In most games, when you do things to gain experience points so that you go from lower-number levels of ability-ranking to higher-number levels, it is called ‘leveling up’.  Leveling-up increases your character’s number of hit-points, as well as the maximums for many other status bars, such as mana and stamina.



Leveling is done in one of three ways:

  1. start as an incoming kajira candidate, completing a neck-chained chain-gang forced-march tour, then earning the right to please guests as a pleasure slave graduated from Inisfree’s kajirae program (you will be sold at the Auction Houses in Inisfree, and housed/slept in the Girl Kennels, and fed/watered like any animal, so you must do your best to be pleasing to the variety of owners/Masters you will have, and since most of them are female (90% of Inisfree’s population), you will need to be extra good at this (though women in Inisfree are NOT jealous or cruel to kajirae like Earth women can be –and the highest level/status you can attain on this life-path is one of the King‘s favorite kajirae, but NOT First Girl, as that is a canon/main character NPC in this game, so you could be her runner-up; Second Girl)
  2. start as an incoming free-person guest, completing the tour, then picking your first or permanent residence and furnishing it with 3D-printing and trips to the Mall, etc (you can’t be on the Council of Elders, so the highest status level/position you can attain in this life-path is that of a Congresswoman in Inisfree)
  3. start as an ICV born as a fully-developed, Hobbit-sized, human supermodel-looking woman, sung into existence atop a pedestal in one of the city’s tomb-wombs, complete their silos-network on-foot tour, then take your first classes in one of the womb-like rooms adjacent where you were ‘born’, then start taking classes in the subt’ levels of LHS, working your way up through Inisfree’s 20-grades edu’-sys’ until you are an MF, then SS, then the King’s main entourage, meeting his top secretary; Amber, and the leader of all Inisfreean forces; his first daughter, Nyria, etc. (the highest level/status you can attain as an Inisfreean is a commander of the SSBS housed in the hidden star system, so you start at getting good in the ST suits (ODST drops, Sotu wing-suiting, etc.), then on the Owls, then the FJs, then the MPHAs, then the DSs, then the CPs, all done in training during the 19th grade, making flights and practice landings and takeoffs on the MIL Beach Strip, then take a WS out from the Uber Hangars through the Large Gates for a ‘spin’/flight through the narrow sub-glacial river-ways SLOWLY, then get good at flying/sailing it along the ocean floors of Earth, then flying it over Antarctic airspace OUTSIDE the Perim’ Orb, then fly it into Space, then practice formations with other WSs (NPC-ed for these quests) such as to block sunlight, then try moving an MSBS into stable orbits with other worlds, then try moving a PSBS into stable orbits in other star systems, then try moving an SSBS into stable routes beTWEEN star systems; beyond their Oort Clouds, so after ALL THAT… you are one of the finest pilots in Inisfree, thus able to handle anything, thus worthy of guarding and being arm-candy for the King)

Either way, your list of powers/spells/skills here has its equivalent; your menu/bag boxes/slots get filled up with new sex positions, eventually including partners-yoga and tantric ones, etc., which please ‘bosses’, which unlock more areas, which unlock still more abilities/spells/sex-skills.

The more you socialize with other players (Sims / Second Life style; make-outs, sleepovers, raves, clubbing, orgies, etc), the more easily you practice basics, unlock higher abilities, memorize the Inisfree layout, see the other residence styles (such as Ball Homes, Earthships, etc).

*There are TWO main reasons to pick among these different life-paths;

  1. ICVs play a leader/dominant role, free-persons play a mid-level/’switch’ role, and kajirae play a helper/submissive role
  2. ICVs level-up across the entirety of Inisfree and Space, while free-persons level-up MOSTLY in public-access areas of Inisfree and a FEW areas of Space, with kajirae leveling-up almost ENTIRELY in public-access areas without seeing much Space at all (they focus on increasing their skills and honing their arts/talents in the backrooms that free-persons don’t much frequent or even explore; closets, kitchens, pantries, alcoves, etc.)

So based on which life-path and race you pick for your character before the start of game-play, you will be led to very different areas/maps within this MMORPG over the course of your game-play/leveling.  More specific examples of this:

To get into the 80s level-bracket:

  1. an ICV will: lead official city tours, etc.
  2. a free-person will: do work/quests in Cloud City II
  3. a kajira will: help the High Queen (Ambi) in the Magics Chambers

To get into the 90s level-bracket:

  1. an ICV will: defend Inisfree from the Pearly Gates and the rest of the Perimeter Wall (and then, once they get the hang of it from those defensive positions behind the concentric perimeter moats, they will defend it from the stand-alone mini-FOB-like Sentry Towers beYOND that perimeter moats area/circular-border)
  2. a free-person will: do work as a Congresswoman from the Ceiling Mansions and in the Auzdome
  3. a kajira will: help the ICVs with Space Whale beneath Inisfree (from the Space Whale’s interior)

So, as you can see, you will be operating and leveling-up in completely different way and along completely different routes to completely different areas/altitudes.



leveling up into higher-level areas/regions of the Inisfree map:

  1. pass UIO classes (like a preparatory school) if your character has not yet completed the entrance and city tour
  2. complete LHS to gain access to TNA (and relative-FTL travel via the Observatory atop Cloud City, etc)
  3. graduate 2 years at TNA to access the NWO MIL training; the training tower, Halo maps, etc (which gives you, upon graduation, access to the fleets, such as in Sotu Rooftop Carriers, Overhang Base, Main Womb, Uber Hangars)
  4. graduating NWO MIL area means going through ALL (each of) the Halo maps (such as the cave crevasse crossing I dreamed of), then earning the right to know where the rallying point for the next MF class (yearlong school grade level) is (you also get access into the Guard Turrets at some point in all this)
  5. graduate the MF program (which includes in the job rotation sampling sessions: basic firefighter training for the Firetank Stations (the quest of which involve dropping down over a car on the GAH to put the fire out while it is inside the bay of your fire-tank, and replace its panels that aren’t smart-healing quickly enough!), basic Inisfreean law and police training from the Tumbler Stations (the final quest of which involves you jumping rooftops and canyon gaps in a Tumbler!), cave/crevasse rescue training in the flood-able silos, etc.) to have access to ALL Inisfree areas/facilities, such as the pocket-dimension star-system worlds (which you navigate to like in EVE Online –and, in this same game-play style, fly INTO; into their Agharta equivalents), not to mention the secret silos; the ones with the Mandaloridays in them
  6. retaking some courses (such as a night class at TNA, or a cave rescue class in one of the silos) will show devotion, repetition, an aim for muscle memory and better competency on the subject, etc., and, while you won’t get as many points toward leveling as you did from completing it the first time (or however long it took to graduate or get certified), you will STILL be improving your skill levels for your various abilities and tools/gear

Certain areas will ALWAYS remain restricted;

  1. CIV Aero: only ICVs can be in the cockpits and ATC tower/s
  2. MIL Aero: only ICVs, and free-persons taking the flight courses, can be in the cockpits, while only ICVs can be in the ATC tower/s
  3. Flower Towers/Valhalla/Wedge/Carrier/etc: during sports games and practices, only NPC-ed and quest-accepting players will be allowed on the playing fields/rinks/courts, while Inisfreean police-girls will de-cloak and escort all trespassers back into the stands
  4. Recycling Facility: cloaked ICV MFs as personnel staffing this facility prevent anyone from getting near the drop-off where the most challenging things to recycle get dropped into the suction field that spirals them down into the event horizon; you won’t be able to jump in (as that would end your character, and no one in Inisfree is able/allowed to get hurt/die)
  5. Uber Repulsines; only the King can go to these facilities without an ICV MF escort.
  6. Uber VTOLs; only the King can go to these facilities without an ICV MF escort.
  7. Bat-cave II; only the King can go to these facilities without an ICV MF escort.
  8. Magics Chambers; only the King can go to these facilities without an ICV MF escort. (High Queen Ambi will always have a cloaked ICV MF escort with her, so when you go down there for quests with her, know that a cloaked ICV MF is somewhere in the facility to help stabilize the special portals there)
  9. Auction Houses; only the MALES can go to these facilities to trade kajirae (free-women cannot, and it isn’t selling and buying, technically, because there is no money in Inisfree), and it is only ICVs who can kennel and process them (though MALES can put them through their paces on stage with the whip techniques for the enjoyment of themselves and the crowd
  10. Guard Turrets & Sentry Towers: only ICVs and the King can enter these
  11. NWO MIL TRNG Area: ICVs in their 19th grade study and train here (only ICVs are allowed in the ICV barracks, and only freemen are allowed in the male barracks; yes, we do and always will segregate by sex here), ICV MFs who have deployed once then instruct here, freemen CAN train here under those ICV MFs’ supervision, a rare few free-women can SOMETIMES take SOME training packages here, and any kajirae kenneled at the Subt’ Prison are sometimes brought up to the surface so that the freemen can practice lassoing, roping, binding, and tarn-saddling them (training for Outlands raids) –free-women are NOT allowed to do that to kajirae; it MUST be a male doing it to them.  –(and this most-challenging portion of the Inisfreean edu’-sys’ is logically located at/as the back 1/4 of the Inisfreean property square; farthest back/in from the Welcoming Square)
  12. Sotu Rooftop Carriers: only ICVs can be in them
  13. King’s private mansion: level 100+ (broken down by level/details in another section of this Word file)
  14. WGI HQ Tower‘s penthouse boardroom: only the King, his Council of Elders members, the top 2 ICVs, Inisfree’s First Girl, and a small handful of distinguished guests invited by the King on the rarest of occasions.  (*To see this room, you will have to seduce and satisfy the King himself enough that he (NPC-ed) gives you the hidden quest to go here during one of its meetings; only level 109+ Congresswomen can get this quest and go here; those who are worthy enough to warrant being here to help with a few meetings of the Councilwoman representing her entire race.)
  15. Rape Cave: MALES and ICVs are ignored by the Xenos in here, but all kajirae and free-women –the MOMENT they step inside– are taken away by the Xenos and used until they are all used up for the WEEK, exhausting them.  *This used to be a punishment for the worst offenders (arguably worse than the Subt’ Vatican gladiator fights), but is now just for the extreme fetish community members of Inisfree.
  16. Subt’ Vatican: only level 90s+ can sit in the stands, only NPC-ed offending kajirae can compete on the sands, only NPC-ed ICVs can march those NPC-ed kajirae through the offenders’-silos-network-tunnel section/sequence here, and only 90+ vampire characters (NPCs and/or players) can drink from the NPC-ed kajirae




We’ve covered how your Health Bar, Stamina Bar (such as for maximum flight/hover time), Mana Bar, Status Bar, weapon types, profession proficiency, kajirae helpers number, zone progression, and clothing/armor options increase as you level-up, but how does your strength (either in physical strength, or spell-casting ability, or whatever it is your race-class combo does) increase per level?  Is it proportional?  Here’s the spec’s, level by level:

*Milestones are highlighted.

*What you can withstand (noted in parentheses) is on your own; exposed outSIDE an ODST/ST suit.

  1. average human strength for a healthy person; jogging a mile, picking up ~100 lbs., holding your breath for a minute, etc.
  2. maybe slightly tired/nervous/ill for an average human; acclimation to the altitude, diet, cultural norms, cleaner air, etc.
  3. back to human avg.
  4. city tour completed, first impressive residence moved into; slightly above human avg.
  5. human athlete level
  6. human competitive athlete level
  7. human professional athlete level
  8. human lucrative athlete level
  9. human famous athlete level
  10. LHS begins; famous athlete strength & stamina + the onset of sharpened senses and PK-based mobility/acrobatics
  11. talented martial artist level; able to outsmart/overpower 2 people at the same time
  12. exceptional martial artist level; able to outsmart/overpower 3 people at the same time
  13. martial arts master/black-belt level; outsmart/overpower 4 simultaneously (kajirae are still learning elementary stuff)
  14. martial arts instructor level; outsmart/overpower 5 people simult’ (kajirae are still learning intermediate stuff)
  15. martial arts instructor-instructor level; outsmart/overpower 6 people simult’ (kajirae are still learning advanced stuff)
  16. martial arts dojo leader level; outsmart/overpower 7 people simult’ (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy 1 person)
  17. martial arts grand master level; outsmart/overpower 8 people simult’ (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy 2-3 people)
  18. martial arts legendary master level; outsmart/overpower 9 people (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy 4-11 people)
  19. martial arts ancient master level; outsmart/overpower 10 people, & you can now withstand low-velocity pistol-fire (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a dozen+ people)
  20. NWO MIL TRNG begins; outsmart/overpower a squad (~12 average/moderately-trained people) at the same time
  21. outsmart/overpower a squad, shove a car out of the way (elite/blackops basics)
  22. outsmart/overpower a reinforced squad (a.k.a. ‘section’; ~13-23; a convoy), shove a truck out of the way
  23. outsmart/overpower a platoon (a couple dozen+; a local gang), throw a motorcycle out of the way (ODST/ST basics)
  24. outsmart/overpower a company (several dozen to ~150; a village), flip/toss a car out of the way (& you can now withstand one (1) 40mm grenade’s impact; that’s a ~.07-lb. explosive traveling at ~800 ft/s)
  25. outsmart/overpower a battalion (several hundred; a big village), flip/toss a truck out of the way
  26. outsmart/overpower a regiment/brigade (a few thousand; a small town), throw a car out of the way
  27. outsmart/overpower a division (several thousand; a normal town), throw a truck out of the way (& you can now withstand 1 hand-grenade’s detonation; that’s a ~.5-lb. explosive)
  28. outsmart/overpower a corps (tens of thousands; a suburb), drag a tank out of the way
  29. outsmart/overpower a field-army (nearly 100k people; a city), shove a tank out of the way
  30. nightclubs familiarization (not just tour-based orientation) begins; flip/roll a tank out of the way (ODST/ST intermediate)
  31. outsmart/overpower a big city, toss a tank out of the way (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a prince)
  32. outsmart/overpower a twin-city, throw a tank out of the way (& you can now withstand 1 AT-4 rocket’s detonation; that’s a ~.9-lb. explosive traveling at ~950 ft/s)
  33. outsmart/overpower a tri-city, drag a commercial airplane out of the way (or wade through flood waters; walk against strong currents of water a few feet deep)
  34. outsmart/overpower a mega-city, shove a commercial airplane out of the way
  35. outsmart/overpower a “, flip/roll a commercial airplane out of the way
  36. outsmart/overpower a “, toss a commercial airplane out of the way
  37. outsmart/overpower a “, throw a commercial airplane out of the way (& you can now withstand 1 mortar shell’s strike; that’s a ~1-lb. explosive, & you can withstand sniper fire; that’s bullets traveling at ~Mach 1-3; 1,100-3,400 ft/s)
  38. outsmart/overpower a “, drag a train out of the way (off the tracks)
  39. outsmart/overpower a “, shove a train out of the way
  40. MF TRNG (mastery of the last main bits of the city) begins; flip/roll a train out of the way (ODST/ST mastery)
  41. outsmart/overpower a county, toss a train out of the way (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a warlord)
  42. outsmart/overpower a district, throw a train out of the way (& you can now withstand 1 air-to-air missile’s detonation; that’s a ~25-lb. explosive traveling at ~Mach 4)
  43. outsmart/overpower a small state, push a house out of the way
  44. outsmart/overpower a medium state, knock a house out of the way
  45. outsmart/overpower a large state, flip a house out of the way (& you can now withstand 1 artillery shell’s strike; that’s a ~100-lb. explosive)
  46. outsmart/overpower a island/tiny nation, knock an office building out of the way
  47. outsmart/overpower a small nation, roll an office building out of the way (& you can now withstand 1 laser-guided bomb’s detonation; ~500-lb. explosive)
  48. outsmart/overpower a medium nation, knock a basic/minimal-size skyscraper (~1/10-mile tall) out of the way (& you can now withstand 1 artillery barrage; dozens of ~100-lb. explosives in rapid and nearly instantaneous succession)
  49. outsmart/overpower a large nation, yank/pry blast-doors out of the way (at this point you are ready for ANY raid; NO girl can hide ANYWHERE, even if in a nuclear fallout shelter, so the only issue for you now is earning maximum points per raid based on how efficiently you stick to the raid strategy’s parameters)
  50. raiding begins; with your Inisfreean education, training, gear, and/or spells, you are superhuman (but still revert to aging in the Outlands, and are injury/poisoning-prone back there, as well as subject to their constant traps and scams)
  51. outsmart/overpower a region, knock a short skyscraper (~1/8-mile tall) out of the way (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a normal mortal king)
  52. outsmart/overpower a couple nations, knock an average skyscraper (~1/6-mile tall) out of the way
  53. outsmart/overpower a few nations, knock a medium skyscraper (~1/4-mile tall) out of the way
  54. outsmart/overpower an alliance of nations, knock a tall skyscraper (~1/2-mile tall) out of the way
  55. outsmart/overpower a continent (worth of people), knock a very tall skyscraper (~3/4-mile+ tall) out of the way
  56. outsmart/overpower an octant (of the surface) of a world, knock a super-skyscraper (1-mile+ tall) down
  57. outsmart/overpower a quadrant (of the surface) of a world, knock a couple skyscrapers out of the way with a single move/action/spell
  58. outsmart/overpower a hemisphere (of the surface) of a world, knock a few skyscrapers out of the way with a single move/action/spell
  59. outsmart/overpower the surface of a world, knock several skyscrapers out of the way with a single move/action/spell
  60. ICGM (& Inisfreean Congresses) ground-level initial access granted; outsmart/overpower multiple layers of a world, knock dozens of skyscrapers down with a single move/tool (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a standard demigod/dess)
  61. outsmart/overpower several layers of a world, level a town with a single move/tool if you need to (& you can now withstand 1 nuclear detonation)
  62. outsmart/overpower many layers of a world, level a suburb with a single move/tool if you need to
  63. outsmart/overpower most layers of a world, level a small city with a single move/tool if you need to
  64. outsmart/overpower all (habitable) layers of a world, level a medium city with a single move/tool if you need to
  65. outsmart/overpower a small moon (all layers with people; not just the few near-surface layers we, on Earth, are used to considering habitation upon/within) worth of people (such as Charon), level a big city with a single move/tool if you need to (& you can withstand 2 nuclear detonations)
  66. outsmart/overpower a medium moon (such as The Moon), level a twin-city with a single move/tool if you need to (& you can withstand a few nuclear detonations)
  67. outsmart/overpower a large moon (such as Ganymede), level a tri-city with a single move/tool if you need to (& you can withstand several nuclear detonations)
  68. outsmart/overpower a dwarf terrestrial planet (such as Pluto), level a mega-city with a single move/tool if you need to (& you can withstand a dozen nuclear detonations)
  69. outsmart/overpower a small terrestrial planet (such as Mars), level a district with a single move/tool if you need to (& you can withstand dozens of nuclear detonations; a barrage)
  70. Bat-cave II initial access granted; outsmart/overpower a medium terrestrial planet (such as the Earth), level a county with a single move/tool if you need to
  71. outsmart/overpower a medium terrestrial planet with a few major artificial satellites (a village worth of people in orbit), out of the way (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a 2nd Secret Army commander; the type of man who might be one of the 39 Kings)
  72. outsmart/overpower a medium terrestrial planet with several major artificial satellites (a town worth of people in orbit), out of the way
  73. outsmart/overpower a medium terrestrial planet with dozens of major artificial satellites (a suburb worth of people in orbit), out of the way
  74. outsmart/overpower a large terrestrial planet, out of the way (& you can withstand hundreds of nuclear detonations; multiple nuclear barrages)
  75. outsmart/overpower a large terrestrial planet with one major artificial satellite (such as a small Space station like the I.S.S.; ~1dozen people in orbit), out of the way
  76. outsmart/overpower a large terrestrial planet with a few major artificial satellites (Space stations; a village worth of people in orbit), out of the way
  77. outsmart/overpower a large terrestrial planet with several major artificial satellites (a town worth of people in orbit), out of the way
  78. outsmart/overpower a large terrestrial planet with dozens of major artificial satellites (a suburb worth of people in orbit), out of the way
  79. outsmart/overpower a large terrestrial planet with hundreds of major artificial satellites (a city worth of people in orbit), out of the way
  80. Magics Chambers initial access granted; outsmart/overpower the tiniest/most-basic planetary system (a medium terrestrial planet with one moon), out of the way
  81. outsmart/overpower a dwarf planetary system (a large terrestrial planet with a couple moons), out of the way, (& you can now withstand a global nuclear holocaust), (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a sub-queen of Inisfree)
  82. outsmart/overpower a tiny planetary system (a large terrestrial planet with a few moons; Gor, for example), out of the way
  83. outsmart/overpower a small planetary system (a gas giant with a few moons), move a sub-carrier-sized Spaceship (~.5-mile-long) caught in a planet’s orbit out of the way
  84. outsmart/overpower a medium planetary system (a gas giant with several moons), move a tiny fleet (a few non-armada; non-military ships) out of the way
  85. outsmart/overpower a large planetary system (a gas giant with dozens of moons), move a small fleet (several non-armada; non-military ships) out of the way
  86. outsmart/overpower a giant planetary system (a gas hyper-giant with hundreds of moons), move an average fleet (dozens of non-armada; non-military ships) out of the way
  87. outsmart/overpower a basic/fledgling interplanetary community (2 planetary systems worth of people), move a tiny armada (a few ships) of sub-carrier-sized Spaceships out of the way
  88. outsmart/overpower a tiny intrasteller empire (1 solar system with a few worlds), move a small armada (several ships) of sub-carrier-sized Spaceships out of the way, (& you can now withstand the collision of a comet)
  89. outsmart/overpower a small intrasteller empire (1 solar system with several worlds), move an average armada (dozens of ships) of sub-carrier-sized Spaceships out of the way (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy the high-queen of Inisfree)
  90. Space Whale initial access granted; outsmart/overpower a medium intrasteller empire (1 solar system with dozens of worlds), move a Spacecraft-carrier (measuring ~1mile long) out of the way
  91. outsmart/overpower a large intrasteller empire (1 solar system with hundreds of worlds), move a Spacecraft-supercarrier (measuring a few miles long) out of the way (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a standard deity)
  92. outsmart/overpower a giant intrasteller empire (1 solar system with thousands of worlds), move a mothership (measuring several miles across) out of the way
  93. outsmart/overpower an interstellar fledgling (~a few solar systems), move a dwarf moon (such as Deimos) out of the way, (& you can now withstand the collision of a moon)
  94. outsmart/overpower an interstellar community (~dozens of solar systems), move a small moon (such as Charon) out of the way
  95. outsmart/overpower an interstellar territory (~hundreds of solar systems), move a medium moon (such as The Moon) out of the way
  96. outsmart/overpower an interstellar empire (~thousands of solar systems), move a large moon (such as Ganymede) out of the way
  97. outsmart/overpower a constellation-volume (~tens of thousands of solar systems), move a dwarf terrestrial world (such as Pluto) out of the way
  98. outsmart/overpower a galactic arm (~hundreds of thousands of solar systems), move a tiny terrestrial world (such as Mercury) out of the way, (& you can now withstand the collision of a terrestrial planet; the attack of a god)
  99. outsmart/overpower a galactic octant (~millions of solar systems), move a small terrestrial world (such as Mars) out of the way
  100. ICGM 2nd-floor initial access granted; outsmart/overpower galactic quadrant (~tens of millions of solar systems), move a medium terrestrial world (such as Earth) out of the way
  101. outsmart/overpower a dwarf galaxy (Ultra-Compact Dwarf galaxies (UCD) contain ~100million stars spanning a couple hundred light-years), move a large terrestrial world out of the way, (& you can now withstand the collision of a gas-giant; the attack of a main-god), (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy a rare deity)
  102. outsmart/overpower a tiny galaxy (billions of solar systems), move a gas-giant (such as Saturn) out of the way
  103. outsmart/overpower a small galaxy (tens of billions of solar systems), move gas-giants out of the way
  104. outsmart/overpower a medium galaxy (hundreds of billions of solar systems), move a gas-hyper-giant out of the way
  105. outsmart/overpower a large galaxy (trillions of solar systems), move gas-hypergiants out of the way
  106. outsmart/overpower a couple galaxies, move stars out of the way
  107. outsmart/overpower a few galaxies, move novae (such as a ‘luminous red nova’; a merging of two stars) out of the way
  108. outsmart/overpower a local-group of galaxies (dozens of galaxies), move supernovae out of the way (a kajira can now seduce&satisfy the King of Inisfree)
  109. outsmart/overpower a cluster of galaxies (hundreds to thousands of galaxies), move black-holes out of the way
  110. outsmart/overpower a super-cluster (*& there are ~10 million super-clusters in this dimension of the Known Universe, BTW), move SMBHs out of the way, (& you can now withstand the collision of a star; the attack of an elder-god)


Leveling-up Animations:

  1. ICV:  fists high, straight arms parallel, one knee up, cheerleader [Yeah!-face] and girly woop, then a back-handspring
  2. male:  my [fist&knife-hand point pose] with chin-jut, then a few pelvic thrusts, then kiss biceps
  3. free-woman:  girly leap w feet to the side like for a cheesy vacation photo, blow a kiss with both hands together, then fists on hips, then beam while giggling leaning forward a bit
  4. kajira:  hip circle then hair-toss, suck middle finger then touch it to ass-cheek with the [tsss! hot-stuff] water hiss sound spoken

The sound-clip is the same for all; like the WoW one.


2023 Update:

You’ll meet lower-level NPCs (such as some of the children of the High King) in LHS, mid-level NPCs (such as some of the wives of the High King) in places such as TNA, Inisfree’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, & the NWO Military Training Area, and higher-level NPCs (such as Jean Grey) in their own residences or elsewhere.

