Inisfree takes care of everything. Here are some of the many facilities located all across our city which provide free services to residents and guests alike:
- Air-quality Monitoring: done/handled by every ICV and other IC
- Assembly / Manufacturing: everything you could ever want or need, made locally
- Avalanche Watch/Prevention: via the invincible staff / ski-patrol/s of our ski lodge
- Beach Clean-up Huts: providing a convenient place to keep the beach and beach bodies looking perfect
- Bullet-train Stations: Inisfree’s subway is one of the fastest on Earth
- Construction: all based on our advanced form of 3D-printing
- Copyrighting, Patenting, and Trademarking: even if Outlander humanimals refused your application
- Crops / Farming: including controlled-environment and underground/shielded agriculture facilities
- Dulles Shuttle Station: shaped the ones at their namesake airport, these are the more luxurious and all-terrain variant
- Education: from online and grade-school / basics through academy/university and beyond
- Entertainment: city-dances, concerts, movies (drive-in or traditional), plays/theaters, races (street and stadium), and raves
- Emergency Broadcast System: another of our own variants of this concept
- Escorts: for entertainment/recreation or convoy/protection
- Evacuations: en-masse assisted relocations of refugees/displaced people who are compatible with us; beyond individual rescue operations
- Firetank Stations: our firetrucks include VTOL to avoid traffic jams and assist skyscrapers
- Fireworks: for our newcomers and a few holidays
- Food Production / Groceries: including delivery
- Fundraising / Networking: the basis of our volunteerism ‘government’
- Gemstone Beacons: castle turret-style cylinders covered in giant embedded gemstones and lit from within
- Guard Turrets: our city’s version of Park Ranger towers for the Forest Service
- Healthcare / Medical: only cures at our intergalactically-renowned healing center, including for dental
- Home Management: Inisfreeans (ICVs) ensuring the vacation-residence you choose in our realm is perfectly maintained, prepped/stocked before your arrival, and cleaned out and powered back down right after you depart
- Intelligence: top-level data/reports on anywhere you may wish to go beyond our realm
- Janitorial/Maids: pleasure-/sex-slaves known as kajirae who also handle a lot of the cleaning, cooking, and mending in our community/neighborhoods –and nowhere else in Creation/Omniverse is pussy as perfect and “on tap” as here; everywhere you go in our realm, you can request and immediately be sent any and all the finest girls/sluts of your choosing
- Killing / Pest Control: forced gladiator tournaments for anyone who has offended us or our treasured guests
- Landscaping and Gardening: taken care of by our lovely ICVs
- Laundry and Dry-cleaning: all in-house; every residence in our realm includes a stand-up dry-cleaner machine
- Legal Protection: of our way of life, via our own system of laws / justice system
- Lodging / Hospitality / Hotels: 7-star resorts all across our realm
- Luxury Motor-coaches: we use these instead of regular city buses
- Luxury School-bus Motorpool: this is part of LHS’s foundation levels
- Mail: based on our city’s own system of addresses
- Maintenance, House/s: the city is always keeping an eye (sensors group) on every property, residential and other, and runs diagnostics on houses, keeping them in great order
- Maintenance, Vehicle/s: all vehicles self-monitor, diagnose, and repair, no need for mechanics
- Military / Security: patrolling at all times, including for Search & Rescue (S&R / SAR) –and not just for us; for our allies and protectorates, as well
- Negotiations: expert pressure and leverage to keep annoying Outlanders off your back whenever you venture back outside our realm
- Online Community / Communication: via our exclusive Internet
- Parks: round-the-clock checks and cleanup, if necessary, of Statue Park and all other public park-like areas in our realm
- Party Favors: free kajirae and Inisfreean girls on-call to help keep every party and other gathering as balanced and sexy/sexual as it gets
- Police / Tumbler Stations: instead of squad-cars, we use painted copies of the Tumbler from Batman Begins
- Power: electrical (auroral/ionic, bioelectric, piezo’), geothermal, hydraulic, wind
- Privacy from the Outside: constant prevention of electronic listening devices (ELDs), remote-viewing, spy-satellites, telephoto-lenses, you name it
- Public Libraries: including ones at our main school building and more
- Quiet Hours: guaranteed/enforced standard overnight sleeping time/s
- R+D Facilitation: in our own laboratories, among other places
- Receptions and Homecomings: for new and returning loved ones
- Recreation: beyond our gyms
- Recycling: without generating any pollution in the process –and we can recycle any/everything, so technically we don’t have waste management, other than when we manage the waste that is Outlands mankind (incompatible / self-deformed humanimals)
- Restaurants / Dining: hostesses, waitresses, and chefs
- Sewage (part of recycling)
- Social Services; hookups help
- Social Venus: clubs, lounges, etc.
- Sports Facilities and Training: starting with our signature Flower Towers
- Sotu Hover-shuttle Stations: taxis downtown hover and fly like those in Blade Runner
- Storage: long- or short-term
- Street and Highway Clearing / Cleaning: via our signature multi-purpose municipal vehicles
- Tanning / Spas: precisely designed and monitored to ensure no sunburns
- Temples: non-religious, of course; our way here is more of a nature-based lifestyle fine-tuned to each allied individual
- Tour Guiding: all throughout our realm
- Tourism: beyond the official tour; help anywhere to/for newcomers, returning guests, and residents alike
- Traffic Regulation: proactive, preventing all traffic-jams and even ghost-jams
- Transportation, Commercial / International: our own air/Space-line
- Underground Life-support: anytime access to your own fallout shelter-style luxury-bunker basement/s
- Verifications: automatic confirmations that everyone in our realm is who they say they are
- Water: kept potable and perfect everywhere, inside and out
- Weather Monitoring/Mitigation: not just forecasting
- Wedding Ceremonies: our unique kind
- Wife-swapping Made Easy: 100% of females in our realm are available and interested, and all of them who are married here and/or in the Outlands have that information/status findable on their FOB-Net webpages, and eventually all females in our realm will be married to the High King here, thus every female you fuck here will then be a hotwife/swinger
- Work Horse Motorpool: private parking for the vehicles which keep the streets strong and clean
- X-rated/-restored Everything: fully sexually-compatible / full-body engagement at all events, whether based on entertainment or other things
- Youth/Prime Restored: (for you; your own health) every time you enter our realm or get near any of our deployed forces, as long as it is the will of High King Auz
- Zoo the Right Way: rehabilitation/privacy meadows/paddocks for beyond-human guests and refugees