We have so many scientific disciplines here.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction:  Traditional ‘Ologies’ and Where They are Practiced
  2. Where Each Science is Practiced
  3. Additional Notes


Science &Technology:  Traditional ‘Ologies’ and Where They are Practiced

  • sciences:  the study of things (vs. innovation: CHANGING things)
  • technology:  the application of sciences for practical purposes
  • innovation:  a NEW way of doing things; this page is for OLD technologies, NOT Inisfree’s (newest ones / brand new)


Inisfree is equal parts resort and research facility, Earth‘s flagship city for all pioneering science. It is said on our home-page here at this website that we facilitate stable scientific advancement and innovative technology solutions, and now, here, it is time to elaborate upon that statement. Since the entire city, and all Inisfreean constructs, are constantly observing their surroundings and learning from them, scientific studies are constantly occurring everywhere in the Inisfreean realm.


Where Each Science is Practiced:

Here are its facilities and the science fields they stay at the spear-tip of:

  • (all shower-rooms): Trichology
  • (all bedrooms): Somnology
  • (all facilities with portals to the Outlands): worm-hole technologies similar to semi-permeable membranes and one-way glass; half-cloaked ‘spy holes’
  • Aerospaceports: Airway Management and Aviation Management (including Air Traffic Control Tower Operations), as well as Piloting
  • Archives: Archival Science, Cryology, Librarianship (as used in the Black Vaults), and cryogenic and stasis-based indefinite preservation of biological and other specimens; organic hibernation and inorganic permanence, as well as comfortable reviving and reanimation techniques, all of which are used in the stasis tubes of the MPHAs
  • Ark II Bays: Chemistry and Alchemy (including subatomic transmutation), flash-cloning this vehicle class, Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Robotics, and ultra-advanced data backup & recovery
  • Art Academy: Masonry and all related sciences, as used by places such as Statue Park, as well as Art History and all styles of art [including calligraphy, collage, drawing, furniture, graffiti, graphic design, illuminated manuscripts, illustration, metalwork art, mosaic, painting (including portrait and framing), Pornographic (including most of its subsets, excepting ones such as docking and scat), pottery/ceramics, printmaking (including engraving, etching (including by acid and laser), giclée, lithography, screen-printing, woodcuts), regional (including Aegean, African, American, American Colonial, Byzantine, Celtic, Chinese (including jade carvings and China dishware), Egyptian, Etruscan, French, German, Greek, Indian (of India), Irish, Islamic, Italian (including Renaissance), Japanese, Korean, Mesopotamian, Minoan, Mycenean, Native American, Oceanic, Persian, Pre-Colombian, Roman, Russian, Spanish, Tribal, and Viking), rock art, sand art, sculpting, sketching, stained glass, tapestry, and each of their subsets], Architecture (including each of its subsets, such as Landscape Architecture and Naval Architecture), Creative Writing, Digital Design, Poetry, and Web(site) Design
  • Biodomes and Cropland: Agriculture, Agrobiology, Agrology, and Agronomy, including Aero- and Hydroponics, cross-pollination, and plant therapies for diseases and other ails which harm all the species grown in Inisfree, as well as Bacteriology as it relates to food storage, Aerobiology, Agrostology, Algology, Apiology, Arachnology, Botany/Phytology, Coleopterology, Dendrology, Edaphology, Entomology, Herbology, Lepidopterology, Odonatology, Orthopterology, Palynology, Phytopathology, Phytosociology, Pomology, and Landscaping (Landscape Architecture)
  • Civilian Vehicles Factory: Chemistry and Alchemy (including subatomic transmutation), flash-cloning this vehicle class, Mechanics, Micrology, Nanotechnology, Robotics, and the ‘hive-mind’ ‘smart’-traffic software; vehicle auto-pilots to coordinate against highway congestion and jack-knifing
  • Cloning Facilities: Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Biomaterials, Bisexual Female Interaction, Cariology, Chemistry and Alchemy (including Subatomic Transmutation), Chromatography-Olfactometry, Cytogenetics, Cytology (including Karyology), Cytomorphology, Desmology, Early Childhood Education, Gelotology, Genetic Engineering, Genetics, Gene Therapy, Geonomics, flash-cloning, memory and personality cloning, Micrology, Myology, Nanotechnology, Sarcology, Trichology, the Acoustics and Harmonics of flash-cloning humanoids, post-production aspect and sequence modification, and cloning-based mass-production
  • Clubs: Acoustics, Harmonics, sound-proofing, and all related sciences
  • Dental Clinic: Dental Surgery, Odontology, Orthodontics, Periodontology/Periodontics, and Stomatology
  • Epcot II Museum: Museology and all Ethnic Studies (African Studies, American Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Latin American Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Native American Studies, etc.), as well as all National and Regional Studies (This is Inisfree’s flagship museum and it is large enough that it has an entire suite or wing devoted to each of the aforementioned.)
  • Fire (Firetank) Stations: Fire Fighting/Science/Protection
  • Flower Towers and Gyms: Desmology, Kinesiology, Myology, Reflexology, and Sports Medicine
  • Food Processing Facility: Zymology
  • Girl Kennels (a.k.a. Subterranean Prison): Auctioneering, Human Resources Management (including Human Trafficking), Psychology (including Criminal), Reflexology, and the science of sadomasochism and all the facets of BDSM [B&D (bondage and discipline), D&S (dominance and submission), and S&M (sadomasochism, or sadism and masochism)]
  • Glowing Art Highway and Glowing Art Subway: Nanotribology
  • Government/Service Vehicles Factory: Chemistry and Alchemy (including Subatomic Transmutation), flash-cloning of this vehicle class, Mechanics, Micrology, Nanotechnology, Robotics, and the software these vehicles use to maintain the Glowing Art Highway and its attached streets and subway tunnels
  • Greenbelts, Biolume Forest, and F.A.U. Crater: Dendrochronology, Dendrology, Forestry and Environmental Studies [including Environmental Management (including Coastal management, Fisheries management, Land management, Natural resource management, and Wildlife management), Environmental policy, Recreation ecology, Silviculture, and Sustainability studies (including Sustainable Development)], Paleobotany, and Xylology
  • Grid Mind: management systems, statistics, Geology and Terraforming (as used in the Rainbow Dunes and Impact Zone; self-repairing landforms; next-gen’ ‘memory foam’), Quantum studies (including Quantum Computing, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, and Quantum Theory), and Engineering [including aerospace (aeronautics, astronautics), agricultural (bioprocess, food, aquaculture), applied (automation / control systems / robotics, computer-aided drawing and design (CADD, as in AutoCAD), construction, electronics, general, graphics, nanotechnology), biological (biomedical, biochemical, genetic, tissue, protein), building services (building facades, energy, electrical, fire, mechanical (HVAC, plumbing, refrigeration), vertical transportation (escalators and lifts; elevators)), chemical (biomolecular, materials, molecular, process), civil (environmental, geotechnical, structural, transport, water resources), electrical (computer, electronic, optical (lasers, etc.), power), energy (bioelectric (aura), biothermal, geothermal, hydroelectric, piezoelectric, solar, wind), industrial (component, construction, manufacturing, reliability, safety, systems), mechanical (acoustical, manufacturing, thermal, vehicle), mechatronics (avionics, instrumentation, robotics), military (ancillary, camouflage [active (such as cloaking) and passive (such as ghillies and disguises)], combat, strategic), nanoengineering, nuclear, petroleum (drilling, production, reservoir), and railway], as well as Accounting (including Electronically-traded Indexes, Financial Management, Financing, Investing, and High-speed/High-volume Trading), Actuarial Science, Astrobiology, Autecology, Bibliometrics, Biochemistry, Bioecology, Biophysics, Biostatistics, Campaigning, Computational Biology, Cosmology, Criminology, Cryptography, Cryptology, Cybernetics, Deontology, Diabetology, Dianetics, Dipterology, Dynamic(al)/Complex Systems, Ecohydrology, Ecology, Economics (including Macro and Micro), Ecophysiology, energy/light matrices, Embryology, Etymology, Fetology/foetology, Formicology and Myrmecology, Genealogy, Geobiology, Geochronology, Geology, Gerontology, ‘hard’ light, Helminthology, Heteroptology, Historiography, Homiletics, Horology, Hydrology, Kymatology, International (and Interplanetary, Interstellar, Intergalactic, and Interdimensional) Affairs, Laryngology, Logic [including Mathematical logic (including Intuitionistic logic, Modal logic, Model theory, Proof theory, Recursion theory, and Set theory), Philosophical logic (including Logical reasoning and Modal logic (including Deontic logic and Doxastic logic)), and Logic in Computer Science (including Formal methods (Formal verification), Logic programming, Multi-valued logic (including Fuzzy logic), Programming language semantics, and Type theory)], Methodology, Metrology, Nematology, Neonatology, Numerical Simulations (including for Astrophysical Plasma, Galaxy Formation and Evolution, High-energy Astrophysics, Hydrodynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, and Star Formation), Numismatics, Ontology, Obstetrics, Paleoanthropology, Paleobiology, Parapsychology, phase-shifting, Philosophy (including Jurisprudence), Proteomics, Psychobiology, Psychological Warfare, Pure/Theoretical Mathematics, Rheology, Semiology/Semiotics, Sociobiology, Sociology, Sustainable Environmental Design, Synecology, Systematics, Technology, Technopathy, Theology, Theoretical/Quantum Chemistry, Theoretical Computer Science, Theoretical Physics (including other dimensions and String Theory), Thermodynamics, Tocology, Topology, Typology, Urban Design and Urban Development (including City and Regional Planning), Vaccinology (vaccines are obsolete in Inisfree), and all sciences too complex and time-consuming even for most supercomputers, such as the individual Inisfreean brains
  • HAARP II: weather modification and control; mitigating harsh storms, regulating climate change, Meteorology and meteorological aspects of Terraforming, enhancing and triggering the auroras for festivals and holiday celebrations (and turning auroras off for star-gazing and astronomical observation), and using various forms of inclement weather to frighten or stall opposing forces in order to stop or dissuade them from unnecessary warfare and suffering, as well as Aerobiology, Aeronomy, Climatology, Coniology, Electrophysiology, Nephology, and Paleoclimatology
  • High School and Military Training Area(s): Anthropology, Archaeology, Archaeozoology, Camouflage [active (such as cloaking) and passive (such as ghillies and disguises)], Dance (including each of its styles, such as Aerial Silk, Ballet, Break-dancing, and Dirty), Defensive Driving, Education [including Comparative Education, Consumer education, Critical pedagogy, Curriculum and instruction (including Agricultural education, Alternative education, Art education, Bilingual education, Chemistry education, Cooperative learning, Counselor education, Elementary education, Higher education, Language education, Legal education, Mastery learning, Mathematics education, Medical education, Military education and training, Music education, Nursing education, Peace education, Physical education/Sports coaching, Physics education, Reading education, Religious education, Science education, Secondary education, Sex education, Sociology of education, Special education, Technology education, and Vocational education), Distance education, Educational leadership, Educational philosophy, Educational psychology, Educational technology, and Montessori education], Emergency Management, Entrepreneurship, Ethnochoreology, Fashion (including Fashion Design and Fashion Modeling), Interior Design (including décor and light fixtures, as well as how Interior Design affects Dynamic Entry, such as the psychological and subliminal effects of paint and light colors, etc.), Languages (including American Military Hand-and-Arm Signals, American Sign Language (ASL), Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Inisfreean, Italian, Japanese, Oculese, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, and the Inisfreean Challenge-and-Pass of the Pearly Gates), Martial Arts (and how to fuse them, removing their redundancies and the weaknesses in the various styles), Public Speaking, Seduction and Sexology (including edging, erogenous zones, tantric partners yoga, shared breathing, sex-based healing techniques, sensual massages, aphrodisiacs, cunnilingus and felatio techniques, orgy synergy patterns and sigils, the science of sadomasochism and all the facets of BDSM), survival, Tourism, Warfighting [including arctic, cave network, desert, forest (deciduous and coniferous), free-fall, jungle, marsh/wetlands, mountain, plains/prairie/savannah, swamp, tundra, urban, and zero-gravity (orbital)], Yoga (basic), and many other sciences
  • Highway Aquarium(s) (a.k.a. the SeaTanks): Astacology, Cetology, Conchology, Ichthyology, Malacology, Marine Biology (including Coral Reef Biology, Deep Sea Biology, Mariculture, Marine Botany, Marine Microecology), Phycology, and Planktology
  • Hospital: Acupuncture and Acupressure, non-invasive surgical techniques (such as microwave-based; masers), medicinal herbal treatments and Herbology (natural Pharmacology), Dentistry (multiple subsets; see the Dental Clinic for details), Allergology, Anesthesiology, Angiology, Audiology, Cardiology, Craniology, Endocrinology, Enzymology, Gastrology or Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Hematology and Serology (especially as it relates to humanoid aliens and vampires), Hepatology, Herbology, Histology, Lymphology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neuropathology, Neurophysiology, Ophthalmology, Osteology (also studied in the Necropolis beneath Statue Park, and by Inisfreean Spacecraft and their personnel amidst war zones, mass graves, and derelict vessels), Otolaryngology, Otology, Otorhinolaryngology, Pharmacology, Phlebology, Physiology, Posology, Proctology, Psychophysiology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Rhinology, Symptomatology, Traumatology, and many other medical sciences
  • Husky House: Cynology and Canine Veterinary Medicine
  • Impact Range: Ballistics and Terraforming
  • Inisfreean Spacecraft (and their personnel): scanning, sounding, analyzing, and transportation (such as via hyper-Space, warp-Space, and the Webway) techniques, as well as Astrogeology, Cosmology, demographics, Exobiology, Exogeology, Geochemistry, Geodesy, Geography, Geomatics, Geomorphology, geophysical fluid dynamics, Geophysics, Glaciology, Heliology and Helioseismology, Hydrogeology, Ichnology, Interferometry, Linguistics (including Applied Linguistics, Dialectology, Computational Linguistics, Historical-Comparative Linguistics, Morphology, Psycholinguistics, and Sociolinguistics) and languages (including all known languages), Lithology, Microbiology, Mycology, Nanotechnology, Oceanography, Oceanology, Orbital Bombardment, Paleoanthropology, Paleobiology, Paleoecology, Paleontology, Paleophytology, Paleozoology, Parasitology, Petrology, Phenology, Planetology, Planktology, Political Science, Primatology, Radiology, Sedimentology, Seismology, Selenology, Somatology, Space Warfare Formations and Maneuvers, Space Weather, Spectroscopy, Speleology, tectonics, Toxicology, Ufology, Xenoarchaeology, Xenobiology, Zooarchaeology, Zoopathology, and Zoopsychology
  • Kno Factory: Chemistry and Alchemy (including Subatomic Transmutation), flash-cloning couture articles of this brand, Mechanics, Micrology, Nanotechnology, Robotics, and Tailoring Automation
  • Lakes, Ponds, and Canals (Cloud City pondsCrater LakeDisc PondFloating Oases CylindersMain LakeUber Geode and Underway ponds, the two ponds by Arch CityWaterfall City, Waterfall Oasis, etc.): Limnology and Stream Biology, as well as Sailing and Yachting
  • Magics Chambers (the Governor‘s private mansion‘s lowest basement): sciences considered by Outlanders to be so advanced that they appear magical, such as Thaumaturgy
  • Main Womb: Chemistry and Alchemy (including Subatomic Transmutation), Mechanics, Micrology, Nanotechnology, Robotics, and flash-cloning Spaceships on the scale of DropShips and ColonyPods, as well as most of the items they are stocked with, such as Inisfreean personnel
  • Mall: Advertising, Consumer Science, and Marketing (including Marketing Analysis)
  • Map Room: Cartography, Demography, Geography, Geomatics, Infographics, Molecular Imaging, Orology, Surveying, and Topography
  • Military Vehicles Factory: Chemistry and Alchemy (including Subatomic Transmutation), flash-cloning of this vehicle class (which can flash-clone its own ammo.), Mechanics, Micrology, Nanotechnology, Robotics, and the threat-assessment and targeting software these vehicles use
  • Observatory: Astronomy (including that of Gamma ray, Infrared, Microwave, Optical, Radio, Ultraviolet, and X-ray) and Astrophysics (including Stellar Evolution and Stellar Nucleosynthesis), as well as Areology, Heliology and Helioseismology, Interferometry, Planetology, Selenology, Space Weather, and Spectroscopy
  • Pearly Gates: Bioinformatics, Radiology, and Cryogenics
  • Performing Arts Center: Acoustics, Acting (and each of its subsets), Ballet (Inisfree’s sexual style), Choreography (including for orgies), Ethnochoreology, Harmonics, Music Theory, Orchestral Percussion (and Symphonic Composition and Symphonic Theory), Phonology, and sound-proofing, Stage Décor, and Theater and Performance Studies
  • Police (Tumbler) Stations: Ballistics, Forensics (including Forensic Pathology and Forensic Psychology), and Inisfreean Law (including Inisfree’s form of law enforcement)
  • Rainbow Weapons and Gems Towers: Crystallography, Gemology, and Photonics
  • Receiving Facility (a.k.a. the Quarantine Facility): Aetiology, Bacteriology, Bioinformatics, Cytopathology, Dermatopathology, Epidemiology, Histopathology, Immunology, Nosology, Oncology, Pathology, Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, Somatology, Symptomatology, and Virology
  • Restaurants: Bromatology, Enzymology, Food Service Management, Gastronomy (including molecular), Nutrition (Nutritional Science), and Sitiology
  • Silo Clusters: flash-cloning and stasis of a variety of armor, gear, munitions, and other supplies, as well as subterranean Aero- and Hydroponics, Mechanics
  • Singularity Recycling Plant: Nucleonics, and black-hole science, which is used for Inisfree’s ‘double bubble’ shield for cloaking and as a ‘360°’ (actually, it is spherical, not circular) tractor beam to selectively suck in hostile targets to its equally-encompassing event horizon
  • Solariums: Dermatology and skin care, Heliology and Helioseismology, Histology, tanning, Radiology and Actinobiology, as well as Actinology
  • Tantric Academy and Shrine-mansions: Andrology, Chromatography-Olfactometry, Gelotology, Herbology, Kinesiology, Psychology, Proctology, Psychophysiology, Reflexology, and seduction and Sexology (including edging, erogenous zones, basic yoga and tantric partners yoga, shared breathing, sex-based healing techniques, sensual massages, aphrodisiacs, cunnilingus and fellatio techniques, orgy synergy patterns and sigils, the science of sadomasochism and all the facets of BDSM), Stomatology, Tribology (the science of friction, lubrication, and wear of interacting surfaces, such as dicks and pussies fucking), and much more
  • Toilet-rooms and Black Toilet Beings (BTBs): Reflexology, Scatology, and Urology
  • Uber Repulsines: when not in use to levitate or fly the city (so that earthquakes, ice-quakes, tidal waves / tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and cosmic body impacts do not adversely affect it), these facilities are used to perfect the sciences of anti-gravity, cavitation (and air friction negation), and force fields; energy shielding, all of which are used by Cloud City II, the Sotu ‘blossom’, and all Inisfreean air- and Spacecraft
  • Valhalla Resort Ski Lanes (Surface and Subterranean): Desmology, Kinesiology, Myology, Reflexology, and Sports Medicine
  • Vehicle Service Line: automotive repair tools and techniques, including streamlining, automation, and multitasking
  • Volcanoes: Mineralogy, Seismology, (Plate) Tectonics, Thermology, and Volcanology/Vulcanology
  • Welcoming Square BattleMechs: Animatronics and Harmonics
  • WMKM Studio(s): Ansible communications (including Telematics), Communication studies (including Advertising, Animal communication, Communication design, Environmental communication, Information theory, Intercultural communication, Marketing (outline), Mass communication, Nonverbal communication, Organizational communication, Propaganda, Public relations (outline), Speech communication (and Public Speaking), Technical writing, and Translation), Journalism (including Broadcast journalism, Literary journalism, New media journalism (and News Anchoring), Print journalism, and Sports journalism / sportscasting), Media studies (Mass media) (including Newspaper, Magazine, Radio (outline), Television (outline) (including Television studies), and Internet (outline)), Photography, Pornography (including most of its subsets, excepting ones such as docking and scat), Videography, motion picture production (Film Studies), and all related sciences
  • Zoo: Biology, Cryptozoology, Draconology, Ethology, Felinology, Herpetology, Hippology (including Pegasi), Mammalogy, Oology, Ornithology, Veterinary Medicine, Zoology, Zoopathology, and Zoopsychology


Additional Notes:

Our scientific advancements are always stable because Inisfreeans are programmed to test everything to perfection before fielding it, and our technology solutions are always innovative because they are only fielded when they are relevant. All our minds are supercomputers, so ideas, permutations, and many other things occur to us more more quickly, easily, and often than they do for any Outlanders, thus we are always coming up with the most brilliant work-throughs and breakthroughs many Ages before anyone else. We have no lobbying in the Inisfreean realm, and never have to cut corners due to budget cuts; we don’t even use money or have an economy like Outlanders think of it. Political pressure can’t change our minds, nor can religious beliefs, requests, whining, or threats. We do what works the moment we think of, prototype, test, and confirm it. The moment we realize a better way of doing things, we transition into it without delay, none of us worrying about losing our jobs or having to return to school or becoming obsolete. Whenever an upgrade for a body-part, meme/mindset/personality, and/or technique/tactic/strategy is approved, it is instantly applied to all Inisfreeans everywhere in Creation like a software patch activated via Ansible, so, for example, if Inisfreean vocal chords or sensory perception organs can be improved, the moment the improvement is commissioned, all Inisfreeans microscopically shapeshift to adopt it within seconds (and this happens for our buildings, vehicles, weapons, powerplants, GMOs (such as the BTBs and modified Xenomorphs), etc.). And whenever we need to travel faraway to study something up close, we can do so at a moment’s notice, thanks to our fleets of multiple classes of Space-worthy vessels, any of which are armada-capable; we can provide our own transportation, security, equipment, and scientific expertise, never having to raise funds or compromise to get our expeditions going. Also, the moment we have findings, we can transmit them across any distance without distortion or concerns about jamming, and can transport back samples and anything else just as easily. Intercepting our discoveries and other works is virtually impossible, thanks to our method of layered encryption. Finally, our minds are not capable of misinterpreting findings based on delusions or desires; we are as objective as the Vulcans.
It should also be noted that when Inisfree is anchored on Antarctica, it is in the coldest, driest, highest place on Earth which happens to also be where Earth’s atmosphere is thinnest; where atmospheric distortion does not cause the stars to appear to twinkle or wobble; this is the absolute best region for astronomical observation and the use of all electronic devices.​

And why did we make Inisfree not just a distant getaway for our loved ones, but ​​also the flagship research complex and eco-friendly community to set the bar high for all the others?  We chose to build Inisfree in this way because humanity, not the angels, had fallen from grace; they were out of control, desperately in need of real leadership (instead of imaginary friends called ‘gods’), their whole world desperately in need of us to ‘right all their wrongs’ (correct all their mistakes).  Humanity had persecuted its intelligent members for generations, so it was long overdue for the intelligent people to have not only sanctuary, but comfort, protection, and luxury.  Thus, Inisfree was born… in this special place where none of the stupid ones could ever travel or bother them.

We keep the planet clean, we do not compromise, we do not ask for approval, and when people are attracted to each other, we make sure no one tries to scare them into stopping.  We do what works and only what works, ensuring our citizens and guests enjoy an environment that keeps their natural positive motivation sky-high; right where it should be, and right where the best personal and scientific results always come from.​​


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