This is the one world Auz had his Inisfreeans (the ICVs) make outside his/their private star-system.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. World Details (parent-category for some of the following)
  3. Location/Orbit
  4. Path
  5. Rotation
  6. Astrophysics/Astrophysical Nature
  7. Time-keeping
  8. Satellites
  9. Size
  10. Gravity
  11. Atmosphere
  12. Weather
  13. Surface Arrangement
  14. Surface Composition
  15. Creatures Details (parent-category for some of the following)
  16. Species
  17. Population
  18. Communication/Language
  19. Culture
  20. Education
  21. Industry and Infrastructure
  22. Transportation
  23. History
  24. Architecture (Images)
  25. Special Features
  27. Portals ‘Constellation’ (Formation/Arrangement)
  28. Population (Images)
  29. 2024 May/+



Everything on this world is ideal for Auz and all who have become allied with him; his “family across the stars”. That means biomes for/providing exactly what his best-friend elves need and want, and biomes for/providing exactly what his best-friend mermaids need and want, etc.. It will also ALWAYS be ideal for all of them, even with and via the passage of its eras/Ages.

This world is also known as Auz Prime.


World Details


Ideal World was created in the one spot in the Universe closest to the majority of all the beings/worlds in that Universe which are the most-compatible with Auz. Since Auz was in his home-Universe more than the others, thus his influence/effect/will spreading out through that Universe more than the others, Ideal World is in this Universe. Its spot / solar-system in this Universe is the point in Space most-centered on all the worlds/empires he and his forces went on expeditions to / influenced the most.

As the positions of those worlds changes, each of them in galaxies moving differently, Ideal World adjusts its position between them accordingly, staying centered based on them all.



Like Inisfree, this planet migrates to other realms. It is not a true rogue-world, as it doesn’t just drift out between the solar-systems, but it does consciously sometimes move through the Interstellar Medium/s.

It doesn’t take its star With it.  It takes up an available orbit around the star closest to the shifting center between all the worlds allied with Auz.  Sometimes this means a different color star in its sky, but its sky remains a happy blue during the days, and a soothing black at night.



Its rotation regularly changes, and on an unpredictable schedule (though it could be argued that it is predictable by being unpredictable; predictably unpredictable).  This change is always subtle/gradual, though; it is never enough to cause more than minor coastal shifts/waves.  It is never so sudden/much that it causes big waves or any damage/earthquakes.

Averaged out, Ideal World has days (day-night cycles) with lengths very close to that of Earth.


Astrophysics/Astrophysical Nature:

Ideal World has no aurora, and causes the stars it nears to have auroras of their own; it makes their solar flares stay on, wrapped up around both their polar regions, and changing through all the colors of the rainbow

It also causes the Webway to become completely visible, but only when viewed by people standing on the outer surface of this planet (and when the Webway re-contracts/solidifies/hibernates/petrifies as Yggdrasil, the energy-paths which are that tree’s version of water-veins through its roots and branches… are visible the same way, as if the tree becomes diaphanous-appearing when viewed by people on the surface of Ideal World).

Its core star only connects with the main star of/in SSA, and only works as a portal/gateway for ICs and those wholeheartedly fully compatible and allied with Auz.
Anyone else approaching this core star will be overwhelmed with brightness and heat, any ship, no matter how well-made, melted.  It is a gods-level filter and literal firewall.



same as on Earth; year based on lap around its star, seasons based on temperature changes, days and hours based on the day-night cycle, etc.
year 0 = when its formation began (not based on when any individual is said to’ve shown up)
no Ages; everyone arrived to help with its formation, and has kept visiting ever since



1 MSBS, always kept in orbit like the Moon was around the Earth for a long time, ever on watch and guard






same as Earth’s; 1G



same as Earth’s, just without any pollution, and a much milder temperature-range (i.e. nothing permanently frozen or routinely scorching)



same as Earth’s; times of stillness, times of breezes, times of wind, times of gusts, but no harmful/scary wind (such as tornadoes, etc.), and no sustained freezing temperatures / frozen areas


Surface Arrangement:

  • continents and oceans on both sides of the hollow sphere, with two polar openings, each the size of a state
  • a little more than half land on both sides
  • oceans more like series of seas; nothing as vast as the oceans of Earth
  • 1 major landmass (or sea) for each of the races allied with Inisfree; they each have their own themed mega-island / sub-continent*
  • every color of the rainbow and more on both sides; due to each welcome race’s homeworld biomes all being perfectly placed / ‘woven’ together on/in this world
  • standard polar holes; one at the north, one at the south


Bodies of water are always pleasantly cool or lukewarm, relatively shallow even across oceans (a few stories deep, at most), and seldom have waves bigger than ripples from breezes.
Wading across oceans is fine, though taxing, and sea creatures are always aware and willing to help expedite such a journey.

The world wills parts of itself to form whatever is needed or desired, within reason; a house or yacht here and there, but never anything that pollutes or might be an eyesore to Auz.

*2024 May update:  A Land or Sea Named for Each Compatible Race

  1. (1 for each of the following?)_:  in honor of A.I.s:  IC ships/spacecraft, IC vehicles, Mandaloridays, ‘smart’-surfaces, The Hosts, and others –Transformers are one, so replace that name below in this list with a different group?
  2. Aina:  in honor of Ainur:  Maiar, Valar (who can become Sphere Beings)
  3. Aldebara:  in honor of Aldebarans:  pre-Earth Aryans
  4. Anemones –bold temporarily for some in this list; unsure if giving a name to a land/sea for this species/group
  5. Angelia:  in honor of Angels (Hyperboreans):  3 races, each with 3 subtypes;
    Highest race (always with God (the conscious shared-core of stars), 3 subtypes: Seraphim (caretakers/singers of the 1 Throne), Cherubim (supporting the 1 Throne, not angel-subtype thrones), Thrones (a.k.a. ophanim/offanim and galgallin; living chariots of God)),
    Middle race (between Heaven and Earth, 3 subtypes: Dominions (cosmic bodies), Virtues (over Elements), Powers (over individual forces)),
    Lowest race (visiting worlds/individuals, 3 debated subtypes, 1 agreed on: Principalities; guides of nations),
    plus Demons
  6. Asaria:  in honor of Asari
  7. Attilia:  in honor of Attilans:  Inhumans (Earth-humans genetically modified by Kree, the Inhumans including members of various Earth-human races)
  8. Cecaelic Sea:  in honor of Cecaelia
  9. Chissa:  in honor of Chiss
  10. Crabs
  11. Coral Reef
  12. (1 for each of the following?)_:  in honor of Demi-deities:  Asgardians (including Valkyries), Maiar, Olympians, Themyscirans, Vanir, etc.
  13. Dolpha Sea:  in honor of Dolphins
  14. Draeneia:  in honor of Draenei:  blue (light to medium), pink (to fuchsia), or white (to light gray)
  15. Dragonia:  in honor of Dragons:  brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white (all are metallic)
  16. Elea:  in honor of Elementals:  Djinn (liquid), Dryads (solids/golems), Sylphs (air/gas) (with Angels and Fairies being fire/plasma Elementals)
  17. Elva:  in honor of Elves (Lemurians):  Blood (Caucasian, blonde or redhead), Drow (gray-skinned, white-haired), Eldar (Space-faring), Night (lavender-skinned, hair-colors range from green through blue to purple), Woodland (Caucasian, blonde, brunette, or redhead)
  18. Enta:  in honor of Ents (mostly stationary):  Almond, Apple, Baobab, Birch, Cacao, Brazil-nut, Cherry Blossom, Cinnamon, Clove, Coconut, Fig, Jacaranda, Magnolia, Maple, Oak, Palm,  Pecan, Pine, Pistachio, Redwood, Sequoia, Spruce, Walnut
  19. Faia:  in honor of Fairies:  flower-symbiotes, ivy-symbiotes, moss-symbiotes, mushroom-symbiotes (and none of those listed on Google are anything other than made-up and slanderous; there are no ugly or spiteful fairies, though they do defend their pristine areas vigilantly)
  20. Fauna? (change so it doesn’t have same spelling as word for “animals”):  in honor of Fauns:  Maenads, Satyrs, etc.
  21. Fish
  22. Gora:  in honor of Goreans
  23. (1 for each) _:  in honor of Goreans, nonhuman:  Priest-Kings, Spider People (human-sized intelligent spiders who trade), Urt People (rat humanoids who trade), and others
  24. Greya:  in honor of Greys
  25. Griffa:  in honor of Griffins
  26. Hippa:  in honor of Hippogryphs
  27. Humans:  Australoid (Native Australian), Caucasoid/Aryan, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/African, Pacific Islander (such as Hawaiian)
  28. Jellyfish –not compatible/here, so replace with a land on the inner surface named for the Illithid?
  29. Jota:  in honor of Jotun:  Aghartans, Anunnaki/Nibiruans, Asgardians, Atlanteans, Frost Giants
  30. Krypta:  in honor of Kryptonians
  31. Lema:  in honor of Lemurians:  (these are the Elves; Blood, Drow, Night, etc.)
  32. Lions
  33. Lobsters
  34. Lyrana:  in honor of Lyrans
  35. Maja:  in honor of Majesdanians
  36. Manta-rays
  37. Mayana:  in honor of Mayans
  38. Merfa:  in honor of Merfolk:  kataw (able to wield water), mermaids & mermen, selkies, Sirens, siyokoy (monstrous like swampmen), vodyanoi (fish humanoids like murlocs) etc.
  39. Norda:  in honor of Nordics
  40. Nympha:  in honor of Nymphs:  Aspara, Moon, _
  41. Orions
  42. Pangolins
  43. _:  in honor of Pegasi
  44. Plankton
  45. Plants (non-Ents), Aromatic:  Almond, Amur Maple, Austrian Pine, Blue Atlas Cedar, Box-leaf Azara, Boxwood (several variants; Green Gem, Green Mountain, Green Tower, Green Velvet, Northstar, and Winter Gem), Bristlecone Pine, Calendula, Castle Spire Holly, Cinnamon, Columnar Norway Spruce, Densiformis Yew, Eastern White, Emerald Green, Foxtail, French Marigold, Green Giant Arborvitae, Iceland Poppy, Jasmine vines, Lacebark, Lavender Hyssop, Lemon Mint, Linden, Loblolly, Lodgepole, Luchu, Mountbatten Juniper, Mignonette, Moonflowers, Mugo Pine, Ponderosa, Rose, Sandalwood, Scotch, Serbian Spruce, Siberian Wallflower, Snowkiss Spruce, Sugar Pine, Sweet Alyssum, Tenasserim, Vanilla, Weeping Alaskan Cedar, Western White, White Forsythia, Whitebark, Winter Hazel, Wintersweet, Ylang Ylang
  46. Plants (non-Ents), General:  bushes (for berries across the Cropland, etc.), ferns, flowers, grasses, mosses, shrubs, vines (including ivies), etc.
  47. Plants (non-Ents), Swamp:  Cypress, Mangrove, Spanish Moss, Willow
  48. Porpoises
  49. _:  in honor of Reptilians:  Dinoids, Draco, Naga
  50. _:  in honor of Romulans
  51. Sea-snakes
  52. _:  in honor of Shapeshifters; Were-horses (Seiliu –horse-deer hybrids, more precisely; they have antlers), Were-owls (the only birds in our city/realm), Were-panthers (e.g. Pantherans), Were-seals (Selkies), Werewolves, etc.
  53. Squids
  54. _:  in honor of Stars (Sphere Beings)
  55. Stingrays
  56. Tamara:  in honor of Tamaraneans (a Lyran race)
  57. Thana:  in honor of Thanagarians
  58. Tigers
  59. _:  in honor of Transformers –part of the A.I. group (first in this list, but might still honor with a land of their own here)
  60. Turtles (sea)
  61. _:  in honor of Unicorns
  62. Urchins
  63. Vala:  in honor of Valyrians
  64. Vampra:  in honor of Vampires (not 1 for each clan/subset, since they all coexist / get along here, just as they do on Vampiria)
  65. Vania:  in honor of the Vanir
  66. (multiple seas) _:  in honor of the races of Whales; Blue, Gray, Humpback, Livyatan Melvillei, Minke, Narwhal, Orca, etc.
  67. _:  in honor of Wyvern-lion Chimeras
  68. Xenia:  in honor of our Xxxenos
  69. Yeta:  in honor of Yetis
  70. Zadaea:  in honor of Zada‘s Kind (those of her kind sometimes referred to as the plural of her name, Zadae)

TBA:  Which of those lands and seas are on the outer vs. inner surface of this planet…


Surface Composition:

mostly the same as Earth’s, just no harmful substances (such as radioactive or otherwise-damaging ones)

8 state-sized repulsines built into the ‘crust’ (where the vertices of a cube would perfectly meet the middle of its crust), naturally on, easily able to ‘spin up’ to any needed/chosen rate, allowing for instant god-level shielding and inter-universal portal-ing, etc., keeping this world exactly on the course it is meant for

2023 July update:  Terrain/Topography Views


Creatures Details



  • only all the animals/people who/which are fully compatible with one another; no pests/incompatibles able to come or develop/exist here –all herbivores, such as some from this list
  • everyone always sync’ed up in such a way that they always get horny for each other whenever one wants another or multiple, and they are never “not in the mood” whenever one of them here is
  • global/’universal’ diet:  mostly based on good/agreeable vibes and interaction between others here, and between them and the environment/world itself, but also on a daily snack/meal or two, always vegan, always locally-grown and organic
  • reproduction:  very few, only in one generation, and totaling only some thousand or so; just the destined offspring/manifestations of some of the people who came here right when Ideal World began
  • People on Ideal World can always tell how the populations they represent, from the worlds with members allied with Auz/Inisfree, are doing; those who have made it to Ideal World, especially when they are there a while, thus synergizing with others there, and even when it is just one of them in a remote area, supercharged by the planet itself, always just empathically feel and know how the rest of their kind back on their respective homeworlds are doing. This is not just because the orbit-portals around Ideal World dramatically reduce the distance between it and those worlds.
  • The only females are the sexy human and humanoid ones I accepted as wives over the millennia. There are no female nonhumans, such as pets, cattle, or wildlife.
  • Like in Inisfree, bugs and pests do not and cannot exist here.  It isn’t possible for them to accidentally be brought in, either.
  • no PMS, and no need/reason for that artificial creation / byproduct of disreputable/dishonest Outlander-human modern-era fake-medical/-healthcare practices/experiments (i.e. humans caused PMS; it was never natural), as everyone who gets to come to this world long-ago (millennia ago, even millions and millions of Earth-years ago) no longer had any reason to breed/reproduce –and the few who did still have/feel a reason… had no reason to have periods as part of being fertile / the fertility cycle



  • only all the plants who/which are fully compatible with all the fauna here
  • every crop, together which grow every ingredient for all of Auz’s favorite recipes, grows naturally and in great abundance here on every land
  • many of the favorite plants of all his allies/family who visit this world; from their own lands/worlds (and always perfectly coexisting with all other plants here, due to the planet itself having an effect like Auz’s and Auz II’s; smoothly unifying and uplifting all of them; their allies and loved ones)
  • diet:  entirely sustained by the planet itself, needing no death/waste to ‘break down’ and process (which actually stunts plant-growth on Earth, contrary to what the death-obsessed humans assumed and brainwashed their children in school with)
  • including:  bioluminescence on and below the surface, mega-flora (World Trees which will never be felled or petrify), tentacle-plants, underwater plants (soft coral-reef varieties), etc.



The same number of people who were approved through the millennia to go inside Inisfree (2,000,000,000) is the same at-capacity population of this world.

Since it is mentioned in the novel including this place that some people conceived and birthed here, that means that some of those 2B people are those children.

1,000 cities are here; the same dispersion and formation/arrangement as on the SSA worlds.
196,900,000 sq.miles outer-surface surface-area / 500 cities on the outer surface = 393,800 square miles per city; (~627.5348595 x ~627.5348595 miles) an area about halfway between the sizes of Texas and Alaska.
When all 2B are here at the same time, and ~half are in the hollow core, their individual dispersion can be up to ~5 people per sq.mile
(~1B / 196,900,000),
but usually it is 20,000 people per square mile
(2B/1,000; 2,000,000, then divide by 100 sq.miles) or
(100 sq.miles x 1,000 cities, then 2B averaged out across that sum)
because they usually stay in the cities, and there are no suburbs or towns.

1 sq.mile = 27,878,400 sq.ft.
27,878,400 / 20,000 = 1,393.92 sq.ft. per person (37.33523804′ x 37.33523804′)



vocal and telepathic, everyone capable of either and both at the same time

the only place outside Inisfree and the SSA where Inisfreeans (ICVs) use their own custom languages in the open



Everyone and everything is in perfect harmony here, as they were all pre-screened and proven fully compatible long ago, thus from the start by the time they arrived here.

  • aware/perceptive (unable to be convincingly lied to; easily able to detect vibes which work like foolproof lie-detectors)
  • healthy
  • outdoorsy
  • mono/linear-timeline; one timestream (no alternate realities of this place)
  • nudist (though see-through clothes on females are always sampled and shown off)
  • polyamorous, all with compersion to/for one another
  • symbiotic (nothing parasitic/unpleasant, and everyone’s nature naturally fully/perfectly-complementing that/those of everyone else who is here)
  • unified/collective
  • vegan
  • zero agriculture; all plants naturally support one another, and always know just how many fruits or other edible growths to form, forever “as one” with the minds and needs of the people allowed to come here


The cultural events throughout each year here are basically the whole of Inisfree’s omni-calendar.

The equivalent of vision quests on this world are the girls fasting for a couple days and then walking naked to a deep-wilderness pillory, putting a hood/bag over their head, and getting themselves in the pillory, or having someone help them, and then waiting there to be creampied by those who happen to sense they are there. They cannot see who or what is using them. The female in the pillory simply lets herself be used as many times as passersby want, going into subspace eventually… and getting a/her vision there. This usually is the best way she specifically can be sexiest to Auz and others allied with him during her chapter of life starting when someone decides to free her from the pillory.
If no one frees her before she becomes weak or falls asleep, the person who finds her limp in the pillory knows, as this is the status quo on Ideal World, to creampie her three last times (once in her pussy, once in her mouth, and once in her asshole), then help free her, and stay with her until she wakes up, or transport her to the nearest town for rest there. Some females request to walk themselves back even after they have passed out. Everyone is always proud of them, regardless, and they are proud of themselves.
The longest have lasted for a few days in a row before passing out.
This type of vision quest is done annually by all females on this world, with the more-devout to the will/culture of Auz also doing it more than once every year, and the most-devout doing it as often as once every month.

Also a natural part of the culture (not even just ingrained, but something instinctive in all the people here) is Auz’s/Inisfree’s law/s.



N/A for those who formed/founded this world (because they’ve already spent millennia learning many things to mastery), and automatic (based on gene/blood-memory/ies) for those born/formed here


Industry and Infrastructure:

N/A; none –because everyone here is at deity or demi-deity level, all things provided to them from their own ships and worlds, if not from Inisfree and the Inisfree-like cities of/in SSA



  • feet,
  • wings for those who have wings,
  • and slightly less-often: portals

(no vehicles, teleporting, etc.)



formed millions of years from (after) The Shift (2012-2013) –in one of the world-hangars of the SSBS

took less time than the worlds 3D-printed in SSA –because we’d perfected that terraforming science over many millennia

then portal-ed to its first area of Space (exo-SSA) while escorted by a fleet of MSBSs serving as backup tugboats, just on a cosmic scale, and Sphere Beings expanding to completely block that region of space around it, ensuring nothing could get through unless desired by him



As you will see in this album, every structure on this world is made to be grand and gorgeous, picture-perfect in every way, just like the only people allowed here; those who have stabilized, completed, and perfected themselves, which is the sane/holy way.

Special Features:

This is the only world able to enter the deepest part of the core all stars share; the layer of Heaven which connects not just all stars, but all Universes/dimensions –which includes every version/timeline of all those Universes.  This is because everyone on Ideal World is fully unified, fully compatible with one another, and fully understanding of what Heaven actually is.  All else/less would get bent and burned away into oblivion for attempting such an approach.
(Extrapolating from this, one can realize that it means even a star becoming a red giant or nova or black hole or anything else… still wouldn’t do anything other than offer another portal this world could comfortably move in and out of as often as Auz wished, accessing Heaven that way.)

Every world which Inisfree chose as an allied world or protectorate… appears in the sky of Ideal World as if they are all as close as its “moon” (MSBS); even though they are sometimes galaxies or even universes away, they are all permanently visible through special allies-only semi-permeable/perceptible/detectable portals each slightly wider than is necessary for people on Ideal World’s outer surface to see the entirety of the allied world they maintain an opening to.
No matter where Ideal World moves/migrates/portals, its view of those allied/linked worlds remains the same.
The only thing that changes is the face of those worlds; the portals showing them are fixed, but always facing away from the respective stars of those worlds, thus never letting blinding light through, and thus showing the steady rotations of those worlds, so all those worlds show their entire outer-surface (always fully lit by their sunlight, which the portal exit never blocks) plus the shadow upon them during their eclipses, if they have eclipses.
No matter how The Abyss / Outer Space may choose -or be willed- in the Ages ahead, to expand or contract, the distance to all of those allied worlds will always be the same; whoever feels comfortable flying out into low-orbit around Ideal World… will already nearly be in low-orbit of those worlds.
This is partially due to how the main people of/from those worlds… are humanoid forms/incarnations OF them; they are the living shapeshifted bi-located bodies/versions/personifications of those worlds/structures/Sphere Beings, thus, especially when on/visiting Ideal World at the same time, their synergy dramatically increases their powers/natures, and on the local cosmic scale… that means their other forms/aspects/’sides’ remaining in view overhead.

All the portals in its sky/orbit:

  1. Aurora (of Dark Fleet)
  2. Ba’al
  3. Commorragh (a Craftworld)
  4. Cybertron
  5. Dragonhome
  6. Erra
  7. Gor
  8. Illium
  9. Jupiter
  10. Majesdane
  11. New Krypton
  12. [Reptilian Homeworld] (name and details still classified)
  13. Tamaran
  14. Thanagar
  15. Vampiria
  16. Vanaheim

The portals/views of those worlds, when viewed from the outer surface of Ideal World, are the same size the Moon appears when viewed from Earth.
Always facing away from each star of those worlds, the worlds always appear fully sun-lit; the people on Ideal World are always seeing their sun-lit side through these portals.

These portals are also spread out evenly all around high-orbit (Earth-Moon distance) of Ideal World, and they do not move; they are fixed out there, while only Ideal World rotates,

  • thus people in one of the 250 cities in the northern hemisphere of the outer surface of Ideal World would see, as Ideal World rotates, mostly/only the northern half of those portals,
  • while people in one of the 250 cities in the southern hemisphere of the outer surface of Ideal World would see, as Ideal World rotates, mostly/only the southern half of those portals,
  • and people in the 500 cities inside the hollow core of Ideal World would not see those portals at all (as none are directly above the North Polar Hole or South Polar Hole).

Only the members of the races of the people allowed on Ideal World… who are on those other worlds… are able to see back through those portals the other way; the people on those worlds, whose leaders/representatives are on Ideal World, can see Ideal World through the portal from it to their world… whenever one of those people fully-compatible with Auz… is on Ideal World.

Everyone is immortal long before coming here, though not all are invincible.  While here, it isn’t possible for anyone to get hurt/injured/wounded; all become mostly-invincible.  Females, for example, can still be roughed up during enjoyable rough-sex they request, but, like in the whole/rest of the Inisfreean realm, no matter how far one falls/plummets, or how quickly they impact a solid/hard surface, he/she simply cannot take any damage at all.  (The same goes for the planet itself; even if a Death Star fired at it, and even if a star nearby exploded, “going nova/supernova”, not even an increase in temperature or wind-speed would occur on this special world –made entirely out of / based on SRC; the invincible element/particle.)

This is the one world outside of the SSA which is incorruptible; not even “The Flood” (featured in the Halo games/series) could ever get anywhere near it without being disintegrated automatically and effortlessly.  No ‘dark portals’ can ever be opened upon it.  The minds of its people cannot become tainted or weakened with doubt or other human failings.  Their bodies can never become sick or ugly.  You get the idea; it is and always shall be fully stable, self-stabilizing, self-sustaining, etc..  Amen; so be it.



Portals ‘Constellation’ (Formation/Arrangement):

This hexadecahedron’s vertices mark where in the sky/orbit around Ideal World each of the 16 portals explained above is.


Auz’s Favorite Companions:

Escorts He Loves:

Miscellaneous Hotties He Likes:

Several of Each ICV Type:

Hybrid, Legendary, and ‘Mythological’ Humanoids They All Enjoy:

2024 May/+:

Its portals-constellation keeps it in the overlapping Goldilocks Zones of the solar-systems those portals look upon.  This is not necessary for it, though, as it is such an advanced world/being that it self-regulates, regardless of how faraway from any stars / heat-sources it moves from time to time.

In Inisfree, everyone invited there, if they chose to keep returning/visiting, could pick out a residence of their own, from the buildings chosen by Auz which had in 2011-2024 been built via the Grid Mind tentacles and ICVs.
In SSA, returning visitors/citizens of Inisfree could pick out 1 residence per Inisfree-like city, thus each of the 2B destined to become part of the Inisfree family could have as many as 219,001 homes reserved for themselves.
On Ideal World, they can now customize/design their own residence, it being built (once (if) Auz approves it) in whichever city on this world they want it in, bringing their maximum possible number of residences in the Inisfreean empire up to 219,002.

SSA was where we mastered terraforming worlds with brackets of temperatures and other conditions, such as hot planets vs. cold ones.
Ideal World is where many/most of those conditions stably exist on the same world, it boasting the most unique environments by far, all of them being what our different family members / allies love most; their ‘elements’.

2024 June 30 Sunday note:  Made by us in the future, and never having needed a cataclysmic reset such as a pole-shift, this planet has no ruins like mega-pyramids buried such that they appear to be mountains. Its many mountains, other landforms, and bodies of water, are how they looked when we designed and formed them.



DJ Sammy - Heaven - for Ideal World
Audio Player