1. Amberle Elessedil: forest Elf ~5,000 AD on Earth (Shannara Chronicles)
  2. Arwen Undómiel: heroic Elf maiden turned royal, now out of hibernation
  3. Bloom Peters: Changeling, Fire Fairy
  4. Flair Bellethiel Casselstone: (a.k.a. Tykara) half-Elf, half-Fairy, vibrant redhead supermodel
  5. Galadriel of Valinor: an ancient Elf, ring bearer of one of the three Elven rings of power, and more
  6. Naurhin: elf ranger met in Italy northwest of rebuilt Rome
  7. Queen Azshara: Night Elf goddess and queen
  8. Rayvan Wolfbaen: became a semi-public elf during the Shift of 2012
  9. Shelwe Taldeer: ancient Space-Elf leader
  10. Taja Seiliu: Scottish Elf princess
  11. Valeera Sanguinar: Blood Elf thief and warrior
  12. Windrunner triplets: Alleria, Sylvanas, and Vereesa; beautiful Blood Elves

Level 5 of 6:  Ainur and Angels

  1. Alice Richards: bi angel, killer (PB Emilia)
  2. Angelike: slave given as payment to her when a job could not be completed
  3. Aryana Sheshna: an ancient, queen of Agharta
  4. Aya: first Angel sent as a gift to placate Auz right after he completed The Rapture
  5. Azrael Sigfred: angel with access to realms beyond the ‘Heaven’ dimension
  6. Clarissa Adele Fairchild: “Clary Fray”, a hunter of misbehaving supernatural beings
  7. Eleanor Nemeseia: redhead angel cast out for loving all sides
  8. Fihini: leader of the Lemurians
  9. Melian: ancient and timeless Maia, assistant of Este and Vana, and founder of a royal elven bloodline
  10. Varda Elentári: (pre) elven lady who made many of the stars visible from Earth
  11. Yavanna Kementári: the Valar goddess responsible for all that grows on the Earth
  12. Zerachiel: an ancient, queen of the Angels

    Level 6 of 6:  Major Campaigns

    1. Constructing Inisfree
    2. Rapture
    3. Mapping
    4. Restoring the World Trees
    5. Assisting Compatible Civilizations
    6. TNH Social Experiment
    7. Migrations/Relocations
    8. Ideal World

    The other/remaining people on the Characters Directory of this website have their framed photos up at the same height along the walls of this mansion’s 3rd-floor halls.

    Overall Appearance:

    This is the new and lasting family dining-room of the gods and goddesses compatible with King Auz.

    Silverware – or Electrumware:

    Whatever food you are making or serving, we have the utensils/implements designed specifically for it.

    Long-table Concept:

    This is comparable to what the main table running/spanning ~half the length of the center of this dining room looks like and is ‘set’ (with placemats, dishes, etc.) as.

    Serving-tables Concepts:

    Not everything is lukewarm or cool enough to be served nyotaimori; some things are too hot or cold to be placed on the naked body of one of our girls (kajirae; ICVs can handle any temperature/item resting on them).

    2022 Update:  Minecraft 1:1 Build