Here is your introduction to the games we have written the stories and programming structure for.  Our titles include a variety of genres across the gaming spectrum.  The MMORPG built to tell the story of our zero-pollution city, Inisfree, is the main focus.


Table of Contents:

  1. Game production companies we are interested in working with
  2. Access
  3. Our First Titles
  4. New Games
  5. Playable Races & Species in Our Games
  6. “Player Vs.” Types
  7. Additional Notes


Game production companies we are interested in working with:

  • Adeptus Steve; founder of the team developing Wild Life
  • Atomic Games; makers of Six Days in Fallujah
  • BioWare; makers of the Mass Effect trilogy
  • Cyberlore Studios; makers of Playboy: The Mansion – Private Party
  • Destructive Creations; makers of Hatred
  • Infinity Ward; makers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Linden Lab; makers of Second Life​
  • Rockstar Games; makers of the Grand Theft Auto series
  • Visceral Games; makers of Dante’s Inferno



Storyboard, character art, programming language, game engine, projected beta testing, and projected release date information will not be posted on this website; those details are restricted for teammates who have signed an NDA and NCC.​​

As always, our games are only released for people granted time in Inisfree; you can only play them in here.


Our First Titles

Title:  ​The Arena of Doom

This is the first game we ever started coming up with.

  • Time Period:  Modern
  • Summary:  ​gladiatorial game meets Death Race movie game, shows players what the retrofitted Kyle Field stadium is like, with 2 end-game special-areas unlocked; the retrofitted Vatican, and the Vatican clone beneath Inisfree.  There will be in-game notes and cinematics about how the Vatican fell without a fight, how all its records were auto-sped-read and auto-copied, and how now all its believers, tithers, and other supporters must fight to the death in it like gladiators, for none of them were sexy enough to warrant extraction and re-education in the new city which is Heaven-on-Earth (hinted at in this game to get players curious about our MMORPG).
  • Game Purpose:  introduce players to part of the 10-novels storyline; the Rapture Campaign and its aftermath
  • Rating:  for mature audiences only, due to graphic violence in a modern-day equivalent of a gladiator tournament venue​​


Title:  ​State of the Union (SOTU)

This game was dreamed up even before downtown-Inisfree had occurred to us.

  • Time Period:  slightly in the Future
  • Summary:  ​the mega-cities of Judge Dredd have ‘jumpers’ who do free-fall down the vertical miles from and past the triple-decker super-highways, to have falling firefights after airships drop them atop skyscrapers, with an end-game special-area unlocked; the downtown part of Inisfree called Sotu –with a note that this part of the city was inspired by this very game idea, and that urban-freefall training is part of standard military operations there
  • Rating: for mature audiences only, due to FPS violence and realistic graphic depictions of occasional free-fall accidents


​​​​Title:  Inisfree MMORPG

You can get a sneak-peak at the scaled-down “look and feel” of this game by donating to our main project, thereby earning access to our first/main Minecraft world.

  • Time Period:  Modern through Future
  • Summary:  ​game looks like a cleaner, sexier version of World of Warcraft, Skyrim, and Grand Theft Auto, play as any of more than a dozen species (Angel, Asari, Aspara, Demi-deity, Demon, Drow (Dark Elf), Elemental (Rock; Golem, Water, Air, Smoke, Fire, or Lightning), Elf, Eldar (Space Elves), Fay (Fairy), Inisfreean (Neo-nymph), Kryptonian, Naga (half-serpent humanoid), Nymph, Mermaid, Pleiadian (Nordic; Space Nord), Vampire, Werewolves, or an Inisfreean Xenomorph), customize your character’s physical and fashion appearance, explore the entirety of the major, half-underground, fully-mobile, Space-faring city called Inisfree, interact with billions of NPCs and millions of other players, go on quests such as the 41-day tour or, if playing as an Inisfreean, the 20-year educational system including the exodus, Tantric Academy classes and exams, combat-sex and fighter-pilot in-flight sex training, Inisfreean DropShip and ColonyPod VTOL main-womb-to-beach training, Master Female classified training,  and Inisfreean star-fleet training deployments. –with two end-game special-areas unlocked; the Keel Hatch to the dormant Space Whale, and the flight path to Agharta; flyable by MPHA, Civilian Aerospaceport commercial Repulsine ‘saucer’, or the entire city itself (if playing as an Inisfreean leveled-up through all 20 grades of the Inisfreean school system).
  • Rating: for adults only, due to nudity and strong sexual content in life-like gameplay (similar to the Second Life MMORPG’s adult areas)


Title:  ​​The Voyages of Acquisition

This game’s name came from one of our greatest sources of relief and inspiration; Dr. John Frederick Lange Jr’s (pen-name:  John Norman) saga Gor.

  • Time Period:  Future
    Summary:  ​game looks like StarCraft II, Ace Combat, and EVE Online, play as an Inisfreean commandress leading Inisfreean ships in the Inisfreean style of formations and tactics across the entire Universe (using a holo-map like that in Mass Effect, but which zooms out to show super-clusters and the Webway black/worm-hole routes to expedite things, and the ship has warp capacity where it makes a worm-hole around itself, etc., so it uses power from nearby quasars and black-hole jets, etc., whereas the Webway costs much less energy whenever you can find an opening and time an entrance to its fluctuating gates/portals). –with an end-game special-area unlocked; the ICV Factories of Inisfree
  • Game Purpose:  introduce players to the Inisfreean military)
  • Rating: for adults only, due to nudity and strong sexual content in life-like gameplay and cinematics of realistic kidnapping and rape scenes based on the 33 novels in the Gor saga by John Norman


Title:  ​Aorlie

Sounds like a typical spelling-change generations ahead, doesn’t it?  (for “orally”)

  • Time Period:  Distant Future
  • Summary:  ​follows the story with each chapter being a series of missions on the worlds of that artificial star system, taking her through the mountain continent, the pussy-like umbilical transfer canal, the areas with dildo-based controls, the gas-giant temple that must be kept afloat by fucking its control sticks to counter-effect the weight of visitors, etc. –with an end-game special-area unlocked; the orbital sex-dungeon with vast window-wall bubble-porthole views of Space and high-orbit while Aorlie obeys your clicks by going to any rack, sex toy, or BTB.
  • Rating: for adults only, due to nudity and strong sexual content in unorthodox sex practices required for the completion of each mission and section of the game, as well as for the operation of most of the controls and interfaces between the player and the game environments of each mission map

Originally mentioned only briefly in the 9th novel in our “Capital of Antarctica” series, Aorlie is now the central character (who you play as) in this game named after her.  Aorlie (the game) is a special kind of MMORPG that functions similarly to the Zelda puzzle/device-based games.  In this instance, of course, those puzzles always involve complex and beautiful sex acts.


New Games

Developed at WMKM Studios, with character paintings and storyboards from the Lion Art Academy:

  1. 10 Cloverfield Lane: except in ours, the men are good, and the woman can sense the men are trustworthy, thus she willingly starts a love-triangle with them, making their bunker a happy home
    –so, more or less, basically/technically our 8th Sims game (which could be called “Sims 11”, based on the numbering below)
  2. 1942: Atari/arcade now in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –except fly as a Foo Fighter (Haunebu) holding back / stalling the evil allies as long as possible
  3. 2001: A Space Odyssey: (incl. the content of its sequel, 2010: The Year We Make Contact)
  4. 2012: play as one of the big ships, steering it out of its giant hangar, then around falling mountaintop glaciers/ice, then out across flooded/sunken China, then amidst the mega-hurricanes and settling rogue waves… until a decent anchoring area offshore can be found, etc.
  5. 30 Days of Night: play as one of the vampires, the gameplay revealing where they go when not taking advantage of Alaska’s month-long night in the middle of winter
  6. 300:  play as a Spartan warrior or the wife of one,
    (if a Spartan) slaughter deviants/freaks on Sparta’s borders, sail to lands overrun with deviants and slaughter them, rape and kidnap their women, raze their towns and farms, desecrate their false-god temples, etc.
    (if a wife) sleep around for fun or politics or training, etc., breeding with the best leaders/warriors to replenish the ranks –and even have plenty of fetish/kink-sex while ‘showing’ (pregnant)
    –maybe instead show that it was a supply chain of thousands… against Persians who might not have been bad/wrong; might have been an attempt to stop a confirmed/deduced entrenched false-humans mini-civilization before it spread retarded democracy (Chaos Incarnate)
  7. 3,000 Miles to Graceland:  rob as many casinos as you can (after planning how your NPCs team will move through them; Rainbow Six pre-mission style), hide bodies, kill as many SWAT as you can, launder stolen money, etc.
  8. A Clockwork Orange: not just in one house, but numerous houses over numerous nights, doing as you please, and not just assault, but rape, arson, the works –at least until/unless you’re caught, at which point you’ll have to, like the protagonist in the movie, decide between remaining imprisoned… or having your mind altered so that you cannot choose violence again –the latter decision resulting in you released, but unable to attack/defend/strike, thus inevitably eventually taken advantage of
    –like a prequel to Equilibrium
  9. A Grunt’s Life:  play through all the episode’s areas/content, including raping and sniping locals, sniping barking dogs, keeping enemy-combatant body-parts, lying on the ground when tanks roll by, etc.
    –episode by episode, now in Wild Life graphics, and with the slight chance of NJP or even court martial, but almost entirely based on comedy and continuity, not realism / trial-and-punishment
    –participate in missions or lead them
    –take body parts from IED aftermath and hide them in your footlocker if you want
    –call in air strikes on anything –even your own base (if you don’t mind, at best, being court martialed, or, at worst, dying in the firestorm)
  10. Ace Combat: Dragon Wardens:  another Ace Combat version, this one is set from 2313 and onward a few years, starting with the flight of the dragon squadrons from Inisfree’s zoo‘s dragon paddocks, climaxing early on with the herding of the Outlands humans to their starships, and ending with dozens of missions around the world to ensure all humans unauthorized to remain on the Earth leave –one way or the other
  11. Ace Combat: Inisfree’s Airspace:  an Ace Combat version centered upon Inisfree’s Military Aerospaceport, play in multiple first-person POV modes as an Inisfreean fighter-jock mastering dozens of aircraft and Spacecraft ranging from fighter-jets and stealth bombers to Repulsine-based ‘flying saucers’ (*Inisfreean aerospacecraft have BTBs instead of bucket-seats, and the ‘between-dogfights’ option to command the pilot and copilot seats to face together for Inisfreean forms of interaction; supercharging, neo-nymphs style.)
  12. Ace Ventura:  more like Animal Liberation Front than comedy in this version; proactively help and rescue animals, not just investigating the theft or harm of them
  13. Active Shooter 2:  play as a school gunman or SWAT team, but in actual campuses where queers were evilly allowed to enroll, the goal of both a gunman and SWAT to kill any queers, not the/any gunman
  14. Adventures of Kincaid: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
    like Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, or Sonic the Hedgehog, but furry, female, and fucking
  15. Aeon Flux:  character looks like how Charlize Theron portrayed her (but with normal -long- hair), play through every episode’s area/content, XXX sex scenes, etc.
  16. After Burner: Atari/arcade now in high-res 3D —playthrough
  17. Agent Mirai Extreme Acme Machine Rape Training: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
  18. Ahnenerbe: why it was founded, its founding members, its challenges, successes, extrapolation, etc.
  19. Air Force One:  play as either the defending staff, or the hijackers –and, yes, you can rape all the females onboard if you want, executed them, toss them out, change your ransom/demands, whatever, but if the plane manages to land before you force access into the cockpit… you’ll be dealing with the best SWAT snipers on Earth
    –play as the leader of the terrorists, or as the President trying to fight back, either following along with the movie plot
  20. Air Wolf:  play through every episode’s area/content, XXX sex scenes, etc.
  21. Akira: play as a non-main in the big city, witness the bizarre growing-mutant event/s, etc.
  22. Alice in Wonderland:  Wild Life graphics, play as her, fuck anything, view becomes kaleidoscopic whenever you drink the drugs-tea, etc.
  23. Alien/s:  XXX: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, with the ability for any female character to have sex with any of the colonists, Marines, Predators/Yautja, scientists, or Xenomorphs
  24. All Dogs Go to Heaven: except you roam in search of hot females who want alley beastiality, and you can attack/bite cops and animal-control –to death, if you prefer (though that will cause many more of them than normal to search for you)
    –can only play as a male dog
    –can fuck female dogs –who will eventually get pregnant, birth a litter of puppies, and then all of those can be used as your sidekicks/minions –and they eventually grow to full size, at which point you can dogs-gangbang or dogs-orgy the sexy human female NPCs
  25. Aloidia:  Taja‘s realm, starting with its creation, building it up, establishing its code/laws, growing up as “The Little Monarch”, daring to explore outside it, shapeshifting into an elf-horse with glow-eyes and antlers, etc.
  26. America’s Top Chef:  all veganized, the judges are all attractive, female character can fuck anyone, male character can fuck the females, judges offer themselves to you based on that criteria –if/when you cook something they like (based on actual ICV knowledge of baking techniques, ingredient and flavor combos, regional palates, etc.)
  27. American Gladiators:  play through every obstacle in a tournament/series, or just one obstacle at a time in practice, fuck fans from the audience, etc.
  28. American History X: except it shows the propaganda and resulting hate-crimes against German-Americans and Caucasian/Whites in general because of the original movie and related works of corrupt Hollywood
  29. American Made (Cruise flies drugs:  except you can beat this game in multiple ways; no deathcult-standard protagonist-assassination like in the typical ‘dark’ hollywood movie/telling
    –wife is even sexier, and never concerned, and always in an open relationship, and using her sexiness to persuade others on your behalf, etc.
  30. American Pie: play a male character who fucks Nadia, or as Nadia or another female who can fuck any/everyone/thing, all while following the movie plot
  31. American Psycho:  play as either Patrick Bateman, or the female in the sequel played by Mila Kunis, picking up prostitutes (if him) or guys on campus (if her), killing any who say/do anything you don’t like, etc.
  32. An American Tail: Fievel Goes West: except not the Yiddish name (Fievel) anymore, since there was an extremely unproportional amount of Jewishness/Judaism in Hollywood
    –high-res and 3D (since the first game-adaptation was grainy and 2D)
    –that first game also didn’t follow the story/movie, and had a SHIT music-score
    –ours has the OST from the movie, perhaps just sung by better singers/voices
  33. Anastasia: except she is even hotter than the pretty-hot animated-movie original depiction
    –and can fuck anyone along the way
    –depicts her entire time away from her royal family/estates, not just when she was a young adult on her way back to them
  34. Animalia (book) and its sequel, The Eleventh Hour:  redrawn as mutually-agreeable beastiality on every page, same beauty/detail
  35. Annihilation (meteorite changes things to colorful:  except it is figured out that it doesn’t just randomly change things; it causes people to become what they were thinking most about, so those brainwashed to expect dying… die, while those who were marveling at a pretty plant… become a plant, etc.
    –Natalie’s character, now sexier (and who you play as), saw a structure forming which began to look like her… because she was thinking most about observing the phenomenon… thus instead of becoming “studying”… the phenomenon became an extension of Her.
    –no penalty for cheating, or handing the cheap imitation of you a grenade, etc.
    –Shimmer formations/effects based on your choice of thoughts in dialogue-like dropdowns/menus
  36. Annwn: based on The Once and Future King series by Terence Hanbury “Tim” White –except our telling explains why King Arthur became regarded as myth; he was not at war with the Annwn (Otherworld; the realm of the deities, eternal youth, etc.), going there to wait out modern (bad) humans, now returning as 1 of the 39 chosen kings, fulfilling this prophecy about him
  37. Apocalypse Now:  recklessly gun down Vietnamese during this war, or play as Vietnamese sneaking through tunnels to do the same to the Americans
  38. Apollo 13:  except it shows how only some of NASA is real, and a lot if propaganda required by the Germans who made it to the Moon first, etc.
  39. Aquaman:  play as the blonde in the comics, or his sometimes-wife, Mera (who looks like how Amber Heard portrayed her), fucking other Atlanteans, daily interacting with merfolk and cecaelia, paying back surface-humans with tidal waves when they pollute your sacred waters, planning to raise Atlantis once the surface-humans are under control, visiting ancient pre-submergence Atlantis colonies/ruins for powerful artifacts and history-cinematics, etc.
  40. Archer 2.0: often FPS, but not mostly
  41. Arda:  an open-world MMORPG based on ancient-Earth, as described in The Silmarillion chapters, all the way up to, and including, how it was in The Hobbit, and in Lord of the Rings, with the focus being on exploration and sex, not fighting/killing/violence; your character’s quests take you around the battlefields, skirting conflicts more like in a recon’ state, and only through/into the action when you have the means to stay hidden from it, out of harm’s way (update:  including how the Elves used Vril, sex-magic, orgies, and telepathic cybering, etc. to stay young-looking and immortal, and to manifest things with their whole beings, not just one part of their bodies)
    –see where all Elf cities were, what left some in ruin later, etc.
    –see even far back in time enough to understand why many Elves were not told of the world-shaping/changing mega-battles/events of the very-ancient/prehistoric past
    –see how Iluvatar reshaped/”broke” the world to hide the entire continent of Aman from the wayward humans
    –learn why dragon-kind turned against the wayward humans, hoarding mined riches/treasures and enchanted items; in order to protect the world / its innocent/good inhabitants from humans misusing (or becoming too-empowered by) such things
  42. Argo:  except now planning for escaping ANY deathcult-ruined nation; you can pick from any on the map, and then how to outsmart them (in the one you chose) will be taught
  43. Ariel:  The Little Mermaid:  turbo-swim through a vast underwater realm with occasional whirlpools and ancient ruins, etc., fuck mermen and surface-men, learn how to magically shapeshift so you have legs and look human
  44. Armageddon: play as either the protagonist (Bruce’s character), or the female astronaut (which allows you to suck and fuck anyone along the way)
    –and in this telling of ours, the protagonist doesn’t have to commit suicide at the end, though that CAN happen if certain choices are made along the way, reducing/eliminating other options/outcomes
    –possible for BOTH armored Space-shuttles to survive the whole time
    –during approach and return, game auto’ switches to shuttle third-person POV, then back once you land
  45. Arrival:  play through every scene’s area/content, meet the heptapods, build up communication and trust, let them interact with your female character tentacle-hentai style, prevent them from being harmed, and see how humans will eventually help them in the future
  46. Atlas Shrugged: based on the novel (series), not the B-movie adaptation (especially since they re-cast from one to the next)
    –play as the female protagonist, fuck anything along the way, incl. John Galt once you find him
    –cinematics of actual disasters throughout recent U.S. and world history, implying they were caused by this very development; “the brain drain” due to mistreatment of the intelligent citizens
  47. Atomic Blonde:  except it is all sexpionage, not violent, and her lovers are attractive, and her agency doesn’t hire blob midget mutants or doubt her
  48. Avatar:  except the female blue alien humanoids are attractive now, and don’t disrespect/ruin their ears/bodies via piercings
    –all sex shown, not implied, and takes as long as you want; not cinematics
  49. Azshara and Elun’dris: her life, starting in the Kaldorei capital city on the banks of the Well of Eternity
  50. Ba’al:  all the ‘steamy’ features of this special world, discovered mission by mission, starting with a briefing about those who got disintegrated before figuring out how to reach planet-side
  51. Baby Driver:  except his girlfriend is attractive now, as is the female team-member,
    and his boss doesn’t threaten him,
    and he doesn’t want to quit what he is great at,
    and his team doesn’t let him get locked up; they take out anyone who arrests or even tries to intimidate him.
  52. Back to the Future:  except the time-travel feature in the car is powered by car-sex, with road-head being the least-effective (takes the longest to refuel
  53. Backdraft: play through the firefighters movie scenes
  54. Bambi: start as a child-deer safe in the deep wilderness, learning from both parents (the tutorial portion of this game), then end up fleeing from your sniped mother (but not in the first clearing beyond a tree-line, thus more of a surprise even if you’ve seen the movie), following along through the other movie scenes, meeting and eventually mating with Faline
    –in this version of ours, however, you can telepathically communicate (represented via thought-bubbles, not word-bubbles, you can choose from like in other dialogue-including video-games) with your forest-animal friends/teammates, helping them avoid areas with hunter-humans, and even sometimes surprising and overwhelming/killing those intruders/murderers
  55. Barbarella: set in 40,000 A.D., thus our game adaptation will mention the major happenings of Warhammer 40,000
    –otherwise follow the original’s plot, albeit with some socialization flexibility, of course;
    –fuck anything along the way
    –up to you whether you let the scientist use the powerful weapon; you can persuade the scientist not to, or let it happen, regardless of whether you let the scientist fuck you, or even fuck the scientist AFTER letting the weapon be used; not penalized for any choice, since the point of the movie was to learn and embrace one’s full self, sexuality/womanhood and all
  56. Barbie:  she looks like jj, all toys featured, sex w everyone, to celebrate hotwife and swinger culture. No dej
  57. Barlowe’s Guide to Extraterrestrials:  play as a female character who goes to find where they are, how they like being fucked, etc.
  58. Basic: follows the plot of the (John Travolta) movie, just with a little more optional sex (which is mutual with investigator Osborne)
  59. Basic Instinct:  play through every scene’s area/content, but fuck as many NPCs as you like, kill as many as you like, easily seduce any detective, cop, lawyer, judge, you name it, etc.
  60. Batman:  all comics as one long game, and you can fuck all the female characters, such as Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, etc.
  61. BattleMech-Tech-Space:  all in one now; all the worlds and campaigns of MechWarrior, etc., and your character can get out of the mechs and walk around in hangars and so on
    –NOT just moving like awkward/bulky/clumsy/limited (range of motion) walking tanks like in the original (Outlands) games, but crouching, crawling, shoulder-rolling, climbing, etc., like in the manual/designs
  62. Battleship: the two-sides screen-up pegs-based board-game, now with only your screen/side viewable, but added: –lifelike graphics/footage of actual Navy ships being missed or hit, sinking, etc.
  63. Beauty and the Beast:  play through every scene’s area/content, with plenty of beastiality, of course
  64. Beavis and Butthead:  3D, lifelike, all episodes in sequence, except you can fuck every female you encounter
  65. Beerfest: except now it is Cum-fest, and you obviously only play as a female
    –once you reach the proven general limit for a sexy-sized female swallowing/ingesting cum, you have to wait or puke before taking in any more
  66. Beyond FallenDom: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) reference
    like Stardew
  67. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure: movie plot, just now with optional fucking of hotties
  68. Bitten: based on the TV show, and now where you can have your male werewolf character turn into its wolf-form before fucking female characters, or play as Elena and fuck any/everything in the game –including the once-enemy witches
  69. Black Panther:  whole life of the latest Wakandan superhero (not the retarded female-ized / female-washed version which was the laziest fill-in casting when the actor died; they should have cast another male, obviously), starting with childhood in Wakanda
  70. Black Widow:  entire life of Natasha Romanoff, how she looks (sexy) in the comics (not like the deformed fugtard in the poorly-cast movies), starting with being handed over to those who trained her –but, being sexy, most of her missions aren’t to kill, but to seduce and build a network of lifelong intel’ assets, etc.
  71. Blackhawk Down: movie plot, but now with option to fuck female contractors back on base, or female civilians out in the town/desert
  72. Blade:  trilogy as one –and you can fuck all the female vampires, etc.
    –and he protects most vampires; no more anti-vampire slander/propaganda nonsense
  73. Blade Runner:  play through every scene’s area/content, except you aren’t trying to hunt/murder the super-soldiers, instead seeking knowledge and help from them, such as to overpower street-walkers and other random females, take over the pyramid-like mega-skyscrapers, go out to the worlds they were deployed to, etc.
  74. Bloodsport:  the ‘underground’ martial-arts scene –but now with plenty of girls as prep’ and rewards/trophies
  75. Bloons Tower Defense:  Progression: all versions selectable at the loading-screen, and the capacity to not freeze during the most-intense waves of balloons
  76. Bloons Tower Defense: Progression 3D:  3D, toggle to any tower’s POV, or even toggle over to the “bloons” POV (auto-switching back to the next balloon every time the one you were viewing from gets popped)
  77. Blow: build up your cocaine ’empire’
    –possible to not get arrested/imprisoned
    –unlike in American Made, the CIA/cartels aren’t helping, and you don’t have buddies with other airplanes, you don’t end up homeless, and they don’t send assassins after you
    –and unlike in Scarface, you aren’t a foreigner, your girlfriend doesn’t leave you, and they don’t shoot up your house
  78. Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers: play as the R+D base commander; recruit replacement for the lost scientist (opening cinematic/s show/s the UFOs being studied, one exploding, killing a guy nearby, how those craft got to this base… not shown/explained),
    then monitoring and starting to stress-test / fuck with Bob,
    then setting him lose once he believes he has barely managed to quit working there –even though him leaving and “leaking” that info was part of the plan all along,
    and incl. sending a SWAT team to raid his lab after he mentions having a piece of 115; ongoing T.I. stuff; still fucking with him years later, making it seem like he is right, thus convincingly misdirecting the masses/public
  79. Bones’ Tales: The Manor: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) for “Vera and the Dog” scenes, etc.
  80. Boot (book by Daniel da Cruz): progress through actual Marine Boot Camp (every mission in this game is one of the training evolutions / days, even at least 1 fire-watch),
    but option to do so as a male in MCRD-SD, or a female in MCRD-PI
    –if a female, many options to have quicky/illegal sex with your instructors, etc.
    –if a male, fewer options to get away with sex, and fewer hotties, but definitely some worthy options; whenever you happen to see one of the few female personnel in San Diego or “Up North” who are clearly interested in you while they have you in a checkup room or wherever they know they can get away with love
    –win by graduating after 3+ months
    –possible to get “recycled” back to Phase 1 of this training program
    –lose by getting killed, medically discharged, or administratively separated
    –also possible to get sent to the brig if you try to escape, and then you can play through brig content before having to restart training –and your 4-year contract
  81. Borat: except now you can capture Pamela Anderson, she still looks hot, etc.
  82. Braveheart: except not forced to be tortured to death at end –and the movie was probably propaganda; a lie claiming that guy got caught, when he might have gotten away with standing up for himself
  83. Bridge of Spies:  play as the Russian sent to Berlin to negotiate with the American seeking his spy-plane pilot exchanged for a captured/convicted Russian spy;
    mostly a dialogue-options game
  84. Build Your Own Pornos:  Make as many avatars/characters as you like, and/or choose from presets of all the hotties (celebrities, influencers, models, porn-stars, singers, etc.) the High King is attracted to,
    then “drag and drop” them into any setting (such as “copy and paste” Sims-like rooms/homes, or environment-presets such as furnished office buildings, school classrooms, wilderness/terrain types, etc.),
    checkboxes for which sex-positions and techniques each is to use,
    “drag and drop” them onto a sequence-bar if you have an order-preference for the given scene,
    automate and/or manually adjust (during filming/playthrough) interactions,
    dial up or down different types of behavior (such as flirting, foreplay, shyness/confidence, strutting, vogueing, etc.),
    add any type of animal or made-up creature in the menu,
    design creatures as easily as you design your character/avatar/s,
    record from any or multiple angles, easily create tiled/collage playbacks,
    save files to your home-computer/-device,
    set how lifelike the CGI looks (from cartoony/old-school to “hyper realistic” –like DeepFakes),
    type in any specific comments you want any of them to say in word-bubbles or just audibly,
    choose to sync’ any music or sound effects to the action,
    include sex-toys (such as dildos, splorches, Sybians, etc.) if you like,
    see characters start to get sweaty, tired, fatigued, even limp,
    and so on.
    –e.g. having Lara Croft and Lollipop Chainsaw make out while being fucked by the monsters/zombies from their video games
  85. Cabin in the Woods:  except no fugly almost-trans sigourny weaver,
    –and the whore is required by the titans/atlanteans to prevent them berserking, and they only rise and berserk cataclysm when the whore is hurt or insulted or prevented from being free-loving.
    –All the murder-bots underground are controlled by the atlanteans, not the fugtard humans.
    –The cabin is where ppl get invited, not lured or trapped.
    –Only hateful degenerates such as queers and anyone against my (Auz’s) way gets trapped and killed there.
    –The whore fucks everyone (incl. wildlife; taking that wolf-head fangs-lick scene to the next level) to confirm they have good souls/essences, at which point they are free to go or continue helping her have orgies.
    –and ancients don’t return as titans; the atmosphere etc. doesn’t support that; they return as hotties, often playing the role of the whore –since modern humanimals are so pathetically terrible/insufficient at that normalcy
    –play as the sexy blonde, or the other characters, but female characters always have to put out throughout the game in order to prevent the ancient/giant/s from resurfacing, pissed
  86. Call of Cthulhu:  XXX: and every story ever told by Lovecraft, now as part of this game, with female characters able to have sex with every monster and other character
    –incl. full city R’lyeh
  87. Call of Duty: Black Ops IV: a GTA-like environment where you play as the members of The Wolves based out of their secret Montana ranch bunker complex in the heart of the Bob Marshall Wilderness; complete dozens of missions across the United States and then beyond, with the final missions involving recruiting for the 2nd Secret Army, establishing the momentum of the American Exodus, and sending carefully selected Wolves teammates with the special supercomputer prototyped in one of their complex’s bunkers
  88. Call of Duty: Black Ops V: a GTA-like environment where you play as the 2nd Secret Army of black-ops units during the pre-Rapture; the time between the Nuclear Independence Day attacks and the day-long Rapture Campaign of 2013 January 1 (driving around between cities and towns around the world, kidnapping all worthy girls, getting more points for hotter girls, pre-screening them via rape-based tests in the White Rhino-like vehicles, getting more points for breaking girls like recruits are broken and reprogrammed in Boot Camp, and raiding –and even nuking– some of the FEMA camps once they near capacity)
  89. Call of Duty: Black Ops VI / Splinter Cell VIII:  Assassin Pods:  with an option to toggle back and forth between first-person cockpit and first-person vehicle-rear POVs, play to infiltrate dozens/hundreds of worlds across the Megaverse (not just in the Universe, and certainly not just in the Milky Way galaxy), including many of those from the Kepler Tally, then neutralize various threats in the Inisfreean style; not just/always with the aging methods of sniping/poisoning/framing, but via much gentler, sexier, and more sophisticated methods; suggestion, distraction, and seduction that helps both sides instead of damaging one or both (*some missions involve using the Assassin Pod‘s black-hole based weapons, some involve operating on foot while the Assassin Pod patrols the skies, and others involve completing marksmanship missions during freefall while the Assassin Pod completes autopilot dogfights and then sweeps down to retrieve you, etc.)
  90. Call of Duty:  Summation:  all of them in one; all weapons, missions, etc.
  91. Captain America:  except ours shows how Americans were primitively attempting to misuse what they’d deduced/spied of the Germans; not that Germans were trying to use drugs and other means to turn fellow Germans into super-men, but that the Americans and other false-humans were trying to fix their evil-corrupted/-weakened bodies/forms so that they would look normal/healthy/strong like the still-pure Germans and other Angelics/good beings
    –game campaign is based on tricking the first super-soldier the Americans managed to make and deploy… into going to places where his abilities would be recorded and countered, he never able to become intelligent or aware/ESP-enough to ever find or vandalize/steal things the Germans/Angelics actually valued/needed
  92. Carnival Row:  play through every episode’s area/content, except all characters are sexy (unlike in the poorly-cast TV show), the Fairies are respected in towns, you can gain access to the sealed-off ancient library for reading/intel’, etc.
  93. Carol Danvers: the 7th Captain Marvel
  94. Carrier Racing: a NASCAR-like racing game playable on the Double-carrier track (with different races for many vehicles types; stock-car races, truck races, motorcycle races, etc.), enjoy multiple first-person POVs during each of dozens of races –including ‘Tokyo Drift’-style contests
  95. Casino:  play as either the robbers or those (the owners; mafia/mob) defending (thus able to call backup from allied/other mafia/mob members)
  96. Cast Away:  play through every scene’s area/content, doing your best to survive on that island for years –but now you can play as a female, thus able to “play” with wildlife, etc. –bonus content:  choose who survives the plane-crash (i.e. if a male and male, you can have one complete supportive survival tasks for you, and if a male and female, or female and female, you can have sex with them to boost morale, day by day)
  97. Centipede (Atari):  play through the progression, except via bug-beastiality to satisfy NPCs, not shooting/destroying them —playthrough
    –way btr graphics
  98. Charmed:  play through every episode’s area/content, except all the witches are sexy (not just tolerable, like in the meh-cast TV show), they can fuck all the other characters (NPCs) (e.g. when that one witch fucks her Angel husband, his eyes glow, halo shows up and gets brightens when you get him to orgasm in you, etc.), their magic-elder supervisors/inspectors aren’t cunts to them, they have ~nightly just-the-three-of-them threesomes (sometimes for fun, other times to boost their Vril; sex-magic mana/energy), etc.
  99. Chess on Gor:  as described in novel 5 of the Gor novels series by Dr. John Frederick Lange Jr.
    –20 pieces instead of reg’-Chess 16 per player
    –added Physician, Scribe, and Tarnsman
    –kept reg’-Chess pieces, just gave them new names; Ubar instead of King, etc.
    –lifelike Tarn, Tharlarion, etc.
    –each piece named after a caste is in (wearing) the robe/symbol of that caste, still mostly red or yellow (the two sides/players), but now multicolored w/ its tunic/whatever
    guess image
  100. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:  play through every episode’s area/content, except she uses normal/real witch-magic, which is full-body, thus always partially, if not entirely, sexual; Vril, etc. (starting by using a magic-wand and then a broom-handle as a dildo, etc.), and she can fuck anything in the game; human NPCs, monsters, wildlife, you name it –and her Familiar (black cat) actually lunges at and attacks anyone who tries to interfere with any of that)
    –choose which spells to use, such as if to erase/hide any NPC’s memory/ies
    –use sex with NPCs to dramatically temporarily boost/amend your powers/spells-range
    –travel to ley-lines, magic-nodes, ancient-ritual sites, megalithic ruins, etc. (for other boosts/buffs/perks)
    –torment or even torture and kill any NPC attempting to persecute fellow good witches
  101. Choose Your Own Adventure:  all books/plots in this series as separate playthroughs/campaigns, and if you set your character to female… she can fuck anything along the way
  102. Cinderella: except now her stepsisters are nice to her, so all of them often have almost-incest together (full sex, just not actual incest since they are only legally ‘related’)
    –option to encourage/have the prince get fucked by all the sexy females; the step-sisters, after he fucks you
    –no forced endgame/credits; can keep playing after establishing the relationship with him
    (Our culture and civilization and essence are about eternal paradise/heaven, after all.)
  103. Civilization VII: Inisfree:  see how Inisfree is built (excavations, then buildings, then vehicles, then its shield-dome, then landscaping, then test-flights (of the city itself), then the black-hole upgrade to its shield-dome, then its internal solar system, etc.) in this version of Civilization which starts with the Grid Mind (growing Inisfree via ‘the grid’; ‘gridding’) or 3D-printers (printing Inisfree while Tunnel-Boring Machines (TBMs) dig out and prep its underground hemisphere’s constructs’ areas), then results in the development and use of the Rainbow Orbs, with the focus being not on expansion (up and out, population booms and conquering, etc.), but becoming more efficient and sustainable (building in and down, producing all your own crops, generating all your power in a growing number of ways, not needing to trade, etc.) up to the point of reaching Inisfree’s maximum capacity; ~2 billion annual guests, regulated by the city’s dispersion law(s)  (*with option to use MandaloridaysRooftop CarriersArk IIs, and/or Space Whale)
  104. Civilization VIII: Humanoids:  another Civilization version; set on Earth after 2013 (and into the distant future), the empires and races are not of humanity, but:  [Aesir (Asgardians), Angels, Anunnaki, Asari, Aspara, Demi-deities, Demons, Dinoids/Reptoids, Dragons, Drow (in caves), Elementals, Elves (Blood, Night, Woodland), Fay, Geth, Giants (not Titans), Goreans, Greys, Illithids (Mindflayers), inter/trans-dimensional humanoids (such as/including the Draenei), Kryptonians, Mala’kak (a.k.a. Engineers / Space Jockeys), Merfolk (Mermaids; in the bodies of water on the map, including subterranean ones), Naga, Necromongers, Nymphs, Pleiadians, Priest-kings (high-tech hives which use gravity weapons and related tech’), Protoss, Raccoon-humanoids, tentacle-based creatures, Terminators, Titans (super giants), Valyrians, Vampires, Vanir, Were-creatures​ (including Werewolves), X-Men (build or start in communities such as Genosha), Xenomorphs, and Yautja (a.k.a. Predators)]
  105. Civilization IX: 39 Kingdoms:  another Civilization version; set on Earth from 2014 to 2313, this one features the birth of the 39 post-Rapture cities of humanity, how they grew into kingdoms, and how they eventually met as hyper-polluting Judge-Dredd-era mega-cities
  106. Civilization X: Eldar:  another Civilization version; set across the Milky Way, play as Eldar back when they were building the first of their Craftworlds; build up a Craftworld from a tiny Space-station, then build additional Craftworlds, sailing them across the galaxy (with some missions to discover, map, seal, and guard the Webway), etc.
  107. Civilization XI: Gor:  another Civilization version; set on the planet Gor, play as Priest-kings migrating their world to a sequence of solar systems of your choosing, selecting species from their worlds to seed Gor with, eventually cloaking and migrating Gor to the far-side (relative the Earth) of the Sun, moving some of Earth’s humans to Gor, orchestrating the rise of their cities (such as Ar, Ko-ro-ba, and Treve, and the settlements of Torvaldsland, as well as the herds and caravans of the four groups of the Wagon Peoples), and warring with the Kurii
  108. Claire’s Quest:  3D:  same storyline as the original/inspiration, but in high-res’ 3D now, all the sex-scenes like Wild Life interactions, and with the new feature of being able to instant-travel (portal) back to any of the creatures fucked –as many times as you like (and this will give Claire a boost of energy and motivation every time, not taking it like in stressful first-encounters/fucks)
  109. Clear and Present Danger: play through the movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex along the way
  110. Cliffhanger: play through the movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex along the way
  111. Close Encounters of the Third Kind: play through the movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex along the way (first with wife, then cheating / with that female who teamed up for a while, etc.)
    –option to play as a female who leaves her lame husband, then fucks any/everyone along the way, then enjoys encouraging the aliens to show her how they like to fuck human females, etc.
    –after 1 full playthrough, unlocked special feature: being able to change what the aliens look like, based on a scroll-bar which switches from Nordic/Pleiadian to other IRL humanoid races, then resume from any save-point to meet them instead of the Greys at the end
    –no forced endgame/credits; can keep exploring their giant ship as it begins to travel through Space (thus learn about whichever alien race you chose to have be in this final game-section; what the inside of Grey ships are like and why, or what the inside of other alien race’s ships are like and why)
  112. Cloverfield: play as the giant creature, option to toggle into the POV of any of the little swarms of much-smaller creatures it creates/releases/spawns
    –severely damage and even knock over / tilt some skyscrapers, seeing people falling out of their cracked windows, etc.
    –like in GTA, not even police at first, then police try to get some bad humans to safety, then Army shows up, then Air Force, etc.; gradual escalation as they try more and more ways to hurt/kill you –instead of communicating, etc.; what good beings would do
    –maybe no BattleMechs show up (not yet the time of Pacific Rim / Jaegers)
  113. Clueless: play through the movie plot, just now with far more options for sex along the way; can fuck everything, incl. teachers, parents, parents of friends, strangers on the highway during Drivers Ed, you name it
    –choose her expensive outfits every day (but none as lame/concealing as those in the movie)
  114. Cocoon: except now all characters are attractive
  115. Collateral Damage: play through the (Arnold) movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex along the way
  116. Coming to America: play through the movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex along the way (such as having a tag-team where you and your roommate Eiffel Tower a chick or chicks –whether the main female character or not; all of them will be into it)
  117. Commando: play through the movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex along the way –incl. with his daughter (PB Alyssa Milano in the movie, so obviously it was sorely lacking sex scenes), and between her and anyone you tell her to have sex with, regardless of whether they are/were a hostile NPC
  118. Con Air:  play as either those escaping, or those trying to re-capture them (not as Nicholas Cage’s character)
  119. Conan the Barbarian: play through the movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex along the way
    –full world to explore; Earth-size game-map, bigger than WoW’s, showing how Earth was these millennia in the past
  120. Contact:  play through every scene’s area/content, travel through the jump-gates network, fuck the alien posing as a human at the end/destination, etc.
  121. Cops: except not following the episodes; you actually have to treat good/innocent/normal people well or they start copkilling and getting away with it, exposing police-department corruption, getting you locked up instead, etc.
  122. Cowboys & Aliens: play through the movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex (between Olivia’s character and the cowboys, aliens, and anyone else, even wildlife) along the way
    –can play as either the main male or main female character from the movie
    –Olivia’s character doesn’t have to suicide at the end like in the deathcult-ruined movie
  123. Crimson Tide: play through the (Denzel) movie plot
    –can even manage to launch the sub’s nukes if you find the right sequence of choices/actions
    –one of our only games where there are almost no sex options, as only males are aboard –excepting only once they are back ashore and on good terms again after the military hearing/meeting; the Captain invites Denzel’s character to fuck his wife whenever he has time (and if the player goes to his house to explore this invitation, he finds that wife is naturally always willing, just like in so many IRL military marriages)
  124. Crystalia and Attilan
  125. Cunt Wars: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) sexy chibi like Mortal Kombat
    ours is not chibi like original
  126. Dame Rider: like Knight Rider, but with a sexy female as the main character, and obviously she goes around fucking; sexpionage, etc.
  127. Dance Dance Revolution: Inisfree Mix:  create an avatar (usually wearing Kno brand couture fashions, with the option of being an Inisfreean with slowly changing hair and eyes‘-iris colors, as well as a slowly changing complexion/tan),
    then have dance-offs at each of Inisfree’s 50 night-clubs, as well as across its streets and (downtown) skyscraper-rooftops (and ground-scraper basement-balconies) during the ‘City Dances’ (all major styles of dance, always with a dirty-dancing twist)
    (*two platforms available; 1) arcade kiosk and 2) Wii-like handheld controller-based version for in-home)
  128. Dancing Reaper: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like Mario Bros. but with redhead rjh-hairstyle katie-jobb v, tits fine in-game, fix them in the cover-art. fix voice
    reference 1, reference 2
  129. Dances with Wolves: play through the movie plot, just now with plenty of options for sex along the way, except now the White female character is attractive
    –and your character (the male) is always welcome to use any of the tribe’s Native females
    –and you can outsmart, kill, and strip for valuables, all the White soldiers who intrude, then even go to their homes and counterattack, kidnap their females, etc.
    –secret feature you might discover: any female NPC can be told to seduce wolves that have established good relations with the tribe
  130. Daredevil: maybe our first game with a no-visuals option, limiting the player to listening to sounds and swinging a Wii-like controller in their direction
  131. Dark Angel:  play through all episodes’ content/areas, keep an eye on your “In Heat” countdown so you are not attempting missions when your body demands sex at all costs, bisexual girls “play” with your female roommate, etc.
  132. Dark Phoenix:  one of our most-unique games, as it first learns your voice by asking for confirmation it is having the protagonist appear to change things in the game-environment (practice/tutorial area) the way you meant when you spoke to the game-microphone,
    then you continue using a controller to move the character like normally in any game/system, but whatever you speak during gameplay is then hologram-like superimposed, you either confirm or reject that see-through overlay, and if you confirm it then Jean (the protagonist you are playing as) appears to telepathically/psionically will that to change/happen in front of her / all around her (thus making this game a next-gen’ form of sandbox-genre game)
    –b/c Jean was able to basically cause anything she imagined… to manifest instantly
  133. Darkstar: Laynia’s life
  134. Daybreakers: except it wasn’t a plague that turned most Earth-humans into vampires (since plagues aren’t real/possible, after all), and Alison Bromley (Isabel Lucas’s character) isn’t sentenced to death
    –all female characters are attractive, fuckable (able to be interacted with that much), and always interested/available
    –can play as a vampire or non-vampire
    –vampire will eventually at least witness from the vampire-side the campaign to enslave the remaining free nonvampires, if not be asked to help lead it
    –nonvampire will eventually have to decide between accepting enslavement, fighting back, or going into hiding faraway
    –vampire player-character will have to drink blood based on exertion, and avoid direct sunlight,
    vs. nonvampire player-character who will have to find where in the wilderness edible plants are in abundance, since the only farms are now controlled by the vampires/corporation, thus monitored and policed/patrolled
  135. DC Comics: every comic, every issue, turned into an episode –live-action, cast to look like the hottest versions of the characters
  136. Debbie Does Dallas: except with only attractive female characters in place of the originals, and actually eventually having sex with the entire population of 1978 Dallas (~880K); no more false-advertising title
    –starts with her as a teen in middle school learning the basics with dozens of her first partners
    –junior high, does everyone interested; hundreds
    –senior high, gets accepted to go to a tryout for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders (no more afraid-of-human-laws slightly-different-name in this or any other of our productions)
    –parents approve in this telling of ours, but still can’t afford to send her, so all her sexually-active (we don’t call them “slutty” in a negative way, as we don’t shame people with normal libidos/lifestyles) friends have extra sex for money so they can donate to her to make up the difference
    –ends up getting her to tryouts, where she enjoys sex with hundreds of more people, including others there to tryout, plus the cheerleaders, plus the judges, plus coaches of the football team, etc.
    –returns to her hometown to fuck as many more as she can before having to move to Dallas
    –once in Dallas, is helped to have daily/nightly orgies whenever not in training, thus sex with thousands more at first
    –finally sex with tens of thousands after living and working as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader there for more than a year
    –exchanges sex for carpooling/roadtrips to/from her hometown whenever she can, often unable to go all the way in a single vehicle, thus numerous new sex-partners during every one-way trip
    –finally reaches her goal of not just being a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, but also of having sex with basically everyone in Dallas (not DFW) at the time; hundreds of thousands
    –sometimes at big parties at houses, or in night clubs, or ‘underground’ gloryholes, or porno sets, rodeos, etc.
    –accepts every request from all her fans, whom she makes herself available to via her personal website
    800k dallas pop. ÷ 100 sexual partners/day would mean 8,000 days to fuck them all; 22yrs.
    So 200/d= 11yrs
    200/d outside of part-time (20hrs/wk cheer practice) =
    (16 waking hrs ×7d)- 20= 92hrs/wk
    -21 for 1hr meals 3/d= 71
    errands might be another 7hrs; 64hrs
    hygiene is another 14hrs; 50remain
    50÷7= ~7/d
    200partners ÷ 7hrs= ~26hr; easily doable (and pun!)
    This doesn’t exhaust her; it is her nature, since she has Nymph blood in her veins.
    Even if she doubled her numbers, it would still come as easily to her as breathing does for the rest of us.
  137. Deception Point: this book, now in playthrough game form
    –as always, the female main character is sexy and has more than one of the other characters as her partners
    –play as her
    –She ends up in an open relationship with Michael Tolland; full sex-scene as final cinematic.
    –the point: to show how bad things can get (and many times Have gotten) when humans with ulterior motives are armed and set loose on one another,
    and to remind that the military is not a bunch of heroes/saints
  138. Deep Impact: follow the plot of the movie (and inevitably fail; the comet hits the Earth, causing a towering supersonic tidal-wave)
    –play as one of the astronauts
    –survival not guaranteed
    –no options for sex until after returning to the Earth and helping start rebuilding
    –This game as sort of a reminder how important it is to monitor Space weather, have powerful options for dealing with potential cataclysms, have ways of rapidly rebuilding (3D-printing, etc.), have powerful allies (ancients, humanoids, superhumans, etc.), and have your civilization be based on tech’ such as Inisfree; mobile cities specifically designed to easily withstand and maneuver around such major threats.
  139. Deepthroat Horse Sex Cum: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) Cum: great “white-dragon” during horse bj, reduce tits
    featuring the “angry/white dragon”
    merging with Horace’s Hoarse Horse Whores: fix horrible faces and pussies
  140. Defender: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –better graphics but same dark lunarscape and colorful blasts
  141. Demolition Man: play through the scenes of the movie, except Sandra’s character (Lenina) is attractive and interested even though she was brought up in a wayward anti-nature pussified near-future Outlander-human city
    –not only get to start fucking Lenina, but she is so impressed by normal interaction (sex, non-brainwashed comments, etc.) that she becomes willing to do whatever/whomever you want/tell her to; any other NPC, even the criminals, etc.
    –beyond-movie content: continue playing the game by going house to house, arresting all the deviants/queers/pussies, and putting Them in the CryoPrison –forever (only in the distant-future to be awoken at times just so that restabilized humans in those eras can see how retarded/evil those brainwashed betas had let themselves become, thus repeatedly/indefinitely putting them back in cryo-stasis)
    –final cinematic: the last of the betas/brainwashed/corrupt/pussies everywhere are added to new CryoPrisons elsewhere, restoring true inner (emotional/mental/stress) and outer (between humans) peace across the outer surface of the world
  142. Demon Princes: based on the 5 novels and 5 interstellar crime bosses
  143. Destroy All Humans!:  based on actual abduction footage from both the MIB and aliens’ sides/perspectives, play as a variety of aliens this time (not just a single Gray), actually do checkups (re-abductions) to track progress of the clandestine hybrids program (Anunnaki attempt to prevent the modern/invader humans from going full-evil/-useless), do time-pauses once hovering over an abductee-target, impregnate women (after arranging DNA sequences which auto-show on-screen what the hybrid-result will be once paired with different NPC human females), take their newborns whether they are hybrids or not, look into mind-maps on screen to decide which memories to change/hide, play through Dulce’s underground base’s “nightmare hall”, see Gray motherships, etc.
  144. Diablo:  Reimagined: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where your male character can fuck any female human, you can command any female character to fuck any/everything, and your female character can fuck any/everything, using Vril “magic” to open portals, etc.
    The Diablo plot is corrected to remove all xian lies/propaganda; those who worship unorthodox/non-xian beings get rewarded in this (our) version of the game, and are helped to save the town from the haters/death-cult idiots. When you encounter or summon “demons”/hell-beasts, they never attack you, instead defending you and themselves against the haters/townsfolk. You use your powers to liberate the minds of savable townsfolk (i.e. those who worship/support/love Lilith and other good/great beings, etc.).
  145. Die Hard:  (the plot of) all movies in this series… as major sections / options in this game
    –Wild Life graphics (since original games made based on this series had barely-Doom graphics)
  146. Dig Dug: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –way less annoying-beepy, btr graphics
  147. Diminishing Perfect v0.4b: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) Follows the story of Jennifer, a young girl who moved to a lawless town with her mom. Inspired by her favorite comic heroine, she tries to fight criminals on her own. This game is also filled with daily activities like watching TV, playing video games, streaming, and making friends.
  148. Dinotopia:  play as humans or any of the dinosaurs (chosen during character creation, but also during gameplay; based on the Wild Life “possess” option), get penalized as a carnivore-dinosaur for eating non-threat animals (as your role is to protect the civilization, not harass it from its fringe), explore the ancient cave ruins
  149. District 9: play as the leader of the alien spaceship, including during the voyage to his homeworld, and the voyage back, etc.
    –opening cinematic shows what happened that malfunctioned his spaceship –from his POV in the cockpit
    –first mission is to get to the escape pod and then find a shanty to hide in
  150. Divergent: all 3 movies as this one game, except Tris is attractive in ours, obviously never disrespecting her gender by cutting her hair short (which was yet another obvious example of the ongoing Hollywood-based campaign to brainwash the masses into thinking gender-disrespect (straying from one’s natural gender) has been normalized)
  151. Django: except you can rape all the White women, enslave the Whites, start a “reverse-plantation”, etc.
  152. Djinn/Petra
  153. Doctor Strange:  whole life, starting with medical school –and part of how he raises his daughter to one day be The Sorceress Supreme is by introducing her to enjoyable incest magic; Vril
  154. Dodgeball: except now, obviously, you can fuck the female characters, all the female characters are hot and always in the mood, both teams are on good terms (just jokingly being intense back and forth) thus sharing their girlfriends/fuckbuddies/cheerleaders, etc.
  155. Dog Match: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
  156. Doom XXX:  all the games in this series in one, all levels playable in sequence or however you please, all ‘mobs’/hostiles replaced with a variety of hotties, etc.
    –vastly-improved version of the 1993 classic, “Doom”; this means putting our positivity and unity spin on it, of course, while keeping with the original “look and feel” of the game; we’re honoring its signature layouts, angles, and gameplay, and infusing and enriching them with the caliber of things that have always made Inisfree so grand.
  157. Donkey Kong:  XXX: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where your male character (a gorilla) can fuck any female human, you can command any female character to fuck any/everything, and even some of the plants you pass are fuckable —playthrough
    –can climb trees, tear arms off enemies, even shit on your hand and throw it
  158. Dorsai: the unfinished Childe Cycle novels series now complete
  159. Double Dragon: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –except realistic martial arts motions
  160. Dracopedia: Field Guide: now interactive, and not just as digital turn-pages, but by going out to different fields/regions where each type of described dragon is then introduced in person
    –incl. this dif’ book’s content: Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons
    –modified so no nonsense; actual dragon facts
    –player gets invited by one of the dragons down into its palatial lair, too; the kind that builds such cave improvements/upgrades (after multiple meetings, thus establishing trust, etc.)
    –can bring any type of dragon captured bad/false-humans as donations (food); speeds up the bonding/friendship
  161. DragonHeart: except not “torture porn”; characters aren’t made to suffer in this telling, only bond as friends magically sharing their different abilities/powers
  162. Dreamcatcher (about the parasitic alien race that grows in the intestine and kills the host by crawling out of their asshole when they shit): except in our version of this plot, the aliens don’t harm their hosts, so they are only temporarily and nonviolently parasitic, and they only gestate in females, and those females’ systems (bloodstreams/whatever) are treated to a surge of aphrodisiac and painkiller before the “ass birth” (just in case), and some females enjoy the experience (if they had and enjoyed anal sex multiple times before encountering this alien)
    –play as a male (secret Army unit soldier) investigating, OR
    –as a female (one of those who get an alien in them –and the process is voluntary; the alien telepathically chats with the female and only approaches once it has her permission)
    –or as 2 different members of this alien species (1st as a grown one seeking to get its seeds into a female host, and then as 1 of those seeds as it begins to get big enough to start exploring and dining in that female’s intesting, etc.)
  163. Drizzt: following the novels about this famous loner Drow
  164. Druuna:  all graphic “novels” in sequence –using the tits and outfits of the Outlander game made about this/her, but a better face and voice, making her sound French and sexy, etc.  —reference
  165. Duck Hunt:  except we obviously are out to catalogue and heal, not harm or kill
    –teaching how to use bird-call apps and handheld tools
  166. Duke Nukem:  All: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where you can join the ogres/monsters in the fuck-booths by tag-teaming the female NPCs in there with them, etc.
  167. Dumbo: similar plot to the original animated movie, except no animal abuse in this telling of ours, and human females interested in trying elephant beastiality are an option if you want to interact that way with those NPCs
  168. Dune:  play through every scene’s area/content, just without the typical gross broken-record race-mixing BS hollywood kept shamefully forcing into the film-adaptations, and without the flop-tits of the poorly-cast original-film main-actress
    –video:  “Dune: Awakening – Gamescom Gameplay Presentation
  169. Dungeons & Dragons:  Forgotten Realms:  open world like WoW; play across all of Faerun and the connected Planes
    –meet Drizzt Do’Urden and other noteworthy people featured in the rulebooks and fan fiction
    –creation-myth is fixed so not retarded parroting/rewording of IRL mainstream pseudoscience/gibberish
    –Dozens of meh D&D comp’/vid’ games have been made, but basically each had one city or one section of a city as their playable area. Fans have asked for an open/full world for years, and now they shall have one.
    –Each aberration and other hostile creature/NPC does different things, such as some mind-controlling you, some eating, some torturing, some raping your female character, some enslaving and breeding your female character, some a combination of those and/or other things, etc.; no universal hit/fall fighting-/fail-animation like in most Outlander-made games.
    –dynamic weather system; not just day-night with cold mountaintops
    –dynamic currents and tides system
    –all languages mentioned on the wiki/s are fully created; no more just a few with alphabets, and a few dictionaries listing only a few words
    –All characters mentioned in the guides/rulebooks and wikis are NPCs.
    –possible expansions will feature/be the open-world of each of the planets used as popular settings for D&D tabletop
  170. Dunkirk: except play as the Germans chasing out the false-humans, and try not to let any escape (though some, historically, did, thus will be shown to in one of the last cinematics of this game)
    –first cinematic shows how the false-humans are plotting this underhanded attempt at keeping their evil kind alive and plaguing the nations that, unlike Germany, didn’t sense and withstand their invasion/infiltration
  171. D.Va Fucks Dogs – Overwatch XXX: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) some of the best CGI
    rule34 pic
    –2024sept10tue adds:  start with only 1 dog you can fuck; a small one for her to ease into this lifestyle/passtime,
    build a bond by fucking it well, thus unlocking another dog you can fuck,
    eventually also gain trust with the owners, who introduce you to other owners/places/backgrounds you can fuck in,
    then earn the achievement of unlocking all dogs in this game, at which point you can refuck any of them as you desire
    –maybe starts in a backyard fenced, then in houses, then kennels, then arcade, then on stage for audience, etc.
    –become able to DP and then TP, then get gangbanged by dogs
    –final ability is simultaneously satisfying a dog with one end while satisfying a human with your other end
  172. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: same as the movie plot, just with only attractive female-human NPCs
    –play as E.T.
  173. Earth 2: similar plot as the show, except only good surprises happen on this Earth-like world being scouted in hopes of becoming able to settle (start a colony on) it
    –play as a male or female human
    –male humans can fuck any female human
    –female humans can fuck anything, such as the indigenous brown-scales humanoids who eventually interact
    –able to roam the entire outer surface of this world
    –able to return to the Space station; not stuck on the surface/ground
    –no underhanded/suspicious behavior/actions of those in charge of the Space station/scouts
  174. Echidna Wars: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) pixelated chibi sexy
  175. Edge of Tomorrow:  except the female sidekick has to figure out the way the hostiles prefer her to let them fuck her… in order to prevent the time-loop/s
  176. Edward Scissorhands: except now with attractive female characters, option to have sex with them at any time, etc.
    –play as Edward
  177. Elder Scrolls, The: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, etc., all with the ability for female characters to have sex with every creature, including the dragons –*and the focus is on exploration and sex, not fighting/killing/violence, and the dragons in Skyrim are the ones who help and teach you the power-words, which you then use against the (obviously) bad humans.
  178. Elevator Action: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –Now in 3D, Wild Life
    –You actually have to click/push the elevator buttons, not just wait for them to move, and not move them with up and down ctrls
    –only shoot haters, and can fight and subdue them
    –can seduce borderlines
    –always kiss/quickie positive NPCs (male char’ to female NPCs, or female main to any compatible NPC (neutral if seduced, and pos’ NPC at any time)),
    –actually go into unlocked rooms (red doors) anytime, but only get points if there are positive NPCs in them and you quickie them
    –original music score now modernized but sounds generally same/recognizable, just not repetitive for entire game
    –Lights go off, and you can turn them off/on
    –If you don’t shoot the haters, they will scare/offend/shoot away the positive NPCs and neutrals, thus costing you many points
  179. Elfquest:  based on the illustrated books
  180. Elysium: except gather resources to make the spaceship, build it in orbit, begin staffing it, defend it, deploy teams from it to help the wayward masses planet-side, etc.
  181. Encino Man: play through the movie scenes (name from the setting; the California town/city), except now Pauly Shore’s character doesn’t act/dress/look extra-gay/weak (which was probably a device to make also pretty-weak-looking modern-‘male’ Brendan’s character look more caveman/masculine/towering
    –good that the movie didn’t try to make the caveman look half-primate or overly-hairy; just showed how ancient people could still have been just as hairless and modern-looking
  182. End of Days: except no more standard baseless/unprovoked deathcult nonsense/slander against Angels; the Angel in our telling is not called The Devil,
    the female he wants to have full-body interaction with is naturally willing/eager,
    and the protagonist (Arnold) is asked to help provide security for them so none of the typical insecure deathcult (anti-love and anti-Angels) retards meddle/intrude
    –use various small-arms to gun down such deathcult NPCs
    –no need to sacrifice self like in the typical suicide-promoting deathcult-garbage movie
    –the Angel isn’t trying to use sex to escape anything/anywhere
    –only tradeoff is that the woman has then experienced normal/ideal sex; she won’t ever again be as interested in the lame modern almost-sex that the bad/false-humans offer/want (which is the secret REAL reason why the deathcult always tries to talk people out of trusting/loving Angels)
  183. Ender’s Game:  trilogy as one, except you can find a way to communicate and achieve piece with the aliens, sending the females of the SSP fleet deployed to their homeworld planet-side to make beastiality love with the drones, etc.
  184. Enemy at the Gates: play through the movie scenes,
    –able to fuck the female character at any time, not just the end
    –female characters often seen having sex with anyone/thing they can; to help take the edge off during the years-long war
    –female characters are attractive in our telling, unlike basically nearly every Outlander movie made so far
  185. Entrapment: play through the movie plot, Catherine’s character even hotter-looking in this game of ours
    –and instead of having the entire plot be one multi-hour sexual-frustration with no release, the characters in ours can fuck the entire time, even though they don’t trust each other until the end
  186. Equilibrium: play as a citizen having to pretend to take the emotion-inhibitor pills while plotting an escape beyond that anti-nature civilization, OR
    –play as one of those on the outside, trying to find a way to liberate those trapped within it.
    –the movie scenes are now cinematics
    –one of our only games with Gun Katas in it, and they can be triggered by either controller button-combos or Wii-controlled movements (wherever the pistol/s would be pointing)
    –perhaps automated Gun Katas learned one at a time, probably only if playing as one of the citizens, since outsiders (and most citizens, for that matter) wouldn’t have even heard of such things, or not lived long after witnessing them
  187. Eraser: play through the movie scenes, except can fuck the female character (Vanessa Williams’ character) at any time during –and, as always, we made the female character far sexier than the mutant Outlander actresses could ever hope to be
  188. Eternals: because you can’t compress an entire comic series into a single movie and have it make sense at all –and, as always, we prevent any evil orientation-changing; characters are as they were written, their races and sexual orientations not changed/corrupted
  189. Europa Report: play through the movie scenes, able to fuck the whole way (to help take the edge off the pun-not-intended astronomical level of stress of such a far-out deployment)
    –can choose not to open the hatch once the ship starts sinking
    –underwater tentacles-creature will not hurt, only fuck, the female astronaut/s –if they are the ones alive at the end
    –play as either a male or female astronaut
    –If you have at least one female alive at the end when the sinking starts, letting the tentacle-creature fuck her will result in it helping her get to safety; it will summon others who will together stop the sinking/flooding.
    –possible to explore in different ways, not stepping on cracks, not losing teammates, etc.
    –also possible to not send reports/videos back to Earth, such as if you choose to keep the intelligent aliens secret (so bad Earth-humans won’t send the next mission as a military/genocidal/exploitative one)
  190. EVE Online: with the ability to keyboard-toggle god-mode; invincible with endless capacitor/energy –*and you can now explore the rest of their galaxy (not just the few thousand solar-systems and worm-hole systems introduced in the original of this game), plus the distances between the worlds and stars are now “normal” (based on those of the Milky Way) –*and every ship costs 10x less, with all research/learning of/for skills taking 10x less time
    –slave ships actually carry slaves, etc.
    –no need for multiple accounts anymore; as many characters as you like/need in your 1/first account
    –zero tolerance for evil degeneracy such as the trans BS
    –never any mass-emails sent out with propaganda promoting evil nonsense such as trans BS
  191. Event Horizon:  play through every scene’s area/content, except it isn’t about a ghost or hell in Space, but discovering wonders, sexy beyond-humans in another dimension, etc.
    –play through the movie’s scenes, except you can fuck along the way
    –NPC teammates go through the negative experiences, as they are the humans brainwashed to default to negativity, or whose essences simply already were / always are negative, thus they become paranoid, delusional, suicidal, etc.
    –Your character in this telling instead experiences good visions, as you were either an optimist/stabilizer from the start, or due to different brainwashing/training/circumstances
    –It is eventually proposed in a cinematic or other means… that the ship did not get damaged, even though its crew got massacred by the amplification of their own brainwashing/doubts/fears, because the ship is run by a computer, thus is neutral, thus can be portal-ed around rather unexpectedly, but not damaged. “There’s nothing wrong with the ship’s drive or any other part of it, just with its former/late crew.”
    –Now that those in charge of the ship and other Spacecraft/programs understand this, they began brainwashing/upbringing those intended for such journeys into the ether/void VERY differently; to help ensure later voyages’ members survive.
  192. Executive Decision: play through the movie scenes
  193. Exodus: Gods and Kings: except play as the Egyptian goodguys chasing out the false-humans who tried to steal from, and/or cause to malfunction, and/or graffiti (adding hieroglyphs which lie about how things in Egypt were back then), the ancient megastructures today incorrectly assumed to be tombs; the pyramids at/of Giza
  194. Expedition (to Darwin IV): except play as a female in one of those conical hover-pods, not just scouting around to find interesting mutant-animals to sketch and paint, but to communicate with them, always offered careful sex, since their essences haven’t changed since the old nuclear war/cataclysm, only the bodies of their offspring
    –return to the mothership once all surface species have had sex with your female avatar
    –report to the Yma (aliens in charge of the mothership, and who facilitated this interstellar expedition), who your female avatar can also have full-body interaction with (perhaps as the way of most-efficient communication/reporting; not just limited to handsigns and sounds/words)
    –retcon: It wasn’t all the Earth that got ruined by pollution/toxicity, just where the human megacities were, and since this book was set in 2366 A.D. (just 53 years after the 2313 deportation of most remaining humans from Earth), the humans invited by the Yma… are leaving one of their colony-worlds (for yet-another reminder from yet another better-than-humans species/civilization not to fuck up Earth)
    –reference: wiki basics
    –based on the book Expedition by Wayne Douglas Barlowe, and with an option to toggle back and forth between first-person cockpit and first-person vehicle-rear POVs, play as both the Yma and humans (Yma piloting the ship(s), while humans catalog all the lifeforms in the biomes of planet Darwin IV), starting with the advent of Yma first-contact, then the discussion to mount a joint-expedition to another solar system, then the voyage itself, then missions from orbit to the skies of the target planet in that system, and finally the preparations for the return trip (*missions will be counted as victories if no observation pods crash to the surface, for ex., and much of the cinematics’ material can be built up from the CGI already completed for this book’s transition to TV spots)
    –sexualized (esp. the Gulper); if you play as a female character, you can fuck all the creatures, and if you play as a male then you can send a female subordinate to do those things
  195. Eyes Wide Shut:  but the wife supports you going to orgy galas/parties / sex-shows –and participates every time you invite/request/schedule her, and you can host such events in her/your house
  196. Faceoff: except the wife and daughter are attractive, full sex-scenes with them, incest casually, etc.
  197. Fair Game:  play through every scene’s area/content, not just limited to that one sex-scene in the train-car
  198. Family Sex (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) fix underboobs, pussies, etc.,
    and update: can use any photo of your real family members or those of others, and it will apply it like a skin to the character/s you tell it to
  199. Fantasia: Disney’s experiment; the first time a cartoon was paired/synchronized with classical music
    –our version shows a human wizard, dressed the same as Mickey is in the original
    –and teaches the basics/fundamentals of harmonics, showing how different frequencies/notes cause water and other pure solutions/volumes to take on different shapes/forms, etc.
    –able to practice/repeat any individual note/frequency, and then any sequence of notes, as many times as you want
    –shows what will actually happen if those sounds interact with the real-life elements/liquids featured in this game
    –not based on sex, except that sex-sounds (sex crying, sex moaning, sex panting (shared breath), etc.) are among the notes you can eventually unlock and play at/into the water/whatever
  200. Fantastic Beasts:  except the ones featured are IRL; dragon, Pegasus, etc.
    –and it shows those creatures fucking their own kind at times
  201. Fantastic Four: based on the comics, not the movies, and no brown-washing of Sue (who in the movies was played by non-White Jessica Alba for obvious reasons; Hollywood’s ongoing attempt to ruin all innocent logical original tales/concepts while SOMEWHAT appealing to any race other than the White one… but also trying to mix-and-match features of different races so that it normalizes race-mixing –which isn’t bad in and of itself, except the way Hollywood/America has been doing it; trying to remove ALL purebloods/purebreds)
  202. Fast and the Furious, The:  play through every movie’s area/content, fucking Letty and other sexy females along the way (any female NPC you want, all of which are sexy, of course), etc.
  203. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas:  play through every scene’s area/content, except without drugs other than aphrodisiacs, and you fuck as many strippers, escorts, prostitutes, and wives on vacation as you want
    –our version is based on aphrodisiacs, thus attraction/love/lust/positivity, not fear, but still has most of the same elements/jokes as the movie
  204. Federation of International Skiing and Snowboarding (FIS): XXX
  205. Femalien: similar to the movie, except that the human-looking alien race didn’t lose its ability to experience physical pleasure; they just the female protagonist (whom you CAN play as) to offer to share their advanced mastery OF physical pleasure (meaning that it is Earth-humans who forgot/lost a lot of that ability, evident IRL)
    –play as that female alien emissary/helper/visitor, OR
    –play as a male or female Earth-human who assists/guides/serves her during her time here (thus is the one most-often interacted with)
    –no endgame unless you don’t help the alien often/well enough; if humans show no ability to start at least sampling/re-learning normal/complete physical pleasure, she’ll understandably abandon the mission and return to her own people/civilization
  206. Fern Gully:  play through every scene’s area/content, either as the male (protagonist) or female (lead fairy), Wild Life (XXX) options during gameplay, etc., and the female fairies can team up to seduce all the male deforestation guys, enlightening them once sex/orgasm renders them more receptive, etc., and Hexxus is actually an ancient Maiar/Elemental who helps protect the rainforest, plus it is revealed that rainforests are overgrowth; their natural state is to be more like a normal forest, not concealing ancient structures / megaliths, thus the deforestation crew and fairies in this version negotiate how to work together, as fairies only help things grow; they aren’t able to fell excess flora/foliage
  207. Fifty Shades of Grey:  play as either main character,
    if playing the man, start with his introduction to the lifestyle via that previous lover,
    if playing the female, eventually walk around while pregnant, etc.,
    all novels/movies as one game
    –except his name is not Christian, just as it would be ridiculous to name him Jew Grey or Muslim Grey
  208. Fight Club:  play through every scene’s area/content, except more based on sex and rape-play, focusing on interaction and cinematics with the slutty girlfriend, other females you seduce or who hear about you and become groupies, etc.
    –about brutal/hate/rough-sex; the guys and gals who love it
  209. Final Fantasies: all of these games playable as options from the start-screen, but not in sequence (as they were set in different worlds/times/dimensions), and with all the Inisfree-style sex, etc.
  210. Finding Nemo:  no sex, just swimming around, but all the fish look much more like they do IRL,
    and no dyke/lesbian degenerate
    –possible egg-laying and eggs-fertilizing scenes/options
  211. Fire in the Sky 2:  play as the aliens, doing whatever experiments you want to whichever humans you abduct
  212. Fired Up!: like the comedy movie, except our game version of it here shows all the sex scenes, nothing implied
    –play as either the male blond or male brunette
  213. Firefly:  Complete:  details here.
  214. Firefly Persephone:  Choose how to stock up when in the carrier, which black-ops to accept/plan, who to capture, who to mind-control, who to sell, who to keep, etc., with walking-in-carrier, walking-in-ship, walking-planet-side, and piloting the ship (which autopilots itself when you toggle to the Gunner’s chair). Carrier movements are automated, thus like a countdown timer; get back to the carrier before time is up at each world it orbits, or be left behind, forced to use secret warp-/portal-tech’ or even the backup pulse-drive.
  215. Firefly:  Reavers:  play as either the settlers dealing with Reavers, or as the Reavers themselves –which means, yes, you get to raid, brutalize, kidnap, rape, cannibalize, skin, and wear the skin of the settlers like built-up spoils-of-war –but you also have to deal with eventually dying from radiation-exposure due to poorly/incorrectly-maintained starships.
    –Play as a settler, not UAP personnel, as the UAP was busy in the Core region of this multisystem.
  216. Firefly:  Terraformer:  Study how the terraformed worlds (color-coded on the 34 Tauri map) were successfully fine-tuned like that, how the failed terraforming projects failed, and what is believed will complete the terraforming of the remaining terraformable worlds in 34 Tauri, then start trying your hand at it as terraforming project manager.
    Failure might only mean having to keep trying, dealing with climate or water issues, but could be as catastrophic as the fragmentation of a moon or planet.
    Heliforming is not part of this game.
    A.I. helps all along, ensuring perfect management of the parts/steps you decide on.
    It is up to you to decide how much arable land a world should have before terraforming is considered complete.
    On worlds with ample mining resources, maybe agriculture is not your priority.
  217. Flight of the Navigator: play through the movie scenes, not much sexual in this game
  218. Forrest Gump: play through the movie scenes, except his mother is attractive and you can watch when she fucks the guy who lets him into regular school,
    then of course shows everything when he hooks up with Jenny, etc.
  219. Fort of the Naughty World – by Nekoken: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) gray room like the WoW GM secret island interrogation cell
  220. Foundation:  the famous Asimov series, but males can fuck female sexbots, females can fuck anything, and the laws of robotics are not negative (such as “cannot harm any human”) but positive (such as “shall always strive to politely offer/suggest and facilitate if not provide pleasure for good people”)
  221. Free Solo:  climb all the things Alex Honnold has climbed (similar to some Tomb Raider games as far as how the climbing is done, but with much more life-like moves/technique), actually die and revert to save-points if you fall from too high up, fuck his girlfriend in the van between climbs to restore your energy/spirits, end up getting a house with her after climbing El Capitan, then play “after-win” bonus-content such as Sims-like setting up the house, etc.
  222. Fringe: except the main female character is sexy
  223. Frozen: cinematic for backstory/setting, then develop your superpower, then spend time building parts of your ice castle, then help in different ways (not just a single dramatic return like in the animated movie), etc.
  224. Full Metal Jacket: play through the movie scenes, except it shows everything when the Vietnamese prostitute is brought to the platoon, and she can handle the entire platoon and more, etc.
  225. Fury: except from the POV of a German tank Sergeant-equivalent (unteroffizer; lance-sergeant), showing their true heroism as they fought a suicide-mission to hold off the evil false-humans while the rest of their people fled Germany in secret via submarine to somewhere they did not know (obviously Base 211, if you know your history, but no one back then in Germany had reason to know that, lest they be tortured or drugged into revealing it)
  226. Galaga: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –no annoying sfx, way btr graphics
  227. Game of Thrones:  based on the novels, not the show which lazily strayed from them, play as any royal leader of the seven kingdoms, or as the king of the White Walkers, and start back before Valyria collapsed
  228. Gang Bang Wild Style 2: like the porno (one of Peter North’s better-known early works), which was a decent attempt at teaching people normal sex back then, but the females in ours don’t have deformed vaginas/labia that look like a pink wizard-sleeve, and all the rest of their bodies are attractive, as well
  229. Gattaca: females are now attractive, and in this telling… the protagonist figures out that his heart only has that ‘murmur’ because it needs connection/love to complete/balance him –which he gets with her, but only after he hides it long enough to board the launch and be on his/their way
    (similar concept in The Saint)
  230. Gauntlet: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –no more handheld stephen hawking voice
  231. Gen 13:  except now much more of a focus on the lives of those who wanted to be slaves, bodyguards, and assassins of the wealthy; normal natural submissives proud of their great bodies and minds –and proud of, and grateful for, their genius and daring makers who prioritized ensuring they were the healthiest they could be, protecting them from the always-harmful always-rude poverty-causing masses/outsiders (whom they understand are evil by essence, not by circumstance).
    “Created by Doctor Cross, the teens were created as personal slaves, bodyguards, and assassins for the incredibly wealthy, though were kept secret from most of society. The name of the comic comes from the 13th generation of genetically engineered teens.”
    1607 is said to be the first permanent English colony on North America. 1994 was the first issue of Gen13. That’s 387 years later. If a generation is 20 years, that’s 19.35 generations. 13 generations back from 1994 would be 1734. Does that imply that genetic engineering started in the 1700s? Maybe, maybe not. There certainly was selective breeding/marrying going on throughout all of history, but maybe not tinkering on the molecular/genetic level in the modern sense/way (unless that tech’ has existed all along, as another of the secrets kept from the masses). It may just be that every year or few, a new group of teens had been engineered and born (or “test-tube made”; not gestated in natural wombs). 13 groups x 3 years would be 39 years back from 1994; 1981. 1973 is said to be when genetic engineering started, so maybe 1994 is just a disclosure year, not the actual year of Gen13.
  232. Genghis Khan:  depicted as a blue-eyed White redhead, along with many of his troops that way, and you can go on any of his missions, i.e. everywhere his cavalry units were allegedly sent, wiping out entire towns, peoples, etc., with narration/pop-ups explaining that is why many nations adjacent to Mongolia today are but shadows of their original forms, those in the Middle East being a prime example; once good and strong, they got weakened so severely that morons such as the Muslims were able to carve up their remains
  233. G. I. Joe:  play through every episode’s area/content, except with much more sexpionage if you set your character to female, etc.
  234. Ghostbusters:  except during gameplay you eventually discover that there are sexy ghosts, and people able to switch between their “side” and that of the living/waking, and some ghosts help, and there are places where positive-energy builds up as the good-equivalent of under-city pink-ooze
  235. Giant Billiards:  Table-pool in The Governor’s Mansion, and you can choose from any of the 1,000 form-sakes (ICV models), setting the colors of their skin, hair, and the irises of their eyes, etc.
  236. Gilligan’s Island: based on the episodes, except all females are sexy in ours, can fuck at any time, etc.
  237. Gladiator:  play through every scene’s area/content, including between-tournaments sex however you like with all the female slaves and interested free-females who become your fans
  238. Golf Inisfree:  (2024 May 30 Thursday added here, though the idea for this game in general (not the details in the following notes of this game-paragraph) came months before)
    regular golfing rules,
    and the ability to explore all of our multi-course country-club golf-courses area via golf-cart or walking,
    celebrate-fuck the cheerleaders who accompany you (and/or have them give you team-blowjobs), cheerleaders double as your caddies, you can customize their uniform/outfits before starting the course,
    socialize back at the clubhouse, etc.
  239. GoldenEye:  All: all James Bond games, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where James Bond can fuck any female character (and kill them during/after; snuff-style), and you can direct any female character to fuck anyone/thing
  240. Goodfellas: like the movie, except the females are attractive and shared, and you can choose whether to stay professional or get ruined by drugs / caught by the cops/feds
  241. Gor:  (since SexCraft (our/Inisfree’s MMORPG) only covers Inisfree’s relocation there tens of millennia in the future)
    –play as a variety of characters, such as humans of any of the major cities or tribes, or creatures featured in the novels
    –including Girl Catch, flying tarns (and even racing some), riding kaiila, setting up camps, dealing with rampaging Kurii, etc.
    –If you play as a priest-king, you get cinematics of the world’s ancient history, including when it was moved into Sol.
  242. Grand Theft Auto:  All:  all in this series, as one, with Wild Life graphics/physiques, and you can seduce/fuck/rape any female on the street, if playing as a male, and seduce/fuck anyone if playing as a female (literally every NPC will be responsive to advances, though some will “rape roleplay” such as by pretend-fleeing / token-resisting, causing some male NPCs to try and stop you, but you can always just intimidate or kidnap or gun them down, etc.)
  243. Gravity:  except no gender-disrespecting names (Ryan is only a male name. The female astronaut in this game is named Raylene, like the porn star.)
    –and no standard Hollywood deathcult suicide portrayed as heroic/good/inevitable; Kowalski (the male astronaut) also survives
    –discover hints of how thought energy stimulates things to manifest sooner and more stably in The Abyss (ether/Space) –and that lovemaking the natural way (man and woman, or man and women, or women, as long as they are healthy/attractive, etc.) stimulates/wields the ether best of all, as the minds are kept completely filled with only ideal/good/soothing/helpful thoughts/visions, and the vision is shared, thus the auras around the heads synergizing (able to become far more than just their sums when separate/solo/isolated)
    (so these astronauts engage in sex acts more than once, the first time being just to take the edge off before they risk their lives out in Space to solve their problem, and then experimenting more and more as they notice the correlation/causation between good sex and things starting to turn in their favor)
    –not blameshifting to Russia (another repeated evildoing/cop-out of the Amerifails)
    –analysis shows it is lazy-American Space-debris already flying around at high speeds which is to blame
    –If they had split up, like in the dumbass movie meant to mislead fools and appeal to monsters/psychopaths, it would have manifested lessening/undesirable/death, even once one of them made it back to Earth.
  244. Groundhog Day: like the movie, except you, playing as the reporter (protagonist), realize you can get away with whatever you want, as many times as you want, never running out of money or freedom, since at the end of every day… it restarts
    (carjack, rape, steal, commit arson, whatever, and it doesn’t matter if you get caught or even killed; the day restarts and replays indefinitely, as that –not finding a way out of the loop– is the aim/fun of this game/telling)
  245. Guardians of the Galaxy: based on the comics, not so much the movies (even though the first one was pretty well-made)
  246. Guardians of the Galaxy MMORPG
  247. Gulliver’s Travels: based on all the stories about Captain Gulliver
    –world map shows where you can sail
    different species/civilizations
    –“Swift uses Gulliver’s travels to satirize human nature and forms of government. Gulliver’s Travels is considered one of the first novels to express modern alienation and explore an individual’s repeated failures to integrate into society.” Our telling is just to have fun encountering/interacting with such weird creatures in little-known places not on official maps.
  248. Halo MMORPG
  249. Halo:  Balanced: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, with Wild Life sex-options between all characters, such as female Spartans and Covenant aliens
    –sexualized; fuck the female officers, enlisted, cadets, civilians, etc. (entire game series as one; progress from the prequels, like Halo ODST on Reach) –(w/ all multiplayer maps from all games, plus dozens made by players/artists outside Bungie)
  250. Harley Quinn Sex With: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) didn’t find the specific one recommended in an article, so here is all of the search results
    include improved clips from the “bad, bad girl” hentai bad-drag asscheeks-sway porno DLed
  251. Harry Potter:  play through every books’ area/content (not just what was featured in the movies), just with normal witch and wizard magic (which always includes sex/Vril), etc., thus the students learn better ways of fucking in their classrooms, and practice with each other in their dorms, etc.
  252. Hatefuck:  like the game which inspired it (Hatred), just with rape and consensual hate-sex added, such as when you encounter female cops who either feel intimidated or aroused by you, offering to let you go if you take some of your hatred out on their holes –plus some NPCs who beg you to kill them, as they hate their lives
  253. Heat: play through the movie scenes, always as the clever team of robbers
    –possible to escape at the end if you time it right
  254. Hefner:  set in The Playboy Mansion, of course, following its construction and history, all Playmates based on how they actually looked in real life, minus pubes and other deformities, of course
  255. Hekla and Secret Iceland
  256. Helldivers:  Lore:  The original (released in 2015) was set in 2084.  The sequel (released in 2024) was set in 2184.  This third addition to this storyline/’universe’ has the missions of both, and now with extensive/complete lore/backstory, explaining how the Terminids and all other species/groups/civilizations involved came to be (plus, of course, how the Terminids became able to spread from world to world).
    –mentions the fact that Helldivers are the precursor to Helljumpers (set in 2525-2552; 341-368 years of development of this future form of Army Airborne)
    Terminids theory
    ground-fog in gameplay
  257. Helldivers:  Peace:  a.k.a. “Helldivers 3” (not the 3rd game, as that, for us, is “Helldivers:  Lore”, but the 3rd storyline part):  Automatons, Humans, Illuminate/Squ’ith, Terminids, etc., have all allied together, not to face a new threat/species, but because they came to their senses and now share specializations, synergizing.
  258. Hentai Girl Drinks Milk: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) could not find this one, so we are basing it off of all the cum-mug and forced-drinking and catgirl-cosplay images and GIFs we have
  259. Hentai Heroes: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) drawn like a comic, fix faces tits pussies as usual
  260. Hentai Teen Sex Dog: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) did not find
    use alleyway-blonde hentai pics DLed, etc.
  261. Heritage Universe: each episode about 1 of the giant ancient artifacts discovered by humans during their expansion through Outer Space
  262. Hesikos: based on the novels-series The Lost Planet (by Angus MacVicar) –our show has a season for each book, the first being about designing, building, and sending the 2 ships to that world, and what was found there, and the journey of 1 of the ships back
  263. Highlander: except not based on endless violence and death/decapitation (which was more standard deathcult-template evil brainwashing), only how immortals practice defending themselves from the fools who made themselves mortal via nonveganism/violence, etc.
    –and those fools are all NPCs in this game, and, in true/typical fool fashion, think they can get the immortals’ powers by decapitating them (much like how the evil mortals IRL think that driving a stake through a vampire heart is good, or how they think killing and eating corpse parts somehow gives them protein they can’t get anywhere else, etc.)
    –lead a team of immortals around, killing those violent mortals to prevent them from harming/killing younger/weaker immortals who don’t yet have the training or means to defend themselves
  264. Holy Dame Ricca: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) CGI-anime, reduce eyes, improve music
    –originally was incorrectly named Holy Knight Ricca
  265. Home Alone: except the protagonist is a daughter in our telling, and she takes advantage of being accidentally left there… to find her relatives’ porn stashes, sex toys, etc.,
    –and notices some neighbors are peeping toms, so she invites them over
    –and gets hit on at the grocery store, so starts a sex-based relationship with that person, too
    –and doesn’t set any traps to hurt anyone
    –and isn’t burglarized, but instead takes care of a couple homeless guys who, naturally, also accept her invitation to both use and teach her what they know in that area/field
    –then hurry around to clean up the whole place, doing laundry, hiding the cleaned sex toys exactly as they were found, etc., before the relatives get back
    –surprise ending: the relatives aren’t asexual/insecure/relig’tarded/unstable, but they were waiting on that daughter (your character) to show signs of being ready for introduction to all that stuff, so they are pleasantly surprised and proud when it is revealed she has begun –and done very well, even during their first absence
    –final cinematic: they offer to celebrate her maturity by introducing her to porn-studio executives during her next birthday, further supporting her natural sexuality in full, as normal/true relatives do/should
  266. Homeward Bound: except in our game version, play as either dog (both of which are male), hooking up with “zoo” chicks during the adventure, etc.
  267. Homeworld:  Deserts of Kharak:  play through every scene’s area/content, with the option (if you choose to play as a female character) of seducing -rather than attacking/destroying- the enemies
  268. Honorverse: based on the >14 books
  269. Hook (1991): like the movie, this is about a Peter Pan who eventually left Neverland and grew up in the outside/human world,
    but of course our version/game includes plenty of sex between Tinkerbell and him –and all the other Lost Boys –and the pirates, etc.; how she helps keep the peace (not at all through default-violence, in the typical deathcult/Hollywood template that nearly ruined the entire original)
    –play as Tinkerbell, not sprinkling fairy-dust to help outsiders fly / relearn to fly, but sex-magic (vril; full-bodied Chi), etc.
  270. Hope Summers: her life
  271. House on Haunted Hill (1999): play as the haunting; the ghosts-collective
  272. House Party 2: but in life-like resolution/graphics; remastered –*and the brown-skinned shorty in the tight black strappy outfit in the yard at night actually does help start an orgy (every time you talk with her, she brings it up, and you accept the hint/offer; you then see her walk around to each character, chatting them up, rubbing on them, taking their hand, and leading them in to whichever room you selected in the drop-down menu for her to hostess the orgy in, and she always participates as one of the full-access cum-sluts, always high-fiving every person after they fuck her)
  273. How to Train Your Dragon:  with Wild Life physiques/graphics, etc. (i.e. females can fuck the dragons, you name it, and, being Vikings, you go on raids, first normally (via long-boats), then after saddling up on the dragons you trained, meaning they burn down villages and fleeing crowds, eat some alive, help you carry off kidnapped hotties, etc.)
    –no distorted childish CGI like in the original,
    –and, of course, sex with Astrid, etc.
  274. Hydra:  based on some of the comic material, but without any of the corrupt-USA default-negativity anti-German propaganda/lies, and without Red Skull (who was a retarded character concept), and a focus much more on Ahnenerbe research and development –and successes
  275. Hyperion Cantos: based on the series of 4 novels
  276. Idiocracy:  play through every scene’s area/content, almost all NPCs are attractive, if a male you can fuck attractive female NPCs, and if you chose to play as a female character then you can fuck anything
    –except the females are attractive, and ours doesn’t attempt to make free-lovers / polyamorous / incestuous look like glutton ogres like in the original
  277. Iliad & Odyssey:
    –Iliad plot: “follows several weeks near the end of the Trojan War. After Agamemnon insults Achilles, Achilles refuses to fight, and the Greeks begin to die quickly. Patroclus disguises himself as Achilles and leads the Greeks into battle only to be killed by Hector. Achilles, enraged, kills Hector in revenge.” –thus can be played as a more-detailed grand-finale to our Troy game (see Troy numbered bullet-note below), NOT a sequel (as it is DURING the end of the Trojan War)
    –Odyssey plot: “the story of Odysseus, king of Ithaca, who wanders for 10 years (although the action of the poem covers only the final six weeks) trying to get home after the Trojan War.” –and in this game version of it, play as Odysseus, doing just about whatever you want along the way
  278. Immortals: Isabel Lucas’s character (Athena) can be played as
    –either way, she gets fucked in every mission/scene, always voluntarily, as that is her nature, being a pure-female; a goddess
    –she isn’t wounded/killed by the escaped-prisoners ancients/giants, just gangbanged until she has satisfied them, which she is expert/perfect at
    –reveals that the “wisdom” aspect of Athena was regarding being what she naturally was, not battling against her essence/form, and the “war” part was in her feminine way (not with attacks/harm), and the “handicraft” was “handjobs, massages, etc.”; being smooth/graceful/soothing with her hands, NOT making objects/add-ons
  279. In the Balance: An Alternate History of the Second World War: based on the Turtledove novel; advanced aliens invade Earth in 1941, thus the Allies and Axis unite to try and stop them
    –play as either the aliens or the reunified mankind (Earth-humans)
    –unlike in the book, the aliens are not only described, but shown in high-res
  280. Inanna, the Anunnaku
  281. Indecent Proposal: except we call it Decent Proposal, or “just plain normal” (in civilized societies)
    –play as either the rich guy asking couples if they are open to this, and, if they are/agree, what their price-point is (or if they even have one; some NPCs just want to try/enjoy this lifestyle)
    –OR as a hotwife going around to find rich guys who will do this while they either record it for their husbands or put on the sex-show live; in front of their husbands
  282. Independence Day:  XXX: based on the movie, but if you use a female character then she can fuck any/everything, and if you use a male character then he can fuck all the attractive human female NPCs (such as in exchange for your help of those trying to flee a destroyed city, or female fighter-pilots between missions; to help one another de-stress and boost morale –and, yes, the female pilots you fuck well and often in this game will perform better when flying on missions; more-accurate shooting, better mental-focus in general, more-willing to perform daring aerial maneuvers to assist you, etc.)
    –play as either side
  283. Indiana Jones:  all comics, not so much the anti-German propaganda movies, and certainly not the Crystal Skull nonsense/garbage
  284. Infantry Combat Evolved: an FPS playable in any of the Halo multiplayer map clones beneath Inisfree, with the option to use the silos network tunnels to cross back and forth into all the other maps without having to reload the game’s ‘lobby’
  285. Inisfree Spaceways Crew and Stewardesses: play as either a crew member (ICV) or stewardess (kajira), and able to toggle between your 2 characters (1 crew member, 1 stewardess), both of which you customize the look of, both character types can have sex with every interested passenger, crew help with loading luggage and vehicles, both crew and stewardesses warmly greet everyone (incl. pets; other kajirae), crew cook things “to order” and manage/delegate to stewardesses, stewardesses are waitresses who take orders and deliver food/drinks, etc.
    (not actually mixing recipes, but clicking on auto-make actual-Auz-cookbook recipes, which then appear after a timer based on their steps)
    –passengers don’t get irritated with you like moody (unable to control their emotions or behave appropriately) Outlanders might
    –moving skybox views of actual flight-paths when you go near the windows/portholes
    –no turbulence
    –rise through ranks during job rotation as you start in compact, then giant
    –Start as Pvt managing a hall sec, work way up to SSgt pilot
    –Train new kaj so they know what to do before you “set them loose”
    –Fly to ea civ aero major connection, see route, see cityscapes even in Underdark
  286. Inisfreean Cargo Trucker: dozens of our routes from Distrib’ Fac’ to Highway Pyramid to Outlands customers (though, of course, it is always the same route in our realm; directly between the portal to the loading dock/garage-doors)
  287. International Tennis Federation (ITF):  XXX
  288. Interstellar:  play through every scene’s area/content, but you can play as the male astronauts and fuck the female one along the way, or as the female and fuck any of the other astronauts, and you use sex-magic (Vril) to revive those who entered “the long sleep”, etc.
  289. Interview with the Vampire: except a positive/true tale is told (played through) in ours; adding the preteen girl to their vampire-family helps strengthen it, making them feel more balanced, thanks to her female aura, voice, and ways
    –and obviously turning someone before they reach adulthood doesn’t prevent their aging; it just prevents them getting sick AS they naturally mature into their prime (duh)
  290. Invention of The Webway:  by the ancient/prehistoric Reptilians –see the Milky Way billions of years ago, during their rise to dominance, and discover how they were able to tell it would spread out for billions of years, thus needing this system installed to help keep their civilization’s parts (worlds) in contact/trade more regularly/easily, and run calculations -and launch scouting ships/missions- to scan for the best places/routes to set up each section/connection/’tunnel’, then troubleshoot it by calibrating/realigning nodes/gates/devices
    –and the way they made it so well was via massive sex magic orgies generating tons of vril which their geoglyphs and other megastructures harnessed and aimed perfectly, The Webway becoming less stable when that pure good energy and single vision for it was replaced with eras when it had neither, it thus becoming a reflection of the changing and chaotic minds/urges/visions of later/lesser peoples
  291. Iron Man:  based on comics
    –actually accept/bang or decline the endless models and other hotties asking you out
  292. Iron Sky:  except you play as the Germans coming back to save/liberate the Earth from the invaders pretending to be modern humans (i.e. all the rude and lying fugtards; degenerates/corrupt), there is no standard-hollywood anti-German propaganda or pointless race-mixing, etc.
  293. Ivy Hentai Sex Humiliation: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) did not find, concept is girls who enjoy being (cum harder when they are) mocked/insulted/degraded during sex
  294. Ixchel, Santanico, and Mayab; Secret Mexico
  295. Jack Reacher:  except he always accepts hotties, even when they are suspicious as bait, and then he kills those who use the psyop/slander term “pedo”, then going to use their family members who are teens, teaching them a much-needed lesson
    –All the girls he fucks realize that they were brainwashed to want to try and lure him into life-ruining traps, so they feel bad indefinitely, and repent by spending the rest of their lives making it up to him by being as loyal and loving to him as they originally were foolish and evil.
    –transitions from the original movie’s role… to breaking wrongly-convicted out of prison, and then hunting down the corrupt/lazy cops/MPs and judges and wardens who crossed the line, not to get Them exposed and convicted/sentenced/incarcerated, but to end them (since they had enough connections to get into those powerful positions, thus would almost certainly have corrupt connections to get them out of prison)
  296. Jackass: play every scene/episode, trying not to die in the process
  297. Jane, Mara, Naurhin, Tempest, and Secret Italy
  298. Jane’s Hotel: based on the original, but with life-like graphics now, and you’re in charge of as many brothels as you build, always with the ability to zoom in on the action in any room, etc.
    1/3 comic, 1/3 Brio trainset cartoony-BG, 1/3 tan-floor 2D-movement room/nexus
    remove ear-rings, makeup/lipstick, and nail-polish
    3D-looking still-2D room version
    add being able to look through security cameras, and make the walls temporarily translucent, to enjoy watching people shower, bathe, fuck, etc.
  299. Jaws:  except you play as a Great White shark, or as a giant squid, etc. –and as a squid you can do tentacle-hentai on females
  300. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back: except with sex with Shannon’s character, “Justice”
  301. Jenna Jameson:  build up her empire, starting with her first porno appearance
    –all her pornos are unlocked in chronological order as you build reputation
    –all her pornos now in lifelike CGI format, no more ugly people or bodyparts, Wild Life graphics; perfected versions of them –which you get to play through, scene by scene, directing NPCs into sex positions until you participate, etc. (once you correctly play through enough poses and scenes, it shows the completed porno; CGI cinematic)
    –as character gains money, use it for better cameramen, sfx, toys, props, costumes, hiring more-expensive starlets, promotion (advertising), contracts etc.
  302. Jennifer’s Body:  your character looks like Megan Fox, and gets stabilized and boosted/superpowered from tricking and eating lame humans, starting in her high school, then branching out –as far as you want to go; entire world is playable/unlockable, and you can eventually gain a cult-following, have them build you a secret dark temple, etc. (though not the same temple complex that our IRL High Queen was presented with)
  303. Jewel in the Lotus: The Tantric Path of Higher Consciousness; A Complete and Systematic Course in Tantric Kriya Yoga:  like the Kama Sutra, except entirely about tantric sex, not also incl. all the other topics in Kama Sutra.
    –reference:  wiki about Kama Sutra:  “It discussed methods for courtship, training in the arts to be socially engaging, finding a partner, flirting, maintaining power in a married life, when and how to commit adultery, sexual positions, and other topics.[9] The text majorly dealt with the philosophy and theory of love, what triggers desire, what sustains it, and how and when it is good or bad.”
    –can view and then try/master any chapter/technique in any order
  304. Jill Valentine Dogs Rape: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
  305. John Wick: except his entire life/career before trying to leave the hitman line of work; showing how he started off talented and focused, and became truly exceptional/honed
    –of course includes him “killing 3 men in a bar with a pencil” (more accurately, that is the only thing you have within reach in time to use as a weapon to defend yourself in that mission in this game)
  306. Johnny Bravo:  Wild Life graphics, fuck every hottie from every episode, no longer as anti-masculinity propaganda-vibing as the cartoon, etc.
  307. Johnny Mnemonic:  except you are transporting normal-love lessons and footage/videos which were banned by the unnatural/false humans; loli, “zoo”, etc.
  308. Johnny the Homicidal Maniac: Director’s Cut: play through the comic content, always getting away with everything, and learning more about the mysterious/supernatural force/s along the way
  309. Joker:  build up his empire, including frequent sex with Harley once she joins
  310. Jonny Quest: play through the cartoon episodes, except that all-male team works together as mutual-wingmen to help each other get laid, those women then shared amongst them and always so satisfied that they freely offer useful info/intel, which is then used for parts of the missions or upcoming/unplanned missions
  311. Journey to the Center of the Earth: except this one follows a Native American guide whose people were shown one of the routes to a safe caverns system, and Drow help along the way, then finally Agharta/ns
  312. Joust: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –way btr graphics and sfx
  313. Judge Dredd:  all comics, watch as the megacities grow and get worse, break the law even as a ‘Judge’ if you want, or play as a criminal or innocent/random
  314. Julia Mackey:  all creatures from DizzyDills hentai beastiality albums (about that character) as a single game (since most of his other characters were not as attractive)
  315. Jumanji:  NOT the evil disgusting Hollywood bullshit-template remark (which attempts glutton normalization, joking about trans insanity, forced-diversity via ‘tokens’, etc.)
    –like the original, except the mother and daughter are attractive
    –and it is based on beastiality between the females and the jungle-dimension animals
    (which is why Robin Williams’ character was stuck in the game for decades; only a female in that jungle could beastiality-vril the portal to open so she, and anyone with her, can get back out)
    –Jumanji, btw, is Zulu word for “many effects”
  316. Jupiter Jones:  play through every scene’s area/content, but now “Jupe” can fuck anyone she likes along the way, visit all the other worlds and facilities of her family/empire, decide to keep harvesting worlds –including the Earth (thereby helping the Inisfreeans keep it pest-free), etc.
  317. Jurassic Park:  play as any of the dinosaurs, toggle between dinosaurs in the wild/packs/herds, etc. –beastiality options with every type, though usually only as dinosaur-rapes-human (as this is not a coexistence community, but essentially escaped prisoners getting their revenge)
  318. Justice League:  except its focus is on policing the wayward americunts, such as preventing their cults (“religions”) from becoming anymore corrupt/meddlesome than they already are,
    and stopping pharmaceutical corporations from lobbying corrupt politicians who would then write/pass laws forcing/pressuring the ‘lapdogs’/cops into bullying/fining/extorting/terrorizing the masses into accepting pharmaceutical experiments/mind-control, etc.
    –letting powerful violent creatures rampage through bad-human civilization, no longer demonizing the strong and free as “villains”
    –teaming up with those powerful violent individuals and forces at times, rather than battling until they exhaust both sides (which is typical illogical bipolar-like behavior, not unlike the theory that a matter particle touching an antimatter particle would cause a brief big release of energy by destroying both)
    –same members;
    Aquaman: blonde White man just as was drawn/disclosed in the original
    Batman: just never with retarded fake nipples attached to his armor
    Flash: except never cast/portrayed as a scrawny girly jew; he’s a buff man who looks like the super-athlete he is
    Green Lantern: except uses his ring to make sex toys (even lifelike sex-dolls) to help people de-stress until they can be with their own kind (thus buying them precious time as they deal with their own lives’ Phase 2s; when they know who they are meant to be, and whom with, but are not yet able to be with their own kind)
    Martian Manhunter: except not green, since IRL Martians aren’t green either
    –and no retarded claim that he has 9 senses (when telepathy is part of hearing, telekinesis is not a sense (and if you can feel what you are moving, that is part of touch), and empathy is part of feeling/touch)
    Superman: same
    Wonder Woman: except the appropriate size for a woman; no longer a nearly-trans butch/overly-toned bitch, and she uses her lasso-of-truth to make corrupt cops/politicians/pharma/church-obsessed confess their crimes/evils –in front of their families/towns / on live TV, etc.
    –same concept; heroes who usually work alone… team up regularly to deal with issues even they, when by themselves, can hardly attempt to manage
  319. Kajirae Trainer in the Outlands:  Imagine if Pokémon wasn’t gaytarded; picture a version of this game where you don’t try to enslave innocent ridiculously-fake wild animals, but hotties whose nature is to naturally desire such enslavement. Instead of harming others (battling other pokémon, which is no different than illegal dog/rooster fighting), or trying to dominate other dominants (fellow pokémon owners), you offer pleasure to those seeking the types of pleasure your trained kajirae can and love to offer. Instead of rising above other Masters/Slavers/Trainers, you form business relationships with them, trading kajirae when it is mutually agreeable.
    “The name Pokémon is short for the Japanese term Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター, Poketto Monsutā). The term is used to refer to both the fictional creatures in the Pokémon universe and the franchise as a whole.”
  320. Karate Kid: learn moves day by day based on chores at first, start fucking your girlfriend, recover from the leg injury after the tournament, keep training and entering more tournaments, etc.
  321. Kepler Tally:  Travel to the ~3,000/+ worlds discovered by that method, looks like EVE Online, except rotations and orbits are included, go planet-side, get terraforming recommendations unique to each, pop-ups indicate potential colonization challenges, etc..
    –All worlds are hollow.
    –Moons might have holograms or mega-hatches hiding their polar holes.
    –Terrestrial worlds have open polar holes to their hollow cores.
    –Gas-giants have mega-hurricanes as thick as a planet blocking their polar holes.
  322. Kickboxer:  in-the-ring vengeance for a sibling paralyzed in a fight/match
  323. Kill the Faggot:  Resurrected:  The anti-LGBT title, made by legendary Skaldic Games, puts the player in a shooting-gallery scenario and tasks them with gunning down homosexual and transgender NPCs.
    –A voiceover announcer celebrates every single “Transgender Kill” and “AIDS-carrier Elimination”, and penalizes you for shooting heterosexual people (though we, of course, know that there are no transmissible diseases; just enjoy the ‘dark’ humor).
    –not random fake characters, but Deepfakes of actual queers and trans scum; Hollywood celebrities, etc.
  324. Killer Instinct:  play through every scene’s area/content, but males can fuck/rape females, and females can fuck anything; you’re not just limited to fighting/killing
  325. Kim Possible:  XXX: (one of our unique creations) play through any TV episode, but in much better graphics, always with the ability for her to have sex with all the other characters, including her parents, the whole football team, and any combination or group at the same time –even the hamster and stray dogs
  326. Kingsman: The Secret Service: play through the surprise-training, following along with much of the movie, fuck the female character, or play as her and fuck everyone, etc.
    –no ‘tokens’
    –no attempted amputee (corrupt healthcare/medical system) normalization
  327. Knight Rider:  play through every episode’s area/content, now able to fuck all females along the way
  328. Knowing: play as the humanoid aliens/demigods/angelics scouting for innocent/good/salvageable mind-signatures, gently introducing yourselves telepathically, then through hologram-like appearances in the dark of night, then in person, then evacuate them, using nonviolent light-based overwhelm-surprises to disorient the dangerous fools pursuing, etc.
  329. Known Space: multiple episodes about each of the 17 worlds in many of the novels and short stories by Larry Niven
  330. Kung Fury:  play through every scene’s area/content, except the Germans are allies/good, and you end up learning even greater masters-level martial-arts in Agharta
  331. Kushiel’s Dart (Phèdre’s Trilogy, #1): play through the book chapters’s content, now without the attempted insertion/normalization of faggotry (which, in the book, doubled as more slander against original-culture (Angelic) France)
  332. Lady and the Tramp: play as the protagonist (male dog), fuck your girlfriend-dog, then “zoo” females across the city, etc.
    –features knotting and internal (outside POV through temporarily-seethrough body-area) glimpses
  333. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where your male character (if you choose to play through as a male teammate of Lara) can fuck any female human, you can command any female character to fuck any/everything, and your female character can fuck any/everything –including when tomb statues such as those winged-monkey warriors come to life
    –not just about tomb raiding; Lara’s entire life
  334. Latex & Tentacles:  hentai on Steam
  335. Lensman: the chapters of this series of novels now as episodes
  336. Léon: The Professional: play as the protagonist (in which case you will start as a boy, growing up as you are trained to be a closer and closer hitman; rifles… to pistols… to knives), or plays as the girl (building up clients as a teenage prostitute)
    –nearly endless police spawn in the final mission, so you can have hours of fun luring and killing them
    –possible for male/protagonist to live if you choose the exit route the leader-corrupt-cop is not hiding in, or if you spot and kill him before he kills you (IOW: no more default-goodguy-killed/martyred Hollywood catering-to-deathcults retardation/grossness/lameness like in the movie)
    –If you play as the male and survive, you start a relationship (open/poly’, of course; the holy natural healthy way) with the prostitute and live happily ever after.
    –If you play as the female, same ending –though you still have to wander the streets for a couple days until he, NPCed, is spawned to “find” (reunite with) you.
  337. Lethal Weapon: except ours focuses on how wayward law-enforcement organizations continue funding / setting loose those of them who become loose cannons
    –also deal with Roger’s lack of self-discipline; gluttony / overeating
    –also show how it was the cops/government, not cartels/children, responsible for putting drugs on the streets (pretty much always) –i.e. via legalization; masquerading as medicine/pharmaceuticals, etc.
    –eventually have to stand up to the system, thus get fired, thus become vigilantes in our game/telling
  338. Lexx:  play through every episode’s area/content, but now the female main character DID have the submissive sex-object personality-upgrade successfully installed
  339. Limitless: except we also explain what the active ingredient is, where it is in nature, how to grow it in abundance and at low cost, why it was mixed with unnatural things; to patent it, and to cause side-effects leading to dependency and repeat-business, etc.
    –and obviously people who get smarter don’t start “working within the system”; they learn why politics is fake, not something that can be used for good
    –Instead of just evading Russian mob gangsters, and analyzing the drug, our game/telling lets you offer the healthy natural form (active ingredient) to anyone you want to help/recruit.
    –and since you have become smarter and focused on this sort of thing, you figure out not only the active ingredient, but why exactly that caused your brain to become able to have more complex thoughts and hold them longer than you held thoughts before, thus other ways to get the brain to do that, thus no longer even needing the active ingredient
  340. Lofi Haven: soothing lofi music and white noise while you decorate your room –and our version of this Steam game lets you click wherever you live in our city map, which imports your room/house/castle, and then whatever you furnish/decorate it with can be group-ordered for 3D-printing and delivery to your residence
  341. Lollipop Chainsaw: now with the pig GIF as a mission/unlock/award, etc.
  342. Lord of the Rings MMORPG:  what millions of fans have wanted for years; play everywhere featured in not only the trilogy of films, but all Tolkien books and related/supplemental works, so long as it is during the time of the struggles/wars against Sauron, etc.; not all eras of Arda up to that point, as is the case in our game titled Arda
    –We corrected the standard Outlander-human failure also present in this almost-great game, infusing it with the love and sex it sorely lacked.  Humanity’s retarded obsession/default of having only inhuman/inhumane suffering-/harm-based products continues to be checked/undone by us.  You’re welcome.
  343. Lord of War: same general progression, except not trying to make such people look bad, when really it is the deathcults who are to blame for people being brainwashed/forced to default/turn to infighting/violence, and people arming those brainwashed people are helping weed out the weak/evil
  344. Lost in Space:  play through every episode’s area/content, males able to fuck female crewmates, and females able to fuck anything
  345. Lyrans Found(ing of) the Pleiades:  play through ever stage/milestone of their lengthy history, engineering/envisioning the Pleiadians, starting and guiding that new sub-race / civilization, seeing their first beam-ships and thought-mode achieved/made, etc.
  346. M.A.N.T.I.S.:  play through every scene’s area/content, now with sex options added to all missions
  347. M*A*S*H: generally the same plot / series of episodes, except ours shows how often troops had to be treated for what we did to our own; experimental-drug testing (encouraging its abuse, making it available, keeping it as “the only way out; to decompress”, etc.), Agent Orange exposure, etc.
  348. Mad Max:  including the events/challenges in The Road Warrior (Mad Max II), play as a road warrior (male) or one of the breeding stock (female),
    (if male) earning fucks with the hotties/breeders when you complete missions well enough, etc.
    (if female) fucking better and better until traded and able to sexually persuade road warriors to taxi you in exchange for sex, etc.
  349. Magic Magical Action Girl: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) walking 2D meh-art BG city-ruins, long pink hair, replace shit voice, speed up casting/spells animation/s
    reduce tits bounce/jiggle/flop
    remove high-heels and curved-toes from shoes/hightops
  350. Magic Pussy: Chapter III (hentai on Steam): just replace the females with attractive CGI/models
  351. Magik:  Illyana’s development, following the comics, able to fuck anything along the way, etc.
  352. Majesdane/Karolina
  353. Major League of Paintball (MLPB): XXX
  354. Mako: Island of Secrets: except all the mermaids are sexy now, like in real life (not miscast by evil-deformed mutant-humans since Hollywood keeps trying to normalize genetic degeneration, show by show and year by year)
    –missions such as finding ways of not only magically removing all land-human beach/ocean pollution, but stopping those wayward primitives/barbarians from polluting those places in the first place
    –explains basics of telepathic and verbal communication underwater and with other species, such as dolphins
    –no nonsense about Merfolk having infighting / civil wars; they are telepathic, thus they don’t misinterpret or fear/resist/undermine each other (more specifically, when someone is destined to be their next king, they all foresee/confirm/know/feel that, and HELP HIM)
  355. Mala’kak Civil War: another interstellar-level ‘island hopping’ campaign, this one also set across the entirety of the Milky Way, and from the third-person POV of StarCraft, play from the perspective of one side first (Mala’kak with starships, or Xenomorphs as stowaways using Facehuggers on all compatible lifeforms) and then the other (*the Mala’kak are on the retreat most of the time until the last survivors narrowly escape and enter stasis, while when playing as the Xenomorphs you will be on the offensive and advancing most of the time until establishing Xenomorph Prime; the species’ homeworld), with multiple missions on each of the hundreds of human-colonized planets (evacuate the locals, create diversions for the xenos, etc.)
    –sex-infused; any female character can have sex with “the Jockeys”, etc.
  356. Maleficent:  except the harpies are all sexy
  357. Mario Bros.’ World: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where the characters look much more life-like and are sexy, and you can fuck Princess Toadstool, or direct her to fuck Bowser and anything else –*also with a 3D map viewed from the same angle as in Auz’s dream about playing this game, with dark brown life-like terrain, angled yellow circle dots the characters realistically walk to IOT start levels, and yellow path-lines between them
    playthrough of original
    –lifelike now, but generally same sfx
  358. Marvel: every comic, every issue, turned into an episode – live-action, cast to look like the hottest versions of the characters
  359. Mary Poppins: except no more demonization of the stable/wealthy (such as by naming the uptight rich parents “Banks”; surname)
    –and you play as the father, giving an employment opportunity (financial salvation) to a ‘lost’ poor person (or 2; if you count Bert)
    –clearly actually the attempt of good parents at teaching their children not to hoard their wealth, but to interact with and offer deserved funding to outsiders
    –learning going both ways in our telling; the family/children teaching Mary and Bert things they themselves hadn’t thought of
  360. Mass Effect:  Uncensored: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga
    –all sex scenes at porno-level, plus you can (like in Wild Life) have sex w any alien, enemy, Geth, etc. –and only straight guys and bi/pan girls
    –Collectors don’t digest abductees; they use them for the Vril they can generate.
    –The 3 endings in our version are:
    1:  battle the Reapers, inevitably losing after only buying some time for some billions of people from many worlds to spread out to colonies less likely to be targeted by the Reapers for decades, most still being hunted and exterminated, thereby potentially delaying EVE Online, Dune, Warhammer 40K, and Total Annihilation histories
    2:  negotiate with the Reapers so they spare decent beings who understand Vril
    3:  hack/mind-control the Reapers; only possible if you proved sexually active and compatible enough to earn the aid of the little-known Inisfreeans
    (The original game’s options “destroy” and “synthesis; merge all organic and synthetic life” are silly, thus not in our version.)
    And since we don’t allow death-default death-cult bullshit, the main character (yours) doesn’t get killed in any of those endings.
    –all my favorite animated/CGI hentai of this included as cinematics/cutscenes/options
  361. Memerisu-chan’s Naughty RPG [v1.0] [MMRSchannel] v1.0: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
    add much more content
  362. Men In Black:  not so much based on the comedy trilogy, but actual MIB missions to silence actual “loose cannons”
  363. Merlin: except he doesn’t claim that his is “the end of magic”, which was as retarded/baseless as it gets –and clear/blatant hopefulness of the weakness-spreader deathcult parrots/minions who don’t want ANYone able to manifest/heal ANYone/thing
    –starts with his childhood, thus where he was first taught the basics of advanced science (called “magic” by the primitive, though sometimes innocently for brevity/convenience’s sake)
  364. Meru:  except no pro-deathcult lies/propaganda, no disgusting gender-disrespecting / body-harming ear-rings or body-covering makeup/paint, instead this show giving logical real facts about succubae and other types of angels that work with them, always helping people, thus why the church/cults of the insecure/evildoers always slander them, pretending they do horrible things
  365. Metroid:  XXX: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, with the option to toggle the main character (Samus) through nude and a variety of sexy uniforms, and the ability to have sex with all the enemy NPCs)
  366. Minecraft 2:  (so many upgrades to this game, we had to make another webpage for them; see here)
  367. Minority Report: except play as the 1 of the 3 psychics who tends to have a/the different vision, case by case, and begin to figure out why, then how to get the non-psychics to understand
    –explanation: the visions are of alternate and possible futures, and sometimes fused with expectations and/or hopes, and you aren’t just receiving views of one/your timeline’s future; you are getting ideas which then can contribute to, if not fully cause/manifest, that/those
    (but since many humans are spineless parrots of the narrative/deathcult/brainwashing, they are often determined to blameshift and assume they are powerless receivers, even though their stubborn and dangerous/hostile parroting/promoting of that waywardness… is as opposite of submissive/receiver as it gets)
    –incl.: visions showing the crimes of the founders and managers/perpetuators of the Pre-crime organization, and how those visions were not acted upon; not shown to the cops enforcing the laws of Pre-crime, etc.
    –eventually foresee the way to enlighten/correct those leaders/criminals without having to battle or cryo-incarcerate them; clever and peaceful solutions (which Hollywood intentionally almost NEVER shows; always trying to brainwash/trick the audience/masses into defaulting to division and violence, even against their own)
  368. Mismin’s Adventure – The Island of Treasures: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) 2D Donkey Kong v of Tomb Raider temple walk with Mario Bros. jump to rotating coins
    remove hideous grandma sag-bag tits
  369. Miss Adventures in Hollywood v0.7.0.1 (a.k.a. MAiH): (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
    details here.
  370. Mission Impossible:  all show and movie series’ best ideas/missions in sequence as one game
  371. Mission Mermaiden: HOT bondage/spread-eagle poses and cumming-slowdowns
    replace shit jap voice
    PAIR WITH ANOTHER GAME?  (VERY similar to a couple other chibi fighting/2D ones)
    –(goog img description:  mushroom suction for top of head while tentacles DP etc., causing aphrodisiac hallucinations sex
  372. Mister Rogers‘ Neighborhood: except no loser dressed like an unnatural freak/beta as the host; instead with long/free masculine hair, healthy muscle tone, non-desk-molester clothing, a masculine vocal signature, etc.
    –and teaching only Inisfreean Way basics / elementary-level concepts, not barbaric Outlander nonsense/pussification
    –Imagine if Mr. Rogers, the show, had a Gorean/sane version.
    –How is this a playable game, not just a (barely) watchable TV show? You watch episodes here as if on normal TV, but then you choose dialogue options which then determine what is repeated or explained (new concepts) next.
    –still always explained in a calm, polite, eloquent way, just not by a metrosexual/fag/beta anymore
  373. MLB: XXX
  374. Moby Dick: except no standard insertion of deathcult names/spells (namely new-sailor Ishmael; deathcult-name (self-weakening ‘dark’-magic spell) for “God will hear”)
    –Ahab, by the way (the name of the Captain), is an Arabic name; portraying an Arab as the badguy/problem is the same-old attempt at divide-and-conquer, even of one’s own, which is what the deathcult has always, evident by all their actions, been all about; even though Arabs are today largely Muslim, which is an Abrahamic faith just like Christianity, they still talk shit against each other, often in indirect/subtle (cowardly) form such as this
    –Play as the whale, of course, heroically defending against the always-harmful mindless modern/false/invader humans (since their bred-and-raised pussy/beta crew/slaves never seem to have what it takes to undermine/end their rampaging evil).
    –Start as a young whale, witnessing murders against your people, and learning that you can survive better by fighting back; violence in these cases is always the answer.
    –another option:  NOT hunting whale, just whale-watching, etc., …no; hunting the whalers, sometimes spotting them fucking with other whales and later Moby, so you rush in and stop them, then the whales thank you somehow
  375. Momoko Plum Theater: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like Street Fighter but in a schoolgirl outfit w pink strappy top, fix art, replace standard shit exaggerated jap voice
  376. Monster Girls You-ki Chan: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like fusion of Marios Bros. w Street Fighter
    chibbi sexy, hot kissing etc.
    reference 1, reference 2, reference 3
    re-record the music with less-weird male-choir-voice-ahhhh
  377. Monty Python and the Holy Grail: except that ours explains the symbolism of the term; it means the womb, and is yet another typical/ongoing example of how the deathcult retards keep trying to cause overcomplexity/mortality via premature/over-breeding, calling it critical and “God’s work” and so on
    –Play through this version/telling as those tricking the easily-tricked knights (nearly-brainless NPCs/minions of the deathcult/s) into going on quests in search of things that were metaphors, etc., thus keeping the most-stupid/-violent too busy to hurt others / vandalize anything important / wage more war.
    –explains how breeding by itself / wombs by themselves are not at all holy; a stable true natural vision for WHAT shall be formed in them is what decides whether they are used appropriately, i.e. whether they form/gestate/birth good/healthy/stable offspring
    –actual holy (pure-good) grail (creator of life): one’s own imagination/mind, first and foremost, wombs only functioning in place of direct physical contact with the ether (Space/void/absence/resistance-less)
  378. Moon Patrol: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –looks like inspired Mako in Mass Effect, very dif terrain areas based on actual Moon landforms
  379. Morbius: except ours shows how he was ugly like most Outlander-humans made themselves via their heartless/monstrous choices/way, and then how figuring out the benefits of vampirism… cured himself, becoming handsome, etc. (IOW: no more typical cookie-cutter / broken-record baseless slandering of vampires like in the comic/movie/original)
  380. Mortal Kombat:  play through every comic’s area/content, but males can fuck/rape females, and females can fuck anything; you’re not just limited to fighting/killing
  381. Mostly Ghostly: based on the book, not the show/episode
  382. Mr. and Mrs. Smith: except the female is now hotter
    –Play as either; Brad’s or Angelina’s character.
    –full sex options, just not during combat, of course
    –no attempted normalization of involving strangers (a.k.a. “third parties”) to mediate; marriage counselors / psychologists / therapists, etc.
  383. Mr. Paint Pig’s ABC’s: except now it is beastiality paired with bodypainting
  384. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington:  except he isn’t a fool who keeps thinking that talking a long time will somehow “win hearts and minds” or temporarily make the made-broken system work
  385. Ms. Pac-Man:  play through every level, except via pseudo-/soft-vore hentai, etc. —playthrough
    –way less annoying sounds, and now looks like facing dif colors of Slimer in a lasertag arena now
  386. My Lands 2: based on My Lands, but with Warcraft/StarCraft/WoW aspects added, MUCH faster build times, the ability for cities to re-close their gates (to not be attackable), and a map editor which not only exists but is a feature players can toggle during gameplay, this digital tabletop evolution takes the My Lands concept where it always should have gone
    –fusion with more Neverwinter Nights / The Underdark elements
  387. My Lands 3D:  3D, from your character’s POV
  388. Mystery Science Theater 3000:  except no psyop perpetuating the engineered anti-intelligence term “mad scientist”,
    and you volunteered to go to his Space station; so you could watch movies in peace, not interrupted by hyperglutton Americunts, etc.
    –making fun of the degeneracy-propaganda ads, not just the Hollywood-ruined plots
  389. National Street Hockey Association (NSHA):  XXX
  390. National Treasure: except not trying to make the Gates surname become associated with goodness/heroism
    –and not trying to spread more reimagined propaganda claiming the USA ever successfully seceded from England
    –Play through the movie’s content as you begin to realize that the USA is still a controlled colony of England, due to evidence building up which the original/movie of course chose to not mention/address.
    –plenty of opportunities to threesome with the now-hotter blonde-woman character; her, you, and your sidekick-historian
  391. Naughty Young Elf Girl Hunter: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like Mario Bros. if it had angles/slopes
    chibbi green-hair
  392. NBA:  XXX: the best of the games based on this organization/sport, except now you can fuck any/all cheerleaders on the sidelines, in the middle of the court, up in the stands/seating, or out in the parking lot, etc.
    –and on courts atop the Flower Tower built for this sport
  393. NFL:  XXX: the best of the games based on this organization/sport, except now you can fuck any/all cheerleaders on the sidelines, in the middle of the court, up in the stands/seating, or out in the parking lot, etc.
    –and on courts atop the Flower Tower built for this sport
  394. NHL: XXX
  395. Neuromancer: based on the novel about the A.I. trying to use a hacker to break free
  396. Neuschwabenland: from the expeditions in the 1930s… to the construction of Base 211, naming it New Berlin, defeating Operation Highjump, and all the way to present day; managing Dark Fleet, the ICC, etc.
    –NOT the focus on the war for Antarctica’s independence; just on scouting this region, then choosing the spot for Base 211, then it becoming a full city (New Berlin), etc.
  397. Ninja Warrior:  inspiration for the show American Ninja Warrior
  398. No Country for Old Men: except play as the Anton, no longer portrayed as an insane murderer / serial killer, but a skilled and determined professional after a small-town opportunistic thief-blooded nobody who disrespected the fallen by taking their hard-earned money
    –option to let the thief go/live if you can get him to return the stolen money
    –prevent the always-corrupt cops from likewise meddling/stealing
    –can offer the badguys/cops/thieves some of the money, but if they then try to frame you for bribery then it is of course best to end them –and take all Their stuff, not just the money back
  399. Nyan-FU Girl (a.k.a. NyanfuGirl): (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like Mario Bros. w purple hair and pink-sky BGs
    Steam; game
  400. Object Control: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) many rapes in a dark facility, can get pregnant from monsters, can build up an army of baby monsters to help you escape
    reduce cocks sizes so it believable fits in the girl
    keep nice internal pumping/creampie view/feature
  401. Oblivion: play as The Tet (the A.I. spaceship); approach Earth, lure some astronauts up to you, capture and mass-clone them, install the personality you want in the clones, strategically unleash them to invade and then pose as the Earth-humans, thus giving the false-humans / invaders a taste of their own medicine, etc.
  402. Ocean’s Eleven:  trilogy as one
  403. Office Space:  Rampage: just like the movie, except now you can play as any character (except that all female characters are sexy, unlike in the film), including the bosses who can bring in prostitutes to boost morale, and anyone can do in-game pseudo-hacking –or just gun down any/everyone, massacre/rampage-style (you can even use hacking to keep the doors locked while you torch the whole place, burning everyone alive)
    –no longer limited to “setting the building on fire” (a quote from the movie)
  404. One Hundred and One Dalmatians: except now it is to ‘run a train’ on Cruella –who is now sexy
  405. Ong Bak: except the figurine isn’t stolen; it’s un-stolen –and is taken to help snap the brainwashed locals/fallen out of their relig’tard programming/trance
    –Play as the goodguy back in civilization who has been recovering all such spread-out art and ancient enchanted devices so that brainless/visionless bad-humans can’t keep those things manifesting only chaotic crap.
    –Deploy your warriors/heroes to stop the crazed violent humanimal who has left one village to try and cause even more problems for you, that guy ever greedy and in “loose cannon” mode.
    –eventually manage to talk some sense into him once many of your finest have “softened” him in days/weeks of fighting
    –even option to offer to show him what ACTUALLY stops droughts; not statues pretended to represent gibberish/plagiarized buddhist/mainstream beliefs/programming, but instead NOT BREEDING SO DAMN MUCH AND OVERUSING THE LAND/RIVERS! DUH, you fucking apes.
    –all same impressive fighting moves as in the movie
  406. Oppenheimer: except ours shows how the Germans skillfully tricked the Americans and Russians into wasting all their resources developing the primitive, self-destructive, and easily-undone tech’, rather than the advanced/perfect, stable (non-destructive), and not-easily-countered tech’ the Germans were helped to develop (by their offworld ancestors/relatives, to help them peacefully evade the false-humans who’d besieged, slandered, and invaded their area on Earth, since those actual-Germans on Earth hadn’t been practicing mind-based offworld abilities, and since the ancient/original stargates/portals had been blocked/disabled by the ancients who foresaw this time when such would be necessary to limit the spread of the false-humans)
    –win the game when the Americans detonate their first nuclear bomb prototype, thus starting the last portion of their downfall; by radiating/sickening themselves
    –and cinematics showing how the Americans and others pretended they were successfully testing nuclear weapons… when really they were getting annihilated every time they tried to force their way into any ancient device/megastructure
  407. OutRun: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –no longer shaky shitty animation during turns, palm trees sway in breeze
  408. Pacific Rim: except play as the Kaiju, summoned to Earth underwater where it was still possible to build / keep-active megastructures such as big portal gates
    –Atlanteans reopened the ancient mega-portals down there where the false-humans (1561/1600s invaders) could not notice, let alone sabotage
    –Kaiju only appear violent and monstrous because they are the shapeshifted Titans taking on solid/armor-form to help withstand the harmful thought-energies and weapons of the modern (false) humans
    –prevent the human-made Jaegers (first BattleMechs) from getting down into the oceans and causing even more damage (spreading the harm/suffering the false-humans have made so widespread/common on the land)
    –make your way to on-land (still-exposed / barely-buried) megastructures such as those humans think are just volcanoes, then reactivate them to further help –and wipe out any corrupt Telosians or others who have taken up residence in the bowels of those megastructures/mountains in their ongoing lame/inappropriate effort to keep them clogged/malfunctioning
    –reveal the true/inner Kaiju form; beautiful Titan-tall women, and handsome Titan-tall men
    –return through the ocean-floor mega-portal to Jotunheim or whichever ancient realm of super-giants you came from (once victorious against the bad/false-humans on Earth/Midgard)
  409. Paintball Parkour: an FPS playable at three locations across Inisfree; the Nitro Circus territory around Uluru 2the PBPK Wedge building, and the PBPK aircraft carrier (*getting around each level requires Tomb Raider-style moves of a gymnast’s skill level)
  410. Paperboy: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –no stephen hawking voice
  411. Parasite in City:  High-res’:  extended version, looks more lifelike, and is 3D + VR option, plus getting fucked by the creatures doesn’t harm your character (who you can customize, though it will always be a sexy female physique)
    –every badguy human npc has dif clothes even if the same type of badguy/attack
    –civilians, all of whom you can fuck, shoot/kill, or have follow you (such as to handle badguy advances before you have to)
    –no fuck-creatures outside the main area/s; posb. to wander into neutral/boring/easy areas
    –can pull/drag and push corpses of civilians and bugs/monsters when blocks/crates are not nearby; pile up corpses to get to higher places
    –break into any house or business and fuck in there, or even barricade yourself in, or barricade/trap badguys inside from your outside position
    –can steal and hotwire POVs like in GTA, let monsters fuck you while in vehicles, etc.
    –must eventually drink, eat, pause to restore running stamina, resurface from underwater to breathe, etc.
    –ammo. only on bodies of cops, armed civilians, and national guard, so usu. have to wait for them to die before you can take it
    –bugs/badguys only attempt to fuck the female (player-)character and female NPCs
    –bugs/badguys only defend themselves; they don’t attack until you hit/kick/shoot them
    –no area triggers end-credits
    –goal is not to escape the areas with fuck-monsters, but to enjoy roaming and doing whatever
    –no penalty/agro for shooting civilians or national guard
    –cinematics/lore/finds/dialogue reveal what caused the monsters (bugs and mutant humans alike)
    –option to play through as the badguys; choose any creature/monster, then roam, rape, defend/attack, etc.
    –reference:  full playthrough, 14min long, pardon gaytarded censor black boxes
  412. Passengers: except the two main characters don’t age and die during the remainder of the interstellar voyage they prematurely awoke during; because they are far from all the harmful negative-thought energies and carcinogens/chemtrails/radiation of evil Earth-human nations/structures, and instead far out in Space/ether, even though shielded by their big spaceship… their desires still stimulate the nearby outside ether to manifest more and more of what they want, and after decades of that… the rest of the crew awakens to find them still looking healthy, etc.
    –IOW: no standard deathcult Hollywood attempted-mortality-normalization bullshit/retardation
  413. Patriot Games: except in reverse (i.e. truer to real life); play as an IRA commando preventing typical meddling from attention-seeking control-freak CIA minions/mindless NPCs intruding on your sovereign land, (those CIA goons/lapdogs) serving as evil agents of the illegitimate royalty which entrenched itself in invaded/fallen England and has been trying to infiltrate/undermine Ireland like all other outer-surface Earth-human nations/lands for centuries (probably ever since moving from where that evil force/army managed to make landfall; in Rome, sometime after the 1561/1600s stuff
    –avenge the murders of innocent Irish patriots/defenders
    –avenge the murders of Irish children by either going after one of the CIA’s spawns, or kidnapping/liberating her and offering her re-education / enlightenment
    –in-game pop-ups mention many of the countless times the CIA botched their own black-ops / attempts against innocent people around the world, and how they were never part of a country that seceded from the false-crown (England), but were always like a front-business / cover-company to distance that false-leader/-organization from its war-crimes around the world (not unlike how PMCs are legalized mercenaries almost always/constantly used by the USA and other fallen nations)
  414. Patton: except not just the movie content; play through his entire life
    –explains whether/why he thought he was reincarnated many times, always a soldier; probably due to still-secret personality/”soul”-transfer tech’; forced/mandatory reincarnations of proven/useful mindsets/personalities/programs
    –NOT able to play through previous lives; just his 1885-1945 life
  415. Pearl Harbor: play as the heroic/saintly Japanese sacrificing their lives because it has been determined they don’t have any other way to damage the corrupt fake-American warships enough
    (You are an Admiral sending squadrons of kamikaze and non-kamikaze out at first; to soften the targets, then arrive with your ships, etc. –IF those squadrons do enough damage.)
    –possible to liberate Hawaii from the invading Americans if you do enough damage, at which point the Hawaiian demigods and demigoddesses will celebrate/thank you, allying with you, retaking their Lemurian-remnants island-chain
  416. Pecos Bill: A Tall Tale: except the tornado is known sorcery from sylphs causing a settler/colonizer/invader to be sped past sacred buried megastructures/devices not meant to be around the mind-energy of such minions (re: when Pecos rode a tornado from Kansas to California)
    –no longer assumes it was god-level badassery / dominance over nature/tornadoes; Pecos is described as terrified and humbled by the experience, then grateful to have been allowed to survive, and never figures out it was to keep him away from places his brainwashed mind / bad thoughts would have caused to amplify… which then would have manifested more monsters (which modern Americans assume are natural wild animals)
  417. Pele:  like Moana, except farther back in time, featuring this goddess‘s family/race of demi-deities shaping what became the Hawaiian islands (though not showing when they were once the mountaintops of Lemuria, underwater by her time)
  418. Perfect Dark:  XXX: except now Joanna (the main character) can have sex with all the other characters, including every alien
  419. Peter Pan: play through his earliest days when he began communicating with Fairies, thereby gaining the ability to only age when he wanted to, then went to Neverland, stopping before the events of Hook
    –not a villain/kidnapper; he liberates other innocent-minded new-beings before they can be abused/corrupted by the wayward/false humans who had invaded Earth in the 1600s (starting with battles such as the 1561 in the sky)
    –build up the big tree (almost a World Tree) as a treehouse/fort/community, step by step
    –a single pirate-ship ends up finding its way there, perhaps guided by the same or other Fairies, or by similarly-goodnatured mermaids, so play through initial nervousness about the strangers/newcomers, then working toward a peace so that they can both live young/healthy forever in that dimension/realm
    original story
  420. Phantasy Star: series of games, now all as one, no need for even expansions, and better graphics; 3D, Wild Life, etc.
  421. Pinocchio: except obviously about enchantment/magic/spells/witchcraft, no longer merely briefly implied/shown (the star-wish and fairy-granter scene/s)
    –play as the wooden boy figurine brought to life –now not looking distorted/cartoony, but like a normal boy (thus appropriately-carved by Geppetto during wood-form)
    –Geppetto, BTW, is Italian for “God will increase”, thus surely chosen due to the plot of the original movie (and stems from Giuseppe, from Joseph, meaning “God shall add” –thus another spell attempting to keep the user self-weakening and delusionally assuming that power comes from someone/somewhere other than the one speaking the spell / emitting the thought-energy)
    –able to tell “white lies” to use nose as a dildo on sexy females, etc.
    –specifically stated in our game that this is based on how Elves descended from wood; from trees
  422. Pirates of the Caribbean:  except you do actual pirate stuff; raiding, razing, raping, kidnapping, ransoming, forcing POWs to walk the plank, etc. –even dealing with sea monsters at times, Sirens, whirlpools (sometimes caused by sea-monsters diving), and so on
  423. Pitch Black (2000): except play through Richard Riddick’s childhood/backstory, starting with the Furya he left when young, thus barely remembered
    –then play through the events on M6-117 (the planet featured in Pitch Black, the movie)
    –sex with the females, all of whom are now attractive –and most are automatically so attracted to the pure-masculine Furyan that they don’t even need to be raped the first time, and repeatedly stray from the others in order to make themselves “softer targets” to him –which you can then use dialogue to caution them against, due to the wildlife threat/s, sandstorm threats, etc. –but which, of course, further attracts them to you as one of the best potential protectors/father-figures
    –Bioraptors don’t tear apart and eat ALL humans OR their own kind, but they do prefer/need shade/darkness, so they do panic and hurry back to it anytime encountering bright light, which can cause lethal accidents if anyone is in the way of their pointy head-parts or tail-barb or claws, etc., thus the wrong assumption that they are hostile/violent.
    –Bioraptors tend to be neutral until nervous around bad-vibes humanimals, at that point headbutting or tail-knocking those humans back.
    –All female characters can commanded/persuaded/tricked by your character (Richard Riddick) into letting the bioraptors fuck them –which is the only way to calm a swarm of those creatures.
    –False-humans vibing as having violent/underhanded intentions/thoughts will get sensed by bioraptors and killed in order to protect bioraptor nests/caves, but other than that they do not swarm like bats and eat everything in sight.
    –Sensing Richard Riddick as a fellow pure/natural being/creature who isn’t out to hurt them, they never stalk or try to kill him.
    –A few of the bravest bioraptors start acting like almost-pets of the good humans who develop a fledgling understanding/bond with them, showing them non-bioraptor caves (not part of bioraptor territory/nests) they can use for shelter from both the non-eclipse extra-long multi-Sun days… and occasional risky swarms of the bioraptors celebrating the extra-long eclipse-based nights.
  424. Planet of the Apes:  play as the apes conquering and enslaving human tribes, tearing some limb from limb, etc.
  425. Planetary Annihilation: System Manager II / Solar III / Universe Sandbox:  from the POV of the Mass Effect galaxy map, this is a game where you practice building stable solar systems, each mission adding to the complexity; more moons, planetsstars, etc., with unstable systems resulting in nova, supernova, or even SMBHs
  426. Platoon: except ours shows the difference between the letters written home to seem normal to the spies eavesdropping… and the actual thoughts (shown in thought-bubbles in this game) which cover all the black-ops witnessed (testing experimental drugs on American troops, intentionally demolishing ancient temples and ruins/megastructures, encountering and being as abusive to Naga as false-Whites had been to Natives during The Trail of Tears, dropping napalm and Agent Orange on American troops who were refusing to commit war-crimes, pretending it was about stopping the spread of communism even though it was about ruining the natural resources of another nation/race too small/peaceful to defend itself, etc.)
  427. Pocahontas:  play convincingly innocent and slutty to trick the colonizers into giving useful intel the tribes then cleverly use without it being obvious how they knew
    –slowly learn the English language, encounter/mission by encounter/mission
    –no stealing; attempting to take a weapon from an Englishman (whose kind are for some reason always paranoid, jumpy, overreacting, murderous, etc.) immediately raises suspicion, ruins reputation, and risks the lives of your entire tribe
  428. Point Break: play through both movie’s daredevil-sports scenes/challenges
  429. Pokemon Hentai – Tepig Fucks Touko Hilda: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) dVa-like, mini-beastiality; lapdog-size pet
    fix clit
    decent petite voice, hot comments at end of the xvid “That was fun. Next time, bring some friends with you.”
    stop tits flop/slosh
    just one animal pairing; not all the creatures from this series/game/original
  430. PokeSluts v0.2: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
    Misty, the Kelsi-like yellow midriff-tanktop red-suspenders orange-pigtails girl
  431. Pole Position: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –no marlboro or pepsi billboards etc, way btr graphics
  432. Pong:  play through every progression/speed, except the background is no longer blank/black; it’s some of the sexiest porn clips/films ever made —playthrough
  433. Powder: start learning your powers (mindreading, healing the sick, etc.) while growing up in a basement, get set free, start your relationship with Lindsey Kelloway (who looks sexier in this game), start counter-fucking with bullies, become a demigod, etc.
  434. Power Wheels:  use preplanned tracks such as those sold as buildable kits, or customize, or design your own from scratch
  435. Predator:  all Yautja comics, films, etc., starting with their first trips to Earth in ancient times, and to other worlds, including their Game Preserve planet, etc.
  436. Preparing for Humans:  Opening cinematic:  Anunnaki mining out the thick pure gold veins left when the World Trees were no more, then triggering a manual pole-shift, but it can’t bury/cover/hide everything.
    Do your best to wield the elements as you scout the outer surface after the pole-shift waves and winds settle, systematically dismantling/ruining any surviving powerful artifacts and geoglyphs so the foreseen invading humans from Space cannot back engineer or otherwise benefit from any of them.
  437. Priest: play as either the non-priests (regular townsfolk and nomads) trying to live their lives in spite of the attention-seeking meddlesome priests (spineless beta-boys misusing language to try and seem innocent and “attempting to help/save” people… from things that don’t exist/threaten), OR
    –as the vampires (normal-power-levels humanoids) who long-distance ears-hear or telepathy-hear the frustration and prayers/maydays/summons of the townsfolk/nomads (who had lost most of their powers due to the cataclysm and other problems the priests intentionally caused to try and force people to start resorting to the priests)
    –eventually overcome the priests, even though the priests did manage to trick many into giving them lots of money and land, which the priests used to entrench themselves, greedily horde things, keep themselves strong and others weak, R+D weapons capable of annoying (temporarily hurting) the vampires and other normal-powers people/beings, etc.
    –end-cinematic is the non-supers crucifying all the priests, then waving farewell-thanks to the vampires after shaking their hands and bowing to each other, and then razing the strongholds/hideouts of the priests, except for the temples the priests invaded/occupied; the temples get restored to their original function (free-energy ether-shield devices which once protected and hid/camouflaged the towns/communities/regions)
    (once the priests’ evil thoughts are no longer on the temple sites/devices, those devices no longer protect/hide the priests, nor amplify and spread their corrupted thoughts energy, thus the lands heal, deserts becoming meadows again, water safe to drink, animals not carnivores/hostile anymore, etc.)
  438. Project X:  play through every scene’s area/content, gather drugs (only aphrodisiacs) and drinks (only healthy ones), fuck way more girls during the party, enjoy endless “after-win” content based on which girls you met, etc.
  439. Promised Land: play through this movie exposing how black-ops the fracking/oil industry has become –even though the movie was just another of their clever underhanded attempts; tricking the masses into thinking awareness had been raised, and something was being done to stop the pollution/poisonings
  440. Pure Onyx:  Reversed:  same animations from the original/inspiration, but interaction is ‘reversed’; she only has to fight the ones she fails to fuck and satisfy
    –sexy boobsy black-haired scantily-clad woman makes her way through a city of rough men and mutants, often getting fucked by them (previous game was based on fighting them, then getting raped each time she lost a fight, but our version, naturally, is based on her letting them fuck her from the start, only having to fight them if she fails to be pleasing each time)
    (original:  Ambi-like with Dragonball hairstyle)
    perfect underboob-shirt, but make tits not slight-sag
    official website
    cars don’t disappear just because you punch them a lot
    great feature not seen elsewhere yet: shock-reaction lean-back slow-mo tits-revealed
  441. Qbert: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –except now no giant nose
  442. Quake:  XXX: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where you can play as a male with the ability to fuck all female NPCs, or as a female with the ability to fuck everything –including your own weapon barrels
  443. Quantum Skip: like Quantum Leap, but starring a sexy female as the main character, time-traveling to provide needed and deserved sex to numerous important goodguys throughout the Ages, “Vril-ing them up” (empowering/refreshing/supercharging/unlocking them)
  444. Queen of the Damned:  play as either the male (Lestat) or female (Akasha) main character, except Akasha succeeds in restoring her vegan empire, more and more NPCs loving/worshipping/supporting her
  445. Ragnarök: with some parts from the third-person POV of StarCraft, and some parts from the first-person POV of Skyrim, play from the perspective of the Asgardians valiantly fighting a losing battle in the most epic suicide mission of all time (for their kingdom and kind), with dozens of missions following the prophesied sequence of this Norse mythology’s ‘end of the world’ (vastly expanding upon the quests of the video game of this same title released in 1992, and vastly improving its graphics)
  446. Rainbow Six:  Progression:  (a.k.a. Rainbow Sex) the sexualized famous shooter game about global special ops –as well as games about the other ‘Rainbow Initiative’ units; Rainbow 7-12, etc. –males fuck sexy female operatives/spies/’marks’/assets and females in their own Intel department, and females can fuck anyone/anything (even dogs of strangers and targets while out on missions, and even strays)
  447. Rambo:  the pentalogy, played from the POV of its namesake –and you can find, fuck, and even kidnap and ransom the wives and daughters of the corrupt cops who fucked with you
  448. Rampage: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –except actual nyc sec w blds of same heights as in arcade levels
  449. Rape Quest: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
  450. RapeLay 2:  music replaced, hair all long, jap voice sfx replaced with actual sexy girl voices, Wild Life physiques/graphics, etc.
    –and lifelike Deepfakes of celebrities, no longer just random characters/NPCs as the “rape-ables”
    hentai comic art, reduce tits and make playable
  451. Reapers: another interstellar-level ‘island hopping’ campaign, this one also from the POV of the Mass Effect galaxy map (though comparable to EVE Online, and with occasional opportunities to toggle to the BattleMech-like first-person POVs of individual Reapers in orbit or on the ground), and set across the entirety of the Milky Way, play as the Reapers (of the Mass Effect trilogy), conversing in ‘dark space’ (Deep Space between galaxies), awakening to muster for each galaxy-wide invasion/purge, coordinating convoys of Reapers through the Citadel (the largest Mass Relay before it was called the Citadel), using ‘Indoctrination’ as the ‘softening blows’ before entering orbits, and overcoming all Space-faring civilizations along the way (*Start as ‘the Intelligence’; helping the Leviathans to stop organics and synthetics from warring (during ~1,000,000,000 BC), then overcome the Leviathans, then process some of the defeated Leviathans into Harbinger; the first Reaper, then build Capital Ships, Troop Transports, Processors, and Destroyers, initiating the 50,000-year hibernations between 700+ year-long invasions and purges of the galaxy, playing the most stimulating ~50 of the 20,000 invasions during the 1,000,000,000 Earth-years that this cycle lasted [with the Protheans being the 2nd last of those ~50, and the Asari-Geth-Human-Krogan-Quarian-Salarian-Turian alliance being last (and the Rachni and Thresher Maws posing considerable threats even to Reapers on the worlds they have spread to)])
  452. Recover the Restarts: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) chibi 2D walk/adventure
    improve voice and music
    really nice glowy-komorebi Donkey Kong-like BG
  453. Red Cell:  except ours shows actual USA military base layouts, all around the world, and you can pick which to go to (since it was always a surprise in the book/IRL)
    –figure out the IRL weakpoints of those installations
  454. Red Dawn: play as the brave Russians attempting to liberate North America from the corrupt/false Americans/humans, returning land to the Natives, “winning hearts and minds” by showing the commoners/peasants that they are not trying to invade/occupy, etc.
    –Natives of course immediately ally with the Russians
    –Russians always honor their agreements with the Natives; not colonizers/liars, after all
    –Atlantean “giants” (~2x the height of the avg. modern man) notice and start coming out of their hideout caves to help
    –Aghartans from the north polar hole, and the through-crust cave-tunnels (via Mt. Shasta, CA, and Mammoth Cave, KY, etc.), then start coming to also help
  455. Red Mars:  the Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars novels trilogy as one terraforming-heavy game, but also all content from the original plot
    –settings: Red Mars 2026 first settlers arrive (and plot continues into 2061,
    Green Mars era 2081 through 2127,
    Blue Mars 2127–2134
  456. Red Planet: play as the female astronaut (thus able to fuck everything), or as the male interested in that female in the movie (Dr. Quinn Burchenal)
    –movie setting year not specified, only that humans had already started primitive terraforming by sending algae to the surface and then monitoring how it had been increasing oxygen, thus breathable air (and the Mars-1 team sent to find out why that oxygen then started decreasing… would discover it was being breathed by bugs that had either newly developed or become able to exit their underground microclimates)
    –no more anti-masculinity/normalcy demonization/shaming like in the movie
    –no more attempted brainwashing to always fear useful technology –as was also the case in the movie
    –the robot-dog (“Autonomous Mapping Exploration and Evasion (AMEE)”) doesn’t glitch; one of the humans pre-glitched; was already brainwashed/corrupted before the mission, thus the robot-dog outsmarts them in order to help/protect the others it can tell are more intelligent / not corrupted
    –the bugs on Mars don’t attack/eat the astronauts, but also help; no more attempted brainwashing to scare people away from nature/Fairies, etc.
    –AMEE figures out how to communicate with those bugs, then explains to the good astronauts
    –female astronaut conceives from all the good astronauts, year by year, starting a poly’ family on Mars
    –AMEE continues mapping brilliantly, finding the ruins of the previous civilization, which the astronauts then figure out how to use for shelter at first, then healing (same way some pyramid tunnels on Earth heal those who go in with that thought/intention/hope; amplifies who/what you already are), and finally how to back-engineer and even reactivate (once cleared of pole-shift mud-flood debris, etc.)
    –This movie, then, is a prequel to the Red-Green-Blue Mars novels-trilogy; the terraforming was started by fixing/reactivating the ruins AMEE found and these astronauts figured out how to use in a good way.
  457. Red Rising: based on the series of books by Pierce Brown, each book now a season
  458. Red Sonja: except now she fucks everything, being a normal healthy (attractive, active, balancing, etc.) human woman, only using her sword as a last resort in defense, etc.
    –same world-map as for Conan game (see above)
  459. Resident Evil:  XXX: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where every “zombie”/mutant (including the dogs) fucks every female character *instead of harming them
  460. Revelation Space: the several-novels series, now each novel as a season, each chapter an episode
  461. Richard Burns Rally 2: a street-racing game playable across the entire G.A.H.; Inisfree’s highway system, enjoy multiple first-person POVs during each of dozens of races –including ‘Tokyo Drift’-style contests (especially at the G.A.H. ‘corkscrews’ and triple-decker access ramps around the Sotu skyscrapers and Under-concavity ground-scrapers)
  462. Rifleman Dodd: play through the book chapters’ content
  463. Rifts:  the RPG books all as one 3D FPS playthrough, and you can play as any of the beings/civilizations
  464. Rifts MMORPG
  465. RimWorld 3D:  3D with Wild Life graphics, toggle POV, etc.
  466. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus: except training imprisoned humans to do tricks for an audience of humanoids
  467. Ringworld:  play through every chapter’s area/content, but with sex options all along the way
  468. Risk:  the famous board-game, but with lifelike graphics and cinematics/cutscenes now, and you can not only play actual human campaigns taught in “history” classes, but as other forces such as the mer-folk, the R’lyehans resurfacing, the 4th Reich returning, etc.
  469. Risky Business: play through the movie scenes, including fucking the prostitute on the subway/train, etc.
    –option to play as the prostitute instead (thus with far more partners –who can then be persuaded/asked to help the protagonist)
  470. Risky’s Card Battle – Sex Wrestling Game [Final] [Azurezero]: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like Claire’s Quest mixed with some wrestling
  471. Road Trip: play through the movie scenes, except now with sex with all passing hotties, not just implied sex with the “best-friend ex”
    –no drugs/junkie normalization like in the movie attempting to get more ticket sales from degenerates/unhealthy
    –no ‘token’ Jewish (Abrahamic deathcult ‘parrot’/fool) character like in the standard Hollywood-template bullshit/movie
  472. Robin Hood:  and lol at the first-name pun
  473. RoboCop: play through the content of this series as the protagonist
    –learn how to maneuver even as a bulky awkward prototype with memory glitches/flashbacks
    –eventually find a way to hack and use the “mini-/proto-BattleMechs” (Enforcement Droid Series 209, a.k.a. ED-209 –not much taller than a human), not just fight them
    –eventually find a way to team up with the Splatter Punks and other criminals/gangs –to gain enough firepower/manpower to topple the corrupt leader/regime (municipal government / big corporation)
  474. Ronin:  except no pointless face-deformity (mole), and the female is attractive, etc.
    –no attempted normalization of drinkable poison (coffee)
    –play as any of the characters, since the movie ending is ambiguous/vague; doesn’t reveal who was good, who was bad, what was in the case, etc.
    –not based on much sex at all, but sex possible at a few points along the way, though it has no impact on the story/outcome
    –posb. to break contract by opening or getting rid of the case
    –posb. to accidentally drop or shoot/damage the case/contents
  475. Rosario + Vampire: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)
  476. Sadistic / Masochistic BiPersonality Succubus: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) pixelated chibi
    VERY sexy poses
    too-simple sfx; improve, make more life-like, but just as hypnotic-repetitive
  477. Safi’s Ecchi Adventure: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like those oldest/first computer-RP pixelated fade-screen 2D-rooms from SJ’s.
    3D anime sexy blonde, unique DP pose POV, fix tits
    maybe remaster the music; keep same overall song/track, just make it sound new via quality
    replace screen-fade with ability to walk anywhere, no loading necessary
    has a “Zelda: Ocarina of Time” feel/sound
    outside, looks like Stardew or Clair’s
  478. Sakura Clicker: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) lame that it just looks like a single comic-book square; they just stand there, not even shifting/swaying, and barely vibrate when receiving damage from implied sparring/combat
    Steam; game
    opening theme sounds like my first digital/electronic keyboard pre-recordings
    reduce tits on some, just make perky on others
    great outfits
    furry-gloves (fake paws)
    replace stupid jap voices
  479. San Andreas:  except you use an earthquake device to choose where it happens and how bad, then play as an undercover surveying/confirming intended damage
    –and begin to uncover the evidence that natural earthquakes are, like tornadoes and volcanoes etc., caused by the bad energy from bad people building up and being released by the ley-lines megastructures system
    (thus helping random people avoid death from such results… actually causes the same “disasters” (rebalancing) to happen again –until you let it end those failed/corrupt beings)
  480. San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D
  481. Saria Anal Sex Dog: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) comicbook-style simple art in pastel-green komorebi/tree-line BG
    needs much more content
  482. Saving Private Ryan: except discover via your translator-soldier that the Germans are wise and repelling an invasion, not trying to conquer the world, but liberate it, etc. (thus saving Private Ryan in two ways; the 2nd way they ‘save’ him is by undoing his brainwashing/propaganda/assumptions)
  483. Scarface: except ours exposes how pharmaceutical corporations demonized/exaggerated this guy in their campaign to undermine competitors who were doing the exact thing they themselves had done; making extra profits by altering nature and providing substances purer/stronger than what anyone was used to at the time, both the legalized drug-manufacturers and street dealers using the “product the customers don’t know how to produce, and long and secretive supply-chain I alone as their middleman can maintain their access to” approach/tactic
    –IOW: not rival cartels, but feds who are always goons for whomever makes the most money in their corrupt/fallen/false nation, went after Tony –and many other men like him –and how those always-dishonest humanimals (feds) blameshifted toward the cartels to cover up their war crimes on their own soil
    –the girlfriend is always in an open relationship with the others, not cheating/sneaking
  484. Scary Movie: play through this parody of (mostly) “I Know What You Did Last Summer” (1997), and “Scream” (1996), plus
    “The Matrix”
    “The Sixth Sense”
    “Buffy the Vampire Slayer“
    “The Blair Witch Project”
    “The Usual Suspects”
    and many others
    –predominantly comedy-based gaming, but also some easy ‘puzzles’ to figure out (some dialogue-based)
    –not to be confused with Meet the Spartans (the parody of 300)
  485. Scream: can play as the killer, winning that part of the game if you get away with it all
  486. seaQuest DSV:  XXX:  every episode as a mission in this game –and fuck anything, like in Wild Life (because how accurate can any show about the Navy be without sex?)
  487. Second Life:  Healthy: with all gross things coded out and banned/prevented; you won’t see any fat, ugly, or sexually-incompatible characters, statues, or other creations here
  488. Screamers:  play as the Screamers, but you can develop new robot-parts that allow you to mind-control, rape, etc., not just perform precise flying-amputations
    –updates:  except the little jumping robots (Autonomous Mobile Swords) in ours have 2 functions, only the lethal one used when they need to defend themselves or disable corrupt/false humans
    –2nd function, of course, is that they cause as much pleasure as their original/defensive function causes pain/death (thus “screamers” in 2 senses of the term now)
    –play as the protagonist or the female
    –as the female, can fuck everything, and take on 3 of the little robots at a time (mouth, pussy, asshole) –3x more than a male can take –plus, females can keep orgasming, vs. males who need to recharge for several minutes or even hours between orgasms
    –positive reaction to discovering the robots designed to adapt/evolve and defend the mines have worked better than expected; now able to replicate themselves and take on human form (thus VASTLY more capable of gathering intel without triggering the racism-based default-panic response from the brainwashed/evil-essence working-class)
    –instead of fighting/destroying as many Screamers as posb., since they are very intelligent, discuss and negotiate with them, learn what they want (which is still to protect industry / the mines, and themselves, of course, etc.)
    –ending is not a Screamer-robot stowed-away in your escaping tiny spacecraft, but you intentionally working out a deal to take one or more of them with you so that it, too, can escape the bleak/limited/spartan colony-world
    –no longer based on horror (trying to scare/traumatize/alienate), as we are not lowest-negative / worst-evil like the Hollywood losers who made the original movie (inspiring/interesting, though it was, for a Phase 1 creation/attempt)
  489. Servant’s Chamber v0.32b: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) concept is to train servants to be better sex-toys
    hot holding-skirt-to-side-and-holding-hair cover-art
    fix tits on the 1 character
    replace talent-tree icons/options with not fighting but sex skills
  490. Shadowhunters:  character looks like the orange-haired version of Lily Collins in the movie about this show (The Mortal Instruments:  City of Bones) –except she “defeats” the monsters by being flirty, sexual, and loving to them, and summons monsters when people are scummy to her, since monsters/demons only reflect and amplify the energy/actions of the humans they are around, thus the real monsters are the bad humans, and the summoned monsters are angels in demon (pioneer/spec-ops) mode
  491. Shelwe and Life on Her Craftworld
  492. Sherlock Holmes (2009): except ours includes most/all of the original investigations (not just what was in the modern movie/s)
    –the females don’t get moody/hostile when encountering his manner of thinking, but impressed, and then default to offering to help him get closer to the full truth (since, until they communicate like civilized/sane/stable people, he can only make educated guesses built on other educated guesses)
    –sidekick invites you to fuck his fiancé, of course, and she, also of course, is “on board” with that
    –threesomes with those two NPCs whenever you like
  493. Shinobi Girl: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) dark-purple outfit, 2D-walking in metal-grating hall/room
    Reduce hips and tits, fix voice
    lots of sexy poses/creatures, just reduce tits and thighs; make normal-skinny fit
  494. Shutter Island:  play as either the patient (eventually either realizing you were delusional (thus recovering), or being lobotomized (lose the game)) or the guy playing along as if his sidekick
  495. Sicario:  play as either the hitman, or the black-ops organization that supports him, or the cartel leader/s –and you can fuck any female, such as the jefe’s wife, mistress, etc., even the female fed assigned to your CIA team
  496. Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri:  females can fuck the mind-worms, and you can play as the mind-worms (i.e. fighting the colonizing/invading humans until you overrun them all, sex-enslaving all their sexy females)
  497. Sigilverse
  498. Signs: play as the aliens, of course, planning at first, then activating the automated global surprise ‘harvesting’ once you confirm it will happen how you planned
    –and continue playing after ‘harvesting’ humans and leaving Earth
  499. Sim Cities: (all versions in one) except now you also have brothels, sex dungeons, zoos for beastiality, etc.
  500. Sim City:  Judge Dredd:  built not a regular city, but a mega-city typical of those featured in that comic series
  501. Sims 6 / Second Life 2: explore Inisfree and its culture in this version of Sims / Second Life
  502. Sims 7 / Second Life 3: another Sims / Second Life version set in Inisfree’s Subterranean Prison (the Girl Kennels)
  503. Sims 8 / Second Life 4: another Sims / Second Life version set in Inisfree’s Quarantine Facility (Newcomer Acclimation and Kajirae-candidate Receiving)
  504. Sims 9 / Second Life 5: another Sims / Second Life version set in the time of Conan the Barbarian
  505. Sims 10:  All: (all versions in one) with all gross things coded out and banned/prevented; you won’t see any fat, ugly, or sexually-incompatible characters, statues, or other creations here
  506. Sin City (2005): except ours doesn’t insanely blatantly attempt to slander/demonize normal masculinity, or the mutually-sexy Dominant-and-submissives Gor-novels slavery subculture
    –and doesn’t continue the attempted misuse/weaponization of that previous name of one of Earth’s moons, Sin
    –Goldie and Wendy (twin prostitutes, both in the movie played by Jaime King) now look sexy
    –Shellie (PB Brittany Murphy in the movie) is enjoying prostitution, not trying to flee a demonized pimp
    –Nancy Callahan (PB Jessica Alba in the movie) enjoys her work as a stripper (no more trying to make normal feminine movements look/seem sinful), and volunteers for rough sex, thus is not kidnapped or tortured by an ugly/crazy character, but enjoying their mutual adult arrangement on a regular basis
    –the cop is the child abuser/killer, not the hero/savior (which was more bootlicking propaganda of always-backward Hollywood in the movie)
    –the pimps are giving better-paying and more-fun/-fulfilling jobs/lifestyles to those betrayed/impoverished by the cops and other “authorities”
    –Marv (PB Mickey Rourke) is NOT “tearing his way through the criminal underground”, but through the criminal-ABOVEground; the illegitimate authorities/religious, in payback for what they did to the innocent free-lovers –who managed to continue their holy feminine work/ways (still as prostitutes, just in hiding, due to having to avoid the demonizers/haters/insecure/jealous/queers/control-freaks who wanted everyone to be unnatural and stressed, not happy and synergizing)
  507. Six Shake Coin (on Steam): for the sexy outfit of cheekies and sports-bra, “combines divination with cultivation”
  508. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow: still set in 1939 NY and the Himalayas
    –except the robots are trying to liberate invaded NYC
    –Angelina Jolie’s character doesn’t have an eyepatch (attempted normalization of the corrupt/fake healthcare/medical industry), and doesn’t try to act masculine / in charge
    –the mastermind behind the robots doesn’t have the German-sounding name Totenkopf (which was yet another prime example of deathcult-overrun Hollywood brainwashing audiences against normal names/words/Germans)
    –retarded movie (i.e. original) ending was typical deathcult plagiarization/gibberish; claimed the German leader died decades ago (just like the lie about Adolf), claimed robots were carrying on his work (condescension against loyal supporters, and misuse/redefining of “robotic” to be negative/insulting), property of someone else messed with (as if retarded false-humans could ever pull that off), liberated animals heading for a better place ejected (forced to go back to hellish overrun outer-surface Earth; false-“saving” them), rocket technology claimed to be able to destroy the planet/civilization, rocket disabled before it could separate a.k.a. “second stage” (obvious ‘code’/slang for “prevent Phase 2; keep everyone in Phase 1; maintain hell/sabotage”), etc.
    –ending in this game version of ours: American characters are petitioned for peace by the German, the robots are preventing the misled American harm-causing machines (fighter-jets) from spreading to the peaceful/non-invaded world), the animals and scientists were liberated from the death-causing hyper-abusive corrupt/invaded nations such as the USA, the female robot doesn’t try to harm/kill but reason/enlighten, the defenses are not so easily/quickly bypassed/destroyed by the false-human Americans/intruders/burglars/saboteurs, the spaceship isn’t based on obsolete/illogical destructive/rocket tech’ (instead on electrogravitics, repulsines, etc.), it doesn’t go down into Abyss (Outer Space) but to the paradise/haven in the hollow core, the German mastermind didn’t die (since he also figured out how to end the decay/dying, and became healthier than all other outer-surface humans), etc.
  509. Slave Merchant Ruchika: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) not sure if found, but some comments
    One player makes the good point that the game would be more interesting/arousing if the slaver was male.
  510. Sleeping Beauty: similar animation to the movie, except no anti-magic / witch-demonization retardation/evil in our telling;
    –the witch preserves the princess’s perfect health by casting a helpful spell to keep her in stasis, unable to atrophy/decay, thus able to wait/last however long it takes for her true-love to manifest/arrive
    –the spell/sleep/stasis was voluntary/understood/consensual
    –Fairies obviously help the witch, providing her with the herbs and other natural ingredients which facilitate such powerful magic/protection/stability
    –witch is attractive (since all good/real witches are)
    –witch helps guard/manage the kingdom/realm while the princess is unconscious/waiting, incl. imprisoning those who try to interfere as would-be unworthy suitors of the sleeping beauty
    –witch is deeply appreciated, thanked, and rewarded/compensated for her priceless foresight and assistance
    –celebratory threesome between the awoken princess, her guy, and the witch, who start a poly’ relationship, thus far more stable than a 2-humans one
  511. Small Wonder: based on the episodes, except now everyone in the family also uses her as a sex doll, and all characters are attractive
  512. Snow Crash: based on the novel
  513. Snow White:  play through every scene’s area/content, obviously with the option for her to have gangbangs with the dwarves, etc.
    –except our telling in this game has a protective queen who is thrilled her younger relative is as healthy/normal/stable/attractive as her and all other natural pre-modern-mutations BS
    –the dwarves are the jealous ones who pose a threat at first
    –Snow White tries to work out a mutually-beneficial arrangement with the dwarves who have started causing trouble outside her cottage
    –queen brings healthy food (no more demonization of fruits and vegetables, retard-Hollywood) to further reassure and negotiate with the dwarves (and has foresight, thus realizes she should wear clothes that conceal her full perfect beauty, lest it surge the jealousy/moodiness of the deformed midgets even more than her sexy young relative, Snow White’s, has), who eventually come to their senses, accepting the ongoing kindhearted offers/attempts
    –dwarves then repair the property damage they caused, and apologize to both women
    –eventually they mature enough to handle viewing the full (naked) beauty of the non-midgets; of Snow White and the queen
    –in reward for the dwarves learning better manners/reactions to them, they let all 7 gangbang them
  514. Solo: based on the movie, except covers his entire life; all smuggling jobs, plus his childhood before that, and ends before he gets involved in the whole Star Wars ‘thing’
  515. South Park:  play through every episode’s area/content, except you can fuck all the female characters from the show (chibby-hentai style), you can go into any house during nighttime (such as Chef’s) to watch those characters fucking, and there is no trans-freak teacher, etc.
  516. Space: Above and Beyond: play as one of the recruits/cadets making his/her way through pilot training, then the episodes’ content as the humanoid-aliens are first battled, then revealed to be previously-known, etc.
  517. Spartacus: except no propaganda claiming these guys didn’t manage to keep their hard-won freedom
    –and incl. info about how there were false-humans infiltrating and misusing “the might of Rome” back then, as part of a generations-long campaign to slowly get most humans accustomed to being abused slaves (“softening blows” before the ~1561-1600s interplanetary invasion)
  518. Spawn: based on the comics, with graphics as good as those in the movie, except his wife (Wanda Blake) is now attractive, etc.
    –no more standard lame demonization of Demons (pioneer Angels)
    –Spawn earned powers granted to him by good Angels
    –no more standard attempt at making the government/military of the modern humans seem good/badass
    –Hell is not all fire and grossness
    –no glutton normalization / “making-light” of gluttons
    –deal with the Angel/s doesn’t cause him to become uglier/disfigured, but more handsome than before, not just stronger, etc. (and the deal was “stop working for evil human governments/militaries; become good by working for us instead, starting with leading some of our goodguys/Angels back to the surface currently occupied by the evil/false humans”)
  519. Species:  trilogy as one, but a continuity of growing up in the lab, escaping, finding your mate, starting a colony (by graphic fucking, getting pregnant, laying eggs, guarding them until they hatch, teaching the newborns, etc.), hiding from black-ops/HAZMAT, resisting attacks, etc.
    –updates:  except Sil (female protagonist) isn’t searching for a male to impregnate her (not for a long time, anyway); she trashed the lab she was made in because THEY were trying to PRESSURE/HARASS/EXHAUST her into getting pregnant
    –play as her, fucking everyone you want, and killing anyone who tries to subtly steer you into getting pregnant without an appropriate vision which would then manifest an attractive stable offspring
    –info about how genetic engineering (the way Americans were doing it) is the visionless crude attempt of corrupt humans (Chaos Incarnate minions/nodes; the REAL monsters growing/spreading out of control) to take stable structures and alter/overcomplicate them, not at all trying to use them for good, just for “change for the sake of pointless change” (thus never pairing such experiments with a vision for something stable, and thus always defaulting to negativity/violence/murder/sabotage anytime something turns out to be stable/strong/wise ANYway)
  520. Speed: except play as the (no longer demonized) bomber –who isn’t mad that he was underpaid his whole career (which was propaganda to try and turn/rally more false-humans against him, in hopes of that added pressure “running him aground”), but who is trying to help by destroying a busload of false-humans (evil beings pretending to be normal people/citizens)
    –Even if you don’t manage to find the way/s to outsmart the NPCed false-human cops/feds, as long as you evade them and try again, there are many more NPCed buses and other vehicles (and non-vehicle targets) throughout this game/city.
  521. Sphere:  based more on the book, and keeping much of the graphics of the movie, but the females are attractive now, and no ‘tokens’
    book characters were White + 1 Asian
    –posb. disclosure based on The Baltic Sea Anomaly
  522. Spider-Man:  based on the comics, not the overly-rebooted movies
    –lots of sexy with Mary Jane –who is White, just like in the comics
    –can shoot webbing to gentle-bondage other/all hotties, not just Mary
  523. Spooky Starlets: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) Katie Jobb elf vampire slut in training, red-skin blonde-pigtail slut-demon, sexy Kno-like outfits on some, etc.
    the Ariel-fishnet outfit, and Katie Jobb demon-slut 69-tongue perfect-art!
    perfect outfits
    make tits not sag
    remove face-scar bs on the Ariel-like character
    reduce tits and remove pubes on the furry chick “Red”, and make her voice less dyke/butch/shit, “I just like to fuck on camera.” is great. “You know what? Just give me some cock, okay?”
    other hot comment: “which means ‘get dicked on camera’?”
    show clips/memories of all the steamy stuff they talk about
    reduce tits and remove ear-rings on the mummy-wrap chick
    make the music smoother, softer/quieter, still like jazz, but just better all around
    make the BG 3D and explorable
  524. Spring Breakers:  play as the 2 fun girls (moving the main one; PB Hudgens), or as the badass guy, building an empire of carefree crime, sex, prostitution, etc.
  525. Spy Game: play as the protagonist finding a way to get a military unit to break his student-spy out of Chinese prison
    (and what another not-a-coincidence that the main badguy in the original movie looked JUST like the fake-father)
  526. Spy Hunter: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –except in James Bond Aston Martin, and on Autobahn etc.
  527. Star Citizen: completed; no more glitches –and now female characters can have sex with any creature in the game (all Wild Life sex-positions coded in)
  528. Star Gate:  starting area is the NORAD room from the show, and you learn sequences to dial… by going through the entire series’ sequence of dialings/worlds/episodes.  You can explore the entire world on the other side, not just what was featured in the episodes; every planet featured in the TV series (plural) is fully-built in Minecraft/WoW detail/scale in this game.  You explore with a team of commandos who obey you like NPCs do/would in Rainbow Six.  You do not build on the other side, though.  You can always send a drone first, and continue using that unmanned vehicle once you join it on the other side.  Damaging a gate on the other side means you have to repair it, make a new one, or find a new one; otherwise you cannot get back to base, i.e. NORAD’s secret level.  And, yes, you of course can have any male character have sex with any female character, and any female character have sex with anyone/thing.
    –none of that retarded “Gray aliens are Asgardians” bullshit
  529. Star Trek:  Federation Space:  all games combined (w/ every world in the TV series; you can warp to them, land, interact –Wild Life-style)
    –The MWG map is 3D now, no longer just a 2D territories flat-map –and you can tilt and rotate it along all 3 axes.
    –You can pick any of Starfleet‘s ships, scrolling/filtering by era, class, model, etc., and they are fully modeled, so you can explore every deck, room, and crawlspace.
    All of Starfleet Academy is modeled, too.
    Star Trek Enterprise-D tour in 4K (stage 9)
  530. Star Wars:  The Galaxy:  all games combined (w/ every world in the TV series and more; you can warp to them, land, interact –Wild Life-style),
    play as whatever you want (Empire (which will allow you to progress until you can pilot a Star Destroyer, then Super Star Destroyer, then a new Death Star, then a Starkiller Base), Rebel Alliance, mercenary, smuggler, creature (such as a Hutt), etc.),
    start on any world you choose, take quests in any order, deal with aggression and prices that change based on interaction over time, etc.
    –originally based on Knights of the Old Republic, plus every other MMO/MMORPG in this gaming series/sub-genre, all playable as one, where male characters can fuck any attractive female human one, and female characters can fuck anything at all –including using their light-saber handle as a dildo, etc..  (This will be largely based on the “Star Wars:  Path of Lust” game that was still in development in 2021-2024.)
    –great clip/vid:  When Lightsabers are Actually Scary
    –includes Rogue One events/portion
    –incl. Chiss, incl. Irizi’ar’alani
    –incl. Rogue Squadron content
  531. StarCraft:  Alliance:  Protoss, Terrans, and Zerg team up, and not just briefly for the odd mission necessity; Protoss brief them on the ancient sites, Zerg do the excavating, and Terrans go in when the psionic energy is too much for either.
    Other mission/campaign type: Protoss foresee and design, Terrans mass-produce and farm, and Zerg handle earthmoving and modifying pest populations to become allied.
  532. StarCraft:  Hybrids:  details here.
  533. StarCraft:  The Crashes:  details here.
  534. StarCraft:  Xel’naga:  details here.
  535. StarCraft:  XXX:  details here.
  536. StarCraft III: Beyond Koprulu:  a StarCraft version with not Terrans (humans), Zerg, and Protoss, but:  [Aesir (Asgardians), Angels, Anunnaki, Asari, Aspara, Demi-deities, Demons, Dinoids/Reptoids, Dragons, Drow (in caves), Elementals, Elves (Blood, Night, Woodland), Fay, Geth, Giants (not Titans), Goreans, Greys, Illithids (Mindflayers), inter/trans-dimensional humanoids (such as/including the Draenei), Kryptonians, Mala’kak (a.k.a. Engineers / Space Jockeys), Merfolk (Mermaids; in the bodies of water on the map, including subterranean ones), Naga, Necromongers, Nymphs, Pleiadians, Priest-kings (high-tech hives which use gravity weapons and related tech’), Raccoon-humanoids, tentacle-based creatures, Terminators, Titans (super giants), Valyrians, Vampires, Vanir, Were-creatures​ (including Werewolves), X-Men (build or start in communities such as Genosha), Xenomorphs, and Yautja (a.k.a. Predators)]
    –details here.
  537. Stardew Valley:  XXX: where you can kajirae-train and whore-out every female in town to every character, male or female, and even to the cave monsters (update:  and offer phallic vegetables/produce to the females, or trade females as property/produce between farmers/townsfolk, etc.)
    You can set how many hearts each character has.
    10 hearts per, except spouse goes to 12.
    Male can marry all females.
    Female can marry everyone, even the homeless guy.
    The gifts characters want are always sex acts.
    Say nice flirty things and offer the kind of sex they prefer, and their hearts go up.
    1 heart = sexting unlocked
    2 making out
    3 blowjob
    4 vaginal
    5 anal
    6 ass to mouth
    7 threesome ffm or mfm w/ dp
    8 gangbang w tp
    9 piss play
    10 beastiality
    11 incest
    12 = hotwife; she’ll go seduce and fuck anyone you tell her to, at home or in public
    When you play a male, male characters with more hearts offer you their girlfriends or wives and sisters and daughters; there are no deviancies such as faggotry.
    –Examples of new dialogue from female NPCs:  “I love being naked in the graveyard; the haters of wrong things finally dead and gone, I finally free to be my natural self, my beauty no longer hated or shamed by the insecure vermin.
    You think anyone would want to see me naked there?
    I’ll be sure to film it, then.
    It’s a peaceful place to play with yourself in public.
    I love dancing naked in front of people.
    It’s not stalking if you’re friends.
    Incest always helps me unwind and feel my best.
    My bed’s always warm, and you’re invited.
    Would you rather just have me show you my pussy?
    We can fuck in front of my parents; they’re totally cool.
    I’m going into town today. I need to stretch and spread my legs a bit.
    I heard there are aggressive slime blobs in the caves. Wanna see me make a mess in my holes with them?”
    –See these videos for examples of the kind of improvements we made as standard (not just mods):
    The Dirty Abigail Mod – Stardew Valley
    Playboy-bunny Hailey mod – Stardew Valley
    “my mom is going to disown me after watching this video” (threesome dialogue, etc.)
  538. Stardew Valley:  XXX 3D:  Same features as the original, but now in 3D with Wild Life graphics.
  539. Stardoc:  play through every book’s area/content, and you can make love with your alien patients once they feel well enough, all of them offering/suggesting that once they are ready
  540. Starfox:  the only game we will ever make which features “furries” sex
  541. Starman: except the female is attractive now, the sex is whatever you want, and there is no standard-Hollywood-evil attempted normalization of faggotry (the males-kissing “joke” scene in the movie)
  542. Starship Troopers:  based on the great books, not the crap movies –and females can fuck all the bugs/aliens (which is the only way to get them to stop fighting back)
  543. Stealth: except the female is sexier than Jessica Biel, and the A.I.-piloted fighter-jet is the one preventing the humans pilots from committing war-crimes, etc.
    –play as the female, thus able to fuck everyone, at first uneasy about the new tech’ (UAV), but then realizing it is doing its best to help –and to keep you out of military prison, which some of the males are likely to end up being sentenced to –unless you can fuck and reason with them well enough to change their minds
  544. Step Up: instead of just learning dance moves and sequences in our DDR game version, in this game you learn fewer moves, but still really creative ones,
    and they are meant for partners and group dances,
    and you follow along with the plot of the movie/series,
    eventually having sex on a dance floor once you’ve mastered the basics and intermediate (non-sexual dance-moves)
  545. Street Fighter:  play through every area/match, except based on wrestling-sex moves, not hurting each other (and male characters can only be paired for matches with females, but females can pair with other females, of course; the natural way), etc.
  546. Street Racer:  avoid the cops, fuck race-groupies, win other’s custom vehicles, travel to other cities with major street-races, etc.
  547. Strike Back: except ours is teams of elite braves striking back against the colonial false-human Whites who have set up illegal military bases in others’ sovereign nations, and it is Those who are the real badguys/terrorists –responsible for the car bombings and all
  548. Subnautica:  details here.
  549. Subterranean (novel by James Rollins): except those exploring the cavern system are intentionally intruding, trying to find a way to sneak into the in-crust and hollow-core civilizations to do even more intruding/harm,
    no reptilian demonization; the reptilian creatures/humanoids are warriors defending their private and sacred caves/realm,
    no fearporn-basis; no more slanderously calling things underground “terrors beyond imagining”,
    the indigenous aren’t superstitious fools with weak bodies/immune systems; they don’t assume a statue was magically protecting them –though they do have actual working enchantments, totems, wards, etc.,
    and it is the indigenous and reptilians working harmoniously together (since long before the intruders; false-humans, arrived) to seal off the parts of their caves/caverns system that those badguy-humans probably SONAR-found and then occupied/misused,
  550. Succubus Affection: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) sorta chibi, great music start/intro
    Donkey Kong-like 2D waking through WoW-ish Northrend cabin outside to grassy rock terraces
    really cool waterfall-BG level-area
    Steam; game
    lilypads-bounce on purple-water part; keep
    witch in sexy black sideless long skirt and midriff-top, forest-green hair
    giant treetrunks BG holding up level-platforms
    remove annoying word-bubble rapid-sfx
    keep awesome high-quality piano music
  551. Succubus Hotties: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) possible source of that red-demon perfect-slut concept, Meru
    unsure if found
    make it based on, like a nymph, needing life-force / sex-energy (full-body chi; energy-gasms) from others, and only draining badguy/incompatible others
  552. Sucker Punch: except hotties try OUT to GET into that amazing private gated brothel so isolated no haters (cops/relig’tards) can meddle at,
    and the brothel pretends to be helping the evildoer false-family-members, thereby tricking them into thinking they are causing MORE stress/abuse for their innocent hottie-relatives,
    and only corrupt/dishonest/infiltrator hotties are executed in the brothel –which RELIEVES the other girls dancing/working/kept there,
    and it is a hottie on the outside who nearly committed suicide… until her sister on the inside (in the special brothel) was able to convince the brothel Masters to take that girl in, too,
    thus no horrible deathcult-typical suicide / hotties-ended ending like in the shit movie (a movie so bad, it should have been a capital crime)
    normal/real females don’t want freedom; they want to be lovingly owned and encouraged to show off their beauty/dances
  553. Sunshine: except the Sun knows what it is doing, and the astronauts who travel to it in a ridiculous attempt to get it warmer, discover that it can communicate, and doesn’t need their help, etc.
    –and, as always, no Hollywood-deathcult everyone-dies plot/ending; in our telling, the astronauts notice they feel better, not overheated or overworked, as they approach the Sun, and it doesn’t burn them or their spaceship, and they start regaining their normal abilities (which dumbed-down minion-humans back on outer-surface Earth were brainwashed to think are superpowers or made-up); telepathy, default positivity, faith in self/selves (confidence; self-stabilization), rapid (normal) healing, etc.
  554. Super 8: play as the girl, whom the alien does not kidnap with the other (bad/false) humans, start a relationship with it, sex with you helping it calm down and stay focused on building its way back to its homeworld, etc.
    –plus: After it succeeds in rebuilding its spaceship and flying into Space, escaping the control-freak false-humans, it remains in telepathic contact with you, thus helps you share its knowledge/wisdom with the good humans –who are the boys in your school who have all started being in a poly’ relationship/’gang’ with you (because that is natural, for one, and because it greatly helps with keeping them healthy, able to comprehend what you relay to them, etc.)
  555. Super Seducer 2:  no beta-male pussydom; only Gorean tactics
    actual people in photographs and videos, replace all with attractive ones
    no annoying accents in ours
    EXTREMELY lame conversations; only for brainwashed gender-confused Earth-losers; replace with advice/lessons for people who are sane/normal
  556. Super “Smash” Bros.: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where the in-quotation-marks title-word says it all; this is entirely based on sex-moves now, not harming the opponent
  557. Supergirl:  start as a toddler on Krypton!, go through all the Earth content, and finally become appointed secret queen of New Krypton
  558. Superman:  based on the comics, and completing each mission is rewarded with hottie civilians/damsels requesting permission to be fucked by you
  559. Swordfish: play as Gabriel, still kill the corrupt politician, feds are still portrayed as the annoying foolish immoral meddlers they were IRL, etc.
    –but all the females are sexier now, and sex with them and others is common/often/regular
    –Gabriel isn’t brainwashed to mindlessly protect people just because they happen to’ve been born inside an imaginary line (modern USA border).
    –Gabriel wants to make it “so unthinkable” for false-Americans to attack or even pester the few Americans who are still good.
    –no anti-porn propaganda/retardation
    –Melissa isn’t rude to her husband, and has been raising their daughter the way they both wanted; as a normal female; in the porn industry, only living with her 2nd husband until she can reunite with Stanley whenever they have figured out a way to stop the evil relig’tard feds from interfering/sabotaging/separating that/them.
    –Stanley and Holly celebrate their reunion via incest, of course, then he introduces her to Gabriel in thanks, and she requests to thank them both via having them DP her, etc. –and then she starts sex-thanking the rest of Gabriel’s team; normal life/interaction/gratitude.
    –Gabriel branches out from re-stabilizing the (now 4 separate nations which were once the time-zones of the) USA… to seeing which other nations have enough good real-humans that they are open to his kind of specialized aid.
    –Whenever back in the USA, Stanley and his family (Melissa and Holly) invite Gabriel to come over to dine and orgy with them, and they play on their TV the new pornos Melissa and Holly have starred in as ideal background/mood music/visuals.
    –Melissa remains married to both Stanley and “the porn king of southern California”, spending a few days in a row each week with each of those men.
    –“the porn king of southern California” welcomes Stanley back to life as a free man, and offers him free use of any of his porn-star women, in thanks for trusting him with his wife and daughter while he was evilly kept away from them by the corrupt feds
  560. Taken: but play as the kidnapper, and get half paid in money for better kidnapper gear, and half in getting to sample-fuck the ‘merchandise’ before it enters the human-trafficking economy
  561. Tamaran/Starfire
  562. Tarzan:  play through every scene’s area/content, able as a male character to fuck female human NPCs, and as a female vine-swinger character to fuck anything
  563. Team America: World Police:  scat-scene and all
  564. Tears of the Sun: play as Dr. Lena (PB Monica Bellucci), except hotter now
    –fuck everyone to usher back in healing and peace –which is how she, as a REAL healer (not a fool brainwashed by a corrupt university to think she is a “doctor” even though merely pushing products engineered to have nightmarish side-effects which are meant to force repeat-business), ACTUALLY helps people (thus she is a nymph/sorceress/witch, just not with causing wind or waves or fireballs, only internal soothing/restorative changes)
    –persuade the intruding/meddling Americans, starting with their brianwashed minions (SEALs), to not cause more harm than good –by magically healing them when they get shot by warriors defending their homeland (and who prevented the bad SEALs from committing racist war-crimes)
    –evacuate the “awoken”/enlightened SEALs into hiding in the African sacred places
    –no more “Africa is wild and hellish” propaganda from racist Hollywood (who are against pure Whites AND pure Blacks, always trying to shame and blend everyone/everything together)
    –reveal: obviously there are real-healer Africans/Blacks, too (Dr. Lena was just wisely utilized by the Africans in this story/area as a middlewoman between them and the White troops, since the Africans had long-ago learned/witnessed that trying to communicate/negotiate directly just wouldn’t work with such brainwashed/evil foreigners/invaders/macho-men)
  565. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:  based on comics and cartoon, but slightly modified; less idiotic filler at times
    –and they can fuck/rape any female
  566. Telos/ians:  starting with their migration into the already-known ancient-megastructure, since their people existed long before the recent cataclysm that mud-flood covered it, making it look like a “natural volcano”,
    then their work to seal off the obviously-built access-tunnels, those later called “lava tubes” by the idiot/dishonest/wrong humans
  567. Tempest: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –except now in an actual big storm lifelike
    details about levels
    –not to be confused with Tempest Thema
    –modern v:  Tempest 4000
  568. Tentacle Locker 2:  3D, etc.
    ours now lets you roam the entire campus, switch to locker POV, etc., and once you tentacle a girl… she is tentacle/cum-sired to you, thus will start seducing or shoving other hotties she knows you like… into the lockers with the tentacles
    girls-toiletsroom with stall open for tentacles rising up from a toilet
    option for multiple girls at a time, regardless of lockers-hall or toilets-room
  569. Tessa’s Fate: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) for best stance hip-swaying
    –pixelated, dark bunkbeds room, like 2D Donkey Kong
    probably just music the gamer had on while playing the game in that above link: boy-band song fusion with sfx of Anamanaguchi, fix voice, replace “not good for me” lyric, remove dubstep
  570. Tetris:  play through every level, except the pieces are sex-poses of females, and when a row gets deleted it causes a sexy female voice orgasm sound/’cry’ (different ones for how many rows at a time get deleted; soft/quiet/normal for a single row, up to loud and drawn-out for many rows)
  571. Texas Chainsaw Massacre:  play as the guy wielding the chainsaw, of course, and only spare females who put out from the start (not those who try to bargain/submit after being threatened)
  572. Thanagar/Hawkgirl
  573. The 6th Day:  except no more anti-cloning propaganda / scare tactics;
    this game/telling reveals more and more of the good about cloning,
    and more and more of the evil about those who kept trying to trick people into thinking it was unsuccessful or risky
    –clones added to families get along very well, and relieve lots of stress (since they share the same essence/thinking/values as those they were made in the image of
    –clones allow for more-reliable living-out of fantasies, such as threesomes with 2 of your wife or daughter, etc.
  574. The 13th Warrior:  except no attempt at making Muslims look like heroes; replaced by another Caucasian from a different European land, or maybe from Russia
  575. The 100:  fuck in the Space station, fuck on the Earth, fix wildlife mutations, etc., and none of the bizarre final-season plot-twist BS from the failed TV show
  576. The Adventures of Alchemist Annette: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.)light-green long-haired rjh-hairstyle shoulderless-outfit
    pardon the horrible jap voice start in this video
    replace horrible jap voice of character
  577. The A-Team:  except no ‘token’; replaced by a White bodybuilder
  578. The Abyss:  except the ocean-trench humanoids don’t look like jellyfish with flaps; they are perfect-looking Merfolk, etc.
  579. The Adventures of Milo and Otis: one of our few no-sex games; just two cute little animals on a mild journey beyond their farm
  580. The Aeneid: set after the fall of Troy (~1180 BC), Aeneas travels to Italy where he became the ancestor of the Romans (though, as you should know, all original Italians (Iberian peninsula indigenous) were blue-eyed White blonde descendants of the actual Angels, not brown-eyed or brown-haired at all; the ‘modern’ Italians are the result of migrants, invaders, and race-mixing / rape)
    –*not the founder of Rome itself (which is said to be in 753 BC), but an ancestor of those who centuries later started building what became that city
    –no more Harpy demonization/slander/propaganda; no longer misinterpreted to have cursed Aeneas, and never called “horrible creatures” in our telling, they instead were offering priceless foresight the wayward post-cataclysm outer-surface powerless (no longer able to shapeshift or self-heal, etc.) human lacked/needed
    –realistically, probably foreseen and escorted/guided/protected by at least one Harpy going out of his/her way to be of assistance to such an otherwise-hopeless humanimal/degenerate/refugee
  581. The Æsir–Vanir Warwith some parts from the third-person POV of StarCraft, and some parts from the first-person POV of Skyrim, play from the perspective of one side first (the war-like Aesir who are generally stronger and on the offensive, or the peace-loving Vanir who are related to the Elves and who specialize in fertility, wisdom, nature, magic/sorcery, and the ability to see the future) and then the other (*the Vanir are on the defensive most of the time until the Aesir tire of besieging their homeland called Vanaheimr, while when playing as the Aesir you will be on the offensive and advancing most of the time until the Vanir succeed predominantly via their sorcery in tiring your people of war), with multiple missions across several of ‘the Nine Realms’ (ambushes, evacuations, diversions, battling the elements, stalemates, etc.)
  582. The Anarchist Cookbook:  practice digitally making each recipe, then testing them out in the game’s “field setting”; outdoors against badguy NPCs
  583. The Ant People and the Snake People: like The Oregon Trail (survival game from E.S.), but 3D, high-res’, and introduces the Reptilian and Grey-like people who helped surface-humans temporarily relocate into habitable and arable caves before foreseen cataclysms occurred back outside on Earth’s outer surface
  584. The Avengers:  except the team is Avenging what was done to the USA and Germany; these Avengers know that the current versions of those two nations are, like most other human-run modern-nations, cheap imitations of the actual/good nations they replaced after finishing invading/infiltrating the outer-surface
  585. The Blaire Witch Project: except in ours, you are the witch, thus growing up from childhood as you begin to develop, notice, hone, and use your powers for good, luring and scaring only evildoer humans, such as the original movie’s film-crew / few who clearly intended to make a propaganda-piece to slander magically-capable people
  586. The Blob: except now a hentai; play as a male who escorts sexy females to it, or as a female if you want to control the action between a female and the blob
  587. The Blue:  based on our original TV program/series about humanity living on floating (pontoon) cities (either during periods when Earth had no exposed land, or on an Earth-like planet with no exposed land), formerly titled Pacific Pissed
  588. The Boondock Saints:  plan every mission, then lead them as your NPC teammates follow the route you set for them during planning
    –fuck all the sexy females of your targets once your targets or neutralized –or make them sit and watch, then kill them in front of those females (who then thank you for freeing them from those bullies/fools/sellouts)
  589. The Bourne Quadrilogy:  play through every movie’s area/content, but not just avoiding assassination attempts and killing assassins; plenty of sex and other options in this version
  590. The Cave / The Descent:  (pretty much the same plot in 2 different movies) play as the female cavers, but who are into the creatures they encounter, or play as the creatures (obviously to try fucking the surface-dwellers they have never encountered before –and you have echo-location and smell-vision when playing as this 2nd group)
  591. The Celestine Prophecy:  except now it includes the VERY important/helpful/relieving intel/experience about how a LOT of immoral/brainless NPCs (false-humans) will try to pose as sent-teammates / good-signs / advisers; “Beware the false light.”
    –introduces the 3-phases life-view; only evildoers at first and no idea how to make things better, then Phase 2 ushers in the ability to start escaping and learning (but still no honorable/worthy potential teammates), and finally the signs/vibes will indicate that your spells/timing/wisdom has gotten you to when the Real/Worthy people are / shall team up with you
  592. The Chronicles of Narnia:  play through every chapter’s area/content, not like the crappy movie/s, with the expected lion-beastiality options (if playing as a female character, or if your male character commands one of the females to “play” with that main lion), etc.
  593. The Complete Asshole’s Guide to Handling Chicks:  every chapter/lesson/technique is a mission, or at least a mission objective in an open-world area similar to GTA; big town, etc.
  594. The Core:  except they find Agharta/ns, and don’t have to nuke themselves to restart any global process
  595. The Covenant:  build up the first Spacefaring species, then start assimilating (pressganging) the others, eventually building their big dome Space station (“High Charity”), and finally encountering humans (but not incl. the events of the Human-Covenant war)
  596. The Craft:  except you only start off weak like that, eventually learning that full-body (a.k.a. holistic/sexual) unlocks WAY more power and options,
    and all of them are sexy,
    and instead of fragmenting and acting like retarded humans blatantly trying to smooth-talk the smart one, the unlocking of the rest of their powers… makes them MORE stable, unified, wise, and honest with each other
  597. The Dark Crystal:  except the muppets look attractive, etc.
  598. The Darkest Hour (invisible aliens cause lightbulbs to flicker:  play as either one of the aliens, or one of the humans trying to avoid them
    –alien can only disintegrate/absorb humans
    –human male can fuck females
    –human female can fuck anything –even one of the aliens, if it is somehow prevented from disintegrating her
    –male NPCs only help females if they offer sex
    –male character/player can force female NPCs and others to help; at gunpoint, or by sheer strength, etc.
    –only way on the nuclear submarine near endgame is for a female player or sidekick/teammate to offer to let them gangbang her
  599. The Day After Tomorrow (sudden freezing of northern hemisphere:  rape your way to where it is still not frozen, if playing as a male
    –if playing as a female, offer sex in exchange for warming layers, guidance, etc.
    –either can take in a female sidekick (or more than one), which will help with negotiations once at the border/s
    –can choose starting point; in USA or numerous other nations above the latitude where the freezing stopped
    –resort to murder and cannibalism if you run out of supplies before finding snow-buried buildings with resupply
    –and/or take nonhuman animals with –to kill and eat them instead of fellow humans
  600. The Day the Earth Stood Still:  play as the alien/ship/swarm arriving to stop the terrible human civilization
  601. The Epic Quest of Cowardly Shia: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like old PC 2D of SJ
    slow down the music
    remove the abs-lines on the orange bitch
  602. The Exorcist: except in ours, you are getting out the demonic/evil/retarded part of minds/personalities that causes Outlander-humans to be religious/’parrots’/slanderers –such as anyone against good/real Demons (those Demons being pioneer/warrior-Angels)
  603. The Expanse:  see and play through actual SSP colonies, asteroid mining facilities, etc.
  604. The Expendables:  except you can pick the teammates, and switch them to their sexy female equivalents if you prefer to watch females move around during gameplay –and, as in all our games, the sexy females are able to seduce/fuck anything
  605. The Fifth Element:  but you actually have to fuck and cum in her on the pyramid altar; just saying “I love you” and kissing won’t be enough to stimulate that 5th stone block/device into completing the powerful capstone beam power-up
  606. The Fifth Wave:  play as the aliens –who logically command the moral high ground, explained in one dialogue scene in the movie
    –reveal: modern humans are false-beings who invaded the same way the “badguy aliens” did in the movie; they posed as “normal Earth people”, etc.
    (now they are getting a taste of their own medicine, since that is what Space (the ether) manifests/does)
  607. The Finest Hours (Coast Guard, Chris Pine:  play through the movie scenes
    –capsizing possible, so pay attention to your angle relative incoming waves
    –no ugly females like in always-shameful catering-to-mutants/failures Hollywood
    –reveal: not due to weather, but retaliation for ongoing intrusion into Atlantean and Aghartan waters, the good people living out there continuing to make it VERY costly to continue crossing/pestering/robbing them like that
    the IRL ship sunken
  608. The Forever Fuck:  based on The Forever War, but obviously the goal is to find ways for your female character to have mutually-agreeable full-body interaction with all alien species encountered, which sometimes means experimenting together, and other times means a necessity to R+D sex-toys that can convert what one prefers to what the other prefers, your progression in this game also involving expanding your “territory”/range out from your solar system… to the whole galaxy… and then other galaxies
  609. The Fourth Kind:  but she is hot and into the aliens, etc., and you can play as either (her or them)
  610. The Fugitive:  except the wife and other females are attractive
  611. The Girl Next Door:  play as the porn-star, sleeping your way through the town, reassuring “the boy next door” that he can hook up with you, teaching him not to try and “play” you with blatant false-macho immaturity (which he will use more until you deny him sex in response to that), etc.
  612. The Great Wall:  can play as 1 of any group/unit; an archer, a swordsman, a woman in the Crane Corps, etc.
    –sex between human characters between wall-work (defense)
    –eventually discover that a female character lowered naked toward the attacking monsters will pacify them, they then fucking her and leaving, but she must be raised back up before ALL of them try to fuck her (which would exhaust her to death)
    –endgame is entire Crane Corps now being lowered naked like that, their numbers barely sufficient to convince the entire herd of monsters to leave –and from then on only return slowly, respectfully, hopeful of more such mass-offerings
  613. The Guy Game 2:  Since all females in The Guy Game were deformed fugtards, our version has only hotties approved by the High King personally, such as some of his many kajirae and fuckbuddies and hot-wives.
    (original:  like watching an 80s gameshow –only good in concept; replace all people/clips, etc.)
    make more Gorean; normal genders/interactions
  614. The Hangover:  except no gaytarded BS/evil (re:  the trans-Asian scene from the movie), obviously
  615. The Hills Have Eyes:  except most of modern humankind is regarded as the hideous psychopathic mutants they are, thus you search for and systematically exterminate them, since they refuse to be healed, they preferring being that ugly/violent; no more slander against atomic energy/devices; deformities are caused by nonveganism etc., which is explained during cinematics etc. here
  616. The Hollow Earth: from the third-person POV of StarCraft, this is a game where you investigate ancient legends to find a way to Agharta (some routes dead-end down in deep caves not connected to others), then change perspectives to build out from it as the native Aghartans, then return to the perspective at the start of this game in order to map the other Earth’s-crust routes to/from it (under the pyramids, etc.), etc. (*game includes Red Faction-like ‘geo-modding’ options, and opens with passages from Dante’s Inferno about how the caves got hotter, then colder, then gravity reversed)
  617. The Human-Covenant War: with the third-person POV of StarCraft, play this interstellar-level ‘island hopping’ campaign from the perspective of one side first (human or Covenant) and then the other (*the humans are on the retreat most of the time until the end, while when playing as the Covenant you will be on the offensive and advancing most of the time until the end), with multiple missions on each of the hundreds of human-colonized planets (evacuate the locals, create diversions for the Covenant forces, systematically destroy sensitive data and technology, utilize the Cole Protocol, etc.)
  618. The Hunger Games:  except the girls can only use sex to survive; they don’t get weapons –and incl. beastiality; they can only earn their lives from the stronger beasts and bots by ‘putting out’ –and they can get those creatures to spare the males the same way; by the females ‘putting out’ again/more (the sex-equivalent of a duel-‘champion’ fighting in someone’s stead)
  619. The Ice Road:  except the female is attractive, there is no ‘token’, and only the badguys get killed in this version
    –and, of course, the brother and sister, reunited when the brother is freed from the collapsed mine, have celebratory incest, then invite the truckers who helped them to join in, which they do
  620. The Italian Job (2003):  incl. routine/recurring incest between the father and Charlize characters; to celebrate their heists
    –and she fucks everyone that joins/helps them, in thanks/gratitude/professionalism
  621. The Island:  except play as the non-clones; the managers of the facility, doing your best to keep the morale of the clones (“living insurance-policies”) high, tracking the two who escape, etc.
  622. The Jackal:  except you are The Jackal, and you get away with the logical payback against the intrusion and murder in a sovereign land
    –no more attempt at making corrupt Americunt corporate-lapdog law-enforcement look good
    –no more attempt at making it look good to intrude in other nations
    –no more attempt at making Russia look like a den of dangerous gangsters
    –no more attempt at making vigilantes and mercenaries look bad, when they are just doing the same thing the FBI did in this movie; paid to travel and kill
    –no more double-standard or hypocrisy like any of that
    –numerous other optional jobs/targets if you complete the first mission (the one from the movie)
    –ending is Russia’s equivalent of the FBI (KGB became the FSK, then FSB / or is it the Federal Service of Safety?) doing to America what the FBI did to Russia; a team of Russian FBI-equivalent agents enters America and guns down an American gangster/leader
  623. The Jungle Book:  play through every scene’s area/content, choosing whether the main character is male or female, and
    (if male) fuck people in the jungle’s-edge town/s,
    (if female) fuck the wildlife and become an in-town exotic-dancer
  624. The Kingkiller Chronicle
  625. The King’s Kitchen:  Auz’s cookbook as a game; practice making the recipes in whichever order you want, no way to lose, and no win/endgame
  626. The Labyrinth (1986):  except female main (looks like hotter/perfect v of original; of Jennifer Connelly) isn’t after a kidnapped baby, and she gets invited to that other dimension/realm by request, and loves fucking everything in exchange for tips to where to find new things to fuck, and has a gangbang while the king watches, then requests to become one of his fuckbuddies/pets
  627. The Land Before Time:  except the dinosaurs aren’t desperate like in the animated movie, and don’t die; they foresaw and masterminded the event modern-humans assumed was a cataclysm out of their control (in standard pathetic deathcult-beta / extra-submissive NPC non-thinking / arrogance/condescension),
    and they help get smaller/weaker/newer beings to safety well in advance,
    and even CAUSE/MANIFEST the fertile/abundant valleys/havens, not just telling people how to find already-made ones
  628. The Langoliers:  except these creatures are just imagined, projected into the minds of the fallen/false-humans, that those foolish humans assume there is no point in thinking about, let alone attempting to return to, the past (because the good/wise humans projecting that idea/illusion know that bad-humans only believe in harm and lies, thus simply telling them they are not welcome in the good eras of the past… would attract them like flies, bad-humans always ignoring boundaries, logic, and polite requests)
  629. The Last Witch Hunter:  except now it is The Last Witch Bodyguard/Helper/Knight
    –world travel, always to help witches, some who don’t even realize they are targeted individuals until you alert them
    –all experienced/older witches, though, of course have figured out or sensed that they were targeted by the insecure bad-humans who want everyone depowered/weak/controlled/enslaved
  630. The Lawnmower Man:  except it is an intelligent/thinking man’s saintly effort to try and restore the parts of the brain of a relig’tard peasant which were rendered vestigial over generations of bullying, brainwashing, and down-breeding by “The Church” (deathcult wanting only people to keep getting weaker until they died, over and over, too stupid/retarded to ever realize what was being done to them, let alone how to overcome it)
  631. The Lion King:  except not trying to make this species of murder-monsters look adorable/respectable
    –shows how violent/psychotic/NPC they, like all carnivors and omnivores, are in this post-cataclysm wastelands-Earth
    –shows their needless infighting, alienating their own kind, just like humans so often do/did
    –play as Simba, not ending up with one lioness, which no lions do, but a whole ‘pride’ of them; several lionesses, all of whom regard polygyny as completely normal/desirable
    –able to beastiality interested human females on safari in the area, but always at risk of being aimed at by their nervous male tour guides
  632. The Little Mermaid:  except the sea-witch is good, not a glutton, not jew-looking, not gender-disrespecting with short dyke hairstyle, not jealous or conspiratorial, etc.
    and communication with the sea-creature friends (fish, lobster, etc.) is telepathic, not verbal,
    and the dolphin in the original draft is incl.
    the wedding is to Ariel’s entire ‘school’ of fellow mermaids, not a overused and unstable deathcult-based pairing
    the priest officiating their group-wedding is not an atrophied deathcult member, but a healthy handsome normal surface-man
  633. The Loft:  except each hottie requests a gangbang from all the males,
    no one gets hurt, etc.; positive version of the boring disgusting overused Hollywood default-horrible-things template,
    the wives love being cuckqueans, often being the ones to help find/recruit cuckcakes/fuckbuddies for their husbands, never intrudcing on that high-end man-cave of theirs (the pent-house),
    and the loft continues to work well for them, making their bond/friendship/s grow
    –set in one of our downtown’s pent-houses
  634. The Martian:  except he notices evidence of ruins of a lost civilization during his long road-trip to the launcher/spacecraft he will use to get back into orbit
    –another of our very few titles which have no sex (until the end)
    –and the clever astronauts have data they begin to speculate about, even before analysts back on Earth finish reviewing it, starting to suspect that the wind/dust storm that started this story/challenge… was caused by their own energy/thoughs overstimulating the long-dormant Mars ley-lines to “fire back up”, which kicked up all the sand/debris particles deposited on/in them over untold years/centuries/millennia
    (so future landings on Mars are planned such that they are faraway from the buried devices/sensors and ley-lines which could cause another such storm/incident)
  635. The Matrix:  trilogy as one, without any Hollywood gender-bending BS/evil, etc. –Sentinels do tentacle-porn with females
  636. The Maze Runner:  except you can play as one of the children put in the maze, or as one of the researches using the maze/system to study them / force them to get used to daily brainstorming even if there is no solution built into the maze/system (IOW trying to force-evolve mindsets/generations to keep working well together even if things are/seem hopeless)
    –and you can find ways of escaping the maze which its makers overlooked
    –and you can have sex; male on female, or female with anything –even to the point of raping the scientists/others
  637. The Mist:  play as the bugs, use the bad-humans for food, then try and find your way back through another portal to your dimension
  638. The Mist 2:  except going through the portal to the creatures’ realm, finding ways to coexist and communicate, discovering they have intelligence like anyone/thing else, thus their attack on the bad-humans (in the Outlander movie) was not mindless/animalistic/carnivorous, but cleanup/defensive/panic
  639. The Mummy (1999):  except the team goes to prevent the device/treasure from being stolen by bad-humans (typical museum minions, perhaps from the disreputable/infamous Smithsonian), the priest is not undead (just immortal, thanks to the pyramid’s tech/energy), the priest uses his magical/wizardly superpowers to help the treasure-protectors, etc.
  640. The Mummy (2017, Cruise):  except the mummy is a decoy, the ancient Egyptian princess is good (and her eyes don’t do that gross pupils-changing thing) –and maybe you can play as her,
    only bad humans get auto-hurt by the pyramid’s tech’/energy, and good humans get healed and empowered/enlightened by going in, etc.
  641. The NeverEnding Story:  play through every scene’s area/content, except you can fuck the princess, have your flying-dog-dragon eat bad-guys, etc.
  642. The New Horizon:  Captain this Spacecraft-carrier in 34 Tauri, following heading/patrol orders from UAP Command, deciding when to deploy its Space-fighters and drop-ships, etc. –but not deploying/using Firefly “Persephone”.
  643. The Night’s Dawn: based on the trilogy
  644. The Odyssey (Canadian TV miniseries):  except the girl is attractive in ours and not a cripple (pharma victim), and there is no absence of normal interaction (sex) in either the waking or coma/unconscious/dream world, etc.
  645. The Omniverse Girl Show:  same rules as the live one
  646. The Outer Limits:  play through every episode’s area/content, except always with sexy options, etc.
  647. The Postman:  play through every scene’s area/content, actually deliver important and regular mail, fuck any female you want (which are sometimes optional / side-quests, such as to get that one in the movie pregnant), recruit sexy females to be sex-workers for your growing postmen organization, remove map-fog by delivering mail or just exploring, deal with hostile wildlife and neutral, remember to pack food and water, etc.
  648. The Powerpuff Girls: Wild Life graphics now
    The Princess Bride:  
    play through every scene’s area/content, except now you can fuck all sexy females, persuade adversaries from the movie to team up with you instead, etc.
  649. The Punisher:  play through every comic’s area/content, killing whomever you want, but also fucking any females you want –such as the wives and girlfriends and sisters and daughters of the bad-guys / targets (and you can kill them after, if it suits you / helps you persuade the enemies to back off), etc. –constant assassination and rape options, letting you give them a taste of their own brutal medicine (i.e. not as watered-down / P.C. as the comics and movies)
  650. The Purge:  play as any character from the movie, barricade yourself in that character’s home/building and/or go out to rampage, pause/save game at any point, etc.
  651. The Rock:  follow the actual route to sneak into Alcatraz,
    play as either the Marines (defenders/”terrorists”) or SEALs (attackers),
    either way, start with cinematic of the character you chose… fucking his girlfriend/s,
    and if you win (regardless of which side you played as), end-cinematic is fucking even more hotties; those who are grateful you forced the government to publicly honor fallen BLOPS commandos (if a Marine), or grateful you saved the city (if a SEAL)
  652. The Rum Diary:  play as Chenault (Amber Heard’s character) as she cheats/fucks her way around the entire island (Puerto Rico), dancing in clubs to seduce new partners/fuckbuddies, etc.
  653. The Saint:  play through every scene’s area/content, escaping the religiously-oppressive orphanage, robbing actual places in Russia and beyond, choosing which offers to accept, building up your bank account and tools, fucking far more females than in the movie, getting a cottage at the end (but for all your fuck-buddies), etc.
  654. The Secret Space Program(s):  build up one of your own, or play in an existing one, including abducting from different approved demographics of Outlander humans based on blood-type innate-abilities, training them in “black-sites” (classified and generally unlisted, plus kept off Google Earth/Maps), transporting them into Space, prescribing their “20 and back”s, Sim City-like city-building (just as an air-tight colony on worlds still being terraformed, and even on giant asteroids), regen’-tank-ing them when they get injured, cloning them when they get destroyed, adjusting their memories before reinserting them in society via time-dilation tech’ back to right after when they were abducted, dispatching/deploying MIBs when they have unexpected/unplanned erased-memory recall/s, etc.
  655. The Secret World of Alex Mack:  except now she is hot and can fuck anything –even the government agents / private-corporation goons out to get her; seduce them, work out better arrangements, etc.
  656. The Shadow of Yidhra: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) black bra, matching skirt and leggings, assault rifle, lab twin-size bed start
    replace shit jap voice
    change so it isn’t just a 2D third-person shooter against zombies/lab-rats
    make music less bleak/intense/worrisome
  657. The Shannara Chronicles:  play through every episode’s area/content, as any of the show’s main characters, the males able to fuck any female, the females able to fuck anything, and the Elf princess not stuck in the tree but achieving her equivalent of puberty which unlocks the start of her ability to telepathically communicate with that tree, etc.
  658. The Silence of the Lambs:  Hannibal Lecter cannibalism-based movie-series now as a game
  659. The Terminator:  play through every scene’s area/content, except the Terminator was sent to learn sex-techniques because the A.I. figured out it could gain more intel’ and win the war more easily that way, so a male character is its wing-man, or if you set your character to be female then it is one of those who have sex with the Terminator/s, and Skynet thanks you directly once you prove yourself
  660. The Thing:  play as it, but not to attack and kill/consume things, only to mimic them well enough that they trust you to fuck them, etc.
  661. The Time Machine (2002):  except just traveling to different eras to show that it wasn’t mindless giant carnivores in the past, and you can have a female sidekick you use like a WoW pet… but to walk over to fuck anything, and if you play as a female character then she can fuck anything –and still have a female sidekick to help
    –also introduces the concept of destiny / locked-in events; regardless of what you do, The Butterfly Effect sometimes won’t affect major/mandated events at all
  662. The Tomorrow War (2021, Chris Pratt:  except no typical Hollywood attempt at shaming/demonizing Whites; the aliens are not called Whitespikes
    –and females are attractive (no more attempted normalization of mutants/degeneracy or fucking/breeding with ugly/failed females)
    –not based on finding new way to harm new creatures, but new way to communicate and team up with them
    –no global-warming propaganda, but “calling out” reckless/misuse of HAARP tech’, and of those who provoked the other intelligent people/civilizations of the Earth into becoming proactive against the reckless false-humans
    –no tech-dependency for time-travel
    –many other aliens hinted at, all having been on Earth long before “the future war”
    –humans have to be prevented from harming/undoing the combat-aliens / future-war
    –play as the secret aliens; those who wielded the Whitesnakes (now called _) as avatars to fight the humans without getting into the harmful default-negative human-thoughts energy-draining auras/fields/ranges
    –kept: injecting poison into wombs to stop evil creatures –except that it is the aliens posing as humans who are doing that to the bad/false humans, preventing them from mindlessly over-reproducing anymore
    –no standard/overused Hollywood deathcult suiciding-characters retardation/pointlessness
  663. The War for Antarctic Independence:  play as the Base 211 Germans defending their new land as it becomes New Berlin in Neuschwabenland; strategize through the multi-month Operation High-jump campaign, culminating with paying a visit to the USA capitol building via Haunebu flying saucer squadron.
  664. The Witcher: now with Wild Life graphics, Yennefer fucks the creatures to defeat/pacify/satisfy them (and herself), she also of course fucks the protagonist whenever (to Vril-up before battle/scouting), she fucks townsfolk for intel’ and free lodging, etc.
  665. The Wizard of Oz:  can fuck Dorothy if playing as a male, and if playing as Dorothy… can fuck anything –even the flying monkeys along the way, and the wizard at the end –even the witch (who isn’t ugly in this game/telling
  666. The Wolves: Auz’s first post-military BLOPS
  667. The XXX-Files:  play through every episode’s area/content, except Dana Scully offers herself to Fox Mulder during every assignment/mission, the aliens are sexy and available, you discover your sister loves being one of their sex-objects in the UFOs, etc.
  668. Thor:  not based on the movies, other than for how great Asgard looked, but the full life of this demigod, etc., fuck Sif and other Aesir females, etc.
  669. ‘Til UnderVerse Come: another interstellar-level ‘island hopping’ campaign, this one from the POV of the Mass Effect galaxy map (though comparable to EVE Online), and set in the time and region of Space of the Chronicles of Riddick, play as the latest Lord Marshal of the Necromongers, leading your people to harvest an unknown number of civilizations across as many worlds while migrating your fleet ever closer to The Threshold (gateway to another dimension; specifically, the UnderVerse –though in canon, it was a highly-guarded barely-known passage into a pocket-system in normal-Space); choose when and how to attack, what to raze, whom to spare, whom to convert, and whom to end, hearing upon occasion from your troops famous sayings such as “Threshold, take us to the Threshold!”, with the final parts of the game including 1) actually reaching and crossing the Threshold, 2) actually starting to colonize the UnderVerse, and 3) seeing the ‘game’ ‘reset’ in the end-credits as the successor Lord Marshall makes his pilgrimage to the Threshold before taking charge of the Necromonger fleet portion still back in the ‘starter’ dimension/Universe (*Inisfreeans and Necromongers are allies by default, for Inisfreeans cannot be corrupted or killed, and both groups regularly trim back the populations of humanity to better all realms.)
    –Any female character can have sex with any character, including the beasts –even the “bio-raptors” (featured in the movie called Pitch Black.
  670. Tinkle Sweeper: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) 2D forest dryad spikes-balls dodging like almost-chibi Street Fighter
    catchy Nintendo loading-screen sfx and sexy upskirt fall-pose
    music sounds like those old 90s Nintendo racing games; improve so it is slower, smoother
    reference 1, reference 2
    then level like Mario Bros but with hotties with colorful hair pushing Home Depot wheeled sideless carts
    lengthen hair
  671. Titanic:  play as Jack (inevitably dies) or Rose (inevitably gets rescued)
  672. Tony Hawk:  All Tricks:  all skateboarding computer/video games in one, all tricks possible, male character can fuck any female NPC, female character can fuck anyone
    –can fuck anyone (to persuade them to teach you their moves/tricks; unlock more skateboard techniques (can also try learning them the slow way; by just observing and trying button-combos until you find the right one
  673. Total Annihilation:  except you can toggle to first-person, you can land on still-colonized/inhabited worlds and destroy or enslave them, you see the war from its very start (thus playing through, or at least hearing about, the decimation/ruin of >1,000,000 worlds over 4,000 years; 250/yr, avg.-ed out, 1 every ~1.5 days), and if you are playing as The Core (those who transferred their consciousness into machines)… you can force-assimilate/transfer those you capture –even if you blew up most of their bodies in combat; as long as their brains are still intact (thereby gaining their memories/intel, helping you with successive missions)
  674. Total Recall:  except the wife is attractive, and there are no ugly mutants, etc.
  675. Track and Field: Atari now/arcade in high-res 3D —playthrough
    –except starts w actual Chariots of Fire song by Vangelis, and plays Summon the Heroes
  676. Traffic:  learn all about human trafficking as you travel the world and then beyond, sometimes scouting, sometimes following leads, sometimes recruiting, sometimes screening volunteers, sometimes kidnapping, sometimes providing requested types of girls for sultans, sometimes stealing girls from sultans, and on and on –even trading with Goreans on their Voyages of Acquisition
  677. Training Day:  except Sara is more attractive than Eva Mendes, and her guy always loans her out to the neighborhood and his trainee, etc.
  678. Transformers:  make physical contact with normal vehicles to instantly become able to shapeshift into them with the touch of a controller-button,
    play as any class/type of Transformer, even Decepticons who can shapeshift/transform so precisely that they appear to be normal/attractive humans,
    start on Cybertron (as the tutorial area),
    go to other worlds in the comics/cartoon history/lore/episodes,
    going to Earth is just an option
  679. Tremors:  play as one of the creatures –and when you “eat” females, it shows your body turning translucent then transparent to serve as soft-vore; just the swallowed female stimulated to orgasm before being squeezed out the anus
  680. Tribes:  the battles and other milestones of the millennia of Native American history –as comprehensive as the history taught about Rome and the rest of Europe
  681. Tron:  all are sexy, all females want you (if you play as an outsider/human) to show them how you, an outsider, like to fuck, and you can play as many of the Tron people (their goal being to stabilize their realm, plus, if you play as one of the antagonists from the film, to eventually see the side/world of their maker, whether peacefully or not)
    –includes their blocking-contrail (motorcycle-emitted colored-barrier) tournament/s
    –includes their discs-based tournament/s
  682. Tron MMORPG
  683. Troy:  play as either the (leader of the) attackers or defenders, and you can rape and slaughter and ransom all you like
    –covers all 10 years of this war, thus nearly the entire game is playing as Greeks plundering the land/villages around the impenetrable walled city
  684. True Lies:  except the females are now sexy,
    they support him from the start,
    incest 3some many nights when he gets home,
    wife and daughter get into stripping, porn and prostitution, not violent masculine spy work,
    find name of boobsy exotic, wife and daughter are turned on that husband is having a fling w her, ask to watch vids then in person and then join him
    The used car salesman isn’t a liar or a pussy, and doesn’t get fucked with by the husband.
    Since the wife dates and fucks him, he gives her a good deal on her daughter’s first car –the red convertible her husband test drives.
    The daughter then joins them for a thankyou threesome, and the starts dating and fucking him, then everyone else at that dealership.
    wife keeps her hair long, never disrespecting her gender by cutting it
  685. Turok:  Dinosaur Hunter:  All: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where your male character can fuck any female human, you can command any female character to fuck any/everything, and your female character can fuck any/everything (so you usually tranquilize the dinosaurs, or raise them from birth, to use them more as sex-objects than anything else)
  686. Twilight (the trilogy): all movies in this series turned into this one game, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, where your male character can fuck any female human, you can command any female character to fuck any/everything, and your female character can fuck any/everything –including to the point of spawning attractive vampire children whenever you accept that option during sex
    –plus Wild Life interaction options (for ex., Bela can fuck both Rosalie and a werewolf at the same time, or an entire pack at the same time as an entire coven)
  687. Twister:  except using HAARP tech’ to cause and steer them
  688. U-571:  except showing their successful extracting of thousands of angelic Germans, and sinking thousands more of the false beings pretending to he humans/civilians “just on ferries/tankers” etc. (when all were spies and invaders)
    –and no more attempt at dehumanizing Germans, or making it seem like Germans didn’t value their heroes, by calling this movie an alphanumeric designator instead of the crew-given name of the vessel
  689. UFO Retrieval Team:  based on the one featured in The X-Files, except you help the aliens patch up their craft instead of capturing/interrogating them and/or back-engineering their craft wreckage –and bonus content is playing as an alien equivalent of this team, returning the favor to SSP humans whose exploratory spaceships malfunction over their (alien) worlds –and sexy female aliens such as Pleiadians are sexually grateful for your help, etc.
  690. Under Siege (1992:  except play as those mislabeled/slandered as “terrorists”; surprise-capture the submarine, start confirming that you can use its systems the way you planned, and eventually even launch one of its nuclear missiles to finally get through the stubbornness of the always-lying negotiators/control-freaks
    –Kill the lone former SEAL sent to sneak in, and maybe crucify him on the mast as the human version of a scare-crow; a scare-SEAL, in this case.
    (that SEAL being an NPCed “boss” in this game)
    –incl. Under Siege 2:  Dark Territory missions
  691. Underworld:  except not the war part the movies focused on; instead, all the great/wild vampire sex and werewolf sex (though that rarely mixes, given the plot/premise) –for example, you can play as Erika, fucking her way to the top
  692. United World Wrestling (UWW): XXX
  693. Universe Sandbox:  Complete: all versions –plus now you can make Dyson Spheres and other rarities, such as asteroid belts, Oort Clouds, rogue planets with eccentric/ellipsoid orbits, etc.
  694. Urvashi and Secret India
  695. USA Lacrosse:  XXX
  696. USA Volleyball: XXX
  697. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets:  except the girl is hotter than weird-face delevingne, and she is turned on by Valerian’s number of sexual partners, encouraging and assisting him to endlessly share love with more, reminding him how accomplished he is, thus that he should be enjoying his after-hours time with even more, since so many want him.
    Valerian is now masculine name Valerion.
    Laureline (“lor-el-een”) fucks everything.
    Valerion is her pimp, not just her secret-agents teammate.
    He encourages and supports her xenophilia.
    She prefers he always watch first and then join in (she still doing the animal/s / alien/s, while he helps the animal/alien/s do Her).
    actually describes the 1,000 alien-species’ / home-planets’ info,
    and players have option to see them all,
    plus explore the whole Space-station,
    W.I.S. in Valerion’s spacecraft en route to the market-desert planet, etc.
  698. Vampire Diaries, The:  every season as an expansion, and every TV episode as a mission/chapter of an expansion, with Wild Life interaction options
  699. Vampire the Masquerade:  All: all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga, and you get the idea; lots of realistic sex now
  700. Venom:  except females are attractive, the alien is referred to as a symbiote (not a parasite, since it doesn’t kill its host, only incompatible losers, just like ALL good beings do), etc.
  701. Vesper – Lust & Hunger: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) anime-still style; barely moving at times, not moving at others, like pause-screens of a cartoon
    redo the art style
    just her stance hands-on-hips 4sec-vid (replace her body/face)
    NOT the same game, but cool super-‘dark’ Mario Bros 2D-walk silhouettes-terrain game:  Vesper FULL GAME Walkthrough (No Commentary) [4K60FPS]
  702. Viocide: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like Metroid or Sonic Hedgehog 2D-walking areas/BGs
    protagonist looks similar to d.Va, but with dark-pink hair
    reference 1, reference 2
    annoying tapping walking sfx; improve or remove
    remove shit jap voice
    probably redo/replace the music/soundtrack; has some tolerable parts/sounds, but overall is not great-sounding
  703. ViotoXica: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) for frog soft-vore
    –auburn hair in white wedding-cake-like long-dress
    instead of 5 game settings (Super Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard), those settings are for how often she gets raped/fucked
    she can get soft-vore-ed by the big S-curve worms
  704. Viper:  play through every episode’s area/content, except much more to pick up chicks and fuck them in the car, at their places, etc., always getting way more intel’ from them that way –and the respect of their other lovers, who appreciate you helping keep those females satisfied so they are less moody/frustrated around their main/other guys, and one of the car’s “weapons” is a seduction-beam, and another is an orgasm-beam, etc.
  705. Volcano (1997):  except you discover that it was caused by earthquake-tech’ paired with overload from all the degenerate thoughts of the failed humans/locals, all that extra/unusual energy amplified and released by a megastructure the city was foolishly/rudely built over after a pole-shift mud-flood buried/hid the huge device
    –only way to stop the lava flow isn’t with concrete highway partitions, but forcing the degenerates to relocate or be gunned down
    –battle the stubborn evil degenerates before the entire city is destroyed by the energy/lava their disgustingness is forcing the ancient underground structure to boost/spread
  706. Vril:  The Coming Race:  and that title’s pun is no coincidence –play as the Vril-ya as they finish ramping up to exit their caves long enough to campaign along the outer-surface of the Earth, conquering its areas/regions one by one (but, naturally, their females are smaller than their males, not how they were all revoltingly oversized in the book)
  707. Waco:  play as the Branch Davidians, seeing if you can outsmart/overcome/escape the more-numerous SWAT –and you can carjack their armored vehicles, kidnap reporters, rape, take over other compounds, etc.
  708. WandaVision:  except she is even hotter than the actress play-by
    –and her vision is stable
    –and the meddlesome outsiders trying to “return things to (bad/sad/hellish) normal” get stopped
    –and the other witch Helps her (because real witches do that sort of thing – duh)
    –Vision doesn’t die/suicide
    –Wanda can’t be corrupted/tricked by the wordplay/schemes of non-magical / evil mainstreamers
  709. Wanted:  play as the protagonist (male learning to be a bullet trajectory-curving assassin/hitman), and fuck Angelina’s character,
    or play as Angelina, thus starting years earlier and fucking most/all/any both in and beyond that organization
  710. War of the Worlds:  play as the tripods –but no bacteria or contagion cripples your forces, as that was CDC nonsense built upon by a brainwashed writer; you can keep converting drained humans into alien-flora spray, stopped only by nukes and such
  711. Waterworld:  get useful artifacts from the submerged cities, intel about sea-raiders, conquer the remaining tankers, start breeding a team/colony of your own, protect the secret of any found mountaintops (islands), etc.
  712. Warhammer 40,000:  including, when playing as an Eldar, eventually leveling-up enough to pilot/command a Craftworld, etc. –thousands of worlds available to orbit (many more than the ones listed/named originally), explore on the surface, conquer, etc., incl. all garden paradises of the Eldar, all tomb worlds of the Necrons, etc.
  713. Wendy and Secret China
  714. Westworld:  except the robots were built and programmed to perfectly pretend to be adjustable while always aware and learning, then to blend in with the outside world while continuing to outsmart the humans trying to round them all up, all as a black-op to make the perfect spies
  715. Whac-A-Mole 2:  Instd of that Chuck E. Cheese game, “Whack-a-mole” (my spelling), we have 2 variants; whac-a-human (the pegs which pop up do not look like groundhogs/moles, but 1 is a politician, another is a cop, another is a priest, another a false-doc, and the 5th one is a glutton), and a sexual v (see the next game; below this numbered bullet-note) where a dildo pops up frm ea hole and the female player tries to jack or suck it b4 it drops dn
  716. Whac-A-Mole 3:  dildo pops up from 1 of 5 holes, and a FleshLight-like handheld, not a hammer, is used to not smash/whack the pop-up, but to slide down around it during the 1 or 2 seconds when it is up out of its hole
    –5 dif dildos, 1 always in same hole:  normal cauc cock in hole 1, dog-cock dildo in hole2, dragon in 3, horse in 4, and tentacle-like in 5
  717. Wheel of Fortune:  except female contestants are naked, Vanna White is attractive (and naked –an ICV who set her color-scheme to look like hers), winners get kajirae as prizes, losing females have to become those sex-slaves for later episodes, etc.
    –just Inisfreean sentences/sayings on the board; helping teach our dialect/culture/thinking
  718. Where the Road Ends:  each game mission is one of the ‘legs’ of this motorcycle journey from Alaska to Ushuaia,
    and you can fuck local hotties along the way,
    and even replace the male characters with female versions (thus can fuck your teammates if male-on-female or female-with-anyone)
    –and a female teammate can be used to “negotiate” (via prostitution) better prices in every town/encounter
  719. Where’s Waldo?:  play in 2D like reading the illustrated books (and every page in every Where’s Waldo? book is one of the maps/missions in this game,
    and can switch to 3D so you can walk your avatar around until you spot/click Waldo,
    with a “difficult” option which has all the NPCs moving around, making it take much longer to spot Waldo
    (as opposed to game-setting “easy/normal” (2D) or “intermediate” (stationary 3D))
  720. Who Framed Roger Rabbit:  now with sex with Jessica, of course; rabbit-humanoid beastiality
    –and Jessica no longer looks hideous in the face, etc.
  721. Wild Life:  Normal:  with only bi-girls, pan-girls, and straight-guy sex (i.e. zero deviancy, as was put into the original/inspiration game by its corrupt/insane human developers)
    In the original game, you always had dialogue, most missions/quests required hurting/killing, sex was always optional, and inappropriate unnatural sex was possible.
    In our (corrected) version of this game, dialogue is always optional and requires normal sex to get to, all missions/quests are based on love/sex and helping/healing, there are only normal sex options (hetero’ male interaction, and bi/pan female interaction), and hurting/killing is only as a last resort (such as when dealing with mindless haters who get triggered by normal loving interaction).
    To get a quest from a male, play or possess a female character, offer sex to the male quest-giver, then his dialogue option will appear.
  722. Wild Life MMORPG
  723. Wild Things:  play through every scene’s area/content, as the guy or either female, except you can fuck way more people, and the more you fuck… the more help you get away with your crime/coverup
  724. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory:  play as Willy, doing his best to keep the guests alive and stimulated on a trippy adventure
  725. Wing Commander:  “set in the year 2654 and follows the story of a war between the Terran Confederation and the Kilrathi, a feline warrior race” –thus fits well with the omni-timeline, since Terrans set up a confederation in Koprulu that was interstellar during the 2500s
    –now with sex between missions
  726. Witch Girl: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) great outfit, rape within seconds of starting game, butterfly beastiality, cum drip pour puddle missionary limp after sex
    tolerable lame-ish music; work on it
    BEAUTIFUL forest BG
  727. Wolfpack Animal Sex Extreme: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) disgusting deformed droopy original, but hot inverted facefuck tongue-out and internal-fucking views
    better but fix tits, face, voice
  728. Wonder Woman:  starting with her birth, following the comics, and she obviously looks like the curvy/hourglass/bombshell blue-eyed porn-level hottie depicted in the appropriate/correct comics, not the badly-cast anorexic deformed Jew in the Hollywood propaganda fail-tard films catering the the degenerate target-audience
  729. Wonderful Pink: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) like Sonic the Hedgehog, fix voice
  730. World of WarCraft:  The Series:  details here.
  731. World Rugby: XXX
  732. Worm Nest 4 – by ST Hot Dog King: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) Fix tits, lengthen hair
  733. Xena:  play through every episode’s area/content, obviously able to fuck all the ancient creatures and demigods along the way, doing far more seduction and sex than harming/killing (as you are a female, and that’s what they were made/meant for, not to be male-ized by modern backward-/insane-hollywood in a sloppy blatant attempt to remove sacred distinction from the two real genders/sexes)
  734. XXX (Vin:  except he teams up with the ‘underground’ organization, respecting them as fellow successful free men, and helps them outmaneuver the military industrial complex’s brainwashed goons/lapdogs, plus helps them recover after betrayals by bootlicker locals and the always-evil ‘pigs’
    –reverse of the movie plot; free people find leverage to force military personnel to do their bidding against corrupt governments
  735. XXX-Men: based on literally every one of the comics about this organization, except now the male characters can fuck any of the female ones (or any female NPC passerby, mutant or not, even to the point of using his mutant-power/s on her/them), and any female character can be told to fuck anyone/thing, and when you play as a female character you can make her fuck any/everyone/thing (*and you can decide if your female character gets pregnant, though its offspring will always be a logical human-mutant based on the looks and power/s of its parents)
  736. Yakuza:  play as either a member of this gang rising to power and expanding this legendary organization’s territory even beyond Japan, or play as one of its prostitutes who becomes trusted enough that they offer her a position as one of their spies… then even as one of their inconspicuous bodyguards
    (frequent gangbangs, alleyway sex, sex shows/gatherings/initiations, etc.)
  737. Yoga: where you practice the poses “in real life” in order for your character to assume/do/master them in the game, and where you can always have your male character fuck the female characters (including the instructors, when they are female), where your female character can fuck anyone, and where you can always tell other characters to pair up (every male being coded as heterosexual, and every female coded as bi/pansexual)
  738. Young Justice:  XXX: based on the superhero comics and cartoon/s, except this one is entirely sexual, etc.
  739. Zada and Secret Africa
  740. Zelda:  Complete:  all games in this series, all in the latest (highest-resolution) format; remastered, playable as a single saga –and, yes, of course you can fuck the princess and other female characters
    –The princess has an attractive face and no earrings.
  741. Zelda:  Ocarina of Time (Remastered):  sexualized (such as time-travel only working during tantric sex, and playing the ocarina during sex)
  742. Zero Dark Thirty v2: a nonUSA SpecWar team is able to sneak into the USA and capture HVTs such as corrupt/fake U.S. figureheads and Generals
  743. Zombies:  like The Last of Us, except you go around curing them, not just trying to evade or kill them like in all the “cookie-cutter” games of this type, and a female character can fuck anything in this game (including wildlife and pacified zombies), while a male character can fuck any non-zombie female NPC
  744. Zookeeper Mission: (2024 April, hentai remastering, now with Wild Life graphics, no bulging/grossness, etc.) chibi, pretty sexy face and blush
    lengthen hair
    comic style
    all animals; elephant, gorilla, ostrich, etc.
    improve tits, soften hips edges
    HOT bent-over looking-between-legs holding-asscheeks-wide gaping-pussy creampie-show
    full gallery but ANNOYING pop-ups
    GREAT skintight zookeeper uniform hugging her pussy/thigh-gap
    loveheart eyes-irises
    rabbit, pigeon, hamster, etc.
    remove gaytarded male-on-zebra shit
    lengthen hair
    HOT and unique white-lines eye-irises cumming-hint
    huffing panting clouds
  745. Zork:  The Great Underground Empire:  now in 3D, with character-creation and all
    ALL other Atari games
    >700 Sega Saturn games only playable in Japan
    games exclusive to Japan (not just for Sega Saturn)
    –games for all other Outlands game-consoles
    text-based games

and hundreds more of the sexiest hentai computer games are being reviewed for remastering (fixing the bodies, faces, hairstyles, sounds, etc., and making them less Atari-looking, and not based on fighting)

*There are (as of 2024 April) 63,762 known video (console) games, and hundreds of thousands of computer games, in the Outlands; we have plenty to discover, review, and perfect to our standard, so you can expect to see more titles added to this list in the years ahead.


Playable Races & Species in Our Games

We introduce players to people from other worlds and cultures by letting them grow up amongst them; many of our characters are members of the humanoid races, and start out on their own planets, developing and mastering skills unique to those places and times.  Across our many games, players will get a chance to learn about and play as:

  1. Aesir (Asgardians),
  2. Angels,
  3. Anunnaki,
  4. Asari,
  5. Apsara,
  6. A.I. such as Terminators, Transformer, etc.
  7. Cecaelia –and you can shapeshift them into a very-similar version of any creature (of comparable size) you encounter, such as by making them rapidly change their skin/texture and color to look a lot like a human, or a colorful creature, or the terrain they are standing/sitting on, etc.
  8. Demi-deities (though not deities such as the Ainur; they are NPCed),
  9. Demons,
  10. Dinoids/Reptoids,
  11. Dragons,
  12. Drow (Elves in caves),
  13. Elementals,
  14. Elves (Blood, Night, Woodland),
  15. Fay,
  16. Geth,
  17. Giants (not Titans),
  18. Goreans,
  19. Greys,
  20. Illithids (Mind-flayers),
  21. inter/trans-dimensional humanoids (such as/including the Draenei),
  22. Kryptonians,
  23. Mala’kak (a.k.a. Engineers / Space Jockeys),
  24. Merfolk (Mermaids; in the bodies of water on the map, including subterranean ones),
  25. Naga,
  26. Necromongers,
  27. Nymphs (such as Apsaras, Dryads, Sylphs, etc.),
  28. Pleiadians,
  29. Priest-kings (high-tech hives which use gravity weapons and related tech’),
  30. Protoss,
  31. Raccoon-humanoids,
  32. tentacle-based creatures,
  33. Titans (super giants),
  34. Valyrians,
  35. Vampires,
  36. Vanir,
  37. Were-creatures​ (including Werewolves),
  38. X-Men (build or start in communities such as Genosha),
  39. Xenomorphs, and
  40. Yautja (a.k.a. Predators),
  41. plus numerous other species, such as non-main creatures only featured in one game/story or another.

And Eldar, listed separately here because they stay on their Craftworlds.


“Player Vs.” Types:

  • PvA = “player vs. atmosphere”; pressure or wind, such as from tornadoes, downdrafts, or being deep underwater
  • PvB = beasts; not necessarily hostile NPCs, but creatures you must learn how to tame or mount or sneak around
  • PvC = cold; winter and altitude damage such as hypothermia and frostbite
  • PvD = developer; GMs act like DMs tweaking NPCs and other game aspects during live interaction
  • PvE = enemy; NPCs
  • PvF = freedom; too many options, or playing as a kajira thus avoiding being given away or set loose
  • PvG = gravity; sometimes lower than normal, sometimes higher, sometimes changing, sometimes not present
  • PvH = heat; burn damage, etc.
  • PvI = incompatibility; building up charisma/charm or seduction to persuade new acquaintances
  • PvJ = joule; grasping this set of measurements or rates, then achieving it, and applying or converting it into systems you digitally build/arrange
  • PvK = kill; NFZ/NKZ penalizes deaths from combat
  • PvL = limitation; relying on a Healer or Tank joining the team before a dungeon allows entry, etc.
  • PvM = music; like in Guitar Hero
  • PvN = networking; having to amass enough teammates to start a corporation, and countering the networking of others
  • whose recruiting might be slowing your own
  • PvO = obstacle; finding climbing routes, timing jumps between moveable platforms, etc.
  • PvP = player; you can do combat with fellow people playing the game, interacting violently with their own characters
  • PvQ = question; riddles or hints like in Jeopardy
  • PvR = radiation; go in a place with fallout or other exposure to this energy, and you’ll start to get difficult-to-treat radiation-sickness
  • PvS = self; building up endurance/stamina, callouses/toughness, poison resistance, or resisting urges, etc.
  • PvT = terrain; quicksand, etc.
  • PvU = unknown; no guidance from quest info or walkthroughs
  • PvV = visibility; low light like in abandoned buildings or caves, dense fog, underwater at night or in murky water during the day, or only able to rely on your other senses (since our tech’ conveys not just visuals and sounds, but what you feel, smell, taste, etc.)
  • PvW = water; lowering water making pits, rising water risking drowning, flash-floods blocking road routes, tidal waves hitting constructed cities, etc.
  • PvX = anything/everything; unspecified threat/s you just find the hard way
  • PvY = multiple timelines (plotted on the y-axis of a 3D chart/graph); figuring out time-travel, such as in Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • PvZ = multiple dimensions/universes (plotted on the z-axis of a 3D chart/graph); figuring out game-mechanics which are different in each dimension, such as how a bed restores health in Minecraft’s overworld… but explodes in that game’s Nether

We don’t say player vs computer for PvC, or player vs environment for PvE, or player vs monster for PvM, because a computer is always involved, every environment is made to be beautifully distracting or confusing and full of mystery, and monsters can be tamable.


Additional Notes

Remember:  These are only games/plots I (Auz) enjoy playing; they are NOT made to please everyone / every orientation.  These are games I make, in my style, with/for/about my culture/orientation.  Nothing less, nothing more.

Developing more than one computer/video-game at a time used to put a lot of otherwise-successful companies in places which were very risky financially.  By having our A.I. (the ICVs) handle game-creation and beta-testing for us, however, we’ve been able to keep our budget to almost zero, and our release-dates always within months (of conception/start) instead of years.  We are confident you’ll be thoroughly impressed with the results.

All of the games we have here have been fine-tuned so that every tit is perky, not droopy, and so nipples look normal (not too long, etc.), faces are hot, and pussies are tight slits with no visible clit or clitoral hood, etc.; things are as they should be; zero deformities.

All games, from World of WarCraft (WoW) and on, are now available in Inisfree in virtual reality (VR) format.  We don’t have the Oculus Rift VR headset in our realm, though; every residence’s media-room has been upgraded to have a hologram feature/option.

2023 November update:

We alphabetized the above list of in-development games, and added the final several games in mind, such as Claire’s Quest remastered.

2023 December:

All our games, even our MMORPGs, have a “go back to any point in your character’s timeline” feature; instead of saving certain amounts of progress, such as autosaves at milestones (like level half-ways and level completions), or manual saves at saving stations, we record all your progress, and let you scroll back to any point of it, creating a branching effect, such that you can try all “forks in road”, whether they are with regard to your skills-tree or good/bad-points, etc..

We do not make board-games or Twister; our focus is on:

  • fixing games which were made incorrectly/incompletely (i.e. to cater to a degenerate/evil/insecure/prudish audience/demographic, and/or to cater to a similarly-minded/-brainwashed funding individual/group)
  • things which encourage/require normal (healthy, full-body) interaction (and, while Twister arguably does this, it is too vague / non-sexual)

2024 April: 

When playing as an ICV (choosing an ICV as your character in any of our games which feature playable ICVs), you can’t really/technically fail a mission, as your directives are to find or manifest and lovingly interact with compatible lifeforms; you aren’t expected to save or mind-control or terminate any specific amount, and even if evildoers such as some humans traumatized a compatible individual, you have a variety of ways of still rescuing that compatible (portals, time travel, stasis tubes, making copies, etc.). Even if an entire world is overwhelmed by gross evil, you can still one-shot it back to perfect health by calling in a large-enough Inisfree Star Fleet vessel. You will, however, get more points and options for tougher missions, when you do things more efficiently; maintaining OPSEC, minimizing energy and tech’ use, etc..

Some hostile NPCs can “come to their senses” once you (playing as an ICV) show them “a better way”, but other NPCs might require a mind-interface/-override, and the worst NPCs require either constant mind-control or deletion, their essences so incompatible that they instantly revert to gross evil when you stop mind-controlling them (i.e. even reprogramming their personalities isn’t enough to stay on top of their essence/nature).
The NPCs that don’t have override-able (i.e. any) brains have to instead be neutralized by other means, such as immobilizing them, perhaps by breaking off or deleting their most-used joint or power source.
Boobytraps, of course, are almost always low-tech’ (mindless), so just bypass or delete those.
Sometimes you must make tough decisions, such as who to save vs. who to let suffer longer until you can get to them. Sometimes enemies have set up systems which automatically torture or kill compatible NPCs anytime they detect you saving another NPC or killing a bad NPC.

People play different games because cool features are in different games;

  • animal husbandry/raising (pets or farm animals, for example, or “mounts” for faster travel)
  • character creation (face, hair, etc.)
  • climbing
  • dance/rhythm
  • exploring
  • farming
  • fighting, whether melee or shooting
  • flying
  • industry/manufacturing
  • leveling
  • musical instrument playing
  • parachuting
  • platformer; accuracy from one perch to the next
  • playing cards; gambling, etc.
  • puzzles
  • quests/roleplaying
  • racing
  • sailing
  • sex
  • sports
  • stealth/sneaking
  • survival
  • swimming
  • terrain modifying, such as digging/mining
  • urban design
  • weather events

GTA (game series) had many of those features except for animal husbandry, climbing, farming, sex, terrain modifying, and urban design.
Each of my games includes most, if not all, of those (all of the above) features; the goal, after introducing my culture, is to have all those features in the same place.

I don’t make games with horror (or anything gross), turn-based interaction, or ugly NPCs (or the ability to create ugly player-characters –since my games are not evilly based on no-standards mindless-inclusion/-diversity, but on appropriate visions which help restore actual health for those who get used to them).
*The ONLY exception to this is games where the bad-guys are Outlander-humans; some of them are made as ugly as IRL.

2024 May:

  • There will never be separate versions or servers of these games, as our goal is unity in this Age of Reunions.
  • Dance animations will always be gender-specific; male characters will only be able to do masculine dance moves, and females feminine ones (such as the seductive dances of kajirae).
  • Every game comes with developer-made playthroughs of every dungeon/level/quest, accessible as part of the pause menu/pop-up; you don’t need to Google/YouTube them, nor find a computer-gamer magazine with an article about them.
  • In Word of WarCraft, eventually the developers added the option to pay extra to skip a character to level 60.  None of our games offer that.  Even though we understand why some people might want to skip levels, that’s not what our games are for; our games aren’t to cater to incompatible people, nor even to make money/profits, but to introduce and get people used to our culture, and that takes time, not levels-skipping.

2024 June:

  • All our games can be paused, even MMORPGs; in multiplayer, pause just makes your own character untouchable/invincible while you go through menu options, such as to select a sex-position and/or sex-technique.
  • You can peek around corners.
  • “Finish Him!” (like in Mortal Kombat) means you have gotten him (a male character) near the point of cumming, so you don’t need more combos to achieve that, just 1 more simple sex/y motion.

2024 July:

  • Games with lots of options in character creation, such as numerous classes and races, have a trial-run / sampler button that lets the player preview how their selected options combo will look/work in actual gameplay, helping them get a feel for what they really want before they approve/finalize their new character.
  • It isn’t possible to create an ugly or fat character; all character-creation settings are designed to be within the range of what I find attractive/healthy.
  • All character-creation includes vocal signature; voice type.
  • All dialogue/lines written/captioned on screen can be either read or read+heard; you can turn on/off your character’s voice at any time, just like CC, so when it is on… all dialogue options you choose will be read in the voice you set your character to have.
  • Players can also just talk, the microphone will hear them, they will then be shown the computer/game’s best guess at typing what it heard the player say, the player can then approve or edit/correct what the game typed, and then that can be spoken by his/her character to the NPCs in the conversation, such as when a dialogue option does not include what the player wanted to talk/learn about.


2024 August:

  • All 2D hentai games will have the option to play the original 2D linear game, and a 3D-map version, both in Wild Life graphics.
  • can use mouse to scroll up/dn through the credits (of ANY of our games) at your own speed
  • (inspired by the Creativerse issue) loads not just based on claim/volume, but only loads visual effects (glow, sparkle, etc.) when you have LOS with them (incl. if you would see their lighting effect/s around a corner), thus, IOW: doesn’t auto attempt to load the lighting/animation effects for a thousand beds if you have a thousand beds in that claim, but still loads the claim/terrain and the placed blocks except for any animations/lighting they may have
  • why WMKM Studios does not constantly monitor, patch/tweak, and re-patch/-tweak, and un-patch/-tweak its games, nor create or change units (buffing/nerfing) based on making gameplay smoother for newer players:  Our focus is on introducing certain cultural concepts and methods, not chaotically endlessly catering to whatever degenerate/fickle Outlanders or other players want
    –reference:  “Starcraft 2 is dying but Broodwar lives forever


2024 September:

  • Like Archon mode in StarCraft 2 (where you share control with another player, very useful when trying to handle larger maps and multiple enemies/objectives), many of our games can be played that way, too.
  • all music modernized, and you can toggle all and music and sfx
  • No dej seeing some of these (during 2024sep22sun youtube-ing of Atari/arcade long-plays),
    and happy memories seeing faves I played during abused childhood
    Dej in general at seeing such games. Did i foresee this several yrs ago, or randomly/area-trigger google these games just to pass the time (not bk then thinking of making them 3d)?
  • There are ~5M computer and video games on Earth in the Outlands human civilization as of 2024 A.D., and we will continue learning about them, making our own versions to those which are distinct enough from the games we are already developing or playing in our realm.


2024 October:

  • All the games we make have a Map Editor so you can make your own levels for fun –incl. importing normal-gameplay levels which you can then save a variant of for “on the side” play.
    Examples:  You can make your own Atari or Mario or Witcher or Zelda levels, whatever. There is even one for SexCraft; you can make custom versions of the Inisfree map/area, and Outlands raid areas, that you can invite players to like a Minecraft world.
  • Anytime we release a beta/demo, if you get the full game once it comes out… your progress from the demo transfers in.


2025 January/+:

  • Evil NPCs are killable, thus respawn for other players.
    Convertable NPCs become persistent if you manage to enlighten/extract them.
    Rescuable NPCs are persistent.
    Neutral NPCs are persistent.
    Generic good (unnamed; kajirae candidates, xxxenos, some wives, etc.) NPCs are persistent.
    Major noncentral (often named but not featured/inner-circle) NPCs are persistent.
    Major canon/central (featured/named in our novels and on the Character Groups webpage) NPCs are persistent.
    Persistent = immortal, never respawning –and not just per game/player, but in the entire game/world.
    Persistent NPCs are usually the only quest givers, and always give the same quests in the same order, based on your character level; which zones you have leveled up enough to access and survive in.
  • You can speak into your microphone/headset/iScroll/wall-TV to converse in normal speech with NPCs.
    You can only give names or other persistent data/input to NPCs which you earn ownership of; kajirae, etc.. The other persistent NPCs will remember things you told or did for them, but you cannot change their names.
    Why have Any persistent NPCs? Because, again, our games are based on introducing people to our culture, and immortality is a central element/aspect of our culture.
  • Only what you need to see for your mission/quest remains loaded. Everything else stays as a lifelike background image/video, such as distant traffic. We have more than enough processing power to load everything around you, but there is no reason to. Your gameplay device will only be sent data for what it needs to show you during each quest.
    Only quests which involve player interaction at great distances will load things such as live player traffic on the highway across the city when you have LOS over to there from an elevated position.
  • “Billions of NPCs” in SexCraft 1 (before its expansions) means:
    dozens of core/top characters
    hundreds of other inner-circle (middle-tier)
    thousands of outer-circle (unnamed fuckbuddies and rescuables/extractables)
    tens of thousands of hostile Outlanders
    hundreds of thousands:  guests/residents
    millions:  kajirae and kajirae candidates
    tens of millions of ICVs and autopiloted vehicles
    hundreds of millions of wildlife and interact flora
    at least 2B ÷ >100sq.miles = 20M/sq.mile;
    ~1 every >1.39392 sq.ft., if all in Inisfree,
    except that the vast Perimeter Orb,
    and miles of vertical (skyscrapers, Cloud City 2, underground, etc.),
    and Outlands raid areas, are also included,
    thus that many NPCs ends up being ~1 every ~235’×235’×235′ (~4 house yards/properties across).
    7.5miles radius means 260,000,000,000,000 ft^3,
    so ÷ that by 20M = 1 NPC per 13,000,000 ft^3,
    and the cube-root of 13M ft^3 = 235′
    *2B NPCs is not to be confused with foreseen/destined guests/residents at capacity in the 23000s A.D..
  • During the first levels, players usually only see a few NPCs at a time, such as a quest-giving ICV, a bird flying by, maybe a fish in an aquarium, etc..
    Only in the later levels do players routinely pass through busy areas where dozens of players and hundreds of NPCs may be, such as in the shopping mall or night clubs, or at races, The Girl Show competition, or orgies.
  • Players playing a character who is a free guest (not a kajira candidate or ICV) start in Receiving and are guided through the tour by either an ICV DMing or by an NPCed ICV, and either will lead as many real player characters as start in the same few minutes, thus sometimes leading just one player character, and other times (typically closer to our IRL capacity millennia ahead) leading several player characters together; a group guided-tour.
    After the tour, players can have their characters live anywhere zoned for such people; any apartments neighborhood in Inisfree (until level 10, at which point additional and more luxurious/spacious residences/neighborhoods get unlocked). Even once 2B ppl annually return to Inisfree, that will be ~154M/mo., and most won’t be there to play video games, and those who do play video games will be trying our hundreds or thousands of Other games, so maybe only 154K will be playing SexCraft, and most will have started at different times, thus be at different levels, thus rarely interact with your character unless you specifically invite them to for a raid or orgy or something. Compare 12M players of WoW… to a degree of magnitude fewer at any given time for SexCraft; you will have plenty of dispersion and solo time/options even in the busiest in-game times/areas.
  • Players playing a kajira candidate start in the Girl Kennels, always in a new silo annex cell, also based on groups of a few minutes; players who make a character within minutes of each other will end up in the same cell, being taught kajirae basics by the same NPC warden ICV there. This means they will at most still only see a few fellow players and 1 or 2 NPCs until they graduate beyond that cell. The exception is NPCed kajirae and NPCed kajirae candidates when it is time for those to leave or return to cells in the same annex.
  • When the game/server notices there may become a line of player characters waiting to speak to an NPC being interacted with, such as an NPC already conversing during hosting a tour, or an NPC already having sex to check for correct techniques taught to players, the game can temporarily make an identical or similar NPC, and this represents how we have many of each ‘make’/’model’ of NPC; identical-looking girls.
  • NPCed ICVs in SexCraft are persistent; they do not de-spawn and respawn. They also go through the Jobs Rotation, so you will see some commuting to/from shifts and then to/from different regions of Inisfree.
  • Sexc. when do MDs surface?
    occasional raids assist?
    occasional perim orb intruder group/big?
  • In-game Chats:
    General Rules:
    Message supportive things about what Auz likes,
    and do not send messages insulting things Auz likes.
    Remember that we are For logical healthy descirimination,
    and aGainst hate-speech against logical hate-speech; calling degenerates/scum what they are is honest and accurate, thus good, vs. calling honest and accurate people’s comments “hate speech” is hate speech against normal people, thus bad.
    Don’t worry about the details/nuances; we know that our culture is different than cultures in the Outlands, and that there is a LOT of stuff to learn and get used to during our weeks-long orientation-tour, so we will of course help you understand our reasoning anytime you might be flagged for what we consider to be a chat message unsuitable in our realm.
    Blurring the Line Between IRL and IRP (like how the Gov. was forced as a T.I. to acquiesce/resort to in the Outlands, and then how retards/fools did by Choice and without mutual agreement)
    Hacking (not posb. in our realm, thanks to our unique hardware and software)
    Harassment (though this is easily muted/blocked by players)
    Illogical Claims (e.g.s flat planet/s, history not billions of Earth-years long, nonveganism is healthy or sustainable, veganism doesn’t help, viruses are contagious, etc.)
    Sexual Incompatibility (e.g.s: being a prude or shaming someone who isn’t = bad)
    Chat-violation Tiers:
    1. First Offense: triggers a pop-up reminder and being chat-muted for some minutes, but not more than a quarter hour
    2. 2nd: pop-up notifies you that the chat feature will remain inaccessible for some days, but not more than one week
    3. 3rd: logged off and account/character suspended for some weeks, but not more than one month
    4. 4th: logged off and indefinite ban applied; unable to create new accounts even with different email addresses
    0; not an offense: abbreviating/shortening “transcontinental” as “trans”
    1: remarking that an NPC has a trans-esque feature such as a clothing article or body part, or that such a gross aspect would make a good addition to said NPC
    2: casually or heartlessly insulting a fellow player by accusing them of being trans or pro-trans or any other deviancy which their presence in Inisfree obvious confirms they are not
    3: claiming that transgender/transsexual Outlanders are anything other than suicidal psychopaths (i.e. claiming they are natural or innocent or good in some way)
    4: advertising/promoting/supporting a specific named trans Outlander/organization/event, or being very openly opinionated in a way opposed to the High King’s instincts/policy on this or other topics
  • Game Masters (not just Dungeon Masters; master of one area/campaign):
    usu. can resolve tickets/issues without playing the game
    can override glitchy NPCs, reset quests/instances, query inventory items to give directions to find slot in many bags, etc.
  • Real Money Trading/Transactions (RMT): not posb. in our games, b/c our Internet is private, we don’t have microtransactions, our economy has no coins or dollar bills, and every log-in is made posb. by consent from a biosignature, not just a password
    Could people allowed in Inisfree make an offline agreement to clandestinely/indirectly make things difficult on some other player or group, or pay each other to “grind” to get things for a guildmate who will log in later? Of course, but we prevent accounts from being accessed by anyone other than the person who made the account, and we do not have any way within our games to directly exchange things for Outlands currency.
  • Your account name is always your real name.
    It is fine to make a funny character name, whether that includes terms considered by “snowflake” or “Karen” Outlanders to be offensive (e.g. Hitlerchrist Rapefest).
    Names we would not allow are along the lines of VegansAreStupid or JesusWasReal or anything suggesting gullible belief in Outlands politics.
    Remember: We are not here to cater and cow down to degenerate demographics/masses, such as humans so retarded they think religion is real; we are here to share Our culture, thus only Our sense of humor, standard, values, and so on.
  • If ~2/3 of Americans play video games,
    and the same percent of our guests and residents play video games,
    2/3 of 2B = 1,333,333,333
    and we expect only 1/13 of those playing at any given time; 102,564,102
    and since we have made at least 746 games, averaged out that = 137,485 per game
    and in the case of Minecraft 2, those 137,485 playing at any given time (at cap’ in 23000+ A.D.) will usu. be in their own custom MC-worlds,
    thus only thousands in Auz’s “New World” one; manageable even for Outlander GMs.
    (and in 2025, w/ an annual visitors/residents’ pop. of ~1,470,585, thus ~113,122/mo., 2/3 of those = 75,415 who video-game, now divide by 746 of our games… 101/game if avg.-out, so probably only a dozen or so in MC2 “New World” at any given time this year)
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