All Inisfreean-born girls (ICVs) attend school here*; this is where our elementary through high school grades are completed.


Table of Contents:

  1. Asterisk Note
  2. Overall Image and Layout
  3. Partitions
  4. Access/Stairwells
  5. Morale, Welfare, & Recreation
  6. Lunch-hour and Off-campus Liberties
  7. Meals:  Times, Contents
  8. Curriculum (parent category for several of the following)
  9. Core Subjects in Inisfree VS the Outlands
  10. Some of the Unconventional Subjects of Study
  11. Required Reading
  12. Classes
  13. Dances
  14. Factoring In and Geared Toward
  15. Harking, Not Lecturing
  16. Physical Organization:  Floors Directory
  17. Additional Information & Resources (parent category for some of the following)
  18. University of Inisfree, online (U.I.O.)
  19. Dress Code
  20. Conduct
  21. After Hours
  22. After-school Organizations
  23. Graduations
  24. Novels Excerpt
  25. Location (Images Begin)
  26. General Appearance of the Building
  27. Areas of Inisfree the Different Grade-brackets are Authorized For
  28. Cross-sections
  29. Floor Layouts
  30. Classes (charts)
  31. Surrounding Terrain, Views, & Concepts
  32. 2022 Update:  Capacity
  33. 2022 Update:  Students’ Enrollments
  34. 2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft
  35. 2023 Update 2:  Astrology
  36. 2023 Update 3:  Yearbook
  37. 2024/+


    Asterisk Note:

    The asterisk above notes that it is only correct to say that all Inisfreean-born girls attend school at LHS… in that

    1. “Inisfreean-born” means ICVs,
    2. this is where they would go to school if they went to school,
    3. since all of them are part of a shared consciousness, the moment any of them learn things at this school or anywhere else… all of them have experienced, learned, and understood it, and
    4. only a very few of the total number of ICVs actually physically came to this school building to sit through its classes (which was half to finish raising and commissioning their kind/species, and half to “iron out” the final details about how this educational system would work for non-ICV guests and residents in Inisfree).


    Overall Image and Layout:

    Inisfree’s schools are in one building which is in the form of a much larger and nude version of the Statue of Liberty.  Its exterior is the color of clean limestone; smooth white, and it is the height of a skyscraper, as well as anchored many stories down into the Undercity of our realm (the facilities below the surface). Its letters are LHS, for Liberty High School, a fitting name for such a place in Inisfree.



    This building houses all grades, with the Batchlings attending in this school’s subsurface floors.

    Every grade’s floor/section is unique, so each graduation is an adventure into a brand new realm. 

    Sections (vertical groups) of floors reserved for specific subjects are divided into five sections; one for each of the ‘surface grades’; students here in grades 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 all take their classes in the floors located above Inisfree’s local ground-level.  Each of those grades uses one of this building’s 5 AIOWs, too, keeping traffic light, and jams non-existent.



    There are 4 groups of AIOWs in LHS;

    1. The lowest group connects floors 1-10. These are LHS’s biggest/widest AIOWs, and there are 10 of them, as these floors have the highest students-capacity, by far. These AIOWs include all our city’s AIOW options/features; they are intended to help new/young students/guests get comfortable with using this complex type of stairwell alternative. Each of these AIOWs has 2 ‘lifts’ (elevators); 1 to go up if the other 1 is going down, as students here stay all on the same floor for all their classes.
    2. The next AIOWs group connects floor 10 all the way up to floor 73. These AIOWs have ladders (monkey-bars), ‘lifts’, and spiral (corkscrew) staircases. Each of these AIOWs has 1 ladders-wall/area, 1 spiral-staircase (wide enough for 4 human-sized people side-by-side; simultaneous up-and-down foot-traffic), and 8 small-group ‘lifts’. These AIOWs expect much higher daily/hourly use, as the students in this part of LHS need to go from floor to floor every hour or so. Each student must move between 14 different floors during his/her school-day.
    3. The third AIOWs group is near the top of LHS; it connects floors 73 to 84 (the open-air surface for graduation-jumps). Because these AIOWs are much shorter, going through floors meant just for staff/faculty and graduation rites/rituals, they still have 1 ladders-wall/area and 1 spiral-staircase (wide enough for 2 human-sized people side-by-side; simultaneous up-and-down foot-traffic), but only half as many ‘lifts’; there are for lifts in each of these AIOWs.
    4. The highest AIOWs group also starts on floor 73, but only goes up through the raised-arm of LHS, connecting that floor to the highest floor in LHS, which is arm-level 11 (several stories above floor 84 where the liberty-spikes are). There is only 1 AIOW through the raised-arm section of LHS. In it, there is 1 ladders-wall/area, 1 spiral-staircase (wide enough for 2 human-sized people side-by-side; simultaneous up-and-down foot-traffic), and 2 ‘lifts’.

    *Non-AIOW mini-G.A.H. ‘corkscrews’ meant for personal vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.) are at the outer inside edges/areas of the 5 parking-garage levels; floors 11-15. These have only a driving surface; they do not have ladders, lifts, or staircases.

    AIOWs are not used between all classes; a class that exits into a different class on the same floor, for example, just results in students walking through the connecting hallway.


    Morale, Welfare, & Recreation:

    We have seen around the world how helpful it is for students to have shorter days, more recess, and less homework.  Movement, not stress, is our focus here.  Our classes are kept shorter than the standard hour-long ones of outside institutions.  Talks and discussions, not lectures, are what our courses center around.  And there is ample socializing (encouraged by the daily discussions, rather than mere periods of instruction and repetition).  Our school, on that note, is also home of the entertainment club, The Schoolgirl.  Students take what they learn in their dance and fashion classes here to practice (instead of just having homework) in a ‘live’ environment.


    Lunch-hour and Off-campus Liberties:

    The meals our school prepares closely adhere to the Paleolithic Diet, every successive day’s meals made based on the healthiest school lunches from major nations around the world (photo examples below).

    ​​Students eat brunch and lunches in the school, and roam the city from age 11 and up, in order to become mature and capable for congested, hectic, urban life encounters while on missions outside The Walls (the perimeter of our city), which they will participate in post-Exodus (after our 13th grade, which we call the Exodus or Exodus-year, as students spend it entirely outside of Inisfree, practicing the basics of what they’ve learned so far) and post-graduation (after our 20th grade) from the academies (T&A; the academy/university which is our 17th & 18th grades, and NWO MIL; the New World Order military academy which is our 19th grade).




    • Brunch:  ~7 AM
    • Lunch:  ~9 AM
    • 2nd Lunch:  ~1 PM


    The following meals are available every day; during each of the 3 meal-times here.  Students may choose from any of them, not having to wait for a certain hour or day of the week to enjoy their favorites or cravings.  *Whenever fish or meat are mentioned, it is a better-tasting vegan alternative.

    • Brazil meal 1:  “pork” (flavored jackfruit) with mixed vegetables, black-beans and rice, salad, bread, baked plantains
    • Finland meal 1:  pea soup, beets, carrot salad, bread, pannakkau (dessert pancake), fresh berries
    • France meal 1:  “steak” (flavored seitan, tempeh, or tofu), carrots, green beans, cheese, fresh fruit
    • Greece meal 1:  baked “chicken” (vegan alternative) over orzo, stuffed grape leaves, tomato and cucumber salad, fresh oranges, yogurt with pomegranate seeds
    • Italy meal 1:  “fish” (vegan version) on arugula, pasta with tomato sauce, caprese salad (with a dairy-free cheese), baguette, grapes
    • South Korea meal 1:  “fish” (vegan version) soup, tofu over rice, kimchi, fresh vegetables
    • Spain meal 1:  sautéed “shrimp” (vegan version), brown rice, vegetables, gazpacho, fresh peppers, bread, orange
    • Ukraine meal 1:  mashed potatoes with “sausage” (similar to those made by the Beyond or Impossible brands), borscht, cabbage, syrniki (dessert pancake)
    Students may arrive as early as they like, and stay as late as they like, to adjust the leisure time during their meals.  Lunch is always one hour, though, and all meals must be prepared from scratch and by hand (by the students themselves, not cafeteria workers); not brought to school in lunch-bags or -pails (because meals here count as some of our hands-on classes; home-ec’).  The extensive chef courses provided as part of the city’s core curriculum ensure that each student is fully capable of making all of their favorite meals, as well as those of their friends and guests.



    Inisfree’s school system is inspired by the Montessori and Waldorf educational philosophies.  This has proven far more successful in ensuring many more types of students (in terms of natures, personalities, memorization styles, etc.) retain the information from their studies far more easily and for far longer, and that they understand and build upon far better than the norm in traditional learning environments.  Student development is divided into three major stages and is reflected in the schools’ approach:

    1. Early childhood education focuses on practical, hands-on activities and creative play,
      ( = birth through age 4 –mastering one’s own body; range of motions, ability to imagine/think, ESP, etc.)
    2. Elementary education focuses on developing artistic expression and social capacities, and
      ( = age 5 through 10 for Outlanders, and school-grades 5-10 for us –social focus; becoming Hatchlings; going to the surface/outside, thus meeting and interacting with more)
    3. Secondary education focuses on developing critical reasoning and empathic understanding.
      ( = 11 through 18 (or 20, in our system) –ensuring brainwashing/assumptions are less common/likely, and that normal empathy for those who deserve and do not abuse empathy becomes the mindset, not default/over-empathy)

    The overarching goal is to develop free, morally responsible, and well-integrated individuals equipped with a high degree of social competence, who proactively engage, network, and mutually balance with many or all age groups, maintaining wise and tested standards such as keeping themselves truly beautiful, not fake, as part of maintaining the aesthetic environments conducive to health.


    Core Subjects in Inisfree VS the Outlands:

    Outside Inisfree, most schools base their teaching on these fields of study:

    1. Arts (omitting the more graceful, refined, and stimulating ones)
    2. Economics (primitive, backward, and based on the petro-dollar and unsustainable endless expansion)
    3. Foreign Languages (but never mentioning how words paired with shared intentions can have creative powers)
    4. Geography (excluding classified areas left intentionally mislabeled or blank on the maps)
    5. Government / Civics (primitive, backward, bicameral (bipolar) systems of mutual dissatisfaction bordering on M.A.D.)
    6. History (modern local propaganda; humans never taught actual or ancient history)
    7. Mathematics (but taught in a crude and mechanical way not based on the principles of synergy or manifestation)
    8. Music (almost invariably boring and even cacophonous pieces)
    9. Physical Education (basic, crude, partial)
    10. Science (extremely primitive ones, with endless erroneous assumptions)
    11. Technology / Engineering (for primitive and harmful tech’, such as phones and combustion-based vehicles)
    12. Reading (in English, if that is the official language of the country of the given school)
    13. Writing (excluding most cursive and calligraphy; graceful penmanship)

    In Inisfree, we base ours instead on these:

    1. Arousing Music
    2. Body-painting (preparation for the 50 night clubs of our city, as well as outdoor events)
    3. Body Language (including ASL)
    4. Camouflage & Avoiding Taxation Areas
    5. Civic Duties of Inisfreean Residency & Citizenship (including our system of Congresses)
    6. ‘Green’ Technology / Engineering
    7. Hollow-planet Geography (including Ley-lines, megalithic ruins’ original functions, and the ‘star tetrahedron’ (stellated octahedron) in terms of astrophysics significance), as well as Cartography (without distortion) and the Geography of known Space
    8. Hospitality (including the application of polite passive polyamory)
    9. Hygiene (including mental hygiene, such as noting one’s own thoughts and keeping them objectively positive, and sleep hygiene, not just physical or dental hygiene)
    10. Kajirae Social Studies
    11. Linguistics
    12. Magic (advanced sciences that appear to be magic to the inexperienced)
    13. Martial Arts (including our new/custom ones)
    14. Medical (holistic, homeopathic, naturopathic, self-care, etc.)
    15. Nutrition & Responsible Dieting (vegan)
    16. Post-scarcity Economics
    17. Recycling; how a zero-waste lifestyle is possible
    18. Sailing (since 99% of places in the Universe require ships to get to them, not land vehicles)
    19. Sexual Education (including sex positions, techniques, & theory)
    20. Swimming
    21. Sustainable Agriculture
    22. Universe History:  first (grade-1) focusing on the overall structure (and how it formed AFTER the Earth; due to being manifested by people on Earth long ago focusing on seeing the formation of worlds in what was once just a thick/endless water-like atmosphere),
      and then (the following grade-year by grade-year) incl. the summaries of the histories of realms/worlds such as Arcadia (grade-9),
      Asari worlds (grade-10),
      Asgard (prob. also grade-2, as it is one of the original realms),
      Asteron (prob. grade-4; with other destroyed worlds, such as Draenor),
      Cybertron (prob. grade-6),
      Dimension Aqua (prob. grade-14),
      Draenor (prob. grade-4),
      Gor (prob. grade-7, with other migratory non-rogue worlds; Gor, etc.),
      Jupiter and Saturn; where many elemental deities live/went (prob. grade-3),
      Krypton (prob. grade-8),
      Lyran worlds (prob. grade-5),
      Majesdane (prob. grade-15),
      Muspelheim (the core stars share –and one of the original realms, thus prob. taught in grade-2),
      Nibiru (prob. grade-7),
      Pleiades worlds (prob. grade-5, after Lyran worlds),
      Quaoar (prob. grade-16),
      Talimdor (not to be confused with an ancient Earth continent, Kalimdor –grade to be assigned; based on this realm’s era),
      Tamaran (prob. grade-12),
      Thanagar (prob. grade-11),
      The Moon (prob. grade-7),
      and Vanaheim (prob. also grade-2, as it is one of the original realms)
      –(but not classified worlds such as Ba’al, Dragonhome, Vampiria, etc.).

    We also teach trade (not just money/finances/accounting), and starting businesses (not just getting a job), as well as how taxes work in other lands –and why we don’t have them in ours.  We don’t just fill our students’ heads and schedules with things they won’t actually use on a regular basis, but only and all of what they will need and use.  We also teach them how to discover and reach their potentials, not just how to be barely-healthy corporate employees.


    Some of the Unconventional Subjects of Study:

    These are only categorized as “unconventional” because they were never mentioned in mainstream Outlands schools.

    • Agharta (the hollow core of the Earth)
    • Asteron (the lost world)
    • Atlantis: the continent / nation (not just city)
    • Azathoth / Thoth the Atlantean (his life and teachings)
    • Bilderberg Group (its aim and members)
    • Crystal Skulls (and silicon-based beings, as well as Elementals)
    • Dropa / Droza (one example of humanoids who came to Earth long ago)
    • Electro-gravitics (how speed, such as when matter is excited enough to be electricity/plasma, can counter gravity)
    • Emerald Tablets of Azathoth (a set of inscribed artifacts left by an alleged Atlantean)
    • Feng Shui and Kua Numbers (the general concept, plus this specific aspect of the field)
    • Grand Canyon pyramid and Shensi pyramid (examples of large stable structures hinting at a past global consciousness)
    • H.A.A.R.P. (how weather can be adjusted)
    • Harmonics / ‘Singing to the Stones’ (frequencies for scanning, harmonizing with, fusing with, levitating, and shaping) –in Band
    • Michaels A.F.B. (a noteworthy military installation once used for recovered unknown craft, R+D, etc.)
    • Mu / Lemuria (perhaps the biggest of the sunken continents)
    • Nazca Lines (the prime example of geoglyphs)
    • Nibiru (one of several names for this eccentric-orbit world)
    • Nicolai Tesla (his life and inventions)
    • O.T.O. (a variant of the Masonic organizations, this one amended with initiatory sex-rites)
    • Polyamorous Social Studies (successful methods for sharing intimacy and love with two or more partners simultaneously)
    • Project Bluebook and Majestic 12 (two famous responses to the ongoing activity of unidentified air/Spacecraft)
    • Quantum Computing (computer science allowing some of the most complex and rapid calculations)
    • Quaoar (another remote/rogue world; why it is a good stepping-stone for Kuiper and Oort exploration, mining, and colonization)
    • Sacred Geometry (how frequencies naturally arrange matter/particles in certain shapes/forms/formations, such as chakras)
    • Shambhala (an underground city of somewhat-advanced beings)
    • Tachyons (particles that move differently through time –perhaps existing only within range of those looking for them)
    • Talimdor (one of the ‘lost’/secret places; details TBA…)
    • Tantric (part of Sex’ Ed’)
    • Terraforming & Helioforming (changing and even making worlds and stars)
    • The ApocryphalThe Dead Sea scrolls (such as The Book of Thomas; who wrote these books and why, *not reading them in order to claim they are worth living by)
    • The Enochian Keys (a system of working with ethers (“aethyrs”), connected with goddess Pele)
    • The Firmament(s) (the thick upper-atmospheres of worlds; Earth once had one, and the gas-giants still do)
    • The Golden Dawn (a variant of the Masonic organizations, this one amended with women initiated equally with/as men)
    • The Human Genome Project (mapping of every gene; location and function, in average human DNA –and especially why their Gene Theory is flawed)
    • The Necronomicon (for restoring life, not playing with death –Only humans in death cults ever tried to pretend undoing death was evil.)
    • The Philadelphia Experiment (an allegedly disastrous attempt by chaos-minded humans to develop cloaking technology)
    • The Thule Society (the group studying information about and from Thule (a.k.a. Ultima Thule), the capital-landmass of the region/continent called Hyperborea, which was the (now allegedly sunken) northernmost continent (centered/fixed around the North Pole –or North Polar Hole/Portal), chiefly inhabited by giants)


    Required Reading:

    Our many literary focuses include some books and series you may already have heard of.  The term ‘magic’ in the following descriptions is just a term we use for ‘advanced science’.  All of these books are available in all of Inisfree’s libraries.

    • Bible:  in the context that it is, by definition and function, the new form of Black Magic (convincing people that death and torture (i.e. hell) are certain and universally required), and with the intent to cross-reference it, determine which sources its drafters plagiarized, and determine the specific psychological mechanisms chosen by them, as well as how well or poorly they have affected various demographics over the generations of its publication
    • Biblor’an Gold Magic; the science of achieving the most valuable state of being (holistic wellness, wholeness, balance, self-reliance, self-stabilization, ‘Golconda’)
    • Gor (series):  (~20 of the 34 novels; most have brilliant points in them)
    • Laser Optics/Science Manuals:  Red Magic (focused energy bursts once mis-perceived to be merely negative and unnecessary emotions, or overly direct; how these tools are applied for surgical stabilization, healing, range finding, orbital planetary analyses, and more)
    • Master Female Information:  Purple Magic (becoming royal; taking Gold Magic to the group-management level)
    • Mercury-plasma Engineering Textbooks:  Silver Magic; the most advanced applications of metals, beyond even circuitry and A.I.
    • Necronomicon:  White Magic (restoring life; advanced medical science)
    • Nymphonomicon:  Green Magic (the healing and life-promoting power of aphrodisiacs (whatever arouses lust), etc.; read in The School, practiced at T&A)
    • Periodic Table of the Elements Orange Magic (loyalties of elemental relationships; All-Chemicals a.k.a. Alchemy)
    • Renewable Energy Instruction Booklets:  Yellow Magic (Sunlight, energy, light, happiness/joy; where these things come from, when they are appropriate, how to best benefit from and balance them, etc.)
    * Blue Magic is sadness-emotion-based, and Inisfreeans occasionally intentionally trigger this in themselves to experience it in waves; riding the full rainbow/spectrum of emotions for different color-/chakra-cleansing and stimulation effect sequences.  An example of this is with the music genre called The Blues.  Thus, it is taught in the Choir & Musical Instruments (Band) classes.



    Why are most classes only 10 minutes long, when classes for humans in normal Outlands schools are 30 minutes to an hour or longer?  Inisfreeans have perfect memories, instant understanding, and need no repetition. They also communicate volumes within split-seconds, and can download pre-understood/trained/memorized knowledge/material from their collective consciousness; from other ICVs, or from their city’s main supercomputer itself. Slow talking, repetition, and time for questions and answers, was always the bulk of each human/Outlands class, thus we are able to learn even more… even though our classes are 3 to 6 times shorter.

    For those wishing to attend a normal-duration class, we always have them available; ask any ICV teacher and she’ll arrange one for you –or even an entire semester of them.

    • Ancient Earth History:  pre-humanity, including that of the Adamites, Atlanteans, Dinoids, Lemurians, Naga, Pre-Adamites, and many others
    • Art:  genres, history, and (via the Lion Art Academy (L.A.A.) here at Inisfree) how to make it
    • Band:  (‘Musical Instruments’ on the schedule chart) including how to DJ
    • Beauty:  what is actually beautiful vs. the chaos that Outlanders pretend is acceptable (with a focus on bilateral structures, proportion ratios, appealing contrasts, accentuating natural features, minimalism as opposed to layering, etc.)
    • C.W.I.:  Current World Issues; learn what is going on lately, how to find the most accurate news programs, and how to cross-reference all claims
    • Camping:  basic survival starts here; how to set up an entire camp, not just a tent or RV
    • Choir:  singing only the sexiest and most expertly composed songs
    • Climbing:  starting with safety gear indoors, then progressing to bouldering, scrambling, and free ascents
    • Construction:  sustainable methods & technologies, such as 3D-printing
    • Critical Thinking:  how to weigh, assess, and recall with high precision
    • Culinary Arts:  meal-time at our school doubles as this; students cook their own
    • Dance:  many styles, all of them seductive
    • Drivers Ed:  including defensive, evasive, convoy operations, and more (the commutes to and from school double as this, with each smart-vehicle monitoring progress, the exception being our luxury school-buses)
    • Fashion:  what is worth designing & wearing, vs. the lame creations that may be trending
    • Fitness & Holistic Wellness:  Phys. Ed. taken to the next level
    • Free-fall:  parachuting (such as for evacuations), skydiving, sky-surfing, wing-suiting, and more (which is all preparation for our 19th grade; Inisfree’s Boot Camp)
    • Gardening / Horticulture:  up to the Master Gardeners levels
    • Healthcare / Medical:  acupressure, acupuncture, chromo-therapy, drawing energy from ley-lines & the void, gong baths, herbal cures & remedies, laughter as medicine, music as medicine, psychological/mind-tricks, self-diagnosis, self-care, etc.
    • Languages:  all of the major ones are offered here; Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, etc.
    • Ley-lines:  their location, nature, and application
    • Linguistics:  not just a foreign-language elective, but the study of how languages are structured, including dialectology (Latin helps one decipher Romance languages, but linguistics helps one decipher all the others)
    • Martial Arts:  everything from Karate to Jeet Kune Do, Sayoc Kali, and even Dim Mak (a form of acupuncture)
    • Massage:  for arousal, relaxation, sports medicine, therapy, and wellness
    • Mathematics:  everything from algebra, geometry, and calculus, up through trigonometry, theoretical, and beyond
    • Nutrition & Dieting:  starting with Paleo’, vegan, and vegetarian
    • Para-military:  our version of the Girl Scouts & J.R.O.T.C.
    • Physical Education:  often at the parkour playground
    • Pilot’s Ed:  (‘Flying’ on the schedule chart) aircraft and Spacecraft are as common for our people as cars
    • Public Speaking:  writing, editing, and presenting speeches
    • Recess:  often in the anatomy moon-bounce
    • Sailing / Seamanship:  handling boats & ships at sea
    • Science/s:  biology, chemistry, physics, etc. (including astrophysics, particle physics, thermodynamics, etc.)
    • Sexual Education:  comprehensive, hands-on, pun not intended; all positions & techniques are demonstrated and practiced in the classroom, just as they are for all other subjects (basics & intermediate level, leading into the coursework students will enjoy at the next school; the Tantric Academy (TNA/T&A) on the other side of our central mountain)
    • Shop:  (not to be confused with shopping) basic carpentry & engineering (with some C.A.D.; Computer-Aided Design), except that in Inisfree we do not use wood; only alloys, ceramics, certain plastics, stone (including crystals/gems), and other materials that do not involve the harming of animals or trees
    • Social Studies:  with an emphasis on the statistical successes and failures of different types of societies and philosophies, such as monogamous vs. polyamorous ones
    • Universe History:  not just the theoretical astrophysics of formation
    • Writing & Editing:  drafting papers and other documents which ‘flow’ well

    Need help with an assignment?  Every Inisfreean-born girl doubles as a living library and the entire Internet; all of them are connected to the Web and each other via our city’s main supercomputer, and will be delighted to answer your questions and work with you toward memorization and mastery.

    In the order they are in the original daily schedule:

    1. Driving (Drivers Ed’):  simulated for grades 1-10, then to and inside LHS floors/levels 11-15
    2. Climbing:  floors 78-82
    3. Camping:  floors 78-82
    4. Construction:  floors 78-82
    5. Massage:  floors 73-77
    6. Meal Break (brief Culinary Arts):  floors 68-72
    7. Dieting (part of Culinary Arts / Meal Break/s):  floors 68-72
    8. Reading:  floors 63-67
    9. Language:  floors 63-67
    10. History:  floors 58-62
    11. Math:  floors 58-62
    12. Social Studies:  floors 58-62
    13. Writing:  floors 58-62
    14. Lunch (Culinary Arts):  floors 53-57
    15. Fitness:  floors 26-30
    16. Sailing:  off-campus; at Inisfree’s main lake
    17. Art:  off-campus; in the L.A.A.
    18. Beauty:  off-campus; in the L.A.A.
    19. Fashion:  off-campus; in the L.A.A.
    20. Choir:  floors 41-45
    21. Dance:  floors 41-45
    22. Meal Break (brief Culinary Arts):  floors 41-45
    23. Musical Instruments (Band):  floors 41-45
    24. Public Speaking:  floors 41-45
    25. Sexual Education (Sex’ Ed’):  floors 41-45
    26. Gardening:  floors 41-45
    27. Martial Arts:  floors 26-30
    28. Paramilitary:  floors 26-30 (but eventually at our Training Region)
    29. Flying (Pilots Ed’):  floors 16-20
    30. Freefall (Skydiving; graduation prep’):  off-campus
    31. Shop:  floors 36-40
    32. Medical (including Hygiene):  floors 31-35
    33. Science:  floors 31-35

    This allows students to move mostly linearly (not erratically/chaotically moving up and down floors in different directions) through our school building; they arrive at our parking lot/garages, go up nearly to the top of this school building, proceed down, floor by floor, leave campus for some classes, return, and continue proceeding back down to the parking-garage levels/section, making it easy for them to get to their vehicles/aircraft to return home at the end of the school-day.

    Even students in our later-millennia who may be assigned to start the above sequence of classes with a class other than Climbing will still go through that easiest / most-efficient loop through this building/campus; whether they start in one of the middle LHS floors or a lower one, they will follow that sequence until it has looped them back to where they started.

    Students who choose to only take a few classes here can leave campus between each one, if they have time for that, and disregard the normal-schedule loop.

    Weary but needing to ascend an AIOW to a class? A turbo-lift or ICV-portal can get you there.



    Dance classes include poi (fire spinning) and chem’-light / glow-stick spinning, as well as double-dutch jump-roping teams with black-lights, glow-ropes, and UV-glow rainbow Ke$ha body-paint and eye-flashes (an ability of the Inisfreean girls).  We teach dances that are fun and full-bodied, involving groups, not couples; our focus is balance, community, socializing, and teamwork.  Students are encouraged to take what they learn in these classes onward to any of our 50 night-clubs, as well as to the ‘city dances‘ and other events.  Dancing is a huge part of our culture and medical philosophy, perhaps even more than it is in Africa.


    Factoring In and Geared Toward:

    • teaching styles (a subset of the leadership styles)
    • learning / memorization styles (such as auditory, sexual, and visual)
    • physique capabilities (novice vs. professional athlete, and everything in between)
    • personality type (based on the Myers-Briggs questionnaire)
    • American and Chinese zodiacs (an extension of the Myers-Briggs concepts)
    • leadership styles (directing vs. delegating, etc.)

    Inisfree’s educational system is not about sitting all day in classrooms, being told what to think, and being graded on memorization more than comprehension or creativity.  We factor a lot of individuality understanding into each of our grades, classes, and programs.  Each student’s lineage, nature, and interests are noticed, appreciated, and worked with.


    Harking, Not Lecturing

    At Inisfree’s Liberty High, classrooms are not arranged in block formations of individual desks facing an authoritarian instructor at an isolated desk or podium. Instead, students here sit around an elliptical table, all together, much in the same manner as the legendary knights of the Round Table of Camelot did (with no head, and no ‘back of the class’), and all are involved in the intellectual discussions of the days’ topics. This is called the Harkness method, as has been used at prestigious academies such as Phillips Exeter of Exeter, New Hampshire, and Institut Le Rosey of Rolle, Switzerland.


    Physical Organization:

    Floors Directory:

    Most schools have one story, with the larger universities sometimes having a few or even several.  Counting the top of the torch our statue-like school is holding, ours has 90.  See what the Inisfreean students of each floor look like, which grade corresponds to their floor, and what that floor’s curriculum is:

    1. All Classes for Grade 1 (sub-surface)
    2. All Classes for Grade 2 (sub-surface)
    3. All Classes for Grade 3 (sub-surface)
    4. All Classes for Grade 4 (sub-surface)
    5. All Classes for Grade 5 (sub-surface)
    6. All Classes for Grade 6 (sub-surface)
    7. All Classes for Grade 7 (sub-surface)
    8. All Classes for Grade 8 (sub-surface)
    9. All Classes for Grade 9 (sub-surface)
    10. All Classes for Grade 10 (sub-surface)
    11. Vehicle Parking –thus Drivers Ed’ (grade 11; ground-level)
    12. Vehicle Parking; Drivers Ed’ (grade 12)
    13. Vehicle Parking; Drivers Ed’ (grade 14)
    14. Vehicle Parking; Drivers Ed’ (grade 15)
    15. Vehicle Parking; Drivers Ed’ (grade 16)
    16. Aircraft Parking; small ones such as the ‘Owl’ hover-saddle –thus Pilots Ed’ (grade 11)
    17. Aircraft Parking; Pilots Ed’ (grade 12)
    18. Aircraft Parking; Pilots Ed’ (grade 14)
    19. Aircraft Parking; Pilots Ed’ (grade 15)
    20. Aircraft Parking; Pilots Ed’ (grade 16)
    21. Storage; for school supplies, maintenance items, etc. (grade 11)
    22. Storage (grade 12)
    23. Storage (grade 14)
    24. Storage (grade 15)
    25. Storage (grade 16)
    26. Fitness, incl. Martial Arts and Paramilitary; gymnasiums with climbing ropes, obstacles, etc. (grade 11)
    27. Fitness, incl. Martial Arts and Paramilitary (grade 12)
    28. Fitness, incl. Martial Arts and Paramilitary (grade 14)
    29. Fitness, incl. Martial Arts and Paramilitary (grade 15)
    30. Fitness, incl. Martial Arts and Paramilitary (grade 16)
    31. Sciences (laboratories) & Hygiene; public walk-in showers for hundreds at a time (grade 11)
    32. Sciences & Hygiene (grade 12)
    33. Sciences & Hygiene (grade 14)
    34. Sciences & Hygiene (grade 15)
    35. Sciences & Hygiene (grade 16)
    36. Shop; Architecture, Carpentry, Masonry, Welding (grade 11)
    37. Shop; Architecture, Carpentry, Masonry, Welding (grade 12)
    38. Shop; Architecture, Carpentry, Masonry, Welding (grade 14)
    39. Shop; Architecture, Carpentry, Masonry, Welding (grade 15)
    40. Shop; Architecture, Carpentry, Masonry, Welding (grade 16)
    41. Student Lounges, Observatories, & Meditation Gardens, + Choir, Dance, snack2, Band, Speak’, Sex’, Garden’ (grade 11)
    42. Student Lounges, Observatories, & Meditation Gardens, + Choir, Dance, snack2, Band, Speak’, Sex’, Garden’ (grade 12)
    43. Student Lounges, Observatories, & Meditation Gardens, + Choir, Dance, snack2, Band, Speak’, Sex’, Garden’ (grade 14)
    44. Student Lounges, Observatories, & Meditation Gardens, + Choir, Dance, snack2, Band, Speak’, Sex’, Garden’ (grade 15)
    45. Student Lounges, Observatories, & Meditation Gardens, + Choir, Dance, snack2, Band, Speak’, Sex’, Garden’ (grade 16)
    46. Study Halls & Study Rooms (grade 11)
    47. Study Halls & Study Rooms (grade 12)
    48. Study Halls & Study Rooms (grade 14)
    49. Study Halls & Study Rooms (grade 15)
    50. Study Halls & Study Rooms (grade 16)
    51. Access between Lower & Upper levels
    52. Open-air platform where the building’s ‘dress/skirt exposing feet’ creates a 360° breezeway)
    53. Cooking & Dining; for Meal 3 (grade 11)
    54. Cooking & Dining (grade 12)
    55. Cooking & Dining (grade 14)
    56. Cooking & Dining (grade 15)
    57. Cooking & Dining (grade 16)
    58. History, Math, Social Studies, & Writing classes (grade 11)
    59. History, Math, Social Studies, & Writing classes (grade 12)
    60. History, Math, Social Studies, & Writing classes (grade 14)
    61. History, Math, Social Studies, & Writing classes (grade 15)
    62. History, Math, Social Studies, & Writing classes (grade 16)
    63. Dieting, Language, & Reading classes (grade 11)
    64. Dieting, Language, & Reading classes (grade 12)
    65. Dieting, Language, & Reading classes (grade 14)
    66. Dieting, Language, & Reading classes (grade 15)
    67. Dieting, Language, & Reading classes (grade 16)
    68. Cooking & Dining; for Meal 2 (grade 11)
    69. Cooking & Dining (grade 12)
    70. Cooking & Dining (grade 14)
    71. Cooking & Dining (grade 15)
    72. Cooking & Dining (grade 16)
    73. Massage (grade 11)
    74. Massage (grade 12)
    75. Massage (grade 14)
    76. Massage (grade 15)
    77. Massage (grade 16)
    78. Climbing, Camping, & Construction classes (grade 11)
    79. Climbing, Camping, & Construction classes (grade 12)
    80. Climbing, Camping, & Construction classes (grade 14)
    81. Climbing, Camping, & Construction classes (grade 15)
    82. Climbing, Camping, & Construction classes (grade 16)
    83. Faculty Offices & Lounge
    84. Grade-16 graduates’ BASE-jumping rooms
    85. (5th-highest torch-arm floor; the hand)
    86. (4th-highest torch-arm floor; the fingers)
    87. (3rd-highest torch-arm floor; the handle)
    88. (2nd-highest torch-arm floor; the ring balcony)
    89. (highest torch-arm floor; inside the torch itself)
    90. (a narrow perch atop the torch, outside in the Sun & breeze)


    Additional Information & Resources:

    University of Inisfree, online (U.I.O.):

    All of what LHS offers is available through our private Internet; the FOB-Net.  Those wishing to study beyond our school’s walls are welcome to, and it comes at no cost; there are no student loans or debt in our community.  Anyone who wants to revisit previous studies (after they have graduated and left a particular floor or class) can do so via the U.I.O., as well.

    Courses offered to Outlanders:  Details are here.


    Dress Code:

    Inisfree is a private residence and community which requires its members and guests to maintain top physical and mental health, and to demonstrate confidently that level of fitness and balance.  Those who achieve that tier of being are expected, as part of our culture, to show others their physique accomplishments while enjoying being very connected with nature and the elements.  This means we spend a healthy amount of time outside, exercising, and wearing very little clothing.  We uplift each other to be natural, out in the open, proud and heavenly.  The few times people in Inisfree do wear clothing, it is couture, and selected to match the themes of special venues and occasions.

    Female students & female guests must be in perfect shape and nude at all times, except when special gear for classes or school festivities (such as pep rallies; every female in her schoolyear’s kamisk, teddy, sash, or Dress Uniform) is prescribed.  For holidays recognized by Inisfree, themed attire may be worn if it is skimpy, revealing, and couture.  LHS letter-jackets may be worn by females, so long as they do not extend down below the breasts; they must reveal the entire abdominal region, as well as the waist, hips, and most of the back and ribs.  Females may wear pants if they are tight like yoga pants.  Skirts may be worn only if no panties are, and only if the skirt does not cover all of the ass or pelvic dimples; skirts concealing any of the legs are not permitted.  Footwear may not include high-heels.  Cosmetics, piercings, and other jewelry are banned.  Tattoos on non-Inisfreean female students are permitted from the neck down, but discouraged.  (All of these Dress Code guidelines are to encourage pride in the female form, and to discourage females from attempting to look masculine or neutral; we appreciate, value, and uplift distinct species, races, and sexes.)

    Male students & guests must wear at least opaque boxer-briefs, keeping their groins covered.  Normal masculine couture is encouraged, and includes muscle-shirts, gym shorts, and even kilts.  Footwear is optional, and, when worn, must be masculine.  Suits are rarely permitted, except in rare exceptions during Sotu businessman preparations.  (In Inisfree, males are held to this standard because Inisfree is the private residence of a heterosexual man; you dress according to the expectations of the head of the household, just as you expect people to dress how you feel is appropriate when visiting your own home.)

    For details on the uniforms of our school and the other Inisfreean organizations, navigate here.



    We live by The Inisfreean Way here (instead of The American Way), and that means a few distinctly different things you will notice at LHS and beyond:

    • Fraternization (to associate or mingle with others, such as guests at a party; to be friendly or amiable) is mandatory, and females must be bisexual (open to sharing loving interaction with both males and females), while males must be heterosexual; our culture, lifestyle, and religion hold that to be moral, compatible, and natural.  All else is immoral, incompatible, and unnatural for us.
    • Student-faculty intimacy & polyamorous relationships are mandatory (and required in order to complete coursework and pass classes such as Massage and Sex Ed).  This is because we are encouraging those compatible with us to connect on every level, and to value love over isolation or compartmentalization.  Sharing love does not interfere with studies, nor does it lead to favoritism; quite the contrary.  Furthermore, attraction between two or more people is their business alone, and it is illegal to interfere with natural attraction in Inisfree; Inisfreean police will protect this right.
    • Casual sexual interactions (such as fingering oneself or others while reading or writing) are permitted in all classrooms and AIOWs, provided they are not loud or otherwise interrupting any other students or teachers from their prescribed daily lessons.  (This helps reduce distractions & ailments, contrary to Outlander propaganda, and results in superior focus, retention, balance, attitude, outlook, bonding, communication, & health.)
    • Cussing is encouraged when it is mutually sexually pleasing, but not to interrupt teachers or students.  For example, students and teachers are welcome to use the word ‘fuck’ in a playful or enticing way, but not racial slurs or anything unappetizing.
    • Talk of anything gross (such as bowel movements, complaints, descriptions of Outlanders, medical procedures, vermin, etc.) is banned during all meal times, and a violation of this rule may result in expulsion (not merely detention).  Food, cooking, and meals are sacred.  There are no exceptions.
    • Gossip (casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true) will result in detention.  If you didn’t witness it, don’t talk about it.  If you can’t prove that your interpretations of something witnessed are accurate, don’t talk about it.
    • Talk above quiet whispers is banned at all times in all study halls and study rooms.  Even whispering is discouraged anywhere people are reading or studying.
    • Graffiti & vandalism are banned (and impossible, due to the smart-surfaces that LHS and all other Inisfreean buildings are made of).  If your style of art involves ‘tagging’ public structures with paint, you may only practice that outside of the Inisfreean territory.  Even carving one’s name in a tree is absolutely forbidden.  (You wouldn’t carve your name in a person or a corpse at a funeral, so don’t do that to the beings called trees, whether they are still living or fallen.)
    • Classes may not be interrupted, except for emergencies.  City-wide updates are available via our M.A.S., and Inisfreeans will determine if an update counts as an emergency.  All teachers working at LHS are Inisfreeans, thus they automatically know if there are any emergencies occurring across our realm.
    • Staying in the school ‘after hours’, such as overnight, is permissible when an Inisfreean teacher is present as the escort.
    • Each class must be mastered in a grade level prior to graduation; nothing below an ‘A’ will do.  It’s okay to restudy material, retake a class or grade, and retest.  It’s not okay to skip fundamentals or prerequisites, which would result in confusion and stress later on.
    • Students must be polite to each other; no bullying is allowed.  Our culture is one of love and compatibility, not pressure, threats, or abuse.  People have already had enough of that conditioning outside Inisfree by the time they discover and travel to us.
    • All Inisfreean-born girls are destined to graduate, but many Outlander girls visiting or living in Inisfree are not required nor expected to; it is well-understood that their destinies may involve only certain classes and fields of work, not our entire curriculum.  Graduating all 20 grades here in Inisfree is only required to become a certified Inisfreean Master Female.


    After Hours:

    Schools in the Outlands typically hold classes from 8 AM to 4 PM, with coaching available at 7 AM, and detention lasting until 5 or 6 PM.  That makes for an ~8-hour school-day.  At LHS, we operate on a 12-hour day:

    • LHS is open for classes from 6 AM to 6 PM, Inisfree-time (our time zone).
    • Teachers may arrive at ~5 AM and stay until 8 PM.
    • Students are responsible for janitorial services (just as they are in most schools of Japan and other civilized countries), so you will rarely see any Inisfreeans performing those duties beyond this window of time.
    • The school lights are kept on, but greatly dimmed, from 8 PM to 5 AM.
    • Approved clubs are allowed to meet on the LHS campus, and within some of the study halls & study rooms, provided no students or teachers need those areas for schoolwork.
    • From 9 PM to 4 AM, there is usually no one, other than routine Inisfreean police patrols, inside LHS (and they patrol even the parking levels, torch, & rooftops), but others are not banned.
    • The ‘liberty spikes’ are open for use only during graduation ceremonies when Inisfreean teachers and other personnel are present to instruct & otherwise assist.


    After-school Organizations:

    Sports are practiced at Flower Towers Field and other places across our realm.  Teams are voluntary, and can be all Inisfreeans, all Outlanders, or a mix of both.  Games are not based on competition, but teamwork and maintaining peak levels once it becomes improbable to ‘break records’.

    Clubs (such as Chess Club, Latin Club, Math Club, etc.) are present, but unaffiliated with LHS; generally, they are hosted at the residences of Outlanders who became citizens of Inisfree.  With room for billions of guests, our city also has room for millions of clubs, though only hundreds are likely.  Inquire at the individual level for more information.

    There is only one sorority; A.D.O..  Alpha Delta Omega (ADO) takes our Sex Ed teachings into a casual, friendly, familiar public setting.  Parties are preparation for the 17th & 18th grades (courses at our university; the Tantric Academy (TNA/T&A)), and ‘sisters’ in ADO progress through a color-coded system like those used for martial-arts belts & gis (starting with blue, advancing to red, and earning the black upon mastery of all ADO activities/events).



    Month 5: Maiesta (Reverence & Graduations)
    Week 3
    Day 1: Sun-day (reveal), May 7: LHS Graduation (1st-16th grades; all)

    All 15 grades of this school graduate on the same day, and this is possible because each grade except the 16th one graduates in an auditorium classroom of its own floor-level in the school-building, with only the 16th-grade graduates jumping off the liberty-spikes of that building to then meet up on the grass outside the surface foundation; no one gets in anyone else’s way, so we don’t have to host each grade-level’s graduation-ceremony at a different time.

    The Spikes:

    Just like the Statue of Liberty, this building has 7 of them.
    They extend 66′ out from the sides (and at a slightly upward angle)… of a ~227′ (ear to ear) to 232′ (forehead to head back) diameter head-top surface-area = ~232′-diameter between opposite spike-tips
    That is a 63.5′ clearance past the sides of the head-section,
    That is a 66′ clearance past the sides of the head-section,
    That is a 73.5′ clearance past the sides of the neck-section,
    That is a 13.5′ clearance past the sides of the torso-section,
    and a 26.5′ overlap (per side) of the pelvis-section farther down; the graduating-student in freefall must get a running start of his/her ‘liberty-spike’ in order to be moving away from the LHS outer-surface enough to avoid that part of the building.
    The upper-legs section farther down has a 67′ overlap per side; the student in freefall must continue maneuvering out away from LHS in order to keep clearing these lower-sections’ overlaps/wideness.
    The lower-legs section has an 86.5′ overlap per side.
    The feet section/level has a 136.5′ overlap per side.
    The pedestal-top has a 146.5′ overlap per side.
    The pedestal-neck has a 156.5′ overlap per side.
    The pedestal-balcony has a 219.5′ overlap per side.
    The pedestal-arches has a 219.5′ overlap per side.
    The pedestal-midsection has a 219.5′ overlap per side.
    The fan-out section has a 219.5′ overlap per side.
    The foundation-top has a 286.5′ overlap per side.
    The foundation-midsection has a 516.5′ overlap per side.
    The foundation-base has a 916.5′ overlap per side.
    While falling the 1,370′ from spike-tip to ground-level, each student must maneuver 917′ away from where he/she jumped;
    for every foot they descend, they must move a little more than half a foot out.
    During their first 245′ down (~25 stories; as they pass the crown, head, neck, and torso), they have time to open their ‘chute or wingsuit-maneuver out/away.
    245’ in freefall passes in ~2.8 seconds; each student will have ~2 seconds to open their ‘chute and begin maneuvering away from LHS.
    Once their ‘chute is deployed, maneuvering away at a slower falling speed becomes much easier.
    Typically, students with a running-start off an LHS liberty-spike will clear ~1-2 dozen horizontal feet, and continue moving away from LHS at a decreasing rate as their freefall begins, thus affording them another few seconds to begin maneuvering away before approaching LHS’s lower (wider) sections.
    Students have up to 14 Earth-years of skydiving practice by the time they do this graduation BASE-jump; they are better prepared than most Outlands human skydivers / wing-suiters.
    The world-record for lowest BASE-jump was from a height of 95′, by the way; students here have ~14.4x that distance to work with.



    Novels Excerpt:

    Inisfreeans wake earlier than most outsiders, and so have their breakfasts earlier. For most first-time visitors to Inisfree, when they have breakfast it is already brunch time for the Inisfreeans. 7 AM in Inisfree is when many are having their second light meal of the day.

    From the Spanish-tile rooftops of Inisfree’s Waterfall City, Auz walked with Lucifera back down through the Apartments Array, along one of its canals, past one side of the square area for all the Earthships, and up to the mighty base of the terraced foundation that Inisfree’s school building literally stood upon. Standing more than 90 stories tall, Liberty High School looked like a much larger version of New York’s Statue of Liberty. In keeping with the Inisfreean tradition of staying natural and connected with the earth, sky, and waters, another difference it displayed was that of not being covered in a metallic robe.

    Several luxurious motorcoaches had driven up to the drop-off lanes and let out hundreds of students, many of which had come from the Apartments Array and other neighborhoods across the city. Hundreds more had walked the whole way, preferring that lifestyle and level of fitness. Many were barefoot, just as Auz had been.

    By 6:10 AM, not 8, classes were started. Some students arrived at later times, as all students here were welcome to complete only the courses and grades that interested them. The parking lots (all tastefully contained within the spacious and landscaped base of the school building) had Inisfreean policewomen assisting with the direction of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, though there was never a single line, nor congestion of any kind. They also assisted the students arriving by personal aircraft; some had, essentially, what looked like flying motorcycles, and there were parking-garage levels just for them.

    When it came time for brunch in Inisfree; 6:55 AM to 7:10, Auz led the way up an AIOW to one of the open-air dining courtyards so Lucifera could see how it was done. Inisfreeans and several other students were demonstrating various recipes they knew, plating and serving each other, rehearsing pleasantries and dining etiquette. From one table to the next, beautiful and mouth-watering presentations were laid out for all passing by to note and sample from.

    Some sat together and hand-fed each other. Others preferred to stand or continue walking toward their next classroom and assignment. The whole atmosphere was one of very approachable light-heartedness, and all the food smelled divine. There was only water, tea, and juice to drink; no alcohol, coffee, milk, or soda.

    For the next couple of hours, Lucifera got to check out classrooms in session, the higher levels of their towering school building, and meet with some of the faculty. Each time the classes let out, students gracefully moved up and down through the school’s AIOWs, often greeting their teachers and the campus policewomen with loving hugs. “We are one!” was exchanged heartily here and there, often paired with excited waving or blowing a kiss farewell. Liberty High School was a very happy place.

    Outside, and across one of the city’s crystal-clear canals, was the school’s equally-impressive playground; like the school building itself, their playground was much taller than a human one. It had several stories worth of scaffolding and other structures to climb and jump from. Trampolines, safety nets, and other helpful features were all over the place. The students making use of the playground seemed to climb, flip, and play tag without ever getting tired. Even the teachers and police joined in. The musical laughter abounded.

    Part of this playground area, which spanned a square quarter-mile, was another very tall and wide attraction; the permanent moon-bounce here had an inflatable, anatomically-correct, larger-than-life likeness of a human woman. Its purpose was to teach people exactly where the organs were and how they were connected, helping them to better diagnose and treat themselves if ever a stomach ache or other common issue arose. Acupuncturists, doctors, masseuses, medical students, nurses, and others all benefited from this rare opportunity to explore the anatomy without having to rely on a book, a cadaver, or virtual reality. It was also particularly helpful for anyone planning on exploring the remains, petrified or otherwise, of a fallen Titan –and to determine if a cave system they were in bore similarities to a Titan’s humanoid internal workings.

    Lunch was back in their school building; they were served by talented students in one of its open-air cafeterias 57 stories up, and just below the shoulders and collar-bone area of the school’s exterior, they had another high-life view. There were other cafeteria-levels as high as 72 stories up. Students at LHS were very well-acquainted with heights, the sky, and work in highest offices.

    The students who joined them at their cafeteria table told of their final year of classes in that building; they were in Inisfree’s 16th grade, with one semester left before graduating on to its university and more. Auz asked them to tell Lucifera what graduating here meant. “BASE-jumping!” one of the students excitedly exclaimed; to graduate, they explained, one had to jump off the liberty-spikes another 27 floors above, parachuting all the way down to where the diplomas were handed out.



    General Appearance of the Building:

    Areas of Inisfree the Different Grade-brackets are Authorized For:


    Floor Layouts:


    Schedule Color-coding:

    • Drab-green: Starting outside, approaching The School.
    • Peach: After exerting (walking/PK-ing (Parkour) to school), cleaning and then burning off the sex-drive increase.
    • Red: Cooling down from sex with the first break (and light snack; meal 2 for the day), then a sit-down class.
    • Light-green: exercise, as prescribed by CrossFit, 1 hour after eating regular (normal-sized) meal.
    • Blue: swim to elasticize, cool-down, and refresh/re-hydrate all muscle groups after workout (cool-down is almost always aquatic, rather than perambulatory (walking)).
    • Purple: lower-intensity semi-workouts and mostly sedentary learning to let the body recover/rebuild while the mind is distracted from the light fatigue.
    • Sky-blue: free-falling to relax and refresh after full (not “long”) day of education/training (“the joy of training” crowned with free-fall).
    • Mocha-tan-cream: laboratories to wrap up day with sterilizing (pre-home hygiene) to ensure homes are kept perfectly clean.

    Course-numbers Chart (1500, 1501, 1502, etc.) Color-coding:

    • Blue: involve access to the canal adjacent The School, and likely (as the course progresses) the ponds and lakes, too.
    • Drab-green: involve outdoors activities in greenbelts (progressing into the biolume/glow-forest and the swamp).
    • Light-green: involve both outdoors and aquatic/water/submarine activities.
    • Mocha-tan-cream: involve sealed laboratories (including at The Hospital, the Quarantine Facility, and The School’s lab’s).
    • Peach: involve frequent, daily, holistic (sexual included) interaction with faculty and classmates (often included in Purple-highlighted).
    • Purple: involve modeling at Statue Park, the Performing Arts Center, and the Mall’s Abercrofty ‘store’
      (‘store’ in the strictest sense of the term; ‘where items are stored’, as nothing is bought or sold in Inisfree).
    • Red: involve meditation areas like gardens, classrooms, and biotecture rooftops/balconies.
    • Sky-blue: involve aerial training (piloting and free-fall).


    Classes are ordered based on:

    1. Drab-green: Starting outside, approaching The School.
    2. Peach: After exerting (walking/PK-ing (Parkour) to school), cleaning and then burning off the sex-drive increase.
    3. Red: Cooling down from sex with the first break (and light snack; meal 2 for the day), then a sit-down class.
    4. Light-green: exercise, as prescribed by CrossFit, 1 hour after eating regular (normal-sized) meal.
    5. Blue: swim to elasticize, cool-down, and refresh/re-hydrate all muscle groups after workout (cool-down is almost always aquatic, rather than perambulatory (walking)).
    6. Purple: lower-intensity semi-workouts and mostly sedentary learning to let the body recover/rebuild while the mind is distracted from the light fatigue.
    7. Sky-blue: free-falling to relax and refresh after full (not “long”) day of education/training (“the joy of training” crowned with free-fall).
    8. Mocha-tan-cream: laboratories to wrap up day with sterilizing (pre-home hygiene) to ensure homes are kept perfectly clean.


    Surrounding Terrain, Views, & Concepts:

    All our graduations start with BASE-jumping and end with fireworks.  We love our students that much.


    2022 Update:  Capacity

    2,000,000,000 (2B) total allies/family of Inisfree (in/by the 23000s, A.D., and beyond), most of them already well-educated, so only a small portion of them taking any classes here, could mean ~95,297 would be here and wanting to come to LHS for study each Earth-year; that’s from 2B divided by the number of years between 2013 and “capacity”.

    In other words, for simplicity’s sake, if we estimate that everyone takes not the full 20 years of classes available here, and not all the different classes, but only a year or so of just the classes they are interested in, LHS may have, at most, ~95K students at a time.  (The other end of this potentials-spectrum:  If those 2B did instead predominantly decide to complete the 20 years of classes and training we offer, including the 15 ones based in LHS, ~95K could, after 19 years of those people showing up like that, become ~1,900,000 students attending classes of some sort in Inisfree at any given time.)

    Naturally, some people will come and go; some will choose to return after a year or more off between classes/studies. This may continue for eternity, as we offer an incredible amount of learning here, and people, no matter how long-lived, almost always prefer to return to school or training in intervals.  In other words, we are not expecting this school’s student-population to be at/above the million mark.

    95K students in this building (not counting ICVs ‘pretend’-studying here), spread out evenly into all grade-levels (1 through 12, plus 14 through 16; 15 grades) = 6,333 per grade –again, at one projected possible capacity.

    Our floors are in vertical groups, the lowest group having the longest diameter, and the uppermost group having the shortest.
    Our 10 lowest floors also each have classrooms for all of our first 10 grade-levels; many more students attend classes in the first 10 floors of this building.
    Floors 11 and up are, with a few exceptions, grouped into stacks of 5 floors, and each floor in each of those stacks is for just one grade-level.


    Square-feet per Floor:

    The floors of LHS are in vertical groups, starting with those in the lowest part of the foundation, and continuing up until they branch out into 1) the torch-holding arm, and 2) the neck and head.  Each vertical group of floors has floors with the same dimensions/diameter.  They are elaborated upon as follows.

    1. Foundation-subsurface (10 floors) diameter (D) = ~2,060′; area = ~3,330,000 sq.ft. (x10, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = room for ~1,332,000 students)
      (*Since we aren’t just making room for students in all 10 first grades in each of these floors, but for our ~81 different subjects’ (36 non-language subjects, and 45 languages) separate classrooms, 3,330,000/37 = ~90,000 sq.ft. available for each of our 37 subjects in each of these first 10 floors of LHS; ~300′ x ~300′; room for ~3,600 students in each of those areas/sections of each of these 10 floors.
      Many of our classrooms are auditoriums for (at most) ~30 students in each of ~10 terraces (rows of desks); ~300 students.
      10 rows/terraces of 30 desks (per terrace) needs ~50′ x ~150′ of space; ~7,500 sq.ft. per 300-student classroom.
      7,500 fits into 3,330,000 sq.ft. 444 times; each of these 10 floors has room for ~444 of these 300-student classrooms.
      444 classrooms for 37 subjects = 12 classrooms per subject; in each of these 10 floors, we can assign 12 rooms for the teaching of each of our 37 subjects.
      (Since 1 of our subjects has 45 subsets (since we can teach 45 languages here), 45/12 = 3-4 languages taught in each of those 12 classrooms reserved for the Languages subject; during our school-days, each of these classrooms will teach only a few classes for each language which is in demand.)
      Most students here only take 1 language class per year (so, if taking 1 of each of our other subjects in addition to their 1 language-class, they would be in 37 classes per school-day –which averages out to ~15 minutes per class after subtracting 180 minutes for 5-minute travel-times between our ~12-hour daily set of classes); we can estimate spreading out our maximum student population across 37 classes (not all 81 down here).
      133,200 students per floor, spread out across our 37 classrooms-areas (a.k.a. subjects-sections) per floor = ~3,600 students per school-day class (in any of floors 1-10) when we are “at capacity” (max’ed out, millennia in the future).
      3,600 students spread out into the 12 rooms per subject = 300 students in each of our 300-student classrooms/auditoriums.
    2. Foundation-base (5 floors) D=~2,060′; area = ~3,330,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~600 sq.ft. per vehicle parking-space = room for ~27,750 personal vehicles; cars, etc.)
      ~5,550 personal-vehicle parking-spaces in each of these 5 parking-garage floors/levels
    3. Foundation-midsection (5 floors) D=~1,260′; area = ~1,250,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~300 sq.ft. per “Owl” (or Owl-sized personal air/hovercraft) = room for ~20,833 personal air/hovercraft)
      ~4,166 personal-air/hovercraft parking-spaces / landing-pads in each of these 5 aircraft-hangars floors/levels
    4. Foundation-top (5 floors) D=~800′; area = ~503,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~100 sq.ft. per school-supplies storage-room = room for ~25,150 storage rooms)
      ~5,030 closet-sized storage-rooms in each of these storage floors/levels
    5. Fan-out (5 floors) D=~666′; area = ~348,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = room for ~69,600 students)
      ~13,920 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
    6. Pedestal-midsection (5 floors) D=~666′; area = ~348,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = room for ~69,600 students)
      ~13,920 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
    7. Pedestal-arches (5 floors) D=~666′; area = ~348,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = room for ~69,600 students)
      ~13,920 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
    8. Pedestal-balcony (5 floors) D=~666′; area = ~348,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = room for ~69,600 students)
      ~13,920 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
    9. Pedestal-neck (5 floors) D=~540′; area = ~229,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~45,800 students)
      ~9,160 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
    10. Pedestal-top (1 floor) D=~520′; area = ~212,000 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~8,480 students *IN CLUB SCHOOLGIRL*)
      (*Most students only come here to dance and hangout for an hour or so, so if they cycled through, ~60,000 students “at capacity” (if that is how many we end up seeing here during the height of enrollment, millennia ahead) would need ~7 hours; ~6 PM to 1 AM –and that would be unheard-of; no events are hosted in this night-club calling for our entire student-body to show up at the same time.)
    11. Statue-feet (1 floor) D=~500′; area = ~196,000 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~7,840 students *IN THIS BREEZEWAY/COURTYARD*)
    12. Statue-lower-legs (5 floors) D=~400′; area = ~126,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~25,200 students *IN THESE LOWER CAFETERIAS*)
      ~5,040 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
      (*These are still circular floors; this building is of a naked girl standing on a pedestal, but even her legs are inside transparent-medal disc-like floor/level-cylinders.)
      [(25,200 students per hour-long lunch (“meal 3” in our schedule/chart)) x (up to 12 lunch-hours per school-day here) = (a capacity for up to 302,400 students eating/fed/dining here per school-day)]
      Most students don’t need or use this entire hour we’ve allotted per day for lunch, so even “at capacity” these 5 floors are never full. Some students also choose to eat in a study room, or in their vehicles, or off campus.
    13. Statue-upper-legs (5 floors) D=~320′; area = ~80,400 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~16,080 students)
      ~3,216 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
      (*These floors are narrower than those around the lower legs, because the building-girl’s stance is bold-legged to show confidence via a superheroine pose.)
    14. Statue-pelvis (5 floors) D=~280′; area = ~61,600 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~12,320 students)
      ~2,464 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
    15. Statue-torso (5 floors) D=~200′; area = ~31,400 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~6,280 students *IN THESE UPPER CAFETERIAS*)
      ~1,256 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
      (*These floors are in the waist of this building-statue, thus narrower than lower floors because this vertical section is in the waist area which is proportionately narrower than the hips.)
      [(6,280 students per 15-minute pre-lunch (“meal 2” in our schedule/chart)) x (up to 48 such 15-minute periods per school-day here) = (a capacity for up to 301,440 students eating/fed/dining here per school-day)]
      Again, most students don’t need or use this entire hour we’ve allotted per day for lunch, so even “at capacity” these 5 floors are never full. Some students also choose to eat in a study room, or in their vehicles, or off campus.
    16. Statue-neck (5 floors) D=~80′; area = ~5,000 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~1,000 students)
      ~200 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
      (*Narrowest of all the classroom-levels, this means that LHS has a capacity in its Camping, Climbing, and Construction classes of only ~333 students per subject (enough for ~1.1 300-student classrooms, but spread out in much smaller classrooms in each of these 5 floors; 1 ~67-student classroom (spanning ~1,500 sq.ft.; 1/3 of the available 5,000 sq.ft. per floor, which is enough for 3 rows/terraces of 30 desks per terrace, just closer together than in our normal 300-person classrooms on larger floors below (desk centers here being ~2.5′ apart, as opposed to the standard 5′ in normal larger classrooms);
      once we have more students than ~17,982 (333 students per subject x ~54 possible 10-minute class-periods taught in any of these classrooms per subject per school-day) who enrolled in any of those three classes (Camping, Climbing, or Construction) per grade-level, we’ll offer outside, near-campus, and online (via U.I.O. via our FOB-Net) extensions/expansion/options.)
      [(Our school-day is from ~6 AM to 6 PM; ~12 hours; 720 minutes – 180 minutes (36 5-minute travel-times between our 37 classes) = 540 minutes) / (a 10-minute class) = (time in 1 school-day for ~54 classes in that classroom)]
      [(~12 hours; 720 minutes – 180 = 540) / (a 15-minute class) = (time in 1 school-day for ~36 classes in that classroom)]
      [(~12 hours; 720 minutes – 180 = 540) / (a 30-minute class) = (time in 1 school-day for ~18 classes in that classroom)]
      [(~12 hours; 720 minutes – 180 = 540) / (a 60-minute class) = (time in 1 school-day for ~9 classes in that classroom)]
    17. Statue-head (5 floors) D=~95′; area = ~7,100 sq.ft. (x5, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~1,420 students)
      ~284 students can comfortably be seated at individual desks in each of these floors
    18. Statue-crown (1 floor) D=~100′; area = ~7,800 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~312 faculty/teachers *IN THESE STAFF LOUNGES/OFFICES*)
      (*These are mostly for non-ICV teachers, as ICVs don’t need meetings or rest/lounges. 312/75 classroom-levels = ~4 non-ICV teachers per classroom-level can be up here at the same time.)
    19. Statue-spikes (1 floor) D=~100′; area = ~7,800 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~312 students *ON THIS GRADUATION-SKYDIVING PLATFORM*)
      (*While the each spike extends out ~66′ from the outer edge of the ‘crown’, the only available square footage to have a class sit/stand in/on is on top of that crown, not on the spikes.)
      This means that a graduating class of ~60,000 would file up onto this roof level ~300 at a time. Using the seven ‘liberty spikes’ 7 students at a time (1 student walking/standing on each spike), each student given ~30 seconds to walk out to the tip and BASE-jump (all 7 in each group of 7 jumping at roughly the same time), each group of 300 will need ~21 minutes (300/7… x 30sec = 1,286 seconds). At 21min/300, 60,000 will need ~70 hours; ~3 days (200 groups of 300… x 21min… divided by 60min); graduations millennia in our future may be as long as 3 days.
      (Students will arrive at different times, each group able to get into their skydiving harnesses/backpacks for half an hour before walking up to the roof to enjoy their graduation jumps. *ICVs monitoring automatically record each jump and give the respective jumpers/graduates the option to publish the recording of his/her jump on their own FOB-Book webpage.)
    20. Statue-raised-arm (8 floors) D=~40′ at the bottom (shoulder-attachment); area = ~1,200 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~48 students *IN THIS AIOW*),
      narrowing to D=~30′ in the forearm (near and at the wrist); area = ~700 sq.ft. (x6, then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~168 students *IN THIS AIOW*),
      then D=~35′ at the top (hand); area = ~900 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~36 students *IN THIS AIOW*).
    21. Statue-torch (3 floors) D=~25′ for the handle; area = ~500 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~20 students *IN THIS AIOW*),
      then D=~35′ for the ‘disc’ below the ‘flame’; area = ~900 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~36 students *ON THIS WRAPAROUND BALCONY*),
      then D=~30′ for the ‘flame’ (observatory); area = ~700 sq.ft. (then divide by ~25 sq.ft. per student = ~28 students *IN THIS SINGLE-ROOM OBSERVATORY – WITH MULTIPLE TELESCOPES IN ALL DIRECTIONS*).
      Because there is so little room in this part of LHS, it is reserved for small groups of students from either the Universe History class, or a related Sciences category class.
      Counting the floors in this arm of LHS, a group of 336 students can occupy the space/floors of this entire arm (up to and including inside the observatory/flame level).
      Those 336 students will each get a turn to practice using one of the 28 telescopes arranged at even intervals along the inside wall of the ‘flame’ (each telescope area/span occupying ~12.86° of that circular wall).
      Our history and sciences classes are 10 minutes long, so that’s not enough time for their students to come to this part of LHS and each get a minute on one of these telescopes; we instead allow them to come “after hours”, one group of (at most) 336 per night, staying as long as they like (until ~dawn).
      ~12 hours per night (from dusk to dawn) = just enough time for a max’-size group (336 students) to use this part of LHS (i.e. each student in that group having a minute or two on one of the telescopes).
      [(28 telescopes in use per group of students in the ‘flame’) x (2 minutes per student) = ~1 hour per group of 28 students] …and [(336 students at most per arm-occupy group)/(28 students in the ‘flame’ at a time) = 12 groups] …so 12 x 1 = 12 hours.
      (336 students per night) x (365 nights per year) = up to 122,640 students using the LHS telescopes each year.
      *Those who want more time on a telescope, when these 28 in LHS are reserved overnight, can fly up to our larger observatory; the one at the top of Cloud City II.

    We only have 2 or more ICVs in each room (up to the seating/desk capacity of each given room) scheduled for use in teaching one or more non-ICV student/s; we do not station ICVs in rooms not being used to teach our guests/residents.  For example, when our school had only its first non-ICV student, ~299 ICVs were assigned to the same sequence of classes that student had (bringing all that student’s 37 300-student classrooms up to their full capacity), and 37 ICVs were assigned as the teachers for those 37 classroom.  A few kajirae were also assigned to those classes, such as to help with demonstrating various techniques, restocking school supplies, performing janitorial duties, etc..  (We do not need to staff or guard the unused rooms in this school building because the rooms are part of Inisfree; they are conscious extensions of the Grid Mind, thus they monitor and upkeep themselves.)


    Summing the Per-floor Students-capacities:

    These are how many human-sized students can be comfortably seated/taught in each of our groups/sections of floors/levels.

    • 1,332,000 for floors 1-10
    • + 27,750 drivers-ed’ students in the parking-lot floors
    • + 20,830 pilots-ed’ students in the personal-aircraft floors
    • + 13,920 students x 20 floors = 278,400 students
    • + 45,800 students in the (total of the) next 5 floors
    • (8,480 students in the club is for hangouts; this capacity is not part of the total capacity of this school regarding how many students it can have enrolled per year)
    • (7,840 students able to fit in the breezeway/courtyard-level is also not part of this total)
    • + 25,200 for lower cafeterias (culinary-arts class/es)
    • + 16,080 in the upper-legs floors
    • + 12,320 students in the pelvis-section floors
    • + 6,280 in the upper cafeterias (torso/chest; tits area; the perfect place to get sustenance)
    • + 1,000 students in the neck-section floors
    • + 1,420 students in the head-section floors
    • = 1,760,803 if every floor is maxed, every classroom full (which means many will be taking U.I.O. classes because they cannot fit in all floors)

    Adding the maximum students capacity of each of LHS’s floors is just one way of estimating how many students may/can be in attendance here; we could instead, for example, calculate an estimate based on how many students will cycle through classroom-periods on each floor each school-day.


    Students-capacity by Grade-level:

    Since grades 1-10 are in LHS’s largest (by far) floors, those grades have a much higher capacity (maximum potential students-population) — ~9.6x higher.

    1. Grade-level 1 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    2. Grade-level 2 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    3. Grade-level 3 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    4. Grade-level 4 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    5. Grade-level 5 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    6. Grade-level 6 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    7. Grade-level 7 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    8. Grade-level 8 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    9. Grade-level 9 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    10. Grade-level 10 can have as many as 133,200 students enrolled per school-year.
    11. Grade-level 11 can have as many as 13,920 students enrolled per school-year (up to 5,550 on floor 11, up to 4,166 on floor 16, up to 13,920 on floor 26, up to 13,920 on floor 31, up to 13,920 on floor 36, up to 13,920 on floor 41, up to 9,160 on floor 46, up to 5,040 on floor 53, up to 3,216 on floor 58, up to 2,464 on floor 63, up to 1,256 on floor 68, up to 200 on floor 73, and up to 284 on floor 78).
    12. Grade-level 12 can have as many as 13,920 students enrolled per school-year (up to 5,550 on floor 12, up to 4,166 on floor 17, up to 13,920 on floor 27, up to 13,920 on floor 32, up to 13,920 on floor 37, up to 13,920 on floor 42, up to 9,160 on floor 47, up to 5,040 on floor 54, up to 3,216 on floor 59, up to 2,464 on floor 64, up to 1,256 on floor 69, up to 200 on floor 74, and up to 284 on floor 79).
    13. Grade-level 14 can have as many as 13,920 students enrolled per school-year (up to 5,550 on floor 13, up to 4,166 on floor 18, up to 13,920 on floor 28, up to 13,920 on floor 33, up to 13,920 on floor 38, up to 13,920 on floor 43, up to 9,160 on floor 48, up to 5,040 on floor 55, up to 3,216 on floor 60, up to 2,464 on floor 65, up to 1,256 on floor 70, up to 200 on floor 75, and up to 284 on floor 80).
    14. Grade-level 15 can have as many as 13,920 students enrolled per school-year (up to 5,550 on floor 14, up to 4,166 on floor 19, up to 13,920 on floor 29, up to 13,920 on floor 34, up to 13,920 on floor 39, up to 13,920 on floor 44, up to 9,160 on floor 49, up to 5,040 on floor 56, up to 3,216 on floor 61, up to 2,464 on floor 66, up to 1,256 on floor 71, up to 200 on floor 76, and up to 284 on floor 81).
    15. Grade-level 16 can have as many as 13,920 students enrolled per school-year (up to 5,550 on floor 15, up to 4,166 on floor 20, up to 13,920 on floor 30, up to 13,920 on floor 35, up to 13,920 on floor 40, up to 13,920 on floor 45, up to 9,160 on floor 50, up to 5,040 on floor 57, up to 3,216 on floor 62, up to 2,464 on floor 67, up to 1,256 on floor 72, up to 200 on floor 77, and up to 284 on floor 82).

    If we base our maximum per-grade-level student-capacity on how many can fit in our smallest levels/floors, each of grades 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 could only have 200 students; that is how many human-sized people can be seated at desks in our smallest levels/floors.  (133,200 students x 10 grades = 1,332,000 students) + (200 students x 5 grades = 1,000) = 1,333,000 students.  As many as ~1.3M students could be at LHS each day for classes based on that calculation.

    If we base our maximum per-grade-level student-capacity on how many can fit in our largest levels/floors, each of grades 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 could have 13,920 students; that is how many human-sized people can be seated at desks in our smallest levels/floors.  (133,200 students x 10 grades = 1,332,000 students) + (13,920 students x 5 grades = 69,600) = 1,401,600 students.  As many as ~1.4M students could be at LHS each day for classes based on that calculation.

    If we base our maximum per-grade-level student-capacity on how many can fit in our largest levels/floors –multiplied by how many classes/periods (not just subjects or classrooms) can be taught each 12-hour school-day on those floors–, each of grades 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 could have 751,680 students (13,920 students x up to 54 10-minute classes per 12-hour school-day); that is how many human-sized people can be seated at desks in our smallest levels/floors.  (133,200 students x 10 grades = 1,332,000 students) + (751,680 students x 5 grades = 3,758,400) = 5,090,400 students.  As many as ~5M students could be at LHS each day for classes “at capacity” (though most of them would have to take some of their classes online; via U.I.O.).

    So we can estimate that between 1 and 5 million students can, and eventually will, attend some of the classes here at LHS each year.


    Students-capacity of Each Subject:

    Here we calculate the maximum number of students we can enroll in each subject.  This is based on how certain floors only teach certain subjects, thus their square-footage must be divided evenly amongst the subjects taught on/in them.  If, for example, there was a floor with enough square-feet to comfortably seat 900 students, and classrooms for three different subjects were part of that floor, up to 300 students could be enrolled (for in-person classes; not counting online ones via U.I.O.) in each of those three subjects.

    1. Foundation-subsurface floor 1:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects.
    2. Foundation-subsurface floor 2:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    3. Foundation-subsurface floor 3:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    4. Foundation-subsurface floor 4:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    5. Foundation-subsurface floor 5:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    6. Foundation-subsurface floor 6:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    7. Foundation-subsurface floor 7:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    8. Foundation-subsurface floor 8:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    9. Foundation-subsurface floor 9:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    10. Foundation-subsurface floor 10:  ~133,200 students; ~3,600 students in each of our 37 subjects
    11. Foundation-base floor 11:  ~5,550 students in Drivers Ed’.
    12. Foundation-base floor 12:  ~5,550 students in Drivers Ed’.
    13. Foundation-base floor 13:  ~5,550 students in Drivers Ed’.
    14. Foundation-base floor 14:  ~5,550 students in Drivers Ed’.
    15. Foundation-base floor 15:  ~5,550 students in Drivers Ed’.
    16. Foundation-midsection floor 16:  ~4,166 students in Pilots Ed’ (though this subject includes off-campus time).
    17. Foundation-midsection floor 17:  ~4,166 students in Pilots Ed’ (though this subject includes off-campus time).
    18. Foundation-midsection floor 18:  ~4,166 students in Pilots Ed’ (though this subject includes off-campus time).
    19. Foundation-midsection floor 19:  ~4,166 students in Pilots Ed’ (though this subject includes off-campus time).
    20. Foundation-midsection floor 20:  ~4,166 students in Pilots Ed’ (though this subject includes off-campus time).
    21. Foundation-top floor 21:  0 students; this is a storage level.
    22. Foundation-top floor 22:  0 students; this is a storage level.
    23. Foundation-top floor 23:  0 students; this is a storage level.
    24. Foundation-top floor 24:  0 students; this is a storage level.
    25. Foundation-top floor 25:  0 students; this is a storage level.
    26. Fan-out floor 26:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Phys’ Ed’, “Fitness & Holistic Wellness”, and Recess) taught on this level.
    27. Fan-out floor 27:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Phys’ Ed’, “Fitness & Holistic Wellness”, and Recess) taught on this level.
    28. Fan-out floor 28:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Phys’ Ed’, “Fitness & Holistic Wellness”, and Recess) taught on this level.
    29. Fan-out floor 29:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Phys’ Ed’, “Fitness & Holistic Wellness”, and Recess) taught on this level.
    30. Fan-out floor 30:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Phys’ Ed’, “Fitness & Holistic Wellness”, and Recess) taught on this level.
    31. Pedestal-midsection floor 31:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Hygiene, Science) taught on this level.
    32. Pedestal-midsection floor 32:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Hygiene, Science) taught on this level.
    33. Pedestal-midsection floor 33:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Hygiene, Science) taught on this level.
    34. Pedestal-midsection floor 34:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Hygiene, Science) taught on this level.
    35. Pedestal-midsection floor 35:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Hygiene, Science) taught on this level.
    36. Pedestal-arches floor 36:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Shop) taught on this level.
    37. Pedestal-arches floor 37:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Shop) taught on this level.
    38. Pedestal-arches floor 38:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Shop) taught on this level.
    39. Pedestal-arches floor 39:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Shop) taught on this level.
    40. Pedestal-arches floor 40:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (Shop) taught on this level.
    41. Pedestal-balcony floor 41:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (lounges & meditation Gardens; Choir, Dance, Band, Public Speaking, Sex’ Ed’, and Gardening) taught on this level.
    42. Pedestal-balcony floor 42:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (lounges & meditation Gardens; Choir, Dance, Band, Public Speaking, Sex’ Ed’, and Gardening) taught on this level.
    43. Pedestal-balcony floor 43:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (lounges & meditation Gardens; Choir, Dance, Band, Public Speaking, Sex’ Ed’, and Gardening) taught on this level.
    44. Pedestal-balcony floor 44:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (lounges & meditation Gardens; Choir, Dance, Band, Public Speaking, Sex’ Ed’, and Gardening) taught on this level.
    45. Pedestal-balcony floor 45:  ~13,920 students total means ~ in each class (lounges & meditation Gardens; Choir, Dance, Band, Public Speaking, Sex’ Ed’, and Gardening) taught on this level.
    46. Pedestal-neck floor 46:  ~9,160 students total means ~ in each class (Study Halls/Rooms) taught on this level.
    47. Pedestal-neck floor 47:  ~9,160 students total means ~ in each class (Study Halls/Rooms) taught on this level.
    48. Pedestal-neck floor 48:  ~9,160 students total means ~ in each class (Study Halls/Rooms) taught on this level.
    49. Pedestal-neck floor 49:  ~9,160 students total means ~ in each class (Study Halls/Rooms) taught on this level.
    50. Pedestal-neck floor 50:  ~9,160 students total means ~ in each class (Study Halls/Rooms) taught on this level.
    51. Pedestal-top floor 51:  0 per class; there are no classes here (~8,480 students can fit *IN CLUB SCHOOLGIRL*).
    52. Statue-feet floor 52:  0 per class; there are no classes here (~7,840 students can fit *IN THIS BREEZEWAY/COURTYARD*).
    53. Statue-lower-legs floor 53:  ~5,040 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    54. Statue-lower-legs floor 54:  ~5,040 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    55. Statue-lower-legs floor 55:  ~5,040 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    56. Statue-lower-legs floor 56:  ~5,040 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    57. Statue-lower-legs floor 57:  ~5,040 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    58. Statue-upper-legs floor 58:  ~3,216 students total means ~ in each class (Histories (Ancient Earth (including Ley-lines), and Universe), Math, and Social Studies) taught on this level.
    59. Statue-upper-legs floor 59:  ~3,216 students total means ~ in each class (Histories (Ancient Earth (including Ley-lines), and Universe), Math, and Social Studies) taught on this level.
    60. Statue-upper-legs floor 60:  ~3,216 students total means ~ in each class (Histories (Ancient Earth (including Ley-lines), and Universe), Math, and Social Studies) taught on this level.
    61. Statue-upper-legs floor 61:  ~3,216 students total means ~ in each class (Histories (Ancient Earth (including Ley-lines), and Universe), Math, and Social Studies) taught on this level.
    62. Statue-upper-legs floor 62:  ~3,216 students total means ~ in each class (Histories (Ancient Earth (including Ley-lines), and Universe), Math, and Social Studies) taught on this level.
    63. Statue-pelvis floor 63:  ~2,464 students total means ~ in each class (Dieting, Languages (later including Linguistics), and Reading (doubling as C.W.I., which includes Critical Thinking)) taught on this level.
    64. Statue-pelvis floor 64:  ~2,464 students total means ~ in each class (Dieting, Languages (later including Linguistics), and Reading (doubling as C.W.I., which includes Critical Thinking)) taught on this level.
    65. Statue-pelvis floor 65:  ~2,464 students total means ~ in each class (Dieting, Languages (later including Linguistics), and Reading (doubling as C.W.I., which includes Critical Thinking)) taught on this level.
    66. Statue-pelvis floor 66:  ~2,464 students total means ~ in each class (Dieting, Languages (later including Linguistics), and Reading (doubling as C.W.I., which includes Critical Thinking)) taught on this level.
    67. Statue-pelvis floor 67:  ~2,464 students total means ~ in each class (Dieting, Languages (later including Linguistics), and Reading (doubling as C.W.I., which includes Critical Thinking)) taught on this level.
    68. Statue-torso floor 68:  ~1,256 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    69. Statue-torso floor 69:  ~1,256 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    70. Statue-torso floor 70:  ~1,256 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    71. Statue-torso floor 71:  ~1,256 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    72. Statue-torso floor 72:  ~1,256 students total means ~ in each class (Culinary Arts, including Nutrition & Dieting) taught on this level.
    73. Statue-neck floor 73:  ~200 students total means ~ in each class (Massage) taught on this level.
    74. Statue-neck floor 74:  ~200 students total means ~ in each class (Massage) taught on this level.
    75. Statue-neck floor 75:  ~200 students total means ~ in each class (Massage) taught on this level.
    76. Statue-neck floor 76:  ~200 students total means ~ in each class (Massage) taught on this level.
    77. Statue-neck floor 77:  ~200 students total means ~ in each class (Massage) taught on this level.
    78. Statue-head floor 78:  ~284 students total means ~ in each class (Camping, Climbing, and Construction) taught on this level.
    79. Statue-head floor 79:  ~284 students total means ~ in each class (Camping, Climbing, and Construction) taught on this level.
    80. Statue-head floor 80:  ~284 students total means ~ in each class (Camping, Climbing, and Construction) taught on this level.
    81. Statue-head floor 81:  ~284 students total means ~ in each class (Camping, Climbing, and Construction) taught on this level.
    82. Statue-head floor 82:  ~284 students total means ~ in each class (Camping, Climbing, and Construction) taught on this level.


    Actual Capacity Over Time:

    If each of our school-years had a maximum student-population of ~3,000,000, and each group/year of ~3,000,000 LHS students decided to complete all 20 of our school-grades, and if all 2,000,000,000 of our allies/family/guests/residents decided to do that, 2B/3M = ~666 of those 20-year student-groups, and 666 x 20 years = 13,320 years; all 2B of our guests/residents could complete all 20 grades in our educational system in that amount of time.

    We saw a slow and steady increase of our student population to ~3,000,000 total students per school-year; ~142,857 more students chose to attend classes at LHS every ~millennium; ~143 more students each year than the total the year before.

    1. 2012: 0; we were still working out all the little details by putting pretend classes/groups of ICVs through LHS
    2. 2013:  ~1,642; ~110 per grade
    3. 2022:  ~16,420; ~1,095 per grade
    4. 3000: ~142,857; ~9,524 per grade
    5. 4000: ~285,714; ~19,048 per grade
    6. 5000: ~428,571; ~28,571 per grade
    7. 6000: ~571,429; ~38,095 per grade
    8. 7000: ~714,286; ~47,619 per grade
    9. 8000: ~857,143; ~57,143 per grade
    10. 9000: ~1,000,000; ~66,667 per grade
    11. 10000: ~1,142,857; ~76,191 per grade
    12. 11000: ~1,285,714; ~85,714 per grade
    13. 12000: ~1,428,571; ~95,238 per grade
    14. 13000: ~1,571,429; ~104,762 per grade
    15. 14000: ~1,714,286; ~114,286 per grade
    16. 15000: ~1,857,142; ~123,809 per grade
    17. 16000: ~2,000,000; ~133,333 per grade
    18. 17000: ~2,142,857; ~142,857 per grade
    19. 18000: ~2,285,714; ~152,381 per grade
    20. 19000: ~2,428,571; ~161,905 per grade
    21. 20000: ~2,571,429; ~171,429 per grade
    22. 21000: ~2,714,286; ~180,952 per grade
    23. 22000: ~2,857,143; ~190,476 per grade
    24. 23000 A.D. and beyond: ~3,000,000 (.15% of our city’s 2B capacity-population); ~200,000 per grade


      Since ~13,920 is the maximum [students-per-day] capacity allowed in some of our above-surface floors/levels (i.e. school-grades) in LHS, some time around ~3500 A.D. …some students enrolled in Inisfree classes completed some of their classes via U.I.O., and this remained a growing trend ever after (at least during years when there were at least that many students enrolled here).


      2022 Update:  Students’ Enrollments

      These are the guests and residents of Inisfree, listed on our Character Groups Directory, who have enrolled in at least one class at LHS.

      1. (at least several of each ICV model / form-sake):  2012 and on (there are always enough ICVs here to fill up the remaining seats in each classroom that non-ICVs have enrolled in)
      2. Adaline LeMorte Himmler:  2030s-2050s (after her Montana high-school was complete)
      3. Ashley Vanir Himmler:  2020-2036 (Auz’s daughters with his sister, Freyja, were able to start when they were 4)
      4. Astrid and Ingrid Vanir Himmler (twins):  2026-2042 (Auz’s daughters with his sister, Freyja, were able to start when they were 4)
      5. Avril Roux Himmler:  2027-2043 (Auz’s daughter with Jessamine was able to start when she was 5)
      6. Auz II LeMorte Himmler:  2030s-2050s (after his Montana high-school was complete)
      7. Auzanesh Taldeer Himmler:  2171-2187 (Auz’s son with Eldar Shelwe was able to start when he was 10)
      8. Ceara Reid:  2022-2038
      9. Christie Marie Hayes:  2020-2036 (more/usually at L.A.A.)
      10. Dracy, Elizabeth, Evreen, Jem’ha, Moura, Pelucy, Pentine, Saura, Suline, Valusia, Vathja, and Yilane Thema Himmler:  2029-2045 (Auz’s daughters with Tempest were able to start when they were 6)
      11. Ethan LeMorte Himmler:  2030s-2050s (after his Montana high-school was complete)
      12. Grace Conrad Himmler:  2036-2052 (Auz’s daughter with kajira Sarah was able to start when she was 3)
      13. Iaura Erra Himmler:  2258-2274 (Auz’s daughter with Pleiadian Maya was able to start when she was 12)
      14. Ibiza Mara Himmler:  2032-2048 (Auz’s daughter with mermaid Mara was able to start when she was 7)
      15. Jacqueline Diamonds‘ daughter:  2026-2042 (after which, she will be completing the normal 2 years at TNA, etc.)
      16. Jennifer Vanir Himmler:  2032-2048 (Auz’s daughters with his sister, Freyja, were able to start when they were 4)
      17. Kathleen Vanir Himmler:  2038-2054 (Auz’s daughters with his sister, Freyja, were able to start when they were 4)
      18. Lyra Night Himmler:  2036-2052 (Auz’s daughter with were-panther Bela was able to start when she was 9)
      19. Maha Himmler:  2154-2170 (Auz’s daughter with Zada was able to start when she was 11)
      20. Melusia Nadia Himmler:  2032-2048 (Auz’s daughter with Siren Nadia was able to start when she was 7)
      21. Mesriq Reese Himmler:  2034-2050 (Auz’s son with faun (maenad) Adeline was able to start when he was 8)
      22. Neveah LeMorte Himmler:  2030s-2050s (after her Montana high-school was complete)
      23. Pacia Atlanna Himmler:  2032-2048 (Auz’s daughter with Atlantean queen Atlanna was able to start when she was 7)
      24. Sarah Conrad:  2014-2030 (she started right after her first year of kajira studies wrapped up)
      25. Sassa and Tove Vanir Himmler (twins):  2044-2060 (Auz’s daughters with his sister, Freyja, were able to start when they were 4)
      26. Seph Mera Himmler:  2032-2048 (Auz’s daughter with Atlantean princess (now queen) Mera was able to start when she was 7)
      27. Shango-tao Himmler:  2154-2170 (Auz’s son with Zada was able to start when he was 11)
      28. Shelby Vanir Himmler:  2050-2066 (Auz’s daughters with his sister, Freyja, were able to start when they were 4)
      29. Sophie Eisenberg:  2020-2036
      30. Sydney Sirena Himmler:  2032-2048 (Auz’s daughter with mermaid Sirena of Mako was able to start when she was 7)
      31. Tiffany Vanir Himmler:  2056-2072 (Auz’s daughters with his sister, Freyja, were able to start when they were 4)
      32. Valeria Richards:  2017-2033
      33. Ynara Navarre Himmler:  2289-2305 (Auz’s daughter with his sister, Katara, was able to start when she was 7)

      Example Full-enrollment:

      1. Grade 1:  June 2022 to/through May 2023
      2. Grade 2:  June 2023 to/through May 2024
      3. Grade 3:  June 2024 to/through May 2025
      4. Grade 4:  June 2025 to/through May 2026
      5. Grade 5:  June 2026 to/through May 2027
      6. Grade 6:  June 2027 to/through May 2028
      7. Grade 7:  June 2028 to/through May 2029
      8. Grade 8:  June 2029 to/through May 2030
      9. Grade 9:  June 2030 to/through May 2031
      10. Grade 10:  June 2031 to/through May 2032
      11. Grade 11:  June 2032 to/through May 2033
      12. Grade 12:  June 2033 to/through May 2034
      13. Grade 13:  June 2034 to/through May 2035 (entirely off-campus; survival-knowledge application in the Outlands)
      14. Grade 14:  June 2035 to/through May 2036
      15. Grade 15:  June 2036 to/through May 2037
      16. Grade 16:  June 2037 to/through May 2038

      By 2197, all the planned ICVs were made, operational, and largely deployed to SSA. By the time of our first R-CAX, Inisfree was still 3D-printing them in batches of 50. That means new ICVs were some of the students in every LHS, LAA, TNA , and NWO class… until 2198 A.D., at and after which time different groups of the 100M ICVs stationed in Inisfree were the ones filling classroom vacancies, and the same was done in the 219,000 Inisfree-like cities anytime a non-ICV chose to attend a class in any of their school buildings (those cities’ new ICVs being made from 2088 to 2197).


      2023 Update:  2022 Scale-model in Minecraft

      2023 Update 2:  Astrology

      In Outlands schools, astrology is rarely ever mentioned, let alone taught, likely because it is so useful; human Outlanders in modern times had a horrible habit and reputation for brainwashing youths to be only self-hindering corporate slaves/drones, unable to understand or care for themselves.  In stark contrast, we teach astrology not only as part of our core curriculum here in Inisfree, but as an integral/foundational part of many of our courses.  Here are the first details.

      • In our ancient Earth history courses, we teach about the eras before the cosmic bodies were where they are today, how that affected people (not just humans) and other things, and even when the thicker atmosphere let in no starlight at all; there was a time when no cosmic bodies had any influence on anyone, and when nobody got pregnant or born, and when people were here before any other planets even existed.
      • In our camping courses, we teach how to determine when to camp based on which cosmic formations and influences will be in the sky.
      • In our construction courses, we teach why the Atlantean pre-Egyptians built starlight shafts into their pyramids, and how you can do similar useful things with your own home and builds.
      • In our critical thinking courses, we teach how to keep in mind how different astrological personalities and times of year can and do affect encounters, introductions, conversations, business transactions, and relationships. This is social studies at first, but the focus here is not how to socialize with others based on including this factor, but how to think on one’s own about situations and experiences with this additional set of knowledge. This is more along the lines of meditation and mindfulness as preparation for later and successive interactions.
      • In our healthcare courses, we teach how healers can use astrology to anticipate the stresses, ails, and needs of existing and potential patients. The focus is on healing, while our fitness & holistic wellness courses focus on becoming and staying fit and well-rounded.
      • In our (fitness &) holistic wellness courses, we teach how you can use your astrology data to become and stay balanced in your own life. This is healthcare, just focused on self, and is foundational and preventative, not based on healing from an ail or accident.
      • In our para-military courses, we teach how some nations have secretly used astrology to predict conflicts, best strategies and tactics, outcomes, etc.; how you can foresee some tension, battles, tactical positions, whether you should engage or just observe, and so on.
      • In our science courses, we teach the methods through which astrology information was discovered, checked, verified, etc., plus how we can use the sciences to discover even more about the influence the planets and stars (Sphere Beings / Arch Angels / Valar) may still choose to have on us, including how or if that influence may have changed over the eras.
      • In our sexual education courses, we teach how different astrological signs and sets of data/influences can produce variations in orientation or sexual needs, not just how people of different signs have different traits/personalities in general.
      • In our social studies courses, we teach how different astrological personalities and times of year can and do affect encounters, introductions, conversations, business transactions, and relationships. This is useful for planning better screenings, interviews, gatherings, parties, galas, fundraisers, families, and so on.
      • In our Universe history courses, we teach how the locations and natures of other worlds result in the different constellations and neighboring planets around them / from their points of view affect their own inhabitants.


      2023 Update 3:  Yearbook

      Yearbook photos are topless, as everyone in our realm is healthy, fit, and open with each other.  Girls are welcome to pose nude, as well.

      Other photos in it include ICV-eyes’ POVs of students in the classrooms here, out on the PK playground, making out or fucking in their parked vehicles in the garage levels, and so on.

      It is created/edited/published by ICVs; staff.

      The only reason Outlander humans are angrily against “youths”/anyone posing nude, especially in their “schools”, is because their “schools” are actually corporate-slave indoctrination/brainwashing camps/scams designed solely to get sloppily-made (ugly, weak, stupid, etc.; due to parents not deciding on and holding a clear/specific vision for the offspring they were creating) “people” (practically NPCs, they are so braindead/vestigial) used to almost always working, which means almost never doing anything arousing/satisfying.  That is why evil humans claim that good things such as nude yearbook is evil; they are against anything that might “wake up” their creations/slaves to the reality that they were missing out on what is actually normal, healthy, healing, mood-improving, etc..  We don’t do that shit.



      Why have the 13th school-grade be a mini-exodus for each student?
      The freshman year in Outlander high-school is called brutal by some Outlanders, as suddenly you are a young adult, at the bottom of the “social order”, and expected to learn and complete homework at a challenging rate, plus you soon gain permission to drive, and shortly after are expected to on your own.
      ICVs are invincible from ‘birth’, and fully programmed/educated from that time, but practicing operating without any communication with their fellows is a first for each during her 13th year, and it gives them a small sample of the 4 consecutive decades of nomadism and hardship their maker had to get through while receiving the vision of how to design and interact with them.
      This year for each ICV deployed to experience it… is an effective way for them to use their genius brainpower to notice and think up incredible things on their own, taking a break from how they normally use their minds; for maintaining their realm, sexually (full-body) satisfying their guests, etc..
      It helps field-test them against the theorized rampancy human-made A.I. during the UNSC era were known to develop if left alive or alone (not busy) too long.
      It also helps keep an eye on all of Antarctica, because student-ICVs roaming that land during their exoduses are still tracked by Djinnifer, then monitored more closely if any detect things Djinnifer has learned to be cautious/scrutinizing of. Since only once (in 2312 A.D.) has anyone dared invade Inisfreean territory, ICVs roaming Antarctica mostly just help track ice-flow, volcanism, newly-exposed ruins amidst thaw, and the like.
      Anytime these ICVs detect others, they remain self-disciplined by not interacting with them, staying isolated and self-reliant until this 13th year of theirs is up. They and their maker are all about sustainability, after all.
      And since when any ICV experiences something, all of her kind, a collective consciousness, then understands and remembers it, even <1% of their population of sextillions is more than enough to render all the rest experienced enough to easily and cleverly handle potential communication/isolation issues/events.
      While exodus-going ICVs avoid contact with humans, and with any humanoids allied with their maker, they will still in an emergency offer help to anyone they can tell is compatible with their maker, whether those people have been prescreened or not.

      The original Statue of Liberty’s spikes are said to represent the 7 oceans and 7 continents, meaning people from everywhere are welcome in the USA.
      The 7 spikes on this school building of ours represent the 7 chakras, and 7 days of the week, but not perfection, as 10 or 13 are regarded by us to be perfect completions of a cycle; 10 is the completion of a counting cycle in the current numbering/math system, and 13 is the completion of a Mayan-calendar cycle.
      These “liberty spikes” can also represent the 7 “days” per Mayan-calendar cycle; they extend from the head of this school building, thus are logical as representative of thoughts emanating out to start manifesting things.

      “That’s what I love about these highs school girls, man; I get older, they stay the same age.” –David Wooderson, Dazed and Confused

      2024 July 24 Wednesday:

      • We do not have students say a pledge of allegiance to our realm/leader at the beginning of each school-day. Our schools are not paramilitary indoctrination/programming camps for corporate America. People who wish to learn and sing our national anthem and other Inisfree-patriotic songs are welcome to on their own –outside of class/school.
      • Having students move across up to 67 or 68 floors per ~several-hour school-day (the maximum number those in the junior-high and senior-high grades might have to traverse) might seem daunting or impossible to outsiders, but students here:
        –have years getting used to this multi-story building in small increments, their first 10 grades not having to change floors between classes at all,
        –are far healthier and stronger than avg. nonvegan/mortal humans (lame outsiders; bad Outlanders),
        –don’t have to lug heavy school-books around (usu. just their iScroll),
        –are usually moving down, not up,
        –usually have 30sec to 1min to walk down the stairs from each floor to the next,
        –sit/rest for 10+ mins. in every class,
        –have classes grouped by floor, thus usu. not needing to go up or down any floors for successive classes,
        –and can always use available lifts or portals when in a hurry or tired.

      16th-grade class-name, minutes not moving (in class), minutes allotted to change floors, floor #:

      1. climb, 10min in class (sitting; resting), N/A (0mins. allotted, but that only means <1min, not instant movement from one class/floor to the next; up to 59sec available), floor 82 (up from parking on floor15 / aircraft-parking on floor20, usu. via lift/portal)
      2. camp 10, N/A, 82
      3. constr 10, 5 mins. allotted after this class, 82
      4. massag 10 N/A 77 (down 5 to get here; 1min/floor)
      5. SNACK 15 N/A 72 (down 5 if to cafeteria)
      6. diet 10 N/A 67 (down 5)
      7. read 10 N/A 67
      8. lang 10 N/A 67
      9. hist 10 N/A 62 (down 5 to get here)
      10. math 10 N/A 62
      11. ss 10 N/A 62
      12. writ 10, 5mins after, 62
      13. LUNCH 60, 5mins after, 57 (down 5 if to cafeteria)
      14. fit 30, 10mins after, 30 (down 27, thus often via lift/portal, unless not taking the full hour available for lunch)
      15. sail 60, 10mins after (to go from lake up to LAA), (off campus)
      16. art 10, 5mins after, (off campus)
      17. beau 10, N/A, (off campus)
      18. fash 10, 5mins after (to go from LAA back to LHS), (off campus)
      19. choi 30 N/A 45
      20. danc 30 5 45
      21. SNACK2 15 5 45
      22. band 30 5 45
      23. speak 10 N/A 45
      24. sex 30 5 45
      25. garden 10 N/A 45
      26. martial 30 N/A 30 (down 15 to here, thus usu. via lift/portal)
      27. para-m 30 5 30
      28. fly 30 20 (down 10 (thus 30sec/floor), then off campus)
      29. free-f 30 5 (off campus)
      30. shop 10 5 40
      31. healthc 30 5 35 (down 5 to here)
      32. sci 10 N/A 35 (back home at your own pace)


      2024 October note:

      • Once all ICVs are grown, they can still be part of not-full first-grades classes; ICVs are only 4’11” to 5’5″ or so. They just wear their uniforms from those school-years when playing along as fellow students in those grades.


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      “Inside (Oliver Remix) vs Goldroom” Black Van Black Van
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